ord2018-058WHA TCOM COUNTY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL NO. 2018-302 CLEARANCES Initial Date Date Received in Council Office Agenda Date Assigned to: Originator: AJ 1018118 5 10123118 Introduction PW & Health/Counci Division Head: AN 1019118 11/7/18 OCT 1 Dept. Head: Prosecutor: RB 1019118 Purchasing /Budget: I Executive: �m NV TITLE OF DO'trl A TTA CHMENTS. • Memo to Exective—WCC Chapter 2.47 • Ordinance Food System Committee — • Exhibit A—County Code 2.47—Food System Committee SEPA review required? ) Yes X ) NO Should Clerk schedule a hearing? )Fes NO SEPA review completed? ) Yes ) NO Requested Date: S UMMA R Y S TA TEMENT OR LEGAL NOTICE LANGUAGE. (If this item is an ordinance or requires a public hearing, you must provide the language for use in the required public notice. Be specific and cite RCWor WCCas appropriate. Be clear in explaining the intent of the action.) The ordinance to be considered by the council establishes Whatcom County Code 2.47 Whatcom County Food System Committee. The ordinance and code will establish a Food System Committee that will draft, implement, provide oversight for, and regularly update a county-wide food system plan, ensuring residents of Whatcom County equitable and sustainable food. COMMITTEE ACTION. • COUNCIL ACTION. • 11/7/2018: Recommended for adoption 10/23/2018: Introduced 6-0 11/7/2018: Adopted 7-0, Ordinance 2018-058 Related County Contract Related File Numbers: Ordinance or Resolution Number: Ord. 2018-058 Please Note: Once adopted and signed, ordinances and resolutions are available for viewing and printing on the County's websiteat: www.co.whatcont.wa.usleouncil. PROPOSED BY: HEALTH INTRODUCTION DATE: 10/23/2018 ORDINANCE 2018- 058 ESTABLISHING WHATCOM COUNTY CODE 2.47, CREATING A WHATCOM COUNTY FOOD SYSTEM COMMITTEE INTENDED TO DRAFT, IMPLEMENT AND PROVIDE OVERSIGHT FOR A COUNTY -WIDE PLAN TO STRENGTHEN OUR LOCAL AND REGIONAL FOOD SYSTEM WHEREAS, Whatcom County is home to a robust agricultural production and marine harvest industry; and WHEREAS, the Whatcom County Health Board adopted a healthy planning approach; and WHEREAS, the Whatcom County Agricultural Strategic Plan calls for broader consideration of "food security issues, which may include providing local food supplies to food banks, schools, and institutions; vocational training opportunities in agricultural operations; and preserving heritage or artisanal foods. "; and WHEREAS, Goal 7L in the Whatcom County Comprehensive Plan calls for the County to, "Strengthen the local food system and take steps to improve conditions for a healthy, resilient, and prosperous food economy "; and continues on Policy Goal 7L -8 which states "Support establishment of communitywide food system development plans "; and WHEREAS, the Whatcom Food Network conducted a Community Food Assessment to assess needs and opportunities within our food system in 2011, and then updated it in 2013 and 2017, WHEREAS, over one in five residents of Whatcom County regularly struggle to obtain nutritious, quality food; and WHEREAS, sixty -one percent of Washington adults are either obese or overweight to in part to the type of food consumed; and WHEREAS, farmland has decreased by roughly 1.02 million acres in Washington State since 1950; and WHEREAS, market pressures, regulations, and the cost of land make it increasingly difficult for farmers and food system workers to earn sustainable income; and WHEREAS, recent economic changes to the grocery industry including consolidation and increased transportation costs have led to "Food Deserts" that impact our communities of need in Whatcom County; and WHEREAS, the strong public interest in addressing issues relating to food security requires a system -wide approach, involving issues relating to farming and fishing, agricultural labor, processing and distribution, food consumption, and waste. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Whatcom County Council that Whatcom County Code Chapter 2.47 is hereby established, creating a Whatcom County Food System Committee as outlined in Exhibit A to this ordinance. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the tasks to be accomplished by the Committee are as follows: A. Utilize and build upon the work of the Community Food Assessment, conduct stakeholder outreach, assess current assets and challenges and draft a report on the current state of these challenges in Whatcom County. B. Develop a Food System Plan for Whatcom County that works towards a food system which includes healthy people, a strong local economy, environmental sustainability, and a valued workforce with measurable goals and specific benchmarks to be met. The Food System Plan will be developed with input from the Agricultural Advisory Committee, the Marine Resources Committee, the Public Health Advisory Board, and other appropriate policy groups. C. Identify prioritized action items, funding needs, and specific timeframes for decision - making and completion for Whatcom County to implement the Food System Plan, for confirmation by the County Council. D. Oversee the implementation of these action items. E. Conduct oversight and review implemented programs for effectiveness, including updating the Community Food Assessment as necessary. 7b 1PFg�r November ADOPTE�hiy"if , 2018. �6'tE 1 ♦ xG�� Dana E{r wn- davj"',',6eek of., e Council Inn 0- APPROVED AS TO FORM: t Civil De ecutor WHATC M FOUN COUNCIL WHATC M COU , WASHINGTON _,— Rud Browne, Council Chair WHATCOM COUNTY EXECUTIVE WHATCOM COUWY, WASHINGTON Jack Louws, ,oun Exec' tive ( Approved ( )"'Denied Date .d . 2,0 EXHIBIT A Chapter 2.47 WHATCOM COUNTY FOOD SYSTEM COMMITTEE Sections 2.47.010 Established 2.47.020 Purpose 2.47.030 Function 2.47.040 Appointed Members 2.47.050 Term of Office 2.47.060 Organization — Meetings 2.47.070 Staff and Funding Support 2.47.080 Reporting 2.47.010 Established There is hereby established a Whatcom County Food System Committee. 2.47.020 Purpose The purpose of the Whatcom County Food System Committee is to draft, implement, provide oversight for, and regularly update a county -wide food system plan to strengthen our local and regional food system. 2.47.030 Function The Committee will report directly to the County Council or other appropriate advisory boards, commissions, and committees as necessary to carry out the following functions: A. Conduct stakeholder outreach, assess current food system assets and challenges, and draft a report on the current state of these challenges in Whatcom County, utilizing and building upon the work of the Community Food Assessment. B. Develop a Food System Plan for Whatcom County that addresses current challenges and works towards a food system that includes healthy people, a strong local economy, environmental sustainability and a valued workforce with measurable goals and specific benchmarks to be met, including input from the Agricultural Advisory Committee, the Marine Resources Committee, the Public Health Advisory Board, and other appropriate policy groups in developing the plan. C. Identify prioritized action items, funding needs, and specific timeframes for decision - making and completion for Whatcom County to implement the Food System Plan, for confirmation by the County Council. Oversee the implementation of these action items, and review implemented programs for effectiveness. E. Ensure ongoing assessment of food system needs and periodic updating of the Food System Plan at least every 3 years or as necessary. 2.47.040 Appointed Members The Food System Committee shall include the following nine members appointed by the Whatcom County Executive and confirmed by the County Council: A. Four members representing Healthy Food Economies, preferably one representative each with experience in Farming (local sales), Farming (export sales), Fishing, and Food Processing /Distribution. B. Two members representing Healthy People, preferably one representative each with experience in Food Consumption, Nutrition /Public Health C. One member representing Healthy Workforce, preferably with experience in Labor issues D. One member representing Healthy Environments, preferably with experience in Natural Resources E. One member representing the Whatcom Food Network 2.47.050 Term of Office The term of office for appointed members shall be four years; provided that the terms of the those first appointed shall be staggered so that four will be appointed for two years, and four will be appointed for four years. The member representing the Whatcom Food Network shall be appointed for two year terms to align with changes in Whatcom Food Network membership duties. Appointment of members shall comply with Chapter 2.03 WCC 2.47.060 Organization — Meetings A. Meetings of the committee shall be open and accessible to the public and shall be subject to the Open Public Meetings Act. B. At every meeting, the committee will schedule an open session to take public comment. C. Written records of meetings, resolutions, research, findings and recommendations shall be kept and such records shall be submitted to County staff and shall be made public, including posting on the County website. D. The committee shall adopt its own rules and procedure for the conduct of business. E. The committee shall elect a chairperson from among its members who shall preside at its meetings. F. The committee shall determine its meeting schedule and agenda, but shall meet at least quarterly. G. The committee may form and appoint ad hoc committees to work on specific issues, so long as at least two committee members are also members of the ad hoc committee. 2.47.070 Staff and Funding Support The committee will have full support from the Council, the County Executive's Office, and County Department staff to conduct and complete its tasks in an efficient and effective manner. The Whatcom County Health Department will provide the primary staff support for this Committee. 2.47.080 Reporting At least annually, no later than June 30 of each year, the Committee will provide a report and recommendations to the County Council and Executive on their progress towards completing the goals of this group.