HomeMy WebLinkAboutres2015-024WHATCOM COUNTY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL NO. 2015 -047H CLEARANCES Initial Date Date Received in Council Office Agenda Date I Assigned to: twh 05104115 05.12.15 Finance Originator: %� // D V Division Head: 6/9/2015 /Council Dept. Head: A Y 0 5 2015 MA 6/23/2015 Council os /os%is Prosecutor.- HATCOM COUNTY Purchasin /Bud et: COUNCIL Executive., TITLE OF DOCUMENT: Resolution Authorizing a ballot proposition to be submitted to the qualified voters of the county. ATTACHMENTS: Memo Resolution it SEPA review required? ( ) Yes ( ) NO Should Clerk schedule a hearing ? ( ) Yes ( ) NO SEPA review completed? ( ) Yes ( ) NO Requested Date: SUMMARYSTATEMENT OR LEGAL NOTICE LANGUAGE: (If this item is an ordinance or requires a public hearing, you must provide the language for use in the required public notice. Be specific and cite RCW or WCC as appropriate. Be clear in explaining the intent of the action.) 3 Executive Louws respectfully requests Council approval that a ballot proposition be submitted to the qualified voters of the county to authorize County Council to fix and impose a local sales and use tax of two tenths of one percent to provide funding for costs associated with financing, design, acquisition, construction, equipping, operating, maintaining, remodeling, repairing, re- equipping, and improvement of jail facilities, and other public safety purposes, subject to the approval of the 2015 Jail Facility Use Agreement by the County Council and all of the cities in Whatcom County. COMMITTEE ACTION: COUNCIL ACTION.• 5/12/2015: Discussed 6/9/2015: Held to June 23, 2015 6/23/2015: Discussed 6/23/2015: Substitute Resolution (giving the Executive authority to move forward with Option 1 as described in his memo to the Council dated 6/23/2015) Approved 4 -3, Mann, Buchanan, f I Weimer opposed, Res. 2015 -024 Related County Contract #: Related File Numbers: Ordinance or Resolution Number: Res. 2015 -024 j Please Note: Once adopted and signed, ordinances and resolutions are available for viewing and printing on the County's website at: www.co.whatcom.wa.us /council. SPONSORED BY: PROPOSED BY: EXECUTIVE INTRODUCTION DATE: JUNE 3, 2015 RESOLUTION 2015- 024 PROVIDING FOR SUBMISSION TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE COUNTY A PROPOSITION AUTHORIZING A LOCAL SALES AND USE TAX OF TWO TENTHS OF ONE PERCENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS FOR COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH FINANCING, DESIGNING, ACQUIRING, CONSTRUCTING, EQUIPPING, OPERATING, MAINTAINING, REMODELING, REPAIRING, RE- EQUIPPING, AND IMPROVEMENT OF JAIL FACILITIES AND OTHER PUBLIC SAFETY PURPOSES WHEREAS, ensuring the protection and safety of the residents of Whatcom County is an essential priority; and WHEREAS, the Whatcom County Council has determined that the present county- wide jail facilities on Prospect Street and an interim jail on Division Street in Bellingham, which are owned, operated and maintained by Whatcom County, do not meet existing and future County and cities' inmate incarceration needs; and WHEREAS, the health, welfare and safety of the residents and businesses of Whatcom County necessitate that the County provide additional jail facilities; and WHEREAS, the health and safety of jail inmates and the safety of the County jail staff necessitate that the County provide consolidated new jail facilities; and WHEREAS, the Whatcom County Jail Planning Task Force, the County Sheriff and the County Executive have collectively submitted a recommended plan for the building and operation of a new County jail located on LaBounty Road in Ferndale; and WHEREAS, in order to provide funding for costs associated with financing, designing, acquiring, constructing, equipping, operating, maintaining, remodeling, repairing, re- equipping and improvement of jail facilities, both new and limited inmate holding facilities at the county courthouse, it is deemed necessary and advisable for Whatcom County to impose an additional local sales and use tax of two tenths of one percent (0.2% - - 20 cents for every $100) as authorized by RCW 82.14.450; and WHEREAS, following passage of a voter - approved proposition for a sales and use tax, the County intends to issue general obligation bonds for the construction costs of the new jail sized appropriately for the County and those participating cities who have reached long term agreements for cost sharing in the construction and operation of the new jail; and WHEREAS, the life of the Bonds will be no more than 30 years and upon the full repayment of the Bonds the County intends that collection of one half of the two tenths of one percent of the sales and use tax shall expire; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a ballot proposition shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the County pursuant to RCW 82.14.450 to authorize the County Council to fix and impose a local sales and use tax of two tenths of one percent (0.2% -- 20 cents for every $100) to provide funding for costs associated with financing, design, acquisition, construction, equipping, operating, maintaining, remodeling, repairing, re- equipping, and improvement of jail facilities, and other public safety purposes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and requested to initiate the appropriate action necessary to ensure a proposition in substantially the following form, to be submitted to the voters of Whatcom County: WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON PROPOSITION NUMBER JAIL FACILITIES SALES AND USE TAX The Whatcom County Council passed Resolution 2015 -024 concerning a proposition to authorize a sales and use tax for jail facilities. This ballot proposition would authorize the imposition of a sales and use tax of two tenths of one percent (20 cents for every $100) to be used solely for costs associated with constructing and operating jail facilities to house inmates held, charged, or convicted of misdemeanor and felony acts, and for other public safety purposes, as authorized by RCW 82.14.450. Half of this tax (10 cents for every $100) would expire upon repayment of bonds issued to finance the jail facilities, in any event not later than 30 years after issuance. Should this proposition be: Approved Rejected BE IT NOW FINALLY RESOLVED, that the County Auditor shall cause notice of the proposed proposition to be published in accordance with the state constitution and general law, and shall place the proposed proposition upon the ballot of the county wide general election held on November 3, 2015. ADOPTED. this L3rd day of June , 2015 U r ATTE Dag[a Brpwn- PDV19-, Clerk, of the Ca IG'�•• APPROVE, lD Aq T9 FORl�a Chief Civil Deputy Prosecutor WHATCOM COUNTY COUNCIL WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON Carl 4bimer, Council Chair