ord2023-057Whatcom County Agenda Bill Report File Number: AB2023-548 COUNTY COURTHOUSE 311 Grand Avenue, Ste #105 Bellingham, WA 98225-4038 (360) 778-5010 File ID: AB2023-548 Version: 1 Status: Adopted File Created: 08/23/2023 Entered by: JNixon@co.whatcom.wa.us Department: Council Office File Type: Ordinance Assigned to: Council Committee of the Whole Final Action: 10/10/2023 Agenda Date: 10/10/2023 Enactment #: ORD 2023-057 Related Files: Primary Contact Email: JNixon@co.whatcom.wa.us TITLE FOR AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance amending WCC 2.145, Lummi Island Ferry Advisory Committee SUMMARY STATEMENT OR LEGAL NOTICE LANGUAGE: HISTORY OF LEGISLATIVE FILE Date: Acting Body: Action: Sent To: 09/12/2023 Council WITHDRAWN Aye: 5 Buchanan, Byrd, Donovan, Frazey, and Kershner Nay: 2 Elenbaas, and Galloway 09/26/2023 Council SUBSTITUTE INTRODUCED Council Committee of the Whole Aye: 7 Buchanan, Byrd, Donovan, Elenbaas, Frazey, Galloway, and Kershner Nay: 0 10/10/2023 Council Committee of the Whole RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION Aye: 7 Buchanan, Byrd, Donovan, Elenbaas, Frazey, Galloway, and Kershner Nay: 0 10/10/2023 Council ADOPTED Aye: 7 Buchanan, Byrd, Donovan, Elenbaas, Frazey, Galloway, and Kershner Nay: 0 Whatcom County Page 1 Printed on 10/1112023 Agenda Bill Report Continued (AB2023-548) Attachments: Proposed Ordinance, Proposed Ordinance as Amended in Committee 9.12.2023, Substitute Ordinance 9.26.23, Substitute Ordinance as amended in Committee 9.26.2023 Whatcom County Page 2 Printed on 10/1112023 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 PROPOSED BY: Todd Donovan INTRODUCTION DATE: 9/26/2023 ORDINANCE NO. 2023 - 057 AMENDING WCC 2.145, LUMMI ISLAND FERRY ADVISORY COMMITTEE WHEREAS, Whatcom County formed the Lummi Island Ferry Advisory Committee (LIFAC) in 2012 to provide review and recommendations to the Whatcom County Council and Executive on issues that affect the ongoing operations and infrastructure of ferry service to Lummi Island and to provide a forum for those who depend upon Lummi Island ferry service to voice their ideas and concerns about the ferry service; and WHEREAS, compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) and Public Records Act (PRA) requires certain administrative functions for the County's citizen advisory committees, such as, but not limited to, holding open public meetings at public meeting venues on Lummi Island and communicating its agendas and minutes to the community on the County website; and WHEREAS, most County boards, commissions, and advisory committees comprised of volunteer citizens have County or other public agency staff assigned to provide some level of administrative support and a public meeting location; and WHEREAS, reservation and use of non -County owned meeting venue(s) on Lummi Island requires funding and entering into an agreement for use of the venue, which volunteer citizen advisory committee members are not authorized to commit to on behalf of the County; and WHEREAS, the County Public Works Department provides technical support to the LIFAC on ferry -related issues, and attends most or all LIFAC meetings, but LIFAC does not have a basic level of administrative support to comply with OPMA and PRA requirements; and WHEREAS, providing remote meeting access would benefit community members who don't live on the Island, Islanders who can't attend meetings in person, and County staff who attend LIFAC meetings but don't live on Lummi Island. Page 1 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Whatcom County Council that 2 Whatcom County Code Chapter 2.145, LUMMI ISLAND FERRY ADVISORY COMMITTEE, be 3 amended as shown in Exhibit A; and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 BE IT FINALLY ORDAINED, all existing members will continue to serve the duration of their existing terms. ADO PTI�P,�thjs3 Oth day of Octo ® �O ° m ana Yrow6 DavisfARlFrV,I tae Council WHATCOM COUN E�UTIVE '` APPROVED.T 'ASO FORM: /s/Karen Frakes approved on 10/10/2023/MR Civil Deputy Prosecutor ber , 20 23 WHATCOM COUNTY COUNCIL Z17B COM C TY, ASHINGTON ana ouncil Chair Page 2 WH TCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON Satpal Sidhu, County Executive Approved ( ) Denied Date Signed: lohsbes 1 2 EXHIBIT A 3 4 Chapter 2.145 5 WHATCOM COUNTY FERRY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 6 7 Sections: 8 2.145.010 Established. 9 2.145.020 Purpose. 10 2.145.030 Function. 11 2.145.040 Membership —Term of office. 12 2.145.050 Organization — Meetings. 13 2.145.055 Membership — Rules of Procedure and Conduct. 14 2.145.060 Committee staffing. 15 16 2.145.010 Established. 17 There is hereby established the Whatcom County Ferry Advisory Committee. (Ord. 2012-005 Exh. A). 18 19 2.145.020 Purpose. 20 The Whatcom County Ferry Advisory Committee provides review and recommendations to the 21 Whatcom County council and executive on issues that affect the ongoing operations and infrastructure 22 of ferry service to Lummi Island. The committee also provides a forum for those who depend upon 23 Lummi Island ferry service to voice their ideas and concerns about the ferry service. (Ord. 2012-005 Exh. 24 A). 25 26 2.145.030 Function. 27 A. The committee function is solely to advise the county council or the executive on the following 28 functions: 29 30 1. Review and provide recommendations on proposed changes to ferry operations and fares; and 31 2. Review at least annually ferry revenue and expenditures, ferry fund balance, and actual versus 32 targeted fare return; and 33 3. Assist the county in collecting information from ferry riders on actual and desired ferry services, 34 concerns, and ideas for improved service; and 35 4. Analyze and develop recommendations to continue and improve the cost-effective operation of 36 ferry service to Lummi Island; and 37 5. Review and make recommendations on proposed changes to 38 a. WCC 10.34, Ferry Rates 39 b. WCC 10.36, Ferry Multi -Ride Cards and Quarterly Passes 40 c. The Lummi Island Ferry Service Action Plan as approved in County Resolution 2018-026 41 regarding ferry vessel, terminal, and operations. Page 3 1 B. The committee may advise the county council or the executive by developing recommendations that 2 are approved by a majority of the committee as defined in 2.145.050(E). 3 4 C. If a recommendation is approved by less than a unanimous vote, one or more members may submit a 5 dissenting statement with the recommendations. 6 7 D. The county council and the county executive may consider the committee's recommendations and 8 advice when making ferry -related decisions. The county council and/or county executive will make the 9 final decisions on all ferry -related matters. (Ord. 2012-005 Exh. A). 10 11 2.145.040 Membership —Term of office. 12 A. The committee shall consist of nine voting members 13 0 5 members who live on the island, 14 a 2 members who live in unincorporated Whatcom County, 15 0 2 members who live anywhere on the mainland (incorporated or unincorporated) 16 E Priority given to one Lummi Nation representative when possible 17 0 1 County Councilmember will be an ad hoc non -voting member 18 19 B. The county council shall appoint the committee members. Member terms will be three years; 20 provided, that the terms of members first appointed will be staggered so that three of the committee 21 members shall be appointed for two years. Members of the committee shall serve without 22 compensation. (Ord. 2012-005 Exh. A). 23 24 2.145.050 Organization — Meetings. 25 A. Meetings of the committee shall be open and accessible to the public and shall be subject to the 26 Open Public Meetings Act. There will be a good faith effort to host meetings both on and off island. 27 28 B.. A public comment session will be scheduled at all regular meetings. Public Comment is not required 29 at special meetings. Public comment can be provided orally at a regular meeting or in writing prior to or 30 at a regular meeting 31 32 C. Written records of meetings, resolutions, research, findings and recommendations shall be kept and 33 such records shall be submitted to county council staff and shall be made public, including posting on 34 the county website. 35 36 D. The committee shall adopt its own rules and procedures for the conduct of business, except the 37 number of members required for a quorum to meet and take action. 38 39 E. The number of members required for a quorum in order to meet and take action is five voting 40 members, which is a majority of all positions regardless of whether or not any positions are vacant. Page 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 F. The committee shall elect a chairperson from among its members who shall preside at its meetings. G. The committee shall annually, at the first meeting in January, review the most current County Council and County Executive Expectations for Boards and Commissions. The most current version will be posted on the committee website. H. The committee shall determine its meeting schedule and agenda, but shall meet at least quarterly. I. The committee may form and appoint ad hoc committees to work on specific issues, so long as at least two committee members are also members of each ad hoc committee. J. The committee shall comply with Chapter 2.03 WCC, Boards and Commissions. (Ord. 2012-005 Exh. A). 2.145.055 Membership — Rules of Procedure and Conduct. A. All members shall be trained on and comply with the Open Public Meetings Act, and training shall be done and updated per the State Open Government Training Act and RCW 42.30.205. 25 B. All members shall comply with the most current version of the County Council and County Executive Expectations for Boards and Commissions. 2.145.060 Committee staffing. The committee is encouraged to operate and hold its meetings as independent of county staffing and resources as possible, including but not limited to developing its own agendas and minutes. Ongoing administrative support to the committee shall be provided by the county Public Works Department to ensure the committee complies with County Code requirements, the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA), and the Public Records Act, including but not limited to: A. entering into agreements for and paying the cost of meeting rental venues B. ensuring meeting agendas and minutes and other required meeting information are posted to the County website per OPMA and County Code requirements C. responding to public records requests and maintaining committee's records Additional staffing and other resources for the committee shall be requested through the county executive's office. Page 5 1 All staff time and county resources expended in support of the committee, including meeting venue 2 rental fees and costs for providing remote meeting access, will be considered ferry operation expenses. 3 The committee is authorized to request from the executive's office information from administrative 4 departments as necessary. (Ord. 2012-005 Exh. A). Page 6