HomeMy WebLinkAboutres2004-050I PROPOSED BY: Consent 2 SPONSORED BY: Executive 3 INTRODUCTION DATE: 06/29/04 4 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2004 -050 6 7 PROVIDING FOR SUBMISSION TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE 8 COUNTY A PROPOSITION AUTHORIZING A LOCAL SALES AND USE 9 TAX OF ONE TENTH OF ONE PERCENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF 10 PROVIDING FUNDS FOR COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH FINANCING, 11 DESIGN, ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION, EQUIPPING, OPERATING, 12 MAINTAINING, REMODELING, REPAIRING, REEQUIPPING, AND 13 IMPROVEMENT OF JAIL FACILITIES. 14 15 WHEREAS, the Whatcom County Council has determined that the present county -wide 16 jail facility located in downtown Bellingham, which is owned, operated and maintained by 17 Whatcom County, does not meet existing county incarceration needs; and 18 19 WHEREAS, the health, welfare, and safety of the residents and businesses of Whatcom 20 County require that the County provide additional jail facilities; and 21 22 WHEREAS, reduced state funding for criminal justice and unfunded state mandates and 23 requirements have made it necessary that Whatcom County finance its jail facilities internally; 24 and 25 26 WHEREAS, in order to provide funding for costs associated with financing, design, 27 acquisition, construction, equipping, operating, maintaining, remodeling, repairing, mequipping, 28 and improvement of jail facilities, both new and existing, it is deemed necessary and advisable 29 for Whatcom County to impose an additional local sales and use tax of one tenth of one percent 30 (0.1 %) as authorized by RCW 82.14.350. 31 I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a ballot proposition shall be submitted to 2 the qualified voters of the County pursuant to RC W 82.14.350 to authorize the County Council 3 to fix and impose a local sales and use tax of one tenth of one percent (0.1 % -- 10 cents for every 4 $100) to provide funding for costs associated with financing, design, acquisition, construction, 5 equipping, operating, maintaining, remodeling, repairing, reequipping, and improvement ofjail 6 facilities. 7 8 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and 9 requested to initiate the appropriate action necessary to ensure a proposition in substantially the 10 following form shall be submitted to the voters of Whatcom County: 11 12 WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON 13 14 PROPOSITION NUMBER I 15 16 JAIL FACILITIES SALES AND USE TAX 17 18 The Whatcom County Council passed Resolution No. 2004 -050 concerning a proposition to 19 authorize a sales and use tax forjait facilities. This ballot proposition would authorize the 20 imposition of a sales and use tax, in addition to any other taxes authorized by law, of one tenth of 21 one percent (0.1 % -- 10 cents for every $100) to be used solely for costs associated with 22 financing, design, acquisition, construction, equipping, operating, maintaining, remodeling, 23 repairing, reequipping, and improvement of jail facilities that house inmates being held, charged, 24 or convicted of misdemeanor and felony acts, as authorized by RCW 82.14.350. Should this 25 proposition be: 26 27 Approved 28 29 Rejected 30 2 I BE IT NOW FINALLY RESOLVED, that the County Auditor shall cause notice of the 2 proposed proposition to be published in accordance with the state constitution and general law, 3 and shall place the proposed proposition upon the ballot of the county -wide general election held 4 on November 2, 2004. 5 6 ADOPTEI 7 %0%%1111 Os % �'! Y s a`0 H H 9 ?V: CEm 13cyay of July ,2004. I1 L 12 13 /' Dana rowi I P?�:iluci 14 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 15 16 17 Civil Deputy Pr color 18 WHATCOM COUNTY COUNCIL WHA OM COUNTY, W ASHINGTON N Dan McShane, Council Chair ( proved O Deni Pete Kren en, County Executive Date:_ / K-05% 3