HomeMy WebLinkAboutord2007-0332007-254 WHA TCOM COUNTY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL NO. CLEARANCES Initial Date Date Received in Council O Agenda Date Assigned to: 06105107 intro Originator- Division Head: 0 6119107 Finance E j Committee; 2 9 `�07 Council Dept. Head: I ;-t. Lai V - Prosecutor- g,6 Purchasinglftdget: A Executive: &-V qj� TITLE I OF DOCCMENT, 2007 Supplemental Budget Request #6 ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance, Memoranda & Budget Modification Requests SEPA review required? ) Yes ( X ) NO Should Clerk schedule a hearing ? Yes X NO SEPA review completed? ) Yes ( X ) NO Requested Date. SUMMARYSTATEMENT OR LEGAL NOTICE LANGUAGE. (If this item is an ordinance or requires a public hearing, you must provide the language for use in the required public notice. Be specific and cite RCWor WCCas appropriate. Be clear in explaining the intent of the action.) Supplemental #6 requests funding from the General Fund. (1) To appropriate $19,471 in District Court Probation to fund probation services for the City of Blaine from contract proceeds. (2) To appropriate $73,727 in Non-Departmental to fund What -Comm Communications Center database phone lines from state grant proceeds (3) To appropriate $8,738 in Non Departmental to fund llama rescue activities. (4) To appropriate $25,000 in the Sheriffs Office to fund five laptops for boating officers from boating safety fund balance. From the Election Reserves Fund. (5) To appropriate $178,134 to fund various voting-related software and hardware items from IM VA grant proceeds. From Real Estate Excise Tax Fund I. (6) To appropriate $700,000 to fund site selection process, facility planning and feasibility studies for siting of new jail. (7) To reappropriate $89,358 to fund Razor Hone Ski Trail bridge replacement. From the Flood Control Zone District Fund: (8) To appropriate $350,923 to fund 2007planning studies. (9) To appropriate $13,300 to fund South Fork, gage relocation. To appropriate $383,000 to fund 2007flood hazard reduction program. COMMITTEE ACTION: COUNCIL ACTION: 6/05/2007: Introduced 6/19/2007: Forwarded to Council for approval. 6/19/2007: Council Adopted 6-0 Nelson absent Someone from the Sheriff's Office will give Ord. 2007-033 future presentation to this committee on the Sheriff's Office boat program. Related County Contract #. Related File Numbers. Ordinance or Resolution Number.- Ord. 2007-033 SPONSORED BY: Consent PROPOSED BY: Executive INTRODUCTION DATE: 06/05/07 ORDINANCE NO. 2007 -033 AMENDMENT NO. 6 OF THE 2007 BUDGET WHEREAS, the 2007 -2008 budget was adopted November 8, 2006; and, WHEREAS, changing circumstances require modifications to the approved 2007 -2008 budget; and, WHEREAS, the modifications to the budget have been assembled here for deliberation by the Whatcom County Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Whatcom County Council that the 2007- 2008 Whatcom County Budget Ordinance #2006 -054 is hereby amended by adding the following additional amounts to the budgets included therein: In addition, Exhibit B to the 2007 -2008 Budget Ordinance entitled "Authorized Positions" should be amended to include the following FTEs: Add 1 FTE Paralegal in the Prosecuting Attorney's Office Add .5 FTE Probation Officer in District Court Probation. ADOPTED this 19 day of June , 2007. WHATCOM COUNTY COUNCIL WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON Carlyei,her, Chair of the Council ( TA ppro ( }Denied Pete Kremen, County Executive Date: I:\ BUDGET \SUPPLS \2007_Suppl \Supplementa1 #6.doc Expenditures Revenues Net Effect General Fund District Court Probation 19,471 18,001 1,470 Non-Departmental 82,465 73,727 8,738 Sheriffs Office 25,000 0 25,000 Total General Fund 126,936 91 728 35,208 Election Reserves Fund 178,134 CjMj 34 0 Real Estate Excise Tax Fund 1 789,358 0 789,358 Flood Fund 747,223 (98,397) 648,826 Total Add'I Supplemental 84 1 _ . 1.651 (368.259) 1 4. 73.392 In addition, Exhibit B to the 2007 -2008 Budget Ordinance entitled "Authorized Positions" should be amended to include the following FTEs: Add 1 FTE Paralegal in the Prosecuting Attorney's Office Add .5 FTE Probation Officer in District Court Probation. ADOPTED this 19 day of June , 2007. WHATCOM COUNTY COUNCIL WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON Carlyei,her, Chair of the Council ( TA ppro ( }Denied Pete Kremen, County Executive Date: I:\ BUDGET \SUPPLS \2007_Suppl \Supplementa1 #6.doc WHATCOM COUNTY Summary of the 2007 Supplemental Budget Ordinance No. 6 Net Effect to Fund I ncreased Balance Expenditure (Increased) (Increase) Department/Fund Description Decrease Revenue Decrease General Fund To fund probation services District Court Probation for the City of Blaine. 19,471 18,001 1,470 To fund What -Comm Communication Center database phone lines from Non-Departmental state grant proceeds. 73,727 73,727 - To fund llama rescue Non-Departmental activities. 8,738 - 8,738 To fund five laptops for boating officers from Sheriffs Office boating safety fund balance. 25,000 - 25,000 Total General Fund 126,936 (91,728) 35,208 To fund various voting- related hardware and software items from HAVA Election Reserves Fund grant proceeds. 178,134 (178,134) - Real Estate Excise Tax Fund To fund site selection process, facility planning and feasibility studies for REET I siting of new jail. 700,000 - 700,000 o reappropna a tunding for Razor Hone Ski Trail bridge REET I replacement. 89,358 - 89,358 Total Real Estate Excise Tax Fund 1 789,358 - 789,358 Flood un To fund 2007 planning Flood Planning studies. 350,923 98,397 252,526 To fund South Fork flow Flood Early Warning gage relocation. 13,300 - 13,300 To fund 2007 flood hazard Flood Hazard Reduction reduction program. 383,000 - 383,000 Total Flood Fund 747,223 (98,397) 648,826 Total Add'I Supplemental 1.841.651 (368.2591 1.473.39 I:\BUDGET\SUPPLS\2007_Suppl\Supplementa1 #6. doc