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Volume 20 - Jun 23 1913 to Jun 4 1915
W.O.R. �ecord of Commissioners' Proceedings 1 A APETT, Term :'onday the 23rd day June 191 3 Monday, June 203, 1913. the Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on June 20, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The follo-wing proceedings yiere had.: In the =-titter of the "onsolidation ) Taken Under Advisement. Df School 'Districts -'o. 58 & 49 This matter coming; on for hearinm on this date and the Board having; listened to arguments for and against.tfie consolidation of School Districts No. 58 and No. 49 on appeal from the decision of the County Superintendent, 111OV!, it is ordered by this Board that the said. matter be and same is hereby taken under advisement and further action to be taken thcreon on Saturday, June 28, 1913. Done in open session of the Board this 23rd day of June, 1913. It of if It to it it It It " " to It u "Board of County Comniss- " "ioners of `'hatcom County " " State of-'ashington " 11 It 11 ►1 it It It 11 it to 11 it 11 ti Attest: Fill D Wallace County Audi for and Clerk of the Board. C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J.G. Kemper Cornriissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ----------- 000---------- Cn motion the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, June 28, 1913. U� Chairman Board County Comm'ssioners. 4 W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings Saturday the clay June 191 �1PRI2� at�.� rdav 28th Saturday, June 28, 1913. The Board net pursuant to adjournment taken on June 23, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following; proceedings were had: ./ ------------------- ihe application of Chas. F. Gifford for license to conduct a pool hall at Pt. Poberts, v,ras ,endorsed granted by the Board. ---------- 000---------- In the utter of the Consolidation ) ( 0 R D 'h,R. of School Districts to. 49 & 58 VHER' AS, on I:'ay 5th 1913, the County Superintendent did file riith the Clerk of this Board a certificate of consolidation of School Districts No. 49 and 58 making; School District No. 99, upon petition of heads of families living in had -ricinity, and 1511?,REAS, on Iray 24th 1913 a notice and affidavit of appeal by A D Yurchy from the decision of the county superintendent in consolidating said school districts 'To. 49 and 58 was filed with the Clerk of this Board, and 177IIIME'AS, on 'ray 24th 1913, this Board , meeting in regularly adjourned sei3sion, did make and sign an order fixing the time for hearing; on said appeal on "onday, June '1.3rd 1913 at 10: 30 o' clock A.11. , and 'UIRREAS, on said June 23rd 1913 the hearing on said appeal was held in the Commiss- ioners Room in the Court House at Bellingham, Washington, according to law, and the Board of County Commissioners did listen to arguments for and against the said consolidation and did order said matter taken under advisement, further action to be taken thereon on Satur- day, June 28th 1913, and VIIIEREAS, on this 28th day of June, 1913, this matter being -gain taken under considers tion, and from the facts presented it appearing to this Board that the majority of the patrons of said school districts 49 and 58 n.re opposed to the said consolidation, and it appearing also that under the present conditions it riould be to the best interests of the said communities to allow the school districts to remain divided as before the decision of the county superintendent consolidating same; TT IS TIII�RFFORT' ORDITI ED, that the decision of the County Superintendent consolidating; said school districts No. 49 and 58 making the new district "lo. 99 be, -nd samc is hereby annulled and set aside and said school districts shall remain as though said consolidation had never been made. Done in open session of the Board this 28th day of June, 1913. C.B. I:egoe Chain-si n of the I'oard J.G. I-emp e r Attest: Commissioner Henry Shagren Will D Wallace Commissioner County Auditor and Clerk of the 'Board. 11 11 11 It If 11 11 11 t1 It If 11 It to "Board of County Commiss- of "ioners of Thatcom County " t' State of '7a.shin ;ton " " 11 t/ if " to 11 it " " 11 11 it " J---------- 000 ---------- In the fatter of the Improvement of ) ( Order Accepting I)id of '-arkness ` Breckenridge County Rogd No.211 knovm as Goshen Road ) 71HER£AS, this being the day set for the opening; of bids for improving; County Road ITO. 211 from Goshen east about 1250 feet in Sec. 19 Tp 39 N R 4 R, and. the Board finding; that W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings APRIL Term Sa.turda.y the 2Sth day June 191 3 the following bids vyere submitted: John C. Anderson: Clearing & Grubbing 12 sta at %`10. 00 per sta; earth excavation 2800 cu yds at .34 cts per cu yd; 50 ft 1~ooden truss bridge fof "'•300.00; cedar posts, r.�ud-sills or cribbing 780 lin ft at .18 cts per lin ft; lumber 4' 11 B 1at ft8.00 per 11BA1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Total � 1)593.40 F C Baxter L Co: Clearing & grubbing 12 sta at %"��10.00 per sta; earth excavation 2800 cu yds at .39 cts per cu yd; 50 ft wooden truss bridge for tir195.00; cedar posts, mud -sills: cribbing; 780 lin ft at .13 cts per lin ft; lumber 4-,If MY at '16.00 per 1`31.1 Total 1,580.40 C H Beebe & Cc: Clearing & grubbing 12 sta at 08.00 per sta; earth excavation 2800 cu yds ?.t ..:,3 cts per cu yd; bridge at �'300.00; piling, cribbinn. posts & mud -sills and sub -sills 780 lin ft at .10 cts per lin ft; lumber 4-7-EBIT at h8.00 per IBT,I Total f'1 , 479.00 I, C Currie: Clearing ("I grubbing 12 sta ct)8. 50 per sta; excavation earth 2800 cu yds at .29 cts per cu yd; cedar posts, mud -sills and cribbing 780 lin .ft at .16 cts per lin ft; lumber 4' "BM at 16. 50 per YB17; 50 ft truss bridge for "I242. 00 Total �',1 ,354, 25 Harkness & Breckenridge: Clearing, grubbing & removing old trestle �'7.00 per sta; earth excavation 2800 cu yds at �'L24.00 per cu yd; ailing, posts mud -sills and crabbing 780 lin ft at .14 cts par „lin ft; lumber 4500 11B11 at vj17.00 per IMIT; 50 ft bridge per plans and specifications 1"250.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'otal ti)1,191.70 'nl. ,tEAS, this board having considered said bids, and finding that the bid of IIarkness & Breckenridge was the lotrest and nest bid ride, 701111 UIEII.7'1ORR, it :is ordered that the said bid of Harkness & Breckenridge be r.nd same hereby is accepted and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners is hereby aut:lorized to enter into acontra.ct vdth the said IIarkness & Breckenridge for and on be:ialf of 'llhatcom County. It is further ordered that this work shall be completed by 15th day of September, 1.913, and that the contractor shall furnish a surety bond of �;1)1191.70 for the faithful performance of said contract. This work to be uaid for from the Road rind Tridge Fund of "hatcom County, Washing6on. C r L e g o e Chairman of the roard "Board of County Commiss- " J G Kemper "ioners of Y.hatcom County " Commissioner " State of Ta.shington " henry Shagren ,f 1t n Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the roard. ---------- 000---------- REF0.^F THE IIONORTI Y `. `OARD OF COUi1lY: f O12 I SSIOI71.i,RS _. OF MIATC01.1 COUNTY, VIA aHING LIMN. In the Matter of the Petition of ) W E Braford et al for the 6ragn- �Finding;s a.nd Order on Final Hering of Petition. ization of a Drainage District. NOW, on this 28th day of June, 1913, at 9:00 oIclock A.Y.I this matter came on for final hearing; upon the --)etition of 71 7, Braford et al, rhich -was heretofore duly filed on I.iay 8th 1913, praying for the organization and establishment of a T)rainag e District under the laws of the Cta.te of 7,ashington, with the boundaries thereof as described in said petition, and the said Foard Laving examined the -'i.les •,nd records in connection vrith said matter, now finds t1lat the said petition was filed Faith the Clerk of this Foa.rd on I`a,y 8th 1913, ,,nd that included in said petition, and as a part thereof, and thererith filed, was a good and sufficient ]pond in the sum of Five 'undyed (�`500.00) Dollars, signed by r-,11 of the 'petitioners on said petition, and that said bor�d contained the conditions required by the lavis of the State of 77asizington; Further that on the 1 th day of Eay, 1913, this ?ionorable Board entered an Order giving notice of a hearing on said petition and directing said notice, together v?ith a copy -�f said petition to be f5ublished at least once each week for tvro (2) consecutive W.O.R. Record of Commissioners'00 Proceedings APRII, Term 6a.turcda,y the 28th day June 191 weeks in the Lynden Tribune, the official paper of 1:hatcom County, ';;ashington, in i-hich notice '11,ay 31st 1913, at 10:30 o'clock A.JT. rlas fixed as the date of said hearing; and the place t'iereof at the Court House of said County and State, in Bellingham, "'ashington; and it further appearing to said Board that due and legal notice of the time and place of this hearing; on said petition has been given by publication in the manner required by 1,ilo, and according; to the order of the Doard heretofore stated; and certain residents -nd owners of land irri thin the said proposed drainage district, appearing; on said 31 st da.y of 1'a.y, , 1913, and protesting ap4o.inst the foi'rriation of ^7-ucl; ?.i.:_-4-: ict rnd the inclusion of their land therein, and the Board thereupon having heard and considered the evidence for and against said petition, and desiring; to further weigh and consider the same, ordered said hearing; continued until the 20th day of June, 1913, at 10:30 A.1%; and on said last mentioned date, by agreement of all interested parties, and. by the order of said Board, the srj.id hearing vas further continued until this day and hour, And no%,r the Board having; duly heard and considered said petition, and the protests and applications to have certain lands excluded from said district, and being fully advised in the premises, and the Board find- ing that the application of Thos. J.zurray to have the S1' of 131'.-I Section 11, rithin said proposed district, excluded therefrom, is meritorious and that such tract should be ex- cluded, and the boundaries of the district altered accordingly; and. no other protests or applications for changes in said proposed district being; considered meritorious by said Board; thereupon. said Board proceeded to a final hearing; upon said petition, and the Board having- considered all the evidence adduced upon said hen.ring;, -and having; carefully examined the records and files herein, in said matter and also having; had the advice and received the evidence of A.R. Campbell, Civil 1',ingineer and Surveyor, as to the pxacticability of establishing said District and draining the lands embraced therein, so that the said lands would receive benefit from the establishment of said District, and the Doard being fully advised in the premises, now finds: First: That the allegations and. statements of fact contained in the petition of the petitioners herein are true as therein alleged; that the number of acres of land that could be benefited by said proposed draina,g;e systeri and by the organization of said Drainage District is 1120 acres; that there are approximately tillenty free-hdlders reside ing; ryi thin the btrunda.ries of said proposed District, as hereafter established in this order, and the said proposed system of drainage viill be donducive to the public health, yell -fare and convenience of the residents of said district; that said proposed drainage system will increase the public revenue and be of special benefit to the majority of the lands included i,Athin the boundaries of said. proposed district as hereafter established, in this order, by said Doard of County Commissioners; further that there is a good and sufficient out -let for all of the drainage of said district, located within the boundaries thereof a.s hereafter established, in Green Lake, mentioned in said petition, but that the outlet for such drainage may be outside of said district so as to embrace all of said Green Lake and its outlet so far as may be necessary, and in accordance Wraith la,vr. It is further ordered and adjudged by said Foard of County Cora.gissioners that the boundaries of said proposed Drainage District be and the same are hereby established as follows, to -wit: Beginning at the SE corner of NW-41 St'- 14-39-3E. 17.1,T. ; thence IT along forty line to NE cor. of I174 SWk Sec 11; thence +'Vest to 371 cor. SC:L¢ YV.11 Sec 11; thence 1? to 1TV1 cor of SV�l N17,4L Sec 11; thence Fast to 11E cor. of S19. 111W. Sec 11; thence 17orth to 147E cor. of NW41 NVt Sec 11; thence E about 40 rods on section line to SE corner of Rainford land; thence due north. about 80 rods to NE cor. of Ra.inford lend in Sec. 2; thence crest to 1T17 corner of St,} S1'e Sec 2; thence South on Section line to SE corner of Sec 3; thence West on section line to S71 corner of Sec 3; thence south, crossing; Green Lake to S1.7 cor. of �dj'? NW-1 Sec 10• thence east on 40 line to SE corner of ??Ei 7,`�1 L c , � � . ,,. 1• Sec 10: Thence ,ou �h thru center of said Section 10, to SE corner of 7 h SV,h Sec 10; thence west to 177 corner W.O.R. 'n Record of, Commissioners'Proceedings APRIL Term Sat,lydgy the 28 h day June 191 of SE41 SY-4 Sec 10; thence south to S17 corner of Sq SW.1 Sec 10; thence `Test to M11 corner of Section 15; thence 2outh to SVI corner of 37WC1 Sec 15; thence Fast to SE corner of IMIT1 Section 15; thence south thru center of Seb' 15-"about 40 rods; thence east across Davenport land to a point equidistant between ZTE corner and SE corner of TTIVi S1r4 of Section 15; thence South to SW corner of TTF41 SF,,-' Sec 15; thence east on forty line to place of beginning, all of said district being; and lying in Township 39 IT. Range 3 F. 7.Y. Dated June 28th 1913. "Board of County Coi hiss- " "ioners of YTha,tcom County " " State of 71,ashington . " " It It it " to n " It " n it to it " Attest: 1t11ill I) Wallace Cl e rk. C B LeAce Chairman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner. IT IS FURTHER ORDERi?M AYD ADJUDGED, that an election be held in said proposed Drain- age District for the purpose of determining Nrrhether or not there shall. be established a Drainage District within the boundaries above described to be designated and knozr:m as 'Drainage District Number 3, of 7Giatcom County, Washing ton", far the further purpose of electing at said election three (3) commissioners vrho shall be known and designated as Drainage Commissioners for said District; and. it is further ordered that notice of the time and place of said election shall be riven by the Clerk of this Board by the publica- tion of a, good and sufficient notice, particularly describing; the boundaries of. said District as herein established by the Board and the approximate number of acres therein that will be benefited, all as provided by the lays of the State of V;ra.shington, at least once each week for two (2) consecutive weeks prior to such election in a -weekly newspaper, printed and published ,and of general circulation in 1',ha.tcom County, 1ashing;ton, to -grit: the Journal -Progressive, the official paper of said 1lhatcom County, and that a. copy of said notice be posted for a period of at least two �2) weeks prior to the date of said election in four (4) public places viithin the boundaries of said proposed Drainage District; and the date of said election is hereby fined for the 26th day of July, 1913, at Old School house in S D 7r34 v=rithin said District; and Albert C Herre ry.nd Clinton. Prouty are hereby appointed as Judges of said election 5.nd. J.P. Lawrence as Inspector. thereof, and Ed 11artite and Henry Guckert •a.s Clerks of said election, to conduct the same as. provided by la-w. Done in open session this 28th day of June, 1913. C B Legoe C12ai rma.n "Board of County Commiss- " J G Kemper "ioners of 7:liatcom County " Commissioner " State of Washington " Henry Shagren it It If It " rr n " " if it " It " Cornriissioner Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk. ---------- coo ---------- Gn motion the Board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, July 2, 1913. Cha.irma.n Board County Commi ioners.. ---------000---------- .The minutes of the June Session were read and approved this 2nd day of July, 1913. rma.n Board County ommiss' ners Attest: l,l,e�QEQCa P Clerk of the Board. 6 W.O.R. Record. ®f Commissioners' Proceedings T LY Term ' VlednPsday the 2nd day , ul W 191.1 Wednesday, July 2, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on June 28, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the .Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: J In the r.Tatter of the Petition of ) M C Faris and others for the loca.- � ORDER FOR HE1,1RING, tion and establishment of a County Road in tFhatcom County, Washington. It is ordered by the Board that the hearing; upon the report of the engineer in the matter of the County road petitioned for by Y C Faris and others, will be held by the Board of County Commissioners of thatcom County, Washington, at their office in the Matcom County Court house in Bellingham, Washington, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.T;I. on the 28th day of July, 1913. Done this 2nd day of July, 1913. It It It 11 11 11 11 it it II it I is If "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Uhatcom County " if State of V- ashington " If 11 11 it 11 11 11 It 11 11 11 ►1 It It It Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk Bf the Board. ---------- a0o--- ----- C B Legoe Chairman Board of County Commissioners, tlhatcom County ':Washington. J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner On motion the Doard adjourned to meet on Monday, July 7, 1913. OV Chairman 61r Coun y Commissioners W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Tuly Term 1"onda.y the 7th day _ July 191 g Monday, July 7, 1913. The Board net pursuant to adjournment taken on July 2, 1913. Present, C B Legoe, Chairman; J G Kemper and henry Sha.gren, Commissioners; and `7ill D t'Tallace, Clerk of the Eoard in attendance. The following, claims were allo�;�ed and proceedings had ; Will.I) 7allace August Engquist S E Barrett F C �.Sa,rtin . Lucy E King EL Thomas Jessie Walters C B Legoe J G Kemper henry ShaFren Delia: L Keeler Ethel Everett D Vyr Featherkile Henry C Beach Harrison Cowden Charles E Cline F 'V Shut e H Thompson D P Day Hector Gawley Ed E Hardin V'ill iam H Pemberton Samuel T Leitch E W 13hses Alithea Adams Frank 1.7 Bixby V1 A Iartin Mayb el l e F ryan Nellie C Rogers F L Olslager John Fernley Olive YVi l son G A Pence Geo H Watrous II D I,'LcArthur C Donovan. Jas Wilder F I:1 Carver H R Georg e C AT Adams C E Phoenix Carl I°cCoy Harry C Swettenam Chas E Shea 0 N Idunn A Ho 1 ema.n H McDonald 11 Fritz P G Cooke E C Lyle 0 A Underhill E Dames D Handbloom C C King Y B King Emma ,r'Tillard Dan YTillard Catharine Beebe Albert 11athes L A Thomas M B Byland Eagan Ridenour Eagan Ridenous G H Abers Puget Sound T L & P W A Martin C Id, Adams Charles E Phoenix P G Cooke 0 N Dunn L A Thoma,s L A Thoma, s Geo D Yontf ort Alva Earger Puget Sound T L & P Co Co H G Ra.ettig The Lynden Tribune Ireland & Pancoast Fairhaven City Water & Po%,rer Co Christopher & Blythe A G 7lickman William Yurr�ay W D ITcLeod S C1 Cornish Paint Co Sells Hdw Co A V/ Boviman Viison-Nobles-Parr Co CURREIIT EXPENSE FUND. Salary a,s Co Auditor 158.33 Salary as Chief Dep Auditor 100.00 Salary as Dep tAuditor 90.00 do 75.00 Salary as Chief recorder 75.00 Salary as Recorder 65.00 do 65.00 Salary as Co Commissioner 150.00 do 150.00 do 150.00 Salary as Supt Co Schools 150.00 Salary as Dep Supt Co Schools 90.00 Salary as Justice of Peace 100.00 do 100.00 Salary a s Constable 60.00 Salary as Probation Officer 100.00 Salary as Co Physician 83.33 Salary as Coroner 83.33 Salary as Supt Charities 25.00 Salary as Janitor 75. 00 Salary as Superior Judge 125.00 do 125.00 Sal a.ry a s Co. Clerk 158.33 Salary as Dep Clerk 100.00 do 100.00 Salary as Pros Attorney 158.33 Salary as Dep Pros Attorney 100.00 Salary as Stenographer for Judges & Atty 65.00 Salary as Co Treasurer 166.66 Salary as Dep Co Treasurer 100.00 Salary as Bookkeeper for Co Treas 90.00 Salary as Clerk for '!'reas 80.00 do 80.00 Salary Rs Extra Clerk for Treas '200 hrs 100.00 Salary as Co Assessor 125.00 Salary as Dep Assessor 100.00 do 80.00 do 75.00 do 75.00 Salary as Co Engineer 158.33 Salary as Dep Co I!ngineer 117.50 Salary. as Draughtsman for Co Engineer 96.00 Salary as "hainman for Co End; 70.50 do 58.75 Salary as Transitman for Co Eng 97.50 Salary as Axman for Co 11,ng 18.75 do 18.75 do 5.00 Salary as Transitman for %"o rng 15.00 do 60..00 Salary as Chainman for Co End; 25.00 do 10.00 do 5.00 Salary as "upt Co home 60.00 Salary as Iiatron Co Home 25.00 Salary as Cook at Co Home 40.00 Salary as Steward at Co Home 10.00 Salary as ::''arse at Co ITome 27.00 Salary as Teamster at co Come 35.00 Salary as Sheriff 158.33 Salary as Jailer 60.00 Reporting case of State vs 17alker 25, 00 Salary as Court Reporter, June 16 to 27 54.40 Tending Ferndale midge 5.00 Gas & Elect Light for June 61.30 Expense as Dep Pros Attorney 3.15 Expense as Co En€;ineer 16.65 Expense as Dep Co Engineer 50.15 Expense assisting, Cd Eng 2.55 Expense a/c Survey Russell Drainage ?)itch 56.80 Expense as Sheriff 49.3.0 Board of Prisoners 92.00 Services for Pros Atty 2.25 Reward in Liquor Case: State vs Poscoe 50.00 St Car tickets for Co Officials and Supplies for Courthouse 25.30 Annotations for Pros Atty 2.00 Prt; & Publ for Aud 62.62 & Clerk f''. 30 64.92 Oil for 2 v1 2,P Gen It;lection 1912 1.15 ti'Tater Rent for Waldron ?'1k--3 mo 3.00 Repairs to Plumbing in Courthouse 5.50 Burial of Indigent 25.00 Repairs to Flag Pole on Courthouse 10.00 11aterial & Labor for Courthouse 2.65 Iraterirtl for Courthouse 21.00 Cable etc for Courthouse 4.80 Canvas for Janitor .1.25 S pplies for Janitor 11.75 Record of July Term Llonday Commissioners' Proceedings the 7th day. July IfiI,O.R. ' 191.3 N W Hardware Co Supplies for Janitor .8.08 A 11 Burnside Scalp Bounty on 1 wild cat 5.00 G e o Y1 Shay J P: State vs Iioff et al 5.00 B N Kingsley Const: do 15;15 Paul A. Violten 711it: do 2:20 Y1 D Lee Wit: do 2; 20 Geo W Shay J P: State vs Thomas Bertrand 1:50 S B Iiughes J P: do 2.75 B N Kingsley Const: do 2.20 Mrs Thomas Bertrand Wit: do 2.20 1',rs A B Yar shall Wit: do 2.20 Timer Nixon ','lit: do 2.20 Warner Nixon Wit: do 2.20 GjWE PROTECTION FUND. J M 'Aitken Salary & Expense as Game Warden 103;20 Leslie Jones Salary & Expense as Dep Game Warden '99;00 J D Custer Supplies for fish Hatchery 16;35 Eagan Ridenour Typewriting for Game i7arden 4:30 Towner Printing Co 311 Appl. for Hunt. & fish. Licenses 12.50 Suma,s Hd+rr. & Impl. Co Bunting Licenses rr3053 to 3075 returned unsold 23.00 Larson's Livery & Trf Livery for Game warden 17; 00 Pioneer Livery do 3.00 ---------- 000---------- The Claim of I; J Shields for C13.00 covering damages to pea field by co Engineer while surveying, vas endorsed refused by the Board. ---------- 00o----------- The application of E Belcher for license to operate tl*ro pool tables at Deming, was endorsed granted by the Board. ---------- 000---------- The Board made an order correctitig the 1.912 tax against United Shingle Co in Sec 23, Tp 39 R 1E ✓ In the Matter of the Bond of ) 0 E Beebe, Co Physician ) ---------- 000----- --- Order .Approving It is ordered by this Board that the official bond of Dr Orville E Beebe for "1000.00 given by The Title Guaranty & Surety Company and covering his appointment as County Phy- sician of Vhatcom County, be, and same hereby is approved. Done in open session of the Board this 7th day of July, 1913. 11 It If It 11 it 1t 11 If It 11 It If It it 11 "Board of County Commissioners" "of Whatcom County, State of 11 r1 7,a shi ng ton It fl 11 II 11 11 if It it 11 11 11 t1 11 It 11 11 Attest: "ill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- ✓ In the matter of Approval of Official ) ( Order Approving. Bonds of Court Reporters. ) C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner . Henry Shagren Commissioner It is ordered by this Board that the surety bond of Eagan Ridenour for OP2000.00 given by the New England Casualty Uompany and covering; his appointmentas Court Reporter for the Superior Court of the State of "'ashington; and the surety bond of 1lelen Alexander for �'2000.00 given by The Title Guaranty & Surety Co., covering her appointment as Court Reporter for the Superior Court of the State of 1,7a,shington, be and they are hereby approv- ed by this Board. Done in open session of the Board this 7th day of July, 1913. C B Legoe 11 11 " If " " 11 It 11 it " 11 it " Chairman of the Board "Board of .County Commiss- 11 Attest: J G Kemper "loners of 7hatcom County If Will D Wallace Commissioner If State of Washington it , C u t o�}s�,or and Clerk henry S1iagren "" 11 Ir n n u u u n n II a 11 Commissioner W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proc'eedings July Term V'onday the 7th day July 191. 3 I:1�FORE T_ E i;orr^RAFT�E FO�aF?D OF COUNTY COI:.'ISSIONL'RS OF �',UA'TCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the latter of the Application ofNathan ) Dellingar for the Construction and Improve- ( Order Assip-ming Number a,nd. Directing ment of a Drainage Ditch and Bstablishment ) the County Engineer to ;,ake Survey etc of Unincorporated Drainage Improvement District Cn this day this matter was presented to the Board upon the preliminary report of the County .engineer, the County Engineer having returned his report that he had vietiyed the line of the proposed improvement, his said report being in time, manner and form re- quired by statute.. It appears from said County Engineer's said preliminary report that the said County 7ngineer of 71hatcom County, Washington, states that in his opinion the said improvement prayed for in the petition is necessary and grill be conducive to public health, convenience and welfare. !';'IIEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that the said improvement prayed for in said petition shall be known as Improvement District No. 5, said number being; selected in the manner pro�rided by law, -nd said District shall hereafter 1::e designated as Drainage Improvement District "o. 5 of Vha,tcom County, "Uashington. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That the County Engineer shall go upon thve lands described in the petition and as approved in his report and take levels on the same and set a, stake at every hundred feet, numbering down stream, and note the intersection of property lines a.nd boundaries, township, city and county lines, if any, and road crossings, and make a. report profile and plat of the same; also he shall make -i.n estimate of the cost of construction be of such drainage system, itemized so as to,�reasona,bly specific as to the various parts thereof (it being understood that .such estinate of the cost shall be held to be prelimin- ary only and shall not be binding as a limit on the amount that may be expended in con- structing such drainage system). IT IS FURTHIR OTDI"RED and directed that the County Engineer shall make and return -a schedule and estimate of all property that shall be damages or both damaged and benefited by the proposed improvement, and shall estimate and report the total number of acres that will be benefited by the proposed improvement, and shall specify the manner in r:hich the proposed improvement is "to be made and the number, kind, location and dimensions of 0,11, water ways,, ditches, outlets, flood gates, bridges, crossings, either or a.ny, . -Ind that said schedules shall be prepared and returned in the manner provided by lava. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That the said County Engineer shall make and file with his said report an itemized bill of costs incurred in the proper discharge of his duties in this improvement, and shall report the same to the Clerk of this Doard of County Commissioners within ten (10) days of ter the completion of the said survey. Dated at Bellingham, 7ashington, this 7th day of guly, 1013. C B Legoe n n n"" If n n n n n ,t If n Chairman "Board of County Commiss- " J G Kemper "ioners of Yfha.tcom County " Commissioner It State of Washington " Henry Sha,grren If to If it It It it n to n is if It it Commissioner Attest: 77ill D Wallace Cl e rk ---------- 00o---------- 10 Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Term I:Ionday the 7th day July 191 ;j f In the utter of the Consolidation ) ( Order for Hearing. of School Distric is 27, 33, 88 & 91 ) It is ordered by this Board that P. hearing be held on the Appeal fvom the decision of the County Superintendent in consolidating; shcool districts 1do. 27, 33, 88 and 91 forming; Dist. -r303, said hearing to be held in the Commissioners' Room of the 17hatcom County "ourt I on Tuesday, July 29th 1913, at 1: 30 o'clock P.1% one in open session of the :Board this 7th day of July, 1913. tt 11 it tl 11 It 11 " II It 11 1i ii H "Board of County Commiss If "i on ers of 'Wha.tcom County If If Sta.te of Washington it If 11 " If it n " n It it It 11 It 11 Attest: 71ill D YJ'allace county auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- (-n motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, July 8, 1913. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Sha.gren Commissioner irina.n Board `Coup t Commissioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings A/ July Term 'fue sday the 8th day July Tuesday, July 8, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on July 7, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The follovring claims were alloyed and proceedings Izad: henry Slliaigren E C Lyle Delia, L. Keeler C C Ding Dr F V .`chute Dr F V Shute Dr B V T,. ounter Dr L B Sims Dr jhi C Keyes Dr '." 'V,[ Ballnine I, rs YE Collins do St Luke's Hos-oit-1 St Joseph's Hospital Red Cross Pharmacy Tnrber. firs Paarmacy Graham Drug Co Sweet Grocery Co J Pynor "7ill H Fell The City Drug Store Battersby Bros B B Furniture Co Clark & Giblin I L Hively Rives & Clark Long's Seed Store 17 Hougan C G Clifton J K Rogers r T `Uyrnan Whatcom Co humane Soceity Pacific L-undry CURit} IdT I�J.X EM.'3F FMTD. _'xpense as Co Commissioner Dxnense as Dep ringineer nxprdss .65 &: I'ile.ge 1.90 as ''upt ich.00ls �,xpense ^s Supt Co Schools ?,ivery a/c for June Registering Firths L Dea.`Uhs 6 mo Reg. Births & Deaths in Lynden 1912 T'eg Births & Deaths in Blaine Assisting Cc Physician Assisting Co Physician ri -are of Scarlet lever Case do -are of Cc Patients do 11edicine for Co Chgs 20.05 & Co Home 26.40 - edicine for Co Patients L Co IIome 21. edicine for Co Patients Groceries & Feed for Co IIome do L-eat for Co IIome Yedicine for Co IIome Clothing for Co Bore i she s for Co home I.Iachinery etc for Co 11ome Black ornithing "or Co Home "applies for Co IIome Plants for Co :Tome Spraying trees at Co Home Clc:q.ring Land at Co Home Clearing Land & Guarding Prisoners Pt "o Rome Care of Juvenile Prisoners - aintenance for 2 months Laundry for nAl -----------000---------- 19 8.15 30.45 2.55 32.72 45.00 56.75 17.50 4.00 55.00 15.00 54.00 114.00 214.00 158.86 46.45 26.00 22. 40 179.34 82.85 53.48 9.80 51.65 3.20 16.95 1.0.00 2.55 .70 8.00 42.50 24.00 "4.75 M. 00 11.80 '-"he June reports of C C King, Supt Co Home end of Dr F V Shute, Co Physician, were endorsed approved by the Board. ---------- 000---------- r + + ORE THE BOARD OF COUI?'''Y COITYI S iION77P.S In the I'•-atter of the Application of Fred ) ( 0 R D T' R Mintz et al for Vacation of Streets. ) On this day this matter was presented to this Board off, the petition of Fred Hintz and others for vacation of the hereinafter described streets, It appears that on the 17th day of June, 1913, the said petition was filed herein and that nn said day, twenty days prior to the hearing herein, the said petitioners caused to be posted In the manner provid- ed by lava written notices of this hearing in three of the most public places in the addi- tion or tovnsite of 7orth `'.ha.tcom, rhatcom County, 'ashin�-ton, vhere said streets a, e loca.t ed, said notices containing a description of the said property sought to be vacated. It further appears that said notices thus posted contained the announcement and notice that ne,-ring on said petition v,,ould be had on the ` th day of July, 1913, at the hour of 1:30 P. , . , or as soon thereafter as said matter could be heard during the session or sessions of said Board of County Commissioners being; ;,.eld during the roresent 1reek, and all persons interested were in said notices notified to -appear at said hearing; and show cause, if any, why the said petition should not be granted or why the said streets as above described should not be vacated. It further appears that the said streets as hereinafter described, and within the limits herein given, are not necessary for public highways and that the said petition is meritorious. That said streets are v ithin and a . part of the to,-,nsite of ' orth 711atcom, and .,re particularly described as follovrs: �12 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Jill v Term Tuesday the 8 tIl, day .-r,> ly 191 A Street from First Street to Fourth Street B Street .from First Street to Fourth "treet C Street from 7 irst :street to 'tourt,h Ctreet Second Street from C Street to A Street Third Street from C Street to A Street Vlaerefore, it is Ordered that the said streets as above described, and as contained rrithin the limits as above described, be, and ',he same are 'iereby vacated, !ind the area of the said streets shall be attached to the lots or ground bordering on such streets, and all right or title thereto shall vest in the person or persons ovming the property on each side thereof, in equal proportions. Done in open meeting of daid Board this 8th day of July, 1913. C B Legoe Cha i rman "Board of County Corruniss- " J G Kemper "ioners of ''hatcom County " Commissioner 11 State of Washington " henry Shagren " if " If if " If if if if ,f it If if Connnissioner Attest: ;%ill D Valla.ce County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- rEFORE 'i IR 1101TORAFLE BOARD OF COUNTY C01TYISSIONERS OF �1 fTATCOT.i COUtTTY, 7 SHI?T(,T%T. In the 1-Tatter of the .Application of L,gbert ) Field et nl for the construction and Improve- ( Order Approving Bond and Referring to ment of a Erainaiw Ditch and R, stab 1i shment of ) Tngineer for Preliminary report. Unincorporated Drainage Improvement District Un this day this rr:atter etas -,resented to the Board for the anDrovnl of the bond filed in this matter and accompanying the petition. It appears that the petitioners have filed bond in this matter in the manner and form provided by law, dame being in the sum of :'200. pay,a.ble to ',';lzatcom County, and the State of U-,shinc-;ton,s:ith hood and sufficient sureties, and conditioned for the payment of all expenses -which may have been Incurred, or may here- after be incurred, in the proceedings in this matter, in case the prayer of the ?petition be not granted, or in case the petition be dismissed for any cause. IT IS, F—IPPE70RE, ^RD-�'RED That the said bond be, -.nd the ;name is hereby approved, and the Clerk of this Board is directed to deliver a copy of said petition to the County Frgineer, as provided by lnc;, so that the said County-nFineer may nt once proLeed to view the line of the proposed improvement and the property '.o be affected thereby and determine r�hether the improvement is in his opinion necessary nr gill be conducive to public health, convenience or welfare, and rhether in his opinion the line or lines described constitute the best route, and --,hat, if nny, additional :-ranches should rye added thereto or changes made therein, and report to and file his findings in -riting, 17i th this Board. Done this 8thday of July, 1.913. "Board of County Commi ss- " "ioners of "hatcom County " "State of 71a.shington " " tr It t, i1 ,r rt it ,t O it 11 tt 11 Attest: '.,'ill D ''lallace Clerk of said 7-on.rd. C D Legoe Chairman Commissioner Henry Maagren Commissioner ---------- 000---------- rrlA�i�� Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 3, / July Term Tuesday the `nth day July, \/ In the 2Satter of Appointment of ) ( Order 'ppointinlr; John Tullock Road Overseer in Crescent "oironship ) 7,T-EEEAS, this Hoard finds that a vacancy exists in office of Road Cverseer in Crescent Toirmship through the resign?,tion of A J ilemenover, and 191 ,dil-,'RLAS, it has been recor°snended bar the Don.rd of Supervisors of said ''ownship that John Bullock be appointed to fill said vacancy, iTTU, THERF}+'OR71, it is ordered by this Board that �,ohn bullock "ce, n.nd he Inereby is appointed as }toad Overseer in Crescent Tol,,rnship to act as such until the next regularly elected officer shell have qualified therefor. ,%one in open session of the ''oard this 8th day of July, 1913. it it 11 If II 11 II if 11 11 11 If II If "Board of ("ounty "o�imziss- t1 "ioners .)f ?'hatcom County " " State of ':`ash.im-ton 11 " " " It it 11 if If " If if it 11 it Attest: V.-'ill D YIallace Gounty Auditor and Clerk of the Toard. ---------- 000---------- C D Lepoe Chairman of the Board J G 1'enper Commissioner Henry Sha.[;ren Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on lUednesday, July 9, 1913. Chairrna,n Loard Cbunty •orrii ssioners N W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings Julv Term '"ednesdav the 9th day July 191 I—ednesday, July 9, 1913. the Fo7rd --.et pursuant to adjournment token on July 9, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and. the Clerk in attendance. 'The following cla.irns v,ere allowed and proceedings ',.ad: L A Thomas Clarence Holeman 1I 1"cDonaild Edith 1, F-all er :': Dubuque Pacific Tel & Tel Co do do Seattle Dairy Lunch "'Mite Lunch Bolden Rule 11erct Co East End Grocery Central "roc. 1.'eot ?"kt Kinsey-Stenvig Groc Co rrovm & Cole, Inc Kelly Eros Fischer & Isaacs r E Crocery Co B B Grocery Co J F Drake Lynden Dept Store A Si7anson The Leader Danielson jc I unolf:on. J L Dickerson 6. Son Cain Bros 1:'rs Eva Thomas "rs S 0 Paulson A H 1,_ontgomery Chas td Allen F J Arney Geo L Ames 7/alter Yw.es Geo Ares Louis Arnold A Barger Otto Kiel 7URRENT EXPz ITSE FIJYD. Bal due on 1'17ay Expense account "ssisting I,ngineer on Russell Ditch do aj c Tacoma. lrai:-li.ng -Tome 1:errard in Liquor Qase: >t<�,te vs Bolden Rentals for July (inc '?o ome -"or nuarter) Long; Distance for June Long ')istance for 'ay yeals for jurors do Groceries for ' rs Stanger et al Groceries for I'rs Anderson et al Groceries for 1'rs 71heeler Groceries Por ^.lien L Flonstrom Groceries for "a.bor Groceries .for :?darts Groceries for Johnson ( Kirkham Groceries for Osborne Sanford (Yay) ('roceries .for "anford (June) Groceries for T rs Den Smith Groceries for C A Feltberg Groceriec. foi, rc Kin(; ''roceries f or .'vans I:olle Groceries for TLL'h Gisle,son Groceries for .Rigby Groceries for 17rs Russell Care of Fisher :,a.r - of Yrs Stephenson Mood for Co Charge Mood for 1,'rs Adams Freight on Ii H Goods for Co Char^e Vit: State vs Charles E Greene do do do ?7it: State vs James Roscoe do ---------- Doc ---------- The certificate of alteration of boundaries of School Distriets ITos. 10 and 92, 1.80 18.75 18.75 "5.00 50.00 41.70 8.80 0.25 C.10 13.35 16.00 20.00 1.0.00 10.no 6.00 28.00 16.00 11.30 5.00 10.00 10.00 1C.20 "0.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 G.00 10.00 C.75 2.50 3.00 2.20 2.20 20 2.20 2.20 2.20 ORted June 17, 1913 and filed in the uditor's Office on June 25, 191": by the Co. Super- intendent, was presented to the F-oard on this day.. ---------- coo ---------- On r,o ti on the Foard adjourned to meet on Thursday, July 10, 1913. 6W�Z_ _9 0-21- _ Ch-a,irman Board Cou 11y Corrmissioner.s W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Tuly Term hursda,y the IOth day ,Tuly 191 3 Thursday, July 10, 1913. !'he .LSot,.rd ret purse-nt to adjournment taken on July 9th 1913. Preoent, all members of the 2oard and the Clark in attendance. The follov;irg cll-'ins were a.11ov,,ed and. proceedings had: Floyd_ C Ka ylor A Dubuque A Dubuque Burroughs Add l"ach Co Diehl &; Simpson Centre-1 Auto Cc Swanson Bros F J Barlow Coast Auto & Realty Co Lar son' s Livery & Trf B Bartlett 0 C Armstrong Co 'she L;*n c'.en Tribune lov:.ner Printing Co Union Prt�t. , ITndg. & Sta Co Selby -Harris Co C 1" Sherman Criggs Staty. & Prtg Co G L l._orga.n The Pickering; Ild.w Co Lego e Hdvi Co CURRENT FUND. Salary &. expense as Assistant Horticultural Inspector (;per order of Board) �� 15.30 'eward in Liquor Case: State vs Travesty 50.00 l:evia.rd in Liquor Case: State vs Alexander 50.00 1 Add �. List 1each for Treas 500.00 Care & Repairs to Co Auto 105.92 1^111to hire for Sheriff 7.50 do 12.50 Auto hire for Coroner 11. & Sheriff 26.50 37.50 Auto hire for Corimr 15. & Sheriff 17. 32.00 Livery for Constable 2.50 & Prob Off 5. 7.50 Livery for Co Commissioner 8.00 Rubber Stamps for Auditor & Clerk .=). 20 I'rtp; & Publ for Aud 9.68 c. Treas 3. 12.68 Printing for Auditor 5.00 Prtg & Sup for Aud 32.50-Clerk 104.07- Treas 22.75- J P 32.50 191.82 Supplies for Aud 4.50-Clerk 1.30-Atty 2.74 8.54 Sup for Eng 16.30-Assessor 3.85-Clerk 2.60- and Gen. Officers 13.35 36.10 `?up for Tng 1. & Atty .95 1.95 '-'lanks foil JP 20.75 & Pros Atty 9.75 '70.50 "up for Co 1'ome 5.25 Sup for Janitor 1.55 1"ARRIAGR CERTIFICATE FUND. Samuel E Leitch, Co Clerk Recording l:"arriage Certificates 51.00 j---------- c0o----------- The clain: of S F George for 4r3.00 for expense in examining; certain county property, was endorsed refused by the Board. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Doard adjourned to meet on Friday, July 11, 1913. Ch,:,irr an Doard Count' Commissioners. r 16 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Friday the llth day Jul_Y 1913 Friday, July 11, 1913. The Doa.rd met pursuant to adjournment taken on July 10, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in. •,ttendance. The following claims viere allov.,ed and proceedings had: CURME'T EXPE11 ME? FU1TD . Ireland & Pa,ncoa,st Groceries for 1 rs Johnson_ 11.40 Fairhaven Cash Grocery Groceries for Johnson (Apr-..Iay-June) 30.05 :c.nnen, Goodman €_ Co Groceries for I,:rs Durch et al 118.00 Coluribia, Crocei Groceries for `rs Stephens 9.40 rs Katie Loop ,are of ..'rs 11artin 20.00 R B Stuart Prem on Ins 'Waldron Block 16.90 Au ,ust Dohne Scalp Bounty on 1 viild oat -0.00 SOLDIERS' RELIEF FUND. Sarah i, o ster Rel i of 12.00 Fenny Heaton Relief 15.00 GR MAL BRIDGE FUITD. W G Hiatt 4th & Final I�Ist. on IT Appr G Y Bridge 59482.28 ROAD AND TTIDGF FUI'D. Geo Elder 7`orema.n on Steam Grader 19.80 Delno "Nard- =nineer on Steam Grader 19.80 Will Setter Teamster on Sten,m Grader t:ork 24.75 C A Gooding Labor on Road (Forerrian) teem 57.50 James Breckenridge do 13.00 ''alter Joyce do 5.00 Frank Doyce do 4.00 H Campbell do 6.00 C 11 Dates do 12.00 I, F Allen do 12.00 J F Williams do team 24.00 H Y Getchell do 7.00 `:'ill I:lyers do 13.00 H Brooks do tearn 26.00 A 1.'ea.d do " 24.00 J F Chlund do " 22.00 E A Keith do 6.00 Teat Jones do 8.00 II Waschke do Team 66.00 Anton Anderson do " 40.00 C S Councilman do " 34.00 G E Thompson do " 26.00 E j" I'itchell do 21.00 George Slater do 19.00 Chris Hansen do 26.00 F J Van Dema.rk do (Foreman)- 25.00 J E Hamilton do team 29.00 Jas Hoag do " 16.00 John 1ja.caulay do " 29.00 Zedric I.amilton do 16.00 Hugh 71acauly do 14.50 H L Baldwin do 16.00 G V,! Ruchty do 14.50 Arthur Little do team 12.00 A >pees do It 1.00 Geo Slater do 3.00 A Sievi do team 53.00 Albert Sievi do " 32.50 Wendell Felmley do " 32.00 J H Jepsen do " 46.00 P R Zobrist do ° 27.50 T:_ Barmuta. do 25.00 Geo Barmuta do 25.00 Pidor Barmuta do 25.00 Claud Holmes do 50.00 Lev,,i s Drovin do ( Foreman) 25.00 Ann is €. CO Bovider L fuse 39.30 C J Spencer Labor on Spencer Rd 13.50 A G Hyatt Labor on Gaskel Ind team 44.50 Ij Zern do 9.00 W I'! Gaskill do 22.75 V E Hyatt do 26.50 7h Cleary Labor on Blaine Rd team 10.00 John Sparnon do If 10.00 A G Hadfield do if P.00 T A Rogers do if 8.00 Anton Dahlen do 12.00 F A Peterson do 5.00 Lewis Johnson do '- . 00 L A Shelton do 3.00 Leslie Devenry do 3.00 T P Reilly do (Foreman) 12.00 A ITickson Labor on Ferndale -Elaine Ed (Foreman) 63.00 C Smith do team 84.00 Guv Harden do " 18.00 "m. LTeviberry do " 51.00 J Calhoun do " 70.00 Jas Ir%;,in do 26.00 W.O.R. 17 Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Friday the llth day July 191 Palmer Newberry Labor on Ferndale -Blaine Rd team 64.00 Geo Long; do " 68.00 Joe Lewis do 27.50 Guy Hadfield do team 28.00 T A Rogers do " 15.00 C Hanson do " 85.00 .m Rovrland do " 25.00 John Steele do " 30.00 H R Sarver do 12.50 F, D ,i1son do 9.00 ,, A Nickson do team 21.00 A Simons Labor on Blaine-Sur,,.s Rd to 43.25 Nets Jacobson do it ''9.00 C Swenson do If 44.00 John E 'V'olf do " 48.00 L V1illiamson do " 27.00 R Osgoodby do " 33.75 R. Nel son do " 41.50 T J ITel son do " 21. 00 J Albright do 40.50 S Stuurma,n do " 37.50 A Vander Yacht do " 35.00 L E Bradley do " 27.00 L Zweegman do (Foreman) " 33.90 G I"orgenthaler Labor on J?verson-Goshen Rd (Foreman) " 5.25 C Yorgentha,ler do 1.50 Lewis Beebe Labor on "orthe.ast I'd team 5.50 C H Beebe do (Foreman) 4.35 A V! Frost Labor on G 1" Road. (Foreman) team 8.00 Giles Constant do 10.00 H L Dolph do 18.00 '; m Sa.rlun.d Labor on G 17 Road 31.00 P E Larson do 34.00 W C Campbell Labor:,-onN W Diagonal Rd 34.00 C C King, Supt Co 1-Tome do team 42.00 Anton Anderson do " 8.00 Frank Bdv;ards Labor on G II Rd IT 7 Diap; Rd.(Forerrman) 42.00 Peter I7ansen Labor on Hansen '-'d (Foreman) "3. 75 Alf red Yrautz do 42.50 Christ Y!vdsen do 40.50 Chas L i n d q u i st do 15.50 John Yelheim do 41.25 Oscar 1,'icola,y do team F'5.50 C 1Mosher Labor on Bridge 90.00 George Alton Tabor at I,ynden Dridge 10. 25 H Erickson Labor on Bridge 22.95 Alfred Forss do 15.00 L Johnson do 15.00 Axel Lind do 20.00 liagnus I.1 I"el sted do ^1. 60 `n Nelson do 13.50 Joe F Straumford do 21.60 Hjortur Sigurdson do 1`)2.95 A E Rusco Labor at I: Approach G I:' Bridge 121.45 J E Collins `,`fork on 1'a.rietta. Terry Approach 14.00 y,estos "'imber Co Shoveling Gnmv off Darnick Bridge 12.00 0 V Hall Driving Piles in California Creck 00.00 ,John C Anderson Inspector Cravel G L Road (Hyatt ontra.ct) 21.00 Jesse J Rogers ualary as Constr. Eng. Sumas-I?ooksack Hgvjy. 83.25 do -1xpense a/c �_ur;a s-7ooksa:ck-,ighviay 29.55 J A Funk Asst. Engineer Sumas-Ncoksa.ck Road 21.25 Henry A Funk do 50.00 Lynden Dumber Co Lumber 1.60 Gaddis u: Nelson Lbr Co Bridge Plank 18.70 American Lbr Co do 17.02 Bloedel , Donovan Lumber Co do 19.66 Fred Kenoyer do 7.56 Scott Taker Piling 101. r)4 7n Newberry Cedar Timbers 36. 96 i'orse Hdvt. Co Bridge '..'aterial L Tools 10.38 J V Austin 1 Kep Nails 3.50 `"olten 8( T-lontfort =Ta.i.ls etc 4.85 Ferndale Dept. Store Powder etc 6.10 Jnmes Clarkson i1ing, 12.00 Anton tnderson I-Ta.uling Tile 3.00 Danielson & Runolfson Shovels 3.00 I..orse I_dw Bo Oil etc for Steam Grader 8.43 C H Rickert Repairing !load Grader 50 :'cCormick Iron 17orks I:lacksmithing a/c Steam Grader 5.00 t',r G 11'iller do 11.15 Joe Lev -!is Gravel 3.25 Shier L Johnston Labor on Beach Dock 4F�7.64 ---------- 000---------- In the Latter of AceF=ptirg Insurance ) ( CRDER ACCEPTING. Policy on Waldron Bloc_. ) ZrI?'R_FAS, one certain insurance policy on '"aldron Mock has expired and this =on.rd hFas secured a. renewal thereon for a. year period of one y Y a able to ',`hatcom Count \ p f }� County, as follotls: I IsW.O.R. necord ®f Commissioners' Proceedings Julir Term Friday the 11 th day July 191 g Coloninl; T' B Stuart, Local 1"bent; Policy ; 595700 for '1000.00. = egins Tuly 11, 1913, nt -oon and expires July 11, 1914 at noon. NO'",', TH7,REFORE, it is hereby ordered that said policy be and same is hereby accepted, subject to the right of cancellation by this 7.-on.rd in the future, for any cause that this Board might deem proper. Done in open session of the Board this llth day of July, 1913. C B Legoe n r► n u u u ri " n u �� n u n Chairman of the "onrd "Board of County Cornmiss- " J G i•:emper "ioners of Y.hatcom County " Commissioner r► Stn.te of 1';ashington " henry S'hagren it " It It " " " It " " If " Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County auditor and Clerk of the ='oard ---------- 000---------- f THIS AGRrJIII7FITT, Yade in duplicate this llth day of July, 1913, betvieen '"H^' COI.'_ COUNTY, hereinafter called f irst party, and C.A. Scrirnsiier,, Iiereina.fter celled second party, 17,I TlTI+; S Sly: TH : That, ?hereas, it is desirous that a ferry be operated across the ' oolcsack 'iver at I"nrietta., in `hatcom County, Wa.shinr-;ton. T?I7RI1,FOR7, it is agreed between the parties hereto that second party is to in- stall and operate a ferry at his ovyn expense across the "ooksa.ck =-aver at `nrietta., in said county, at a point designated by the first party, said ferry to be the one heretofore operated by Dora V. Iia.lsted. IT If', AM ED, that first party will put the banks of the river in proper shape for a proper landing of said ferry, and r,,ill keep said landings open during all the time this contract is in force. TT IS FURTHER AGREED, that first party will pay to second party the sum of Sil, Hun - dyed, U'P600. 00) Dollars per annum at the rate of Fifty (�'d50. O0) Dollars per month out of the general road -end bridge fund for the operation of said ferry bett�reen the hours of eight o'clock A.Y. , and tv,elve o'clock noon; a.nd from one o'clock P.Y. to six o'clock P.Y. , from ''ay lot to Fovember lst of en.ch year; and between the hours of eight o'clock A.T.T. to twelve o'clock noon; and from one o'clock T'.I',;. to five o'clock P.Y. betvieen ?To,*ember 1st of each year to Ya.y 1st of the succeeding; year, except that on Sundays said ferry shall be operated only from eight o'clock A.Y. to ten o'clock AJT. , and from tvao o'clock P.D. to four o'clock P.11. And during; the hours above mentioned it is agreed that no toll shall be charged for the use and operation of said ferry rlhatsoever, and second party agrees to operate the same at all times except vilien dangerous n s a result of high rater or drift wood T,,-,hen requested by any person so to do in the ordinary use of the hiphv,,ay. IT IS AGR]"]ED that second party mny collect fare from pa.ssengnrs in all hours other than those above set forth, tut that no charges shell be made by second, party in excess of t,l,Tenty-five cents for an automobile; tv'renty-five 1�ents for a, double team; fifteen cents for a single rig; and ten cents for foot or bicycle passengers. IT IS AGREED that this contract sltn,ll :e in force for the perind of five years from July 11, 1.913, provided, that first party may cancel, abrogate and annul this contract by paying to second ,party for his equips,ient as follows: If said contract is annuled within three and one-half years from July 11, 1913, the purchase -price of said ferry shall be repaid to second party in full; if annuled after three and one-'-zalf years, and before five years, seventy-five per cent. of the purchase -)rice shall be repaid to second party; W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Jul Y Term Fr i day the 11 th day J my 191 3 and if said contract is annuled after five years, and before the expiration of the six years stated in this contract, fifty per cent. of said purchase price is to be returned to second party; but if said contre.c t is a.11ov,,ed to run the five years I,.erein stated there sh-.11 be no liability on the part of the first party to pay second party ahything, for the cost of said ferry; the purchase price i s stipulated and agreed to be aix Hundred (0600.00) Dollars. IT IS FURTII' R AGREEED that second party shFa.11 hold first party harmless for any damage done to any passenger or the property of any person as a result :af any neglip;ence on the aa.rt of second party in the r.,aintenance and operation of said ferry, and as a partial protection to .first party against his negligence, it is a, -,reed that second party shall give a bond to first party in the sure of One Thousand Dollars to protect first no,rty against the. neplitrence of second party in the maintenance and oper tion of said ferry. IT IS A.G.TLITE)M that if second party fails to conply with all the te-rrns of this rrent first party may annul and a.brograte the same at any tine without r,akinr, the payments hcreinbefore agreed to be made by first nasty to second party. IT IS FURT'HER AGRMI) that of the fifty Dollar monthly pay,ents to be rude to second party, Terenty-five (�125. 00) Dollars per month shall be paid to Dora V Mal sted for the period of twelve months from this date, accordin,7 to the tenor of a contract hereto attached, but not made a loart hereof. IN ':;'IT`FGSS '.r1T_E EOF, s re have hereunto this day affixed out hands and seals. " If to n n it " u It I rr it " If "Board of County Cornmiss- " "ioners of "hatcom County " of State of Vi shim;ton „ to it to Attest: '7ill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk ff the Loard. 0 K as to form 'I A Partin, Deputy Co Atty. July 11 th 1913. ---------- 000---------- C B Legoe "ha i rman Commissioner Ilenry Shagren Commissioner A Scrimsher On motion the roa.rd adjourned to tr.eet on "aturday, July 12, 3.913. '%ha,irr.� a.n Lo-.i,rd oun y Commissioners 20 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Sa,t,arday the 1.2 th day July Saturday, July 12, 1913. Zhe Loard met.pursuant to adjournment taken on July 11, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. `-he following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRT??T EMENSE FUID. Will D Wallace ..xpense a/c Auditor's State Con nntion at South Eend 20.40 A Dubuque Reward in Liquor Case: State vs Ferry 50.00 F A Swanson Juror: Coroner's Inquest over body of "'ilfred 710 se `_'. 20 G W Fox do 2.20 Ira `�ohnba.cher do 2.20 J Q Hawkins do 2.20 Fels Nelson do `'.. 20 0 Nickels do 2. 20 Lee Graves 7rit: Coroner's Inquest over body of "'ilfred Pose 2.20 Alfred Jacobson do 2.20 Violet King do 2.20 Verna nose do 2.20 Frank Adams do '.20 Laura Addrris do 2.20 11, red Poessel do 2.20 . elia Poessel do 41 2 John Paulson do 2.20 Lucenda. Connery do 2.20 P J Roessel Constable fee: Coroner's Inquest over body of Wilfred Dose 5.60 ---------- 000---------- TEFORE THE HONORABLE BOAITD OF COUNTY CO1!T.1ISSIO1L1�PS OF 751ATCOIT COUI?TY, 1WASHING` ON. In the ITatter of the Application of SW S Russell ) for the Construction and Improvement of a Drainage Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporat- ORDER NOTIITG ATTORNEYS. ed Drainage Improvement District. It appears that in this matter the petitioners have sought to have the law firm of Drown, Uh.ite & Peringer serve as attorneys in these proceedings; and, !Whereas, the peti- tioners have requested the Prosecuting Attorney to permit them to hire the law firm of BroN%,n, %tlhite e: Peringer in the above matter; and 1;IHrREAS, Chap. 1'76 of the Lavjs of 1913, under z�r].Zich these proceedings are had, pro- vides for the services of special counsel in such -proceedin s, the compensation to be charged against the improvement district; and V'JHEREAS, the Prosecuting Attorney of Whatcom County, Washington, has asserted his approval of the retention of such legal assistance in behalf of the said dra,inaUe system and district; and WHEMEAS, it appears that the Prosecuting; Attoney of 7ha.tcom County, may be required -to represent the County and this Board of Commissioners as distinguished from, and possibly adverse to, the said drainage system and district: iI07!1 71FREFORE IT IS ORD?1RED that the said law firm of Brorn, ?White L°c Peringer, be; and the same is hereby noted as attorneys in this matter, and that compensation for the said legal services shall be ,hereafter fixed by this 1'oard as provided by said statute. !',one in open session of said Board this 12th day of July, 1913. it 11 to 11 11 it 11 It 11 11 11 tt 11 if "Board of County Commiss- " "loners of Y.hatcom County " It State of 'Washington „ It It 11 11 11 11 It 11 It 11 11 11 It 11 Attest: `''ill D ';'allace County .^-ud.i tax and Clerk of said 11oard. C B Legne Ch n i rman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner M ---------- 000---------- W.O.R. necord of, Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Saturday the ] 2th day July BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY C01,11ISSIONEARS OF 1,1MATCOM. COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the ITatter of the Application of Egbert Field et al for the Construction and Improve- Order Assigning Number and Directing ment of a Drainage Ditch and Establishment of Pthe County Engineer to make Survey etc. Unincorporated Drainage Improvement District, 191 On this day this matter was presented to the Board upon the preliminary report of the County Engineer, the,County Engineer having; returned his report that he had viewed the line of the proposed improvement, his said report being in time,, manner and form. required by ;statute. It appears from said County !j{ngineer's said preliminary report that the said County Engineer'of Whatcom County, Washington, states that in his opinion the said improve- ment prayed for in the petition is,necessary and will be conducive to public health, con- venience and welfare. YMEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED That the said improvement prayed for in said petition sha.11 be known as Improvement District No. 6, said number being selected in the manner provided by law, and said District shall hereafter be designated as Drainage Improvement' District No. 6 of Vhatcom County, T'lashington. I'T IS FURTHER ORDERED That the County engineer shall go upon the lands described in a the petition and as approved in his report and take levels on the same and set/stake at every hundred feet, numbering down stream, and note the intersection of property lines and boundaries, township, city and county lines, if any, and road crossings, and make a report profile and plat of the same; also he shall..make an estimate of the cost of construction. of such drainage system, itemized so as to be reasonably specific as to the various parts thereof (it being understood that such estimate of the cost shall be held to be prelimin- ary only and shall not be binding; as,a limit on the amount that may expended in con- structing such drainage system). IT IS FURMER ORDERED and directed that the County Engineer shall make and return a schedule and estimate of all property that shall be damaged or both damaged and benefited by the proposed improvement, and shall estimate and report the total number of acres that will be benefited by the proposed improvement, and shall specify the manner in which the proposed improvement is to be made and the number, kind, location and dimensions of all waterways, ditches, outlets, flood gates, bridges; crossings, either or any, and that said schedules shall be prepared and returned in the manner provided by law. IT IS.FURTHEF ORDERED That the said County Engineer shall make and file with his said report an itemized bill of costs incurred in the proper discharge of his duties in this improvement, and shall .report the same to 'the Clerk of this Board of County Commissioners within ten days after the 'completion of the said survey. Dated at Bellingham, Washington, this 12 day of July, 1913. C B legoe a u n n u u n n u n n n n n Chairman "Board of County,Commiss- " J G KemDer "ioners of tilhatcorn County " Commissioner " State of Washington " henry Shagren " �� u n n �► n n n n" +� �� n Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk. ---------- 000---------- 21 �2 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Saturday the 12th day July 191 3 DEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COD:%ILISSIOITsRS `V OF 1HA`1'COM COUITTY, VWSHINGTOTT. In the I'satter of the Application of Egbert ) Field et al for the Construction and Improve- ment of a Drainage Ditch and Fstablishment ) O R D E R of Unincorporated Drainage Improvement District. YIHEMEAS, it appears to this Board that the bond of the petitioners filed herein and approved by this Board is in the sum of $200. 00 only, and that the bond. required by l-aw in such proceedings should be in this matter in a greater sum, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERL'D by this Board that the petitioners be, and they are. hereby, required to file bond herein in the sum of $400.00, and that no further proceedings be had herein until the filing of such additional bond and approval of same by this Doa,rd. Done in open session this 12 day of July, 1913. "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " " State of rla.shinkton " it to it If it 1t it it it 11 it It II Attest: 'Will D Wallace .1ounty Auditor and Clerk of said Board. C B Legoe Chai rman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Gommissioner ------------ 000------------ On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Uonday, July 25,.1913. 6A �&_ 9 v v _ Chairman Board) - o ty Commissioners 0 W.O.R. cy t� 'J Record �f Comissioners'zn �roc��din�� 6'P T,11 jr Terin-'or_day the 28th day Jul 191 I.;onday, July 28, 1913. 'she Doa.rd net pursuant to n 114oi.,rnmeizt taken on July 12, 19107. Present, -11 nenbe.r:; of tl,e "onrd and the Cl(,rI_ in attendance. The follovrinr; claims 11rere allo,Ied and. proceedings had.: T E D av is Annie Aitken 1;r D Rickert i II Arnbjornson J G Reykdal Payton Erov;n S ,T I, rl _1 S emons st. D•avi s Grnhem Lador•a L DeT`itt J A Coulthurst James T Gander W J licl,en.n rstel.1 a Iturm Robert J Shields ROAD A.72 I1??TDGL4' ?FUND. Dnn-,Tres a/c R of Cr for T.'.,C. Faris non.d do do do do do do do do do do do do d0 r_FF0R- `r;-?, �.o,sr:.� OT COTrTTY COT-'IS;3101"PS of ''. I.r TCOI! COUId`i'Y, t"ASILUITOTON. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. n0 1.00 1.00 ^0. 00 300.00 IZ, rl'HOI!. _1.1.11I+,R OF 1TI1? 1 I.LIGIOF J i t T i 17 r n THY 1.'r ,� 7 l:? r,j 1 1 T. ( ti c� n r y t 1 , S T- QTI i LRrli ORD � a AT, FOR . H CIiGlL ) OH"D �R D_ I,(1'RAI! G DR IIT �G;R DI'STPICa y 0. 3 I.a A_ 7 T,�.1L"D. MATIOE C7 A DR^:I ?n.GL DI.STRICT. ) I1TO1`11, on I.'onday, t'Ze"th dray of July, 191.3, the undersigned rolln t;T Coranissioncrs of ': ,a.tcom County, shinFton, being in regular open ses�-ion, and it,nppearinF to said lonrd of County Connissioners t1int an election was held. in 7,hatcon County, T.TasllinFrton, on Snt- urd.ray, July ;?E:th, 1913, for the :;urpose of o7.•;-nnizinF- n. drainar;e district n,a nrovided by the la,x,s of t' e State of "'�sl:inr ton, lirhic.0 election was hold ,•rithin the boundaries of said proposed drainage district, and in a71 manner as ren_uired by the lav,,s of the Ztatc of Y'a.shinr: on thereu7Don in open sesoion the undcrsiF,;ned cor_-T. issioners proceeded to cn.nva.ss the returns of said election a.r.d the votes cast thereat, and upo; a complete canvass of said votes and return it appears tliat a. najority of the votes cast at said election were for the organization andCstablishmen t of slid drn.innF-e district. IT TS "i'`T"T'P_'FGT??ry GRU71T?-1 R M r1DJUDGED by the underr�igned Toa.rd of County Comissioners tiIiat such territory included witli.in the boundaries as locn:ted and described as follows, to-,dt: Be -inning; -it t`ie SE corner of ;7.11 Sec 14, Tvip 30 'T, '? 3 I', '",I',; thence T' along-, forty line to "T; corner of 1ATITI S1;�k- Sec 11; thence '''est to SW corner of SV.'i ITS'.., Sec 11; thence ?I to N1.7 car of SW-1 thence ate to NE cor of Sec 11; thence 17 to ITE r.or of idl: ITS::' Sec 11; thence about 40 rods on section lire to ; L cor of �ainford 1ar1d; thence due nortl r4.1)01jt F;0 rods to iTE cor of Pa,inford land in Sec 2; thence l,r to NY! cor of SY,X' SUVI Sec 2• thence S on section line to 'SE cor of See "7)• thence, 1,71 on n r r t, i n r r 1 `T\,`l 1 Uection .line to S%V cor of Sec 3; thence ou h, crossing; green Lake, to 3 cor of -�:4 Sec 10; thence -E on forty line to Sll cor of 11E1 ITWIL Sec 10; thence South through enter of said '�ec 10 to SE cor of I?L,, St`,0- Sec 10; thence �'' to 31V11 Cor of :Tr1 `3C�I Sec lC; thence N to St'; cor of SU, SS;'4 Sec 10; thence to 111:t cor of `>ec 15; tl.ence S to SCJ cor of '771 Sec 15; thence E to aE cor of IT"r Sec 15; thence S through renter of Sec 15 a.boflt 40 ITrods; hence across Dave..port land to point equidistant tett•;een „r, cor a._.d cor of T%L SET' Sec 15; thence S to S13 cor of YE SFr; bee-15; thence 1, on forty line to place of beginning, all of said district being; and lying in ios.tnship 39 17orth, I'ange 3 F, ;'.I.':., be, and the sore here'ay i; declared to be n, duly or�;<arrized dra.irr:ge distr-i^a, v:;der t,,.e name :inc? :style of "Drain.n.r-;e District ?o. 3 of `hatcom. Count.\Y, State of And it further appearing to said Do and of County Co)17Ic.i ssioners from the canvass of said votes rand election returns that Henry Cuckert, C G CFrren n.nd .�'oseph I Sanford xece.ived re spectively the 'iiFhest nunber of votes for tlae position of Foa,rd of 'or-anissioners for sl,aclz drainage district; IT IS ORD'?R'{,`D 1,1TI� ADJUDGED that said Henry Guckert, C G G,=Den <.nd Joseph 3�a.inford be, rend t'n.ey tilereby are declared to be the three duly elected ' oa.rd of Drain, -,Fe District Cor,,nissioners. W.O.R. �ecord of Commissioners' Proceedings Jitl v Term I'nrdRy the 2Rt,h clay July 191 Tone in or>en session of the 7oa.rd thi.-, '8th day of July, A D 1913. C T Legoe Cheri rma.n of the Foard J G Kemper "Board of County Commiss- " Com-iissioner "ioners of Yhatcom County " Henry Shagren " Jta.te of "a.shing on " Corin,issioner II ,I 11 It 11 II " U 11 " It rl i " L 1 1 t, �e:;t: 1';ill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Eoard. ----------- 000---------- III THE `Ai'TEM 011' T'IE ESTABLI SHT.'11,ITT AIM ) ( LAYII,'G OUT 01' THE I:'. C. FARIS ROAD. ) OY,D'�R I� S"Ai?LISIIITfCT. his �a.tter coming on to be heard before the Board of Count3* Commissioners on this 28th day of July, 1913, upon the report of the �In7ineer heretofore filed herein, yard it satisfactorily appearing to s,,id 'oa.rd by the official certificate of the .sheriff of 71iat- com County, 'Washington, that tl-!cnty (20) days notice of said hearing 1-ras duly given to a,ll o.%,ners, lessees and encumbrancers irithin Yl a.tcom County of lands affected by said proposed road by delivering; to each of such persons a, copy of such notice, ..rid to such ol-:hers, lessees and encumbra,ners as could not be found v,rithin said county, by posting; v,,ritten notice as required by law, copies of viiich notices -:re on file herein; and the said 1'oa,rd having; jurisdiction of the subject matter and of the persons and property affected by the proposed road, a.nd the Board. 1_aving re,:.d, exarr:ined and considered the report of the County 1,ng,ineei•, together 17:ith the zr:aps and the petition herein, the lrritten claims for damages, the rritten consent and waivers of dama.f;es, and all other papers on file in these proceed- ings, and having Beard and considered rail testimony and documentary evidence adduced for or against the e stabl i srmnent of the said road, the amount of damages -phi ch s'Zould be ay.rard- ed in tre sever,-11 ce.ses, -,nd the Board being fully advised in the rrernises, 11071', Tzil'I::-lFOI;F, it is hereby ordered: I. t'ne said road be established as follovis: Commencing at a point on S line of 8EI-41- Sec 6 Tip 39 -T, R 2 T W.?'. on line of Co. Foa.d ''-`o. 321 270' F of canter line of G IT R R; thence on a. curve of 383' radius a distance of about 300' to }point 80' northeza t of center line of sn,id R R; thence TTorthr!cst a.lonp: line 80' northeasterly and pa.ra.11el to the center line of said G TT R R to T1 line of Sec G Tp 39 IT, R 2 R,; thence IT along; 7f line of Sec 6 to point 280' I1E of center line of said G TT R II; thence 'T:l parallel —i th and. 280' ITS from center line of G N R R to point on N line of Sec 1 Tp 39 IT, I1 1 E; thence N 600 ''1 to point 80' northeast of center line of said G 7 R R; thence northwest along line 80' northeast of and parallel to the center line of said G N R R to Custer; thence throufTh Custer along streets thereof to point on S line of Sec 26 '= 40 TT, R 1 E 80' 2T1�, of center line of the G IT R R; thence northi•;est along line 80' northeast of n.nd parallel to the center line of the said G I; R R to a. point in Sec 8 Tp 40 IT, R 1 Ti, about 158' southeast of the point of intersection of said line i,!ith a. line running north and south through the center of the L','-� W.1 said Sec 8; thence to the right on a curve of 383' radius a, distance of about 300' to point of tangent zith aforesaid north <,nd south line; t:r;ence north along center line of Lots 7 and 2 and IT1, ITWIl said :sec 8 to north line of said Sec 8 and connect- ing there sv;ith Co. Road ITo. 159, the total length being 8-41� rules; as shovm by the map and profile of the County 11ngineer on file herein; and from henceforth said road shall be a county road sixty (60) feet in rjidth ^nrT that the same 1-e opened accordinc-; to lav;,. II. I%I ere is hereby declared and av!arded damages ,.s folloe�s: r' I, Davis, for sixty foot strip of 1 a.nd through a portion of rI% ]n.st of R R and lu'' SW11- all in Sec 6 Tp 39 N, R 2 +., the sum of �'1.00 Annie Aitken, for a. sixty foot ^trap of land through 'dot 6 in 2ec G Tp 59 7, F 2 R, the sum of ".1.00. David Graharr� and Ladora. Z. Dez''itt, for a. si--ty foot strip of lord through the U',�1 rv'-4 ' Sec 26 Tp 40 7, R 1 T, the sure of ''1.00 each. W.O.R. z Record of Commissioners' Proceedings J30�r Term canday the 28',th day July 191 3 S.I1. Siemors :Ist. , for ,.,,ixty foot strip of land throur,h Tots 7 to 12 inc. 7ra,ct 2 Elock 1 and Lots 1 to 5 inc. in Tract 5 Block 2 all in Junction Addition, the surd of f`1.00 W J 1,;eLean, James T Gander sand ? A Coulthurst, for a si-1ty foot strip of land t irouErh the IT1.1; SY.'4 north of R R in •sec 22, Tp 40 I1, R 1 I', the sum of N1.00 ea:.c'ri. Payton Erovn, for sixty foot strip of lend t'irough Dots 1, 1, 1.9 and 20 in T'lock 2 Brown's Park Addition, the sum .of A�,11.00 J G Reykdol, for a, sixty foot strip of land through the south 10-3/4 ncreo of 71- lot 2 Sec 8 Tp 40 1, R 1 E, tI. ia.c� sum of :1.00 T H Arnbjorn,sor., for a sixty foot strip of lr3nd through the 1, 5-1/,3 acres of Sl- lot 2 Sec 8 " p 40 IT, R 1 1', the sum of '''1. 00 W D Rickert, for az silty foot strip of land through the 1,11J-elf and IT: Lot 2 all in Sec 8 Tp 40 IT, R 1 T, the sum of "ll.00 Estella. "'Iturm, for n si-.-.ty foot strip of land +Thou(.;h Tots 1 to 8 inc. Ar;act 4 Mock Junction Addition, the sum of %20.00. hobert J. Shields, for a strip of land sixty feet in 1I;idth, the center line of l"'hich is described as follows: Beginning tit a point on the south line of Lot 5, Sec 0 Tp 39 11, R 2 F, which so.id point lies 80 feet northe,sl.st of the center line of t1le r 13 R R; thence "forthillest parallel �.,ith nand 80 feet Northeast of the center line of said C IT R R, D. distr�.nla of about 1110 feet to the ''pest lines of said Lot 5; thence Forth about 284 _feet to point 280 feet Northeast of the center line of said G IT R R; tlience Yorthriest Tra,ra:llel ` ith and 280 feet ,Tortheast of the center line of said G ?T TR I', -a distr-3,nce of about 270 feet to the North line of the Sof Imo; Sec 1 Tp 39 'T, T1 1. 7, except strip of land 40 feet in al -,,out 370 feet in length no, -,I ovined by 11Iha.tcom County as a. part of County Monad No. 1461 lyin7; v,i ti.in V',e n.bove described 60 foot strip of lend. Total ainount of land in gal)(.),*e desciibed strip exclusive of the portion of Road 7o. 146 described is 1.96 acres, the sum of �;300.00 III. The County Auditor of 71iatcorn County, 7�rr.sMni;�tan, is hereby directed to dr<aav:r ,^rax°ra.nts in fa,;ror of the record orTners of the )ro-pe2ty anp:ropria.ted in the amounts of the several awards made by the Board as above set forth. Done in open session of tfie Bonrd this 28th day of July, A.D. 1913. 11 it 11 11 II II it II CI II II II 11 11 "Boara of County Commiss- I1 11ioners of ""ir3tcorn {county t1 It �_ta.te of ',la,shini,ton 11 11 it 11 11 II 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Attest: ill D 77allace County Auditor and Clerk of t',Ie oord. ---------- C 13 Legoe Cha.irrna.n of the Foard J G Iierm v r .,ordniss ioner Cor�rnissioner On On motion, the Board adjourned to ineet on Tuesd.a,y, July 29, 1913. 6 CJ airria,n Board County Co .Lissioalars. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings ,. Term ".'rlr' c;rl - 1r the "9 th clay July 191 Tuesday, July f79, 1913. "he Board irict pursumtit to �ld,joizrnr,'ient taken on July 22, 1913. Present, all members of the Eon.rd and the, Clcrk in P,ttencl-a.nce. Lle follovAnE proceedings mere had: 7EFORE `1'Ii COUIT7Y C011ISSIOITIMS OF 'i11E COU'jTY OF VUA'.;'COT.T STATE, OF WASHING`i'OIT. III THE, I:.A'TTER OF THE COI?SOLLJATION Of' SCHOOL :DIS)TRIC` S ) ( ORDIPIR SMS`.1AINIYG ITT IO:,T TO NOS. 27, 33, 88 and 91 as "HtU;I:,'O?,rY SCHOOL DI,1;!'R1CT ilo. -303" ) DI:3I.,I8103 APPEAL. . 'TOW, on t ii s 29th day of July, A.D. 1913, this cause coming; on in its regular order for hearing before the Board of County Co:n'aiissioners of the County of 'Tiatcom, State of �')'ashington, pursuant to an Order of said Board regularly made and in gccordance therewith, the testants and appellants appearing in person and by CT P Brown, the?ir Attorney, and the County `S'uperintendent appearin�7 in person ,,nd by Hurlbut ": Neal, her Attorneys, and the said County Superintendent, DBLIA L. Y-7,'."IEM, leaving interposed a Potion to dismiss the Appeal, or iretended Appeal, of said appellants, 10,i,sinrr the same upon ct-.rtain grounds set forth in said Ir'otion; and the said Doard of County Cominissione-rs hnvin;; considered said Potion to dismiss said Apperil, or pretended Appeal, and after argurient by Counsel and after -a,ppetarance and statements on behalf of the vnrioi.is parties interested tho.rein, and after Leine fully advised in txxe law and -,the r)remises, finds- Tiat said ,potion to dismiss said appeal, or pretended appeal,- is Bell taken, nnrl should be sustained; It is therefore ordered and adjudged, that said motion to dismiss said appeal, or pretended appeal, be, and the snrne is hereby sustained, and that said appeal from the County 13uperintendent to this Board be, and the same is, hereby dismissed. C I's Leroe " " It " " It It n " n to a it it J G Hemmer "Board of County Corrtmi ss- " Henry ShaFren "ioner,s of "5iatcom County " " State of Vashiizg;ton " County Commissioners in and for 11 to tt it tt tl It it tt tt tl 1t tt tt tile County of 7,1aatco'-:i, t a t e of 117asliint; ton. ---------- 00o----------- T,EFORE THE 1101TORABLE BOARD OF COUITTY COI:Y,.ISSIOIi_11RS OF V,HATCOY COMITY, NYASHINGTON. In the Hatter of the Amoliea,tion of 1'J S Fussell ) for the Construction and Improvement of n, Drain- ( 0 R D E R age Ditch and Rsta.bli a'_hment of Unincorporated ) Drainage Improvement District.. It not, <-i,ppenrs t',at the ''ounty 7ngineer '_•gas filed Herein his report pursuant to order entered by this Board in this matter lxeretofore, and that the said County Engineer has returned a schedule and. estimate of all property that will be da.r,qages, or both damar,;es dhcb benefited, by the proposed improvement and an estimate of the total number of acres that brill be benefited by the said improvement, and has specified the manner in ,i,aich the pro- posed improvement is to be nr),de and the number, kind, location and dimensions of all c necessary i,,iater .-rays, c'itches, outlets, .flood gates, bridges and crossings, and that he has, as provided by lalr.r, made schedule of the property to be damages, or damages and benefit- ed, and arranged the same in parallel columns vlith the appropriate headings, siior,ing the description of the property, including the legal subdivisions, .sections, tov.nship; range and number of -acres, tof;etlier v!ith the name of the owner or owners, or reputed orrners, and estizrated gross damages that will be sustained by reason of the proposed improvement, and Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Tuesday the 29 th day July 191 3 7 the estimated gross benefits that will accrue, and that the right hand column of the said schedule is sufficiently ~aide for the signature of the ov,rner. or oriners, and that as a heading for said signatures the following language is inserted: is the undersigned oviner of the property opposite which I have signed my name, accept and agree to the estimated amount of benefits a.nd. drutuages that will accrue to my property by reason of the proposed improvement; It further appears that the County engineer has filed with his report a plat, s'lolving the r.eanderings of the proposed improvement and the boundaries of each lot or tract of land and the location of each public road and the name or names, so far n.s knolvn, of the owner or owners of each lot or tract of land, and the authorities or corporation having in charge or ov,,ning or controlling each public or other road and sewer system or ditch or dr,a.ina.ge lire, and the distance in feet through each tract or pr<a,cel of land crossed by the proposed improvement; that the i3rofile shoves the surface oxid grade liner and grad- lent fixed; that these, together irAth .such other .i-natters as the County Engineer, has deemed material, appear in or as a part of his said report; that the said County Engineer has made.and filed kith his said report his itemized bill of costs incurred in the discharge of his said duties in this proceeding, and has reported the same to the Clerk of this Board ivithin the time and manner provided by law. , Z;IL1' FOR:, IT I: OFiD1 R:I,D that hearing be had on said report before this ''card at its meeting; place in the Court House at Bellinghaun, ''aha.tcorn County, i?ashington, on the 25th day of August, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. , and that the Clerk of this Board shall give notice of said hearing by publication in three successive issues of the offici,-tl nevis- paper of Wha,tcom County, and that in said notice said Clerk shall designate -the time and place aforesaid for said hen,ring, and shall specify the territory to be included in the proposed improvement district, both by boundaries and. also by sections or fractions there- of, and shall designate in said notice, vvith reasonable certainty, the route and termini of said proposed improvement, and shall state that the plat, report and schedule on file in the office of this Board shout the property to be taken or .damaged and the amount of damages proposed to be allowed therefor. Done in open session of said Board this 29th day of July, 1913. C B Lepoe n" n rr u u n n sr rr as n" u Chairman "Board of County Commiss- " J G Kemper "loners of -hatcom. County " Corunissioner If State of Washington " "Ienry Shagren to 11 to u" It n n ra It to If- it It Commissioner Attest: Will D N'lal l ac e County Auditor and Clerk of said Doard. --------000---- - --- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on `°aednesday, July 30, .1913. U - 1/ Chairman Board Count Cor-amissioners. 0 20 W.O.R. necord ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Term `ednesday the 30th day July 191 'a'Irednesda,y, July 39, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on July 21), 1913. Present, all anembers of the Board and the Clerk in ,a.tten dnncc. The follovring claims v!ere allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPEMSE F'niD. `i 17 Clark State Exam a/c City of Bellinc;}i;tm �� 82.75 L D Brown State Exam a/c Iaumni Island yr!p 43.50 ---------- 000---------- In the I'atter of an Approprirvtion ) of *%Toney to Aid the-Iia,tcom County ( Order Apprapriating. Fair Association at Lynd.en, ?'gin. ) !;HEREAS, the 11,1iatcom County Fair Association has made application to this Board for an appropriation to pay expenses and premiums awarded, and WHEREAS, this Board deeins It to the best interests of the county to make such appro- priation, ITOVr, THEREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that the sum of ;200.00 be, and the same is hereby appropriated out of the moneys in the current expense fund of Whatcom County, Vlashington, as the same are collected from the tax levy of said fund for the year 1912, according to lair.}, and for.the purpose of nAding the said Y%atcom County Fair Association. Tone in open session of the Poard this 30th day of July 1913. it It 11 11 11 It II 11 11 11 II 11 11 11 "Board of County Commiss- to "ioners of 7hatcom County " " State of ',fa,shington " if It u n s At Lest: 17i l l D Wallace ,ounty Auditor and Clerk of the Board. In the Yatter of the Construction ) ( of Bridge Across Squalicum Creek. ) --------------------- Chai rmn,n of the Board J G Kemper Corm issioner Henry ShaFren Commissioner ---------- 000---------- Order Calling for Lids. t7iLM1AS1 this Board finds that there should be oonst•ructed a Pile Bent Trestle across the Squalicum Creek on the 'Torthiriest �iaganal 'load in the ITV14 of 'TJg Sec 24 Tp 38 No R 2 r W.11. ITOW, TIEMEFORE, the County Aia.ditor is hereby directed to issue a call for bids for construction of said bridge according, to the plans and specifications on file in the County Engineer's office. Said bids to be considered -).t t}3.e ]lour of 10:30 o'clock A.M. on Tuesday August 19, 1913. The Board reserving the right to reject any and all bids. This improvement to be paid for from the Road and Bridge Yund of Vhatcom County and to be completed by the 15th day of October, 1913. Done in open session of the Board this 30th day of July, 1913. n " n " " II a II it it " 11 11 11 "Board of County Commissto - ioners of 1,dhatcom County " It State of Washington 11 11 11 to to It 11 it 11 11 11 It 11 II It Attest: 77i1l D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the F5oard. C B Legoe Chair ian of the Board J G Kemper . Commissioner Henry Shar;ren Commissioner ---- ---- ---000---------- W.0. R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Ii i I I. Term We d n 0 s day the 30 th day July 191 z 9 IN `i'.rE ?'A'TT.ER OF TITS COUIT'IN ROAD PET ITIONED FOR BY C.C. OSG00D, H.Z. '"ILI�IAI,ru, +'i.I,1. I`LTIII,� ORDER FOR I11PROVI±I1II0'1'. F.E. YA2TL I Y .AITD O TIT_+ R S, AM INTO"'riT AS THE ) HAITITEGAN RO AD. () The above entitled matter colninr; on to be heard before the Board of County Commiss- ioners of "ha.tcom County, 71,ishinj7,ton, on the 30th day of July, 1913, upon the report of the County 7nr;ineer rind 'the report of the Appraisers heretofore appointed to assess the benefits and. appraise the damal;es caused by the improvement of said road if the same shrill be eventually improved, n,nd it satisfactorily )ppearinF, to the `,oa,rd that due notice of 'phis ''leasing ItAas been given to �aall the interested parties in t'ie manner required by Law, rand the Board having examined a:nd considered the. report a.nd rocommendations of the County Ent7ineer, rind having exnmi.ned and considered thr� report a.nO recommendations of the said !�.ppra.isers, nov! nn.kes <lnd entere its finOinl;s as follows: That the Board ha.s jurisdiction over the party and over the subject matter involved herein. 1I. That the construction, 'r-elucation and inprovemr^nt of the said road viill be conducive to the public convenience ,ind 1:7ellfare. That "ie petition therefor was filed on the 13th day of June, 1912, and that said petition via.s signed by seventy-five (75) or more ovmers of lots or lands to be particu- ln.rly benefited thereby, and representinp.; in value not less than Ten Thousand ( %101000.00) Dollars for each mile of tbo improvement petitioned for, a,nd -rep.resr,ntinp; property within the :ir:provement boundary equivalent to not less than Five Thousand ("5,000.00) Dollars for each r.il.e of the proposed improvement. IV. That said ;)eti.tion was accomp' a by -% bond. of One Thousand .."1,000.00) Dollars, which bond was found to 'oe aood and sufficient and was duly approved by the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. V. That heretofore the :,�o yrd granted the said petition rand found for such improvement and directed the County Engineer to proceed with the improvement i.s provided by last; and the County Ine;ineer, in due time filed his report a.nd estimated the cost of said road at the sum of Seventy-seven Thousand Four hundred and 1'if teen ($77 , 415. 00) Dollars , if rlade a, :;ravel roacl; and the sum of One Hundred Sixty Thousand Five hundred Twe my-tvro (SY160,522.00) Dollars if made a nonerete road., and recommended that said road be .relocated to e7:tend as follovis: Beginnin ; at the quarter section corner beti.�teen Sections 17 and 18, `:'p 38 IT, R 3 T, t".I tllence North 2613.3 feet to corner Sections 7, 3, 17 end 18 Tp 3A 31, R 3 T1p; thence East 5200.7 feet to corner Sections 8, 9, 16 and 17 Tp 38 17, R 3 E; thence North "2086.8 feet to point 639.2 feet North of corner to Sections 20, 21, 28 and 29 ''p 39 ?T, R 3 T; tizence to the right- on a curve of GOO feet radius a. distance of 303.7 feet; thence North 291 02' East 666.5 feet; thence to the left on a, curve of 700 feet radius a distance of 865.4 feet; thence ;:forth 411.48' ',".rest 461.3 feet to the quarter corner between �')ections 20 -�.nd 2.1 Tp 39 :'T, R 3 ' ; thence 'north 29736.9 f ect to point 576. 1 feet North of the corner to Sections 20, 21, 28 r,nd 29 Tp 40 IT, R 3 E, at South end of Bridge across the W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings M July Term .'.'ednesd.ay the 30th day July 1913 ITooksack river; t.aence T.orth 271 26-�>>' 1,7e st 206.5 feet; thence 'Torth 381 202' ',lest 1921.9 feet; thence :North 01 57-'' West 389.5 feet; thence North �5° 07z' West 563.9,feet to the southerly boundary line of the City of Lynden, a total distance of 12 miles. and 1665.4 feet vi. That said a,pprnisers 'ir�.ve assessed benefits ;end-a.wta..rded da.rn.ges r,s nor their report herein filed, hereby referred to and made a, part hereof, to the same intent a.nd purpose as though fully incorporated herein. VI I. that the apportionment of the =7Issessrnents ,.,nd awards of dn.nafres 1:;y the nnpra.isers is fair a,nd just -end should be confirmed. it i s hereby iordered: (a) That the said road be, and it is hereby ordered relocated and improved as con- - templated by tale petition rind a,s recommended by the County 1 ngineer in his report herein filed, and that the report of said County 'Engineer be in all thinks approved and sustained. (b) T'nat assessments for benefits be levied and avlards for damages be allowed os found and recommended by the Appraisers, and that the report of said Appraisers be, in all thin,;s, approved rand sustained. (c) That henceforth said road shall be, throughout its entire length .s,s sliovrn by the profile of the County ' ngineer on file la.eroin, sixty (60) feet in rAflth, and that the same be opened and improved vJi th jTrnvel in the manner provided by 1 ra.w. Done in. open session, of the Board this 30th day of July, 1913. H It 11 It it It it it ❑ it 11 It It II "Bora,rd of County Coruniss- " "ioners of `'lza.tcom County If " State of t',a.shinr•ton it of If 11 if " If If n u 1f tr n " to Attest: 'Fill D Vlallace County Auditor rind Clerk of the 7oard. C B Ler-oe ",ia.i nTif�n of the `oard J G Kerper Cornissioner Henry .,3na7;ren Corinissioner --------000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to sleet on Au�;u:at 1, 1913. C v _ C mirma.n.l3o :.rd County 0o_nission.ers. ------------ coo---------- Tire minutes of the July Cession_ N,rere rend and approved this lot dr).," of Auj;ust, 1913. Ch 3,irma.n Boar County -C mmiss%oners Attest / d.�• U (tea County Auditor and Clerk of the 1orird. a W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings T„i�r Term rriclay the 1st day AuFU r.t 191 Friday, Au,. ust 1 , 1913. T1ne ro,,,.rd met pursuant to a clj ouriiment tc,hon on Ju0 , 101.'.1, Present, �11 members of the -or .rd -nd tl�e Clerk in ^.tternd"nee. `he following prodeed- ings were had: r7 fj'1 C` 7•Y[1T .T11�r "iY;T 1 (' ( 7 f7 n..'1 Tt'1 1n .7y f 1 �� t17Tll 7 t`171 .'1. CO UT: i I._J1..JJI�_sR .�.�. ') .� 1LM1 _..1T1 �� OP, 11 T�, QJt'1R ,,' R .� 7T)I1I JUI<r 30 , 1913. In the matter of the nettlevent 1-ith "elli.e ". Rogers, County ''ren.o-orer of 'ha.tcom County, State of Wrj shington, for the quarter ending; Tune 30, 1913. ,?OC;, at this time, this matter corain�; on for consideration and the said Nellie C. Rogers havin:- filed v ith this 7-oa•rd a• statement setting; forth 7her receipts rand disburse- ments as such '_rea.surer for said period of time a.nd having duly and carefully examined all vouclaers prest,;nted 1;y said Treasurer for said disbursea.ients and h,a,vinE- clhec'ced and cor..pared the same li,ith the statement, and having; found that they v,ere actually paid out by said Treasurer during said quarter, said payments being made in the sums and from the funds rand for the purposes hereinafter set forth; THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered by this Boa,7•d that said Nellie C. Rogers, as such Tre•:,siure-r be, and she hereby is allowed credits for sai�? disburser;ents as follows, to-Irit: ^ TUT I?RENT 7CP'13TTSE 7331D, Tor vtarrants redeemed 45,424.59 For interest on same ^,415.59 For county bondo redeemed For ,w3.rr,,nts re^eemed For in ,-rf-;st on bonds "or I a.rr,;nts redeemed For interest on sane ;or t7;,,r••n.nts redt�e.:aed For interest on same 7or rta.rrfints redeemed For cash pfa.id st f,te treactlrcr For v,,a.rrants redeemed For interest on sane For vrirr, nt: redeemed For via.rrvnts redeemed For interest on same For interest on bonds For bonds redeemed For bond interest o.oupons For vta.rra.nts redeemed pox int^rest on same For tf,a.rrants redeemed .."or interest on sca.me "or vla,rronts redeemed For interest on same : �ITTKIITG TUI(D. -OLD I:'"Y1 S I iU?L I I F BOND I1TT-'REST " j-jTTD. ry,I'T7'jJf�I+ ' OAD 7111 J. 7'njI (,T� -U'i- , 71O D Al 11; DI `)'_'RI CT HORTI CUL'yMR 1 FU_`TD. n "LE ��1�Vf1~.FECf.,.ICIT ,U1 D. i 20 , 000.00 30?. 00 4,050.00 11,C67.`l6 30407.33 10,767.91 ^,?92. <L5 �., 640. 030 1,059.85 493.69 .15 97.00 SCHOOL DIS':P.ICT G7I17RAL „'0 77D. 3,029.07 214.50 SCHOOL TOiTD R:;I)'71TPTIOIT 7Ui'D. SCHOOL BUILDIIIG FUND. ROAD DISTRICT 'LTG. 2 I TJ7D P.OAD isI3" RIOT ITO. 3 "UITD. 7,612.81 1 , 735. 30 43.76 6,97)8.27 1 3 927. , 49 5,096.43 1,010.07 For v:rarrr'ants redeemed For interest on s:a.-e T'Cl%7 7I S17TF'.I CY 70. 4 ',UITD. 5$551.66 858. 35 W.O.R. Tecord ®f Commissioners' Proceedings. .7ul Term - T+r; &1;r the I St: day Aii,oIu.st .191 , STATE ATE ITIGIILP. EDUCATION FUND, 170:r cash paid State Treasurer 20, 4f3.73 STA'P'. GI--r MRAL FLIED, For cash paid State '.treasurer 25,354.11 STATE PUBLIC ITIGHVIAY -TMD. For cash paid .Mate Treasurer 9 ,928. 83 STA'"L I.IIIJITARY 1='UDTI), ''or cash paid State T-reasui.er 2,253.81 PFPMIANEMT HIGI71AY FU�17). For cash paid State Treasurer 20,175. 80. CITY FUNDS. For cash paid City and i'ovvn Treasurers 128.619.10 TO131TSHIP FUNDS. For cash ;paid ToVnsiiip `.treasurers 511, 40.9. 56 _ RED U.T T I OTT FUND. rOx' cash paid holders - of Certificates of Delinquency 12,057.33 SLEASI;TAIT DITCH FUND. For warrants redeemed 563.45 'or interest on 'same 45.18 B?T,TL,?:R DITCH FTJTTD. For irvarrants redeemed 234.50 Fcr intere st on same AlTDREASEN T I `I' CH 7U ,1D . ?7or `r,a,rrants redeemed 155.25 For interest on same MDER DITCFI FUITD. For Warrants redeemed 125.95 Ior interest on same SL 1ASjN.A2,T DID!"CH FIRM 1,70. 2 For warrants redeemed 300.00 For interest on same 11.07 DRAI??AGE DIBTRIC`1.' NO. 1 FIr taa,rra,nts redeemed 307.50 For interest on same ^5a65_ Total cash disbursements SP 664,606.97 In. Testimony 71hereof, e have hereunto set our hands as said Board this 1st day of August, A.D. 1913. C B Legoe 11 It - It 11 ' it it It It It 1t 11 11 it It - !^ .:na.irman of the f'oard "Board of County Commiss- " J. G Kemper tlioners of ''ha,tccrl "ount;r " CI" orgrnissioner '1 Mate of 7,7 shington " henry ShaF,ren 11 1t tt it It it 11 11 11 it 11 It 11 11 _ Cora-ii s isione-r CO1-, .TISSION7';RSiI CERTIFICATE AS TO '.t "ASUPERIS CASH. ?le, the. Board of County Comrnissianers ofila,tcOrn County, srashington, do Hereby certify -that vve did, on the lst day of .August, A.D. 193.3, carefully examine the, checks, reports a.nd -puchens of +ellie C. Rogers, County Treasurer of said county, for the quarter ending June 30tix 1913, a.nd found the s 3me tt) r_Lgree:5,ii thF books Of tills office -,nci to be true .ncl correct. jl!(' further certify that vie did on rlup;usI 1st 1913, count the .cash in the Treasury and. found. :the cash in said Treasurer I s Office and the cash deposited by her in -the banks to her credit as such Trea.sorer balance her accounts as County Treasurer in full. The same being in ivo-rd-s and figures as shoirn on annexed sheet vrhich is attached hereto and made a part hereof. In: Testimony s`:hereof, vie have }iFreunto set our hands and the seal of. the Doard �-f C`.0unty Cornnission ex, of 7-ha.tcorf) County, '"ashington, this 1st day of. August, .D. 1015. W.O.R. ID . Record.of Commissioners' Proceedings 30, Julv Term Friday the lst day August 191 3 If 11 11 If it It 11 11 It It 11 it 11 11 "Board of County Comro.iss- of "ioncrs of I1ha,tcom County of11 State of Washington It 11 11 11 it 11 11 11 It If It It 11 11 It Attest: ,,ill D Wallace County Auditor and ^lerk of the I'onxd. C B Legoe Chai iTian of. the Board J G I:emp e r Cor:r,.1 ssiover henry :11'n" ;ren Corm,i:sioner COUNTY 1'R'—`UP�JR I S CASH 5 i'A`.C':F,2'-" 1j1 T AT CLOSE OF FMSUIT142S JULY 31, 1913. Cash in Treasury July 1, 1913 receipts since July 1, 1913 244,854.10 Tay: collections for year 1912 .,l 9,282.34 11 " 11 11 1911 969.21 " n 11 II 1910 70.22 It 1t 1909 55.75 " n it It 1908 18.06 It 11 1907 ')l.4.4 to " 1.906 G1.35 General Receipts 16,993.16 Reder?p Lions 4.790.10 .� -_-- � 32 , 2r)1. 63 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 277,115.73 Vouchers paid since July 1, 1913 PO , 320. 63 Casli Ian Ii,-nd ^.t close of business July 31, 1.913 196. 795.10 First ilati.onal a.nk Dellir.F;In ,m National Bank I'orthwestern y4a.tiona.l Bark Torth--rresterr State Bank :Mate Bank of I.{1<_ine Kome State Bank of Blaine Lynden State Lank Ferndale State Pa.nk Garrison Fros. , Eankers Nooksa,ck Valley Mate Lank Currency Gold Silver Cash Items CA"Al I3T 73AIIKS. C3,323.10 1-0,833.96 P9,054.89 11 , 692. 60 59000.00 Fi , 000.00 5,000.00 50000.00 5,000.00 t� .000,,00 CASE IR OFFICE. 185.00 125.00 27.41 0 194. 904. 55 1.553.14 � _ 1 .890, 155 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - w 196)795.10 ---------- On motion the I.oard adjourned to meet on 7'onaay, August 4, 1913. __ 0 irrlan Eoard County Cora^' ssioners. r M W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Ju1V Term :-onday the 4th day August 1913 0nolay, ^ugu-t 4, 191:.5. "-'he Poard not-ursuant to nd.journnent taken on Augu,:,t 1, 1913. Present, C B Lego e , Cho i:rr;.an; J G Kemper and Henry S,xaF ren , or _'14.11aceCsionerU "^I `.i11 1� ,a� Clerk of the Toard in attendance. The follov,in,T claims viere a110-ed and proceeding-. had: CURRI,11'i' FlUT ID. '"ill D Callace glary a.s County Auditor �i 158.33 August 'Ingoui st Salary as Chief Dep Auditor 100.00 S E 3a.rrett Salary as Deputy Auditor 90.00 F C T''q rain do 75.00 Lucy rA I,_ing Salary -,s Chief Recorder 75.00 T. Tho>lias Salary as Recorder 65.00 Jessie do 65.00 B Legoe Salary ns Co. Connis:.ioner 150.00 J G Kemper do 150.00 henry Sha.,;ren do 150.00 Delia L. Keeler Salary a "upt. CO. Schools 150,00 Ethel I%verett Salary a,s Dep Supt Co Schools 90,00 D 1V Fea.therkile Salary t. i.s Juctic�e of Peace 100.00 C Peach do 100.00 ITa.rri son Co%.,rden Salary ^.s Constable 60.00 C E Cline- Salary n.s Probation Officer 100.00 Orville !, Beebe Sa.l<ary �s County ��IZyaicia,n Ir. 3.33 H Thompson Salary as Coroner '',3, 33 D P Day Salary as Sunt Co Charities '25.00 iTector Cavley Sa:ln,-r;y ;�s Ja.ritor 75.00 ,'d IITa.rdin Salary as Superior Judge 1;'5.00 1,ill iari 11 Penberton do 1^5. 00 :Iamuel 1, Leitch Salary r,s Co Clerk 158.33 F 7,1 Yo se s Salary as Den. Co Clerk 100.00 Al i thea Adar:,s do 100.00 Viola 7 klund 'Mork on Jury List for Co C1_,--_ . 5.25 .."nne McCullough do 15.00 :ar<F;aret Adams do 12.75 Anne Clark do 16. 00 T"ildred A Leitch do 15.00 Frank %' Bixby Salary as Prosecuting; Attorney 15S.33 A l artin Salary , s Dep Pros 11.ttorney 100, 00 1:,aybelle Bryan Salary r.a.s Steno. for Atty & Judges 65.00 Nellie C Rogers Salary �a.s Co, Trea.surer 166,66 F L Olsla.ger SaI�i.i�r ns Teputy Co `treasurer 100,00 John Fernley Sa.ln.ry ^s Dookkeeper for Co Treac, 90.00 G A Pence Salary as Clerk for Co '-'reas. ."0. 00 Clive "il son do ao.00 Ceo. K. ':7,-trous 1"Ixtrn. %,o-rk for Co Trea,s 67) Iirs nt 50,E per '-ir .51.50 H 11 1 ct'-rthur Sa,lrary a.s Co hoses:>or 1^5. 00 C Donovnn Sal,�ry ;as ')ep Assessor 100.00 Jn, s Elder do 80.00 F T._ Carver do 75.00 " R George do 75.00 L A Thorin.s Salary as Che.riff 15A.33 1'. B BYland Salary a,s Ta.iler ,0. n0. C C King -L,la.ry n.s Cup t Co home f;0. 00 1 B King Salary gs I_atron at Co home 25.00 Albert ICathes -)al, as '-'en;'i ,`c3�: :,t Co ITome 35.00 "}i-nr ',''illard Salary as Cook at Co ITome 5 days G.67 Dan YDillard :)ala.ry as S tev,,ard n.t Co Hor.e 5 c?ays 1.67 ,;ella, l:rovm `'�3,1, .r•y n s 'Terse t "o Iro, ie 22 days lo. 34 Fannie Osborn Salary as Cook at Co IIorie 1?5 days 371.50 J K Romers Elm. -tin;- stum-oc ^.t Co :Torre 49.20 "tta. Cleary Salary ns 'Turse at Co 'Tome 5 days 4.17 G H Albers Tendinj; Ferndale Bridge 5.00 .11 Laga.n Tidenour Salary ns Court ,reporter 85,00 I, D Brolr,•n State Exan. a/c Ya.rietta, ,%rp 24.50 L D Brown State Dxa.m. a/c LurYr-,i Island Trin F%50 Jno I'.' Rummell ^ta.te -7 xa.m. aj c T'arietta. Twp 24.50 Dertha, Graham Trnrsc. T'Yar% Report on Lu=i Island r!p 5,25 Puget SoundT L & P Co G,.s a Elect i i�-ht for July '"9, 80 Cle Paulson Salary « --;n, ns ''imbcr Cruiser 1')?.20 =?ellie C Pogers Expense : s Co Treasurer 1.40 Charles F Cline 1jx»enoe s Prob Officer 9.60 Harrison Col:iden Dxpense ns Constable 7.40 L A Thomas ,s Sheriff 43.13 L A Thorims Bonrd of Prisoners 170.80 I E Cade Services as Spl. Dep Cheriff 14.00 James R Lee Services as "pl Dep Sheriff 7.00 B N Kin�slpv Services to Pros. S3tty 25.40 John S Smith Attend in- I.'eetin�; a: ^.ppra.iser on ranne;a.n Ild 3.00 J L Bailey do 4.00 Frank Clevi sh do 3. 00 Dr ".' D Kirkpntrick L'xpert Testimony: State vs 1'Talker 25.00 Dr H J Birney do 25.00 ,'agan Ridenour Reporting; L Typewriting; for Pros Atty 14.90 Hurls 1�'ldridge Postage star.,ips fox- Co Offices 50.00 Davis Cress -ringing Insane nan to jail. 4.40 E B Hymer Reward in Barnum Liquor case 50.00 .t� B I_,n Te��ya-rd in T�-ulder Liquor case 50.00 Joe Rice Re-wn.rd in L'cCoy Liquor case 50.00 a.tcori Co Fair Asscn Aid in Defraying ' .;nenUes 200.00 Jourra.l Publ. Co Publ for Aud 100. 35 & Trea.a 1.50 101.85 Little, T�rwm & Co Latin, on Libel L Slander for Pro o Atty C.00 P L Polk (°.. Co 4 'opies of 7i.rectory ^0.00 C ii Beal 1 T1,p rna.p for Assessor 15.00 V� W.O.R. " R.ocord of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term T"'ortrlay the 4th day A rt 191 3 ,,haripion :supply "o. 1 Portable "teel Jail Funk 9.65 New l,`ethod Cascade Laundry Laundry for Jail 7.50 &; Jury T'm 1.00 r.50 `AY, PPOT1+,C`IOIT FU711). J Tu Ai tken Cal 100.00 & Fxp 1P). 80 as Game '"'arden 118.80 Leslie Jones al 70. <'c rxp 11.90 n.s Dep Gn,me "ra.rden k1.90 Ttegal Dumber Co Unsold "unting Licenses returned (1912) 10.00 S B Irish & Co Prtg for Game 1;ar(.3en 32.00 Tov.ner Printing; Co 1'rtr 1' ppl. C". Licenses for 'runt. & Fish. 18.50 SOLDIERS' 11ELIEF FTJITD. James C Spaulding, Relief 15. 00 Fannie ITeaton Relief 1��, 00 T J Spohn Hall Rent for Reynolds Post ;*!32 (2 mo) 26.00 ',OAD AMT B];IDGL FTT1T). C A Serimsher Operating; I"ariettra. Ferry 50.00 Geo Ii Luttt rN Pama.E;e.� v/c R of 7r' for Iranne ;an Road 1 000.00 Miller Eros. Lbr Co do 250.00 ---------- o0o---------- The claims of R J Shields for damages to property a/c Y C Faris Road, for '�2,000.00, S1600.00 a.nd '',,500.00 beinr for different routes, were andortied "Refused" by the T'oa.rd. ---------- 000---------- The claim of Edith T Fuller for �;;25.00, allowance for Tacoma Trairinf; Home, V1.11s endorsed "Refused" by the ''oard. ---------- 000---------- The cla,iri of Hector Gaviley for 17.00, Toard vihile doing extra, repair v,,ork on Cour tliouse, vas endorsed "Refused" by tire='oard. ---------- 000---------- The Certifir,-:te of the 'bounty Superintendent consolid..,,tiny; School Districts No. 52 and 89 making No. 307, v;a,.s read by the Board. ---------- 000---------- Qn motion the Foard t.dj ourned to iliect. on `uesda;r, AUF;U ,t 5, 1913. Chairman Board Coll ty Corimissioners. 36 ur.o.R Record of Commiss0 ioners' Proceedings July Term ^taesday the 5th day Aun,l st 191 3 Tuesday, Au-;u.st 5, 1913. `."lie Board ywratlant to ^.djournrrent tram on '1ur;uot 4, 1913. Present, ell rnernbers of the ro,ird and. the Clerk in attendance. '»Yxe follov�inr; claims !,ere alloyed and proceedings 1-i.ao: J G Kemper L'i.11 D"'a l l a c e }°,'ill D 7 a,11 a c e C C Kin lc C C King tweet Grocery Co F J Pynor Laurel C.rennery Asscn. D D Holmes ha.ttersby .pros ?.'orse Ild�l Co Tlorthv!est IIdvi Co Ferndale Dept Store C G Cl if -ton Ado], oh L Reiter Pacific Tel & Tel Co do t'lestern Union Tel; Co 0 C Armstronf; Dri sbiil, Smith L Li.vesey Barter -'."ells Pinno Co L 1TCIaa.uf;1rtlin Lecoe "lard -ware llortliwest Hdw Co Whidby Isln.nd Sand Gravel Co Dloedel Donovan Lbr hill o T"ike Ponti rank 'Wilson S E, fancy A A Rogers E 21; Hanks R L Stuart ''�.q Van Horn Thos Harris Ed Crosnlin C J Iio lm A G SIi ckrri�-u- C, J Gilfilin Icrbert Yenne John 7."il son 'UMII].l?T :�'117 ?l.YSL 141U17i). Expense ^.s Co Colrmissioner f.` 3.45 Expense -.s Co Auditor 5.00 Paid for :tamped rnv. for Co Clerk 43.36 Expense as erupt Co Rorie 10. 75 Expense endinj] Indigent away 74. 45 Groceries to Co home 14-4.90 do 72. 60 Butter for Co Home 26.40 Hay .for Co IIome 30.00 Mo'67:'i.inj; & Udse fo:r C'o IiOlilce 34.12 T-tensil s for Co Home 1.25 I?div u, Supplies for Co IIome 47.49 Powder etc for Co IIome 51.00 Cle,arir,F, ln.nd at Co "'Lome 88.00 do 8.00 .rentals for Au,c;ust ,',G. 25 Long Distance for July '.55 °essrq-,es for Shoriff ,,,.no & Prob Officer .55 ^. 55 `Stemp -?ads for Treas. 1.00 Insurance on '.Valdron Plk 16.90 „Iindos,rr stopping; felt for CouY.-,t117,aSe lb.00 `step ladder for Courtxiou se 3.00 Fdv., for Courthouse 5.85 `'upplieo fox, Coi.irthouoo 177?.84 &; Eng:; 1.75 1.75.59 Sand .for Courthouse 2.40 Flooring; for Courthouse 64.42 1'crnovin(-, Garbare from Courthouse (4 mo) 4.00 Juror: Coroner's, Inquest over body "Justin Pettic 2.20 It It 20 n tl 2. 20 7!itness: t1 " `'0 n n 2.20 20 It 11 n w0 n u 20 II tl n 20 2.20 I`ARRIAGE CI R': 1 ICA_'E :7UNM. Samuel E Leitch, Co Clerk recording; I-arria.g;e Certificates 42.00 �Iios Thomason, Clk 1,1Itagit Co do 1.00 ---------- ! of) o--------_.. The July report of C C ring, Supt. Co. Home, i,vas endorced "Approved" by the Roard. -------_-_oho_____.._-__ In the T"�.tter of Consolidation of Order for =fearing on Appeal Gch.00l Districts iTo. 10 ;and 92 It is Ordered by this Ioa.rd that a. hen.rinr� btu had on the Appeal frorl t'Ze decision of. boundaries of the County Superintendent alterating A School Districts ?To. 10 and 92, said hearing to be held in 'the Comlrilissioncrs' Foos in the Court House at Bellingham, Vl(ashin ton, on Friday, September 5th 1913, at 1:30 o'clock P.1'. Done in open session of the Doa.rd this 5th dray of August, A I) 1913. 11 11 11 11 it 11 it it 11 11 It 11 to If 113onavd of County Commiss- 11 "ioncrs of 11hatcon County " Ifta.te of ','1a shi.ngton " 11 It It 11 It it 41 11 11 11 if II 11 11 Attest: 'fill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the board. ---------- J B Legoe ;Cliai rma.n of tree T'oard T V l:emper Commissioner Iicnry ai7a.^ren Corr issloner W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings duly Term Tuesday the 5th day August 191 , el I/ In t:ie Ya.tter of the Appointment of ) Order AppointinEr iI 1' Johnson Rood Overseer Dist #2 1looksack ` %,Ip ) 1`HFIREAS, this Board has been advised of a vacaancy existing in the office of Poad Overseer in District `.o. 2 in 73ooksack Lovinship, and �;,'H MEAS, the Board of Supervisors of said to��nshiia have recarrunended the appointment of H P Johnson to fill said vacancy, NOW, THER-ETORE, it is ordered by this Board that II U JCM.-TSO1T be, ri.nd he hereby is appointed as Rood Overseer in Dirt No 2 of Nooksack Township to act as such until the nest regularly elected officer shall h�a.ve qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Poard this 5t' dray of August, 1013. " If it ct It rr " it it " " It it n "Board of County "'ommi ss- " "ioners of Cfa.atcorn County " " State of Ylashington " n n n u""" n"" n ..It " n Attest:71i11 D 1',allace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ----- 000---------- In the T.Tatter -3f Accepting Insurance Order Accepting. Policy on 7a,ldron >;lock C B Legoe Chairman of the 7oard J G I:erip e r Corr i ss ion er Nenry Shar;ren Corarzissioner I''-TIEREAS, one certain insurnace policy on 7Taldron block has, expired and this Board has secured a renewal thereon for a. period of one year payable to 7ha.tcom ,County, as follovis: Connecticut; Brisbin, Smith & Livesey, local Agents; Policy !/90792 for ,+,'1000.00 Begins July 24, 1913 gat noon and ending July 24, 1914 at noon. TTOW, 'SE RIEFORE, it is hereby ordered that said. policy be. and same is hereby accepted, subject to the right of cancellation by this Fo a,rd in th.e future, for any cause that this Bo,--i.rd might deem proper. Done in open session of the Poard this 5th day of August, 1913. 1t it It It It 11 tl to It it to II It "Board of County Commi ss-" "ioners of 74za,tcom County of " State of Viashington " to it 11 ii If to It 11 " it to Attest: ,Hill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Doard. ---------- C B Legoe Chairman of the I>on.rd J G Kemper Conmi ssioner Henry Shagren Cormai ssioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, August C, 1913. ---eAr �4 9 v _ Cha.irr^.an Board Conan Commissioners. 38W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Term ;''edne sda.y the 6th day August 191 3 Yledne sda,y, August 6, 1913. The Board met pursuant to a,d j ocinnment taken on August 5, 1913. Present, 111 members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The follo�•ing claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRIENT EXPENSE FUND. Henry Sha,E;ren 7xpense as Co Commissioner 10.35 D P Day 73xpense as Supt Charities 5.35 Pairha.ven Cash Grocery Groceries for Johnson 9.90 1"Linsey-Stenvi4; Groc, Co Groceries for Allen and 7-loristrnm 10.1.0 Columbia Grocery Groceries fox, 1TcBride 7.00 7fnnen, Goodman & Co Groceries for. Burch K,;:. Johnson 18.00 Fischer c. Isaacs Groceries for Kirkham n.00 Fast 1 n.d Grocery Iroceries for Anderson '.Grove 20.00 Drov,,n & Cole Groceries for Tab o.r 6.00 Central Groc. L. I1'�eat ".Tkt r-roceries for Yrs 1,7h.eeler 1.0.00 T Guy & Sons Groceries for I'ary 17ilson 7.30 Golden Pule 17erct Co groceries for Brand & Stenger 16.00 J L Dickerson L Son Groceries for Ed Rigby 5.00 The Leader Groceries :for Bolle �z Evans 11"10.00 A Swanson Groceries for 1. rs J C Ding 19.88 Danielson & Runolfson Groceries for Th Gisla.son 5.00 Custer I.Terct Co (Iroceries for ''rs Vc), ner 10.00 "'ilson &. From Groceries for Jas Rzinter 7.50 Cain Lros Groceries for ITrs Russell 5.00 J F Drake Grocories for I7rs Ben Smith 10.00 T F Bevans House rent .for Lars Laxson (I.iay, june fj'uly) 10.50 Victor A Roeder House rent for Yrs Neal do 30.00 C L Pride house rent for Kirkham (Apr, I:Tzy, June, July) 20.00 -rs Olaf Clad Core of Thos Fisher 3.00 Yrs S 0 Paulson Care of I.Trs Stevenson 10.00 A II llontCe.;omery Drayage etc a/c Indigents 6.25 E T Dyma,n Care of Juvenile Prisoners 43.00 7'rs C H Wait Care of Juvenile Prisoners 3.00 Puget Sound T L & P Co Street Car tickets for Co Officials 25.00 17'iatcom Co Humane Socy Yaintenande 15.00 Da.ttersby Bros Dust Cloths for Courthouse 1.40 Thos Fitzpatrick '',Fit: 8ta,te vs Lizzie Thomas 2.20 P W Jessup " n 2.20 �. t Sam I,.erry-g- „ „ Geo F Raymond. Juror: " 1.20, Allen Campbell " " 1.20 D E Sharp It " 1.20 `,',' H Diehl " 1.20 G ',7 11ill er „ ," 1.20 ','r H AIeye r s " " 1.20 ;. C Banner Juror: State vs Joe Liberty 1.20 C J Byron "' " 1.20 '? A D Glasscock " " 1.20' C B Harter " " 1.20 David Ireland " " 1.20 C S ila.skell " " 1.20 Olaf %'wally '„'it: State vs 7! Young 2.20 K I1 McLeod 17it: State vs Sam Yerry 2.20 Thomas Fitzpatrick " " r'.20 L C IJTurray " State vs C-ordon Brooks 6.40 L D Vilmot "' it 6.40 Geo Gage Juror: if 1.20 Adol-oh ?Till er " " 1.20 S I1 Carr " 1.20 Geo F Raymond " " 1.20 P C Adams " " 1.20 ---------- 000---------- In the Batter of the Approval of Bond of ) ( Order Approving. C.A. Scri.rnsher for Operating II°arietta Ferry It is ORDERED by this Board that the bond of C A Scri.msher f or ,"500.00 f or operating Te,rietta, Ferry be, rind same hereby is approved by this Doa.rd. Done in oven session of the Board this 6th da,y of August, 1913. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- " J G Kemper "inners of Whatcom County " Commi 7s1oner " State of Washington " Henry -'Fhagren It " 11 1, if it it " " 1, „ It u It Commissioner Attest: Vill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ----------000---------- W.O.R. Record of Commissioners'. Proceedings Term S7ednesday the Gth day August --- 191 71 In the Y!a.tter of the -Approval of :Bonds of ) ( 0 R D .7 R Commissioners for Drainage District "To. 3 ) I�- is CRD"FREED by this Board that the bonds of C G Ogren, Henry Guckert ,-.i.nd Joseph Rainford for $2500.00 each, as Commissioners for Drainn.p;e ".)istrict Tjo. 3, be and same nre hereby approved. Done in open session of the ??oa.rd V-1is 5th da,y of August, 1913. If Ir it it it it 11 it If 11 tt 11 it it "Board of County Commiss- " "ioner,5 of T'ha,tcorn County " " State of `µfashington " n rr 11 if r1 It n " n If If rr 1r n Attest: VIM D Ylallace County Auditor and. Clerk of the Board ---------- 000---- -w----- C B Legoe -i,airma.n of the 7oa,rd J G Kemper Cormissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Thizrsda.y, August 7, 1913. C�1<�,iz�rr,n roard ^ount Commissioners. 40 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. Jul +,� Term Thursda-y the 7th day A,lc IASt, 1913 Thurod.ay, August 7, 1913. The Board met puroua,nt to adjournr-i.ent taken on August 6, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in n.ttendance. The follot.,rin<_, rlairls were allovied: CURM!,ITT T?RiD ITSL F?TI]v . T Thoy?ipson 7xpense as Coroner 4.75 Dr F J Van Kirk Classes Lense for Geo Sweifel 2.50 St Luke's Hospital Care of Co Patients 1.09.00 St Joseph's Hospital do 75.45 Red Cross Pha.rma.cy Iiedici.ne for Co Pa:ti.ents 46.05 Ot;cl I'Iharraa.cy do 12.00 A G `i:'ickrtan Pu.ria.l of Two Indigents 50.00 State of Clp,shington Filing Certificate Drainage gist 313 5.00 Union P I3 & S Co Prtg & Sup for 71ng 13.20-Suet 27.-Clk 12.60- Treas 48.- Aud 27.15 127.95 Griggs Sta & Prtr; Co `.'u;lplies for �1tty 1.2. 10-Fn�; 6, 50-Auk 6. 60 25.20 Anste tt Printing Co Prtg & Sup for Clerk 43.41-Trews 48.50 & Gen Offices 49.50 141.41 Selby -Harris Co ru»plies for Gen {offices 1.00 C 1,1 Sherman Supplies for Treas 9.- & },ng 4. 13.00 Iverson Livery &: Trf Livery for Constable 2.50 Thompson & flint Livery for Sheriff 6. - Constable 1,50 7.50 Pioneer Livery Livery for ."Ieriff 3.00 Central Auto Co auto hire for Sheriff 6.00 31 z,anson Bros Auto hire for Coroner 10.00 F J Barlol"t Auto for upt 1. 5. -Sher 9.-TZepai rs to <h;,il Cot , .96. 75 Diehl &: Simpson Care &; Re-oairs to Co Auto 96.16 3�ellin-,}i�am Truck Co Drayage .for Jail 4.10 Y Seerr;eI. 7ork on Flooring; for Courthouse ?.00 SOLDIERS' RELIEF FMM. Sarah Foster Pel i e.f 15.00 ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, August 8, 1913. v `t/ Chairman 1'oa County Commissioners Record of Commissioners' Proceedings ,Tuly Term Friday the 8th day August 191 3 Friday, August 8, 1913. 'rae Po-?rd met 1.)ursu,r-mt to i.d.journment ta1cen on August 7, 1913. Present, all members of the board ,a.nd the Clerk in attend.,-.nce. '11-ie foll6viing (-la ins v,tere allowed rind proceedings had: riJRl� ial? rl'' 711T1::I.SI1I FIRM. L D Brovm State 1"'xFZ1. a/c Crescent TZjp L D Lrovm Sta,tc =,xam. a,/c Geneva Twp Jno L RUTrill. e11 State Exam. a/c Crescent Tjjp Jno 7, RuiTirell State '1xa,m. <-t/c Geneva. Tavrp Dr. Orville E Beebe Auto 7xpense for July S B :Irish LI,. Co Prtg for Pros Al,ty yrs Grace Pike �,axasley Nia.ki'nE; Straight Jacket J i Robinson Plurnbin,:; repairs in Courthouse H J Strickfaden J P: State vs A Ilaxailton I, '"I Cpaalding Spl Const: 11 H J Strickfaden J P: St!i.te vs G A Yelton L 0 S' ala1.ding "pl Con.st: ►► Ii J Strickfaden J P: St<<a,te vs 17 F Burnett I, ' Sprau1 d ing Spl Const: 11 II J Strickfa,den J P: State vs Claa.rles Bratel L T Spn..ul.clin f `:p1 Const: " G A Yelton Juror: Yirby Tleed 11 n �,[ 17 Copes 11 tI Fred Cunninrl,arn „ 11 Geo Bing n n henry 1?ae ten H J ,Strickfaden J P: State vs Allen Strickfaden L E Sp.ul. ading Spl 0onst: „ Franklin; �'Iaworth J P: St<,.te vs Fred Snyder H IT Sine:, Const: to Franklin IIax;orth J P: State vs J C YcGuyer I,' A Bush Spl Const: " Herb Crooks Vi t: " I?ill. Jolley Hellen Kinley SOLDII]ES' RELIEF FUND. Harry 0. Bingham Burial of Adarn Bunt SCHEILL DITCH FUND. Henry De'°`itt Labor on Schell Ditch ROAD AIIID BRIDGI!I FTTD. Geo .Elder Foreman on Sterm Grader Delno 76,rd Tngineer on Steam (1radcr Will Setter Teamster for ' Stearn 1,rader 1',rrn Sarlund 1,r-tbor on Guide, Meridian Rd P r Lnrson do t'1 C C,,--.qbell Labor on INV Diag I'd Frank I dw?.rds Labor on 'IC1 Di ag-, a.nd C IVRd (Foreran) E A Tlickson Labor on 7laine-rr-rndr. le 7d (Forer (i.n) C Hanson do P H _Newberry do Vim Newberry do J S .Steele do C am i th do Jas ,Drov7n do J U Leind s do George Long do Peter 'Iansen Labor on 'Ia,nson `'oa.d (Forem^.n) Alfred Kra.utz do Claris 11'ad.sen do Chas Lindqui St do J Illelhe im do 0 Ni colay do A Sievi Labor on I<oad „ P R Zobrist do 1) 2 Felml ey do Ve;ndell Fclmley do Ch!�.s I"era do C G Iaa nson do John. Cnnipbell do James Cavalero do Fred Patchress do Petns' Zobrist do F 3 Chandler Labor on Smith Rwa.d (Foreman) W1113 Smith do G 7! Deeter do Ed Everett do Ress Buchanan do H Lapidus do Ed Lapidus do Orville Corfu, do D vid 1a Neer do Yartin Kvelsrud L<a,bor on Rds 3F3 472 A Tillotson do T J Ward do A VI Li ndermwa,n do J Buxton do C Vai1 do Clm Shirley do tear) n n m team - In 24.00 32.00 27..00 24.50 45.00 37.20 2.00 C8. 90 3.10 2.20 3.10 `-' 0 3.10 20 3.30 4.75 1.20 1 120 1,20 1. 20 1.20 1.20 3.10 2.20 2.50 2.20 3.25 2.20 2.20 2.w 2.20 50.00 11.25 70: 40 70: 40 88.00 43.00 38.00 14. On 19.50 61.50 44. GO 16.00 28.00 62.00 41.00 11.00 8.00 8.00 37.50 22.00 25.00 11.00 23.00 6.50 41. 00 38.50 19.00 '22. 50 7.00 8.75 7.50 8.75 1.50 27.00 5.00 1.7.00 16.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 16.00 14.00 8.00 8.00 22.00 8.00 13.00 5.50 1`2; 00 12.00 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Friday the 8th day lurust 1913 C I. organ Labor on Rds 383 & 472 teary 18. 00 ill i' Fisher do " 16.00 Geo Handley d.0 " 1.7.50 J J Johnson do " 12.00 L F Ga.rgett do " 12.00 Leo 'Yillotson do " 16.00 R IT Steele do " 10.00 C E Constin do .1 I4rcClure do " 16.00 L Hoode do " 111.00 L S 1ii11er do " 12.00 J C Andersen do " 8.00 C B Dill Fir do " 14.00 1 I - 'A i t e do F.00 t:T Ii .-1,3.st.erbrooks do (Forera.an) 12.50 Chester McKenzie Labor on Glacier Ro<n,& tears 87.00 C C Wright do (Forerna.n) 5" . 00 r R Fredericks do 33.00 R IT Howard do " 18.00 Chester JrcKenzie do teary extra r:ian 36.00 Chestcr J:':cKenzie do " " " 56.00 ROY Foy: do 0.00 I'rP " Labor On 0r�ul:sc n ",Oad te am eem 1�1, 00 Archie 't ill Tams do 12.00 C State do 36.65 Earl IT Coubahna.ur do 34.65 11is 1tTyers do " 2(2.15 C'heste:r I'cl,-enzi e do (Foreman) 47.25 Chester 1'_elrenzie Board for 1,aborers on Shuksa,n Road 16.70 Bert Lo,r,,ry do 37.00 I.Irs R H Dickson do 1.9.60 L E Iiac-ga.rd. Suppl fur. ni;ihed a/c labor on Shuksa.n Road 52.60 C Y I,'oshe r Labor on Bri(Ic-es 115.00 G H Abers do 2.70 Belly do 6.90 J I:_urphy CIO 54.00 henry Deillen Labor on Ferndale 1'ridre 3.90 I',d.,;!in L Johnson do 21.60 C Sta.nqu i st do 21.60 Jesse J Rogers Construction. 7�,nr*. 3 L, IT Bight.-Iay 100,00 Jesse J Rogers Expense a.,/c S & II II7. 29.25 R H Simonds Asst to End; S & IT I11ghi,a,y 10.50 A L Brovm do 11.00 Henry A Funk do 33.50 John C Anderson Gravel Inspector ^1.00 Ciunnyside Ibr Co _Iridf;e Plank 63.72 ?Iel. son , Srnnson & Co do 147. 66 L E Haggard Lumber for Caulking Bridge 18.50 Suma.s Hdvi L Impl Co Pol-rder, fuse etc 7.25 ra.rmers '�Terct Co "piles 3.00 B Ila, rt 1pi1,es etc 2.00 Ba.n iel son c_ Runolf son Cement & ITaiI s 10. 65 1,orse Hdl- Co 'tools & Implements 11.65 , Ii J�aazla.Y'd ,,: ^O'l,d 1:TzatC?7'].a1 i':: '.1'O01ii 200.00 Hamilton. 7 ros :'-,ter. a.l for Ferndale Bridge 7.20 K err Hardware Co Bridge Paint 24. u6 YcCorriick Iron YIks Repairs for Road Engine 5.00 rilorna.s e. Ya.rsh Tlacksmithing 7.00 ":1os I,llis Gravel 9.00 Scott Baker Gravel 25.50 C. Jager Gravel Pit 240.00 Jacob Hunziker First Estimate on Woodlawn road 899,25 '.the July report of Br. 0 7, Beebe as Co Physician, tva.s endorsed "Approved" by the Doa.rd. ---------- o00--..------- ✓ In the fatter of Appointment of ) ( Order Appointing; "?ill Collins Road Overseer in 1.'<-rietta, v1p. ) Y111*7�REAS, this Board is advised of a, vacancy in the office of Toad Overseer in Ycltrietta ownship through the death of J E Collins, and I;ri�'PZAS, tY e ='oard of :'uperviso.rs of said toirmshin have recor-T�end.ed the appointment of Will Collins to fill said vacancy, and `niERFAS, thi s Board ha.s da.a7.y considered the reconanienda,tior.s, applications e1.nd xaeti- tions filed in thisrna.tter, NOV'?, HERT,FORE, it is ordered. by this hoard that I ILL COLLIDS be and he hereby is appointed as Road 0,Torseer in 1:arietta. township to pact :; such until the next re�z;ul �.rly elected officer shall have qualified therefor. Done in open cer ,ion of the !soa.rd this 8th day of 1.uf:,u:;t, 1913. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Friday the Rth day u st 191 43 11 0 11 it 11 II 11 11 II tl 11 11 11 11 "Board of County Commiss- 11ioner a of 73aa.tcon County 11 11 State of ',,In.shington, 11 if 11 It a 11 11 11 if 1111 11 it u Attest: Will D Tallace County ,uditor and Clerk of the Foard. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Chngren Commissioner ----__-000---------- On motion the Poard adjourned -to meet on Stiturday, August 9, 1913. - roAj- 1 Chairman oo, d M . ty Commissioners r 4; I. C,x Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Saturday the 9th clay AuF,�ust W.O.R. 191 'n,turd,py, August 9, 1913. The Bo-?rd met pursuant to adjournment taken on August 8, 1913. Present., all merr_bers of the 1 oard and the Clerk in attendn,nce. The following: cla,ins were allot,,,led `a.nc proceedings had: Fola.nd G Gamwell A Dubuque Larson's Livery o. Trf Dr 0E Beebe Yrs Aatie Loop Ireland w Pancoast i Yi, Cornish. Paint Co Caine-C-rinishair,r Co. t,rha.tcorn Co Abstract Co Kenne t%t ITSLeod Susa Cunnirghanl J Y Shanks Alex Van i;iyck IT L Davi s P S 1:attersby F L LicDowell Franklin ITav*orth TI Sines CURRENT 121.'CPE SE FUID). Preriium on Official Bond of Fli.denour Ct Steno Reward in Ceo Pennington Liquor Case Livery for :Tier 5.-Const 7.50-Prob Off 2.50- Co Phy 15. Toney advanced for R R ticket for Co Patient Care of Ilrs Yartin Groceries for Yrs r R Johnson 111aterials for Courthouse Sand & Plaster for Courthouse List of C,rmers in Russell Ditch 177it: State vs Harry Prevost " n tl I, Juror: " u u n " 11 u J P: State vs T B Gregory Con.st: 11 MARRIAGE 07+RTIFICATE FUITD. W F Tlartiri, Clk Snohomish Co Recording I:�a.rriage Certific,a.tes ---------- 000---------- In the I:la.tter of the Appointment Order Appointing C F Nelson of �Supervi sor of Deming Toirmship 5.00 50.00 30.00 5.15 20.00 11.30 43.75 19 , 60 12.00 ).20 2.20 2.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.50 15.40 1.00 %',TTEPXAS., this Board finds that a vacancy exists in the office of Supervisor in Deming Township through the resignation of J E Kenney,, now on file -with this Board, and VIPIUMAS, the Board of Supervisors 'have recommended the appointment of C F.Nelson tm fill said vacancy, 13011J, THER,:�,FOIIE, it is ordered,by this Board that the resignation of J I .Kenney as said Supervisor be and same is hereby accepted and C F NELSOF be, and lie hereby is appointed as Supervisor of Deming Township to act as duch until. the next regularly elected supervisor shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the :board this 9th day, of: August, 1913. rl 11 11 ii 11 II (i 11 I! 11 , 1, ,t 11 II . "Board of County Commi ss- " "ioner s of V-+hatcom County " " State of "`ashington " 1"�ttes t: Will D 'Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the 'Board. --------000---------- In the I:Tatter of Appointment of Order App'ointing 11 L Murray Road Overseer Dist #2 Geneva Tv,,p ) C B Legoe Chai=ian of the Board J . G Kemper Conmissioner Henry Sharren Commissioner THEREAS, this Board is advised of the w ca,ncy in the office of Road Overseer in District 111o. 2 Geneva Township, and 7.(HIMEAS, the Board of Supervisors have recommended the, appointment of Ii L Murray t6 fill said vacancy, NOW, THEREFORE. i.t is ordered by this Eoa.rd that the said H I, MURRAY be, and he hereby is appointed c.s Road Overseer -in District Yo., 2 Geneva Torrnsh.ip, to act ran such until the next regularly elected officer shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Board this 9th day of August, 1913. W.O.R. Record ®f Comluissiohe'rs9 Proceedi Ju7.;r Term Sri. to r day the C) th day August 19 "Bo.ard of County Commiss- " "ioner.s of Whatcom County '! " State of Vla.shington " 11 11 li li 11 tl 11 11 11 ti it If tt fl Attest: Yfi,l 1) D Wallace .County Auditor and Clerk of the Board C B Lego e Chairman of the Board .J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren . Commi s 5�i over --------- The Board made. an order• correcting the 1912 tax_ -on. Lots 3 and 4 Sec 19 and .Lo.t 1 in Sep,` all in Tp 39 TI, R 6 E.. Th r ort of Co Sunk of Schools on defective outh in Wh.atcom County, was e ep .,�. s y filed with the Eoard for reading. -------- / 0 A I R� T. Cn mots"on t<,'€ Vic. r' r ,n,nENc , -,.; onrs^<<:. •<,)� This Agreement, made and entered 'into in triplicate .this 9th day of. August, A.D., 1913, between-Whatcom. County,. State, -,of Washington, hereinafter. called:.the: County, and James.Breckenridge & P.D..Harkness:hereinafter called .the. contractor,:..Wli.tnesse.th: Thatthe--said contractor,_ in consideration of the sums :h;�reinaf-ter.._ sp'ec-if.ie.d, be=•pa.id to James.: Breckenridge :& P.D, . Harkness:by the. said I$Ihatcom. County, in the manner and at the time..hereinafter:provided. - and -,:in -consideration of- other.:covenants and: agreements, herein contained_ by the said .parties, -agrees to and. with said Vdhatcom County: 1, .. . That the contractor will perform and furnish: under the direction. and .tothe satin faction- of the :hoard .of County...Commissioners: of: -I 7hatcom County, Washington, and in confor- mity to the - laws of : the State of Washington, all the work and -material included in the Improvement of County.= Road: `1o0 211-, from Goshen. Stao east a distance of about. 1250 feet, and that -the -.contractor will furnish allmaterialnecessary. rind perform all labor in the manner, and.:of .the kind and -class of work and material, and -manner of doing said work, and in all. other -respects strictly -according: to the maps,. plans: and' specifications. thereof furnished by the:County Engineer of said County and on* file. in his office® :. said maps, plans::.and:. speeif:ications :being: agreed. to be: a part of:this contract:_.7ith-_the_:_sa.me. force and -::.effect a.s...-though-.the:, same: were fully :inserted herein. - Said`: work to be done.. under the supervision.and :.direction ..of the County:Engineer. and.. to be.approved by. hira and -the Board of County.: Commissioners. In' case of any. disagreement or misunderstanding.: in respect -to -these specificati_o.ns: or the.: performance::of: the: work, the matter _shall:_ be: _.referred.. to._ the 1oard of County -Commissioners, whose decision. shall be final, In ,case=:of improper construction: or noncompliance with the contract,or specifications in any-:manneri: }xpon recommendation of` the -County Engineer`, the, Board of County Commissiones may suspend said: work :at° any°.time and, -may order the partial or:enti:re. reconstruction of saidwork: if-..imp_roperly done,_ or declare the contract forfeited, and may then re -let or complete.. the.: same-D: and adjust..the :diff.erence..of damages :or price.. if.. any..there be., which the contractor shall. pay: to the County according: 'to the just and .reasonable amount thereof, 2. Said work is .to : be: fully -completed on or before the':_ 1.5th-.day:.of..-September, 1913, and if not done: within. the ..time specified: the contractor agrees to:. -pay _to. -the County such amount hereby -agreed, upon., as::..liquidated.damages :.of:a:reasonable amount: for. such delay, and to be deducted..by the._.county. from the :final::.estimate..:allowed,.the.. contractor. 3.. Additional time.. -for completion..of-..work. under_: this. contract must:be. applied for in �rl.�.n� Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Saturday the 9tth day AuF ust 191 3 writing by the contractor, and. shall.be granted only.. on order.:.by. the Board of. County Comm- issioners entered inregular session, and upon.the..further condi:.tion that the..sareties on the contractor's...bond. shall. no.t be:..released thereby. 4. Said County agrees to make.payment.of.the. sum.agreed.to be paid in the --following. manner: warrants will... be ' drawn on:. the Road. & Bridge fund of said.. County according. to .the final estimate furnished by the County. Engineer and approved by the.County. Commissioners, as provided in..the. specifications.and.price's.inserted therein,._. Partial payments -.based upon the County Engineer's estimates, made from time to time,.may be made.not to exceed 75 per cent. of such estimates. 5. No liability shallattach to-the-.County.by reason of entering.into this -contract except as specifically provided' herein.._ .-The ..contractor'.her.eby: assumes_ all ri.sks_' and lia- bilities for accidenta:.or damages that may o.ccur.to persons or property -.during .the prosecu- tion of the work.. It isunderstood that the..whole of the work is to be done at. -,the con- tractor's risk and he isto assume :the responsibility . of- risk. and all . damage..:_don.e ..t.o ..the work from any. cause: -whatsoever prior to the- final.: acceptance .by the. Board of.: County Comm- issioners of all .work tobe- done�her.eunder,. and .par.tial payments : shall. not.. diminish. the liability hereunder.- 6. The contractor $hall. not let,. assign: nor transfer this:: contract, or any. interest therein,. withaut ...the wri.tten:.consent .of. .the Boards of`: County. Commissioners. 7. It is understood: that final payment ' shall be made within 30 days after- this con- tract is completely. finished --and the work accepted; provided, that in each of the said cases the contractor shall. give the Board �of, County @ommissioners'good and. -sufficient evidence -that -the. Road • if free from all- liens and: claims , chargeabl.e to the said .contractor on account- thereof;. -: and ,further, that if .at any time there shall be any• lien or claim for, which, if established,.the.county, or said.Road might�.be`made liable and .which .would .be chargeable to.. the. contractor the County: shall have. the right to retain out; of any payment then due or thereafter to become due said.contras.tor:an.amount.sufficient to completely indemnify it against: such.lien or claim until the. same•.:shall be effectually .satisfied:, die - charged, or canfblled-. And should. there: pro.ve-ta..be.. a.ny. such`.claim after -all payments are made . the ' contractor shall..refund. to the County: all moneys.. that the latter .may. be compelled to pay in discharging: any.lien: on.: said premises,. or paying:: any indebtedness ::theref:o.r made obligatory in consequence of the contractor's default,._. Provided, .this: shall na.t-° in any manner be construed a release of:any of the conditions of the-.contractor's:bond. 8. No certificate given or payment made under this contract except the final certi- ficate or final paymen.t�,: shall be conclusive evidence,. of the performance of this -contract either wholly or in .part again-s.t any claim of the County., and no payment „shall be construed to be an acceptance., of any defective: work. 9. The contractor--shall-,within five : (5) days after notice ofbeing awarded -the con- tract, furnish a good and sufficient -surety bond in the sum of .?1191.7.0,..conditioned for the faithful performance � of the contract: and.:as.:px.ovided: by law,,:. which bond: shall. not be vitiated or affected- by extension. of time for completion -of this contract., or alteration, or modification in line,. grade. or plans .of said: work, and no liability shall..attach:: to...the County, unless such:.bond.. be furnished. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said .. County executes -.this contract by -its Board• of .. County Comm- issioners, and. the contractor. :does- sign and... seal.: the- same the, date herein first above - :mentioned. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Saturday the 9 .h day August 191 3 It " It it it O Ft ti tt it tt tt " fl "Board of County Commiss.- " Il ioners of.. Whatcom County " State of Washington ft to or it to to n- is it to " to to " Attest: Will D Wallace* Clerk. C.B. Legoe Chairman- J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner James Breckenridge P.D. Harkness Uontractors. --------000---------- In the Matter of the approval of .bond Order. Approving. of Harkness Breckenridge on' Road. #211 IT IS ORDERED _that the surety bond.of:James.:Breckenridge and-R.D. Harkness given by The .Title Guaranty and Surety Company, for.$1191.70 covering contract on.County Woad #211 known as Pverson-and.:roshen Road, be,: -and same hereby is approved,by this Board. Done in open session -of .the Board"this.August 9, 1913. to tt "' to " F " to if" ' to " to ' 11 11 {� "Board of ` County Comm i s s- . " "ioners of T'fha.tcom County " " State of Washington " Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor. and. Clerk of the Board - - - - - - - - - - 000 - - - - - - - - - - C B.Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner On motion.the:.Boar&:adjourned to meet on Tuesday, August:12, 1913. U � Chairman Board County' issioners. r1 �� W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Tuesday the 12th day August 191 Tuesday, August 12, 1913. The. Board met pursuant to ndjournnent taken on 'ugust 9, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and -the. Clerk in attendance. The followingproceedings were had: The Board made : an order correcting the 1912 tax on r,,2 NFA and NW4 NRI and NE-4 NV'A Sec 11 Tp 39 :N, R 4 E. The Board made . an:. o rder. correcting._ the 1912 tax against NVV'J S17kSEA: Sec 26 Tp 40 N, R 1 E; also against N 60 acres of. V4 SV`IJ and. Wy .SWI SV`l,, all in Sec 33 Tp 41 N. R 3 E. The Board made orders correcting the 1912 personal tax againt.Kneuning Grocery Co., and against Y A Nev=ark. & Co. ---------- 000---------- 0n motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, August 19, 1913. MA 0 0J§PJ7r"** W.O.R. ,Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Tuesday the i C)th day August 191 3 Tuesday, August.19, 1913. The Board net pursuant.to ad.journment:taken on August 12th 1913. present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: In the Matter of the Construction Bid of L.C._ Currie Accepted: of Bridge.Across.Squalicum.Creek. WHEREAS, this being the day : set, -for the opening. of -.bids for_ .the construction of a pile bent,trestle across the. Squalicum Creek on. the::Northwest. Diagonal Road in the N11F4 of NF4 Sec 24.Tp 38 N, R 2 E W.M., and the Board finding the following bids submitted: K. Sauset:.: Clearing. 100.00; Lumber 66,000 at 4`20.00 per M B:M $1320;00; Piling 2600 lin ft at 21 / per lin ft. Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --$1966.00 L.C. Currie: Clearing $80.00; Lumber 66,.000 M B M at 315.75 per 11 B M;. Piling 2600 lin f t . a.t 18 / per lin ft. Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --144587. 50 A.H. Glenn: Clearing 1125.00; Lumber 66,000 IT B 14 at $20.15 per M B M; Piling 2600. lin ft at 28 / per lin ft. Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --��24.87.90 Ingrham: & Houghtalin�: Clearing $125.00; Lumber 66,000 M B M at $18.20f per M B M; Piling. 2600 lin ft at 19 per lin ft. Total - - - - - - - - - - --$)1820.37 A.J. Riffe Kirkpatrick Co: Clearing �?100.00; Lumber 66,000 11 D I7 at �'18. 50. per M B M Piling 2600 lin ft at 21 ,d per lin ft. Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --M867.00 Shire & Johnston: Clearing ft50.00; Lumber 66,000-1# B Y at. 17.25 per Y B Y, Piling 2600 l i n ft at 24 Z lin ft.. Total 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - K912. 50 J.M. Riddle: Clearing $190,00; Lumber 66,000 M B.M.at �18.00..per M B M;.Piling 2600 lin f.t at. 19 ,6.. per tin ft-.. .total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --$1872.00 E.C..Baxter & Co; Clearing $175..00; Lumber 66,000 -M B M at $24.00 per M B M; Piling 2600 lin ft at 28.,E per lin ft. Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - °2447.00 VAIFREAS, . this Board having .considered: said :bids,. and: f inding. that the bid of L.C. Currie is the lowest and best bid made. NOVI, THEREFORE, it is ordered that the said L.C. Currie be;,and same hereby is accept ed and th"e Chairman of the:.Eoard of County Commissioners is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the said L.C. Currie for and on behalf of Whatcom County. It is further ordered that this work shall .be paid for from the .Poad ..-i-d t,ridge Fund of `7hatcom County and shall be completed by Oct. 15, 1913, and 'the said contractor shall furnish a bond of . $1587.50 for the faithful' performance of said contract. Done in. open session of the Board this 19th day of "ugust,..1913. M " 11 ft ' It it It At 11 11 ' It 11 11 tl "Board of County Commisso " "inners of 1hateom CountNi 11 State of Washington . " 00 11 11 It I1 it It 11 it, 11 it 11 11 li Attest: 71ill D. Wallace County. Auditor.and:Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren . Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, August 21, 1913. Chairman Board Count. onrission,�rs 50 W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Thursday the 21 st day August 191 Mursday, August 21, 1913. The Board met pursuant.to'adjournment taken on August 19, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The followi n g Proceedings were had: C 0 N T R A C T. This Agreement, made and entered into in triplicate this 21st day.of.August, A.D. 1913 between Whatcom County,.State of Washington, hereinafter:called the County, and L.C..Currie hereinafter -called the contractor., Witnesseth.: That the said .contractor, in consideration of the sums: hereinafter specified, be paid to L.C. Currie by the. said Whhatcom County, in the manner and at the time .h�-rein f.tcr pro aid ed, and in consideration of other covenants and agreements; herein contained -by the said parties, agrees to and.with said Whatcom County: 1. That the contractor will perform and furnish under the direction.and to the satisfaction of the Board of County. Commissioners of VJhatcom County, Washington, -and in conformity to the laws of the State of Washington, all the work and material included in the removal and reconstruction of the pile trestle:bridge across-Squalicum Creek on the Northwest Diagonal,Road and that.the,contractor will furnish all material necessary, and perform all labor. in the manner., and. of. the kind. nd . class.:. of viork and material , and manner of doing said -,,work., and in all other respects str.ictly.according to the.maps, plans and specifications thereof.. furnished by -the County Engineer :of .said County::and on filein his office, said -,maps, plans.and specifications being:.agreed to be a part. of this contract with. the same: force and effect as though the same.werefully, .inserted herein.. Said work to be done under the_supervision,and direction of.*the County.Engineer anal to be approved by him and the Board of County Commissioners. In case of any disagreement or misunderstand ing in respect to these, spec:if.icationa or the n rformance of the work, the matter shall be referred to the Board:.of County Commissioners., whose decision shall be final. In case of improper construction or noncompliance wi th ..the .contrast or specifications in.any manner, upon recommendation of the-Coun.ty:Engineer, the Board of County'Commissioners may. suspend said work at any time and may order the partial.or +?ntire. reconstruction of said work if improperly:done, or declare .the contract forfeited; and may then re -let or complete the same, and. adjust the difference: of damage or price if any there be, which, the con- tractor shall pay to the County according to the .just anar.easonable amount thereof. 2. Said work is to be fullycompleted on .or before Oct. 15th 1913 and if not done within th^ time .speci.fie.d_.the. co.n.tractor agrees -to pay to the: County 1&5.00 for each and every day that the work remains uncompleted beyond such-time,:such amount hereby being agreed upon as.liquidated damages of a reasonable amount for such.:delay; and to be deducted by the county from the final. estimate allowed- the . contractor. 3. Additional time for completion .of work under, thi s..contr-act. must. be applied for in writing by the contractor, and shall be,.gran.ted.-only on.order by the :Board of County Commissioners.. entered..: i.n. rrgula,rsession., and upon:, the. further condition that the sureties on the contractor's.bond shall not.be released thereby. 4. Said County agrees to make payment of the .sum agreed to, b na"A in t1le following manner: warrants will be drarm,on the Road and'Bridge fund:.of said County according to the final estimate, furnished by the. County Engineer :and approved by. the.. County Cormissioners, as provided in the specifications and prices ,inserted therein.. Partial payments based upon the County Engineer's estimates., -made. from time to time,..may.be rade nat.to exceed 75 per cent.. of such-: a st imate-s. 5. No.liabil.ity.:shall..attach,to the County by reasorr..:of entering into this ..contract except as specially provided herein...The contractor h.reby assumes all risks and W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 51, July Term Thursday the 21 st day August 1913 liabilities for accidents or damages, that may. occur. -to- -oer..sons, .or.:, prop: rty:, during;. the prosecution of the work. It is understood that the whole..of.the work is to -be done at the contractor's risk and he: is to assume the responsibility ofrisk and: all _damage. done to the . work from any cause whatsoever prior to the final ' acceptance by' the Board of County Commissioners of all work to be done hereunder, and partial payments: steal ..no.t diminish the :liability hereunder. 6. The contractor shall not let, assign nor transfer this contract-, or any interest therein., without the written consent of 'the Board: of Co.unty.:,Co-riiissioners. 7. It is understood that final :payment shall be -made within 30 days after this contract is completely finished and the work accepted; provided, that in -.each of the. said cases the.contractor shall give the Board of County Commissioners good -and suffi- cient .evidence that the Bridge is free from all liens and c aims ..char.g.eabl.e:,•�ta the. said contractor on account thereof; and :further, that:at any time there shall. -be any lien or claim for which, if established, the.county,,.or said Bridge-; might be..made..liable n.nd which -would be..chargeable. to the contractor -the, --County shall have-theright U retain out of any payment then-dueorthereafter to .become due_ said: c.o.ntr.actor;:.an. amo.unt::..sufficient be to completely indemnify: it . against: such.,:lien or; -claim: until. the same. shalL1 .effectually satisfied, discharged, or cancelled.. And: should there•�pro.ve to be .any such' claim after all payments, are made the contractor shall..refuzicL. toy. the _,aunty 7,11_ honeys that the latter may be compelled to pay:in.discharging any -lien on said premises, or paying any indebtedness therefor made obligatory in:�.consequence cf'the contractor's default. Pro- vided, this shall .not.An-any manner be construed a release.of any -of the conditions of the contractor's bond. 8. Ito certificate given, or payment made under this contract- except the final certi- ficate or final payment, shall be conclusive evidence of the performance. of. this. contract either wholly or,.in part .against .any claim of the. County., and'no payment shall -be construed to be an acceptance. -:of any defective :work. 9. The contractor. .sh,.-U1 ._r.i.thin .five. (5) days of ter .noti ce of being awarded the contract:, furnish a . good . and:.: cuff icient:. surety, bond. in the - .sum: of: $1587. 50., -conditioned for the faithful perf_ormance .of. th.e:con.tract and. as Provided by law:,, which. bond shall not be vitiated or affected by :extension of. _time for completion of th.i,s:..con .tr.aat:.,:: -.r altera- tion, or modif i.catiom in line, grade or plans of. said work, and no• :liability. shall attach to the County, unless. such: bond. be .furnished. IN WITNESS THIMEOF, said County executes this contract by, its. Board of County Comm- issioners, and the contractor does sign and seal;the same-the.date;herein first above - mentioned. C B Legoe Chairman. It of 1+' of -.u: n to u - of to it " " of J G Kemper "Board of County Commiss- to Commissioner "ioners. of Matcom - County to Henry Shagren " State of Washington " Commissioner a . 4i .11, n . " It It it fill ,it - u it it Attests Will D Wallace Clerk L C Currie Contractor.. ----------000_a-------- On motion the Board. adjourned to meet on J."ondoy, August 25, 1913. Chairman Board County Commiss oners. 52 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Monday the 25th day August 191 3 Monday, August 259 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on. August 21, 1.913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: In the Patter of Approval of Bond of Order Approving. L C Currie covering Squalicum Creek Bridge It is ordered by this Board that the surety bond of L C Currie given by the Fidelity and Deposit Company of 21aryland, for $1587..50 covering contract for construction of .Squa- lice Creek Bridge on Northwest Diagonal Road, be, and same hereby is approved by this Board. Done in open session of the Board this 25th day of August, 1913. it it " to It to to 11 to to /1 to /t " "Board of County Commiss- to t' ioners of Vlha.tcom County to " State of Washington °1 " tt u " It of " It u is " n n It Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk oif the Board. ---------- coo ---m-_---- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner BEFORE TEE' HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY CO1a1ISSIO11ERS OF 7wTIATCOY COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the flatter of the Application of 111,8. Russell for the Construction and Improvement of a Drainage O R D E R Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporated Drainage ) Improvement District. ( (August 25, 1913) On this 25th day of August, 1913, this matter came on before the Board for hearing upon the report of the County Engineer, hearing at this date being pursuant to notice of this hearing published in the manner provided by law, proof of publication of notice of this hearing having been furnished at this hearing, all as provided by law. The following owners of property within the drainage district involved in this matter (Drainage Improvement District No,. 4) appeared in person at this hearing: H E Stewart and Belle Stewart, his wife Leonard. Zweegman and hargreths Zweegman, his wife Mary Fritz Dufner and Mary Fritz Dufner, guardian for William J. and Herbert .E. Fritz A G Stierlin and Stierlin, his wife Herman Elenbaas and Elenbaas, his wife Leonard Eoole John Koran and Susie Horan, his wife %11 H CJaples and 17aples, his .wife, and P M Surrerier and. Surreri.er, his wife C J Larson and Larson, his wife George A. Bostwick and Bostwick, his wife Andrew Anderson and Augusta Anderson, his Strife August Gottlieb Stierlin and Ninnie Stierlin, his wife E E Talmage and Amanda . lRalmag e , his wife Frank and Emma L Bostwick, represented by.Geo Bostwick Jacob Beach and Yable.I. Beach, represented by Geo. Bostwick Henry 3paan and Spaan, his wife Joseph Satterthwaite and Satterthwaite, his wife Alfred G Satterthwaite and Satterthwaite, his wife, represented by' Joseph Sat t e r thwai t o John T. Haveman.and Haveman, his wife Tys Haveman and Dina Haveman , his wife V1. S.. Russell .and Cloe E. Russell:, hi s wife Ezra F. Showers and ChrlottP Showers, his wife Charles H. Schuyler and Bertha I''. Schuyler,his wife Anna Beaver 1'17.J.. Forbes and Ella A. Forbes, his wife, by Bridge View Farm, their successor. The following persons among those present protested against having their property brought within the said Drainage Improvement District No. 4: John Horan and Susie Horan, his wife Charles H. Schuyler and Bertha 11._ Schuyler, his wife Annie Beaver E.F. Showers and Carlotta Showers, his wife W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings �3 July Term Yonday the 25th day August 1913 August Gottlieb Stierlen and Yinnie Stierlen, his wife E.E. Talmage and Amanda Talmage, his wife The following, being present, as hereinabove noted, entered their protest against the assessments shown upon the report of the County Engineer: Mary Fritz Dufner, for herself and as guardian of William J, and Herbert E. Fritz; she announcing her willingness to give right -of -Tray for .the construction of the.ditch across her -property along Fish.`rrap Creek, conditioned that no assessments should be levied against her property for said improvement, she..insisting .that.her:property will not be benefited by the said drainage system. George Bostwick H.E. Stuart (Stewart on report) C.J. Larson (Frank and Emma, L. Bostwick (Jacob and Idable I. Beach, ( Represented by George Bostwick Henry.Spaan The Board proceeded to hear all pertinent evidence., including evidence offered con- cerning the probable cost of the system and probable benefits to accrue therefrom, and to hear suggestions relative to the proposed improvement: and tjte benefits to the different parcels of property and damages, if any, and proceeded further to..the consideration of the preliminary estimates of.. the Engineer as the'same appear upon his report concerning the estimated benefits to the: various pieces °and parcels of property wi.thin,`the said District. The said Engineer's estimate shows no damages_.to any:of said property and no damages to any piece or parcel of property within the said: District:; The Board further proceeded to hear suggestions:.and wishes -of those within the said proposed District concern ing the manner and :within how many years the costs. of said. improvement shall,:: be paid,, and the prevailing sentiment waa .in favor of . ten-year bonds.. WHEREWORE, IT IS ORDERED:That assessments to be levied to:pay the cost'of the said improvement (assessment.s to be made upon the property benefited) shall be paid in ten annual. installments.; together -with interest-ata .rate .not: to exceed- 6% per annum, and ,that bonds shall be issued for the.payment of the cost, of said improvement in the manner pro- vided by law, and.shall be paid from the receipts from said assessments, which said ; assessments shall be paid in annual installments,- as aforesaid. and the principal of whidh said bonds shall be paid in installments as follows: For the lst year . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .50 For the 2nd year . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5% For the 3rd year . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5% For the 4th year . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10% For the 5th year . 10% For the 6th year. . . 10% For the 7th .year . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 For the 8th year . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0% For the 9 th year . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 o For the loth year . . . . . . . . . . . 15 0 That said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed 6% per annum, which said interest,shall be payable annually, and that the assessments upon the property for the pay- ment of the said bonds shall -be levied in the same proportions as the aforesaid proportion- ate payments upon the principal indebtedness to be represented by.the said bonds. That the issuance of said bonds and the levy of the assessments: shall be..as provided in Chapter 176 of the Laws of the State of Washington, and especially'as outlined and directed in Sections 17 and 18 thereof. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That this hearing be., and the .some is hereby, continued to Monday, September 8, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. , at txthich�_time this Board shall consider any and all matters pertaining to said Drainage Improvement District No.-4 and the said proposed improvement system. Done in open session of:the Board on the date aforesaid. 4- W.O. R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Yonday the 25th Clay Aup:ust 191 Tuesday 26th "" It n If 11 it n it it It it u n "Board of County Commies- " "ioners of Matcom County " it State of V'lashington " to It n It n" u It 11 n I n u it Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ---------- coo ---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, August 26, 1913. U 7/ 'Chairman Board my Commissioners ---------- c0o---------- Muesday, August 26, 1913.. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on August 25, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings vrere had: The Aetna Accident and Liability Company filed a notice terminating its liability on bond of the First National Bank of Bellingham, as depository of county funds, in the sum of $25,000.00; said liability to terminate thirty days after the receipt of said notice. To said notice ira attached the following: I hereby acknowledge that I have, this 26th day of Aug. A.D. 1913, received from The Aetna Accident and Liability Company the foregoing notice of cancellation of bond referred to, and accept the same. C B Legoe Chairman, Board of County Commissioners of Uhatcom Witness: County, Washington Henry Shagren. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, September 2, 1.913, Monday being a Legal Holiday. Chairman oard uoty Commissioners ---------- coo ---------- The minutes of the August session were read and approved this 2nd day of Sept. 1913. 11_6A e�lI% Attest: Chairman Board County ahmissioners GIB � �Q�, e-4 ounty Auditor and Cler of the Board. W.O.R. C. F: e� P� Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term TuesdayTuesdavc the 2nd day September 1913 Tuesday, September 2, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adiwnment taken on August 26, 1913. Present, C B Legoe, Chairman; J G Kemper and Henry Shagren, Commissioners; Will D Wallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE Will D Wallace Salary as County Auditor 158.33 August Engquist Salary as Chief Deputy Auditor 100.00 S E Barrett Salary as Deputy .Auditor 100.00 F C Martin do 75.00 Lucy E King Salary as Chief Hecorder 75.00 li Thomas Salary as Recorder 65.00 Jessie Walters do 65.00 C B Legoe Salary as County Commissioner 150.00 J G Kemper do 150.00 Henry Sha.gren do 150, 00 Delia L Keeler Salary as Co. Supt. Schools 150.00 lithel Everett Salary as Dep Co Supt Schools 90.00 D VI Featherkile Salary as Justice of the Peace 100.00 Henry C Beach do 100.00 Harrison Cowden Salary as Constable 60.00 Charles F Cline Salary as Probatioh.Officer 100.00 Orville E Beebe Salary as County Physician 83.33 H Thompson Salary as Coroner 83.33 D P Day Salary as Supt Charities 25.00 Hector Gawley Salary as Janitor 85.00 Ed E Hardin Salary as Superior Judge 125.00 William H Pemberton do 125.00 Samuel E Leitch Salary as County 6lerk 158.33 F W Moses Salary as Deputy Co Clerk 100.00 Alithea Adams do 100.00 Frank W Bixby Salary as. Prosecuting Attorney 158.33 W A Martin Salary as Deputy Pros Attorney 100.00 Maybelle Bryan Salary as Stenographer for Atty & Judges 65.00 Nellie C Rogers Salary as Co. Treasurer 166.66 F L Olslager Salary as Deputy Co Treasurer 100.00 John Fernley Salary as Bookkepper for Co Treas 90.00 Olive Vvrilson Salary as Clerk for Co Treas 80.00 G A Pence do 80.00 H D McArthur Salary as Assessor 125.00 C Donovan Salary as Dep Assessor 100.00 Jas Elder do 80.00 F M Carver do 75.00 H R George do 75.00 C M Adams Salary as County Engineer 158.33 C E Phoenix Salary as Deputy Co Eng 57.50 Carl McCoy Salary as Draughtsman for Co Eng 104.00 Harry C Swettenam Salary as Chainman for Co Eng 54.00 Geo 1,A Gerhard Salary as Inspector of State Roads 130.00 Winn Beard Salary as Chairman for Co Eng 16.25 Owen Kn i f f en Salary as Axman f o r Co Eng 20.00 Otto Rosenhall do 15.00 Walter Meyers do 7.50 D 11 Fletcher Salary as. Cement fester for Co Eng 68.00 Roy Deem Salary as Axman for Co Eng 2.50 C Yager, do 2.50 R Bills do 2.50 Thomas Young Salary as Transitman for Co Eng 5.00 F MoRlmon do 7.50 C C King Salary as Supt Co Home 60.00 M B King Salary as Matron Co Home 25.00 Fannie Osborn Salary as Cook at Co'Home 19.50 Albert Mathes Salary as Teamster at Co Home 17.50 Jacoba van Svest Salary as Nurse at Co Home 5.00 Ellen Rogers Salary as Cook at Co Home 7.50 Lillian Post do 18.00 Catherine Beebe Salary as Nurse at Co Home 11.50 J K Rogers Salary as Laborer at Co Home 62.40 L A Thomas Salary as Sheriff 158.33 M B Byland Salary as Jailer 60.00 G H Abers Tending Ferndale Bridge 5.00 Puget Sound T.L. & Pow Co Gas& Electric Light for Aug. 54.75 P G Cooke Expense Assisting Co Engineer 4.40 Chas E Phoenix Expense as Dep Engineer (July & Aug) 72.30 L A Thomas Expense as Sheriff 82.70 L A Thomas Board of Prisoners 131.20 Dorothy Wallace Services on Board of Education 3.40 B _111 Davenport do 2.50 Ed Klouda Services & Expense as.Spl Dep Sheriff 21.20 Sam Merry Reward in Lizzie `Thomas Liquor case 50.00 SamlAerry Reward in Larry Prevost -Liquor case 50.00 Edith E Fuller Care of Juveniles for Aug 25.00 E W Rarick :Assisting Co Eng on. Survey Deem Ditch 5.00 Walter Morris do 11.25 Elfred Alex do 7.50 Kenyon -Carr Co Prem. on official Bond of Leslie Jones, Dep Game Warden 2.50 W E Tait Repairs to Plaster in.Courthous.e 32.00 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. July Term Tue sda,y the 2nd day S GAS PROTECTION FUND J M Aitken Salary & Expense as Game Warden Leslie Jones Salary & Expense as Dep Game Warden Swanson Bros Auto hire for Game Warden Bellingham Truck Co Expressage for Game Warden Ferndale Livery Co Livery for Game Warden Fannie Heaton S P Tapping C A Scrimsher SOLDIL�'RS' RELIEF FUND. Rel i of Burial of Duncan T1 Teter ROAD AND BRIDGE FUITD. Operating Marietta Ferry ---------- 000---------- IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF THE SU1.TAS ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, A CORPORATION, FOR A FRANCHISE OVER CERTAIN ROADS OF MATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. 191 119.91 87.15 14.00 2.50 15.50 15.00 50.00 50.00 BE IT REA ;11BERED that at a regular session of the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, State of Washington, held in the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in the City of Bellingham, County of Matcom, State of Washington, on the 2nd day of September, A D, 1913, at which meeting there were present Commissioners C.B. Legoe, Henry Shagren and J.G. Kemper, they being all of the Commissioners of said County, and there also being pre- sent 7Till Wallace the Auditor of said "hatcom County, and as such Clerk of said Board, the following proceedings among other proceedings were had, to -wit: The SUITAS ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, a corporation, by,its President, having presented to the Board a written application for the authority, right, privilege and franchise fof itself, its successors.and assigns, to construct, maintain and operate transmission lines for the transmitting of electric pourer, including electric light as one of the manifesta- tions of such electric power, together with the poles, wires and other appurtenances, including on such poles, telephone lines as one of such appurtenances, upon, along, over and across the following described public roads in Vhatcom County, Washington, namely: Beginning at a point in County Road 14o. 182, where it intersects tyre East line of the City Limits, or Town Limits, of the Torn of Sumas, Whatcon County, Washington, and run thence East along said County Road No. 182, to its Eastern terminus at or near the Southeast corner of Section Thirty-two (32), Township Forty -One (41) North, Range Five (5) East Willamette T,.Ieridian: Also, Beginning at a point in County Road No. 182, where County Road No. 84 intersects said County Road No. 182, and run thence South and Southwesterly along said County Road No. 84 to the east and west center line of Section Twenty-eight (28), Township Forty (40) North, Range four (4) East Willamette Meridian, where said County Road No. 84 intersects County Road No. 511; thence west along; County Roads Nos. 511 and 461, to County Road No. 201; thence South along said County Road No. 201 to County Road No. 84; thence west along County Road No. 84 to Everson, Whatcom County, Washington. Also, Beginning in County Road No.. 84 where it connects with County Road No. 139 at or near the Section line betvreen Sections Ten (10) and fifteen (15), township Forty (40) North, Range Four (4) East Willamette Meridian, and run thence west along said County Road No. 139 to its intersection with County Road No. 405, at orl,near the corner to Sections right (8), Nine (9), Sixteen (16) and Seventeen (17); thence South and Southwesterly along said.,;ounty Road No. 405 and County Roads Nos. 507, 200 and 201, to the East and West center line of Section Twenty-nine (29), Township Forty (40) North, Range Four (4) Cast Willamette 1`eridian, 1'hatcom County, Washington. .And it appearing to the Board that such application is regular in form and contains the matters required by law in such cases; W.O.R. 57 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings �111Y Term T11P_R(In y the 2nd day. SP:ntE'mber 191 3 Now, Therefore, it is hereby ordered that Monday -the 29th day of September, A.D. 1913, at the hour of Ten o'clock A.M., of said day, at the .Publuc Meeting Room of the Board of County Commissioners, at the Court douse of V'Jhatcom County, in the City of Bell- ingham, Washington, be, and the same is, hereby fixed as the time and place for hearing said application; and that the County Auditor of said County be, and he is, hereby dir- ected to give public notice thereof, at the expense of the applicant, by posting written notices in three public places in the County Seat of said VWIiatcom County, and in at least one conspicuous place on the Roads and parts thereof for which said application is made, at least fifteen days .before said date fixed for said hearing, and by publishing a like notice three times in The Bellingham -Herald., a daily newspaper printed and published in the City of Bellingham.,. in.said County and State,. the last publication to be at least five days before the said date fixed for said hearing,. %fdioh notice shall.. state the name of the Applicant and a description of the Roads and parts thereof for which said application is made, and the time and place fixed for said hearing, and said notice shall contain any other matter required by Law I'such hearing may be adjourned from time to time by order of the Board, and at such meeting or any adjournment thereof, and after such hearing, the Board shall take such action with.reference to said Application,as the Board deems to be for the public interest. The foregoing Order having beenduly passed by the Board of County Commissioners, at the regular session aforesaid, It is Hereby signed by the Undersigned Commissioners, and attested by the Clerk of said Board, under its seal, at said meeting, in authentication thereof. Dated at Bellingham,. V7hatcom County, Washington, this ' 2nd day .of September, A.D., 1913. to tl tt it it 11 it it 11 it it to tt to it 1t "Board of County Commissioners" of Whatcom. County, State of it to Washington is it tt it it of 11 to tt it it it it 11 11 It It C B Legoe J G Kemper Henry Shagren County Commissioners. Attest: Will D Wallace. County Auditor and Rx-offieio Clerk of Board of County Commissioners. ------ 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, September 3rd, 1913. W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Wednesdav the 3rd___ __ clay SentPrnber 191 j Wednesday, September 3, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on September 2nd 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were alloyed and proceedings had: Will D Wallace Frank V1 Bixby E.C. Lyle Harrison Cowden C C King W J Pynor Lynden Dept Store Lynden Dept Store Will H Fell Scovill & Ogle Battersby Bros Fritz Osol Union Auto Co Marion Biehler Ferndale Dept Store Pehrson Bros Chas Doran C G Clifton C G Clifton H Washke Henry Beyer Byron Kingsley A Dubuque Union Sign Co Munro & Haskell Hal T Bevans & Cc Seth A Atwood B B Furniture Co Byron N Kingsley S B Hughes B N Kingsley E A Biles Franklin Haworth H Sines W A Perry Nate Harkness A Schick Isabella Dow Alexander Dove Benjamin Kaylor Fred Bentzen Wm Edwards Paul Biehle Samuel E Leitch, Co Clerk Thos Thompson,Clk Skagit Co V/ K' Si ckel s , Clk King Co CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Expense as Auditor and T:'.oney advanced for Stamped Envelopes 43.72 Expense as Pros Atty 18.40 Expense assisting Co Eng 4.40 Expose as Constable 8.00 Expense as Supt Co Home 15.40 Groceries etc for Cp Home 68.55 Groceries for Co Home 19.30 do 114.87 Meat for Co Home 76.93 do 18.80 Mdse for Co Home 9.85 1 cow for Co Home 60.00 Auto hire for Co Home 4.00 Clash. Mach. etc for Co Home 30.75 Powder .etc for Co Home 85.15 Lumber for Co Home 5.57 Blacksmithing for Co Home 5.00 '.pork with -Donkey Engine at Co Home 5.50 do 33,00 Cutting Oats at Co Home 10.00 Threshing at Co Home 10.17 Services to Pros Atty 8.65 Reward in Liquor cases --State vs Inland Nay. Co. and against. Kelly 100.00 Lettering Door in Courthouse 2.50 Repairs to Courthouse Plumbing 12.65 do 1,25 Material for Courthouse 15.75 Linoleum etc for Courthouse. 4.40 Const: State vs Gordon Brooks 2.20 J P State vs E A McFarland 1.75 Const: do 2.45 Wit:, do 2.20 J P: State vs McDonald 1.50 Bat Const Fee: State vs J C McGuyer 5.95 J P : State vs Anton Gaertner 3.50 Const: do 40.50 Viit: do 2.00 do do 2.00 do do 2.00 do do 2.00 do do 2.00 do do 2.00 do do 2.00 ITARRIAGE CERTIFICATE FUND Recording Marriage Certificates 41.00 do 1.00 do 1.00 SOLDIERS' RELIEF FUND. W G Gooch Relief 50.00 Sarah Foster Relief 12.00 ---------- 000---------- The August report of C C. King Su t. Count Home was endorsed g p , p 3 , approved by the Board. ---------- 000---------- '� The Bond covering the .petition of Ed.Brovin et al for a drainage ditch., was endorsed approved by.the Board. ---------- 000---------- On motion the.Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, September 4, 1913. Chairman Board County. Co, issioners. 50. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Thursday the 4th day September 191 3 Thursday, September 4, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on September 3rd 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The folloviirig claims were allowed and proceedings had: Henry Shagren YY A T;artin Dr 0 E Beebe DPDay Central Groc & Meat .11kt Fast End Grocery WTGuy &Co Kinsey-Stenvig Groc Co Brown & Cole C W Taylor Danielson & Runolf son J L Dickerson & Son Custer Yierct Co Lynden Dept Store Golden Rule Mlerct Co J F Drake A Swanson Ferndale Dept Store ''Jm 11inton Brisbin-Smith & Livesey Battersby Bros Mrs Katie Loop Dr S J Torney Dr C S Hood E T Trimble, City Treasurer St Luke's Hospital St Joseph's Hospital Ovrl Pharmacy Red Cross Pharmacy A Lednicky G B Peters Mrs D S Richards Mock & Harlow A G Wi ckman Dr I W Powell Battersby JOros Union Iron 'Yorks Legoe Hardware N W Hdw Co CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Expense as Co Commissioner Expense as Dep Pros Attorney Livery expense etc as Co Physician Expense as Supt Charities Groceries for Mrs %'heeler Groceries for JTrs Anderson et al Groceries for Mary Wilson Groceries for Blomstrom & Allen Groceries for Tabor Groceries for I.Irs Rogers Groceries for Indigents Groceries for Rigby Groceries for Mrs Wagner Groceries for Feltberg July & Aug Groceries for Stenger & Brand Groceries. for.'.rs B Smith Groceries for Mrs J C King Groceries for Mrs. Carthy House Rent for Z.Irs B Smith House rent for Mrs Stephens Clothing for 11rs L Horan Care of lirs Yartin Examination of Schafer's Eyes:, Reg Births 8 Deaths in Ferndale Assessment on Blk 25 Meridian St Impr Care of Co Patients do Medicine for Co Patients Drugs for Co Patients do `ilk for J D TvTyers Bursing Frank Caldwell Burial of Lewis L Gambia Burial of S LaStrange Expert Testimony in Walker Case Material for Courthouse do do Hdw etc for Courthouse ----------000--..--___-- 0 11.75 3.05 45.00 7.20 19.00 20.00 7.60 10.00 6.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 16.00 10.00 16.31 6.55 10.00 13.00 7.00 20.00 5.00 5.50 13.20 132.00 99.00 9.49 28.40 .80 8.20 28.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 1.90 18.02, 13.40 2.05 The August report of Dr 0 E Beebe, County Physician, was endorsed approved by the Board. ---------- In the Natter of the Reward for Evidence ) Against Persons Violating any of the ; Order Rescinding Resolution Liquor Lazes of the state of Washington. IWIEREAS, the Sheriff's Office of 7.1hatcom County, Washington, is shouting a disposition to enforee the local option la -min said 71hatcom County, N0,7, THEREFORE; it is ordered that that certain resolution dated February 4th 1913, offering a reward of 050.00 to) any person, persons, or corporation, for furnishing evi- dence to the Prosecuting Attorney leading to the arrest and conviction of any person, persons or corporation in Uhatcom County for violating any of the liquor laws of.. the State of Washington, including that of maintaining a nuisance by selling intoxicating liquor, be, and same is hereby rescinded and said offer cancelled. Done in open session of the Board this 4th day of September, 1913. �t " n u" r► �► "" u" n u n C B L ego e " Board. of County Commi ss- " Chairman of the Board "ioners of Whatcom County " J G Kemper " State of Washington it Commissioner n of Henry shagren Commissioner Attest: 'Will D Yfallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- coo __-_---_-- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, September 5, 1913. irman Board County `CommissXonerso ov W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Friday the 5th day Sett ember 191 3 Friday, September 5, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on September 4, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims' were allov;ed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Puget Sound. T L & P Co Street Car tickets for Co Officials p 25.00 Selby -Harris Co Supplies for Oo Offices 3.45 Towner Printing Co Prtg. fox Clerk and Auditor 9.00 Union Prtg., Bndg. & Sta. Co Prtg & Sup for Supt 64.75-Clk 103.00- Aud 89.00-Atty 11.70-Treas 3. 265.45 Griggs Sta & Prtg Co Sup for Eng I.-Aud 1.90-Gen Offices 11.45 14.35 Anstett Printing Co Prtg for Co Clerk 18.50 Larson's Livery & Trf Livery for Prob Off.7.50-Const 7.50-Co Phy 5. 20.00 Pioneer Livery Livery for Sheriff 3.00 F J Barlow Auto hire for Coroner 51.50 Diehl & Simpson Friving & Repairs to Co Auto 166.70 Y'hatcom Co Humane Socy Yaintenance 15.00 Abstract & Title Ins. Co Ownerships in re Drainage Dist #5 11.10 V1 & L E Gurley Repair to Transit for Co Eng. 30.60 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. Annie Aitken Additional Damages for R of 71 a/c Faris Rd 24.00 Geo Elder Foreman on Steam Grader 55.00 Delno V,`ard Engineer on Steam Grader 46.20 Emil Fullner Teamster on Steam Grader work 63.25 Geo Alton Work on Steam Grader with team 5.00 T P Jeffers Labor on. Road Foreman 2.50 Rex Jeffers do team 12.00 E A Nickson do Foreman 72.00 C Hanson do team 73.00 C Smith do 27.00 James Bro-= do team 50.00 VAn Newberry do it 24.00 Frank Bronson do 20.00 James Brown do 16.00 E A Nick son do " 28.00 A G Hadfield do 12.00 Roy Hadfield do " 26.00 Del Gooder do " 30.00 Ed Nobles do 2.00 L Gershicer do 2.00 Bert Bice do " 16.00 Clyde Bainter do 6.00 P H Newberry do 2.00 1krman Klander Labor on Road No 68 Foreman 16.25 Harry Jones do " 22.00 C V Iverson do 4.00 Jas Summerville do " 20.00 Floyd Carter do " 20.00 3 C Klander do " 12.00 Isaac Williams do 10.00 George Hemmi do " 14.00 S L Day do " 20.00 C H Scrimsher do " 16.00 `elm Sarlund Labor on Guide I"eridian Rd 42.00 P E Larson do 42.00 t7 C Campbell Labor on Northviest Diagonal Rd 27.00 J If Shetler do 17.00 Thos H Edwards Labor on Ferndale Rd team 2.00 Frank Edwards Labor on NVI Dia,g & G 11 Rds Foreman 27.00 Peter Hansen Labot on Hanson Road (Foreman) 1.85 Alfred Frantz do 1.25 Chas Lindquist do 1.25 John Melheim do 1.25 0 Nicolay do team 2.50 Geo McPherson Labor on Spencer Rd 13.50 J 11 McPherson do it 24.00 Lester Hamilton do 5.00 Lee Hamilton do " 15.00 C J Spencer do 1.00 H Smithson do " 16.00 C U Brown do (Foreman) 42.00 "" H Easterbrook Labor on Road 383 (Foreman) 11.88 A L 7vhi to do 10.00 J Buxton do 10.50 A Tillotson do team 16.00 L F Gargett do of 21.00 A V1 Lindermark do " 17.00 T A Greeno do " 19.00 C Yorgan do " 4.00 C D Filler do " 2.00 0 Corf ee do " 12.00 J J Johnson do " 10.00 L Horde do " 3.00 VVm Sh i rl ey do " 4.00 Dan Vandermeer Labor on Guide Yeridiam Rd 7.25 C Vi sser do 6.75 H Sta.p do 6.75 J Stap do 5.00 S Stuurman do 4.10 L-Zweegman do 3.35 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Friday the 5th day I SErtember 191 ;5 J DeBoer Labor on Guide Meridian Rd Fred Neidhardt do Frank Powers Labor on Road John Yacaulay do H j almar Yonson do Will Johnson do D Bonner do E A Spees do D A Griff en do George Yor.timore do Charley Thompson do III R Kline do Harry Carlson do Floyd Gates do D J Kling do (Foreman) A R Fen ske do A G Fenske do Joe Fay do Tony Zender do Jacob Zender do F Devore do A A Zaddock do A D Lenhart do E A Anderson do J 'l Bell do John Christen do C A Gooding do (Foreman) Frank Robinson do James Breckenridge do Wood Warner do V1 B Yarkhart do G Yorgentha.ler Labor on Bridge on Everson -Goshen Rd Jesse J Rogers Salary as Constr Eng S & N Highway Jesse J Rogers Expense as Constr rng S & N Highway Henry A Funk Asst to Eng S & N Highway C TA Mosher Labor on Bridge L P Alinder do Jas !Anderson do .George Anderson do H E Clark do Chas H Kay do Gust Lager do Ray Lager do Yh Meurer do C Gust a'il ton do J Murphy do Jack McGinnis do J Nelson do Emil Oslin do G A Palmer do G Pierce do M Ryan do Guy E Sanders do Eylar Staight do Sam Vander Neer do J D Vanderyacht do B Zachri son do H B Halvorson Burning Timber & brush on Road 363 Boundary 1,Till Co Bridge Plank Roo & Van Leuween Lbr Co do Sunnyside Lbr Co do do do do do Goshen Lumber Co Bridge Plank & Spikes Nelson, Swanson & Co Bridge Plank do Lumber Fazon & Zimmers Lumber J E Norstrom & Son Road Plank Annis & Co Powder etc for Spencer road Annis & Co Powder for I%Tooksack Tp W B Hart Powder etc J L Dickerson & Son Spikes Everson Merct Co Spikes etc Lynden Dept Store Nails etc T S Berkeley Co Nails etc Danielson &. Runolf son Nails V1 G Miller Brift Bolts Molten & Montfort Bolts etc Y-arion Biehler Bolts etc J W Hopp Cement Pipe E A Nickson Scraper etc Bauman Impl Co 1 Road Drag Bellingham Sash & Door Co 1 Templ-et for Engineer A F Beerbaum 1 Bbl Bridge Paint Farmer's Mercantile Co Bridge Paint etc N W Hardw Co Bridge Paint Lynden Livery Livery & Drayage on Tools Whatcom Machinery Dep. Repairs for Pile Driver S CHELL DITCH I+ UITD . Henry DeWitt Labor ,on Schell Ditfh Jens Martinson Ido team n u n team Ir: 2.00 12.50 14.00 16.00 14.00 5.00 38.75 33.75 20.00 20.00 12.00 10.00 2.50 7.50 15.00 11.25 30. 00 10.00 7.50 15.00 10.00 30.00 3.75 10.00 8.75 13.75 25.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 6.75 100.00 31.25 20.00 130.00 40.00 14.85 20.25 52.40 13.50 16.50 12.50 42.50 64.20 67.50 9.45 32.40 41.00 28.30 6.00 37.80 13.50 27.50 13.50 18.90 12.50 25.00 125.29 330.92 103.40 334.84 74.23 17.33 247.16 171.57 19.88 91.30 21.85 200.00 25.58 3.50 6'.10 7.20 7.54 21.85 5.60 3.30 5.20 51.00 21.75 32.00 1 .50 52.00 44.75 31.91 8.25 9.00 28.75 22; 50 ---------- 000---------- 62 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. 191 x July Term Friday the 5th day September In the Matter of Additional Damages ) Allowed to Annie Aitken for Land for the M.C. Faris Road ) O R D E R This Board of County Commissioners of Vhatcom County, Washington, having heretofore to -wit: on the 28th day of July, 1913, made, entered and recorded herein its order for the establishment of the II.C. Faris Road in said county, and more popularly known as a portion of the Pacific Highway; and this Board having on said date and by said order allowed damages to Annie. Aitken in the sum of One (01.00) Dollar for land owned by her and taken for said road; and it now appearing to this Board, after further consideration and investiga- tion, that the sum of $25.00 would be a fair, dust and equitable compensation for the land so taken from said Annie Aitken for said road, NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered and there is hereby awarded as damages to the said Annie Aitken, in the afore mentioned matter, the further sum of $24.00 which, with the 61.00 heretofore allowed, is intended to cover the entire award to Annie Aitken for damages in said matter. Done in open session of the Board this 5th day of September, 1913. 11 n""""" t1 11 11 11 if It of "Board of County Commiss- 1t "ioners of 7hatcom County t1 11 State of Washington It 11 It 11 11 It 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 It 11 Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- in the Yatter of Approval of Bond ) Order Approving. of Delia L. Keeler, Co School Bupt C B Legoe Cha.i rman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner It is ordered by this Board that the surety bond of Delia L. Keeler given by Illinois Surety Company for 4.',1000.00 covering her election to the office of County Superintendent of Schools, be, and same hereby is approved. Done in open session of the Joard this 5th day of September, 1913. 11 If It to 1t 11 If to It It 11 to t► 11 "Board of County Commiss- 11 "ioners of 7hatcom County 11 11 State of Washington it to It 11 1t 11 to It 11 11 u n to 11 11 Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry uhagren Commissioner ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, September 6, 1913. rman Board County Co sioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 63), July Term Sattirday the 6th day September 191 3 Saturday, September 6,.1913. The.Board met:pursuant t'o'adj:ournmentataken on�;September- 5, 1913. Present, all members of the:Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: A Dubuque Harry C Sv:ettenam P G Cooke E T Wyman Pacific Tel & Tel Co Pacific Tel & Tel Co Pacific Laundry C C Wright John L Swanson W H King Geo Duiwson CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Services to Pros. Attorney. Expense as.Dep Co Enginner Assisting Co Engineer Care of Juvenile Prisoners Phone Rentals for Sept Long Distance for August Laundry for Jail 8.65-Jury Rm .45 Casket for Burial Indigent Child Wit: State vs C L & P D Yiller do . 71it: State vs Phillip Mynning ---------- 000---------- In the Matter of the Appointment ) ( Order Appointing J W Bell of Clerk for Deming Township WHEREAS, there is filed with this Board the resignation of C E Niles as Clerk of Deming 'township, and 15:00 7.20 40.00 22.25 36.25 12.10 9.10 7.00 6: 40 6.00 2.20 1r,URMEAS, the Chairman. of the Board of Supervisors h�, s recommended the appointment of J W Bell to fill said vacancy, NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that the resignation of said C E Niles as said Clerk be, and same is hereby accepted; and that J W BELL be, and he hereby is appoint ed as Clerk of Deming. Townshio to act as such until. the next regularly elected officer shall have qualified.therefor. Pone in open session.of.the board this 6th day of September, 1913. to If if I 1r 1t I It .Ir It " It r► " "Board of County Commiss " "ioners of Whatcom County. " " State of Washington " " ►► It to Is of to to to It if to to " Attest' Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. In the Y-atter of re -decking Bridge No. 4 on Everson -Goshen Road. CBLegoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ----------000---------- ( Order Calling for Bids. VNEREAS, this Board finds that Bridge. No. 4, commonly known as the Hanson. Bridge, on the Everson -Goshen Road should be re -decked, said improvement to consist of new stringers, flooring, railing and caps. NOW, THEREFORE, the.County Auditor is hereby directed.to issue.a call .for bids for repairing said bridge according to the plans and..specifications on.file in .the office of the County Engineer. Said bids to be considered at the.hour of 10.o'clock A.M., on Tuesday, October 7th, 1913. The Board reserving the right to reject any and all bids. This improvement to be paid for from the Road and Bridge .Fund of Miatcom County and to be completed by November 15th 1913. Done in open session of the Board this 6th day of September, 1913. it " " u u n " n tt " n n " ►t "Board of County Commi ss- " "ioners of VIhatcom County " it State of Washington " Is " if if of " to It " " Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of . the Board. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ' w. o. r�. 6 Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Saturday the 6th flay September 191 3 BEFORE THE COUNTY COT.U.IISSIONFRS OF YIHATC011 COUNTY, WAcMINGTON. In the Matter of the Alteration ) of the Boundaries of School ( Judgment of District No. 10 and No. 92 6n ) County Commissioners. Viatcom County, Washington. Now, on this 5th day of September, 1913, this cause comes on in its regular order for hearing upon appeal from the decision and judgment of Delia L. Keeler, County Superinten- dent of Schools, of 7/hatcom County, State of Washington, transferring certain territory from School district No. 10 to school district No. 92, said original judgment and decision having been made June 17, 1913, the appellants appearing in person, and by 71 J Biggar, their attorney, and the County Superintendent appearing in person, and by Hurlbut cl-- I2Teal, her attorneys, and the county commissioners having heard the testimony of the parties here- to, and having duly considered all the facts and the law in said case, hereby takes said case under advisement; and nog;,, on this 6th day of September, 1913, being fully advised in the premises, find: That said appeal is not well taken, and that the decision of the County Superintendent Delia L. Keeler, transferring said territory, should be affirmed. IT IS THPR.EFORE ORDEREM, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the decision and judgment of Delia L. Keeler, Country Superintendent of Schools of Whatcom County, Washington, made and enter- ed June 17, 1913, wherein the said County Superintendent transferred the follo-t-,ling describ- ed territory, to -wit: the west one-half of the northeast quarter, and the southeast quarter of Sec. 18; and also the west one-half of the west one -hall' of the south-west quarter of Sec. 17; and the west fifteen acres of the northwest quarter of the northwest one -quarter of Sec. 20, all in Tirip. 39 north, Range 3 east, ':,ha.tcom County, Washington, from school district No. 10, to school district ITo. 92, and all of the actions of said County Superin- tendent of Schools in making such transfer, be, and the same are hereby expressly affirmed, and said land above described be, and same is hereby duly declared to be duly transferred from School District 'No. 10, to school district No. 92, and said land is hereby adjudged and declared to be part of said school district No. 92. Done at -the regular session of said county commissioners this 6th day of September, A.D. , 1913. I if of If I It It it I I it I tt I ` "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of 71ha.tcom County " " State of Washinr;ton " n tt to it to it rt it n " It " r► n Attest: '"ill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper County�Commissioner Henry Shagren County Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Ilonday, September 8, 1913. &(10 Chairrga.n Board County C issioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 6 IZ July Term Monday the 8th day September 191 1-londay, September 8, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on September 6, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were. had: In the 'utter of the Appointment ) S Order Appointing VIi.1lard H Galloway of Clerk for Geneva Township WHEREAS, this Board finds that a vacancy exists in the office of Clark in Geneva Township through the resignation of mrs Belle Batt, which resignation is on file with this Board, and VMEREAS, the Board of Supervisors have recommended the appointment of V'lillard H. Galloway to fill said vacancy, NOVI, THEREFORE, it is ordered by this ,Board that the resignation of Ctrs Belle Hatt be, and same is hereby accepted.and V1illard H Galloway be, and he hereby is appointed as Clerk of Geneva Township to act as such until the next regularly elected clerk shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Board this 8th day of September, 1913. of It If 01 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " of State of Washington " " Is " n It " 11 " It it It .." n of Attest' Will D 'Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the.Board. ---------- 000----- ---- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COM,-TISSIONERS OF WHA`1'C011 COUNTY, 'WASHINGTON. In the Matter of the Application of W S Russell for the ) Construction and Improvement of a Drainage.Ditch and ( O R D E R Establishment of Unincorporated Drainage Improvement District ) On this 8th day of September, 1913, this matter cameon before the Board for hearing upon the report of the County Engineer,the meeting of the Board at this time being held pursuant to adjournment of meeting held on August 25th, 1913. E E Talmage and Amanda Talmage, his wife, A G Stierlen and Yinnie Stierlen, his wife, J C Bodine and Maud Bodine, his wife., C J Larson and A S Hardenbrook filed written protest that they remonstrated against the proposed drainage district as now surveyed and outlined, alleging that it will work an injustice to many property owners in said district for the reason that many of them will receive no benefit therefrom that would justify the assessment assessed to some of the property owners along said ditch and to others at a distance therefrom, and they further remonstrated in their said written remonstrance against any further,.expense for surveys and estimates for said drainage district. , The Board proceeded to hear all pertinent.evidence, including further evidence offer- ed concerning the, probable cost of the. system.. and probable benefits to accrue therefrom in general and as .the same may relateto the different parcels of property., and as to dadages, if any, and further consideredthe preliminary estimates of the engineer as the same appear upon his report con-cerning the estimated benefits to the various pieces and parcels of property within the said Drainage Improvement District No. 4. The Board is now fully advised in the premises and it is now 0 R D R R T D as follows: That the gross amount of benefits estimated by the said County Engineer in ,the sum W.O.R. 11tecord of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Yonday the 8th day aentember 191 of $13687.25 be reduced and modified to the sum of 12594.25, which sum ($12594.25) is the estimate of benefits as adjudged by this Board after the said modification. That the estimate of the County 7ngineer as to the benefits accruing to Yary Fritz Dufner and Mary Fritz Dufner, guardian for William J. and Herbert E. Fritz, upon the S" of the NZ of the SW, and the N- of the S-,1F of the SVI, section 25, township 40, north range 2 E be reduced from the said engineer's estimate of $1365.00 to ti?500.00, which said sum of $500.00 is adjudged as the estimate of this Board. That the estimate of the County Engineer as to the benefits accruing to S S Howe upon the SE of the SE, section 26, township 40 N range 2 east be reduced from the said engineer's report of N0728.00 to $500.00, iinich said sum o;O $500.00 is adjudged as the estimate of this Board. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the route and line of survey as returned by the engineer for the main ditch and waterway be changed from and below the point where it, as now surveyed by the County Engineer and shown upon his report, crosses the south line of the SE of the SE, section 26, township 40 north, range 2 east, so as to run thence from said point west along the south line of the said SE of the SE and Re of the 'U21- of the SE, said section 25 to point near the SVI corner of said Eri of the 1112 of the SL+', said section 25 (exact location to be determined by the County Engineer); thence following the general course of Fish Trap Creek by mostfeasible route to west line of. the NVI of tree NE section 35, township 40, north range 2 east., at which latter point the said route and line of survey shall continue to coincide with that shown.upon the said engineer's report. TI IS FURTHER ORDERED that a lateral.be constructed pursuant to evidence heard at this hearing and pursuant to consent and agreement of all those concerned and all those over whose land the said lateral shall be constructed, as follows: Beginning at the lowest point of ground in the southwesterly portion of the S-2 of the SVI of the SVI, section 25, township 40, north range 2 east ( the exact location to be deter- mined by the County Engineer) and running thence southwesterly following the lowest de- pression through the N�- of the NE and lot 2, section 35, township 40 north range 2 east to the most northeasterly end of the Anderson Ditch in said lot 2; thence following the line of the said Anderson Ditch southwesterly and southerly to County Road No. 98; thence westerly along the right of way of County Road No. 98 to outlet in Fish Trap Creek, and that in said outlet such floodgate be constructed as to properly protect adjacent lands in case same be needed to prevent overflow from Fish Trap Creek,at the mount of said lateral. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the report of said County Engineer, with the modifications as herein recited and the addition of the said lateral hereinbefore provided for, be and the same is hereby approved and confirmed_, (lt appearing to this Board that the addition of the said lateral and the change in modification of the original route of the main ditch or channel causes no additional damages to any property owner involved, and will cause no damage to any property not heretofore involuted and not damaged.under the original plans, and it further appearing that no property in any instance is, or will be, damaged by reason of said improvement as exhibited upon the report of the County Engineer, or upon said report �:�ith the modifications as herein determined), and that said drainage system as shown upon the said County. Engineer's report and as shoirm by modifications herein set forth, includ- ing the acquisition of perpetual easement and right to improve Fish Trap Creek for the main ditch and the said Anderson Ditch below and outside the boundaries of the said district, as shown upon the said survey of said County Engineer, be and the same. and the whole there- of is hereby adopted and ordered established and proceedings hencefmrth shall be directed a W.O.R. ` Record of Commissioners' Proceedings k July Term I.1onday the 8th day September 1913 to the obtaining of rights of way for the route of said.ditch and laterals, all as herein described. That after modifications as herein above set forth there is one main ditch and two laterals; that the main ditch route is described as follows: Beginning at a point 587 feet south and 691 feet east of the corner common to sections 24, 25, 19 and. 30, township 40, north range 2.east and range 3.east W.M.; thence in a southwesterly direction following generally the line, direction and meanderings of Fish Trap Creek (being at come points :-rithin and at other„points alongside or near the present bed of said creek) to the south line of the SE of the SE in section 26, township 40 north range 2 east (said point being exhibited upon the plat of the engineer on .file herein); thence west along the south line of the said SE of the SE and the M;' of the 7.1j of the SE, said section 26, to point near the southwest corner of said Fag of the 7,'2' of the SE, said section 26; thence following the general course of Fish Trap Creek by most feasible route to west line of the NW of the NE, section 35, township 40 north range 2 east and thence following generally the line, direction and meanderings of Fish Trap :reek to its outlet in the Nooksack River. The first lateral is near the northeasterly end of the main ditch and is described as follows: Beginning at a point 462 feet south and 617 feet west of the northeast corner of section 30, township 40 north range 3 east; thence in a westerly and southwesterly direc- tion about 5366 feet to intersection with main drainage_ ditch 1660 feet south and 338 feet west of the northeast corner of section 25, township 40 north range2 east. The second.lateral is in the southwesterly portion of.the district to be drained by said improvement and is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the lowest.point of ground'in the southwesterly portion of the 4 of the SW of the SW, section 25,,. township 40 north range2 east (the location to be determined by the County Engineer) and running thence southwesterly following the lowest depression through the N� of the NE and.lot,2,. section 35, township 40 north range 2 east to the most northeasterly end of..the Anderson Ditch in said lot 2, thence following the line of'the said Anderson Ditch southwesterly and southerly to County Road No. 98, thence westerly along the right of way of. County Road No. 98 to outlet in Fish 'trap Creek. That said Drainage Improvement District No. 4 as adopted and established is bounded as follows: Beg. at point about 300' S and 200' W of NE cor. sec. 30, Tp 40 N R 3 E; thence southwesterly to point on Vl'line of r. {,1 sec. 30-40-3E about 1000 ft S of 4 sec. cor. on TT line said sec 30; thence southwesterly to point .about 1400' S and 600E of NVI cor; said sec. 30; thence..northwasterly to point about 800' S and 875' E of 3JW cor. said sec. 30; thence northwesterly to point about 550' S and 650' E of said NW cor. sec. 30; thence southwesterly to point about 1250' S of said NW cor. sec. 30; thence southwesterly to point about 660' Vl of SE cor. NE NE Sec 25 T 40 N R 2 E; thence west to SW cor. said NE NE sec 25; thence southvtesterly to point about 100' N of the SW cor. NE SVI NE said sec 25; thence northwesterly topoint al -:out .200' N of the SVI cor. NY[ SIV ITE said sec. 25; thence northwesterly to point about 350' W of the NE cor. SE MV said sec. 25; thence west to point about 900' VI of said NE cor. SE NVI sec. 25; thence southitTesterly to the SW cor. SVI NW said sec. 25; thence southwesterly to the SE cor. ITE NW SE sec. 26, T 40 N R 2 E; thence west to the SW cor, said NE MY SE said sec. 26; thence southwesterly to point about 250' E and 250' S of the NW cor. SE SW said sec. 26; thence southeasterly to point about 500' S of the NVI cor. 1117 NE sec 35, Tp 40 N R 2.E; thence south about 1125' to point about 330' S of the NW cor. lot 2 said sec. 35; thence southeasterly to point 660' S of NE cor. said lot 2, Sec. 35; thence east to point 660' S of the NE cor lot 7, Sec 36, T 40 N R 2 E; thence northeasterly to point about 200' S of the NE cor lot 6, said sec. 36; thence northeasterly to point about 775' N and 400' E of the S77 cor. Sec. 25 aforesaid; thence northeasterly to point about 375' S of the NE cor lot 2 said sec 25; thence south- easterly to point about 725' N and 850' 1.11 of the SEcor said. Sec 25; thence southerly to point about 750' VI of the SE cor, said Sec. 25; thence. east. to point about 35,d' W of the said SE cor. sec. 25; thence northeasterly to point about 325' N of said SE cor. Sec. 25; thence north to point about 600' N of said SE cor. sec. 25; thence northeasterly to point about 300' S of the NE cor lot 10, Sec. 30, T 40 ITT R 3 E; thence northeasterly to point about 1000' S and 660' W of the NE cor lot 8 said Sec 30; thence northeasterly to point about 88,61 E of the SW cor. lot 4, said Sec 30; thence northeasterly to point about 400' S and 660' E of the IRY corner lot 5, said Sec 30; thence northeasterly to -.the place of beginning. That said. Drainage Improvement District No. 4 embraces lands and territory wholly. within 1,7ha.tcom County, Washington, being about 1046.60 acres, more particularly described as follows: Part of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 and 11 and of the N71 NE and ITE ITVI; and all of lot 9 ind the SE4 MW11 sec 30 T 40 N R 3 E; also part of lots 1 and 2 and NE NE; N2 N-? SVl NE; SE NW; SW NVI; and all of SE NE S-;If SW NE; IT-:',- S1 ;4 and SVP Sec 25 T 40 N R 2 E; also, part of Ng SE; SE NE SW; SE SW; and all of S2 SE Sec 26, T 40 N R 2 E; also, part If lotsl and 2 and NE NVI; and all of N-2 NE Sec 35-40-2E; also part of lots 3, 6 and 7; and all of 1TW1 NVl4 Sec 36, Tp 40 N R 2 E. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the plan of assessment to pay the cost of said improvement as adopted at the hearing.on August 25th 1913, is the best and most feasible method of payment and is hereby, as per said order of August 25th_1913, reaffirmed and adopted and 0 @D W. 0. R. Record. of Commissioners' Proceedings Jules Term .. h,ionday the 8th (lay- September 191 3 ---- the evidences of indebtedness -for .the. cost of said._improvemen.t.. sha-ll, be bonds and.. the said bonds shall be issued forten.years and assessments for payment thereof -shall .be.in install meats as follows: For the 1st year - ® - - - - 5% For the 2nd year - - - - - - 5% For the 3rd year - ® - - - - 5% For the 4 th guar 0, m - -� - - 10 0 For the 5th year - - - - - - 10% For the 6 th year - - o - - - 10% For the "th year - 10% For the 8th year m - - - -- - 10% For the 9th. year - - - - - - 15% For thelOth year - - - - - 15le, Such bonds shall be interest bearing coupon.:Ibonds (Interest'not to exceed 60 per a.nnum) and of such denominations of not less than $100.00, nor more `than $500.00 as this. Board may by resolution hereafter prescribe, and shall -recite that.they.are secured to be paid by assessments upon: the property of Drainage- Improvement District D;o. d of l7hatcom County, and that they are not a general obligation of said.county. Said bonds shall bd payable in their serial order on the call of the treasurer whenever at any coupon date there shall be sufficienij money in the fund of said district against which they are issued over and above that necessary for the pa.yment.of interest on all outstanding bonds to pay the princi pal of one or more bonds. Said bonds shall be issued and all proceedings vrith reference to their issuance shall be in accordance with the legal requirements as set forth in Chapter 176 of the Laws of 1913., of the State of Washington, and especially Sections 17 and 18 thereof, It appears that some owners of property, across which said ditch and. laterals are to be constr�kcted.g have not as yet executed and delivered to this�county.their deeds.for right of way for said rain _ ditch. a.nd laterals alongthe . route of -the said.. proposed improve- ment, and it is therefore 0 R D.E R E.D-that C.M.Adams:, County Engineer; and Virgil Pe.ri.nger, of. Brornrn,. White & Peringer., who is and at all. times. herein has.,.been attending to the legal work in this .matter:, be. and .they are. named as agents to_ secure acceptances . and deeds from such wvners for the purposes of right of way. IT IS FURTHER ORDERIM that this meeting: and hearing.. be and the same. is,hereby ad- journed to 12onday the 29th day of .September., 1913, at Which time any further matters per- taining to the said improvement may be heard. and considered. Done in ripen session of the Board- this 8-th day of September, 1.9130 11 tl 1) Ir 11 ..11 11 it 1) li tl tl 11 N "Board of :County Commiss- 10 "ioners- of @lhatcom County " State of Washin�-,ton " 11. 1; 1) N 11 11 it 11 11 It 11 It 11 /1 Attest: N`il.l D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board.. ----------- C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry. Sha.gren Commissioner On motion the board adjourned .to meet ,on Monday, September 15, 1913.. Chairman: Board.uounty mmissioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings J Jul V Term Monday the 15th day September ' 191 Monday, September 15, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment -taken on September 8, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: ORDER OF HEARING ON PETITION OF lIIARGARET FLYNN AND OTHFRS, FOR ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BELLINGHAM, V-;�IATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. On this 15th day of September, 1913, Margaret Flynn and fifteen others, claiming and alleging themselves to be qualified electors of Whatcom. County, Washington, and residents within the limitsof the territory hereinafter described, and having.filed in the office of the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washington, their petition pray- ing that an election shall be called and held within the limits of the following described portion of Whatcom County, Washington, to -wit: All that portion of the North -hest quarter of Section Twenty-seven (27) in To.;mship Thirty-eight (38) North of Range Three (3) East ofthe Willamette Meridian, and Lot Five (5) in Section Twenty-two (22) said township and range, described as follows, to -wit: Beginning at the quarter corner between sections Twenty-seven (27) and Twenty-eight (28) said Tovmship and Range, which quarter corner is on the East boundary line of the City of Bellingham, Washington; thence East along the South boundary line of the North- west quarter of said Section Twenty-ceven (27) to the intersection of said South boundary line with the government meander line of Lake Whatcom; thence along said government meander line in a general North-westerly direction to the point of its intersection with the East boundary line of said Section Twenty-eight (28) which last named boundary line is a part of the East boundary of said City of Bellingham; thence'South along said East boundary line of said Section Twenty-eight (28) to the place of beginning. For the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing therein, the question of the annexation of said .terri-tory to the City of Brllinghari, a city of the first class in said County of Whatcom, under the provisions of Chapter 245 of the Session Lads of 1907 of the Legislature of the State of Washington, found at pages 676 to 679 thereof, both inclusive, which Chapter is compiled and set forth in Sections 7445 to 7450 both inclusive of Remington & Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Statutes of the State of Washington. And said Board being no.w:in regular adjourned session., it is by the board, ORDERED, that Friday the loth day of October 1913, at the rooms of said.Board of County Commissioners,.i.n the Court House in the City of Bellingham, Washington, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P.M. be and the same are hereby fixed as the date and place for the hearing of said petition. And it is further ORD.,RED, that the clerk of this Board cause notice of said hearing to be prepared and issued,. and that.said notice be published by said petitioners for at least two weeks prior to said date of hearing., in some newspaper printed and published in the said City of Bellingham, to vrhich it is proposed to annex such, territory. BOARD OF COUNTY COI:MISSIONERS, OF UHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. 11 It 11 It to tt 11 11 11 to It It It 11 "Board of County Commiss- 11 "ioners of Whatcom County to 11 State of Washington . if to of It of t1 11 If to 11 11 It to If if Attest; Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper Henry S'hagren Commissioners ---------- 000---------- In the Matter of Construction of Pile Trestle Across Road . #331 , Over Sumas Creek. Order Calling for Bids. WHEREAS, this Board finds that there should be constructed a pile trestle across Sumas Creek on County Road #331 in Sec. 4, Tp. 39 N R 4 E. NOW, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby directed,to issue a call for bids for 70 W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Yonday the 15th day September 191 3 the construction of said pile trestle according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Engineer. said bids to be considered at the hour of 10:.30 o'clock A Y on Saturday, October llth 1913. The Board reserving the right to reject any or all bids. This improvement to be paid for from the Road and Bridge Fund of Uhatcom County and to be completed by December 1st 1913. Done in open session of the Board this 15th day of September, 1.913. It tt u " " " if " to u " " " tt "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Vhatcom County " " State of Washington " u tt it It " " It of It " of " " " Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. In the Yatter of.the Contract ) of Dora V. Halsted. () C B Legoe Chairman of the board J G Kemper County Commissioner Henry Shagren County Commissioner ----- _000----- --- 0 RDER. .11F12MAS, for a term of years prior to July 5, 1913, there existed a contract between Vlhatcom County, Washington, and Dora V. Halsted, by the terms of which the said Dora V. Halsted was authorized to operate a ferry across the Nooksack River at Marietta, said county, for which she was to receive and did receive the sum of Fifty Dollars per month; and VIIEREAS, under the terms of said contract the said Dora V. Halsted was required to give bond for the faithful performance of the conditions of said .contract on her part to be performed; and WHERIt3AS, on said July 5, 1913, the said Vilhatcom County terminated the said contract and entered into a contract with one Scrimsher for the operating in future of such ferry; and VMEREAS, by reason of the facts and circumstances aforementioned the bond theretofore given by the said Dora, V. Halsted terminated on said 5th day of July, 1913, and all liabi- lity thereunder ceased. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the said bond and the sureties thereon be, and the same are hereby exonerated as of the date of July 5, 1913. Done in open and regular session this 15th day of September, 1913. C B Legoe of If " " n tt n " " n " " ri " Chairman "Board of County Commiss- " J G Kemper "ioners of V;hatcom County " Commissioner " State of Washington " Henry uhagren n " tt " u u it " " " putt Commissioner AttestWill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of oasd Board. -------AO-000---------- On motion the Board adjourned t- meet on Thursday, September 18, 1913. &A 4� Chairman Board Uou ommissioners W.O.R. necord ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Thursday the i 8th- day SP1)te]]1brxr 191 Thursday, September 18, 1913. The Board.met pursuant.to adjournment taken on September 15, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: In the Yatter ment of Yeridia.n of the Improve-) (71 Street. ) 0 R D E R. VAIRREAS, at the time of the initiation of the pavement of the Guide Meridian Road by the City of Bellingham, the Board of County Commissioners agreed to contribute the sum of Three Thousand ($3000.00) Dollars to said improvement, and VMEREAS, a misunderstanding as to some of the details of the plan of improvement has arisen, and VHEREAS, in the assessment roll for the payment'of the said improvement. the County of Vhatcom is charged with the sum of $3000.00, said assessment being; a bond plan, and WHEREAS, the City of Bellingham has agreed to gravel and otherwise improve said Guide Meridian from the present pavement to the City Limits, NOVI, THEREFORE, be it Resolved, That this Board pay said sum of $3000.00 to the Local Improvement.Fund of the City of Bellingham for the improvement of Meridian Street from - Broadway to the northerly limits of Illinois Street, said payment to be made as follows: 01500.00 before. delinquency of said Local Improvement Roll of the City of Bellingham for heridian.Street and the balance, without interest, on or before September loth 1914; said payments to be made upon the distinct understanding that the City of Bellingham or the abutting property owners shall gravel and put that portion.. of Meridian Street from the present pavement to the City limits in as good a condition for travel as that portion of the Guide Meridian Road immediately north of the city limits. Done in open session of the Foard this 18th day of September, 1913. 11 ►► It I to " It u ►► " u to It of "Board of County Commiss- of "ioners of Vhatcom County of of State of Washington " It If u n of If of If to " . it ►r . " to Attest:'Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper County Conmiissioner Henry Shagren County Oommissioner ---------- 000--------- ESTIMATED EXPEIISE AND ,.RECEIPTS OE Z'i;�TC012 COUNTYFOR: THE YEAR 1914. Pursuant to chapter 138,, session lairs of 1909 ,-relating . to revenue and .taxation, the county commissioners of.Whatcom County will meet at their.office in the courthouse on I,'onday, the-6th day of October, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., to consider the tax levy for the year 1914, to make estimates of the amount required to meet the public expense es for the ensuing year to be raised by taxation in said county, such estimates fully item- ized and given below as required for each department. Any taxpayer who may appear shall be heard in favor of or against any proposed tax levy contemplated. C0121ISSIOI TMS. Commissioners' Salaries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5,400.00 Livery hire - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 200.00 Incidental expenses - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 200,00 Total- - - - - - - - - 5,800.00 r72L:� Record of Comnflssioners' Proceedings July Term Thursday the 18th day September 191 ,, COUNTY AUDITOR. Auditor's Salary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .`� 1,900.00 Deputies' salaries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,3001,00 Recorders' salaries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,460,00 Checking Offices & Weights and Measurer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,000.00 Books and stationery - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,000.00 Incidentals- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50.00 Total - - - - - - p 9,710.00 COUNTY TREASURER. Treasurer's salary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21000.00 Deputy's salary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,400.00 Bookkeeper & Clerk6' salaries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5,050.00 Tax receipts 8c Binding - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500.00 Statements and Stationery - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100.00 Stamped Tnvelopes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500.00 Blank Books - - u - - - _ .. ., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 200.00 Tax Segregation Machine - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250.00 Premium on Treasurer's Bond - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 220.00 Incidentals- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100.00 Total- - - - - - - V610132.0.00 COTJN.F_i CLERK. Clerk's salary account - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .?` 5,4.00.00 J Dockets - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 225.00 Printing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100.00 Postage- - - - - _ - - _ _ , - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50.00 Incidentals- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100.00 Total - - - - - - s 5,875.00 COUNTY ASSESSOR. Assessor's salary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 1 ,500.00 Deputies' & Clerks' salaries, including tax extensions - - - - - _ - - - - - _ 4,500.00 Salaries of Field Deputies for Bell ingha.rn, Blaine, Lynden, Ferndale, Suma.s, and Nooksack - - - - - 3,000.00 Tax rolls, Books, Stationery & Printing-.- - - - - - - - _ - _ - - - - - - 400.00 Timber Cruising - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300,00 Total- - - - - - - - 9,800.00 PROSECUTING ATTORNEY. Attorney 's salary- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - $ 1,900.00 Deputy's salary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,200.00 Stenographer for attorney and judges - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 780.00 Stationery - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - 100.00 Printing Briefs - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100.00 Incidentals, such as traveling expenses, telegraplling, etc - - - - - - - - - - 200100 Total - - - - - - $ 4,280.00 SHERIFF'S OFFICE. Sheriff's salary account - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 5,620.00 Special Deputies (Personal Tax etc)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300.00 Traveling ex enses, etc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,200.00 Incidentals Books, stationery & printing) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300.00 oard of Prisoners - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - 1,400.00 Jail supplies (Laundry, towels, soap, etc) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ____150.00 Total- - - - - - - - 81970.00 COUNTY ETTG INl+,133. Engineer's salary- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 1,900.00 Deputy's salary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,500.00 Draughtsman - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,000.00 - Chainman - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - - 900. 00 Inspectors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 600.00 Office supplies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - _ - - 200.00 Traveling expenses - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - 400.00 Total - -• - - - - k 69500.00 SUPPRINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. Salary of Superintendent and Deputy- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e, 3#000.00 -County Board of Education - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 200.00 Traveling expenses - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250.00 Institute (Including Bellingham) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 400.00 Stationery and stamps - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250.00 Directors' Meetimg - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100.00 Printing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250.00 Express and freight - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50.. 00 Incidentals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50.00 Total - - - - - - yr 41550.00 CORONER Coroner's salary - - - - - - - - - 1 ,000. 00 Expense - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4r 30.00 Livery hire - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100.00 Jurors & Vitnesses for Inquest; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100.00 Autopsy and Inquest, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75.00 Total - - - - - - $ 1,305.00 W.O.R. j dA Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Thursday the 18th day September 1913 COUNTY PHYSICIAN. Physician's salary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - w 1,000.00 Expense (Postage, stationery, etc) - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - 20.00 Care of. Sick & Injured at Hospitals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,800.00 Medicine - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500.00 Disinfectants, antitoxin, quarantine, etc. - - - - - - - -. - - - - - 500.00 Ambulance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75.00 Livery, car fare & miscellaneous expense - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 540200 Total - - - - - 0 4,435.00 SUPERIOR COURT. Salaries of two judges at $125.00 per mo - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 3,000,00 Salaries of Bailiffs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300.00 Insanity Cases- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 900.00 Jurors Expen.pe s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - 500.00 Jury Fees - - - - - - _ _ - - w - w _ - - - - - - _ - - - w - - - - - - - 6,000,00 "fitness Fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30000.00. Incidentals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500.00 Total - - - - - - ,�`� 14,200.00 COURT REPORTER. Reporting,Cases in Superior Court - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,125.00 JUVENILE COURT Salary of Probation Officer. - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,200.00 Expense of Probation Officer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 85.00 Detention Home for Juveniles- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300.00 Mothers' Pensions (Laws 1913) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7,500.00 Total - - - - - $ 9,086.00 JUSTICE COURTS. -CITY- Salaries of Two Justices at..$100.00 per mo- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 204004-00 Witness Feet - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - 500.00 JuryFees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75.00 Office Expense, Stationery , etc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250.00 Constable's Salary = - - - - _ - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - 720.00 Constabll-'s Expense - - - - - - - - - - - - w - - - - - - - - - - - - - w - - 200.00 -COUNTRY- Justice Fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ w - _ _ _ 200.00 Constable Fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300.00 Witness. Fees- - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ w - _ _ w - - - - - - - - - - 150.00 - - Jury Fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50.00 Total . -.. - . - - 0 49845.00 COURTHOUSE. Salary of Janitor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10020.00 Fuel- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 600.00 Light- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 750.00 Tel.epho,ne and Telegraph - - - - - - - . - - - - w - - - - - - - - - - - - - 600.00 Furniture and Fixtures- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 200.00 . Repairs and :Alterations - c- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - w - 500.00 P,?iscell,aneous Supplies- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250.00, Postage for all Offices - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --,1,200.,,00 Total - - - - - - 5,120.00 COUNTY H0114M. Salary .of Superintendent- - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 720, 00 Salary of. Matron- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300. 00 Salary of Cook - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - w - - - - - - - - - - - 540.00 Salary ,of Teamster- - - - - - - - _ _. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 400.00 Salary of Nurse - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300.00 Labor - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - -. - - -. - - _ --- - - - - - - - - - 500.00 Expense- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50.00 Dry Goods and Groceries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,000.00 Hardware and Blacksmithing--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 200.00 Feed - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - . - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250.00 Stock and Harness - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - - - w - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 200.00 Furniture and Fixtures- - - - - - _ - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50.00 Repair&, Alterations.and.New Buildings- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300.00 Yiscellaneous Supplies- - w - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 200.00 Implements, tools and machinery - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100.00 Total 7,110.00 COUNTY POOR. Drygoods and Groceries- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,000.00 Fuel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - 100.00 Drugs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500.00 Rent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 225.00 Railroad Fares -. - - • - - - - _ w - - - w - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 350.00 Burials- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, - 500._00 Total - - •,- - - 3,675.00 74 W.O.R. Recordof Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Thursday the 18th day September 1913 GENERAL MISCELLANEOUS. Bureau of Inspection (Checking all Offices)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vol 1,000.00 Current Expense Vlarrant Indebtedness - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25,000.00 3 0 on Current Tax Roll, realty tax paid in full prior to fiarch ,15 , 1914 - - - - 13, 000.00 County Printing (Advertising) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,500.00 Insurance on 'Waldron Block _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 100.00 County Automobile: ;; ; - - - - - _ _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10200.00 Election Expenses - - _ _ _ - - _ _ -- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g,500.00 Premium on Official Bonds (except Treas.)(Laws 1913)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 272.50 Maintenance Tubercular Patients (Laws 1913) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,OOptO0 Industrial Insurance - - - - - - - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 150.00 Appropriation for Matcom Co. Fair Ass'c'n. (Laves 1909) - - - - - _ _ - _ _ _ - 11,000.00, Humane Society Yaintenance - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 180.00 Detention -Homes - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 300900 Total _ - - _ - - _$ 540202.50 Total amount of expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O 1700907.50 --_..,,.,-000------- ESTIYATES OF RECEIPTS OTHER THAN TAXES FOR 1914. Auditor's Office - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - _ _ - - _ - _ - - - _ _ - - - 9,750.00 Treasurer's Office - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 159730.00 Clerk's Office - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 111000.00 Sheriff's Office - - _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,200.00 Superior Court _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ - 250.00 Justice and Constable Fees and Uines - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,800.00 Co Supt Schools - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 400.00 Court Reporter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 700.00 Miscellaneous (Pool tables & rents from Co Prop) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 650,00 Total - - - - - - p 41 ,4.80.00 Leaving a balance -to be raised by taxation - - - - - - - - - - ,A 1299427.50 -.-----c0o------- ESTIMATED AMOUNT M BE RAISED BY TAXATION 1914. Current Expense - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 129,427.50 COUNTY BOND INTEREST Interest on Bonds - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 71200.00 COUNTY BOND REDE1,1PTION Redemption of County Bonds - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 201000.00 HORTICULTURAL Salary of Horticultural Inspector - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10125.00 Expense - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 350.00 Total - - - - - p 1,475.00 SOLDIERS' REMIEF. Relief and Burial of Indigent Soldiers- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11800.00 To apply on indebtedness &: interest on warrants - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 700,-00 Total - - - - 0 2,500.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE. General road and bridge construction and repairs - - - - - - - - - - - - - 78#800.00 Operation lZarietta Ferry - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 600.00 Salary Femndale Bridge Tender - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - 60.00 Industrial Insurance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 350,00 Total- - - - - - -1 79,810.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE IJIDEBTEDNESS. To apply on General Road Indebtedness and Interest on Varrants- - - - - - - - 77,000.00 To apply on General Bridge Indebtedness and Interest. on `warrants. - - - - - - 771000.00 Total - - - - - 0 .154,000.00 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 2. To apply on 'Warrant Indebtedness and Interest on Warrants - - - - - - - - - 15,000.00 ANDREASEN DITCH. 3rd Installment on Construction Andreasen Ditch - - - _ - - - _ _ - - . BUTLER DITCH. 3rd Installment on Construction Butler Ditch - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - .ELDER DITCH. 3rd Installment on Construction Elder Ditch - - - - - - - - - - -� - - - - -- DUFLTTR DITCH. . dMaintenance - - - _ _ - _ - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tip HEATH DITCH. Maintenance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � 525.59 457.45 745.70 200.00 250.00 MO. R. nocord of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Thursday the 18th day September 191 3 MOORMOT DITCH. Maintenance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100.00 SCHELL DITCH. Maintenance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 200'.00 SLEASTAAN DITCH. Main.tenn'nce - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ti 350.00 SLEASMAN DITCH NO. 2. Maintenance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 350.00 To:apply on indebtedness and Interest on Warrants - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 350.00 Total - - - - - - p* 700.00 I1 it " of 11 11 it 11 11 11 i1 it 11 If "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of,` 11hatcom County " Will D Wallace If State of Washington " Gounty Auditor and Clerk of the n i1 a 11 u It i1 it 11 " if a it if Board of County Commissioners. ---------- 000---------- On motion1the Board adjourned to meet on Monday, September 29, 1913. Chairman Noard County issior_ers 6 W.O.R. J Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Yonday the 29th [lay September 191 3 VX Monday, September 29, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on September 18th 1913. Present, all members of the Board n.nd the Clerk in attendance. The follovaring proceedings were had: In the 1Tatter of Application of Sumas Order Continuing; Hearin;. Electri s: Light Company .for Franchise IT IS ORDEIRIM by this Board that the hearing on the application of the Sumas Electric Light Company for franchise over certain roads in Whatcom County, be, and same is hereby continued to Thursday, October 9th 1913 at 1:30 o'clock P.M. Done in open session of the Board this 29th day of September, A.D. 1.913. 2 II II " u is a 1+ n 11 n to Il " " C B Legoe "Board of County Commissioners of V,'hat- to Chairman of the Board "com County, State of Washington. of J.G. Kemper or 10 to It It It I1 11 it If 11 If ,1 11 11 11 it 41 11 11 of Commissioner Henry Shagren Attest: Commissioner Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. _.__000---------- In the Yatter of the Establishment of ) Order Establishing Grade. ` Sidewalk Grade, Fain St. , Everson, Fin � , This matter coming on for hearing before this Board on this day, IT IS N REBY ORD7,!�;.T�D that the grade for sidewalk along the south side of Main Street in the village of Everson from the viest line of Harkness Street eiest to a point 200 feet vilest therefrom shall be as foil ows: Beginning at the intersection of the viest line of Harkness Street and the south line of Main Street on top of the present existing cement side%=;alk; thence ascending uniformly to a point 50 feet vest of the west line of Harkness Street where the elevation shall be 0.20 feet above the point of beginning; thence ascending uniformly to a point 200 feet west of the %vest line of Harkness Street where the elevation shall be 2.20 feet above the point of beginning. Done in open session of the Board this 29th day of September, 1913. 11 to of of to n n is it of if it if of to to " of C.B. Legoe "Eoard of County Commissioners of " Chairman of the Board "Vihatcom County,State of Washington" J.G. Kemper it " u of It " 11 N it ," It it If " 11 n if it to Commissioner . Henry Shagren Attest: Commissioner Will. D. Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board In the fatter of the Appointment of ) Order Appointing; C.A. Strand Overseer of Road Dist. #1., Baker Tvjp. VIH7REAS, a vacancy exists in the office of Road Overseer of Road District No. 1 Baker To,mship through the resignation of E,.W. Ryan, which resignation. is on file with. the Board, and VMPMEAS, the Board of Townnship Supervisors has recommended the appointment of C A Strand to fill said vacancy, NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that the resignation of R V1 Ryan be and same is hereby accepted and that C A Strand be, and he hereby -is appointed as Road Overseer of Road District TTo. 1 in Baker 'Township, to act as such until the next regularly elected W.o.,R: 77 necord ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Term ?onday the 29th day September 1913 Overseer shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Board this 29th day of September, 1913. C.P. Legoe It of It It n o u n n it it it 11 Chairman of tt the Board "Board of' County Commiss�:" J.G. Kemper "ioners of Whatcom County," Commissioner to State of Washington it Henry Shagren to it It. ", n It " ►► n n n, n It ►► Commissioner Attest Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board -------- 000-----_---- BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMITI SSI ONERS OF VHATCOM COUNTY, T7ASHING TON. In the Matter of the. Application of Nathan Bellinger for the Construction and Improvement of a Drainage ORDER. Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporated Drainage Improvement District. ) It now appears that the County, Engineer has filed herein his report pursuant to order entered by this Board in this matter heretofore, and that the said County Engineer has returned a schedule and. estimate of all property that will be damaged, or both damaged and benefited, by the proposed improvement and -an estimate of the total number of acres that will be benefited by the said improvement, and has specified. the manner in which the pro- posed improvement is to be made and the number, kind, location and dimensions of all nece- ssary Later ways, ditches, outlets, flood gates, bridges and crossings, and that he has, as provided by law; made schedule of the property to be damaged, or damaged and benefited, andarranged the. same in parallel columns Nvi.th the appropriate headings, showing the description of the property; including the legal subdivisions, sections, township, range and number of acres, together with the name of the owner or owners, or reputed oi;mers, and estimated gross damages that will be sustained by reason of the proposed improvement, and the estimated gross benefits that will accrue, and that the right hand column of the said schedule is.sufficiently wide for the signo.ture-of the owner or owners, and that as a heading for the said signatures the follov,ring language is inserted: I, the .undersigned owner of the property opposite which I have signedMy name, accept and agree to the estimated amount of benefits and damages that will accrue to my property by reason of the proposed improvement. It further appears that the County Engineer has filed with his report a plat, shoe*ring the meanderings of the proposed improvement and the boundaries of each lot or tract of land and, the location. of each public road and the name or names, so far as known, of the owner or owners of.each lot or tract of land, and the authorities or corporation having in charge or owning or controlling each public or other road and sewer system or ditch or 'drainage line., and the distance in feet through each tract or parcel of land crossed by the proposed improvement;' that the profile shows the surface and grade lines and grad- ient fixed; that these, together with such other matters as the County Engineer has deemed material, appear in or as a part of his said report; that the said County Engineer has made and filed with his said report his itemized bill of costs incurred in the discharge of his said duties in this proceeding, and has reported the same to the Clerk of this Board vAthin the time and manner provided by law. 'MIERE,FORL, IT IS ORDEIMD that hearing be had. on said. report before this board at its meeting; place in the Court house at Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington, on the 24" rz W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners" Proceedings July Term Yonda,y the 29th day September 1913 day of. October, 1913, at the hour of ten o'clock A.1% and that the Clerk of this board shall give notice of said hearing by publication in three successive issues of the offi- cial newspaper of 17hatcom County,, and that in said notice said Clerk shall, designate the time and place aforesaid for said hearing, and shall specify the territory to be included in the proposed improvement district, both by boundaries and also,by sections or fractions thereof, and shall designate in said notice with reasonable.certainty, the route and ter- mini of said proposed improvement, and shall state that the plat, report and schedule on file in the office of this board show the property to be taken or damaged and the amount of damages proposed to be allowed therefor. Pone in open session , of said. Board. this 29th day.. of September, 1913. C B Legoe (1 11 to 11 of ,t it n n 11 it " n if Chairman "Board of County Commiss- If J G Kemper "loners of Mbatcom County." Commissioner It State of Washington " Henry Shad ren Commissioner Attest: "Will D Wallace County Auditor and. Clerk of the Board. ------d..--oOo------__-_ PEFORE THE HONORABL7, BOARD OF COUNTY CO12JI SSIONi'MS OF VJIATCOIT COUNTY, YIASHINGTON. ✓/In the hatter of the Application of �V. S: Russell. ) for the Construction and Improvement of a Drain- age Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporated 0 R D E R. Drainage Improvement District. This matter came on this 29th day,of September, 1913, pursuant to adjournmentof hearing originally commenc.ed on August 25 a,xid .adjourned to September 8, 191.3, and then adjourned to this date. At this time the acquisition of title to right of way for the main ditch and laterals by deeds from owners of the lands over which.the same are to be.constructed, is reported for the greater portion of the route; that there are other. additional deeds and convey- ances to be had. V)FER + FORE, IT IS OF.Di RED That further time be, granted for the acquisition of the title to right of way. Done in open session of the Board this 29th day of September, 1913. C B Legoe �► �i " u �� u n x n n n n �f " Chairman "Board of County Commiss- " J G Kemper "ioners of Tvhatcom County " Commissioner " State of Glashington " Henry Shagren n n It " it n it of n n n""" Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace, County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000----_----- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Yonday, October 6, 1913. Chairman' oa.r Co y ommissi loners ---------- The minutes for the September session -were read and approved this 6th day of October 1913. 'yam U U Atteet: �� / / � �- Chairman Board ounty issioners County Auditor and Clerk o the Board. W.O.R. f�Q Record of Commissioners' Proceedings � `' October Term 11onday the 6th day October 191 3 Monday, October 6, 1913. The Board of County Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment taken on September September 29, 1913. Present, C.B. Legoe, Chairman; Henry Shagren and J.G. Kemper, Commissioners; 'Full D. Wallace, Clerk of the Toard in attendance. The following claims were allo-vved and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Will D Wallace Salary as County Auditor 158.33 August Engquist Salary as Chief Dep Auditor 100.00 S E Barrett Salary as Deputy Auditor 100.00 F C ?.'artin do 75.00 Lucy E King Salary as Chief Recorder 75.00 Til Thomas Salary as Recorder 65.00 Jessie Walters do 65.00 C B Legoe Salary as Co. Commissioner 150.00 J G Kemper do 150.00 Henry Shagren do 150.00 Delia L Keeler Salary as Supt. Co. Schools 150.00 Ethel Everett Salary as Dep. Supt. Co. Schools 90.00 D ``l Featherkile Salary as Justice of Peace 100.00 Henry C Beach do 100.00 Harrison Cowden Salary as Constable. 60.00 C E Cline Salary as Probation Officer 100.00 0 E Beebe Salary as County Physician 83.33 H Thompson Salary as Uoroner 83.33 D P Day Salary as Supt Co Charities 25.00 Hector Gaviley Salary as Janitor 185.00 Ed E Hardin Salary as Superior Judge 125.00 William H Pemberton do 125.00 Samuel E Leitch Salary as County Clerk 158.33 F CJ Voses Salary as Dep Co Clerk 100.00 Alithea Adams do services Comparing Clerk Co Clerk (1 day) 100.00 1.75 Alice J Hopp as for Frank W Bixby Salary as Pros Attorney 158.33 III A I'Lartin Salary as Dep Pros Atty 100.00 Ilaybelle Bryan Salary as Stenographer for Pros Atty 65.00 Nellie C Rogers Salary as County Treasurer 166.66 F L Olslager Salary as Dep Co Treas 100.00 John Fernley Salary as bookkeeper for Co Treas 90.00 Olive Tilson Salary as Clerk for Co Treas 80.00 G A Pence do 80.00 L A Thomas Salary as Sheriff 158.33 TES B Byland Salary as Jailer 60.00 H D McArthur Salary as County Assessor 125.00 C Donovan Salary as Dep CO Assessor 100.00 F Y Carver do 10 days 28.85 Jas Elder do. 80.00 H R George do 75.00 E J Campbell do 16 days 46.15 C Y Adams Salary as 'County Engineer 158.33 Carl I,cCoy Salary as Drftsm for Oo Eng 100.00 Harry C Swettenam Salary as Transit for `'o Eng 40.00 Geo Y Gerhard Salary as Insp State Roads for Co Eng 92.50 F YcElmon Salary as Transit for Co Eng 47.50 J II Adam Salary as Chainman for Co .Eng 16.25 Harry Kline Salary as Bridge Insp for Co Eng 36.00 P G Cooke Salary as Transit for Co Eng 25.00 George V! Smith Salary as Cement Road Insp for Co Eng 6.25 Dan Fletcher Salary as Cement `fester for Co Eng 80.00 E C Lyle Salary as Transit for Co Eng 32.50 E W Gooch Salary as Chainman for Co Eng 15.00 Anton Braaten Salary as Axman for Co Eng 13.75 Otto E Johnson Salary as Chainman for Co Eng 13.75 Gunval Braaten Salary as Amman for Co 7ng 5.00 C C King Salary as erupt Co Home 60.00 IT B King Salary as matron of Co Home 25.00 Lillian Post Salary as Cook at Co Home 45.00 Catharine Beebe Salary as Nurse at Co Home 30.00 Treutle Post Salary as Teamster at Co Home 30.00 J K Rogers Salary as Laborer at Co Home 58.80 G H Abers Tending Ferndale Bridge 5.00 Puget S6Und T.,L & Pow Co Gas &_ Electric': Light :,'or Sept 53.+70 Harrison Cowden Expense as Constable 3.35 C 11 Adams Expense as Co Eng 5.90 Delia L Keeler Express 9.32 & Expense 12.77 as Co Supt 22.09 Nellie C Rogers P 0 Box Rent as Co Treas 2.00 Nellie C Rogers Expense a/c Treas Convention in Seattle 6.90 L A Thomas Expense as Sheriff 117.20 L A Thomas Board of Prisoners 127.80 Jessie Andrae Stenographic Services to Pros Atty 32.50 H R Nelson Services to Pros Atty & Prob 4iff icer 16.05 Ed Klouda Services as Spl Dep Sheriff 31.50 Lagan Ridenour Typewriting for Pros Atty 12.80 E T Wyman Care of Juvenile Prisoners 22.25 Edith E Fuller Care of Delinquent Juveniles 25.00 ti'nzi to Lunch Leal s for Jurors 17.20 Senate Cafe do 52.90 T S Robinson do 25.75 Roland G Gamwell Prem on Bond of Supt of Schools 5.00 Fairhaven City `later & Pow Co Tater rent for Valdron Dlk (July -Aug -Sept) 3.00 J P Woll 2 chains for Co Eng 10.00 Nevi Yethod Cascade Laundry Laundry for Courthouse & Juty I?ooms 12.25 soW.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term-L-onday the 6th day October 191 3 0AIM, PROTECTION FUND. J Y Aitken Salary & .Expense as Game .':Darden Leslie Jones Salary & Expense as Dep Game Warden J E Lee do Towner Printing Co Prtg Appl & Licenses for Hunting & Fishing SOLDIRRS' RELIEF FUI'D. Sarah Foster Relief Fannie Heaton Relief T J Spohn !Tall Rent for Reynolds Post i�32 (2 mo) ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. C A Serimsher. Operating Larietta ferry ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COYIIISSION MS OF VJHATCOVr COUNTY, WA SHINGTON. ;v 126.35 107.05 90.95 14.75 12.00 15.00 16.00 50.00 In the hatter of the Application of Ed. Brown for the Construction of a Drainage Ditch and Establishment of Order Assigning Number and Directing the County Unincorporated Drainage Improvement ( Engineer to Make Survey, etc. District. ) On this day this matter was presented to the Board upon the preliminary report of the County engineer, the County Engineer having returned his report that he had viewied the line of the proposed improvement, his said report being in time, manner and form required by statute. It appears from said County 'Engineer's said preliminary report that the said County Engineer of Vhatcom County, Washington, states that in his opinion the said improve- ment prayed for in the petition is necessary and will be conducive to public health, con- venience and welfare. S'JHEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that the said improvement prayed for in said petition shall be known n.s improvement District No. 7, said number being selected in the manner provided . by law, and said District shall hereafter be designated as Drainage Improvement District =`To 7 of "hatcom County, Tashington. IT IS FURTHER rRDERED that the County Engineer shall go upon the lands described in the petition and as approved in his report and take levels on same and set a stake at every hundred feet, numbered down stream, and note the intersection of property lines and boundaries, township, city and county lines, if any, and road crossings, and make a report profiles and plat of same; also he shall make an estimate of the cost of construction of such drainage system, itemized so as to be reasonably specific as to the various parts thereof (it being understood that such estimate of the cost shall be held to be prelimin- ary only and shall not be binding as a limit on the amount that may be expended in con- structing such drainage system). IT IS FURTHEM ORD';RED and directed that the 'county Engineer shall make and return a schedule and estimate of all property that shall be damaged or both damaged and benefitted by the proposed improvement, and shall estimate and report the total number of acres that will be benefitted by the proposed improvement, and shall specify the manner in which the proposed improvement is to be made and the number, kind, location and dimensions of all wtaterwrays, ditches, outlets, flood gates, bridges, crossings, either or any, and that said schedule shall be prepared and returned in the manner provided by law. IT IS FURT-HER ORDERED 'chat the said County ,ngineer shall made and file with his said report an itemized bill of costs incurred in the proper discharge of his duties in this improvement, and.shall report the same to the Clerk of the Board of County gommissioners within ten (10) days after the completion of the survey. Dated at Bellingham, Washington, this 6 day of October, 1913. W.O.R. Record of October Term 7onday Commissioners' Proceedin�s the 6th day October 191 3 "" if It It ." it it u"" u is it C B Legoe "Board of County Commiss- " Chairman "ioners of Matcom County " J G Kemper '' State of Washington " Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner Attest: Will, D Wallace Clerk. ---------- 000---------- ✓/ The _application of Chas. .F.. Gifford for privilege of operating one additional pool table at Point Roberts, was endorsed granted by the Board. ---------- 000---------- V/ The Board petitioned -the Board of state Land Commissioners for a right of gray for a public road across the lands. of the. State of Washington in 36-39-1E, needed for the purpose of -connecting roads No. 94 and 410. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, October 7, 1913. Chairman.Board Cou y or ssioners 0 82 W.O.R. Record of Commiksioners' Proceedings Ontaber Term Tuesday the 7th day October : 1913 Tuesday, October 2, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on -October 6, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: Brown & Cole Ennen, Goodman & 60 Central Gro e. & Meat Mkt. Columbia Grocery B B Grocery Co East End Grocery Kinsey-Stenvig.Grocery Co V1TGuy &Son Fischer & Isaacs Kelly Bros. Grocery Ferndale Dept Store Danielson & Runolfson Golden Rule Store 7ilson & Broom H P Johnson & Co Mrs Katie Loop S 0 Paulson I rs V1m Pierron C'E Pride A H 11ontgomery Scott & Co J Y Mossman Co B P Shoemaker John Tebrink Marren Rawl ey David Feenhouse Errs Jefferson Hoover John Tebrink Louis Smith Jefferson Hoover Frank Hickerson CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Groceries for 'Tabor Groceries for Johnson et al Groceries for firs `:heeler Groceries for EcBride (Aug & Sep Groceries for Sanford? (July -Aug -Sep) Groceries for Anderson & Trove. Groceries for Bhomstrom et al Groceries for glary Wilson Groceries for Kirkham Groceries to 11 IT Adams Groceries for Ers Horan' & Tars Shafer Groceries for Indigent Groceries for Mrs Brand Groceries for Bainter Groceries for Yrs Stanger Care of I."rs I1artin Care of I'rs Stevenson (Aug -Sep) House rent for firs Stephens House rent for Kirkham "food for Indigents Wood for Dan Millard (Se-P-Oct) Cleaning. lock in Treas.'Safe J P: State vs J D Cropro Const: do Wit: State vs J D Cropo do do do do do do MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE FMITD. Samuel E Leitch, Co Clerk Recording Marriage Certificates 000---------- ,� The Co. Superintendent's report on the Bellingham School District, No..301, in accordance with sec 189, Page 53 school Code, 1909, was read by the Poard. - ---- 000 ---------- THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY C01,71RISSIONrRS OF WHATCOIT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. f In the Hatter of the Application of Egbert Field et al for the Construction and Improvement of .a Drainage Ditch and Establish- 0 R D E R. ment of Unincorporated Drainage Improvement District. It appears that the law firm of Brown, VIhite & Peringer has performed the legal 6.00 46.00 10.00 12.60 15.00 20.00 20.00 7.85 20.45 20.00 18.10 5.00 8.00 15.00 8.00 20.00 20.00 5.00 10.00 8.75 5.50 10.00 3.25 18.50 2.20 2.20 3.20 2.20 2.20 3.20 2.20 48.00 services in this matter from its inception. It further appears that such legal services will be required during all the course of the.proceedings herein, and that it is fit and proper that said.firm should attend to the legal matters pertaining to this.proceeding. It further appears that the .law governing the construction of drainage systems such as the one above -entitled, provides for the performance of such legal services by'ariy attorney with %hom arrangements for such services may be made. VIEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED That the said f irm of Brown, 1,1hi to & Peringer be, and they ar are hereby noted asattorneys herein, their compensation to be hereafter fixed as provided by 1 aw. Done in open session of the Board.this 8th day of October, 1913. of It n It of u it It It u n n n 11 C B Legoe "Board of County CommisChairman- J G Kemper loners of 1.hatcom County C 11 ommissioner if 11 State of It 11 It Is 111'rlashin�;ton It 11 ti 11 to it " Henry Shagren Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. ---------- coo _--------- W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Tuesday the 7th day _October 191 BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY C01EISSIONERS OF VEIATCOM COUNTY, `VAMING`1'ON. In the Batter of the Application of 4athan Bellinger for ) the Construction and Improvement of .a Drainage Ditch and 0 R D E R. Establishment of Unincorporated Drainage. Improvement District It appears that the law farm of Brown, White & Peringer has performed the legal services in this matter from its inception. It further appears that such legal services will be reauired during all'the course of the proceedings herein, and that it is fit and proper that said firm should attend to the legal matters pertaining to this proceeding. It further appears that the law governing the consteuction of drainage systems such as the one above -entitled, provides for the performance of such legal services by any attorney with whom arrangements for such services may be made.. WI]ER + JORE, IT IS ORDERED 'That the said firm of Brown, White & Peringer be, and they are hereby noted as attorneys herein, their compensation to be hereafter fixed as provided . by law. .Done in open session, of the board this 8th day of October, 1913. n" n 11 " n n" ►1 n ,► n ,r n C B Legoe "Board of County Commiss " Chairman "inners of '.t/hatcom County " J G Kemper Is State of Washington " Commissioner 11 1t 11 11 11 to to If I1 01 11 11 _tl to to Henry Shagren Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and.Clerk of said Board. ---------- OQ0---------- ✓/ In the Matter of Repairing Bridge Ho. 4 Order Accepting Bid of G C Blakeslee known as Hanson Bridge on Everson -Goshen Rd ) MEEREAS, this being the time set for the opening of bids for the repair of Bridge No. 4 known as the 'danson Bridge on the Everson -Goshen Road, and the Board finding the following bids submitted: Sauset & yoy: Lumber 148.4 Y B. Ili at %�18, 50 per F"BM; Cedar caps 24 pieces at 30.00 each. `total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 2,$17.40 L C Currie: Lumber 148.4 YBIT at 419.50 per IMM; Caps 24 pieces at �,4.00 each. Total - - - - - - -0 2,989.80 Shier & Johnson: Cedar` caps 432 lin ft at .26 cts per lin ft; Lumber 148.4 1,1BH at 018.50 per IMIVI. Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 2,857.72 G C Blakeslee: Lumber 148.4 I'BT1 at %f15. 70 per YBIT; Caps 24 at 02.75 each. -dotal - - - - - - - 2,395.88 ViIIEREAS, this. Board having considered said bids and finding that the bid of G 0. Blakeslee is the lowest and best bid made, NOW, TH.'LREFORE, it is ordered that the said bid,of G C Blakeslee be, and same is hereby accepted and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the said G C,Blakeslee for and on behalf of Y/hatcom County. And it is further ordered that this work shall be completed by November 15, 1913, and that the contractor shall furnish a surety bond in sum of $2,395.88 for the faithful per- formance of. his. contract. This work to be paid for from the Road and Bridge Fund of VThat- com County. Done in open session of the Board this 7thh.day of October, 1913.. It is 11 it 11 11 11 It to ,1 I I It to "Board of County Commies- of "ioners of. V�hateom County. " If State of 'Washington_ " t1 to 11 11 It 11 11 11 11 11 11 it ,t 11 C B Legoe Chairman of the Board. J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace Y ounty Auditor and Clerk of the Board W..0. R. P.ocord of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Wednesdav the 8th day October 191 3 Wednesday, October 8, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on October 7, 1913 Present, all members of the Loard and the Clerk in attendance. Phe following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. E C Lyle Bxpense as Dep Cc Engineer sa 8; 65 Dr 0 E Beebe � Livery & care fare account for Sept.(Co Phy 45.00 C C.King Expense as Supt Co Home - 18,55 Farmers Merct Co Groceries for Cc Home 128:65 err J Pynor Groceries etc for Cc Home 35.00 Will IT 'Fell Tuea.t for Cc Home 43.51 Molly Ya.rket do 3.20 City Yarket do 12.75 Lonta,gue & McHugh Clothing; for Cc Home 16.57 Worse Iidw Co Supplies for Cc i'lome .75 Pickering Hdw. Cc Supplies for Co Home 9.65 I L Hively Blacksmithing for Cc Home 6.00 Ferndale Dept Store Powder etc for Co home 7.60 Bauman Impl. Cc Wagon Shaft for Cc 7 : 00 Dr. F.J. Van Kirk 6Home Prof. Services to o Patient 10,00 Dr. Geo F Cook Assisting Cc Physician 10.00 Dr. C S,Hood Registering; Births & Deaths in Ferndale 3.75 St Luke's Hospital Care of Cc Patients 70.00 St Joseph's Hospital do 81.00 lirs Daisy F Walker Taking Patient to Hospital 3.00 Red Cross Pharmacy t`edicine for Cc Patient 21.70 Owl Pharmacy do 3.41 Fngberg;' s Pharmacy do 7 ' 15 Pacific Tel & Tel Cc Phone Rentals for Oet -, 41. 70 do Long distance for Sept. 5.50 ;'Western Union Telg.' Cc Messages for Sher.50-Prop Off .30-Atty 1.04 1084 N W Hdw Co lv!aterial for Eng 1.50-Courthousq 6.69 8.19 Sells Hdw Cc 11-aterial for Courthouse Repairs 10.85 S V1 Cornish Paint Cc do 89:47 Seth A Atwood do 42.95 Caine-Crimsha.w Cc do 17.26 S 0 Johnson Gold Dust for Janitor 4.75 Central Groc & Yeat Cc Supplies for Janitor 1.15 GAITE PROTECTION FUND. Hugh Eldridge Stamped Envelopes for Auditor a/c Hunting Lie._ 108.08 Towner Printing Cc Hunting Licenses 14.75 ---------- 000---------- The claim of Dr. T.I.T. Barlow for 07.00 for dental services to Firs. Hunter, was endorsed refused by the Board. The claim of Matcom Co. Poultry Ass' c'n. for �i,1150.00 for appropriation to December Poultry Show, was endorsed refused by the Board. ---------- The Septmber report of Dr 0 E Beebe, Cc Physician, was by the Commissioners Legoe and Shagren. The September report of C C King, Supt Co Home, was approved by the Board. ---------- 000---------- In the 11atter of Vacating ) O R D E R Certain Rooms in Court House WHEREAS, it becomes necessary to use for office rooms those rooms on the top floor of the Courthouse now occupied as living rooms, IT IS THEREFORE HEREBY ORDERED that,L.A. Thomas, Sheriff,'be and he hereby is directed to vacate said rooms at once. Done in open session of the Board this Sth day of October, 1913. rr n" n" rr rr u u n u n n rr "Board of County Commiss- " "loners of Whatcom County " " State of Washington " If It n " " " to it it to a " it It Attest: Y'lill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C B Lego e U'hai rma,n of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner --------000---------- W.O.R. Re.cord of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Wednesday the 8th day October 1913 ln:�the,J.Y'atter of Striking; Taxes ) ( O R D E R on State .Land in 15-38-2E ) YMEREAS, the.Commissioner of Public Lands h�s.cancelled the contract of sale No. 3021 standing in.the name of The Ferry -Leary Land Co. for second class Tide Lands des- cribed as-follows:"Beginning at the SE cor. of the C.E. Roberts Donation Claim in Sec. 15 Tp 38 N., R 2 E and running thence N. 840 301.111.12.06 chains to the terminal point of this description," and WHEREAS, this land has now.reverted.to the State of Washington, NOVI, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered that :. the County Treasurer be, and she hereby 'is directed to strike from the.tax rolls in her office the taxes standing against said above described property. Done in open session of the Board this 8th day of October, 1913. " If to to It it n of to n If n C B Legoe "Board of County Commiss- " Chairman of the Board "ioners of Vjhatcom County " J G Kemper It State of Washington " - Commissioner of " It n to to n tt it " it n to to henry Shagren Commi.ssioner Attest: Will D Wallace „ County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. -------- 000--____ _- In the Matter of the Approval of Order of Approval Plat of South Blaine Five Acre Tracts ) VEREAS,'the tract of land known as South Blaine Five Acre Tracts has been platted and the plat of the same has been submitted to this Board for. Approval, and I%ITREAS, this Board has duly considered the same and has found that Y.C. Faris and Effie B Faris, the persons who have platted said addition, are the owners in fee simple of all lands embraced in said plat, and that they have dedicated proper streets for the use of the public, and that all taxes charged against said lands embraced in said plat have been paid, as provided by law, and as shown by the certificate of the Treasurer of said county and filed with said plat, and that said plat has been approved by the County Engineer,'and that said persons have complied wit$hall other requirements of the laws of the State of Washington, relating; to the filing; of plats, and WHIMEAS,.this Board is of the opinion that it would be,to the interest of the public to approve said plat; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered and adjudged by this Board that said plat be, and same is hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this 8th day of October, 1913. to " '" it It tt " n " " n of n n "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County of " State. of Washington of if If Is to It to 11 of tt n it u n " Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the' Board. ---------- 000---------- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, October 9, 1913. Chairman Board -county issioners W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October.. Term Thursday the 9th day October 191 3 Thursday, October 9, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment -taken -on -October 89 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had.: J P V1011 Marry B Tyner Larson Livery & Trf Everson Livery lurk atone Diehl & .Simpson Lynden Implement Co The Journal -Progressive Tomer Prtg Co Griggs Sta & Prtg Co. Anstett Printing Co Union P B & S Co Selby -Harris Co Trick & I'Turray Lowman' & Hanf o rd Heck & I"cElfatrick Underwood Type. Co Burroughs Add Mach Co CURRENT EXPENSE FUTTD. Int on C D's #11073 to 11076 cancelled Livery hire for Constable Livery for Const 5. -Prob Off 7. 50-Co Phy 5. Livery for Commissioner Auto hire forgo. Commissioner Care of So. Auto Supplies " Repairs to Co Auto Publ.•f or Aud. 14.11 &'on Russell Ditch 6.20. Stamped Envelopes Printed forAuditor Supplies for Co Fng Supp & Blanks for C1k 5.25-Aud 29.75-Sher 5.50 Prtg & Sup to Eng,.l.-Supt 28.38-Aud 89.75 Clerk 34.50-Gen offices 5.80 Sup to. Atty 19.20-Sher 24:50-Gen Offices 31.20 Smead Envelopes for Co Eng Books for Co Supt Carbon Paper for Gen. Offices Rent of Typewriter for. Co Clerk Add Mach Ribbon for Co Treas ---------- 000---------- In the Matter of the Application of Order Continuing Hearing, Sumas Electric Light Co. for Franchise ) 9; 87 3.00 17.50 2. 50 5.00 88.40 4.00 20.31 12.25 6.50 40.50 159.43 74.90 11.84 6.28 27.50 1.00 .7.5 This matter coming on regularly for hearing on this day and the Board finding; that it is impossible to hold a proper hearing in .the matter, .NOV!, TH]+REFORE, it is hereby 'ordered. that the said hearing on the Application of the Sumas Electric Light Company for a franchise be and same is hereby continued to 1:30 o'clock P.11. on Thursday, October 16th 1913. Done in open session of the Board this 9th day of October, 1913'. "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners. of 'Wha.tcom County " It State of Washington " If 11 it 11 11 11 It 11 I1 11 11 11 11 1t Attest.: Will D.Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. --.--------- 000---------- In the Matter of the Appointment of) Order Appointing F H Hall Justice of Peace for Geneva Twp. ) C B Legoe Chairman of the,Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner wHEREAS, N C Little., the regularly elected Justice of the Peace for Geneva Township failed to qualify for said office, and VMEREAS, F H Hall has been recommended as a suitable person to fill said vacancy, IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that said F H Hall be, and he hereby is appointed as Justice of Peace for Geneva Township to act as such until the next regularly elected officer shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the.Board this 9th day of October, 1913. 11 It 11 11 11 to 11 to 11 it 11 It 11 If "Board of County Commiss- of "ioners of Vhatcom County of " State of Washington. " It II if it 11 11 11 11 It 11 it 11 It 11 Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk :of the Board. ---------- 000---------- C B Legoe Chairman of. the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner W.O.R. R_ ��° 7 ecord of ��mmission�rs' �r°����din�� October Term Thursday the 9th day October 191 3 BrFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COIT-11ISSIONERS OF V.1HATCOM COUNTY, WASHING`1.'ON. In the Matter of Certificates of Delinquency ) Numbered 11073, 11074, 11075 and 11076 ) This matter coming- on before the Board this 9th day of October, 1913, upon the verbal application of J.P. Voll, holder of said certificates for a refund of the money heretofore paid thereon, together with six per cent interest since said certificates %,,tere issued; And it satisfactorily appearing; to the Board that said certificates of delinquency were issued by the County Treasurer of !;hatcom County, Washington, against lots 13, 14,15 and 16 of Block 56 of the Town of 2;ew Wha.tcom in said county, subsequent to the time that said lots became the property of the State of Washington, and the Deputy County Attorney, W.A. Martin having advised the Board that under Section 2 of Article 7 of the constitution of this State as construed by the Supreme Court of said state in the case of the State against Snohomish County 71 V1. 326, and for otherAeasons in an option filed herein on September 19, 1913 the said liens would be unenforceable, and under such circumstances the said holder of said certificates is entitled to a refund of his money heretofore paid, together rrl.th six per cent interest thereon since payment of the same into the County Treasury. THEREFORE., The County Treasurer of Vhatcom County is hereby authorized, ordered and directed to cancel the said certificates of delinquency upon presentation thereof' and to refund to the said J P CI611 the amount of money he has heretofore paid Into the County Treasury therefor and ca,neel the Tax on said property for the year 1909. And the County Auditor is hereby ordered to issue a warrant on the Current Expense fund for interest at the rate of six per cent thereon for the length of time that has elapsed since said certi- ficates were issued upon surrender of said certificates. It is further ordered that the above and foregoing be made a matter of record in the office of the Clerk of this Board, and that the said clerk serve. a copy of this order upon the County Treasurer of Matcom County. Done in open session this 9th day of October, 1913. to n It If n n Is n t, ,, ,, 1' "" C B h eg o e "Board of County ©ommiss- " Cha.irman "ioners of Vhatcom County " J G Kemper it State of ?Fashinglon " Commissioner Henry ahagren Commissioner Attest: Will D Vlallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- Cn motion the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, October 10, 1913. Chairman Board County,missioners M W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' proceedings October Term Fridav the loth (lay. Octnbar 191 Friday, October 10, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on October 9th 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Puget Sound T L & Pow Co Car tickets for Sheriff .y 10.00 Washington Children's Home Care of Freddie Brown 67.00 Celia 'Hathaway hlit: state vs Chap Bayes 5.20 Flora Hathaway do 5.20 A A Cooley do 5.20 K H Rollag Wit: State vs Charley Travisie 2.20 Carl Bang Wit* State vs James Johnson 2.20 Jack Scott flit: State vs Harry Iloffsinger 3.20 A P Marne s s do 3.20 Bred Wetzel '�Vit: State vs ',rnest Murphy 2.20 Geo Fillmore Wit: State vs John Gomez 3.00 E Ask do 3.00 John Osnes do 3.00 A Horvig do 3.00 M Martinson do 3.00 ROAD- AND BRIDGE FUND. Geo Elder Foreman on Steam Grader viork Delno Ward Engineer on Steam Grader work Emil Fullner Teamster on Steam Grader v.,ork s' L Gaston Labor on Nelson Road 17 D Hyde do V1 Mitchell do A Vilcam do R Dunn do W 11 Easterbrook do Foreman D Bonner Labor on main road through Deming Charley '11ompson do P 0 Salem do Dan 0 Donnell do C S Zuick do D J Kline do V! R Kline do J D Kline do Foreman E A Nickson Labor on Blaine -Ferndale Rd Foreman Geo Brown do James Iial e do Guss Arnason do V,ln Newberry do Del Gooder do C Hanson do Clyde Bainter do E D Wilson do Joe Shepard do George Long do Fred Tarte do Vb Sarlund Labor on B 1.1 Road & Others 0 E Larson do IV C Campbell Labor on Smith Road others J I,. Shetler do Eric Burke do Rhea Everist do C C King do Anton Anderson do M II Shetler do G E Thompson do J M Brown do C E Taylor do IT Hougan do 11 J Beerup do Harry Pease do Bohn Johnson do Chris Hansen do G H Bliss do III H Shetler do Frank Edwards do (Foreman) J R Carey Labor on ITE Dial; T E Collings do G W Cole do C H Beebe do (Foreman) S H Rooker do Lewis Beebe do Y L Dickinson Labor on Road (Foreman) J N McPherson do Geo 31dcPherson do R Meyer do A Meyer do John E Cookman do Lee Hamilton do F IT Bloom do Chas T=eyer do J N IcPherson do Dick Harry do T Heeringa Labor on Crib S Stuurman do F Otter do team a n 0 n team 0 it team of 92.40 88.00 115.50 95.00 92.00 88.00 44.00 88.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 25.00 42.50 10.00 15.00 18.00 40.50 27.00 14.00 12.00 22.00 4.00 16.00 13.00 19.00 8.00 4.00 4.00 4.9.00 45.00 44.00 45.00 24.00 2.00 68.00 58.00 54.00 46.00 32.00 32.00 24.00 59.00 30.00 20.00 26.00 4.00 6.00 72.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 5.25 6.00 1.00 33.00 8.00 26.50 14.00 14.12 24.00 3.00 1.00 24.00 27.25 5.50 12.00 16.00 24.00 W.O.R. ecord of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Friday the loth day October 191 3 C Ito rgan B H Brockway Ralph B Bartoo Paul A Bartoo E Tot Fisher J Buxton I2 0 Beeler P Aarrestad L Herigstad John,Alloway H B Halvorson John Russell E A Peterson F A Johnson L Erickson F Russell D B Holeman James 11knderson G Morgenthaler Wm Morgenthaler M. 'Uhe1an Oscar 11orgenthaler Steve Morgenthaler Edward Krumsick Walter Krumsick B' 11orgenthaler Emmett 71helan G Anderson C E Weiler D L 177eiler Emil Lind E Morgenthaler E C. Baxter Ray Nienaber Tom Triplett John Johnson Gus Nienaber Peter Hansen Chas Lindquist 0 S B,endi ckson Oscar, 'Nicolay Robert 'v"/eatherby Wm Garland AWFrost Giles Constant Chas Bartlett Jo Taylor C A Gooding F C Robinson James, Breckenridge H Iverson John Holand Joe Cyr W Liberty John Simpson Geo 7fillard NY Van Over A Mead H Harrington C Norman Vim H Fo cht Geo Welch Henry Schroder Albert Nordrum Chas Sturgeon Oliver Larson A B Sorber Anton Aknderson Ira Stauffer J H Councilman J 11 Broom. C E Taylor Anton Sievi Peter Zobrist Chas Horat John Holtum P.R Zobrist 0 D Dewey E B I°cLaughl i n John Campbell Wall Homan Albert Sievi John Arntten Chas Peterson T R Roberson Otto Krick Emil Hawkinson E Jordan F'Fred Cline Lewis Ireland L -Wrlallback Gust Lager R F Raper ROAD AIM BRIDGE FUND (Continued) Labor on do do do do do Labor on do do do do do do do do do do do Labor on do do do do, do do do do do Labor on do do do Labor on do do do do Labor on do do do do do Labor on do d o do Labor on do do do do, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Labor on do do do do do do do do do Rood No. 437 Rood Ilo. 228 Foreman Road No. 426 (Foreman) Everson -Goshen Rd Road Foreman Road Foreman G II Road (Foreman) Rood (Foreman) Birch Bay Road Labor on Road (Foreman) team 36.00 4.00 1.00 19.00 4.00 16.00 19.50 14.00 17.50 19.50 team 35.00 20.00 " 12.00 31.00 " 23.00 3.50 20.50 29.37 19.50 team 27.00 8.00 19.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 team 10.00 team 10.00 8.00 9.50 9.50 29.50 18.75 teem 68.75 66.00 25.00 19.25 27.50 46;50 26:00 31.00 38.00 14.00 8.00 40.00 ,27.00 28.00 28.00 team 82.50 34.00 28.00 " 24.00 " 32.00 40.00 32.00 38.00 If 30.00 It 38.00 '+ 38.00 28.00 14.00 18.00 17.00 19.00 18.00 10.00 4.00 2.00, team 16.00 8.00 4.00 " 16.00 12.00 26.00 of 18.00 rr 12.50 24.00 2.00 to 22.00 10.00 13.00 20.00 13.00 If 5.00 70.00 3.00 of 40.00 1.25 27.50 9.00 4.00 2.00 team 12.00 6.00 W.O.R. necord of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Friday the loth day October 191 ROAD AND BRIDGE FU2ID (Continued) T F Collings Labor on Road 4.00. Ben Bensen do 16.00 S Moors do 14.00 Roy Wiggins do 1.50 James Raper do (Foreman) 8.50 Jos Sweeney Labor on Kelly Road 4.00 J B i;iortiboy do 32.00 L W Biedler do 6.00 P YcIntyre do 6.00 J Haussler do 8.00 A C Knowles do 4' 00 F. Dux do 4.00 A D Zander do (Foreman) 2.00 P Visintainer Labor on -Excel sior Road 24.00 Robert Chamberlain do 15.00 Howard Perkins do 31.50 Archie Perkins do 19.50 C McKenzie do 92.-75 Jas hall Labor on Road 3.00 Jesse J Rogers Consul. Engineer on S & N Highway 100.00 Jesse J Rogers Expense as Constr. Eng. S & N Ilighway 23.75 Lewis Hamilton Asst. to Eng. S & N Highway 65.00 L P Alinder Labor on Bridge 11.25 C Aug 1'ilton do 40.00 B Zachrison do 20.00 Frail Oslin do 11.25 Vim. lieurer Labor on Bridge at Lynden 8.10 Cho, s II Kay do 12.15 J Murphy do 12.15 Geo Langford Labor on Bridge at Power Plant 2.00 A H Glen do 58.30 George Henry do 28.80 Tom Gunderson do 28.80 Archie Perkins do 26.80 R Chamberlain do 29.95 Howard Perkins do 3.80 T L Shakel ey do ' 55.00 P Gunderson do 2.8.80 A Schrader do 36.80 C IT I:io Sher do 130.00 C Y Mosher Expense & Freight on Dumber 42.85 !`Ts R H Dickson Board furnished Laborers on Bridge at Power Plant 157.95 Geo Van Flingerden Repairs to Pendleton Bridge 49.65 ?it Sarlund Labor & material for culvert 2.75 C McKenzie Bridge Plank & Labor 113.95 John McCush Bridge Plank 284.60 H L Robbins do 50.16 Roo & Van Leeuiven Lumber 221.65 Pehrson Bros Lumber 4.75 Sunnyskde Lumber Co Lumber 77.23 S H Horton Bridge filing 42.14 Ferndale Dept Store Powder etc for road work 22.60 Everson I,'erct Co Powder etc 8.25 Annie & Co Powder etc 11.35 Yorse Hardware Co Powder etc 207.75 Morse Hardware Co Spikes etc 18.48 J F Drake Material & Tools 14.58 Jll R Wallace Drift Bolts 1.25 Zlarion Biedler Nails 9.75 ! J Pynor fools & Material 11.95 Danielson & Runolf son Tools for road work 5.80 II Ul Buzzard Iron work for Bridge at Power Plant 113.50 Iq Hamstra Drift Bolts 18.00 I L Hively Blacksmithing 4.50 A W Thomas Blacksmithing 7.00 J E I,icSorley Drayage on Powder 4.00 Robert Clarkson Gravel 7.60 VI H Shetler Gravel 32.10 E T Trimble, City Treasurer let Installment on Impr. og Yeridian St 19500.00 L.C. Currie let 71stimate on Bridge on NVl Diag. Road 1,319.20 Breckenridge & Harkness let Estimate on Impr. Road 211 805.88 APDREASE DITCH FUND. J A Dahlstrom Labor on Andreasen Ditch 3.75 Tim Dov7ney do 6.25 VKl R Edmonds do 2.50 R 0 Smith do 12.37 HEATH DITCH FUND. Albert Clark Labor on Heath Ditch 230.00 --- w_----000---..... ---- IN THE PATTER OF THE PETITION OF YARGARET FLY"NN, AND OTHERS FOR ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO TIIE CITY OF BELLINGHA1111, NIiATC011 COUNTY, VIASHINGTON. Now on this loth day of October, 3.913, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P.Y. this matter having come on for hearing upon the petition of Margaret Flynn and others, for the W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 91 MstMber Term rr; (i q M the 1 nth day Ontcbpr 191 g annexation of certain territory to the City of Bellingham, 7vhatcom County, Washington, pursuant to the order of this Board heretofore made, and to notice regularly given as pro- vided by law, the petitioners appearing by their counsel Hadley, Hadley & Abbott, and certain objections to said petition appearing by their counsel Hans Bugge, and the Board having seen and examined the records and files herein and. heard the evidence, nova find, That due and proper notice of the time and place of this hearing has been rriven in the manner provided by law and the order of the Board; that the petition filed herein by the said 17.argaret Flynn and others is signed by twenty per centum or more of the qualified electors of iu'hatcom County, residents within the limits of the territory pro- posed to be annexed, who voted at the last previous election as shown by the official poll books, and also signed by twenty per centum or more of the qualified electors of such county now residents within the limits,of such territory; that said petition sets forth and particularly descfibes the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed, and is in all respects regular and conforms to the provisions of Section 2, of Chapter 245, of the Session Laws of 1907 of the legislature of the State of Washington, as found at pages 676 and 677 thereof, and as set forth in Section 7446 of Remington & Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Statutes of the State of Washington. But the said objectors. having contested said petition on the ground that the said act of the legislature of the State of Washington, is not applicable to this case, and for the reason that the territory proposed to be annexed is within the boundaries of Geneva Township, Wha.tcom County, Washington, it is nova by the Board, ORDERED, that the hearing upon said petition be and the same is hereby continued to Thursday, the 23rd day of October, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock A 14., at which time said petitioners and objectors will be heard upon said question, and such further action taken by the Board as shall be deemed legal and proper. Is 11 It It 11 to 11 It 11 11" to 11 n "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of V-1hatcom County " " State of Washington " 11 11 It It 11 11 11 11 it 11 11 tt it II Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Bibard. 0 K Hans Bugge 0 K Hadley, Hadley &: Abbott BOARD OF COUNTY COL'ZIISSIONERS OF 11MATCOM COMITY, WASHINGTON. By C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper Henry Shagren Commissioners ---------- 000--------.-- BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COIWISSIONFRS OF 1,7HATC011 COMM, WASHINGTON. In the Matter of the Application of W.S. Russell for ) the Construction and Improvement of a Drainage Ditch ( 0 R D r R and Establishment of Unincorporated Drainage Improve- ment District. On this day this matter was presented to the Board for further proceeding. It now appears that deeds to right-of-way have been obtained from all persons within the said Drainage Improvement District jlo. 4 of M'hatcom County, Washington, except from 11ary Fritz, also knotArn as Mary Fritz Dufner, across the center half of the Southwest quarter of Section 25, Township 39 North, Range 2 East, and except easement to go upon the land of John Horan and clean out or dredge Fishtrap Creek for the purposes of said improvement, outside the boundaries of said improvement district. It further appears that said improvement should be made, and that steps should be at once taken for the construction thereof. It further appears that the construction of the portion of said improvement where W.O.R. �ecord of Commissioners' Proceedings Octoher Term Friday the loth day October 191 rights -of -way have been obtained is feasible, and. that construction thereof should be let by contract in the manner provided for letting contracts for other public iiorks. It further appears that,; this poard having determined to proceed with the work of con- struction of said system, an election should be held within said district in the manner pro vided by law. It further appears that the proper funds in the office of the County Treasurer, as provided by law, should be created. 71HEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that the work of construction shall proceed, and that it is feasible to proceed with the construction of the improvement, in subdivisions, or as a whole, and that the construction of said drainage system, in whole, or in portions thereof shall be let by contract in the manner provided for letting conracts; for other public wprks, and that in receiving; bids for the construction thereof this Board shall have, and the choice is hereby reserved to let contract or contracts for the whole or for such por- tion of the said improvement as may be proper in the discretion of this Board, and for ti�,hich righ-of-way for the construction thereof has been or shall have been obtained, and that this Board shall have and reserve the choice and right to reject any and all bids; provided, that in letting the construction by contract bids may.be received for subdivisions thereof, or for subdivisions of the main ditch and for ekther of the laterals, separately. IT IS_FURTHER ORDTMED That in case it,becomes impossible to obtain by negotiations right -of -tray from the said Mary Fritz (also known as Lary Fritz Dufner) and from the said John Horan, then that condemnation proceedings be instituted in the Superior.Court of Z`+'hat- com County, Washington, in the manner provided by law, for the obtaining of right-of-way sixty feet in width over and across the lands of the .said I.'ary Fritz Dufner; hereinabove described, and the right to go upon and improve Fishtrap Creek across the land of John Horan, described as follows: Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 35, Township 39 North, Range 2 East. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That an election he held within said district on Yov. 8, 1913, between the hours of one o'clock and five o'clock P.Y. , and .that notice shall be given by the Clerk of this T-oard by publication in term consecutive weekly issues of the Journal - Progressive, the County Official Paper of Miatcom County, Washington, said newspaper hav- ing a general circulation in said district, the last of which said publications shall be not less than seven or more than fourteen days prior to the date of said election; and such notice shall also be posted by the Sheriff of V.,hatcom County, Washington, not less than fourteen days prior to the date of said election, in three of the most public places in said district; that the voting place of said election shall be at the home residence or adjacent building, of Mary Fritz in SVV4 Sec 25-39-2in said district, and VI.Ii. Maples is hereby named inspector, and Mary Fritz and Vl S Russell are hereby named.judges; and that said three named shall serve a.s the election officers at said election; that at said election two qualified electors of Whatcom County, Washington, owning land in said district shall be elected, who, with the County.Engineer, shall constitute the first Board of Super- visors of said district; that the Supervisors elected shall.each, before entering upon his duties, give a bond in the sum of �1'200.00, vrith surety to be approved by this Board. IT IS FURTHER CRDRRFD that flood -gates consistent with the demands and location of the said improvement shall be installed in all instances where, because of the conditions of the lands surrounding said Improvement, the same shall subserve the best interests of the said system and those concerned and ovrning the lands adjacent thereto and in the commu- nity thereof. W.O.R. nocord of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Friday the loth day October 1913 IT IS FURTHER ORDTRED That there shell be, and there is, established in the County treasury of Ma.tcom County, Yfashington, a separate fund for the construction, same to be known as Construction Fund of Drainage Improvement District No. 4 of Matcom County, Washington; and also a separate fund for maintenance, to be known as %;iaintenance fund of .Drainage Improvement District T'o. 4 of Whatcorr_ County, Washington. Done in open session this 10 day of October, 1913. C B Legoe if " n If If 11 " If u n if " It It Chairman "Board of County Commiss- of J G Kemper "inners of Wha tcom County " Commissioner " State of Washington " Henry Shagren It 11 If of " to 11 it n to If it " of Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, October 11, 1913. 9 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Saturday the llth day October 1913 Saturday, October 11, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on October 10, 1913 Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURREP?T EXPENSE FUND. Henry Shagren :'expense as Co. Commissioner 5.35 Alfred Strand Reward in J H Svwail Liquor Case 50.00 F J Barlow Auto hire for Coroner 10. & Sher 27.25 37.25 Union Auto Co Auto hire for Coroner 4.50 Iiugh Eldridge Stamps for Co. Offices 50.00 ---------- 000---------- 1n the fatter of the Appointment of ' Order lippointing Charley Bajema. Road Overseer in Dist '�2 Lynden Tt�p. VAIRPl?AS, this Board finds that a vacancy exists in the office of Road Overseer in Dist. No. 2 Lynden Township through the resignation of C U Brown, wrhose resignation is on file -with this Board, and 11,1HEMMS, the Board of Supervisors of said township have recommended the appointment of Charley Bajema to fill said vacancy, 17017, THEREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that the resignation of C.U. Brown as said Road Overseer be, and same is hereby accepted, and that Charley Lajen-a be, and he hereby is appointed as Road overseer in Dist. No. 2 Lynden Township, to act as such until the next regularly elected overseer shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Board this llth day of October, 1913. it to It 11 11 /t 11 11 11 It 11 11 11 11 ""Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of "hatcom County " It State of V,a.shington " It of " It It " it It 11 u if It it 11 Attest: 17ill D NVallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ---------- 000---------- In the Matter of the Appointment of ) Order Appointing Ii A Sorensen Justice of Peace for Lawrence Twp. ,'TIEREAS, this Board finds that a vacancy exists in the office of Justice of Peace in Lawrence Township through the resignation of Jason 11. Adkinson, whose resignation is on file with this Board, and VII-D"REAS, it has been recommended that K A Sorensen be appointed to fill said vacancy, IT0710 THEREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that the resignation of Jason H. Adkinson be and same is hereby accepted and that K A Sorensen be, and he hereby is appointed as Justice of the Peace for Lawrence Township to act as such until the next regularly elected officer shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Board this llth day of October, 1913. " 11 11 11 11 11 a 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Vha.tcom County " " State of Washington " 11 11 11 it It 11 11 11 It 11 11 11 11 It Attest: Iffill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ----------coo---------- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Uommissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner W.O.R. r0 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Octorpr Term SP.t,urdey the I I th day October 191 In the I:'atter of Construction of ) Pile Trestle across Suma.s Creek on County Road No. 331 ) order Accepting Bid of L C Currie WHEREAS, this being the day set for the opening of bids for the. construction of a pile trestle across Sumas Creek on County Road No. 331 in Sec 4 Tp 39 IT R 4 E, and the Board finding that the follo,,,;ing bids vrere submitted: P.J. ?1VIA.SCII A: Lump sum of 5P685.00 fcr tearing down old bridge and building nee<r. BARBO BROS: Piling 700 lin ft at .25 cts per lin ft; Lumber 26 IMM at 020.50 per YBY; Clearing away old bridge 5v40.00. Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - w 748.00 L.C. C:URRII : Clearing and removing old bridge 0,118. 00 lump sum; Piling 700 lin ft at .22 cts per lin ft; Lumber 26 I:IBY at 4,?17.00 per IBY. Total - - - - - 614.00 VIIEREAS, this Board having considered said bids, and finding that the bid of L.C. Currie was the lowest and best bid made. NOIV, THEREFORE, it is ordered that the said bid of h.C. Currie be and same hereby is accepted and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with said L.C. Currie on behalf of Uhatcom County. It is further ordered that this work stall be completed by December 1, 1913, and shall be paid for from the Road and Bridge Fund of 'Vha.tcom County. The Contractor shall furnish a. surety bond of y;614.00 for the faithful performance of said contract. Done in open session of the Board this llth day of October, 1913. 11 11 it 11 11 11 " 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 fiBoard of County Commiss- " If loners of '.'hatcom County of of State of Washington " If to 11 11 If it 11 11 11 11 11 It n Attest: +°rill 1) liallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- coo ---------- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Cornissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner TFFORE TM?, BOARD OF COUNTY COIIITISSIONERS OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. a IN TEE PATTER OF LEVYING TAXES FOR. TIIE ) ( ORDEIR OF LEVY. YEAR 1913 IN VJIATCOII COUNTY, WASHINGTON ) NOVI, at this time, this matter coming on regularly for consideration by this Board, the levy for state taxes as hereinafter made being in accordance pith the notice as given by the State EcIard of Equalization and the State Auditor of said State in the manner pro- vided by law, and the county and road district indebtedness taxes being in accordance with the published estimates thereof as made in accordance c;ith Chap. 138 of the Laws of 1909, "Uhich lac; this Board of County Commissioners does hereby find has been complied with in all respects, and the school taxes being in accordance crith the estimates as furnished by the directors of the several school districts and by the County :superintendent of said County, the estimated receipts from the State and County apportionments of each district being; taken into consideration, and the levies in the school districts which exceed the statutory limit, being in accordance with elections ratifying and authorizing said levies, and the levies for the,payment of school district bonds and interest thereon being in accordance with the requests and needs of each district as expressed by their boards of directors and ascertained by this : oard of Commissioners and as provided by la.vr, and. the Board having considered the needs of the several departments of the state, county, road districts, school districts, etc., n.nd having computed the rate of taxation necessary to levy the required amount of taxes upon the assessed valuation as returned by the assessor �9 111tecord -of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Saturday the 1.1 th day October 1913 of said county. And October 6th 1913, being the date upon which hearing was had upon the said estimate so published in accordance r.,ith Chap. 138 of Laws of 1909, and said hearing coming on at said time and continuing daily until this date, and there being no objections thereto, and the Board having considered the same: IITM'111 THE'REFOR?i', it is Ordered, Adjudged and Decreed by this Poard of Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washington, that there be,'and hereby are levied taxes in Wha.tcom County, Washington, to be charged on the assessment and tax rolls of said county for the year 1913 for the respective funds hereinafter designated the number of mills hereinafter specified with respect to each of said funds. Said number of mills to be and are hereby levied and charged against each dollar of ta.xable property in 7hatcom County, Washington, for said year 1913, namely: TAX L.HVIE.S FOR 'VQiATCOM COUT_TTY IN 1913. STATE - State General Fund 3.362 mills State School Fund 2.132 If State '"Eil i tary Fund 0.124 it Public Highway Fund 1.400 if Permanent highway Fund 1.680 " University Fund 0.532 " State College Fund 0.364 Bellingham Normal Fund 0.101 " Cheney Normal Fund 0.101 " Ellensburg Normal Fund 0.079 Total State Levy 9.875 " COUNTY - Current Expense fund 5.030 General School Fund 5.000 " Road and Bridge Fund 3.100 General Road Indebtedness I+'und 3.000 General Bridge Indebtedness Fund 3.000 Soldiers' Relief Fund 0.097 " Bond redemption Fund 0.778 " Bond Interest Fund 0.280 " Total County Levy 20.285 " Total consolidated levy for State and County 30.16 mills ROAD DISTRICT INDEBTEDNESS LEVIES. Road District 'No. 2 6. mills FANNEGAN ROAD Il[PROVklIMIT FU1,dD- City of Bellingham City of Lynd en Ten Mile Township Van Wyck Township Lynden Township Valuation Levy Yill s Tax ?11,181,767 0.7720 312,018 5.4375 545,136 18.7110 399,505 14.8934 950,341 4.3669 8 , 632.32 1,696.60 10,200.04 5,950.00 4,150,04 Total Levy - - - - - - - - - - - - �? 30,629.00 Assessment against property benefited as shown by Appraisers report 20,981.Fi5 `total 11annegan Road Improvement Tax - - - - - �"Q 51,610.85 ----------o0o---------- (over) W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Saturday the llth day October 191 f No of General '.'-dills Bond "'ills bond Total Dist Purposes Interest Redemption Building Levy 3 3. 3. 5 -- 8 2. 2. 9 5. 5.. 10 4. 4. 11 .5 .5 12 1. 1. 13 6. .5 3.5 10. 16 3. 3. 17 10. 1. 11. 18 -- 19 2. 2. 20 7. 7. 21 7. 1. 5. 13. 23 4. 5. 9. 25 10. 3. 13. 26 1. 1. 28 11. 11. 29 2. 2. 30 -- 31 7. 7. 32 6. .5 1.5 8. 34 2.5 2.5 5. 35 5. 5. 38 -- 39 2. .5 1.5 4. 40 4. 4. 41 1. 1. 42 5. 1. 4. 10. 43 5. 5. 44 6. 6. 65 11. 11. 47 10. 10. 49 6. 6. 50 7. 2. 2. 11. 53 2. 6. 8. 55 -- 56 1. 1. 57 10. 1. 3. 14. 58 3. 2. 2. 7. 59 -- 60 2. 2. 61 5. 5. 62 4. 4. 63 -- 64 7. 7. 65 .5 3.5 4. 66 7. 7. 67 1. 6. 7. 68 9.5 .5 10. 69 6. 6. 70 5. 5. 71 10. 10. 72 4. 4. 74 10. 10. 75 6. 2. 4. 12. 76 6. 6. 77 .5 1. 1.5 78 1. 1. 79 1. 1. 83 -- 84 -- 85 7. 7. 86 5. 5. 87 1. 1. 90 10. 10. 93 -- 94 2. 2. 95 8. 2. 10. 96 10. 10. 301-, `° .., 91.9 /.�' � 0. 0.3 302 10. 1.5 11.5 303 10. 10. 304 _ ;y 1. 1. 2. 7. 305 3. - S: 306 9. 9. 307:52 8: 8: Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Saturday the 11th play October W.O.R. 19 And, at this time, there came on regularly for consideration before this Board the matter of levying taxes for the third annual installment on the construction of the ATDREASEN DITCH for the ensuing year, and this Board having carefully considered this matte matter finds that there will be needed for said third installment the sum of 0525.59 and that said amount should be apportioned artiong the lands to be benefited in proportion to the benefits received by said land from the said Andreasen Ditch, and %which benefits are in the following proportion: TRIM) DESCRIPTION ?AIM ACRES INSTALLMENT In Sec 35 T 39 R 2 E NEh of ITB,-fI E G Jellun 24.98 Y6 78.03 Along IM-11, of ITE4 Nll, ffl of ITE, Sul of ITE'l SE;1 of NE-,11L S 20 A of VI 60 A of NEi, IT 40 A of VI 60 A of NE;�, ITE-l; of SE-T N-:'� NVI-g SF4- N2 S-A Ins, 4 SE S-;1j S2 N1� f SE-�:fl V)�' =1 SE-h SF.4 SEh E2 SV'i SF-4 E2 SE-4 SV>4 E2 V12' SE41 SVA In Sec 2 T 38 R 2 E Lot 2 Lot 3 Co Road #103 0.24 .75 D Andreasen 2.03 6.34 do 0.55 29.83 do 21.36 66.72 Ole Hemmingson 3.25 10.14 Niels Hansen 4.72 14.76 G H Reynolds 0.72 2.19 Ede,,yard Sel stad 13.58 42.42 F Vl Pouter 8.08 25.24 J A Dahlstrom 8.83 27.58 do 19.00 59.35 Thomas and Catharine Davis 5.90 18.43 do 17.93 56.00 E D Brown 15.32 47.85 Reuben Smith 4.34 13.56 Makay Realty Co 2.96 9.25 do 3.40 10.62 Co Road #415 2.09 6,53 168.28 g525.59 'And this Board does hereby order, adjudge and decree that such respective amounts be and the same are hereby levied, as above apportioned, against each of the above respective parcels of land, to be charged as a tax against each of said tracts respectively on the tax rolls of .hatcom County, for the year 1913, and to be paid at the same time and in the manner as is provided by law for the payment of State and County taxes, and the County Assessor is hereby directed to extend said amounts against said lands respectively on the tax rolls of Matcom County for the year 1913 at the time of the extension of the regular State and County taxes. It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed by this Board that the money derived from the levy above made shall be credited to the Andreasen Ditch Fund to be used for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned during; the ensuing year. p,FARMCO Recor d of Commissioners' Proceedings 99 / October Term Saturday the llth day October 191 V . And, at this time, there same on regularly for consideration before this Doard the Ynatter of levying taxes for the third annual installment on the construction of the BUTLER DITCH for the ensuing year, and this Board having carefully considered this matter finds that there will be needed for said third installment the sum of $457.45 and that said amount should be apportioned among; the lands to be benefited in proportion to the benefits received by said land from the said Dutler Ditch, and which benefits are in the following proportion: TH IRD DESCRIPTION ITPIM ACRES INSTALLMENT In Sec 10 T-P 39 R 1 E S 29 A of SEI of SE-,:,L Herbert J Furness 29.E 25.32 In Sec 14 T 39 R 1 E NEB of S'4 � P Benzen 40. 34.92 Nv74 of ig7w P Benzen 40. 34.92 Sl"1"4 of NIVfl P Benzen 40. 34.92 SE1, of NVI;1V P Benzen 40. 34.92 V1 20 A of I1E4 of INq- P Benzen 20. 17.46 E 20 A of NE4 of NV4- Peter Munson 20. 17.46 W 20 A of MV-,l of NE-J Peter Munson 20. 17.46 SE 5 A of E 20 A of M'kl of 11V Geo Prevost 5. 4.36 MIQ of SVl4 Ilargaret Pobstman 40. 34.92 W 14 A of SEQ of N4 E B Erickson 14. 12.22 N111 10 A of NEB of SE-1 Ingvald A Olson 10. 8.73 M of SEA Lars F Larson 40. 34.92 5�4 of NE-4 Iver Bradley 40. 34.92 In Sec 15 T 39 R 1 E SE- of ""JEj 'Vb Herndon 40. 34.92 NE-k of '?Eg Geo Lee 40. 34.92 R-Sl of SEA I..argaret Pobstman 40. 34.92 NE 3 A of N 30 A of Svlh of NE-'lf V1 C B al ch 3. 2.62 SE 3 A of M1I4 of NF4 J E Holman 3, 2.62 524. g457.45 And this Board does hereby order, adjudge and decree that such respective amounts be and the same are hereby levied, as above apportioned, against each of the above respective parcels of land, to be charged as a tax against each of said tracts respectively on the tax rolls of 7hatcom County, for the year 1913, and to be paid at the same time and in the same manner as is provided by law for the payment of State and County taxes, and the County Assessor is hereby directed to extend said amounts against said lands respectively on the tax rolls of Whatcom County for the year 1913 at the time of the extension of the regular State and County taxes. It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed by this Board that the money derived from the levy above made shall be credited to the Butler Ditch Fund to be used for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned during.the ensuing year. r 100 W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Saturday the 11th day October 191 And, at this time, there same on regularly for consideration before this Board the matter of levying taxes for the third annual installment on the construction of the ELDER DITCH for the ensuing year and this Board having carefully considered this matter finds that there will be needed for said third installment the sum of s$745.70 and that said amount should be apportioned among the lands to be benefited in proportion to the benefits received by said land from the said Elder Ditch, and rhich benefits are in the following proportion: '171I IRD DESCRIPTION ?TAT: il ACRES INSTALLTT.ENT See 2 T 39 R 3 E Lot 4 l'laggie Shumway 28.25 39.66 Lot 3 Thos Upston 25.50 26.44 uti'k 25.654 26.60 ink, of Svk417 Emma Porter 18.91 19.61 Sti'r4. of S%'; Jos Rai of o rd 0.50 .52 SE_4 of NYI- J E Norstrom 5.37 5.57 PTE4 of SV'44 J E Norstrom 0.92 .95 Sec 3 T 39 R 3 E Lot 4 Chris Knutzen 40.42 41.91 Lot 3 Chris Knutzen 39.48 40.94 T/ 3/4 of SV�' Lilton C Bliss 5.68 5.89 FfL. of sq of I'Tya� Percy Livesey 0.38 .39 SIr4 of J I Hutchens 10.92 11.32 Sly of NE_4 J I Hutchens 18.65 19.33 ITv", of SE4 J I Hutchens 19.50 20.22 N r4 of S1`- J I Hutchens 18.72 19.41 Lot 2 Jas Elder 39.50 40.96 Lot 1 R B Burns' 36.40 37.75 N2 of SE4 of IZE4 Enoch Brown 13.18 13.67 S2 of SE of N"Q Emma Porter 19.20 19.91 ITE4 of SE4 Emma Porter 39.40 40.86 SE-4 of SDI Y A Martini 7.90 8.19 Sec 4 T 39 R 3 E Part of NW.1 ITels Jensen 21.78 22.60 Part of NC4 Carl Elsner 12.75 13.24 Lot 2 Pete Knutzen 30.42 31.56 Lot 1 Pete Knutzen 39.00 40.45 SE4 of Im-41 Pete Knutzen 16.91 17.55 See 34 T 40 R 3 I•; SZ'1 of SE4 Jas Elder 9.10 9.44 SE4 of SE4 R B Burns 11.07 11.48 SC14 of Sk,4 Chris Knutzen 32.20 33.39 SE-4 of SHIP41 Chris Knutzen 17.35 17.99 HVI of SW41 Chris Knutzen 28.48 29.53 ITE4 of Sti°'�'f Chris Knutzen 20.90 21.67 County Road #477 4.20 4.35 W.O.R. 101 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Saturday the 11.th day October 191 3 DESCRIPTION I1A14IE ACRES TH IRD Sec 35 T 40 R 3 E INSTALLITENT SVgL of SW'Itl Maggie Shumway 28.00 29.04 SE-4 of S1 4 '1hos Upston 22,=48 23.31 719.06 y0745.70 And this Board does hereby order that such respectiveamounts be and the same are hereby levied, as shown above, against each of the above respective parcels of land, to be charged as a tax against each of said tracts respectively on the tax rolls of Whatcom County. for the year 1913, and to be paid at the time and in the manner as is provided by law for the payment of State and County taxes, and the County Assessor is hereby directed to extend said amounts against said lands respectively on the tax tolls of 71h.at- com County for the year 1913, at the time of the extension of the regular State and County taxes. It is further ordered by this Board that the money derived from the levy above made shall be credited to the :elder Ditch Fund to be used for the purposes hereinbefore mention- ed during the ensuing year. ---------- 000---------- And, at this time, there came on regularly for consideration before this Board the matter of levying taxes for the repairing; and maintenance of the HEATH DITCH for the ensu ing year, and this Board having carefully considered this matter finds that there viill be needed for the maintenance and repair of said ditch for the ensfaing year the sum of s244.00 and that said amount should be apportioned among the lands to be benefited in proportion to the benefits received by said land from the said Beath Ditch, and r7hich bene- fits are in the following; proportion: DESCRIPTION SEC . TV'1P. RG E 7,' of NE;1j. :30 40 4 SLI. of NI•% 30 40 4 N2 , of NAl of NE;1 30 40 4 MW41- of NV.1 29 40 4 N-:'� of SW.11 of M1.' 29 40 4 SE_lf of SV 4- and S•z of NF,! of SVI 20 40 4 Syl of SS'[4 20 40 4 N2 of PiE_4 of St"�41 20 40 4 NVq of SW,' and '.I- of NY,% and 25 a in SB;l of TTMI-I 20 40 4 15 a in SLq of NW41 20 40 4 NEB of MAI 20 40 4 1�TEh 19. 40 4 N of S111.1 and Pd of SP1 19 .. 40 4 20 a in N2 of S-2 of Nlir 19 40 4 10 a in N2 of Sj of NEJ 19 40 4 S-- of S2, of SEA 19 40 4 S-2 of N£4 of NE, 30 40 4 Total apportionment APP ORT I ONIUMT v 16.00 12.00 8.00 12.00 4.00 12.00 16.00 4.00 52.00 3.20 8.00 36.00 30.00 G.00 2.80 14.00 8.00 244.00 And this Board does hereby order, adjudge and deccee that such respective amounts be and the same are hereby levied, as above apportioned, against each of the above res- pective parcels of land, to be charged•a.s a tax against each of said tracts respectively e, 1 63 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. October Terin Saturday the llth day October 1913 on the tax rolls of 7,7hatcom County, for the year 1913, and to be paid at the same time and in the same manner as is provided by law for the payment of State and County taxes, and the County Assessor is hereby directed to extend said amounts against said lands respectively, on the tax rolls of !'.hatcom County for the year 1913 at the time of the extension of the regular "tate and County taxes. It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed by this Board that the money derived from the levy above made shall be credited to the Heath Ditch Fund to be used for the purpose of maintaining; and repairing the said IIeath Ditch during the ensuing year. -------- 000---------- And, at this time, there came on regularly for consideration before this Board the matter of levying; taxes for the repairing and maintenance and indebtedness of the SLEASI,r.,UT DITCH NO. 2 for the ensuing; year, and this Board having carefully considered this matter finds that there N,F,,ill be needed for said repair, maintenance and indebtedness of said ditch for the ensuing year the sum of �W6.22 and that said amount should be apportioned among the lands to be benefited in proportion to the benefits received by said land from said Sleasman Ditch Into. 2, and which benefits are in the following proportion: DESCRIPTION SEC.TVIP.N RG .i, APPORTIONL'ENT Lot 3 36 41 4 20.00 Lot 2 It to It 27.80 28.40 NFri1 of SE-41- " " If 40.0 0 Ez of NV, of SET1 20.00 C�2 of Ilypl of 'h " " " 20.00 NE -I of St^.- n I1 If 40.00 S1'1;1- of SF,4 " 11 If 40.00 Slr,1-- of SE-1 n I1 of 32.00 SE-4 of SE4 " " " 5.00 SEA l 0f S�) it 11 11 ) Lot 6 ) 31 41 5 ) 25.00 Lot 4 6 40 5 31.60 Lot 5 " If 11 5.26 I of SE 1 " 4 2.73 I:IViU of SEA n n n 13.16 SE11�- of NW41 n o 11 23.01 Lot 3 " " " 12.10 11j' Lo t 1 " " " 20.00 Lot 1 Lochbaum & Clarke's Tract " " " 9.57 Lot 2 11 If n u u 11 9.43 Lot 3 to to n tt u n 9.74 Lot 4 If If " " " 'r 9.71 Lot 5 " if " 1 40 4 9.65 V,% Lot 6 n It n It u of 3.63 Lot 7 u n n n 11 u 9.68 Lot 14 u n u u tt n 9.57 E2 Lot 6 &- Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 Lochba,um £<: ClarkIS's Tract " " " 59.19 Total apportionment 10536.22 W.O.R. 103 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 0etoher Term ,,tlarda�r the ] I tb day October 191 J And, this Board does hereby order, adjudge and decree that such respective amounts be and same are hereby levied, as above apportioned, against each of the above respective parcels of land, to be charged as a tax against each of said tracts respectively on the tax rolls of ti'lhatcom County, for the year 1913, and to be paid at the tdLme time and in the manner as is provided by law for the payment of State and County taxes, and the County Assessor is hereby directed to extend said amount against said lands respectively on the tax rolls of Vilhatcom County for the year 1913 at the time of the extension of the regular State and County taxes. It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed by this Board that the money derived from the levy made shall be credited to the Sleasman Ditch No. 2 Fund to be used for the purposes hereirbefore mentioned during; the ensuing; year. ---------- 000---------- Done in open session of the Board of County Commissioners of 77hatcom County, Wash- ington, this llth day of October., tL.D. 1913. All r.,iembers of the Board being; present and all concurring therein. It 11 11 It IS It 11 11 It It It 11 to It "Board of County Commiss- to "ioners of Yihatcom County to to State of Washington It it II 11 It 11 it 11 It to 11 11 It 11 11 Attest: Will D Illallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- coo ---------- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper County.Comissioner Henry S'hagren County Commissioner IN THE I1ATTER OF THE II,1TROVEII ANT OF IiANNEGAN ROAD, BEING ROAD N0. 11. BE IT RI+,l!'M1iBE,_UM, That on the llth day of October, 1913, the following, among other proceedings were had by the Board of County Commissioners of Vlhatcom County, State of Washington, at the regular session on said day held, there being present on said day and at said meeting, C.B. Legoe,, Chairman, J.G. Kemper and henry Shagren all. commissioners of said county. Thereupon a resolution in said matter was duly and regularly adopted by said boarfd, the same being as follows: SEC. 1. That the Clerk of this Board be and lie is hereby directed to enter the cost of the improvement of the Hannegan Road, Road No. 11, upon the duplicate assessment roll, to -wit: The assessment and tax roll of real property in ''ihatcom County, State of Washington and the personal property tax roll of Whatcom County, State of Washington, in one annual installment, to-zrit: for the year of 1913, against the persons and property as shovm on the schedule of appraisements as the same stands approved and confirmed by an order of this Board entered herein on the 30th day of July, 1913, and as provided in Sections 5730 to 5782 inclusive of Remington & Ballinger's Code of the State of W-ashington. Sec. 2: That there be and is hereby created in the 'Treasury of the County of VIhatcom fund to be known. as the 'NHannegan Road Improvement Fund". All money collected from the assessment of persons and property in the.11territory or property particularly benefited" by the improvement of the said Hannegan Road, Road No. 11, shall be paid into the said Hannegan Road Improvement Fund., and only paid out from said fund on warrants duly dravrn on said fund. Provided that one-third assessed to Whatcom County, and payable from funds raised by the general tax levy, shall, not bey paid' into said fund but shall be paid into f 104- Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Saturday the 11th ley October W.O.R. 191 the general Road and Bridge Fund of said county. Sec. 3. All contract work, estimates and other costs and expenses in anywise accru- ing on account of the improvement of the said Hannegan Road shall, except as provided in Section 5781 of Remington Lc,. Ballinger's Code be paid as follows: One-third in %arrants drawn against the general Road and Bridge Fund of said county parable solely from taxes already theretofore levied for 11a.nnegan Road Improvement Fund, and two-thirds in warrants drairrn against Hannegan Road Improvement Fund; Provided, that warrants at the time of issue may be broken and issued in smaller warrants using two or more in lieu of one, and in such several amounts as the commissioners r:a.y direct. It being the object hereof to provide for the issue of warrants in small and convenient amounts in order to dacilita:te the payment of assessments therewith as hereinafter provided. All contracts executed and warrants issued for the purposes designated in this section, except the purposes mentioned in Section 5781 of Remington & Ballinger's Code aforesaid shall expressly provide and designate upon their face that they are executed, issued and accepted subject to the pro- visions of thin resolution, inappropriately designating therein and thereon this resolu- tion, the date of its passage and the place of its record. Sec. 4. All warrants dravrn upon said Hannegan Road Improvement Fund shell, except as herein otherwise provided, in all respects be ordered, approved, issued, numbered, regis- tered, bear the same rate of interest and be paid in the same manner and order as any warrant of this county. Provided, however, that nothing herein or elsewhere contained shall prevent the redemption of such warrants out of their regular order, vhen the redemp- tion thereof is had by the payment of assessments with such warrants as hereinafter provid- ed. Sec. 5. The Treasurer of said County is hereby authorized and directed to accept in payment of any assessment levied against any of the persons and property in the "Territory or property particularly benefited" by the improvement of said Hannegan Road any warrant or warrants drawn against said Hannegan Road Improvement fund of an amount, including interest equal to each assessmat so to be paid; pr if such warrant or warrants be of a less amount than such assessment, the 'Treasurer shall receive such warrant or warrants as a credit on such assessment, provided that the balance of such assessment be then and there paid in y' cash. Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to permit the payment of the General Road and Bridge Fund Tax, or other general tax, by such warrants; but all such taxes shall be paid into the Treasury in la«rful money of the United States.. And pro- vided further, that the Treasurer shall not accept any warrant for the payment of any assessment where the warrant is greater in amount than the assessment so paid, and pay the balance of such marrant in money, unless it also be the redemption of such warrant in the ordinary and regular order of payment of such warrant. Sec. F. Each contract let for the construction of any portion, or of all, of the improvement of the said Hannegan Road shall expressly provide that the contractor will look to the tax already levied prior to the execution of such contract, for the benefit of the General Road and Bridge Fund ftr the payment of the County's one-third portion of the cost of such improvement; and will look to the "Territory or property particularly benefited" and to the assessments levied upon the taxable property therein, for the remaining tyro -thirds of the cost of such improvement, and will otherwise release the county from all liability on account of such contract and on the warrants drawn thereunder. Sec. 7. Menever the term "improvement", "road", "territory or property particularly benefited", is used in this resolution, the same shall have the meaning given such terra W.O.R. 105.. Record -of Commissioners,' Proceedings October Term Saturday the llth day October 1913 in ?ection 5731 of Remington cue Ballinger's. Code. Done in open session of the Board this llth day of October, 1913. C B Legoe n " it " n it if it it it it it it if Chairman of the Board of "Board of County Commiss- " County Commissioners of Mat- "ioners.of S"Jhatcom County " cam County, Washington. " State of Washington '! to " It It to " It 11 It it ►► u a to J G Kemp e r County Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and. Clerk Renry Shagren of the Board. County Commissioner __-----000------- Oh,-motion the Board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, October 15, 3.913. Chairman Board C u ty Commissioners. el- 106 Record of Comn-fissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. October Term Wednesday the 15th clay October 191 3 Wednesday, October 15, 1913. The Board met,pursuant to adjournment taken on October 11, 1913. Present, all members of the hoard and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: CREDITS ALLOWED COUNTY TREASURER AT SETTL3.+'f2LPHT FOR THE QU,AR,TTM 77,30ING SEPT70BER 30, 1913. In the matter of the settlement with Nellie C. Rogers, County Treasurer of V,,hatcom County, State of 1Jashington, for the quarter ending September 30, 1913. NOVI, at this time, this matter coming on for consideration and t''he said Nellie C. Rogers having filed with this Board a statement setting; forth her receipts and disburse- ments as such Treasurer for said period of time and having; duly and carefully examined all vouchers presented by said.Treasurer for said disbursements and having checked and compar- ed the same with the statement, and having found that they were actually paid out by said - Treasurer during said quarter, said payments being made in the sums and from the funds and for the purposes hereinafter set forth: THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered by this Board that said Nellie C. Rogers, as such Treasurer be, andd she hereby is alloyed credits for said disbursements as follows, to -wit: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND." - For warrants redeemed 36,628.38 For interest on same. 1,707.89 GENERAL ROAD FUJTD . For warrants redeemed 20524.88 For interest -on same 753.50 GEYTERAL BRIDGE FUM). For warrants redeemed 2,966.51 For interest on same 669.84 GAI:T?� PROTECTION FUND. For warrants redeemed 809.49 MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE FUND. For warrants redeemed 138.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. For warrants redeemed 13,679.33 SCHOOL DISTRICT GE1413RAL FUND. For warrants redeemed 58,197.44 For interest on same 26.6.36 SCHOOL BO D REDEYPTIO11T FUND. For bonds redeemed 50650.00 For bond interest coupons 3,937.25 SCHOOL. BUILDING FUND. For warrants redeemed 3,400.00 For interest on same 13.77 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 2 FUND. For warrants redeemed 659.70 For interest on same 162.21 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 3 FUND. For warrants redeemed 1,256.85 For interest on same 231.94 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 4 FUND. For warrants redeemed 1,755.24 For interest.on same 269.22 DIS`.i'RICT HORTICULTURAL FUND. For cash paid State Treasurer 103.89 STATE HIGIMI R F,DUCATION FUND. For cash read State Treasurer 1,550.77 STATE GEMMAL FUI:TD. For cash paid State Treasurer 2,823.27 STATE PUBLIC IiIGH;'TAY FU1,TD. For cash paid State Treasurer 743.3.7 STATE I.iILITARY FiTRTD. For cash paid State Treasurer 254.54 W.O.R. 1®7 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term !"iedne sday the 15th day October 191 3 PFRI,IAITENT IiIGH'„AY FUND. For cash paid State Treasurer 1,936.58 CITY FUNDS. For cash paid City and Town Treasurers 13,992.09 TOVTSHIP FUNDS. For cash paid Township Treasurers 3,655.65 REDS Pal' T I ON FUND. For cash paid holders of Certificates ()f Delinquency 11 ,501.90 SLEASI'AN DITCH FUND. For warrants redeemed 703.•22 For interest on same 38.42 BUTLER DITCH FUI]D. For warrants redeemed 62.00 For interest on same 8.98 ANDREAS.EN DITCH FUTTD . For warrants redeemed 241.25 For interest on same 48.4.7 ELDER DITCH FUND. For warrants redeemed 512.38 For interest on same 73.62 SCHELL DITCH FUND. For warrants redeemed 64.46 For interest on same .21 >LEASNAN DITCH ITC. 2 FUITD VoT warrants redeemed 900.00 For interest on same 46.20 Total cash disbursements 174,939.07 In Testimony Mereof, we have hereunto set our hands'as said Board this 15th day of October, 1913. 11 to of 11 " If 11 11 " It to it If 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Vlh.atcom County " " State of Washington " 11 1t 1111 It It 11 11 to 11 11 It 11 Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner COTTvIISSIONERS' CERTIFICATE AS TO TREASURER'S CASH. Ve, the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, 117ashington, do hereby certify that vre did, on the 15th day of October, A.D. 1913, carefully examine the checks, reports and vouchers of Nellie C. Rogers, County Treasurer of said county, for the quarter ending September .50, 1913, and found the same to agree with the books of this office and to be true and correct. We further certify that we did on October 15, 1913, count the cash in the Treasury and found the cash -in said Treasurer's office and the cash deposited by her in the banks to her credit as such Treasurer balance her accounts as County Treasurer in full. The same being in vmrds and figures as shown on annexed sheet wli'eh is attached hereto and made a' part hereof. In Testimony Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and the seal of the Board of County Commissioners of VIhatcom County, '-'dashington, this 15th .day of October, A.D. 1913. C B Legoe " " It If " " it If to " " " " It Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- " J G Kemper "ioners of V,'hatcom County of Commissioner " State of Washington to Henry Shagren " 11 to 11 it It Tl 11 it 11 +1 it It It Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. �10 HA►aaa Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term !`lednesday the 15th day October 191 COUNTY TREASURER'S CASH STATE;:",E ,[T AT CLOSE, OF BUSINESS OCTOB1,R 141 1913. Cash in Treasury Cctober 1, 1913 y) 1349515.76 Receipts since October 1, 1913 Tax collections for year 1912 " 11 " 11 1911 " 1910 ti li Ir 11 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 General receipts' Redemptions 5,488.75 137.69 26.52 12.41 8.24 10.62 4.61 5.81 3,405.02 1,676.86 10,776.53 Totals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -N 145,292.29 Vouchers maid since October 1, 1913 17,667.88 Cash on hand at close of business October 14, 1913 CASH IN BAITKS First 14ationel wank ;) 319030.31 Bellingham 1ational Bank 31,754.17 Northv,e stern National Bank 22-1999.05 Northwestern State Bank 9,991.04 Home State Bank of Blaine 5,000.00 State Bank of Blaine 5*000.00 Ferndale State Bank 5,000.00 Lynden State Bank 5,000.00 'Tooksack Valley state Bank 5,000.00 Garrison Bros., Bankers 5,000.00 CASH IN OFFICE. 127,624.41 �� 1.25,774. 67 Currency 858.00 Gold 255.00 Silver 89.66 Checks Cash Items 647.18 1,849,84 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 127,624.41 --- 000---------- In the'MIatter of the Approval of Bond of ) Order Approving. George C Blakeslee on Bridge 1'To 4 ( Hanson T=dg ) IT IS ORDEF.ED by this Board that the surety bona of George C. Blakeslee for �'�2400.00 given by The Title Guaranty and Surety Company and covering his contract for the repair of Bridge No. 4 (Hanson Bridge) on L+�verson-Goshen Road, be and same is hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this 15th day of October, 1913. 11 11 If 11 It If it If 11 11 11 11 i1 11 ('Board of County Commiss- " "loners of '',hatcom County " " State of !."ashington " II I1 11 Ir it it 11 11 11 11 It it 11 II Attest' !fill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C B L e g o e Chairmen of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ---------- 000---------- W.O.R. ��� Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term '„ednesdav the 1.5th day October 191 C 0 N T R A C T. v THIS ACREEI,'E3,1T, made and entered into in triplicate this 15th day of October, A.D. 1913, between zFha.tcom County, State of lfashington, hereinafter called the County, and George C. Blakeslee hereinafter called the contractor, �..ITi SSETH: That the said con- tractor, in consideration of the sums hereinafter specified, be paid to him by the said 'tlhatcom County, in the manner and at the time hereinafter provided, and in consideration of other covenants and agreements, herein contained by the said parties, agrees to -.nd with said iihatcom County: 1. That the contractor will perform and furnish under the direction and to the satis- faction of the Board of County Commissioners of ''natcom County, Washington, <�.nd in conform- ity to the laws of the State of Washington, all the work and material included in the .re - decking of Bridge Yo. 4 '"Verson -Goshen Road, commonly called the :anson Bridge, and that the contractor will furnish all material necessary, and perform all labor in the banner, and of the kind and class of work and material, and manner of doing said work, and in all other respects strictly according to the maps, plans and specifications thereof furnished by the County Engineer of said County and on file in lais office; said naps, plans and specifications being agreed to be a part of this contract vith the same force and effect as though the same were fully inserted herein. Said r!ork to be done under the supervision and direction of the County Engineer and to be approved by him and the Board of County Commissioners. In case of any disagreement or misunderstanding in respect to these speci- focations or the performance of the work, the matter shall be referred to the Board of County Commissioners, whose decision shall be final. In case of improper construction or noncompliance with the contract or :specifications in any manner, upon recommendation of the County Engineer, the .:oard of County Commission- ers may suspend said work at any time and Clay order the -rwtial or Entire reconstruction of said work if improperly done, or declare the contract forfeited, and may then re -let or complete the same, and adjust the difference of damage or price if any there be, which the contractor shall pay to the County according; to the just and resona.ble amount thereof. 2.. Said work is to be fully completed on or before the 15th day of November 1913, and if not done -.!Atkin the tir1� =pecified she contractor agrees to pay to the County `10.00 for each and every day that the work remains uncompleted beyond such time, such amount hereby being agreed upon as liquidated damages of a reasonable amount for such delay, and to be deducted by the county from the final estimate allotir;ed the contractor. 3. Additional time for completion of work under this contract must be applied for in rriting by the contractor, and shall be granted only on order by the Board of County Commissioners entered in regular session, and upon the further condition that the sure- ties on the contractor's bond shall not be released thereby. 4. Said County agrees to make payment of the sum agreed to be paid in the following manner: warrants will be dra= on the Road and Bridge fund of said County according; to the final estimate furnished by the County Engineer and approved by the County Commission- ers, as provided in the specifications and prices inserted therein. Partial payments based upon the County Engineer's estimates, made from time to time, may be nade not to exceed 75 per cent.,of such estimates. 5. No liability shall attach to the County by reason of entering; into this contract except as Specially;px-ovided herein. The contractor hereby assumes all risks and liabi- lities for accidents or damages that may occur to persons or property during the prosecu- tion of the work. It is understood that the whole of the work is to be done at the con- W.O.R. Record of Comn-fissioners' Proceedings October Term 1,7ednesday the 15th day October 1913 tractor's risk and he is to assume the responsibility of risk and all damage done to the work from any cause viha,tsoever prior to the final acceptance by the Board of County Comm- issioners of all work to be done hereunder, and partial payments shall not diminish the liability hereunder. 6. she contractor shall not let, assign nor transfer this contract, or any interest therein, without the written consent of the Board of County Commissioners. 7. It is understood that final payment shall be made within 30 days after this con- tract is completely finished and the viork accepted; provided, that in each of the said cases the contractor shall give the Board of County Commissioners good and sufficient evi- dence that the Bridge ib free from all liens and claims chargeable to the said contractor on account thereof; and further, that if at any time there shall be any lien or claim for which, if established, the county, or said Bridge, might be made liable and which 'would be chargeable to the contractor the County shall have the right to retain out of any payment then due or thereafter to become due said contractor an amount sufficient to completely indemnify it against such lien or claim until the same shall be effectually satisfied, dis- charged, or cancelled. And should there prove to be r.ny such claim after all payments are made the contractor shall refund to the County all moneys that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging any lien on said premises, or paying any indebtedness therefor made obligatory in consequence of the contractor's default. Provided, this shall not in any manner be construed a release of any of the conditions of the contnictorls bond. , 8. No certificate given or-;,ayment made under this contract except the final certifi- cate or final payment, shall be conclusive evidence of the performance of this contract either wholly or in park against any claim of the County, and no payment shall be con- strued to be an acceptance of any defective work. 9. The contractor shall v.,ithin five (5) days after notice of being awarded the con- tract, furnish a. good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of 4�2,395.88, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract and as provided by law, which bond shall not be vitiated or affected by extension of time for completion of this contract, or alteration, or modification in line, grade or plans of said vaork, and no liability shall attach to the County, unless such bond be furnished. IN WITEESS 11,11EPEOF, said County executes this contract by its Board of County Comm- issioners, and the contractor does sign and seal the sar.ae the date herein first above- rentioned. it 11 It 11 11 11 it 11 11 11 it If 11 11 "Board of County Commiss- If "ioners of "lhatcom County It " State of Washington it 11 11 it If it if 11 11 Ii 11 It 11 11 11 Attest: Y1ill D V.'allace Clerk C B Legoe Cha rman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner George C Blakeslee Contractor. ---------- 000---------- Cn motion the Board adjourned to meet on ,7hursda.y, October 16, 1913. airman Hoard County /Z/onimissioners W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings O(-t.ober Term Thursda the 16th day OntnbPr 191 Thursday,.October 16, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment 'taken on October 15, ,1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: +� In the IIlatter of the Application of the Order Continuing Hearing. Sumas Electric Light Co. for Franchise. • ) This matter coming on regularly for hearing .on this day, having been continued from October 9, 1913, and the Board deeming it advisable to continue such hearing, IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by this. Board that said hearing on the application of the Sumas Electric Light Company for a franchise be, and same is hereby continued to Thursday October 23rd 1913 at 9 o'clock A.I.T. Done in open session of the Board this 16th day of October, A.D. 1913. It 11 it it It 11" 11 It 11 11 It 11 It "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Ythatcom County " " State of Washington " 11 11 11 11 I1 _ it 11 " fill loll 11 11 Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. .--000---------- In the Yatter of the Approval 'of Bond ) Order of Approval. of L C Currie on Bridge on Rd 7#331 C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner It is ordered by this Board that the surety bond of L C Currie for 14D614.00 given by The United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company and covering his contract on the construc- tion of a pile trestle across Sumas Creek on Road ITo. 331, be, and same hereby is approved. Done in open session of the Board this 16th day of October, 1913. 11 II It II It II II II If II I It It II "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Vahatcom County to I' State ' of Washington It 11 it It if 1/ 11 11 It it It 11 11 It It C B Legoe Chairman of the Board Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner Attest: 1+1ill D Vallace County Auditor and. Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- j C OITTRAC T. f '.PHIS AGR'ENENT, made and entered intib in triplicate this 16th day of October, A.D., 1913, between Vhatcom County, State of Washington, hereinafter called the County, and L.C. Currie hereinafter called the contractor, VIITITESSETH: That the said contractor, in consideration of the sums hereinafter specified, be paid to him by the said 7hatcom County, in the manner and at the time hereinafter provided, and in consideration of other covenants and agreements, herein contained -by the said parties, agrees to and. with said 111hatcom County. 1. That the contractor will perform and furnish under the direction and to the satis- faction of the board of County Commissioners of Vhatcom.County, Washington., and in con- formity to the laws of the State of Washington, all the work and material included in the. Construction of a piled trestle across.Sumas Creek on County Road No. 331, and that the contractor will furnish all material necessary, and perform all labor in the manner, qnd J, of the kindand class of work and. material, and manner of doing said toork, and in all other -respects strictly according to the maps, plans and specifications thereof furnish- ed by the County Engineer of said County and on file in his office; said maps, plans and W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Thursday the 16th clay October 1913 specifications being agreed to be a part of this contract erith the same, force and effect as though the same were fully inserted herein. Said work to be done under the supervi- sion and direction of the County Engineer and to be approved by him and the Board of Count,, - Commissioners. In case of any disagreement or misunderstanding in respect to these speci- fications or the performance of the work, the matter shall be referred to the Board of County Commissioners, whose decision shall be final. In case of improper construction or noncompliance -vA th the contract or specifications. in any manner, upon recommendation of the County Engineer, the Board of County Commissioners may suspend said Mork at any time and may order the partial or entire reconstruction of said v!ork if improperly done, or declare the contract forfeited, and may then re -let or complete the same, and adjust the difference of damage or price if any there be, which the contractor shall pay to the County according; to the just and reasonable amount thereof. 2. Said work is to be completed on or before the lst day of December 1913, and if not done rA thin the time specified the contractor agrees to gray to the County 05.00 for each and every day that the ,,,fork remains uncompleted beyond such time, such amount hereby being agreed upon as liquidated damages of a reasonable amount for such delay, and to be deducted by the county from the final estimate allowed the contractor.. 3. Additional time for completion of ,,,ork under this contract must be applied for in writing by the contractor, and. shall be granted only on order by the Board of County Comm- issioners entered in regular session, and upon the further condition that the sureties on the contractor's bond shall no be released thereby. 4. Said County agrees to make payment of the sum agreed to be paid in the follovring manner: warrants will be drav,n on the Road and Bridge fund of said County according to the final estimate furnished by the County Engineer and approved by the County Commissioners, as provided in the specifications and prices inserted therein. Partial payments based upon the County Fngineer's estimates, made from time to time, ma,y be made not to exceed eighty per cent. of such estimates. 5. ITo liability shall attach to the County by reason of entering into this con- tract except as specially provided herein. The contractor hereby assumes all risks and liabilities for accidents or damages that may occur to persons or praperty during the prosecution of the work. It is understood that the whole of the t1Jork is to be done at the contractor's risk and he is to assume the responsibility of risk and all damage done to the work from any cause whatsoever prior to the final acceptance by the T?oard of County Commissioners of all work to be done hereunder, and partial payments shall not diminish the liability hereunder. 6. The contractor shall not let, assign, nor transfer this contract, or any interest therein, without the written consent of the Board of County Commissioners. 7. It is understood that final payment shall be made v,,ithin 30 days after this con- tract is completely finished and the ,=rork accepted; provided, that in each od the said cases the contractor shall give the Board of County Commissioners good and sufficient evidence that the Bridge is free from all Liens and claims chargeable to the said contract- or on account thereof; and further, that if at,, -any time there shall be any lien or claim for -6hich, if established, the county, or said Bridge, might be made liable and which wpuld be chargeable to the contractor the County shall have the right to retain out of any payment then due or thereafter to become due said contractor an amount sufficient to completely indemnify it against such lien or cl.Um until the same shall be effectually satisfied, discharged, or cancelled.. And should there prove to be any such claim after all payments are made the contractor shall refund to the County all moneys that the W.O.R. R�cord of Commissioners' Proceedings 191 113 October Term Thu.'sday the 16th day October latter may be compelled to pay in discharging any lien on said premises, or paying any indebtedness therefor made obligatory in consequence of the contractor's default. Pro- vided, this shall not in any manner be construed a release of any of the conditions of the contractor's bond. 8. No certificate given or payment made under this contract except the final certificate or final payment, shall be conclusive evidence of the performance of this contract either v,!holly or in part against any claim of the County, and no payment shall be construed to be an acceptance of any defective Mork. 9. The contractor shall within five (5) after notice of being auiarded the contract, furnish a. good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of U14.00, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract and as provided by lRw, nhich bond shall not be vitiated or affected by extension of time for completion of this contract, or alteration, or modification in line, grade or plans of said work, and no liability shall attach to the County, unless such bond be furnished. IN 1111ITNESS WHEREOF, said County executes this contract by its Board of County Commissioners, and the contractor does sign and seal the same the date herein first above mentioned. C B Lego,e Chairman It If It If to "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "loners of Miatcom County " henry Shagren " State of Washington " Commissioner u it If if If " It It of " it It n n Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk L C Currie Contractor. ---------- coo ---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, October 23rd 1913. ) fl� Chairman Board Co��Y Commissioners W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings O�.t.�her Term lhursdatiy the 2.3rd Clay October 191 Thursday, Octobcr 23, 1913. `i.'he Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on October 16, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: In the fatter of the Petition to Annex ) ( Order Continuing 1-Tearing.Part of Geneva Tovrnship to Ee11 ingham ) '!his matter coming on regularly for hearing on this day and the Board deeming it ad- visable to continue said hearing, IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by this Board that the said hearing; on the petition for the annexation of a portion of Geneva Township to the City of Bellingham, be, and same hereby is continued to Friday, October 24th 1913 at 1 o'clock P.T.I. Done in open session of the Board this 23rd day of October, 1913. It If 11 if fl 11 tl 11 fl 11 if 11 to fl "Board of County Commiss- If Il ioners of Vihatcom County If State of '.lashington If n " Is It of to u n It to n n It to Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- C B Legoe Chairman of the Toard J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COYM!ISSIONFRS OF �'..IIATCOT.? COMMY, WASHINGTON, GRANTING TO SUITAS ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, a Corporation The authority, right, privilege and franchise, for itseld, its successors and assigns, for a period of Forty (40) years, to construct, maintain and operate transmission lines for transmitting electric pourer, including electric lights as one of the manifestations of such electric po,r!er, together with the poles, wires and other appurtenances, including on such poles telephone lines as one of such -appurtenances, upon, over, along and across certain roads in Matcom County, Washington, being; the roads and parts of roads which form a con- tinuous route from the City or Town limits of SUITAS, Washington, to the eastern terminus of County Road No. 182, and from the City or Town Limits of Suma,s, to EVERSON, Washington, such roads and parts of roads being fully described in this 0 R D E R. THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM-11ISSIONERS OF 1151ATCON. COUNTY, Z'IASIMICTON, DO FIND ATM ORDER as follcws, to -snit: BR, IT REI5rIU3ERED That at an adjourned regular sesi�ion of the Poard of County Commiss- ioners of the County of '.Iha,tcom, State of Washington, held in the public meeting; roori of said Board, at the Court House of Y';'hatcom County, in the City of Bellingham, Washington., on the 29th day of September, A.D. 1913, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at which meeting there viere present Commissioners C.B. Legoe, Henry Shagren and J.G. Kemper, they being all of the Commissioners of said County, and there also being; present '71'ill D. Wallace, the :auditor of said County, and as such,Clerk of said Board, THERE CAI.E REGULARLY ON FOR HEARING the Application hereinafter referred to of SUT:'AS ELECTRIC LIGITT COMPANY, a. corporation, for a franchise over certain '.Loads in ''.'hatcom County, Washington, and the following; proceedings were had, to -wit: 'MIEREAS, the Sumas Electric Light Company, a corporation, did, on the 29th day of August, A.D. 1913, file xl;ith the Clerk of this Board, its written a.pplica.tion to this Board for the authority, right, privilege and franchise, for itself, its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain and operate transmission lines, transmitting electric pourer, including electric lights as one of the manifestations of such electric polrrer, together with the poles, vrires and other appurtenances, including on such poles, tele- phone lines as one of such appurtenances, upon, over, along, and across certain public roads in ".na.tcom County, Vashin€rton, being the roads and parts of roads hereinafter speci- fically mentioned and described in this Order; and VIHEREAS, this Board v!hile convened in regular session in the Commissioners' Room at the Court House of said County, in the City of Bellingham, Washington, on the 2nd day of September, A.D., 1913, did consider said written application, and thereupon did duly enter a written order fixing; Yonday, the 29th day of September, A.D. 1913, at the hour od' ten o'clock in the forenoon of said last named day, at the public Meeting Zoom of the 1-Doard of County 0ominissioners, in the Court Douse in the City of Bellingham, Washington, as the time and place fixed for hearing said application, and in said Order did direct the Auditor of said County to give such notice of the time and place so fixed for such hearing, as is re- quired by law; and now on this 29th day of September, A.D. 1913, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said last named day, at the public Meeting ?Loom of this Poard, in the Court House of said County, in the City of Bellingham, 'Ma,shington, this Board being; in adjourned regular session, and said application coming; regularly on for hearing;; and W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings 115 October Term `i.'hursday the 23rd day October 191 3 WHEREAS, after considering same, said hearing was adjourned regularly from time to time, and now comes on in its regular order for 'nearing and final disposition on this 23rd day of . October, A.D., 1913, at regular adjourned session, IT IS BY TTi!, BOARD FOUND, P •1�TIIR*7 PINED AYD ORDERED as follows, to -wit: That on the loth day of September, A.D. 1913, ''rill I). Wallace, in person as Auditor of said County, posted printed notices, each of which notices were duly signed by. the official signature of said. "Till D. Wallace, as the Auditor of said County, and each of vrhich notices had thereon an impression of the Auditor's Seal of V�natcom County, YIashin�;ton, each of such notices being; the same and being signed and sealed the same as the printed notice hereto attached marked "Exhibit 1", and made a part of this Order, the said "exhibit 1", being in all respects a duplicate of "Exhibit A" attached to the Affidavit of said Will D. Wallace, Auditor of said County, which affidavit is hereinafter referred to as follows,- One notice posted on the 2ulletin I=oard at the entrance of the County Court House in the City of Bellingham, VlashinF.ton; also one notice posted on the Bulletin Board at the entrance of the City Hall in the City of Bellingham, Washington; also one notice posted at Chris Semons Place near lolly & "C" Streets in the City of .Bellingham, Tashington, said three places of posting last named being three public places in the County Seat of said ,'dhatcom County, Washington; . That on the loth day of geptember, 1913, 'rill D. Wallace, in person„and as the Auditor of said County, posted notices of the time and place of such hearing, each of such notices being a, true copy of "Exhibit 1" hereto attached, F.,s follows, one notice posted in a conspicuous place on a tree on that part of Road ITo. 182 described in said printed notice and for which application is made; also one notice posted in a conspicuous place on a telephone pole on the Telegraph Road No. 84 near the point where said. County road "o..182 intersects County Road ITo. 84, and being on part of County Road No. 84 described in said printed notice; also one notice posted in a conspicuous place on a pole on Road 7o. 84 near where said County road ITo. 84 crosses the section line between Sections 2 and 11, township 41, 1Torth, Range 5 East 117.1%; also one notice posted in a conspicuous place on a telegraph or telephone pole on County Road Yo. 139 near where County Road No. 139 inter- sects County Road 84; also one notice posted in a conspicuous place on a pole on County Road -,To. 405 where County Road No. 405 intersects County Road No. 139; also one notice posted in a conspicuous place on a pole on County road ?1o. 507 near where County Road No. 405 joins County Road No. 507; also one notice posted in a conspicuous place on a pole on County Road No. 200; also one notice posted in a conspicuous place on a pole on County Road No. 201 near where County Road No. 201 intersects County Road No. 461; also one notice posted in a conspicuous place on a pole on County Road .,To. 461; also one notice posted in a conspicuous place on a tree on County Road No. 511 near where County Road No. 84 joins County Road No. 511; also one notice posted in a conspicuous place on a pole on County Road No. 84 near where the Railroad right-of-way crosses County Road No. 84 near Everson, Mateom County, Washington, said places of posting last named on said Roads Nos. 84, 139, 405, 507, 200, 201, 461, 511 and 84 being on parts of roads vihich in part com- prise a continuous route from Sumas, t'lhatcom County, Washington, to Everson, ,'lhatcom County, Washin ;ton. That the said Will D. Wallace, as Auditor of said County, caused a true copy of the notices so posted to be published as follows,- in The Bellingham Herald, a daily newspaper printed and published in the City of Bellingham, County of 1,711atcom, State of 1,ashinF ton, such notices being therein published on the 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th days of September, 1913, the last publication of which being more than five days before the day fixed for such hearing, all of vihich will more fully appear from the Affidavit of Frank I. Sefrit, the General Manager of The Bellingham Herald, which affidavit is annexed as "Exhibit B" to the affidavit of said County Auditor hereinafter referred to; That each and every one of the notices posted and published as aforesaid contained a statement of the name of the applicant and a, description of the roads and parts thereof for irrhich application is made, being the roads and parts of roads hereinafter described in this order, and the time and place fixed for the hearing; that in and by each of said notices all persons desiring to be heard in the matter of said application were thereby notified to be present at said time and place so fixed for such hearing, and were further notified that such hearing could be adjourned from time to time by order of this Board, and that at such meeting or any adjournment thereof, and after such 'nearing, this Board -could take such action with reference to said application as this Board might deem to be for the public interest, all of which more fully appears from the said affidavit of the said Will D. Wallace, as Auditor of said County, filed herein on the 27th day of Sept- ember, A.D. 1913. That from the affidavits aforesaid and from all of the records and files and other proof in this proceeding, it is expressly found by this Board that due, legal, sufficient and timely notice has been given by the County Auditor, in all respects as provided by law, and the order of this Bo.ard;j so as to fully authorize this Board to hear and grant said application; That thereupon a hearing of said application and of all persons desiring to be heard on the matter of said application was duly had before the Board, at the time and place fixed therefor by the Board, being the time and place as stated in the notices posted and published as aforesaid, and now after such hearing and -while duly convened in adjourn- ed regular session, at the time and place aforesaid, and at such meeting, the following resolution and order is unanimously adopted and passed by said Board of County Commiss- ioners, to -wit: That it is found by the Board that the applicant, Sumas Electric Light Company, is a Public Service Corporation, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laths of the State of Washington, and authorized to transact business within the State of Washing- ton, and that it is authorized among..,other things to ovum franchises and privileges relat- ing to the distribution of electric current for light, heat and mower purposes; that it is the owner of certain franchises and privileges relating to the distribution of electric current for light, heat and power, and for dither purposes, in the Town of Sumas, Whatcom County, Washington, under the Provisions of which it is required to sell and furnish electric power, heat, light and electric current for municipal purposes; that the authority, right, privilege and franchise applied for by the applicant, Sumas .Electric Light Company, is by itself, its successors and assigns, to be used for the Public use, purpose and benefit of the citizens of the State of Washington and County of z3l1-iatcom, and is in part an extension of the system of furnishing electric power, heat, light a.nd electric current for other )urposes, in t'_e '2own of Sumas; That this Board. of County Commissioners expressly finds that the use of said roads and harts of roads described in said application and in this Order, for the purposes enumerated in said application and 116 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings t,ctober Term Thursday file 23rd day October 191 3 this Order, is a public use, and that public necessity required, and this Board deems to be for the public interests, to grant to the Applicant, Suma.s Electric Light Company, its successors and assigns, the authority, right, privilege and franchise so applied for, and as hereinafter more fully set forth; THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved and ordered that there be, and is, hereby granted to the said Applicant, Sumas Electric Light Company, a corporation, and to its successors and: assigns, for a period of forty (40) years from the date of this Order, the authority, right, privilege and franchise, for itself, its successors and assigns, to construct, main- tain and operate transmission lines for transmitting electric power, including electric lights as one of the manifestations of such electric power, together vAth the moles, mires and other appurtenances, including on such poles, telephone lines for their own use as one of such appurtenances, upon, over,.along and across the following described public roads of .,hatcom County, '7ashintTton, namely: Beginning at a point in County Road 11o. 182 where it intersects the, east line of. the City Limits, or Town Limits, of the Town of Suma.s, 'v"hatcom County, Washington, and run thence east along said County Road No. 182, to its eastern terminus at or near the South- east corner of Section thirty+two (32), Township Forty-one (41) North, Range Five (5) East 7illamette lreridian: Also beginning at a point in County Road No. 182 where County Road No. 84 intersects said County Road No. 182; run thence South and Southwesterly along said County Road No. 84 to the east and west center line of Section Twenty-eight (28), Township Forty (40) North, R--inge lour (4) East Willamette Ileridian, where said County Road No. 84 intersects County Road 'To. 511; thence "lest along County Roads :1os. 511 and, 461, to "'ounty I oad ITo. 201; thence South along said County Road No. 201, to County Road To. 84; thence west along. County Road No. 84 to Everson, Whatcom County, Washington: Also, beginning in County Road No. 84 where it connects with County. Road No 139at or near the Section line between Sections ten (10) and Fifteen (15), Township Forty NO), North, Range Four (4) East 77illamette Yeridian, and run thence west along said Counter Road No. 13 too its intersection vith County Road No. 405 at or near the corner to Sections Eight �8), Nine (9), Sixteen (16), and Seventeen (17); thence South and Southwesterly along said County load No. 405 and County Roads =.Ios. 507 200 and 201 to the east and wrest center line of Section Tvrenty-nine (29) , township Forty (40) North, 1;,arage Four (4) East Z`lillamette ileridian, 7'ihatcom County, Washington. That the Board finds that the Route above described describes the roads and warts of roads -which form a continuous route from the Southerly limits of the Town of Cumas, at the place where such limits intersect the Telegraph Road knovrn as "Road No. 84" to the Limits of Everson, Washington; that the line of poles herein provided for shall be located and kept located outside of the traveled portion of the.roads and parts of roads. occupied by such pole line, and may be all upon one side, or na.rtly upon one side and part- ly upon another side of the traveled portions thereof, as will form the most practicable and feasible line, it'being found by the Board that to so locate the same will cause the least interference with other uses of said Roads and parts of Roads. That the privileges granted to the grantee, its successors and assigns to place the pole line herein provided for upon such roads and parts of roads above described may be in part upon private right-of-way for such distances::.ard at such places as the grantee, its successors and assigns'nay desire. The placing of any part of such pole -line upon private right -of -nay outside of any of the roads or parts of roads above described shall not be construed as a waiver of the right to locate such pole -line along so many or all of the roads and parts of roads above described as the grantee, its successors and assigns, may from time to time desire to so occupy. Should the course, direction or location of ary of such roads or parts of roads above described be hereafter changed by the County, or other Public authority, the authority, right, privilege and franchise herein granted shall thereupon attach to such new dart of such roads and parts of roads. ?hut the attaching f such rights to such new part of such roads and parts of roads shall not be construed so as to forfeit the authority, right, privilege and franchise herein granted as to any portion of the roads and parts of roads herein described. If, hovwever, any such roads or parts of roads be vacated and the private owners.of said land to whom said land reverts on vacation, shall demand a removal of said poles or pole -line from their land, then said grantee shall remove said poles and pole -line to said neiv roads within a reasonable time after receiving such notice. THAT all of such poles shall be erected in a neat and workmanlike manner„ That they shall be of substantial material of not less than seven (7) inches diameter at the top, and that all poles of thirty (30) feet in length shall set in the ground not less then four and one-half (4") feet, and that six (6) inches additional depth shall be given for every additional:f.ive feet added to said poles. That the maximum distance between said poles shall be two hundred (200) feet, and that all of said poles shall be so secured as to make them safe and free from danger of leaning or falling. All transmission wrires shall be carefully insulated from the poles and carefully connected and fastened, and shall be stretched either on the poles or on cross -arms, or other suitable appliances. The high tension transmission wires shall be at leant tiiirty(30) feet above the surface of the ground, and the other wires. and lines shall be at least twenty (20) feet above the surface of the ground. i'henever the grantee, its successors or assigns, shall make any excavation in any part of said roads or parts of roads, it shall restore the same as nearly as practicable to its former condition and repair the same to the satisfaction of the County 'engineer of ` hatcom County, t'lashing ton; and that no such excavations or obstructions shall be made or permitted by said grantee that will in any manner interfere with travel or traffic or alter or injure a permanent improvement upon said roads or parts of roads, without first obtaining an Order regularly from the Board of County Commissioners, of V�ha.tcom County, 'Washington. The grantee', its successors or assigns agree to move the poles to the edge of the right of -way at any given point within tv,enty (20) days after receiving notice from the County Commissioners of '.7hatcom County, Washington, that they desire such change made, and agree to repair any injury to the roads or bridges, which may be caused by the construction, maintenance or repair of their said line, to the satisfaction of the County Engineer of Whatcom County, '.'iashington. in case the County of Vhatcorri shall at any time desire to do any clearing, grubbing or grading on the roads described in this order, said County shall have the right, if necessary to blast in such roads, and said County shall not be liable in such cases to the grantee, its successors or assigns, for damages resulting from such blasting. W.O.R. 11 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Thursda,y the 23rd day October 191 No such blasting; shall be done, however, unless there shall first be served on said grantee, its successors or assigns, three (3) day's written notice of the intention to do such blasting, Which notice shall state the point or place where, and the time when such blasting; shall be done. That the grantee, Sumas Electric Light Company, for itself, its successors and assigns, by accepting the authority, right, privilege and franchise hereby granted, covenants to indemnify the County of "hatcom from any injury arising from any casualty or accident to person or property by reason of any negligence on the part of the said FTrantee, its successors or assigns, or omission on the part of said grantee, its successors or assigns, to keep such poles and wires in a safe condition, and to pay all_ valid claims against said county for damages caused by said perles or wires or by any electric current conducted thereby; provided reasonable notice is given such grantee, its ouccessors or assigns by said County of Ghatcom of any suit or action begun against said County on account of n,ny .:alleged claim for any said cause; and said grantee Company shall defend at its own expense any and all suits brought against Whatcom County on account of or arising out of the occupancy by the grantee of any of the roads herein described, and pay any and 3.11 damages and costs awarded which may arise by reason thereof. she grantee shall raise, disconnect or change its wires at any time where such change is necessary to permit the moving of a building; along or across any of the roads herein described; provided, that such change or removal shall only be made at the immediate time that it is necessary to move such building, and then upon reasonable notice by the party moving same of his intention so to do, such raising, disconnecting or changing to be made in such a way a.s to least interfere with the business of said Company and with full re- gard to the right of the Public. If after the construction of the said system, the said grantee, its associates, succ- essors or assigns, shall fail to operate the same for a period of ninety. (90) consecutive days, then and in that event the said grantee, its associates, successors or assigns, shall forfeit all franchises hereby granted, unless such suspension or failure to operate shall have been caused by the injunction or order of any court, or by circumstances beyond the control of said grantee, its associates, successors or assigns. Electricity shall be suppliecthereunder for the purposeof lighting, at the follov!- ing rates,- A minimum charge of not to exceed seventy-five cents (75cts) per month shall be made by said grantee, and such electricity shall be supplieeLhereunder without discrim- ination and at the same prices under practically similar conditions. i10 charge is to be r:;ade the said Sumas Electric Light Company for this franchise for the first ten years, but, in consideration of the rights and privileges herein granted, the said. County of VAiatcom, after a period of ten veers from the date of the acceptance of this franchise, shall receive one per cent (1%)y of the gross receipts of said Sumas Electric Light Company received from the furnishing of light and power under the franchise herein granted, the first payment to be made into the County Treasury on the first day of January, 1925, and on the first day of January of , each succeeding year th,.- reaf ter during the life of said f.ranchise,h and the said grantee further agrees to furnish light to said County of ',.hatcom for the purpose of lighting said roads or parts of roads, or to any unincorporated village situated upon any such roads or parts of roads, at the costs of installation of said lights and the actual ,wholesale cost of said electric light current, plus an additional ten per cent to be paid to said company. The authority, right, privilege and franchise granted by this Order and resolution may be sold, assigned, conveyed, leased or mortgaged, by the grantee, its successors or assigns. '[he grantee herein shall within sicty (60) days after the passage of this Resolution and Order file with the County Auditor of V.1h.atcom County, its acceptance of the authority, right, privilege and franchise Herein --ranted, subject to the terms and conditions herein provided. The foregoing resolution and order having been duly passed by the Hoard of County Commissioners at the adjourned regular Session aforesaid, held this 23rd day of October, A.D., 1.913, is hereby signed by the undersigned Commissioners, and attested by the Clerk of this Hoard, under its seal, at said meeting, in authentication thereof. Dated at Bellingham, `'rashington, this 23rd day of October, A.D. 1913. C.B. Legoe If of it " u " " u " n II " n r1 J.G. Kemper "Board of County Commiss- " Henry Shagren "ioners of ".hatcom County " County Commissioners of 7/hat- " State of Washington " com County, Washington. it 11 It 11 11 (1 to If it 11 11 It It II Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Ex-officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, October 24, 1913. Chairman Board Co Commissioners W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Terns Friday the 24th day October 1913 Friday, October 24, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on October 23, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: ORDER OF HEARING ON THE PETITION OF J.H. PRENTICE A;.TD OTt M'RS FOR THE, ANNEXATION OF CI'RTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BELLINGHAM 17HATCOM COUNTY, WASI-NTG`.i'ON. The petition of T:argaret Flynn and others for annexation of certain territory to the City of Bellingham, 7,-hatcom County, Washington, having come on regularly for hearing; this day at the hour of one o'clock P.M., in pursuance of the orders of the Hoard and a new petition embracing other and different boundaries, but including the territory embraced in said former petition, having been filed with the Board, such new petition being signed by a majority of signers of said former petition, and the said new petition being present- ed to the board at this time vrith the request that the same be substituted for said former petition; and it appearing from said new petition that the same requests that an election shall be called and held within the limits of the follovring; described portion of Whatcom County, Washington, `�hich portion of said county is particularly bounded and described as follovis: All that portion of the present organized and corporate Township of Geneva, in Township thirty-eight (38) '_North of Range three (3) E. ''%.1T. , described as follc,ws, to -wit: Beginning at a point on the line of the city limits of the City of Bellingham, Wash- ington, at the Southwest corner of the Northvaest quarter of Section thirty-four (34). said lovinship and Range; thence due East through the center of Sections thirty-four (34) and thirty-five (35) in said Township and Pange, to the intersection of said quarter line. with the Government meander shore line of Lake ti'lhatcorn, near the section line between Sections thirty-five (35) and thirty-six (36); thence in a general 7Torthwesterly direction along said Government meander line and following the shore of the said Lake Whatcom in front of Section thirty-five (35) and trenty-seven (27) and Lot six (6) of said Section tventy-two (22) in said `Township and Range, to the point of it's intersection Frith the ., ast boundary of Section tvrenty-eight (28), which last named boundary line is a part of the last bound- ary of said City of Bellingham; thence South along; the said city limits of the said City of Bellingham on the East boundary line of Sections twenty-eight (28) and thirty-three (33), to the -.place of beg;ijning, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing; therein, the question of the annexation of said territory to the City of Bellingham, a city of the first class in said County of 7,,ha.tcom under the provisions of Chapt. 245 of the Session Laws of 1907 of the Legislature of the State of Washington, at pages 676 to 679 thereof, both inclusive, i:rhich Chapters are compiled and set forth in Sections 7445 to 7450, both inclusive, of Remington & Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Statutes of the State of 7!ashington; and it appearing; from said petition that said portion of said county has not been heretofore incorporated as a municipal corporation, that the same lies contiguous to the City of Bellingham, a city of the first class; that the petitioners are qualified electors of said county, and residents within the limits of said territory proposed to be annexed to said city; and said Board being notir in special session, it is by the Board Ordered; That the said new petition be and the same is hereby substituted for the said former petition, and it is further Ordered; That Friday the 14th day of November, 1913, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P.M. of said day at the rooms of said Board of County Commissioners in the Court Mouse in the City of Bellingham, Washington, be and the same is hereby fixed as the date and place for the hearing; of said petition. It is Further Ordered, that the Clerk of this Board cause notice of said hearing; to be prepared and issued, and that said notice be published by said petitioners for at least two weeks prior to said date of hearing, in some newspaper printed and published in the City of Bellingham, to v,�hich it is proposed to annex said territory. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Friday the 24th day October 11 9 191 3 Dated at Bellingham, Vlashington, this 24th day of October, 1913. ►► to 1► ►► n o ►► it i► it t► " 11 t► "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Matcom County " " State of Washington " it to It a If If t► n u" it it to it Attest: Will D 71allace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ',HATCOIT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. By C.B. Legoe Chairman J.G. Kemper Henry Shagren Commissioners ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE ITO.ORABLE BOARD of COU13TY COITMISSIONTi�RS OF ,"1HATCOt3 COUNTY, WASHING`.tON In the I.Tatter of the A,o,plication of Hathan Bellingar for the Constructiona.nd Improvement of a Drainage Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporated Drainage 0 R D E R. Improvement District. On this 24th day of October, 1913,."this matter came on for hearing upon the report of the County Engineer, hearing at this date being pursuant to notice of this hearing; published in the manner provided by la.w, proof of publication of notice of this hearing having been furnished at this hearing, all as provided by law. The following otvmers of property within the drainage district involved in this matter (Drainage Improvement District No. 5) appeared in person at this hearing: S.J. and 11argare.t J. 'White Bethany P; and G.N. Heaton William H, and Ida M. Dorr Nathan Beilingar Augustus Wesley Frost John S. and Rhoda. A. Smith Charles L. Sicklesteel Ruth and George S. Town Charles and I'ia;rga;ret Laube Horton D. and Lila M. Holcomb Bernard add Caroline Oltmanns J.H. and'L.H. Bailey Ernest 71. Stone Edmond Peters Frederick and Adlina Genzel George A. and Zada L. Dickinson Thos. S. Dahl qui st James and lmelis A. Bartlett J. Albert Engdahl Nellie B. and John Ii. Lewis Charles Laube and Margaret Laube, his wife, appeared in person and by their attorneys and protested against the said improvement and their protest is on file in.this matter. The Board proceeded to hear all pertinent evidence, including evidence offered con- cerning the probable cost of the system and probable benefits to accrue therefrom, and concerning the benefits to the different parcels of property, and damages, if any, and proceeded further to consideration of the preliminary estimates of the Engineer as the same appear upon his report concerning the estimated benefits to the various pieces and parcels of property within the said District. The said Engineer's estimate shows no damages to any of said property, and no damages to any piece or parcel of property within the said District. The Board now considers it advisable to make further investigation, and considers that it would be advisable to have an adjourned session of this meeting. WHEREFOP2', IT IS ORDERED That this 1iearing be, and the same is hereby, continued to Thursday, November 6, . 1913, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P.1 . , - at which time this Board shall and will consider any and all matter;:; pertaining to said Drainage Improvement District No. 5 and - the said proposed improvement system, and will further consider the report and estimates of the Engineer. 120 W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Friday the 24th day October 1913 7'o each and all of the foregoing order the protestants, Charles Laube and 1.7argaret La.ube, by their attorneys, except; and their exception is noted. Done in open session of the Board one this date aforesaid. 11 It 11 11 ►1 1t ►1 11 11 it ►1 11 it 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of ':?ha.tcom County " " State of 'Uhshington " u " it " " 11 " " 11 11 11 it 11 " Attest: �-lill I) Wallace Clerk of said Board. C.B. I,egoe Chnirman J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Sha.gren Commissioner ---------- 000---_------ On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Ivionday, November 3, 1913. airman Boa, ---...------ ssioners. The minutes of the October Session were read and approved this 3rd day of November, 1913. Cha.iritian oar Cou Cornissioners. Attest:�A County A'uditor and Clerk of� the Board. ---------- 000--__------ W.O.R. 1 �l Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term T.:onday the 3rd day 7ovember 1913 I:onday, November 3, 1913. The Board met pursuant to.adjournment taken on October 24, 1913. Present, C B Legoe, Chairman; J G Kemper and henry Shagren, Cor',missioners:; 'dill D Wallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. ale following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURB Pi,TT E7TEJTSE FUND. Will D Wallace Salary as County Auditor 158.33 August Errgquist Salary as Chief Dep Auditor 100.00 S E Barrett Salary as Dep Auditor 100.00 F C ?i'artin do 75.00 Lucy r King Salary as Chief Recorder 75.00' Id Thomas Salary as Recorder 65.00 Jessie '=alters do 65.00 C B Legoe Salary as County Commissioner 150.00 J G Kemper do 150.00 Henry ti"na;ren do 150.00 Delia L Keeler Salary as Supt Co Schools 150.00 Ethel -Everett Salary as Dep Supt Co Schools 90.00 D V1 Featherkile Salary as Justice of Peace 100.00 Henry C Beach do 100.00 Harrison Cowden Salary as Constable 60.00 Charles E Cline Salary as Probation Officer 100.00 D P Day Salary as Supt Charities 25.00 0 1,I Beebe Salary as So. Physician 83.33 H Thompson Salary as Coroner 83.33 Hector Gawley Salary as Janitor 85.00 Ed B Hardin Salary as Superior Judge 125.00 William 11 Pemberton do 125.00 Samuel E Leitch Salary as County Clerk* 158.33 F V1 lToses Salary as Dep Co Clerk 100.00 Alithea Adams do 100.00 Frank T1 Bixby Salary as Pros. Attorney 158.33 CI A IJ'artin Salary as Dep Pros Attorney 100.00 Jessie Andrae Salary as Stenographer for Pros Atty 65.00 Nellie C Rogers Salary as Treasurer 166.66 F L Olslager Salary as Dep Treasurer 100.00 John Fernley Salary as 'Bookkeeper for Treas. 90.00 Olive 'Wilson Salary as Clerk for Treasurer 80.00 Gage A Pence do 80.00 H D r'cArthur Salary as County Assessor 125.00 C Donovan Salary as Dep CO .Assessor 100.00 Jas 'Elder do 80.00 H R George do 75.00 E J Campbell do 75.00 L A Thomas Salary as Sheriff 158.33 T,T R Byland Salary as Jailer 60.00 C M Adams Salary as Co Engineer 158.33 C E Phoenix Salary as Dep'Co Engineer 130.00 Carl T:'cCoy Salary as Drftsin for TFng 104.00 Barry C S%,,ettenam Salary as Chainman for Uo Engineer "8.00 Anton Braaten Salary as Axman for Co Eng 5.00 Gunval �braaten do 5.00 Y' C Johnson Salary as Chainman for Go Eng 67.50 Ed Decker do 12.50 John Barber Salary as Axman for Go Eng 8.75 Chas Rogers do 48.75 C L J-Iatthews Salary as Chainman for Co Eng 22.50 Volney Rogers Salary as Axman for Co Eng 32.50 P G Cootie Salary as `j'ransitriian for Co Eng 30.00 S H Reynolds Salary as Chainman for Co Eng 2.50 Clay Cooke do 7.50 John Carlson Salary as Axman for Co Eng 3.75 E C Lyle Salary as `rransitlnan for Co Eng 30.00 Ed Gooch Salary as Chainman for Co ling 2.50 C Visser do. 2.50 A H Brown Salary as Axman for Co Eng 3.75 C C King Salary as Supt CO Home 60.00 M B King Salary as Y'atron Co Home 25.00 Catharine Beebe Salary as ITurse at Co home 50.00 Lillian Past.._. Salary as Cook at Co Home 45.00 Treutle Post Salary as Teamster at Co Home 30.00 G H Abers Tending; Ferndale Bridge 5.00 Saran Ridenour Salary as Court Reporter 115.00 Puget Sd T L & P Co Gas & Elect Lt for October 65.20 Frank W Bi,-by Expense as Pros. Attorney 12.35 Delia L Keeler Exp 2.70 a.sT'Supt & Exp to Supt Convention 31.85 Harrison Cowden expense as Constable 4.85 Harry C Swettenam Expense as Dep Engineer 24.40 C E Phoenix Expense as Dep Eng a/c Brown 11 Bellinger Ditches 66.95 L A Thomas Expense as Sheriff 95.38 do Board of Prisoners 174.00 Edith TP, Fuller Care of Juveniles 25.00 2 `1' Wyman Care of Juvenile Prisoners 42.00 Brishin, Smith & Livesey Prem on Bond of Court Reporter (Alexander) 5.00 Alex Andersen Scalp Bounty on 3 wild cats 15.00 YARRI AGE CERTIFICATE FUND. Samuel E Leitch, Co Clerk Recording Yarriage Certificates 42.00 rOLDIEF.S' RELIEF FUND. Sarah Foster Relief 12.00 Fannie Heaton Relief 15.00 122 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term ""onda.y the 3rd clay 1ovember 191 GAl!TE PROTECTION FU11D. J Y Aitken Salary & Expense as Game Warden 118.20 Leslie Jones Salary & Expense as Dep Game Varddn 88.55 J E Lee do 94.40 Towner Prtg Co Prtg. applications & Licenses 14.75 La.rson's Livery & Trf Livery for Game Warden 2.50 ^_ndrew ^ Gordon Launch for use of Game ',7arden 275.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. C A Scrimsher Operating; Ylarietta. Ferry 50.00 Geo Y Gerhard Salary as Inspector N E Dias Road 120.00 ---_-__--_000--______.._ In th'e l:iatter of the Issuance of Order to Issue Duplicate Warrant to `J.E. Slims WHEREAS, in the application of V E Nims, which is hereto attached, the perm<-,nent loss of Sleasman Ditch warrant No. 187, -issued April 11, 1913 in the .sum of 03.00 in favor of the said 'i.E. ,.ims, is set out to the satisfaction of the Board9 NOV.!, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby directed to issue a duplicate warrant in the sum of �'Z. 00 on the Sleasman Ditch Fund to the said I7.E. Mims in lieu of the one so lost. Done in open session of the Board this 3rd dq:, . of November, 1913. 11 I II 11 11 II I it tl IS it II tl I "Board of County Commiss- If "ioners of Whatcom County " " State of Washington " u 11 " It u If n It n n""" it Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board ---------- 000---- ---- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shar,-ren Commissioner The County rng;ineer filed a recommendation of proceedure in the matter of the Northeast and Northviest Diagonal Roads. ----------- 000-------___ On motion the Board adjourned to :meet on Tuesday, November 4, 1913. 9 Chairman Eoa d Co Commissioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Tuesday the 4th day November 191 3 Tuesday, November 4, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on November 3,1913. Present, all members of the Board and the- Clerk. in attendance. The following claims were allowed a:-ld proceedings had: C Donovan C C Kind; C Avila. J K Rogers W J Pynor Farmers. T�Iercantile Co H Smith ?"'ill H Fell Laurel Co -Op, Creamery Asscn. Red Cross Pharmacy F W Gorsuch Rives cc Clark Thiel & Welter Pickering; Hdw. Co Western Union Telg Co Pacific Tel & Tel:. Co do Western Wood Working Co J P Benton B B Furniture Co Northwest Hdw Co Le(m-e Hardware Sells Hdw Co S 13 Cornish Seth A Atwood Rives C'- Clark Bloedel-Donovan Lbr Mills fountain Pharmacy Kemphaus Co CURRENT EXPENSE, FUND. Expense as Dep Assessor attending State Board of Equalization 10.10 Expense as Supt Co Home 33.20 Services to Supt Co Home a/c escaped prisoners 3.00 Guarding; Prisoners at Co Home 10.80 Groceries for Co Home 64.65 Groceries etc for Co Home 168.33 Fish for Co Home 13.60 iYeat for Co Home 19.33 Butter for Co dome 27.20 Medicine for Co Home 19.00 Plumbing; material for Co Home 2.55 Electrical supplies for Co Home 3.60 Bed etc for Co Home 39.00 Labor & Matr for Co Home. Plumbing 247.67 Yessages for Sher 2. 37-Clk . 25-Prob Officer 1.07 3.69 Rentals for Nov 36.25 Long Distance for Oct. 5.50 Book rack .for Auditor 18.00 Repairs to Courthouse Plumbing; 4.55 Linoleum for Courthouse 30.90 Material & Sup for Courthouse I'Lepairs 41.96 IIdw. for Courthouse repairs 4.00 do 70.88 Nate.ria..l for Courthouse repairs 16.90 do 51.50 'ri,lect Sun for Gourthouse 5.35 Wood for Courthouse 251.10 Material for. Janitor 3.50 Blankets for Jail 30.00 ----------- 000---------- 'Zie October report of C C Icing, Supt of Co Home, was endorsed approved. ---------- 000---------- The bond of H 0 Hovander on the Hovander Drainage Ditch, teas endorsed approved by the Board, the petition 'riaving been filed on this day. ---------- 000---------- THIS AGREEIKLMT, made and entered into this 4t'_e day of November A.D. , 1913, by and between the BELLINGHAII & IIOIITH7RN RAILWAY COTIPANY, a, corporation, org inized and existing; under the laws of the State of Washington, hereinafter called the "Bellingham Company", and the COUNTY OF t!TiATCOM of the State of Washington, hereinafter called"the County", '. . ESSETIi "-'he Bellingham Company,. in consideration of. the sum of One ( 1.00) Dollar to it in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby ackno-alegded, and in further consideration of the faithful performance by the County of all the covenants and agreements of the said County herein contained, hereby grants .unto the.COUaTTY OF VIATC01% State of Washington, upon the conditions and for the purposes hereinafter set forth, the right, at its sole cost, charge and expense, to construct and thereafter maintain, repair and use, one cer- tdLin public highway and crossing; over and across the follo-,;ling described portions of the right of way, and rail -way tracks thereon, of the .Bellingham Company, described as follows, to-Ivit: A strip of land forth (40) feet in width, extending over and across the right of way of the Bellingham & Northern Railway Company, as said right of way is now located and established over and. across Sections Twenty-three arid. Tvienty-four (23 & 24) Township Forty (40) North of Range Three (3) East, 'V.I.I. , in V-1hatcom County, Washington, said right of Dray of the Railway Company aforesaid being eighty (80) feet in. width and said point of cross4 ing being situate at the north and south Section line, between Sections Ti'lenty-three and Twenty-four (23 & 24) aforesaid, which said crossing is more 19articularly shown upon the plat hereto attached,:ma.rked "Exhibit A", identified by the signature of the Engineer of the 73ellingham Company ^,nd made a, part hereof. The fore oing grant is made subject al,,.*;ays to the observance and performance by the z4W.O.R. nucord ®f Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Tuesdav the 4th day November - 1913--- said County of ';Jhatcom of all and singular the following conditions, covenants and agree- ments to be by it observed, kept and performed, to -wit: (1) It is a condition of the aforesaid grant that the County shall not, rind it hereby agrees that it -will not, at any time enter upon the premises of the Bellinglz,zm Company for the purposes of constructing, laying down, .repairing, altering or ch nginr-, said highway crossing, -Without first notifying the Engineer of said Bellingham Company of its desire and intention so to do, and that it will at all times prosecute all of such work upon said pre- mises, i,-rith reasonable care, skill and diligence and to the satisfaction of said engineer, and will in n.11 matters relating; to the safety of operating trains upon and over the Bell- ingham Companyf s tracks, conform to the directions of said Engineer and will not interfere with. such onera,tion irlithout his consent. (2) It is a further condition of the aforesaid grant, and the County also agrees, that if at any time the Bellingham Company shall elect to raise or lower the grade of all or any part of its premises upon which said higl�,way crossing is constructed, then and in every such case said County shall at once alter -i.nd change said crossing so as to conform to the change of grade required by the Bellingham Company. (3) It is a further condition of the aforesaid grant that the said County shall, and it hereby agrees that it will, bear and pay all the cost and expense vihcih may at any tirie or in any wise appertain to the construction, laying down, maintadi� ing, repairing, changing, altering or using of the said higl-n-iay crossing. (g) If at any time it shall reasonably appear to the Bellingham Company that any portion of said crossing; is likely to endanger or interfere with the operation of the rail- road of the said Bellingham Company, it may notify the said County. to slake such -repairs as will obviate the danger, and, in case the County fails to make such repairs or changes as will make said crossing safe or remove any obstruction to operation ivi thin ten (10 ) days after receiving such notice, then the Bellingham Company shall have the right to make such repairs at the expense of the said County and the said County hereby agrees that it l'r111., apon presentation to it of the bills, therefor, reimburse the P,ellingham Company for all costs, expenses and disbursements which may be incurred or made by the Bellingham Company. in the making of such repairs or alterations as above provided. (5) It is a. furthcr condition of the aforesaid grant that the said County shall, and it hereby covenants and agrees that it will, and it does hereby, assume all risk of darnage or injury to the said crossing and to the said County of Whatcom, in the construction, lay- ing d.oern, maintenance ,-.nd use, of ul'.e .,slit] crossing and to the traveling public in the use of the said crossing, caused by the operation of trains, upon and over the tracks now laid, or which may hereafter be laid, by the Bellingham Company, or caused by any change which it may make in the grade of its tracks or in the grade or use of its premises, and will at all times save and keep the Bellingham Company free, clear a.nd'harmless from any and all claims on account of the matters aforesaid, and that, in case the Bellingham Company shall suffer or become liable for any loss, cost or damage whatsoever, in any manner arising; from, or growing out of, the construction, maintenance, repair, alteration, change or use of said crossing; by the County of Z'hlatcom or the traveling public, than, and in any and every such case, the County shall and will .reimburse the Bellingham Company to the full amount of the loss or damage which said Bellingham Company has sustained or for which it has become 1-liable. (6) The grants, covenants and stipulations hereof shall extend to and bey binding upon the respective successors, legal representatives and assigns of the parties hereto. (7) The t ranto, covenants .and stipulations of this agreement shall not be binding W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Tuesday the 4th day 'Tovember 1`5 191 3 upon either party hereto until such time as the said County shall have procured from. the Public .`service Commission of Washinpton the right and 'authority to cross the right of sway and -raili:,;ay tracks of the Bellinrha:m Company «,i th the highway crossing at grade, and in the event that the said County shall be unable to procure such authority from the said Co:nnission, then, and in that event, the terns, covenants and stipulations of this agree- ment shall be void and of no effect. IN tr,ilTHHT SS UIERLOF, the Bell ing ha.m Company and the said Countlx have duly executed this agreement the day and year first above written. 11 to to It It 11 i1 11 9 V !1 U I` It "Bell ingha.m and Forthcrn " "Railway Company. Corporate" it Seal If 11 It to 11 11 11 11 11 It to to 11 t1 to Attest: S H Barkley, secretary. 11 II It 11 11 it 11 11 11 11 to 11 11 11 Mo- rd of County Commiss- i1 „ioners of Vwhatcom County " of State of It 11 11 It 0 11 11 11 11 it 11 ,t It to 11 BELLII;GHAL` & TTORT111 "RIT RAIL`VAY COMPANY by Ii 1- >larling, President. COT.IIVI7 OF Y ATCOY By C B Legoe ) J G Kemper ) Henry Shagren) Board of County Comr.issioners Attest: Vill 1) Wallace County Audit,.vr and Clerk of the Foard, (Blue print attached) (Form approved- r IT Dudley, General ',ttorney) ---------- GOO ----_---- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, November 5, 1913. airnan Board `Coun-ty/Cor:missioners. r, 126 Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings October Term "lednesda.y the 5th day 7ovember 191 3 7,'ednesda.y, November 5, 1913. The Doa.rd met pursuant to adjournment taken on '_Yo-7ember 4, _ 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The followir_f; claims were allo�>>ed and proceedings had: CURRI,TTT EXPENSE FUrTD. Charles E Cline laxpense as Probation Officer �s 7.15 Samuel E Leitch Expense as Co Clerk 2.45 0 E Beebe Livery Expense etc as Go Physician 45.00 Dr E C Ruge Assisting Co Physician ^0.00 St, Joseph's Hospital Care of Co Patients 61.80 St Luke's Hospital do 193.00 Eng,bergIs Pharmacy I'edicine for Co Patients 6.30 Graham Drub; Co do 3.05 Block & Harlow Burial of Carl Shafer 25.00 fi B Potter Casket for Burial I.'rs Stevenson 25.00 .Snnen-Goodman & Co Groceries for I'rs '�' ilson et al 28.00 B B Grocery Co Groceries to B K Sanford 5.00 Ireland & Pancoast Groceries for I•irs Johnson 3.75 Kinsey-Stenvig Croc Co Groceries for Willard et al '1 0.40 Central Groc & Yeat Ykt Groceries for I'rs Vjheeler 10.00 East End Grocery Groceries for Anderson ei. Tr©ve 20.00 H P Johnson Groceries for I,Trs Stanger 8.00 Brown & Cole Groceries for 'Tabor 6.00 Columbia Grocery Groceries for Ye Bride t .90 T S Berkeley Co Groceries for ITancy TZogers ( Sept) 10.00 do do 'Oct) 10.00 The Leader Groceries .for I'vans & Rolle 30.00 Wilson & Brovjn Groceries for TTodge & Painter 14.35 Lyndcn Co -Operative Co Groceries for T'rs Devi 'Morn 7.70 Lynden 1ept Store Groceries to Fe33tberg et al 12.30 Danielson & Runolfson Groceries for Th Gislason 5.00 Golden Rule Store Groceries for ISrs Brand 8.00 I:�rs Katie Loop Care of I'rs I`i.rtin 1-7 0.00 T F Bevans House rent for. Lars Larson 10.50 Victor A Roeder House rent for 1,rs Beal 30.00 Chas 17 Allen '7ood for 'L bor & 17ilson 6.00 i, H I'ontgomery 'Food for Adams &; Wilson 6.50 jrunkey ` Sons Mood for Indigents 5.75 R S Hartman Stove for IJary Wilson 6.25 I.,rs R C Walker l'-oving I:'iary 13ilson to City 3.00 Kelly Pros. Groceries for II I:, Adams ,.O.48 ,:`rs Clof Clad Care of 'Kos Fisher 6.70 Lee & DeHaven Detective Services to Pros. fatty 16.00 SCLDIEMS' MLIE'F FUITD. I..rs Esther. Pinckney Relief 12.00 Penelopie S Knox Relief 12.00 Josiah Smeadley Burial of Rachel F Smeadley 50.00 -----____- ✓ The October report of Dr 0 1+ Beebe, County Physician, was endorsed approved .by the Board. ---------- 000----------- In the fatter of Distribution of .oneys Order to Zransfer. Received from the Forest Reserve Fund. ) !"! 'RLAS, there is now in the hands of the County Treasurer the sum of �'11 ,326. 36 to the credit of Forest Reserve Fund received from the Federal Government, and to be expended for the benefit of the Public Schools and Public Roads of CJlia.tcom County and not othcrs•rise, according. to Sec .58901 Rem & Bal Code Vol 2. ITO";, THIM1,1FORF, it .i 4 hereby ordered by this ,oard that the County Treasurer be, and she hereby i; directed to transfer from the Forest Reserve Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund the sum of 5` 1,000.00 and tothe General School Fund of Whatcom County the sum of Nr 6,326. 36 Done in open session of the loard this 5th day of November, A.D. 1913. it u" If n"" It to it " it It If "Board of County Gommiss- " "loners of tgia.tcom County If It State of Washington It if It it u to n" if it N It It n" CBLer-oe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Chagren Commissioner Attest.' Will D ,'Yallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- Ono __-_-_-__- Engineer's Preliminary Report on Hova.nder Ditch presented and filed. s On motion the Yoard adjourned to meet on `Thuri ITov. (i, 1913. Cha.irmanj1d. W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings. Ontobnr Term Thursday the 6th day November 1913 Thursday, November 6, 1913. The �oard met pursuant to adjournraent taken on November 5, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and. the Clerk in attendn.nce. The following claims were allowed and proceedings, had: CURRENT EYPENSE FUND. 1,7ashington Childrens Home Soc Care of Alta. Gray, infant. 33.20 Union P,B & S Co Prtg & Sup forT,ng 4.75-Clk 130.50- Trea.s 25 . 50-Supt 4. -Assessor 65. 229.75 Griggs Sta &: Prtg Co Sup to land; .50-Gen Offices 13.65 14.15 `:Cowper Printing; Co Prtg for Aud 37.75-Sch Dists 2.3.10- & Ditch #4 62.60 Anstett Printing Co .1'rtg for Sheriff 5.75 Selby -Harris Co Sun for Aud 3.20-C1k.75-Pros Atty.75 4.70 The Journal -Progressive Publ for Clk 1.26-Treas.36-Aud 17.98 & Bellinger and Russell Ditches 4.72 24.32 5 B Irish & Co Supplies for Co erupt 4.00 Larsons Livery &. Trf Livery for Comm4,-Const 7.50-Phy 5.-P 0 5. 21.50 Everson Livery Livery for Sheriff 2.50-Supt Sch 4. '6.50 Gilday & 34ontfort Livery for Sheriff 4.00 Jas 11cCoy Livery for Constable 2.50 Ferndale Livery do 2.00 Pioneer Livery Livery for Supt Schools 4.00 Diehl & Simpson Driving & Repairs to Co Auto 21046 .dams Style Chop Clothing for Prisoners 4..25 Franklin lraworth J P: State vs Paul Vanderpool et al 1.50 Franklin Haworth J P: State vs Olie Fleming et al 2.75 H H Sines Const: do 3.05 Oscar Lebrant Flit: do 2.60 Franklin Haworth' J P: State vs C D 1,iiller 2.50 H H Sines Const: do 2.20 ---------- 000---------- In the Yatter of the Appointment of a Order Appointing Clerk and a, Treasurer in Van Wyck Tvip. ) WITFRFAS, this Board finds that vacancies exist in the offices of Clerk and ^reasurer in Van Wyck Township through the resignations of J 0 Gulbransen and Yillie 0 Gulbransen, and 7117M,'AS1 it has been recommended that Paul G Gulbransen be appointed as. Clerk and Libbie J Gulbransen be appointed as Treasurer for said township, NO!"r, THIPIREFOP,2, it is ordered by this Board that the resignations of J 0 Gulbransen as Clerk and Yillie 0 Gulbransen as Treasurer, be, and sane hereby, a.re accepted, and Paul G Gulbransen and Libbie J Gulbransen be, and they are hereby appointed as Clerk and Treasurer respectively of said Van Wyck Township to act as such until the next regularly elected officials shall have qualified therefor. Done in open Cession of the Board this 6th day of No�rember, 1913. ti to If it If It 11 It 11 it If 11 it 11 "Board of County Commiss- of "ioners of Wha.tcom County " " " State of Washington " 11 if 11 1t it to if to tt 11 ,t If 11 it Attest: Will 1) 'alallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- C B Legoe Cha.irmr� n of the Board J G ?temper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner In the 17atter of the Appointment of Order Appointing; J t'1 Myers Supervisor in Nooksack Township ZtIHEREAS, this Board finds that a vacancy exists in the office of Supervisor Nooksack Township through the resignation of W B Smith, and WHEREAS, it has been recommended that J W 1,Tyers be appointed to fill said vacancy, NO1,Y, THERI FORR, it is ordered by this Board that the resignation of W B .Smith be and same is hereby accepted, and J %11 MYERS be and he hereby is appointed a,s .Supervisor for Nooksack Township to act; as such until the next regularly elected supervisor shall. have qualified therefor. r128 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Thursday the 6th day November 1913 Done in open session of the hoard this 6th day of November, 1913. If of " It n or If It II 11 11 11 It o "Board of County CoTmiss- of "ioners of Z"JI7a,tcom County of State of Washington " It I1 11 1i t! 11 1t It it Attest: 17ill D V!alla.ce County Auditor and .Clerk of the Board ---------- 000---------- C B Lego e Chairman of the Poard J G hemp e r Commissioner Henry ►hc).gren Commissioner BEFORE '1HII HONORABLE BOARD OF COUITTY COTT-,'ISSIO3U,RS Or VTATCOM COUHTY, 71ASIIINGTOIT. In the 1 a.tter of the Application of Nathan Bellingar ) for the Construction and Improvement of a Drainage ) 0 R _) F, R(Nov 6, 1913 ) Ditch and establishment of Unincorporated Drainage Q Improvement District ) . On this day this matter was presented to the Board for further proreedings pursuant to adjournment from October 24, 1913. All matters pertaining to the establishment of said Drainaze Improvement District No. 5 of V.'hatcom County, Trashington, sere under considera- tion, and especially was further consideration given to the protest of Charles Laube and ,a.ret Laube, his vAfe, ?.n.d to the question whether bonds or tixra.rra.nt s should be issued for the payment of the cost of the improvement. All matters are now taken under advisement, and this meeting adjourned to Friday, November 14, 1913, at the hour of 1 o'clock P.M. Done in open session of the Board this 6th day of November, 1913. C B Legoe Chai rman "Board of County Commiss- " J G Kemper "ioners of Vhatcom County " Commissioner " State of Washington " Henry Shagren u if 11 " It. 11 " " " to it It to If Commissioner Attest: Vrill D Wallace Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000-----_---- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, November 7, 1913. rman I3-Bard Count/3f /Commissioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Friday the 7th day November 191 Friday, November 7, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on November 6, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attend...nce. The following claims were alloyed and proceedings had: CURPMNT EXPENSE FUIM . Henry J"hagren Expense as Co Commissioner 6.45 Ethel Everett Exoense as Dep Supt Visiting Schools 16.20 R `°1 Ridings Services to Probation Officer 4.40 B N Kingsley Services to Pros Atty 7.65 Whatcom Co Humane Socy 1,. aintcnance for Sept and Oct 30.00 T!hatcom Co Abstract Co Furnishing List Oi,�merships in Field Ditch 9.50 E B Hymer Re�wrard in Bolden liquor case ,50.00 E B Hymer Reward in Brown liquor case 50.00 E B iiymer rleti�Yard in I-,eed liquor case 50.00 Battersby Bros Clothing for Prisoners 12.72 INSTI`1.'UTE FIRM. Delia L Keeler Expense a/c Teachers Institute 400.00 ROAD AITD� BRIDGE FUTTD: Geo-lder Labor putting steam grader over Lynden Bridge (Foreman) 35.20 Delno Ward do 30.80 Emil Fullner do 38.50 Geo Alton do 3.00 E A Nickson Labor on Road Foreman 72.00 Geo Frown do 40.00 Jame s Hal e do 25.00 James Scutt do 23.00 C Hanson do team 18.00 Roe Wright do " 66.00 Floyd Lewis do " 46.00 Fred Tarte do " 71.00 Geo Long do " 34.00 YIm Newberry do " 72.00 Frank Brunson do 20.00 l A Nickson do team only 28.00 Del Good.er do team 38.00 Geo Lilton do 16.00 A G Hadfield do " 32.00 Roy Hadf i el d do " 28.00 F Brunson do 17.00 James Brovm do " 29.00 J U Lewis do 8.50 Eugene Burnham do 8.00 J S Steele do 6.00 J 17 Logan do 2.00 '�,m Sarlund Labor on G I1 Rd and Smith Rd 49.50 P E Larson do 42.00 W C C^mpbell do 42.00 Erie Burke do 14.00 L H Peck do 28.00 E I O'Neill do 21.00 E J Pease do 22.00 A D Zander do 14.00 S J I.`(a.rr do tease 94.00 Harry Pease do " 83.00 Chris Hansen do If 85.00 Guy Birdsell do to 36.00 A Furman do " 48.00 G H Bliss do " 28.00 A C Knowles do " 40.00 Fred Johnston do " 4.00 R L Sorensen do " 24.00 R D YlacDonald do it 28.00 Drank Smith do 12.00 H Furman do " 28.00 J L Lingbloom Labor on IP-1 Diag Rd et al 16.00 V1 H Shetler do 38.00 J ICI Shetler do 13.00 111 J Sullivan do 38.00 Dick Sullivan do 8.00 Lester Hardan do 25.00 A Burnett do 14.00 N Y Shetler do team 74.00 Anton Anderson do team 66.00 J Y Brovm do If 72.00 John.•''? Ha,rdan do " 60.00 G E Thompson do " 66.00 S T Clifton do " 62.00 R 0 Smith do " 56.00 T1 J Beerup do " 66.00 C E 'Taylor do " 60.00 C C King (for Co Home) do " 72.00 Frank Edwards do Foreman 75.00 L A Stallings Labor on Mit View Rd " 36.00 Ed King do " 38.00 -M C Hong do " 2.00 C Staglund do " 32.00 `.1 Cissna do 30.00 130 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term F11j;,.j,ay the 7th day November W.D.R. 19 H Stagelund Labor on 11t Viec,, Rd team 32.00 i1 S Legoe do 3.00 G Hougan do 5.00 H De1'litt do 7.00 Bert Keller do 8.00 A J Eca,lbarger do 12.00 L A Stallings do 3.00 'mod Kind; do 3.00 Y C Hong do 22.00 T P Reilly do Foreman 37.50 J JOnes do 2.00 R Hadfield Labor on Blaine Road team 28.00 F J Smith do it 32.00 C Ya,x1rell do " 32.00 Y Da.hlen do 8.00 Lester .Everett do 16.00 rank Brunson do 14.00 A 0 Dahlen do team 20.00 T A Rogers do " 12.00 T, A Peterson do " 28.00 J 0 Peterson do " 12.00 0 H Gordon do " 32.00 A G Hadf i e 1 d do " 28.00 L R Shelton do 10.50 G Hougan do 3.00 T P Reilly do Foreman 9.00 ;/ C Barth do 1.00 Geo S Trigg do team 4.00 11 B Striklan.d do " 4.00 A W Frost Labor on G h. Road Foreman 40.60 D 0 Russdll do " 18.00 E D Dean do to 12.00 C E Constant do " 16.00 J A Engdahl do " 16.00 A Hickey do " 20.00 H E Glass do " 16.00 W Earl Dorr do " 16.00 N B Ne ssen do " 16.00 Clarence Constant do " 36.00 Charles Bartlett do 25.00 Giles Constant do 24.00 Jo Taylor do 23.00 C A Goodin; Labor on Road Foreman team 12.50 F Robinson do 1.00 John Ohlund do " 4.00 Jaynes Breckenridge do " 1.00 J Godfrey do 29.00 John Chamberlain do " 61.00 Leo Payne do 8.25 L B Nedrebo do " 46.50 W T Corcoran do 4.00 L B Titus do 2.00 H "erz do 15.00 Fred Seelye do 22.00 Roy Ennis do 12.00 1: Tuttle do 8.00 Smith do 5.00 E B Chamberlain do Foreman 38.75 1-1 L Dickinson, do Foreman 21.00 4 is 1"cPherson do team 14.00 Geo LcPherson do 9.00 R Meyer do 3.75 Albert Meyer do 3.00 John Cookman do 3.75 Chas Yeyer do team 9.00 Um Zobrist do " 7.00 Lee Hamilton do " 3.00 H Stap Labor on G of Road 5.00 C Visser do 5.00 Dan Vandermeer do 37.00 J Stap do 22.50 L Koole do 2.00 L Zweegman do ^1.00 Emil Lind Labor on 'Iverson -Goshen Rd 10.00 John Bullock Labor on Road Foreman 51.00 ":m Smith do team 68.00 Lux Gerard do 34.00 Eli Gonnoley do '32.00 1,'Innley Bros do team 32.00 Chas Bullock do 18.00 G Carvel son Labor on Boundary Line Rd 36.50 J Burns do 43.50 1W Burns do 13.50 F Hanson do Overseer 38.25 J J We stman do 36.50 S Johnson do 32.50 H Einarson do 10.50 Len Anderson do 4.50 A Hallderson do 21.00 A 41 Erikson do 26.00 J 11 Samuel son do 4.00 J Samuelson do Foreman 30.00 S Samson do 2.00 Peter Zobrist V,5n A iohman Labor on Iiannegn.n Road team 8.00 do 4.00 W.O.R. 131 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Ontnbpr Term Friday y the 7th day November 191 3 Walter 'Torgenthaler Labor on Hannegan Road team 8.00 S I`oors do 2.00 J Campbell do 4.00 Chas Horat do 4.00 A Dewey do temn 8.00 H N Hohman do 4.00 C 0 Manson do Foreman 9.00 W H Kirkman. Labor on Sumas-Nooksack Rd Foreman 9.37 Ben Tucker do 2.00 A Woolhouser do 5.30 Ernest Warner do team 15.00 Ben Tucker do " 8.00 Geo'Noon do " 6.00 J Gardner do " 2.00 J Noon do 3.00 Beaton Gillis Labor on Rd 139 et al " 23.50 Alex Gillis do " 23.50 Ray Heathers do 11.75 Harry Tessen do 6.50 -True %W Black do 4.50 Harry Hinton do 11.00 Roy heathers do tearn 23.50 Robert Hinton do " 24.00 Fred Larson do 5.50 Carl Larson do 6.75 Ii Pearce do " 13.50 III S heathers do 13.75 G H Hueston do " 17.00 W Sm. ith do .3.00 A Hal s ted do 7.25 Carl Nelsen do 7.25 0 Ylilcoxson do 2.00 B C Brooks Labor on Road Foreman 13.75 Fred Ij'etcalf do team 22.00 Emil.F Krepcik do' 8.00 R H Pearl do " 18.00 Louis Strandt do 12.00 J L Lindsay do " 22.00 John Cyr do if 20.00 Fred F Genther do 11.00 Lewis Beebe Labor on Road " 6.00 C H Beebe do 7.50 Jessie J Rogers Salary as Constr Eng S & IT Highway 100.00- do Expense as Constr. 7ing S & N Highway 22.50 Lewis Hamilton Asst to Eng S F.c IT Highway 12.50 Id L Morganthaler Labor on ling Dams 25.05 Lloyd Bowers Work on Marietta Ferry Landing ,00,' 8.00,' Id L Scutvick Labor on Bridge 10.50 Geo Alton Labor on Lynden Bridge 3.00 Valentine.Neidhardt Labor on G 11 Bridge 30.00 George Neidhardt do 27.50 F DeLine do 13.00 C M Yosher Labor on Bridges 135.00 do Expense & Ya.terial 14.51 C 7cKenzie Labor on Bridge at Power Plant 17.50 A H Glen do 25.30 George Henry do 13.30 P Gunderson do 28.40 T S Shaki ey do 28.00 Tom Gunderson do 28.40 Howard Perkins do 24.10 A Schrader do 18.80 Mrs ". H Dickson Board. of laborers on Bridge at Power Plant 70.50 crank Arones Removing log jam at Nugents Bridge 10.50 Archie Palmer Yoving Pile Driver 20.00 Roo & Van Leeuwen Lbr Co Lumber for Wing Dams 4.96 J I -Pi Norstrom & Son Lumber 2.65 Sunnyside Lbr Co Lumber 8.90 John -McCush Bridge Plank 168.36 Ritchie -Shelton Lbr Co Planking 34.00 Fred Kenoyer Road Plank 311.85 J ITT Conrad Cedar Piling 4.75 F Brunson do 20.00 Lawrence IvIerct Co Powder etc 8.35 J F I!eek Powder etc c.95 III B Hart Powder etc 7.25 Lynden Dept Store Powder etc 34.95 T S Berkely Co Vail s 3.15 J 'r'v Austin Nails 5.50 Danielson & Runolf son Nails 7.00 Farmers 21erct Co Spikes etc 13.43 Danielson & Runolfson 11aterial & 'fools 28.50 J Samuelson 11ateri al 5.60 Canfield-Caulkins Imp Co Iron Culverts 95.25 James Clarkson Tile for G Id Road 12.00 Anton Anderson Hauling Tile 3.00 H W Buzzard Implements for Steam Grader 8,50 Morse Hdvi Co Tools & Impl for `team Grader 23.72 E H Baxter 'good for Steam Grader 4.95 F If Lott do 1.75 111 H Shetler Gravel 72.80 11 M. Purnel Gravel n.00 D H Clough Gravel 33.20 T110 s : 11 i s Gravel 60.00 L A Nickson. Gravel 33.50 C r Rickert 31acksmithing 11.60 ('ctober Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Term Fridav the 7th 7ovember W.O.R. 1913 L C Currie Jacob 117unziker Roy Howard R 0 Smith J A Dahlstrom r, Burnett TL Loom is ':l Edmond s H Von Prooyen A Von Prooyen s, Ba j ema Geo Neidhardt V Neidhardt Leonard Poole Peter Jen ,en Len Stremler Ben. Stremler ' Von Prooyen H Von Prooyen Leonard X'oole Ix In t1le 11a,tter of the Approval of W Plat of Boundry Carden Tracts. ) 2nd L Final Fst Squali cuia Creek Tri dige 2nd &Final ? st Woodlawn Rd ,",IdDREASEN DITCH FUND. Labor on Andreasen Ditch do do do do do DUFITER, DI`.t'CH FIRM. Labor on Dufner Ditch (October) do do do �o do do do do (March) do do do Foreman ---------- 000---------- Order of Approval. 350. 40 1207.65 G. 87 16.50 9;37 6.25 9.37 14.35 5.50 . 50 27.25 15.25 8.00 12.75 17.75 ^. 00 1.75 2.50 1.75 3.75 1'41FRlsAS, the tract of land knovin as "Boundry Garden Tracts" has been platted and the plat of the same has been submitted to this Board for approval, and 1117REAS, 'this loard has duly considered the same and has found that J.Y. Stinnett and Pearl L. Stinnett, his rAfe, B. LaPoint, John P. Knuehr.iann rand Katie Iinuelunann., his N'jife, the persons who have platted said addition, are the w-iners in fee simple of all lands embraced in said plat, and that they have dedicated proper roads for the use of the public, a.nO tl:a,t all taxes charged against said lands embraced in said plat have been paid, ns pro- vided by lav;, and as shovrn by the certificate of the Treasurer of said County and filed pith said plat, and tl-InA -,aid plat has been approved by the County 7,ngineer, and that said persons have complied -ith all other requirements of the lays of the State of Washington, relating to the filing of plats, and Y/H1,2141AS, this Board is of the opinion that it viould be to the interest of the public to 'Ipproye said plat; I1-017, THEREFOR", it is hereby ordered rand a.djudg;ed by this Board that said plat IqI and same hereby is approved. Bore in open session of the Board this 7th day of ITovember, A.D. 1913. 11 If 11 II 11 II If 11 11 11 11 11 11 If "Board of County Commiss- " "inners of Vhatcom County " It State of 'aa shing " it if it If if if It it 11 If 11 11 It If Attest: Will D Wallace county 1,uditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------., C B Leg;oe Chairman of the Board J G hemper CorrA ssioner henry ► ha€rren Commissioner BEFORE THI HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY CO1,1TTISSIO17RS OF YfHA.T0'01,! COVTTY, I`%ASHINGTON. In the T,"atter of the Application of ) V! S Russell for the Construction and Improvement of a Drainage 'Ditch and ) 0 R D 1s R (Yov 7, 1913 ) Est^blishment of Unincorporated Improvement District. ) IT IS NOVA ORD?.RLD That notice be published, calling for bids for the construction of the saic3 improvement, inclueaing -the main ditch and the tl,ao laterals heretofore adopted and esta.bli;>hed, and that bids shall be received for the construction of the said improve- rr.ent in subdivisions, or as a v.hole; that bids silall be received and acted upon as provid- ed by lav, and as provided in the order of this roa,rd entered heveir on the loth day of W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings Oetnher Term Tri r3ay the 7th clay 77ov ember 191 -October, 1913. what contract for the construction of said improvement shall be let by this Board on plans -end specifications previously prepared by the County Engineer, under the direc- tion of this Hoard, and as provided by lams and the proceedings in such mutters, to the lowest and best bidder; and that calls for said bids shall be made by publication in 13 tfie 0"ourna,l- 'roFres,,,,ive, the official county paper of �,liatcor,, County, 'Washington, for the period of three consecutive weeks prior to the time set for the opening of said bids; and that Friday, the 5th day of December, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.T.1., at the Court douse in the office of this Poard of County Comriissioners, be, and. the same is here- by designated as the time and place for opening; said bids; that the successful bidder shall be required to furnish a. bond in the manner provided by law in the full amount of t'.:te contract price of construction and irnprovenent as in the proueed.ing"s in this matter provided, said bond to be conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract according to lrir,, a,nd any requirements this Board of Comissioners may have imposed, within their power and limitations as provided by That each bidder shall deposit with his bid a certi.fied`.check. or bond in an amount equal to 10;c of his bid eond.itioned as provided by lzwi, and should the bidder to idiom the contract is awarded fail to enter into a contract and furnish the bond as herein provided, and within the time and in the raa.nner provided by lavv, after notice of such award, then the amount of said check shall be forfeited. That tl:e right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Done in open session of said. P and this 7th day of Nlovenber, 1913. .1 tl SI it "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Yliatcori County " " State of Washington " to to it " It " H n it " It to n it Attest: 'Will D Vallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. C D Legoe Ch a, i rman J. G. Kemper Conmiscioner henry Shagren Corrriissicner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, November 8, 1913. rman Board County/96mmissioners. e3 4. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Saturday the 8th (lay ?'ot*ember W.O.R. 19 Saturday, lot, -ember Fs, 1913. Tile Eo^sd Piet pursu^.nt to adjournment taken on ??ovember ,7, 1913. Present, all members of the ,1oard and the, Clerk in attendance. The fo11ovlin1,7 claims v,tere allow;ted and proceedings had: CURRENT +'-7a� iTSE FIRID. WillD 11allace Express 2.- & Expense as Co Auditor 3.10 lied Flint Services to Judge 5.65 Bellinghnm Sheet Yeta.l !orks Ventilating Contract etc for Courthouse 79.35 lock &. Harlon Burial of J�3nes Scott cr. Carl Shafer 50.00 A G VVickma.n Burial of Vm P Llarrs 25.00 GAIIE 13RO` E(,`L IO1T FTXTD. ,�,verson Livery Livery for Came "'arden 50 Ferndale Livery do 8.00 ---------- 000---------_ IN 71" � FATTER OF 'nil,; ESTABLIS111.11 NT OF TIIL T-7. C . F.?.RI S ROAD. 0 R 1) I+, R. '`Iai.s ratter having; come on for hearing- before the Boa.-rd of County Cormissione.rs of !'hatcom County on the 28t1i day of July, 1913 a}ion the petition of certain persons, for the establishment of the I'.C. Faris Road, as follo�%,s: Commencing; at a. point on S line of S1fg Sec 6 ':p 39 N, R 2 L on line of Co Road ITo. 32, 2701 E of center line of G IT R R; thence on a curve of 3831 radius a distance of about 300' to point 80' northeast of center line of said R R; thence Ilorth-,pest along; lire 80' northeasterly and parallel to tine center line of said G it R R to 7' line of Sec 6 Tp 39 II, R 2 F,; thence T along C! line of Sec 6 to point 2801 NE, of center line of. said G Id R R; thence 'M parallel vAth and 280' IT% from center lane of G IT R R to point on N line of Sec 1 Tp 39 No R 1L, thence N 60 degrees V7 to point 80' northeast of center line of said G IT R R; thence northr,est along; line SO' northeast of and parallel to the center line o,; sn.id G IT R R to Custer; thence thr6Ll�h Custer alonf- streets thereof to point on S line of Sec 26 T 40 IT, R 1 E 80' of center line of the G IT R R; thence nortli-est along line 80' northeast of and parallel to the center line of the said G IT R R to a. point in -Sec 8 `I'p 40 N, R 1 E about 1581 southeast of the point of intersection of said line 1-fith a line, running north and south through the center of the Tz S1'jIj� said :sec 8; thence to the rig)lt on a curve of 3831 ra.r'ius a. (.1istnnce of n.bout 3001 to I)oint of tn.ngent vtith aforesaid north and south line; thence north along center lire. of Lots 7 and 2 and IT}ts? ITl7 said Sec 8 to north line of said Sec 8 n.nd connecting there -,ith Co. Road No. 159, the total length beir_; St miles; and at said hearinp;, it having, been made satisfactory to appear to this board that s,-!id road rill be conducive to the public Food and general vielfare, and of benefit to 7"natcom County, and this board having ordered tirc establishment of said road, and that the same be opened as provided by lal!!!; and it now being made sntisfa,ctory to appear to this l:oa.rd that the ;hole of the necessary right of way for said road has not been deeded to V.hatcom County, and that some of the owners of land through which said road !ill be opened and extended have refused to iccept tine amount of danage atiarded to them r,nd have refused to deed to 1.,h,-itcom County tlLe land r,ecessa.ry for such road. TI T'P1?FORI-, It is hereby ordered that sr;id road be opened the full extent as here- tofor. e prn,yed and to the full width of sixty feet, and the "ounty Attorney of Wha.tcom County is hereby ordered and directed to institute and prosecute to judgment such condemna- tion suits as shall be necessary to prosure the rit;lit of rta.y for th.e opening n.nd establish - dent of the said road its entire length and full width and especially to institute and pro- secute to judgment suits for right of way through the lands of T.E. Davis, 7I.D. Rickert, T.I1. Arnbjornson, J.R. Reykdal, the estn,te of Peyton Brown, the estate of S.II. Siemons, D,nvid Gra,hari, Ledora, L. De"ritt, J.A. Coulthurst, Janes T. Gander, III. J. $`cLea.n, stel.ln "turn, "obel rt J. Shields, together with the wives of r)bove named defendants. Tone in open session this Pth day of l ovenber, 1913. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 It 11 11 It 11 11 "- oa.rd of 'County Commiss- " "ioners of "na.tcom County " It State of Y,'ashin7ton " 11 I1 It 11 11 11 11 It It 1t 11 11 11 Att1 est :y:ill D s't'allace County Auditor a.nd Clerk of the board. B Legoe Cha i rman J G Kemper Henry Sha.gren Commissioners W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings cctober Term Sa.turda.y the 8th day November 191 3 IN THE 14IATTER OF DRAINAGE DISTRICT ITO. 8 PETITIOITED FOR BY H. I1OVATTDER AND OTHERS. ------------- 0 RDER. The County Engineer having; heretofore filed his report in the above matter by it appears that the said proposed ditch is necessary and will be conducive to public health, convenience and rellfa.re; ITOW, THEMPFORE, It is hereby ordered that said ditch district be henceforth known as Drainage District No. 8 of Whatcom County, La.shington. It is further ordered that the County Engineer of t'hatcom (Iounty do and he hereby is directed to go upon the linds described in the petition and take levels on the same and set a stake :at every one hundred feet numbering doom stream and note the intersection of property lines and roa.d crossings and make a, report., profile and plat of same, and also make an estimate of same, and also make an estimate of the cost of construction of such drainage system itemized so as to be reasonable specific as to the various parts thereof. It is further ordered, and the said County Engineer is hereby directed.to make a.nd return a schedule and estimate of all property that will be damaged or both da,raaged and benefited by the proposed improvement, such schedule to be arranged in parallel columns with appropriate headings showing; the description of property by the legal division, sec- tion, township and range, and number of acres, 'and if platted the lot and block number, the name of the owner or reputed oviner, the estimated gross damages that gill be sustained by .reason of the proposed improvement, the estimated 'gross benefits that will accrue and the righthald column of the schedule shall be sufficiently aide for the signature of the pwner and to bear the following heading,- "I, the undersigned owner of the property opposite which I have signed my name, accept and agree to the estimated amount -of benefits and damages that will accrue to my property by reason of the proposed improvement", such report shall also show the estimated number of acres that will be benefited by the pro- posed improvement, and specify the manner in which the proposed improvement is to be made and the number, kind, location and dimensions of all wa.terNniays, ditches, outlets, flood gates, bridges and crossings. The County Engineer shall also in such report -submit to this board such other informa- tion as he may have, and will in his opinion be of value to this board in the premises. Done in open session this 8th day of November, 1913. I1 I1 11 11 11 I II II I 11 11 11 II II "Board of County Commiss- " "loners of V.,,hatcom County " " State of Washington " II 11 If 11 I1 11 11 11 If It 11 11 11 11 Attest: 1, ill D Wallace County Auditor and. Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- 0 C B Legoe Ch a, i rm an J G Kemper Henry Sha.gren Commissioners tOn motion the Board .adjourned to meet on L11onday, November 10, 1913. rman Board `Goun;b,�, Commissioners. 136 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings rr[A October Term TTonday the loth day Novemb(-r 1913 I,'londay, November 10, 1913. The Board, pursuant to adbLournment taken on November 8, 1913. Present, all members of the Poard and the Clerk in attendance. The follocrinfe- proceedings were had: The claim of the Cascade Trading & Construction Co. for p20,496.00 damages in re contract for paving part of Sumas-Nooksack IIighway (jr4) was endorsed"defused" by the Board. ----------000 ---------- FEFORE `.CITE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY CO!77ISSIOa1'-++RS OF "rrdAT COI! COUNTY, WASHING TON . In the Yatter of the Application of W.S. Russell ) for the Construction and Improvement of a Drain- a-e Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporated ) ORDER RE EMECTION IT+,TURNS. Drainage Improvement District. Heretoforean election for the purpose of electing; two Supervisors in the manner provided by lavr was ordered by this Board, and notice thereof ,,jas ordered and directed to be given, all as provided by lava. It now appears that on Saturday, the 8th dray of 17ovenber, 1913, an election vlas held in said Draina.g;e Improvement District 7o. 4 of 711atcom County, 'Washington, pursuant to the call of said election by order of this Board, as aforesaid, and that notice of said elec- tion was both published and posted in the manner provided by lave, and proofs of said publi- cation and posting are on file herein, and said proofs have been presented to this Poard. It further appears that pursuant to said call, said election was held in said Drainage Improvement District No. 4 on Saturday, the +Rth day of November, 1913, and that on this the loth day of November, 1913, this Board, have proceeded v!ith the canvass of the returns of said election, and have duly canvassed the same in the manner provided by lar, and that the said .returns exhibit the folloTrfi.ng: That there %sere, all told, twelve (12) votes cast; that 1,17.S. Russell received eleven votes; that L. Zweegman received eight votes; that J. aatterthviaite received one vote; that A.G. Stierlen received two votes; and that Waples received one vote and L. Koole received one gote. 7!TIT,R1+P,FORE0 IT IS ORDFRJ� D That V,.S. Russell be, and he is hereby declared to be elect- ed as ::upe.rvi sor of said Drainage Improvement. District No. 4 for the long term or period of one year a.ftcr the first annual election in said District, and until his successor is elect ed and qualified; and IT IS FU1?TII71 R rRDI'RF.D That the said L. ZweeM. an be, -nd he is hereby declared to be elected Supervisor of, said District No. 4, and that his term shall continue until his successor is elected at the first annual election to be held in said District; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That certificates of election shall be issued to the said W.S. Russell and L. Zvjeegr'fan upon their taking; the oath and f iling bond herein as required by law and as fixed by this Board. Done in open session of paid Board of County Commiw3ioners of T'lhatcom County, Wash- ington, this loth day of T-.ovember, 1013. n u u n n u if r+ n"" n It Is C B Legoe "Board of County Commiss- " Chairman "ioners of Z7ha.tcom County " J G Kemper it State of Washington " Commissioner it n It n" n it n n Henry Shapren Attest Will Tr F.'allace Commissioner Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, er 18, 1913. Chairman of the 1'oaxd. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 137 0nt.nbpr Term Fri dra r the 14til play Nal ember 191 Friday, November 14, 1913. The Foar.d met pursuant to adjournment taken on November 10, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUITTY C0I1JI SSIOITFI:S ✓/ OF '? U11TC011 COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the I'Tatter of the Petition of ) J II Prentice and others for the Annexation of Certain 'Territory ) ORDER DENYIATG. to the City of Bellingham. NG'W, ON this 14th day of November, 1913, this matter .coming on regularly to be heard before the Board at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P.M., pursuant to the order of the Board, and Notice regularly given, a number of the petitioners being; present and represented,and a conunittee of citizens resident vlithin the territory proposed to be annexed.. also .appearing at this time on behalf of certain citizens in said district and nrotesting on their behalf., against said petition, and the L'oard havirgr,,consid.ered the matter and all of the statements made at this time, FINDS that the petition is not regular for the reason that it does not contain the required number of signatures provided I)y 1 tr., and therefore for that reason said petition is hereby denied. Done in open session of the board this 14th day of November, 1913. 11 11 If If 11 11 11 11 11 I1 11 11 11 11 "Board ofCounty County Corrmi ss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " f1 State of '[ashington It to it 11 is it 11 11 11 to It 11 11 11" Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk ff the Board. ---------- C B Legoe Chairmen -of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner FRIPORE VIT11 HOHOR..31,24,' BOARD OF COUP.+UY C07171"ISSIONERS OF ,1rfiATCOI', ' COUNTY, WASHING'TON. In the TJatter of the Application of ) Nathan Bellingar fot the Construction and Improvement of a Drainage Ditch ) 0 R D E R (Yor 14, 1913 ) and -Fsta,blishment of Uninc,or0ora,ted Dra.in<age Improvement District. ) On this day this matter was yoresented to the Board for further proceedings and order pursuant to adjournment from the 6th day of TTovember, 1913. This Board at this meeting and at the previous meetings, of which this session is an adjourned meeting, proceeded to hear all pertinent evidence, inchtading all evidence offered concerning; the probable cost of the system and the probable benefits to accrue therefrom in general and as the same may. relate to the different p5.rcels of property, and as to damages, if any; and -further con- sidered the preliminary estimates of the Iangineer as the same appear upon his report con- cerning the estimated benefits to the vo.rious nieces and parcels of property rithin the said Drainage Improvement District No. 5; and this Hoard has further considered the matter of the method to be followed ;and employed in assessing the costs of said improvement The Board is nor, fully advised in the premises, and IT IS NOW ORD]!= AS FOLLOWS: That the gross benefits estimated by the said County Enf ineer in the sum of '5970.80 be .redaced and m.od if i ed to the sum of 5586. 80, Vih ich :gum ( �,o55,96. 80) is Vile estimate of benefits as adjudged by this Doard after the said modification. That the property of Charles Laube and 117argare't La,ube, his wife, located rithin said District and described as follows, to -Wit: Southeast quarter of Section 2, Township 39 'Tortrl, Range 2 just, will not be benefit- W.O.R. 0 necord ®f Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Friday the 14th day 11ovember 1913 ed by the said improvement, and that the same kill be dania ;ed in the sum of ^j1. 00 by reason of the taking; of right-of-way along; Cougar Creek across the said described :)roperty, and that right-of-way across m.id property should be 'tad as follo«rs: A strip of land thirty (30) feet in riidth extending 'ITorthea,sterly and Southwesterly across the Southeast quarter of Section 2, Toi,mshi,o 39 11forth, Range 2 Rast, the center line of vihich strip of land begins at the North line of the 'Tortheast quarter of said south east quarter where Cougar Creek intersects said T'orth line; the said center line thence running in a Southwesterly direction, follolving, approximately the meanderings of Cougar Creek (being sometimes within and sometimes alongside, but adjacent to, said "ougar Creek) ro the '''est boundary line of the sa.a.ci Coutltiea.st quarter. 1ha.t the gross estimate of the benefits in said system returned by the County Fng,ineer should be reduced by the sum of $384.00, i0,ich was by the County i,.lTineer's said report estimated to be the benefits to the said described land of the said "lia,rles Laube and Yar�r,aret Laube, his wife. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the route and line of survey as returned by the engineer fo for the .nain ditch and waterlriay be, and the sw-iie is adopted; and that the laterals shovm upon said report be, and they exe hereby approved and adopted, and that they are as follows: Lateral Ditch 11o. 1 will be constructed along 'lest line of Lot 1 , Sec. 5, Trip. 39 N. , Range 3 E. Lateral Ditch No. 2 ti;.gill be constructed along .'rest line of Lot 2, Sec. 5 above described Lateral Ditch Yo. 3 ).gill be constructed .from the routhvrest corner of the of the Ivt Sec. 1, Twp. 39 lT. , Range 2 B. North to the ,da.in Ditch. Lateral Ditch No. 4 will be constructed from the >outh,,,rest corner of the .outhviest quarter of the "orthviest quarter of Sec. 1, Tnp. 39 IT. , Pa,nge ? T. North to the Train Ditch. I`r IS I'URT-,Tr?? CRD ERED that the report of the said County Engineer, with such modifica' tions as appear herein, be, and the same is hereby approved and confirmed (it appearinT taa.t the modifications made liercin cause no additional damaF<,e to any property owner invo.ly- ed., and will, cause no damage to any property not heretofore involved and not dams. red under the original plans), and that said drainage system as shorm upon the said County -'ngineer's report, and as shown by modifications herein set .forth, including tl�e acquisition of right- of -way thirty feet in -width over and across the land of Charles and Earp;a,ret Laube, same being the Southeast quarter of Section 2, Township 39 1Torth, Range 2 East, be, and the same and the whole thereof, is adopted and ordered established; and pro-ceedings henc.efor. th shall be directed to the obtaining of right-of-way for the route of said ditch and laterals a.11 as herein described. 1�11at after modifications, as he.rcina.bove set forth, there is one rna.in ditch and four laterals; that the main ditch route is described as follows: Section No. 1. Leginningr at a, point ^0 feet '.'est of the corner to Sections 4-5-32-33, Township 39 North, Fange 3 Last ,'d.Y. ; thence ,'lest 2258 feet; S. 71 degrees 51 minutes V1, 3143.6 feet; S. 75 degrees 26 minutes 71. 1582.4 feet to outlet into upper encl. of ',7eiser Lake. Section No. 2. Leginning at a, point 5618 feet IT. 85 degrees 06 minutes W. from above described outlet of `section. No. .1, at lower end of 'Weiser Lake; thence N. 75 deb -Tees 04 minutes W. 143.7 feet; S. 82 degrees 09 minutes '11. 55 . 3 feet; a. 81 degrees 37 minutes '7. 1609.0 feet; S. 31 degrees 57 minutes W. 593.2 feet; S. 87 degrees 04 minutes t`1. 807.4 feet; S. 50 degrees 58 minutes V1. 1355.6 feet; S. 39 degrees 14 minutes W. 419.8 feet; S. 77 degrees 11 minutes 77. 15.0 feet to an outlet into creek flowing; into Nooksa.ck River; thence in a. Soutlivlesterly direction along, the bed of said creek to the West bound- ary of said District. 7"nat said Drainage improvement District 1,Io. 5 as adopted and established is bounded as follows: Beginning at the corner common to Sections 32, 33, 4 and 5, Townships 40 and 39 ITorth, Range 3 Fast; running thence North �� mile; thence 7rest 2-3,f4 mile; thence South 4 mile; thence '17est z mile; thence South 1- mile; thence East mile; thence North mile; thence East A mile; thence north mile; thence Past lr mile; thence South ;'__ mile; thence West A mile; thence South z milo; thence East � mile; thence PTorth A rile; thence East -z mile; thence .North 3/4 mile; thence Rast A mile; thence Soutl� 1/8 mile; W.O.R. e3 AI Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Friday the 14th day November 19 thence East -t mile; thence North 5/8 mile, to place of beginning. That said Drainage Improvement District TTo. 5 embraces lands o.nd territory wholly within Whatcom County, 1.7ashington, being about 1050.7 -acres, more particularly described as follows: 1'he South half of the South half of Sections 31 and 32,' Township 40 ?Torth,. Pange 3 East; the North of Sections 5 and a; ' the North a of the T "1- of the SEA and the S%14, of Sec. 5; the: ,North half of the South, 2 and the SE-,1 of the Sq of Sec. 6; the I1L-!- of Sec. 7 and. the :North 1 of the TTtV-,� of Sec. 8, all in township 39 North, Range 3 East; the South ' of the SEA and the SE`l of the Sl1J4 of Section 360, Township 40 North, Range East; the North 2, the North - of the South n and the S1�TT. of the SV of Sec, l; the East 2 of the East of erection 2 a,nd the ItiE of the I-Eq of Sec. 11, all in Township 39 North, Range 2 East. IT IS FURTHER ORD2RED that, the Board having given hearing; and consideration to the wishes of those within said District concerning the manner and within hov many years the costs of said improvement shall be paid, and the prevailing sentiment being in favor of warrants payable within five (5) years as provided by laiv,,, 'assessments to be levied to pay the costs of said improvement (assessments to be made upon the property benefited) shall. be paid in five (5) annual installments, together with interest at a rate not to exceed 8,r4 per annur-i; .i.nd that ,,warrants, shall be issued for the payment of the cost of said improve- ment in the manner provided by �-;.nd said warrants shall be paid from the receipts from said assessments, N-,h.ich said assessments shall be paid in annual installments, ;-as afore- said, as follows: The f irst year, 10`o�; the second year 20 '; the third year 20%; the fourth year 25 0; the fifth year 25 . that said warrants shall bear interest at a, rate not to exceed 8,°A per annum; that the issuance of said. ivarrants ,and the levy of the asoeenments ,hall be as provided in Chapter 176 of the Lavz cf the State of Washington, 1913, and especially as outlined and directed in Sections 1.7 and 18 thereof. IT IS FURTHER ORD"IERED that C.T.T. Adams, County 7ngineer, and 7irgil Peringer, of the law .firm of rorown, Mite & Peringer, vho is, and at all times herein has been attending 'to the legal work in this matter, be, and they are named as agents to secure ,acceptances. rand deeds from .oviners for riglits-of-way for the main ditch or channel and the laterals, and that they report the obtaining, of the said acceptances and. deeds to this Board. TT IS FURTHER ORsFREPD that this ineetinfr and hearing; be, and the same is hereby adjourn ed to Saturday, the 6th day of December, 1913, at which time any further 1natters pertain- ing to the said improvement may be ,)resented, heard a.nd considered. TJONE in open session of the TToo,rd this 14th day of November, 1913. C D Legoe Cha i rman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry S12agren At test: Will D 1<':allace Commissioner Clerk of said Foa.rd. it 11 it 11 11 it it tt N Ii It It If II "Board of County Commiss- " "inners of Vi(hatcom County " " State of. Washington, 11 tl to it to 11 11 11 of 11 11 n 11 ti it ---------- 000---------- On motion the'%o ard'.dYj-oUrr_eil to..�rzee' ' on, Saturday„ ATovernb'a�r„15, 1''913.0 Chairrian Board C n cy Commissioners. ---------- 140 Record. ofCommissioners. Proceedings :,October Term Saturday the 1.5th day Uovember 191 3 Saturday, November 15, 1913. The Board Piet pursuant to adjournment taken on November 14, 1913. Present, all members of the "oa.rd and the Clerk in attendance. Tile following pro- ceedings vxere glad: The petition of Fronk V7 Bixby, Pros. Attorney, asking tlia,t the I:.'oard approve his ,appointment of Virgil Perin11 ex as Special Deputy Pros. Attorney during the session of the Grand Jury, was filed vAth the Board., --..._ _-----000---_------ / AGREF17LTTT. THIS AGRI]ELI] TT made ,: nd entered into this 15th day of November, 1913, by and between the County of 721iatcorn, by n,nd through its County Commissioners, hereinafter called party of the fi.xst part, and Virgil Perinp;er, a,n a.ttorney at law, hereinafter called party of the second part, VITNFSSE'TH: That the said oa,i•ty of the first part does hereby employ the said party of the second part as assistant counsel to assist the Prosecuting AIL -It -or, -ley of " hatcom County, "'aslzi;z,--ton, as special deputy prosecuting attorney in the matter of advising and yoresentinf evil:lence i and later to the grand jury %:Jhich hn,s been called by the j1adr;es of the 7uperior court of V.,hatcom County to convene I'onday 1ovember 17th, 1913, it being; understood and agrecd betereen the parties hereto that for said services _properly rendered the said party of the first part agrees to pay to the said ,tarty of the second tart the sure of Twenty Five Dollars per day. II II " If n II it II II I1 11 11 to of "Board. of County Commi ss- " "ioners of "'Malcom County " " State of Washington " 11 41 11 it It 11 II II II 11 11 11 II If Attest: Will D !%lallace County Auditor and Clerk of said .`~oard. ---------- 00o---------- UHATCO T COVTTY By C B Legoe Chn,irman J G Kemper Corimi ssioner Henry Magren Corinissioner 7irgil Perinc;er Party of the second part. TTI TIDE IA`1'TER Or THE API'LICATIOIT OF TYL'AS :1,7C`?'RIC LIGHT C011PANY, A COR.POP.ATICIT, FOR A FRA'.1TCHISL OVER CI RTAIN ROADS IIT !'1IIATCOLI COUiTTY, ti`JASHING'TON. ACCEPTANCE BY TIM S113TAS .TIECTRIC LIGHT COLIPAiTY. To the County of Whatcorn, It7ashin6,:ton, ,and to the County Commissioners there4; and to the County .Auditor thereof; and to All 7!hom it Tway Concern: !`!HERE"AS, on -the ^3rd day of October, A.D. 1913, the .`bard of County Commissioners of !'iliatcora County, State of 1,7,1shington, duly ,passed a Resolution a.nd Order granting; to the undersigned, Suma.s ?electric Light Company, a corporation organized and existing; unOler a.nd by virtue of the Laws of the State of Washinmton, the a,ut7jority, right, -px,ivi'.(-G e and. fran- chise, for itsel.f, its successors a-nd. assignd, for a, period of forty (40) years, to con- struct, maintain and operate transmission lines for transraittinF, electric povjer, ircl iadint. electric lights as one of the manifestations of such electric. pourer, •togethcer with the poles, wires, and other appurtenances, including; on such poles, telephone lines as one of such appurtenances, upon, over, along; a.nd across, certain roads in 7'hatcom County, T'n.shing- ton, being the ro a.c1 ; r,,rc ,;,r'ts of t"'hics :f orr.i a con tirauc;i s rolote `Torn the Southerly Limits of the Tovin of Sumas, at the place where such Town Limits intersect the Telegraph Road knov�,n as "Road No. gall, to Ilverson, Washington, and a continuous Route from a ,?oint W.O.R. - 141 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings "October Term Saturday the 15th day Yovember 191 3 where the County Road No. 84 intersects County Road Ito. 1.82, to the, Eastern terminus of County Road No. 1823, said,roads being more particularly described and set forth in the Application of said Sumas Electric Light Company for such franchise, and in the Order of said County Commissioners made and entered herein, to ithich reference is hereby express- ly made, and. i,rhich is incorporated herein by such reference, the same being; also of rc aord in volume 20 of the Coninissioners I Records of V111atcom County, Wa,shinf ton, to refer - once i;, hereby expressly 7:,<<n.d.e. IVIPM?Au, said Resonation and Order contain other tuen(id and conditions and provisions as 11y reference thereto more fully appears: T:OW TtiFREFOHL� , The' undersigned, Sumn.s .'lectr:ic bight Company, corporation, does hereby, for itself , its successors and assigns, a,ceer>t the authority, right, privilege am('k franchise granted by said Resolution and Order, subject to the terms and ^onditions therein provided, ' a.nd does hereby file v,-it.n the County Auditor of Whatcom County, Vushing,- ton, its acceptance of the authority, right, privilege and franchise granted by said Resolution and Order, subject to the terms and conditions therein provided. IN 1111I'iT141ISS 1 D31REOF, and in compliance Frith said Resolution and Order, the Undersigned, `,uriias Electric Liglit Company, hacaused .'I io acceptance to be executed, a.nd to be filed as aforesaid this 15th day of November, A D 1913. Attest: Ii T Bolcom., Its 6ecy. ---------- Sumas Electric Light Company, By V1.IJ. Bolcom, Its Pres. On motion the Foa..rd adjourned to mect on Yonda.y, December 1, 1913. I-- rnAfe�) Cha,irrian Bon.r.d County Corr_r sioners. _..__....... ---------- The proceedings for Iovember .session were read nnd. approved this lot day of December, 1913. Chairman Bon.rd County uor ssioners / V Attest'• C4 /-1&E6g County Auditor and Clerk/If the Board. 42 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. Cetobe.r Term ,,'onda.y the I st day Teem' "her 191 3 ljeccnbcr 1, The I3orrd riet pursiiart to radjourn!^ert taltien on ''Tovcmber 15, 1913 Present, C D Lcgoca, Chairman; J G I-emlacr ,and henry Slia�rE�n,Commissioners; lilill D Wallace, Clerk of the Foard in attendance. The folloviing, claims -i2lov-cd , , URR }�.. ! :. i',.F'J',lf..,.}+'. Ti?l? . ';ill D `Va.11ace , a.la.ry as County Auditor 158.33 Au[;urt D�,iaegaaist Salary as Chief Dep tluclitor 100.00 fv E Farrett Sala.xy <,.s Dep Auditor 100.00 F C Martin do 75.00 Lucy E King Salary ;is Chief Recorder 75.00 11 'Thomas >alary as Recorder G5.00 Jessie 7alters do 65.00 C L, Leg.oe Salary as Co Commissioner 150.00 J G Kemper do 150.00 Henry Sha.g ren do 150.00 Delia L Keeler Salary as Supt Co Schools 150.00 .Ethel I'verett Sa.lary a.N I ep erupt Co Schools 90.00 D U Featherkile Salary as Justice of Peace 100.00. henry C Beach do 100.00 Harrison Cowden Salary as Consta,ble 60.00 Charles E Cline Salary r,s i roba•tion Off ices 100.00 0 E Beebe Salary n•s Co Physician 8-3.33 11 'Thompson Salary as Coroncr 81�.'33 D P Day Salary 9.^ Supt Charities 25.00 Hector Gawley Salary a.s Janitor 95.00 Ed E Hardin S?l,+.ry Sao, Cup�r.for Jud€;e 125.00 `.'illi.am Ir Pemberton do 125.00 Samuel E Leitch Salary a.s Co Clerk 158.33 F VI 1.1oses Salary a,s Deputy Co Clerk 100.00 Alithea, Adams do 100.00 r.'llsvorth J Leitch "a.lary a, s lssista•nt to Co Clerk 11,1 clays 22.50 rra.nk 1.7 Bixby. Salary -.s Prosecuting Attorney 158.33 W A i'artin Salary as Dep Prot. Attorney 100.00 Jessie Andrae Salary as Stcnographer for Atty & Judges G5.00 Nellie C Rogers Sa1a.ry ins Co Tre.a:. urer 166.6.6 N L Gl sl.af--er Salary as Deputy Co Treasurer 100..00 John Fernley Salary as Boo2rkeeper for Co Treas 90.00 Clive 'Wilson Salary as Clerk for Co Treas 80.00 G A Pence do 1-101.00 L A Thomas Salary as Sheriff 158.33 IT B Byland Salary o's Jailer 60.00 Ii D I;,cAr thur Salary a_ Assessor 125.00 C Donovan Salary a,s Deputy Assessor 100.00 Ja s 1:1d.er do 80.00 ii R George do 69.00 E J Campbell Salary as Clerk for Assessor 75.00 F B Graves do 69.00 C ?."_ Adams Salary i s Co Enf.;inear 1.55. 33 C E Phoenix Salary <as Dep Co 1Pnoineer 102.50 Carl I:LcCoy Salary as Drftsmn for Co Engineer 96.00 Marry C Swettenam Salary as Chainma,n for Co Eng 66.00 Gunva,l Braaten Salary a.s Axman ror Co Eng 8.75 17 C Johnson do 36.25 Volney Rogers Salary as Chainman for Co Lng 40.00 Chas. Rogers Salary as Axman for Co Eng 27.50 C C King; Salary as Supt Co home 60.00 Y B Kine; Salary as ''atron at Co Horne 25.00 Lillian Post Salary as Cook at Co Home 24.00 Nettie Smith do 21, 00 Catharine Beebe Salary as Nurse at Co Hone 30.00 Treutle Post Sal <a•x•y as Teamster at 'Co 'Tome 25.00 GrH Abers-. Tendiiz ;: Ferndale Bi-i age : -_ . 5.00 P G Cooke Assisting Co I nF on Survey Rd 76 10.00 Fuget Sound T L & P Co Gas F 1'lect. Licht for Nov 62.00- Del is L Keeler Tr,::-,,v, ..1nxp 28.15 & Post Cards 5. 33.15 C I.- Adams Expense as Co .E'ne;ineer 26.30 C L+' Phoenix Ex pen se ^s Dep Co En-, 56.35 F C Lyle Salary & Exp Assisting Co line; 27.45 P G Cooke rxpense a/c survey Rd 76 3.25 L A Thomas Vxpen ^e n.s ` ieriff .119.05 L A Thomas hoard of Prisoners 190.00 R 11 Ridings Services to Pros. Atty 8.75 John Tebrink Constable: State v.a Cropo 9.50 P P Lekvold Witness in Juvenile case: :btta ITypen 3.50 11 Sines Bringinp Insane 1-Tan to Courthouse 5.95 J I. Likins Refund of Fees collected in error 6.95 Hue;h 1-11dridge stamped rn-velopes for Co Treasurer 321...04 E T Cuynan Care of Juvenile Prisoners 14.60 C G Yinemiller Care of Slater Childeen 3.00 Edith E Fuller Care of Juveniles during Nov 1913 25.00 A lv, Burnside Scalp Bounty on 1 v,rild cat 5.00 Geo Carlson do 5.00 Ebbie Perry do 5.00 Henry Yterchant do 5.00. OAIrE PROTECTION FTITD. J ?'.' Aitken Salary 8,: Expense a.s Game Warden 125.20 Ze sl i e Jones Salary Expense a s ?pep Game 'Warden 82.15 J E Lee do 45.40 I," Jones Labor at Hatchery 15.00' W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings ^r-,tczb,.r Term Yond a.y the i st day P c'Pm PY. 191 3 r'1107.171, I'POTFCTION I'UIdD (coned) Standard mil Co Oil for hatchery 12.18 X `I Hardw. Co Supplies for hatchery 5.25 F,-.iriou.s Shoe House Boots for Pep Caine Warden 9.50 Ferndale Livery Livery for Car..e Warden 2.00 Union P B &: Sta Co Filing; Case for Hunting Licenses 8.90 OLDI11aRS' I"tTJLIEF FUND. Sarah Foster Relief 12:00 Fannie Teaton Relief 15.00 17rs Penelopie S Knox Relief 10.00 YARRIA'?E CEMITIFICATIP, FUIID. Samuel F Leitch, Co Clerk Recording 1,arriaFe Certificates 28*00 Glenn B Derbyshire, Clk Spokane Co do 1000 Vor Y .Sickles, Clk Kind; Co do 1.00 Thos Thomason, Clk Skagit Co do 1.00 MID AITD BRIDGE!, I 'LMD. C A .Scrimsher Operating I."ariette. Ferry 50.00 ----------- 000---------- On motion the Doard adjourned to meet on Tuesday, December 2, 1913. -3 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 00t0T,er Term T,a esday the 2nd day December 191 .� luesday, , December 2, 1913. she r,oexd r:et pursuant to adj ournrient taken on December 1, 1913. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims viere allowed and proceeding. had: D P Day C C King; 71 J Pynor '.*i1.son, ''o':les, Ea.rr Co ';fill iI Fell City I'larket Laurel Co -Op; Creamery ss'c'n. 0ntague L is"cliugh L Jacobs Lynden 'Tribune Peh:rson Bros. Ferndale Dept. Store Ennen, Coodman & Co Slater c,. Co Dro-via L Cole, Inc Centr�i,1 Groc L I1eat TTkt Finsey-Stenvig Grocery Co D D Grocery 11 P Johnson Columbia Crocery Fischer & Isaacs Last -End Grocery 1-:t. Laker Grocery Lynden Co -Op Co Lynden Dept Store "'ilson E Erown Golden mule Store Ferndale Dept Store �erkel.ey Co Danielson &. Runolf son S 0 Paulson Yrs Katie Loop L:rs Della Boyer Jeni:ins-Fogs Co Chas Y1 Allen A IT i::ontr'lorcry "rs 'tn I'ierron Jr D L Baillie Vhatcom Co. Tluma.ne Society Pacif is Tel & Tel Co do ^,?jI;IIFI'?T Ei:l E'?SL FUND Expense as Supt Co Charities 5.00 Expense as Supt Co Ilorr.e 6.05 Groceries etc .for Co home 36.30 do 76.90 Peat for Co home 11.99 CIO 0.90 Dutter for Co Ilome (Aug -Sent) 57.60 Clothing; & I:Idse for Co IIome 18.99 Clothing for Co home 11.65 Prtp;. Signs for Co dome 1.25 Lumbc,r for Co home. 7.16 Povider etc. for Co Ilome 42. 40 Groceries f or 1.Irs 71i lson et al 32.05 Groceries fo•r 'rs I'arkhar,� 2.20 Groceries for Tabor 6.00 Groceries for I'rs 1.Thee1er 10.00 U Janitor 1.45 11.45 Groceries fo-r Yrs Allen et al 20.05 Groceries for Sanford et al 14.90 Groceries f or Iivs Stanger 8.00 Groceries for I.'c Bride 6.85 Groceries for Kirkha.r.,i et al 28.20 Groceries for Anderson et tl 20.00 Groceries for Jacl:son 6.00 Groceries & I.Tdse for I.'rs L Born 5.00 Grocerie , for 1"rs Levi Morn 5.00 Groceries for I'.ainter L IIodg;e 31.40 Groceries for Brand et al 18.00 Groceries for 7rs Chafer ( Oct-1Tov) 15.1.0 Crocevi es for ITancy Rogers 10.76 Groceries for `1'h Gi ,lason 5.00 Care of ,ITrs Stevenson 5.00 Care of Yrs L I.Ta,rtin 20.00 ',Iursing "'rs Kenta & I."abbie 46.00 Redding for Yrs I'enta, 7.00 71ood for Indigent ?1.00 ood. f-r r,,enta et al 10.50 ?'ouse rent for '"rs 1.7i1son 6.00 Mouse rent for I"rs i•�reiland 30.00 ,r n,intena.nce 15.00 Rent�ils fur Dec. 48.25 Long Distance for 7ov 12. 10 ----------- 000---------- The November Report of C C King, Supt. Co Ilome, vas endorsed approved by the I'.oard. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Doa.rd ,.,djourned to meet on '.7ednesda.y, December 3, 1.913. airman Bdal'eY Co-uKtJ Commissioners. W.O.R. ram+ Record of Commissioners'Proceedings Ontobpr Term "!e negdp-y the 3rd day December 191 3 Wednesday, December 3, 1913. The Toard riet pursuant to ^.djournnient taken on Decerber 2, 1913: Present, all mernbers of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were alloned and proceedings had: 0 F Peebe Dr C S Hood. Dr H W Shryock Ct Luke's ITospital St Joseph's I-Tospital STooksa,ck Valley 7ha,rma:cy O,?al Pharmacy Red Cross Pharmacy hock &,: Harlovr A G Wickman Puget Sound T L & P Co Rives &. Clark wine -Grim. haw Co S '"7 Cornish Star Broom Co Foun train Fharrna,cy Nev.; I,7ethod Cascade Laundry Pacific Stearn Laundry CURI3L+''TI' I1j:=1TSI+a F-U.M. Livery xpense as ^o Physician 45.00 Reg Births & Deaths in Ferndale 3.25 Assisting Co Physician 10.00 Care of Co Patients 130.00 do 118.00 Fumigation Supplies 3:60 Yedicine for Co patients 16.85 do 19.80 Burial of Blond en & Yorri s 50. 00 Burial of N D Hunt 25.00 Par tickets for Sheriff 20.00 ?elect. :Supplies for Courthouse 29.80 Coal for Courthouse 49.51 Paint etc for Courthouse 55.75 1 Doz Crooms for Janitor 4.25 Supplies for Janitor 1.65 Laundry for Jail 11.05 & Jury Rm 1.80 12:85 Laundry for Jail 8.00 & Jury Rm 2.25 10.25 ---------- 000---------- 'T'he I�Tovernber Report of Dr. O.I. Beebe, Co Physician, was endorsed approved by the Board. ---------- 000---------- In the Flatter of Rescinding; Section 5 in the ) Order re Improvement of Hannegan Road, being � Order 'escinding. Road TTo. 11, Dated Cctober 11, 1913. 1117'M'AS, Section 5 in .the Cider reg.r1rd1rg imp.roveraent of Hannegan road , bein?,.; Road No. 11, and dated on October 11, 1913, might in the opinion of the Board of County Commissioner.,, cause needless complications, and t''Ii]IRI�AS, it is the desire of this Board to .rescind :aa.id Section 5 in said order. of improvement of said road, 7;hicii section recites as f.ollovvs:. "Sec. 5. The ' rea.surer of said County is hereby authorized a.nd directed to .,�.ccept in payment of any assessment levied against any of the persons rind property in the "territory or property particul�-axly benefit- ed" by the improvement of said Ha.nnega.n Road any warrant or varrants drra.rm against said Hannegan Rood Improvement Fund of an amount including; interest, equal to each assessment so to be paid.; or if such warrant or varrants be of a. less amount than such assessment, the Treasurer shall receive such lriarr-ant or vta.rrants as a credit on such ca.ssessr-lent, pro- vided that the balance of such assessment be then and there ��ra.id in cash. Provided, that nothing herein contained .,hall be construed to permit the payment . of the Ceneral Ploa.d and Bridge Fund `sax or other general tax, by such warrants; but all such 'Unmes shall be raid into the Treasury in lawful money of the United States. And provided further, that tlae Treasurer shall not accept any warrant for the payment of any assessment v,here the warrant is greater in amount than the assessment so paid, and pay the balanfb of such warrant in money, unless it also be t'ie redemption of such vrarrant in the ordinary and regular order of p^yment of such warrant." kTOa.`l, THEREl-FORE, it is ordered by this Board that said Section 5 above quoted from the rrder for improvement of IIanne�rra.n Woad, be, and same hereby is rescinded and made null and void. Done in open session of the Board this 3rd day of December, 1913. If n " it u If it " is u is if " it "Board of County Conmiss- of "ioners of Whatcom County If to State of 7,lashington of " n If n It It It 11 it it It " 11 to Attest: Will D Wallace County 1luditor and Clerk of the Board. C B Legoe Chairmen of the Board J G Kemper County Commissioner Henry Shagren County Commissioner ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, December 4, 1913. irnan Poard Count' CAr�missioners. 146 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 0etol,er Term 'Thursday the 4th day December 191 ;j Thursday, December 4, 1913. 7.'h.e Board met pursuant to a,d.j arnrnent taken on December 3, 1913 Present, all members. of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. 'fhe folloirlin„ cla.ir:is i�.fere allowed: CURRET;'1' EKMENSE FUND. Harrison Coti&Yden Expense r�,s Constable 1. 50 Irwin-Ilodson Co I'Larriage Licenses for Auditor 87.50 Union P B & Sta Co Prtg 6c Supp for ',ud 20.50-Trews 21.75- Supt 13.25 61.50 Griggs Sta & Prtg Co Prtg for Aud 5.50-Pros Atty 35.50 41.00 Towner Printing; Co Printing; I'lank: for Aud 4.00-Sheriff 14.75 18.75 Anstett Printing Co Record Books for Clerk 42.31-Trews 58.50 100.81 Selby -Harris Co Supplies for Co Offices 15.95 La.rson's Livery & 'Trf Livery for Coroner .7.50-Sher 2.50-Const 5. 15.00 Thompsen Flint Livery for. Sheriff . 2.00 .Everson Livery Livery for Slier 10.-Prob Officer 2. 12.00 F J-Barloe,r Auto hire to Sheriff 10.00 Swanson Bros do 12.50 :Diehl. & Simpson Frivinp cc RePaits to Co Auto 75.20 do. uto hire a% c Indigent 1.' tient 2.00 Franklin .11-worth J P: State vs 7larnie hicks 3.25 J I Stinnett Spl Const: do 3.35 Archie Wilkinson Slit: do 1.10 J B blest do do 1.10 Earl Tillittson do do 1.10 Franklin Haviorth J P: do 3.00 J M Stinnett Spl Const: do 8.35 Geo Fillmore 7lit: State vs Phillip IT Clark 3.00 Lee Fillmore do 3.00 B E Colthurst `,'lit State vs G NUJ Rimer 20 2.20 A W Lyle do 2.20 John L Thomas do 2.20 Harry Dodd do 2.20 1 E Nugent do 2.20 ---------- 000---------- On Motion the Loard adjourned to meet on Friday, December 5, 1913. ommissioners. W.O.R. accord of Commissioners' Proceedings 147 Ontnlhar Term Fr' day the 5th day DP ember 1913 Friday, December 5, 1913. The Board rget pursuant to lad,j ournment taken on December 4, 1913. Present, a.11 members of the Toard and the Clerk in attendance. '.L'he following claims were allowed and proceedings Iiad: CIMITIE T FUND. henry Shac;ren Txpense as Co Cor,unissioner Leslie Fox Auto hire to Sheriff 2.00 is S Chappell Permanent Care of Loran Stewart 50.00 Western Union Tell;, Co Telegra.Yns for Sheriff 3.58 Clark ':"lectric Co. 1,lect. Fixtures for Courthouse 5.75 Ba,ttersby Dros. Clothing for Prisoners. 7.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FU11D. Geo Elder Foreman on Steam Grader P.80 Delno ti"ard Labor on Stearn Grader 8, 80 Emil Fullner do 11.00 John Bullock labor on Road (Foreman) 48.00 17M Smith do team 80.00 hux Gerard do 32.00 171 i Connolly do 32.00 1"a,nley 1h; Son do team 64.00 Torn Connolly CIO 14.00 Chas Bullock do 8.00 h Parker do tea.rn C). 00 J C Duncn,rson do "„ 6,00 L Hard.a.n (30 7).00 A 0 Dahl en do team 6.00 C Stagl and do " 11).00 0 H Gordon r'.o " 1.3.00 A 0 D<,?hl <- n do " 3.00 R if Plaster do " 2.00 Ya,rtin Brovm do " 4.00 T P Reilly do (Foreman) 13.50 C I axvyell do " 10.00 F J Sr:) i t1l do " 10.00 T A Rog-ers do " 10.00 E Woodruff' do 3.00 G po 11 Adazi do 5.00 m llu -.00 A ;'1 Fro st Labor on G L Rd (Foreman LPc tearn) 72.00 C S Constant do Is 4_14.00 11 E Glass do If 40.00 A Hi cicey do If 52. 00 17 Earl Dorr do it 30.00 B ii Crabtree do If 40.00 J A 1'ngdah1 do If 36.00 G F Dahlquist do it 40.00 r, D Dean do If � O. 00 C F Constant d0 " -Iz0.00 N B 1?esgen do 14.00 Giles 'onstant do 10.00 Charles Bartlett do n0.00 Jo 'Taylor do "0.00 D Russell do team 28. 00 C L Banks do " 11,15.00 Win Sarlund do 41.50 P R, Larson do 36.00 71 C Campbell do 31.00 L 11 Peck do 10.00 F S Smith do 8.50 S J Idarr do team 46.00 T" J cease do " 20.00 Chris Hanson do " 4.00 R D Ida,cDonal d do " 20. 00 A C Knowles do " 16.00 Lester H"rdan Labor on ITW Diag L F erndr,.le Rds 2.00 A Burnett do !" J Sullivan do 24.00 C C lei ncr, .for Co Home do team 50.00 J ?:_ She tl er do 5.00 Frank Edwards Labor on GE, 1117 Ferndale nds 33.00 L Dickinson Labor on Road (Foreman) 6.00 '�..h Zobrist do team R. 00 J 11 McPherson do " 8.00 C :.Meyer do " 41.00 Geo 1'cPherson do 4.00 R P.Teyer do 3.00 L Hamilton do team 5.00 J Roliive-r do 16.75 G 1, Barnes do 18.00 E B Hinote do 8.00 I E Ha.11man do 4.00 Jas Summorville do 8.00 Chas Lundberg; do 7.00 B C 'r:la,nder do 7.00 E Klan -der do 16.00 Sam Vood do 4.00 John 7ood do 4.00 H Klander do (Foreman) 11.25 Dar, V,a,ndermeer Labor on G Y Rd team :3.00 T J Nel son do " 3, 00 Joe Nel con CIO If 3.00 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Fridav the 5th day _ _ December W.O.R. 191 C Vi sser II Stap J Stap L Z«reegman Peter Schuylenian G Vander Gricnd I3 Vander Oriend Fred I1eidhn,rdt E A Hickson Geo Broom Fred Tarte r E Brunson F Brunson James Scutt Jn1.,es 71'0"rn Geo I:'illev J S Steele Baker Joe Lewis Jesse J RoFers do Henan Frost Jacob Hunziker C A Hull C i,,' I:i o sho r E Tinney %lex Fitznatrick Andrew Bovee Arthur Deti,ey 0 D Dewey ':iilliam S'immers Albert l'org-enthaler D A Childs L Simonson Bloedel-Donovan Lbr Fills John LcCush -elson, Svranson Co 1-orrison Till Co Pehrson Bros Pehrson Bros 17evrt T7ale Le-wi s Bu shby E ter Svianson "" B Hart J F i:ieek 'gorse Hdw Co V B Bart C J Burnet Thoy,ias cr. J.'a.rsh Z7 H Shetler T'ho s 11',1l i s Geo C Blakeslee L C Currie S T 0, v mway Ceo Elder 11mil Fullner D R Wagner Geo Alton 1Lenry filler P V Saest `i Lankhn.r r Jason H Adkinson Fazon & Zimmers Farmers 11erc10 Co 1"orse Hdv, Co ROAD AUDI 3PIDGE rtrlD (contd) Labor on G I.` Rd do do do (Foreman) do do do do Labor on 1'-,.ridge ( Foreman ) do do do do c3 0 do do do do do Salary n.; "onstr. 7nj;, 0 c°c I? Ilighi,%la.y l xp. as Constr I?ng S & ZT Ilighula.y Asst. to End; on S & I1 IIi ;'_.tip;nor Labor rf ITater. i, on '.l'oodlav Rd Labor on I1 E Dia.g Rd Lab or on llrkdges do do do do Hauling Plank do do do iovrinf, Lumber Lumuev Lumber Lumber Lwnbar Lumber 1,urr.1bPr .for I•It Vievi Tarp Bridge Pi1.ing owdor. etc Powder etc Powder etc Ponder "pikes etc 1 I-eg IT -ail s Blacksriithing do t e ari team of team m If r1i th teni7ire Gravel Gravel 1st .»st Repair Rridfre Y4 on I versor- Toshen Rd lst Est Constr Bridge on Rd 331 "LDER PITCH I+' UTID . Labor on "lder Ditch (Foreman) do do do do (10 do do Lumber for Elder Ditch do Nails for .Elder Ditch Barbed ,vire for IJlder Titch ---------- 000---------- te�:rz I :FOF. Tal-,3 7rolTORIC3LI I3OARP OF COUlf.LY :70,11 ISSION-I FRS JOF ' �TATCOY "OUNT'Y, "!A21TENGTO14. In the .1'a,tter of the Application of V-,.S. Russell ) for the Construction and Improvernent of a Drain- ( C R I) ?? R age Ditch and establishment of Unincorporated ) Lraiaz- q Ii provement I,is i.ri ct. ( Dec 5, ' 13 3.00 1.75 2.25 4.10 3. 50 4.00 4.00 2.50 65.25 43.50 63.00 14.00 1(-,.00 41.50 26.00 9.00 02,00 00 8.50 100,00 24. 90 7.50 195.20 6.00 120.00 14.00 53.00 22.00 ;1>6. 00 14,00 22.00 10.00 6.00 25.00 40.92 89.55 2 M. `'5 59.30 5.30 65.78 15,')6 12.05 1. 1. 85 12.05 5. 50 53.47 15 3.30 18.15 2.60 15. 10 1,l39.25 463.50 38.50 17.50 26.25 25.00 21.25 6.25 G.25 12.00 19.76 18.1-9 7.60 91.91 ','IihR'�115, on tie 25tIi day of Aug ust, 1913, this hatter alien being before the Board for its consideration, the Board ndopted n, certa.in resolution ynrovidinr; ti-tat the costs of mak- ing the said iniprove�nent should be paid by the issuanr,e of ten-year bonds, sn.id bonds to be paid in ten annual installments. ITow said matter comin ; on for further conSid0r,Iti0n, and the 7'oard beinfr -nore fully W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Optn'nar Term Ii,rida,v the 5ti1_ day December 191 3 advised in the premises, .finds that there is a defect in the 1a',v provi2ing for, the -noyment of such. bonds, if issued, -,,rd that it- 4s to the finest interests of all persons int crested in the construction and improvement of said drainage ditch that the evidence of indebted- ness for the cost of said improvement shall be «rarrants, and not bonds is orovided for in sa,i.d resolution; the said i,%arrants to become due and payable in five yearly installments; 11mv, T1l-Tm !u'ORE, IT IS .ORD7 r-]D `fhat on the 5th day of January, 1914, the said resolu- tion ill be re -considered by this roard, and if no objections are made by persons inter- ested. in said drainage improvet:aent district, an order will be entered herein rescinding said resolution and pro; iding that tht, ^o sts of the said improvement shall be paid by warrants due in five yearly installments as provided by law. Any person desiring; to be heard on said :Natter r,itay appear before the I'ourd on the 5th d,j.y of January, 1914, at the hour of 10 o' clock A.11. Done in open session of said Board of County ConNmissiont?rs of Matcom County, 17ash- in,;ton , this 5th day of December, 1913. if If u" It 11" 11 11" 11" if it C B Legoe "Board of County Comm.iss- of Chairman " oners of 7hatcom County " J G Kemper " St,a,te of "',:).shinfrton " Commissioner fl tt 11 tF 11 tt 11 11 " 11 11 U tt " Henry ahsfrren Commissioner At nest : ')rill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Hoard. ---------- 000---------- PEF0ME'' THE I- O1tTORABLI BO,%FD. OF ^OUITTY C0I:21I SSIONER i OF ':'ri.'�'TMTLf COUITTY, VIAaTT1TG'f01T. tii 1�,'att r of the Application f ';l S Rus ell In e e eo Russell for the Construction and Improvement of a Drain O R D E R age Ditch and Establishment of Cnincorporated ) Drairnat•.-e Improvement District. ( Dec 5, 1913 Now on this 5th day of ',Decemb�-,r, 1913, this matter came on for hearing, and to consider any bids filed pursuant to the order of November 7, 1' 113. No bids beinfr filed, IT IS HO1'l CRDERED "Mat notice 'or bias be re -advertised; that notice be published, calling for bids for the construction: of the said improvement, including the main ditch and the tno laterals heretofore adopted and est-a,blished, and that bids shall be received, for tine construction of the said improvement in subdivisions, or as a whole; that bids shall be received and acted upon as provided by large ->.nd as provided in t.ho order of this Board entered. herein on the loth day of October, 1913. That contract for the construction of said improvement shall be let by this 7on.rd on plane and specifications previously prepared by the County Engineer, under the d.irect,ion of this Board, and as provided by la.vi and the proceedings, in such matters, to the loviest and best bidder; and that calls for sp,id bids shall be made by publication in the 11ourna.l- Proaressive, the official county paper of 'Miatc.om County, Washington, for the period. of three consecutive -weeks prior 'to the time set for the opening of said bids; and that Monday, the 5th day of January, 1914, r,.t the hour of 10 o'clock MI.., , at the Court, House in t_ze office of this Board of County Conmissioners, be, and the same is hereby designated as the time and place for opening said bids; that the successful bidder shall be required to furnish a bond in the manner provided by law in the full amount of the contract price of cc,,:t-notruction and improvement- as in the proceedings in this matter provided, said bond to be conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract according to law and n.ny re- quirenents this Doard of C±ommipsiorners may have imposed, within their power sand. limitations , , provided by ln.vJ, That each bidder shall. 0(eposit with his laid a certified check in an amount equal to r. � W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term T'z'iday the 5t'rl clay P,ecerl'uerr, 191 3 5j of his bid, and. should the bidder to v.1hom the contract is avaarded" fail- to enter into a contract and furnish the Mond as herein provided-, and'-Athin the time amd in the monner provided by law, after notice of such award, ti en the am unt of said check shall. be for- feited. `lzat the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Done in opensession of said. Board this 5tli day of December, 1913. if If, 11 11 If -11 11 it 11 11 11 11 If 11 C B Legoe "Board of County Cor:miss- " Cna.irrnran "inners of t�za.tco.tr County " J G 1 ernper State of V!nshin_ to " (1orni-:i:issioner 11 11 if 11 it it 11 11 11 11 1, ,1 1, IT Ctha-ren= Co-mr!issioiler Attest' trill 1) Wallace C o u n tv _"udi tor, and Clerk of •said Board., ---------- y CRDER ()F=FEARI?TG 0ITT P�;;TI'ION OFJOHTi I:icCUL AND 0:1'II'�R:� . FOR "ATTiT:EXA`l'IOIT OF CERTIiIk! TEMRI'I'ORY TO `i'.HL CITY OF BGLLI TCxT.i,1S;T, ';;IIATCOL'' C0 ITTY, On this 5th day of December, 1913, John McCue and thirty-three others;, claiming and alleging themselves to be qualified electors of Vlha.tcom County, j'lashini��torl, and, resid.ents v:itlin tl-ie 1ii-aits .of the 'terri'Gury hereinafter described, and having filed in the` office of the Board of County Coli;missioners of 1,i11a,tcom County, la.shinrton, their petition pra,yinF, that an election shall be c-alled n.nd held within the limits of the follct ling• described portion of `-ha,tcom County, V[a.shinp;ton, "to-v,tit: All that portion of the Nort_Z-t;ieot quarter of Section Tir,'enty®seven (27) i.rl Toir?nship Thirty-eight (38) ITortll of Range 1fhvee (3) *71,n.ot of the 7.1il lriette I,'cridian, and Lot Six. (6) in Sect:i.on T�;'er;ty-t;-10 (22) said to.;mship and ranee, described as follocas, to -grit: Ber':inning at the quartex' corner betWeen Sections, v,,ent,y-seven (27) and. istenty-eight (28) said io,,+nship and f:ange, i.kthicl"i. quarter corner, ir; on 'che st -ovnd�-,ry 11..r of the . -,Clty Of el.ir,tatl,.%BShinaOn, ienC' '�8t c1UiT+lenO1_t. ,.GiGc:Z117' Of 1? "TOrilF•!E6tht111 Cl1ic..Y''tE?r of said, SE Cti.On Twenty -sever, ( 7) J. t' i �ter::iec'".1.Un of. said �Oii.'i;11 1 oUndary lir:t,� with the governy.?i.ent mennde3' line Of Lake 1'11atcorn; . thence alonf( said g;o7,-ernr.'ient• r,-:em ider line in a. ge_%Yieral ITorthi!,!es,terly direr-16 .on to the point of its intcrsection v,!i.ti1 the East boundary line, of said Section T��a!'nty-e�.f l t (28), v,',hlch last namied. boundn,ry line is a, part of the Fast boundary of said City of BellinghCEUrl; thence South n.loni-; srt,id "n.st boundary line, Of Said r3eC"lU1a�:nty-Ci '8tIU to the place of beginning. For the purposE; of subrait:tinr to the qualified electors -residing therein, the question Of tale anise -.ration of said territory ,to the City of Bellin€Aram, a city. of the first cl.a.9s in said County of 1::,h.n.tcom, under tkle prop*i�sioils of Chapter 245 of the •Iession Lav,+s of 1907, :f the 1.egislature of t11e State of Iliashin�;ton, foizncl a,t pages 676 to 679 tllereor, Loth inclu- ;.,i.ve, ;hich. chapter is compiled and set forth in P7445 to P7450 both inclusive of ton �.- Ballinger I s Annotated. Codes n,i,d Sta,'i,UteS of the State of sT%a,shi n ;t011. And said .I'.'oa,rd being now i n red ular session, it is by the %;oarcz, ORD7ETED, -t•l,a.`t Tues- d<y"; the 30Lh da•jr of DeceinbF�' 191.3, at- the rooms of said Board of County Commissioners, in the Court House in the City of Bellingham, `:'+'a.shington, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. ,1. be and tae saane are .hereby; fixed' as the date and place for the lien:.rinp, of said petition. And. it i; further" ORDI-!TZED, that the clerk of "this Bo,a,rd cause notice._ of said hearing to be. nrep,a,red lr:d issued, and that said no -Lice be published by said Petitioners for at least tv,.io week., :1r i or to said date of hearing, in noire nevtspaper pri;zted" and published in the said City of rell- i.nrl�iam, to whic'il it is proposed to annex. such territory. BOARD TOT COUIi`r'Y TCOI_ITISSIOi'iI+',I?S OF It III If 11 to 11 It 11 if 11 11 11 It to 1`!I��r?`ICOL COU`!`.'Y, 1 AS',11INGTON. tt 1 - t1 of VOUii y L T'i Oil i t.1 S ;, - 11 i orie 's of :ii ..tC01?i Courtly tt C h -Legoe IfState of +?.SiZinF2, 'I �0rt It i1 It tt I1 11 It 11 11 11 11 11 11 ti 1t' °,t'l'F'tit i11 l 'in, lla.ce, Ct1 ''i'l,,% `r` ditoLind Henry C1'ex'Ic U" tl'le I;Ua.rd. CUl.iiiii",Sir, 11S C'n rnot:ior, 'thy. �; rd �d}1rL:1''rf!ct•::i `Ua.['C1 l)`j .'.yi l n;,;m• «c .....moo. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Cctol,er Term r.turda.y the 6th day December 1913 15_11L Oatorday, December 6, 1913. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on December 5, 1913..Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attend,.a.nce. Zie folloviin. claims were allowed and procee0inC!..s had: J G Kemper L Thompson A,,el G1 on Joseph Drov,�n C Stenger E C Commi sky Dr Dal ton Dr )'tlexander "hompson EYRall E W Your,; G 33 Ileselgrave Harry Tyner Herry J Olson Rey 0 Sherrill R A Bush Pul:-et Sound. T.I, & P Co CUr`M',1TT EXPE11SE Txpense as Co Corrmi:,.sioner 18.85 7xpense as '"oroner 6.30 '-it: Coroner's Trruest n,7e1- 2tone 2.` 0 do 2.11710 CIO 12.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 Juror: Coroner's Inoue„t over ^tone 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 2. *20 Constable: do 5.1.5 Car tickets for 'sheriff 15.00 __-_--__000____...-__-. -=CRT1' THE HOITCRABLE BOAPD OF NUINTTY Ci?I`I."ISSIO'_'T �i;5 OD i`THArC0UI CCUidTY, 1.r11. IIIIG':'OId, In the Hatter of the :tipplic,a,tion of Ya,than Eellinr;a.r far the Construction and Improvement of a Drainage � 0 R D E R Ditch and Fstablishrr:icnt of Unincorporated ) Dec 6, 1913 Drn,inap :e Improvement, District. IT IS iT0';' ORERED That notice be published, calling for bids for the construction of the :.-;aid improvement, including t7ie r.:a,in ditch and the four la,tertzls A-inretofore ?opted e,ata,l:lished, and that bids sitnll be received fr•r the construction of the said improl.,e- r^ent in siibd.ivisions, or as a whole; that bids shall be received and acted upon a: pro -,:id (:,,d by 1!?xT and as provided in the orders of tl?.i s '•'onrd Heretofore m,,),de, TYaat contract fox the construction of sa.id improvement shall be lrt by this Fo-ard on plan�� a,ne specificzations previously prepared by the Country 7'nrTineer, under the direction of this !:oard, Pnd as provided by law and the proceedings in:such natters, to t.re lajT,est and best bidder; and that calls for said bids shall be glade by publication in the Journal Progressive, the official county paper of 7-lia,tcom County, Washington, for the period of triree consecutive ,,reeks prior to the time set for the, openinc, of said bids; and t'rr.a,t i'�'onda.y, the 5th day of January, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.11. , a,t tine Court house in the office of this Board of County Commissioners, be, and the same i hereby designated .i,s the time and place for opening said bids; that the successful bidder shall be rec.uir- ed to fu-rni,,,ir zn, bond in the manner Provided by lairs in the full. amount of the contract. price of construction and improvement as in the proceedings in this ria,tter provided, said bond to be conditioned fox- the faithful perforrinnce of the contract ,:,ccording to a7.nd any requirements this 7 on.rd of Con;mi ssioners rna.y have imposed, within their power a.nd limitations a"s provided by lair,,. "nat each bidder shn.11 deposit ,.ith his bid a certified check or bond in an arrc,unt equal to 10`'1 of his bid, conditioned as provided by lr-,v, and shouldd the bidder to whon. the contract is a,.vfarded fail to enter into a. contr�.i,ct and furnish the bond as herein pro- teided, and tifithin the time n.nd in tite manner provided by la.1Tr, after notice of such n.,T:ard, then the amount of said check shall be forfeited. That the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Done in open session of said Board this Gth day of December, 1913. it n n n 11 n ,i iT is u n u n It C B Legoe "nv Board of County Coni s.Chn i rmans- �� J C3.' Kemper "ioners of ",hatcom County 11 Y�:�Commissioner State of �.shington " 11 11 11 to of It n U 11 ti to if if ii.enry Shagren Attest: V"'ill D "Ialla.ce, COLInt n C'Ormissiorle:r . y ud ; .t and nd Cl rrl: 0f the Board. ----------- 000---------- or 152 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings r'otober Term Saturday the 6th day December W.O.R. 191 TLIi'Oii7� 1TL :ISO ARD O1+ COUIT`Y COi. 0157, RS, T ZrA`1'COIu1 COUNTY, 17A27111TGTO,T. ORDER RLGULATII'M WEIGH'." OF TRAFFIC OiT PUBLIC ROADS. The Board of County Commissioners of '",rhatcom County, Washington, ha,vinj- heretofore examined into !.nd ascertained the character of t'c,e material of which the roads of such county are constructed., and having kno-t,ledge of the climn,tic conditions prevailing in said county, do hereby and. now determine and declare that the character of the material of w1 ich roads of said, county are constructed .nd the clirna,tic conditions prevailing; in said ','lhatcom County are such ns to render it injurious to such roads to allow greater loads per inch of width of tire to be transported. over �,,.nd along the roads of said "liatcom County, than here- inafter named,, to —At: The bearing; of the. load., includinCe; the weig, of the vehicle, upon the ro�a.d as trans- mitted tlri-rough the axle to any tire, shall not exceed four hundred pounds per inch of v!idth of such tire, for tires two inches in width or less; and for tires in excess of two inches in v;idt'ri, but not to exceed five inches in vAdth, the load per inch per width of tire shall not exceed four hundred pounds per inch of aidth of tire plus fifty pounds per inch of 1,�'idth in excess of two inches; and for tires five inches in viidth the load shall not exceed five hundred -fifty pounds per inch of vtidtil of such tire; and for tires in excess of five inches in ridth the load per inch of width shall not exceed five hundred -fifty pounds per inch of %idth of tare plus seventy pounds per inch of v,i.dth in excess of five inches;' Provided, That if the diameter of the wheels bearing the load exceed .three feet, an additional load of fifty pounds per inch of width of tire may be carried on such wheels for each f.00t of diameter of such wheel in e.-.cess of three feet. It is wherefore ordered tia�a.t the above, and foregoing regulations be and they are here- by adopted as and for said 70rira,tcom County, and thn,t the provisions of Chap. 153, Cession Laves of 1913 be .from and after this dn,U , in n.1.1 things effective in said 1`�}aatcom County. I't is further ordered tl-at this det�—,nnina.tion and order be entered in the record of the proceedings of this Board. Done in open cession this Gth day of December, 1913. rr rr rr rr rr rr u " u, rr rr u u u "Board of County Commiso- " "ioners of al'na,tcom County of " State of Washington " u n u If If It " u rr n" n n n Attest: Vill D Wallace County Auditor :and Clerk of the Board. ..-_ _,.....-000-----_---- C B Legge Chn, i rma.n J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, December 30, 1913. Chairman Board. Co,�x%�y Uommissioners. A W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Tuesday the 30th play Dec. ember 191 Tuesday, December 30, 1913. The Board of County Commissioners met ;pursuant to adjournment taken on December 6, 1913. Present, C.B. Legoe, Chairman; Henry Shagren, Commissioner; Will D. Wallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following proceedings were had: In the Flatter of the Annexation of Part of ) ( Order Continuing; Hearing. Geneva Township to the City of Bellingham. ) It is ordered by this Board that the hearing on the petition of John McCue and others for the annexation of certain territory in Geneva Tovmship to. the City of Bellingham, be, and same is hereby continued to Wednesday, January 7th 1914, at 1:30 o'clock P.M. Done in open session of the Board this 30th day of December, 1913. C.B. Legoe +► n u n ►+ n ►r ++ +� +► ►, o n n Chairman of the Board Board of County Commiss- " ____---_-- "ioners of Whatcom County " County Commissioner if State of Washington " Henry Shag;ren e n n n ►► it loot it a ►+ u n .o County Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- In the Flatter of Canceling Certain Uncalled for ) ( Order to Cancel. Warrants in the Hands of the County Auditor. ) In accordance with the provisions made in Section 3928 Remington and Ballingers Codes and Statutes of the State of Washington, relating to cancellation of County Warrants: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that the County Auditor be, and he hereby is ordered and direct- ed to cancel and strike from the records of Whatcom County, all warrants drawn and dated prior to December 30th 1907, now remaining uncalled for in the hands of said Auditor; said warrants being in amounts, dates, etc. as follows, to -wit: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Number Date To Whom Issued Amount 18193 Jan 5 1907 E.H. Bowman 18194 Jan 5 1907 Stella Randall 18195 Jan 5 1907 Ray Raymond 18349 Jan 9 1907 John A. Barron 18381 Jan 10 1907 Ray Raymond 18382 Jan 10 1907 Stella Raymond 18400 Jan 12 1907 John Harrison 18425 Jan 12 1907 Firs. Emil Look 18426 Jan 12 1907 H., Holmes 18431 Jan 12 1907 G. Grossman 18680 Feb 14 1907 John Harrison 18682 Feb 14 1907 Carl Rosin 18842 Mar 8 1907 C.L. Ryan 18898 Mar 21 1907 Roy Headrick 19001 Apr 1 1907 V1 i. Riens 19004 Apr 1 1907 C.C. Walters 19086 Apr 4 1907 Mart Smith 19124 Apr 5 1907 C. Anderson, 19129 Apr 5 1907 J.L. Thomas 19130 Apr 5 1907 D.L. Getchell 19133 Apr 5 1907 LT. Brighton 19135 Apr 6 1907 H.M. Goodrich 19136 Apr 6 1907 C.W. Mathews 19173 Apr 6 1907 Will Teek 19229 Apr 16 1907 Nat Kaufman 19298 Apr 22 1907 Fred Watson 19304 Apr 25 1907 John F. Smith 19890 June 8 1907 Sam Katurich 20035 July 13 1907 W.L. Acker 20043 July 13 1907 T. Carson 20280 Aug 20 1907 G. V1. Brown 20299 Aug 20 1907 C. Montgomery 20300 Aug 20 1907 Mrs. 'nary Cadwell 20317 Aug 20 1907 Julia Smith 20391 Sept 5 1907 Arvid Lidman 20408 Sept 13 1907 Orland Eaton 20903 Oct 17 1907 Jerry D. Minahan. 20904 Oct 17 1907 Elmer Fassette 20905 Oct 17 1907 George Winkey 20906 Oct 17 1907 Winfielt Meek $2.00 2.20 2.20 2, 20 4.40 4.40 2.20 2.40 2, 20 2..20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 4.00 1.00 4 , 20 2.20 2, 20 5.60 5.20 3.20 . 4. 60 1.10 2.20 7.40 3.20 3.30 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.00 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 L_ W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Tuesday the 30th day nerpMbpr 191 3 Number Date To Whom Issued Amount 20907 Oct 17 1907 Frank DeBille 2.20 20928 Oct 19 1907 R.O. Steele 3.75 20952 Oct 21 1907 Geo. A. Brown 2.20 20954 Oct 21 1907 H.A. McCoy 2.20 20955 Oct 21 1907 John Harrison 2.20 20956 Oct 21 1907 Henry Lind 2.20 20967 Oct 21 1907 J. Olswang 2'20 20985 Oct 22 1907 C.F. Stearns 7.00 21094 Nov 14 1907 J.V1. Hill 2.50 21097 Nov 14 1907 Frank Lafond 1.50 21153 Nov 14 1907 H. Brown 2.20 21187 Nov 16 1907 G. Stanley Spain 3.50 21216 Nov 16 1907 0. Jacobson 2.20 21217 Nov 16 1907 J. Anonsen 2.20 21222 Nov 16 1907 W.R. McKormick 2020 21223 Nov 16 1907 O.P. Hopkins 2.20 21224 Nov 16 1907 -- Puff ert 2.20 21225 Nov 16 1907 -- Reese 2.20 21235 Nov 16 1907 L. Shields 2,20 21279 Nov 20 1907 J.S. Burrows 3.20 21305 Nov 20 1907 Geo. J. Hohl 3.20 21388 Dec 4 1907 Frank Gibbs 15.00 21425 Dec. 14 1907 Ed. Miller 10.40 21487 Dec 16 1907 J.F. Miller 2.20 21490 Dec 16 1907 Mrs. Vhn. Greer 2.20 21534 Dec 10 1907 Fred Burpee 3.20 21620 Dec 10 1907 H. Rowe 3.20 21655 Dec 17 1907 Ed. Wells 13.40 21659 Dec 17 1907 D.S. Miller 8.40 21678 Dec 17 1907 W.A. King 6.40 21679 Dec 17 1907 C.L. Wadhams 7.60 21698 Dee 17 1907 J.H. Roper 8.40 21713 Dec 17 1907 A.D. Sloate 2.20 21714 Dec 17 1907 Mrs. Barner 2.20 2 Apr 18 1907 Thomas Diffley 1.00 Done in open session of the Board this 30th day of December, A.D. 1913. " n if of " " if " if n It to of it " Board of County Commiss- ioners of.Whatcom County " " State of Washington " n to ►r to n"" it it r► It n u Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board, ---------- o00---------- C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board ---------- Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COIT-MISSIONERS OF CVHATCOM COUNTY, WAMINGTON. In_ the Matter of the Application of ) Nathan Bellingar for the Construction and Improvement of. a Drainage Ditch ) O R D E R and Establishment.of Unincorporated Drainage Improvement District. ) 1r7HEREAS, by the orders of this Board her.etofor.e made,. Drainage Improvement District No. 5 has been duly established, and it being necessary that warrants be issued to pay for the improvements ordered, THEREFORE, IT IS NOVF ORDERED that there shall..be..and there is established -in the County Treasurer of Whatcom County, Washington, a separate fund for th.e construction of said improvement, the same to be knob=m.as Construction Fund of Drainage Improvement District No. 5 of Vthatcom County, Washington; and also a separate fund for the maintenance of said improvement, to be known as raintenance Fund of Drainage Improvement District No. 5 of Vlhatcom County, Washington. Done in open session this 30th day of December,.1913. to it ►► " it of if It to It n +"' ►► C.B. Legoe "Board of County Commiss- " Chairman "ioners of Vlhatcom.County "--------- " State of Washington " Commissioner to it it it it It It to it It It if n n Henry Shagren Attest: Will D Wallace, County Auditor and Clerk ofBAOa Commissioner W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Procee'dings Oetober Term Tuesday the 30th day �Pmber 191 155 BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF VMATCOM COUNTY,'WASHING TON. In the Yatter of the Application of ) Nathan Bellingar for the ConstrucT-�, tion and.Improvement'of a Drainage O R D E R Ditch and Establishment of .Unincor- ( Dec 30, 1913 porated Drainage Improvement -District } WHERE -AS, the Board of .County Commissioners has heretofore determined and made an.order that the work of constructing of said drainage system shall proceed, THEREFORE, IT IS NOW FURTHER ORDERED that an election*be held within said district on the 17th day of January, 1914, and that notice shall be. given by the Clerk of this Board by publication in two consecutive weekly issues of the Journal -Progressive, the county - official paper of Dh.atcom County, Washington, said newspaper having a general - corculation in said district, the last of which said publications shall be not less than seven or,more than.fourteen.. days prior to the date of said election; and such notice shall -also be posted by the, Sheriff of Vhatcom County, Washington, not less than fourteen. days prior to' the date of said election, in three of the most public places in said district; that the voting; place of said election.shall.:be.at the.residence of Nathan Bellingar, situated on the North half of the'Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section..l., Township 39 North, Range 2 East, in said district; and Charles L. Sickelsteel is hereby named inspector, and William 11. Door and Nathan Bellingar are hereby named judges;: - .that said three named shall serve as election officers at said:election; that at said election two qualif ied... electors of Vftiatcom County; Washington, owning land in said district, shall be elected, who, with the County Engineer, shall constitute the first: board of supervisors of said district; that the supervisors shall each, before entering upon his duties, give a bond in the sum of "1'200.00 %-.ith surety to be approved by this Board. Done in open session this 30th.day of December, 1913. C.B. Legoe tt n tr u" it it n if n to n It a Cho, i rman bard of County Commiss- " "ioners of VyTiateom County " Commissioner to State of .Vlashington " Henry Shad ren n rr n" n n n tt n It fill It If Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COM.TISSIONERS OF VHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter of the.Application of } Egbert Field et al for -the Construc- tion and Improvement of a Drainage ) 0 R D E R. Ditch and Establishment of Unincor- porated Drainage Improvement District It now appears that the County Engineer has filed herein his report.pursuant to order entered by this.Board in this matter heretofore, and that the said County Engineer has returned a schedule and estimate of all property that will be damaged, or both damaged and benefited, by the proposed improvement and an estimate of the total number of acres that will.be benefited by the said improvement, and has specified the manner in which the pro- posed improvement is to be made and the numberi, kind, location and dimentions of all necessary waterwats, ditches, outlets, flood gates, bridges and crossings, and.that he has, as provided by law,..made schedule of the property to be damaged, or -.damaged and benefited, and arranged the same in parallel.columns with the appropriate headings, showing the des- or IQ51),6 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Tuesday the 30th ley December W.O.R. 191 b ription of the property, including the legal subdivisions, sections, toninship, range and number of acres, together with the name of the other or oviiers, or reputed owners, and estimated gross damages that will be sustained by reason of the proposed improvement, and the estimated gross benefits that will accrue, and that the right hand column of the said schedule is sufficiently wide for the signature of the oviner. or owners, and that as a head- ing for the said signatures the following language is inserted: I, the undersigned owner of the property opposite which I have signed my name, accept and agree to the estimated amount of benefits and damages that will accrue to my property by reason of the proposed improvement. It further appears that the County Engineer has filed with his report a plat, showing the meanderings of the proposed improvement and the boundaries of each lot or tract of land and the location of each public road and the name or names, so far as known, of the owner o or owners of each lot or tract of land, and the authorities or corporation having in charge or owning or controlling each public or other road and sewer system or ditch or drainage line, and the distance in feet through:each tract or parcel of land crossed by the propos- ed improvement; that the profile shows the surface and grade lines and gradient fixed; that these, together with such other matters as the County Engineer has deemed material, appear in or as a part of his said report; that the said County Engineer has made and filed rnith his said report his itemized bill of costs incurred in the discharge of his said duties in this proceeding, and has reported the same to the Clerk of this Board -t'tithin the time and manner provided by lave. MHEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that hearing; be had on said report before this Board at its meeting place in the Court House at Bellingham, 'Whatcom.County, Washington, on the 26th day of January, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.Y., and that the Clerk of this Board shall give notice of said hearing by publication in three successive issues of the offi- cial newspaper of Watcom County, and that in said notice said Clerk shall designa:te.the time and place aforesaid for said hearing, and shall specify the territory to be included in the proposed improvement district, both by boundaries and also by sections or fractions thereof, and shall: designate in said notice, with reasonable certainty, the route -and ter- mini of said proposed improvement, and shall state that the plat, report and sch.edule.on file in the office of this Board shove the property to be taken or damaged and the amount of damages proposed to be alloyed therefor. Done in open session of said Board this 30th day of December, 2.913. C.B. I,egoe Chairman "Board of County Commiss- "---------- "ioners of V,?hatcom County " Commissioner - State of Washington " Henry Shagren n tl 11 11 11 11 11 n n n n to fill Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOAPD OF COUNTY COISiIIISSIONERS OF WHATCOM COMM, WASHING TON. In the Yatter of the Application of ) V% S. Russell for the Construction and Improvement of a Drainage Ditch ) and Establishment of Unincorporated Drainage Improvement District. ) Order Approving Bond of Supervisors. 'VI=REAS, `'r. S. Russell and Z. Zweegman were on the 8th day of November, 1913, duly elected members of the Board of Supervisors of Drainage Improvement District No. 4 of 77hatcom County, Washington, in manner and form as provided by lawn; and W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Onto}1Qr Term Tuesday the i th day DeneMber 191 15 VMF14REAS, the Board of County Commissioners has provided that, to qualify, the said officers must give a bond in the amount of $200.00 with sureties to be approved by the Board, NOW, THEREFORE, the said L. Zweegman and W.S. Russell having each taken the oath of office and executed bonds in the amount required by the Board, the said bonds, and each of them with the sureties, are hereby approved, and the said VI.S. Russell and L. Zweegman are declared to be the duly elected and qualified members of the Board of Supervisors of said Drainage Improvement District No. 4 of Vlhatcom.County, Washington. Done in open session of the Board of County -Commissioners of Vihatcom County, Washing- ton, this 30th day of December, 1913. C.B. Legoe If of it It n it of to It it " to it to Chairman "Board of County Commisse. "--»------- "ioners of V7hatcom County " Rommissioner It state of Washington " Henry Sha€;ren !1 n" it n n it n r► " n n n it Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of said Board. ---------- c0o---------- In the Matter of the Resignation of Samuel E. Leitch, County Clerk , Order Accepting. of Unatcom County, Washington. VIHI'REAS, on December 29th 1913, Samuel E. Leitch, the duly elected and qualified County Clerk of Vihatcom County, Washington, filed with the Clerk of this Board his resig- nation as such county clerk, to take effect December 30th 1913 , NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordered by this.Board that the said resignation of said Samuel E: Leitch, as County. Clerk of N7hatcom . County, Washington, be, and same hereby is accepted. Done in open and adjiourned session of the Board this 30th day of December, A.D. 1913. is n n n rr n rr n❑ n" n u rr "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of ,Vhatcom County " it State of Washington " If n n of it It if " n it it If n n Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- c0o---------- In the Matter of the Appointment ) of F.W. doses as County Clerk of Wha.tcom County, Washington. ) Order of Appointment. C.B. Legoe Chairman of the. Board ---------- County Commissioner Henry Shagren County Commissioner WHEREAS, there is now a vacancy existing in the office of County Clerk of Vihatcom County, Washington, due to the resignation of Samuel E. Leitch, and V!H_EREAS, according to law, it becomes the duty of the Board of County Commissioners to make an appointment filling such.vacancy, and 71HEREAS, F.W. 14oses,.the present deputy county clerk, has filed with the. Clerk of this Board his application for appointment to the office of County Clerk of said county, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of this Board that said F.W. Moses is a competent and proper person to fill said vacancy, NOS'l, THEREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that F.W. Poses be, and he hereby is appointed County Clerk of Vihatcom County, Washington, for the unexpired term of Samuel E. Leitch, resigned, and to continue until his successor is regularly elected and quali- fied; this appointment to Make effect immediately upon signing of this order. Done in open and adjourned session of the Board of County Commissioners of Vihatcom 158 W.O.R. m Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Tuesday the 30th day December 1913 County, Washington, this 30th day of December, A.D. 1913. to if 11 11 tl 11 tl q tl It 11 tl 11 to "Board of County Commiss-.11 "ioners of Matt:om. County. " " State of Washington 't to " is to 11 Is " If n u " to " to Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor.and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board ---------- Commissioner Henry Magren Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Monday, January 5, 1914. ---------- 000---------- The minutes for the December meeting were read and approved this 5th day of January, A.D. 1914. A) Chairma. Board ou y Commissioners L Attest: County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term ll ndav the 5th day January 191 4 159 I3onday, January 5, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on December 30, 1914. Present, C;B. Legoe, Chairman, Henry Shagren, Commissioner; 1Vill D Wallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. 111ill D Wallace Salary n.s County Auditor 158;37 August Ehgquist Salary as Chief Dep Auditor 100.00 S E Barrett Salary as Deputy Auditor 100.00 F C Martin do 75.00 Lucy E King Salary as Chief Recorder 75:00 11 Thomas Salary as Recorder 65.00 Jessie Vlalters do 65.00 C B Legoe Salary as Co Commissioner 150.00 J G Kemper do 150.00 Henry Shagren do 150.00 Delia. I, Keeler Salary as Supt Co Schools 150.00 Ethel Everett- Salary as Dep Supt Co. Schools 90.00 D VI Featherkile Salary as Justice of Peace 100.00 Henry C Beach do 100.00 Charles E Cline Salary as Probation Officer 100.00 Harrison Cowden Salary as Constable 60.00 0 E Beebe Salary as Co Physician. 93.37 Ii Thompson Salary as Coroner 83.37 D P Day Salary as Supt Co Charities 25.00 Hector Gawley Salary as Janitor 85.00 Ed E Hardin Salary as Superior Judge 125.00 William H'Pemberton do 125.00 Samuel E Leitch Salary as Co Clerk 158.37 F VI Moses Salary as Dep Co Clerk 100.00 Alithea Adams do 100.00 Frank 17 Bixby Salary as Pros Attorney 158.37 V1 A Martin Salary as Dep Pros Attorney 100.00 rdaybelle Bryan Salary as Stenographer for Pros Atty 65.00 Nellie C Rogers Salary as Co Treasurer 166..74 F L Olslager Salary as Dep Cc Treasurer 100.00 John Fernley Salary as Bookkeeper for Co.Treas 90.00 Olive 1,1ilson Salary as Clerk for Co Treas 80.00 G A Pence do 80.00 H D McArthur Salary as Assessor 125.00 C Donovan Salary as Dep Assessor 100.00 Jae Elder do 80.00 H R George do 75.00 E J Campbell Salary as Clerk for Assessor. 75.00 F B Graves do 75- 00 F M Carver Salary as Dep Assessor 11 days 30.56 C r, Adams Salary as Co Engineer 158.37 C E Phoenix Salary as Dep CO Engineer 50.00 Carl +.icCoy Salary as Drf tsm. for Co Eng 104.00 Harry C Svie'ttenam Salary as Chainman for Co Eng 66.00 Volney Rogers do 13.75 Chas Rogers Salary as Axman for Co Eng 13.75 John Carlson do 5.00 Clay Cooke Salary as Chainman for Cc Eng 5.00 L A Thomas Salary as Sheriff 158.37 M B Byland Salary as Jailer 60.00 C C King Salary as Supt Co Home 60.00 M B King Salary as =matron at Co Home 25.00 Nettie Smith Salary as Cook at Co Home 24-3/4 days 37.15 Lillian Post do 54 days 7.85 Treutle Post Salary as Teamster at Co Home 25.00 Catharine Beebe Salary as Nurse at Co Home 30.00 G H Abers Tending Ferndale Bridge 5.00 Jessie Andrae Services as Stenog. for Pros Atty 45.00 Puget Sound T L Pow Co Gas & Electric Light for Dec 78.85 1'1 A Martin Expense as Dep Pros !i.ttorney 4.05 Delia L Keeler Tray. Exp.. & Express as Co Supt. 16,25 Nellie D Rogers P.O. Box rent as Co Treasurer 2.00 Harrison Cowden Expense as Constable 5.66 C E Phoenix Expense as Dep Cc Engineer 22.35 L A Thomas Expense as Sheriff 104.25 L A Thomas Board of Prisoners 181.00 Laura Petty Services as Stenog. for Pros Atty- 2.50 Virgil Peringer Services as Spl. Dep. Pros. Atty a/c Grand Jury 675.00 C G Winemiller Services to Pros Atty in Geri Liquor Case 7.30 Hugh Eldridge Stamps for Co Offices 50.00 Chesson's Restaurant Meals for Jurors in Dec. 56.60 I%iatcom Co. Humane Soc. Maintenance 15.00 E T'Wyman Care of Juvenile Prisoners 10.25 Edith E fuller Care of Delinquent Juveniles for Dec. 25.00 Puget Sound T L & Pow Co Installing Light for Treas 8.25 and Car tickets for Sheriff 15. & Jury 10. 33.25 Fairhaven City Cuter &,- Pow. Cc Water Rent for Waldron Blk (Oct -Nov -Dec) 3.00 Mike Ponti & Cc Removing Garbage.f rom Courthouse 5mo 5.00 C C Yeece Scalp Bounty on 5 wild cats 25.00 Birt King Scalp Bounty on 10 wild cats 50.00 A 11 Burnside Scalp Bounty on 4 wild cats 20.00 James O West Scalp Bounty on 1 wild cat 5.b0 GAIN PROTECTION FUND. ;-• x. ` J M Aitken Salary & Expense as Game lVa.rden 117E io Leslie �.Dones do; 79,;-55 160 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Yonday the 5th day January W.O.R. 191 J E Chichester J: E ,.Lee Larsons Livery & Trf B A D Bartlett Bloedel-Donovan Lbr. Yills Sarah Foster Mrs. Penelopie S Knox Fanny Heaton F "? Yo se a, Co Cl erk C A Scrimsher GAf-_0 PROTECTION 'FUND (Contd) Assisting Game %7arden Assisting Game Warden Livery for Game Warden do Lumber for Fish Hatchery SOLDIERS' RELIEF FUND. Rel i of Relief Relief MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE FUND. Recording Marriage Certificates ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. Operating Marietta Ferry ---------- 000---------- In the fatter of the Approval of the Order of Approval. Plat of Woodlawn Cemetery Addition. 25; 00 9.00 2.00 3.50 19.72 12.00 10.00 15.00 53.00 50.00 V1HEREAS, the tract of land known as Woodlawn Cemetery Addition has been platted and the plat of the same has been submitted to this Board for approval, and VHEREAS, this Board has duly considered the same and has found that the vioodlavin Cemetery Association, a corporation, being the corporation platting said addition, is the owner in fee simple of all lands embraced in said plat, and that it has dedicated proper streets, paths, walks and drives for the use of the public, and that all taxes charged against said lands embraced in said plat have been paid, as provided by law, and as shown by the certAficate of the Treasurer of said County and filed with said plat, and that said corporation has complied with all other requirements of the laws of the State of Washington relating to the filing of plats, and MEREAS, this Bcmrd is of the opinion that it would be to the interest of the public to approve said plat; ITO71, THI+REFORE, it is hereby rodered and adjudged by this Board that said plat be, and the same is hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this 5th day of January, A.D. 1914. C.B. Legoe County Commissioner and Chair - It It n It n n it to to it n it 11 a man of the Board "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of rlhatcom County" - - - - - - - - " State of Washington " County Commissioner is 11 """" It 11 n u n It n" Henry Shagren Attest: County Commissioner Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNT C07,112ISSIONERS OF 71HATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter of the Application of %1%S. Russell ) for the Construction and Improvement of a Drain- age Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporated ) 0 R D E R Drainage Improvement District. ( Jan. 5, 1914. WfiTE"REAS, on the 25th day of August, 1913, this matter then being on for hearing, the Board adopted a certain resolution providing that the evidence of indebtedness for the cost of said improvement should be bonds, payable in ten yearly payments; and WHTRFA.S, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 5th day of December, 1913, the Board, on further consideration of said matter, found that there is a defect in the lave providing; for the payment of such bonds, if issued, and that it would be to the interest of all persons concerned if the said resolution providing for the issuance of bonds be W.O.R. Rcc®rd ®f Commissioners' Proceedings � January Term 11onday the 5th day January 1914 rescinded, and that warrants be issued in lieu thereof, payable in five yearly installments and it was ordered that unless objections were made thereto, the said resolution providing for the issuance of bonds would be reconsidered by this Board on the 5th day of January, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., and that an order would be made providing that the evidence of the indebtedness for the cost of said improvement should be warrants; Now on this 5th day of January, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.Y. , this matter coming on for hearing, pursuant to the order of this Board heretofore made, and also on the petition of the property owners and persons interested in said drainage improvement district, and the Board being fully advised finds that no person or persons object to the annulling of the order made providing for the issuance of bonds, and that it is satisfact- ory to all persons interested that the evidence of the indebtedness for the costs of said improvement shall be warrants; IT IS THEREFORE, ORDEPED That the said resolution passed on the 25th day,.of August, 1913, providing for the issuance of bonds., be reconsidered,. and the same is hereby annull- ed; and it is now ordered that warrants shall be issued for the payment of .the costs of said improvement in the manner provided by law, and said warrants shall be paid from the receipts from assessments, %hich said assessments shall be paid in annual installments as follows: For the first year, 10%; for the second year, 10 0; for the third year, 20%;, for the fourth year, 30 0; for„ the fifth year, 30%; said warrants to draw interest at the rate of 8% per annum." Done in open session of the Board of County Commissioners this 5th day of January; 1914. 11 11 11 11 11 it 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " " State of Washington " 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 i1 11 11 Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- C B Legoe Chairman CommMiasioner Henry Shagren Commissioner BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF 70ATCOI:T COUNTY, WASHINGTON. J In the Matter of the Application of V%S`:;;Russell ) for the Construction and Improvement of a Drain- ( 0 R D,E R age Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporated ) Jan. 5, 1914. Drainage Improvement District. Comes now this matter on for hearing and for the purpose of considering any bids filed for the construction of said improvement, the Board having made an order; and advertisement. for bids having been dVly published. After opening the bids on file, and examining the same, the Board finds that said bids are not satisfactory and should be rejected, and in consideration.thereof the said bids, and each of them, ate hereby reject- ed; and it is now ORDERED that notice for bids be re -.advertised; that notice be published, calling. for bids for the construction of. the said improvement, including; the main ditch and the twolAterals heretofore adopted and established, and that bids shall be received for the construction of the said improvement, in subdivisions, or as a r7hole; that bids shall be received and acted upon as provided by law and as provided in the order of }this Board entered herein on the loth day of October, 1913. That contract for the construction of,said improvement shall be.let by this Board on plans and specifications previously prepared by the County engineer, under the direction of this Board, and as provided by law and the proceedings in such matters, to the lowest T ur.o.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Term . 11onday the 5th clay January 191 4 and best bidder; and that calls for said bids shall be made by publication_in.the Journal - Progressive, the official county paper of Dhatcom County, Washington, for the period of three consecutive weeks prior to the time set for the opening of said bids;. and that Tuesday, the 27th day of January, 1914, at the hour.of 2. o'clock P.M., at the Court house in the office of this.Board of County. Commissioners, be, and the same is hereby designated as the time and place for opening said bids; that the successful bidder shall be required to furnish a bond in the manner provided by law in the full amount of .the contract price o of construction and improvement as in the proceedings in this matter provided, said bond to be conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract according to law and any requirements this Board of Commissioners may have imposed, within their power and limita- tions as provided by law. That each bidder shall deposit with his bid a certified check in an amount equal to 5 0 of his bid, and should the bidder to whom the contract - is awarded fail to enter into a contract and furnish the bond as herein provided, and within the time and in the manner provided by law, after notice of such award, then the amount of said check shall be for - felted. That the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Done in open session of said Board this 5th day of January, 1914. C B Legoe "" n u" If n B It u"" n ti Chairman "Board of County Commiss- to ----_---- "ioners of Whatcom County If Commissioner " State of Washington it Henry Shagren " u " " is " " it to it " it It " Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COVI:"ISSIONrRS OF UHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Fatter of the Application of Nathan Bellingar ) et al for the Construction and Improvement of Drain- ( 0 R D R R age Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporated ) Jan. 5, 1914. Drainage Improvement District. This Board on the 6th day of December, 1913, made an order that notice be published calling for bids for the construction, of said. improvement.,, and that the- contract for the construction of said improvement would be let by this Board on the plans and specifications on file with the County Engineer., and the 5th day of January, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. , was set for the .time .of the opening of the bids received; that call for bids was made by publication in -the Journal -Progressive, the official county paper, for more than three:consecutive weeks prior to this time. Now on this 5th day of January, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock AX. , all the bids received for the construction of said improvement were opened and considered by the Board, After due consideration thereof, the Board finds that John C. Anderson is the lowest and best bidder, and the contract for the construction of said improvement, to be made accord- irg.to said plans and specifications,. is hereby awarded to the said John C. Anderson. IT IS ORDIM- ED That the said John C. Anderson be required to give a bond in full amount of the contract price of the construction of said improvement.,, conditioned .forthe fa.ith- ful performance of the contract according; to law; that the said contract be fully com- pleted within seven months from this .da.te,. and all other conditions imposed by the Board at the time of advertising for bids..be complied with. w 0.12. Record of Columissioners' Proceedfiags January Term Monday the 5th day January 191 4 t .. Done in open session of ba,dd Board this 5th day of.January, 1914. C B Legoe n"" n n n ►► ►► n n ►► u n n Chairman "Board of County Conmiss- "--------- "ioners of Whatcom County " Commissioner 11 State of Washington " henry Shagren u n" u n n �► ". y n"" a ". . Commissioner Attest: 7iill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. ----------000--------.- On motion the Board adjourned to meet. on Tuesday, January 6, 1914. Chairman Board Co ty onnissioners W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Terni Tuesday the 6th day January 1914 Tuesday, January 6, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on January 5, 1914. Present, C B Legoe and Henry. Shagren, Commissioners; Will D Wallace, Clerk of the, Board in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Frank W Bixby Expense as Pros Atty to Olympia ;y 17.10 D P-Day Expense as Supt Charities 12.05 C C King Expense as Supt Co home 12.25 Wilson, Nobles, Barr Co Groceries for Cc Nome (Sep -Oct -Nov) 106.70 W J Pynor Groceries etc. for Co Home 63.40 Will H Fell Meat for Co Home 14.00 Red Cross Pharmacy ?°edicine for, Co Home 4.25 EdgarMacklinClothing for Cc Home 15.75, J K Rogers 1 Hog, Cutting Wood & Guard Pris. at.Co dome 43.75 Northwest Hdw Cc Hdw for. Cc Home 26.01 W E McCormick & Cc Light Supplies for Cc Home 8.52 Ferndale Dept Store Powder etc for Co Home 116.65 Chas Doran Blacksmithing for Co Home 6.00 Union Carbide Sales Cc Carbide for Co Home 50.00 Archie Palmer 1!oving Pile -Engine to Go Home 16.00 H'W Buzzard Repairs to Pile Eng at Cc Home 13.75 Chas Vander Yacht Bldg Eng House& Jail at 'Cc Home 44.38 G 11 Caylor Work on Eng Shed at Cc Home 3.60 Pickering Hdw Co Matr & Labr atrsCo Home a/c Shed -Tail -Farm 69:69 I.L. Hively Blacksmithing at.Co Home 5.75 John Kastner Window Gratings for Cc home 48.75 Kinsey-Stenvig Groc Cc Groceries for Allen et al 34.85 H P, Johnson Groceries for Mrs Stanger 8.00 Holly Groceryc:.: Groceries for i?tni Pooler 5.10 Brovin & Cole Groceries for Tabor 6.00 Poplark Bros Groceries for Tars Yarkham 2.80 Ennen, Goodman & Co Groceries for Tilson et al 35.00 Sbort Merct. Cc Groceries for McGillivery et al 18.45 B B Grocery Cc Groceries for Sanford et al 15.00 Columbia Grocery Groceries for VcBride et al 9.85 Fischer & Isaacs Groceries for Kirkhamet al 29.45 Mt Baker Grocery Groceries for Ti S Jackson 6.00 East End Grocery Groceries for Anderson et al 20.00 Ideal Grocery Groceries for C A Yu-rphy 7.00 Adams Grocery Groceries for Mrs Hathaway 9.90 Kirkham Grocery Groceries for Thomas 15.40 Golden Rule Store Groceries for Brand et al 18.00 Lynden Dept Store Groceries for C A Feltberg et al 18.00 T S Berkeley Cc Groceries for firs Rogers 10.00 Ferndale Dept Store Groceries for Mrs Shafer 6.55 Danielson & Runolfson Groceries for Gislason et al 15.00 Wilson & Brown Groceries for Jas.Bainter 7.50 Wilson & Brown R R Ticket advanced ' rs Rodge 7.00 Scott & Cc Wood for Dan Willard 2.75 Chas U`J Allen Wood for t`lilson et al 11.00 A H Montgomery Wood for Canter et al 8.00 J W Hershey mouse rent for Thomas 6.50 George Peterson house rent.for Ralph Jones 6.00 Edgar Macklin Clothing for Mrs -Mabb s 2.00 1!rs 'Della Boyer Nursing Tars Kentta 47.00 Pre Katie Loop Care of Mrs -L Martin 20.00 W S Hunt Care of Tfrs Jennie hunt 5.00 Andrew Olson Boarding Cc Patient 3:00 Ford Creamery Cc LTilk for J D Myers 8.00 Pacific Tel & Tel Co Rentals for January 42.70 Pacific Tel & Tel Cc Long Distance for Dec 4.90 ---------- 000---------- The report for December of C C King, as.Supt Co'Home, was endorsed approved by the Board; the annual report of said Sup#. was also read and endorsed approved. On motion the Board adjourned to. meet on Wednesday, January.,7, 1914. W.O.R. 1��' R record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Wedne sday the 7th day January 191 4 Wednesday, January 7, 1914. The Board net pursuant to n.djournment taken on January 6, 1914. Present, C B I.egoe and Henry Shagren, Commissioners; Will D Wallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: 0 E Beebe 0 E Beebe Dr F G Rogers St Luke's Hospital St Joseph's Hospital Engberg's Pharmacy Owl Drug Company A Lednicky F LaRoche Legoe Hardware ITorthire st Hdvi Co Sell s Hdtiv Co Fountain Pharmacy Ireland & Pancoast G Tripp John DeVries Ed Hamman J F Bower P H Bower Walter Graham Oakland Davenport Jamie Walker CURRB1,TT EXPENSE FUND. Money advanced for R R Ticket to Co Patient 0 61.00 Livery Expense & Car Farce as Co Physician 45.00 Dental Services to Yr Hamlin 5.00 Care of Co Patients 49.00 do 38.00 Medicdae for Co Patients 2.50 do 14.60 Drugs a/c Contagious Disease 27.90 X Ray plates a/c 77 Vine .80 Hdv,". for Courthouse 2.60 Hdvt etc for Courthouse 6.77 aupplies for Courthouse 30.60 Supplies for Janitor 1.40 do 4.80 1 Jury Box 6.00 Flit: State vs Billie Neils 2.20 S9it: State vs Geo G Cobb 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 Wit: State vs Lloyd Scrimsher 4.40 do 4.40 do 4.40 INSTITUTE FUND. Delia L Keeler, Co Supt Bal. due for Expense a/c Institute 17.82 ----- .....oJo--....---->.. The December Report of 0 E Beebe, Co Physician, was endorsed approved by the Board. ---------- 000---------- IN THE I.IATTER OF THE PETITION OF JOHN McCUE AND OTHERS FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CT,'RTAIN TERRI`l'ORY TO THE CI^lY OF BELLINGHA-70T, !TkIATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. This matter having come on regularly for hearing, upon the petition of John McCue and others for the annexation of certain territory to the City of Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington, on the 30th day of December, 1913, pursuant to the order of the Board previously made and pursuant to notice regularly given as provided by lava, the petitioners appearing by their counsel, Hadley, Hadley & Abbott, and certain of the petitioners appear- ing in person, and Geneva Township of Clhatcom County, `7ashiri�7,fion, together with certain objectdrsito said petition appearing by their counsel, Hans Bugge, at which time evidence was introduced and hearing had upon said petition in part and thereupon the further hearing was by the Board continued until this; the 7th day of January, 1914, and now in pursuance of the said adjournment, this matter coming on regularly for hearing on this the 7th day of January, 1914, before the Board, the parties appearing again as aforesaid by their respective counsels and the Board having seen and examined the records and files in this matter and heard the evidence and having heard the arguments of counsel and being fully advised in the premises, now finds: That due and proper notice of the time and place of the said hearing has been given in the manner provided by law and the order of -this Board, notice of said hearing having; been published by said petitioners as provided by law for at least two weeks prior to said 30th day of December, 1913, in The Journal Progressive, a weekly newspaper printed and published in the City of Bellingham in said Whatcom County, this Board having fixed said date for such hearing by its order dated 5th day of December, 1913, after the filing of said petition, which date was at a time not less than two weeks nor more than four weeks thereafter; And the Board further finds that the said petition filed herein by said John T"IcCue and others is signed by more than twenty per cent of the qualified electors of Whatcom, r IOU W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term V7ednesday the 7th day January 1914 County, Washington, residents within the limits of the territory proposed to be annexed to such City who voted at the last previous election as shown by the official poll books, and also signed by more than twenty per cent of the qualified electors of said County, now residents within the limits of said territory; that said petition sets forth and parti- cularly describes the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed and prays that an election shall be called and held within the limits of said territory for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing therein the question of such annexation under the provisions of law hereinafter mentioned and referred to; And the Board further finds that said petition is in all respects regular and conforms to the provisions of Section 2 of Chapter 245 of the Session Laws of 1907 of the Legisla- ture of the State of Washington as found in pages 676 and 677 thereof and as set forth in Section 7446 of Remington & Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Statutes of the State of Wash- ing, ton; and that all of the steps and proceedings required by law in the premises have been regularly had and taken in accordance with said statute; And the Board further finds that said. Geneva Township is one of the regularly organiz- ed townships of Matcom County, Washington, organized as such in pursuance of the township organization lave of said State; and that it, together with certain of the residents and electors residing within said Township, but outside of the territory proposed to be annexed have entered their objection and protest against such annexation on the ground and for the reason only that the said territory so proposed to be annexed is a part of the said Geneva Township and that by reason thereof said statute, under which such petition is filed as aforesaid, does not apply. The Board further finds that said territory so proposed to be annexed as aforesaid lies contiguous to the said City of Bellingham, a city of the first class in said Y/hatcom County, and that such territory so proposed to be annexed to said City has not heretofore been incorporated as a municipal corporation in a segregated way, or at all, except as it is a part of said Geneva Township. By reason of the premises and the facts aforesaid as found by the Board and the law, this Board now concludes that the said petitioners are not entitled to have the prayer of such petition granted, and that the same should be denied, and that the laws under which the said petition is filed is not applicable for the reason only that the territory pro- posed to be annexed to the said City of Bellinghmn is within the limits and a part of said Geneva Township. VEHREFORE, by reason of the facts and conclusions aforesaid and in pursuance thereof it is now by the Board ordered that the prayer of said petition be, and the same'is hereby denied, to which findings, conclusions and order the petitioners at this time except and their exceptions are allowed. 11 11 It 11 it If 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " " State of Washington " it " If n It If 11 a 11 11 11 11 11 11 Attest: Will D 71allace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. BOARD OF COUNTY COT` TISSIONERS OF IMIATCOM COUNTY, WASHHINGTON. By C.B. Legoe Chairman Henry Shagren Commissioners O.K. Hans Bugge O.K. as to form Hadley, Hadley & Abbott. --- ,-----000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, January_8"91 L_ Chairman Board Courit W.O.P. i L.o�ord off. Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Thursdav the 8th day January 191 4 Thursday,.January 8, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment.taken on January 7, 1914. Present, @ B Legoe and.Henry. Shagren, Commissioners; ;Jill D Wallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. Dr. C. S. Hood The following claims were allowed: Chas Kley The Journal -Progressive E T Mathes Book Co The .J K Gill Co Trick & Murray, Inc Amberg File & Index Co Burroughs Add Mach Co Pioneer Livery Jas McCoy Thompsen & Flint Spencer Collett Diehl & Simpson Bellingham Truck Co Golden's Transfer Frank Zugelder Larson's Livery & Trf CURRENT EXPE11SE FUND. Prof, Services to Shetler, injured in County Gravel Pit ti Damages a/c Engine Breaking through Bridge Publ. for Treas 3.20-:cud 12.72-Ditches 6.36 Supplies for Eng 3.- Clerk 4. Hall'sInterest Tables for Treasurer Field Books for Co Eng Filing Cases for Co Treasurer Repairs & Ribbons for Treas & Aud Machs Livery for Co Supt Livery for Sheriff do Auto. hire for Sheriff (Insanity Case) Repairs & Driving Co Auto Freight & Cartage for Treas. Drayage for Co Treas Scalp Bounty on l wild cat Livery for Const 2.50 & Phy 5. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, January 9, 1914. airman Board`-Cou `Commissioners 10.00 27.12 22.28 7.00 12.00 4.58 5.55 7.25 8.25 3.00 3.00 2.50 83.95 3.50 1.00 5.00 7.50 16S Record of Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. January Term Friday the 9 th clay January 191 4 Friday, January 9, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on January 8, 1914. Present, C B Legoe and Henry Shagren, Commissioners; 7,Till D Wallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: Henry Shagren H Thompson J L.Durdin r• � Western Union lelg. Co Caine-Grimshaw Co Bellingham Sheet Metal Works G.eo Elder Delno Ward Will Setter C.A Gooding Frank Robinson Geo Willard I H Brooks Wm Sarlund P E Larson VI C Campbell F S Smith L H Peck S J 1'da.rr C C King, Supt Co Home W J Sullivan J Y Shetler Frank Edwards Lewis Beebe C H Beebe Tom 11,cCulom Vhn Johnson Frank Strom Ed Giarde Peter J. James David Jefferson Geo James Wilbert James Norbert James Peter Victor Edmond McCluskey T P Reilly William Cissna G 1,11 Hesselgrave John J Johnson Jesse.J Rogers C 11 Mosher Andrew Bovee A Fitzpatrick Arthur Dewey 'Qn LeCompte C A Gooding 71 H Ki rkman A" W Frost Vhn Simmers, Lynden Lumber Co Nelson, Swanson & Co Bloedel-Donovan Lbr Co Fazon & Zimmers John A. Walker Morse Hdw Co H 0 Gordon J F Meek A Wasching .rhos Ellis E H Middleton IThos S Dahlquist L C Currie . George C Blakeslee Thos Anderson L Swan son CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Expense as Co Commissioner . 8.40 Expense as Coroner 2.60 Refund a/c Lease under Sale Whatcom Co to Durdin 23:83 Telf for Sher .75-Supt 1.50-Atty 2.79 5.04 Screenings for Courthouse 15.05 Repairs to Courthouse Roof 4.50 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. Moving. Steam Grader to Co Home Foreman 13:20 do Engineer 13: 20 do Teamster 16. 50 Labor on Roads Foreman team 27.50 do 4.00 do team 10.00 do " 2.00 Labor on G 11 Rd and others 48.50 do 42.00 do 19.50 do 20.00 do 10.00 do team 31.00 do '! 20.00 do 8.00 do 33.00 do Foreman 36.00 do team 29.50 do Foreman 40.60 do 4.00 Labor on Goshen Rd Foreman 15.00 do 11.00 do team 24.00 Labor -on Reservation Rd 4.50 do 6.50 do team 3.00 do " 9.00 do 6.50 do " 9.00 do " 10.00 do Foreman 13.50 do " 2.00 tabor on Road 35.25 do Foreman 26.00 Salary & Exp as Constr Eng S & N Highway 123.10 Labor on Bridges & Wing Dams 100.00 Labor on Bridges 23.00 do 23.00 do 24.00 Labor on Wing Dams 3.75 Labor on Road & Bridges 7.50 Labor on N S Rd 12.25 Labor on G 11 Rd 48.00 Hauling Plank 7.00 Lumber & Drayage 6.50 Lumber 31.18 Lumber for Gla6ier Twp 19.34 Lumber .for Bridge 48.82 Lumber 30.25 Spikes etc 10.95 Powder etc 1.00 Powder & fuse 5.85 Blacksmithing 2.10 Gravel 1.90. R of V1 for Pacific Highway 75.00 Tract of Land for Gravel Pit 250.00 2nd & Final .Estimate on-uridge.across Sumas Cr 220.99 2nd & Final Est Redecking Hansen Bridge #4 1235.11 SLEASMAN DITCH FUND Labor on Sleasman Ditch 14.40 do 5.00 ELDER DITCH FUND. S T Shumway Labor on Elder Ditch Foreman 52.50' Emil FulTner do 35.00 D R Wagner do 16.25 Geo Alton do 28.75 L Campbell do 33.75 P Franz do 16.25 H Miller do 15.00 Pete Vansueth do 15.00 -------- 000---------- W.O.R. 1�� Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Friday the 9th day January 191 v v The Board made an order correcting the 1911 tax on Lot 12 Blk 7 Strandell. ---------- 000---------- The surety bond of John C Anderson given by the American Surety Company of New York for $4000.00 covering contract for construction of Drainage Improvement District No. 5 or B'ellingar Ditch, was endorsed approved by the Board. ---------- 000 ---------- R E S 0 L UT I ON. WHEREAS, at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Miatcom County, Btate of Washington, held in the Commissioners' Office of said county on the 9th day of January,, A.D. 1914, a quorum being present and a majority voting in the affirmative, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED, that public interest demands the improvement, under the provisions of Chapter 35 of the Laws of 1911, of that section of a public highway situate within the County of Whatcom, and described as follows: PERLANENT HIGHWAY NO. 1, known as LAKE SALTISH ROAD Commencing at the city limits of the City of Bellingham and running; along the line of said Lake Samish Load to the shores of Lake Samish; no part of said highway being situate within the boundaries of any city or incorporated town. C B Legoe " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- "--------- "ioners of Whatcom County of County Commissioner " State of Yttrashington of Henry Shagren 41 It of to of to It ,t 11 It it 11 it ,t County Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- R 7 S 0 L U T 10 N. WHEREAS, at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Vhatcom County, State of ''Washington, held in the Commissioners' Office of said county on the 9th day of January, A.D. 1914, a quorum being present and a majority voting in the affirmative, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED, that public interest demands the improvement, under the provisions of Chap- ter 35 of the Laws of 1911, of that section of a public highway situate within the County of Whatcom and described as follows: PERITANENT HIGHVWAY NO. 4, known as SUIJAS-NOOKSACK ROAD commencing at the quarter section corner common to sections 9, 10, 15 and 16 in township 40 north, range 4 east, "r.M.; thence running west about 1 mile; thence running southerly approximately 2g miles on Sumas-Nooksack Road to the boundary line of Nooksack City, the total distance of the proposed improvement being 3-1 miles, no part of said highway being situate within the boundaries of any city or incorporated town. C B Legoe It It it it " 11 it it " u to if " " Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- "--------- "ioners of Whatcom County " County Commissioner if State of ''Washington " Henry Shagren to It It 11 11 It " 11 „ It " 11 it County Commissioner Attest: Will D 'Vlallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, January 1 1��14 � n r) ,4 9 170 0 W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Saturday the 10th play January 1914 Saturday, January 10, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on January 9, 1914. Present, C B Legoe and Henry Shagren, Commissioners; Will D Wallace, Clerk of the Toard in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: Hugh Eldridge Union PB&S Co Griggs Sta & Prtg Co Towner Printing Co S B Irish & Co North Pacific Bank Note Co Roland G Gamwell J B Bennett D J McArthur & Son R L Kline Kenyon -Carr Co C C Meece CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Stamped 7nvelopes for Auditor 86.72 Prtg for Tr 7.-Supt 69.75-Aud 275.52-Atty 8.50 360.47 Supplies to Aud 6.75-Eng 4.25-Atty 4.75 15.75 Stamped. Envelopes for Co Physician 14.30 Blanks for Aud 11.50-C1k 13.75-Atty 3.. 28.25 Warrant Books for Auditor 35.00 Prem on Official Bonds Comnr 100.-Sheriff 15. 115.00 Prem on Official Bonds Aud 9.-Coroner 5. 14.00 Prem on Official Bond Co Assesoor 7.50 Prem on Official Bonds ConstablelO.-Eng 6.25- Wreckrnaster5. -J of P 5. 26.25 Prem on Ins on Traction Ent,, 15.00 Scalp .Bounty on 3 wild cats 15.00 ---------- 000---------- The Board made an order correcting 1912 personal tax against Elsie Broom . on. Pacific Flats, Elk Street. ---------- coo --------- BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COTUTISSIONERS OF 71HATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Order Releasing Claim to Road Right of Vlay in Establishment of Pacific highway. WHEREAS, Joseph L. Wilson did, on November 8th 1913, convey to Whatcom County, for road right of way, the following described property to -wit: A strip of land sixty (60) feet wide paralleling the Great Northern Railroad right of clay on the northeast side and adjoining said right of way overthe north half of the northeast quarter, section one (1), township thirty-nine (39) north, range o,ne (1) east, ``l.M., lying and being in the County of Whatcom, State of Washington; conveyance. thereof being recorded in Vol. 127 of .Deeds, page 106 records of Dhatcom County, Washington; and 1,MMEAS, it is deemed advisable to relocate the line of said Pacific Highway, and S=REAS, the property hereinbefore described was conveyed to Whatcom County for road purposes only, NOW, THERI74OR ,, as a pArt consideration for right of wayconveyed by Robert J. Shields and wife to Whatcom County and recorded in Vol. 127 of Deeds page 281, the said County of Whatcom does hereby quit -claim, relinquish and grant to Robert J. Shields all right, title and interest that said County may have in above described property, said Joseph L. Wilson conveying his interest by separate instrument. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be recorded in the Auditor's Office of 'llh.atcom County, Washington. Dated this loth day of January, A.D.,1914. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- "--------- "ioners of �,'hatcom County " County Commissioner " State of Washington " Henry Shagren is It " of of 11 n to .n 11 of It County Commissioner Attest: Will D NVallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board 0 K. as to form Frank t'l Bixby ----------000---------- W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Saturday the 10th day January 191 CREDITS ALLOWED COUNTY MMSURER AT SETTLE n,,NT FOR THE, QUARTER ENDING ✓ DECEY,'BE2 31, 1913. In the matter of the settlement with Nellie C. Rogers, County Treasurer of Matcom County, State of Washington, for the quarter ending December 31, 1913. NOW, at this time, this matter coming on for consideration and the said Nellie C. Rogers having; filed with this Board a statement setting forth her receipts and disburse- ments,a.s such Treasurer for said period of time and having duly and carefully examined all vouchers presented by said Treasurer for said disbursements and having checked and compared the same with the statement, and having found that they were actually paid out by said Treasurer during said quarter, said payments being made in the sums and from the funds and for the purposes hereinafter set forth; THEREFORI+, it is hereby ordered by this Board that said Nellie C. Rogers, as such Treasurer be, and she hereby is allowed credits for said Bisbursements as follows, to-uit: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. For warrant: redeemed y� 430895.30 For interest on same 20140.64 CENERAL ROAD FUND. For warrants redeemed 1,584.97 For interest on same 478.98 GENERAL BRIDGE FUND. For warrants redeemed 1,894.81 For interest on same 488.53 INSTITU^lE FUND. For warrants redeemed 400.00 MIT.._+' PROTECTION FUND For warrants redeemed 1,371.66 MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE FUND. For warrants redeemed 121.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. For warrants redeemed 240995.59 SCHOOL DISTRICT GENERAL FUND. For warrants redeemed 460428.41 For interest on same 182.89 SCHOOL BOND REDFIAPTION FUND. For bonds redeemed 1,750.00 For bond interest coupons 950.96 SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. For warrants redeemed 20602.85 For interest on same 24.62 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 2 FUND For warrants redeemed 1,445.78 For interest on same 430.88 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 3 FUND For warrants redeemed 1,678.33 For interest on same 355.45 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 4 FUND For warrants redeemed 1,011.50 For interest on same 182.31 BOND INT7MST FUND. For interest paid on bonds 30600.00 DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL FUND. For cash paid State Treasurer 186.07 STATE HIGHER EDUCATION FUND. For cash paid State Treasurer 3,720.91 STATE GENERAL FMI For cash paid State Treasurer 4,479.57 STATE PUBLIC HIGHVIAY FUND. For cash paid State Treasurer 10771.82 STATE MILITARY FUND. For cash paid State Treasurer 389.68 PEIMIANENT HIGH71AY FUND. For cash paid State Treasurer 39547.44 CITY FUNDS. For cash paid City and Town Treasurers 24,746.51 71 172 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Saturday the loth day January 1914 T0!'.7NSHIP FUNDS. For cash paid Township Treasurers RFDE1TPTION FUND. For cash paid holders of Certificates of Delinquency PLAT FUITD. For advance taxes paid on plats SUSPENSE ACCOUNT. Refund a/c error in addition on C D 11951 For warrants redeemed For interest on same For warrants redeemed For warrants redeemed For warrants redeemed Fpr interest on same For warrants redeemed For interest on same For warrants redeemed For interest on same For *airants redeemed For interest on same For warrants redeemed For interest on same SLEASITAN DITCH FUND. HEATH DITCH FUND. DUFNER DITCH FUND. BUTLER DI`.CCH FUND. ANDME'ASEN DITCH FUND. ELDER DITCH F IJITD . SCHELL DITCH FUITD. SLEASITAN DITCH FUND ITO . 2 Total cash disbursements 9,131;79 14,591.88 70.34 1.00 109.15 8.33 230.00 105.75 22.00 3.54 142.50 32.71 393.80 65.50 2.50 .26 600.00 48.34 202,416.85 In 'Testimony V,hereof, , we have hereunto set our hands as said Board this loth day of January, A D 1914. 11 11 it 11 It 11 11 11 11 11 II 11 1► 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of V/hatcom County " " State of Viashington " 11 " it " 11 to 11 of It 11 It 1► it " Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board County Commissioner Henry Shagren County Commissioner COr,TItII SSI ONTIMS' ORMT IF I CATE AS TO TPJP ASIJRER' S CASH. Vie, the Board of County Commissioners of V la.tcom County, Washington, do hereby certify that we did, on the loth day of January, A D 1914, carefully examine the checks, reports and vouchers of Nellie C. Rogers, County Treasurer of said county, for the quarter ending December 31, 1913, and found the same to agree with the books of this office and to be true and correct. We further certify that we did on January 10, 1914, count the cash in the Treasury and found the cash in said Treasurer's Office and the cash despotied by her in the banks to her credit as such Treasurer balance her accounts as County Treasurer in full. The same being in cords and figures as shown on annexed sheet which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. In Testimony M- ereof , vie have hereunto set our hands and the seal of the Board of Counttr, Commissioners of Whateom County, Washington, this loth day of January, A D 1914. 11 1► to " It If 11 11 11 to It If 11 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Vthatcom County " it State of Vfa.shington " 11 11 to 11 11 11 11 it 11 11 11 11 11 it C B Legoe Chairman of the Board County Commissioner Henry Shagren County Commissioner Attest: Vlill I) Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. W.O.R. 1 Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings 173 January Term Saturday the loth day January 1914 COUNTY TREASURER'S CASH STATET,91WT AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS JANUARY 9, 1914. Cash in Treasury January 1, 1914 Receipts since January 1, 1914 Tax collections for year 1912 n u n It 1911 If n n n 1910 It n u u 1909 to " " " 1908 If Is " " 1907 to it If 1906 General Receipts Redemptions' - Blaine Local Improvements 0 1010042.73 $1,721.28 268.44 3.25 3.78 1.31 .79 .25 649.89 751.10 442.60 3.842.69 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1040885.42 Vouchers paid since January 1, 1914 6,001.81 Cash on hand at close of business January 9, 1914 98,883.61 CASH IN BANKS First National Bank v 200673.46 Bellingham National Bank 20,435.20 Northwestern National Bank 16,935.01 Northti«estern State Bank 9,863.59 Home State Bank of Blaine 5*000.00 State Bank of Blaine 5,000.00 State Bank of Lynden 59000.00 State Bank of Ferndale 5,000.00 Nooksack Valley State Bank 5,000.00 Garrison Bros.., Bankers 5,000.00 CASH IN OFFICE Gold 30.00 Currency 590.00 Silver 54.61 5V 97,907.26 Checks & Cash 1 rtems 301.74 . 976.35 Total - - - - - - - - - - - 980883.61 ---------- 000---------- JCONTRACT. THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into in triplicate this loth day of January, A.D. 1914, between Ylha.tcom County, State of Washington, hereinafter called the County, and John C. Anderson hereinafter called the contractor., NITNESSETH: That the said contractor, in consideration of the sums hereinafter specified, be paid to him by the said Whatcom County, in the manner and at the time hereinafter provided, and in consideration of other covenants and agreements, herein contained by the said parties, agrees to and viith .said Matcom County: 1. That the contractor will perform and furnish under the direction and to the satis- faction of the. Board of County Commissioners of Matcom County, Washington, and in conform- ity to the laws of the State of Washington, all .the viork and material. included in the Construction of Drainage Hitches in Drainage Improvement District No. 5, and that the con- tractor will furnish all material necessary, and perform all labor in the manner, and of the kind and class of work and material, and.manner of doing Said work, and in all other 17W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Term' Saturdays the loth day January 191 4 respects strictly according to the maps, plans and specifications thereof furnished by the County Engineer of of said County and on file in his 6ffice; said maps, plans and specifi- cations being agreed to be a part of this contract with the same force and effect as though the same v{ere fully inserted herein. Said work to be done under the supervision and direc- tion of the County Engineer and to be approved by him and the Board of County Commissioners In case -of any disagreement or misunderstanding in respect to these specifications or the perfoirmance of the work, the matter shall be referred to the Board of County Commissioners, whose decision shall be final. In case.of improper construction or noncompliance with the contract or specifications in any manner, upon recommendation of the County Engineer, the Board of County Commission- ers may suspend saidworkat any time and may order the -partial or entire reconstruction of said vrork if improperly done., or declare the contract forfeited, and: may then re -let or complete the same, and adjust the difference of damage or price if any there be, which the contractor shall pay to the County according to the just and reasonable amount thereof. 2. Said work is to be fully completed on or before the 1st day of August, 1914, and if not done within the -time specified the contractor agrees to pay to the County 05.00 for each and every day that the work remains uncompleted beyond such time, such amount hereby being agreed upon as liquidated damages of a reasonable amount for such delay, and to be deducted by the county from the final estimate allowed the contractor. 3. Additional time for completion of work under this contract must be applied for in waiting by the contractor, and shall be granted only on order by the Board of County Commissioners entered un regular,session, and upon the further condition that -the sureties on the contractor's bond shall not be released thereby. 4. Said County agrees to make payment of"the,sum agreed to be paid in the following manner: warrants willbe drawn on the Drainage Improvement District No.-5 fund .of said County according to the final estimate furnished by the County Engineer.and approved by the County Commissioners,. as provided in the specifications and prices inserted therein. Partial payments based upon the County. Engineer's estimates, made from time to time, may be made not' to exceed 80`0 of. such .estimates. .5. No liability. shal,1 attach to the County by reason of entering into this contract except as specially provided herein. The contractor hereby assumes all risks and liabili- ties for accidents or damages that may occur ro persons or property during the prosecution of the work. It is understood that the whole of the work is to be done at the contractor's risk and he is to assume the responsibility of risk and all damage done to the work from any cause whatsoever prior to.the final acceptanceby the Board of County Commissioners of all work to be done hereunder., and partial payments shall not diminish the liability here- under. G. The contractor shall not let, assign nor transfer this contract, or any interest therein, without the written consent of the Board of County Commissioners. 7. It is understood that final.payment shall be made within 30 days afterthis contract is completely finished and.the work ac.cept.ed; provided, that in each of the said cases the contractor shall give the Board of.County Commissioners good and.sufficient evidence that the work., if free from allliensand claims chargeable to the said contractor on account thereof; and further, that if at any time there shall be any lien or claim for which, if established,.the county, or said work, might be.made liable and -which would be chargeable to the contractor the County shall have the right to retain out of any.payment then due or thereafter to become due said contractor an amount sufficient to completely be indemnify it against such lien or claim until the same shall effectually satisfied, W.O.R. pn" ^.. `/ r Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Saturday. the loth day January 191 discharged, or cancelled. And should there prove to be any such claim after all payments are made the contractor shall refund to the County all moneys that the latter may be com- pelled to pay in discharging any lien on said premises, or paying any indebtedness there- for made obligatory in consequence of the contractor's default. Provided, this shall not in any manner be construed a release of any of the conditions of the contractor's bond. 8. No certificate given or payment made under this contract except the final certificate or final payment, shall be conclusive evidence of the performance of this contract either wholly or in part ggainst any claim of the County, and no payment shall be construed to be an acceptance of any defective work. 9. The contractor shall within five (5) days after notice of being awarded the contract, .furnish a good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of �63960.00, conditioned for the faithful nerformance of the contract and as provided by law, which bond shall not be vitiated or affected by extension of time for completion of this contract, or altera- tion, or modification in line, grade or plans of said work, and no liability shall attach to the County, unless such bond be furnished. IN "7ITHESS 'WHEREOF, said County executed this contract by its Board of County Comm- issioners, and the contractor does sign and seal the same the date herein first above mentioned. o u n of to o it n It It Is it n 'Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Uhatcom County " State of Vlashington " If it n If it if n it to tt n Is n o Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk. ---------- 000---------- C B Legoe Chairman Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner .John C. Anderson Contractor. On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Monday, January 19, 1914. Chairman Boar Bou�Commissionurs F 176 W.O.R. Record ®f C®m���i®����' Pr®ceeding� January. Tenn Monday the 19th play January 1914 1onda.y, January 19, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on January loth & J G Kemper, 1914. Present, C.B. Legoe, Chairman; Henry Shagren,/Commissioneis; Will D. Wallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following proceedings were had: ---.! ----------------- In the Matter of the Improvement ) of Sections 1 and 2 of Hannegan ( Order Calling for Bids. Road or County Road No. 11 ) IT IS NOW ORDIMED that notice be published calling for bids for the construction of the proposed improvement of the Hannegan Road or County Road No. 11 in two sections, num- bered 1 and 2; SECTION No. 1 being described as running from the City Limits of Bellingham Wash., to the quarter section corner to sections 20 and 21, township 39 north, range 3 Last; SECTION No. 2 being described as running from the quarter section corner to sections 20 and 21 township 39 north, range 3 east, north to the City Limits of the City of Lynden, Wash.; said improvement of said two sections consisting of clearing, grubbing, excavating, log culverts, lumber and two course gravel surface. IT IS FURTHIM ORDERED, that the Clerk of this Board be and he hereby is directed to issue call for bids for the construction of said improvement according to plans andspeci- fications on file in the office of the County Engineer. Said bids to be opened and consider- ed at the hour of 1 :30 o'clock P.M. on Saturday, the 7th day of February, A.D. 1914, at the Court House in the office of the Board of County Commissioners. Each bidder shall deposit with his bid a certified check in an amount equal to 10% of his bid. The successful bidder shall be required to furnish a bond as provided by law. This improvement to be completed by December 1, 1914. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Done in open session of the Board this 19th day of January, A.D. 1914. It 11 of tl 11 11 11 It 11 11 11 of II to "Board of County 8ommiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " " State of Washington " It 11 of of it to It of it of if it it 11 Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J. G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Corrfrai s s i oner BEFORE THE, HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY CO20AISSIOIMS / OF VIHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. J In the IMatter of the Application of Nathan Bellingar ) for the Construction and Improvement of a Drainage Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporated Drainage ) BRDER RE ELECTION RETURNS. Improvement District. Heretofore an alection for the: purpose of electing two supervisors in the manner pro- vided by law, was ordered by this Board, and notice thereof was ordered and directed to be given, all as provided by law. It now appears that on Saturday, the 17th day of January, 1914, an election was held in said Drainage Improvement District No. 5 of VJhatcom County, Washington, pursuant to the calling of said election by order of this Board, as aforesaid; and that notice of said election was both published and posted in the manner provided b�g law, and proofs of said publication and posting are on file herein, and said proofs have been presented tothis Board. It further appears that pursuant to said call, said election was ordered in said Drainage Improvement District No. 5 on Saturday, the 17th day of January, 1914, and that Record of Commissioners" Proceedings January Term Monday the 19th day January 191 1,77 on this 19th day of January, 1914, this Board have proceeded with the canvass of the returns of said election and have duly canvassed the same in the manner provided by law, and that the said returns exhibit the following: That there were all told 17 ballots cast; that E.W. Stone received 16 votes; that G.N. Heaton received 14 votes; that W.H. Dorr received three votes; and C.L. Sicklesteel received 1 vote. "11L�, IT IS ORDEIM that E.V. Stone be, and he is hereby declared to be elected as supervisor of.said Drainage Improvement District No. 5 for the long term or period of one year after the first annual election in said District,'' and until his successor is elected and qualified; and IT IS FURTH]+,R ORDERED that the said G.Y. Heaton be, and he is hereby declared to be elected supervisor of said District No. 5, and that his term shall continue until his successor is elected at the first annual election to be held in said District; and IT IS FURTID'R ORDERED that certificates of election shall be issued to the said E.W. Stone and G.N. Heaton upon their taking the oath and filing bond herein as required by law and as fixed by this Board. Done in open session of said Board this 19th day of January, 1914. to it to It to It of It 0 0 to to 0 to "Board of. County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " " State of Washington " If of it if to if 0 0 0 o o" of it Attest: Wi11, D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board., �Q--------- 000__------_- r In the Matter of Establishing ) ( 0 RD ER. Survey Points in Tp 38 N R 2 E ) C.B. Legoe Chairman -Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner The County Engineer is hereby directed to go upon and establish survey points 1j- chains north of the quarter corner to sections 8 and 17 in township 38 north, range 2 east, W.M., and to establish a survey point 8.68 chains north of the quarter section corner to sections 8 and 17 in tovmship 38 north, range 2 east, W.M. Done in open session of the Board this 19th day of January, A.D. 1914. C B Legoe " of it " it if to to of of " to it It Chairman of the Board "Board of Countjr Coimniss- " _-_---__ "toners of Whateom County " Commissioner ►► to n of of o" it is n"" it o Henry Shagren Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ------ 000---------- The,Board made an order correcting the 1912 tax on Lots.2 to 13 Blk 44 Whatcom Suppl. ----------000 ---------- The Board ,of County Commissioners directed an application to the Public Service J Commission at Olympia, asking for right to cross G N R R tracks in Sec 8 Tp 40 N, R 1 E; road being No. 487 and forming connection between Ferndale -Blaine Road and Pacific Highway. ----------o0o---------- 178 W.O.R. Record. ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Monday the 19th Icy January 1914 IN TM. O, MATTER OF THE DITOSITARIES OF. THE PUBLIC FUNDS OF WHATCOM COUNTY. DESI GNATI ON. I, 1ITLLIE C. ROGERS, the duly elected and acting Treasurer in and for the County of 101hatcom, State of Washington, hereby name and designate the First National Bank, Bellingham National Bank, Northwestern State Bank, and the Northwestern National Bank, all of Belling ham,. Whatcom County, Washington; State Bank of Blaine and Home State Bank of Blaine, both respectively of Blaine, Whatcom County, Washington; Lynden State Bank, of Lynden, Whatcom, County,.Washington; Nooksack Valley State Bank of Everson, Whatcom County, Washington; Garrison Brothers State Bank, of Sumas,_ Whatcom County, Washington; and Ferndale State Bank, of Ferndale, Whatcom County, Washington, each a depository of a portion or all of the pub - lie funds held and required to be kept by me as such Treasurer. Dated this 12th day of January, A D 1914. Nellie C. Rogers County Treasurer of Vlhatcom County. APPROVED: Jan, 19, 1914. C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board C'bmmissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ---------- oO6----.-.--- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Monday, January 26, 1914. Chairman oar unty Commissioners. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 179 January Term 1fionday the 26th day January 1914 IsTonday, January 26, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on January 19, 1914. Present; C.B. Legoe, Chairman; Henry Shagren, Commissioner; Will D. Wallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following proceedings were had: BEFORE THE HONORABLYBOARD OF COUNTY C01,'MI SSIONFRS OF 'UHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the M-atter of the Application of Egbert Field et al ) for the Construction and Improvement of a Drainage Ditch ( 0 R D E R and establishment of Unincorporated Drainage Improvement ) Jan. 26, 1914 District. On this 26th day of January, 1914, this matter came on for hearing upon the report of the County Engineer, hearing at this date being pursuant to notice of this hearing publish- ed in the manner provided by law, proof of publication of notice of this hearing having been furnished at this meeting, all as provided by law. No protests were made at this hearing against the said improvement, and no protests have been enetred against the establishment of the said improvement nor against any of the proceedings herein. This Board proceeded to hear all pertinent evidence, including evidence offered con- cerning the probable cost of the system and probable benefits to accrue therefrom, and concerning the benefits to the different parcels of property, and damages, if any, and proceeded further to consideration of the preliminary estimates of the Engineer as the same appear upon his report concerning the estimated benefits to the various pieces and parcels of property within the said District. The said Engineer's estimate shows no damages to any of said property, and no damages to any piece or parcel of property within the said District. The Board further proceeded to consider the matter of the method to be followed and employed in assessing the costs of said improvement. The Board is now fully advised in the premises, and IT IS NOIM ORDERED as follows: That the gross benefits estimated by the County Engineer in the sum of $2,884.50, be modified and increased to the sum of $5, 769.00, which sum is the estimate of benefits as adjudged by this Board after said modification, the benefits to each specific parcel of property shown upon the Engineer's schedule of property damaged and benefited being increased by 100% over that shown upon said schedule. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the route and line of survey as returned by the Engineer for the main ditch and waterway be, and. the same is adopted, and that the said main ditch route is described as follows: Beginning at a point 1,976 feet South of the 4 cor. to Secs. 1 and 12, Tp. 39 N., R. 2 R. W.M., and running thence as follows: West 660.0 feet; N. 71° 52' West 1,, 387.0 feet; N. 710 57' W. 606.5 feet; N. 720 1' W. 117.5 feet; N. 89' 52' W. 1,308.0 feet; S. ,51°18' Vt. 656.3 feet; N. 890 36' W. 797.7 feet; North 3,330.0 feet to outlet into Cougar Creek about 1,050 feet South of the center of Sec. 2, T. 39 IT., R. 2 E. W.M. IT IS FURTMaM ORDEIRED that the report of the said County Engineer, with such modifica- tions as appear herein, be, and the same is hereby approved and confirmed (it appearing that the modifications made herein cause no additional damage to any property owner involv- ed, and will cause no damage to any property not heretofore involved and not damaged under the original plans), and that said drainage system as shown upon the said County Engineer's report, and as shown by modifications herein set forth, be, and the same, and the whole thereof, is adopted and ordered established; and proceedings henceforth shall be direct- ed to the,obtaining of right-of-way for the route of said ditch, all as herein described. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term l'imnday the 26th day January 1914 That said Drainage Improvement District No. 6 as adopted and established is bounded as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of�the Northeast quarter of Sec. 12, Twp. 39 N., Range 2 East, in Whatcom County, Washing- ton; thence running West on section line 1-1/8 mile; thence North -k mile; thence lest about g mile; thence South j- mile; thence West 1/8 mile; thence South 4 mile; thence West j mile; thence South j mile; thence East � mile; thence South j- mile; thence East one mile; thence North 1/8 mile; thence East j mile; thence North 5/8 mile to place of beginning. That said Drainage Improvement District No. 6 embraces lands and territory wholly within `Ihatcom County, Washington, being more particularly described as follows: 'Jest half of Northeast quarter; North half of Northwest quarter of Southeast quarter; North half of Southwest quarter and the Northwest quarter„ all in said Section.12; North- east quarter, North half of Southeast quarter, the East half of the Northwest quarter and the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, all in Section 11; West half of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter; East half of Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter of Section 2; all in Township 39 North, Range 2 East. IT IS FARTHER ORDFM1D that, the Board having given hearing and consideration to the wishes of those within said District concerning the manner and within how many years the costs of said improvement shall be paid, and the prevailing sentiment being in favor of warrants payable within five (5) Mears as provided by law, assessments to be levied to pay the costs of said improvement (assessments to be made upon the property benefited) shall be paid in five (5) annual installments, together with interest at a rate not to exceed 810, per annum; and that warrants shall be issued for the payment of the cost of said improvement in the manner provided by law, and said warrants shall be paid from the/re- ceipts from said assessments, which said assessments shall be paid in annual installments, as aforesaid, as follows: The first year, 10%; The second year, 20%; The third year, 20%; The fourth year, 25%; The fifth year, 25 0; That said warrants shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed 8% per annum; that the issuance of said warrants and the levy of the assessments shall be as provided in Chapter 176 of the Laws of the State of Washington, 1913, and especially as outlined and directed in Section 17 and 18 thereof. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that C.I:r. Adams, County Enginder, and Virgil Peringer, of the law firm of Brown, Peringer & Thomas, who is, andat all times hereinha.s been attending to the legal work in this matter, be, and they are named as agents to secure acceptances and deeds from owners for rights-of-ivay for the main ditch or channel, and that they reprt the obtaining of the said acceptances and deeds to this Board. IT IS FURTHER CONSIDERED and ORDETWO that in the construction of the said ditch along the Westerly side of certain land owned by Charles Laube and wife, all as shown on the route selected therefor, and shown upon the reports and records herein, the excavations therefrom shall be thrown upon the West side of the ditch to the end that the material excavated in the construction thereof may be used upon the public highway along the 'Westerly side of said ditch. Done in open session of the Board this 26th day of January, 1914. it it it It It " to it if of n of it 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " " State of Washington " of It if " if if " n " it It If it Attest: Will P ,-Vallace Clerk of said Board. C.B. Legoe Chairman Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ---------- 000---------- W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 11 181 Ta_nnary Term 1 onday the 26th day January 191 4 1 BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COT81ISSTONERS OF WHATCOTI COUNTY, WASHI Ti GTON. In the Tatter of the Application of Egbert Field ) et al for the Construction and Improvement of a { 0 R D E.R. Drainage Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporat- ed Drainage Improvement District. WHEREAS, by the orders of this Board heretofore made, Drainage Improvement District No. 6 has been duly established, and it being necessary that warrants be issued to pay for the improvements ordered, THEREFORE, IT IS NOW ORDERED that there shall be and there is established in the County Treasurer of Iffhatcom County, Washington, a separate fund for the construction of said improvement, the same to be known as Construction Fund of Drainage Improvement District No. 6 of Whatcom County, Washington; and also a separate fund for •the mainten- ance of said improvement, to be known as Maintenance Fund of Drainage Improvement District No. 6 of Whatcom County, Washington. Done in open session this 26th day of January, 1914.. n o u n to it n" it of to it it to "Board of.County Commiss- " "loners of Whatcom County " It State of Washington " it it if it if it if it if of n it if it Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- C.B. Legoe Chairman ----- --- Cbmmissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY CCWZISSIONERS / OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. J In the Matter of the Application of Egbert Field ) et Al. for the Construction and Improvement of a ( 0 R D E R Drainage Ditch and Establishment of Unincor- porated Drainage Improvement District. NIHMMAS, the Board. of County Commissioners has heretofore determined and made an ordw that the work of constructing said drainage system shall proceed, THEREFORE, IT IS NOW FURTHER ORDERED That an election be held within said district on the 14th day of February, 1914•, and that notice shall be given by the Clerk of this Board by publication in two consecutive weekly issues of the Journal -Progressive, the county official paper of Whatcom County, Washington, said newspaper having a general circulation in said district, the last of which said publications shall be not less than seven or more than fourteen days prior to the date of said election; and such notice shall also be posted by the Sheriff of Vlhatcom County, Washington, not less than fourteen days prior to the date of said election, in three of the most public places in said district; that the voting place of said election shall be at the residence of John Rudy, situated on the North twenty-five acres of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter, Section ll, Township 39 North, Range 2 East, in said district; and Egbert Field is hereby -named inspector, and John Rudy and H.K. Russell are hereby named judges; that said three named shall serve as election officers at said election; that at said election two qualified electors of Whatcom County, Washington, owning land in said district, shkil •be elected, who, with the County Engineer, shall constitute'the first board of supervisors of said district; that the supervisors shall each, before entering upon his duties, give a bond in the sum of 0200.00, with suretytto be approved by this Board. Done in open session ullis 26th day of January, 1914. '.B. Legoe He ry Shaaren Chairman o�nnissfoner '-Commissioner 18y2 W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Monday the 26th day January 1914 Is of to to it of it if ,i of to ,t If " "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County - to State of Washington " " of Attest: 71ill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- BEFORE, THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY CODMI SSION:CRS OF ti7HATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter of the Application of Egbert Field et al for the ) Construction and Improvement of a Drainage Ditch and Establish.. ( 0 R D E R. ment of Unincorporated Drainage Improvement District. ) IT IS NOW ORDIMED That notice be published, calling for bids for the construction of the said improvement, including the main ditch as heretofore adopted and established, and that bids shall be received for the construction of the said improvement in subdivisions, or as a whole; that bids shall be received and acted upon as provided by law and as pro: vided in the orders of this Board heretofore made. That contract for the construction of said improvement shall be let by this Board on plans and specifications previously prepared by the County Engineer, under the direction of this Board, and as provided by law and the proceedings in such matters, to the lowest and best bidder; that calls for said bids shall be made by publication in the Journal. Progressive, the official county paper of V/hatcom County, ffashington, for the period of three consecutive weeks prior to the time set for the opening of said bids; and that Monday, the 16th day of February, 1914, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P.M., at the Court House in the office of this Board of County Commissioners, be, and the same is hereby designated as the time and place for opening said bids; that the successful bidder shall be required to furnish a bond in the manner provided by law in the full amount of the contract price of construction and improvement as in the proceedings in this matter pro- vided, said bond to be conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract according to law and any requirements this Board of Commissioners may have imposed, within their pourer and limitations, as provided by law. That each bidder shall deposit with his bid a certified check or bond in an amount equal to 10% of his bid, conditioned as provided by law; and should the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fail to enter into a contract and furnish the bond as herein pro- vided, and within the time and in the manner provided by law, after notice of such award, then the amount of said check shall be forfeited. That the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Done in open session of said Board this 26th day of January, 1914. to it It of It It I I it to n if it u "Board of County Co=giss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " " State of '�rashington " of " to It to if It If It to It of to It Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. In the Matter of Leasing Part of Waldron Block to R G Rusk ) ---------- 000--- ----- Order Leasing.. C.B. Legoe Chairman ---------- Conmissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner IT IS ORDERED by this Board that three rooms on the ground floor of the Waldron Block, South Bellingham, be, and same are hereby leased to R.G. Rusk for a period of Three months beginning January 9th 1914, at the monthly rental of $15.-- per month, payable in adaance W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Term iuonday the 26th day January 1914 lessee hereby agreeing to foregoing. Done in open session of the.Board this 26th day of January, A.D. 1914. 11 to 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 0 "Board of County Comniss- " "ioners of 'rflhatcom County " it State of Washington " If If it It o o"" It it it f1 11 11 Attest: "Till D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. r r r r r r r r r r 000 ---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on January 27, 1914. C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board rr rr ..rrr rr Commissioner Henry shagren Commissioner R.G. Rusk Lessee 13_1I Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. January Term Tuesday the 27th slay January 1914 Tuesday, January, 27, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on January 26, 1914. Present, C.B. Legoe, Chairman; Henry Shagren, Commissioner; -,;and Will D 'rfallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following proceedings were had: BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY C01MISSIONLRS OF WHATC014 COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter of the Application of VI.S. Russell ) for the Construction and Improvement of Drainage ( 0 R D E R Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporated ) Jan. 27, 1914. Drainage Improvement District. This Board on the 5th day of January, 1914, made an order that notice be published calling -for bids for the construction of said improvement, and that the contract for the construction of said improvement would be let -by this Board on the plans and specifications on fileovrith the County Engineer, and the27th day of January, 1914, at the hour of two o'clock P.M., was set for the time of the opening of the bids received; that call for bids made by publication in the JournalaProgressive, the official county paper, for three con- secutive weeks prior to this time. Now on this 27th day of January, 1914, at the hour of two o'clock P.M., all the bids received for the construction of said improvement were opened and considered by this Board. After due consideration thereof, the Board finds that D.Z. Thompson's bid of $7,750.00 was the lowest bid submitted for the construction of the main ditch of said improvement, but there were attached to said bid certain conditions and provisions; and for said reasons the Board finds said bit is not the lowest and best bid. After considering all of said bids, the Board finds that the bid submitted by G.A. Dickinson & Co. is the lowest and best bid for the construction of the main ditch of said improvement, and the.contract for the construction of said portion of said improvement, to be made according to the said plans and specifications, is hereby awarded to the said G.A. Dickinson & Co. After considering all of the bids submitted for the construction of the laterals, the Board finds that the bid submitted by Emil Keller was the lowest and best bid for lateral No. 2, and the contract for the construction of said lateral No. 2 of said improvement, to be made according to the plans and specifications, is hereby awarded to the said Emil Keller IT IS ORDERED That the said G.A. Dickinson & Co. be required to give 'a,bond in full amount of the contract price of the construction of said main ditch of said improvement, and that the said Emil Keller be required to give a bond in full amount of the contract price of the construction of said lateral No. 2, said bonds conditioned for the faithful performance of the contracts according to law; that the said contracts be fully completed on or before December 1, 1914, and all other conditions imposed by the Board at the time of advertising for bids be complied with. After examining the bid submitted for the construction of lateral No. 1 of said improvement, the Board took the same under advisement for further consideration. Done in open session of said Board this 27th day of January, 1914. I it It it of I 1► t1 It I It it I to "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of '..hatcom County " If State of Washington " of of n it " It it n It it It of ►► of C.B. Legoe Chairman Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner Attest: 'ilill D tilallace Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tfonday, February 2, 1914. ---------- 000---------- Chairman o Feb. 2, 1914. The //m��in�uj-ties of the January session were read and approved on i Attest: County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. Chairman Bo W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Monday the 2nd day February 1914 Monday, February 2, 191A. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on January 27, 1914. Present, C B Legoe, Uhairman; J G Kemper and Henry Shagren, Commissioners; Will D Wallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURREIZTT EXPENSE FUND. ',"fill D Wail a c e August Engquist S E Barrett F C Martin Lucy E King L Thomas Jessie Walters C B Legoe J G Kemper Henry Shagren Delia L Keeler Ethel Everett D W Featherkil e Henry C Heach .Charles El Cline Harrison Cowden 0 E Beebe H Thompson D P Day Hector Gawl ey Ed E Hardin 71illivan H Pemberton F 7 ?'Moses Alithea Adams Goo TM Cook Frank :l Bixby 7 A Eartin 1d=aybel l e Bryan H D McArthur C Donovan Jas Elder H R George E J Campbell F B Graves C 1a Adams C E Phoenix Carl IV.,cCoy 11arry C SJrettenam '11 H ?North G L Swett enam i"IelAic C Rogers F L O1 sl ager John Fe:rn1 cry Olive Wilson s A Pence C C King If B Ki ng Nettie Smith Catharine Beebe Treutle Post L A Thomas Alex Van %Tlyck Y B Byl and Jessie Andrae Hugh, :Eldridge Puget Sound T. L. & P. Co H D 11cArthur L A Thomas L A Thomas C G Winemiller Eagan Ridenour Treasurer of State of Washington is T Trimble, City Treas. L P Sp elman 1':!hat com Co Humane Society R C Beck A Ii Burnside J 1i Aitken Leslie Jones J E Lee Attlee Smallwood Bloedel-Donovan Lumber Kills E Ironroe Thos P Hannegan Sarah Foster Mrs Penelopie S Knox Fannie Heaton Salary as County Auditor Salary as Chief Dep Auditor Salary as Dep Auditor do Salary as Chief Recorder Salary as Recorder do Salary as Co Commissioner do do Salary as Supt Co Schools �3a1 ary as Dep Supt Co Schools Salary as Justice of the Peace do Salary as Probation Officer Salary as Constable Salary as Cd Physician Salary as Coroner Salary as Supt Charities Salary as Janitor Salary as Superior Judge do Salary as Co Clerk Salary as Dep Clerk do - 25 days Salary as Pros Attorney Salary as Dep Pros Attorney Salary as Stenographer for Pros Attorney Salary as County Assessor Salary as Dep Co Assessor do do Salary as Clerk for Co Assessor do Salary as County Engineer Salary as Dep Co Engineer Salary as Draughtsman for Cc Engineer Salary as Chairman for Co ,Engineer Salary as Transitman for 00 Engineer Salary as Chainman for Co Engineer Salary as County Treasurer Salary as Dep Co Treasurer Salary as Boo! -?.keeper for Uo Treawurer Salary as Clerk for 8o Treasurer do Salary as Supt CO Home Salary as T'atron at Co Home Salary as Cook at Co Home .;alarlr as Tdurse at u4i Salary as Teamster at Co Home Salary as Sheriff Salary as Spl Dep Sheriff Salary as Jailer Recording for Clerk 10. & Steno Sery to Atty Stamps for Co Offices Gas & E'lectric Light for January Expense a/c Assessors Convention at Olympia Expense as Sheriff Board of Prisoners Expense as Bailiff a/c Grand Jury Typewriting for Clerk 7.75 & Atty 11.50 Fire Protection Service for years 1912 & 1913 Boulevard Assessments Refund and Interest on Tax Deed Y-aintenance Scalp Bounty on 1 wild cat do GAN +� PROTECTION FUi;D. Salary Sv Expense as Game Warden Salary & Expense as Deputy Game 'Darden do Labor on Fish Trap Lumber for Fish Matchery Game Birds for Game 'Darden do SOLDIERS' RELIEF FUND. Rel i of Rel i of Rel i of �p 158.33 100.00 100.00 75.00 75.00 65.00 65.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 90.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 60.00 83.33 83.33 25.00 85.00 125.00 125.00 158.33 100.00 80.65 158.33 100.00 65.00 125.00 100.00 80.00 75.00 75.00 90.00 158.33 45.00 104.00 51.00 22.50 25.00 165.56 100.00 90.00 80.00 80.00 60.00 25.00 45.00 30.00 25.00 158.33 80.50 60.00 32.50 10.00 79.65 18.05 94.42 244.60 5.30 19.25 464.62 15.10 60.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 124.70 77.65 20.05 11.25 12.57 10.00 12.50 12.00 10.00 10.00 C A Scrimsher G H Abers ROAD AliD BRIDGE FUND. Operating I!Tarietta Ferry Tending Ferndale Bridge 50.00 5.00 LIARRI AGE, CERTIFICATE FUIM . F 17 Yoses, Co Clerk Recording Yarriage Certificates 39.00 r 136 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Telin hionday the 2nd play February ANUO M 191 f The claim of T J Spohn for $16.00 as hall rent for Reynolds Post ITo. 32, for 2 months, was endorsed "Refused" by the Board. ---------- 000---------- In the Fatter of the Appointment ) ( Order of Appointment. of C.M. Idosher as Bridge Foreman ) IT 1S ORDERED by this Board that C.M. Kosher be, and he hereby is appointed as Fore- man of all bridges in Whatcom County, beginning February 1st 1914 and continuing until further order of the Board. Said Foreman to receive the monthly salary of �4110.00 together with traveling expenses but excepting meals, and to be drawn on Road & Bridge Fund. Y,one in open session of ,the Board this 2nd day of February, 1914. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board it n It """"" of n If to if of J G Kemper "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "loners of 'Uhatcom County " Henry Shagren " State of ."lashington " Cornraissioner II H t1 It It tl it to " 11 11 11 It It Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- I n the I:iatt er of Approval girder Approving. of Drainage Ditch Bonds ) IT IS HLREBY ORDEMED that the bond of Dickinson & Bacon given by the New England Casualty Company for 08000.00 covering contract for construction of Iriain Ditch in Drainage Improvement District No. 4, and the bond of Emil Keller given by the Aetna Accident and Liability Company for $1200.00 covering contract for construction of Lateral No. 2 of Drainage Improvement District No. 4, be, end the same are hereby approved by this Board. Done in open session of the Board this 2nd day of February, 1914. It 1t tl It 1t 11 It " to it It it 1t it "Board of County Commiss- " 2ioners of �-'thatcom County " of State of Washington " of n"" n"" it n to It of n" Attest: 'Vill D "Jallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- C O N T R A C T. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commi s si oner Henry Shagren Commissioner THIS AGRtOIDINT, made and entered into in triplicate this 2nd day of February, A.D. 1914, between Whatcom County, State of Washington, hereinafter called the County, for Drainage Improvement District No. 4, and. George A. Dickinson and G.H. Bacon, hereinafter called the contractor, WITNESSETH: That the said contractor, in consideration of the sums hereinafter specified, be paid to them by the said ':;hatcom County in the manner and at the time hereinafter provided, and in consideration of other covenants and agreements, herein contained by the said parties, agrees to and with said Whatcom County: 1. That the contractor will perform and furnish under the direction and to the satis- faction of the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washington, and in conformi- ty to the laws of the State of Washington, all the work and material included in the Construction of Ifain Ditch in Drainage Improvement District Yo. 4 and that the contractor will furnish all material necessary, and perform all labor in the manner, and of the kind and class of work and material, and manner of doing said work; and in all other respects W.O.R.187 Record of Commissioners', Proceedings January Term IULonday the 2nd day February 1914 strictly according to the maps, plans and specifications thereof furnished by.'the County Engineer of said County and on file in his office; said maps, plans and specifications being agreed to be a part of this contract with the same fofce and effect as though the same were fully inserted herein. Said work to be done under the.supervision and direction of the County Engineer and to be approved by him and the Board of County Commissioners. In case of any disagreement or misunderstanding in respect to these specifications or the performance of the work, the matter shall be referred to the Board of County _Commissioners, whose decision shall be final. In case of•improper construction or noncompliance with the contract or specifications in .any manner, upon recommendation of the County Engineer, the, Board of County Corinis,s- ioners.may suspend said work at any time and may order the partial or entire reconstruction of said work if improperly drone, or declare the contract forfeited, ,and may then re -let or complete the same,,and adjust the difference -of damage or price if any there be, which the contractor shall pay to the County according to the just and reasonable amount thereof. 2. Said work is to be fully completed on or before the,lst day of December,'1914, and if not done within the time specified the contractor agrees to pay to the County $5.00 for each and every day that the work remains uncompleted beyond such.time,' such amount hereby being agreed upon as liquidated damages of -a resonable amount for such delay, and to be deducted by the county from the final estimate allowed the contractor. 3. Additional time for completion of work under this contract. must be applied for in writing by the contractor, and shall be. granted oniy.on-order by the.Board of County Comm- issioners entered in regular session, and upon the further condition that the sureties'on the contractor's bond shall not be released thereby.. 4. Said County agrees to make payment of the sum _,greed to,be paid.in-the following manner: warrants will be drawn on the Drainage Improvement -District No. 4 fund of said County according to the.final estimate furnished by the County Engineer and approved by the County Commissioners, as provided in the specifications and prices inserted therein. Partial payments based upon,the County Engineer's estimates, made from time to time, may be made not to exceed SO per cent. of such estimates. 5. No liability shall attach to the County.by reason of entering into this contract except'as specially provided herein. The contractor hereby assumes all•risks and liabili ties for accidents or damages that may occur to persons or property during the prosecution of the work, excepting, however, that the contractors shall not be held liable for any damage to crops caused by backing up water in the ditchriduri,ng.construction thereof. It is understood that the whole of the work is to be done at the contractor's risk and he is to assume the responsibility of risk and all .damage done to the.work from any cause what- soever prior to.the final acceptance by.the Board•of. County Commissioners.of all work to be done hereunder, and partial payments shall nit diminish the liability hereunder. 6. The contractor shall not let, assign nor transfer this.contract, or any interest therein, without the written consent of the Board of County Commissioners.. 7. It is.understood that final payment shall be made.within 30 days after this con- tract is completely .flnished and the work accepted; provided, that in each of the said cases the contractor shall give the Board of County Commissioners good and -sufficient evidence that the work is free from* all liens and claims chargeable. to- the said contractor on account thereof; and further, that if at any time there shall be any lien or claim for which, if established, the county, or said work, might be made liable and which would be chargeable to the contractor the County shall have -the right to retain out of any pay- ment then due or thereafter to become due said contractor an amount sufficient to complete- ly indemnify it against such lien or claim mntil -the same shall'be effectually satisfied, W.O.R. Record of Commissio'ners' Proceedings January Term Monday the 2nd day February 1914 discharged, or cancelled. And should there prove to be any such -claim after all payments are made the contractor shall refund to the County.all moneys that the latter may be com-. pelted to pay in discharging qny lien on said premises, or paying any indebtedness therefor made obligatory in consequence of the contractor's default. Provided, this shall not in any manner be construed a release of any of the conditions of -the contractor's bond. 8. No certificate given or payment made under this'contraet except the final certi- ficate or final payment, shall be comelusive evidence of the performance of this contract either wholly or in part against any claim of the Uounty, and no payment shall be constru- ed to be an acceptance of any defective vrork. 9. The contractor shall within five (5) days after notice of being awarded the con. - tract, furnish a good and sufficient surety -bond in the sum of $8000.00, conditioned.f or the faithful performance of the contract and as provided by law, which bond shall not be vitiated or affected by extension of time for completion of this contract,. or alteration; <. or modification in line, grade or plans .of said work, and no liability shall attach to . the County, unless such bond be furnished. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said County executes this contract by its Board of County Comm- issioners, and the contractor does sign and seal the same the date herein first above mentioned. 11 'It n It If n"" of If n n"" "Board of. County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom. County " If State of *Washington " it u n u of it If if if if it if Ii if Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk. ---------- 000 ---------- C B Legoe . Chairman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner George A Dickinson G H Bacon Contractors.- C O N T R A C T THIS AG MjONT, made and entered into in triplicate this 2nd day of February, A D 1914," between-Whatcom County, State of Washington, hereinafter called the County, and Emil Keller, hereinafter called the contractor, WITNESSETH: That the said contractor, in consideration of the sum's hereinafter specified, be paid to.him by the said Whatcom County, in the manner and at the time hereinafter provided, and in consideration of other cotenants and agreements, herein contained by the said part- ies, agrees to and with said YJhatcom ' County: 1. That the contractor -will perform and furnish under the direction and to the satis- faction of the Board of County Commissioners of krlhatcom County, Washington, and in conform- ity to the laws of .the State of Washington, all the work and material included in the construction of Lateral No. 2 in Drainage Improvement District #4 and that the contractor L will furnish all material necessary, and perform all labor in the manner, and of the ,kind and class of work and material, and manner of doing said work, and in all other respects strictly according to the maps, plans and specifications thereof fmrnished by the County Engineer of said County and on file in his office; said maps, plans and specifications being agreed to be a part of this contract with the same force and effect as though the same were fully inserted herein. Said work to be done under the supervision and direction of the County Engineer.and to be approved by him and the Board of County Commissioners. In case of any disagreement or misunderstanding in respect to these specifications or the performance of the work, the matter slIall be referred to the Board of County Commissioners, whose decision shall be final. W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Term �onday___ the 2nd day February 191 4 In case of improper construction or noncompliance with the contract or specifications in any manner, upon recommendation of the County Engineer, the Board of County Commiss- ioners may suspend said work a: any time and may order the partial or entire reconstruc- tion of said work if improperly done, or declare the contract forfeited, and may then re - let or complete the same, and adjust the difference of damage or price of any there be, which the contractor shall pay to the County according to the just and reasonable amount thereof. 2. Said work is to be fully completed on or before the lst day of December, 1014, and if not dons -within the time specified the contractor agrees to pay to the County $5.00 for each and every day that the work remains uncompleted beyond such time, such amount hereby being agreed upon as liquidated damages of a resonable amount for such de- lay, and to be deducted by the county from the final estimate allowed the contractor. 3. Additional time for completion of work under this contract must be applied for in writing by the contractor, and shall be granted only on order by the Board of County Commmissioners entered in regular session, and upon the further condition that the sure- ties on the contractor's bond shall not be released thereby. 4. said County agrees to make payment of the sum.agreed �o be paid in the following manner: warrants will be drawn on the Drainage Improvement District Ito. 4 fund of said County according to the final estimate furnished by the County Engineer and approved by the County 6onunissioners, as provided in the specifications and prices inserted therein. Partial payments based upon the County Engineer's estimates, made from time to time, may be made not to exceed 80 per cent. of such estimates. 5. No liability shall attach to the County by reason of entering into this contract except as specially provided herein. The contractor hereby assumes all risks and liabili- ties for accidents or damages that may occur to persons or property during the prosecution of the work. It is understood that the whole of the work is to be done at the contractor's risk and he is to assume the responsibility of risk and all damage done to the work from any cause whatsoever prior to the final acceptance by the Board of County Commissioners of all work to be done hereunder, and partial payments shall not diminish the liability hereunder. 6. The contractor shall not let, assign nor transfer this contract, or any interest therein, without the written consent of the Board of County Commissioners. 7. It is understood that final payment shall be made within 30 days after this con- tract is completely finished and the work accepted; provided, that in each of the said cases the contractor shall give the Board of County Commissioners good and sufficient evidence that the work is free from all liens and claims chargeable to the said contractor on account thereof; and further, that if at any time there shall be any lien or claim for which, if established, the county, or said work, might be made liable and which would be chargeable to the contractor the County shall have the right to retain out of any pay4 ment then due or thereafter to become due said contractor an amount sufficient to complete- ly indemnify it against such lien or claim until the same shall be effectually satisfied, discharged, or cancelled. And should there prove to be any such claim after all payments are made the contractor shall refund to the County all moneys that.the latter may be com- pelled to pay in discharging any lien on said premises, or paying any indebtedness there- for made obligatory in consequence of the contractor's default. Provided, this shall not in any manner be construed a release of any of the conditions of the contractor's bond. 8. Do certificate given or payment made under this contract except the final certi- ficate or final payment, shall be conclusive evidence of the performance of this contract either wholly or in part against any claim of the County, and no payment shall be con- r Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Terin Lionday the 2nd d,1Y February 191 4 strued to be an acceptance of any defective work. 9. The contractor shall within five (5) days after notice of being awarded the con- tract, furnish a good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of $1200.00, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract and as provided by lair, which bond shall not be vitiated or affected by extension of time for completion of this contract, or alteration, or modification, in line, grade or plans of said work, and no liability shall attach to the County, unless such bond be furnished. INT IJITIvESS S`ITLMEOF, said County executes this contract by its Board of County Conmiss- Toners, and the contractor does sign and seal the same the date herein first above -mention- ed. 11 11 is It 11 of tl to It 11 11 It 11 " "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of '�.natcom County " It State of Washington " It It It if n It ,i it 11 it It Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk ---------- QOo---------- C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper Commissioner henry Shagren Commissioner Emil Keller, Contractor. On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, February 3, 1914. Chairman Board Uo Commissioners. W.O.R. 191 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Tuesday the 3rd day February 191 4 ,J Tuesday, r'ebruary 3, 1914. -The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on February 2nd 1914. Present,. all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. F E wyma i Will D 'Wallace H Thompson D P Day C C King J K Roger's Wilson -Nobles -Barr Co Vd J Pynor Will. H Fell Albert H Vander Yacht City Drug Store Red Cross -Pharmacy Edgar Macklin L. Verstandig B B Furniture Co I L Hively. A E Rus co' Ferndale Dept. Store Clark Electric Co Lyriden 'Dept, Store Morse Hdw Co Northwest Hdw. Co Ritchie -Shelton Lbr Co J A Rogers Columbia Grocery Boplack Bros. Irving Store E 11 Adams Fischer & Isaacs Ennen, Goodman & Co Kinsey-Stenvig Grocery Co Kelly Bros Brown & Cole, Inc. East End Grocery Mt. .Baker Urocery Lynden Dept. Store Ferndale Dept. Store ffil son & Brown T S Berkeley Coy: Danielson & Runolf son Victor A Roeder R B . Stuart Wm Lightheart Chas U Allen A H Montgomery Brisbin, Smith & Livesey Frank J. Zugelder J A 'Wallace k Assisting Prosecuting Attorney 11.8.50 Express paid as Co Auditor 1.92 Expense, as Coroner 1.55 Expense as Supt. Charities 43.35 Expense as Supt Co Home 22.00 Labor at Co Home 10.50 .Groceries for Co Horne (Dec -Jan) 124.20 .Groceries etc for Co Home 101.70 Feat for Co Home 24.78 Oats for Co Home 31.82 Medicine for Co Home 15.60 Medicine for Co.Home 8.80 & Jail .50 9.30 Dry Goods for Co Home 35.99 :Clothing for Co Home 15.56 Beds, Blankets etc for Co Home 94.00 Blacksmithing for Co Home 5.50 Livery etc for Co Home 25.95 Powder etc for Co Home 35.35 Batteries for Co Home 1.80 & Repairs in Clerk's Office 2.46 Kalsomine.for Co Home 1.50 Idat.erial for Co Horne a/c Donkey Engine' 11.18 Material for Co Home a/c Jail 2.70-Eng 7.55-Farm '26.10 Lumber for Jail.& Shed at'Co Home 159.03 Cutting Bolts at Co Home 46.88 Groceries for Me Bride 6.75 Groceries for Lewis at al 8.15 Groceries for Mrs Stanger 8.00 Groceries for Hathaway 16.00 Groceries for Kirkham 15.70 Groceries etc to Johnson at al 33.00 Grdcfties for Willard at al. 22.65 Groceries for Adams 25.72 Groceries for Tabor 6.00 Groceries for Trove at al 31.60 Groceries for Jackson & Hunter 11.00 Groceries for E Rigby 5.00. Groceries for Mrs Shafer 10.00 Groceries for Jas Bainter 7:50 Groceries for Nancy Rogers 10.00 Groceries for Gislason & Eastman 32.60 House rent for Firs Neal 30.00 House rent for Rankin 8.00 Wood for Mrs Markham 4.50 Mood for Adams at al 17.50 Wood for Indigents 6.50 Prem. on Cfficial Bonds for Treas 237.50 & Clk 26.25 263.75 Scalp Bounty on 1 wild 'dat 5.00 do 5.00 ---------- 000---------- The claim of Edith E. Fuller for $25.00 fo care of delinquent juveniles was endorsed "Refused" by the Board. ---------- 000---------- The January report of C C King, Supt Co Home, was approved by the Board. ---------- 000---------- The depository bond of Home State Bank of Blaine for,$2,000.00 given by Royal Indemnity Co. , covering deposits of county funds, was endorsed approved by the Board. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, February 4, 1914. v v Chairman Board C y Commissioners 192 6 0 Record ®f Commis.sioners' Proceedings January Term Wednesday the 4th ley February 1914 `Jednesday, February 4, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on February 3, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendances. The follmwing claims were allowed and proceedings had: Virgil Peringer Delia L Keeler Errs Bessie Cline 0 E Beebe Dr F G Rogers Marguerite Thomas St Joseph's Hospital St Luke's Hospital ',Vill A Barnes Reid Bros Surgical Supply Cc Iriock & Harlow Pacific Tel & Tel Cc Pacific Tel Ft. Tel Cc destern Union Telg. Cc Elsie Baumeister Ohil- Clark Theodore Hove Fred Mousso L.F., Reimund Sam Stout Fred 11t cElmon C A Hartley S Fothergill J E Braniff Tars J E Braniff Mrs -J N Braniff Chas Groot Bert Shannon Jack Cook Pete Petersen Pete Suda Ralph Demilo Andrew Hdwkins Mrs Ed Norlin Ed Norlin Kennieth McLeod Id. Jaffe Geo Padrene Louis Oliver Harry Castello Elma Washburn Edith Hulford Chas Hobart W F • Simmons Franklin Haworth E A Bush S B Hughes J B •Hardeman CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Services as Spl Dep Pros `Atty a/c Grand Jury 325.00 Express 6.10 & Expense as Cc Supt 27.51 Expense as Probation Officer 8.00 Livery Expense etc as Co Physician 45.00 Dental Services to Cc Patient 4.00 Nursing Sick Prisoner 24.50 Care of Cc Pa jri ants 81.00 do 107.00 Guarding Prisoner at Hospital 9.00 Supplies for Indigent Patient 8.72 Burial of Paul R Howard and John Merritt 50.00 Rentals for F eby 38.25 Long, I)istanc-br,forr Jany 10.45 Messages for' Atty.87-Sher 6.31-Supt .33 . 7.61 . Wit: State vs 1,11 J Robinson 2.20 Wit: State vs Joe Rice 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 Wit: State vs James O'Rourke 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do . 2.20 Wit:' State vs D Garrett 4.00 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 Wit: State vs Julius D'Aprile et al 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 6.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 Wit: State vs C Steele 4.40 do 4.40 do 9.00 do 9.00 J P: State vs Charles Brown et al 6.00 Spl Constable.. do 15.65 J P: State vs Frank Spencer 3.00 Constable: do . 7.45 ----------- 000---------- The January report of 0 E Beebe, Cc Physician, was endorsed -approved by the Board. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, February 5, 1914. Chairman Board County ommissioncrs W.o.R. 1 .193. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Thursday the 5th day February 191 4 Thursday,. February..5, 1914.. The Board met ,pursuant to adjournment taken on February 4, 1914. Present, all members of the.Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following, claims were allowed and proceedings had: Harrison Cowden .. Puget Sound T L & P Co Dalton Add Mach Co Union P.B. & S. Co Griggs Sta & Prtg Co Selby -Harris Co Anstett Printing Co Towner Printing Co Towner" Printing Co 0 C Armstrong A F Rusco.: Lynden Livery Everson Livery Chester McKenzie Diehl & Simpson Pacific Steam Lauzidry Morse Hdw.Co Kemphaus & Co B B Furniture Co Thiel & Welter 111Im A Day S III Cornish Paint Co Standard Oil. Co Seth A Atwood Sells Hdw Co Northwest Hdvi Co A H Montgomery Worthington Grocery Fountain Pharmacy J B Bennett, Trustee CURRENT EXPENSE.FUND. Expense as .Constable Car tickets for Sheriff. Repairs etc for Assessor's Adding Machine Records etc for Aud 44.78-Treas 312.75=Atty 21.80- 'Clerk 5.50-Assessor 162.00-Supt.12.20 Supplies for Atty 14095.-Sher 19. & Gen Offices Supplies for Co Offices Printing for Atty 12305 & Assessor 8.75 Stationery for Commre 3.00 & W1arrants for School District 37.50 Ballots for Ditches. #5 & JJ6 Rubber.stampd.etc for Aud .40-C1 k 6.55-Treas 2. Livery to Commr-Sheriff-Supt-Tng-Hannegan Rd Appr. Livery for Commr-Supt and Feed ConHome team Livery. far Supt-Eng-Sheriff Livery for Commissioner Repairs & Driving Co Auto Laundry -for Jail • 12:05 -& Jury Room 3.50 Fire Back for Range in Jail Blankets & Towels for Jail Dishes for Jail 8.90-.Shades for Courthouse 2.70 Bedding etc for Jail 5. & Courthouse .85 Welding Bracket Irons for Courthouse Varnish -'etc for Courthouse Floor Dressing for Courthouse Supplies for Courthouse J Material for Courthouse Supplies for Courthouse Coal for.Courthouse Supplies for Janitor do GAI:, PROTECTION FUTID. Deed to Fish Hatchery Tract on'Lake Whatcom - - - - - - - r - - 000 ---------- In the Matter of Fixing of ) ( Order Fixing Salaries of Probation Officers ) 5.30 15.00 2.60 559.03 57.00 13.60 132.50 3.50 9.15 33.00 16.25 12.00 4.00 115.83 15.55 4.44 32.70 11.60 5.85 6.00 28.65 2.43 11.70 61.20 6.01 11,50 9.70 1.40 25.00 This matter coming on for hearing on this day and this Board finding that the Court has appointed F E Wyman and Mrs Bessie Cline to act as Probation .Officers for Whatcom County, Washington.. NOW, THERIiTORE, it is ordered by this Board that the salary of said F.F. Wyman be, and same is hereby fixed at $75.00 per month, and the salary of said Pars. Bessie Cline be, and same is hereby fixed at $50.00 per month, both to be drawn upon the current expense fund and to be paid at the time' and in the manner that other county officers are paid; said rate of compensation to begin this day. Done in open session of the Board this 5th day of February, 1914. ►► It It If of ►► it If ►1 It 11 1► if If "Board of County Commis- If "ioners of Whatcom County of " State of Washington If If ►► If it it it to of It it u it It If Attest: Will D Wallace County Aufitor and Clerk of the Board., - - - - - - - - - - 000 ---------- In the Matter of a Reward for the Apprehension 0 RDER. pprehension of ."Slim". C.B. Legoe . Chairman of the Board Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner %AREAS, in our opinion, the public good requires that a reward for the apprehension of.one certain man, name unknown, but who is recognized by the name of "Slim" and who is charged' with a felony committed against the.laws of the State of Washington, in the deliberate mumder of A.A. Galbraith, a highly esteemed citizen and officer of Whatcom 194 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners'. Proceedings January Term Thursday the 5th ' play February 1914 County, and LVHERFAS, the statutes of the State of Washington permits • thin Board, in eases of this kind, to offer a reward in any sum not to exceed Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, for the apprehension of any such criminal. NO'J, T yHFFORE0 it is ordered that a reward be, and the same is hereby offered, for a period of ninety (90) days, in the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars,- to any person or persons giving information leading to the arrest and.conviction by any person, and the apprehension by the Sheriff of V9hatcom County, Washington, of the person of the said • Done in open session, all memberE��, of the Board of County Commissioners being present and -hereby consenting in writing to this order, this 5th day of February, A.P. 1914. of of it I it I to I of it if rr It if "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of 'Nhatcom County " If State of i'lashington " Attest: Jill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- OVo---------- C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, February 6th 1914. Chairman Board ty Commissioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings. January Term Friday. the 6th day February 191 1 95 Friday, February 6, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on February 5, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were alloyed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. B,M. Davenport Work a/c 8th Grade Examination Papers 16.85 Lynn C )7ri ght do 18.15 Albert .0 Herre do 11.25 Leland Wilson Evidence in Gerri Liquor Case 50.00 Underwood Typewriter Co Machine for Pros. Attorney 92.25 Famous Shoe House Shoes for Co Home 5.00 .Oattersby Bros Clothing for Prisoner 5.05 A Cummins Wit: State vs Farl Vlampl er 5.60 Geo Hamilton do 5.60 Jas Taxiarhis flit: State vs James Dallas 2.20 Has Pappas do 2.20 C Mauthon do 2.20 Lee Hamilton Wit: State vs Merl Barnhardt 5.60 Lester .Hamilton do 5.50 I M Johnson Scalp Bounty on 2 wild cats 10.00 ---------- 000---------- ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. Vlm Sarlund Labor on G M Road 36.50 P L Larson dom 34.00 Y7 C Campbell do 24.25 S J Marr do team 4.00 'cil H Shetl er do It 5.00 E J Pease do of 10.00 C C King, Supt Co Home Labor on N yxl Diagonal Rd it 6.00 J M Shetler do 39.50 Frank Edwards Labor on G I+1 & N i7l Diag Rds (Foreman 36.00 T P Reilly Labor on Road Foreman 16.50 E A Niekson Labor on Road Foreman 9.00 Guy Hardan do team 9.00 Geo Brown do 4.00 Bert Merrell do " 5.00 Otto .'.Kri ck . ' : do " 25.00 T A Gillespie do " 25.00 G Morgenthaler Labor on Everson -Goshen Rd (Foreinan) 18.00 do do " 2.00 Amos Zimmers do " 22.00 J F I.torgenthaler do " 12.00 Thos Foran do 12.00 A Iftorgenthaler do 12.00 H Morgenthaler do 10.00 M L Sturman do 12.00 Christen Bros Labor on Northfork Nooksack River (Engine) 48.00 Henry Christen do 10.00 Wra Christen do Engineer 10.00 J Blick do 8.75 Lee Ellmaker do 10.00 TJ B Dedman do 7.50 A G Penske do 10.00 C Bajema Taking out logjam, Stickney Bridge 6.00 G Dyksterhuis do 5.00 K Dyksterhuis do 1.00 L Zweegrman do Foreman 2.50 Chester McKenzie Labor on Bridges at Glacier team 78.00 A Hauptfleisch do 37.50 F Visintainer do 18.75 C C Wright do Foreman 56.00 Lars 0 Rye do 19.50 Vim Boutell do 3.00 A Visintainer do 8.25 Chester TcKenzie do (man & team) 12.00 Chas Bourn do 5.50 Fred Peterson do 7.50 Ernest R Christie do 3.00 'halter Miller do 7.50 Thos Shakely do 19.50 Ray Bovrtle do 8.25 A 17 Fro st Labor on G Ii Road 52.00 C 11 Mosher Labor as 'Bridge Foreman 72.50 Jesse J Rogers Salary & Exp as Constr Engineer, S & N Highway 124.10 John Johnson Assisting Engineer on S & N Highway 2.50 American Lumber Co Lumber 28.78 Bloedel-Donovan Lbr I'iills Lumber 13.10 Prouty -Caine Iii11 Co Lumber 34.24 Farmers T;iutual Tel 60 Cedar Pilings 11.25 F Iff Gorsuch Cable Clamps 1.50 Trunkey & Sons Coal for Road Grader 10.60 1 L Hively Blacksmithing 1.40 John Jacob Gravel 1.70 SLEAS-11AIT DITCH NO. 2 FUND. W.N. Sleasman Labor on Sleasman Ditch No. 2 8.70 ---------- 000---------- 196 record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. January Term Friday the 6th day Fobruary 1914 The claim of A Strandell for $16.00 for house rent for Indigent, was endorsed "Refused" by the Board. ---------- 000---------- r The claims of J C Spaulding for $15.00, Susanna D Rogers for A50.00, Georgie C Brier for $50.00 and I:Irs L, E Slater for �q',10.00, all from the Soldiexs8 Relief rund, were endorsed "Refused" by the Board. ---------- coo ---------- The Board made orders correcting the 1912 personal tax against If B Niles and the 1913 personal tax against Mrs N Schuman. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, February 7, 1914. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings V January Term Saturday the 7th day February 1914 Saturday, February 7th 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on February 6, 1914. .-Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The follo=11ing claims were allowed and. proceedings had: CURRETIT RXPI4,'Iv'SI+,' FUND. L J Flanagan Salary as Dep Sheriff for 10 months 1,000.00 Wilson Stewart do 750.00 �Dhery Hess do 750.00 Henry Shagren Expense as Co Commissioner 13.70 The Journal -Progressive Publishing for Aud 5.04-Treas 2.54—& a/c Ditches 13.26 Fairhaven Pharmacy.. iiedicine for Co Patients 4.00 Gillies Undertaking Co Burial of John hl'cNiff 25.00 Pioneer Livery Livery for Co Supt 5.00 C E Pride House rent for Kirkham (Oct -Nov -Dec) 15.00 ---------- 000---------- The application. of Y1 Is Copes for pool table license in ZJiaple Falls was endorsed "Granted" by the Board. ( Three tables) ---------- 000---------- BEFORE' THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUIITY CO]VUAISSIONIERS OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Iviatter of the Application of Nathan Bellingar et al ) for the Construction and Improvement of a Drainage Ditch (ORDER APPROVING BOND OF and }establishment of Unincorporated Drainage Improvement ) SUPIt.RVISORS. District WHEREAS, 111.E. Stone and G.N. Heaton were on the 17th day of January, 1914, duly elected members of the Board of Supervisors of Drainage Improvement District No. 5 of Whatcom County, Washington, in manner and form as provided by law; and V,'MMEAS, the Board of County Commissioners. has provided that, to qualify, the said officers must give a bond in the amount of 0290.00, with sureties to be approved by this Board, NOW, THEIREFOR111, the said E-71. Stone and G.N. Heaton having each taken the oath of office and executed bonds in the amount required by the Board, the said bonds, and each of them with the sureties, are hereby ar moved; and the said Etv/. Stone and G.N. Heaton are declared to be the duly elected and qualified members of the Board of Supervisors of said Drainage Improvement District No. 5 of Whatcom County, Washington. Done in open session of the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, 71ash- i ngt on, this 7th day of February, 1914. If 11 11 11 it ff II I 11 11 11 11 If " "Board of County Commissi " "loners of '+lhateom County " " State of Washington " of It of It to ft H to It it " to it �r Attest: %Till D Wallace Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- In the Matter of the Improvement of ) ( ORDER. the Hannegan Road, being Road No. 11 ) C.B. Legoe Chairman J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner THIS matter coming on for hearing on this 7th day of February, A.D. 1914, upon the matter of 'gids heretofore advertised for as provided by law. And bids having been submit,• ed upon Sections 1 and 2 of said road separately, and the said bids having been opened at the time and place stated in the published notice calling for such bids, and the Board having examined and considered the same, does now find that the total amunt of the bids and of any two of them upon the said sections severally exceeds the estimated cost of construction, and in the opinion of the Board good cause exists for rejecting each, every and all of the said bids, and the said bids a.re hereby rejected, and it is now therefore ORD30= that notice for bids be readvertised and that such notice be published in r, 19 a� Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Saturday the 7th day February W.O.R. 1914 the Journal -Progressive, the same being the official paper of 'Uhatcom County, and that the Clerk of this Board be,.and he is hereby directed to proceed herein in the same manner as provided in the order of this Board of sate of January 19, 1914, except that the bids shall be opened at the hour of 11 o'clock A.I1. on Saturday, the 28th day of February, 1914. Done in.open session of the Board. this 7th day of February, 1914. 11 II 11 11 If II II I 11 If If 11 11 " "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Wh.atcom County " if State of Washington " 11 it of to it 11 it It It It it to of t1 Attest 'dill D ►Ja.11ace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- R B S 0 L U T I 0 N. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ,t1HEREAS, the Grand Jury has recommended that the County Commissioners provide by Resolution for two regular salaried deputy sheriffs besides the jailer to assist the sheriff in the performance of his duties; and, Whereas, the commissioners have found on investiga- tion that the automobile and telephone and the many state boards and probation officer,. have greatly facilitated and reduced the work of the sheriffp, and that two regular salar- ied deputy sheriffs besides the jailer, are all that are needed or necessary in the sheriff's office: NOW, THEIU +ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners in regular session assembled, that in the exercise of their discretion vested in them by the statutes of the State of Washington, that the sheriff's office be permitted two regular salaried deputies besides the jailer, and that their salaries be fixed at Eighty ($80.00) Dollars per month for each of said two deputies, and Sixty ( 60.001 collars per month for said jailer. Done in open session this 7th day of February, 1914. 11 11 it 11 11 11 11 it 11 If 11 It it "Board of County Commiss- " u "ioners of ;'lhateom County it State of Washington " of n it If 11 It If of It If n it n n ---------- 000---- -- - AGREE i E N T . C.B. Legoe Chairman ---------- Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner THIS AGREEi M, Made and entered into in duplicate this 7th day of February, 1914, by and between the COUNTY OF UHATCOM, State of Washington, acting by and through the duly elected, qualified and acting Board of County Commissioners of said Whatcora County, parties of the first part, and J. BIGGAR and THOS R. WATERS, of Bellingham, in said County and State, parties of the second part, WITIrTESSETH: That, Whereas, the defendant in that certain cause entitled The State of Washington, plaintiff v. Frank I. Sefrit, defendant, which said cause is No. 1327, files and records of the Superior Court of the County of 'Uhatcom, State of Washington, has appealed said cause to the Supreme Court of the State of Washington; and, V1HEREAS, the Prosecuting Attorney of Whatcom County, Washington, frank 'ill. Bixby, and the duly appointed deputy Prosecuting Attorney for said County, W.A. Martin by reason of the great amount of work now on hand in the said office of Prosecuting Attorney, and by reason of the limitation of time within which the said case must be prepared on behalf of the State, deem it necessary to employ assistant counsel for the purpose of preparing briefs, conducting said appeal, and performing other services in presenting the case on behalf of the State of 'dashington on said appeal; and W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Saturday the 7th day February 1914 ylHEREAS, the said Prosecuting Attorney of Whatcom County, has. signified his approval of the employment of the said '9m. J. Biggar and hos. R. Waters for the purpose of assist- ing in the work of presenting the said appeal on behalf of the State of Washington; NOVI, THEREFOM, IT IS MPREBY ORDERED by the said Board of County Commissioners of said Vlhatcom County, that the said Wm�,J. Biggar and `rhos. R. Waters be, -and they are hereby employed as assistant counsel to the Prosecuting Attorney of Whatcom County, for the pu-r-� pose of assisting the said Prosecuting Attorney in the preparation of the State'.s case in the matter of the appeal of the said Frank I. Sefrit to the Supreme Court of the State of 1.7ashington, and the said above named attorneys are hereby authorized to appear of record in said cause as assistants to the Prosecuting Attorney on behalf of the State of Washing- ton, for the purposes of said appeal. IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDMED AND AGREED by the said Board of .County Commissioners that the said above named attorneys, Wm. J. Biggar and Thos. R. Waters, shall be paid .by the said Whatcom County, Washington, for their said services the sum of Two Hundred J,200.00) Dollars, exclusive of all costs, the said sum to be paid .upon presentation and approval of the claim for the said amount. IN WITNESS WHEMOF, the parties hereto have hereunto .set their.hands and seals, and the official seal of said Whatcom County, Washington, this 7th day of February, 1914. . Vim. J. Biggar Thos R. platers it 1t It it If it It it it II It It II 11 "Board of County Commissl " "ioners of VJhatcom County " " State of Washington " 11 tl if f1 tt 11 It tt 10 it It it it tt BOARD OF COUNTY COM1,11ISSIONIMS OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON, C.B. I,egoe Chairman Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner The within contract is hereby approved this 7th day of February, 1914. Frank 11l. Bixby Prosecuting Attorney for Whatcom County, Washington. Approval this 7th day of February, 1914. William H. Pemberton Ed. E. Hardin Judges of the Superior Court of 13hatcom County, Washington. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Monday, February 16, 1914. rman Board Co ty Commissioners. 0 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Monday I the 16th day February 1914 Monday, February 16, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on February 7th 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following pro- ceedings were had: BEFOITHP THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY CO r ISSIOITERS OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Iuatter of the Application of Egbert Field et al ) for the Construction and Improvement of a Drainage Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporated ) ORDER RE ELECTION RETURNS. Drainage Improvement District. Heretofore an election for the purpose of electing two supervisors in the manner provided by law, was ordered by this Board, and notice thereof was ordered and directed to be given, all as provided by law. It now appears that on Saturday, the 14th day of February, 1914, an election was held in said Drainage Improvement District 110. 6 of Whatcom County, Washington, pursuant to the calling of said election by order of this Board, as. aforesaid; and that notice of said election was both published and posted in the manner provided by law, and proofs of said publication and posting are on file herein, and said proofs have been presented to this Board. It further appears that pursuant to said call, said election was ordered in said Drainage Improvement District No. 6 on Saturday, the 14th day of February, 1914, and that on this the 16th day of February,. 1914, this Board have proceeded with the canvass of the returns of said election and have duly canvassed the same in the manner provided by law, and that the said returns. exhibit the following: That there were all told 13 ballots cast; that E. Field received 13 votes; that C. Laube received 6 votes; that John Rudy received 5 votes; and L. Bishop received 2 votes. WHEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED THAT E. Field be, and he is hereby declared to be elected as supervisor of said Drainage Improvement District No. 6 for the long term or period of one year after the first annual election bn said District, and until his successor is elected and qualified; and IT IS FURTHIPR ORDERED that the said C. Laube be, and he is hereby declared to be elect ed supervisor of said -District No. 6, and that his term shall continue until his successor is elected at the.first annual election to be held in said District; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that certificates of election shall be issued to the said E. Field and C. Laube upon their taking the oath and filing bond herein as required by law and as fixed by this Board. Done in open session of said Board this 16th day of February, 1914. C.B. Legoe to to n n o n n n of n ►► " '► if Chairman "Board of County Commiss- " J G Kemper "ioners of ',Jhatcom County " Commissioner tState of Washington " Henry Shagren It If it is if it Of of It n of ►► of n Coxmnissioner Wttest: Will D Wallace Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- G W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Monday the 16th day Februa *y 191 4 201 BEFORE THE 11ONORABL�; BOARD OF COUNTY COTAILI SSIOI4 h,3RS OF 1JHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTO.N. In the Matter of the Application of 11,gbert Field ) et al for the Construction and Improvement of a Drainage Ditch and Establishment of ) ORDER RE BIDS. Unincorporated Drainage Improvement District. ( 1WHEREAS, on the 16th day of January, 1914, this Board made an .order that bids would be received for the construction of said improvement according to the plans and specifica- tions on file in the office of the Surveyor of 14hatcom County, and ordered notices to be published calling for bids for the construction of said improvement, as provided for by law; that notice has been duly published in the Journal -Progressive, the official paper of '.,ihatcom County, Jashington, calling for bids for the construction of the Whole of said improvement, or for subdivisions or parcels thereof; that said notice was published for the time required by law, and it was provided in said order and notice that the said bids would be opened on the 16th day of February, 1914, at the hour of 1:30 P.M.; that pursuant to said notice, the following named persons have submitted their bids for the construction of said improvement, tow -wit: John C. Anderson, D.Z. Thompson. Now on this 16th day of February, 1914, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P.M., said bids were opened and examined by the Board of County Commissioners and the same are taken under consideration until the 3rd day of 11arch, 1914; until the said. 3rd day of Ylarch, 1914. that said matter is continued Done in open session this 16th day of February, 1914. 1f of 1f to It 11 11 to to tl tt it It of "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of 'Whatcom County " " State of 'lashington " tt " of of It n u Attest' `Vill D Wallace Clerk of said Board. In the hatter of Boarding County Prisoners. } ---------- 000---- ------ Order Calling for Bids. C.B. Legoe Chairman J.G. Kemper Conuni ss i o ner Henry Shagren Commissioner IT IS ORDIMED by this Board that the County Auditor of Whatcom County, Washington, be, and he hereby is directed to issue a call for bids for the boarding of prisoners of 'tJhatcom County, said bids to be sealed and received by said County Auditor until 2 o'clock P .11* on Saturday, February 28th 1914, and to be submitted in two proposals, to - wit: Proposal No. 1: That all meals be prepared and furnished independent of use of County's equipment and to specify the rate per meal. Proposal No. 2: That the County furnish its present equipment and room and that ,neals be prepared in basement of %hatcom County Courthouse at a specified rate per meal. The Board to reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Done in open session of the Board this 16th day of February, A.D. 1914. If It " " if of it n n It it of it " "Board of County Conuniss- " "ioners of "Whatcom County " " State of Washington " to 1t It ti If to 1f if If to it It It it Attest: 'Will D ,Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner I ---------- 000---------- The Board made an order correcting the 1913 personal tax against L J Sinnes.. ---------- oJo---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Shur -D Fuary 28, 1914. Chairman of the Re 2 ' W.O.R. necord ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Ternt Saturday the 28th play February 1914 Saturday, February, 28, 1914. The Board met.pursuant to adjournment taken on February 16, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: In the "Tatter of the Improvement of ) ( ORDER RE BIDS. Hannegan road, being County Road No. 11 ) W.HLIEAS, on the 7th day of February, 1914, this Board made an order that bids viogtld be received for,the construction of said improvement accordingto the plans and specifica- tions on file in the office of the Engineer of Whatcom County, and ordered notices to be published calling for bids for the construction of said improvement, as provided for by law; that notice has been duly published in the Journal -Progressive, the official paper of ,Ihatcom County, 'Jashington, calling for bids for the construction of the said improve- ment in subdivisions; that said notice was published for the time required by law, and it was provided in said notice that the said bids would be opened on the 28th day of February 1914, at the hour of 11 o'clock A.42.; that pursuant to said notice, the following named persons have submitted their bids for the construction of said improvement, toOvlit: On Section 1: Chas E Lind, Jacob Hunziker, K Sauset, Worthen & Satterthwaite. On Section No. 2: Worthen & Satterthwaite, K Sauset, Chas E Lind. NOW, on this 28th day of February, 1914, at the hour of 11 o'clock A.M., said bids were opened and examined by the Board of County Commissioners and the same are taken under consideration until the 2nd day of March, 11a14; that said matter is continued until the said 2nd day of March, 1914. Done in open session of the Board this 28th day of February, 1914. to rr It it 11 Ir It if it of to if It it "Board of County Commiss- " "loners of Whatcom County It " State of 'JJashington It It if It rr if of to It if Attest: `fill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. / ---------- 000------ 4--- 4/ In the hiatter of the Boarding ) ( Order Rejecting Bids. of County Prisoners ) C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner , 1.RBAS, on February 16, 1914, this Board did issue an order calling for bids for the boarding of county prisoners, said bids to be opened and considered at the hour of 2 o'clock P.M. on February 28, 1914, and NOVI, this matter coming on for consideration, this Board finds that but one bid ,has, been submitted for said work, namely: C H. Wait; and this Board deeming it to the best interests of the County yo reject said bid, ed. IT IS THFUU1,FORE ORDERED, that the said bid of C.H. Wait be, and same is hereby reject- Done in open session of the Board this 28th day of February, 1914. it rr if rl of It Ir it It rl it 11 It If "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of ';Jhatcom County " " State of Washington " It I to it 11 11 it I 11 I it " Attest: Will D `:'Jallace Count�T Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner J---------- 000---------- The Board made an order correcting the 1913 tax on Lot 15 Blk 46 New Whatcom. ---------- 000---------- W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 2�� January Term Satruday the 28th day February 191 4 On motion the Board adjourned.to meet on Monday, March 2, 1914. ----------000---- --- !March 2, 1914. Chairman Boar -Co u ommissioners. The minutes of the February Session were read and approved this 2nd day of March, 1914. Chairman Board" t!'ty Commissioners. Attest: �, County Auditor and Clerk f the Board. r �U - 0 Record -of Commissioners' Proceedings MANOR .January Term M*ond.ay the 2nd play 11arch 1914 I:1onday, Lia.rch 2, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on February 28th 1914. Present, C.B. Legoe, Chairman; J G Kemper and Henry Shagren, Commissioners; ,'fill D Wallace Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CUR +'ZIT EXPBUSE FUIM. Will D Wallace Salary as County Auditor 9s 158.33 August Engquist Salary as Chief Deputy Auditor 100.00 S E Barrett Salary as Deputy County Auditor 100.00 F C Martin do 75.00 Lucy L King Salary as Chief Recorder 75.00 Y Thomas Salary as Recorder 65.00 Jessie ',falters do 65.00 C B Legoe Salary as County Commissioner 150.00 J G Kemper do 150.00 Henry Shagren do 150.00 Delia L Keeler Salary as Supt Co Schools 150.00 Ethel Everett Salary as Deputy Supt Co Schools 90.00 D W Featherkile Salary as Justice_ of Peqce 100.00 Henry C :Beach do 100.00 Harrison Cowden Salary as Constable 60.00 F E Vyman Salary as Probation Officer 24 days 64.29• Iuirs Bessie Cline do 24 days 42.85 D P Day Salary as Supt Charities 4 days 3.57 0 E Beebe Salary as Co Physician 83.33 H Thompson Salary as Coroner 83.33 Hector Gawley Salary as Janitor 85.00 Ed E Hardin Salary as Superior Judge 125.00 `311liam H Pemberton do 125.00 F W Noses Salary as Co Clark 158.33 Geo I:; Cook Salary as Deputy Co Clerk 100.00 Alithea Adams do 100.00 Frank VI Bixby Salary as Prosecuting Attorney 158.33 W A Martin Salary as Deputy Pros. Attorney 100.00 1,waybejle Bryan Salary as Stenographer for Pros. Atty. 75.00 Nellie C Rogers Salary as County Treasurer 166.66 F L Olslager Salary as Deputy Co Treasurer 100.00 John Fernley Salary as Bookkeeper for Co Treasurer 90.00 Olive '"lilson Salary as Clerk for Co 'Treasurer 80.00 Gage A Pence do 80.00 Geo H Watrous do. 90.00 F B Graves Extra work for Co Treasurer (overtime) 14.25 H R George do. do 14.25 H D 1'icArthur Salary as County Assessor 125.00 C Donovan Salary as Deputy Co Assessor 100.00 Jas Elder do 80.00 H R-George do 75.00 F B Graves Salaryoas Clerk for Assessor 90.00 E J Campbell do 12 days 37.50 F M Carver Salary:,as Deputy Co Assessor 12 days 37.50 John S Smith do l8i days 65.60 C I4 Adams Salary as County Engineer 158.33 C E Phoenix Salary as Deputy �o Engineer 110.00 Carl bTcCoy Salary as Draughtsman for Co Engineer 88.00 Sherd J Noble Salary as Transitman for Co Engineer 10.00 P G Cooke do 10.00 E C Lyle do 30.00 Harry C Swettenam Salary as Chainman for Co Engineer 66.00 Jesse J Rogers do 5.00 M L Dedman do 3.75 E L Swettenam do 12.50 V1 S Russell do 30.00 Malen Hardenbrook do 5.00 George Heidhart do 7.50 Maurice Ehle do 5.00 Ernest Stangler do 10.00 Ed Gooch do 12.50 L A Thomas Salary as Sheriff 158.33 L J Flanagan Salary Rs Deputy Sheriff 28.50 Jilson Stewart do 80.00 Emery Hess do 18 days 51.50 Iff B Byland Salary as Jailer 60.00 Alex Van Vlyck Salary as Special Deputy Sheriff a/c Per. Tax 21.00 H C ffilliams Salary as Spl. Dep. Sheriff a/c Search for Bandits28.00 Will Gibson do 28.00 H 0 Griffin do 10.50 W L' Barnes do 7.00 Ed Klouda do 21.00 Iilza Hess do 14.00 Peter Miller do 7.00 Ed Hughes do 7.00 Y, P Cruikshank do 10.50 Henry Cassils do 14.00 Jim Lee do 10.50 John Hess do 10.50 Len Stenger do 3.50 y"J McKay do 14.00 A C Knowles do 21.00 V1 Brock do 10.50 11 Thew do 7.00 A Hook do 10.50 Vim Eglington do 7.00 d Vt Bowden do 7.00 Z L Dawson do 10.50 Chas Bullock do 3.50 W.O.R. Record of January Term . Monday Commissioners, Troceedings the 2nd day march C C Icing Salary as Supt Co Home If B King Salary as Iviatron at Co Home Nettie Smith Salary as.Cook at Uo.Home Treutle Post Salary as Teamster at Co Home Barney Minters Salary as Nurse Co Home Annie Peel ',at Recotding for Co Clerk Hugh Eldridge St. Env. for Aud 110.00 & Atty 11.00 & Stamps for Co Offices 56.00 Puget Sound T L & Pow Co Gas & Elect Lt. fair^,Feby 53.05 & Car tickets for Sheriff 15. C Ii Adams Expense as Co Engineer C E Phoenix Expense as Dep Co Engineer Harrison Cowden Expense as Constable L A Thomas Expense as Sheriff do do do Board of Prisoners Pagan Ridenour Typewriting for Atty & J P Dorothy Wallace Grading 8" Grade Exam Papers Harry Litton Survey on Rd 171 for Co Eng. R L Johnson do E T Trimble, City Treasurer Assessment on Paving of 12th St. Abstract'& Title Ins Co bwners#ips a/c Ed Brown Ditch H IT Thiel Repairs to Waldron Block B B Furniture Co. Chair fcar1:;Auditor's Office Harry Carlson Scalp Bounty on 3 wild cats Frank H Sweat Scalp Bounty on 7 wild cats Lux Gerard- Scalp Bounty on 1 wild cat A Galbraith do GAME PROTECTION FUND J M Aitken Salary & Exp as Game . Warden Leslie Jones Salary & Exp as Dep Game 'garden . J -E Lee do, J D Custer Hdw. etc for Fish Hatchery Northwest Hdw Co Material for Fish Hatchery 111unro & Haskell Riffle Plates for Fish Hatchery Standard Oil Co Gasoline for „Fish Hatchery Towner Printing Co Apple & Li:censes for Hunting & Fishing SOLDIERS' RELIEF -FUND.' Sarah Foster Relief Penelopie S Knox Relief ROAD ALM BRIDGE FU1,M . C A Scrimsher Operating Idarietta Ferry G H Abers Tending Ferndale Bridge % ---------- 000---------- In the Matter of the Approval ) ( Order Approving. of Depository Bonds. ) Ch U 1914 60.00 25.00 45.00 25.00 25.00 37.00 171.00 69.05 7.15 37.15 12.11 88.62 62.80 115.40 11.00 11.00 2.00 4.00 ' 222.65 22.50 22.40 11.25 15.00 35.00 5.00 5.00 123.65 75.45 14.40 24.55 4.62 2.70 9168 68.00 12.00 10.00 50.00 5.00 IT IS ORDERED by this Board that the depository bonds of the Nooksack Valley State Bank, one given by the American Surety Co. for $2500.00 and one given by the Equitable Surety Co. for $2500.00,, both covering deposits of County Treasurer of county funds, be and same ate hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this 2nd day of march, 1914. C'.cB. Legate " It of u It if it it it is if it It It Chairman of the Board "Board of County Corimiiss- " .J G Kemper "ioners of Whatcom County " Commissioner It State of Washington " Henry Shagren n It of u n tt n life lift 11111 to Commissioner 1 Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- ./ In the Matter of the Improvement of ) Hannegan Road, being County Road ( Order Accepting Bids. No. 11, '11hatcom County, Washington ) WHEREAS, on the 7th day of February, 1914, this board made an oiler calling for bids for the improvement of the Hannegan Road, being county radd'._4lio. 11, in two sections, numbered Sec. 1 and Sec. 2, said bids to be considered at the hour of eleven o'clock A.M. on Saturday,,February 28, 1914; and the notice calling for such bids having been duly published in the county official paper, to -wit the Journal -Progressive, in the manner and for the length of time required by law, this board of county commissioners did on 206 RecoY d of Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. January Term Monday the 2nd day T?larch 1914 said 28th day of February, 1914, receive and open bids for the construction of said improve ment, and after considering the same ordered all bids at said time presented under consid- eration until the 2nd day of March, 1914, and the said matter was accordingly continued, until March 2, 1914. Now, on this 2nd day of bl'arch, 1914, this matter coming on for consideration, the board finds the bids submitted for the construction of said improvement, to be as follows: SEC. ho. 1: J. Hunziker $33,037.00; Chas E Lind $34,996.00; Worthen & Satterthwaite 036 105.00; K. Sauset $36, 476.00 SEC. No. 2: ',lorthen & Satterthwaite 36, 191.50; Chas H Lind $36, 358.00; K Sauset N$39,663.00 This board further finds that the bid of J. Hunziker is the lowest bid submitted for the improvement of Sec. Eo. 1, but the certified check accompanying said bid is not suffi- cient to cover the required ten per cent. of the amount of the bid, as was required and stipulated in the call for bids, and does not conform to the requirements of this board as set forth in the call for bids, and in the opinion of this board it is to the best interests of the county that the said bid of J. Hunziker be rejected, and the same is therefore hereby rejedted; the board further finds that next after the bid of J. Hun- ziker on Sec. No. 1, the lowest and best bidder is Chas. E. Lind, and it is to the best interests of the county that the improvement of Sec. No. 1 be awarded to Chas. E. Lind. This board further finds that the bid of Worthen & Satterthwaite for the improvement of Sec. No. 2 is the lowest and best bid submitted therefor, and it would be.to the best interest of the county that the contract for the improvement of Sec. No. 2 be awarded to Uorthen &: Satterthwaite. It is therefore Ordered that the bid of Chas. E. Lind for the improvement of Sec. No. 1 of Hannegan Road be and the same is hereby accepted; and the bid of 'JJorthen & gatterth- waite for the improvement of Sec. lJo. 2 of Hannegan Road be and the same is hereby accept- ed, and the chairman of the board of county commissionerstis hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with the said Chas. E. Lind for the improvement of Sec. No. 1 of said road, and enter into a contract with Vlorthen & Satterthwaite for the improvement of Sec. No. 2 of said road. It is further ordered that the said contract to be so entered into between the county of 111hatcom upon one hand and the said contractor upon the other shall provide that the contracts be fulfilled and the work fully performed and completed on or before the lst day of March 1915, and that each of said contractors be required to give bond for the full amount of the bids respectively for the faithful performance of the conditions of said contracts respectively. Done in open session of the board of County Commissioners of Slhatcom County, this 2nd day of March, 1914. C.B. Legoe 11 11 11 I1 II If to 11 11 11 11 1f O 11 Chairman "Board of County Commiss4 " J.G. Kemper "ioners of Whatcom County " Commissioner Of State of Washington " Henry Shagren if If " of 11 " it of of to 11 n it COInmissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. --- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, YLarch 3, 1914. Chairman Board County ommissioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 207 January Term Tuesday the 3rd day March 1914 Tuesday, March 3, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on T,:Tarch 2, 1914, Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: Delia L Keeler 1r7 J Pynor Ferndale lv1eat %Market Sturman & Hoekstra Red Cross Pharmacy L Verstandig 1..ontague & P:IcHugh Lynden Dept Store Morse Hdw Co Northwest Hardware Co Pickering Hdw Co J K Rogers Ferndale Dept. Store Pehrson Bros. City Livery Towner Printing Co Ennen, Goodman & Co Kinsey-Stenvig Grocery Co Brown, & Cole, Inc J G Crqpke Poplack Bros. Fischer & Isaacs East End Grocery Ideal Grocery B B Grocery Co Holly Grocery 3�It . Baker Grocery Ferndale Dept. Store Golden Rule Store T S Berkeley Co Lynden Dept Store Wilson & Brown Sumas Feed & Grocery Co Danielson & Runolfson L E Haggard Chas T:J. Allen L A Comstock Lars VVm Pierron Jr R B Stuart D L Baillie Jenkins -Boys Co D P Day Northwest Hdw Co CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Express 3.15 & Expense23.95 as Co Supt 27.10 Groceries for Co Home 53.30 Meat for Co Home Jan & Feb 110.14 Meat for Co Home 13.15 Medicine for Co Home 20.35 Clothing for Co Home 9.50 Mdse. for Co Home 7.99 Shoes etc for Co Home 5.25 Stove for Co Home 13.00 Hdw. for Co Home 4.95 Hdw. for Co Home 3.90 Blasting stumps at Co Home 36.00 Powder etc for Co Home 102.40 Lumber for Co Home 4.10 Feeding Co Home team 1 yr & Livery for Indigent 2% 05 Stationery for Co Home 4.50 Groceries for Wilson et al 33.00 Groceries for Allen et al 18.50 Groceries for Tabor 6.00 Groceries for 11'rs 11arkham 4.80 Groceries for 1.rs 11arkuin 1.35 Groceries for K.ikrhani et al 35.65 Groceries for Bernhard et al 25.80 Groceries for I.1rurphy 7.00 Groceries for Sanford of al 22:80 Groceries for 111m. Poolen 11.80 Groceries for Hunter et al 11.00 Groceries for Mrs Shafer 9.55' Groceries for Brand et al 36.00 Groceries for Nancy Rogers 10.00 Groceries for Feltberg & Rigby 15.00 Groceries for Jas Bainter 7.50 Groceries for i'vIrs Gradin 4.85 Groceries for Gislason & Eastman 35.45 Groceries for John Chase 10.00 'Uood for Jilson et al 10,00 'Mood for Hathaway 3.50 Rent for Indigent 6.00 House rent for Rankin 8.00 House rent for ivlrs Breiland 15.00 Stove for Indigent 5.00 Care of 1�rs Martin 25.00 Ax handle etc for Co Engineer 2.15 ---------- 000---------- The February Report of C.C. King as Supt. of Co Home, was endorsed "Approved" by the Board. ---------- 000---------- R} S 0 L U T I 0 N. (Surnae-Nooksack Road or Permanent Highway No. 4 A ) V 71H;iREAS, at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of dhatcom County, State of Vashington, held in the Commissioners' Office of said county on this 3rd day of March, A.D. 1914, a quorum being present and a majority voting in the affirmative, the following reswlution was adopted: RESOLVED, that the profiles, maps, plans, specifications and estimate on the Sunas- Hooksack Road or P:LR4AN1+aNT HIGH,'IAY NO. 4 A, as approved by the State Highway Commissioner on February 9th 1914, be and the same are hereby adopted, and that such highway or section thereof shall be improved under the provisions of Chapter 35, Laws of 1911. Done in open session of the Board this 3rd day of TT*arch, 1914. of n of of If It It to it it is of to of C.B. Legoe "Board of Count* Commiss- " Chairman of the Board "ioners of '"lhatcom County " J.G. Kemper " State of .Vashington it Commissioner if it It it if to Henry Shagren Commissioner Attest: Ifi ll D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board.. ----- -----000---------- I i W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Tuesday the 3rd day %earth 191 1z In the T.tatter of the Improvement ) of Sumas-Hooksack Road or '( Order Calling for Bids. of Permanent Highway No. 4 A ) '"IHTPREAS, this Board has adopted a resolution to improve about 3' miles of the Sumas- Nooksack Road commencing -at the quarter section corner common to sections 9, 10, 15 and 16 in township 40 north, range 4 east, 7I.M.; thence running vest about 1 mile; thence runn- ing southerly approximately 2i miles on Sumas-Nooksack Road to the boundary line of Nook - sack City; said improvement to be made under the provisions of Chapter 35, Laws of 1911. N0J, THE'RI!,FOPJ,, the. County Auditor is hereby directed to issue a call for bids for improving said road according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Engineer. Said bids to be considered at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P.M. on Saturday, March 30th, 1914. The Board reserving the right to reject any and all bids. This improvement to be paid for from the Permanent Highway Fund of the State of 'Jashington. Zone in open session of the Board this 3rd day of T.Iarch, -1914. 11 11 11 11 11 It of it of n it " it " "Board of County Commiss- " "toners of 1.7hatcom County " of State of Washington to " of of if to it " of it of It it to " Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ----------- 000---------- C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Coyivnissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COM1,1ISSIONLRS OF ',1HATCOM COUITTY, ti7ASHINGTON. In the Matter of the Application of Egbert Field ) et al for the Construction and Improvement of a ( 0 R D T R Drainage Ditch and Establishment of Unincor- ) ILarch 3, 1914. porated Drainage Improvement District. 1H7P,REAS, on the lfth day of February, 1914, this Board met at its usual place of meeting for the purpose of opening and considering bids for the construction of said improvement, and after opening said bids the same were taken under consideration by the Board until this 3rd day of Marc, 1914. �11ovr on this 3rd day of March, 1914, said matter coming on further to be heard, the Board, after due consideration thereof, deemed it .advisable not to award said contract at thib time. In consideration whereof, the Board takes said matter under further consideration, and the same isi.continued until the 23rd day of March, 1914. 1:one in open session of said Board this 3rd day of Talarch, 1914. """" If of of to n it to to If n "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Vlhatcom County " If State of Washington " 11 11 II 11 11 11 11 11 II 11 It 1t 11 11 Attest: %'rill D 'Wallace Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- C.B. Legoe Chairman J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Sba�3ren Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on 1.1fednesday, March 4th 1914. Chairman Bo d Co u Corn-missionors. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 209 January Trim rfednesday the 4th day 1.arch 1914 Wednesday, March 4th 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on 1arch 3, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: Jessie Andrae Dr 0 E Beebe Dr J 11eid 'Morrison St. Luke's Hospital St. Joseph's Hospital The Ideiser Drug Co Otirl Pharmacy r acific Tel & Tel Co do H Thompson r, blest Earn Union 1 elg. Co Postal Tel -Cable Co F T Wyman C G %Ifinerai ller Bellingham Harness Co Columbia Grocery Clark Electric Co Sells Hdw. Co Legoe Hardware S 'sl Cornish Paint Co Fountain Pharmacy New idethod Cascade Laundry Pacific Steam Laundry Vim Bradley Vim Dougherty Reuben Gogg Mrs C Gogg Adolph Tfiller Geo Erz A C Harlow A Id Itifu i r Dave Jacobs Geo C Fisher Fr:ed..L.. 71hitney J T.ipges S G Father L C Bayes B P Shoemaker John Tebrink Edith Bruitt J if Holmes Angus Young TLrs Phil Barnhart T-rirs J `dd Holmes Tars F A walker Iurs '.j Hemingway Mr s J Mi lan Miss Tilda Tromp T,Irs Lillie True Vil H Dobbs B lid Loring J C Bussard T R Price F E Knapp C K Smith Geo of Fri ck F u+ T:ioses, Co Clerk CURRE1TT ROMENTSE FUND . Recording for CO Clerk 1.25 Livery Exp. etc as Co Physician 45.®0 Assisting Co Physician 5.00 Care of Co Patients 111.00 do 29.00 Kedicine for Co Patients 11.25 do 16.28 Phone Rentals for 17arch 38.25 Long Distance for Feby. 12.30 Long Dist. Phone, Hxp. as Coroner .80 Messages for Sher 2.94-Atty .85-Supt 2.26 6.05 Messages for Sheriff .60 Care of Juvenile Prisoners 27.20 do 41.10 Bags for Assessor 24.40 & Repairs for Jail 26.25 Supplies for Courthouse 10.90 Fleet. Supplies for Courthouse 4.60 Hdw. for Courthouse Repairs 47.05 do 2.00 Floor Sweeps etc for Janitor 21.75 Sunnlies for Janitor 2.80 Laundry for Jail 15.35 & Jury Rm 1.55 16.90 Laundry for Jail 1055 & Jury Rm .25 10.80 Wit: "State vs Irving Gogg 2.40 do 2.40 do 2,040 do 2.40 Juror: State vs Irving Gogg 1.20 do 1.20 do 1.20 do 1.20 do 1.20 do 1.20 Wit ..State :vs J Newkirk 4.00 do 4.00 J P: State vs Seap 2.95 Const: State vs Seap 5.55 J.P: State vs J P Schmidt 4.50 Const: State vs J P Schmidt 10.35 Wit: State vs J P Schmidt 2.20 do 4.40 do 4.40 do 4.40 do 4.40 do 4.40 do 4.40 do 4.40 do 4.40 do 4.40 do 17.20 Juror: State vs J P Schmidt 1.20 do 1.20 do 1.20 do 1.20 do 1.20 do 1.20 : ARRIAuE C RTIFICATE FUT1D. Recording I1arriage Certificates 24.00 ---------- 000----------- The February Report of Dr 0 E Beebe, Co Physician, was endorsed approved by the Board. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, T%areh 5, 1914. Chairman Board Co ,y Commissioners. W.0. R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Ternt Thursday the 5th day Larch 1914 Thursday, Yarch 5, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on I'Larch 4, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allo,rred and proceedings had: CURRENT I+;XPFPTSE FUIM . F E Vtynzan Expense as Probation Officer 6.40 Frank `t Bixby T+,1xpense a/c R R Tax Case at Olympia 15.30 Union P. B. & Sta Co Records Ec Prtg. for Aud 46.50-Clk 25.04- Atty 9.75-Suet 9.85-Prob Officer 25.03- Assessor 72.00-Treas' 78.75 266.92 Griggs Sta & Prtg Co Sup -,-)lies for Rng 10.75-Atty 9.05-Aud 5.25 25.05 Anstett Prtg Co Prtg for Assessor 18.25 & Clk 8.50 26.75 0 C Armstrong Co Prtg.Jury Slips for Co Clerk 1r1.50 S B Irish & Co Stationery for Pros Attorney 3.00 J 'J, Sheets Blanks for CO Clerk 53.25 G L Morgan Blanks for Soldiers' Relief Fund 5.50 Johnson -Cox Company 1.IothOrs' Pension Receipts for Auditor 15.00 Selby -Harris Co Supplies for Gen. Offices 19.30 Frank Pierce Pierces Code for Sheriff 11.50 Kroll I,rap Co Atlas of ';lhatcom County for Assessor 15.00 H & Y Ribbon & Carbon Co Carbon Paper for Co Offices 31.00 Remington Typewriter Co Typewriter Ribbons for Co Offices 30.00 Larson's Livery & Trf Livery for Sher 2.50-Const 2.50-C6 Phy 7.- Prob. Officer 2.50 14.50 City Livery Livery for Sheriff 7.00-Prob. Officer 5. 12.00 Swanson Bros Livery for Sheriff 6.00 Pioneer Livery do 2.00 H Harrington do 2.00 Jas YcCoy do 2.00 Fairhaven T & T Co do '7.50 Everson Livery Livery for Constable 2.00 Bellingham Truck Co Express 8-,Dray. a/c Lath. for Co Treas. 13.25 F J Barlow Auto hire for Sheriff 10.00 Diehl & Simpson Driving & Repairs to Co Auto 136.22 International Garage Labor& Supplies for Co Auto 2.51 E McKay Taking Grand Jurors to Co Horne 10.00 Clark Electric Co Repairs to Buzzer in Atty Office 1.05 ---------- 000---------- / In the hatter of the Approval of ) ( Order Approving. Surety Bond of Chas E. Lind ) It is ORDJMED by this Board that the surety bond of Chas. 1'%. Lind given by the Aetna Accident and Liability Co. for 1;l34,996.80 and covering contract for improving Section 1 of the Hannegan Road, be, and same is hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this 5th day of March, A.D. 1914t, C B Legoe of to it it of It is it to it of it it or Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- " J G Kemper "loners of Whateom County " Commissioner " State of Washington " Henry Shagren " " tr n n " n " " " "it it n Commissioner Attest: Will D Viallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ------ 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, "iareh 6, 1914. rman Board County coymplssioners. W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings 12 11 January Term Friday the 6th day Yarch 191 4 Friday, L'larch 6, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment take on 1..arch 5, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed; Frank 'J Bixby eaters & Biggar D D Leivis rlenry Cassils Battersby Bros Treasurer State of ':fashin�ton Geo Elder Delno Ward Geo Alton John Bullock Wra Smith Lux Gerard E Y1 Connolly Ilia Sarlund P E Larson W C Campbell Elmer Sarlund E' J Pease D Andreasen Rosco Taylor J Y Shetler Frank Edwards E A Nickson Guy Hardan Lester LFarkwood Roe :'.'right S W Hardan Bert Bice Albert Graper Ed Mlartinson 1'rank Bice Geo Brown E' A Nickson C A Gooding Frank :1,obinson Ivan H Brooks George ',7illard Lewis Beebe C H Beebe T J L1cCollum A V/ Frost Joseph Fretz J Zweegman Clarence Vander Griend Sam Russell C E- 1:10 Sher Jesse J Rogers Lindsey- Fry Pehrson Bros Bloedel-Donovan Lbr Mills Coast culvert & Flume Co L E Haggard 1iorse Hdw Co Beall & Co 1.1cCormi ck Iron Works C J Bur g et I L Hively Geo Adlam Larson's Livery & Trf John '1: Jacobs CURRI I_T EXPENSE FUND . Expense as Pros. Attorney 12.80 Spl. Attys. in case State vs Sefrit 200.00 Use of Launch in Search for Bandits 10.00 do 15.00 Clothing for -Prisoners 5.50 GAME PROTECTION FUNTD. Amount due on Hunt. & Fish. Licenses 1913 'series671.90 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. Foreman, moving steam grader to Bellingham Engineer, moving steam grader to Bellingham Teemster, moving steam grader to Bellingham Labor on Road 277 Foreman do team do do Labor on G Tr Road do do do do team Labor on N jar Diag. Rd " do " do Labor on G 1A & N W Diag. Rds. Foreman Labor on Roads Foreman do do team do It do It do " do do do " do do " do Foreman " do do " do do do Foreman do Labor on G 11 Road Labor on Road do do do Salary as Bridge Foreman Salary & Exp as Constr Eng on S & N Hgy Clearing Log Jam Lumber Lumber Culverts for Roads Cable, Powder and supplies Shovel for Road Grader Bits for Road Grader Repairs to Road Grader Blacksmithing Blacksmithing Steel Plates for Road Leveler Livery for Foreman on Steam Grader R of 'd a/c Rd 481 SLrAS11AN DITCH FU11M. G F Hesselgrave Labor and material on Sleasman Ditch ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, March 7, 1914. 14.00 14.00 10.00 45.00 60.00 21.50 25.50 34.00 20.00 27,00 14.00 36.00 14.00 8.00 33.50 33.00 39.00 4.00 28.00 22.00 24.00 22.00 14.00 12.00 16.00 16.00 10.00 17.50 2.00 4.00 2.50 9.00 11.25 5.00 48.00 8.50 2.00 2.00 1.00 110.00 17.15 15.00 10.96 105.58 190.00 100.15 1.25 32.00 523.64 5.00 6.75 6.00 2.50 100.00 37.70 Chairman Roar ounty Commissioners. n W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Saturday the 7th clay I:nareh 1914 Saturday, Lfarch 7, 1914. The Board met pursuant ta; adjournment taken on Iliarch 6, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Ulerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed: CURIM T EXIE NSE FUED . Henry Shagren Expense as Co Commissioner 10.05 Knaack Bros Chair seats for Courthouse 7.60 A G z.'dickman Burial of Albert Carlson 25.00 A M Burnside Scalp Bounty on l wild cat 5.00 Lux Gerard do 5.00 `;l B frost do 5.00 ---------- 000---------- Cn motion the Board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, D(arch 11, 1914. yow-q� Chairman Board 'ounty Commissioner.. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings end -V- 0 1 January Term Wednesday the llth clay 1.1areh 1914 Wednesday, March 11, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on March 7, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY C0I3I:�ISSIONERS OF 'VIHATCOI!! COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the hatter of ' the Application of V1 S Russell ) for the Construction and Improvement of a ( O R D E R Drainage Ditch and Establishment of Unincor- March 11, 114. porated Drainage Improvement District. l7HI+aREAS, this Board heretofore made an order thA notice be published calling for bids for the construction of said improvement, in subdivisions, or as a 1rrhole, and notice wqs duly published as provided for in said order; and WHEREAS, said bids were opened and the contract for the construction of the main ditch of said improvement was awarded and the bid for the construction of Lateral No. 1 was taken under advisement by the Board; and It now appearing to the Board that the bid filed for constructing said subdivision should be rejected for the reason that the same is not a favorable bid, the said bid is hereby rejected. In further consideration whereof, IT IS NOW ORDERED that notice for bids be re -advertised; that notice be published, calling for bids for the construction of Lateral No. 1 of said improvement, and that bids shall be received for the construction of the said improvement and acted upon as provided by law and as provided in the order of this Board entered herein on the loth day of Oct- ober, 1913; that the said subdivision of the said construction shall be let by this Board on plans and specifications previously prepared by the County Engineer, under the direc- tion of this Board, and as provided by law and the proceedings in such matters, to the lowest and best bidder; and that calls for said bids shall be made by publication in the Journal -Progressive, the official county paper of Whatcom County, Washington, for the period of three consecutive weeks prior to the time set for the opening of said bids;, and that Saturday the 4th day of April, 1914,-at the hour of 2 o'clock P.M., at the Court House in the office of this Board of County Commissioners, be, and the same is hereby designated as the time and place for opening said bids; that the successful bidder shall be required to furnish a bond in the manner provided by law in the full amount of the contract price of construction and improvement as in the proceedings in this matter provided, said bond to be conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract according to law and any requirements this Board of Commissioners may have imposed, within their power and limitap tions as provided by law. That each bidder shall deposit with his bid a certified check in an amount equal to 5% of his bid, and should the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fail to enter into a contract and furnish the bond as herein provided, and within the time and in the manner provided by law, after notice of such award, then the amount of said check shall be for- feited. That the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Done in open session of said Board this llth day of lurch, 1914. It of If to n n " if n tr it it it ti "Board.of County Commiss- " "ioners of 11hatcom County " It State of Washington " It 11 It If 11 11 it It 11 It 11 II C.B. Legoe Chairman J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner Attest: :fill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- r W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Wednesday the llth ley %March 1914 BEFORE T'H.H' HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COIZUSSION +'• S OF �' • WHATCOTE COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter of the Application of ) Ed. Brown for the Construction and Improvement of a Drainage Ditch and ) 0 R D E R. Establishment of Unincorporated Drainage Improvement District. ) It now appears that the County Engineer has filed herein his report pursuant to order entered by this Board in this matter heretofore, and that the said County.I"Ingineer.has returned a schedule and estimate of all property that will be damaged, or both damaged and benefited, by the proposed improvement and an estimate of the total number of acres that will be benefited by the said improvement, and has specified the manner in which the pro- posed improvement is to be made and the number, kind, location and dimensions of all nece- ssary water ways, ditches, outlets, flood gates, bridges and crossings, and that he has, as provided by law, made schedule of .the property to be damaged, or damaged and benefited, and arranged the same in parallel columns with the appropriate headings, showing the' description of the property, including the legal subdivisions, sections, township, range and number of acres, together with the name of the owner or owners, or reputed owners, and -estimated gross damages that will be sustained by reason of the proposed improvement,• and the estimated gross benefits that will accrue, and that the right hand column of the said schedule is sufficiently wide for the signature of the owner or owners, and that as a - heading for the said signatures the following language is inserted: I, the undersigned owner of the property opposite which I have signed my name, accept' and agree to the estimated amount of benefits and damages that will accrue to my property by reason of the proposed improvement. It further appears that the County Engineer has filed with his report a plat, showing the meanderings of the proposed improvement and the boundaries of each lot or tract of land and the location of each public road and the name or navies, so far as known, of the oviner o or owners of each lot or tract of land, and the authoritibe or corporation having in charge or owning or controlling each public or other road and sewer system or ditch or drainage line, and the distance in feet through each tract or parcel of land crossed by the proposed improvement; thd.t the profile shows the surface and grade lines and gradient fixed; that these, together with sash other matters as the County Engineer has deemed material, appear in or as a part of his said report; that the said County Engineer, has made and filed with his said report his itemized bill of costs incurred in the discharge of his said duties in this proceeding, and has reported the same to the Clerk of this Board within the time.and manner provided by law. '+"JHEREFORE, . IT IS ORDERED that hearing be had on said report before this board at its meeting place in the Court House at Bellingham, Whatcom County, "lashington, on the 4th day of April, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., and that the Clerk of this Board shall give notice of said hearing by publication in three successive issues of the official news- paper of County, and that in said notice said Clerk shall designate the time and place aforesaid for said hearing, and shall specify the territory to be included in the proposed improvement,distriet, both by boundaries and also by sections or fractions there- of, and shall designate in said notice with reasonable certainty, the route and termini of said proposed improvement, and shall state that the plat, report and schedule on file in the office of this board show the property to be taken or damaged and the amount of damages proposed to be allowed therefor. W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Wednesday the llth day March 191 215 Done in open session of said Board this llth day of 11arch, 1914. 11 11 11 11 1► 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 "Board of County Commiss- ioners of �-Vhatcom County " If State of Washington " It If It II It It it 11 11 11 11 IITr to If Attest: Will D-71allace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- C 0NTRACT. C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner THIS AG LP I'1Y9+JI1T, 1,Iade and entered into this llth day of I arch, 1914, between WHATCOM COUINTY, State of Washington, and Chas. E. Lind, hereinafter called the Contractor; ;'JIT�ESSETH: That in consideration of the payments, covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned to be made and performed by Wh.atcom County, the contractor hereby covenants and agrees as follows: 1: To complete all the work and furnish all the materials necessary to construct, improve and complete Sec. One of the Hannegan Road, Road No. 11, in 71hatcom County, Wash- ington, between Station 0 -�- 00 and Station 322,j-, in accordance with, and as described in the profile, map, plans and specifications therefor, which are made a part hereof and shall have the, same effect as though the same were fully inserted herein, and in fig-11 accordance with the terms, conditions and stipulations of this agreement. 2: The Contractor shall provide and be at the expense of all materials, labor, carriage, tools, implements, conveniences.and things of every description,:that may be re- quired for the transfer of materials for the improving, constructing and completing the work.above described.. 3: It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the work in- cluded in this contract is to be done under the direction and. supervision of the County Engineer, or his substitute, and his decision as to the true construction and meaning of the profile, maps, plans, specifications and estimate shall be final. In the absence of the Engineer, his duly authorized inspector or agent shall be deem- ed the construction engineer in charge. It is also understood and agreed that such addi- tional drawings and explanations as may be necessary to detail and illustrate the work, are to be furnished by the 'Engineer, and the contractor agrees to conform to and abide by the same, so far as maybe consistent with the purpose and intent of the original plans and specifications. 4: Should the contractor at any time refuse or neglect to supply a sufficiency of properly skilled workmen or of materials of the proper quality, or fail in any respect to prosecute the work 4vrith. promptness and diligence, or fail in the performance of an-iT of the agreements herein contained, the Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter called the Board) shall be at liberty, after three days written notice to the contractor, to provide any such labor or materials and to deduct the cost thereof from any.moneys then due or thereafter to become due to the contractor under this contract; and may, by written notice, terminate the employment of the contractor for the said work, and enter upon the premises, and take possession of all materials, tools and'appliances thereon, for the pur- pose of completing the work included under this contract, and employ, by contract or other- wise, any other person or persons to finish the work, and provide the materials therefor; and in case of such discontinuance of the employment of the contractor, he shall not be 216 Record of 'Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. January. Term Vlednesday the llth day Larch 1914 entitled to receive any balance of the amount to be paid under this contract until the work shall be wholly finished, at which time, if the unpaid balance of the amount to be paid under this contract shall exceed the expense Sncurred by the board in finishing the work, such excess shall be paid by the board to the contractor; but if such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance, the contractor shall pay the difference to the board. 5: The contractor hereby agrees to complete all the work called for in this contract in all parts and requirements, before the 1st day of March, 1915. 6: Time shall be the essence of this contract on the part of the contractor, and in case the contractor shall fail in the. due performance of the contract by and at the time herein mentioned, he shall ne liable to pay to Whatcom County for liquidated damages, and not as penalty, the sum of twenty-five (-$25.00) dollars for each and every day which may elapse between the appointed and actual time of completion, which sum is hereby agreed upon, fixed and determined as the damages that will be suffered by such failure to complete within the time named; and the board may deduct the same from the amount due or to be- come due to the contractor; and such payments or deductions shall not in any way release the contractor from the further obligations and penalties in reePect to ,the fulfillment of the entire contract, nor any right which the board might have to claim, sue for and recover compensation and damages for non-performance of this contract. 7: Partial payments upon this contract, not exceeding eighty (80%) per cent. of the work done, may be made at the request of the contractor once each month, such payments to be made upon the estimates of the Engineer. Final payments for said work shall be made within thirty (30) days after the entire work has been completed and accepted by the engineer and board, PROVIDED, that before the making of such final payment the contractor shall show to the satisfaction of the board that all just debts due all laborers, mechan- ics, material men, and persons who.have supplied such contractor, or sub -contractor, with material or goods of any kind for this work have been paid. It is mutually agreed between the parties hereto that any payments or contributions due or required by Chap. 74 of the laws of 1911 (Industrial Insurance Act) from the County of `Uhatcom, by virtue of or on account of any of the work covered by this contract, may be deducted from any payment or payments made to the contractor herein, and that the stun or sums so deducted shall be determined each month upon the basis of the work of said month, and shall be made upon the proper written order and demand of the Industrial Insurance Commission, a notice of which order and demand shall be served upon the said contractor prior, to said deduction. It is further agreed that the contractor herein, or any sub- contractor or contractors employed by them shall be subject to the provisions of said act as provided and required in Sec. 17 thereof. PROVIDIM, FURTHER, that if prior to any payment being made, the board receives notice :from any person or persons that any laborers, mechanics, material men, or other persons, who have supplied or furnished said contractor, or any sub -contractor, with any labor, service, material, goods or provisions of any kind in connection with the construction of said Nvork have claims against said contractor, or any sub -contractor, for such service or things, for which claim any such laborer, mechanic, material man, or other person would be entitled to a lien under the laws of this state were said work not a public work, or proper claim against the bond in such cases required by law, the board shall have the right.to retain out of the payments then due or -,to become due to said contractor, the amount in addition to the twenty (20) per cent. above provided to be retained until the final completion of said work, sufficient to cover all such claims of which notice shall have been so given, until such claim or claims shall have been fully satisfied and paid, W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Wednesday the llth day lurch 191 4 and receipts in full for the same shall have been furnished by the said contractor to the board, and the said contractor hereby expressly agrees to pay all such claims. 8: tiIlhen any claim, demand or estimate hereunder shall have been allowed by the proper authority, the proper officer shall draw warrants to the amount or per cent. of such claim,.demand or estimate, then payable under this contract, in payment thereof, as follows: One-third in warrants drawn against the General Road and Bridge Fund of said Whatcom County payable solely from taxes already heretofore levied to the credit of said Fund, and two-thirds in warrants drawn against the Hannegan Road Improvement Fund No. 11, being a fund heretofore created in the treasury of said County by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of said county passed on the llth day of October, A.D., 1913, and recorded in Vol. 20 of. Record of Commissioners Proceedings, Whatcom County; and all the terms and conditions of Secs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 51 6 and 7 of said resolution are hereby express ly referred to and Tade a part hereof as though fully set forth herein, and, this agreement is expressly made subject to all of the provisions of said sections of said resolution. 9: No alteration shall be made in the work shown and described in the plans and specifications except upon the written order of the engineer and as provided hereinbefore, and when so made the value of the work so added or omitted shall be computed by the engineer, and the amount so determined shall be final and conclusive and binding upon the contractor, and shall be added to or deducted from the contract price. 10: The contractor shall provide sufficient safe and proper facilities for the inspection of the work by the board or its authorized representatives. The said con- tractor shall furnish without charge, to the said board, or its authorized representatives samples of cement or other materials used in construction, as said samples may be re- quired, im order that the character of such materials may be determined.. All materials and methods shall be subject to the approval of the engineer. Defective work or material may be condemned by the engineer at any time before the final acceptance of the work. Notice of condemnation shall be given by the Engineer in writing. Such dondemned work shall be immediately taken down or changed. Defective material shall be immediately removed or disposed of to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Failure or neglect on the part of the Engineer to condemn unsdt.isfact- ory material onto reject inferior workmanship shall in no way release the Contractor, nor shall it be construed to mean the acceptance of.such work, nor shall the final acceptance bar 'tithatcom County from recovering damages in case fraud was practiQed. Time lost in replacing such improper work shall furnish no ground to the Contractor for claiming an extension of time for completion of the work. Incompetent, careless or negligent employees shall be forthwith discharged by the Contractor upon the written request of the Board or Engineer, and failure to comply with such request shall be sufficient ground for the termination of the contract, as provided for in Article No. 4 hereof. Should the Contractor be delayed in the prosecution of the work or the completion thereof by the act, neglect or fault of the Engineer, then the time herein foxed for the completion of the work shall be extended for a period equivalent to the time lost by reason of any or all the causes aforesaid, which extended period shall be determined and fixed by the Board, but no such allowance shall be made unless a claim therefor is pre- sented in writing to the Chairman of the Board within ten (10) days after the occurrence of such delay. 11. It is further mutually agreed betveen the parties hereto that no certificate given -or payment made under this contract, except the final certificate or final payment, r 218 W.O.R. Record of Comm issioners ' Proceedings January Term 'Wednesday the llth day March 1914 shall be evidence of the performance of this contract either wholly or in part, and that no payment shall be construed to be an acceptance of defective work or improper materials which may appear within two (2) years after such payment. 12. The work and materials covered by this contract shall be at the sole risk of the Contractor until the same shall have been finally accepted by the Engineer and Board, and any damage or loss that may occur or result to the same prior to the final acceptance of said work by the Engineer and Board, shall fall upon and be made good by the Contractor.. 13. This contract shall not be assignable in whole or in part. The contractor shall give his personal attention to the work at all times, and be present, either in person or by duly authorized representatives, on the site of the work continually during its progress and shall receive instructions frdm the Engineer. Any sub -contractor shall be considered the agent of the Contractor, and the latter shall be responsible for any indebtedness in- curred by such agent. If any sub -contractor fails to perform his work in a satisfactory manner this contract may be terminated by the 3oa-rd. 14. The Contractor shall be liable for all damages and injury which shall be caused or which shall occur to any person or persons or property whatsoever by reason of any negligence of said Contractor or any of his servants, employees or sub -contractors, or by reason of any breach or violation of any of the provisions of this agreement or any of his duties or obligations thereunder. The Contractor shall assume all liability for and protect the Board from any damages c: or claims arising from the use of any patented article or devices in any part of the work: 15. It is a part of the public policy of the State of Washington that all .work by contract or day labor done for it or any political.subdivision created by late, shall be performed in work days of not more thaneight hours -each, except in cases of extraordinary emergency. No case of extraordinary emergency shall be construed to exist in any case where other labor can be found to take the place of labor which has already been employed for eight hours in any calendar day. In case of violation of the provisions of this article :. the Board shall have the right to cancel this contract without notice and shall have the right to complete the work in the manner provided in Article No..4 hereof. 16. The Contractor agrees to execute and furnish to the Board a good and sufficient corporate surety bond, to be payable to Whatcom County, and: to be in the penalsum of the full amount of this contract, conditioned that he will perform the work upon the terms, within the time, and in accordance with the contract, profiles,- maps, plans and specifi- cations, and that he will indemnify the County against any direct or indirect damages that. shall be suffered or claimed for.injuries to persons or property during the construction and improvement of such road or highway and until the same is accepted; and further con- ditioned as required by law for the payment of all laborers, mechanics, sub -contractors and material men, and all,persons who shall supply such person or persons or "sub -contractors with -provisions or supplies for the carrying on such work, and all just debts, dues and demands incurred in the performance of such work. If the Board shall have reason to believe that the surety on said bond has become impaired since the execution thereof, or is insufficient, it may require the Contractor to furnish other or additional security. 17. The Board hereby promises and agrees with the Contractor to employ and does employ him to provide the materials and to do and cause to be done the work upon said Sec. 1 of Hannegan Road. Improvmient, Road No. 11', to complete and furnish the same accord- ing to the plans and specifications and the terms and conditions herein contained and. referred to for the prices set forth herein, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the W.O.R. 219 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Wednesday the llth day March 1914 time and in the manner and upon the conditions above set forth. The Contractor for himself, and for his heirs, successors, executibrs, administrators and assigns, does hereby agree to the full performance of all the covenants herein con- t d h' Mine upon is part. IN ':dITYESS '.JMPREOF,, the said Contractor has hereunto set his hand and seal and the said bM.atcom County pursuant to resolution duly adopted by its county commissioners, has caused these presents to be subscribed by its Chairman and Clerk, and the.name of the Board to be hereunder affixed the day and year first above written, WHATCOM COUNTY, II II a II II II II fI II n II II II " "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of. Mhatcom County " " State of 'Washington " If n"" ". If of of to It If of n n Attest: Will D Wallace Clark of the Board of County CMimissioners. By C.B. Legoe Chairman Board of County Commissioners J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ---------- coo ---------- CONTRACT. Chas. E. bind Contractor* THIS AGPOMMEIMT, Made and entered into this llth day of T%arch, 1914, between 14HATC011 COUNTY, State of Washington, and Worthen & Satterthwaite, hereinafter called the Contract- or; WITYESSETH: That in -consideration of the payments, covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned to be made and performed by Whatcom County, the contractor hereby covenants and agrees as follows:, 1: To complete all the work and furnish all the materials necessary to construct, improve, and complete Sec. 2 of the Hannegan Road Road. No. 11, in %;lhatcom County, V-1ashing- ton, between Station 322 -rand Station 647 -t- 52, in accordance with, and as described in the profile,,map, plans and specifications therefor, which are made a part hereof and shall have the same effect as though the same were fully inserted herein, and. in full accordance with the terms, conditions::and stipulations of this agreement. 2: The Contractor shall provide and be at the expense of all materials, labor, carriage, tools, implements, conveniences, and things of every description, that may be required for 'the transfer of materials for the improving, constructing and completing the work above described. 3: It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the work included in this contract is to be done under the direction and supervision of the County Engineer, or his substitute, and his decision as to the true construction and meaning of the profile, maps, plans, specifications and estimate shall be final. In the absence of the Engineer, his duly authorized inspector or agent shall be deemed the construction engineer in charge. It is also understood and agreed that such additional drawings and explanations as may be necessary to detail and illustrate the work, are to be furnished by the Engineer, and the contractor agrees to conform to and abide, by the same, so far as may be consistent with the purpose and intent of the origirial plans and specifications. 4: Should the contractor at any time refuse or neglect to supply a sufficieny of properly akilled workmen or of materials of the proper quality, or fail in any respect to prosecute the work with promptness and diligence, or fail in the performance of any of the agreementd herein contained, the Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter called the Board) shall be at liberty,.. after three days written notice to the contractor, to provide Record of Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. �anuary Term 'Wedne sdav the llth day Ilarch 1914 any such labor or materials and to deduct the cost thereof from any moneys then due or thereafter to become due to the contractor under this contract; and may, by written notice, terminate the employment of the contractor for the said work, and enter upon the premises, and take possession of all materials, tools and appliances thereon, for the pur- pose of completing the work included under this contract, and employ, by contract or otherwise, any other person or persons to finish the work, and provide the materials there- for; and in case; of such discontinuance of the amplo3nnent of the contractor, he shall not be entitled to receive any balance of the amount to be paid under this contract until the work shall be wholly finished, at whichta,pe, if the unpaid balance of the amount to be paid under this contract shall exceed the expense incurred by the board in finishing the work, such excess shall be paid by the board to the contractor; but if such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance, the contractor shall pay the difference to the board. 5: The contractor hereby agrees to complete all the work called for in this con- tract, in all parts end requirements, before the 1st day of 14arch, 1915. 6: Time shall be the essence of this contract on the part of the contractor, and in case the contractor shall fail in the due performance of the contract by and at the time herein mentioned, he shall be liable to pay to slhatcom County for liquidated damages, and not as penalty, the sum of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars for each and every day rihich may elapse between the appointed and gctual time of completion, which sum is hereby agreed upon, fixed, and determined as the damages that will be suffered by such failure to complete within the time named; and the board may deduct the same from the amount due or to become .due to the contractor; and such payments or deductions shall not in any way release the contractor from the further obligations and penalties in respect to, the fulfmll ment of the entire contract, nor any right which the board might have to claim, sue for and recover compensation and damages for non-performance of this contract. 7.: Partial payments upon this contract, not exceeding eighty (800) per cent, of the work cone,.may be made at the request of the contractor once each month, such payments to be made upon the estimates of the Engineer. Final payments for said "'✓ork shall be made within thirty (30) days after the entire work has been completed and accepted by the engineer andboard, PROVIDED, that before the making of such final payment the contractor shall show to the satisfaction of the board that all just debts due all laborers, mechan- ics, material -men, and persons who have supplied such contractor, or sub -contractor, with material or goods of any kind for this work have been paid. It is mutually agreed between the parties hereto that any payments or contributions due or required by Chap. 74 of the Laws of 1911 (Industrial Insurance Act) from the County of Whatcom, by virtue of or on account of any of the work covered by this contract, may be deducted from any payment or payments made'to the contractor herein, and that the sum or sums do deducted shall be determined each month upon the basis of the work of said month, and shalll.be made upon the proper written ordor and demand of the Industrial Insurance Commission, a notice of ti:rhich order and demand shall be served upon the said contractor prior to said deductions. It is further. agreed that the contractor herein, or any sub- contractor or contractors employed by them shall be subject to the provisions of said act as provided and required in Sec. 17 thereof. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that.if prior to any payment being made, the board receives notice from any person or persons that any laborers, mechanics, material men, or other persons, who have supplied or furnished said contractor, or any sub -contractor, with any labor, service, material, goods, or provisions of any kind in connection with the construction of said work have claims against said contractor, or any, sub -contractor, for such service or things, for which claim any such laborer, mechanic, material man, or other person would be W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Wednesday the llth day ,March 1914 entitled to a lien under the lags of this state were said work hot a public work, or proper claim against the bond in such cases required by law, the board stall have the right to retain out of the payments then due or to become due to said contractor, the amount in addition to the twenty (20%) per cent. above provided to be retained until the final completion of said work, sufficient to cover all such claims of which notice shall have been so given, until such claim or claims shall have been fully satisfied and paid, and receipts in full for the same shall have been furnished by the said contractor to the board, and the said contractor hereby expressly agrees to pay all such claims. 8: .'Thom any claim, demand or estimate hereunder shall have been allowed by the proper authority, t�Le proper officer shall draw warrants to the amount of per cent. of such claims, demand or estimate, then payable under this contract, in payment thereof, as follows: One-third in warrants drawn against the General Road and Bridge Fund of said Whatcom County payable solely from taxes already heretofore levied to the credit of said Fund, and tyro -thirds in warrants drawn against the Hannegan Road Improvement Fund No. 11, being a fund heretofore created in the treasury of said County by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of said county passed on the llth day of October, A.D., 1913, and reforded in Vol. 20 of Record of Commissioners Proceedings, What;gom County; and all the terms and conditions of Secs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of said resolution are hereby expressly referred to and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein, and this agreement is expressly made subject to all of the provisions of said sections of said reso�dtion. 9: No alteration shall be made in the work shown and described in the plans and specifications except upon the written order of the engineer and as provided hereinbefore, and. when so made the value of the work so added or omitted shall be computed by the engineer, and the amount so determined shall be final and conclusive and binding upon the contractor, and shall be added to or deducted from t1B contract price. 10: The contractor shall provide sufficient safe and proper facilities for the inspection of the work by the board or its authorized representatives. The said contract- or shall furnish without charge, to the said board, or its authorized representatives, samples of cement or other materials uded in construction, as said samples may be required in order that the character of such materials may be determined. All materials and methods shall be subject to the approval of the engineer. Defective work.or material may be con- demned by the engineer at any time before the final acceptance of the work. Notice of condemnation shall be given by the Engineer in writing. Such condemned work shall be immediately taken down or changed. Defective material shall be immediately removed or disposed of to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Failure or neglect on the part of the Engineer to condemn unsatisfact- ory material or to rebLect inferior workmanship shall in no way releases the Contractor, nor shall it be construed to mean the acceptance of such work, nor shall the final acceptance bar Whatcom Oounty from recovering damages in case fraud was practiced. Time lost in replacing such improper work shall furnish no ground to the Contractor for claiming an extension of time for the completion of the work. Incompetent, careless or negligent employees shall be forthwith discharged by the Contractor upon the written request of the Board or Engineer, and failure to comply with such request shall be sufficient ground for the termination of the contract, as provided for in Article No. 4 hereof. Should the _'ontractor be delayed in the prosecution of the work or the completion thereof by the act, neglect or fault of the Engineer, then the time herein fixed for the completion of the work shall be extended for a period equivalent to the time lost by W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Wednesdav the llth play I.iarch 1914 reason of any or all the causes aforesaid, which extended period shall be determined. and fixed by the Board, but no such allowance shall be made unless a claim therefor is present- ed in writing to the Chairman of the Board within ten (10) days after the occurence of such delay. 11. It is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto that no certificate given or payment made under this contract, except the final certificate or final payment, shall be evidence of the performance of this contract either wholly or in part, and that no payment shall be construed to be an acceptance of defective work or improper materials which may appear within two (2) years after such payment. 12. The work &nd materials covered by this nontract shall be at the sole risk of the Contractor until the same shall have been finally accepted by the Engineer and Board, and any damage or loss that may occur or result to the same prior to the final acceptance of said work by the Engineer and Board, shall fall upon and be made good by the Contractor. 13: This contract shall not be assignable in whole or in part. The contractor shall give his personal attention to the work at all times, exid be present, either in person or by duly authorized representatives, on the site of the work continually during its progress and shall receive instructions from the Engineer. Any subpcontractor shall be considered the agent of the Contractor, and the latter shall be responsible for any indebtedness in- curred by such agent. If any sub -contractor fails to perform his work in a satisfactory manner this contract may be terminated by the Board. 14. The Contractor shall be liable for all damages and injury which shall be caused or which shall occur to any person or persons or property whatsoever by reason of any negligence of said Contractor or any of his servants, employees or sub -contractors, or by reason of any breach or violation of any of the provisions of this agreement or any of his duties or obligations thereunder. The Contractor shall assume all liability for and protect the Board from any damages or cle.ims arising from the use of any patented article or devices in any part of the work. 15. It is a part of the public policy of the State of Washington that all work by contract or day labor done for it or any political subdivision created by law, shall be performed in work days of not more than eight hours each, except in cases of extraordinary emergency. 1?o cave of extraordinary emergency shall be constuued to exist in any case where other labor can be found to take the place of labor which has already been emplo$red for eight hours in any calendar day. In cawe of violation of the provisions of this article the Board shall have the right to cancel this contract without notice and shall have the right to complete the work in the manner provided in Article Zoo. 4 hereof. 16. The Contractor agrees to execute and furnish to the Board a good and sufficient corporate surety bond, to be payable to Vlhatcom County, , a.nd to be in the penal sum of the full amount of this contract, conditioned that he will perform the work upon the terras, within the time, and in accordance-: with the contract, profiles, maps, plans and specifi- cations, and that he will indemnify the County against any direct or indirect damages that shall be suffered or claimed for injuries to persons or property during the construction and improvement of such road or highway and until the same is accepted; and further condi- tioned as required by law for the payment of all laborers, mechanics, sub -contractors and material men, and all persons who shall supply such person or persons or sub -contractors with provisions or supplies for the carrying on such work, and all ,just debts, dues and demands incurred in the performance of such work. If the Board shall have reason to believe that the surety on said bond has become impaired since the execution thereof, or is insufficient, it may require the Contractor W.O.R. q � Record �Commissioners'°® Proceedings January Term 'JJedne sday the ll th day March 191 4 to furnish other or additional security. 17. The Board hereby promises and agrees with the Contractor to employ and does employ him to provide the materials and to do and cause to be done the work upon said Sec. 2 of Hannegan Road Improvement, Road No. 11, to complete and furnish the same according to the plans and specifications and the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to for the prices set forth herein, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time and in the manner and upon the conditions above set forth. The -Contractor for himself, and for his heirs, successors, executors, administrat- ors and assigns, does hereby agree to the full performance of all the covenants herein contained upon his part. IN 1ITNI+/,SS WIMMEOF, the said Contractors have hereunto set their hands and seals and the said 'Uhatcom County pursuant to resolution duly adopted by its county commissioners, has caused these presents to be subscribed by its Chairman and Clerk, and the same of. the Board to be hereunder affixed the day and year first above written. II 11 It It 11 It II II It II It 11 II 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of 'JJhatcom County " if State of Washington " 11 11 11 It " It 11 It II It It 11 11 11 Attest: ;`Jill D ;'/allace Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. % ---------- 000---------- In the hatter of the Approval of ) ( "rder Approving. Bond of Worthen & Satterthwaite WHATCOM COUNTY, By C.B. Legoe Chaiz7nan of the Board of County Commissioners. J.G. Kemper Coimnissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner Worthen & Satterthwaite Contractors. By S.W. Worthen. It is ORD)jIRMT by this Board that the surety bond of Worthen & Satterthwaite, given by The Aetna Accident and Liability Co. for $36,191.50 covering contract for improving Sec. 2 of Hannegan Road, be, and same is hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this llth day of March, 1914. C.B. Legoe to It It Of to It It " It " It of It It Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- " J.G. Kemper "ioners of Whatcom County " Commissioner " State of Washington " Henry Shagren It It it It n It to n it to 11 It of it Cortlmissioner Attest: '�S'ill D 11allace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on 1:onday, 1�arch 23, 1914. Chairman Boar Coui� ,y gommissioners. zi �2: Record of Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. January Term Monday the 23rd day March 1914 Monday, March 23, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on March llth 1914* Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: R E S 0 L U T I 0 N. (Fairhaven -Lake Samish Road or Permanent Highway No. 1) IH)!REAS, at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, State of Washington, held in the Commissioners' Office of said county on this 23rd day of March, A.D. 1914, a quorum being present and a majority voting in the affirmative, the following resolution eras adopted: RESOLVED, That the profiles, maps, plans, specifications and estimate on the Fairhaven - lake Samish Road or PERMANENT HIGHWAY NO* 1, as approved by the State Highway Commissioner on march 18th 1914, be and the same are hereby adopted, and that such highway or section thereof shall be improved under the provisions of Chapter 35, Laws of 19110 Done in open session of the Board this 23rd day of March, 1914. C.B. Legoe " tt 0,11 0 0 " o " o 0 o tt " Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- " J.G. Kemper "ioners of Whatcom County " Commissioner of State of Washington °' Henry Shagren " it " I o " it to 0 0 " It of it Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. In the Matter of the Improvement ) of Fairhaven -Lake Samish Road or P ermanefit Highway No. 1 ) ---------- a00---------- Order Calling for Bids. WHEREAS, this Board has adopted a resolution to improve the Fairhaven -Lake Samish Road or Permanent Highway No. 1, commencing at the city limits of the City of Bellingham and running along the line of the said Fairhaven -Lake Samish Road to the shores of Lake Samish; said improvement to be made under the provisions of Chapter 35, Lags of 1911. NOVI, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby directed to issue a call for bids for improving said road according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Engineer* Said bids to be considered at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P.M. on Tuesday, April 21, 1914. The Board reserving the right to reject any and all bids* Done in open session of the Board this 23rd day of March, 1914* C.B. Legoe tt ►► it fill fill lift ti o t► ►► of Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- " J.G. Kemper "ioners of Whatcom County" Commissioner to State of Washington , " Henry Shagren 0 0" of o n to if of it 0 0 it it Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Boardo ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COUMISSIOITFRS J OF tVHAT COM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the ]Batter of the Application of Egbert Field et al ) for the Construction and Improvement of a Drainage Ditch ( 0 R D E R and Establishment of Unincorporated Drainage Improvement ) March 23, 114. District 171IIiR1,0AS, on the 23rd day of March, 1914, this matter came on for- hearing and for the W.O.R. R�cord of. Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Monday the 23rd day March 1914 purpose of considering bids for the construction of said improvement, and after due con- sideration thereof it is not deemed advisable by this Board to award said contract on this day; in consideration whereof, the Board now takes said matter under advisement and the said matter is continued until the 4th day of April, 1914. Done in open session of the Board this 23rd day of March, '1914. C.B. Legoe "it n rr n " rr rr Chairman "Board of County Commiss- " J.G. Kemper "ioners of Wh.atcom County " Commissioner it State of Washington " henry Shagren It It to If of rr If If n It it to n Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of said IWA?d. ---------- 000---------- In the Matter of Approval of Surety ) Bonds of The First National Bank { Order Approving. Covering Deposits of County Funds. ) It is ORDERED by this Board that the surety bonds of The First National Bank given by the Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Co. for $25,000.00 and the American Surety Company of New York for $25,000,00 and the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Co. for $25,000.00, all covering the deposit of county funds by the county treasurer, be, and same are hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this 23rd day of Larch, 1914. C.B. Legoe of " " " " " " '► " " " " " " Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- " J.G. Kemper "ioners of Whatcom County " Commissioner to State of Washington " Henry Shagren It It of It It of to it rr n"" of n Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- The Board signed orders correcting the 1913 tax on Lots 20 to 28 ine Blk 20 Geneva Amended; and 1913 personal tax against J.L. Gilfilen; Also cancelling $13..00 1913 tax on no lot line 1 book 2 1;eal Estate Roll same be clerical error as it refers to no property. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourns to meet on Monday, March 30, 1914* rman ty Commissioners. W.O.R. Record of tom ssioners' Proceedings January Term Monday the 30th day March 191 Monday, March 30, 1914, The:;Bowed met pursuant to adjournment taken on March 23, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: R E S 0 L U T I 0 N. WHEREAS, the City of Bellingham, by and through its City Council, is about to improve its trunk roads leading from the City to the County; and WHEREAS, said City Council has applied to this Board of County Commissioners to con- tribute from the Road and Bridge Fund of Whatcom County such an amount as they are per- mitted to do by law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners in regular ad- journed session, that the sum of Two Thousand ($2000.) Dollars be and hereby is appropriat- ad and set aside in the Road and Bridge Fund of Whatcom County, for the year 1914, for the improvement of the trunk highways inside of the city limits of the City of Bellingham, to be due and payable to the local improvement fund to be hereinafter created by the City of Bellingham for the payment of the cost and expense of said trunk roads, upon proper notification of said fact by the City Treasurer of said City; Provided: that if the City of Bellingham shall fail to let said contract for said work prior to December 30th 1914, said sum shall revert to the said road and bridge fund for the use of said. ;County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board hereby recommend to the Board of 1915 that there be appropriated out of the Road and Bridge Fund for the year 1915 all of the amount permitted by law to be so set aside and paid to the City of Bellingham, as the County's proportion of the construction of the trunk highways in the said City. Done in open session of the Board this 30th day of March, 1914* to to to 0 to to o" It it o o" it Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss-x J.G. Kemper "ioners of Whatcom County " Commissioner It State of Washington " Henry Shagren t1 It 0 III"" o n n o, o 0 o Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. - - - - - - - - - - c 0 o - - - - - - - - - - BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter of the Application of Egbert ) Field at al.for the Construction and Improve- ( 0 R D E R. ment of a Drainage Ditch and Establishment ) of Unincorporated Drainage Improvement District.( It now appears that HX. Rodman and Ella L. Rodman, his wife, have refused to grant right-of«way for the main ditch of said improvement, but that they agree to do so in con- sideration of the payment to them of a warrant upon the construction fundof the said Improvement District No. 6 in the sum of $10,000 IT 1S, THERENORE, ORDIPRED that in consideration of the execution and delivery of the deed conveying right-of-way over the property of the said H.W. Rodman and wife, the said right-of-way to be described as follows: The South ten feet of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 11, Township 39 North, Range 2 Last W.M., said property being situated in Whatcom County, Washington, then that warrant upon the construction fund of said improvement district be issued to the said H.W. Rodman in the sum of $10.00 Done in open session -of said Board this 30th day of March, 1914. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Monday the 30th day March 1914 kkn 11 11 tt it 11 to to it it It it to It It "Board of County "ommi ss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " " State of Washington " to 11 it it tt to 11 to 1t t1 tt it It it Attest: Will D Wallade Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- C.B. Legoe Chairman J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO12AISSIONti,RS OF INHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the flatter of the Northwest Diagonal Road, being Permanent Highway No. 2, ) 0 R D E R. in Whatcom County, Washington. )) This matter coming on before the board of county commis-sioners of said county on this 30th day of March, 1914, and it being made satisfactorily to appear to the board by the statements of sundry persons and to the personal knowledge of the members of this board from actual observation, that the :Cagle Paving Company, to which said company the contract for building of the said highway was let by this board, on the 5th day of May, 1913, has abandoned the work on said road and are not now working thereon, and have not performed any work thereon for a number of months part; and it appearing to the board by the said contract that the said road should have been completed on or before.the 1st day of October, 1913, and no extension of time having been granted by this board, in which the said road might be completed, and the said Eagle Paving Company being now in default of performance of the conditions of the said contract, time being of the essence thereof, and Horace tl.B. Smith, of Seattle, Washington, the attorney for the United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company, sureties upon said bond given by the aai.d Eagle Paving Company, person- ally appearing before the board, and consenting to and acquiescing in the making of.this order, and waiving on behalf of the said surety any and all notices which may have been required either by custom or under the conditions of their bond: NU, , THEREFOR.E, IT IS IiD,REBY ORDERED that the said contract with the Eagle Paving Company be, and the same is hereby terminated and cancelled so far as the said 1;agle Paving Company, their assignees and sub -contractors are concerned. And the clerk of this board is hereby directed to notify the said United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company of this action, and notify the said United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company, surety on the bond of the Eagle Paving Company to perform and fulfill without delay the conditions of the said contract of the date of May 5, 1913. Done in open session of the board the day and date first above written. it It 11 11 It 11 It 11 t1 11 to to 11 fl "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " It State of Washington " " of to it It it It to It to If of It 1► Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. 6--------- 000---------- C.B. Legoe Chairman J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner 29 228 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Monday the 30th play March 1914 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM11ISSIONERS OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. IN THE MATTER OF THE IMPROV 104 NT ) OF SU-IaD�S-1JOOKSACK ROAD, BEING C ORDER ACCEPTING BID. PERMANENT HIGHWAY NO. 4 A ) `;JH1+M1AS, on the 3rd day of March, 1914, this board made an order calling for bids for the improvement of the Sumas-Nooksack Road, being Permanent Highway No. 4 A and commencing at the quarter section corner common to sections 9, 10, 15 and 16 in township 40 north, range 4 east, VI.M.; thence running west about 1 mile; thence running southerly approxi- mately 2j miles on Sumas-Nooksack Road to the boundary line of Nooksack City, said bids to be considered at the hour of 1:30 o t clock P.M., on Rionday, iviarch 30th 1914; and the notice calling for such bids having been duly published in the county official paper, to0ait: the Journal -Progressive, in the manner and for the length of time required by law; NOW, on this 30th day of March 1914, this matter coming on for consideration, the board finds the bids submitted for the construction of said improvement to be as follows: Chas. E. Lind: Lump sum, Spread Gravel Surface 026,000.00 or Two Course Gravel Sur- face ti$28, 000.00 P.D. Harkness & Company: Lump sum,c-Zpread Gravel Surface y$23,000.00 or Two Course Gravei Surface ;$---- -----. K. Sauset: Lump sum, Spread Gravel Surface 327,000.00 or Two Course Gravel Surface y$28, 470.00 Barbo Bros: Lump sum, Spread Gravel Surface $ 25,000.00 or Two Course Gravel Surface y$25, 874.34 E.G. Haverstick: Lump sum, Spread Gravel Surface $30,700.00 or Two Course Gravel Surface p33, 000.09 This board further finds that the bid of BARBO BROS, for the construction of said improvement, including two course gravel surface, is the lowest and best bid submitted therefor, and it would be to the best interests of `tlhatcom County that the contract for said improvement be awarded to Barbo Bros. IT IS TH7+IREFORE ORDERED that the bid of Barbo .ros. for the said improvement, includ- ing a two course gravel surface, be and the same is hereby accepted, and the chairman of the board of county commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a con- tract with the said Barbo Bros. for said improvement of said road. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the said contract to be so entered into between the County of ti',Ihatcom upon dne hand and the said contractors upon the other shall provide that the contract be fulfilled and the work fully performed and completed on or before the 1st day of November, 1914, and that said contractors be required to give bond for the full amount of the bid for the faithful performance of the conditions of said contractp Done in open session of the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Wash- ington, this 30th day of Larch, 1914. "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " of State of Washington " of it to a if u Attest: ijill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ---------- 000---------- W.0.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Monday the 30th day March 191 4 The Board directed a petition to the Public Service Commission asking that. the Puget Sound Traction, Light and Power Co. be required to eliminate the two dangerous grade crossings on the Waterfront Road in Whatcom County, located in Sec. 26 T 37'N R 2 Be On motion the Board. adjourned to meet on Saturday, April 4, 1914. rr--w-----0OQ---------- The minutes of the March session were read and approved this Apri 4, 1914. Chairman Board Mounty ommissioners. Attest: County Auditor and Clerk of the Board* W.O.R. 230 Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Saturday the 4th clay April 1914 Saturday, April 4, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on Ifarch 30, 1914. Present, C B Legoe, Chairman; J G Kemper and Henry Shagren, Commissioners; Will D flallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following proceedings were had; In the Matter of the Approval ) ( Order Approving. of Depository Bond. ) It is ordered by this Board that the surety bond of The First National Bank given by The Aetna Accident and Liability Company for 4,'P35,000.00 and covering deposit of county funds by the County Treasurer, be and same hereby is approved. Done in open session of the Board this 4th day of Apri1,;19149 to it li n n u n 1. n " 1► n 1/ " "Board of County Commiss- of "ioners of /hatcom County " " State of Washington " It 11 of it 11 11 it It 11 it It t/ to It. Attest: Will. D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Boarde ---------- o0o--- -.. -- C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J.G. Kemper C6mmis si oner Henry Shagren Commissioner BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF `r"1HA`l'COM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter 'of the Application of W.S. Russell ) for the Construction and Improvement of a Drain- age:Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporated i O R D E R Drainage Improvement District. This Board on the llth day of March, 1914, made an order that notice be published calling for bids for the construction of Lateral No. 1 of said improvement, and that the contract for.the construction of said Lateral No. 1 would be let by this Board on the plans and specifications on file with the County Engineer, and the 4th day of April, 1914, at the hour of 2 o'clock P.M., was set for the time of the,•.opening of the bids received; that call for bids. was made by. publication in the Journal -Progressive, the official county paper,.for three consecutive weeks prior to this time. No,a on this 4th day of April; 1914, at the hour of 2 o' clock P.M., all the bids re- ceived for the construction of.said Lateral.No. 1 were opened and considered by this Board. After due consideration thereof, the Board finds that Emil Keller's bid of $1451.80 was the loviest and best bid submitted for the construction of Lateral No. 1 of said improve- ment, and the contract for the construction of said Lateral Noe 1 of said improvement, to be made according to the plans and specifications, is hereby awarded to the said Emil Keller. IT IS ORDERED That the said Emil Keller be required to give a bond in full amount of the contract price of the construction of said Lateral No. 1, said bond conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract according to law; that the said contract be fully completed on or before December 1, 1914, and all other conditions imposed by the Board at the time of advertising for bids be complied with. Done in open session of said Board this 4th day of April, 1914. 11 It 11 11 U 41 11 11 t. 11 It 11 11 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of INhateom County " It State of Washington " It 11 11 It 11 11 to 11 11 11 tt 11 11 li Attest: Will D. 1f1allace Clerk of said Board. C.B. Legoe Chairman J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner W.O.R. Record of Commissioners', Proceedings z April Term Saturday the 4th day April 191 4 BEFORE THE I1ONORABLE4, BOARD OF COUNTY COTMISSIONERS OF 'WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the 3datter of the Application of Egbert F161d ) et al for the Construction and Improvement of a ( 0 R D E R Drainage Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporated C April 4, 1914 Drainage Improvement District* 7711:1MEAS, on the 23rd day of lurch, 1914, this Board met at its usual place of meeting for the purpose of opening and considering bids for the construction of said .improvement, and after opening said bids the same were taken under consideration by the Board until the 4th day of April, 1914. Now on this 4th day of April, 1914, said matter coming on .further to be heard, the Board, after due consideration thereof, deemed it advisable not to award said contract at this time. In consideration whereof, the Board takes said matter under further consideration, and the same is continued until the 18th day of April, 1914. Done in open session of said Board. this 4th day of April, 191.4. 11 I I 11 it fl to I 11 I 1► It " t► "Board of County Commiss- " "loners of Whatcom County " " State ' of Washington " It It It It It of to of it of " It to to Attest: Will D. Vlallace Clerk of said Board. ---------i 000--r�------ C.B. Legoe Chairman J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner B.-L+FORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY C01MISSIONERS, / OF VIHATCOTd COUNTY, WASHINGTON. IN THE MATTER OF DRAINAGE+' IMPROVE, ; NT DISTRICT ) 0 R D E R. #7 OF MIATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. � On this day came on the matter of employing an attorney to act for `-Thatcom County, and all others interested in -the above entitled matter in connection with the carrying. out of the provisions of Chapter 176 of the Laws of.1913 and to advise and carry on pro- ceedings in court with reference to the construction and improvement of -said drainage ditch to be constructed in the above entitled matter and it appearing that it is' the desire of those interested in the construction of said ditch that Chas. A. Sather act as special attorney in this matter. IT IS THE; TORE ORDERED that said Chas. A. Sather be and he is hereby specially employed to act as attorney in the above entitled matter. Done in open session this 4th day of April, 1914. to It I 1► it 11 I I ►1 " it 11 H 1i "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of `F'hatcom County " It State of ',WashingtonIt It It If It It it It of It It It if It " Attest: 71i ll D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Coftnissioner F 6^y (?y W.O. R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April. Term Saturday the 4th day Anr. il. 1914 BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMISSIONMRS, / OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. IN THE MATTER OF DRAINAGE 11A PROVEIMITT ) ( ORDI,R OF COITTINUANCE. DISTRICT NO. 7 OF yJHATCOrS COUNTY, IWASHINGTON. ) The hearing in the above entitled matter corning on regularly this day and said hearing not being completed the same is continued until April 18th, 1914, at 10:00 o'clock A.PI. Done in open session this 4th day of April, 1914o C.B. Legoe c► n " u ,t tt u n n ►+ ,► " ,► t► Chairman "Board of County Coramiss- " UI.G. Kemper "ioners of Whateom County " Commissioner It State of Washington " Henry Shagren to It it It u s► ,► n" n '► "" Commissioner Attest: `hill D. Mallace County Auditor. - - - - - - -- - - 000 ---------- A GRBEMENT. This Agreement, made and entered into this 4th day of April, 1914, by and between the COUNTY OF WHATCOM, party of the first part, and M.M, RECORD and ROBMT JOHNSON, parties of the second part; WITNESSETH: That the party of the first part agrees to construct a certain drain as follows: Commencing at the north end of Concrete Culvert No. 1, on the Sumas-Nooksack Permanent Highway, and running thence in a northerly and easterly direction following a ditch through the M.M. Record property situated in the southwest quarter of Sec. 34, Tvip. 41, North, Range 4 East, W.M., the intent and purpose being to deepen the present ditch an average of one foot through the Record property a distance of approximately seventeen hundred (1700).feet; and the said first party also agrees to furnish about eight (8) inch tile for the continuation of said drain across the Robert IIohnson property a distance of approximate- ly six hundred (600) feet, said Robert Johnson agreeing to dig the ditch and lay said tile. And the parties of the second part, each for himself and his grantees, in considera- tion of the benefits received from the County as herein provided, does hereby waive and disclaim any and all damages that may arise by reason of the installation and construction of said drain; and further, the said I.Q.M. Record and Robert Johnson each for_ himself and his grantees do naive and disclaim any and all damages, present or future, caused by the digging of the ditches along the Sumas-Nooksack highway and the subsequent running of water on the said LIX. Record and Robert Johnson property. CAB. Legoe Chairman to of It it n to it it n of to ,t ,t If J.G. Kemper "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "ioners of Whatcom County " Henry-Shagren of State of s.lashington " Commissioner it It to it ,t It n " to to It it if to M.M. Record Robert T. Johnson Parties of the Second Part. --r r.. wrr000�/Q-oo rr�-o wr On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Monday, April 6, 1914. v 1� Chairman Board oun ommiss- ioners. W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners'Proceedings Aprkl Term Yonday the 6th day April 19 Monday, April 6, 1914. The Board met pursuant toadjournment taken on April 4, 1914. 'Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were alloyed and proceedings had: CURRENT M-1ENSE FUND. Will D. 11allace Salary as County Auditor 158.33 August Engquist Salary as Chief Dep. Auditor 100,00 S.E. Barrett Salary as Deputy Auditor 100.00 F.C. Martin do 75.00 Lucy E. King Salary as Chief Recorder 75.00 :dl. Thomas Salary as Recorder 65,00 Jessie Walters do 65,00 C.B. Legoe Salary as County Commissioner 150,00 J.G. Kemper do 150.00 Henry Shagren do 150.00 Delia L. Keeler Salary as Supt. Co, Schools 150,00 Ethel Everett Salary as Dep. aupt. Schools 90,00 D.W. Featherkile Salary as Justice of Peace 100.00 Henry Shagren do 100..00 F.E. Wyman Salary as Probation Officer 75.00 Mrs Bessie Cline do 50,00 Harrison Coviden Salary as Constable 60.00 O.E. Beebe Salary as Co. Physician 83.33 H. Thompson Salary as Coroner 83,33 Hector Gaviley Salary as Janitor 85,00 Ed. E. Hardin Salary as Superior Judge 125.00 William H. Pemberton do 125,00 F.W. Moses Salary as County Clerk 158.33 Alithea Adams Salary as Dep: Co. Clerk 100.00. Geo. Id. Cook do 100,00 Frank 1.7. Bixby Salary as Pros, Attorney 158.33 ff.A. Martin Salary as Dep. Pros. Attorney 100,00 Maybelle Bryan Salary as Stenographer for Pros, Atty. 75.00 Nellie C. Rogers Salary as Co, Treasurer 166966 F.L. Olslager Salary as Dep. Co, Treasurer 100.00 John Fernley Salary as Bookkeeper for Co Treas. 90,00 Olive Wilson Salary as Clerk for Co Treas. 80.00 G.A. Pence do 80,00 Geo. H. Watrous Salary as Extra Clerk for Co. Treas. 90.00 Agnes Nedrud do 75.00 F.B. Graves Over time in Co. Treasurer's Office 10.00 H.R. George do 10.00 L.A. Thomas Salary as Sheriff 158.33 L.J. Flanagan Salary as Dep. Sheriff 80.00 'Jilson Stewart do 80,00 M.B. Byland Salary as Jailer 60.00 C.M. Adams Salary as County Engineer 158.33 C E Phoenix Salary as Dep CO Eng 115.00 Carl McCoy Salary as Draughtsman for Co Eng 104.00 Harry C Sviettenam Salary as Chainman for Co Eng 78,00 0 N Munn Salary as Transitman for Co Eng 95,00 Chas Shea Salary as Chainman for Co Eng 36.25 0 Underhill do 36.25 F E Crawley Salary as Axnian for Co Eng 15.00 K McBeath do 15.00 G L Swettenam Salary as Chainman for Co Eng 5.00 !;1 S Russell do 3.75 A D Riddle Salary as Axman for Co BEng 2.50 P G Cooke Salary as Transitman for Cc Eng 25.00 Philitus Cooke Salary as Chainman for Co Eng 12.50 ?� , C Lyle Salary as Transitman for Cc Eng 62.50 E W Gooch Salary as Chainman for Co Eng 18.75 James Goheen do 16.25 C C King Salary as Supt Co Home 60.00 11 B King Salary as Matron at Co Home 25,00 Nettie Smith Salary as Cook at Co Home 45.00 Troutle Post Salary as Teamster at Co Home 5 days 5.00 John Colling do 25 days 25.00 Barney Winters Salary as Nurse at Co Home 25.00 H D IAcArthur Salary as Co Assessor 125,00 Jas Elder Salary as Dep Assessor 80,00 H R George do 75.00 Foster Carver do 75.00 F B Graves Salarycas Clerk for Assessor 62.30 David Vurtenberg do 21.63 Winfield Ervin do 17.30 Lydia A Burpee Salary as Field Deputy Assessor 63,00 Byron 14 Kingsley do 91,00 S A Strange do 63.00 J A McBride do 49,00 Mrs Edith Layman do 66.50 E W Van Horn do 49.00 Vina A Nickerson do 66.50 Geo S Smith do 87.50 Kate Tracy do 84.00 Alex Van tilyck do 49.00 Johri S Smith do 73.50 Ira C Rohrbacher do 33.25 Lillian A Covell do 84,00 H Schroeder do 28,00 Daniel TAcCush do 89.25 Tom Brown do 66.50 Eagan Ridenour TypdWriting for Pros. Attorney 1,40 B I7 Loring Salary as Field Dep Assessor 75.25 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term 1,1onday the 6th day April 19 Emery Hess H C "Williams Hugh Eldridge Puget Sound T L & P Co Frank 'Y ' Bixby Harrison Cowden Delia L Keeler P G Cooke L A Thomas L A Thomas Chesson's Restaurant Robinson's Cafe Puget Sound T'L & P Co Fairhaven City Water & Power Co New Method Cascade Laundry I:Iike +Ponta & Co Lux Berard Joe Ridley J M Aitken Leslie Jones Andrea N Jensen Northwest Hdw Co Clark Electric Co S B Irish & Co Sarah Foster 1-Ars Penelopie S Knox Leona Miller Esther C Pinckney C A Scri xasher G H fibers Services as Spl Dep Sheriff 28.00 do 42.00 Stamped Envelopes for Co Ent; 10.68 Gas- & Elect Light for Lich 44.05 Expense as Pros Attorney 6.05 Expense as Constable 2.15 Expense & Express as Co Supt. 22.97 Expense as Dep CO Eng 2,80 Expense as Sheriff 85.90 Board of Prisoners 111.40 Iaeals for Jurors 16.25 do 36.55 Street Car tickets for Sheriff 20.00 Water rent for Waldron BlIc 3 mo 3,00 Laundry for Jail 10.35 & Jury Rm 4.65 15.00 Removing Garbage from Courthouse 3 mo 3,00 Scalp Bounty on 1 wild cat 5.00 Scalp Bounty on 3'wild cats & 1 coyote 16.00 GAIE PROTECTION FUND. Salary & Expense as Game 1arden 122.65 Salary & Expense as Dep Game 'garden 72.40 Work at Fish fiat ch ery 7.50 Roofing for Fish Hatchery 14,20 Elect Sup for Fish Hatchery 1.50 Printing Game Lags 12.75 SOLDIERS' RELIEF FUND. Relief 12.00 Relief 10,00 Relief 10,00 Relief 10.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. Operating Marietta Ferry 50.00 Tending Ferndale Bridge 5.00 MARRIAGE CIMTIFICATL FUND, F `►Moses, Co Clerk Recording Marriage Certificates 43.00 ---------- 000---------- The claim of A J Loomis for Reynolds Post No. 32 G A R amounting to ?j+40.00 being for hell rent for said post for Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec & Jan., was refused by the Board. In the Matter of Issuing t Duplicate warrant ) -----o00---------- Order Issuing. 71HEREAS, pursuant -to the prayer of the petition of Dan Vandermeer; the same being hereto attached, wherein the permanent loss of Road and Bridge Fund warrant No. 1098, issued on November 7, 1913, in the sum of $37.00 in favor of said Dan Vandermeer, is set out to the satisfaction of this Board, IT IS THERl+FORE ORDERED that the County Auditor be, and he hereby is directed to issue a duplicate warrant in the sum of $37,00 on the Road and Bridge Fund in lieu of the one so lost. Done in open session of the Board this 6th day of April, 1914. C,B. Legoe it to 1► 1► It It it to It it it It it ►: Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- " J.G. Kemper "ioners of Whatcora County " Commissioner to State of Washington " Henry Shagren to to +) u n u n to u n a n n of Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board, ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COENISSIONERS OF 111HATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. It appearing that one J.V1. Jacobs, a bachelor, heretofore on the 5th day of June, 1905, deeded to Whatcom County, Washington, by deed bearing said date and recorded in Vol. 82, page 581 on the llth day of April, 1906, the. following described property for road purposes: W.O.R. Record of, Commissioners.: Proce'edings _ Apri.l. Term luonday the 6th day A-ril. 191,4 Along the east line of the northwest quarter of Section 177, Township 40, Range 5 E from the. South Pass Road south to the foot of the hill; thence southriest along the foot of said hill along the most practleable route, said road to be forty (40) feet in widtho Under said deed,said grantor J.VY, Jacobs gave a twenty foot strip where said road was run along the section line and a forty foot strip where the entire road was on his land.. it further ap�oearing that said roadway was never used, but that a .road has been made in a different location so that the said roadway will never be needed. It is ordered that this Board by these presents re1eatie,, ar.d. lreIi:zqui :.h0 ,a.1',0 0 a Wit; J.V1. Jacobs all claim of any right it might have by virtue of said deed and hereby surrend- ers any claim to said land to said J.V1. Jacobs. Done in open session this 6th day of April, 1.914. C.B. Legoe It it to it it at to it to of it to of of Chairman "Board of County Commiss- ee J.G. Kemper 11ioners of 'Ihatcora Counter ' Commiss3ioner 9° State of Vashington 01 Henry Shagren H It It of at ee P) sa W::r' It PB to vo COm]ili S w,i. ones' Attest: Will D 71allace County Auditor and Clerk of the Boardo ------- ---coo------ ---- BFFOR1a' THE, HONORABLE BOARD OF COTTNTY CONIICIISSIONYRS OF . 3HATCO%T COTTlMY', WASHING`.CON. in the j4atter of the Application of Nathan Belli nga.r ) for the Construction and Improve_.-ent of a, Drainage Ditch and-stablisYlme nt of Unincorporated Drainage) 0 R D R Improvement .13istridt j EME'M, a petition signed by Nathan Bellingar, asking that a drainage system and district be established and constructed, was duly tiled. with the Board of County Commiss- ioners of '71hatcorr• County, Washington, in form and as provided for by Chapter 176 of the laws of 1913, and. after the proceedings required under said law, and on the 7th day of July, 1913, an order was made that the said improvement prayed for in said petition. should be granted and the said improvement should be: known and designated as Drainage Improvement District No. 5 of Vihatcom County, N'lashi ngton; and IdHL:Rjt,AS, after all cf the legal proceedings necessary had been fully performed in manner as required by said lays, this Board determined and fixed the route and plans for the proposed. drainage system and boundaries of the improve✓rient district; that the proposed improvement was feasible, and that; the construction of the improvement should proceed.as provided for by lave; and VM]iMEAS, on the:: 14th day of November, 1913, after due and legal hearing was had as provided for in Section 10 of the said laws, this Board made an order that the costs of said improvement should be paid by warrants, and. that assessments should be payable in annual installments, as fo11o.¢rso First year, 10%; Second year 20%; Third year 20%; Fourth year 25%; Fifth year 251op said warrants to draw=,interest at the rate of S% per_ annum, and. that the levy of the said assessirie:nts be made as provided by the said Chapter 176 of th e 191E laws of the State of Washington; and. afterwards it was ordered that there be esta.bli shed in the County Treasury. of `.'ha.tcom County, Washington, a. separate fund for the construction of said improvement, the sane to be known as Construction Fund of Drainage Improvement District Foo 5 of VIh.atcom County, Washington; and dEit.RL+'AS, on the 5th day of January, 1914, this Board awarded the contract for the 236 record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. April Term Monday the 6th day April 1914 construction of said improvement to John C. Anderson, said improvement to be made according to the plans and specifications on file, and a contract was duly entered into with the said John C. Anderson for the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is now being made, and it is necessary that warrants be issued to pay the necessary expenses connected with the establishment of said drainage district and the making of said improve went; that the said Chapter 176 of the labs of 1913 provides that after the said drainage district is improved, assessments shall be made against the property benefited by the im. provement to pay the costs of said improvement, in accordance with the resolution of the Board of County Commissioners fixing the method of the payment of assessments, and that the levy and assessment so made shall date back and be a lien upon all of the property improved from the time of the organization of said district; and 1IE'REAS, it appears to the Board that to complete said improvement and to pay the expenses of organizing said district; it will be necessary that warrants be issued, as provided by law and the ordere of this Board heretofore made; 1T IS HEREBY ORDEMED that upon the filing of claims, and the approval thereof, warrants be issued for the making of said improvement and. to pay the said expenses, all of said warrants to bear date of issuance and to be due and payable on or before December 31, 1919. Done in open session of said Board this 6th day of April, 1914. ++ +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 11 11 +1 1+ 11 11 +1 ++ "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of %4hatcom County " " State of Washington " n ++ of 11 it #1 " 01 of It 11 +► a +► Attest: Will D 1allace Clo rk of said Board. Gn motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, April 7th 1914. C.B. Legoe Chairman J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner Chairman Board County ommissioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Apri]. Term Tuesday the 7th day April 1914 Tuesday, April 7, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on April 6, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clark in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had; CURR]NT EXPENSE FUND. 0 N Munn Expense Assisting Co. Eng on Hovander Ditch 58.10 C E Phoenix Expense as Dep Eng on Ditches 22.65 E C Lyle Expense Assisting Eng on Road Surveys 17.45 0 E Beebe Expense as Co Physician 2.55 C C King Expense as Supt Co Home 14.72 Nilson -Nobles -Barr Co Groceries for Co Home 146.55 W J Pynor Groceries etc for Co Home 86.70 Farmer's Merct Co Groceries etc for Co Home 132.25 Central Meat Market Meat for Co Home 28.05 Sturman & Hoekstra do 20.00 J K Rogers Labor at Co Home 36.00 Geo Casebeer Grinding Feed for Co Home 4.90 Oscar Hougan Spraying Trees at Co Horne 12.50 A H Frasier Seed Potatoes for Co Home 20.00 Puget Sound Seed..Gardens Seeds for Co Home 4.50 J F Shetler Oats for Co Home 55.43 I L Hively Blaeksmithing for Co Home 4.75 A Reiter do 5.00 Pickering Hdw Co Repairs to Co Home Plumbing 1.70 & Tools for Eng 2.45 Northwest Hdw Co Material for Janitor 2.13 & Co Home 5.22 7.35 W.H. Shetler Gravel for Co Home 3.00 G M Caylot Livery & Use of horse for Co Home 7.65 Dr J Reid Morrison Assisting Co Physician 12.50 Dr E C Ruge do 10.00 Engberg's Pharmacy Medicine for Co Patient 1.25 Red Cross Pharmacy Medicine for Jail 3.9®& Co Horne 7.55 11.45 Anton Lednicky Antiseptics for Co Patients 8.60 Graham Drug Co Drugs & Vaccine a/c Co Patients 19.75 St Luke's Hospital Care of Co Patients 145.00 St Joseph's Hospital Care of Co Patients 80.50 Dr E S Clark Hospital Care of Co Patient 21.00 Dr C E McKinnis Fumigating School Bldg 5.00 S W Fisher Medicine for Patients in Quarentine 16.60 D S Bartles Nurse to Quarentine Family 30.00 Ben Biller Quarentine Guard 106.50 Mrs A C Graveline Board of 'Um Mapley, Co Patient 55.00 Tars Anna Gilfillan Board of Swan Hultberg from Co Home during damage suit 5.00 Mock & Harlow Burial of Peter Peterson 25.00 Dr E L Brinson Expert Tetrtimony etc -Coroners Inquest 5.20 Nellie C Rogers P 0 Box Rent as Co Treas 2.00 Pacific Tel & Tel Co Rentals for April 42.70 do Long Distance for March 16.25 Ca.ine-Grimshaw Co Coal for Courthouse 35.13 A H Montgomery do 16.90 Trunkey & Sons do 8.78 Central Grocery & Meat Mkt Supplies for Janitor 1.50 Fountain Pharmacy do 1.40 ---------- 000---------- The March report of 0 E Beebe, Co Physician, was endorsed approved by the Board. ---------- 000---------- The March report of C C King, Supt Co Home, was endorsed approved by the Board. ---------- 000---------- BEFORE+" THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM!�TISSIOMMI S OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF SUPERVISORS OF ) LOOKSACK TOVMSHIP FOR CANCYJLLATION OF THE GILLIES ) ORDER OF CANCELLATION. MILL & MANUFACTURING CO. FRANCHISE FOR TItAD.I'�YAY. 'r"dH REAS, on December loth 1903 the then Board of County Commissioners of What com County, Washington, did grant to the Gillies Mill & Manufacturing Company a franchise for tramway over the south twelve feet of that certain county road commencing at the southwest corner of Section 16, Township 40 North, Range 4 East, and running thence east a distance of 11 miles more or less, to an intersection with County Road No. 84, with the privilege of crossing said last named road; the terms of said franchise being for the period of 15 years upon the condition that at any time within said period the Board of Commissioners might enter an order cancelling same should the operation of said tramway prove detrimental to the public wellfare; and 1'JID31REAS, the said Gillies Mill & Manufacturing Co. are no longer operating the tramway r e W. 0. R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Tuesdav the 7th clay April 1914 granted pursuant to said franchise and the rails have been taken from said tramway leaving only the ties of said tramway in said public highway; and Vr'HEREAS, the whole of said public highway is now needed by the said Nooksack Township in order to improve the same for public travel; and the said tramway is detrimental to the public wellfare; IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by this Board of County Commissib:ners that the said franchise for tramway granted to the said Gillies MLill & I:Ianufacturing Company be, and same is hereby cancelled. Done in open session of the Board this 7th day of April, 1914. I n u n I I n n n n n ►► to of "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of 1.9hatcom County " to State of Washington " ►► ►► if of to ►► It to to it it if of ►► Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk, of the Board. -- a M v 6• w Y 0 000 ---------- C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J.G. Kemper Conunissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY C01,17TISSIONT4'.RS ✓ OF VUiATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter of the Application of W.S. Russell ) for the Construction and Improvement of Drainage Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporated Drain_ ) 0 R D E.R. � 6e Improvement District. ',4REAS, a petition signed by V-7. S. Russell and others, asking that a drainage system and district be established and constructed, was duly filed with the Board of County Commiss- ioners of Whateom County, in form and after the proceedings required under said lacy, and on the 16th day of May, 1913, an order was made that the said improvement prayed for in said petition should be made and that the said improvement should be known and designated as Drainage Improvement District No. 4 of '.'lhatcom County, Washington; and WHEREAS, after all the legal proceedings necessary had been fully performed in manner as required by said laws, this Board determined and fixed the route and plans for the pro- posed drainage system and boundaries of the improvement district; that the proposed improve- ment was feasible, and that the construction of the improvement should be proceeded with as provided for by law; and V1HERL+'AS, , on the 5th day of January, 1914, after due and legal hearing vas had as pro- vided for in Section 10 of the said law, this Board made an order that the costs of said improvement should be paid by warrants payable in annual installments, as follows: First year 100; Second year 10%; `Third year 20%; Fourth year 30/; Fifth year 30 ; said warrants to dravi interest at the rate of 8% per annum, and that the levy of the said assessments be made an provided by the said Chapter 176 of'the 1913 Laws of the State of Washington; and afterwards it was ordered that there be established in the County Treas ury of 'Uhatdom County, Washington, a separate fund for the construction of said improvement the same to be known as Construction Fund of Drainage Improvement District No. 4 of Whatcom County, Washington; and �1Hi! ILIS, on the 27th day of January, 1914, this Board awarded the contract for the construction of a part of the said improvement to G.A. Dickinson & Co., said improvement to be made according to the plans and specifications on file-., and a contract was duly entered into with the said G.A. Dickinson & Co. for the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is now being made, and it is necessary that warrants be issued to pay the necessary expenses connected with the establishment of said drainage district and the W.O.R. Record.,of Commissioners'. Proceedings _ A r-i 7 1 Term Tuesday the 7th day April 1914 making:of said improvement; that the said Chapter 176 of the Laws of 1913 provides, among other things, that after the said drainage district is improves, assessments shall be made a;ainst the property benefited by the improvement to pay the costs of said improve- ment, in accordance with the resolution of the Board of County Commissioners fixing the method of the payment of assessments, and that the levy and assessment so made shall date back and be lien upon all of the property improved from the time of the organization of said district; and _VMEREAS, it appears to.the Board that to complete said improvement and to pay the. expenses of organizing said district, it will be necessary that warrants be.issued, ad provided by law and the orders of this Board heretofore made; IT .IS HEREBY ORDIMM that upon the filing of claims, and the approval thereof, warr- dnts be issued for the making of said improvement and to pay the said expenses, all of said warrants to bear date of issuance and to be due and payable on or before December 31st 1919. Done in open session of said Board this 7th day of April, 1914. n. u » n u n s �� - �► �� n ti �� o "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Z'Vhatcom County " it, State of Washington " it " It It It It of to If it it ii it of Attest: Will . D Wallace Clerk of said Board. -------- 000---------- C B Legoe Chairman J G . Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner BEFORE THE.HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMIISSIONERS•- OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In''the matter -of the Application of W S Russell .- ) for"the Construction and Improvement of Drainage ( Claim for Partial Payment of Ditch and Establishment of.Unincorporated ) Attorney's Fees. Drainage Improvement District. To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners:, The law firm of Brown,' White & Peringer, during all the time since the institution of proceedings in said matter, and until January 1, 1.914, a.nd . the. law firm of Brown, Per- inger & Thomas, subsequent to January 1, 1914, have attended to the legal work and have done an immense amount -of legal services in said. matter, devoting much time and attention thereto. The law provides that the Board of County Commissioners shall:rtfix a compensation for the attorney or attorneys performing such service. We therefore ask at this time that you male an allowance to apply on account of legal services, and authorize the issuance of a warrant therefor, letting it.be understood that the same is simply on account, the ultimate and total allowance to -be made by your honor- able body at a later dateo Dated at Bellingham, Washington, this filth day of April, 1914. BROVIN, WHITE & PERINGER, . By Peringer BROWN, PERINGER & THOMAS By Peringer. ---------- 000--- ------ 20 Wr O.R. Record, of Com'missioners' Proceedings April Term. Tuesday the 7th day April 1914 BEFORE'+' THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF t=1HAT COM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. , In the Yatter of the Application of W S Russell ) for the Construction and Improvement of a ( Order Allowing Part of Attorney's Drainage Ditch and the Construction of Unincor- ) Fees. porated Drainage Improvement District. On this day eras presented the claim of Brown, White & Peringer and Brown, Peringer & Thomas on account of legal services, asking for the allowance of a warrant, to apply on account only, the ultimate and total allowance for legal services to be hereafter fixed and allowed. It appears that the law firm of Brown, White & Peringer did the legal services in this matter from the beginning of these proceedings until January 1, 1914,• and there- after the law firm of Brown, Peringer & Thomas has done the legal work herein. It further appears that it is meet and proper that some allowance should be made at this time on account of said services. WHEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that warrant on said District be issued to Virgil Peringer, one of the members of said law firms, in the sum of $400.00, same to apply on account only of said legal services, and that the total compensation to be made for legal services be hereafter fixed in the manner provided by law. Done in open session of said Board this 7th day of April, 1914. it n rr of n n.: it of it of. a n u s "Board of County Commiss- " "loners of Whatcom County " of State of. Washington " It rl 11 " rr rr rr n " n u n rr ri Attest: Will..D Wallace Clerk of said'Board. C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper, Commissioner -Henry Shagren Commissioner --------- -000---------- BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY 0019iISSION.ERS J OF WHAATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter of the Application of -Nathan Bellingar ) „it et al for the.Construction and Improvement of . ( Claim for Partial Payment of Drainage Ditch and the Establishment of Unincor- ) Attorney's Fees. porated Drainage Improvement District. To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners: The law firm of Broom, ' White &.. Peringer, during all the time since the institution of Proceedings in said matter, and until January 1, 1914, and the law firm of Brown, Peringer. & Thomas, subsequent to January 1, 1914, have attended to the lapel work and have done an immense amo unt of legal services in said matter, devoting much time and attention thereto. The law provides that the Board of County Commissioners shall fix a compensation for the attorney or attorneys performing such service. We therefore ask at this time that you make an allowance to apply on account of legal services,. and authorize the issuance of a warrant therefor, letting it be understood that the same is simply. on account, the ultimate and total allowance to be made by your.honor- able body at a later date. Dated at Bellingham,. Washington, this 7th day of April, 1914. BROWN, WHITE & PERINGER, By Virgil Peringer BRO11N, PERINGMI & THOIu1AS, By. Virgil Peringer. -__:.------000-----••---- W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Tuesday the 7th day Alril 161 21 BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD- OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS f OF 'lIHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In .the Matter of the 'Applicatiori of Nathan Bellingar ) et al..for the Construction and Improvement of a ( Order Allowing Part of Drainage Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporated lea .).,;;.;c Attorney's' Fees. Drainage Improvement District: On this day was presented the claim of Brown, White & Peringer, and Brown, Peringer & Thomas on account -of legal services, asking for the allowance of a warrant, to apply on account only, the ultimate and total allowance for legal services to be hereafter fixed and allowed.. It appears that the law firm of Brown, White & Peringer did the legal ser- vices in this matter from the beginning of these proceedings until January 1, 1914, and thereafter the -law firm of Brown, Peringer & Thomas has done the legal work herein. It further appears that it is meet and proper that,some allowance should be made at this time on account of said serivices. WHEREFORE, IT IS ORDFRM, that warrant on said District be issued to Virgil Peringer, one of the members of said law firms, in the sum of $300.00, same to apply on account only of said legal services, and that the total compensation to be made for legal ser- vices be, hereafter fixed in the manner provided by law. Done in open session of said Board this 7th day of April, 1914. C B Lego e ` Chairman J G Kemper "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "ioners of Whatcom County " Henry Shagren of . State of Washington " Commissioner It fl N f! It 11 f/ It 11 ,11 It It 11 H Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- f In the Matter of the Approval ) ( Order Approving. of Surety Bond of Emil Keller ) It is ordered by this Board that the surety bond of Enil Keller given by the American Surety Company -of New York for $1751.80 covering the construction of Lateral No. 1 of the Russell Ditch or Drainage Ditch District No. 4ri,be and same is hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this 7th day of April, 1914. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board tt it to If It of It " it It of it to It J G Kemper "Board of County Commiss- f° Commissioner "ioners. of t'lhatcom County " Henry Shagren of State:of Washington 01 Commissioner 11 ft yr fill of " 11 fl ft 1111 of it Attest: j Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the. Board. ---------- 000--- ------- C O N T R A C T. THIS AGREHIA-ENT, made and entered into in triplicate this 7th day of April, A.D., 1910 between Whatcom County, State of Washington, hereinafter called the County, and Emil Keller hereinafter called the contractor, WITITESSETH: That the said contractor, in consideration of the sums hereinafter specified, be paid to him by the said Whatcom.County, in the manner and at the time. hereinafter provided, and in consideration of other covenants and agreements,.herein contained by the said parties, agrees to and with said Whatcom County.: 1. That the contractor will perform and furnish under the direction and to the satis 242 Record of ColUnfissioners' Proceedings April Term Tuesday the 7th day April 1.9h faction of the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washington, and in conform- ity to the laws of the State of Washington, all.the work and material included in the Construction of Lateral No. 1 of Drainage Improvement District No. 4 (Russell Ditch) and that the contractor will furnish all material necessary, and perform all labor in the manner, and of the kind and class of work and material, and manner 'of doing said work, and in all other respects strictly according to.the maps, plans and specifications thereof furnished by the..County Engineer of said County and on file in his office; said maps, plans and specifications being agreed to be a part of this contract with.the same force and effect as though the same were fully inserted herein. Said work to be done under.the super vision and direction of the County Engineer and to be approved by him and the Board of County Commissioners. In case of any disagreement or misunderstanding in respect to these specifications or the performance of the work, the matter shall be referred to the Board of County Commissioners, whose decision shall be final. In case of improper construction or noncompliance with the contract or specifications in any manner, upon recommendation of the County Engineer, the Board of County Commissioners may suspend said work at any time and may order the partial or entire reconstruction of.said work if properly done, or declare the contract forfeited, and may then re -let or complete the same, and adjust the difference of damage or price if any there be, which the con- ,�ractor shall pay to the County according to the just and reasonable amount thereof. 2. Said work is to be fully completed on or before the Ist day of August, 1914, and if not done within the time specified the contractor agrees to pay to the County $5.00 for each and every day that the work remains uncompleted beyond such time, such amount hereby being agreed upon as liquidated damages of a reasonable amount for such delay, and to be deducted by the county from the final estimate allowed the contractor. 3. Additional time for completion of work under this contract must be applied for in writing by the contractor, and shall be granted only an order by the Board of County Commissioners entered in regular session, and upon the further condition that the sure- ties on the contractor's bond.shall not be released thereby. 4. Said County agrees to make payment of the sum agreed to be paid in the following manner: warrants will be drawn on the Drainage Improvement District Ho. 4 fund of said County according to the final estimate furnished by the County Engineer and approved by the County Commissioners, as provided in the specifications and prices inserted therein. Partial payments based upon the County Engineer's estimates, made from time to time, may be made not to exceed 75 per cent* of such estimates. 5. No liability shall attach to the County by reason of entering into this contract except as specially provided herein. The contractor hereby assumes all risks and liabili- ties for accidents or damages that may occur to persons or property during the prosecu- tion of the work. It is. understood that the whole of the work is to be done at the con- tractor's risk and.he is to assume the responsibility of risk and all damage done to the work from any cause whatsoever prior to the final acceptance by the Board of County Comm- issioners of all;work to be done hereunder, and partial payments shall not diminish the liability, hereunder. 6. The contractor shall not let, assign nor transfer this contract, or any interest therein, without the written consent of the Board of.County Commissioners. 7. It is understood that final payment shall be made v;ithin 30 days after this contract is completely finished and the work accepted; provided, that in each of the said cases the contractor shall give the Board of County Commissioners good.and sufficient evi- dence that the Lateral is free from all liens and claims chargeable to the said contractor on account thereof; and further, that if at any time there shall be any lien or claim for W.O.R. Record of Commissioners.,Proc�ed�gs 24o April Term Tuedday the 7th day April 191 4 which, if1 established, the county, or said Lateral, might be made liable and which would be chargeable to the contractor -the County shall have the right to retain out of any pay- ment then due or thereafter to become due said contractor an amount sufficient to complete- ly indemnify it against' such.lien or claim until the same shall be effectually satisfied, discharged, or cancelled. 'And should there prove to,be any such claim after all payments are made the contractor shall refund to the County all moneys that the latter may be com- pelled to pay in discharging any lien on said premises, or paying any indebtedness there- for made obligatory in consequence of the contractor's default. Provided, this shall not in any manner be construed .a release of any of the conditions of the contractor's bond. 8. No certificate given or payment mad.e.under.this contract except the final certi- ficate or final payment, shall be conclusive evidence of the performance off this contract either wholly of in part against any claim of the County,.and no payment shall be con- strued to be an acceptance of any defective work. 9. 'The contractor shall within five (5) days after notice of being awarded the contract, furnish a good and. sufficient surety bond in the sum of 41151.80, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract and as provided by law, which bond shall not be vitiated or affected by extension of time for completion of this contract, or altera- tion, or modification in line, grade or plans of said work, and no liability shall attach to the County, unlesssuch bond be furnished. IN WITNESS 1,11HEiRLOP, said County executes this contract by its Board of County Comm- issioners, and the contractor does sign and seal the same the date herein first above- mentioned. It to it it It It tt it tt tl it q tl 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whateom County " . State of Washington to to it " 11 It of It of It It to of It Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk. In the Matter of the "Approval of Surety -Bond of Barbo Bros. ---------- 000---------- ) jOrder Approving. C .'B Legoe 'Chairman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner Emil Keller Contractor. It is ordered by this Board that the surety bond of Barbo Bros.. given by The Aetna Accident and Liability Company for $25,874.34 covering improvement of Sumas-Nooksack Road being Permanent Highway No. 4 A, be and same is hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this 7th day of April, 1914. It It II I 11 It to It I it I1 if 11 it "Board of County Commiss-. " "ioners of 71hatcom County " it State of Washington " it " " " tl tt „ u " tl " " it of It Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk, of the Board. ----------- 000----------- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry.Shagren Commissioner . W.O.R. 24�- 'Record of 'Commissioners' Co issioners Proceedings April Term Tuesday the 7th day April 1914 / C 0 N T R A C T. ✓ THIS AGRMIMM, Made and entered into this 7th day of April, 1914, between 'iIHATCOM COUNTY, State of Washington, and Barbo Bros., hereinafter called the Contractor, VVITNIESSLTH: That in consideration of the payments, covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned to be made and performed by 7/hatcom County, the contractor hereby covenants and. agrees as follotivs: 1: To complete all the work and furnish all the materials necessary to con- struct, improve and complete the Sumas-Nooksack Road, being Permanent Highway No. 4 A, in Whatcom County, Washington, between Station 139 10 and Station 311 74, in accordance with and as described in the profile, map, plans' and specifications therefor, which are made a part hereof,. and shall have the same effect as though the same were fully incorporated here in, and made a part hereof, and in full-accordance.with.the-terms, conditions and stipula- tions of this agreement, and as provided by Chap. 35, Laws of. 1911. 2: The contractor shall provide and be at the expense of all materials, labor, - carriage, tools, implements, conveniences, -and things of every description,.that may be required for the transfer of materials.for the improving, constructing and completing the work above described. 3: It is understood and agreed by and between the parties -hereto that'the work included in this contract is to be done -under the direction and supervision of the County Engineer, or his substitute, and his decision as to the true aon3ideration and meaning of the profile, maps, plans, specifications and estimate. shall be final. In the absence of the engineer, his duly authorized inspector or agent shall be deemed the co-nstruction engineer in charge. It is also understood and agreed that such additional drawings and explanations as may be necessary'to detai-l'and illustrate the work,. are to be furnished by the engineer, and the contractor agrees to conform to and abide by the same, so far as may be consistent with the purpose and intent of•the original plans and specifications. 4: Should the contractor at any time refuse or neglect to supply.a sufficiency of properly skilled workmen or of materials of the proper quality, .or fail -in any respect to prosecute the work with promptness and diligence., or fail in the performance of:any of the agreements herein contained, the Board of County Commissioners (I.ereinafter called the Board), on behalf of Uhatcom County shall be at liberty after three days written notice to the contractor, to provide any such -la.bor or materials and to deduct the cost thereof from' any moneys then due or thereafter to become- due to the contractor,under this contract; and may, by written notice, terminate the employment of the contractor for the said work, and, enter upon the.premises, and take possession of all materials, tools and appliances there- on, for the purpose of completing the :.ork included under this contract, and employ, by contract or otherwise, any other person or parsons .to finish the work,, and provide the material therefor; and in case of such discontinuance of the Employment of the contractor, .he shall not be entitled to receive any balance of the amount to be paid under this con- tract until the work shall be wholly finished, at 1.4hich time, if the unpaid balance of the amount to be paid under this. contract shall exceed the expense incurred by the board in.. finishing the work, such excess shall be paid by the Board to the contra.ctor;_, but if such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance, the contractor shall pay the difference to the. County.' A discontinuance of work upon.the said road by the contractor for a period.of. Fifteen consecutive days without written permission of the Board filed in the office of Record of Commissioners'.. Proceedings April Term Tuesday the 7th day April 191 the clerk of the Board shall be construed to be an abandonment of the contract by the contractor and the Board may in such case terminate this contract without notice. 5: The contractor hereby agrees to complete all the work called for in this contract, in all parts and requirements, before the lst' day of November, 1914. 6:, Time shall be the essence of this contract on the part of the contractor, and in case the contractor shall fail in the due performance of the contract by and at the time herein mentioned, he shall be liable to pay to Wha.tcom County for liquidated damages, and not as penalty, the sum of Twenty-five ($25.00) dollars for each and every day which may elapse between the appointed and actual time of completion, which sum i:,s hereby agreed upon, fixed, and determined as the damages that will be suffered by such failure to com- plete.within the time named; and the County may deduct the same from the amount due or to become due to the contractor;. and such payments or deductions shall not in any way release the contractor from the'further obligations and penalties in respect to the ful- fillment of the entire contract, nor any right which the County might have to claim, sue for and recover compensation and damages for non-performance of this contract.. 7: Partial payments upon this contract, not exceeding eighty (80%) per cent. of the work done, may be made at the request of the contractor once each.month, such pay- ments to be mgde.upon the estimates of the engineer. Final payments for said work shall be made within thirty (30) days after the entire work has been completed and accepted by the engineer and board, PROVIDED, that before the making of such final payment the con- tractor shall show to the satisfaction of the board that all just debts due all laborers, mechanics, material -men, and persons who.have.supplied such contractor, or sub -contractor, with -material or goods of any -kind for, this work have been paid. PROVIDED FURTHER, that if prior to any payment being made; the board receives notice from any person or persons that any laborers, mechanics, material men, or other persons,.who have supplied or furnished said contractor:, or any sub -contractor;:: with any labor, service, material; goods, or provisions of any kind in connection with the construo• tion of said work have claims against.said contractor, or any sub -contractor, for such service or things, for which claim any such.laborer, mechanic, material man, or other per- son would be entitled to a lien under the laws of this state were said work not a public work, or proper claim against the'bond in such cases required by law, the board shall have the right to retain out of -the payments then due -or to become due to said contractor, the amount in.addition to the twenty (20%) per cent. above provided to be retained until the final completion of said work, sufficient to cover all such claims of which notice shall have been so given, .until such claim or claims shall have been fully satisfied and paid, and receipts in full for the same shall have been furnished by the said contractor, to the board, and the said contractor hereby expressly agrees to pay all such claims. It is mutually agreed between the parties hereto that any payments or contri- butions due or.required by Chap. 74 of the laws of 1911 (Industrial Insurance Act) from the County of VThatcom, by virtue of or on account of any of the work covered by this con- tract., may be deducted from any payment or payments made to -the contractor herein, and that'the sum or sums so;deducted shall be determined each month upon the basis of the work of said month, and shall be made upon the proper written order and demand of the Industri&. Insurance Qommission, a notice of which order and demand shall be served upon the said contractor prior -to said deduction. It is further agreed that the contractor herein, or any sub -contractor or contractors employed by them shall be subject to the provisions of said act as provided and required in Sec. 17 thereof. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Tuesday the 7th day April 1914 S: All payments under this contract shall be made by the -State Treasurer from the Permanent Highway Fund, upon warrants of the State Auditor issued upon presentation of proper vouchers by the contractor, said vouchers to be approved by the board, and no pay- ment shall be made fof any alteration made during the progress of the work unless the same shall have been approved by the Board of County Commissioners by resolution, and a copy of said resolution shall have been transmitted to the State Highway -Commissioners, and, in case of final payment, to be,.accompanied by the certificate of the State Highway Commissioner as aforesaid. No warrant, however, can be issued for any purpose against the Permanent High- way Fund unless there be sufficient -money to pay such warrant in such fund to the credit of 71hatcom County-, PROVIDED, HOWEVER. that in case the permanent highway described shall be improved or constructed pursuant to a petition, as provided in Sec. 2, Chap. 35,. of the Laws of 1911, then and in that event such portion of the total expense under the.contract as shall be chargeable to the property within the improvement district shall be paid from the General Road and Bridge Fund of the County upon the presentation of proper vouchers therefor. 9: No alteration shall be made in the work shown and described in the plans. and specifications except upon the written,order of the engineer and as provided herein-- . before, _ and when so made .the value of the work so added or omitted .shall be corapyted by - the engineer, and the amount so determined shall be final and conclusive and binding upon the contractor, -and shall be added to or deducted from the contract price. 10: The contractor shall provide -sufficient safe and proper facilities for the inspection of the work by the board or its authorized representatives. The said contractor shall furnish without charge, to the said board,• or its authorized representatives, samples of cement or other materials used in.construction,.as said samples may be required, in' order that the character of such materials may be determined. All materials and methods shall be subject to the approval of the engineer. Defective work, or material, may be condemned by the engineer at any time before the final acceptance of the work. Notice of condemnation shall be given by the engineer'in writing. Such condemn- ed work shall be immediately removed or disposed of to the satisfaction of the engineer. Failure or neglect.on the part of the engineer to condemn unsatisfactory material onto reject inferior workmanship shall in no way release the contractor, . nor shall it be con- strued to mean .the acceptance of such work, nor shall the .final .acceptance bar 111hatcom County from recovering damages in case fraud was practiced. Time lost in replacing such improper work shall. furnish no ground to the eon - tractor for claiming an -extension of time for the completion of the work. Incompetent, careless or negligent employes shall be forthwith discharged by the contractor upon the written request of the board or engineer, and failure to•.cornply with such request shall be sufficient ground for the termination of the contract, as pro- vided for in this article or Article 4 thereof. Should the contractor be delayed in the prosecution of.the work or the comple- 4 tion thereof by the act, neglect 'or fault of the engineer, then the time herein fixed for the completion of the work shall be extended for a period equivalent to the time lost by reason of any or all the causesaforesaid, which extended priod shall be determined and fixed by the board, but no such allowance shall be made unless a claim therefor is pre- sented in writing to the chairman of the board within ten (10) days after the occurrence. of such delay. 11:. It is further mutually agreed between the parties -hereto that no certifi- cate given -or payment made under this contract, except the final certificate or final payment, shall be evidence of the performance -of this contract either wholly or in part, W.O.P. Record of Commissioners' Proceeding's April Term Tuesday' the 7th day April 1914 and that no payment shall be'construed.to be an acceptance of defective work or.improper materials. 12: The work and materials covered by this contract shall be at the sole risk of the contractor until the same shall have=been finally accepted by the engineer and board and the State Highway Commission, and any damage'or loss that may occur or result to the same prior tosthe final acceptance of said work by the engineer and board and State High- way Commissioner shall fall upon and be made good by the contractor. 13: This contract shall not be assignable .in whole or• in part'. 14: The contractor shall give his personal attention to the.work at all times, and be present, -either in person or by duly authorized representatives, on the site -of the work continually during its progress and shall receive instructions from the engineer. Any sub -contractor shall be considered the agent'of the contractor and the latter shall be responsible for any indebtedness incurred by such agent. If any sub -contractor fails to perform his work in a satisfactory manner this contract maybe terminated by the board.., 15: The contractor shall be liable for all damages and injury which shall be caused or which shall occur to any person or persons or property whatsoever by reason of any negligence of said contractor or any of his servants,"employes or sub -contractors,. or by reason of any breach or violation of any of the provisions of this agreement or any of his duties or• obligations. thereunder. The contractor shall assume all liability for and protect the Board from any damages or claims arising from the use of any patented article or devices.in any part of the wo rk. 16:, It is a part of the public policy of the State of Washington that all work by contract or day labor done'for it or any -political -subdivision created"by law, shall be performed in work days of not more than eight hours each, except in cases of extraordinary emergency. No case of extraordinary emergency shall;be construed.to exist in any case where, other labor can be found to take the place of labor which has already been employed for eight hours in any calendar day. In case of violation of the provisions of this article the board shall have the right to cancel-this.contract'without notice and shall have th'e right to complete the work in the manner provided in Article No. 4 hbroof. 17: The contractor agrees to execute and furnish to the Board a good and -suffi- cient corporate surety bond, to be payable to 1 h.atcom County, and to be in the penal sum of the full amount of this contract, conditioned that he will perform the work upon the terms, within the time, and in accordance with the contract, profiles, maps; plans and specifications, and that he will indemnify the county against any direct or indirect damages'that shall be suffered -or claimed for injuries to persons or property during the construction -and improvement'of such road or'4ighway and -until the same is.accepted; and further, conditioned as required,by law for the payment of all laborers,'mechanics,. sub - ,contractors and material men, and all persons who shall supply such person or persons or sub -contractor's vrith provisions or supplies for the carrying on of such work, and all just debts, dues and demands incurred in the performance of such work., If the board shall have reason to believe that the surety on said bond has become impaired since the execution thereof, or is insufficient, it may require the con- tractor to furnish other or additional security. 18: The board hereby promises and agrees with the contractor to employ and does employ him.to provide the -materials and to do and cause to be done the -work upon said Permanent Highway, to complete and furnish the same according to the plans and specifica-. . tions and the terms and conditions herein contained and'referred to for the prices set 243 W.O.R. Record of Comnussioners' Proceedings April Term Tuesday the 7th day April 19]4 forth herein, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time and in the manner and upon the conditions herein set forth. 19: For and in consideration of the faithful performance by the contractor of the work, covenants and acts on his part herein stipulated to be kept and performed, Whatcom County hereby contracts and agrees to pay to the said contractor the sum of Twenty-five Thousand Fight Hundred Seventy-four & 34/100 ($25,874.34) Dollars in the manner and form herein provided. 20: The contractor for himself; and for his heirs, successors, executors, admin- istrators and assigns, does hereby agree to the full performance of all the covenants here- in contained upon his,part. IN WITZIESS WHZRLOF, the said contractors have hereunto set their hands and seals and,the said Whatcom County pursuant to resolution duly adopted by its county commissioners has caused these presents to be subscribed by its chairman and clerk, and the name of the board to be hereunder affixed the day and year first above written. It It 'It 11 11 11 11 (1 11 11 11 11 1I 11 "Board of.County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " It State of Washington " it 11 11 of 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 " Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. ---- I ----- a0o------ WHATCOM COUNTY 9: � C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washington. BARBO BROS. Contractors Paul Barbo. On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, April 8, 1914. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners.' Proceedings April Term Wednesday • the 8th day April 191 Wednesday., April B, 1914, The Board.met pursuant to adjournment taken on April 7, 1914., Present, all members of the Board and the Cl?;rk in attendance.. The following claims were allowed and proceedings -had: t. CURR3!MT EXPENSE FUND. F E Wyman Expense as Probation Officer 9.33 Mrs Bessie Cline do 2.00 C G Winemiller Care of Juvenile Prisoners 49.75 B BGrocery. Groceries for, Sanford et. al 20.00 Ennen, Goodman & Co Groceries for Burch et al 18.00 Fischer & Isaacs Groceries for Kirkham et al 28.35 Columbia Grocery Groceries for LeFever.et.al 21.25 ' Brown & Cole Groceries for Tabor et al 17.90 B B .Grocery Co Groceries. for Orr'et?al 6.80 J G Craske Groceries to Mrs Markham 4.05 R E Kirkham Groc. Groceries 'for Mrs L Thomas 4.95 Anderson's Grocery 'Groceries for Devine 14.50 Ideal Grocery Groceries for C A Murphy 7.00 Short Mercantile Co Groceries for C H Evatt 8.95 -East End Grocery. Groceries for firs Trove 10.00 Kinsey-Stenvi,g Groc. Co Groceries for gars Blomstrom et al 27.55 Irving Store Groceries for Mrs Stanger 8..00 Mt. Baker Grocerke Groceries for Jackson .et al 11.00 Wilson & Browwn Groceries for Jas.Bainter 7.,50 Danielson & Runolf son , Groceries for R Eastman et al 36.50 Frank McCall Groceries fof L Henri 17.32 T S Berkeley Co Groceries for Nancy Rogers 10.00 The Leader Groceries for Tars Cowden 10.00 Veleke & Elder Groceries for Mrs Alexander 16.60 Farmers Merct. Co Shoes etc for Tars Alexander 6.65 Scott & Co. Wood for DanfWillard 2.75 Chas W Allen Wood for Mrs Kuhns 2.50 A H Montgomery. good for H M Adams 2.75 Mrs Susan Williams. Room Rent, Groc. etc for Mrs Newbert 12.75 Victor A Roeder House rent for Mrs Neal 20.00 K H Dahlen House rent for J L Kirkham 3 mo 15.00 S J Craft Shoes for Mrs J Orr 4.00 J P Woll Prin. & Int on Cancelled C D #12197 91.59 Tuck Cokkinos Fees & Mile as Interpretdr: State vs Jas Dallas 2.20 John Tebrink Const. Fee: State vs Y/Eunpler et al 6.10 Eva L Williams Wit: State vs Himenover 9.00 0 B Williams do 9.00 S B Hughes J P: State vs Clyde W Litton 3.50 B N Kingsley Const: State vs Clyde W Litton 7.30 L Simonson Wit: State vs Clyde W Litton 2.20 Mrw:likoa Boatman do 2.20_ Miss Opal Tucker do 2.20 Mrs J B Litton do 2.20 Mrs Annie Litton do 2.20 Mrs Z Blaine do 2.20 Mrs Dennie Gott do 2.20 Mrs Wes Kidel do 2.20 Louis Schiestel Juror: State.vs Clyde W Litton 1.20. Geo Allen do 1.20 Tom Kennedy do 1.20 G B Jenison do .1.20 John Hanson do 1.20 Geo)W Shay J P: State vs L C Murray 5.25 H B Hardeman .Const: State vs L C Murray 2.65 Arthur Wyrie Wit: State vs L C Murray 2.20 Walter D Green do 2.20 Mrs W D Green do 2.20 Vim N Hine do 2.20 Geo Van Anstran do 2.20 Wm Thacker do 2.20 S.B Hughes J P: State vs Geo W Shay 1.75 B N Kingsley Const: State vs Geo W Shay 2.20 W A Perry J P: State vs Hugh Geiger 1.75 Nate Harkness Const: State vs Hugh Geiger 3.20 W A Perry J P: State vs Shap Geiger 1975 Nate Harkness Const: State vs Shap Geiger 2.00 Franklin Haworth IJ P: State vs Domico Genni 3.00 H H Sines Const: State vs Domic6 Genni 2.60 H S Byther J P: State vs Ed Burg 2.50 A Houser Const: State vs Ed Burg 5.60 A M Burnside Scalp Bounty on 1 wild cat 5.00 SOLDIERS' RELIEF FUND. Frank A Ellsworth Burial of Mary J.Martin 50.00 George Cain Burial of James Cain 50.00 ---------- 000---------- The claims of'L J Flanagan for ;1171.50 and $28.25; Wilson Stewart for $21.18; Whatcom Co. Humane Society for $�30,00; Whatcom Co. Fair Association for $90.50; and.Short Merct. Co. for $9,40, were refused by the Board. The board cancelled 1912 tax on N-J SWg & N-4�- SE4 13-39-6E a/c patent not. having been issued. The board cancelled 1913 tax on fish trap location under license JJ1256 against Kettler, Mitchell & Fisher, permit from government not having been granted until April 30, 1913. On motion the'Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, April 9, 1914. Chairman Board County Comm istionc:rs 250 W.Q.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Thursday the 9th day' April 191 4 Thursday, April 9, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on April 8, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were alloyed and proceedings had: The Jb ufnal-Progressive Union P B & Sta Co Griggs Sta & Prtg Co Selby -Harris Co Towner Printing Co S B Irish & Co Anstett Printing Co ',Jm Baxter France Larson's Livery & Trf Ferndale Livery Everson Livery Everson Livery Lynden Livery Pioneer Livery Diehl "& Simpson In the Matter of the Appointment ) of Constable for Van Wyck Township ) CURRENT FUND. Publishing for County Officials - 118-.06 Supplies.for Aud 29.75-Assessor 52.00- Supt 28.35-J P 41.00 115.10 Supplies for Tang 10.95-Aud 10. 20.95 Supplies for Prob. Officer 4.15 Prtg. for Aud 2.75-Prob Officer 17. 19.75. Prtg for Assessor 9.75-Atty 3.00-Aud 14.50 27.25• Record for Co Clerk 52.65 & Briefs for Pros Atty 174.25 226.90 '1Jash. Cum. Digest for Pros Atty .10.00 Livery for Sher 2.50-Const 5.00-Prob Off2.50 10.00• Livery for Sheriff 7.00 Livery for Constable Harkness 4.00 Livery for Supt 2.50-Sher 2.00-Commr 3. 7.50 Livery for Supt. 3.00 Livery for Supt %chools 4.00 New Auto, Driving, Repairs etc 542.80 ---------- 000---------- Order Appointing C.B Pride 'AREAS, it appears to this Board that a vacancy exists in the office of Constable for Van ffyck Township through the failure of John Zettle, the regularly elected constable to qualify for said office; and WHEREAS, the board of supervisors of said Van Wyck Township have recommended the appointment of C B Pride to fill said vacancy, NOW, THER]3FORE, it is ordered that C B PIRDE be, and he hereby is appointed as Con- stable for Van Wyck Ttswnship to act as such until the -next regularly elected Constable shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Board this 9th day of April, 1914. 11 11 11 t1 It to 1t it I it It 11 to tl "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of 'gJhatcom County " of State of Washington to It it 11 11 11 It 11 It If 11 11 to 11 It Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ----------- 000------ --- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, April 10, 1914.' rman C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper . Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner unty yonmassioners. Record.of .Commissioners. Proceedings April Term Friday the 10th day April 1914 Friday,.April 10, .1914. The'Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on April 9, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance... The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND.. Henry Shagren Expense as Co Commissioner 8.15 L C.Lyle Expense as Dep Eng a/c Hannegan Rd 14.75 H 11 Rodman Right of Way in Dist ##6 10.00 `tdi'll D Wallace Recording fees on deeds in Drain. Dist #6 9.30 Geo Elder Delno Ward Emil Fullner Geo Alton C A ,Gooding Ivan Brooks James Breckenridge John Bullock Win Sinith E Connolly S V1 Wri ght E.M Milne R Squires VJm Sarlund P E Larson W C Campbell J M . Shetler E J Pease D Andreasen Frank Edwards Lewis Beebe B Anderson C H Beebe Gust C Feldt H Collings Chas Lyon G Morgenthaler Amos Zimmer Wm Morgenthaler. J F Morgenthaler M L.Sturman D Gillespie George Stierlen L R Abel E Y1 Khittel M T Hardenbrook Asa Cooley T P Jeffers D Gillespie George Stierlen L R Abel F DeLine W L McSorley J A I�,TcSorley Ed 'Topping Martin Nasman S H Godfrey G W .Knittel S Schneider M E.Watkinson. F G . Grasher H J Brunink L C Crai ne R H .Pyeatt B A Pyeatt J C Curry W W Stephenson John Schneider S C .Smith L A .Halton A L .Pyeatt C W Smith Oluf Johnson Fred Brunink I Knutson J Y1 Thurston E A Nickson Geo . Brown Jas Scutt Fred Tarte J S Steele James Brown Del Gooder Chas Pickard Newt Hale. John Tare Win Vanderlinde Verne Parrish Fred Thompson Ed Jones Jim Williams Mike Higgins Otto Krick ROAD AND BRIDGE FU1VD. Foreman on Stearn Grader work Engineer on Stearn Grader Fireman on. Steam Grader Teamster on Steam Grader work .Labor on Road Foreman do do Labor on Road, 7#48 Foreman do do do do do Labor on G M Road do do Labor on N tad Diag Rd Labor on G TI Road Labor on N W Diag. Rd. Labor on G rd & N W Diag. Rds. Foreman Labor on Road do do Foreman do do do Labor on Everson -Goshen Rd Foreman do do do do Labor on -Dike -on Rd ##98 (Feb) do do do do do do Foreman do (Mch) do do do do do do do do do Labor on Road 1#51 do do do do do- do do do do do do do do Foreman do do Removing rock etc above pourer plant, do Foreman Labor on Road Foreman do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do team it team team of team team team of M 0 Glaci er team to if of of to n to to 98,00 98.00 48.75 112.50 20,00 16.00 8,00 42.00 52.00 16.00 17.00 5.00 12.00 20.. 00 22.00 22.00 35.00 48.00 12.00 33.00 10.00 12.00 22..50 9100 9.00 3,00 6,00 4,00 6.00 2.00 3.. 50 20,00 4.00 4.00 2.00 20.00 8.00 17..50 56.00 52..00 6:00 51.00 20.00 8.0.0 10.00 30.00 12..00 61.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8,00 8.00 2.00 8.00 8.00 8,00 7.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 15.00 30,00 61.00 12.00 12.00 20.00 .8,00 16.00 1.2.00 9.00 14,00 8.00 2,00 9.00 3.00 8.00 4,00 2.00 3.00 �5� Record of Comm'issioners' Proceedings W.O.R. April Term Friday the loth day April 1914 :Ira Tawes Labor on Wing Dams, Nooksack River 8.00 Kenneth,, Tawes do team 16.00 J Plaster do " 12.00 C Remington do " 12.00 Frank Peterson do " 8.50 Thos Cotter do 3.00 R C Plaster do 2.00 T P Reilly do Foreman 22.50 W V1 ,Porter Labor on Bridge 6..25 John Roberts do 2.-00 Joe -Pete do 2.00 Jack Jimmey do 2.00 Chester McKenzie Labor on Glacier Bridge team5C 10.•50 E R Christie do 3.00 Lars 0 Rye do 9.00 Angelo Visantiner do 4.50 B'F Smith do 2.75 C `C :'right do Foreman 9100 A Hauptfleisch do 8.25 Chester McKenzie Cribbing Glacier Creek (Feb) team 66.00 Arnold Hauptfleisch do 30.25 C C .Wright do Foreman 33.00 Lars 0 Rye do 33.00 Angelo Visantiner do 30.00 Fred Peterson do 20.62 Ernest Christie do 33.00 Valter Miller do 30.25 Roy Bowtell do 30.25 Chester McKenzie do extra man & team 30.00 Thos Shakely do 27.00 Chester McKenzie do team 76.50 Arnold Hauptfleisch do 30.25 C C Wright do Foreman 42.00 Lars 0 Rye do 25.50 Angelo Visantiner do 30.00 Ernest Christie do 34.50 Walter Miller do 19.25 Roy Bowtell do 16.50 Chester McKenzie do extra man & team 42.00 Thos Shakely do 33.00 R M Watrous do 8.25 A W Frost Labor on G-M Road 40.00 C M Mosher Salary & Exp as Bridge Foreman 118.25 CA Gooding For Everson Bridge 66.25 Geo Adlam Jr Labor at Everson Bridge 12.75 James Breckenridge do 31.80 Clarence C Gooding do 14.25 P LMartin do 14.85 Frank Arones Labor at Nugents Bridge 10.80 Archie Pierce do 16.50 L Pierce do 18.90 E Belcher Labor at U S Bridge 57.00 Mike Heffernon do 72.50 C W.Henderson do 57.00. 0 M.Olson- do 52.50 E Perry do 57.00 Lloyd Bowers Labor at Marietta Ferry 2.00 Jesse J Rogers Salary & Exp as Constr Eng S & N Highway 12.25 Jno H Lyman Engineer, Donkey Engine 21.00 F V Lewis' Hauling Culvert .75 Ivan H Brooks Hauling Rock 22.00 Oscar Winkler Hauling Pile Driver 8.00 Fred Furman Moving Pile Driver Engine 16.00 Prouty -Caine Mill Co Lumber 35.48 Roo & Van Leeuwen Lumber 15.55 John A Walker Lumber 24.92 Everson Lumber Co Lumber 64.08 Ritchie Shelton Lbr Co Lumber .85 Goshen Lumber Co Bridge Plank etc 156.37 N Bronsema Bridge Piles etc 132.95 Richard George Rock for Crib at U S Bridge 7.50 A Vr Annis Powder etc 7.20 1'�.orse Hardware Co Cablep Powder etc 193.34 F W Gorsuch Powder etc 6.75 F V1 Gorsuch Powder 5.25 Lynden Dept Store Spikes 3.00 Everson Merct. Co Spikes 5.40 J Trecker Spikes .75 D A.Griff en Nails etc 3.15 Farmers Merct. Co Nails 2.75 H B Niles. Bridge Tools 1.75 Pickering Hdw Co Shovels 4.00. Bellingham & North. Ry. Co Freight on Lumber 20.00 Canfield-Caulkins Imp. Co Freight & Dray. on Culverts 11.80 C M Mosher Freight on Pile Driver 50.90 Samuel S Beekley Wood for Donkey Engine 22.50 J W Rinehart & Co Blacksmithing 10.00 Chester McKenzie Blacksmithing & Rent of Tools 10.50 F W Bowers Blacksmithing for U S Bridge 11.50 C J Burget Blacksmithing 5020 H W Buzzard Choker Hook for Pile Driver 1.50 B C Taylor Fitting 2 Cross Cut Saws 1.00 Chas E Lind 1st Est Constr Sec 1 Hannegan Road .,-602.67- HANNEGAN ROAD FUND. Chas E Lind lst.Est Constr Sec 1 Hannegan Road 1,205.33 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Friday the loth day April 191 4 B Str�nler Leonard Koole Current Expense Fund do Will D Wallace, Co Aud.. Towner Printing Cc Fuller Publishing Co Virgil P'eringer Dickinson & Bacon Current Expense Fund do Will D Wallace, CoAud Towner Printing Cc Fuller Publishing Cc J C Anderson Virgil Peringer Li._ DUFNEt DITCH FUND. Labor on Dufner Ditch do DRAINAGE DISTRICT #4 FUND Eng. Exp. a/c survey. etc Auditor's Exp a/c Publications etc Recording fees on deeds Printing Warrants for Drain. Dist. Publishing Call for Bids Attorney Fee, 1st Est constr Ditch DRAINAGE DISTRICT #5 FUND. Eng Exp a/c survey etc Auditor's Exp a/c publications etc Recording fees.on deeds Printing Warrants Publishing Call for Bids lst Est Constr Ditch Attorney Fee ---------- 000---------- 1.50 5.50 635.95 16.79 2.20 4.50 14.70, 400.00 700.00 540.40 8.39 13.10 4.50 14.70 1,232.00 300.00 The claims of Harve Sines for $7.45 taking prisoners to Bellingham, and 0 E Beebe for•$45.00 livery expense etc as Co Physician, were endorsed refused by the Board. ---------- 000-----.---_- BEFORE±; THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY C=I SS ION3i,RS OF 4`IHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter. of the Application of W.S. Russell ) for the Construction and Improvement of a Drain- ( Order re Claim of Fuller Publishing age Ditch and. Establishment of Unincorporated ) Co. Drainage Improvement District. - Heretofore order was entered directing publication of notice of call fofi bids fo,r the construction of said improvement, bids to be opened January 5,.1914; and it appears that notice of call for bids was published in the Pacific Builder &. Engineer at Seattle,, . Wash- ington, the publishers thereof being Fuller Publishing Company. It further appears that bill therefor has been rendered in the swrt of $14.78.. Proof of:;said publication has been submitted. WHEREFORE, IT IS ORD]?,'RED that said bill for said publication be approved and allowed in said sum of 614.70, and that warrant on the construction fund of said improvement district be issued in payment therefor: Done in open session of the said Board this loth day of April, 1914. C.B. Legoe �� �� �► n �� a n n' �► n n u " " Chairman "Board of County Commiss-' J.G. Kemper "ioners of 71hatcom County " Commissioner It State of Washington " Henry Shagren of 11 of n 1i it of it u is of n or n Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of said Board. ---- 000--------_ BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COT,11uISSIONERS OF yJHATCOM COUNTY, 'WASHINGTON. In the Matter of the Application of W.S. Russell for the Construction and Improvement of a Drain- ) p- ( Order Allowing Claim of l►Jhatcom age Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporated ( County on Account. Drainage Improvement District. On this day was presented the claim of j;lhatcom.County on account for filing instru- ments and for work performed by the County Surveyor, and other expenses incurred, asking for the allowance of a warrant to apply on account only, the ultimate and tmtal allowance for such services to be hereafter fixed and allowed.. It appears to the Board that there W.O.R. Record of Com' issioners' Proceedings April Term Fri day the loth day April 1914 is now due and owing to the Current Expense Fund from Drainage Improvement District No. 4 at least the sum of 1r652.74. WHIMFYORE, IT IS ORDERED that warrants on said District for the sum of $652.74 be issued to the Treasurer of Whatcom County, the same to apply on account; and that any other amounts that may be due the County at this time, or which may hereafter become due, shall be paid by warrant when claim for the sapid is presented to this Board. Done in open session of said Board this loth day of April, 1914. C B hegoe Chairman n +► n It If o- to it it if it It it If J G Kemper. "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "ioners of Whateom County " Henry Shagren " State of Washington " Commissioner It it, if if it if of it it if to ►i it if Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COI'XISSIONERS OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Cutter of the Application of Nathan Bellingar ) et al for the Construction and Improvement of a Drain- ( Order re Claim of Fuller Publish- age.Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporated ) ing Co. Drainage Improvement District, Heretofore order was entered directing publication of notice of call.for bids for the construction of said improvement, bids to.be opened January 5, 1914; and it appears that notice of call for bids was published in the Pacific Builder & Engineer at Seattle, Wash- ington, the publishers thereof being Fuller Publishing Company. It further appears that bill therefor has been rendered in the sum of $14.70. Proof of said publication has been submitted. WH.M, a.a'FORE, IT IS ORD1:RED that said bill for said publication be approvedand allowed in said sum of $14.70, and that warrant on the construction fund of said improvement district be issued in payment therefor. Done in open session of said Board this loth day of April, 1914. C B hegoe it It to If 11 to of of to o 0 0 of u Chairman "Board of County Coinmiss- " J G Kemper "ioners of Whateom County " Commissioner It State of Washington " Henry Shagren If it n it It o it to of is if if if of Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of said. Board. ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE HONORABI:1►,' BOARD, Or COUNTY COLMISSIONTIMS OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the.Matter of the Application of Hathan Bellingar ) et al for the Construction and Improvement of a ( Order Allowing Claim of Whatcom Drainage Ditch and Establishment of Unincorporated ) County on Account. Drainage Improvement District.. On this day was `presented the claim of 71hatcom County on account for filing instruments and for work performed by the County Surveyor, and other expenses incurred, asking for the allowance of a warrant to apply onaccount only, the ultimate and total allowance for such services to be hereafter fixed and allowed. It appears to the Board that there is now due and owing to the Current Expense fund from Drainage Improvement District No. 5.at least the sum of $548,79. 1111dRl;FO1U,;, IT . IS ORD1 RIilD that warrants on said District for the sum of $548.79 be issued to the Treasurer of $!:1W%1a:tcom County, the same to apply on account; and that any W.O.R. Record of 'Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Friday the loth day April 191 4 other amounts that maybe due the County at this time, or which may hereafter become due, shall be paid by warrant when claim for the same is presented to this Board. Done in open session this loth day of April,: 1914. C B hegoe to it Chairman "Board of County Commiss- " J G Kemper "ioners of 111hhateom County " Commissioner " State of Washington " Henry Shagren to It If to 11 It It 11 It 41 If " Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of said Board. 4~ ----------000--........---- In the Matter of the Reconstruction ) . ( Urder Calling for Bids. of Pile Trestle on Northeast Diagonal Road ) WHEMEAS, this Board finds that the pile bridge on the Northeast Diagonal Road near the center of Sec. 28 Tp 39,N., R 4 E, should be reconstructed, said improvement to consist of the removal of the present structure and the replacement of a piled and planked trestle 20 feet in width. and about 624 feet in length. NOVI, TH19REFORL, the County Auditor is hereby directed to issue a call for bids for the reconstruction of said bridge according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Engineer. Said bids. to be considered at the hour ,,of 2 o'clock PoMe on Wednesday, May 6th 1914. The Board reserving the right to reject any and all bids. This improvement to be paid for from the Road and Bridge Fund of Whatcom County and the work to be completed by July 1st 1914. Done in open session of the Board this 10th.,day of April, 1914. 1! 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "loners of Y/hatcom County " If State of Washington " if If n of "," n of " of u of If o Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. 000---------- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner `� A certificate filed by the Supt. of Schools shows that on February 27th 1914 she did charge the boundaries of School Districts Nos. 3 and 306, transferring the SW-k of the. SEJ of Sec 31,• Tp 40 N, R 1 E, from S D #306 to S D #3. -.------- 000----- --- 6n motion the Board adjou rned to meet -,.,On Saturday, May 11, 1914. Chairman Bo4Coommiloners. ----------- 000---------- The Board met on Saturday, 14W •11, 1914 and discussed various matters but there were no claims allowed nor Qrders signed. On motion the board adjourned to meet,on Saturdays April 18 1914., Chairman Board Co. Commi loners. r umor'''d of uom lssioticr's Prko'Whig's f April. Term - -Saturday—___----the-.__ Saturday,'April 18, 1916. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on April 11, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Hugh Eldridge Stamped Envelopes for Co Supt. 120.80 000---------- BEFORE, THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COI.21I SS IONEIIS OF V1HATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter of Drainage Improvement District ) No. 6 of �Ihatcom County, Washington* � ORD1��R AYIARDING CONTRACT. This Board having heretofore made an order that notice be published calling for bids for the construction of said improvement, and that the contract for the construction of said improvement whuld be let by this Board on the plans and specifications on file with the County Engineer, and it appearing that call for bids was made by publication in the Journal -Progressive, the official county paper, for three consecutive weeks, as provided by law, Now on this 18th day of April, 1914, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P.M., and after all -the bids received for the construction of said improvement have been duly considered by -the-Board, the Board finds that John C. Anderson is the lovrest and best bidder, and the contract for the construction of said improvement, to be made according to said plans andspecifications, is hereby.aivarded to the said John C. Anderson. IT IS O RDFRED that the said John C. Anderson be required to give bond in full amount of the contract price of the construction of said improvement, conditioned for the faith- ful performance of the contract according to law; that the said contract be fully com- pleted within six months.from this date, and all other conditions imposed bylthe Board at the time advertised for bids be complied with. Done in open session of said Board this 18th day of April, 1914. 11 It tl 11 If It fl 11 it II it to It 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " to State of Washington. " It It of of to it of to it it it of of Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk. of said Board, ---------- 000---------- C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COTMISSIOMMS OF VIHATCOM COUNTY, .WASHINGTOU. In the .Iuatter of the Application of Egbert Field ) et al for the Construction and Improvement of a ( -0 R D 1'. R Drainage Ditch and Establishment of Unincor- ) To Condemn for Right -Of -`lay. porated Drainage Improvement District., WHEREAS, at the hearing on the report of the Engineer in the above -entitled matter, held on the 26th day of January, 1914, Charles Laube appeared before this Board and agreed to the apportionment of the costs of said improvement and agreed to execute and convey to 19hatcom County, for the benefit of Drainage,Improvement District No. 6, the following described real estate, to -wit: The East twelve, feet of the West 26� feet of the Southeast quarter of Section 2, Township 39 North, Range 2 East from the Southwest corner thereof North to Cougar Creek, situated in Mhatcom County, Washington; and' W.O.R. necord of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Saturday the 18th day April 1914 VIH hAS, it now,appears to the Board that the said Charles Laube and Martha Laube, hi.s wife, now refuse to accept and agree to the estimated damages by the Engineer and fixed by the Board, and the said Charles Laube and wife have refused to execute a deed, conveying to the County for the use and benefit of said Drainage Improvement District,'the said real estate; and VJHIPMFAS, it is necessary for. said Drainage Improvement District, in order to make said improvement, to obtain a title for the said strip of land in manner and form as , pro- vided by law; 1T IS, THEPMFORE, ORDERED that the Prosecuting Attorney of said County institute proceedings in the Superior Court of Whatcom County for the determination of the damages to be sustained,.said condemnation proceedings to be as provided for under the law of this State; and the Clerk is hereby directed to furnish the said Attorney with a certified copy of such proceedings of the Board as he shall require. Done in open session of said Board this 18th day of April, 1914. C B Legoe Chairman J Px Kemper "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "inners of M.hatcom County " Henry;Shagren:, it State of Vlashington " Commissioner of it to Attest: t Will D Wallace Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on 1-londay, April 20, 1914, rman boara county uo=ass;,esners. 0 e W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Monday the 20th day April .1914 idonday, April 20, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on April 18, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: CREDITS ALLUMED COUNTY TMASTIRER AT STUTLEMINT FOR THE QUARTIM IMMING MARCH 31, 1914. In the matter of the settlement with Nellie C. Rogers, County Treasurer of Whatcom County, State of Washington, for the quarter ending Iiarch 31, 1914. NOW, at this time, this matter coming on for consideration and the said Nellie, C. Rogers having filed with this Board a statement setting forth her receipts and disbursements as such Treasurer for said period of time, and having duly and carefully examined all vouchers presented by said Treasurer for said disbursements and having checked and compar- ed the same with the statement, and having found that they were actually paid out by said Treasurer during said quarter, said payments being made in the sums and from the Funds and for the purposes hereinafter set forth; THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered by this Board that said Nellie C. Rogers as such Treasurer be, and she hereby is allowed credits for said disbursements as follows, to -wit: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. For warrants redeemed ? 19, 605.91 For interest on same 917.47 For rebate on current tax rolls 15,687.92 SOLDIFFRS t RELIEF FUND. For warrants redeemed For interest on same COUNTY INSTITUTE' FUND. For warrants redeemed GEN.MAL ROAD FUND. For warrants redeemed For interest on same GENERAL BRIDGE FUND. For warrants redeemed For interest on same ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. For warrants redeemed GAM' PROM..CTION FUND. For warrants redeemed HARRIAGE CERTIFICATE FUND. For warrants redeemed DISTRICT HORTICULTIM FTJND, For cash paid State Treasurer SCHOOL DISTRICTS GEN]+7RAL. FUND. For warrants redeemed For, interest on same SCHOOL BOND REDMPTION FUND. For Blinds rede=ed For Interest paid on bonds SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. For warrants redeemed For interest on same ROAD DISTRICT NO. 2 For warrants redeemed For interest on same:: ROAD DISTRICT NO. 3 For warrants redeemed For interest on 'same ROAD DISTRICT NO. 4 For warrants redeemed For interest on same STAT341 GL+MIMAL FUND. For cash bAid State Treasurer STATE, MILITARY FUND. For cash paid State Treasurer 73.00 3.20 17.82 5, 623.59 1,192.27 5,478.45 1,466.05 6,248.98 1,546.49 116.00 18.75 64, 450.36 962.69 1,400.00 1,705.25 1,883.91 .31 1,438.30 428.34 59.55 11.88 1,241.90 172.95 6,738.02 268.54 W.O.R. �,.� J" � Record ®f Commissioners' E Proceedings April Term Monday the 20th day April 1914 STATIC PUBLIC HIGIIJAY FUND. For cash paid State Treasurer 2,783.43 STATE P?RMAYEYT HIG-!TJAY FUND. I'or cash paid State Treasurer 3,484.63 STATE HIGHER EDUCATION. For cash paid State Treasurer 2,551.01 CITY FUNDS. For cash paid City and Town Treasurers 15,760.79 TO lNSHIP FUNDS. For cash paid Township 'Treasurers 7,015.15 REDEM T ION FUND. For cash paid holders of Certificates of Delinquency 15,712.96 ADVANCE 'TAXES (Plat Fund) For cash applied on 1913 tax 96.29 SLEASITAN DITCH. For 1,tarra.nts redeemed 19.40 BUTLER DITCH. For warrants redeemed 217.50 For interest on same 34.61 AT'DREAS:E;N DITCH For warrants redeemed 63.25 For interest on same 14.78 SLLAS11AN DITCH NO. 2 For warrants redeemed 300.00 For interest on same 32.40 Total cash disbursements 187, 444.10 In Testimony Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands as said Board of County Commmissioners this 20th day of April, A D 1914. it 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 I1 11 11 it It 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "loners of ';Ihatgom County " It State of Washington It I1 11 11 it 11 11 I1 It It It 11 11 11 11 Attest: Will D `Jallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner C0130 1ISSIOITEMS' CI+;RTIF1'CATE AS TO TlUi,ASUMM' S CASH. `die, the Board of County Commissioners of 'SUhatcom County, Washington, do hereby certify that we did, on the 20th day of April, 1914, carefully examine the checks, reports and vouchers of Nellie C. Rogers, County Treasurer of said County, for the quarter ending March 31, 1914, and found the same to agree viith the books of this office, and to be true and -correct. We further certify that �^re did on April 20, 1914, count the cash in the Treasury, and found the cash in said Treasurer's office and the cash deposited by her in the banks to her credit as such Treasurer balance her account as such Treasurer in full. The same beinc, in viords and fmgures as shown on annexed sheet rhich is attached hereto and made a part hereof. In Testimony `;Thereof, we have hereunto set our hands and the seal of the Board of County Conauissioners of 71hatcom County, Vlashington, this 20th day of April, A D 1914. 11 11 I 11 II 11 tf 11 II II 11 11 11 I "Board of County Commiss- " "loners of `Ihatcom County " It State of 'Ilashington " " If If to " it 11 " to it It " 11 II C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commi s sioner Henry Shagren Con�rnissicner Attest: ';fill D ;lallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. iiA Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Monday the 20th clay April 1914 COUNTY '1'iU,�'ASUIMW S CASH STATIM.Mi� NT AT CLOSE OF BUSIMSS APRIL 18, 1914. Cash in Treasury April 1, 1914 727,369.50 Receipts since April 1, 1914- Tax collections on 1913 rolls to n 1912 to " 1911 it i► n n 1910 If u of „ 1909 If it n u 1908 to to if " 1907 R If n .n 1906 to of of " 1905 If of to n 1900 it General Receipts - - - - - - - - - Redemptions - - - - - - - - - - - Local Improvements - - - - - - - y 10, 677.75 1,253.19 188.86 9.65 4.35 4.02 2.98 3.10 17.62 21.57 2,098.44 1,215.04 62.66 15. 559.23 Total - - - - - - - v 742,928.73 Disbursements since April 1, 1914 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 244,350.11 Cash on hand at close of business April 18, 1914 - - - - - - - - - - v 498,578.62 CASH IN BANKS. First 11ational Bank Bellingham National Bank Northwestern National Bank Northwestern State Bank State Bank of Blaine Home State Bank of Blaine Lynden State Bank Ferndale State Bank l'looksack Valley State :bank Garrison Bros State Bank CASH 111 OFFICE'. Go ld Currency Silver Checks and cash items 192,932.62 1900988,68 59, 353.11 la.984.97 5,000.00 5, 000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 SV 492, 259.38 2, 115. GO 1,435.00 31.38 2,737.86 6 t 319.24 Total 498,578.62 ---------- 000--_------_ On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, April 21, 1914. Chairman Board County Co ssioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 0 April Term Tuesday the 21st day April 1914 Tuesday, April 21, 1914, The Board met pursuant to.adjournment taken on April 20, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and.the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: BEFORE THE HONORABLEBOARD OF COUNTY COP31ISSION,,RS OF ', HATCOM COUNTY, bWASHINGTON. In the Matter of the.Sleasman Ditch, ) ( 0 R D :Of R. of Whatcom County, 'Washington. ) .'TKT��REAS, it appears that there is:.a vacancy in the office of Supervisors of said drainage district, and that the property owners in'said district have selected.and re- quested this Board to appoint L.S. Miller and Thomas Anderson Supervisors of said district, ON CONSIDERATION THEREOF, the said Thomas Anderson and L.S. Miller are hereby appoint- ed Supervisors of said drainage district to fill said vacancies, upon the execution of good and sufficient bonds in the sum of $200.00 each and taking the oath of office as pro:= vided,by law, to serve until annual election in Dec 1914. Done in open session of said Board this 21st day of April, 1914. of .. it to n of n n it n It it " of "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of 1Whatcom County " It State of 'Washington . " If r► " n Ik It to It It of If if it It Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemp e r Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY C01011ISS IONERS / OF 101HATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. IN THE MATTER OF THE IT PROVE1 ANT ) ( OF FAIRHAVEN-LAKE SJWISH ROAD, ( ORDER' ACCEPTING BID. :BEING PEMDU T�T HIGH'�NAY N0.1 ) ;WHEREAS, on the 3rd day of March, 1914, this Board made an order calling for bids for the improvement of the Fairhaven -Lake Samish Road, being Permanent Highway No. 1 and commencing at the city limits of the City of Bellingham and running along the line of said Fairhaven -Lake Samish Road to the shores of Lake Samish; said bids to be considered at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P.T., on Tuesday, April 21, 1914; and the notice calling for such bids having been duly published in the county official paper, to -wit: the Journal -Progress. ive, in the manner and for the length of time required by law; NOW, on this 21st day of April, 1914, this matter coming on for consideration, the board finds the bids submitted for the construction of said improvement to be as follows: CHASE. LIND: Lump sum of $16,840.00 PETERSEN & VIEBEL & HAaJKINS: Lump sum of $21, 350.00 F. BLISS: Lump sum of $24,965.00 J X. AGER: 'Lump sum of $25, 777.50 This board further finds that the bid of CHAS. E. LIND for the construction of said improvement is the.lowest and,best bid submitted therefor, and it would be to the best interests of `Vhatcom County that the contract for said.improvement be awarded to Chas. E. Lind. IT IS THEREFORE ORDiU=i that the bid of Chas. E. Lind for the said improvement, be and the same is hereby accepted, and the chairman of the board of county commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to canter into a contract with the said Chas Ee Lind for said r- 262 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Tuesday the 21st day April 194 road. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the said contract to be so entered into between the County of Uhatcom upon one hand and the said contractor upon the other shall provide that the contract be fulfilled and the work fully performed and completed on or before the lst day of January, 1915, and that said contractor be required to give bond for the full amount of the bid for the faithful performance of the conditions of said contract. Done in open session of the Board of County Commissionery of Whatcom County, 17ashing- ton, this 21st day of April, 1914. It n it ti tr it it is it ti - n to of n "Board of County Coriunis s- " "ioners of ':fhatcom County " It State of Washington " ", it is n if it it u n it it if to If Attest: Will D tllallace County.Auditor and Clerk of the Board. /---------- 000---------_ In the Ylatter of Approval of Bond ) of John C. Anderson for Construc- ( ORDER APPROVING. tion of Drainage Ditch No. 6•, ) C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner It is ordered by this Board that the surety bond of John C. Anderson for $1990000 given by the Aetna Accident and Liability Co. and covering the construction of Drainage Ditch No. 6 (Field) be, and same is hereby approved. Done.in open session.of the Board this 2ldt day of April, 1914. C.B. Legoe Chairman n u a .n till it n, a u a If n tt J G Kemper "Board .of County Comini ssa !' Commissioner "ioners of Whatcom County " Henry Shagren If State of Slashington " Commissioner to a. t It to n u n It It of of n" Attest: ':fill D Vlallace Uounty Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- CONTRACT. THIS AG tEP17NT, made and entered into in triplicate this 21st day of April, A.D., 1914, between 71hatcom County, State of Vlashington, hereinafter called the County, and John C. Anderson hereinafter called the contractor, ttIITNESS] TR: That the said .contractor, in consideration of the.sums hereinafter specified, be paid to him by the said 'Whatcom County, in the manner and at the time hereinafter provided, and in 'consideration of other covenants and agreements, herein contained by the said parties, agrees to and with said 1.9hatcom County: 1.'- That the contractor will perform -and furnish under.the direction and to the satis faction of the Board of County Commissioners of '4'lhatcom County, Vlashington, and in conform- ity to the laws of the State of l'lashington, all the work and .material included in the con- struction of drainage ditch in Drainage Improvement District No. 6 and that the contractor will furnish all material necessary, and perform all, labor in the manner, and of the kind and class of work and material, and manner of doing said work, and in all other respects strictly according; to the maps, plans and specifications thereof furnished by the County Engineer of said County and on file in his office;. said maps, plans and specifications being agreed to be a part of this contract with the same force and effect as though the. W.O.R. 9, zQ" Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedingse_;" April Term Tuesday the 21st day April 191 4 same were fully inserted herein. Said work to be done under the supervision and direction of the County Engineer and to be approved by him and the Board of County Commissioners. In case of any disagreement or misunderstanding in respect to these specifications or the per- formance of the work, the matter shall be referred to the Board of County Commissioners, whose decision shall be final. In case of improper construction or noncompliance with the contract or specifications in any manner, upon recommendation of the County Engineer, the Board of County Commissioners may suspend said work at any time and may order the partial or entire reconstruction of said work if improperly done, or declare the contract forfeited, and mat then re -let or complete the same, and adjust the difference of damage or price if any there be, which the contract- or shall pay to the County according to the just and reasonable amount thereof. 2. Said work is to be fully completed on or before the lst day of October, 1914, and if not done within the time specified the contractor agrees to pay to the County $5.00 for each and every day that the viork remains uncompleted beyond such time, such amount hereby being agreed upon as liquidated damages of a reasonable amount for such delay, and to be deducted by the county from the final estimate allowed the contractor. 3. Additional time for completion of work under this contract must be applied for in writing by the contractor, and shall be granted only on order by the Board of County Commissioners entered in regular session, and upon the further condition that the sureties on the contractor's bond shall not be released thereby. 4. Said County agrees to make payment of the sum agreed, to be paid in the follow - a ing manner: warrants will be drawn on the Drainage Improvement District No. 6 fund of said County according, to the final estimate furnished by the County Engineer and approved by the County Commissioners, as provided in the specifications and prices inserted therein. Partial payments based upon the County Engineer's estimates, made from time to time, may be made not to exceed 80 per cent. of eueh estimates. 5. No liability shall attach to the County by reason of entering into this contract except as specially provided herein. The contractor hereby assumes all risks and liabili- ties for accidents or damages that may occur to persons or property during the prosecution of the work. It is understood that the whole of the work is to be done at the contractor's risk and he is to assume the responsibility of risk and all damage done to the work from any cause whatsoever prior to the final acceptance by the Board of County Commissioners of all work to be done hereunder, and partial payments shall not diminish the liability here- under. 6. The contractor shall not let, assign nor transfer this contract, or any interest therein, without the written consent of the Board of County Commissioners. 7. It is understood that final payment shall be made within 30 days after this contract is completely finished and the 1iork accepted; provided, that in each of the said cases the contractor shall give the Board.of County Commissioners good and sufficient evidence that the work is free from all liens and claims chargeable to the said contractor on account thereof; and further, that if at any time there shall be any lien or claim for which, if,established, the county, or said work, might be made liable and which would be chargeable to the contractor the County shall have the right to retain out of any payment then due or thereafter to become due said contractor an amount sufficient to completely indemnify it against such lien or claim -until the same shall be effectually satisfied, dis- charged, or cancelled. And should there prove to be any such claim after all payments are made the contractor shall refund to the County all moneys that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging any lien on said premises, or paying any indebtedness therefor .nade obligatory in consequence of the contractor's default. Provided, this shall not in any 6 f Lr'_ W.O.R. record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Tuesday the 21st day April 19 manner be construed a release of any of the conditions of the contractor's bond. 8. I,o certificate given or payment made under this contract except the final certi- ficate or final payment, shall be conclusive evidence of the performance of this contract either rrholly or in part against any claim of the County, and no payment shall be con- strucd to be an acceptance of any defective iiork. 9. The contractor shall within .five (5) days after notice of being awarded the contract, furnish a good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of 1-"1990.00, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract and as provided by law, which bond shall not be vitiated or affected by extension of time for completion of this contract, or altera- tion, or modification in line, grade or plans of said work, and no liability shall attach to the County, unless such bond be furnished. IN 71ITNFSS 'WHIMEOF, said County executes this contract by its Hoard of County Commiss- ioners, and the contractor does sign and. seal the same the date herein first above -mentioned. it I II ft it I II It 11 II It 11 it II "Board. of County Cormni ss- " "ion.:rs of Vihatcora County " " State of `lashington " ii 11 11 It to II 11 11 11 11 if It If it t'attcst: dill D ',Vallace Clerk ---------- 000---------- C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner John C. Anderson Contractor. 0n motion the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, relay 2, 1914. Chairman Boer znty��missioners. ---------- 000---------- laay 2, 1914. The minutes of the i3oard for the April session were read and approved this day. Chairman Board County mmissioners. Attest: , LZd County Auditor and Clerk o the Board. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 2 April Term Saturday the 2nd clay Iuay 1914 Saturday, tiay 2, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on April 21, 1914, Present,. C B Legoe, Chairman; J G Kemper and Henry Shagren, Commissioners; .`Jill D Wallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following proceedings were had BEFORE THE .HONORABIX BOARD OF COUNTY C0I21ISSIONERS OF '411ATCOTS COUNTY, VIASHINGTON. In the Matter of Drainage Improvement 0 RDPR. District No. 6 of '4hatcom County, Washington. ) VI EREAS, a petition signed by Egbert Field, asking that a drainage system and dis- trict bo established and constructed, was duly filed with the Board of County Commission- ers of '.`ihatcom County, Washington, in form and as provided for by Chapter 176 of the lays of 1913, and after the proceedings required under said law, and on the 12th day of July, 1913, an order was made that the said improvement prayed for in said petition should be granted and the said improvorient should be known and designated as Drainage Imp-c-ovuii-lent ili.. c� ict Ao. 6 of ' hatcom County, ',Washington; and `JHTR+EAS, after all of the legal proceedings necessary had been fully performed ps required by said lasers, this Board determined and fixed the route and plans for the proposed drainage system and boundaries of the improvement district; that the proposed improvement was feasible, and that the construction of the improvement should proceed as provided by law; and 1I1HER:[+,AS, on the 26th day of January, 1913, after due and legal hearing was had as provided for in Section 10 of the said laws, this Board made an order that the costs of said improvement should be paid by warrants, and that assessments should be payable in annual installments, as follows: First year 10-; Second year 20/; Third year 20%; Fourth year 25%; Fifth year 25 ; said warrants to draw interest at the rate of 8% per annum, and. that the levy of the said assessments be made as provided by the said Chapter 176 of the 1913 laws of the State of Washington; and afterwards it was ordered that there be established in the County Treas- urer of 'Iihatcom County, Washington, a separate fund for the construction of said improve- ment, the same to be known as Construction Fund. of Drainage Improvement District No. 6 of 'Whatcom County, Washington; and dli'�' S, on the 18th day of April, 1914, this Board awarded the contract for the construction of said improvement to John C. Anderson, said improvement to be made accord- ing to the plans and specifications on file, and a contract was duly entered into With the said John C. Anderson for the construction of said improvement; that said improve- ment is now being mdde, and it is necessary t4at warrants be issued to pay £he necessary expenses connected with the establishment of said drainage district and the,making of said improvement; that the said Chapter 176 of the lags of 1913, provides that after the said drainage district is improved, assessments shall be made against the property benefited by the improvement to pay the costs of said improvementi, in accordance with the resolu4ion of the Board of County Commissioners fixing the method of the payment of.�, assessments, and that the levy and assessment so made shall date back and be lien upon all of the property improved from theotime of the organization of said district; and Wff,�RBAS, it appears to the Board that to complete said improvement and to pay the expenses of organizing said district, it brill be necessary that warrants be issued, as pro- vided by law and the orders of this Board heretofore made; W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Saturday the 2nd day May 1914 IT IS HEMOBY ORD i.31ED that upon the filing of claims, and the approval thereof, warr- ants be issued for the making of said improvement and to pay the said expenses, all of said warrants to bear date of issuance and to be due and payable on or before December 31, 1920. Done in open session of said Board this 2nd day of Ilay, 1914, I, II I I ,I ,I I II I, It II I I II "Board. of County Comrniss- " "ion��rs of VJhatcom County " " State of '.lashi.ngton " n n n n Attest: 'Jill D WallFLce Clerk of said Board. ---------- c0o--------- C B Legoe Chai r.-man J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner BLFOYMe THE BOARD OF COUNTY COLIZI;; IONII,RS OF 71HATCOIA COUNTY, IN THE IiiLTTER OF DRAIIIIAGE INPROVE41MNT ) vISTRIC2' Iv'0. 7 OF VIIiATCOIi COUNTY. WASHINGTON. O R D E R On this day is presented to the Board of County Commissioners of `ddhatcom County, Wash- ington, three new and Amended Petitions in this matter, one of which describes the follow- ing as the general location of the ditch district to be constructed, together with the main lateral thereof; Beginning at a point at the center of the south one half, Section 30, Township 40 North Range 2 East; thence south to a point 35' north of south line said Sec. 30; thence west along line 35' north of south line, Sections 25 and 30, 'Township 40 North Ranges one and two East to point about 1747 feet; thence north 37 Deg. 201 West 374.4; thence North 57 Deg. 42' 71est 634.1 feet; thence south 67 Deg. 08' 7iest 1594.1 feet to point 35' North of Southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, section 25, Township 40 north Range one East; thence west along line 35' North of and parallel to Section line, section 25 and 26, 4:920 feet; thence south 13 Deg. 27' West 212 feet; thence 5.34 Dug. 441 West 197 feet; south 51 Deg. 05' Wiest 243 feet; thence North 88 Deg. 55' 'Test 346 feet; thence North 64036' West 741 feet to outlet into Cali- fornia Creek; thence northwesterly following general line of California Creek to tide water in the vicinity of center of Section 21, Township 40 North Range One East. Main Lateral: Beginning at a point at the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the south- east quarter of Section 6, Township 39 North Range 2 mast Whatcom County, 'dashing ton, thence northerly and westerly by most practicable route through said Section 6; thence northwesterly by most practicable route through Sections one and two, Township 39 North Range One East and through Section 35, Township 40 North Range. One East to outlet into hereinbefore described drainage ditfh near the northwest corner of Section 35 Township 40 North Range One East, W.M., 11hatcom County, Washington. On this day is also presented by the petitioners on the petition which asks that the Ditch be constructed as above set forth, a bond in the sum of Fivc Hundred Dollars (y500.00) which bond has been approved and the Clerk of this Board is authorized to deliver to the County Engineer of Whateom County, Washington, a copy of said petition in order that said engineer may at once proceed to view the line of said proposed improvement and the property to be affected the so that he may determine whether the improvement in his opinion is necessary, or conducive to public health, convenience and welfare and whether in his opin- ion the line or lines described, constitute the best route, and what, if any, branches mentioned in the petition are in his judgment unnecessary, and what, if any, additional branches should be added thereto, or changes made therein, and so that he may report any- thing in addition thereto that he iaay deem necessary, and file his findings in writing with said Board. Done in open session this 2nd day of Id[ay, 1914. C B Legoe It 11 It 11 11 I, to it I► to to ,t to to Chairman i► Board of County Commiss- n J G Kemper "ioners of ".7hatcom County " Henry Shagren " State of 71a.shington " Commissioners. If n It 11 It t, It of It n of Is of it Attest: Will D 'dallace county Auditor., W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Saturday the 2nd day Yfay 267 191 4 y J The bond of J A Porter qs principal in the matter of an amended petition for drainage district (117), was endorsed approved by the Board. ---------- 000---------- In the lviattor of Approval of ) ( Order Approving. Bond for Permanent Highway ff 1 ) It is ordered by this Board that the surety bond of Chas. E.,Lind for $16,840.00 given by The Aetna Accident and Liability Co. and covering contract for improving Fairhaven Lalce Samish Road, or Permanent Highway No. 1, be, and same is hereby approved. ' one in open 2ession of the Board this 2nd day of I::ay, 1914. it ((, It 11 tt it of if t( i( it 11 it "Board of County `%ommi s s- " "ioners of 'flhatcom County " It State of Jashington " to It li i( it ti ti it t( of ti it ti If Attest: 'Jill D 'Jallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- C 0 N T R A C T. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry SYiagren Commissioner THIS AG1U;:(G011IIT, Made and entered into this 2nd day of M-ay, 1914, between ':HATCM,,_i COUNTY, State of Washington, and CHAS. L. L11M, hereinafter called the Contractor, both acting under and by virtue of Chapter 35, Laws of 1911, lams of Washington, I.VITI 1'SSLTH: That in consideration of the payments, covenants and. agreements hereinafter men- tioned to be made and performed by Whatcom County, the contractor hereby covenants and agrees as follows: 1: To complete all the work and furnish all the materials necessary to construct, improve, and complete the Fairhaven -Lake Samish Rod, (Permanent Nighway No. 1) in 'llhatcora County, Clashing*ton, between Station 11 and Station 225, in accordance with, and as describ- ed in the profile, map, plans and specifications therefor, which are made a part hereof, and shall have the same effect as though the same were fully incorporated herein, and in full compliance with the terms, conditions and stipulations of this agreement. 2: The contractor shall provide and be at the expense of all materials, labor, carriage, tools, implements, conveniences and things of every description, that may be required for the transfer of materials for the improving, constructing and completing the work above described. 3: It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the work included in this contract is to be done under the direction and supervision of the County Engineer, or construction en gineer, ti�iho may be designated the Tngineer in Charge by the Board, and his decision as to the true consideration and meaning of the profile, maps, plans, specifications and estimate shall be final. In the absence of the engineer, his duly authorized inspector or agent shall be deem- ed the construction engineer in charge. It is also understood and agreed that such addi- tional drawings and explanations as may be necessary to detail and illustrate the work, are to be furnished by the engineer, and the contractor agrees to conform to and abide by the Sariie-, so far as may be consistent with the purpose and intent of the original plans and specifications. 4: Should the contractor at any time refuse or neglect to supply a sufficiency of properly skilled workmen or of materials of the proper quality, or fail in any respect to F W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings A,p ri .l Tenn Mo nd ay the 2nd play Iaay 1914 prosecute the work with promptness and diligence, or fail in the performance of any of the agreements herein contained, the Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter called the Board) on behalf of 'Uhatcom County shall be at liberty after three days written notice to the contractor, to provide any such labor or materials and to deduct the cost thereof from any moneys then due or thereafter to become due to the contractor under this contract; and may, by written notice, terminate the employment of the contractor for the said work, and enter upon the premises and take possession of all materials, tools and appliances thereon, for the purpose of completing the work included under this contract, and employ, by contract or otherwise, any other person or persons to finish the work, and provide the material therefor; and in case of such discontinuance of the employment of the contractor, he shall not be entitled to receive any balance of the amount to be paid under this con- tract until the yiork shall be wholly finished, at which time if the unpaid balance of the amount to2ibe paid under this contract shall exceed the expense incurred by the board in finishing the work, such excess shall be paid by the board to the contractor; but if such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance, the contractor shall pay the difference to the County. A discontinuance of work upon the said road by the contractor for a period of Fifteen consecutive days without written permission of the Board filed in the office of the clerk of the Board shall be construed to be an abandonment of the contract by the contractor and the Board may in such case terminate this contract without notice. 5: The contractor hereby agrees to complete all the work called for in this contract in all parts and requirements, before the lst day of January, 1915. G: Time shall be the essence of this contract on the part of the contractor, and in case the contractor shall fail in the due performance of the contract by and at the time herein mentioned, he shall be liable to pay to 7Thatcom County for liquidated damages, and not as penalty, the sum of Tlrrenty ($20.00) Dollars for each and every day which may elpa.se between the appointed and actual time of completion, which sum is hereby agreed upon, fix- ed and determined as the damages that will be suffered by such failure to complete within the time named; and the County may deduct the same from the amount due or to become due to the contractor; and such payments or deductions shall not in any way or degree release the contractor from the further obligations and penalties in respect to the fulfillment of the entire contract, nor any right which the County might have to claim, sue for and re- cover compensation and damages for non-performance of this contract. 7: Partial payments upon this contract, not exceeding eighty (80%) per cent. of the work done, may be made at the request of the contractor once each month, such payments to be made upon the estimates of the engineer in charge. Final payments for said work shall be made within thirty days after the entire work has been completed and accepted by the engineer and board, PROVIDED, that before the making of such final payment the contractor shall show to the satisfaction of the board that all just debts due all laborers, mechan- ics, material men, and persons who have supplied such contractor, or sub -contractor, with material or goods of any kind for hhis work have been paid. PkOVIDIO FURTHER, That if prior to any payment being made the board receives notice from any person or persons that any laborers, mechanics, material men, or other persons, who have supplied or furnished said contractor, or any sub -contractor, l,rith any labor, service, material, goods or provisions of any kind in connection with the construction of said work have claims against said contractor, or any subcontractor, for such service or things, for which claim any such laborer, mechanic, material man, or other person would be entitled to a lien under the laws of this state were said work not a. public work, or proper claim against the bond in such cases required by law, the board shall have the right W.O.R. 9, Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Saturday the 2nd day May 1914 to retain out of the payments then due or to become due to said contractor, the amount in addition to the twenty per cent. above provided to be retained until the final comple- tion of said work, sufficient to cover all such ;claims of which notice shall have been so given, until such claim or claims shall have been fully satisfied and paid, and receipts in full for the same shall have been furnished by the said contractor to the board, and the said contractor hereby.expressly agrees to pay all such claims. It is mutually agreed between the parties hereto that any payments or,eontri•butions due; or required by Chap..,.74 of the Laws of 1911 ( Industrial Insudance Act) from the County of Whatcom, by virtue of or on account of any of the work'covered by this contract. may be deducted from any payment.or payments made to the contractor herein, and that the sum or sums so deducted shall be determined each month upon the basis of the work of said month, and shall be made upon the proper written order and demand of the Industrial Insurance Commission, a notice of which order and demand shall be served upon the said contractor prior to said deduction. It is further agreed that the contractor herein; or any sub -contractor or contractors employed by them shall be subject to the provisions of said act as provided and required in Sec. 17 thereof. 8: All payments under this contract shall be made by the State Treasurer from the Permanent Highway Fund, upon warrants of the State Auditor issued upon presentation of proper vouchers by the contractor, said vouchers to be approved by the board, and no pay- ment shall be made for any alteration made during the progress of the work unless the same shall have been approved by the Board of County Commissioners by resolution, and a copy of said resolution:,shall have been transmitted to the State Highway Commissioner, and, in case of final payment, to be accompanied by the certificate of the State Highway Commissioner as aforesaid, no warrant, however, can be issued for any purpose against the Permanent Highway Fund unless there be sufficient money to pay such warrant in such fund to the credit of Whatcom County, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that in case the permanent highway herein described shall be improved or constructed pursuant to a petition, as provided in Sec. 2, Chap. 35, of the. Laws: of 1911, then and in that event such portion of the total expense under this contract as shall be chargeable to the property within the improvement district shall be paid from the General Road and Bridge Fund of the County upon the pre- sentation of proper vouchers therefor. 9: Do alteration shall be made in the work shown and described in the plans and specifications except upon the written order of the engineer and as provided hereinbefore and when so made the value of the work so added cr omit.ted shall be computed by the engineer,. and the amount so determined shall be final and.conelusive and binding upon the contractor, and shall be added to or deducted from the contract price. The schedule of unit or itemized prices hereto attached is intended to form a part of this contract, and shall constitute as far as possible the basis upon which the value of all work added or omitted shall be computed. 10: The contractor shall provide sufficient, safe and proper facilities for the inspection of the work by the board or its authorized representatives. The said con - authorized tractor shall furnish without charge, to .the said board, or its -representatives, samples of cement or other materials used in construction, as said samples may be required, in order that the character of such materials may be determined. All materials and methods shall be subject to the approval of the engineer. Defective work, or material, may be condemned by the engineer at .any ti �i.e before the final acceptance of the work. notice of condemnation shall be given by the engineer in writing. Such condemned work shall be immediately removed or disposed of to the satisfaction of the engineer. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Saturday the 2nd day i.tav 1914 Failtre or neglect on the part of the engineer to condemn unsatisfactory material or to reject inferior workmanship shall in no way release the contractor, nor shall it be con- strued to mean the acceptance of such work, nor shall the final acceptance bar Vlhatcom County from recovering damages incase fraud was uractieed. Time lost in replacing such improper work shall furnish no ground to the contractor for claiming an extension of time for the completion of the work. Incompetent, careless or negligent employes shall be forthwith discharged by the con- tractor upon the written request of the board or engineer, and failigre to comply with such request shall be sufficient, ground for the termination of the contract, as provided for in this article or article 4 hereof. Should the contractor be delayed in the prosecution of the work or the completion thereof by the act, neglect, or fault of the can-7ineer, then the time herein fixed for, the completion of the work shall be extended for a period equivalent to the time lost by reason of any or all the causes aforesaid, which extended period shall be determined and fixed by the board, but no such allowance shall be made unless a claim therefor is presented in writing to the chairman of the board within ten days after the occurrence of such delay. 11: It is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto that no certificate given or payment made under this contract, except the final certificate or final payment, shall be evidence of the performance of this contract either wholly or in part, and that no payment shall be construed to be an acceptance of defective work or improper materials. 12: The work and materials covered by this contract shall be at the sole rick of the contractor until the same shall have been finally accepted by the engineer and board, and the State Highway Commissioner, and any damage or loss that may occur or result to the same prior to the final acceptance of said, work by the engineer and board. and State High- way Commissioner shall fall upon sand be made good by the,contractor. 13: This contract shall not be assignable in whole or, in part. 14: The contractor shall give his personal attention to the work at all times, and be present, either in person or by duly authorized representatives, on the site of the work continually during it progress and shall receive instructions from the engineer in charge. Any sub -cc ntr_actor shall be considered the agent of the contractor and the latter shall be responsible fof any indebtedness incurred by such agent. If any sub- contractor fails to perform his work in a satisfactory manner this contract may be termin- ated by the Board. 15: The contractor shall be liable for all damages and injury which shall be caused or which shall occur to any person or persons or property whatsoever by reason of any negligence of said contractor or any of his servants, employes or sub -contractors, or by reason of any breach or violation of any of the provisions of this agreement or any of his duties or obligations thereunder. The contractor shall assume all liability for and protect the Board from any damages or claims arising from the use of any patented article or devices in any part of the work. 16: It is a part of the public policy of the State of WashinCD gton that all work by contract or day labor done for it or any political subdivision cr.eated.by law, shall be performed in work days of not more than eight hours each, except in cases of extraordinary emergency. No case of extraordinary emergency shall be construed to exist in any case where other labor can be found to take they place of labor which has already been employed for eight hours in any calendar day. In case of violation of the provisions of this article the :Hoard shall have the right to cancel this contract without notice and. shall have the W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Anril Term Saturdav the 2.nd day Ya.y 1914 right to complete the :rork in the manner provided in article No. 4 hereof. 17: The contractor agrees, to execute and furnish to the Board a good and sufficient corporate surety bond, to be payable to Jhatcom County, and to be in the penal sum of the full amount of this contract, conditioned that he will perform the work upon the terms, within the time, and in accordance with the contract, profiles, maps, plans and speci- fications, and that he grill indemnify the County against any direct or indirect damages that shall be suffered or claimed for injuries to persons or property during the construc- tion and improvement of such road or highway and until the same is accepted; and further, conditioned as required by law for the payment of all laborers, mechanics, sub -contract - tars and material men, and all persons who shall supply such person or persons or sub- contractors with provisions or supplies for the carrying on of such work, and all just debts, dues and demands incurred in the performance of such work. If the board shall have reason to believe that the security on said bond has become impaired since the execution thereof, or is insufficient, it may require the contractor to furnish other or additional security. 18: The board hereby promises and agrees with the contractor to employ and does employ him to provide the materials and to do and cause to be done the work upon said Permanent Highway, to complete and furnish the same according t6 the plans and specifica- tions and the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to for the prices set forth herein, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time and in the manner and upon the conditions herein set forth. 19: For and, in consideration of the faithful performance by the contractor of the work, covenants and acts on his part herein stipulated to be kept and performed, Uhatcom County hereby contracts and agrees to pay to the said contractor the lump sum of Sixteen Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty ($16840.) Dollars in the manner and form herein provided, and in no other manner whatsoever. 20: The contractor for himself, and for his heirs, successors, executors, adminis- trators and assigns, does hereby agree to the full performance ' of all the covenants herein contained upon his part. IN 'WITNESS-i'11MLOF, the said contractor has hereunto set his hand and seal and the said 'Jhatcom County pursuant to resolution duly adopted by its county commissioners, has caused these presents to be subscribed by its chairman and clerk, and the name of the board to be hereunder affixed the day and year first above written. of I it u " " I " u n " it " " "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of .nJhatcom County " " State of 1.7ashington " to u to if It to of It n n Attest: :Till D Wallace Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. ---------- 000---- -- -- -- WHATC011 COUNTY By C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemp e r Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner BOA}ID OF COUNTY COMJ1ISSIO1fltMS OF 'JHATCO1.1 COUNTY, WASHINGTON., Chas E. Lind Contractor. On inotion the Board adjourned to meet on Monday, May 4, 1914. OffRAMWA awln rman boa Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term _;onday the 4th day Trlay W.O.R. 191 1:ionday, May 4, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on May 2, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRE11TT EXPENSE FUND. Will D Wallace Salary as County Auditor' 158.33 August Engquist Salary as Chief Dep Auditor 100,00 S E Barrett Salary as Dep Auditor 100.00 F C Martin do 75.00 Jennie T Eddy Salary as Clerk for Auditor 7 days 15.00 Lucy E King Salary as Chief Recorder 75.00 Y Thomas Salary as Recorder 65,00 Jessie 71alters do 65.00 C B Legoe Salary as County Commissioner 150.00 J G Kemper do 150,00 Henry Shagren do 150.00 Delia L Keeler Salary as Supt Schools 150.00 Ethel Everett Salary as Dep Supt Schools 90.00 D '.J Featherkile Salary as Justice of Peace 100,00 Henry C Beach do 100.00 F E 'Jyman Salary as Probation Officer 75.00 ; rs Bessie Cline do 50,00 Harrison Cowden Salary as Constable 60.00 0 E Beebe Salary as Co Physician 83.33 H Thompson Salary as Coroner 83.33 Hector Gaviley Salary as Janitor 85'.00 Ed E Hardin Salary as Superior Judge 125.00 'Jilliam H Pemberton do 125.00 F ';J L-loses Salary as County Clerk 158.33 Alithea Adams Salary as Dep Co Clerk 100,00 Geo Id Cook do 100.00 Frank 'J Bixby Salary as Pros. Attorney 158.33 1;1 A Martin Salary as Dep Pros Attorney 100.00 11aybelle Bryan salary as Stenographer for Atty 75.00 l+ellie C Rogers Salary as Co Treasurer 166.66 F L Olslager Salary as Dep Treasurer 100.00 John Fernley Salary asBookkeeper for Treasurer 90.00 Olive Wilson Salary as Clark for Treasurer 80.00 Gage A Pence do 80.00 Geo H Wat ro us do 90,00 Agnes Nedrud do 75,00 L A Thomas Salary as Sheriff 158.33 L J Flanagan Salary as Deputy Sheriff 80.00 ':Jilson Stewart do 80.00 I1 B Byland Salary as Jailer 60.00 C Ili Adams Salary as Engineer 158.33 C 1:; Phoenix Salary as Dep Engineer 115,00 Carl McCoy Salary as Draughtsman for Engineer 104.00 Harry C Sivettenam Salary as Chainman for Engineer 78.00 F :UcElmon Salary as Inspector on N V/ Diag Rd 50,00 G 'J Knittel Salary as Amman for Engineer 2.50 S Russell Salary as Chairman for Engineer 5.00 0 11 Munn Salary as Transit. for Eng. 107.50 Chas Shea Salary as Chain. for Eng. 15.00 O Underhill do 28.75 Chas Hovander Salary as Amman for Eng. 2.50 P G Cooke Salary as Transit. for Eng. 40,00 B C Lyle do 67,50 E 'J Gooch Salary as Transit. & Chain. for Eng. 51.25 James Goheen Salary as Chain. for Eng 22.50 C C King Salary as Supt Co Home 60.00 H B King Salary as Matron at Co Home 25.00 I,ettie Smith Salary as Cook at Co Home 26 days 39.00 Alice Tierney do 4 days 6,00 Barney %linters Salary as Nurse at Co Home 23.50 John Colling Salary as Teamster at Co Home 30,00 H D 1.-IcArthur Salary as Assessor 125.00 Jas Elder Salary as Dep Assessor 80.00 H R George do 75.00 Foster L! Carver do 75,00 David Viurtenberg Salary as Clark for Assessor 75.00 'Jinfield Ervin do 75.00 Alex Van tiJyck Salary as Field Dep Assessor 91.00 Daniel ;:IcCush do 91.00 Geo S Smith do 19,25 Tom Brown do 35.00 Byron N Kingsley do 74.50 1 L� Scott do 56.00 Ira C Rohrbacher do 28.00 John S Smith do 70.00 11 9 Loring do 56.00 A H Frasier do 28,00 Eagan Ridenour Transcripts of Testimony for Pros Attorney 7.50 Puget Sound T L ec P Co Gas & Elect Light for Apr 37.45 do Street Car Tickets for Sheriff 10,00 `;Jill D Y7allace Expense as Co Auditor 3.70 H D TdcArthur Expense as Co Assessor 2.80 P G Cooke Expense as Dep Engineer 9,68 C 11, Phoenix :Expense as Dep Engineer 20.50 Delia L Keeler Express 1.55 & Expense 16.95 as Co Supt 18.50 L A Thomas Expense as Sheriff 71.50 do Board of Prisoners 159,20 C N Beal Trap 171ap etc for Co Assessor 15.00 ;natcom County Abstract Co Plats furnished Co Assessor 25.75 W.O.R. Recor d of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term T:conday the 4th day I,Iay 273 191 Chesson's Restaurant Robinson's Cafe Epp Shular R C Beck A 11il Burnside �. C A Scrimsher G H Abers J 111 Aitken Leslie Jones Viarren,Slater S J Craft S B Irish & Co Towner Printing Co Standard Oil Co Bellingham Truck Co Tars Penelopie S Knox Ealinda E Sla.tc;r Sarah Foster Joseph Id Kelly do . A W Taylor Meals for Jurors do Scalp Bounty on 1 wild cat do Scalp Bounty on 2 wild cats ROAD AIID BRIDGE FUND. Operating Marietta Ferry Tending Ferndale Bridge GAI,lE PROTECTION FUND. Salary & Expense as Game Warden Salary & Exp as Dep Game 1arden Distributing Fish Boots for Supt Fish Hatchery Stationery .for Game 'harden Prtg Appls. for Bunting Licenses Gasoline for Game Warden Expressage for Game Warden SOLDIERS' 11TIMI:HaF FUND. Relief Relief Relief Bu ial of. Mary Rexford Burial of Leander W Morris INSTITUTE FUND. Serv. & Exp as Lecturer for School Directors Meeting MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE FUND. 32.10 27 85 5.00 5.00 10.00 50.00 5.00 118.40 68.60 7.50 9.50 4.75 8.50 12.36 18.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 50.00 50.00 53.75 F .V1 Lroses, Co : Clerk ., Recording ittarriage Certificates 43.00 ---------- 000---------- The depository bond of the Horne State Bank of Blaine given by the American Surety Company of New York for 43000.00 covering deposits of county funds, was endorsed approved by the Board. ---------- 000---------- iN TIM MATTER Ole M' APPOINTI00T OF ) ( ORDEM APPOINTING J.1[. PHILBROOK. ROAD OVERSE11M DIST #2 LU1,211 ISLAND TV/P. ) 1I MRE'AS, this Board finds that a vacancy exists in the office of Road Overseer for District No. 2 in Lummi Island Township through the failure of A Smith, the duly elected officer, to qualify therefor, and 1JH7o:REAS, the board of supervisors of said Lummi Island Township has recommended the appointment of J.H. Philbrook to fill, said vacancy; N017, THEIR + iORE, it is ordered by this Board thatj.J.:I:T. PHILBROOK be, and he hereby is appointed as Road Overseer for District No. 2 for Lununi Island Township to act as such until the next regularly elected officer shall qualify therefor. Done in open session of the Board,this 4th day of I.iay, 1914. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board It It to It It It 11 it 11 II it It 11 " J G Kemp e r "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "ioners of Whatcom County " Henry Shagren " State of Vlashington " Commissioner �� 11 If it 11 11 If It it 11 It it 1t If Attest; Will D Viallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term 1>?onday the 4th clay May 1914 IN THE 11ATTIPR OF THE APPOINT ! PT OF ) ( ORDER APPOINTING ALBVRT I:TORGT,0THALEI R ROAD OVERSEER IN DIST #4 TEN 1,11Ir T'JP. ) t'JlL-eREAS, a vacancy exists in the office of Road Overseer for District No. 4 Ten Pile Township; and WIL',REAS, the board of supervisors of said township have recommended the appointment of Albert Morgenthaler to fill said vacancy; N0'J, THEREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that Albert Morgenthaler be, and he hereby is appointed as Road Overseer for District No. 4 in Ten Mile Township, to act as such until the next rcgularly elected overseer shall have qualified therefor. Done in open scission of the Board this 4th day of Mlay 1914. to 11 " if of 11 tt It tt it 1t II it It "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " " State of Washington " 1t to it 1t 11 tt it It to it 11 II to 11 Attest: CJill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ---------- 000---------- The oath of office of Egbert Fiold, as Supervisor of Dr,-Unaga Improvement District #6 was filed with the Board and his official bond as such supervisor was also filed and' endorsed approved by said Board. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adnourned to meet on Tuesday, T.Tay 5, 1914. airman boara- -county,/i:oramissioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Tuesday the 5th day May 191 4 C/ jnHr �i Tuesday, May 5, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on T;Tay 4, 1914. Present, all +tiembers of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were alloyed and proceedings had: CURR1,PNT EXP' +ENSEO FUND. C C King Expense las Supt Cc Home l! J Pynor Groceries etc for Co home Lynden Dept'. Store do Laurel Co-Oporative Creamery Assen. Butter for Co Home Central Market Meat for Co Home S D 'Welsh 1 Dressed Hog for Co Home lE Edson I:Iedi cine for Co Home G M Caylor Chicks for Co Home MLerl Hardan Oats & Peas for Co Home Bauman Implement Co., Inc Hand Seeder for Co Home Bloedel-Donovan Lbr Mills Screens for Co Home Ferndale Dept Store Ponder etc for Co Home Clift Iaotor Co Repairs to Pump Engine at Co Home S R Correll Blacksmithing for Co Home Swan Peterson Slashing at Co Home J K Rogers Slashing & Guard. Prisoners at Co Home North -crest 11dw. Co Supp. & Tlatr. for Co home do Hdy. for Courthouse J P Benton Repairs to Plumbing in Courthouse Clark Electric Co Supplies for Courthouse Bloedel-Donovan Lbr I:Iills 'food for Courthouse A H Montgomery do 1.1 D !McLeod Carpenter fork in Assessor's Office Fountain Pharmacy Supplies for Janitor Pacific Tel & Tel Co Phone Rentals for Islay do Long Dist. Service for Apr ',!astern Union Telg Co Ttessages for Sher 10y31-Atty .52-Prob Off .33 37.30 114.10 154.91 24.00 58.69 16.80 4.85 10.00 6.60 2.00 2.00 14.65 4.30 4.50 6.50 7.20 17.83 1.25 4.65 3.40 11.75 22.60 4.90 2.80 37.25 8.10 11.16 ---------- 000---------- '/ The April report of C C King, Supt Co Home, eras endorsed approved by the Board. V/The County Engineer's Preliminary Report p,]� Dr�ina�e Pitch 7/7 „ras fi].r�c3 �,ri.`,til '+;ric BEFORE TIT J BOA W OF COUNTY COIZII I S SIOIITF:RS OF ',71TAT COI:i COUNTY, WASHINI-TTON. IN THE I:iATTER OI4' DRAINAGE IT,IPROIT1,,100,1TT ) ( ORDER ASSIGNING NU113RR AND. DIRECTING THE COUNTY DISTRICT No. 71 OF UHATCOTI COUNTY. ) 2-1GIId7+'.ER TO I,TAKE STTRVEY,, 711TC. On this day this matter was presented to the Board upon the Preliminary Report of County Engineer upon that petition filed before this Board on the 2nd day of I'ay, 1914, ;ihich said petition asks the construction of a Ditch approximately as follows, with main lateral thereof: Beginning at a point at the center of the south one half, Section 30, Township 40 north, Range 2 lust; thence south to a point 35' north of south line said Sec 30; Thence crest along line 351north of south line, Sections 25 and 30, Township 40 ITorth Ranges one and two East to point about 1747 feet; thence north 37 Deg. 20' West 374.4; thence north 57 Deg. 42' West 634.1 feet; thence south 67 Deg. 081 ,Vest 1594.1 feet to point 35' North of Southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southzrrest quarter, Section 25, Town- ship 40 North Mange one East; thence West along line 35' North of and pa.rallel'to section ;i_ae, sections 25 and 26, 4820 foot; thence south 13 Deg. 27' ''lest 212 feet; thence 5.34 Deg. 44' 'lest 197 feet; south 51 Deg. 05' 1Wost 243 feet; thence North 88 Deg. 55' ,Iest 346 feet; thence North 64036' West 741 feet to outlet into California Creek; thence northwesterly following general line of California Creek to tide hater in the vici- nity of center of Section 21, Township 40 North Range one East. ,ain Lateral: Beginning at a point at the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the south- east quarter of Section 6, Township 39 North Range 2 East `I.TI., Whatcom County, Washington, thence northerly and westerly by most practicable route through said Section.6; thence northwesterly by most practicable route through Sections one and two, Township 39 North Range one East and through Section 35, Township 40 North Range One East to outlet into hereinbefore described drainage ditch near the northwest corner of Section 35 Township 40 North Range One East, '311, Whatcom County, Washington. From said report it appears that said Engineer has vievred the line of the proposed improvement and that said report is in time, manner and form as required by statute. It further appears from said County Engineer's said Preliminary Report that said County Engineer of '.Ihatcom County, 'Washington, states that in his opinion the said Improvement prayed for in the petition is necessary and will be conducive to public health, convenience and welfare.. r 27 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings A-oril Term Tuesday the 5th clay h2ay 194 WHEREFOM, IT IS ORDERED that said improvement prayed for in said petition will be kno;�n as Drainage Improvement District lio. 7 of Whatcom County, the said number being selected in the manner provided by lair and said. District will be designated as Drainage Improvement District 110 . 7 of 'That com County. IT IS Fi.7H`l'HE'll ORDLIILD that the County Engineer shall go upon the lands described in the petition and as approved in his report and survey and take levels on same and. set a stake at every hundred feet, numbered clown stream, and. nots the intersection of property lines and boundaries, township, city and county lines, if any, and road crossings, and make a report, profile and plat of same; also he shall make an estimate of the cost of con- struction of such drainage system, itemized so as to be reasonably specific a.s to the various parts thereof (it being understood that such estimate of the cost shall be held to be: preliminary only and shall not be binding as a limit on the amount that may be ex- pended in constructing such drainage system). IT IS FUR'rHlf',R ORD L'D and directed that the County Engineer shall make and return a Schedule and estimate of all property that shall be damaged or both darriaged and benefit, ed by the proposed. improvement, and, shall estimate and report the total number of acres that :ill be benefited by the proposed improvement, and shall specify the manner in which the: proposed improvement is to be made and. the number, kind, location and dimensions of all waterways, ditches, outlets, flood gates, bridges, crossings, either or any, and that said schedule shall be prepared and returned in the manner provided by law. IT IS FURTHER ORDMOM that the said County Engineer shall make and file with his report an iterai.zed bill of costs incurred in the proper discharge of his duties in this improve - went, and shall report the same to the Clerk of the Board of County Corivnissioners within ten (10) days after the completion of the survey. Dated this 5th day of Iday, 1914. ►t I I I I tt I I I I I I I I "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of lJhatcom County " It State of Washington " of It of It if to It ,t to n it of It Attest: d1i11 D Wallace Clerk. C B Legoe Cha i rman J G Kemper Henry Shagron Comr.,iissioners ---------- 000---_------ On motion the Board adjourned to meet an Vednesday, Vay 6, 1914. W.O.R. .. R�cord of Commissioners. Proceedings 277 April Term ',lednesday the 6th day May 1914 'Jednesday, I; ay 6, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on 1Jay 5th 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE' FUND. L C Lyle Exp as Dep Eng a/c Hannegan Road 29.75 C N Munn Exp Assisting Eng on Hovander Ditch (1#8) 36.75 F E %lyman Expense as Probation Officer :8.60 1:rs Bessie Cline Expense as -Probation Officer 3.60 Dr 0 E Beebe Traveling Expense as Co Physician 23.79 Dr F V Shute Assisting Co Physician 10.00 Dr ,`m C Keyes do 20.00 Dr J Reid Morrison do 10.00 Dr E C Ruge do 10.00 St Joseph's Hospital Care of Co Patients 116.00 E S Clark do 30.00 Red Cross Pharmacy I.ledicine for Co Patients 13.05 Owl Pharmacy do 18.71 The Idei ser Drdtg Co do 4.40 L E Haggard Groceries for Chase Family, (,uarantined 14.70 Frank McCall do 16.95 A X Burnside Tent for quarantined Family 5.00 I'Jirs A C Graveline Board of Wm Vlapley 27.50 kellie Petersen Care of Errs Bjorndahl 31.00 Lock & Harlow Burial of two Indigents 50.00 R W Drake Registering births & deaths in Dist #2 2.00 Miss Irene Iletivier it to It of It #1 7.00 Miss Beth Peeples It to of to of #3 2.50 H E Stuart " to it " It #4 2.75 1:�rs IJ A Smith it it " it if #5 3.50 Louis C Flick to " " of " ��6 1.75 C H `,fait Care of Juvenile Prisoners 15.00 C G Jinemiller do 103.20 Irving Store Groceries for I;Irs Stanger 8.00 East End Grocery Groceries for Anne Trove 10.00 Empire I::eat & Grocery Co Groceries for, Mrs Asplund et al 14.95 Kinsey- tenvig Grocery Co Groceries for Allen et al 10.00 Brown & Cole Inc Groceries for Tabor 5.00 i�t Baker Grocery Groceries for Jackson & Hunter 11.00 Fischer &; Isaacs Groceries fow Kirkham et al 28.45 Ennen, Goodman Co Groceries fog l,Lrs Anderson et al 17.00 The 1dright Grocery Groceries for Orr Family 5.10 Junction Grocery Groceries for Errs Kentta 8,50 Carrie L Milder Care of Ploy Bennett 110.00 Columbia Grocery Groceries for I.IcBride .7.85 Danielson & Runolfson Groceries for rastman et al 38.75 G Roberts Groceries for TIrs Kosa 10.00 Wilson & Brown Groceries for Jas Bainter 7.50 Lynden Dept Store Groceries for C A Feltberg 10.00 T S Berkeley Co Groceries for Nancy Rogers 10.92 Golden Rule Store Groceries for Chas Brand et al 36.00 Mrs `elm Pierron Kent of House for Mrs Wilson 3.00 Mrs R V1 Bignell House rent for Eastman 4.00 K H Dahlen House rent for Kirkham 5.00 A Strandell House rent for Ivirs Kentta 4 mo 18.00 A Strandell do 1 mo 6.00 A H Montgomery Wood for Adams & Kenta 6.00 dhatcom County Abstract Co. List of owners in Drain. Dist. #8 11.50 ---------- 000---------,- The April Report of Dr 0 E Beebe, County Physician,.was endorsed approved. by the Board. ---------- 0Q0---------- BEFO1W4 THE, BOARD OF COUNTY COIMIISSION"ERS OF tii►HATCOM COUNTY, ,IASHINGTON. III TIi[ 1,F.ATTER OF THE RECONSTRUCTION ) ( ORDIM ACCITTING BID OF J. HUNZIKIPR. OF P1L70, TRESTLE ON N L DIAGONAL ROAD ) VfflliMEAS, on the loth day of April, 1914, this Board made an order calling for bids for the reconstruction of a pile trestle at a point on the Iiortheast Diagonal Road near the center of Section 28, Twp. 39 If., R. 4 E; said bids to be considered at the hour of 2 o'clock P.M. on Wednesday, May 6th 1914; and the notice calling for such bids having been duly published in the county official paper, to -wit: the Journal -Progressive, in the manner and for the length of time required by law; E071, on this 6th clay of May, 1914, this matter coming on for consideration, the board finds the bids submitted for the construction of said improvement to be as follows: A.J. Riffe-Kirkpatrick Co: Cedar Piling at 24 cts per lin ft; Cedar Caps at $4.84 each; Lumber at $17.50 per IttMM; Removing present structure, no charge.Total---$2665.24 278 8 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Wednesday the 6th clay May W.0. R. 191 F. Johnston: Cedar piling at 22 cts per lin ft; Cedar caps at $3.00 each; Lumber 916.00 per LBY; Removing present structure yl100.00. Total ---- �2481.92 Geo C. Blakeslee: Cedar piling at 21 cts per lin ft; Cedar caps ,`3.50 each; Lumber ti�15.50 per M2,11"; Removing present structure 5,�100.00. 'Total ---- $2419.56 Jacob Hunziker: Removing old bridge if allowed county Virile driver .rill take 074.00 less on job; Piling drive. 22 cts per lin ft; Caps 16 cts per lin ft; Lumber �?14.60 MB1,I. Total _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1�2276.72 This board further finds that the bid of JACOB HUNZI109R for the construction of said improvement is the lowest and best bid submitted therefor, and it would be to the best interests of 'jUhatcom County that the contract for said improvement be awarded to Jacob Hunziker., IT IS TER-11+OM?, ORDIMM that the bid of Jacob Hunziker for the said improvement, be and the same is hereby accepted, and the chairman of the board of county commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with the said Jacob Hunziker for said improvement of said bridge. IT IS FURTHER ORDEMM that the said contract to be so entered into between the County of Whatcom upon one hand and the said contractor upon the other shall provide that the con- tract be fulfilled and the vrork fully performed and completed on or before the 1st day of July, 1914, and that the said contractor be required to give bond for the full amount of the bid for the faithful performance of the conditions of said contract. Done in open session of the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washing- ton, this 6th day of Llay 1914. 11 11 11 01 11 11 11 11 II 11 11 11 11 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of 'Uhatcom County " " State of Washington " " n fill of n to It to It it it to n It Attest: 117ill D-Vallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000----___--_ On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, May 7th 1914. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Coirrais si oner Chairman Boar ounty mmissioners. W.O.R. RoWoProceedin ���rd of Commissioner ' ��� April Term Thursday the 7th day May 191 4 Thursday, Uay. 7, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on May 6, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: Selby -Harris Cc Griggs Sta & Prtg Cc Union P B & S Co Anstett Printing Co Towner Printing Co South Bellingham Sentinel The Frank Shepard Cc J;I.Vayland Clark Royal Typewriter Cc Remington Typewriter Co Gilday & T ontfort tiny Hour Barn Lynden Livery Coast Auto Co F J Barlow Diehl & Simpson CU11RENT EXPEWSE FUND. Supplies for Cc Offices 11.53 Sup for Atty 2.50-Eng 1.10-C1.k 12.10- Gen Offices 13.50 29.20 Records etc for Aud 32.50-Trews 22.50- Supt 2.25-Gen.L)ffices 2.10 59.35 Prtg Postal Cards for Sheriff 5.50 Printing for Aud 7.30-Commrs 4.50 11.80 Blanks for Auditor 10.00 '`lash. Cum. for Judge 1.25 1 Envelope Sealer for Auditor 17.50 Typewriter for Cc Engineer 49.00 Typewriters for Aud 105.00-Clerk 150.00 255.00 Livery for Sheriff 4.00 do 3.50 Livery & Feed for Commrs 2.00-Supt 2.50- . Co Home .75 5.25 Auto hire to :Sheriff 14.00 do 12.00 Auto hire, Driving & Supplies 193.22 ---------- 000---------- In the Matter of the Appointment of ) ( Order Appointing Thomas H Murry Constable for Ten Mile Township ) Y-11 ,,REAS, G.';l. Rice, the duly elected Constable of Ten Lfile Township has failed to qualify for said office, and WHEREAS, the supervisors of said township have recommended the appointment of Thomas H. Murry to fill the vacancy thereby created, IT IS THEREFORE ORDTPR11!D That Thomas H Murry be, and he hereby is appointed as Con- stable for Ten Zile Township to act as such until the next regularly elected constable sl^.all have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Board this 7th day of May, 1914, I to if it to of 11 11 1t Ti 11 of It It ":Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of ',Yhatcom County " It, State of Washington It to It It It It it of to of or u n it to Attest: Will D Wallace 01tinty Auditor and Clerk of the Board,. --------000---------- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, Kay 8, 1914. u Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April f' Term Friday the 8th day 11ay W.O.R. 1914 Friday, Alay 8, 1914, The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on May 7, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were alloyed: Harrison Cowden Antoine Graveline Pacific Steam Laundry J T Brannian Franklin Iiaworth H H Sines Mrs D E Bartruff J H Alat er Mrs Cobb Jacob Mollan E A Ilheeler Vl A McCutcheon W C Morgan C A Toler Chas. L Day 11rs Eliason Miles Eliason John Olson C H Sears Hugh Eldridge do Geo Elder Delno Ward Emil Fullner Geo Alton John Bullock Vim Smith E Connelly Stanley Wright J Hodge Sam Borden '�'m S ar l and A Anderson +' J Pease Frank Edwards A Dunkle Geo A Adam T P.Reilly Bike Dahlen 0 A Peterson F J Smith L Scutt C H Barrett E A Peterson Peter Peterson H P Wynn Sri L McSorley D Gillespie G If Knittel S H Godfrey George Stierlen F DeLine Le A Dickson Ed Jones Otto Krick Chas Krick Jim ':'lilliams Geo Brown Fred Thompson Like Higgins James Scutt Dewt Hale Fred Flint A G Hadfield Roy Hadfield P 9 Behme San Fields Del Gooder John Johnson Grover Vogt Ed Noble Ed Martinson Gilday & Montfort James Pennington J Hanson 11 Collings Chas Lyon ,Gast C Feldt l Rosser C H Beebe Jay Rosser Lewis Beebe Jno Collings S Stuurman G L Miller P Suurland J Brunger CURR31.,'NT EXPENSE FUND. Expense as Constable Laundry for Co Patient Laundry f6r Jail 12.70 & Jury Room 2.90 Wood for Courthouse J P: State vs R Alicciaro Const: State vs R Micciaro Wit: State vs Geor-o G Cobb do do do Juror: State vs George G Cobb do do do do Wit: State vs 'falter Gordon do do Wit: State vs'J P Schmidt Stamped Envelopes for Co Clerk Stamps for Co Officials ROAD AND BRIDGEFUND. Foreman on Steam Grader work Engineer on Steam Grader Fireman on Steam Grader Teamster on Steam Grader work Labor on Road For'(man do team do do do do Labor on Samish road Labor.'on Samish & N 'll Diag Roads team labor on G 11 & Samish Roads It Labor on G M & N 13 D6ag Roads Foreman Labor on Blaine Road do do Foreman do do do do do do Labor: -Ion 'riding Dam E+'ngine, Two men and Labor on Road 98 do do do do do Labor on Custer Rd do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Labor on Road do do do T eam et al, Foreman do Foreman do do do Labor on Road `155 Foreman do do do' team it to it It to t eam It it of It 0 to t eam of to u It to m t e am 1.00 .70 15.60 229.50 1a 50 2.60 2.20 2.80 3.00 3.00 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 3.60 3.60 3.60 4.40 43.36 60.00 104.00 104.00 .65.00 130.00 45.00 84.00 31.20 28.80 30.60 28.80 .2.00 14.00 22.00 21.00 8.00 8.00 18.00 8.00 4.00 16.00 16.00 12.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 4.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 107'05 99.00 99.00 14.00 20.00 40.00 26.00 25'.00 30.00 44.00 41.00 31.00 50.00 34.00 38.00 37.00 11.00 12.00 8.00 10.00 18.00 12.00 6.00 12..00 44.00 42.00 15.00 59.00 8.50 13.00 6.00 15.00 6.00 10.00 7.00 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Friday the 8th clay I,:ay 1914 21 J Stap Labor on Road a#165 12.50 A P Burgraff do 20.00 L E'Baxter do 39.50 H Spaan do 15.50 A E Moody do 18.00 J H Salmon do 16.00 F E Bateman do 4.00 Olof Glad Labor on Bridge at Lake Whatcom team 7.50 A Kirig do 21.60 C A Lehn do 21.00 V1 T Hatton Labor on Rd #400 32.00 A V1 Fro st Labor on Roads 16.00 C Id Mosher Labor & Exp as Bridge, Foreman 122.85 George ileidhart Labor on Bri'dc-e 12.00 Ed W Gooding' do 17.45 A L Dewey do 22.20 Frank Liscunz do 26.40 C YI Gooding do 19.80 Chas Torgensen do 26.40 °Vm Lunness do 36.00 L Pierce Labor at Nugents Bridge 64.80 Archie Pierce do 64.80 Jno Ii Lyman do 84.00 Fred Griffin do 64.80 Frank Arones do 72.00 Jesse J Rogers Salary as Constr En; S & N Highway 40.00 `.L Collins Labor at Marietta Ferry 12.50 Bloedel-Donovan Lbr I:Iills Lumber 275.10 Pchrson Bros Lumber 7.39 A Butt Sacks for `r7ing Darnm 1.00 Mofse Hdvr. Co Powder, spikes etc 38.57 N V7 Hardware Co Spikes. 8.:50 H '4I Buzzard Iron Plates for Bridge. 63.00 Custer 1iLerct Co Road Tools & Material 10.80 Hamilton Bros Tile for road work 34.23 Tolson Implement Cc 1 Farm Truck 37.00 luorse Hdw Co Tools & -Supplies for Road Grader 92.49 Ilodson-Feenaughty Co Bull Gear etc for :load Grader 47.70 Jens Olson Wood for Road Grader. 15.40 A Dunkle do 1.00 Anton.Dahlen do 1.00 Trunkey & Sons Coal & Jood for Road Grader 31.22, Jens Olsen Wood for Donkey Engine 112.00 Geo Elder Freight on Bull Gear for Road Grader 3.15 1ileCormick Iron Uvrks Repairs to Road Grader 2.98 Grand Repair Shop Repairs to Road .engine Boiler 1.50 A 'dasching Blacksmithing a/c Road Grader 6.05 H I Buzzard do 27.50 Thomas &_Marsh Blacksmithing 40.20 N H Shetler Gravel 1.60 Thos Ellis Gravel, 51.90 Cha,sbL Lind 2nd Est on Constr. Sec 1 Hannegan Rd 10389480 'Worthen & Satter.thwaite lst Lxt on Constr. Sec 2 Hannegan Rd 893.33 HAIIIdEGIIN ROAD FUND. Chas :C Lind 2nd rest on Constr. Sec.l Hannegan Rd 2,779.60. Vlorthen & Satterthwmite 1st Est on Constr. Sec 2 Hannegan Rd 1, 786. G7 Towner Printing Co 1Yarrants for Hannegan Road 4.00 DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 4 FUND. Dickinson & Bacon 2nd Est on Constr. Drain. Ditch #4 1,140.00 YI S Russell Expense as Ditch Commissioner 20.00 L Zweegman Labor & Exp as Ditch Commissioner 36.00 DIIAIIIAGE DISTRICT 110. 5 FUND. J C'Anderson 2nd Ext on Constr Drain. Ditch J-5 1,516.84 On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Satirday, May 9, 1914. 1 OWN 1 F 5elts1. �7,o MP W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Anri 1 Term Saturday the 9th clay Tlay 1914 Saturday, May 9, 1914. The Board raet pursuant to adjournment taken on May B, 1914. Present / all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: In the Matter. of Appointment of ) ( Order Appointing Peter 0. Solen Supervisor in Deming Township ) WHEREAS, this Board finds that a vacancy exists in the office of Supervisor of District No. 2 in Denning Township.,, through the failure of James '','latson, the regularly elect ed supervisor, to qualify therefor, and WIDUMAS, there have been filed with this 'Board petitions for the appointment of Peter 0. Solen and I:I.L. Dedman; and s:JHI+IWAS, the Board of Supervisors have recommended the appointment of Peter 0. Solen to fill said vacancy; IT IS THERl;FOR ORDERED that said PETTM 0. SOLEN be, and he hereby is appointed Super- visor of District No. 2 in Deming Township, to act as such until the next regularly elect- ed supervisor shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Board this 9th day of Ilay, 1914. 11 It 11 II 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 it 11 11 . "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of 'Wh.atcom County " " State of 'Washington " Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. -- -- 000--Y4------ C B Legoe Chairman of the Board .T G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on May 20th 1914. Chairman Board C&Chty C nissioners. W.0.R. Record of Commissioners Proceedings �Yx�ril Term Wednesday the 20th day rfay_ 191 Wednesday, Ilay 20th 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on May 9th 1914. Present, all members of the. Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: In the Matter 'of the Approval of Surety ) Bond'of J: Hunziker"on Contract for Order approving. Bridge on N E Diag. Rd. It is ordered by this Bolard that the surety bond of Jacob Hunziker for $2,277.00 given by the American Surety Company of New York covering contract for construction of" trestle on Northeast Diagonal Road in Sec 28, Tp 39 N R 4 E, be and same is hereby .approved. Done in open session of the Board this 20th day of May, 1914. C.B. hegoe Chairman of the Board J.G. Kemper "Board of County Commiss ". Commissioner 11ioners of 71hatcom County " Henry Shagren State of Washington !' Commissioner u rr rr rr r► rr rr rr rr r► rr rr u " Attest: 1/ill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- C 0 N T R A C T THIS AGREEIL.MiNT, made and entered into in triplicate tl3is 20th day of May, A.D., 1914, between Whatcom County, State of Washington, hereinafter called the County, and Jacob Hunziker hereinafter called the contractor, 14ITNBSSIGTH: That the said contractor, in consideration of the sums hereinafter specified, be paid to him by the said,. Whatcom County, in the manner and .at the time hereinafter provided, and in consideration of other covenants and agreements, herein contained by the said parties, agrees to and with said Vhatcom "County: 1. That the contractor will perform and furnish under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Board of County Commissioners of 1I7hatcom County; Washington, and in conformity to the laws of the State of Washington, all the work and material included.in the Reconstruction'of pile trestle on the North Lust Diagonal Road, located,in Sec. 28 T. 39 N.R. 4 E about 200 feet southwest of the intersection of Co. Road Bo. 83 with said N.E". Diag. Road, and that the contractor will furnish all material necessary, and per- form all labor in the manner, and of the kind and class of work and material, and manner of doing said work, and in all other respects stric,t:ly'according to the maps, plans and specifications thereof furnished by the County Engineer of said County and on file in his office; said maps, plans and specifications being agreed to be a part of this contract with the same force and effect as though the same were fully inserted herein. Said work to be done under the supervision and direction of the County Engineer and.to be approved by him and the Board of County Commissioners. In case of any disagreement or misunderx-t, standing in respect to the"se specifications or the performance of the work, the matter shall be referred to the Board of County Commissioners, whose decision shall be final. In case of improper construction or -noncompliance with the contract or specifications in any manner, upon recommendation of the County Engineer, the Board of County Commiss- ioners may suspend said work at any time and may order the partial or entire reconstruc4 tion of said" work if improperly done, or declare the contract forfeited, and may then. re -let or complete the same, and adjust the difference of damage or price if any there be, which the contractor shall pay to the.County according to the just and reasonable amount G n.ocord of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Wednesday the 20th . day May 191 4. thereof. 2. Said work is to be fully completed on or before the lst day of July, 1914, and if not done within the time specified the contractor ggrees to pay to the County $10.00 for each and every day that the'work remains uncompleted beyond such time, such amount hereby being agreed upon as liquidated dama es of a reasonable amount for such delay, and to be deducted by the,county from the final estimate allowed the contractor. 3. Additional time for completion of work under this contract must be applied for in writing by the contractor, and shall be granted only on order by the Board of County Commissioners entered in regular session, ,and upon the further condition that the sureties on the contractor's bond shall not be released thereby. 4. Said County agrees to make payment of the sum agreed to be paid in the.following manner: warrants will be drawn on the Road & Bridge fund of said County according to the final estimate furnished by the County Engineer and approved by the County Commissioners, as provided in the specifications and prices inserted therein. Partial payments based upon the County Engineer's estimates, made from time to time, may be made not to exceed 80% of such estimates. 5. No liability shall attach to the County by reason of entering into this contract except as specially* provided herein. The contractor hereby assumes all risks and liabili- ties for accidents or damages that may occur to persons or property during the prosecution of the work. It.is understood that the whole of the work is to be done at the contractor's risk and he is to assume the responsibility of risk and all damage done to the work from any cause vihatsoever prior to the final acceptance by the Board of County Commissioners of all work to be done hereunder, and partial payments shall not diminish the liability here- under. 6. The contractor shall not let, assign nor transfer this contract, or any interest therein, without the written consent of the Board of County Commissioners. 7. It is understood that final payment shall be made within 30 days after this contract is completely finished and the work accepted; provided, that in each of the said cases the contractor shall give the .Board of County Commissioners good and sufficient evi- dence that the Trestle Bridge is free from all liens and claims chargeable to the said contractor on account thereof; and further, that if at any time there shall be any 'lien or claim for which, if established, the county, or said Trestle Bridge, might be made liable and which would be chargeable to the contractor the County shall have the right to retain out of any payment then due or thereafter to be come due said contractor an,amount. suffi-, cient to.completely indemnify it against such lien or claim until the same shall be effectually satisfied, discharged, or cancelled. And should there prove to be any such claim after all payments are made the contractor shall refund to the County all moneys that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging any lien on said premises, or paying any indebtedness therefor made obligatory in consequence of the contractor's default. Provided this shall not in any manner be construed a release of any of the conditions of the con- tractor's bond. 8. No certificate given or payment made under this contract except the final certi- ficate or final payment, shall be conclusive evidence of the performance of this contract either wholly -or in part against any claim of the County, and no payment shall be construed to be an acceptance of any defective work. 9. The contractor shall within five (5) days after notice of being awarded the con- tract, furnish a good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of �'?2,277.00, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract and as provided by law,, wYiich bond shall not be vitiated or affected by extension of time for completion of this contract, or alteration, W.O.R. r Record of Commissioners'.Proceedings April Term dednesda:#he 20th day May 191 or modification in line, grade or plans of said work, and no liability shall attach to the County, unless such bond be furnished. IN 1,VI NE'SS 'e`1 1PREOP, said County executes this contract by its Board of County Comm- issioners, and the contractor does sign and seal the same the date herein first above mentioned. it to it. of it. of - if it it 11 to 11 of of "Board of County Commiss- "ioners of Uhatcom-County " it State of dashington " /1 11 " to It u " " " n n " n 11 Attest: 'dill D Wallace Clerk. "lhatcom County, By C.B. Legoe Chairman J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ---- .----oOo---------- R E S O L U T I 0 N. It appearing that during the progress of the performance of the work of constructing the permanent improvement oh the Northeast Diagonal Road, the same being Permanent High- way No. 3, that from time to time the Contractor has, under the express directions and orders of the County Engineer of 'Jhatcom County, Ylashington, performed certain work and labor in addition to the work and labor and improvement included in and, covered by the, plans and specifications for the improvement of said highway by the laying of extra thick- ness of concrete and re-inforcement over each culvert, and the construction of.off-take drains outside of the right-of-way of said highway, amounting, to the aggregate sum of Two Hundred Sixty-nine & 00/100 (0269.00) Dollars; TIOREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of 'Jhatcom County, 'Jashington, that such changes so made by the Contractor as directed by the County engineer, amounting to the said sum of Two Hundred Sixty-nine & 00/100 ($269.00) Dollars, be and the same are hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this 20th day of Tlay, 1914. 11 I1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " " State of Washington " to 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000--- C.D. Legoe Chairman J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, Lay 29, 1914. Chairman Board County orrrrrii ssioners f 28 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Friday the 29th day 1ILly 1914 May 29, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on May 20th 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: In the Natter of the Doing } ( Order Accepting Bid of The Journal -Progressive. of County Printing. } WHIMEAS, this being the day set for the opening of bids for doing the printing for VJhatcom County, and this Board finding the following bids to be submitted for said wor$; BELLINGHA14 PUBLISHING CO: For all county publishing as set forth in published.call, 50 cts per column inch for each insertion, solid nonpateil measurement; also to furnish said Whatcom County 1000 copies Auditor's Annual statement in pamphlet form as specified in call for the sum of $30.00 THE LYNDEN TRIBUNE: To do all county printing and publishing as specified in publish- ed'call, for 11-1 cts per inch of solid nonpareil type, single column, for first insertion; and 10 cts per inch of solid nonpareil type, single column, for each subsequent insertion; for printing, binding and delivering,500 copies .of Auditor's Annual report pamphlets $25.00. THE SUMAS NEWS: 35 cts an inch straight on county printing. THE JOURNAL -,,,'.PROGRESSIVE: County Printing as set forth in published call, flat rate of 9 cts per inch of solid non-pareil type, single column and to print, bind and deliver 500 auditor's annual report pamphlets for $20.00. 'JMREAS, the said bids having been fully and carefully considered and the Board being of the opinion that the bid of The;Journdl=Progressive is�ths lowest and.'.best,bid submitt- ed for said printing, NO'sr, THEREFORE, it is ordered that the contract for county printing be, and same is hereby awarded to The Journal -Progressive for a period of &ne year from and after the lst day of July, 1914 and ending on the 30th day of June, 1915, provided that the said The Journal -Progressive shall enter into a contract and agreement with ,77hatcom County for the faithful performance of said contract and furnish a surety bond in the sum of .?1000.00 to the satisfaction of this Board. Done in open session of the Board this 29th day of May, 1914. it 11 11 11 11 11 it 1! 11 it If of it 11 "Board of County �;ollmiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " It State of Washing -ton " n Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner The Board granted the applications fdr pool licenses as follows: A Lamphiear, Pt. Roberts; J B Tracy, Everson; R H Athearn, Wickersham; Pat Flynn, Wickersham. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Monday Hune 1, 1914. Chairman of t e Boar . ---------- 000---------- Monday, June 1, 1914. The proceedings of the May session mere read and approved by the Board on June 1, 1914. Chairman of the Board. Attest: County Auditor and Clerklof the Board. Record of Commissioners',Proceeding's_ April Term Monday- the 1st day June 191 Monday; June 1, 1914. The Board met pursuant ,to adjournment taken on -May 29, 1914. Present, . C B Legoe, Chairman;'-J G. Kemper, and Henry Shagren,_ Commissioners; Will D Wallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following claims were alloyed and pro- ceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Will D. Wallace August Ehgquist S E Barrett F C Martin Lucy E King M Thomas Jessie Walters Jennie T Eddy C B Legoe J G Kemper Henry Shagren Delia L Keeler Ethel Everett D W Featherkile Henry C Beach Harrison Cowden F E Wyman Mrs Bessie Cline 0 E Beebe H Thompson Hector Gawley Ed E Hardin William. H Pemberton F 71 Moses Alithea Adams Geo M Cook Frank W Bixby W A Martin Maybelke Bryan Nellie C Rogers F L Olslager Olive Wilson John Fernley G. A Pence Geo H Watrous Agnes Nedrud H D I,1dArthur Jas Elder Foster M Carver H R George David Wurtenberg Winfield Ervin Byron N Kingsley I M Scott B W Loring A H Frasier John S Smith Alex Van Wyck. Daniel McCush C M Adams C E Phoenix Carl McCoy Harry C Swettenam F McElmon D Fletcher 0 N .Munn Oscar Underhill F E Crawley F E Daniels C J Larson E C Lyle E W Gooch James Goheen Ed Johnson .Earl Myatt P G Cooke Clay Cooke L A Thomas L J Flanagan %Yilson Stewart M B Byland C C King M B King Alice Tierney Barney Winters Nettie Smith Douglas Forsyth Venna h Dewis Puget Sound T. L & P. Co Hagri sb& Cowden .Delia L Keeler Ole Paulson Puget Sound T L & P Co. H H Sines do Ray McPhee A M Burnside. Joe Ridley Salary as County Auditor Salary; as Chief ::;Dep:'Auditor Salary as Dep Auditor do Salary as Chief Recorder Salary as Recorder do do Salary as Co Commissioner do do Salary as Supt schools Salary as Dep Supt Schools Salary as Justice of Peace do Salary as Constable-. Salary as Probation Officer do .Salary as Co Physician Salary as Coroner Salary as Janitor Salary as Superior Judge do Salary as Co Clerk Salary as Dep CO Clerk do Salary as Prosecuting Attorney Salary as Dep Pros Attorney S&Iary as Stenographer for Pros Atty Salary as Co Treasurer Salary as Dep Treasurer Salary as'Clerk for Treasurer Salary as Bookkeeper for Cc Treasurer Salary as Clerk for Co Treasurer do do Salary as Cc Assessor. Salary as Dep Assessor do do Salary as Clerk for Assessor do Salary as Field.Dep Assessor do do do do do do Salary as County Engineer Salary as Transitman for CO Eng Salary as Draughtsman for Co Eng Salary as Chainman for Co Eng Salary as Inspector on N W Diag. Rd Salary Testing Cement for. Co Eng Salary as Transitman for Co Eng Salary as Chainman for Co Eng do Salary as Axman for Co Eng do Salary as Transitman for Co Eng Salary as Transit. & Chain. for Co Eng Salary as -Chainman for Co Eng Salary as Axman for Co Eng Salary Testing Cement for Co Eng Salary as.Transitman for Co Eng Salary as Chainman for -Co Eng Salary as Sheriff Salary as Dep Sheriff do .Salary as Jailer Salary as Supt Co Home Salary as Matron Cc Home Salary as Cook at Co Home 1 days Salary as Nurse at Cc Home 6 w Salary as Colk at Co Home 23 " Salary as Nurse at Co Home 25 " Services as Clerk for Co Clerk Gas & Elect. Light for May ExpensesaasCanstable Trav Exp 7.90-& Express paid as Supt Schools Services as Timber Cruiser Street Car tickets for Sheriff 10. & Jury Expense taking prisoner.to Jail Exp & Guard taking prisoner to jail .Scalp Bounty.on 1 wild cat do Scalp Bounty on 1 cpugar 158.33 100.00 100.00 75.00 75.00 6.5.00 65.00 65'00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 90.00 100.00 . 100.00 60.00 75.00 50.00 .83.33 83.33 85.00' 125.00 125.00 158.33 100'.00 100.00 158.33 100.00 75.00 166.66 100.00 80.00 90.00 80.00 90.00 75.00 125.00 80.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 42.00 42.00 21.00 21.00 71.75 87.50 14..00 158.33 100.00 100.00 63.00 125.00 12.00 45.00 16.25 10.00 5.00 2.50 90.00 51.25 37.50 2.50 22.00 110.00 45.00- 158.33 80.00 80.00 60.00 60.00 25.00 10.50 6.00 34.50 30.00 26.25 31.90 1.50 14.61 1 6. 70 20.00 :2.35 2.35 5.00 5.00 20.00 2SS Record of Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. 191 J April Term 3MondM the . 1st day June John M Aitken Leslie Jones B N Kingsley Northwest Hdw. Co Sarah Foster Penelopie S Knox Leona Miller C.A. Scrimsher G H Abers Current Expense Fund, Whatcom Co. do Brown, P eringer & Thomas Will D Wallace, Ao Auditor GAME PROTECTION FUND. Salary & Exp as Game Warden Salary & Exp as Dep Game Warden Auto hire for Game Warden Supplies for Game Warden SOLDIPRS' RELIEF FUND, Relief Relief Reli of ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND, Operating h:arietta Ferry and Sup. & Rep to approach Tending Ferndale Bridge DRAINAGE IMPROVIXENT FUND NO. 6 Eng. Exp a/c Drain. Dist. #6 Auditors. Exp a/c Drain Dist #6 Atty. Fees a,/c Drain Dist #6 Recording R of,W deeds Drain..Dist #6 ---------- 000---------- 124.65 81.50 6.00 4.20 12.00 10.00 10.00 54.00 5.00 246.00 26.73 250.00 4.35 The Board ordered corrected the 1913 tax against Nellie Samson on SE-J SFJ and S* SWJ SEJ and NEJ SEJ and Lot 8 all in Sec 5 Tp 39 N R 7 E, fire having destroyed timber on Wly side which cruiser failed to take into consideration. The Board ordered cancelled the 1912 and 1913 tax on vacated Blks 28 to 31 inc East Barkerville as same property is included with Map No 1 and 2 Sec 35 Tp 41 R 4 E for said years. ------ - __000 ---------- The Northern Pacific Railway Company filed a claim for refund of taxes, upon which the Board made the following order: ORDER REJECTING CLAIM The foregoing claim and demand of the Northern Pacific Railway Company for a refund in the sum of $22,443.47 on account of excess taxes paid under protest, was, at a regular meeting of the Board, considered, and the same is hereby disallowed and rejected. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF witness our signatures this let day of June, 1914. " If 11 tl " " " of It it tt It " " "Board of Cdunty Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " to State of Washington " of " /1 " " of " 11 " /t " " tt 11 Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk. In the Matter of the Forma- tion of a Diking District at Point Roberts, Whatcom Bounty, Washington. BOARD OF COUNTY COAOIISSIONFRS OF WHATCOM COUNTY By C B Legoe Chairman Henry Shagren J G Kemper' O.K. as to form Frank W Bixby ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO2:IIISSION7RS, OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. On this let day of June, 1914, at a regular meeting of said Board of County Comm- issioners of said County is presented the Petition of H.A. Brynjolfson, Th. Thorsteinson and others, for a formation of a Diking District pursuant to the provisions of Rem & Bal Code, found in Sections 4091 to 4136 together with the Amendments thereof affecting property at Point Roberts in Township 40 North Range 3 West of the W.M. Agcompanying said petition is a bond which has been filed with us this day, running to the State of Washing- W.O.R. Record of -Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Monday the 1st clay June 1914 ton, in the penal sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00),, with two or more sureties, all as provided by law and said bond is hereby in all things approved and said Petition is order., ed published for two weeks in two successive issues in the Journal -Progressive, a weekly newspaper printed and published in Bellingham, Washington. Accompanying said Petition shall be a notice stating that this Board will meet on Monday, the 22nd day of June, 1914, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. to consider said Petition and objections and all the matters relating thereto. Said hearing will be subject to adjournment from time to time as to this Board may seem desirable. Done in open session this 1st day of June, 1914. It it ►1 It 11 11 It of to ►► it It ►/ ►► "Board -of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whateom County " it State of Washington " of it of It ►► of it If to If if of if It Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor. ---------- 000---- --- C B.Legoe Chairman J G,Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COIRAISSIOURRS OF 1 HATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Batter of Drainage Improvement } j ORDER CHANGING ROUTE. District No. 6 of Whatcom County, Wash. WHEREAS, the drainage system of the said drainage improvement district is now being constructed according to the original plans and specifications adopted by the Board of County Commissioners, but on account of certain obstructions it is not deemed advisable to proceed with the construction of said ditch on the exact route and place designated in said plans and specifications; and WHEREAS, we, the Hoard of Supervisors of said Drainage Improvement District No. 6, find that it is necessary and advisabld in the course of the actual construction of said ditch that the said ditch deviate from the route of the original plans for the construe- tion of said system, as follows: Beginning at a point 396 feet South of the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 11, Township 39 North, Range 2 East, where, according to the plans and spdcifications now on file, said ditch was to extend North along the East.iside of the public highways, that from said point the said ditch be constructed so that it will extend Test across Road. No. 433 and then extending North along the West side of said highways and adjoining the same to the outlet into Cougar Creek; and u;HEREAS, the said deviation of the route from the original plans of the system will not increase the cost of the entire system, and the deeds for the right-of-way have been duly obtained, so that the said alteration can be made at this time without adding to the expense of constructing the said ditch; NOW, THEREFORE, with the approval of the Board of County Commissioners, the route of the said ditch id altered and changed to the extent and in the manner hereinbefore des- cribed. Egbert Field, Supervisor C.M. Adams Supervisor. -----s-----000---------- W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Monday the 1st day June 1914 V BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNITY C0721ISSIONLRS OF 'UHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter of Drainage Improvement ) j ORDER APPROVING CHANGE IN ROUTE. District No. 6 of Whatcom County, Wash. WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of said Drainage Improvement District No. 6 of `tlhatcom County, Washington, has filed with this Board an order that the route of the ditch being constructed in said district be altered and changed as follows: Beginning at a point 396 feet South of the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 11, Township 39 North, Range 2 Egst, where, according to the plans and specifications now on file, said ditch was to extend North along the East side of the public highways, that from said point the said ditch be constructed so that it will extend 'Hest across Road No. 433 and then extending North along the 'Jest side of said highways and adjoining the same to the outlet into Cougar Creek. IN CONSIDERATION �'JHEREOF, tie find that it is necessary and advisable that said change be made, and that the same will not increase the cost of the construction of said improve - went, and we approve of the said alteration. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the original route of the said ditch as designated in the plans and specifications be, and the same is hereby, changed to the route hereinbefore described. ZONE IN OPEN SESSION of said Board this 1st day of June, 1914. it tt 41 it it 11 it 1t it it of 11 It " "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of '.1Ihatcom County " to State of Washington " toll u n n n o o n o tt u" to Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of said Board. --. - - - ---000------- C.B. Legoe, Chairman J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COU14TY COTQ1ISSIONIRS OF 'UHATCOM COUNTY, w'JASHINGTON. In the Matter of Drainage Improvement ) ( CLAIM FOR PARTIAL PAY .21TT OF ATTORNEYS' FEES District No. 6 of 'Uhatcom County, Washington ) To the Honorable Board of @ounty Commissioners: The later firm of Brown, White & Peringer, during all the time since the institution of proceedings in said matter, and until January 1, 1914, and the law firm of Brown, Peringer & Thomas, subsequent to January 1, 1914, have attended to the legal work and have done an immense amount of legal services in said matter, devoting much time and attention thereto. The law provides that the Board of County Commissioners shall fix a compensation for the attorney or attorneys performing such service. We therefore ask at this time that you make an allowance to apply on account of legal services, and authorize the issuance of a warrant therefor, letting it be understood that the same is simply on account, the ultimate and total allowance to be made by your honor- able body at a later date. Dated at Bellingham, Washington, this 1st day of June, 1914. Brown, White & Peringer By Peringer. Brown, Peringer & Thomas Bar Peringer. ---------- 000---------- W.O.R. v lZ Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Monday the 1st day June 191 4 BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY C01AMISSIONERS OF 117HATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter of Drainage Improvement ) ( ORDER ALLOWING PART OF ATTORNEYS' FEES. District No. 6 of Whatcom County, ,lashington. ) On this day was presented the claim of Brown, White & Peringer and Brown, Peringer & Thomas,, on account of legal services, asking for the allowance of a warrant, to apply on account only, the ultimate and total allowance for legal services to be hereafter fix- ed and allowed. It appears that the.law firm of Brown, White & Peringer did the legal services in this matter from the beginning of these proceedings until January 1, 1914, and thereafter the lair firm of Brown, Peringer & Thomas has done the legal work herein. It further appears that it is meet and proper that some allowance should be made at this time on account. of said services. 1"rHRREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that warrant on said District be issued to Brown, Peringer & Thomas, successors to Brown, White & Peringer, in the sum of 1i1250.00, same to apply on account only of said legal services, and that the total compensation to be made for legal services be hereafter fixed in the manner provided by law. DONE IN OPEN SESSION of said Board this lst day of June, 1914. C.B. Legoe to Chairman "Board of County Commiss- " J.G. Kemper "ioners of Whatcom County " Commissioner If State of Washington " Henry Shagren of .tt It If rt if It If If it tt it If It Commissioner Attest: Will D-Wallace Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COTMISSIONTRS OF V7HATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter of Drainage Improvement ) ( CLAIM OF VIHATCOM COUNTY ON ACCOUNT. District No. 6 of Whatcom County, Washington. ) To the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County: Since the institution of proceedings in the above entitled matter, the said Drainage Improvement District No. 6 has become indebted to Whatcom County for work done by the County.Engineer for the said District and for recording certain instruments by the County Auditor, and under the law the said District is liable for all such expenses incurred. In•behalf of the County, I therefore ask that at this time you make an allowance to apply on account of such services, and authorize the issuance of warrants therefor to the amount and extent of $272.73 letting it be understood that the same is simply on account, the ultimate and total allowance to be made by your honorable body at alater.date. J Will D. Wallace County Auditor, ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONTRS OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Fatter of Drainage Improvement ) ( ORDER ALLO141ING CLAIM OF WHATCOM COUNTY District No. 6 of 1l7hatcom County, Washington ) ON ACCOUNT. On this day was presented the claim of Whatcom County on account for filing instru- ments and for work performed by the County Surveyor, asking for the' allowance of a warrant to apply on account only, the ultimate and total allowance for such services to be here- after fixed and allowed. It appears to the Board that there is now due and.owing from W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Agri1 Term Monday the 1st [lay June 1914 Drainage Improvement District No. 6 at least the sum of 4272.73. 1 JHEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that warrant on said District for the sum of 'r272.73 be issued to the Treasurer of V1hatcom County, the same to apply on account; and that any other amounts that may be due the County at this time, or which may hereafter become dye, shall be paid by warrant when claim for the same is presented to this Board. DONE IN OPEN SESSION of said Board this 1st day of June, 1914. I ►1 I ►1 " I tl It I ►1 ►i It It I "Board of County Coramiss- " "ioners of %Vhatcom County " " State of Viashington " of to n of n it it to it " it It to " Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- C.B. Legoe Chairman J-.G, Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Conmissioner ✓ The Claim of Walter Moore on behalf of Reynolds Post #32, Blaine, for rent of hall fcr 5 months amounting to 040.00, was endorsed refused by the Board. ---- 000---------- On motion the Board adjo urned to meet on Tuesday, June 2, 1914. Chairman Board Coun ommissioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings � April Term Tuesday the 2nd day June 1914 Tuesday, June 2, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on June 1, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Charles E Phoenix Expense as Dep Co Fngineer 30.45 E C Lyle do 35.40 P G Cooke do 29.20 0 N Munn do 31.80 C C King Expense as Supt Co Home 11.75 S M Warren Searching for Prisoner escaped from Cc Home 3.00 Geo A Bostwick do 6.00 J K Rogers Guard. prisoner & slashing at Cc Home 57.60 Svan Peterson Slashing at Cc Home 26.00 M Hougan Spraying trees at Cc Home 7.50 Ireland & Pancoast Groceries for Cc Home 139.28 I'll J Pynor Groceries etc for Co Home 50.45 Central Market Meat for Cc Home 55.85 Laurel Co-Qp. Creamery Asscn. Butter for Cc Home 113.60 B B Furniture Dishes for Cc Home 2.00 Montague & McHugh Mdse. for Co Home 11.50 L Verstandig Clothing for Cc Home 2.00 Famous Shoe House Shoes for Cc Home 12.50 Canfield-Caulkins Imp. Cc Supplies for Co Home 9.93 Northwest Hdw. Cc Matr. & Sup. for Cc Home 20.27 Clark Electric Cc Batteries for Cc Home 1.80 Ritchie -Shelton Lbr. Co Lbr. for Cc Home 20.55 Chas Doran Blacksmithing for Cc Home 7.35 L A Thomas Board of Prisoners 99.40 James Hawkins Searching for Yrs L C Bentson 5000 Hallie Campbell Wit: State vs Y Crowley 2.20 Inex Schenck do 2.20 T R Kinsey do 2.20 F Redmund "lit: State vs Peter Gould 2.20 Cora ',lilhite do 2.20 A Peters do 2.20 James Todd wit: State vs Lawrence Todd 2.20 F E Downey do 2.20 Roy Manley do 4.40 H. Dodd do 2.20 %11m Richter do 4.40 Dennie Rogers 'flit: State ve Jerry 111innieham et al 2.20 H. Pittenerich do 2.20 Anna Leudrick do 2.20 Ida Anderson do 2.20 J IV Anderson do 2.20 Sarah Mullin do 2.20 N Y1 Wear do 2.20 John Jenkins Wit: State vs Martin Lovik 2.40 Chas Wallace do 2.40 Clara Bowdin do 2.40 F.E. Riggs ';lit: State vs Oliver Chase 9.80 Joe Bowser do 9.80 Oscar Knight do 9.80 Paul Cannon do y.80 Pete Baten do 10.00 S B Hughes J P: State vs Oscar Vortimore 3.50 B N Kingsley Const:.State vs Oscar Mortimore 8.75 Oscar Stevens Wit: do 2.20 Barney Hanson Wit: do 2.20 Franklin Haworth J P: State vs Jonnie Lebrant et al 4.50 H,Sines Const: do 7.80 New Method Cascade Ldy Laundry for Jail 13.55 & Jury Rm 4.00 1t1.55 ---------- 000---------- ✓ The May report of C C King, Supt Cc Home, was endorsed approved by the Board. ---------- 000---------- R E S 0 L U T I 0 N. J WHEREAS, on March 30th 1914, there was padsed and adopted by this Board a resolution authorizing and directing the payment out of the General Road and Bridge Fund of Whatcom County to the City of Bellingham, of the sum of Two Thousand (02000.00) Dollars, for the improvement of certain streets in said city connecting with the trunk roads in said county, and WHEREAS, such appropriation appears to be in violation of Par. 7 of Article 8 of the State Constitution, and WHEREAS, Section 1 of Chapter 151 of the Session Laws of 1913 provides that all moneys expended by the County Commissioners on roads and bridges within the corporate limits of any city or town shall be expended under the supervision of the County Commissioners, zL :l W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April. Term Tuesday the 2nd day June 1914 NOVIV THEREFORE, Be It Hereby RESOLVED and ORDERED, that the said resolution of March 30th 1914, be, and the same is hereby rescinded, cancelled and annulled; and the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to indicate on the margin of the record of said resolution in red ink the fact of its annullment with reference to date and page of this action. Done in open session of the Board this 2nd day of June, 1914. Chairman of the Board to it It to If If to It it to of to if " J G Kemper "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "loners of `dJhatcom County " Henry Shagren " State of ,'lashington It Commissioner It u" If of of n n tt if It It to It Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- IN THE 1TATTER OF THE RECOITSTRUCTION OF ) ( ORDER CALLING FOR BIDS. BRIDGE ACROSS SLOUGH AT 15ARIET`1'A. ) WHERE -AS, this Board finds that the bridge across the slough at Marietta should be reconstructed, said improvement to consist of removal of old bridge and rebuilding of 60 foot span and approach. 1104, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby directed to issue a call for bids for reconstructing said bridge according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Engineer. Said bids to be considered at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P.M. on Monday, June 22nd 1914, The Board reserving the right to reject any and all bids. This improvement to be paid for from the Road and Bridge Fund of Yffiatcom County. Done in open session of the Board this 2nd day of June, 1914. It 1t it 1t it of to tl 1t it it it It tl "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of ,Vhatcom County " It State of Washington " of to it to of It 11 " 11 tl I 11 11 i/ Attest: /ill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000--------_- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, June 3, 1914. Chairman Board C unty mmissioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Wednesday the 3rd day June 1914,; Wednesday, June 3, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on June 2,. 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: Henry Shagren Frank W Bixby 0 E Beebe F E Wyman Mrs Bessie Cline C G Wineui l l er C H Wait St Luke's Hospital St Joseph's Hospital The Weiser Drug.Co Owl ,Pharmacy Fairhaven Pharmacy Red Cross Pharmacy Mrs A C Graveline Mrs Mellie Peterson Brown.,& Cole, Inc Mt, Baker Grocery East End Grodery Ennen, Goodman &' Co B.B. Grocery Co Fischer ' Lsaacs Columbia Grocery Ireland & Pancoast Fairhaven Cash Grocery Kinsey-Stenvig Grocery Co Elder & Pace Wilson & Brown Danielson & Runolfson Veleke & Elder The Golden Rule Store Mrs J 11 Braniff K H Dahlen . R L Kline Victor A Roeder A Strandell A E Moody A H Montgomery Stenger Fuel Cc �Ifhatcom Co Abstract Co CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Expense as Co. Commissioner 6.10 Expense as Pros. Attorney 1.30 Expense as Co Physician 1.45 Expense as Probation Officer 17.65 do 9.23 Care of Juvenile Prisoners 26.00 do 5.00 Care of Co Patients 108.00 do 97,00 Medicine for Co Patients 24.35 do 13.71 do 5.90 do 5.90 Board of Co Patients 22.20 Care of ,;irs Bj orndahl 31.00 Groceries for Tabor 5.00 Groceries for Jackson et al 11.00 Groceries for Annie Trove 10.00 Groceries for Burch et al 22.00 Groceries for Joe Rankin et.al 15.00 Groceries for Kirkham & Adams 38.95 Groceries for Pic Bride 7.80 Groceries for Hilliard 16.60 Groceries for R M Johnson 11.45 Groceries for Mrs Allen 5.00 Groceries for Mrs S Tom 6.35 Groceries for Jas Bainter 7.50 Groceries for Eastman et al 38.05 Groceries for Mrs Alexander 8.20 Groceries for Ida McLellan et al 18.00 Board & Room for S A D Edwards 2200 House rent for Kirkham 5.00 House rent for Tabor 5.00 House rent for Mrs Neal 20.00 House rent for Mrs Kenta 3.00 Wood for Mrs Zom 4.50 Wood for_H I4 Adams 1.75 Wood for STrs ISaryott 2.50 Daily Report of R E Transfers for Assessor 2.00 - - - - - - - - - - 000 ---------- 'The May report of Dr 0 E Beebe, Co Phyaician, was endorsed approved by the Board. BEFORE THE HQNQRABLE-B84R3�-®F-9B9NTY COMrdISSIONERS OF WHA!TCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON, '/ In the Matter of Drainage Improvement I ORDER RESCINDING CONDISiNATION PROCEEDINGS. District No 6 of 71hatcom County, Washington. ) WHEREAS, on the 18th day of April, 1914,. this Board made and entered an order require ing the Prosecuting Attorney of said County to institute condemnation proceedings in the Superior Court to acquire a right-of-way along and through the `,Vest 26- feet of the South- east quarter of Section 2, Township 39 North, Range 2 East; and WHEREAS, since said order was made the route of the proposed drainage district has been changed and altered and the necessary right-of-way acquired, so that it is now unnecessary to condemn or acquire said real estate; THEREFORE, the said order -providing for the Prosecuting Attorney to institute said proceedings is hereby rescinded and set aside. Done in open session of said Board this 3rd day of June, 19146 C.B. Legoe to 41 n ,�� a �� a n. n n �� n n �� Chairman "Board of County Commiss- " J G Kemper "ioners of Whatcom County " Commissioner of State of Washington " Henry Shagren it to 10 to It it It if 10 it It to it If Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000--_-------- f3 w'"' Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Vledne sdav MO 3rd ley June 191 M BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO1t SISSIONERS OF VIHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. 0 IN THE I-,'iATTER OF THE FORUATION ) OF A DIKING DISTRICT j AT ( NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED FOPMTATION OF DIKING DISTRICT } POINT ROBIMTS, WHATCOM COUNTY, j WASHINGTON. Notice is hereby given that on the lst day of June,.1914, a petition was filed with the undersigned Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washington, asking for the formation of a Diking District at Point Roberts, Whatcom County, Washington, as is more particularly shown in said Petition, a copy of which follows herein: Said Petition will be presented for hearing at a meeting of this Board on;Monday, the 22nd day of June, 1914, at ten o'clock A.M., at which time said Board will hear the same and any person or corporation may appear before said Board and make objections to the establishment of said District or proposed boundary lines thereof and recommend such changes in the proposed boundaries as it deems proper. A copy of said Petition is as follows: TO THEE :HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMP.TISSIONERS OF VIHATCOTI COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PETITION FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF A DIKING DISTRICT. Come now your petitioners whose names are hereunto subscribed and respectfully show that they are citizens of Whatcom County, Washington, and owners of property to be affected by the construction and organization of the proposed Dikkng District herein petitioned for and they do represent by these presents to your Honorable Body as follows: That the object of the creation of said District is for the purpose of the construc- tion of a dike along the route hereinafter shown for the purpose of preventing three hun- dred twenty-five (325) acres of land, more or less, from being overflowed by tide waters of Puget Sound and for the purpose of aiding in drainage of said land; That the proposed boundaries of said District are as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot Two (2) Section 11, Township 40 North Range 3 West of the V.M., thence north a quarter of a mile; thence west three fourths of a mile; thence north one quarter of a mile; thence west one quarter of a mile; thence south six hundred (600) feet; thence west to the waters of Puget Sound; That the number of acres of land to be benefited by said proposed diking system is 325 acres more or less; That the names of all the freeholders residing within said proposed district, so far as known, are the following: J.A. Largorrd, A.G. 'McKeen, H.A. Brynjolfson, Joseph Goodfellow, A.UI. Erickson, H.P. Han- sen, Th. Thorsteinsoh, '114S. George Sydewell, K. Simondson, E. Tinkham, Walter Waters, John Helgason, Lighthouse Reserve, J.J. Bartels, R. Hall, and the Township of Point Roberts. That the proposed system of diking will be by the building of an embankment of dirt, soil, rock and other material of sufficient permanence to prevent the same from washing away and to a sufficient height to prevent the overflow of the land within said proposed District by the waters of Puget Sound; and the route over which said dike is to be con- structed will be substantially as follows: Commencing at a point about 600 feet west of the southwest corner of Lot one, Section 11, Township 40 North Range 3 '.lest of the W.M., in ';Ihatcom County, Washington, running thence west to a point about 100 feet east of the southeast corner of lot 3, Section 9 Township 40 North Range 3 'nest W.M., a distance of about one mile. Said dike shall also have not less than two outlets for fresh water and shall be erected according to definite plans and specifications made by a competent engineer; that there are no proposed spurs, or branches of said dike deemed necessary at this time so far as known. That the establishment of said dike and District and said proposed system of diking will be conducive to the public health, convenience and welfare and will increase the public revenue and will be of especial benefit to the property included therein. That the lands within said proposed diking district are agricultural lands and that by the con- struction and maintenance of said dike as herein petitioned for and proposed a great many acres of otherwise unproductive lands will be reclaimed and be made suitable for general agricultural purposes. That the undersigned own more than a majority of the acerage in the proposed diking district and they pray that said dike and district be organized under the provisions of Rem. & Bal. Code as found in Sec. 4091 to 4136, together with the Amendments thereof. That said petitioners tender herewith a bond running,to the State of Washington in the penal sum of Five hundred Dollars (y�500.00), signed by a principal and two or more sureties, conditioned that they will pay all costs in case said District for any reason shall not be established. That the undersigned own the property set after their names, the same being a part of the property within said proposed Diking District. Dated this 29th day of May, 1914. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 297 April Term Wednesday the 3rd i1ay June 1914 NAMS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Kolbeinn Simundson The 'Wrest one half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter, Section 10. Joseph Goodfellow: Lot Three and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter, in Section 10. A.W. Erikson: Lot Two and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 10. B. Hall: East 15 acres Lot 1, Section 10. John Bartel: Sixteen acres of Lot One in Section 10. John Halgeson: West twenty acres of Lot one, Section.10. J.A. Largarrd: Lot four Section 10. H.P. Hansen: East one half of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, Section 3. Th. Thorsteinson: Lot Eleven, Section 3. H.A. Brynjolfson: The northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 10. E. Tinkham: Lot One Section 9. Idalter Waters: The southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 10.. All of the foregoing property is in Township 40, Range Three .Test +II.11., Whatcom County Vlashington. Done in open session this 3rd day of June, 1914. It to it it n it of It if of If if of n "Board of County Commiss " "ioners of V`rhatcom County " " State of Washington " n It It of it to It n it to it It to n Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor. C.B. Legoe Chairman J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner George Livesey Attorney for Petitioner. On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, June 4,_ 1914., rman bo Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Thursday the 4th day June W.O.R. 1914 Thursday, June 4, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on June 3, 1914. Present, all members of.the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims,were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE.FUND. Dorothy Wallace Marking Examination Papers 28.75 Lynn C 'Wright do. 15.60 Albert C Herre do 22.50 Pacific Tel &: Tel Co Rentals for.June 37.25 do Long Dist. for May 6.95 iestern Union Telg. Co Messages for Sheriff 2.67 & Co Supt 1.15 3.82 Postal Tel -Cable Co Messages for Co Supt 1.28 Robinson's Cafe Ymals for Jurors 17.85 Chesson's Restaurant. do 35.00 The Journal -Progressive Publ. for. County 169.78 G L Morgan Prtg for Auditor 22.00 Towner Printing Co Supp.'for Supt 1.6.75 & 'Treas 13: 29.75 Selby -Harris Co Supplies for Gen. Offices 29.47 Griggs Sta. & Prtg Co Sup for Clk 2.75-Atty.50-Eng 7.25-Gen Offices 23.35 Union P.B. & S. Co Records &.Sup for Aud 41.60-Supt 14.75-; Eng 1.10-Prob. Officer 8.75 66.20 Anstett Printing Co Ruled.Sheets for Co Clerk 5.75 H & DI Ribbon & Carbon Co Typew. ribbons for Pros Attorney 9.00 0 C Armstrong Seal for Aid 4.35 & Door Plates for Cths. 2. 6.35 Bancroft-1,11hitney Co Rem & Bal Codes, Supple 42.00 ';l A Morschhauser Calculating 'Mach. for Treas. 412.00 Chas Stanbra Repairs to Numbering Mach. for Aud. 1.00 Burrows & Piercy Livery for Prob. Officer 2.00 Any Hour Barn I Livery for Sheriff 5.00 Thompson & Flint do 5.00 Everson Livery Auto for Eng 1.50 & Co Phy 6. 7.50 Purvis Taylor Auto hire,for Sheriff 2.50 F J Barlow Auto hire to Sheriff 4. & Co,Phy 40. 44.00 Diehl & Simpson Auto hire to Sher 19.50-Eng 15.-Comm 15.50- Coroner Be 58.00 do Driving & Repairs to Co Auto 114.60 MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE FUND. F 'd Itioses, Co Clerk Recording Marriage Certificates 21..00 ---------- 000-----_---- ✓ The Board made an order correcting the 1912 and 1913 tax against Louis Smith on SEJ Sec 30 Tp 39 R 7 E, said land being assessed twice. ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY C019VIISSIONERS OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. IN THE MATTER OF THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ) ( 0 R D E R. CHUCKANUT BRIDGE ON THE PACIFIC HIGIVIAY } IT IS HEREBY ORDERED That the County Engineer of Whatcom County, Washington, be, and. he hereby is instructed to prepare the necessary plans and specifications for the reconstruc tion .of the Chuckanut Bridge on the Water Front Pacific Highway, said plans and specifica- tions to be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners of said county on or before the day of June, 1914, and IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED that upon the filing of the said plans and specifications bids shall be called for said construction and said bridge thereupon constructed, provided acceptable bids can be secured; and IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED, that so much of the sum of Two Thousand (02000.00) Dollars as shall not be expended in the construction of said bridge shall be expended on the reconstruction of the bridge over Squalicum Creek on the Guide Meridian Road. Done.in open session of the Board this 4th day of June, 1914. C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- " J.G. Kemper "ioners of Whatcom County " Commissioner to State of Vlashington " Henry Shagren It of of It of to to n„ u" of to a COhlmissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk --- of the Board* ---~-----»0C!o---_-__ On motion the Board adjourned to meet on June 5, 191.4. Chairman Board County to issioners. W.O.R. ��21 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Frday: •; the 5th day June 191 Friday, June 5, 1914, The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on June 4, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims ivere allowed and proceedings had; CURRENT•EXPENSE FUND. Will D Wallace Freight a/c Weights & measures 3.45 L A Thomas Expense as Sheriff 53.70 L A Thomas do .33.15 Legoe Hdw. Hdw. & Supp. for Courthouse 8.75 Northwest Hdw. Cc Castors etc for Courthouse 2050 Thiel & Welter Shades etc for Courthouse 12.15 J P Benton Repairs to Courthouse Plumbing 4.80 A H Montgomery Coal for.6ourthouse 6.50 F J Mouso Supplies for Janitor 9.25 & Courthouse 5.90 15.15 Fountain Pharmacy Supplies for Janitor 2.45 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. Geo Elder Foreman on Steam Grader work Delno Ward Engineer on Steam Grader Emil Fullner Fireman on Steam Grader Geo Alton Teamster on Steam Grader work John Bullock Labor on Water Front Road Foreman Wm Smith do Eli Connolly do Stanley Aright do James Hodgin do Sam Borden do H P Wynn Labot on Blaine Road T P Reilly do Foreman T M Suckling do Rodney Plaster do Ed Vail do Gene Vail do R C Plaster, do Frank Andrews do Bert Plaster do J C Duncanson do Allen Duncanson do Jack Plaster do Peter Peterson do Thos Cotter do E A•Nickson Labor on Roads Foreman Ed Jones do Otto Krick do Gilday & Montfort do James Scutt do Ed Martinson do Jaynes Pennington do Hanson Bros do N'evit Hale do Mike Higgins do Geo Brown do H D Ward do Earl Rogers do C Wilder do Del Gooder do Palmer Scutt do L Hicks do Reo Wright do W L Wilder do Fred Thompson do Fred Flint do Verne Parrish do C Hanson do . Tom Ellis do G R Johnston do C A Gooding do Foreman James Breckenridge do C Lumbert do C C HDaging do Charles Sturgeon do James Nestar do Paul Biehle do A V1 Swain do John Bruns do R E Nelson do R B Nymel•er. do J A Haveman do L Koole do .G Assink do C Visser do A Blankers do Jno H Bloemendaal do G Vander Griend do G DeJong do G Kok do H J Kok do M V Mersbergen do B C Crabtree do W de Groot do J Bierlink do H G Heusinkvdd do J- Kortleve-r' do team Engine team to team of it of n team A It. team to it team of It to of team 104.00 104.00 65.00 130.00 54.00 100.80 38.40 40.80 40.80 40.80 15.00 10.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 66.00 102.00 102.00 102.00 30.00 64.00 30.00 46.00 47.00 23.50 18,00 7.50 7.50 22.50 47.00 45.00 12.00 16.00 32.50 10.00 29.00 18.00 16.00 4.00 8.00 46.25 4.00 1350 5.50 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 33.25 39.50 30.00 39.50 39.50 29.50 32.00 23.00 21.00 38.50 31.00 19.50 11.50 4.00 8.00 6.00 16.00 19.00 18.00 o u W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Friday the 5th a0Y June 1914 Cal de Groot J Zweegman L Zweegman G Morgenthaler Amos Zimmers Roy McPhee Frank Bignell Edd Bignell A.L.-Meek Otto Haussler A D Zander Jacob Haussler F Dux Pat Sullivan L B Hawk T B Jones J L,uHobson F Dux L J Zander A C Knowles Ben Days Earl. Tarr Frank Bock Glenn Wolfe Frank Meachm Chester Meachm Otto Graep A A Wolfe Jno Collings C Lyon Gast.0 Feldt H Collings C H Beebe C C King, Supt Co Home J C Truitt W C Campbell A 0 Embury C G Clifton Swan Peterson Frank Edwards A W Frost Al J Bumstead C M Mosher Frank Arones R Lord Fred Griffin L Pierce A Pierce John H. Lyman George Neidhardt Frank Liscum Theodor Bakke W W Porter Will L Collins J t7i .Underhill Harley Colley E Belcher 0 M Olson Bike Heffernan Cyrus T Gates Jesse J'Rogers Bloedel-Donovan Lbr Mills Fred Kenoyer Everson Lumber Co J E Norstrom John A Walker Goshen Lumber Co Regal Lumber Co Nelson, Swanson & Co Everson Lumber Co Roo & Van Leeuwen W N Smith Northwest Hardware Co V1 J Pynor Nation Biehler A W Annis J W Austin J F Meek Wolten & Montfort Morse Hdw Co do F W Gorsuch J H Getschmann S W Worthen S S Beekley Union Iron Works John Kastner A Was chi ng C H .Rickert i:. Findlay Bros W G .1diller Jens Olsen Arthur B Roses Robert Clarkson Thos Ellis Chas E Lind" Worthen & Satterthwaite Labor on Road do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Labor on Road Foreman Foreman Foreman Foreman do do do do Foreman do .do do do do do do Foreman Labor on G M Road Labor on NW Diag Rd Salary & Exp, as Bridge Foreman Labor on Bridges do do do do do do do do do Labor at Marietta Ferry Labor on Lynden Bridge do Labor at U S Bridge do do do Salary as Constr. Lumber Lumber Lumber Lumber Lumber Lumber Lumber Lumber Lumber etc Lumber Cedar Piles Nails Nails etc Spikes etc Sp,#kes Powder Powder etc Powder etc Powder etc Supplies for Road 1 Brush Hook Sewer Pipe Hauling Lumber Eng. S & N Highway Grader Hauling Engine Shaft Repairs to Donkey Engine Blacksmithing do do do do Wood for Donkey Engine Removing Dead Horse from river Gravel Gravel 3rd Est on Constr Sec 1 Hannegan Road 2nd Est on Constr Sec 2 Hannegan Road 10.00 4.00 32.25 3.00 team 6.00 4.00 5.00 4.00 32..00 13.00 28.75 19.00 12.00 12.00 11.00 11.85 3.00 team 16.00 rr 4.00 rr 4.00 30.00 to 35.00 rr 15.00 12.00 It 12.00 12.00 of 9.00 r+ 8.00 6.00 12.00 6.00 6.00 9.35 team 6.00 25.00 18.00 16.00 10.00 .50 36.00 10.00 28.80 118w30 75.00 4.80 67.50 67..50 67.50 80e50 19.28 24.00 3.60 2.50 12.00 9.60 9.60 60.00 58.80 87.00 52.50 13.32 18.99 67.72 35.35 4.32 31.68 408.62 4.97 48.90 50.00 80.28 58.88 2.70 15.30 12.60 3.65 50.00 31.50 13.55 106.60 15.08 1.50 6.40 14.50 4.00 9.62 .75 1.35 8.85 1965 16.50 57.75 5.00 2.50 37.40 1,353.07 1, 290.67 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Terni Friday the 5th day June 1914 au HANNEGAN ROAD FUND. Chas'E Llnd 3rd Est on Constr Sec 1 Hannegan Road. 28706.13 Worthen &'Satterthwaite 2nd Est.on Constr Sec 2 Hannegan Road 2,581.33 HEATH DITCH FUND. 0 P Brown Amount paid for labor on Ditch 36.00 D Wight do 38.00 DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 4 FUND Dickinson & Bacon 3rd Est on Constr Drain. Ditch #4 1,140.00 Will D Wallace, Co Auditor Recording fee on Deeds 3.00 DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO, 5 FUND. J C Anderson 3rd Est on Constr Drainage Ditch #5 176.80 DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 6 FUND. J C Anderson lst Est on Constr Drainage Ditch #6 153.60 BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COLMISSIONERS OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter of Drainage ImprovementDist- ) ( ORDER CHANGING ROUTE. riot No. 4 of ffhatcom County, Washington. ) WHEREAS, the drainage system of the said drainage improvement district is now being constructed according to the original plans and specifications adopted by the'Board of County Commissioners, but on account of'certain obstructions it is not deemed advisable to proceed with the construction of said ditch on.the exact route and place designated in said plans and specifications, ; and 14HEREAS, we, the Board of Supervisors of said Drainage Improvement District No. 4, find that it is necessary and advisable in the course of the actual construction of said ditch that the said ditch deviate from the route of the original plans for the construction of said system, as follows: That from a point about 550 feet West of the North east corner of Section 35, Township 40 North, Range 2 East where said ditch, according to the plans and specifications, was to, extend West, that said ditch now be constructed from said point South 40 34' West about 170 feet; thende South 48° West about 1420 feet; thence South about 76° West 1340 feet to the intersection with 'lest line of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of. said Section 35 to Fishtrap Creek. WHEREAS, the said deviation of the route from the original plans of the system will not increase the cost of the entire system, and the deeds for the right -of -Nay have been duly obtained, so that the said alteration can be made at this time without adding to the expense of constructing the said ditch; NOW, THEREFORE, with the approval of the Board of County Commissioners, the route of the said ditch is altered and changed to the extent and in the manner hereinbefore describ- ed. C rI Adams, Co Engr. W.S. Russell, Supervisor Leo Zweegman Supervisor. ---------- 000---..------ BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMATISSIONERS / OF V/HATCOIA COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the ratter of Drainage Improvement Dist- ) ( ORDER APPROVING CHANGE IN ROUTE. riot No. 4 of Whatcom County, Washington. ) WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of said Drainage Improvement District No. 4 of Whatcom County, Washington, has filed with this Board an order that the route of the ditch' being constructed in said district be altered and changed as follows: That from a point about 550 feet West of the North east corner of Section 35, Township 40 North, Range 2 East where said ditch, according to the plans and specifications, was to W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Friday the 5th day June 1914 extend West, that said ditch now be constructed from said point South 46° 341 'lest about 170 feet; thence South 480 Vlest about 1420 feet; thence South about 760 West 1340 feet to the intersection with West line of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 35 to Fishtrap Creek, IN CONSIDERATION WHEREOF, we find that it is necessary and advisable that said change be made, and that the same will not increase the cost of the construction of said improve- ment, and we approve of the said alteration. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the original route of the said ditch as designated in the plans and specifications be, and the same is %ereby, changed to the route hereinbefore described. Done in open session of said Board this 5th day of June, 1914. a"" it if to r► of n to If to It u "Board of County Commiss- " "inners of Whatcom County " S State of Washington " n to Is it n n ►► n u n to if n n Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of said Board* C.B. Legoe Chairman J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner — — — — — — — - -- 000 ---------- IN THE MATTER / OF THE PtTITION OF JOHN MCCUE AND OTHERS FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BELLINGHAM, WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. The Board having made and entered its order herein on the 7th day of January, 1914, denying the prayer of the petition of John McCue and others filed in this matter, which petition wav filed in the office of this Board on the 5th day of December, 1913, and the same is hereby referred to as a part hereof, and thereafter an action having been insti- tuted in the Superior Court of the State of Washington, for T"hatcom County, seeking a writ of mandamus from said court commanding this Board and the members thereof, the defendants in such action, to grant the prayer of said petition and to call an -election and give notice thereof and perform such further duties in the premises as are by law required and as in said complaint more particularly specified, and this Board having this day been served a peremptory writ of mandamus issued in said action and out of said court, command- ing this Board to vacate and annul the said order heretofore made herein by which said petition was denied, said writ further commanding and requiring this Board to grant the prayer of said petition and commanding and requiring it to call such election as in said petition prayed, and as hereinafter more particularly stated; and to give notice thereof as required by ldla and to perform such other duties in the premises as are by lay/ required t which writ of mandamus isnow on file in this matter and the same is hereby referred to as a part hereof for more particular specification of the contents thereof, now THIDIEFORE, in obedience to said writ and in pursuance thereof, it is now by this Board ORDERED, that the said order of this Board by which the prayer of said petition was dennied, which order was made and filed on the 7th day of January, 1914, to which order reference is hereby made as a part hereof, be and the same is hereby vacated and annulled, and it is further by the Board ORDERED, that the prayer of said petition to which reference is hereby made as a part hereof, be and the same is hereby granted. And it is further ORDId3ED, that an election be and the same is hereby called to be held on the 25th day of July, 1914, in the territory proposed by said petition to be annexed to the City of Bellinghaan, Washington, to.:wit, within the limits of the following described portion of 9hatcom County, 'Washington, more particularly described as follows, to-;,,ait: All that portion of the North-west quarter of Section Twenty-seven (27) in Township W.O.R. ' rb r.) a► a Record ®f Commissioners'Proceedings April Term Friday the 5th I day June 191 4 Thirty-eight (38) North of Range Three (3) East.of the Willamette Meridian and Lot Six (6) in Section Twenty-two (22) said Township and range, described as follows: Beginning at the quarter corner between Sections Twenty-seven-.(27) and Twenty-eight (28) said Township and Range, which quarter corner is on the East boundary line of the City of Bellingham, Washington; thence East along the South boundary line of the North- west quarter of said Section Twenty-seven (27) to the intersection of said South boundary line with the government meander line of Lake Whatcom; thence along said government meander line in a.general North-westerly direction to the point of its intersection with the East boundary line of said Sectioni'1wenty-eight (28), which last named boundary line is a part of the East boundary of said city of Bellingham; thence'South along said East boundary line of said Section Twenty-eight (28) to the place of beginning. Such election to be held and conducted on said day between the hours and at the place to be specified and set forth more particularly in the notice of such election, which notice it is ordered shall be given by the Board, said notice to particularly describe the boundaries of said territory and to state the objects of said election as prayed in said petition, and such notice to be printed and published for at least.two weeks, prior.to the date of such election in the JOURNAL -PROGRESSIVE the official newspaper of said County of Whatcom, which newspaper is printed and published within the said City of Bellingham, to ',which said territory is proposed to be annexed, (there being.no newspaper printed and published within the limits of said territory so proposed to be'annexed), and said notice of election to be posted for at least two weeks prior to the date of such election, in four public places within the said territory, and said notices to require the voters at such election to cast ballots which shall contain the words "for annexation", or "against annexation", or words equivalent thereto, which said ballots shall be fufnished by this Board. All of which is now by the Board in regular session ordered and directed as aforesaid, this 5th day of June, A.D. 1914. of (1 It " of It 11 11 to 11 It 11 to 11 "Board of'County Commiss- " "loners of Whatcom County " it State of Washington " to it it It to to It It of to it It " n Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ----------- BOARD OF COUNTY COMISSIONERS OF VHATCOM COUNTY,_WASHINGTON. By C;'B. Legoe Chairmano J.G. Kemper Henry Shagren Commissioners On motion the Board adjourned.to meet on Saturday, June 6, 1914. Chairman Board County Commi sinners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Agri1 Term Saturday the 6th �l�Y June 1914 Saturday, June 6, 1914, The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on June 5, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. V/ E Abbott Insurance Premium on ',Valdron Blk 16.90 S E Mullin do 16.90 Brisbin, Smith & Livesey do 33.80 J L Easton do 16.90 Leland Ililson SF/it: State vs John Stokes 2.20 J E Pitts do 3.20 H Watson do 2.20 P J Cooper do 2.20 U R Smith do 2.20 Chas '.'/ Jones do 2.20 Jack Lemaster do 2.20 A F Schmieling do 2.20 =P-------- 000---------- IN THE MATTER OF THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ) ( Order Calling for Bids. CHUCKANUT BRIDGE ON THE PACIFIC HIGHIAY. ) The County Auditor of V/hatcom County is hereby directed to issue a call for bids for the reconstruction of the Chuckanut Bridge accoss Chuckanut Creek on the "Water Front Pacific Highway in NEg of NEB Sec 13, Tp 37 N., R 2 E said improvement to be made according to plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Engineer. Said bids to be considered at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P.M. on Lionday, June 29th 1914. The Board reserving the right to reject any and all bids and this improvement to be paid for from the Road and Bridge Fund of Whatcom County. Done in open session of the Board this 6th day of June, 1914. 11 11 " 11 of 11 It 11 It 11 to It it It "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Vlhatcoin County " " State of 'JJashington. " of 11 11 U If It it it It 11 It 11 Attest: 'Mill D '+7allace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ---------- 000---_-_---- In the Matter of Accepting Insur- ) () Order Accepting. ance Policies on "/aldron Blk. ;Ii1�EIS, certain insurance policies on 'Waldron Block have expired and this Board has secured renewals thereon for a period of one year payable to 1.11hatcola County as follows: Northern Assurance Co: ;F1 Z Abbott, Agent; Policy r1712990 for '�1000.00; Expires -at noon 111ay 18, 1915. Norwich Union: S E Mullin, Agent; Policy 7#6688721 for $)1000.00; Expires noon June, 4, 1915. North British & Mercantile : Brisbin, Smith & Livesey, Agents; Policy -112628617 for .P'1000.00; Lxpires Noon June 4, 1915. Phoenix Assurance Co: Brisbth, Smith & Livesey, Agents; Policy #301428 for p1000.00 Expires at Noon June 8, 1915, Springfield Fire & Marine Ins. Co: J L Easton, Agent; Policy #365437 fdw le)1000.00; Expires Moon .Tune 6, 1915. NU /, THh'REFOI-M, it is hereby ordered that said policies be and same are hereby accept ed, subject to the right of cancellation by this Board in the future, for any cause that this Board might deem proper. Done in open session of the Board this 6th day of June, 1914. of it 11 to to it to of It n if to It to C B Le goe "Board of County Commiss-'111 Chairman of the Board "ioners of Whatcom County " J G Kemper " State of 'Jashington It Commissioner or to It it It it it of it it " u a tr Henry Shagren Commissiojaer n Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Boa do On motion the Board adjourned to mee`kon ilon ay, June 22, 1914s COrimi) ssioners W.O.R. Record of Commissioners" Proceedings April Term ;;ionday the 22nd day June 1914 Monday, June 22, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on Saturday, June 6, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: In the matter of Reconstruction of Bridge Across Slough at Ifarietta. ) Order Accepting Bid of F G Johnston. %7HEREAS, this being the time set for opening bids for the reconstruction of bridge across slough at Marietta, and the Board finding the following bids submitted for the work: IICREA BROS: Clearing for -�150.00; 60 ft Span for $620..00; Piling 2400 lin ft at 22 cts per lin ft; Caps 20 at $5.00 each; Lumber 42 MBM at $18.00 per M B Me Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -4) 2,154.00 SAUSE+'T & MOY: Clearing for $75.00; 60 ft span for $370.00; Piling 2400 lin ft at 20 cts per lin ft; Caps 20 at 20 cts each; Lumber 42 M.B.11. at $18.00 per IAi B M. Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - y$ 1,761.00 A.J. RIFFE KIRKPATRICK CO: Clearing for 4$75.00; 60 ft Span for $400.00; Piling 2400 lin ft at 19 cts per tin ft; Caps 20 at 4$3.50 each; Lumber 42 TfBM at $16.00 per M B M Total - - - - - - - - - - --- y$ 1,673.00 GEO BLAKESLEE: Clearing for $60.00; 60 ft Span for �275.00; Piling 2400 lin ft at 20 cts per lin ft; Caps 20 at $3.50 each; Lumber 42 TA B M at $17.00 per M B M. Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 1,599.00 F.G. JOHNSTON: Removing old bridge $60.00; 60 ft Span for $297.00; Piling 2400 lin ft at 19 cts per lin ft; Cedar Caps 20 at $2.80 each; Lumber 42 M B M at w$16.50 per M B M. Total - - - - - - - - - - - - ti$ 1,562.00 WHEREAS, this Board having considered said bids and finding the bid of F G Johnston to be the lowest and best bid made, IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the said bid of F G Johnston be and same is hereby accepted and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners is hereby authorized to ender into a contract with the said F G Johnston for and on behalf of Uhatcom County. And it is further ordered that this work shall be completed by September 1st 1914, and that the contract shall furnish a surety bond of $1562.00 for the faithful performance of said contract. Done in open session of the Board this 22nd day of June, 1914. to ,t to it of of to it If 11. it it n n "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " It State of './ashington " to it to it of n it of n Is It n of n Attest: C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner iVi ll D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMI.TISSIONR'RS OF `,IHATCOM COUNTY, VIASHINGTON. In the Tatter of the Petition ( of John McCue and others for ) ( NOTICE OF ELECTION the Annexation of C.e'rtain Terri- ) for the purpose of determining whether the qualified ( electors thereof desire the annexation of same to such tory to the City of Bellingham, { city. ,,'Ihatrom County, Washington. ) Notice is hereby given, that on the 25th day of July, 1914, at Larson Post Office Building, at Larson, 1hatcom County, Washington, and within such proposed territory to be annexed, there will be held an election for the purpose of determining whether the terri- tory embraced within the boundaries hereinafter described, shall be annexed to the city of Bellingham, 'Whatcom County, Washington, under the provisions of the laws of the State of Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Monday the 22nd play June 1914 dashington. The polls at said election will be open from 12 I.I. to 7 P.M. and the voters within the said proposed territory to be annexed are required to cast ballots containing the words, "For Annexation," or "Against Annexation". The territory proposed by said peti- tion to be annexed to the City of Bellingham, 'Mashington, is more particularly described as follows, to -wit: All that portion of the Northwest quarter of Section Twenty-seven (27) in Townshi Thirty-eight (38) North, Range Three (3) East of the '3illamette Meridian, and Lot Six p(6) in Section Twenty-two (22) said township and range, described as follows: Beginning at the quarter corner between Sections Twenty-seven (27) and Twenty-eight (28) said Township and Range, which quarter corner is on the East boundary line of the City of Bellingham, 'dashington; thence East along the South boundary line of the Northwest quarter of said Section Twenty-seven (27) to the intersection of said South boundary line with the government meander line of Lake Whatcom; thence along said government meander line in a general North-westerly direction to the point of its intersection with the East boundary line of said Section Twenty-eight (28), which last named boundary line is a part of the East boundary of said city of Bellingham; thence South along said East boundary line of said Section Twenty-eight (28) to the place of beginning. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have hereunto set out hands and affixed the official seal of 'i'hatcom County, Washington, this 22nd day of June, A D 1914. BOARD OF COUNTY C0101ISSIO'YERS OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON, It to 11 it 11 of it to It to " It tl it C B Legoe "Board of County Commiss- " Chairman of the Board "ioners of Whatcom County " J G Kemper of State of Washington " Co::r: issioner It 11 1t It 11 It It it to to II It It to 11 S7 .k�er; :�;� �.:Lren L Corrrni. sione:r Attest: %Vill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---_------ BEFORE THE BOAI-ID OF COUNTY COIVUIISSION_J*RS OF V;HATCOTA COUNTY, WASHINsTON. In the Matter of Appointing an Election Board ) to serve at the Special Election to be held in that part of Geneva Township proposed to be ( ORDER APPOIlITING. Annexed to the City of Bellingham, Washingbon. WHIRFAS, a Special Election for the purpose of voting upon the proposition of annex- ing certain territory within the township of Geneva to the City of Bellingham, Vhatcom County, Washington, will be held in the said territory proposed. to be annexed, on Saturday, the 25th day of July, A.D. 1914, and the law makes it the duty of the Board of County Commissioners to appoint an Inspector and two Judges to serve as an election Board, and VHFREAS, this,Board finds that each of the persons hereinafter named are electors in the said territory and that each is in every respect qualified to act in the capacity for which he has been selected. NO'?1, THEREFORE, it i s ordered by this Board that the persons hereinafter named be, and they are hereby appointed Inspector and Judges to serve as such officers in the territory proposed to be annexed, at said Special Election on Saturday, July 25th 1914: Inspector Judge Judge John McCue R C Stephen Thomas Scott Dore in open session of the Board this 22nd day of June, A D 1914. It 11 It II' II tl tt of "Board of Dounty Cornmiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " 11 State of Washington " 11 to it to 11 to to it 11 " to n II n C B Legoe Chaiiina.n of the Board J G Kemper C omm.i s si'anev Henry Shagren Commissioner Attest: Vwill D ','Iallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Apr i 1 Term Monday the 22nd day June 191 4 DRAINAGE IMPROVIMENT DISTRICT No. 8 It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners that the Report of the County Engineer in the above entitled matter of Drainage Improvement District No. 8 has been fil- ed, and the Board being fully advised in the premises: It is by the Board of County Commissioners of 1.7hatcom County, Washington, hereby ordered that the date for a hearing on the said Report of the County Engineer in the above entitled matter, be, and the same is, hereby fixed for Vwnday, the 20th day of July, 1914, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the County Commissioners' Office; and the Clerk of(this Board is hereby directed to give notice thereof by publication in three (3) successive weekly issues of the official newspaper of this County, as provided by Lavt. Dated this 22nd day of June, 1914. it It " n to " to II II fI I " 11 " "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of `That corn County " it State of Washingtonto to It it to it to If 11 11 It " Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- coo ---------- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY ("OlfffiISSIONxRS OF In the Lfatter of the Foramtion of a Diking District at Point Roberts, What com County, Washington. On this 22nd day of June, `71HATCOM COUNTY, 't',fASHINGTON. ( ( 0 RDER. } 1914, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. is presented to the Board the Petition in thi:-matter asking for the organization of a Diking District as in said Peti- tion prayed for, said petition being presented.after due and proper notice that the same would be presented at this time and proof of said notice being on file with the Board. And it appearing that it is to the advantage of all parties concerned that the hearing of said Petition be continued until Tuesday, June 23rd, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. NOW, THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that the hearing on said Petition be and the same is hereby adjourned until Tuesday, June 23rd, a# 10:00 o'clock A.M. Done in open session this 22nd day of June, 1914. C B Legoe to to it is it of to it it to if if if to Chairman "Board of County Conuniss- ++ J G Kemper "ioners of Vlhateom County of Commissioner if State of Washington of Henry Shagren of ,f if it of of it it it it it it it it Commi ssioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---_------ On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, June 23, 1914. C airman Board County Cornm'ssioners W.O.R. Record of CoMm""'iss'Whoks' Proceedings J April Term _- Tuesday-------. the- -.- _.- 23rd-- _ flay June 1914 Tuesday, June 23, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on June 22, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: IN THE BATTER OF THE IIAPROV2EMNT ) ( ORDER CALLING FOR BIDS. OF COUNTY ROAD NTM BER 311 ) WHEREAS, this Board finds that County Road No. 311 should be improved, said improve- ment to consist of clearing, grubbing and grading said road in Sec 17, Tp 40 N, R 5 E, from the intersection of county road No. 319 s.,testerly about 1/2 mile,. NOW, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby directed to issue a call for bids for improving said road according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Engineer. Said bids to be considered at the hour of 1 o'clock P.I,T. on Monday, July 20th, 1914. The Board reserving the right to reject any and all bids. This improvement to be paid for from the Road & Bridge Fund of 1`lhatcom County, Vlash- ington. Done in open session of the Board this 23rd day of June, 1914. It It It It It it I► It it It it 1t It it "Board of County Commiss- " "loners of VIhatcom County " it State of ,1ashington " It It It It of II It of II It It It It if Attest: `dill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board. J G Kemper Coimiiissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ---------- 00o---------- BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COID.7ISSIOMMS, OF `IHATCOM COUNTY, IN THE MATTER OF THE FORI'rIA- ) T ION OF A DIKING DIS`i'RICT AT ) PO IN'.0 ROBERTS, S, ,`1HA2CMN j COUNTY, WASHINGTON. WASHING`.i'ON. ORDER ON HEARING OF PETITION. On' this 23rd day of June, 1914, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. came on for hearing the Petition in this metter asking for the organization of a Diking District as in said Petition prayed for, said Petition having been presented on the 22nd day of June, 1914, at 10:00 o'clock A•M., after due and proper notice that the same mould be so presented having been given, proof of said notice being on file with the Board and said hearing having been continued from said 22nd day of June, 1914, to this time. From said Petition and from testimony heard this day thereon said Board finds that there is no objection to the formation of said Diking District and that the boundaries as proposed are proper and that the boundaries of said District be and they are hereby estab- lished as folloiis, to�ait: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot Two (2), Section 11, T 40 N R 3 1''1., of the W.I.I.; thence N one fourth of a mile to the iJ 11 corner of said Lot 2; Thence `f1 three - fourths of a mile to the S 41 corner of the S E quarter of Sec 3, T 40 N R 3 V1, of the ld. .; Thence Id one fourth of a mile to the S '11 corner of the N 1.11 gdarter of the S E quarter of said Sec 3; thence V1 one fourth of a mile to the S 'J quarter of the N E quarter of the S V9 quarter of said Section 3; Thence S 600 feet; Thence W to the waters of Puget Sound; That the number of acres of land that :mould be benefited by said proposed system of dikes is approximately three hundred twenty-five (325) and the number of free -holders residing within said boundaries of said proposed District is fourteen (14) and that the proposed diking system will be conducive to the public health, welfare and convenience and will increase the public revenue and will be of special benefit to the majority of the necord of Commissioners' Proceedings An_ril Term Tuesday the 2.3rd play Tune 191 301 e" J land included within the boundaries of said proposed District and that it is not necessary in any manner to change the boundaries of said District. IT IS THEREFORE, ORDERED that said District be and the same is hereby established and that the Uounty Auditor is ordered to give notice of an election to be held in such prom posed diking district on the 15th day of July, 1914, for the purpose of determining whether said proposed diking district shall be organized under the provisions of Sections 4091 to 4136 inclusive, together with Amendments thereof, of Rem. & Bale Annotated Codes and Statutes of �ilashington and for the further purpose of choosing at such election three commissioners who shall be known and designated as "Diking Commissioners" for said District proposed to be organized, which said three commissioners shall upon their election be the district authorities of said diking district, Said notice shall particularly describe the boundaries as established by this Board and shall,state that the name of said proposed diking district is "The Point Roberts Diking District" and shall give the approximate number of acres of land in said District to be benefited thereby, which notice of election shall be published for at least two weeks prior to such election in the Journal Progressive a weekly newspaper printed and published within :7hatcom County, `lashington, and shall be posted for the same period in at least four public places within the boundaries of said proposed district and said notice shall designate the place within said proposed district where the election shall be held and shall require the voters to cast ballots which shall contain the words, "Diking District, Yes," or "Diking District, No", and also the names of the persons voted for as commissioners for said Diking District. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED thgt the following named persons be and they are hereby appoint- ed Judges of said election: J.A. Largarrd and Th. Thorsteinson. Joseph Goodfellow is appointed inspector of said election and H.V. Hansen and Walter Waters are appointed Clerks for said 'election. Done in open session this 23rd day of June, 1914. to " to n to " " n n 41 " to to "Board of County �;ommiss- " "ioners of *. hatcom County " It State of Washington of to to it it If If Attest: dill D Vdallace County Auditor. ---------- 000---------- 0 B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COTMMISSIONEMS OF VIHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. IN THE MATTER OF DRAINAGE ) I)4PROV T1rIJaTT DISTRICT NO. 7( OF ( ORDER. ) WHATCOM COUNTY. On this 23rd day of June, 1914, is presented to said Board the final report of the County Engineer in this matter and it appearing from said report that said engineer has made a survey for said Drainage Improvement District in accordance with instructions here- tofore given him and in compliance with the provisions of law governing the same, and has submitted complete profiles and a plat of said Drainage Improvement District, together with the estimated cost of construction, a statement of expenses incurred in survey, general specifications and plans governing the manner and method of construction of ditches and structures and a schedule and estimate of all property that will be damaged, or damaged and benefited, properly arranged in columns as provided by law and has performed all other ..a1VO W.O.R. record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Tuesday the 23rd play June 1914 acts and reported the same, all as provided by law, IT IS ORDERED that Tuesday, the 21st day of July, 1914, at 9:30 A.12.1 be and the same is hereby fixed as a date for a hearing on such report and the Clerk of this Board is directed to give notice of said hearing by publication in three successive and weekly issues of the official newspaper of Whatcom County, Washington. at the times and in the spanner provided by lacy. IT IS ORDERED that said hearing take place in the Commissioners office at the Court House in Bellinjhaan, Iffashin ton. Said notice shall fix the time and place for said hearing and shall specify the terri- tory to be included in the proposed Improvement District, both by boundaries and also by Sections, or fractions thereof, suhh notice shall also designate with reasonable certainty the route and termini of the proposed Improvement and shall state that the plat report and schedule are on file in the office of the said Board of County Commissioners and shall show all property to be taken or damaged and the,amount of damages proposed to be allowed there- fore. The last publication of said notice shall be not less than seven, or more than four- teen days before the date of said hearing. Done in open session this 23rd day of June, 1914. to n 11 u N ,t I II II II of ,f II n "Board of County Commiss- fi "ioners of Whatcom County " If State of Vlashington " It it n 41 it it fl of to It it It If " Attest: V7ill D Wallace County Auditor. C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ---------- 000--- --- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tionday, June 29th 1914. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term ljondLiy the 29th day June 191 311 Monday, June 29, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on June 23, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance.. The following proceedings were had: ✓ In the batter of Reconstruction of ) Chuckanut Bridge acooss Chuckanut Creek on Water Front Pacific Highway ) Order Accepting Bid of George C Blakeslee. WHEREAS, this .being, the time set for opening bids for the reconstruction of Chuckanut Bridge across Chuckanut Creek on 'Hater Front Pacific Highway in NEJ:of IM4 Sec 13, Tp 37 N, R 2 E, W.M., and the Board finding the bids submitted to be as follows: Louis Johnson & Co. 1$2655.00 F G Johnston $2093.00 B B Wells $ 1995.00 A J Riff e Kirkpatrick Co $1970.00 Sauset &: Moy $1919.00 Chas E Lind $1885.00 George C Blakeslee $ 1783.00 WHEREAS, this Board having considered said bids, and finding that the bid of George C Blakeslee is the lowest and best bid made, IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the said bid of George C Blakeslee be, and the same is hereby accepted and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the said George C Blakeslee for and on behalf of Whatcom County. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this work shall be completed on the lst day of August, 1914, and that the contractor shall furnish a bond of $1783.00 for the faithful performance of said contract. Done in open session of the Board this 29th day of July, 1914. C B Legoe it It to It n n " n n n n r► " " Chairman of the Board. "Board of County Commiss- " J G Kemper "loners of Whatcom County " Commissioner of State of Vlashington 2 Henry Shagren 1► It if of if ►► if it ►r of to r► to " Commissioner Attest: Will D 'Vallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- In the Matter of the Approval of Bond ) ( Order .Approving. of F G Johnston on Marietta Bridge. ) It is ordered by this Board that -the surety bond of F G Johnston for $1562.00 given by The Aetna Accident and Liability Company covering contract for reconstruction of bridge over slough at Marietta, be, and same is hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this 29th day of June,a�1914. to n n"" it to It It it If If if to C B Legoe "Board of County Commiss- " Chairman of the Board. "loners of Whatcom County " J G Kemper of State of Washington " Conunissioner it u u n " u r► " u r► ►► ►► n r► Henry Shagren Cormmissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- � W.O.R. necord of Comutissioners' Proceedings April Term I onday the 29th day June 1914 C 0 N T R A C T. THIS AGREFIEMT, made and entered into in triplicate this 29th day of June, A D 1914, between NIhatcom County, State of Washington, hereinafter called the County, and F.G. Johnston, hereinafter called the contractor, VITNESSETH: That the said contractor, -in consideration of the sums hereinafter specified, be paid to him by the said Whatcoia County, in the manner and at the time hereinafter provided, and in consideration of other covenants, herein contained by the said parties, agrees to and with said VIhatcom County: 1. That the contractor will perform and furnish tinder the direction and to the satis faction of the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washington, and in conform- ity to the laws of the State of Washington, all the, work and material included in the removal of bridge across slough at Marietta, and the replacement of same by new structure as specified and detailed herein and upon plans provided therefor, and that the contractor will furnish all material necessary, and perform all labor in the manner, and of the kind and class of work and material, and manner of doing said work, and in all other respects strictly according to the maps, plans and specifications thereof furnished by the County Engineer of said County and on file in hisoffice; said maps, plans and specifications being agreed to be a part of this contract with the same force and effect as though the same were fully inserted herein. Said work to be done under the supervision and direction of the County Engineer and to be approved by him and -the Board of County Commissioners. In case of any disagreement or misunderstanding in respect to these specifications or the performance of the work, the matter shall be referred to the Board of County Commissioners whose decision shall be final. In case of improper construction or noncompliance with the contract or specifications in any manner, upon recommendation of the County Engineer, the Board of County Commiss- ioners may suspend said work at any time and may order the partial or entire reconstruction of said work if improperly done, or declare the contract forfeited, and may then re -let or complete the same, and adjust the difference of damage or price if any there be, which the contractor shall pay to the County according to the just and reasonable amount thereof. 2. Said work is to be fully completed on or before the lst day of September; 1914, and if not done within the time specified the contractor agrees to pay to the County $5.00 for each and every day that the work remains uncompleted beyond such time, such amount hereby being agreed upon as liquidated damages of a reasonable amount for such delay, and to be deducted by the county from the final estimate allowed the contractor. 3. Additional time for completion of work under this contract must be applied for in writing by the contractor, and shall be granted only on order by the Board of County Commissioners entered in regular session, and upon the further condition that the sureties on the contractor's bond shall not be released thereby. 4. Said County agrees to make payment of the sum agreed to be paid in the following runner: warrants will be drawn on the Load and Bridge fund of said County according to the final estimate furnished by the County Engineer and approved by the County Commissioners, as provided in the specifications and prices inserted therein. Partial payments based upon the County Engineer's estimates, made from time to time, may be made not to exceed eighty per cent. of such estimates. 5. No liability shall attach to the County by reason of entering into this contract except as specially provided herein. The contractor hereby assumes all risks and liabili- ties for accidents or damages that may occur to persons or property during the prosecution of the work. It is understood that the whole of the work is to be done at the contractor's W.O.R. oco�� d ® Commissioners'.Proceedings 313 A-axil Term Mondav the 29th day June 191 a risk and he is to assume the responsibility of risk and all dainage done to the work from any cause whatsoever prior to the final acceptance by the Board of County Commissioners of all work to be done hereunder, and partial payments shall not diminish the liability here- under. 6. The contractor shall not let, assign nor transfer this contract, or any interest therein, trithout the written consent of the Board of County Commissioners. 7. It is understood that final payment shall be made within Thirty days after this contract is completely finished and the work accepted; provided, that in each of the said eases the contractor shall give the Board of County Commissioners good and sufficient evidence that the bridge is•free from all liens and claims chargeable to the'said contract- or on account thereof; and further, that if at any time there shall be any lien or claim for which, if established, the county, or said bridge,'might be made liable and which would be chargeable to the contractor the County shall have the right to retain out of any pay- ment then due or thereafter to become due said.contractor an amount sufficient to complete- ly indemnify it against such lien or claim until the same shall be effectually satisfied, discjgarged, or cancelled. And should there prove to be any such claim after all payments are made the contractor shall.refund to the County all moneys that the latter may be com- pelled to pay in discharging any lien on said premises, or paying any indebtedness therefor made obligatory in consequence of the contractor's default. Provided, this shall not in any manner be construed a release of any of the conditions of the contractor's bond. 8. No certificate given or payment made.under this contract except the final certi- ficate or final payment, shall be conclusive evidence of the performance of this contract either wholly or in part against any claim of the County, and no payment shall be contrued to be an acceptance of any defective work. 9. The contractor shall within five (5) days after notice of being awarded the con- tract, furnish a good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of $ 1562.00, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract and as provided by law, which bond shall not be vitiated or affected by extension of time for completion of this contract, or alteration, or modification in line, grade or plans of said work, and no liability shall attach to the County, unless such. -bond be furnished. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said County executes this contract by its Board of County Comm- issioners, and the contractor does sign and seal the same the date herein first above mentioned. 11 11 If If 11 It 11 11 11 11 if 11 11 , " "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Y7hatcom County " " State of 'Mashington " If It It is to to 11 it it of 11 0 if a Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk. ---------- 000---------- C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner F G Johnston Contractor. THIS AGREMEN.T. made and entered into in duplicate by and between 'Whatcom County, ofe of the regularly organized counties of the State of .Jashington, party of the first part, and JOURNAL -PROGRESSIVE, the party of the second part, VIITNESSETH: That in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereafter contained and assum- ed by the said party of the second part, the said party of the first part does hereby designate the Journal -Progressive as the official newspaper of said county for one year, commencing July 1, 1914 and ending June 30, 1915; and does hereby award unto the party of. the second part exclusiveljr all of the publications of the county for said year, except W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Monday the 29th ley June 1914 as otherwise provided by law; and does hereby agwee that none of said publications shall be published during said period by award, contract or agreement by any newspaper published or to be published in Whatcom County, Washington, except as is otherwise provided by law, it being understood and agreed that all publications shall appear in the Journal -Progress- ive above named. And it being further understood that when publications,are required by law to be published in both the official newspaper of said county and in one or more other newspapers of general circulation in said county, that the publication of any such notice so made in said official newspaper above designated shall be made at the rate hereinafter specified. In consideration of the foregoing covenants and agreements, and in further considera- tion of the rate hereinafter specified, the said party of the second part agrees to pub- lish in said official newspaper, the Journal -Progressive, any and all notices and :publica- tions required to be printed and published by the party of the first part during said year, .for which copy is furnished by said party of the first part, or by any of its properly qualified officers entitled to furnish copy for which said county may be financially res- ponsible. The said party of the second part agrees to make said publications in said official newspaper at and for the consideration and price, flat rate, of nine cents (9c)per inch. All such notices and publications to be published in and the price computed upon the basis of measurement per inch of solid non-pareil. Said publications are to include all summons in suit in which the party of the first part, or any of its officials, are parties, all tax lists, tax sales, sheriff's sales, estray notices, sales of any county property, calls for bids, notices of nominationp, c;lection notices, including pri„ia,ry, general and special elections; all commissioners' proceedings, and any and all other publications of every kind and nature whatsoever as may legally and properly devolve upon said county to publish in a newspaper, or which its officials may desire or be required in their official capa- city to publish. The said party of the second, part further agrees to print, bind and deliver five hundred (500) copies of the County Auditor's Report for Twenty ($ 20.00) Dollars. IN WITNESS WHIMEOF, the said parties have hereunto caused their names to be subscrib- ed and seals affixed in duplicate, this 29th day of June, 1914. "Board of County fjommiss- " "ioners of W7hatcom County " of State of 111-ashington to to n" n It of to to If u of it of It Attest: ',°dill D fiallace County Auditor and Clerk• of the Board. WHATC0I11 COUNTY, By C B Legoe ---------- 000---------- Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren C onumi i s s i o ne r JOURNALrPROGRESSIVE, By Andrew G Gordon Party of the Second part. manager. The Board made orders correcting the 1913 tax against D J Owens on NDQ1- NEh 1\7VIj and South side Yront St, Lynden, EL SE' NEE- NWj less road, in 26-39-lE; T.ax Nos 29 and 30/being part of Sec 20 Tp 40 R 3 E against P H Kooyman; YE-,,L SL+'g &; SEJ-- SEj 35-41-5E; and cancelling 1913 personal tax against C Peterson_, Gust Seger, Geo Vt Johnson, W C Sharp,-..all,Tbeing heads of families and exempt; cancelling 1912 personal tax against J L Smiley, being erroneous assessment on fish trap. ---------- 000---------- W.O.R. e Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Anr:i.l Terni T,Tonday the 29th day June 1914 In the Matter of the Approval of Surety ) ( Crder Approving. Bond of Journal -Progressive fora Print.i.no ) It is ordered by this Board that the surety bond of the Journal -Progressive given by the Illinois Surety Co. for $1000.00 covering contract for county printing, be, and same is hereby approved. Bone in open session of the Board this 29th day of June, 1314. it II II II II II II II II II It II II tl "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " " State of :dashington " " it of of " of It /I to it it II It n Attest; Will D Wallace Counter Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Sha.gren Commissioner -----w---- coo ---........--- Gn motion the Board adjourned to meet on Monday, July 6, 1914. Chairman Board o Coun y ommiss- ioners. G?. ••a n W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Ironday the 6th clay July 1914 Monday, July 6, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on June 29th 1914. Present, C B Legoe, Chairman; J G Kemper and Henry Sbagren, Commissioners and 'Jill D ';'lallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following claims viere allowed and pro- ceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FLIED. dill 17 ,Vallace Salary as County Auditor } 158.33 August 1,ngquist Salary as Chief Dep Auditor 100.00 S E Barrett Salary as Dep Auditor 100.00 F C Lartin do 75.00 Lucy E King Salary as Chief Recorder 75.00 ,i 'Thorias Salary as Recorder 65.00 Jessie 'falters do 65.00 Jennie T Eddy do 20 days 43.33 C B Legoe Salary as Co Commissioner 150,00 J G Kemper do 150.00 Henry Shagren do 150.00 Delia L reeler Salary as Supt Schools 150.00 Ethel Everett Salary as Dep Supt Schools 90.00 D ;d Featherkile Salary as Justice of Peace 100.00 Henry C Beach do 100.00 Harrison Cowden Salary as Constable 60,00 F E Wyman Salary as Probation officer 75.00 Firs Bessie Cline do 50.00 0 E Beebe Salary as Co Physician 83.33 11 'Thompson Salary as Coroner 83.33 Hector Galvlcy Salary as Janitor 85.00 Ed E Hardin Salary as Superior. Judge 125.00 ';' illiam H Pemberton do 125.00 F 4J lose: Salary as County Clerk 158.33 Alithea Adams Salary as Dep Co Clerk 100,00 Geo I:: Cook do 100,00 Frank 13 Bixby Salary as Pros, Attorney 158.33 I;J A Lartin Salary as Dep Pros Attorney 100.00 ..iaybelle Bryan Salary as Stenographer for Atty. 75,00 Nellie C Rogers Salary as Co Treasurer 166.66 F L Olslager Salary as Dep Co Treasurer 100.00 John Fernley Salary as Bookkeeper for Co Treas. 90,00 Olive `,^Jilson Salary as Clerk for Co Treas. 80.00 Gaffe A Pence do 80.00 Geo H %Iatrous do 90.00 Agnes Nedrud do 75.00 H D ldcArthur Salary as County Assessor 125.00 Jas Elder Salary as Dep Assessor 80.00 Poster L Carver do 75.00 H R George do 75,00 David 'JJurtenberg Salary as Clerk for Assessor 75.00 '.`Jinfield Ervin do 75.00 Flex Van 'lyck Salary as Field Dep Assessor 91,00 L A Thomas Salary as Sheriff 158.33 L J Flanagan Salary as Dep Sheriff 80.00 ;Jilson Stewart do 80,00 M B Byland Salary as Jailer 60.00 C M Adams Salary as Co Engineer 158.33 C E Phoenix Salary as Dep Co Engineer 77.50 Carl 1:11C Coy Salary a.s Drft-sm. for Co Tang 104,00 Harry C Swettenam Salary as Chainman for Eng 57,00 F I.1cElmon Salary as Inspector N 1.7 Diag Rd 130,00 L' C Lyle Salary as Transitiran for Co ling 122.50 L `d Gooch Salary as transit. & Chain for Eng 38.75 0 N I,Iunn Salary as Transitman for Eng 60.00 0 Underhill Salary as Chainman for Eng 16.25 ,dJ S Russell do 10,00 Jack Adams do 5.00 James Coheen do 40.00 Carl Johnson do 15.00 Ho,aard Hanbloom do 15.00 P G Cooke Salary as Transitma.n for Eng 105.00 Clay Cooke Salary as Chainman for Eng 55.00 C C King Salary as Supt Co Home 60.00 Iu B Zinf; Salary as I.''atron Co Home 25.00 Nettie Smith Salary as Cook at Co Home 45.00 Toney Paetre Salary as Nurse at Co Home 15 days 12.50 hsther Bailey do 15 days 12.50 John Colling Salary as Teamster at Co Home 30,00 H J Hurst Salary as Helper at Co Home 2.50 George Slater Salary as Guard for Prisoners at Co Home 69.80 Puget Sound T.L. & P. Co Gas E: Elect. Light for June 34.15 do Street Car tickets for Sheriff 10,00 Frank W Bixby Expense as Pros Atty in Olympia re Refrit Case 13.70 ;Ym J Biggar Exp assisting Pros Atty in Olympia re Sef.rit Case 18.00 Harrison Cowddn Expense as Constable 7,45 C E Phoenix Expense as Dep Co Eng 26,90 0 N Munn Expense as Dep Eng 10.85 Lmery Hess Services as Dep Sheriff 10.50 J 11 Stinnett Services as Spl Dep Sheriff 7.00 J S Zettle Services to Sheriff a/c Grahain case 5.50 L A Hush Services to Sheriff a/c Gregory Case 5.50 Lagan Ridenour dote booko for Official Court Reporter in Criminal cases 7.60 Roland G Gamwell Prem. on Official Bond of Court Reporter 5.00 Fairhaven City 41atcr L Powe: Co Jater rent for-Ialdron Blk 3 mo 3,00 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Jul Term Iloriday the 6th play Jul 1914 C A Scvimsher G H Abers J M Aitken Leslie Jones J L Lee J E Chichester J N Pratt Bloedel Donovan Lbr I. -Tills Byrne -Turner Co Piunro & Haskell S A Attwood Northwest Hdw. Co La.rson's Livery & Trf. ROAD AM BRIDGE FUIM . Operating Marietta Ferry Tending Ferndale Bridge GALL PROTECTION FU11D. Salary & Exp. as Game Warden Sal & Exp as rep Game harden Labor at Fish Hatchery do do Lumber for Fish Hatchery Wood Pipe for Fish Hatchery Repairs to Can for Fish Hatdhery `,lindows for Fish Hatchery Supplies for Fish Hatchery Livery for game tilarden SOLDII II ;' I?LLIEF +'U1,M. 50.00 5.00 128.10 80.85 67.50 30.00 72.00 90.93 111.80 .85 9.75 26.60 2.50 Sarah Foster Relief 12.00 Leona 1�iller Relief 10.00 Fenelopie S Knox Relief 10.00 Harry 0 Bingham Burial of 'Jm A Plantz 50.00 ---------- 000---------- The Board made an order correct.i.n t'ze 1912 and 1913 tax on Lot 12 Sec 11 Tp 38 R 5E, being double assessment. IN THL IuATTER OF TRANSFE}i WIG ) ( C113'ijM4 LWNIES .FROM COMITY GAM, C ORDIM TO TRANSFUt. PROTLI'C T ION FUND TO STATE GAMM FUND . ) i'EIIiRLAS, Chapter 120 Section 34, Session Laves of 1913 prmvides that ten per cent. (100) of all County Hunting and Fishing Licenses and ten per cent. (10/5) of all. fines paid into the County Game Fund and also the total amount received for State Iiunting and Fishing, Licenses, shall be paid into the State Game Fund, and VALCIIEAS, during the quarter ending June 30, 1914, the County Auditor has rectirved and turned over to the County Treasurer the suit of Twenty-two Hundred Twenty-nine & 00/100, ($2229.00) Dollars, for County Hunting and Fishing Licenses, and Eighty &00/100 ($80.00) Dollars for State Hunting and Fishing Licenses, and also i;inety-six & 00/100 U1196.00) Dollars in fines having been turned into the County Game Fund since the 1913 laa ,vent into effect; NOW, THE'M,FOAE, the County Treasurer is hereby authori>ed and directed to transfer from the County Game Protection Fund to the State Game Fund, in compliance with above law, the sum of Three Hundred Twelve & 50/100 (4"?'312.50) Dollars and remit the same to the State Treasurer as provided.in said Section 34, Chapter 120, Session Lavis of 1913. Done in open session of the Board this 6th day of July 19144 If if it II It II II II II !I II II II II "Board of County Comaiss- " "ioners of 31hatcom County " it State of Washington " 11 It 11 11 11 It " fl II II it it It II Attest: ;Jill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Com-aissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner J In the matter of Approval of Surety Bond ) ( Order of Approval. of Geo C Blakeslee on Chuckanut Bridge ) It is ordered by this Board that the surety bond of George C Blakeslee given by the National Surety Company for v1783.00 covering contract for reconstruction of bridge across Chuckanut Cre::k in See. 13, Tp 37 IT, R 2 E., be and saine is hereby approved and accepted. 318 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Monday the 6th day July 191A Done in open session of the Board this 6th day of July,. 1914. I II 11 , If II II II II 11 11 11 11 11 11 "Board of County Coilmiissa " t1ioners of dhatcom County " 1' State of 'Jashington " 11 11 It it 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Attest: Will D ',gal l ac e County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C B Le'zoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Coi-,rai ssi ones Henry Shagren Coiami ssi oner -..--------000---_ __---- C 0 111' T 11 A C T. HIS AGR M;,,_121T, inade and entered into in triplicate this 6th day of July, A D 1914, between %Vhatcom County, State of ';lashiii;bon, hereinafter called the County, and Geo. C. Blakeslee, hereinafter called the contractor, W1'THESSET11: That the said contractor, in consideration of'the sLLms hereinafter specified, be paid to him by the said Whatcom County, in the manner and at the time hereinafter provided, and in consideration of other covenants, and agreements, herein contained by the said parties, IM agrees to and with said 'Uhatcom County: 1. That the contractor will, perform and furnish under the direction and to the satis faction of the Board of County Commissioners of %1hatcom County, ';lashington, and in conform- ity to the lags of the State of '.Tnshin�ton, all the work and materiel included in the reconstruction of the Bride across Chuckanut Creek in the City of Bellinghara, in Section 13 T 37 N. R 2 h, and that the contractor will furnish all material necessary, and perform all labor in the manner, and of the kind and class of :iork and material, and manner of doing said work, and in all other respects strictly according to the maps, plans and specifications thereof furnished by the County Engineer of said County and on file in his office; said maps, plans and specifications being al3reed to be a part of this contract ,:pith the swine force and effect as though the same viere fully inserted herein. Said work to be done under the supervision a:dd direction of the County Engineer and to be approved by him and the Board of County Commissioners. In case of any disagreement or miuunderstand ing in respect to these specifications or the performance of the work, the :natter shall be referred to the Board of County Commnissioners, whose decision shall be final. In case of improper construction or noncoinpliance ,:rith the contract or specifications in any manner, upon --commendation of the County Engineer, the Board of County Commission- ers may suspend said ,fork at any time and may order the partial or entire reconstruction of said aork if improperly done, or declare the contract forfeited, and may then re -let or complete the sane, and adjust the difference of damage or price if any there be, ahich the contractor shall pay'to the County according to the just and reasonable amount thereof. 2. Said -cork is to be completed on or before the First day of August, 1914, and if not done within the time specified the contractor agrees to pay to the County 1?10.00 for each and every day that the riork remains uncompleted beyond such time, such amount hereby being agreed upon as liquidated damages of a reasonable .amount for such delay, and to be deducted by the county from the final estimate allovaed the contractor. 3. Additional time .for completion of :cork under this contract must be applied for in -writing by the contractor, and shall be granted only on order by the Boe,,rd of Col;nty Commissioners entered in regular session, and upon the further condition that the sureties on the contractor's bond shall not be released thereby. 1. Said County agrees to malce payment of the sure a -reed to be paid in the folloziiing -manner: .varrwnts will be dravrn on the General ::oad and Bridge fund of said County accord• W.O.R. Record. of Commissioners'- Proceedings Term the day July v 191 Tt� 7v r io nday 6 th 19 inn, to the final estimate furnished by the County Engineer and approved by the County Commissioners,, as provided in the specifications and prices inserted therein. Partial payments based upon the County Engineer's.estimates, made from time to time, may be made not to exceed eighty per cent. of such estimates. 5. No liability shall attach to the County by reason of entering into this contract except as specially provided herein. The contractor hereby assumes all risks and liabili- ties for accidents or damages -that may occur to persons or property during the prosecution of the work. It is understood that the whole of the work is to be done at the contractor's risk and he is to assume the responsibility of risk and all damages done to the work from. any cause whatsoever prior to the final acceptance by the Board of County Commissioners of all work to be done hereunder, and partial payments shall not diminish the liability hereunder. 6. The contractor shall not let, assign, nor transfer this contract, or any interest therein, without the written consent of the Board of County Commissioners. 7. It is understood that final payment shall be made within 30 days after this contract is completely finished and the work accepted; provided, that in each of the said cases the contractor shall give the Board of County Commissioners good and sufficient evidence that the Bridge is free from all liens and claims chargeable to the said contractor on account thereof; and further, that if at any time there shall be any lien or claim for which, if established, the county, or said Bridge, might be made liable and which viould be chargeable to the contractor, the County shall have the right to retain out of any payment then due or thereafter to become due said contractor an amount sufficient to completely indemnify -it against such lien or claim until the same shall be effectually satisfied, discharged, or cancelled. And should there prove to be any such claim after,all payments are :made the contractor shall refund to,the County all moneys that the latter may be.com- pelled to pay in discharging any lien on said premises, or paying any indebtedness therefor made obligatory in consequence of the contractor's default. Provided, this shall not in any manner be construed a release of any of the conditions of the contractor's bond. 8. No certificate given or payment made under this contract except the final certi- ficate or final payment, shall be, conclusive evidence of the performance of this contract either wholly or in part against any claim of the County, and no payment shall be con- strued to be an acceptance of any defective work. 9. The contractor shall within.five (5) days after notice of being awarded the contract, furnish a good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of $1783.00, conditioned for, the faithful performance of the contract and as provided by law, which bond shall not be vitiated or affected by extension of time for completion of this contract, ro altera- tion, or modification in line, grade or plans bf said work, and no liability shall attach to the County, unless such bond be furnished. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said County executes this contract by its Board of County Comm- issioners, and the contractor does sign and seal the same the date herein first above - mentioned. "Board of County Commiss- " "inners of Uhateom County " It State of Washin;ton " Attest: C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner Geo. C. Blakeslee, Contractor. 'Itill D Wallace Clerk. ---------- 000---------- 20 LTI.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Julv Term I1onday the 6th day July 1914 The minutes of the June session were read and approved this WJuly6,14, fter which on motion, the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, July 7, 1914. Chairman oaxd County Co issionersa Attest: County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. r: w ' tiY, W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings JUTAT Term Tuesdav the 7th day July 191 4 Tuesday, July 7, 1914. The Board ,net pursuant to adj ourn.-rent taken on July 6, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The follolaing claims were allowed and proceedings had: V ill D Wallace Delia L Keeler C C King J K Rogers Saran Peterson Lnnen, Goodman & Co '4 J Pynor Laurel Co -Op. Creamery Royal Dairy Co Stuurman & Hoekstra Ferndale Meat Market Central Ilarket Long's Seed Store L Jacobs Pdontague & I;.cHugh Adolph L. Reiter Tr d Suckling, B B Furniture Co H L 4Ji l l iams Pehrson Bros. B !L Davenport Lynn C Wright Kenyon -Carr Co Jhatcom County Abstract Pacific Tel & Tel Co do Western Union Telg. Co J T Brannian C U13111,21T LXP M SE FUIID . Expense as Auditor to Convention 21.90- and Express & Co Auto License paid 2.78 Express 7.18 & Expense as Co Supt 19.45 Expense as Supt Co Hone Guarding Prisoners cc Slashin;; at Co Home Slashing at Co Home Groceries foPCo Home Groceries etc for Co Home Assen. Butter for Co 'dome Butter etc for Co Home Tleat for Co Home Yeat for Co Home do Vegetable Plants for Co Horne Clothing for Co Home IMse for Co Home Blacksmithing for Co Horne do LIattresses etc fof' Co Home Mop '3ringers for Co Home Lumber for Co Home Services on Board of Education do Prem. on Official Bond of Co Commissioner Co. Furnishing list of Real Estate `1'rfs. to Assessor Rentals for July Lon; Distance for June Messages for Sheriff Idood for Courthouse ! ARRIAGE CliRTIFICATE FUrYD. F I :doses, Co C1Prk Recording ?Zarriage Certificates ---------- 000-------_-- Th.e June.'report of C C King, Supt Co Home, was endorsed approved by the Boards ----------000-...._ ..._ ... . Dn motion the Board adjourned to meet on :Yednesday, July 8th 1914. 24.68 26.63 24.84 37.20 21.75 159,43 57.00 17.83 14.30 13.85 9.62 46.80 6.75 3.50 8.52 21.75 2.00 11.80 4.00 1.36 45.00 16.20 50,00 2.00 42.70 10,90 1.31 114.75 54.00 yz� 0- Chairman Board County oimuis loners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term :7edne -day the 8th day Jul; 191A %lednesday, July 8, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on July 7, 191,1. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRE i`1' 1 X'Z11SE FUND. P G Cooke Expense as Dep. Engineer 27.20 F E Vyman Expense as Probation Officer 11.95 I.Irs Bessie Cline do 5.05 E E Duller Expense as Probation Officer 1.00 B B Grocery Co Groceries for Sanford et al 13.00 East .end Grocery Groceries for Annie Trove 10,00 Mt .Saber Grocery Groceries for Jackson & Hunter 11..00 Columbia Grocery Groceries for ';lm McBride 8.00 Ennen, Goodman & Co Groceries .for Burch & Johnson 24.00 Fairhaven Cash Grocery Groceries for Johnson 4.40 Kinsey-Stenvig Grocery Co Groceries for Mrs Allen 5.05 Ireland & Pancoast Groceries for Billiard 8.05 Sweet Grocery Co Groceries for Edwin ';tilde 30.00 do Groceries for ",7ilhite 5.00 ';'bite & Burton Groceries for C 'aagner 5.00 Lynden Dept Store Groceries for C A Feltberg 10.00 Jilson & Brown Groceries for Jas Bainter 7.50 Danielson & Runolfson Groceries for Gislason t--, Eastman 38.90 T S Berkeley Co Groceries for Nancy Rogers 20.00 Elder & Pace Groceries for C Scott 11.85 Scott & Co Uood for Dan 'Dillard 2.75 A 11 1,11ontgomery hood for Mrs Adams 1.75 ;drs R VI Bignell House rent for Eastman 16.00 J '3 Hershey House rent for Indigent 6.50 R L Kline House rent for Tabor 5.00 J P Berg House rent for .Lars Larson 9 mo 31.00 Dr N W Wear Assisting Co Physician 10.00 St Luke's Hospital Fare of Co Patients (Apr & June) 167.00 St Joseph's Hotpiatl do 96.00 E S Clark do 61,00 'led Cross Pharmacy 1.�edicine for Co Patients 15.80 & Supplies for Courthouse 7.50 23.30 The .'lei ser Drug Co., Inc 1.1edi c ine for Co Patients 18.35 Oal Pharmacy Neditine for Co Patients 18.65 Helen Hemus Care of Co Patient 4.00 �lrs Melli e Petersen Care of 7.1-rs Bj o*t•ndahl 30,00 .:ors A C Graveline Board of ':Im I.Tapley 22.80 A G ':li ckman Burial of Finnan 25.00 C G Winemiller ,Hugh Care of Juvenile Prisoners 19.50 C H .Jai t do 4.00 E A Bush Bringing prisoners to Co Jail 7.65 Franklin Haziorth J P: State vs Geo `lei de 1.50 B A Bush Spl Const: State vs Geo ',leide 2,80 A 1Lyarmendaris .lit: State vs Aurelio Renden 2.20 John Lovergreen Wit: State: vs Charles Samuelson 2.20 P Moran do 2.20 J VY Sheets Ylit: State vs John Hansen et al 4.CO Andrea Danielson do 4.00 J N Lindsay do 4000 J C Hills do 4.00 F '3halen do 4.00 H 11 Lintz Wit: State vs T P Bownan 1020 J N Gilkey do 1.20 N P Nelson do 1.20 Jacob Rothenbuhler do 1.20 T� J Baling do 1.20 H M Offerman Wit: State vs Ray Lemar et al 2.20 S N Kelley do 2.20 ---------- 000---------- The June report of 0 L Beebe, County Physician, was endorsed approved by the Board. ---------- 000----------- `� Is; THE MATTER OF BRIDGE AND APPROACH ) ( ACROSS 1'IIDDLE FORK OF NUOKSACK RIVER ) ORDER CALLIIiG FOR BIDS, .. +'AS, this board finds that there should be reconstructed a 100 foot span and 300 foot approach a.ccoss the diddle Foxk of the Nooksack River in the NYI-Y• of SIFI-4 of Sec 13 Tp 38 11, 11 5 E, vl.m. NOW, THI.R11FORE, the County Auditor is hereby directed to issue a call for bids for said improvement according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Engineer. Said bids to be considered at the hour of 1:.30 o'clock P.T.1e on Tuesday, August 4th, 1914. The Board reserving the right to reject any or all bids. This improvement to be paid for from the Road and Bridge Fund of `Jhatcom County. Done in open session of the Board this 8th clay of July, 1914. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings J„ly Term 1,lledne sday the 8th clay JU y 191 4 C B Legoe Chairman of the Board s n it ►► t► ►► n n" u n ►► n ►► J G Kemn e r "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "ioners of Whatcom County Henry Shagren " State of %1[ashington " Conmissioner u r► " " u " n ►► a �► i► n ►► " Attest: Will D VIallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Bba.rde On ;notion the hoard adjourned to meet on Thursday, July 9th 1914. P0 0 - Chairman Board Cou ty Corru . ssionerso z W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Thursdav the 9th day July 1914 Thursday, July 9, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on July 8, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: Union P B & S Co Towner Printing Co S B Trish 61. Co Anstett Printing Co Griggs Sta &: Prtg Co Selby -Harris Co American Law Book Co R L Polk & Co Diehl & Simpson do J J Setzer F J Barlow Coast Auto Co International Garage Larson's Livery &: Trf Lverson Livery B A D Bartlett Any dour Barn Golden's Transfer ';Jells -Fargo & Co CURRENT EMIE111SE FU111D. Prtg & Sup for Eng 47.00-Clk 6.95.. T reas 31.00-Prim. Elect. 13.75 98.70 Prtg for Sher 11.25-Aud 6.25-Assessor 4.50-Treas 7.50 29.50 Prtg for Clerk 11.25-Pros Atty 10. 21.25 C D Books for Treasurer 81.25 6upplies for Eng 2.20 & Co Offices 5.95 8.15 Oup for Assessor 2.75-Atty 17.20- P rob Officer 1.50-Co Offices 10.10 31.55 Annotations for Superior Judge 6.00 City Directories for Co Offices 20.00 Repairs & Care of Co Auto 137.20 Auto hire for Sher 50.50-Co Phy 3.- Prob Officer 12.-Eng 10. 75.50 Auto hire 'to Constable 3000 Auto hire to Co Physician 3.50 do 1.50 Supplies a/c Auto for Sheriff 3.42 Livery for Const .10.-Prob Officer 2.50- Co Physician'5.00 17.50 Livery for Constable 1.50 Livery for Constable at Surras 5.00 Livery for Probation Officer 1.50 Cartage for Co Auditor 2.00 Express for Sheriff 2.28 Csi motion the Hoard adjourned to meet on Friday, July 10, 1914. (lhairr. Boar o my C mmissioners W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Friday the 10til day July 1914 Friday, July 10, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment token on July 9, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The folloc:ring claims were allowed G.nd proceedings had: CUIII ENT 1"{1.'E1lSh 7U14D. L C Lyle Expense as Dep Engineer 32.70 Standard Oil Co Floor Dressing etc for Courthouse 3.61 S .1 Cornish Paint Co Glass for Courthouse 7.40 Sells Hdw Co Light bulbs etc for Courthouse 8.85 Clark Electric Co Batteries etc for Courthouse 1.60 i3attersb, Bros. Clothing for Prisoners 9.25 & Supplies for Courthouse 5.70 14.95 Mike Ponti & Co Removing Garbage from Courthouse 3.00 C S McBeath Glass Co Glass for :Yaldron Block 15.00 Fountain Pharmacy Supplies for Janitor 1.40 Pacific Steam Laundry Laundry for Jail 10.90 ROAD dd�D BRIDGE, FUIM. Geo Elder Foremanc, on Steam Grader work 104QO Delno Ward Engineer on Stearn Grader 104.00 EYnil Fullner Fireman on Steam Grader 65.00 Geo Alton Teamster on Steam Grader work 130.00 L A llickson Labor on Loads Foreman 71.25 Geo Brovtn do 38.OD lievit Hale do 43.50 h1ike Higgins do 18.00 Ed h1artinson do 83.00 Roe I/right do 96.00 Lisle Hicks do 64,00 ',t L Milder do 64.00 Palmer 14ewbery do 71.00 Geo V1 Biller do 35.50 C Hanson do 52.00 D Beatty do 12.00 James Scutt do 17.50 Del Gooder do 2.00 F Brunson do 9.50 C l+J�:axwell do team 11.00 H 11ontgomery do 13.00 Del Gooder do of 14.00 Anton Dahlen do " 8.00 J J 11evrell do 1.00 M 71 Dunkle do 15:CfD A Dunkle do 16.® T P Reilly do Foreman 28.50 Del Gooder do 8.00 S T Kivley do 1.50 C A Gooding do Foreman team 17.50 Frank Robinson do 2-00 C C Gooding do 4.00 Ivan H Brooks do " 14.00 George '�1 Smith do Foreman 20.00 i1 it Jepsen do " 52.00 V'1m Vaughn do " 51.00 Anton Sievi do " 27.00 H Gehlken do " 27.00 Frank Smith do 18.50 Arthur Walters do 10.50 George Hilliard do 14.00 Henry G Smith do 4.00 George Ogden do 8.50 Ed I.iercer do 11.50 John ',"licks do 9.50 Leon `Pinney do 11.50 Grover `Pinney do 9.50 11 E 1,4elson do 36.25 L Kool*e do 9.75 11 B lly-meyer do 6.00 C Visser do 15.25 J A Haveman do 22.25 G Kok do 4.00 G Assink do 30.00 H J Kok do 13.00 J Van i_�ersbergen do 13.00 Jno H Bloemendaal do- 17.50 G De Jong do 14.00 G Vander Griend do 15.75 A Blankers do 12.25 Bierlink Bros do 18.00 Dan Vander !'weer do 8.00 H G Heusinkveld do 20.50 D Rutgers do 6.00 •J Kortlever do 21.50 G Kok do 2.50 L Lenssen do 15.25 L Zweegman do Foreman 36.75 L B Havik Labor on Smith Road 32.25 J L Hobson do 12.75 Jacob Haussler do 11.25 Pat Sullivan do 40.75 A D Gander do 54.69 11 C Knowles do 6.00 Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July TeTII1 riday the 10th play July 1914 T B Jones A L Ileek Harold Lodgre V! C Simonson E C ':fillet Fred 'Millet D Wi the rs F Dux A C Knowles J L Hobson Jacob Haussler Elmer LAescke C S Gildersleeve L J Zander C 1,'c.Nei1 S Stuurma.ns ELC1Ow S Hiemstra. C Swenson J Havema.n S H :Bradley Thomas Hardy G Assink Peter 1.:offat Geo Jacobson John Taylor Peter Stuurmans Thos Heeringa Bill Burns., Geo LcPherson T L Riddle K G Cookma.n Ben :Meyer Ch::; s l,::eyer Warren Handy '.'till Dewitte Geo Lundell J Ti T-cPherson L D Kline Frank Cass ';im Kenney 17 J Gates J L T i l limn H A Gates D J Kline J E laahan 1) L Kline Frank Bock Frank ijL'ea.cham Otto Graep A A 'Uolfe Glenn--7olfe Chester ',::ea.cham G laorgenthaler. tl mos 4ilmlier John L:erk L I4iorgerithaler W Lorgenthal er It laorgenthaler J C Truitt C G Clifton A 0 11abury Geo lmbury Harry ':lel ch tit C Campbell C C King, Supt Co Biome L J Pease Frank Edwards P►oy LcGhee Frank Howard Hans Kildall Carl Johnson J L Kilda,ll John Tanrller T H Idurra,y D A Love G Beekman A J Johnson Frank Johnson Geo Lourer Henry S Howard F 'J Leach Isaac 'lillia,ms C H Beebe Lewis Beebe C Lyon 11i 1.7 'flitter `1' J LcCollum Gust C Feld.t Geo Hilliard Ben Bensen 1) :�;Lo o r s Claude' .,ioors C Aug a.:ilton L P Alinder D F Smedley Chas Kley Fred Tarte Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor I,ab o r on do do do do do do do do do, do do do do do on do do do do do do do do do do do do on do do do CIO do do do do do on do do do do do do do do on do do do do do on do do do do do Oil do do do do do do do do on do do do do do do do do do do do do do do on do do do do do do do do do on do do do do Smith Load Donkey Engine Blaine-Sumas Road Road 185 I+ o reinan Ror-td Foreman Axton Road. 'Foreman Everson -Goshen Road Foreman :"mi th Rd et al Foreman Road 477 Foreman Road Forerun Milton Tlon.d Foreman team team to if m team t e ani to n n n team to team I team team 11.56 25.00 23.50 27.50 17.50 13.50 17.00 67.00 46.00 37,00 34.00 35.00 31.00 46.00 77.')0 24.00 39.50 40.50 36.00 39.50 27.50 19.50 23.00 35,00 16.00 12.00 9.00 16.00 20.00 21.50 42.00 12.00 8.00 12.00 6.00 3.50 34.5D 8. aD 12.50 12.50 12.50 7.50 7.50 15.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 22.00 18.00 22.00 16. 00 10.00 11.00 21.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 8.00 5. OD 5.00 4.00 9.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 26.00 8.00 36.00 3.50 9.50 4.00 4.00 5,00 9 ..,0 8.50 14.35 2.50 7.50 7.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 8.00 25.60 20.50 20.F0 39.00 39.00 20.50 6.50 11.50 9.00 5.00 64.00 20.00 28.00 20.00 3.0.0 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July, Terin Friday the 20th day 5iuly 191 4 Ed iaartinson Labor on ].Tilton Road teem 8.00 Jas Irvin do to 7.00 l,dvrard Jordan do 7.50 Vick Klef do team 15.00 Gust Lager do " 34.00 Ole Rustand do 12.50 Joseph Goodfellovr Labor on Road Foreman team 33.15 B Anderson do 19.00 J Anderson do 20.00 O Halmiars do 19.00 J Solomon do 11,50 I Goodman do 19.00 Thor Bjornson do 17.00 T: C shumvray do rorernan 40.50 Shtuintay do team 58.00 H liofvtegen do " 58.00 ZA L'rovm do 27.00 11 Brovin do 27.00 J Kroont; e do 22.00 l 1.cClimens do 17.00 Oscar Davis do 25.00 H %ii lI er do 10.00 L hadde:r do 10.00 J 4j-- Jones do 21.00 D R .lagner do team 42.00 1T J.ensen do of 20.00 Geo 11elson do 17.00 A Knutzen do team 6.00 A 1,-ionsen Labor on I:oa.d " 55.00 1E 1dac au l ay do " 55.00 Jas 1loeg do " 55. CO Nels Tollum do 32.50 Carl Lackstad do 32.50 A Hilerud do 27.50 A Johnson do 27.50 FI J 11daleng GravelD 2.30 Geo 11 Gaavin Gravel 2.F0 Carl Lockstall Cedar timbers 10.00 I Knutson Labor on Road to-.m 21.00 J `,7 Thurston do Foreman It 28.50 •Tesse J !?oc;ers Salary & Exp. as "onstr. Eng. on S L ITighviay 13.82 C 1: i.:osher Salary & Bxp as Bridge Foreman 122.00 Jo'Taylor Labor on Roads 19.00 J l7 Austin do 25.00 James T �iatsen Laabor on Yaple Falls Road 16.50 0 I:: Olson do 64.50 ra, Le: c.'nart do 29.10 Belcher do 72.00 Like Heffernan do 119.50 Albert J 2umstead Labor on N '.I Diag. lid 23-.40 John H Lyman Labor on Bridges 82. ^5 ''rcd Griff in do 64.80 Archie Pierce do 66.15 l�rthur Dewey do 44.40 C `d Gooding do 34.80 ,Pi Adams Labor. on-,verson Brid,3e 45..00 Carl Cw- iipbell do 31.80 L Pierce do 35.10 Ross U&npbell do 31.20 ilels M Olson Labor on Nugents Brid;;e 12.00 i?rank{ .bones do 27.00 H is Colley Labor on Lynden Bridge 14.40 E ,t Gooding Lumber L Labor on Bridge 28.10 A S Smith Cribbing dook 5.00 Pchrson Bros. Lumber 2.20 Nelson, Swanson & Co Lumber 469.31 L h Chichester Lumber 2.40 Morrison iaill Co Lumber 1.75 James L :tilder Lumber 17.10 Prouty, Caine ':_ill Co Lumber 13.M Lverson Lumber Co Lumber 64.E Lynden Lizuber Co Lumber 134.14 John A .`talker Plank 5.40 I:;vcrson Livery Hauling Lumber 1.00 A 'Talker Hauling Pile Driver 5.00 Ivan H :Brooks do 10.00 tit B Hart Powder etc 13.50 Lynden.Dept. Store do 40.45 Ferndale Dept. Store Povider 5.25 1.11 B Hart Powder etc 16.36 L'iorve Hardware Co do 50.67 L D Knapp Spikes etc 8.55 La'arence Iderct Co Spikes 2.75 ""anf1.eld-Caulkins Imp Co Culverts 67.30 Haa.iilton Bros Cement etc 38.40 D A Griffen Sho�iels etc 4.25 F tit Bo%,ex-s- Staples 1.00 C A :boding Pilin; for Everson Bride 179.63 Industrial insur-ance Cornet. Premiu:.? on Pay rolls 297.40 Lawrence :: erct Co Bridge Tools etc 5.70 `.t'he Bla:.qquizts Bridge Signs 25.00 Morse Hardware Co Supplies for Road Grader 16.T. Gran? Repair Shop Repairs to ?toad Grader .75 Iiodson-Feenazigghty Co Repairs for Road Grader 2.45 Robert Coles Wood for Donkey Engine 32.00 ;: :� sec -or -Friction Blocks for Donkey Engine 6.50 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Friday the loth day July 1014 E A Nickson Geo Elder Findlay Bros T W Suckling A "lasching A 71asching F Brunson G Rutgers John kerk John Orange J Rutgers Chas. E Lind '.lorthen & Satterthwaite Chas E Lind Worthen & Satterthwaite Dickinson e: Bacon Emil Keller Freight on Culverts etc 6.23 Freight & Express .88 Blacksmithing 7.00 Blacksmithing 9.40 Blacksmithing 6.50 Blacksmithing 11.75 Cribbing & Gravel 27.49 Gravel 16.30 Gravel 3.00 Gravel 42.60 Gravel 5.00 4th Est on Constr Sec 1 Hannegan Road 1,504.00 3rd Est on Constr Sec 2 Hannegan Road 1,530:67 HAITNEGAN ROAD FUND. 4th Est on Constr Sec 1 Hannegan Road 3,008.00 3rd List on Constr Sec 2 Hannegan Road 3,061.33 DRAINAGE DISTRICT No. 4 FUND. 4th Est on Constr Drain. Ditch No. 4 1,425.00 lst Est on Constr Drain. Ditch No. 4 Lateral 1 300.00 DRAINAGE DISTRICT ITO. 5 FU:ITD. J C 4nderson 4th Est on Constr Drain. Ditch No. 5 528.00 DRAIITAGE DISTRICT Yo, 6, RUIM. J C Anderson 2nd Est on Constr Drain. n9.teh No. 6 202.40 ;Y H Towner Prtg. Co i9arrants for Drain. Ditc. #6 4.50 SLEAST.TAN DITCH NO. 1 FUND. Brown, Peringer & Thomas ' Legal Advice 10.00 / V1 Jones Labok on Ditch 2.50 J Stark .',do 2.50 ---------- 000---------- The Claim of +Jolten & Montfort for '$11.05 for Rope, spikes, etc for road and bridge work, was endorsed "RefusedP, by the Board. ---- _000---------- The claim of Abbie Barbo for 027.50 for Salary as Stenographer for Pros. Attorney vras endorsed "Refused" by C B Legoe and Henry Shagren, Cornmissioners. Commissioner J G Kemper not signing. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, July 11, 1914. W.O.R. f Record ®f Commissioners'- Proceedings Julv Term Saturdav the llth day Julv 191 4 Saturday, July 11, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taker. on July 10, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed: CTMREI,TT E MMISE FUND., Henry Shagren Expense as Co Commissioner 6.50 A M Burnside Scalp Bounty on 1 wild cat 5.00 Dr E C Ruge Assisting Co Physician 10.00 L A Thomas I'lEpense av Sheriff 82.69 L A Thomas Board of Prisoners 152.60 ---------- 000---------- 0n motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, July 14, 1914. v � Chairman Board. Cbhty Co issioners. 0 30 W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Tuesday the 14th day July 1914 Tuesday, July 14, 1914. The Board rnet pursuant to adjournment taken on July llth 1914. Present all members of the Board end the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: CREDITS ALLOWED COUNTY TREASURED AT SETTLENGMT FOR THE QUARTER ENDING JUNE 30, 1914. In the matter of the settlement with Nellie C. Rogers, County Treasurer of Wha.tcom County, State ofVlashington, for the quarter ending June 30, 1914. NOW, at this time, this matter coming on for consideration and the said Nellie C. 1110gers having filed with thes Board a statement setting forthe her receipt$ and disburse- ments as such Treasurer for said period of time, and having duly and carefully examined all vouchers presented by said Treasurer for said disbursements and having checked and compared the same with the statement, and having found that they were actually paid out by said Treasurer during said quarter, said warrants being made in the sums and from the Funds and for the purpose hereinafter set forth; THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered by this Board that said Nellie C. Rogers as such Treasurer be, and she hereby is allowed credits for said disbursements as follows, to -wit: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. For warrants redeemed r 70, 947.27 For interest on same 2,047.39 SINKING FUND, For cash paid State Treasurer SOLDIMS' RELIEF FUND. For warrants redeemed For interest on same BOND INT'_MEST FUND. For interest paid on bonds INSTITUTE rUi?D. For warrants redeemed rl GMRAL ROAD FUI D . For warrants redeemed For interest on same GENERAL BRIDGE FUND. For warrants redeemed For interest on same DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL FUND, For cash paid 6tate Treasurer GM-M PROTECTION FUND. For warrants redeemed MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE FUND, For warrants redeemed ROAD AND BRIDGE FU1,M. For warrants redeemed SCHOOL DISTRICTS GENERAL FUND. For warrants redeemed F6r interest on some SCHOOL BOUD REDMIEPTION FMTD. For Bonds redeemed For interest paid on bonds SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. For warrants redeemed ROAD DISTRICT ITO. 2 For warrants redeemed For interest on same ROAD DISTRICT N0, 31 For warrants redeemed For interest on same ROAD DISTRICT NO. 4 For warrants redeemed For interest on same 20, 000.00 760.00 15.01 3,600.00 53.75 31,559.69 10, 574.91 41,447.86 10,616.13 21.56 698.46 107.00 18,047.51 233,636.56 2,596.11 16, 900.00 6,795.44 2,742.14 8,357.72 2,416.24 131.50 29.24 141.57 22.88 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Tuesday the 14th day July !!TATE, HIGHER EDUCATION* For cash paid State Treasurer STATE GFLNFRAL b1T71\TD. For cash paid State 'Treasurer STATE PUBLIC HIGIRWAY FUND. For cash paid State Treasurer STATE 11ILITARY FUND. For cash paid State Treasurer STATE PER1,1ANENT HIGITJAY FUND. For cash paid State Treasurer CITY FUNDS. For cash paid City and Tpwn Treasurers TO',`INSHIP FUNDS. For cash paid Township Treasurers REDM P T ION FUND. For cash paid holders of Certificates of Delinquency ADVANCE TAXES (Plat Fund) For cash applied on 1913 tax For warrants redeemed For interest on same For warrants redeemed For warrants redeemed For warrants redeemed For interest on same For warrants redeemed For interest on same For warrants redeemed For interest on same For warrants redeemed For interest on same For warrants redeemed SLEASTvUN DITCH FUND. HEATH DITCH FUND. DUFNER DITCH FUND. BUTLER DITCH FUT'D. ANDREASEN DITCH FUND. ELDIM DITCH FUND. SLEAS-1:IAN DITCH NO. 2 FUND. HANNEGAN ROAD FUND. DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 2 FUND r 1914 21,350.82 60,481.54 25,119.52 2,249.10 30,302.26 116,670.96 59,151.14 8,193.40 38.65 11.25 .57 38.00 7.OD 199.75 37.18 182.70 47.21 290.46 10.75 300.00 38.40 11, 063.06 For Viakz,ants redeemed 1,295.70 For interest on same 69.02 Total cash disbursements 821,414.48 In Testimony Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands as said Board of County Comm- issioners this 14th day of July, A D 1914. 11 I 1► I It ►► I I it I I it ►► It "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Wha,tcom County " to State of Washington " If It to it it n to it it of it " to It Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. BY August Engquist, Deputy. C B Legoe Chainnan of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner W.O.R. Record �� Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Tuesday the 14th clay July 1914 COT21ISSIONERS' CERTIFICATE AS TO TREASTMER' S CASH. .re, the Board of County Commissioners of "`lhatcom County, 'Washington, do -hereby certify that ae did, on the 14th day of July, 1914, carefully examine the checks, reports and vouchers of Nellie C Rogers, County Treasurer of said County, for the quarter ending June 30, 1914, and found the same to agree with the books of this office, and tobe true and correct. We further certify that we did on July 14, 1914, count the cash in the Treasury, and found the cash in said Treasurer's Office and the cash deposited by her in the Banks to her credit as such Treasurer balance her account as such Treasurer in full. The same being in words and figures as shown on annexed sheet which is attached hereto and made a part hereof* In Testimony 'Whereof, vie have hereunto set our hands and the seal of the Board of County Commissioners of 'r'lhatcom County, ;'lashington, this 14th day of July, A D 1914. C B Legoe Chainnan of the Board it to n it to It ►► n o ►► " o o" J G K emp e r "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "ioners of ';Ihatcom County " Tlenry Shagren " State of %Yashington to Commissioner 0 of it of of If of o u o it to o or Attest: Will D 1.1allace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. By August Engquist, Deputy COUNTY TREASUIUER' S CASH STATH1a,]NT AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS JULY 13, 1914. Cash in Treasury July 1, 1914 9 316,744.97 Receipts since July 1, 1914: Tax collections on 1913 rolls to n to 1912 0 " 1911 " of 1910 " u n of 1909 '► u " it 1908 of It to 1907 it if to to 1906 tr General receipts Redemptions Local Improvements yp 4, 035.52 114.87 59.61 31.19 32.91 35.80 41.64 43.73 1,955.84 2,888.88 84.77 9, 324.7G Total - - 326,069.73 Disbursements since July 1, 1914 Cash in hand at close of business July 13, 1914 CASH IN BAIMS; First National Bank P 81,127.92 Bellingham national Bank 127,071.48 Northwestern National Bank 50,072.07 Northwestern State Bank 11,332.04 Blaine State Bank 5,000.00 Home State Bank of Blaine 5,000.00 Lynden State Bank 5,000.00 Ferndale State Bank 5,000.00 Nooksack Valley State Bank 5,000.00 Garrison Bros. State Bank 5,000.00 CASIi IN OFFICE: 24, 791.20 301, 278.53 5? 299, 603.51 Gold Currency Silver Checks and Cash items o , lq, `h -- 380.00 630 * 00 76.99 588.03 _ 1,675.02 Total - - - - - - - - - 7 301, 278.53 W.O.R. � ID Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Monday the 20th day July 191 4 Monday, July 20, 1914. *The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on July 14, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the (3lerk in Rttenrtance. The following proceedings were had: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMEISSIONERS OF 'VMATCON IN THE MATTER OF THE FOR1SA- ) TION OF A DIKING DISTRICT j AT j POINT ROBERTS, WHATCOM COUNTY,( WASHINGTONa COUNTY, WASHINGTON. ORDER ON THE CANVASS OF THE VOTE FOR ORGANIZATION OF SAID DISTRICT AND DECLARING SAID DISTRICT ORGANIZED. On Monday, this 20th day of July, 1914, came on for consideration before said Board the election held in said proposed Diking District at Point Roberts on Wednesday, July 15th 1914, and it appearing from the records on file with this Board that an� election was in all things duly and regularly held on said July 15th 1914, during the proper hours and after due, legal and regular notice had been posted, published and given as provided by law, proof of which notice is on file with this Board and the Judges, Inspector and Clerks of such election having been reguarly appointed as provided by law and the same having acted at said election and it appearing that said proposal for the formation of a diking district containing approximately 325 acres and bounded and described as follows, to*'wit: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot Two, Section 11, Township 40 North, Range' 3 West, of the W.M.; Thence North one fourth of a mile to the northwest corner of said Lot 2; Thence %Jest three fourths of a mile to the southwest corner of the southeast quar- ter of sed`tion 3, Township 40 North, Range 3 West, of the W,Mt.; Thence North one fourth of a mile to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 3; Thence West one fourth of a mile to the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said section 3; Thence south 600 feet; Thence west to the waters of Puget Sound. ,Nas regularly submitted to the voters within said boundaries together with the proposition of electing three commissioners for said diking district and the poll books of said elec- tion, together with the ballots, being before this Board and it appearing that all of the votes cast at said election are for "Dike District, Yes." NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that said proposed territory be and the same is hereby organized as a Dike District and the same shall hereafter be known as "Dike District No. One, Whatcom County, Washington." It further appears that The Thorsteinson, H.P. Hansen and. Joseph Goodfellow respec- tively received the highest number of votes cast for commissioners for said Dike District and it is therefore ordered that said The Thorsteinson, H.P. Hansen, and Joseph Goodfellow be and the same are hereby declared duly elected dike commissioners of such Diking District and they are hereby authorized to act as such commissioners upon each filing with the County Clerk of Whatcom County, Washington, a good and sufficient bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) conditioned for the faithful performance of their duties as dike commissioners, said, bond to be approved by the undersigned Board of County Commiss- ioners. Done in open session thit',20th day of July, 1914. C.B. Legoe Chairman to It If J. G. Kemper "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "ioners of-Whatcom County " Henry Shagren to State of Washington " Commissioner if It of It It If of " of to it It 11 it Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Monday the 20th day July 1914 DRAINAGE IMP ROVM.,NT DISTRICT NO. 8, WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. This matter coming on regularly for hearing before the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washington, on this 20th day of July, 1914, in the office of said Board at the Court House in said county, the said time and place being the time and place desig- nated in the notice of this hearing. Which said notice was duly given as required by law and as provided by this board as here provided in the order of the Board heretofore enter- ed, and said Board having proceeded with the hearing on the report of the county engineer heretofore filed herein, and all objections thereto, occupying this entire day in such hearing and not having concluded the hearing and it being necessary to adjourn said hear- ing.to another day; It is hereby ordered that said hearing and this matter be and the same is -hereby adjourned until the 27th day of July, 1914 at 10 o'clock A.I. Done in open session of the Board this 20th day of July, 1914. C B Legoe it Chai=an of the 2oard3. "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " " State of Washington " J G Kemper Attest:. Will D Wallace Henry Shagren �.mnai��3s►xi�s' County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000--- ------ IN THE MATTER OF IMPROV121EITT ) ( ORDER ACCEPTING BID OF MOULTON & ALLEN. OF COUNTY ROAD N0. 161 ) and This matter coming on for hearing on this day in accordance with duly published notice WHEREAS, it was found that in said call for bids the road was described as Road No. 311 when it was the intention to call for bids on road No. 161 about 1-- miles north of Road No. 311, but it was thoroughly understood between the County Engineer and all bidders that .#he road intended to be improved is Road No. 101, and WHEREAS, the bids submitted for the improvement of said Road No. 161 were as follows: C W-Moulton and C W.Allen: Lump sum of $870.00 Jacob Hunziker: Lump sum of - - - - - $948,00 Sauset & Moy: bump sum of - - - - - - $980.00 Elwood Warner & Dwight Terry: Lump sum �1410.00 E C Baxter and Co: Lump sum of - - - .41495.00 P D Harkness & Co: Lump sum of - - --N1149.00 WHEREAS, this Board having considered said bids, and finding that the bid of C G Moulton and C W Allen is the lowest and best bid made: IT IS THHREFORE ORDRRED that said bid of C G Moulton and C W Allen be, and same is hereby accepted and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the said C G Moulton and C W Allen for &nd on behalf of What- corn County. And it is further ordered that said contractors shall furnish a syrety bond in sum of $870.00 for the fdi•thful performance of the contract for said worko Done in open session of the Board this 20th day of July, 1914. Attest: Will D Wallace " rr n n rr rr County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " State of Washington " 11 ri It rr It it It it If rl It rl Ir Ir On motion the Board adjourned , to meet , on July 21, 1914. C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry S agren /1-)Qomikissioner Chairman. iiL1.���i� Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 3 3 5' July Term Tuesday the 21st day July 1914 Tuesday, July 21, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on July 20, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COTMISSIONMS, WHAT COM COUNTY, 31ASHINGTON O IN THE MATTER OF THE DRAIN- ) AGE MPROMIMNT DISTRICT ( ORDER ON ENGINEER'S REPORT. (July 21st, 1914.) NO. SINEN OF WHAT CO11 COUNTY. ) On this 21st day of July, 1914, this matter came on for hearing upon the report of the County Engineer, the hearing at this date being pursuant to due notice thereof publish- ed in the manner provided by law, proof of publication of notice of this hearing having been furnished, hereat, all as provided by lawr. There were present at said hearing a large number of owners of property within the Drainage District involved in this matter, many of them being in favor of the Engineer's report as filed and there were also present some who objected and protested in writing against having their property brought within the said Drainage Improvement District No. 7, a written protest being filed by certain owners of property adjacent to lateral ditch No. 1. There were no objections or protests entered against the report of the county engineer oar the damages allowed and assessments shown upon the said report of the said County Engineer. The Board proceeded to hear all pertinent evidence, including evidence offered con- cerning the probable cost of the System and the probable benefits to accrue therefrom, and to hear suggestions relative to the proposed improvement and the benefits to the differ- ent parcels of property, and damages, if any, and proceeded further to the consideration of the preliminary estimates of the engineer as the same appear upon his report concerning the estimated benefits to, the various pieces and parcels of property -vrrithin the said district. The said engineer's report shouts that.the following property owned by John Tracy, to -wit: The North one half (2) of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, Section 30, Township 40 North, Range 2 East: V.M., Whatcom County, Washington. is damages in the sum of 035.00 and benefited in the estimated in the estimated sum of $1000.00, and that the following propewty owned by John Evans Estate, to -wit: The southeast quarter (-J) of the southwest quarter (J) of Section 30 Township 40 North, Range 1 East W.M., 'Whatcom County, Washington, is damaged in the sum of $30.00 and benefited in the estimated sum of $2000.00, and. that the following property owned by F.R. and Hazel Z. Rogers, to -wit: The South one half () of the southeast quarter (h) of Section 25, Township 40 North, Range One East W.M., Whatcom County, Washington, is damaged in the sum of $120.00 and benefited in the estimated sum of $1600.00, and that the following property owned by J.M. Vaughn and Albert Vaughn, to -wit: The southeast quarter (g) of the southwest quarter (J) of Section 25 Township 40 North, Range One East W.M., Whatcom County, Washingtons is damaged in the sum of $120.00 and benefited in the estimated sum of $1600.00, and that the following property owned by Thomas Dahlquist and Amelia Dahlquist, to -wit: The south one half (*) of the south one half (-I) of the southeast quarter (�), Section 26, Township-40 North, Range One East `;J.M., Whatcom County, Washington, is damaged in the sum of $60.00 and benefited in the estimated sum of $1000.00, and that the follyring property owned by R.M. Abraham and Decia Abraham, to -grit: Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. July Term Tuesday the 21st day July 1914 The south one half of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter Section 26, Township 40 North, Range One East 71.M., Whatcom County, Washingtono is damaged in the sum of $50.00 and benefited in the estimated sum of $300.00, and that the following property owned by James A. Porter and Maggie Porter, to -wit: The south one half (*) of the southwest quarter (J) of the southwest quarter O, Section 26, Township 40 North, Range One Eqst W.M., Whatcom County, Washington, is damaged in the sum of $50.00 and benefited in the estimated sum of $100.00. The Board further proceeded to hear suggestions and wishes of those within the said proposed District concerning the manner and within how many years the cost of said improve- ment shall be paid and the prevailing sentiment was in favor of warrants payable in five yearly installments as follows: First year - - - - - - - 100 Second. year - - - - - - 10% Third year - - - - - - - 200 Fourth year - - - - - - 300 Fifth year- - - - _ _ _ 30 0 said warrants to draw interest at the rate of 80 per annum and that the levy of the said assessments be made as provided by Chapt. 176 of the Laws of 1913 of the State of Washing- ton, and the Board after hearing all of the evidence relating to matters contained in said engineer's report and having considered all objections and protests presented this day and being fully advised in .the premises IT IS NOW .ORDERED as follows: That the gross amount of benefits estimated by the said County Engineer in the sum of Seventy-five Thousand Dollars (y$75,000.00) be and the same is hereby approved and adjudged by this Board as the estimate of benefits to accrue by the construction of said drainage system. That the estimate of the County Engineer as to,the damages suffered by and benefits accruing to John Tracy, upon the north one half of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, Section 20, Township 40 North, Range 2 East W M., Whatcom County, -Washington, in the sum of $35.00, and $1000,00 respectively is adjudged as the estimate of this Board. That the estimate of the County Engineer as to the damages suffered by and benefits accruing to John Evans Estate, upon the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, Section 30 Township 40 North, Range Two East VI.M., Whatcom County, Washington, in the sum of $30.00 and $2000.00, respectively, is adjudged as the estimate of this Boardo That the estimate of the County Engineer as to the damage suffered by and benefits accruing .to F.R. Rogers and Hazel Z. Rogers, upon the South one half of the southeast quarter Section 25 Township 40 North Range One East W.M., Yhatcom County, Washington, in the sum of $120.00 and $r1600.00 respectively is adjudged as the. estimate of this Board. That the estimate of the County Engineer as to the damages suffered by and benefits accruing to J.M. Vaughn and Albert Vaughn, upon the Southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, Section 25 Township 40 North Range One East V`I.M., Whatcom County, Washington, in the sum of 1120,00, and �1600.00, Eespectively is adjudged as the estimate of this Board. That the estimate of the County Engineer as to the damages suffered by and benefits accruing to Thomas Dahlquist and Amelia Dahlquist, upon the South one half of the South one half of the Southeast quarter, Section 26, Township 40, North, Range One Fast VI.M., Whatcom County, Washington, in the sum of $60.00,and $1000.00, respectively is adjudged as the estimate of this Board. That the:estimate of the County Engineer as to the damages suffered by and benefits accruing to R.M. Abraham and Decia Abraham upon the South one half od the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, Section 26, Township 40 North, Range One East W.M*, Whatcom County, Washington, in the sum of $50.00 and $300.00, respectively is adjudged as the estimate of this Board. W.O.R. rc+. Record- of Comm- issionersProceedings July Term Tuesday the 21st day July 191 4 That the estimate•of the County Engineer as to the damages suffered by and benefits accruing to James A. Porter and Maggie Porter, upon the South one half'of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, Section 26, Township 40 North, Range One East W.M., Whatcom County, Washington, in the sum of $50.00 and $100.00 respectively is adjudged as the estimate of this Board. It is,further ORDERED that the route and line of survey as returned by the engineer for the main ditch and laterals No. II, III and IV be and the same'are hereby approved and --that the route and line of survey as returned by the engineer for lateral No. I be disapproved and that no construction or further action relative to'said Lateral No. I be had until further hearing be had with reference thereto.. it is further ordered that the report of said County Engineer with the modification as herein noted as to Lateral No. 1 be and the same is hereby approved and confirmed and it further appearing that no other property than that above noted is or will be damaged by reason of said improvement as exhibited upon the report of,the County Engineer, and -that said Drainage System as shown upon said County Engineer's report be and the same and.the whole thereof is hereby established and ordered establi,shed and proceedings henceforth. shall be directed for the acceptance of rights of way for the route of. ditch and laterals all as herein described. • That there is now within said drainage improvement district one main ditch and three laterals; that the main ditch route is described as follows:, Beginning at or near the -southeast corner of the southwest 'quarter of the northwest quarter of the southeast.quarter of Section 30, Township' 40 North, Range 2 East; Thence South 46 Deg. 47' West about 1970 feet to point 30 feet north. of the south line of said Section 30; Thence west'alon& line 30 feet north of and parallel to the said See. line a distance of 3064.3 feet; Thence North 37 Deg. 20' West 374.4 feet; Thetce.North 57 Deg. 42' West 634.1 feet; . Thence South 67 Deg. West 1594.1 feet to point. 30 feet north of the south line of Section 25 Township 40 North'Range l East; The west along line 30 feet north of and parallel to -the south line of Sections 25 and 26 Township 40 North Range One East; 6455 feet to intersection with California Creek at point about 150 feet east -and 30 feet north of the southwest corner of said Section 26; Thence.following .the general course of California Creek northwesterly a distance of about 13300 feet to point about 500 feet west of the center of Section 21, Township 40 North, Range 1 East; That the entire length of said Main Drainage Ditch being approximately 5* miles. Lateral No. I has been eliminated as -above shown. Lateral No. II is described as follows: Beginning at point about 100 feet north and 50 feet east of the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter Section 36 Township 40 North Range One East; Thence North 59 Deg. 02' Nest 1614 feet; Thence North 85 Deg. 55' West 183 feet; Thence north 71 Deg. 25':W&Bt 393.feet; Thence North 81 Deg. 55' West about 300 feet to the easterly right of way line of the Great Northern Railroad; Thence northwesterly along.the easterly side of the Great Northern.Railroad right of way a dis- tance of about 1300 feet to an ,outlet into -the Main Drainage Ditch on south side of Section 26'Township 40 North Range One East. Lateral Noe 2 is approximately One.mile in length. Lateral No. III is described as follows: Beginning at a point about 500 feet east- and 300 feet south of the .northwest corner :of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter Section-25 Township 40 North Range l'East; Thence south 73 Deg. 17' 'Vest 2510 feet-; .. Thence south 47 Deg. 06' W. 310 feet; Thence south 33 Deg. 55' West 615 feet;, Thence south 42 Deg. 25' crest 870 feet; North 73 Deg. 15' West 204 feet; Thence North 77-Deg. 15' West 200 feet; Thence North 48 Deg. 30, West 200 feet;, North 76 Deg. West 200 feet; Thence south 86 Deg. 10'' West 541 feet; Thence North 70 Deg. West 252 feet; Thence south 85 Deg. 15' West 688 feet;. Thence south 13 Deg.. West 416 feet; Thence south 88 Deg.,West 513 feet; Thence south 22 Deg. 45' West 330 feet Thence North 62 Deg. West 489 feet; Thence north 73 Deg. 15' West 268 feet; Thence North 84 Deg. 30' West 367 feet; Thence south 72 Deg. 301 West 336 feet; Thence south 83 Deg. West 200 feet to outlet into California Creek at point about 1200 feet south of the center of Section 27 Township 40 North Range 1 East. Approximate length of Lateral No. 3 is 1i- miles. Lateral No. IV is described as'follows: Beginning at a point 20 feet east of the southwest corner of the Northwest quarter of the southwest quarter Section 23, Township 40 North Range One East; Thence south along line 20 feet east of and parallel to the west line,of-Sections 23 and 26 about 2800 feet to outlet into Lateral No. 3. Length of*Lateral No. 4 is nearly one mile. That said Drainage Improvement,District No'. 7 as adopted and established as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the southeast quarter dithe southwest quarter.Section 32 Township 40 North Range 2 East; Thence South 1-5/8 miles to the southeast corner of the North one 'half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter Section 8--Towrnship K-) 00 W.O. R. nocordt of CommissionersProceedings July Term Tuesday the 21st day July 1914 39 North Range 2 East; Thence Vest mile; Thence north 1/8 mile; Thence.We'st mile, to the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter Section 7 Township 39 North Range 2 East; Thence northwest to the northwest corner of said Section 7; Thenm west * mile; Thence North j mile to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of -the southeast quarter Section 1 Township 39 North Range One East; Thence northwest to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of the northeast -quarter Section 2 Township 39 North Range One East.; Thence northwest to the.northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter Section 35 Township 40 North.Range 1 East; Thence northwest to the center of Section 34 Township 40 North Range 1 East; Thence NortYi 1 Mile; Thence East j mile to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter Section 27 Township 40 North Range One.East; Thence north 1 mile to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, Section 22 Township 40 North Range 1_.. East; Thence East * mile to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter 'of . the, southwest quarter Section 23; Thence south -' mile; Thence East -k mile; Thence South j mile to tle , northwest corner of the northeast quarter Section 26; Thence east l-i-miles to the north- east.corner of lot 1 Section 30 Township 40 North Range 2 East; Thence North * mile; Thence East mile to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter -Section 19; Thence south lj miles to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter Section 30;. Thence East 1/8 mile; Thence southeast to the north- east corner of the south one half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter Sec- tion 31, Thence south 5/8 mile to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter said Section 31 Township 40 North Range 2 East; Thence East * mile to the place of beginning. That said drainage improvement district No. 7 embraces lands and territory wholly within Whatcom County, Washington, being about 3500'acres more particularly described as follows: In Township 39 North, Range 1 East. The East one half, the East one half of the northwest quarter, The northwest quarter of the northwest quarter, The northeast one half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter and the northeast one half of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 1. The northeast one.half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter, Section 2. In Township 39 North, Range 2 East. The west one half of Section 5, All of Section 6. The north one half of the northeast quarter, the north one half of the southeast quarter ' of the northeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, and the northeadt one half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 7. The north three fourths Of -the northwest quarter of Section .8. In Township 40 North, Range One East. East one half of the southeast quarter of section 22. The west one.half of the southwest quarter and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 23. All of Sections 25, 26 and 36, The East one half of the northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of.section 27. The northeast quarter and the northeast one half of the north one half of the southeast quarter of section 34. ' All of section 35 except the southwest one half of the west three fourths of the south one half of the south one half of said section 35. in Township 40 North, Range 2 East. The west one half of the southeast.quarter and the east one half of the southwest quarter of section 19. The west three fourths of section 30. All of section 31 except the.northeast one half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter. The south one half of the southwest quarter of Section 32. It is further ordered that the plan of.assessment to pay the costs of said improve- ment is the best and most feasible method of payment and the evidence of indebtedness for the cost of said improvement shall be warrants payable in five yearly installments as follows: - For the lst year - - - - -10% For the.2nd year - - - - - 10% For the 3rd year - - - - - 20% For the 4thlyear - - - - - 30% For the 5th.year - - - - - 30% Said warrants shall bear interest.at the rate of 8%;per annum, said warrants to be drawn on and paid out of funds hereafter in this matter to be created as provided by. Chapt. .176 of the Laws of 1913 of the State of Washington. It appears that in the construction of said ditch and laterals it will.be necessary to cross property..of owners who have not as yet executed and'delivered to thid County their deeds for rights of way for said main ditch and laterals along the route of said proposed improvement, and it is therefore ordered that C*M. Adams, County Engineer and .Chas. A. Sather, who is and'at all times herein has been attending to the legal work in this matter, be and the same are named as ggents to secure acceptances and deeds.from sulah owners for the purposes of rights of way. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Tuesday the 21st play _ July 1914 Done in open session of the Board this 21st day of July, 1914. C B Legoe Chairman It It n n n u n n n r` "" rr ►► J G Kemper "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "ioners of Whatcom County " Henry Shagren It State of Washington " Commnissioner it it of " of to of it ". to it it it ►r Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board, ----------- ono -----a. --- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Monday, July 27, 1914, Chairman Board C-ou ty Con issioners. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Lionday the 27th day . July W.O.R. 1914 Monday, July 27, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on July 21st 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: IN THE MATTER OF THE ANNEXATION OF PART OF ) ( ORDER CANVASSING THE VOTE AT THE SPECIAL GENEVA TO"INSHIP TO CITY OF BELLINGHAM. ) ELECTION. This matter having been presented to the Board of County Co>>miissioners of Whatcom County, State of '-ashington, on Monday the 27th day of July, A.D. 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. by the Inspector and Judges of the election held in said matter, and the Board having duly examined and canvassed the vote cast at the election together with the publication of notice of the hearing of said election, and the affidavit of Will D. Wallace, Auditor of said County, of the posting of the notices as required by law, does now make this their findings, as follows, to. -wit: First. That the notice of said special election was published in the Journal - Progressive, a newspaper of general' circulation in the City of Bellingham, and also in the County of *lhatcom. State of Washington, for three (3) consecutive weeks, the first publication being had on the loth day of July, 1914, and the last publication on the 24th,, on Saturday Jul yy 25 h 1914, day of July, 1914, which notices provided that special election would be held/t0 determine :whether or not a majority of all the qualified voters residing in the territory proposed to be annexed to the City of Bellingham desired annexation to said city or not, and that the poll books would be open from 12 M, to 7 P.M, and that the voters within said bound- aries should cast their ballot f1r or against annexation. Those desiring to vote for annexation to cast a ballot containing the words "For annexation", and those desiring to vote against annexation to cast a ballot containing the words "Against Annexation" and all voters to use ballots prepared by the Board of County Commissioners. Second. That there is no paper printed or published within the territory proposed to be annexed to the City of Bellingham. Third. That Will D. Wallace did, on the 10th day of July, 1914, post notices of said election in four of the most public places within the boundaries proposed to be annexed as follows, to -wit: One at Barker & Burns Store, one at office of Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills, One on the Larson Road and One at the post office building at Laeson, and th& the said notices remained so posted during the entire period previous to said election, Fourth. That the territory so proposed to be annexed to the said City of Bellingham is described as follows, to -:wit: All that portion of the Northwest quarter of Section Twenty-seven (27) in Township Thirty-eight (38) North, Range Three (3) East of the `Uillamette Meridian, dnd .-Lot.,3ix:J 6) i'n-Section Twenty-two (22) said township and range, described as follows: Beginning at the quarter corner between Sections Twenty-seven (27) and Twenty-eight (28) said Township and Range, which quarter corner is on the East boundary line of the City of Bellingham, Washington; Thence East along the South boundary line of the North- west quarter of said Section Twenty-seven (27) to the intersection of said South boundary line with the government meander line of Lake Whatcom; thence along said gover nnent meander line in a general North-westerly direction to the point of its intersection with the East boundary line of said Section Twenty-eight (28), which last named boundary line is a part of the East boundary of said city of Bellingham; thence South along said East boundary line of said Section Twenty-eight (28) to the place of beginning. Fifth. That the said City of Bellingham is a City of the first class, existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of ';Iashington. Sixth. That the number of votes cast at said special election was thirty (30), and the number of votes cast in favor of annexation was twenty-seven (27), and the number of votes cast against annexation was three (3). NOWT, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered that, the findings above made be, and the same are hereby denlared to be the true findings of all the conditions represented therein, and W.O.R. Record of Coomiss ion6rs' Proceeding's July Term Monday the 27th day Juhy 1914 that the number of votes as stated in said findings for and against said annexation shows that the majority desires that the territory defined herein be.annexed to the City of Bellingham, which territory is defined and described as follows, to -wit: All that portion of the Northwest quarter of Section Twentyseven (27) in Townshi Thirty-eight (38) North, Range Three (3) East of the Willamette Meridian, and Lot Six 6) in Section Twenty-two (22) said township and range, described as follows: Beginning at the quarter corner between Sections -Twenty-seven (27) and Twenty-eight (28) said Township and Range, which quarter corner is on the East boundary line of the City of Bellingham, Washington; thence East along the South boundary line of the North- west quarter of said section Twenty-seven (27) to the intersection of said South boundary line with the government meander line of.Lake Whatcom; thence along said government meander line in a general North-westerly direction to the point of its intersection with the East boundary line of said Section Twenty-eight,(28),.khich last named boundary line is a part of the East boundary of said city of Bellingham; thence South along said East boundary line of said Section Twenty-eight (28) to the place of beginning. The above described property does not lie within the corporate limits of any incor- porated City or Town of the State of Washington, but does lie outside of such corporation contiguous to the City of Bellingham and within the County of Whatcom, State of Washing- ton; and that by reason of the majority of votes cast at said election in favor of annexa- tion the findings are hereby declared to be the true and correct findings,.and that the same shall forthwith be transmitted to and filed -with the City Clerk of the City of Belling- ham, together witha certified abstract of the votes cast at said election, which abstract shall shots the whole number of electors voting at such election, the number of votes cast for annexation and the number of votes cast against annexation. Done in open session of the Board this 27th day of July, 1914. to 11 11 'It It 11 It It It' It 1/ 11 It " "Board of County Commiss- " "inners of-Whatcom County " to State of Washington " fill of 11 .it . 11 11 " 11 11 tl li . tl 11 Attest: C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J.G. Kemper Commissioner, Henry Shagren Commissioner Will D Wallace Uounty Auditor and Clerk of the Board. 00OF--------- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. State of. Washington, ss. County of Whatcom. ) Andrew G. Gordon, being duly sworn, says: That he is the business manager of The Journal -Progressive, a newspaper printed and published at the City of Bellingham, in Whatcom County, State of Washington, and that said newspaper during all times mentioned herein is and was a newspaper published.once a week as a weekly newspaper, and is and was a newspaper of general circulation in said county and State, and that the annexed is a true and correct copy,of the Notice of Election as it was published in the regular and entire issue of said paper and not in supp..lement.form thereof for. a period of three conse- cutive weeks, commencing on the ,loth day of July,. 1914, and ending on the 24th day of July,- 1914, and that said newspaper was regularly distributed to its said subscribers during all of said period, and was published in said newspaper proper and not in supplement form. Andrew G. Gordon Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of July, 1914. C.E. Abrams It It It if It It 11 to 11 11 If 11 if it Notary Public in and for the State of "C E Abrams, Notary Public" Washington, residing at Bellingham, in "State of Washington. Comm=' said county. "ission Expires Ilec 7, 190711 11 11 11 11 it 11 tl It I1 It 11 11 11 It It (attached is copy of notice of -election} as recorded on page 306 this vol. )) ------ 000---------- W.O.R. es Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July- Term Monday the 27th play July 1914 State of Washington, ) County of Whatcomo WILL Do WALLACE, on oath deposes and says: That he is now and at all times herein mentioned 'ivas a citizen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years and compe- tent to be a witness before any court; that he is the duly elected, qualified and acting Auditor of Whatcom County, Washington, and as such the ex-officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washington. That on the loth day of July, 1914, he posted four copies of notices of election of which the annexed -notice is a copy, in four oublic places within the boundaries of that part of Geneva Township proposed to be annexed to the City of Bellingham, as described in the annexed notice; • That one of said notices was posted publicly at the Larson Postoffice Building at Larson, Washington, the same being the place where the election mentioned in said notice is to take place., of It tr it it of of n n to It to it u will D Wallace County Auditor and Ex-officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washington. Subscribed and sworn to -before the this loth day of July, 1914 / F.W. Moses County Clerk and Clerk of the Superior Court of Whatcom County, It it of It it it n n of If to to It 11 rr It It It if Washington. "The Superior Court, Whatcom ounty tt t' 'S3tabba9fr-.41ashington. Seal " to n n n +r n It o n n rr o tt It'll is to It If (Attached is copy of 11oti ce of Election (as recorded on page 306 of this vol. ---------- o00---------- / CONTRACT. ✓ This Agreement, made and entered into in triplicate this 27th day of July, A.D. 1914. between Whatcom County, State of`Washington, hereinafter called the County, and C.E. Moulton and C.%11. Allen hereinafter called the contractor, PJITNESSETH: That the said contractor, in consideration of the sums hereinafter specified,'be paid to them by the said Wh.atcom County, in the manner and at the time hereinafter provid- ed, and in consideration of other covenants and agreements, herein contained .by the said parties, agrees to and with said Whatcom County: 1. That the contractor will perform and furnish under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County,Washington, and in conformity to the laws of the State of Washington, all the work and material included in the clearing, grubbing and grading of: portion of Co Road No. 161 from its intersection with Co. Road No. 319 westerly about 2400 feet, and that the contractor will furnish all material necessary, and perform all labor in the manner, and of the kind and class of work and material, and manner of doing said work, and in all other respects strictly accofding to the maps, plans and specifications thereof furnished by the County Engineer of said County and on file in his office; said maps, plans and specifications being agreed to be a part of this contract with the same force and effect as though the same were fully inserted herein. Said work to be done under the supervision and direction of the County Engineer and to be approved by him and the Board of County Commissioners. In case of any disagreement or misunderstanding in respect to these specifications or the performance of the work, the matter shall be referred to the Board of County Commissioners, whose W.O.R. 43) ecord . of Commissioners'Proceedings July Term Monday the 27th day Julv 1914 decision shall be final. In case of improper construction or noncompliance with the contract or specifications in any manner, upon recommendation of the County Engineer, the Baard of County Commission- ers may suspend said work at any time and may order the partial or entire reconstruction of said work if improperly done, or declare the contract forfeited, and may then re -let or complete the same, and adjust the difference of damage or price, if any there be,. which the contractor shall pay to the County accor ding to the just and reasonable amount there- of. 2. Said work is to be fully completed on or before the 1st day of October, 1914, and if not done within the time specified the contractor agrees to pay to the County $5.00 for each and every day that the work remains uncompleted beyond such time, such amount hereby being agreed upon as liquidated damages of a reasonable amount for such delay, and to be deducted by the county from the final estimate allowed the contractor. 3. Additional time for completion of work under this contract must be applied for in writing by the contractor, and shall be granted only on order by the Board of County Commissioners entered in regular session, and upon the further condition that the sureties on the contractor's bond shall not be released thereby. 4. Said County agrees to make payment of the sum agreed to be paid in the following manner; warrants will be drawn on the Road and Bridge fund of said County according to the final estimate furnished by the County Engineer and approved by..the County Commission- ers, as provided in the specifications and prices inserted therein. Partial payments based upon the County Engineer's estimates, made from time to time, may be made not to exceed sixty per cent* of such estimates. 5. No liability shall attach to the County by reason of entering into this contract except as specially provided herein. The contractor hereby assumes all risks and liabili- ties for accidents or damages that may occur to persons or.property.during the prosecution of the work. It is understood that the whole of the work is to be done at the contractorls risk and he'is to assume the responsibility of risk and all damage done to the work from any cause whatsoever prior to the final acceptance by the Board of County Commissioners of all work to be done hereunder, and partial payments shall not diminish the liability here- under. 6. The contractor shall not let, assign'nor„ transfer this contract, or any interest therein, without the written consent of the'Board of County Commissioners. 7. It is understood that final payment shall be made within 30 days after this contract -is completely finished and the work accepted; provided,'that in each of the said cases the contractor shall give the Board of County Commissioners good and sufficient evi- dence that the Road is free from all liens and claims chargeable to the said contractor on account thereof; and further, that if at any time there shall be any lien or claim for which, if established, the county, or said Road,' might be made liable and which would be chargeable to the contractor the County shall have the right to retain out of any payment then due or thereafter to become due said contractor an amount sufficient to completely, indemnify it against such lien or claim until the same shall be effectually satisfied, dis- charged, or cancelled. And should there prove to be any'such claim adter all payments are made the contractor shall refund to the County all moneys that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging any lien on said premises, or paying any indebtedness therefor made obligatory in consequence of the contractor's default. Provided, this shall not in any manner be construed a release of the conditions of the contractor's bond. 8. No certificate given or payment made under this contract except the final certik- fi-cate or finalL payment, ' shall be conclusive evidence of the performance of ` this contract 6y /" W.O.R Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term I,11onday th0 27th day July 1914 either wholly or in part agaibstlany.,-:.claigi of�'slthe County, and no payment shall be constru- ed to be an acceptance of any defective work. 9. The contractor shall within five (5) days after notice of being awarded the con- tract, furnish a good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of $870.00, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract and as provided by law, -.which bond shall not be vitiated or affected by extension of time for completion of this contract, or alteration, or modification in line, grade or plans of said workp and no liability shall attach to the County, .unless such bond be furnished. 'IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said County executes this contract by its Board of County Comm- issioners, and the contractor does sign and seal the same the date herein first above mentioned. it " tt " It if. to it •" " it to " to ��Board of..County Commi ss- " loners of Whatcom County " It State of Washington " of It It of it of of it . to n of to it of Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk ---------- coo ---------- In the Fatter of Surety Bond C.B. Legoe Chairman J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner C.E. Moulton C .W. Allen Contractors. of Charles E. Moulton and ) Order Approving Bond. Clinton W. Allen, Co -Partners. It is ordered by this Board that the surety bond of Charles Be Moulton and Clinton V1. Allen, Co -Partners, given by the American Surety Company of New York, for $900.00, covering contract for improvement .of county Road No. 161, be, and same is hereby approved. Lone in open session of the Board this 27th day of July, 1914. C.B. Legoe C�gLrman of the Board It It of tt n n a u tt " u n " tt J.G. Kemper "Board of County ommiss- " Commissioner "ioners of Whatcom .County " Henry Shagren of State of Washington " Commissioner to It If If n u to n"" to It it to Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 81), j 0 RDER. ',MTCOII COUNTY, WASHINGTON. This Matter coming on for hearing before the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washington, on the 20th day of July, 1914, in the office of said Board, ' at the Court douse of said County, the said time and place being the time and place designated in the Notice of this hearing, which said Notice was duly given as required by Law and as provided in the Order of this Board heretofore duly entered, and said hearing having been continued to this 27th day of July,.1914, the said Board now proceeds with.the hearing on the Report of the County Engineer heretofore filed herein, and all objections thereto, and the said Board having concluded said hearing upon the evidence presented, and . being fully advised in the premises: It is hereby Ordered by the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washing- ton, that the said Drainage Improvement District No. 8 of '.lhatcom County, Washington, be, and the.same is, hereby established, and the boundaries thereof, be, and the same are, W.O:R. G B r' 9 n.ocor . of uommissioors Proceedings July Termt�rsav IF I the 27th day July 1914 hereby determined and fixed as follows: Beginning at the center of Section 28, in Tp. 39 N. Range 2 East in Whatcom County, Washington; thence South along the quarter -section line, 2 miles to the intersec- tion with County Road No. 35; thence Southwesterly along the line of said County Road No. 35, to the Northwest corner of -the Southwest quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 4, Tp. 38 N. Range 2 East; thence South 660 feet; ,thence West 660 feet;, thence South 1320 feet; thence Vest 660 feet; thence South 660 feet, to the Southeast corner of the North- east quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 8, Tp. 38, North, Range 2 East; thence; Uest 660 feet; thence South 660 feet; thence West 330 feet; thence South 660 feet, to the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the,Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 8; thence West along the center line of said Section 8 to the East bank of the Nooksack River; through Sections 8, 5, 32, 31 and 29, Townships 38 and 39, xange 2 East, to an intersection with the East and West center line of said Section 29; thence East about 1' miles to the place of beginning. It is further hereby Ordered that the Route and termini'of said.proposed Improvement be, and the same are, hereby fixed as follows - PAIN DITCH- Beginning at a point about 250 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 32, Township 39, N. Range 2 East W X thence South 18 degrees East 308 feet;l thence South 29 degrees 26' E. 945 feet; thence. South 20' East 562 feet; thence South 56 degrees 55' East 480 feet; thence South 32. degrees 101 East 900 feet; to the line between Sections 32 and 33, Township 38, N. Range 2 East; thence South 1 degree and 55' East 3373 feet, along the Section line; thence South 20 degrees 50t West 475 feet; thence South 41 degrees 20' West 660 feet; thence South 23 degrees 50' 'Nest 660 feet; thence on a curve to the left of 716.8 feet radius a distan ce of 255 feet; thence on a curve to the left of 256.3 feet radius a distance of 310 feet; thence on a curve to the left of 716.8 feet, radius a distance of 255 feet; thence South 89 degrees 43' East 210 feet; thence on a curve to the right of 330 feet radius a distance of 530 feet; thence South 1 degree `lest 1070 feet;; thence South 29 degrees 40' 'Test 1020 feet; thence South 26 degrees Vlest 558 feet; thence South 30 degrees 250 West 1390 feet; thence South 37 degrees 'Jest 253 feet; thence South 21 degrees 251 West 1153 feet; thence South 42 degrees 30' Test 300 feet, to outlet in Slough at a point about 400 feet east of the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 8, township 38 N. Range 2 East. LATERAL "A"- Beginning at the point where the present tile drain running Southwesterly across the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 39 North, of Range 2 East empties into the Slough near the center of the South'half of said Northeast quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 32, and thence in a straight line to,an outlet into the Main Drainage Ditch at a point 10 feet. North of the intersection of said 21ain Drainage Ditch with the South line of the Northeast Quarter of the. Northeast quarter of said Section 32. And that no other Laterals be constructed at this time. It is further hereby Ordered that the Lateral "A" in this order provided for shall be constructed by burying an eight inch tile instead of using an open Ditch therefor. It is further Ordered that dikes across sloughs leading off from the Nooksack River into said Drainage District be, and the same are, hereby located as follows: Dike No. 1- Near the center of Lot 4, Section 32, Township 39 North, Range 2 East. Dike No. 2- In the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter,of Section 5, Township 38 North, Range 2 East. Dike No. 3- Year the center of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 5, Dike No. 4- In the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 80 Township 38 North, Range 2 East. ecor°d of, Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Monday the 27th day July 1914 It is further Ordered that Bridges be constructed across Drainage Ditches in said District as follows: One (1) across Main Ditch on land owned by Stimson Kill company. One (1) across Main Ditch on land owned by Bjorni Gil.gsen. One (1) across Main Ditch on land owned by W.H. Pemberton. It is further ordered by the'Board, that the plans for the said proposed Drainage. System, as set out in the report, plat or map, and schedule filed with the Clerk of this Board, the Auditor of said Whatcom County, Ytay 22, 1914, be amended and changed as herein - above and, in the schedule hereinbelow specified, and that as so amended and changed, be, and. the same are, hereby adopted as the plans for the construction of the said Drainage System. It is further ordered by the Board that the cost of the said improvement be paid by assessment upon the property benefited, and that the property benefited is the property anJ all of the property within said District, and that said property is described as follows: In Township 39 North, Range 2 East, W.M., in Is7hatcom County, tilashington: The Southwest quarter of Section 28; all of Sections 30, 31 and 32 East of the Nooksack River; all of the South half of Section 29 East of the Nooksack River; the West half of Section 33. In Totirnship 38 North, Range 2 East, in said County The Northwest.quarter of Section 4; the Northwest half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 4; the Northvrest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 4; the Borth half of the South,. -test quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 4; the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 4; the Northwest quarter of the Northwest of the Northwest quarter of Section 9; all of Section 5 lying east of the ZTooksack River; all of the North half of Section 8 lying East of the Nooksack River except the East half of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter and the East half of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter. It is further ordered that such assessment bear interest until paid at the rate of eight per cent (8%) per annum, and such assessment shall be distributed over the period of five (5) years, the first installment thereof to be assessed the first year in the sum of ten per cent (lOf) of such total assessment, and the second installment thereof to be assessed for the second year.in the sum of fifteen per cent (150) of such total assessment; the third installment thereof to be assessed for the third.year.in the sum of twenty-five per cent (250) of such total assessment; the fourth installment thereof to be assessed for the fourth year in the.sum of twenty9five per cent (25%) of such total assessment; and the fifth installment thereof to be assessed for the fifth year in the sum of tvienty- five per cent (25%) of such total assessment; and the evidence of indebtedness for the cost of said improvement shall be warrants issued to correspond with the said installments of said assessment,, and to bear interest at the rate of eight per cent (80) per annum. It is further ordered that the Schedule of property, damages and benefits heretofore filed by the County Engineer and being a part of his Report, be, and the same is hereby - amended so that the items therein shall read as follows, to -wit: W.O.R. P'" � necord of -Commissioners', Proceedings � � .' o nJuly Term Monday the 27 th day Jul 1914 SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY DAMAGE) AND BEN +' ITED. Description E'j of SE4 of Syli W 389 feet of NVl4 of NEJ E 38 acres of NA of NEi North -,' of N1;Q' ; SE4 of 11E4 and Lots 9 and- 10 West of s-14- Lot 1 Nw-4 of NVI4 SV14- of NWT SE4 of NE -I East 3 of SEi North 45 rods of NEJ ?l"orth of NEh; N Il . of S +'4 of IdEg, and SVI-4 of NE 1 Sec- Torun No of tion ship flange Acres Owner I, the undersigned own• er of the ro ert opposite 1rviici have signed my name accept ana agree to tie esti GrossGrossmated amount of bene- fits and damages that tijill accrue to my pro ages fits perty b reason of th oroposedd improvement. 29 39 N 2 E� 32 .39 N 2 E 32 T.L&HY F NEILSON $40. $1000. 32 39 N 2 E 38 C HUMC'HREYS 40. 1500, 32 39 IT 2 E 200. H 0 HOVANDER 250. 5500, 33 39 N 2 E 80. OLYMPIC PORTLAND Cement Co. 55. 2000. 5 38 N 2 E 4 38 N 2 E 80. STIMSON MILL CO. 65. 2600. 4 38 N 2 E 40. J.G HYATT 10. 825. 5 38 IT 2 E 40. BJORNI GILSAEN 70. 1125. 5 38 N 2 E 80. W H P11MERTON 155, 1500. 8 38 N 2 E 25. A.H ZANE 40. 600., 8 38 N 2 E 60. A J 'LANE 100. 1500. Totals - - 675 acres $825.w18150. And it appearing to the Board of County Commissioners that the owners .of the property to be damaged by the said proposed improvements have not accepted and agreed to the daraa- ges,estimated by the Engineer or fixed by this Board, it is hereby Ordered that C.M. Adams, County Engineer of VIhatcom County, Washington, and C.H. Hurlbut an Attorney of the firm of Hurlbut & Neal, be, and they are, hereby appointed as Agents to secure acceptances and deeds from the owners of property to be damaged in case the same can be procured. It is further hereby Ordered that if Deeds for the Right of ';lay necessary for the con- struction* of the said proposed Drainage District cannot be secured, the firm of HURLBUT & N+'AL acting as Prosecuting Attorney in this matter, is hereby directed to institute pro- ceedings in the Superior Court for Whatcom County, Washington, for the determination of the damages to be sustained and the condemnation of any property the title to which or the right to damage which has not been acquired upon demand being made of the owner of such property to execute and deliver a deed for such Right of Way, and the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to. furnish said Attorneys with a certified copy of such proceedings, of the Board as they shall require. It is further hereby Ordered by the Board that the said improvement be made in accord- ance with the provisions of Chapter 176 of the Session Laces of 1913 of the State of Wash- ington. Dated this 27th day of July, A.D. 1914. It 11 it 11 /1 11 11 it 11 It If It 11 1/ "Board of County Commiss- " "i orlers of '11111a;t com County " if State of Washington " It n to 11 n It of it If it It it It n' Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor of 71hatcom County, Washington, and Ex-Offi cio. Clerk of the Board of County Commiss- ioriers. C.B. Legoe Chairman J.G. Kemper Member Henry Shagren I.Tember --=-- o0o---------- Cn motion the Board adjourned to meet on Monday August 3, 1914. rman 0 -1- v W.O.R. Record: of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term i,1nnd afir the 3rd day lltxaust 1914 I.ionday, August 3, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjourrunent taken on July 27, 1914. Present, C.B. Legoe, Chairman; J.G. Keraper and Henry Shagren, Cormnissioners; 17ill D. Wallace, Clerk of the .Board in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceed- ings had. CURIH:I4`1' • XPEITSE FUED . Will D .'lallace Salary as County Auditor. 158.33 August Engquist Salary as Chief Deputy Auditor 100.00 S B Barrett Salary as Deputy Auditor 100.00 F C 1dartin do 75.00 Lucy E King Salary as Chief Recorder 75.00 M. Thomas Salary as Recorder 65.00 Jessie :''alters do 65.00 Jennie T Eddy do 65.00 C B Legoe Salary as County Comnissioner 150.00 J G Kemper do 150.00 Henry Shagren do 150.00 Delia L Keeler Salary as Supt. Co. Schools 150.n0 Ethel : Ver.e4LA1,; Salary as Dep. Supt. Co. Schools 90.00 D: `,'J.Featherkile Salary as Dfustir..e of the Peace 100.00 Henry C Beach do 100.00 Harrison Cowden Salary as Constable 60.00 F E '4man Salary as Probation Officer 75.00 Mrs Bessie Cline do 50.00 0 E 'Beebe Salary as County Physician 83.33 H Thompson Salary as Coroner 83.33 Hector Gaviley Salary as Janitor 85.00 +'d E Hardin Salary as Superior Judge 125.00 'dilliam H Pemberton do 125.00 F W Moses Salary as County Clerk 158.33 Alithea Adams Salary as Deputy Co Clerk 100.00. Geo tar Cook do 100.00 Frank 'dJ Bixby Salary as Prosecuting Attorney 158.33 71 A Martin Salary as Dep. _Prose Attorney 100.00 Maybelle Bryan Salary as Stenogrgpher for Pros. Attorney. 75.00 Nellie C Rogers Salary as County Treasurer 166.66 F L Olslager Salary as Deputy Co Treasurer 100.00 John Fernley Salary as Bookkeeper for Co 'treasurer 90.00 Gage A Pence Salary as Clerk for Co Treasurer 80.00 Olive 1;1ilson do 80.00 Agnes Nedrud do 5 days 12.50 Goo H Vat ro us do 11 . " 33.00 II D LcArthur Salary as County Assessor 125.00 Jas Elder Salary as Dep Assessor 80.00 F.1d Carver do 75.00 11 R George do 75.00 David 'rJurtenberg Salary as Clerk for Assessor 75.00 Gordon L. @Jhitconib do' 23 days 66.35 Winfield Ervin do 75.00 Alex Van 4`Jyck Salary -is Field Dep Assessor 96.00 C Y Adams Salary as Eounty Engineer 158.'33 C E Phoenix Salary as Dep Co Engineer 102.50 Carl"McCoy Salary as Draughtsman 104.00 H C Swettenam Salary as Chairman for Engineer 67.50 F McElmon Salary as Inspector for Co Engineer 50.00 E C 'Lyle Salary as Transitman for Co Engineer 65.00 Jack Adams Salary as Chainman for' Co Engineer 58.75 P.H. Renswald Salary as Axman for Co Engineer 1.25 James Goheen Salary as Chaiiunan for Co Engineer 27.50 Howard Ha,nbloom do 15.00 P G Cooke Salary as Transitman for Co Engineer 125.00 Clay Cooke Salary as Chainman for Co Engineer 50.00 L A Thomas Salary as Sheriff 158.33 L J Flanagan Salary as Dep Sheriff 80.00 .'itilson Stewart do 80.00 U B Byland Salary as Jailer 60.00 C C King Salary as Supt. County Home 60.00 19 B King Salary as Matron at Co Home 25.00 Nettie Smith Salary as Cook at Co Home 45.00 L++'sther Bailey Salary as Nurse at Co Horse 25.00 John Calling. Salary as Teamster at Co Home 30.00 H J Hurst Salary as Laborer at Co Home 5.00 George Slater Salary as Guard for Prisoners at Co home 60.00 Estate of John S Smith, Dec'd. Salary of"John S Smith as Dep Assessor 12 days in June 42.00 Hugh Eldridge Stamped Envelopes for Auditor 42.72 & Comrs. 53.40 Puget Sodnd:,T#-L & P Co Gas &. Elect Light for July 30.50 Glen Truitt Services to Co Clerk 40.00 Hugh J McDonald Grading Exam. Papers 8.50 Dorothy Wallace do 10.00 Eagan Ridenour Transcripts etc for Clerk 33.40 & Aud 14.40 47.80 John McCue Insp & Mil a/c Geneva Annexation Election 4.00 Thomas Scott Judge a/c Geneva Annexation Election 3.00 Florence De`flitt do 3.00 Brisbin, Smith & Livesey Ins. Premium on 19aldron Block 16.90 R B Stuart do 16.90 W V Alexander, Auditor Skagit Co. Use of 71eights & Iuleasures Equipment 10.00 Ole Paulson Cruising Timber 291.07. %'fill D Wallace Ilfoney advanced in payment to State for recording copy or organization of Pt Roberts Dike District 5.00 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Jul;r Term I. onday the 3rd day August 191 John -14 Aitken . Leslie Jones J L Lee J N Pratt Bloedel-Donovan Lumber Bills Northwest Hdvi. Co Pittman & Douglass C. Tollard Sarah Foster GA", PROTECTION FUND, Salary & Expense as Game Jarden Salary & Expense as Dep Game '.'Warden do Labor dt Fish Hatchery Lumber for Fish Hatchery Hdw. for Fish Hatchery Freight -on Lumber for Fosh Hatchery Gasoline for Fish Hatchery SOLDIERS' RELIEF FUND. Relief ROAD AND BRIDGE FU11D . 114.90 86.25 66.70 12.00 14.67 3.78 13.75 7.50 12.00 C A Scrimsher Operating I1arietta .Ferry 50.00 G H Abers Tending Ferndale Bridge 5.00 ---------- 000---------- / The applications of J C Peeples for license to operate two pool tables at Deming, and of Vim Martineau for license to operate two pool tables at Glacier, were endorsed ".Granted" by the Board. ---------- 000---------- In the I1atter of Accepting Insur- j Order Accepting. ante Policies on daldron Block. WHEREAS, certain insurance policies on Waldron Block have expired and this Board has secured renewals thereon for a period of one year payable to Irlhatcom County, as follows: Connecticut Fire Insurance Co: Brisbin, Smith & Livesey, Agents; policy #90812 for 4`11000.00; Expires at noon July 24, 1915. Colonial: R B Stuart, Agent; Policy #61199 for $1000.00; Expires at noon July 11, 1915 NO'U, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered that said policies be and same are hereby accept- ed, subject to the right of cancellation by this Board in the future, for any cause that this Board might deem proper. ?Done in open session of the Board this 3rd day of August, 1914. II I1 n 11 11 11 11 11 I " u n it" "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcoia County " " State of Washington " 11 $I 11 11 11 It It 11 11 It 11 It 1/ 1/ Attest: "Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board.. ---- _-_---000---------- C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board. J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner r The minutes of the July session viere.read and approved this day. On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, Au/gust 4. 1914. Chairman Board County 'ommissioners Attest: Ae� County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C�l ,,F", e) "3 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings W.0.R. July Term Tuesday the 4th day August 1914 Tuesday, August 4, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on August 3, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following; claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE I! URD . 0 N Munn Salary "; Expense as Dep Co Engineer 1' G Cooke Expense as Dep Co Engineer Charles B Phoenix Expense as Dep Co Engineer Harrison Cowden Expense as Constable C C King hxpense as Supt Ro Hopie U J Pynor Groceries for Co Iiome Farmers ideret Co Groceries etc for Co Home Laurel Co -Operative Creamery Asscn.Butter for Co Home Loyal Dairy Co do Central Puarge t Yeat for Co Horne E. Edson I.iedicine etc for Co Home Ferndale Dept Store Powder etc for Co Home Pickering Haw. Co Plumbing Repairs at Co Home B B Furniture Co Dishes etc for Co Home Peerless Furniture Co Dishes etc. for Co Home L A Sprague Township Maps for Assessor ---------- 000---------- The July report of C.C. King, Supt. County Horne, was endorsed "Approved" by the Board. ------- 000-- ------ In the utter of Bids for the Construction ) or Deconstruction of a 100 feet span and 300 foot approach across the Middle Fork of ) Order Postponing Opening. the Nooksack River, in the N1,11 of SW4 of Section 13, Township 38 North, Range 3 East, 13.00 30.95. 28.70 3.15 17.00 67.45 155.70 13.50 22.00 48.07 21.10 8.15 9.05 9.25 29.40 24.75 This matter coming on for hearing on this day according to the duly published call for bids for the construction of the above mdntioned approach and bridge, and ,'1HIEREAS, at the hour advertised for the opening of said bids this Hoard was necessard- ly detained in the inspection of the Hannegan Road now in process of construction, and were unable to return in time to open and properly consider said bids, IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the opening of said bids above mentioned be, and same is hereby postponed until 1:30 o'clock P.M. on �:lednesday, August 5, 1914. Done in open session of the Board this 4th day,of August, 1914. C.B. Le goe rr of to of It to it to to It of It It " Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- " J.G. Kemper "ioners of ';lhatcom County" Commissioner it State of Washington " henry Shagren it to of It " to it to It of It of It it Commissioner Attest: ,Till D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- In the i:iatter of Appointment of ) ( order Appointing. Poundmasters in Nooksack Township. ) ',11HEREAS, Nooksack Townnship has determined to erect pounds in said township, and the Board of Supervisors have recommended the appointment of A E Watson, Clearbrook; R I Tanned Sumas; C Morgan, Sumas; Lloyd Gargett, Sumas; Nate Harkness, Everson; to serve as pound - masters therein, NOW, THEIIU 'ORE, it is ordered by this Board that said A E Vlatson, R I Tanner, C. 1-(organ, Lloyd Gargett and Nate Harkness, be and they are hereby appointed Poundmasters for Nooksack Township. Done in open seocion of the Board this 4th day of August, 1914. C.B. Leg oe of It to it n n if it it it It of to tr Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commi.ss- " J.G. Kemper "ioners of '4hateom County " Commissioner It State of 'dashin-ton " Henry Shag -en to of r► if n of n to it tt'orr n e u Commissioner Attest: 'dill D 'dallace, County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. W.O.B. Record of, ComfWssioners'. Proceedings 351 July Term Tuesday the 4th day August 191 4 ✓' In the Fatter of Appointment of ) (Order_ Accepting Resignation of V1 H Easterbrook and Overseer Dist #l, Nooksack Twp. ) Appointing T J Ward. VMEREAS, .IW H Hasterbrook, Overseer in Dist #1 Nooksack Township, has filed with this Board his resignation as such Overseer, and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of said township have recommended the appointment of T J 'Ward to fill the vacancy caused by said resignation, NOVA 'THEREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that the resignation of said W H Easter - brook as. Overseer in Dist #1, Nooksack Township, be and same is hereby accepted arld IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that T J Ward'be, and he hereby is appointed as Overseer in Dist #1 Nooksack Township, to act as such until the next regularly elected Overseer shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Board this 4th day of August, 1914. of "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of .Whatcom County " of State of Washington " 41 If of if it It if to to of it If It "" Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner The application of Chas F Gifford for license to operate one pool table (the first table) in the town of Point Roberts, was endorsed "Granted" by the Board. 0--------- 000------ -- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on August 5, 1914. rman boara uo`anty uorAais si oners. s�t W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings r„iv Term "Iednesday the StY, day August 1914 Wednesday, August 5, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on August 4, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: Nellie C Rogers Dr 0 E Beebe F E Wyman :Irs Bessie Cline C G '.'linemiller C H Wait B B Grocery Co East End Grocery Fischer & Isaacs Corner Grocery Fairhaven Cash Grocery Brown & Cole Mr Baker Grocery Ennen, Goodman & Co T S Berkeley Co 'Ohite & Burton Edwin Peterson Wilson & Brown Golden Rule Store Danielson & Runolfson Mrs A C Graveline Mollie Petersen Victor A Roeder R L Kline A H Montgomery Dr S H Johnson Dr G R Bice Dr S S Howe St Luke's Hospital St Joseph's Hospital E S Clark Red Cross Pharmacy Owl Pharmacy The Weiser Drug Co Everson Valley Home Pelegren & Margin Irene Metevier it 'ff Drake Florence E Wright Mrs 71 A Smith - Louis C Flick F W Moses, Co Clerk CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. P 0 Box Rent & Express paid as Co Treas. Expense & Bond Prem. as Co Physician Expense as Probation Officer do Care of Juvenile Prisoners Care of Juvenile Prisoners Groceries for Sanford et al Groceries for Anne Trove Groceries for Adams Groceries for Bloomstrom Groceries for R M Johnson Groceries for: Tabor Groceries for Jackson et al Groceries for Burch & Johnson Groceries for 11ancy Rogers Groceries for Goodrian et al Groceries for D Hendrickson Groceries for Jas Bainter Groceries for Brand & McLellan Groceries for Eastman et al Board of Mapley & Schaunessy, Co Patients Care of Mrs Bjorndahl House rent for Mrs Neal House rent for Tabor Wood for Adams Assisting Co Physician do do Care of Co Patients do do Medicine for Co Patients do do Printing Quarantine Cards Clothes for Burial of Indigent Reg. Births & Deaths in Dist 1 do Dist #2 do Dist #3 do Dist #5 do Dist #6 ...1...-2IARRIAGE-CERTIFICATE FUND. Recording Marriage Certificates 2.21 9.50 57.00 3.50 11.00 1.OD 18.80 10.00 2,7.90. 15-.15 6.15 5.00 11.00 28.05 10.10 10.00 10.00 7.50 36.00 39.15 33.60 31.00 20.00 5.00 2.00 10.00 9.00 50.00 120.00 91.00 31.00 20.55 4.95 9.35 7.50 10.00 7.25' 7.00 1.75 10.25 1.75 41.00 ---------- 000---------- The Board refused the claims of Dr W 7.1 Ballaine for 4)15.00 for assisting Co Physician and �Un Drug Co. for 08.25 for Tred.icine for Mrs Kuhns. ---------- 000---------- In the Matter of Bids for the Construction or Reconstruction ) of a 100 foots Span and 300 foot Approach across the Uiddle ( Order Taking Bids Under Fork of the Hooksack River in the NIJJ of S%11-1 of Section 13, ) Cdnsi&eration. Township 38 North, Range 5 E. W.M. This matter corning on for hearing on this day in accordance with the order of post- ponment dated August 4, 1914, and the Board having opened and considered said bids and deeming it advisable to take said bids under consideration until August 6, 1914, IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that said bids above mentioned be, and same are hereby taken under consideration until August 6, 1914 at which time action will be taken on same. Done in open session of the Board this 5th day of August, 1914. C.B. Leg oe it It It to It to of It it It " of " " Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- " J.G. Kemper "ioners of ti'lhatcom County " Commissioner It State of Washin ;ton " Henry Shagren if " to it to If 11 of It to it It it It Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, August 6, 1914. Chairman Board County Co nissioners. W.O.R. ecor d of Commissioners' Proceedings Julv Term Thursdav the 6th day August 191 Thursday, August 6, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on August 5, 1914. Present, all members of tl:e Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: P W Jessup I L Cade L A Thomas Griggs Sta. & Prtg Co. E T Mathes Book Co. Selby-Ilarri s Co The Journal -Progressive The Lynden 'Tribune T H Flood & Cc ;7m Baxter France Larson's Livery & Trf. F J Barlow Diehl & Simpson do wlhatcom County Abstract Co. north%,est Ildw. Cp CURIENT EXPENSE FIRM. Services as Dep Sheriff do Expense as Sheriff Supplies for Eng 1.10 & Gen Offices 3.95 Supplies for Cc Supt. Supplies for Co Offices County Publishing per contract Publishing for County Latin Books for Pros. Attorney Subscription to Late ldagazine for Judge Livery for Const 2.50 & Prob Officer 5. Auto hire to Sheriff 15. & Phy 18. Auto hire to Sher 28.-Lng 43.-Assessor 6.50- Coroner Be & Physician 8.50 Supplies, Repairs & Driving Cc Auto Daily Rep. of R E Trfs to Assessor Supplies for Aud .90-0"heriff 5:- Cc Home .35 ---------- 000---------- In the Putter of Bids for the Construction ) or Reconstruction of a 100 Foot Span and 300 Foot Approach Across the ,diddle Forh ) of the Ziooksack River, the Northwest (,uarter (4) of the Southwest �,uarter (-') of Section ) 13, Township 38, Range Five (51 East, 'U.M. 28.00 3.50 61.45 5.05 1.00 14.00 39.43 9.75 39.00 10.00 7.50 33.00 94.00 181.10 2.00 6.25 Bids for the construction of the above mentioned approach and bridge having been called for to be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners, Whatcom County, 71ashing- ton, on the 4th day of August, 1914, at the hour of 1:30 P.11. on the said day, and the Board of County Commissioners at the said hour of said day, having been necessarily detain- ed upon the Hannegan Road, a public work in the course of construction, and the: persons and parties submitting bids for the construction of said Bridge and Approach, having assembled at said hour, and having -subsequently departed from the offices of the Board of County Commissioners before the return of the said County Commissioners and because of that fact the said Board of County Commissioners deferred opening of the said bids until the following day, the 5th day of August, 1914, at which the time the parties and persons having submitted bids again assembled, and -in their presence the board of County Commiss- ioners opened the said bids, at which time it was found by the Board that the following bids had been submitted at the figures herein given, to -wit: Jacob Hunziker, Bridge 964., Crib and Approach 0860. to if 'Total - _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $1824.00 'i`.'heaton & Mullen, Fridge and Approach - - - _ - - _ - - - _ 1750.00 Riff e & Kirkpatrick, " to " - - - - - - - - _ - - 2449.00 Skagit Construction Co., Bridge and Approach - - - - - - - - 2045.00 And the said Board of County Commissioners having taken the said bids under considera- tion until this 6th day of August, 1914, and having found and determined that the bid of Wheaton and Eullen for the construction of said Bridge and Approach of $1750 is the loviest and best bid submitted; Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered that the Chairman of the Board of County Comm- issioners of Vlhatcom County, Washington, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract with the said firm of '.iheaton & Miiullen for the construction of said Bridge and Approach. And it is further ordered that the said contractors shall furnish to Whatcoin County a surety bond in sum of 01750.00 for faithful performance of said con- tract. Bone by the Board of County Commissioners in open session, this 6th day of August,1914 C B Legoe If to of " it It it It " " " " " " Chairman of the -Board "Hoard of County Commiss- " J G Kemper "ioners of 'Whatcom County " Commissioner of State of Washington " Henry Shagren it of to if n of to It If it to of to n Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace, County j�uditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000------_--- Or, motion the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, August 7, 1914 airrrari `o e i5o9was �,e W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Tcriit Friday the 7th day August 1914^ Friday, August 7, 1914, The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on August 6, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURIUM EXPE14SE FUIM . C L, Adams Expense as Co Lngineer 5.90 E C Lyle Expense as Dep Co Engineer 15.90 Byron N Kingsley Services in John Hansen et al case 9.00 do Constable: State vs John Hansen et al 4.20 J B Seelye J P: State vs John Perry et al 3.50 Christian Tuttle Const: do 4.50 B P Shoemaker J P: State vs T V Thygeson 3.25 A L Harkness Const: do 3.40 Mrs Chas B Sampley 'Jit: do 2.20 J A Cole Iiiaterial & Painting on Courthouse 297.95 Bloedel Donovan Lbr L'ills Lumber for Courthouse 12.46 S ',`J Cornish Paint Co Glass etc for Courthouse 5.70 Legoe Hdrdware Yaterial for Courthouse 5.70 Standard Oil Co Oil for Courthouse 0.93 Star Broom Co. Brooms for Janitor 2.25 J C Fraser Hooks a/c Painting Courthouse 4.00 Puget Oound T L & P Co Car tickets for Sheriff 10.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FIRM. Geo Elder Foreman on Steam Grader work 76.00 Delno 'lard Engineer on Steam Gr:�der 56.00 Emil Fullner Fireman on Steam Grader 37.50 Geo. Alton Teamster on Steam Grader laork 85.00 Steb Connery Labor on Road team 11.00 Um H Cissna. do " 7.00 W J Outcalt do 16.50 C Maxwell do It 4.00 T P Reilly do Foreman 9.00 Vi'm. Sarlund Labor on Guide tleridian Rd 10.00 Id C Campbell Labor"..on N V/ Diag. & Bridge on Ferndale Rd. 39.00 A 0 Dinbury Labor on Bridges on Ferndale Rd 10.00 Geo Embury do 8.00 Harry Welch do 18.00 Cecil Drake do 6.00 George Thompson do 3.00 Richard Knigge do 4.00 Fred Boys do 4.00 C C King, Supt Co Home Labor on N CJ Diag. Rd team 10.00 Frank Edwards Labor on G Id, 1T,,7 Diag & Brid e on Ferndale Rd Goreman) 48.00 Fred V.1illet Labor on Roads 4.00 Pat Sullivan do 4.00 h1mer Iiiescke do team 4.00 Lincoln Simonson do 4.00 A D Zander do Foreman 3.75 C H Beebe Labor on Everson -Goshen Rd. Foreman 19.65 Lewis Beebe do team 14.00 D Moors do 14.50 C Moors do 10.00 C Lyon do 10.00 I.1 '.J Witter do team 16.00 T J I,icCollum do " 20.00 S II Rooker do " 20.00 Glenn Bunker do 4.00 'dJ LcCollum do 10.00 E L Scrimsher do team 6.00 E L Merrill do, 6.00 L A Ivickson Labor on Roads Foreman 48.00 Roe 'Uright do team 20.00 Ed i4artinson do " 64.00 P liewbery do " 20.00 Del Gooder do "':,; . ,. "` 20.00 Newt Hale do 32.00 James Scutt do 32.00 Geo 'U Idiller do 10.00 F Brunson do 8.00 Geo Brovin do 26.00 :lillis Johnson do 20.00 Joe Cross do 18.00 J B Everhart do 18.00 0 W Baker do team 20.00 J ':'J Logan- do 4.00 Leon `T'inrey Labor on Kelly Road 12.00 Crover 'Pinney do 14,00 Ed Mercer do 14.00 John Campbell do 12.00 Anton Sievi do team 28.00 N M Jep sen do If 32.00 George ti7 Smith do Foreman 10.00 Geo i"uridell Labor on Roads Foreman 30.00 Tracy Riddle do team 24.00 Charles Le;;er do It 22.00 J rJ I.1cPherson do if 26.00 'dill Burns do 2.00 Brit IL-cPherson do 2.00 Geo bhicPhc rson do 11.00 Everett Price do 11.00 Chw2 Price do 7.00 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Fri day the 7 th day Augus t 191 Ben Meyer Labor on Roads .11.00 'Darren Handy do team 18.00 'Jin Morgenthaler Labor on Kelly Road " 52.00 Henry Little do " 36.00 Otto Morgenthaler do " 32.00 P H Kuehnoel do " 20.00 S P Kagey do 20.00 1:yron Little do 13.00 J B Mortiboy do 8.00 A 1.1orgenthaler do Foreman 32.50 R E Hawk do 28.00 E Martinsen do 26.00 J F Lorgenthaler do 16.00 W A Dye do 6.00 Joseph Goodfellow Labor on Road Foreman 38.88 Thor ,Bjornson do 27..50 B Anderson do 12.00 0 Halmars do 26.50 B Davidson do 28.00 G Carvelson do 27-.50 John Anderson do 15.50 Ben Anderson do 23.00 J Argeson do 11.50 H McKenz i e do 2.00 Tian Vandermeer Labor- on Guide" Meridian Rd 24.00 C Visser, do 24.00 H G Heusinkveld do 24.00 L Van Voorst do 12.00 H Stap do 12.00 C Visser do 11.00 R B Nymeyer do 10.00 Leonard Lensen do 3.00 Dick Rutgers do 2.00 Leo Zweegman do Foreman 18.00 gm F T.Lize Labor on Bridge on Road #138 6.00 G A Wheeler do 4.00 G Giarde. do 2.00 F Lange do 8.00 A H James do 4.00 V1 V Porter do Foreman 11.25 Frank Howard Labor on Road 1/477 15.00 H S Howard do 5.00 F Vr Leach do 14.00 Frank Johnson do 9.00 Charles Beckman do 12.00 Isaac Willi.tuns do 14.00 D A Low do Foreman 20.00 John Tannler do 15.60 G II Murray do 10.00 h D Kline Labor on Road 15.00 Frank Cass do 5.00 din Kenney do 5.00 J L 'Tillman do 12.50, J E 11ahan do 13.75 D L Kline do Foreman 18.00 Turner Riddle do 7.50 G J Gates do 7 : 50 M J Gates do 7-.50 d 11 Kline do 2.50 H A Gates do team 15.00 Jas Breckenridge Labor on Roads I, ; 7:�:: 15.75 Albert Bumstead Labor on N Vf Diag. Rd 11.70 Heenan Frost Ditching Roads 27.00 0 Hagen Labor on Bridge 27.50 Z Hamilton do 27.50 Martin Visser do 2.25 Archie Pierce Labor on Everson Bridge 64.80 J S Plain do 25.00 lels Nelson do 21.60 George Bob do 12.00 Bill V'darrick do 38.40 Frank Adams do 75.00 C A Gooding do 45.00 R A Schmeiling do 24.90 Fred Griffin do 64.80 Ross Campbell do 60.00 Carl Campbell do 60.00 Jacob Hunziker Extra work on Bridge 109.70 Jno 11 Lyman Labor with Donkey Engine 87.50 C IS Posher Salary & Expense as Bridge ForEma,n 114.85 Jesse J Rogers 'Traveling Expense as Constr. Eng. S & N Hgwy. 28.60 Earl V Myatt Testing; Cement on III"J Diag. Rd. 36.00 Jacob Hunziker Hauling Lumber 4.00 Leslie Brovm Hauling Gravel 40.35 H Iverson do 10.50 Henry Beernink do 17.10 Everson Livery Hauling Cement 11.55 Fred Kenoyer Lumber 247.77 Pehrson Bros Lumber 22.73 Everson Lumber Co Lumber 123.55 Prouty -Caine Mill Co Lumber 16.'05 do Lumber 121.87 Goshen Lumber Co Lumber 11.74 Bert Bice Cedar Piling 83.30 Lynden Depart Store Powder etc 7.65 Joseph Goodfellow Powder etc 154.20 Fai=ers Merct Co Nails 1.00 W.O.R. 35 0 Record ofCommissioners' Proceedings July Term Friday the 7 th day August 1914 C W Taylor E D Knapp I J Pynor Hamilton Bros. Hamilton Bros J Trecker Hodson-Feenaughty Co do Lynden Impl. Co Morse Hardware Co Tvlorse Hardware Co Goo V/ Shay . Caine-Grimshaw Co A J Riffe-Kirkpatrick Co Robert Coles S It Correll H 'U Buzzard d G Miller Jacob Hunziker Chas L Lind 'Worthen & Sat terthvrai to Chas•IE Lind Worthen & Satterthwaite `?Till D ,Vallace, Co Aud. Dickinson & Bacon h+ ni 1 Keller J C Anderson Nails Nails etc Spikes etc do Spikes Spikes 1 Road P1ow Bit for Road Grader & Teeth for Scarifier Repairs to Road Grader Tools & Material for Road Grader '.Cools and Material Drift Bolts Cement Rent of Concrete Fixer ,"food for Donkey Engine Blacksmithing Blacksmithing & Tools Blacksmithing. lst & Final Est on Constr of Bridge on N E Diag. Rd 5th Est on Constr Sec 1 Hannegan Road 4th Est on Constr Sec 2 Hannegan Road HANNEGAN ROAD FUIM. 5th Est on Cq)�tstr Sec 1 Hannegan Road 4th Est on Constr Sec 2 Hannegan Road DRAINAGE DISTRICT ITO, 4 FUND. Recording fee on Deed 5th Est on Constr Drain. 'Ditch #4 2nd Est on Constr Lat 1 Drain Ditch #4 DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 5 FU1VD. 5th & Final Est on Constr Drain. Ditch #5 DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 6 FUND. 3.25 18.89 30.35 19.10 4.25 4 ..00 34.30 45.00 1.50 54.19 4.45 12.25 399.55 10.30 98.40 1.75 20.50 6.50 2, 395.99 1,152.00 1, 317.33 2,304.00 2, 634.67 1.05 2,315.00 420.00 1,077.53 J C Anderson 3rd Est on Constr Drain. Ditch #6 224.00 SLEASMAN DITCH.FUND. Thos Anderson Labor on Sleasman Ditch (Foreman) team 7.20 Ezra Bargewell do 15.00 C H Johnson do " 16.00 W W Jones do 16.00 L S Miller do 19.00 Carl miller do 10.00 L L Nims do team 2 6:00 E Vt Dims do 1£3.50 J J Stark do team 2.00' Erick Tenkstrom do 11.25 Joe Bromley do 9.00 Brown, Porringer & Thomas Legal Advise 5.00 f---------- 000-----_---- In the .Uatter of the Cancellation of ) 1912 and 1913 Tax on S47- df NIV' of SEi j Order to Cancel. Section 14, Township 40 North, Range 2 E. ti(HEREAS, it appears according to statement of County.Assessor attached hereto, that the assessment of $440.00 entered against the S%V4 of DVIJ L of SL¢ of Sec 1:4, Tp 40 N, Range 2 East, for the years 1912 and 1913, is erroneous and sacs assessment and tax should be canceled, and :'lli1eREAS, on .June 1, 1914, the County Treasurer issued to Fred Everett, Certificate of Delinquency No. 15887 against said land in the amount of 4s35.72 for 1912 and 1913 tax on !' said land; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered by this Board that the County Treasurer be, and she hereby is authorized, ordered and directed to cancel the said Certificate of Delin- quency No.. 15887 on presentation thereof and refund the full amount paid on same,and to cancel the total tax levied on 1912 and 1913 tax rolls against said land. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the above and foregoing be made a matter of record in the office of the Clerk of this Board, and thatthe said Clerk serve a copy of this order upon the County Treasurer of Whatcom County. Lone in open session of the Board this 7th day of Augudti, 1914. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner . W.O.R. ecord ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Terin Friday the 7th day August 191 to It to If it u n " of it to it to "Board of County Cornmi s s- " "loners of ';dhatcom County It " State of Washington It ►� " of If of It It If 1► to of If 1► it Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Hoard. Cn motion the -3oard adjourned to meet on Saturday, Auguai. R i Qi d _ b6 ►rI ICia �l Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Saturday the 8th day August 1914 Saturday, August 8, 1914. The Board net pursuant to adjournment taken on August 7, 1914. Present, all members of the Board qnd the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: Abbie Barbo Henry Shagren L A Thomas Pacific Tel & Tel Co do `Jestern Union lelg Co G 1 Hardan B Pratt F laarkwood Lester Bverett 71 A Annas Thos clear Chas Owen Steven Douglas James Campbell L, G Shaw Frank Altman Ray 'Jelsh I,iark Ovien S S Alm Julius D'Aprille Joe Peter Joe Gracia J B flardeman Leona, ::filler George Elspernian, Trustee CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Services as Stenoprapker for Pros Atty 27.50 Expense as Co Commissioner 5.75 Board of Prisoners 98.60 Rentals for August 37.25 Long Distance Service For July 5.45 Messages for Sheriff 1.14 '.lit : State vs E W Little 6.60 do 6.40 do 6.40 do 5.60 Wit: State vs Thomas Fitzpatrick 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 Wit: State vs N S ISeneary 2.20 Wit: State vs Santiago Benilla 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 do 2.20 Constable a/c insane person 4.60 SOLDIERS' RELIEF FUND. Relief 10.00 Mall rent for Reynolds Post #32 for 6 mo. 18.00 p--- „ A----000---------- The claim of A L Harkness for $3.00 for livery for constable at Lynden, claimed from the current expense fund, was refused by the Board. The claims of Esther Pinckney for Jr10.00 and Penelopie S Knox for 410.00, for relief from the Soldiers' Relief Fund, viere refused by the Board. ---------- 000---------- In the Flatter of Approval of Surety ) Bond of Wheaton & Mullen covering Contract on Bridge & Approach across ) Order Approving. I;Iiddle Fork, Nooksack River. It is ordered by this Board that the surety bond of Wheaton & Mullen for $1750.00 given by the Fidelity and Deposit Company of ISaryland, covering contract for reconstruction of Bridge and Approach across I!tiddle Fork of Nooksack River, be amd saint is hereby approved Done in open session of the Board this 8th day of August, 1914* n of It It it of of of n of n I n u Ui3oard of County `'ommi ss- " "loners of Whatcom County " " State of Ylashington " 11 11 11 to tl 11 11 11 Q 11 of 11 if N Attest: Will D '.Jallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner C 0 Y T R A C T. THIS AGREEt,LEET, made and entered into in triplicate this 8th day of August, A D, 1914, between Y/hatcom County, State of 'Washington, hereinafter called the County, and 'Wheaton & Mullen, hereinafter called the contractor, `.litnesseth: That the said contractor, in consideration of the Burns hereinafter specified, be . paid to them by the said Ylhatcom County, in the manner and at .the time hereinafter provid ed,, and in consideration of other covenants and agreements, herein contained by the said parties, agrees to .and with said Whatcom County: 1. That the contractor will perform and furnish under the direction and to the satisfaction of the 3oard of County Coruaissioners of Ylhatcom County, Washington, and in conformity to the laws of the State of Washington, all the tirork and material included in w.D.R. Record of Commissioners" Proceedings Term Saturday the 8th day August 191 July . the. removal of present structure and the constructio of a 1,00 ft. wooden truss bridge.,,. a 300 fte approach, and removal of timbers, in crib at crossing of the Aliddle Iork of the Nooksack River in Sec. 13 T 38 N R 5.E, and that the contractor will furnish all material necessary, and perform all labor in the manner, and of the kind and . class of viork and material, and, manner of doing said work, and in all other respects strictly according to the maps, plans and specifications thereof furnished by the County Engineer of said County and.on file in his.offiee; said maps, plans and specifications being agreed to be a part of this contract with the same force and effect as though the same were fully inserted herein. Said work to be done under the supervision and direction of the County Engineer and to be approved by him and the Board of County Coimissioners. In case of any disagree- ment or misunderstanding in respect to these specifications or the performance of the. work, the Platter shall be referred to the Board of, County Commissioners, whose decision shall be final. In case of improper construction or noncompliance with the contract or specifica- tions in any manner, upon recommendation of the County Engineer, the Board of County Commissioners may suspend said. work at anytime and may order the,partial or entire re, - construction of said work if improperly done, or declare the contract forfeited, and may then re -let or complete the same, and adjust the difference of damage or price if any there be, which the contractor shall pay to the County according to,the just and reasonable amount thereof. 2. Said viprk is to be fully completed on or before the lst day of October, 1914, and if not done within the time specified the contractor agrees to pay :�o the County $5.00 for each and every day that the work remains uncompleted beyond such time, such amount hereby being agreed upon as liquidated damages of a reasonable amounti.for such delay, and. to be deducted by the county from the final estimate allowed the contractor. 3. Additional time for completion of work under this contract must be applied for in writing ,by the contractor, and. shall be granted only pn order by the Board of County Commissioners entered in regular session, and upon the further condition that the sureties on.the contractor's bond shall not be released therebti. 4. Said County agrees to make.payment of the sum agreed to be paid in the following manner: warrants will be drawn on the General Road and Bridge fund of said. County according to the final estimate furnished by the County Engineer and approved by the County dommiss- ioners, ass provided in the specifications and prices inserted therein. Partial payments based ipon the County Engineer's estimates, made from time to time, may be made not to exceed sixty percent. of such estimates. 5. No liability shall attach to the County by reason of entering into this contract except as specially provided herein. The contractor hereby assumes all risks and liabili- ties for accidents or damages that may accur to persons or property during the prosecution of the work. It is understood that the whole of the work is to be done at the contractor's risk and he is to assume the responsibility of risk and all damage done to the work from any cause whatsoever prior to the final acceptance by the Board of County Commissioners of all work to'be done hereunder, and partial payments shall not diminish the liability here- under. G. The contractor shall not let, assign nor' transfer this contract, or any interest therein, ' .-without the written consent of the Board of County Commissioners. 7. It is understood that final payment shall be made within 30 days after this con- tract is completely finished and the work accepted; provided, that in'each of the said cases the contractor shall give the Board of County Commissioners good and sufficient evi- dence that the Bridge is free from all liens and claims chargeable to the said contractor (3 W.O.R. Record of CoMmissioners' Proceedings July Term Saturday the 8th day August 1914 on account thereof; and further, that if at any time there shall be any lien 'or claim for which, if established, the county, or said Bridge, might be made liable and which would be chargeable to the contractor the County shall have the right to retain out of any payment then due or thereafter to become due said contractor an amount sufficient to completely indemnify it against such lien or claim until the same shall be effectually satisfied, discharged, or vancelledo.And should there prove to be any such claim after all payments are made the contractor shall refund to the County all moneys that the latter may be com- pelled to pay in discharging any lien on said premises, or paying any indebtedness therefor made obligatory in consequence of the contractor's default. Provided, this shall not in any manner be construed a release of any of the,conditions of the contractor's bond. 8. No certificate given or payment made under this contract except the final certi-. ficate or final payment, shall be conclusive evidence of the performance of this contract either wholly or in part against any claim of the County, and -no payment shall be construed to be an acceptance of any defective work. .9. The contractor shall within five (5) days after notice of being awarded the con- tract, furnish a good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of $1750.00, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract and as provided by last, which bond shall not be vitiated or affected by extension of time for completion of this contract, or alteration, or.modification in line, grade or plans of said work, and no liability shall attach to the County, unless such bond be furnished. IN WITNESS 7MMOF, said County executes this contract by its Board of County Comm- issioners, and the contractor does sign and seal the same the date herein first above mentioned. C B Legoe 1t of it Chairman "Board of County Commiss- " J G Kemper "ioners of 71hatcom County " Commissioner " State of Washington °' Henry Shagren of " to It It n of of It ii , to 11 ii of Commissioner Attest: Wheaton & T.[ullen Per Will D Wallace, Clerk Stewart S Mullen, Contractor ----------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, August 11, 1914. • .. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Tuesday the llth day August 191 L/ Tuesday, August ll, 1 914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on August &th 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY C01,21ISSIONEItS, OF 1flHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter of the Forma- } tion of a Diking District } at } Point Roberts, T11hatcom County, Washington. ORDER APPROVING BONDS OF DIKE' COr.II',1:ISSIOMRS. On this day Joseph 1Aoodfellow, Th. Thorsteinson, and H.P. Hanson heretofore elected dike commissioners for Diking District, present to said Board their bonds in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00), each payable to the State of Washington with good and sufficient surety conditioned for the faithful performance of all official duties required of them by law, and it is ordered that said bonds be and the same are hereby approved and the Clerk of this Board is directed"to file the same with the County Clerk as provided by law. Done this llth day of August, 1914. It It n n. if n n n it to It it ►► to "Board of County Commiss- " "icners of Whq,tcom 9dunty " " Stat,e of Washington " u" it It it i► n n n It ►► ►► n n Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of said Board. C B Legoe. Chairman J G Kemper Commissioner Iienry Shagren Commissioner ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMIAISSIONERS OF 'XIATCOII COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Y*atter of the Applica- tion of W.J. Deem, . and others,. for the Construction and Improve- } ORDER APPROVING BOND AIM I +' ERRING TO ENGINEER, ment of -a Drainage Ditch and ( FOR PRELIMINARY REPORT. Establishment of Unincorporated } Drainage Improvement District. On this day this matter was presented. to the Board dor approval of the bond filed herein and accoripanying the Petition. It appears.that the petitioner has filed in this matter his bond in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) payable to the State of Washington, with good and sufficient surety and conditioned for the payment of all expenses which may have been incurred or may hereinafter be incurred in the proceedings in this matter in case the prayer of the petition be not granted, or in case the petition be dismissed for any cause. IT IS THEREFORE OREERED That the said bond be, and the same is hereby approved, and the Clerk of this Board is directed to deliver a copy of said petition to the County Engineer, as provided by law, so that the said County Engineer may at once proceed to view the line of the proposed improvement and the property to be affected thereby and determine whether the improvement is in his opinion necessary or will be conducive to public health, convenience or welfare, and whether in his opinion the line or lines described constitute the best.route, and what, if any, additional branches should be added thereto or changes made therein, and report to and file his findings in writing with this Board. 362 W.O:R. Record, of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Tuesday the llth play August 1914 Done this llth day of August, 1914. C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper n" u to if It n to " It of n" it Commissioner "Board of County Commiss- " Henry Shagren "ioners of 11hatcom County " Commissioner " State of Washington " It ►► It 1► ►1 11 11 11 11 of 1► 11 to 11 Attest: 'Will D `yJallace Clerk of said Boardo ---------- 000----------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, August 15, 1916. Chairman oard C my C iss'oners Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 3 b,' July Term Saturday the 15th day August 1914 ,/ Saturday, August 15, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on August 11, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clark in attendance. The following proceedings were had: In the I:�:atter of the Selecting of Polling ) Places for the Precincts of C+hatcom County, Washington, to be used as such Polling } ORDE11 SELECTING. Places at the Primary Election to be held in said County on Tuesday, September 8th, 1914. } `1112REAS, a primary election is to be held in all of the voting precincts of Vlhatcora County on Tuesday, the 8th day of September, A.D. 1914, and the law makes it the duty of this Board to designate polling places to be used as such at said primary election, and WHEREAS, this Board has secured the following described buildings as polling places to serve at said corning election on September 8th, 1914. Each of said buildings being in the precinct from which it is selected and being a cinvenient and readily accessible place to the voters of said precinct and each being generally known by the name by which it is hereinafter designated. NO',V, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed by this Board that the. buildings hereinafter named be and are hereby selected and designated as polling places in their respective voting precincts to be used as such polling places in their respective voting precincts of Whatcom County, Vlashington, at said primary election to be held in said County on Tuesday, the 8th day of September, A.D. 1914. 1. BELLINGHAM- 1 t "lard, ll th Prect: Roth Block. 2. BELLINGHAM- let `lard, 21st Prect: Siegel Garage, cor G & Girard Sts. 3. BELLINGIIAM- let `+'lard, 31st Prect: 2309 F St., Decker Residence. 4. BELLINGHAM- let Ward, 41st Prect: 2430 Meridian St., Rogers Bldg. 5. BELLINGHAM- let Ward, 51st Prect: .Worthington Bldg., Elm. & Monroe St. 6. BELLINGHAM- let lard, 61st Prect: Columbia Grocery, Isionroe & Utter. 7. BELLINGHAM- let Ward, 71st Prect: Purdy's Barn, 2319 :West St. S. BELLINGHAM- let ';Yard, 81st Prect: Graham Bros. Grocery, 2512 Eldridge Ave. 9. BELLINGHAiIr 2nd ';Ward, 1.2th Prect.: City Hall. 10. BELLIEGHAM- 2nd ';lard, 22nd Prect: 112-1.14 Grand Ave. 11. BELLINGHAU- 2nd Ward, 32nd Prect: 707 Irving St., Grocery Store. 12. BELLINGHAM- 2nd Ward, 42nd Prect: Snyder Building cor Dock & Carolina 13. BELLI1IGHAIIi- 2nd Ward, 52nd Prect: Shelton Garage, 2636 Hampton Place. 14. BELLINGHAM- 2nd Iffard, 62nd Prect: 515 North St., Yrs VI H Brown Res. 15. BELLINGHAM- 2nd lard, 72nd Prect: Setzer Bldg., cor Elk & James St. 16. BELLINGIiM- 2nd Ward, 82nd Prect: 1901 Alabama Street. 17. BELLINGHM- 2nd 'lard, 92nd Prect: Altman Grocery, cor Alabama & Woburn Sts. 16, BELLINGHAM- 2nd llard,102nd Prect: Lombard Bldg., Silver Beach. 19. BELLINGH.Ml- 3rd 'Ward, 13th Prect: 1311 R R Ave., Irish Prtg. Shop. 20. BEILLYNGHY-1 -, 3rd Ward, 23rd Prect: Skating Rink cor Garden & E Holly 21. BELLIliGHA ii- 3rd ',Ward, 33rd Prect: 1422 Elk St., Yussers P & V Works 22. BELLiEGHAA - 3rd Ward, 4-3rd Prect: 303 Lake St. 23. BELLINGHAM- 3rd ti`Ward, 53rd Prect: 511 Potter St., Lahlquist & Drake 24. BELLiYGIiAlli- 3rd Ward, 63rd Prect: 1008 Lake St. 25. BELLINGHA11- 3rd Ward, 73rd Prect: Whatcom falls Station. 26. BELLIIiGHJ)11- 4th 'Vlard, 14th Prect: 1139 Elk St., E J Berg Store. 27. BELL.LNGHAM- 4th 'Yard, 24th Preet: 726 Elk St., Old George Store. 28. B LINGIAM- 4th Allard, 34th Prect: 700 Garden St., Garage.. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Saturday the 15th day August 1914 29..._ I" BELL IIIGHALI- 4th Ward, 4 .th Prect: Maple St. Fire Hall. 30. BELLINGHAM- 4th Ward, 54th Prect: 100 Liberty St. 31. BELLINGHAM- 5th `lard, 15th Prect: 1110-11th St., Fernley Bldg., So Bellingham. 32. BELLINGHAM- 5th lard, 25th Prect: 711-11th St., So Bellingham. 33. BELLINGHAM- 5th Ward, 35th Prect: Garage cor. 14th & Adams Sts., So Bellinghame 34. BELLINGHAI,T- 5th ';lard, 45th Prect: 1105-21st St., So Bellingham. 35. BELLINGHAM- 6th Vlard, 16th Prect: 1104 Larrabee St., Barler Bldg, 36. BELLINGHAAI- 6th Ward, 26th Prect: 17th & McKenzie Sts. 37. BELLINGHAM- 6th ,lard, 36th Prect: 26th & Donovan Sts. 38. BLAINE- lst 'lard: Old Homestead Hotel. 39. BLAINI;- 2nd Ward: City Hall. 40. BLAINE- 3rd ,Yard: Washington Hotel. 41. F NDALE: Town Clerk's Office. 42. L'IIMIIJ: Town Hall. 43. NOOKSACK: Town Hall. 44. SUMAS : Town Hall. 45. ACITE TOYINSHIP: Old School House at Saxon. 4.6. BAKIM TO.'IIISHIP: IJLanual Training Hall at Clipper School House. 47. COLT.IMBIA TO'41TSHIP+ 1st Prct: W.O.Y1. Ball, Kendall. 48. COLUMBIA TON11SHI[P- 2nd Prct: M Koehler's Residence. 49. CRESCENT T0;'[NSHIP: Samish Lake School House. 50. CUSTER 'TO 'INSHIP- lst Pret: Custer Hall. 51. CUSTER TOWNSHIP- 2nd Pret: Haynie Hall. 52. DELTA TOt9NSHIP- lst Prot: Hoffman Hall. 53. DELTA T047NSHIP- 2nd Prct: Residence on ,Pest end of S L Palmer Place. 54. D.M.III;G TUI�'IIISHIP- lot Prct: Griffen's :Hall at Deming. . 55. D12iING TOYINSHIP- 2nd Prct: Gxange Hall at 7/elcome. 56. MUZALE 'TO'M4SHIP- lot Prct: Woodlyn Church. 57. FERI1DA X TO'411SHI11- 2nd Pret: Evergreen School House. 58. FERIMALE '1'0':I14SHIP- 3rd Prct: Township Hall. 59. FERIMALE TO',MSHIP- 4th Pret: Nugent's Hall:. 60. GENEVA TO11fSHIP: Genera Store, 61. 62. 63. 64. GLACIER TO1.7ITSHIP : Town Hall. LAdIREITCE 'TO'.'MSH.IP- 1st Prct: Hall at Goshen. LA`IIRI:NCE TO"INSHIP- 2nd Prct! Town lull at Lawrence. LUlti1TLiI ISLAND TOYINSHIP: Basement of Beach Congregational Church. 65. LINDEN TOVYNSHIP- lst Prct:, ToX,rnship Hall, north of River. 66. LYITDLN TOz'MISHIP- 2nd Prct:.:S'eter Van Dyk's old house, south of river. 67. MAPLE FALLS 'TOWITSHIP: Town Hall at M.1aple Falls. 68. IIARIETTA TO'31TSHIP- lst Prct: Fishermen's Hall. 69. MARIET`i'A TO',vITSHIP- 2nd Prct: House across :road from B M Easterbrooks. 70. L-10UITTAI14 VIL,"I TO';IIvSHIP- lst Prct: School House, Dist #83. 71. 110UNTAIN VIEW TO';IITSHIP- 2nd Prct: School House, Dist #93. 72. IuOUETAIN VI 'S TO'ti'IIISHIP- 3rd Prct: School House, Dist #55. 73. MOUNTAIN VIEW T01;II4SHIP- 4th Prct: School House, Dist #20. 74. NOOKSACK T0%11'NSHIP- lst Prct: Gerra School.House. 75. MOKSACK TO'4ITSHIP- 2nd Pret: Clearbrook School Fouse. 76. NOOKSACK TOWITSHIP- 3rd Prct: Jariiieson's Hall, Everson. W.O. R. � Rocor� of Commissioners'Proceed"' lug July Term Saturday the 15th day ' August 1914 27. NOOKSACK TOW14SHIP- 4ttt Prct: Gerra School House No. 2. 78. PARK TOWNSHIP: Custer's Store. 79. POI11T ROBERTS TUM SHIP: Point Roberts Ha11e, 80.. ROM` TO.11TSHIP: Summit School House. 81. SIG',11AHi1100 TOI'MSHIP: C.E. '.filkinson's House on. Shinta:ffer Road. 82. TEN 1,1ILE TO'1ETSHIP- let Prot: Forest Grove School house. 83. TEN 1,11LE TO'�r14SHIP- 2nd Prot: Township Hall at Ten ?;Tile. 84. T M 1,11ILE TOW11SHIP- 3rd Prct: Victor School House. 85. TE13 1ULE `l'OIZISHIP- 4th Prct: Davis School House. 86. VAN' %YYCK TO'ti°iNSHIP- let Prot: Martin's Place, cor Woodlawn & Toad Lake Roads. 87. VAN 'riYCK TOMISHIP- 2nd Prot: To,trnship Hall. 88, VAN YIYCK TONINSHIP- 3rd Prct: Pioneer Dairy. 89. BARRON PRECINCT: Chancellor Power Plant. 0 90. SLATE PRECIECT: Aug. Dohne's Road House. 91. VALIXY PRECINCT: Forest Ranger's Station. 92. TRAIL PRECIIXT: Boarding House School Room, ITooksack Fallso Done in open session of the Board of County Corunissioners of Whatcom County, Wash- ington, this 15th day of August, A.D. 1914. All members of the Board being present and all concurring herein. 4t 11 It 11 It II to .11 11 11 It it it it "Board of County Gommiss- " 11i.oners of ',lhatcom County " 2 State of Washington " 11 of it 11 of 11 If /t It 11 11 I, ,1 H Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. -----------000-.-------- In the ?Matter of Appointing Judges ) and Inspectors of Election for the Primary Electionto be held in '11hat- corn County on September 8th, 1914. C.B..Legoe Chairman of the Board. J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner. ORDER APPOIETIIIG. 14HEREAS, under the law of 1907 a Primary Election will be hdDld in Whatcom County on the 8th day of September, A.D. 1914, and the said law makes it the duty of this Board to appoint Inspectors and Judges of election for the several voting precincts in %7hatcom County, to serve as such officers at said Primary Election, save and. except as affected by the Township law in force in this county, and WHEREAS, the Chairman of the Republican Central Committee and the Chairman of the Democratic Central Committee and the Chairman of the Progressive Central Committee and the Socialist Party.have respectively recommended to this Board, certain persons to act as -,-,such officers as representatives of their parties in the several precincts of Whatcom County, and WHEREAS, this Board has carefully considered said persons and finds that the persons hereinafter named are residents and electors of the Precincts in which they have been appointed and are qualified to act as such officers tit said Primary Flection, NOW, THEREFOR', it is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed by this Board that said persons be, and they hereby are appointed Inspectors and Judges of election respectively to serve in their respective Precincts at said. Primary Election on said 8th day of September, A.D. 1914. Said persons herein appointed, the officers to which they are appointed, the Precincts from which they are appointed are as follows, to -writ: Ru,-word of Commissioners' Proceedings July Tait Saturday the 15th clay August W.O.R. 191 Bellingham, lst 'elard, llth Precinct. Inspector- H L Siegel P.O. 1501 "I" St. Judge I.Irs J B Bennett P.O. 1301 "J" St. Judge Allen J Love P.O. 1312 Astor 'St. Bellingham, lst ';lard, 21st Precinct. Inspector- C A Roberts P.U. 22,23 "I -I" St. Judge Anna O'Donnell P.O. 2200 "J" St. Judge Geo U Siegel P.O. 1810 "I" St. Bellingham, lst Ward, 31st Precinct, Inspector- C A Fond P.O. 2509 "F" St. Judge A N Johnson P.U. 1010 Logan St. Judge A G Mitchell P.O. 2401 "G" St. Bellingham, lst ''lard, 4lat Precinct. Inspector- J C Selhaver P.O. I:.eridian St. R#11 Judge Lillie R Smith P.O. 2415 Peabody St. Judge L' 14 Collins P.O. 2600 Heridian St. Bellingham, lst Ward, 51st Precinct. Inspector- George Hartness P.O. 2530 Elizabeth St. Judge Joseph Bulmer P.O. 2801 Kulshan St. Judge Kate Plumb P.O. 2,117 Ilerid.ian St. Bellingham, lst V'lard, 61st Precinct. Inspector- Geo A Hensen P.O. 2212 Utter St. Judge Mrs Bert Boyd P.O. 2609 Walnut St. Judge Linda Jennings P.O. 2313 Utter St. Belli ;hare, lst ':lard, 71st Precinct. Inspector- D H Dunkle P.U. 2514 ',"lest St. Judge I.Irs C Ili Whitney P.O. 2524 Henry St. Judge George Erz P.U. 2340 Cherry St. Bellini;haia, lst `;lard, 81st Precinct. Inspector- '0l D Gillen P.U. 2331 Cherry St. Judge J L Bishop P.O. 2605 Eldridge Ave. Judge James E James 11.0. 2808 Patton St. Bellingham, 2nd ','lard, 12th Precinct. Inspector- Vl J Simonds P.O. 110 Vt. Champion St. Judge ',d LEI Idoe P.O. 805 Dupont St. Judge L U Stenger P.O. 1511 "D" St. rBellin« am, 2nd Vlard, 22nd Precinct. Inspector- C E Daw P.O. 205 North Commercial St. Judge Elva Richendrfer P.U. 102 Prospect St. Judge Corwin `!' Slentz P.U. 212 Grand Ave. Bellingham, 2nd Ward, 32nd Precinct. Inspector- John Sla:,er P.O. 2220 "C" St. Judge Miss Nettie Schwartz P.O. 1903 "D" St. Judge G ',7 Geer P.O. 2517 "D" St. Bellingham, 2nd ;lard, 42nd Precinct. Inspector- J H Allen P.O. 2234 Ellis St. Judge J F Woody P.O. 315 Carolina St. Judge S T Holland P.O. 2300 "A" S t . Bellingham, 2nd ';lard, 52nd Precinct. Inspector- 'V L Asher P.O. 2605 Hampton Place. Judge `J E Terrill P.O. 2730 Park Drive. Judge Geo G Shelton P.O. P636 Ilampton Place. Bellingham, 2nd V7ard, 62n d Precinct. Inspector- Geo B Dent P.O. 2515 I.:oore St. Judge E S Seacrest P.O. 2820 Franklin St. Judge John Idallace P.O. 2020 Humboldt St. Bellingham, 2nd V!ard, 72nd Precinct. Inspector- ',lm Laplane P.O* 1800 Iowa. St. Judge Geo Gibson P.O. 2219 James St. Judge I:Trs Reba Healy P.O. 1921 Iron St. Bellingham, 2nd ;lard, 82nd Precinct. Inspector- Sherman J aTelson P.O. 2419 Undine St. Judge T S Huston P.U. 2839 Pacific St. Judge R J Yeoman P.U. 2429 Orleans St. Bellingham, 2nd ';lard, 92nd Precinct. Inspector- V'1 Ii Brock Jr P.O. 2411 Yew St. Judge 0 C Armstrong P.U. 2711 Alabama St. Judge Gertrude I -I Hull P.O. 2701 Ontario St. Bellingham, 2nd "lard, 102ndPrecinct. Inspector- Ellery Rogers P.O. Silver Beach Sta. Judge John P Hayes P.O. Silver Beach Sta. Judge Tulia Short P.U. Silver Beach Sta. Bellingham, 3rd ';'lard, lath Precinct. Inspector- Anders Anderson P.O. Y Lrc C A Judge 011a I.Tay Phoenix P.O. Daylight BlI.c. Judge IIoraer K T.lusser P.U. 310 I:_a.gnolia St. I� W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Saturday IS 15th Aay- August 191 4 ::a_A i.Belli.nghan, 3rd ;'lard, Inspect or- J A Hopp Judge J_ C Nattra,ss Judge F . E Crowley Bellingham, 3rd Ward, Inspector- H A Goheen Judge A. Demuth Judge. Frank Clevish Bellingham, 3rd Ward, Inspector- C A McLennon Judge Jenkins Morgan Judge Dan kcCush Bellingham, 3rd Ward, Inspector- Harry Brenner Judge A A Riggs Judge Mrs J Miller 23rd Precinct, P.O. 615 Chestnut St.. P.O. 715 E Holly St. P.O. 1210 Indian St. 33rd Precinct. P.O. 1411 Grant St. P.O. 313 Magnolia St. P.O. 1425 Franklin St. 43rd Precinct. P.O. 604 Lake St. P.O. 1462 Franklin St. P.O. 306 Potter St. 53rd Precinct. P.O. 1470 Iron St. P.O. 1440 Grant St. P.Q. 1514 Grant St. Bellingham, 3rd Ward, 63rd Precinct. Inspector- L.Stanton P.O. 1440 Moore St. Judge Mrs Bertha Rodgers P.O. 2711 Alabama St. Judge Harry W Call P.O. 1306 James St. Bellingham, 3rd ;lard, 73rd Precinct. Inspector- John Likins P.O. Electric Ave. Judge largaret Schumacher P.O. 1900'Lake St. Judge John Gibson P.O. Bay View Cemetery Bellingham, 4th 71ard, Inspector- R V Alsop Judge J E Faulkner Judge. James Cunningham Bellin; ham r 4th Ward, Inspector- C W Brandon Judge J L Anstett Judge Maud M Turner Bellingham, 4th Ward, Inspector- D P Day Judge Dr. J C McFadden Judge Louie C Abrams Bellingham, 4th Ward, Inspector- H M Wing Judge Elizabeth Rait Judge W D Evans Bellingham, 4th Ward, Inspector. J F B1ott Judge C C Holly Judge R- B Stuart Bellingham, 5th Ward, Inspector- C S Beard Judge Mary F Watrous Judge H.W Carroll Bellingham, 5th Ward, Inspector- C B Sears Judge Frank Little Judge Hannah Bratt 14th Precinct. P.O. 828 Elk St. P.O. 903 Elk St., P.O. 927 Elk 'St . 24th Precinct. P.O. 3101 Pine. St. P.O. 140 Forest St. P.O. 625 Forest` St. 34th Precinct. P.O. 421 Indian St. P.O. 823 High St. P.O. 506 Garden 6t. 44th Precinct. . F.O. 701 maple St. P.O. 1114 Indian St. P.O. 1117 Jersey St. 54th Precinct. P .0. 916 Newell St. P.O. 916 Newell St. P.O. 1016 Yaple St. 15th Precinct. P.O. 1005-13th St. P.O. 1210 Gambier St. P.O. 1123-13th St. 25th Precinct. P.O. 909-.13th St. P.O. 717415th St. P.O. 705-15th St. Bellingham, 5th 'hard, 35th Precinct. Inspector- H C Banner P.O. 203 So. Elk St. Judge H.Boyd Petersen P.O. 409-15th St. Judge Alfred L Black Jr P.O. 515-16th St. Bellingham, 5th Ward, 45th Precinct. Inspector- George Little P.O. 905-25th St. Judge. William Whitworth P.O. 1029-22nd St. Judge Gus Ziese P.O. 2307 Bennett Ave. Bellingham, 6th 'lard, Inspector- John Hilton Judge. Frank Jarvis Judge bit Frank Moyer Bellingham, 6th Ward, Inspector- Sam Miller Judge T H Yohnson Judge J Wayland Clark Bellingham, 6th Vfard, Inspector- John Braaten Judge V D Charroin Judge Ray Boget. 16th Precinct. P.O. 903 Cowgill St. P.O. 11031 Harris Ate. P.O. 1021 Cowgi ll St. 26th Precinct. P.O. 1515-12th St. P.O. 1817-19th St. P.O. 1715 Larrabee-St. 36th Precinct. P.O. 1301-24th St. P.O. 1304-24th St. P.O. 1900-34th St. 368 W.O.R. Record, of . Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Saturday the lath day August 191 4 Blaine, 1st :`lard. Inspector- D S Richards P.U. Blaine. Judge A.Danielson P.U. Blaine J u d,,,re C . V Peters P.O. Blaine. Blaine, 2nd Ward. Inspector- S S Richardson P.O. Blaine. Judge Chas Peterson P.O. Blaine Judge George Pennington P.U. Blaine. Blaine, 3rd Ward. Inspector- YI N Hazen P.U. Blaine. Judge R 71itherow P.O. Blaine. Judge Dan Wilder P.O. Blaine. Ferndale. Inspector- F-C We%vetzer P.U. Ferndale Judge J•B Wilson P.O. Ferndale Judge S F Whitney P.O. Ferndale. Lynden. Inspector- W-I Baker P.U. Lynden Judge B-W Loring P.O. Lynden Judge J -W Tremain P.O. Lynden Nooksack. Inspector- Harry Olin P.O. Nooksack. Judge H Schroeder P.O. Nooksack. Judge S G Mather P.O. Nooksack. Sums, s . Inspector- Joseph Deneger P.O. Suizia,s. Judge J Vl Mosley P.O. Sumas Judge Franklin Haworth P.O. Sumas. Acme Township. Inspector- J N Gilkey P.O. 'aickershara Judge M J Mal eng P.O. Acme Judge Jacob Rothenbuhler P.O. Acme Clerk H P Nelsqn P.O. Acme. Baker Township. Inspector -.Frank Jennings P.O. Van Zandt Judge J D Hillje P.O. Deming Judge Fred Rothenbuhler P.O. Clipper Clerk C A Strand P.O. Clipper Columbia Township, lst Precinct. Inspector- C G Bush P.O. Kendall Judge W C Hobart P.O. Kendall Judge Byron F Van Brocklin P.O. Maple Falls Columbia. Township, 2nd Precinct. Inspector- L .U4 Potter P.U. Sumas RFD J/1 Judge If Koehler P.O. Sumas RFD #1 Judge A 71arner P.O. Sum -as RFD #1 Crescent Township. Inspector- J C Wright P.O. So. Bellingham Judge Vl D Nulle P.O. So Dellingharti Judge G D Gunderson P.O. SO Bellingham Clerk Mrs Ellen. Barnes P.O. So Bellingham Custer Township, lst Precinct. Inspector- 11 V1 Parish P.U. Custer Judge ° B W Everett P.O. Custer Judge John Otley P.O. Custer Clerk Fred Flint P.O. Custer Custer Township, 2nd Precinct, Inspector- J H Harvey P.O. Blaine Judge Frank Bice P.Q. Blaine Judge R A Wilson Y.U. Blaine Clerk Gerrit Van Ylingerden P.O. Blaine Delta To%vnship, . lst Precinct. Inspector- 19- H Jackman P.O. Lynden RFD #1 Judge Val Bitterman P.O. Blaine RFD #2 Judge A W Wheeler P.O. Blaine RFD #2 Clerk John Axling P.O. Lynden RFI) Q 1 Delta Township, 2nd Precinct. Inspector- C G Lund P.O. Ferndale RFD {rl Judge C +' Merritt P.O. Ferndale RFD #1- Judge Sanders Schneider P.O. Ferndale RFD #1 Clerk A C Palmer P.U. Ferndale RFD #1 Deming Township, lst Precinct. Inspector- W E Bender P.O. Deming Judge E Belcher P.O. Deming Judge I J Cook P.O. Deming Clerk B L Pittenger P.O. Deming W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Tel Ill Sa torda.Y the 15th day Ate p-ii st 191 Deming Township, 2nd Precinct. Inspector- D J Kline P.O. Deming .Tudge H G Gates P.O. Deming Judge P 0 Solen P.O. Deming Clerk Geo S Mahan P.O. Deming Ferndale Township, 1st Precinct. Inspector- Geo A Baer P.O. Ferndale RFD%f1 Judge Mrs Geo R Shoup P.O. Ferndale RFDJl Judge Will Dorr P.O. Ferndale RFD/jl Clerk 1Xrs E ';J Baer P.O. Ferndale RFD/11 Clerk 1%7 H Campbell P.O. Ferndale RFD;/l Ferndale Township, 2nd. Precinct. Inspector- T P Reilly P.U. Ferndale RFD jf3 Judge Albert hratz P.O. Ferndale RFD J13 Judge Urs B 71 Bailey P.O. Ferndale RFD #3 Clerk Ralph Bailey P.O. Ferndale RFD #3 Clerk Mrs Chas Thmiierman P.O. Ferndale RFD {E3 Ferndale Township, 3rd Precinct. Inspector- C E Fitzgerald P.O. Ferndale RFD JJ2 Judge Mrs 1.1attie Barrett P.O. Ferndale RFD /r2 Judge Rev Erickson P.O. Ferndale RFD #2 Clerk E F Cincmars P.O. Ferndale RFD 112 Clerk Edith IL Thornton P.O. Ferndale RFD JJ2 Ferndale Township, 4th Precinct. Inspector- Anton Anderson P.O. Bellingham RFD 1#2 Judge I`irs E Sullivan P.O. Bellingham RFD /r2 Judge A Iw Johnson P.O, Bellingham RFD #2 Clerk lErs %'J H Kaufman P.O. Bellingham RFD #2 Clerk A A Stockton P.O. Bellingham RFD #2 Geneva. Township. Inspector- Thos B Cole P.O. Geneva Judge R C Stephen P.O. Geneva. Judge C A Powell P.O. Geneva Clerk ';Dillard Ii Gallotnray P.O. Geneva Glacier Township. Inspector- F E Bottiger P.O. Glacier Judge C H Bourne P.O. Glacier Judge Roy Fox P.O. Glacier Clerk hiss Nellie Samson P.O. Glacier Lawrence Township, 1st Precinct. Inspectof- P T Gia.rde P.U. Goshen Judge J IcDonald P.O. Goshen Judg& P G Cooke P.O. Goshen Clerk Joe Trecker P.O. Goshen Clerk 71 `yd Porter P.O. Goshen Lawrence Township, 2nd Precinct. Inspector- G 'd Shumway P.O. Deming Judge P J Lwaschka P.O. Everson RFD #2 Judge H P Kingsley P.U. Lawrence Clerk K A Sorensen P.O. Laarence Clerk E G ':'+right P.O. Everson RFD y 2 Lwmui Island Township. Inspector- C R Granger P.O. Beach Judge Frank ';Jri ght P.O. Beach Judge E B Chamberlain P.O, Beach Clerk 'dalter H Llerz P.O. Beach Lynden Township, lst Precinct. Inspector- F Y Bloom P.O. Everson RFD T;-3 Judge Gerret Vander Griend P.O. Lynden RFD #1 Judge Leais Strealer P.O. Lynden Clerk G ;i Whipple Sr P.O. Everson RFD #3 Clerk Guy Dyk P.O. Lynden Lynden Township, 2nd Precinct. Inspector- S T Shumway P.O. Everson RFD j/1 Judge C V Davis P.O. Lynden RFD #2 Judge John Spedding P.U. Everson ?RFD #1 Clerk Fred Rose P.O. Lynden RFD #2 Clerk F P Close P.O. Lynden Haple Falls Township. Inspector- L E Haggard P.O. r;Iaple Falls Judge ld Harvey P.O. 1,Iaple Falls Judge J G %7heeler P.O. I!iaple Falls .Rlerk Ray LlcCall P.O. 17aple Falls "larietta Township, 1st Precinct. Inspector- S W Jones P.O. Bellingham RFD #2 Judge G H Ashby P.O. Bellingham RFD #2 Judge Harry Smith P.O. Bellin;haln RFD /�2 Clerk L-Irs J 71 Berger P.O. Bellingham. RFD #2 � °"3 �1 � r ( i� W.O.R. Rumord of Commissioners' Proceedings July Tenn Saturday the 15th day August 1914 I.Iarietta, Township, 2nd Precinct. Inspector- 'Im Idurray P.O. Bellingham RFD A-2 Jude B I.2 Easterbrooks P.O. Bellingham RFD �j2 Judge Ed Gardner P.O. Bellingharl RFD #2 Mountain View Inspector- Geo L Iuenze Judge C Ii Wooldridge Judge E 0 Fingalson Clerk J H Kirknatr.ick Clerk Lyle Hicks Mountain View Inspector- S Westre Judge Geo Reese Jude T A Gillespie Clerk Emil Hawkinson Clerk Otto Krick Mountain View Inspector- 11 Jones Judge John Zirmner Judge 'J Ii Franklin Clerk r Chic'gester Cleric John Creamer ? ountain View Inspector- P J Frack Judge J P Felmley Judge C C Ireland Clerk Ira Robinson Clerk H L Robers6n Township, lst Precinct. P.O, Ferndale RFD 11r3 P.O. Ferndale RFD T#2 P.O. Custer P.O. Ferndale RFD J{2 P.O. Ferndale RFD #2 Township, 2nd Precinct. P.O. Blaine RFD It1 P.O. Blaine RFD #1 P.O. Blaine RFD #11 P.O. Blaine RFD #1 P.O. Blaine IT'D 1`1 Township, 3rd Precinct. P.O. Ferndale RFD J/2 P.O. Ferndale RFD P.O. Ferndale RFD #2 P.O. Ferndale RFD -42 P .0 . Ferndale IT'D f#2 Tovrnship, 4th Precinct. P.O. Ferndale RFD #2 P.O. Ferndale RFD #3 P.O. Ferndale RFD %#2 P.O, Ferndale RFD 7#2 P.O. Ferndale RI('D 1,12 TJooIcsack Township, ls:b Precinct. Inspector- J 0 Anderson P.O. Sumas Judge Claud Smith P.O. ;ulnas Judge Chas Deeter P.O. Sumas Clerk R I Tanner P.O. Sumas Clerk H 'T' Deeter P.O. Sumas Ilooksack Tovrnship, 2nd Precinct. Inspector- Tim Elder P.O. Clearbrook Judge Fred B E1ers P.O. Clearbrook Judge Y1 H Kirkman P.O. Van Buren Clerk A III Graves P.U. Clearbrook Clerk A S Kirlanan P.O. Van Buren Hooksack Township, 3rd Precinct. Inspector- Jas Breckenridge P.O. Everson Judge Ii Iverson P.O. Everson Judge John Elkins P.O. I,.4rers6n Clerk 11.11iss Ruth Getchell P.O. Everson Cleric lAss 'Bertha Vinger P.O. Everson Nooksack Township, 4th Precinct. Inspector- Jas %7 I`yers P.O. Sumas Judge Ben Smith P.O. Sumas Judge Harry Lankester P.U. Somas Clerk Lindsey Fry P.O. Sumas Clerk Ralph B Bartoo P.O. Sumas Park Township. Inspector- J D Custer P.O. Park Judge L K %laite P.O. Park Judge Gust Erickson P.O. I;ellingha.m R_-+'D y,`3 Clerk P L Hegg P.O. Park Point Roberts Township. Inspector- H P Hansen P.O. Point Roberts Judge John I.riyrdal P.O. Point Roberts Judge Paul Thorsteinson P.O. Point Roberts Clerk Byron Samuelson P.O. Point Roberts. Rome Township. Inspector- A D Ross P.O. Goshen RFD �rl Judge I J G '.Jai to P.O. Bellingham RFD # 3 Jude David boors P.O. Goshen RFD ##1 Clerk T R Ellwood P.O. Goshen RFD 7f1 Se.niahmoo Township. Inspector- R P Roberts P.O. Blaine RFD 7#1 Judge C E ',Jilkinson P.O. Blaine RFD #1 Judge Carleton Palmer P.U. Blaine RFD rl Cleric Fred E Henspeter P.O. Blaine RFD 7#1 Ten i'.iile Torresship, 1st Precinct. Inspector- Earnest Ylorgenthaler P.O. Everson RFD J/1 Judge Art McMillin P.O. Everson RFD 1#1 Judge J P Lawrence P.O. Everson "RFD Y#1 Ten I:;ile Township, 2nd Precinct. Inspector- Carl 211sner P.O. Lynden RFD ##2 Judge Herman Klander P.O, Lynden RFD #2 Judge Frank Manley P.U. Lynden W.O.R. r �. Record of Commissioners'Proceedings July Term Saturday the 15th day August 1914 TenPule Township, 3rd Precinct. Inspector- Tom Wilson P.O. Bellingham RFD #1 Jud•;e J H Kelly P.O. Bellingham RFD #1 Judge A C Knowles P.O. Bellingham RFD #1 Ten Mile Township, 4th Precinct. Inspector -,Godfrey Gyger P.O. Bellingham RFD #1 Judge D 14 Simonson P.O. Bellingham RFD #1 Judge Aug Kuehnoel P.O. Bellingham RFD #11 Van Wyck Totrmship, lst Precinct. Inspector- Chas Pride P.O. Silver Beach Sta.. Judge Chas Germain P.O. Silver Beach Sta. Judge Chas Stone P.O. Silver Beach Sta. Van iYyck To%:rnship, 2nd Precinct. Inspector- D E Felmley P.O. Goshen Judge A Sievi P.O. Goshen Judge IT 11 Jepsen P.O. Goshen Clerk John Campbell P.O. Goshen Clerk 11 A Hamilton P.Q. Goshen Van Wyck Toemship, 3rd Precinct. Inspector- V1 R 171allace P.O. Bellingham RFD #l. Judge V1 H Flick P.O. Bellingham RFD #1 Judge M Birdwell P.O. Bellingham RFD #1 Clerk N E Hall P.O. Goshen Clerk F Lott P.O. Bellingham RFD #1 Barron Precinct. Inspector- Andrew 71illiams Judge J T Voight Judge Ole Hofstadt` Slate Precinct. Inspector- August Dohne Judge Glee Davis Judge Henry Soll Trail Precinct. Inspector- Robert H Dickson Judge Frank Lockwood Judge H E Barnes Valley Predinct Inspector- Grover C Burch Judge Albert U King Judge Peter Packard P.O. Marblemount P.O. Yarblemount P.O. Marblemount P.O. Marblemount P.O. Marblemount P.O. Marblemount P.O. Glacier P.O. Glacier P.O. Glacier P.O. Concrete P.O. Concrete P.O. Concrete Done in open session of the Board of County Commissioners this 15th day of August, A.D., 15114. All members of the Board being present and all concurring herein. of It It to of of t1 it to ►I of It 11 " "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Vlhatcom County " " State of Washington " n u to it It " It of n It of to to n Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemp e r Coim1i s sioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ---------- 000- ------ On m&tion the Board adjourned to meet on T"onday, August 17, 1914. Chairman Board County ommissioners. 372 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings W.D.R. I July Term 11onday & Tuesdaythe 17 and 18 day Aur,ust 1914 Eonday, August 27, 1914. The Board met pursuant to a.d j outnment taken on Saturday, August 15, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: R E S G L U T 1 0 N. It appearing to this Board that a public necessity exists for thecompletion crf the Fairhaven -Lake Uamish Road (Permanent Highway IZo. 1) to a connection with the City Limits of the City of Bellingham, Wash., and the contractor for the construction of the said Permanent Highway No. l,. Chas. E. Lind, having submitted a proposal to this Board for the construction of said extension for the lump sum of �p2800.00, a copy of which proposal is hereto attached, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Wha.tcom County, Washington, that the proposal of the said contractor, Chas. E. Lind, be and the same is hereby accepted, and the expenditure of the sum of �")2800.00 for said extension out of the perma- nent Highway Fund be and the same is hereby authorized in addition to the amount of the contract price for the construction of the said Permanent Highway No. 1 awarded to the said Chas y Lind, on the 2nd day of I:iay, 1914. Done in opera session of the Board this 17th day of Aug, 1914. "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " It. State of 1,11ashington If It n it It it " to It it of to it it If Attest: Will D Viallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner IIenry.Shagren Commissioner Approved Aug 24, 1914 (Section 7, Chapter 35, Laws 1911) ,`hn R Roy, State Highway Oormnissioner. (Attached to above is the following "Copy" of proposal) Bellingham, Wash. July llth 1914. To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners, Ylha,�com County: Gentlemen: I hereby propose to do the clearing, grubbing, grading, graveling and, construction of culverts on that portion of the Fairhaven -Lake Sam.iwh Road (Permant Highway #'1), lying between the city limits of the City of Bellingharrip and the north end of rrty contract for the construction of the said Permanent Highway #1, a distance of about 1100 feet, the work to be done in accordance with my contract for the construction of said road and the requirements of the County Engineer, for the lump sum of Twenty Eight Hundred Dollars (02800.00). Respectfully, Chas E Lind. ---------- 000---------- RESOLUTION. It appearing to this Board that it would be in the general interest of V7hatcom County Washington, to eutend the construction of the Sumas-Nooksack Road (Permanent Highway No. 4A) south to a connection with gravelled driveway at Madison Street in Nooksack City, a City of the 4th Class, a distance of about I. mile; and the Contractors for the construction of said Permanent highway No. 4A, having made a proposal to this Board for the lump sum of Twenty One hundred Fifty Dollars (1$2150.00), .as shown in copy of proposal hereto attached; theref'ores BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, %7ashington, W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Termlrlondav & Tuesday the 1 r & 18 day Autbust 191 that the .proposal of the said contractors, the Barbo Faros., be and the same is hereby accepted, and the expenditure of the sum of 4;?2150.00 for said extension out of the Perma- nent Highway Fund be and the same is hereby authorized in addition to the amount of the contract price for the construction of the Suma.s-Nookoack Road. (Permanent Highway No. 4A) awarded to the said Barbo Bros. on the 7th day of April, 1914. Doge in open session of the Board this 17th day of Aug. 1914. II II II II 1I II " II II II II II tI II "Board of County Comrmiss- " "ione,rs of Yfhatcom County " State of Washington " to to It 11 11 It 11 to to 11 It It It 11 Attest: Will D `Iallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Sha.gren Commissioner Approved Aug 24, 1914, (Section 7, Chapter 35, Laws 1911) Vi'm R Roy, State Highway Commissioner. (Attached to above is the follovting "Copy" of proposal) To the Hon. :Board of County Comnissioners of IVhatconi County, 'clash.: .Hon. Sirs: 37c:3 `tle, the Barbo Bros., contractors for the construction of the Surna,s-??ooksack Road (Permanent Highway No. 4 A) hereby propose and agree to eXtend the construction_ of aforesaid Permanent Highway ho. 4A, south of T�adison Street in Nooksack City, a distance of about mile for the lump sum of y 2150.00 The construction of said road to be practically on a uniform grade from the end of present contract to said Madison Street, the character of construction to be the same as or as good as that of present contract, except that the gravel will be deposted in one layer or course and of an average thickness of eight inches for a width of sixteen feet without shoulders. The gravel to be a good acceptable grade of pit run gravel containing no gravel exceeding 2 inches in greatest dimension, and all gravel larger than 1 inch to be raked from the surface to a depth of 3 inches. The cont.truction to include the necessary grading of said � mile, the placing thereon of the gravel driveway as above described, and the construction of a cedar culvert 3' x 3' inside dimensions at Station 331 50. All work to be done under the sul.,ervision and to the satisfaction of the County Engineer. Signed: Barbo Bros. Paul Barbo. ---------- 000---------- On:.•mot pn..?tre :Boair4 dd.aourned to meet on Tuesday, August 18, 1914. Chai n9Board County Co sionerso / Tuesday, August 18, 1914. The claim of Adolph L. Reiter for 02500.00 to cover damage by injury received t,,thile at stork on County Farm, was refused by the Board. On motion the Board adjourned to meet on itriday, August 21, 1914. fase� - 0-0 ChairmtLn Board County Comm ssioners. a W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Friday the 21st play August 1914 Friday, August 21, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on August 18, 1914, Present, C B Legoe, Chairman, and Henry Shagren, Coimnissioni;!r; Iffill D Wallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following proceedings were had: % RE S0 LU T I ON. It appearing that during the progress of the perfomance of the vrork of construction of the North:;est.Diagonal Road (Permanent Highway No. 2) under contract awarded to the Eagle Paving Co., and. dated the 5th day of May, 1913, that from time to time the Contractor has, under the express directions of the County Engineer of ,"lhatcom County, Washington, performed certain work and labor and furnished certain materials in addition to the work, labor and materials included in and. covered by the plans and specifications for the perma- nent improvement of said highway as follows: 33 feet extension at north end of work 094.38 Off take ditches and drains not covered by contract 82.33 10 in. tile along viest side of road Sta. 28 to 38 215.87 Reinforcement of pavement over culvert 11.63 Extra expansion joints on heavy grades 223.66_ 427.87 THLR12OPE;, BE IT RESOLVIM, by the Board of County Commissioners of 13hatcom County, Washington, that such additions so made by the Contractor as directed by the County Engineer amounting to the said sum of Four Hundred Twenty-seven &- 87/100 ($42%87) Dollars, be and the same are hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this 21st day.of August, 1914. ►1 It If q ►► It of It It 11 if it to 1► "Board of County Comn.iss- " "ioners of ',lhatcom County " " State, of Washington" if If 11 if to 11 of to 41 It ►► ►i it it Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of the Board. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board Comlrissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on j .y� the 8th day of September, 1914. Chairman Board County C`0- sszoners. W.O.R. nocord of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Tuesday the 8th clay September 191 �€�� U Tuesday, September 8, 1914. 1',londay being a legal holiday the Board met on Tuesday pursuant to adjournment taken on August 21, 1914. Present, C B Legoe, Chairman; J G Rerliper and Henry Shagren, Commis ioners; 'Jill D ';Iallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following claims vrere allowed and proceedings had; CURREET E.�TEITSE FUND. 'Jill D ':Iallace Salary as County Auditor 158.33 August Engquist Salary as Chief Deputy Auditor 100.00 S E Barrett Salary as Deputy Auditor 100.00 F C Partin do 75.00 Lucy E King Salary as Chief Recorder 75.00 M' Thomas Salary as Recorder 65.00 Jessie 'falters do 65.00 Jennie T Eddy do 28.E days 61.74 C B Legoe Salary as County Commissioner 150.00 J G Kemper do 150.00 Henry Shagren do 150.00 Delia L Keeler Salary as Supt. Co. Schools 150.00 Ethel Everett Salary as Dep Supt Co Schools 90.00 Henry C Beach Salary as Justice of the Peace 100.00 D 9 Featherkile do 100.00 Harrison Coluden Salary as Constable 60.00 F E 'Uyman Salary as Probation Officer 75.00 Tars Bessie Cline do 50.00 0 E Beebe Salary as County Physician 83.33 H Thompson Salary as Coroner 83.33 Hector Gawley Salary as Janitor 85.00 Ed E Hardin Salary as Superior Judge 125.00 `dilliam H Pemberton do 125.00 F '4 2:1oses Salary as County Clerk 158.33 Alithea Adams Salary as Deputy Co Clerk 100.00 Geo. 11. Cook do 100.00 Frank 1,1 Bixby Salary as Prosecuting Attorney 158.33 'JI A i;iartin Salary as Deputy Pros. Attorney 100.00 Abbie H. Barbo Salary as Stenographer for Pros. Atty. 75.00 i,Tellie C Rogers Salary as County Treasurer 166.66 F L Olslager Salary as Deputy Co 'Treasurer 100.00 John Fernlev Salary as Bookkeeper for Co Treasurer 90.00 G A Pence Salary as Clerk for Co Treasurer 80.00 Olive 5`lilson do 80.00 H D 1cArthur Salary as County Assessor 125.00 Jas Elder Salary as Deputy Assessor 80.00 Foster h Carver do 75.00 H R George do 75.00 David ,iurtenberg Salary, as Clerk for Assessor 75.00 !`!infield Ervin do 75.00 Gordon L `'Whitcomb do 75.00 Alex Van %Ilyck Salary as Field Deputy Assessor 98.00 C 1.1 Adams Salary as County Engineer 158.33 C E Phoenix Salary 'as Deputy Co Engineer 90.00 Carl YcCoy Salary as Draughtsman for Co Engineer 104.00 H C Swettenam Salary as Transit. & Chain. for Co Eng. 67.00 Jack Adams Salary as Chainman for Co Eng 52.50 P G Cooke Salary as Transitman for Co Eng. 115.00 Clay Cooke Salary as Cha.inrian for Co Eng 32.50 E C kyle Salary as Transitman for Co Eng. 27.50 James Goheen Salary as Chainman for Co Eng. 57.50 C C King Salary as Supt. Co Home 60.00 Ia, B King Salary as liatron Co Home 25.00 ITettie Smith Salary as Cook at Co Home 45.00 Esther Bailey Salary as Nurse at Co Home 25.00 John Colling Salary as Teamster at Co Home 30.00 H J Hurst Salary as Laborer at Co Home 5.00 George Slater Salary as Guard of Prisoners at Co Home 54.00 L A Thomas Salary as Sheriff 158.33 L J Flanagan Salary as Deputy Sheriff 80.00 Wilson Stewart Salary as Deputy Sheriff 80.00 M B Byland Salary as Jailer 60.(D hmery Hess Salary as Spl. Dep. Sheriff 21. (M Geo H "datrous do 24. D Barney Hanson do 7.00 J Lamphier do 10.50 Joe Jack do 10.50 J E liilligan do 7.00 E Lilligan do 7.00 James Cain do 7.00 E Erlendson do 3.50 Bert 'v:illiams do 3.50 L �Iilliams do 3.50 ',William Teller do 3.50 Hugo Teller do 3.50 Frank i;aooney do 3.50 Geo Teller do 3.50 San Goldstein do 3.50 B A Gandy do 3.50 B Fox do 3.50 Ivor Stokes do 3.50 Gus Padree do 3.50 Hugh Eldridge Stamps for Offices 50. St Env for Treas42.72 92.72 Puget Sound mil' L & P Co Gas L Elect Lights for Aug. 31.40 P G Cooke Expense as Dep Engineer 24.35 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. July Term Tuesday the 8th play September C :L; Phoenix Lagan Ridenour H E Stuart Puget Sound T L & P Cc Fairbanks, Morse & Co L A Bush J B Hardeman I J Rust S 'J Cornish Paint Co Bloedel Donovan Lbr Elills Legoe Hdvr Co Bellingham Sheet Iaetal 'JJorks B B Furniture Cc T C Fraser I.orthaest Hdvr Cc Star Broom Co Pacific Steam Laundry Adaans Style Shop )d L 1:1onahan G H Abers C A Scrinmsher Sarah Foster Llvrell Hacklander i.fL'rs Alice Bentley Expense as Dep. Co Engineer Court Reporting & Typew. for Pros Atty Reg. 3irths & Deaths in Dist #4 Car tickets for Sheriff Supplies for Auditor a/c "Jei.ghts L. Treasures Livery hire for Constable: State vs Laid Services as Constable re Vlin Charles Services in Geri Bros Case Glass for Courthouse Lumber for Courthouse Hdrr for Courthouse Repairs to Courthouse Roof Linoleum etc for Courthouse 'Wood truck for Courthouse Supplies for Janitor Supplies for Janitor Laundry fot Jail 9.40 & Jury Rooms 1.65 Overalls for Prisoners Scalp Bounty on 2 wild cats ROAD A D BRIDGE FUIID. '.rending Ferndale Bridge Operating; I:arietta Ferry SOLD1'I-IIS' RELIEF FUI;D. Reli of Relief Burial of Edward 11 Bentley ---------- 000----------- 11 E S O L T1 T I 0 II 191 22.25 11.60 6.00 10.00 3.00 3.00 6.60 1.70 7.20 3.35 6.35 7.08 11.50 10.00 13.02 2.25 11.05 2.20 10.00 5.00 50.00 12.00 20.00 50.00 1,1111M]AS, at a meeting of the 136ard of County Commissioners of ',:Ihatcom County, State of 71ashington, held in the Commissioners' Office of said comnty on the 8th day of September, A.D. 1914, a quorum bring present ��.nd a majority voting in the affirmative, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVIM, that public interest demands the improvement, under the provisions of Chap- ter :55 of the Lavrs of 1911, of that section of a public highway situate within the County of Vhatcom and described as follows: P:EII,TIAI EITT HIGIiJAY IN. 2, known as I'0IT'2HWhrST PIAGO'IVIM ROAD conmiencing at the intersection of said 3iorthIA,est Diagonal Road with the westerly limits of the City of Bellingham and running; northwesterly one (1) mile and connecting :rith the present concrete improvement. Lo part of said highway being situate within the boundaries of tLny city or incorporated toxin. 11 It it 11 11 it I1 11 It 11 11 If 11 11 "Board of County Comiss- " "ioners of ..`hatcom County " It State of ';Jashington " 1t Fi 11 11 11 It 11 tl 11 t1 tl It It Attest: ';Jill I) .7alla ce County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemp er County Commissioner Henry Shagren County Commissioner in the 'Liatter of Appointment of ( Order Appointing; Claud Smith goad Overseer Dist V'l, Ilooksack Tvrp. } i,-Lj.REAS, upon recommendation of the board of Supervisors of Tlooksack Township, the Board of County Commissioners did, on August 4, 1914, appoint T.J. ','lard as Road Overseer I in Dist. No. 1 of said. looksack Township, and ",';IILRLAS, said T.J. Ward does now refuse to accept said appointment as said road over- seer, and `, .1T1AS, the I�oard of Supervisors of said. to!°nzship have recommended the appointment of Claud Smith to fill the vacancy now existing, I;O':'J, THIIEFORE, it is ordered by this Board that Claud Smith be, and he is hereby appointed as Road Uverseer in Dist. No. 1 of I'ooksack Tomship, to act as such until the next regul:�rly elected officer shall have qualified therefor. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Pr'oceedings July Term Tuesday the 8th play September 191 4 Done in open session of the Board this 8th day of September, A.D. 1914. C B Legoe it it if of It It if " It to of 11 It It Chairman of the .hoard If Board of County Uonuniss- of J G Kemper "ioners of 'Jl-uil,tcoiri °County of County %ommissioner " State of %fashingt on of Henry Shagren ►► " " +► n " +► +► �► ►► n �► ►+ ►' County- Commissioner IN THE ILATTER OF TIM RIGHT-OF-WAY GRAI.721 D 13Y R.J. ATKINSON FOR HjUMEGAN ROAD PITMI O SES . O R D E R. ti'EILAEAS, R.J. Atkinson did on the 11th day of April, 1908, convey to Whatcom County for road right-of-way the following described real estate, to -Suit; A thirty foot strip on the east side of the northeast quarter (4) of the southeast quarter (4) of Section 20, To -,unship 39, Lange 3 east, in %,rh.atcom- County, '�Ja.shin�gton; conveyance thereof being record- ed in Volume 105 at page 555 Deed Records of clhatcom County, the same having been so con- veyed, to 11hatcom County at a time when it was expected and contemplated that said HanneUan Road aould be established and built along the section line and over and across the land described; and ddJIEREAS, the said Road as finally established and constructed lies some rods east of said line, and the same will not be needed for road purposes and Vlhatcou County cannot use said land for road purposes; 'SOUIJVI T.IL,'R]:K.FOJU,,, '.4hatcom County does hereby quit -claim, relinquish and grant to said 1t.J. Atkinson all the right, title and interest that said County may have in and to the a1rove described real estate. Done in open session this 8th day of September, 1914. BOA)M OF C01111"ITY C01;:1:';ISSIO1LRa. ►► 10 11 1► 11 to 11 1► 1► 11 10 11 1► 11 By C B Legoe "Board of County Commiss- " Chairman "iorers of ".1hra,tcom County " .T G Kemper of State of lashington " Commissioner it of 1► i► 1► 1► 1► 1► ►► 11 ►► 11 1, 1► Henry Sh.a.gren Commissioner Attest: +fill D 'Jallace County Auditor... ---------000------------ The minutes of the August Session were read and approved by the Board on this day. On motion the Board adjourned to meet on 7fednesday, September 9, 1914. Chairman Board County Co issioners. Attest: County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. W.O.R. 0 rd Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings Jules Tern 'lednesday the 9th ley September 19 '.'lednesday, Sept. 8, 1914,. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on September 8, 1914. Present, all members of the }Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: C C King 0 Z Beebe Dr 'd 'J Balla.ine Dr S S Howe St Luke's Hospital St Joseph's Hospital E S Clark Red Cross Pharmacy Collins & Co The Weiser Drug Co., Inc. Ireland & P aneoast ;'1 J Pynor Central 11arket Stuurman & Hoekstra Slue Front Clothing Co L Verstandig Union Carbide Sales Co Clark Electric Co F 'a Gorsuch `orse Hdw. Co Northwest 'Idw. Co G Housan J A Ingram 11 IB Rice lrnpire %Teat & Grocery Fischer & Isaacs Ennen, Goodman & Co Columbia Grocery B B Grocery Co East End Grocery Sweet Grocery Co Brown &; Cole, Inc Ireland & Pancoast Fairhaven Cash Grocery Mt Baker Grocery Danielson & Runolfson Golden Rule Store Lynden Co -Operative Co Lynden Dept. Store ';lilson & Brown T S Berkeley Co 1,lellie Peterson Mrs A C Graveline A H 11ontgomery D L Baillie :.irs R 11 Bignell it L Kline Sumas 'transfer Co C G tiDi nemi l ler S Id Warren Co CURREt1T EXPENSE FUND. Expense as Supt. Co. Home 11.50 Expense as Co Physician 1.50 Assisting Co Physician 15.00 do 10.00 Care of Co Patients 195.00 do 62.00 do 31.00 Medicine for Co Patients 25.15 do 2.00 do 9.00 Groceries etc for "o Home 122.35 do 73.70 Meat for Co Home 67.16 do 8.10 Clothing for Co Home 24.09 do 2.2.5 Carbide for Co Home 50.00 Supplies for Co Home 1.80 Hdw etc for Co Home 14.55 Tire back for range at Co Horne 1.80 Fire clay etc, for Co Home 8.70 Cutting Grain for Co Home 15.00 Pasturage for Co Howe Stock 12.75 Veterinary Service to Co Home 5.00 Groceries for Asplund et al 28.75 Groceries for T1 M Adams le.65 Groceries for Burch et al a 27.65 Groceries for 'llm I1cBride 14.45 Groceries for Sanford 5.00 Groceries for Anne Trove 10.00 Groceries for E Wilde 10.00 Groceries for Tabor 10.00 Groceries for Hilliard et al 21.45 Groceries for R I'd Johnson 6.45 Groceries for Jackson et al 11.00 Groceries for Gislason et al 42.45 Groceries for Brand et al 18.00 Groceries for ICI E Young 9.95 Groceries to C A Feltberg 10.00 Groceries for Jas Fainter 7.50 Groceries for Nancy Rogers 10.10 Care of I:Irs Bj orndahl 31.00 Board of 1,Tapley et al 48.80 'flood for T�ayott 1.75 House rent for Breiland-i'I'ar to Aug inc 30,00 House rent for Eastman 3 ino 12.00 House rent for Tabor 5.00 Drayage for Rankin, indigent .75 Care of Juvenile Prisoners 22.50 do 1.60 GJUI I.'PIIOTECTION FUND. John 14 Aitken Sal & Exp as Game ':Darden 119.35 Leslie Jones Sal & L'xp as Dep Game Warden 88.95 J E Lee do 88.30 Bellingham 'truck Co Express for game Warden 2.50 ----------- 000---------- The August report of C C King, Supt Co Home, was endorsed "Approved" by the Board. ------s_--000---------- On .notion the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, September 10, 1914. Chairman Board County Comm' ssioners Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Thursday the loth day Sept ember 1914 Thursday, Sept. 10, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on Sept. 9, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: Chas A Trauiain Delia L Keeler F E 'Vlyman .:Irs Bessie Cline L A Thomas do '.ihatcom Co Abstract Co Pacific Tel & Tel Co do lestern Union Tel;. Co Towner Prtg Co Anstett Printing Co Union P B & S Co Irwin -Hodson Co Griggs Sta & Prtg Co Selby -Harris Co ',! A Crusinberry Gilday & Idiontfort Diehl & Simpson do 1.7 T Kenney S B Hughes B N Kingsley S Comozzi T;espolo Olivo Abele Cabolin Rosa F-ravetto Romeo Fravetto CURRENT EXPENSE F UDTD. Sal & Exp as Inspector of "leights & I:ieasures 125.80 Express &• Expense as Co Supt 6.76 Expense as Probation Officer 7.43 Expense as Prob ation Officer 4.25 Expense as Sheriff 57.60 Board of Prisoners 109.60 Furnishing Assessor Daily Report of 11 Z Trfs. 2.00 Phone rentals for Sent. 37.25 Long Distance Service for August 10.90 Yessages for Supt. 50 & Prob Officer .60 1.10 Prtg Sch '.7arrants 30. & Supp a/c Weights & 11. 43.15 Records for Co Clerk 58.25 Sup & Rec for Atty 2.50-Clk 32.70-Suet 8.90- Aud 45.25 & Prim Election 13.65 103.00 Sup for Aud 50. & Gen Offices 14.40 64.40 Sup for Aud .25-Eng 1.-Atty 2.40-Treas 3.75 7.40 Sup for Aud 49.85-Atty 2.50-Gen Offices 12.45 64.80 Map for Auditor's Office 3.00 Livery for Constable at Blaine 2.00 Driving, Supplies & Repairs a/c Co Auto 127.45 Auto hire for Co Officials 110.00 '`lit: State vs Dan Griffen 5.20 J P: State vs Pete 1'.ravetto 3.50 Const:Sta.te vs Pete '`ravetto 2.40 Wit: State vs Pete Fravetto 2.40 do 2.40 do 2.40 do 2.40 do 2.40 MtRRIAGE CERTIFICATE: FUND. F 71 1loses, Co Clerk Recording Marriage Certificates 44.00 ---------- 000---------- The Board made orders canceling 1911, 1912 and 1913 taxes against Fairhaven Land Co. and J H Stenger on tracts of land lying in :Maple Street belonging to the City of Belling- ham. ---------- o0o-_.:------- In the lulatter of the Approval of Plat of ) j Urder Approving. Rainier Park, ;lhatcom County, ';lashington. YlHER'+ S, the tract of' land known as "Rainier Park" has been platted and the plat of the same has been submitted to this Board for -,approval, and ,iHl-RE;AS, this Board has duly considered the same and has found that Thurlow Brant Andrews and Mary Andrews, his wife, the persons who have platted said addition, are the owners in fee simple of all lands embraced in said plat, and that they have dedicated proper streets for the use of the public, and that all taxes charged against said lands embraced in said plat have been paid, as provided by law and as shown by the certificate of the Treasurer of said county and filed with said plat, and that said plat has been approved by the County Engineer, and that said persons have complied with all other require ments of the laws of the State of 71ashington, relating to the filing of plats, and 1,7HEREAS, this Board is of the opinion that it. .would be to the interest of the public to approve said plat; ITO,J, THE 11YORE, it is hereby ordered and adjudged by this Board that said plat be, and same is hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this 10th day of September, A D 1914. It 11 " It 11 11 11 11 it 11 11 11 It It "Board of County Commiss- 11 "ioners of ldhatcom County t1 it State of Washington tt 11 11 /t 1t 11 it It It It 1t I1 it 11 It C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Conuai ss ioner Henry Shagren Commissioner Attest: Vill D 111alla.ce County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. PFA Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Thursday the 10th day September igh IN THE HATTER OF A SUPERVISOR FOR BTTTLIM DITCH. This matter coming on before the Board of County Commissioners of 'Uhatcom County, dashinz-ton, on this 10-th day of September, 1914, and Per Bentzen and John Holman, residents of said Butler Ditch District, and owning land drained by the said Butler Ditch, appearing personally before the board, and it being made satisfactorily to appear to the board that the said ditch is in need of repair and improvement, and that inless such repair is made immediately, the delay will result in much damage to parties whose lands are drained, or should be drained, by the said Butler Ditch; and it appearing to the board that there is money on hand to the credit of the said Butler Ditch District which may be expended, and should be expended, in the improvement thereof; and it appearing that there has been no election of ditch commissioners in the said ditch district since the: same 'Ilas organized, and that there is no one in authority to superintend or perform the work necessary to be done on the said ditch, or having authority to direct the expenditure of the moneys now on hand to the credit of said ditch district. ,10'11, TH1±'RLF01:U-,, in consideration of the foregoing, it is hereby ordered that John Holman be, and he is hereby appointed supervisor of the said ditch district, for the pur- pose of improving the said ditch to the extent that the same may be done through the expenditure of the money now on hand to the credit of said ditch district, and any other money that may be placed at his disposal by voluntary contributions. Done in open session this loth day of September, 1914. 11 I 11 " I " U I it it of I to 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "i oners of T;dhat com County " to State of "Washington " It of if tt to a tt it " It of It It tt Att est : Will D fallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. .000------- C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, September 11, 1914. Chairind.n::Bo rdUdunty iss ioners. 14 W.O.R. Runcord of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Friday the llth day September 191 4 Friday, Sept. 11, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on Septiember 10, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURREZII1' EXPENSE FUND. Henry Shagren Expense as Co Commissioner 8.50 Harrison Cowden Expense as Constable 7.20 0 E Beebe Money advanced for R R Ticket for Indigent Patient 46.35 Larson's Livery & Trf. Livery for Co Phy 10.-Const 7.50-Prob Officer 2.50 20.00 Chas. Stanbra Renairs to Assessor's Adding ITachine 1.50 A L Brown Preparing I. -Tap of Iffards & Prects. for Elections 4.25 Speirs & Speirs Lettering Ballot Boxes 5.10 I;Zunro & Haskell Faking & Repairing Ballot Boxes 62.06 L S 1-'artin Making Election Booths 35.00 Northwest Hdw. Co Supplies for Election 12.11 Bellingham Publishing Co Notices, Primary Election 16.00 J B Bennett Posting Notices etc for Prim Election 50.00 Towner Printing Co 1000 Memo Heads for Co Treas 4.25 71ill D Wallace 'Exp. as Aud. 95 ,d & Express paid a/c Prim. Elect. 16.92 H L Siegel Insp & Mil: Bellingham, l.st 1lard llth Precinct 5.00 Rose B Bennett Judge !I If It of " 4.80 D L Dishman Judge to " " to of 4.80 J D Hannegan Clerk to " " of it 4.80 Marie tleisenburger Clerk If " " " to 4.80 C I Roth Hall Rent to " " of It 5.00 C A Roberts Insp & Mile: It " of 21st it 4.10 '?1 R Brown Judge It '► of It " 3.90 Mrs A F Patterson Judge it ° it if to 3.90 Gertie Roberts Clerk it " If it 0 3.90 Mrs John Slater Clerk it " to to 0 3.90 Siegel Bros. Hall Rent It " It it " 3.00 C A Bond Insp & Mile: it " it 31st `r .4.55 A N Johnson Judge of " to " " 4.35 Cora Kitchell Judge It o 0 4.35 C L Linderman Clerk " " It " " 4.35 It2aude Dolhenty Clerk to " of " " 4.35 J F Decker Hall Rent it if It if '° 5.00 J C Selhaver Inspector it of If 41st " 3.60 Mrs M E Collins Judge it of it It " 3.60 Lillie R Smith Judge " of of !' " 3.60 C C Rogers Clerk & File: ° of to It " 3.80 C C Rogers Hall Rent " It , It it" 5.00 Geo Hartness Insp & Mile: " it of .51st " 4.40 Kate Plumb Judge " it if it " 4.20 Joseph Bulmer Judge " of to to " 4.20 F E Pellett Clerk " It of " " 4.20 Jane 41orthington Clerk " " " " " 4.20 J A 71orthington Hall Rent " " " '► " 5.00 Geo A Henson Insp & File: if to it 61st " 4.4.0 Linda Jennings Judge to It of It of 4.20 Muriel J R Shields Judge " of " of it 4.20 S H king Clerk n It of to to 4.20 Ethel Shields Clerk " If to It it 4.20 Broi;in & Proauty Hall Dent " It it of " 5.00 D H Dunkle Inspector " " It 71st It 5.70 George Erz Judge " " " " " 4.80 Carrie 11 `clhitney Judge " " " " " 4.80 D Farquarhson Clerk " " " " " 4.80 Hazel A I:[cDonald Clerk . " " " " " 4.80 E 1.1 Purdy Hall rent " It it to of 4.00 V1 D Gillen Insp & File: of to to 81st It 4.10 J E James Judge It " It it " 3.90 J L Bishop Judge It, It " " to 3.90 B 0 Holbrook Clerk of It of of of 3.90 F C Plantz Clerk of to n n to 3.90 Graham Bros. Grocery Hall Rent of It " It of 5.00 '1 J, Simonds Insp & Mile: " 2nd " 12th " 3.80 A L • Dauphiny Judge n of of 3. GO Jack U Adams Judge " If " " " 3.60 Ed Cassidy Clerk " It " of " 3.60 Bessie 0 Brown Clerk " " If of of 3.60 Chas E Daw Insp & 19ile: " " " 22nd of 3.80 Elva Richendrfer Judge " to it of it 3.60 C T Slentz Judge If o If to 0 3.60 A H Treleven Clerk " " " It if 3.60 B B Tire & Rubber Co Hall Rent of " If " " 5.00 John Slater Insp & Mile: It " It 32nd it 4.10 L'ettie Schwartz Judge " " " " " 3.90 Geo-Geer Judge " " " " " 3.90 H G-Anderson Clerk " " " " " 3.90 lhiil Pickel Clerk " " " " " 3.90 H P•Johnson Hall Rent " " " " " 5.00 J H Allen Insp & Mile: " " " 42nd " 4.10 Earl Woody Judge " ". " to " 3.90 Flora Hennes Judge " " " it " 3•90 Alice L Brigham Clerk, o n n to of 3.90 Idary Snyder Clerk '► " of to 0 3.90 Mary Snyder Hall Rent " of of It to 5.00 Vim L Asher Insp & Mile: " of to 52nd it 2.80 Geo G Shelton Judge " it It " It 3.60 Y1 E Terrill Judge It it 11 It 3.60 Lillie V Wheeler Clerk " it to Is If 3.60 Edna M Murphy C 1 e rk If " If it it 3.60 Geo G Shelton Hall Rent ° " " " " 3.00 {W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Friday the llth day September 1914 G F Charlot Inspector: Bellingham' 2nd `.lard 62nd Precinct 4.50 Albert Clark Judge " " " " " 3.90 ILLaude Crosslin Judge " " " " " 3.90 Bessie If Odell Clerk " " " " " 3.90 Cora 1,teador Clerk to to if it. " 3.90 i1rs Vl H Brotn Hall A(Znt to to It If It 4.00 i::rs E I:i Starbuck Insp & I;tile: " " 0 72nd of 4.40 Reba Healy Judge " It is of it 4.20 Geo Gibson Judge " to It It It 4.20 Lucy Cunningh=m Clerk " It It to It 4.20 1'red iicCinnis Clerk " it to It to 4.20 J J Setzer Hall Rent " It to of It 5.00 S J Nelson Insp &. Vile: " " to 82nd It 5.00 R J Yeoman Judge " " of It it 4.80 T S Huston_ Judge " " If if It 4.80 R 1, Hell Clerk o to to o 0 4.80 A L'Pettinger Clerk of it " It It 4.80 A L I;iark, Trustee Hall Rent " " It of It 5.00 �.` Li Brock Jr Insp & I.ile: " " " 92nd It 4.70 0 C Armstrong Judge " " " " " 4.50 II Bickford Judge " " " " " 4.50 Barbara. Loore Clerk " " " " " 4.50 II II Chumlea Clerk " " " " " 4.50 L A Altman Hall Rent " " " " " 5.00 Ellery Rogers Insp & 1,1ile: " " " ,102ns " 4.70 C S Gerhart Judge " " " It " 4.50 Julia L Short Judge " " " it" 4.50 Clara A Cade Clerk " " " of " 4.50 L+' F' Uht Clerk " " if If It 4.50 Geo Lumbard, Sr. Hall Bent " " " " " 5.00 IIomer h i,:usser Insp &: 11ile: " 3rd " 13th " 3.65 Ralph J Sutcliff e Judge " It " it " 5.45 011a 11 Phoenix Judge of It to If 0 3.45 S B Irish Hall Rent " It It of to 5.00 J W Iiopp I.nsp & ? ii le : " It of 2 3 r d " 4. 25 F E Crawley Judge " to if to it 4.05 J C Natteass Jud e If of It it 0 4.05 Erna Linse Clerh " o it " " 4.05 Gertrude boss Clerk of " It it " 4.05 L D P Collins Hall Rent " " " " " 5.00 i A Goheen Insp tr. T.-Tile: '► " " 33rd " 4.10 Anton Demuth Judge if If to 3.90 Erank Glevish Judge " to " to " 3.90 Ernest 1' Smith Clerk " " " o If 3.90 Glen Barlow Clerk " It to to to 3.90 H C _MUsser Hall Rent " " " It " 5.00 Daniel 11cCush Insp & I:iile: " " " 43rd " 4.40 Jenkins I:organ Judge " " " " " 4.20 C B Knowlton Judge " " " " " 4.20 laarguerite ;torgan Clerk " " " " " 4.20 Eva A I:icCush Clerk " " " " " 4.20 G A Bremner Hall Rent " " " " " 5.00 ira Smith Insp & I.:i le : " " " 53rd " 5.00 A Arthur Riggs Judge " " " " of 4.80 I3 A Scheble Judge " " " " " 4.80 Dahlqui st &; Drake Hall rent of " " " " 5.00 L Stanton Insp &: I::ile. if " " 63rd " 3.20 Harry Call Judge o 0 0 of it 3.00 Lillian A Covell Judge It of If it It 3.00 Blanche H McCullough Clerk if of It 0 0 3.00 I:iyrtle L Call Clerk of " " It If 3.00 A J Sandhei Hall Rent " " If It it 5.00 Auguste Lalonde Insp & I.iile. " " to 73rd If 4.40 hiargaret C Schumacher Judge " " " " " 4.20 John Gibson Judge " " " " " 4.20 Eunice F Cox Clerk " " if if if 4.20 Sarah Fredley Clerk- it It if 4.20 J E Kreuger Hall ent " " it It '" 4.00 R V Alsop Insp &; I,iile: " 4th " 14th it 4.40 J E Faulkner Judge " It it If if 4.20 James Cu Nudge o n o 0 0nningham 4.20 11 J Berg Hall Rent " " " " " 5.00 D P Day Insp & T.Ule: to to it 34th " 5.00 J C McFadden Judge it If to to It 4.80 C H Wight Judg e It It I it 0 4.80 Lulu D Cooper Clerk It it " " it 4.80 R J Matheson Clerk " it " " If 4.80 Dr. I.'il. Powell Hall Rent " it " " 0 5.00 Cole 1,11 Brandon Insp & I.Iile: " " " 24th " 4.10 Idiaud Ili Turner Judge " " " " " 3.90 Joseph Anstett Judge " " " " If 3.90 Ttlabel S Glen Clerk " " " " to 3.90 Jos Shaffer Hall Rent " " " " it 5.00 H 14 `filing Inspector " " " 44th it 4.20 Elizabeth Rath Judge it " " It 0 4.20 `V D Evans Judge " " " It it 4.20 P D ',ling Clerk & Mile: " " " if It 4.40 A H Pratt Clerk " " " " It 4.20 J F Blott Inspt,& 17ile.: " " " 54th. of 4.70 R B Stuart Judge " " " it it 4.50 E I:Iartinson Judge " " " to " 4.50 Edna Jones Clerk it " it to It 4.50 T,iaris Taylor Clerk of " " " 4.50 I,Trs Nellie B Levris Hall Rent " " " " " 5.00 D L Hopkins Inspector " 5th " 15th " 4.20 `1 W Carroll Judge ►► o it o 0 4.20 G H `11atrous Judge & I,:ile: o o n o 0 4.40 W.0.R. �Record ® Commissioners'Proceedinds July Terns Friday the llth play September 191 4 V B Wallace Clerk Bellingham, 5th '.lard 15th Precinct 4.20 L A 4ilson Clerk It 1. it it of " 4.20 John Fernley Hall Rent If of to to " 4.00 Florence Sears Charroin Inspector " " it 25th " 3.90 Hannah Bratt Judge " " it " " 3.90 Frank E Little Judge " " " " " 3.90 ;1 F Dillon Clerk & Mile: " if It to If 4.10 C J Freygan3, Agt. Hall Rent If " " " " 5.00 H C Banner Insp & File: if It " 35th " 4.10 Alfred L "Black Jr Judge " to " of to 3.90 John A Arnold Judge " to " It to 3.90 IIi ke Gri f f en Hall Rent " to " If " 5.00 G H Little Insp & 1,Iile: " If " 45th " 3.80 Gus Ziese Judge " If " " " 3.60 Win 1.7hitaorth Judge '► " " it " 3.60 Mrs J S Lindley Hall Rent " " " It " 4.00 John Hilton Insp & Mile: " 6th " 16th " 4.10 ;'J Frank Moyer Judge " " " " " 3. 90 Frank H Jarvis Judge " " if it " 3.90 Anne 'if Larson Clerk " " it of " 3.90 Maude E Rust Clerk " " of " " 3.90 J A Barker Hall lient " " " to " 6.50 Samuel hiller Inspector " " It 26th " 3.90 J Wayland Clark Judge & L'Iile: " " it It " 4.10 Thore Johnson Judge " " to to " 3.90 J 11 Doherty Clerk " " if It " 3.90 Pearl V Coberly Clerk " " of It " 3.90 1i L Goff, Agent Hall Rent " " to it " 4.00 John Brooten Insp & Bile: " " if 36th " 4.40 R D Boget Judge " " of It " 4.20 V D Charroin Judge " of of of It 4.20 Florence P Shepard Clerk " if to it " 4.20 Geo H Ames Clerk " If to If to 4.20 Tars 1,�cllann Hall Bent " to " ° " 5.00 J 14 Gilkey Inspector Acme 'Township 3.90 Jacob Rothenbuhler Judge it it 3.90 Li J Idaleng Judge " It 3.90 11 P Nelson Clerk " If 3.90 H J Rabourn Clerk " It 3.90 Jas 11cCoy Del Bal Box " to 2.50 School Dist '8 Hall Rent " It 3.00 Frank Jennings Inspector Baker Township 3.30 Fred Rothenbuhler Judge " it 3.30 J D Hillje Judge " " 3.30 C A Strand Clerk " " 3.30 School Dist #40 Hall Rent " " 5.00 C G Bush Inspector Columbia Township- lst Precinct 3.00 111 C Hobart Judge to to of it 3.00 B F Boston Judge " if of it 3.00 `U 0 V7 Hall Association Hall Rent " it to it 5.00 L E Potter Inspector " to 2nd " 3.30 I:iax Koehler Judge " of if " 3.30 Anton 'Darner Judge " to to " 3.30 Max Koehler Hall Rent " it if to 5.00 J C 1,11right Inspector Crescent 'Township 3.00 John Bullock Judge it " 3.00 4 D Nu l l e Judge it it 3.00 School Dist #43 Hall Rent it it 3.00 11 W Parrish Inspector Custer Township- lst Precinct 3.60 B '."1 Everett Judge to It " to 3.60 John Otly Judge it if it It 3.60 Fred Flint Clerk it it It " 3.60 ';Jilliam Creasey Clerk It of to It 3.60 A 'J Thomas Hall Rent it to it if 4.00 J H Harvey Insp & Iwi1e: to it 2nd it 4.60 It A 'di is on Judge it it it " 3.60 Frank Bice Judge +' " " " 3.60 Gerrit Van '11ingerden Clerk " " " " 3.60 Velma McGee Hall Rent 2.50 'l H Jackman Insp & I. -file: Delta To,msbip- lst " 3.90 Val Bittermann Judge " of it " 3.30 A W Wheeler Judge it of If " 3.30 John Axling Clerk " " " '► 3.30 B C Vander Griend Clerk to to " " 3.30 C F �Packa-rd Hell Rent " It " " 4.00 C G Lund Insp & Mile: " It 2nd " 7.00 Chas E 1.1erritt Judge " If it " 3.60 J H Swope Judge " of It " 3.60 A C Palmer Clerk " It It " 3.60 L E Livingston Clerk " to If " 3.60 S L Palmer Hall Rent " to It it 3.00 I.1 E Bender Inspector Deming it lst of 3.00 Ellsworth Belcher Judge It it it of 300 H V Orr Judge " " " " 3.00 B L Pittenger Clerk It It it of 3.00 B L Pittenger Hall ?dent If it if it 5.00 D L Kline Insp & Mile to " 2nd if 4.50 H A Gates Judge " " " " 3.60 Peter 0 Solen Judge " " " " 3.60 Geo S i:iahan Clerk " " " " 3.60 J W Bell Hall Rent " " " " 2.50 Geo A Baer Insp & 1"ile: Ferndale " lst " 5.90 i::rs Geo 11 Shoup Judge to " " " 3.60 `J E Dorr Judge " " " " 3.60 I:Irs Clara Baer Clerk " " " " 3.60 17 H Campbell Clerk " " ° " 3.60 Mrs .'J T Burton Hall Rent " " " " 2.50 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Julv Terin Fri dav the llth day Se-Dtembe W.O.R. 191 4 T P Reilly Inspector: Ferndale To-anzhip- 2nd Precinct 3.60 Albert Idatz Judge " It " " 3.60 I:�rs B `IV Bailey Judge " " " " 3.60 L71rs Berne Hudson Clerk " " " " 3.60 I.:rs Chas Timerman Clerk " " " " 3.60 ','im Van Doren Light " " " " .50 School Dist n39 Hall .Rent " " " " 5.00 C E Fitzgerald Inspector " " 3rd " 4.20 Henry De':li tt Judge " " to to 4.20 J P Erickson Judge " " If If 4.20 E F Cinqmars Clerk " " It it 4.20 l'dith II Thornton Clerk " " It of 4.20 Ferndale To-•rnship Fall Rent " " It " 3.00 Anton Anderson Insp L Labor " " 4th " 4.40 A Ii Johnson Judge " " " " 3.90 Elizabeth Sullivan Judge If IF of of 3.90 I1 L 11 Kaufman Clerk it it it If 3.90 A A Stockton Clerk to it of If 3.90 %7 J Pynor Hall Rent of It " " 2.00 Ii L I;`urray Inspctor Geneva to 3.30 F A Childs Judge " " .3.30 F iI Hall Judge " " 3.30 W H Galloway* Clerk " " 4.30 Short I:Terct. Co Hall 'tent " " 3.00 F E Bottiger Inspector Glacier " 3.90 C H Bourn Judge " " 3.90 II R Fox Judge " " 3.90 T 3.90 A Branin Hall Rent " " 3.00 P T Giarde Inspector Lawrence " lst Precinct 3.60 J S LlcDonald Judge it " It It 3.60 P G Cooke Judcre It " " " 3.60 J Tucker Clerk to " " " 3.60 a V! Porter Clerk to " " " 3.60 Paul Giarde Hell Rent to " " " 5.00 G I:i Shumway Inspector of to 2nd It 4.20 P J Zwaschka Judge It " of to 4.20 H P Kingsley Judge of it It . " 4.20 E G ',light Clerk " if to it 4.20 K A -Sorensen Clerk " to " " 4.20 C R Granger Inspector Lummi Island Township 3.30 Frank ':right Judge "' " " 3.00 ;!alter H L�erz Clerk " " " 3.30 Lyman Seelye Ret Bal Box " " " 1.40 J B Seelye Hall Rent " " " 2.50 Frank H Bloom Inspector Lynden Township- lst Precinct 3.90 G Vander Griend Judge it " if if 3.90 L S Stremler Judge It it It to 3.90 Guy Dyk Clerk to " of " 3.90 Geo H '�Jhipp le Sr Clerk to It it " 3.90 Lynden Township Hall Rent " " of it 2.00 Peter A Van Dyk Inspector " " 2nd " 3.30 John Spedding Judge of " to " 3.60 C ,,l Davis Judge it if of " 3.60 F P Close Clerk of of of it 3.60 Fred 'lose Clerk " " to it 3.60 Peter A Van Dyk Hall Rent " ° " " 3.00 L L Haggard Inspector Zlaple Falls To,.-rnship. 3.60 J G )Ihieeler Judge to It of 3.60 L J Harvey Judge " " " 3.60 Raymond IucCall Clerk " " " 3.60 Allen Strickfaden Clerk " " " 3.60 S ;'J Jones Insp, & I:iile: I,arietta Township- lst Precinct 4.20 G H Ashby Judge " " " If 3.60 Harry C Smith Jud -e " " " " 3.60 Grace Hardin Clerk " If " " 3.60 Idabel Li LIcCurdy Clerk " to " " 3.60 S F Georze Hall Kent " " " " 5.00 %,fm J lifurray Insp Zc I.Ii le : If " 2nd " 3.70 B Ia Basterbrook Judge " " " it 3.30 y C Gardner Judge of " " " 3.30 Clyde B Boggess Hall Rent " " " " 2.50 Geo L I:Ienze Inspector: Mt View " lst " 4.20 E 0 Finga1son Judge " " " " 4.20 C H `Flo o ldridge Judge " " " " 4.20 L Hicks Clerk " " " " 4.20 School Dist 7§83 Hall Trent " " " " 2.00 Sivert '1,lestre Inspector: " " 2nd " 3.60 T A Gillespie Judge " " " " 3.60 Millard Anderson Judge " " it " 3.60 Otto Krick Clerk " " It " 3.60 Emil Hawkinson Clerk " " " " 3.60 Schbol Dist Y'93 Hall Rent " " " " 5.00 IL-, Jones Insp &: I:'Iile: " " 3rd " 4.60 .7 H Franklin Judge " " if " 3.60 John Zimmer Judge " " to " 3.60 J L Chichester Clerk " " if " 3.60 John Creamer Clerk " " " " 3.60 School Dist #55 Hall Rent " " " " 2.00 P J Frank Insp & I -rile: " " nth " 5.20 J P Felmley Jude " to It " 4.20 C C Ireland Judge if of to " 4.20 Ira Robinson Clerk " " " " 4.20 J P Brevister Clerk " " " " 4.20 School Dist V'20 Hall Rent " " " " 2.00 W.O.R. 0 C l' Record of Coiss�oi�ors' Proc ee July Term Friday the llth day September 191 4 J 0 Anderson Inspector: Nooksack Township- 1st Precinct 3.60 C B Smith Judge it " " " 3.60 Chas. Deeter Judge " "1 3.60 R I 'Tanner. Clerk " " " '+ 3.60 Henry Deeter Clerk of " " " 3.60 School Dist #11 Hall Rent " " " " 5.00 T J Elder - Inspector: it " 2nd " 4.20 Fred B Ehlers Judge It " " " 4.20 111 11 Kirkman Judge of , it• " 4.20 A Y Graves Clerk It " it " 4.20 A S Ki rlmian C 1 e rk " " " " 4.20 School Dist j/.13 Hall Rent " " " " 5.00 James Breckenridge Inspector: " " -3rd " 3.75 J H Elkin Judge " " " '+ 3.75 H :Everson Judge 3.75 -•Beatta Vinger Clerk 3.75 Jessie Simpson Clerk to " to to 3.75 D H.Jamieson Hall Bent " " " " 4.00 J W Dyers Insp & Yile: " " 4th " 4.10 H Lankester Judge if of " if 3.60 W B.Smith Judge n to if a 3.60 Frank McCombs Clerk " " " " 3.60 R B Bartoo Clerk " " " " 3.60 School Dist #11 Hall Rent to to to it 3.75 J D Custer Inspector Park it 3.00 P L Hegg Judge " " 3.00 Gust Erikson Judge " " 3.00 H P.Hansen Inspector Pt Roberts Township 4.20 S J Myrdal Judge to It 4.20 Paul Thorsteinson Judge to !+- 4.20 Byron Samuelson Clerk " " 4.20 H P Hansen Hall Rent& Expr" it 5.50 A D Ross Inspector: Rome Township. 3.60 W G Waite Judge it if 3.60 David Idoors Judge It to 3.60 T- R .Ellwood Clerk " It 3.60 School Dist #303 Hall Rent " " 5.00 R P.Roberts Inspector: Semiahmoo " 3.30 G C •Palmer Judge " " 3.30 C E .Vfilkinson Judge " " 3.30 Fred E Henspeter Clerk " " 3.30 C E .`dilkinson Hall Rent " " 5.00 E Morgenthaler Inspector: Ten Iriile to lst Precinct 3.60 J P.Lawrence Judge n it n- It 3.60 Walter Graham ...Judge & Mile: " it " of 6.00 School Dist n34 Hall Rent " it of " 5.00 Carl Elsner Sr Insp &- bile: " " 2nd " 6.20 F E . Lila n1ey. Judge.- " " " " 3.60 Herman Klander Judge " " " " 3.60 A D Zander Clerk " " " '+ 3.60 Thus Wilson Insp & Mile: " " 3rd " 5,00 A C .Knowles Judge " " '+ " 3.60 ' John 'H Kelly Judge " " " '+ 3.60 School Dist J160 Hall Rent " " " " 5.00 Gottfried Gyger Inspector: " " 4th " 4.70 Paul Kuehnoel Judge " " it ; " 3.30 D M•Simonson Judge " " " " 3.30 School Dist, JJ303 Hall Rent " " of I it 5.00 Chas Pride Inspector: Van Vlyck " . lst, " 4.60 C A Tremain Judge At is of 3.60 Chas Stone Judge " to " to 3.60 Miss 1,1 Markham Hall Rent " " " '+ 5.00 D E.Felmley Inspector: " " 2nd " 3.30 Anton Sievi Judge to It " if 3.30 N H Tepsen Judge " It It It 3.30 John Campbell Clerk & 21ile: " " " " 400 M A Hamilton Clerk " " " " 3.30 Van Wyck Athletic Asscn. Hall Rent " " " " 3.00 W R Wallace Inspector: " " 3rd " 4.00 d H flick Judge " " " " 3.00 J R 1.1allace Judge of " if of 3.00 N E Hall Clerk of " " '+ 3.00 Fred III Latt Clerk " of " It 3.00 Pioneer Dairy Hall Rent to It -'o to 2.00 August Dohne Inspector: Slate Precinct. 3.00' Glee G Davis, Judge & ?? ile: " " 6.00 11L Thornton Judge If of 3.00 August Dohne Hal:l,:Rent•: it It w 2.00' R"H Dickson Inspector: Trail " 3.00 F S Lockwood Judge " " 3.00 H E Barnes Judge " " 3.00 Mrs G C Burch Inspector: Valley " 2.70 L H Standle'y Judge' & Mile: " " 3.90 Sti-Bundon Judge 2.70 D S Richards Inspector: Blaine- 1st Ward 4.50 C W Peters Judge " " " 4.50 Andrew -Danielson Judge " " " 4.50 Roy.G Dunning Clerk " " " 4,50 D S Richards Hall Rent If " " 5.00 John A 11artin 'Inspector: " 2nd "- 4,80 Charles Peterson Clerk of to to 4.80 V E Staeubli Clerk " " " 4.80 W L1, Hazen Insp & ITi le : " 3rd " 5.40 Dan Wilder Judge " " of 4.80 E E Bowers Judge " " " 4.80 Mrs rdaomi ,Pinckney, Clerk " " '+ 4.80 Mrs Olive. Clouse Fall Rent a00, Record of Commissioners'o��rs' Proceedings W.O.R. July Term Friday the llth day September 1914 F C '.tevietzer Inspector: Ferndale (Town) 3.60 J B Wilson JudF,e of " 3.60 S F Uhitney Judge " " 3.60 Ira Rohrbacher Clerk " " 3.60 W A ',`talker Clerk " " 3.60 1't I Baker Inspector: Lynden " 3.90 Geo d Worthen Judge " " 3.90 B E7 Loring Judge " " 3.90 `Jm A Bauman Clerk " " 3.90 r,Iargaret L Watson Clerk " " 3.90 Harry Olin Inspector: Nooksack " 3.60 H Schroeder Judge " " 3.60 S G Father Judge " " 3.60 Helen Olin Clerk If to 3.60 Lucy A Sorber Clerk " " 3.60 Joseph Deneger Inspector: Sumas " 4.50 Jess Corbin Judge it " 4.50 Franklin Haviorth Judge it " 4.50 J B Ri ell Clerk to " 4.50 E W Young Clerk it " 4.50 Union P .B &; Sta Co Prtg. & Supplies for Primary Election 20 226.15 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. Delno Ward. Engineer on Steam Grader 30.00 Geo Elder Foreman on Steam Grader work 44.00 Emil Fullner Fireman on Steam Grader 27.50 Geo Alton Teamster on Steam Grader work 55.00 E A Nickson Labor on Road Forerlan 64.50 I.-d Iiarginson do 100.00 Geo Brown do 39.00 James Scutt do 29.00 Yewt Hale do 27.00 J Y1 Logan do 41.00 Joe Cross do 29.00 J B Everhart do 43.00 Scott Baker do team 80.00 !`;illis Johnson do 12.00 S W Hardan do If 12.00 D B Holzer do it 6.00 Lane V Bryant Labor on Reservation Road Fngine 42.00 Lorbert James do 1.00 �,7illie Hoskins do 1.00 V[ilbert James do 1.00 Fred Alderson do .2.00 Gene Vail do 2.00 T P Reilly do Foreman 18.00 Iver L 11eldahl do team 3.00 C L Ivasman Labor on Pike to 10.00 S Ii Godfrey do it 18.00 G W Kni tt el do if 10. 00 Roy Brown do 13.00 A G Stierlen do " 14.00 Chas H Schuyler do 2.00 L it Abel do " 8.00 Orva Jeffers do it 2.00 W S Russell do " 26.00 T P Jeffers do Foreman 13.75 Ira-J Smith Labor on Road " 45.00 E D-Brown do 23.00 B E Larson do " 32.00 Geo Mund.ell Labor on Bixby Road Foreman 9.00 Geo 1(cPherson do 3.00 Jas Goodfellow Labor on Road foreman 20.00 H i:_cKenzie do 17.50 Thor Bjornson do 5.00 0 Halmars do 7.00 Jno Helgason do 6.00 Ben Anderson do 8.00 B Davidson do 14.00 ") C Campbell Labor on Ferndale Road 24.00 Harry Welch do 4.00 Fred Boys do 4.00 =:i chard Knigg er do 4.00 C C King, Supt Co Home do team 4.00 J K Rogers do 11 4.00 i''ra.nk Edwards do Foreman 24.00 C H Beebe Labor on Road 27.20 Lewis Beebe do 18.00 D I::�oors do tears 19.00 C 1" oors do 19.00 C Lyon do 21.00 T J McCollum do " 40.00 W ]'ricCollum do 12.25 S H, Rooker do " 24.50 E L Merrill do 12.50 I1 '1t ,'titter do 5.25 V B Rogers do 3.50 Roscoe Hilliard do 7.00 George Hilliard do 5.00 L E Mercer do 2.00 H S Schroeder Labor on Road #r230 30.80 A P Caswell do 25.00 i 11 Gahan do 25.00 Joe ltiz do 25.00 L C Durr do Foreman roan & team 64.50 W.O.R. ��� Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Term Friday the llth day - September 1914 H S Schroeder A P Caswell 'Jill Gahan Joe Wiz L C Durr Ira Gammon C F Stevens J F ',Ili se F S Wi s e D C Uise George L Brown F J Arney B V1 Everett J Underwood Jim Hale H Hamli n L Hamlin Frank Norman 11 Brown Fred 'carte Lee Hatton Harry Rosier Robt larren Otto Ulrich H E Hinds Will Filbert Fred Filbert ';;alter L Gobel A J Rutzatz ,a.lter 1-utzatz 0 N Tenney hrthur Rdda Elmer Anderson John Nickelson Ed L Hurd H L Dolph E H Potts Dickerson Charles Constant Levi Horan Leslie Vail L Zweegman Carl Campbell Ross Campbell Fred Griffin John H Lyman Archie Pierce F Adams Thomas For an Clarence C Gooding C Lambert lei W Roby is A Schiaeili nn- Lj 1.'g L Sturman Bill i:arrick C 1a !';;osher Jesse J Rogers Pehrson Bros. Lynden Lumber Co Goshen Lumber Co Dan 0 Donnell Everson Lumber Co John A .'talker J D `,`talker D B Holzer Ilugh Galbrai th Del Gooder `,J B Hart Custer ETercantile Co A "d Anni s L C Durr Lewis Bushby Danielson & Runolfson E li Knapp larion Biehler _Hamilton Bros Chas E Lind :.gorse Hardware Co do C H Beebe "hatcom Co Lapl Co L 1J Bayes 'gyred Furman Everson Livery C A Gooding B H Crabtree C H Fetch Robert Coles 13hatcom Lachinery Depot Thomas L Marsh T 'J Suckling G e o `t! Shay ;! 1;' Seeger H :'! Buzzard Findlay Bros E, A Ni cks o n Carl Oberlatz Labor on Road do do do do Foreman Labor on Road and Bridge do do do do Labor on Road do do do do do do do do do Foreman Labor on Dyk Road do do do do do do do do do do Labor on Road -#50 do do do do do do do do do Foreman Labor on Roads Labor on River at Everson do do do do Labor on Bridge do do do do do do do Salary L Expense .s Bridge Foreman Engineering Expense Lumber Lumber Lumber Lumber Lumber Lumber Lumber Piling Bridge Piling Cribbing Po,.rder Powder etc Povider etc do P otrid er Nails etc do Xai1s Spikes Bridge Steel Bridge Material & Tools Freight on 1.1ateria.l 3 Scrapers 1 Road Ilow 'rile & freig,Zt Hamlin-7 Pile Driver Hauling Lumber Hauling Gravel do ';Wood for Road Engine ';food $of Donkey Engine Bla cksmi thi n,- do do do do do do Gravel Right of way, Pacific Highway team 11 team n team it team of 22.40 16.00 16.00 8.00 30.75 30.00 6.30 36.00 14.40 13.20 22.00 22.00 16.00 34.00 9.00 15.00 15.00 1:>.00 13.00 18.75 28.00 18.75 18.75 50.00 41.25 21.90 15.65 20.75 14.39 15.60 5.00 2,3.50 44.00 44.50 38.00 43.00 24.00 24.00 21.50 26.00 21.50 11.25 57.60 52.80 67.50 68.2.5 59.40 75.00 37.80 12.00 8.00 55.00 60.00 36.90 36.00 138.55 12.00 42.57 87.00 343.06 18.32 15.70 430.42 271.65 14.98 125.00 10.50 11.75 10.35 6.70 260.20 2.70 94.36 23.35 5.70 2.20 4.10 111.04 3.20 22.50 14.00 47.00 16.00 30.00 37.50 8.00 5.75 32.00 40.23 7.85 1.50 9.91 11.40 76.75 8.75 9.50 40.00 W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings Jtily Tenn Fridav the llth i1ay September 191 E T Trimble, City Treas. Last of Asst. Meridian Str Paving; 1,500.00 Tioulton & Allen 1st Est. on Constr Road W161 640.00 Wheaton & Mullen 1st -st. on Constr Bridge across i:Liddle Fork, Nooksack River 800.00 Geo C Blakeslee 1st c` Final --Est on Bridge across Chucka.nut Creek 1,970.39 Frank Johnson 1st L Final 'Est on Bridge across altarietta Slough 1,557.13 Chas E Lind 6th last on Constr Sec 1 Hannegan Road 1, 568.00 y7otthen & Sattertlywaite 5th Est on Constr Sec 2 Hannegan Road 704.00 HATTNEGAN ROAD FUND. Chas E Lind 6th last on Constr Sec 1 Hanne an Road 3,136.00 :lorthen & Satterthwaite 5th Lst on Constr Sec 2 Hannega,n Road 2,112.00 DRIUI,AGEE DISTRICT NO. 4 L zjweegman Services as Ditch Commissioner 12.35 :T S I dLssell do 68.75 Dickinson L Bacon 6th Final Est on Constr of Ditch 2,264.25 Emil Keller 3rd & Final Est on Constr Lateral #1 759.20 do 1st Final .Gst on Constr Lateral #2 340.80 DRAINAGE DISTRICT UO. 5 G N Heaton Services & lExp a/c Drainage Ditch Commissioner 37.50 E 1.1 Stone do 51.25 DRAINAGE DISTRICT.' NO. 6 Jill D '7allace, Co Auditor Recordino, Fee on Right of way deed 1.05 SLEAS11.411 DITCH.FUND. Fred V Nims Labor on Ditch 14.25 E 'd Nims do 24.25 Joe Bromley do 13.75 0 H Johnson do 6.25 A Friver do 7.50 L L Nims do 27.50 'J Jones do 10.00 Carl 1.liller do 6.25 L G Idiller do 15.50 B. hiller do 7.00 A H Tyler do 14.00 'rhos Anderson do Foreman 16.50 Dees 'Thomas do 3.50 SCIMLL DITCH.FTJ1,M Henry De`7i tt Labor on Ditch 36.75 F Beairsto do 15.75 J 1.7 Long do 17.45 HEATH DITCH FUND. Lincoln Lewis Labor on Heath Ditch 6.00 H A Parsons do 112.00 DUFNIR DITCH FUND. Leonard Koole Labor on Dufner Ditch 19.00 Barney Bajema do 16.00 Ii van Kroogen do 8.25 H Koert do 10.37 H Koert do 16.00 Barney Bajema do 43.00 Leonard Koole do 32.50 H van Kroogen do 4.25 Ben Stremler Powder etc for Dufner Ditch 3.25 Lynden Dept. Store do 7.00 SLEASIUM DITCH NO. 2 FUND. 1 T Sheffer Labor on Sleasma.n Ditch jTo. 2 21.25 C L Coonen do 26.25 A R Kirkman do 21.25 Carl P.1arenda, do 28.75 Fred Jesthoff do 25.00 Chas A Perry do Foreman 45.35 Rees Thomas Nails & Shovels 11.80 ---------- 000---------- The August report of 0 E Beebe, County Physician, was endorsed "Approved" by the 3oard. BEFORE THE BOATID OF COUI�rTY COIE.IISSIONERS, IHATCOY- COUITITY, WASHINGTON. IN THE 1,DIT`1'E.R OF THE DRAIP;AGE, ) 110ROV1,11a,MET DISTRICT NO. SEVIN ) Order Authorizing and Directing Condemnation Proceedings j for Right -of -':Jay. OF �.''lI ,, iTCOE COMITY, `7ASIII1IGTOTT, On this day this matter was presented to the Board for further proceedings. It no i ° °- etc Record of Commissioners, Proceedings July Term Fri:daV"& Saturdb llth & 12t�IY Se-otemrPr 191 4 appears that deeds to rights -of -bray have not been obtained from the following persons, all of whom own property within said district and that it is necessary to have rights -of -way across the lands of said �oersons, as shown by the engineer's report on file herein, togeth- er with the plats of said dre,inage district: John Tracy, Herbert Evans, F R Rogers, J M Vaughn, and Albert Vaughn, M W Parrish, Vinzent Harter, Thomas Dahlquist and Amelia Dahlquist, R M Abraham and Decia Abraham, James Porter and Maggie Porter, Frank Roberts, Catherine McMillan, A Cadien, Geo Brice, Percival M Behme, C V1 Taylor, L L Reynolds, #illiam Creasy and Elizabeth Creasy, C E Marquis, Walter Creasy, and Hirain Schell and Mary A Schell. IT IS THER:ES'ORE ORDERED that condemnation proceedings be instituted in the Superior Court of `llhatcom County, "Ilashington, in the manner provided by law for the determination of the damages to be sustained by said respective parties and for the condemnation and. obtaining of right-of-way sixty feet in width over and across the lands of said respective parties as shoran by the engineer's report on file herein, together with the plats showing the places required for said right-of-way, also on file herein and the Clerk of this Board is ordered and directed to furnish Chas. A Sather, attorney for said District with a cer- tified copy of such proceedings of this Board as said attorney shall require. Done in open session this llth day of August, 1914. C B Legoe Chairman 0 of _11 of ii of tt If it 11 of it " of J G Kemper . "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "inners of 'Ifhatcom County " Henry Shagren " State of Washington " Commissioner �� " �► ry �, It a �� tl n tl q �� �� Attest: ,Dill D 1,11allace County Auditor. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, September 12, 1914. Chairman Board County C unissioners. J ----......---000— Saturday, September 12, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment tahan on.Sept. 11, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. .11iscellaneous matters were taken up but no claims allowed or orders signed. On motion the Board adjourned to meet:on Tuesday, September 15, 1914. Chairman Board County nmissioners. 390 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July 'term Tuesday the 15th day September 1914 Tuesday, September 15, 1914'. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on September 12th, 1914. Present, C.B. Legoe, Chairman and Henry Shagren, Commissioner; Will D Wallace Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following proceedings were had: BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF.COUNTY C0121ISSIONERS OF / VVHATCOM COUNTY, IASHINGTON. In the Natter'of the Application of 71.J. Deem ) and others for the Construction and Improvement ( Order Assigning Number and Directing of a Drainage Ditch and Establishment of ) the County Engineer to bake Survey,etc Unincorporated Drainage Improvement District. On this day this matter was presented to the Board upon the preliminary report of the County Engineer, the County Engineer having returned his report that he had viewed the line of the proposed improvement, his said report being in time, manner and form required by statute. It appears from said County Engineer's said preliminary report that the said County Engineer of 'vVhatcom County, Washington, states that in his opinion the said improvement prayed fof in the petition is necessary and will be conducive to public - health, convenience and welfare. WHIMEFORE, IT IS ORDERED that the said improvement prayed for in said petition shall be known as Improvement District No. 9, said number being; selected in the manner provided by law, and said District shall hereafter bd designated as Drainage Improvement District No. 9 of Whatcom County, Washington. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the County Engineer shall go upon the lands described in the petition and as approved in his report and take levels on same and.set a stake at every hundred feet, numbered down stream, and note the intersection of property lines and boundaries, township, city and county lines, if any, and road crossings, and make a report profile and plat of same; also he shall make an estimate of the cost of construction of such drainage system, itemized so as to be reasonably specific as to the various parts thereof (it being understood that such estimate of the cost shall be held to be prelimin- ary only and.shall not be binding as a limit on the amount that may be expended in construct ing such drainage system.) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED and Directed that the County Engineer shall make and return a schedule and estimate of all property that shall be damaged or both damaged and benefited by the proposed improvement, and shall estimate and report the total number of acres that will.be benefited by the proposed improvement, and shall specify the manner in which the proposed improvement is to be made and„the number„ kind, location and dimsneions of all waterways, ditches,. outlets, flood gates, bridges, crossings, either or any, and that said schedule shall be prepared and returned in the manner provided by law. IT IS FtJRTHER ORDERED that the said County .Engineer shall make and file with his said report an itemized bill of costs incurred in the proper discharge of his duties in ..this improvement, and. shall report the same to the Clerk of the Board of County Commiss- ioners within ten (10) days after the completion of the survey. Dated at Bellingham, Washington, this 15th day of September, 1914. of it rt it " It it it to if of if it It C.B. hegoe "Board of County Commiss- " Chairman "ionerFr of Whatcom County " ------ " State of Washington " Commissioner tt If if of of it it it It n it to it to Henry Shagren. Commissioner Attest: Will D 1allace Clerk. ---- 000---------- Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings au I ,�1tr Term Tuesday the 15th day September 191 4 ESTI1:'ATED EXPENSE AND RECEIPTS OF *%7HATCOK COUNTY 1'01 THE / YEAR 1915. Pursuant to Chapter 138, Session Laves of 1909, relating to revenue and taxation, the County Corunissioners of •.fhateom County will meet at their office in the courthouse on I-Tonday, the 5th day of October, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.L1., to consider the tax levy for the year 1915, to make estimates of the amount required to meet the public expenses for the ensuing year to be raised by taxation in said county, such estimates flully itemized and given below as required for each department. Any taxpayer who may appear shell be 'heard in favor of or against any proposed tax levy contemplated. C0111ISS101TEMS. Cortiraissioners' Salaries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 3#800.00 Livery hire - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 200.00 Incidental expenses - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500.00 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 4,500.00 COU'.`TY MMITOR. Auditor's Salary- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 900.00 Deputies' Salaries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ' ,30U.00 ?recorders' Salaries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,500.00 Checking Offices and '.Jeight s and Pleasures - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,000.00 Records, Stationery and Vault Furniture - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,200.00 Incidentals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 75.00 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ) 10, 975.00 COUN TY 77-'l. ASURER . Treasurer's Salary- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Deputy' s Salary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bookkeeper and Two Clerks' Salaries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Extra Clerks' Salaries- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tax Receipts and '�indinn- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,1iscl. Receipts, Statements, Stationery, Carbon L Post Cards- - - - - - - - - Stamped Lnvelopes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Blank books - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Premiumon Treasurer's Bond - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Office Furniture- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COt ETTY CL:11-0RK. =` 2,000.00 1,400.00 3,000.00 1,100.00 450.00 200.00 400.00 130.00 220.00 100.00 9, 000.00 Clerk's Sal•rt ry account - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ? 4,500.00 Record Books and Printing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300.00 Postage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50.00 Incidentals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50.00 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4Y 4, 900.00 COTTYTY ASSESSOR. Assessor's Salary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 500.00 Deputies' and Clerks' Salaries including Tax Extensions - - - - - - - - - - - 41000.00 Salaries of Field Deputies for '3ellingham, Blaine, Lynden, Suiiias, Ferndale, and hooksack- - - - - 1,500.00 Tax 1;olls, Books, Stationery and Printing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 400.00 Timber Cruising - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 200.00 Incidentals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 350.00_ Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "? 7, 950.00 PROSECUTING AT'.:10R-17M . Attorney's Salary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ti;'> 1, 900.00 Deputy's Salary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,200.00 Stenographer for Attorney and Judges - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 900.00 Stationery - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100.00 Printi:i g Briefs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300.00 Incidentals such as traveling expenses, telegraph, etc. - - - - - - - - - - - 450.00 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,A 4)850.00 ` y W.O.R. '6 L�J Record of Commissioners' Proceedings. July Term Tuesday the 15th clay September 191 4_ SHERIFF'S OFFICE. Sheriff's Salary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,900.00 Deputies' Salaries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,120.00 Special Deputies (Personal Tax etc.)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300.00 Jailer's Salary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 900.00 Traveling Expenses- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,400.00 Stationery, Books and Blanks - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 200.00 Board of Prisoners- - - - - - - p - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 1,500.00 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 9,320.00 COIZ TY E: GIIM Z . En-ineer's Salary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -p 1, 900.00 Deputy's Salary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,500.00 Draught srnan' s Salary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,200.00 Chainmen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 900.00 Inspectors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 800.00 Office Supplies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 200.00Office furniture - - -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 300.00 Traveling Expenses- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 600.00 Total - - - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ - 7,400.00 SUPITILINTETDM OF SCHOOLS. Superintendent's Salary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;;p 1,800.00 Deputy's Salary - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. - - 1,200.00 County Board of Education and Assistant Examiner- - - - - - - - - - 400.00 Traveling Expenses - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 250.00 Institute _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 600.00 Stationery and Stamps - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - 250;00 Directors' and Teachers' Reeting- - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ 100.00 Printing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ 200.00 Express and Freight _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 35.00 Incidentals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ 50.00 Total - - _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ - _ _ ;)e 4,885.00 COUNTY PHYSICIAN. Physician's Salary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -S 1,000.00 Expense (Postage, Stationery, etc.) - - - - - - •- - - - - •- - - 20.00 Care of Sick and Injured at Hospitals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2, 000.00 I:zedi cine - - - - - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 500.00 Disinfectants, Antitoxin, Quarantine, etc. - - - -. _ - _ _ _ _ _ 250.00 Ambulance - - - -- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ 75.00 Livery, car fare and. miscellaneous expense - - - - - - - - - - - - 300.00 Total 4, 145.00 SUPEIRIOA COURT. Salaries of two Judges at ',1125.00 oe'r month - - - - - - - - - - - ap 3, 000.00 Salaries of Bailiffs _ _ _ .. .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 500.00 Stationery and Stamps _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. 50.00 Insanity Cases - - _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 700.00 Jurors Expense - -. - - - - - - - - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ 250.0D Jury Fees - - - _ - _ _ - _ - - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ - _ - - - - - 6,500.00 "Ji tness Fees _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3,300.00 Incidentals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 500.00 Total - - - - - - - - .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ 14, 800.00 COURT R1111201-?TI:R. Reportirig Cases in Superior Court JUVENILE COURT. Salaries of Probation Officers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -f, 1, 500.00 Office Expense of Probation Officers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50.00 Transportation and incidental expense of officers and Delinquents 250.00 Detention Home L1a.intenance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 400.00 -.'orthers' Pensions (Lays 1913)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12, 000.00 JUSTICE COUNTS. -CITY- Salaries of Two Justices at �;,100.00 per month - - - - - - - - - - '"i Ines s Fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ Jury Fees Office 11xpense, Stationery, Blanks, etc. - - - - - - _ _ _ - _ _ Consta.ble's Salary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Constable's Expense _ -CGUhTRY- Ju tice Fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Constable Fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WitnessFees - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jury Fees ap 14, 200.00 Y 2, 400.00 250.00 75.00 200.00 720.00 150.00 200.00 200.00 150.00 50.00 Tot +1 4, 395.00 W.O.R. nocord of Commissioners' Proceedings Jul:V Term Tuesday the' 15th day Sent ember 191 COURTHOUSE. Salary of Janitor Fuel- _ _ - - - - - - _ _ - _ - - _ _ - - - _ _ Light Telephone & Telegraph _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Furniture & Fixtures _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I epairs and. Alterations - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Miscellaneous Supplies- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Postage for all offices - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total - - - _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ COUNTY IIOIT72. Salary of Superintendent_ Salary of I.�,atron _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Salary of Cook - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Salary of Teamster- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Salaryof Bourse- - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Labor- - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - _ _ _ - - - - - - - _ _ 1,,�cpense _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DryGoods and Groceries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hardware and Blacksmithing_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --- Feed_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stock and Harness _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Furniture and Fixtures_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Repairs, Alterations and Lew Buildings Implements, Tools and Idsehiner3► Jaiscellaneous - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 1, 020.00 500.00 800.00 600.00 200.00 400.00 100.00 L 000.00 4� 4,620.00 720.00 300.00 540.00 360.00 360.00 600.00 100.00 3,000.00 200.00 150.00 250.00 100.00 200.00 100,00 200.00 Total - _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7,180.00 COUIITY POOR. Dry Goods and Groceries _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tir 3,000.00 Fuel'- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 200.00 Bent_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - - 375.00 Railroad Fares - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 600.00 Burials _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 500.00 Total - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �h 4,675.00 GE10411AL I i I S CRI,LA1,TEOUS . Bureau of In-pection (Checking all Offices) - - - - - - - - - - - -v 500.00 Current h+xpense Viarrant Indebtedness - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25,000.00 3% on Ourrent Tax Roll - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13, 000.00 County Printing (Advertising _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,500.00 Insurance on Waldron Block & other County Buildings - - - - - - - - 300.00 County Automobile- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,000.00, Premium on County Officials Bonds (Except Treas) Laves 113 - - - - - 300.00 Industrial Insurance - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 400.00 Total - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 43, 000.00 Total amount og expenditures - - - - - - - $162,494.00 EST11Y.ATES OF RECEIPTS OTHM THAN TAXES FOR 1915. Auditor's Office - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11, 000.00 Treasurer's Office - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16)610.00 Clerk's Office - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8)400.00 Sheriff's Office _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,100.00 Supt. of Common Schools _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 330.00 Superior Court _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 300.00 Court Reporter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 720.00 Justice and Constable Fees and Fines - - - - - - - - - - -- - 1,800.00 Miscellaneous (Pool tables &: Rents of Co Prop) - - - - - - - 600.00 County home - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,000.00 Total - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 41, 860.00 Leaving a balance to be raised by taxation - - - -<' 1201634.00 -S T 111AThD A11OUN T TO BE RAISED BY TAXAT IO. , 1915 . Current Expense _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -fl-' 120, 634.00 COUNTY B01£D INT'7111 ;ST. Interest on bonds _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _? 6,300.00 COMITY BOND RED1,17PTIOIv. Redemption of County Bonds _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 200000.00 SOL'_• 1*12S I RIMIEF• Relief and Burial of Indigent Soldiers - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1,000.00 ROAD AITIA BRIDGE,. General roar.', and bridge construction and repairs - - - - - - - 81, 000.00 Operation of I1.1.a.rietta Terry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 600.00 Salary Ferndale Bride Tender- - - - - - -'- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 60.00 Industrial Insurance - - - - - - - - - - .- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 500.00 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;'1 Li':UUU W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings July Terin Tuesday the 15th play September 1914 ROAD DISTRICT 1I0. 2 To apply on warrant indebtedness.and interest on warrants - - - q 10,000.00 GIENEIZAL ROAD INDIMTEDIM4 8S . To apply on Warrant Indebtedness and Interest on Warrants - - - yr 78, 000.00 GEIIERAL BRIDGE INDIMIMIFESS. To apply on darrant Indebtedness and Interest on Warrants - - - tr 78, 000.00 ANDREASEN DITCH. 11aintenance - - - _ _ .. _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ 8, 250.00 BUTLIM DITCH. LTaintenance - _ _ - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - p 250.00 ELDMI DITCH. I'faintenance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 250.00 HEATH DITCH. Maintenance — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — hp 244.00 SCHELL D1TCH. T! aLitenance - - _ _ _ - - _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,;b 100.00 SLEASI BAN DITCH. Tsai ntenance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 250.00 SLEAS1IAN DITCH NO. 2 T aintenance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 500.00 ';1i11 1) Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board of County Conmiiss- n" It It of n It n of It of n It it ioners. "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of S,Jhatcom County " to State of 11ashington of to n" of If It of It n it of n" of ----------000 ---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, September 22, 1914. Chainian Board Cou Cornmiss- ione . W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Julv Term Tuesdav the 22nd day September 1914 Tuesday, September 22, 1914. Present, C B Legoe, Chairman; Henry Shagren, Commissioner; :fill, D 'Jallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The followingproceedings were had: In the Patter of Appointment of Road Overseer, 1,larietta Tovrnship ) Order Appointing Charles Osborne. ;'lH1. -'AS, Will L Collins, the regularly elected Road Overseer for I;iarietta '2ovinship has filed with this board his resignation as such overseer, and WHlMAS, the Board of Supervisors of said township have recommended the appointment of Charles Osborne to fill said vacancy, 110,11, THLREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that said resignation of ;trill L Collins be, and same is hereby accepted, and that Charles Osborne be, and he hereby is appointed as Road Overseer for 1.Iarietta Township, to act as such until the next regularly elected overseer shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Board this 22nd day of September, 1914. "Board of County Commiss- " "loners of t;lhateom County " of State of 'Jashington " It 11 to It It ,I „ It to it It if it Attest: 'Jill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000--- --_---- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner BEFORE THE HONOI . BLB BOARD OF COU ITY COI.11 ISSI0NERS / OF t:FHATCOIs[ COUNTY, 'IASHI.'TGTOIT. In the 1.1atter of Drainage Improvement District ) j Order Appointing Appraisers. P.o. 5 of 1,7hatcom County, i'la.shington. It now appearing to the Board that the improvement in said drainage improvement district has been fully completed and accepted by t, e County Engineer, and that the Clerk of this Board has compiled and filed with the Board an itemized statement of the total cost of the improvement and the expense connected therewith, as provided for in section 26 of Chapter 176 of the Lads of 1913, and the Board novr having said statement of costs and expenses under consideration for the purpose of revising; and correcting the same, if necessary, The Board finds that the total cost and expense of said improvement amounts to the sum of s$ 6,243.27 , as shown by the statement compiled by the Clerk and filed with the Board, but that it is necessary to add thereto the sum ofl0 o of the total thereof, toQ%vit, the sum of ; 624.32 , to cover possible errors in the said statement or the apportionment hereafter to be made and to cover the cost of such apportionment and subsequent expenses, and the said statement is hereby corrected, making the total amount of the costs of said improvement and the expense connected therewith the sum of ";)6,867.59 . PT071, THf'' 1EFORE as provided in said Section 26 of Chapter 176 of 1913 Laws of the State of ';la.shington, the Board hereby appoints C.P.Z. Adams, 1I.A. Hickey and Geo. Baer to apportion the grand total of the costs of the improvement, and expenses connected there- with, against the property,within the district in proportion to the benefits accruing thereto, in manner and form as provided for by law. Done in open session of the Board this 22nd day of September, 1914. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings !'uly Term Tuesday the 22nd day September 1914 tI I II II II II II II I II II I II I "Board of County Corrniiss- " "inners of Whatcom County " It State of 'Jashington " to to of 1t It to of " of 11 11 to 11 It Attest: Will D VIallace Clerk. C B Legoe Chairman Coi.mUssioner Henry Shar,-ren Co=iissioner. On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Monday, October 5, 1914. Mye�,, / - Chairman Board County��6issioners W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings' October Term Monday the 5th day October 1914 Monday, October 5, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on September 22, 1914. Present, C.B. Legoe,,Chairrnan; J.G. Kemper and Henry Shagren, Commissioners; Will D. Wallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following claims were allowed and pro- ceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Will D Wallace Salary as County Auditor yp 158.33 August Engquist Salary as Chief Deputy Auditor 100.00 S E Barrett Salary as Deputy Auditor 100.00 F C Martin' do 75.00 Lucy E King Salary as Chief Recorder 75.00 M Thomas Salary as Recorder 65.00 Jessie Walters do 65.00 Jennie T Eddy do 26 days 56.31 Alex Van Dyck Salary as Clerk for Auditor a/c Primary Election 63.00 C.B. Legoe Salary as County Commissioner 150.00 J G Kemper do 150.00 Henry Shagren do 150.00 Delia L. Keeler Salary as Supt. Co Schools 150.00 Ethel Everett Salary as Dep. Supt Co Schools 90.00 D W Featherkile Salary as Justice of the Peace 100.00 Henry C Beach do 100.00 H Cowden Salary as Constable 60.00 F E Wyman Salary as Probation Officer 75.00 Mrs Bessie Cline do 50.00 0 E Beebe Salary as County Physician 83.33 H.Thompson Salary as Coroner 83.33 Hector Gawley Salary as Janitor 85.00 Ed. E. Hardin Salary as Superior Judge 125.00 William H Pemberton do 125.00 F W Moses Salary as County Clerk 158.33 Alithea Adams Salary as Dep Co Clerk 100.00 Geo M Cook do 100000 Frank W Bixby Salary as Prosecuting Attorney 158.33 Walter A Martin Salary as Dep. Pros Attorney 100.00 Abbie H Barbo Salary as Stenographer for Pros Attorney 75.00 Nellie C Rogers Salary as County Treasurer 166.66 F L Olslager Salary as Dep Co Treasurer 100.00 John Fernley Salary as Bookkeeper for Co Treas. 90.00 Olive Wilson Salary as Clerk for Co Treas 80.00 G A Pence do 80.00 H D McArthur Salary as County Assessor 125.00 Jas Elder Salary as Dep Assessor 80.00 Gordon L Whitcomb Salary as Clerk for Assessor 8 days 24.00 Winfield Ervin do 11 " 33.00 Foster M Carver Salary as Dep,Assessor 75.00 H R George do .75.00 David Wurtenberg Salary as Clerk for Assessor 75.00 Alex Van Wyck _ Salary as Field.Dep Assessor 7 days 24.50 L A Thomas Salary as Sheriff 158.33 L J Flanagan Salary as Dep Sheriff 80.00 Wilson Stewart do 80.00 M B Byland ' Salary as Jailer 60.00 Geo H Watrous Salary as Spl Dep Sheriff 31.50 Emery Hess do 52.50 Barney Hanson do 10.50 C M Adams Salary as Co Engineer 158.33 C E Phoenix Salary as Deputy CoEngineer 82.50 Carl TIcCoy Salary as Drftsm for Co Engineer 100000 Harry C Swettenam Salary as Transit & Chairman for.Co Eng 81.00 Jack Adams Salary as Chairman for Co Eng 22.50 P G Cooke Salary as Transitman for Co Eng 85.00 Clay Cooke Salary as Chairman for Co Eng 15.00 E C Lyle Salary as Transitman for Co Eng 55v00 James Goheen Salary as Chairman for Co Eng 18.75 0 N Munn Salary as Transitman for Co Eng 25.00 F E Crawley Salary, as Chairman for Co Eng 10.00 E S Decker do 15.00 J A Johnson Salary as Axman for Co Eng 5.00 Henry Felch do 3.75 C H Felch do 3.75 Carl Johnson Salary as Chairman for Co Eng 5.00 C C King Salary as Supt Co Home 60.00 M B King Salary as Matron at Co home 25.00 Edna Knight- Salary as Cook at Co Home 45.00 Esther Bailey Salary as Nurse at Co Home 25.00 John Colling Salary as Teamster at Co Home 30.00 H J Hurst Salary as taborer at Co Home 5.00 George Slater Salary as'Guard of Prisoners at Co Home 60.00 Puget Sound T L & P Co Gas & Elect Light for Sept.& Car tickets for Sheriff 62.25 B A Tremain Sal & Exp as Inspector of Weights & Measures 43.16 Delia L Keeler Expense 10.93 & Express 3.25 as Co Supt 14.18 H D McArthur Expense as Co Assessor to Olympia 12.25 Nellie C Rogers Exp a/c Treas. Convention 21.70 & PO Box Rent 2. 23.70 L A Thomas Expense as.Sheriff 62.10 do Board of'P risoners 142.60 Fairbanks, Morse & Co Freight an Weights for County 3.60 Kellogg & Thompson Costs: Miller vs Whatcom County 11.00 Eagan Ridenour Typewriting for Treas 1.70 & Pros Atty 1935 3.05 Whatcom Co Abstract Co Furnishing Assessor Daily Report of R E Transfers 2.00 J M Mossman Co Cleaning Time Lock in Treasurer's Safe 10.00 J B Bennett Del Bal Boxes in City for Primary Election 15.00 4.98 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings, October Term Monday the 5th clay October Bellingham Truck Co Del & Cal Booths for Prim. Election (City) Jenkins -Boys Co Furnishings for Polling Places -Prim Elect -City B F Barton Scalp Bounty on 2 wild cats G H Abers C A Scrimsher J M Aitken Leslie Jones J E Lee J D Custer Larson's Livery & Trf. Alwill Hacklander ROAD AND BRIPGIC FUND. Tending Ferndale Bridge Operating Marietta Ferry GAME PROTECTION FUND. Salary & Expense as Game Warden Salary & Expense as Dep Game Warden do Supplies for Fish Hatchery Livery for Game 'harden SOLDIERS' RELIEF FUND. Relief of Alwill Hackladder W.O.R. 1914 30.00 49.75 10.00 5.00 50.00 119.60 83.00 90.10 39.15 2.50 20.00 MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE FUND. F W Moses, Uo Clerk Recording 14arriage Certificates 40.00 000 ---------- The claim of C A Roberts for $104.22 as damages to automobile sustained on County Road known as Hannegan Road, was refused by the Board. ---------- 000---------- ✓ In the Matter of Transferring ) Certain Monies .from County Game Protection Fund to State Game Fund ) ORDER TO TRANSFER. WHEREAS, Chapter 120 Section 34, Session Laves of 1913 provides that ten per cent. (100) of all County Hunting and Fishing Licenses and ten per cent. (10%) of all fines paid into -the County Game i'und and also the total amount received for State Hunting and Fishing Licenses, shall be paid into the State Game Fund, and WHEREAS, during the quarter ending September 30, 1914, the County Auditor has receiv- ed and truned over to the County Treasurer the sum of Eighteen Hundred Seventy-four & 00/100 ($1874.00) Dollars for County Hunting and Fishing Livenses, and Sixty-five & 00/100 ($65.00) Dollars for State Hunting and Fishing Licenses, and also Twenty & 00/100 ($20.00) Dollars in fines having been turned into the County Game Fund during the quarter ending September 30, 1914; N0J, THIEUORE, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer from the County Game Protection Fgnd to the State Game Fund., in compliance with above mentioned law, the sum of Two Hundred Fifty-four & 40/100 ($254.40) Dollars and remit the same to the State Treasurer as provided in said Section 34, Chapter 120, Session Laws of 1913. Done in open session of the Board this 5th day of October, 1914. If 11 " It 11 11 11 11 to It 11 " 11 It fi "Board of County Commiss- 01 gioners of Whatcom County " to State of Washington " it I1 11 to of 11 11 I1 0 11 to /t Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. In the Iaatter of Appointment of ) t Poundmaster for Delta Township. ) C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ---------- 000---------- Order Appointing., Frank Whitman VIHEREAS, at the last annual tovmship meeting of Delta Township the electors therein adopted an ordinance prohibiting the running at large of all domestic animals, and WH=AS, the Board of Supervisors of said township have filed. with this Board a recommendation for the appointment of Frank Whitman as Poundmaster of District No. 3 of said Delta Township, NO1F1, THEREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that said Frank Whitman be, and he W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term 11ohd'a.y the 5th day October 191 :39 hereby is appointed as Potundmaster of District No. 3 of Delta Township. Done in open session of the Board this 5th day of October, 1914. C B Legoe to to " of " " " " " " " " " " Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- " J G Kemper "ioners of '.rhatcom County " Commissioner of State of Washington If Henry Shagren " ►► 11 " n of " t► n ft If " " it Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ----------coo---------- In the Fatter of Abolishing Barron Pre- ) ( 0 RDER. cinct, Whatcom County, Washington I,} This matter coming on before the Board on this 5th day of October, 1914, upon the proposal to abolish Barron Precinct in Whatcom County, and to consolidate the territory within the confines of said precinct with Slate Precinct in said County; and it being made satisfactorily to appear to the Board that the election precincts known as Barron Precinct and Slate Precinct lie wholly within the unorganized territory of Whatcom County; that very few votes are cast in Slate Precinct; that very few votes have ever been cast in what is known as Barron Precinct, and that no votes whatever have been cast in Barron Precinct during the sip: years last part; that the expense to Whatcom County in getting the equipment to Barron Precinct necessary for holding an election is very considerable each year, and that such expenditure is an absolute waste of money because of the fact that no electors reside within the said Barron Precinct; and the Board having fully considered all of the above and foregoing mentioned facts in connection herewith, and having decided that the public interests will be conserved by discontinuing the said Barron Precinct as a separate precinct; NOSY, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDIMED, ADJUDGED AD DECREED that said Barron Precinct, as such, be and the same is hereby discontinued as a separate and distinct voting pre- cinct; and that the territory within the confines of the said Barron Precinct, as the same has heretofore existed, be and the same is hereby annexed to and made a pact of the Slate Precinct in 11hatcom County, Washington. Dore in open session of the Board this 5th day of October, 1914. C B Legoe Chairman to of to it to n of n it of of n"" J G Kemper "Board of County Commiss- " Henry,.IShagren " ioners of Vrhatcom County" Conunissioners " State of Washington It u" it It of It of to it It to if If it Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk. , ---------- c0o---------- J In the hatter of the Selecting of Polling Places for the ) Precincts of Whatcom County, Washington to be used as ( ORDER Such Polling Places at the General Election to be held ) SEIXCTING. in said County on Tuesday, November .3rd, 1914. WHEREAS, a general election is to be held in all of the voting precincts of Whatcom County on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, A.D. 1914, :and the lair makes it the duty of this Board to designate polling places to be used as sdch,at said general election, and WHIREAS, this Board has secured the.following described buildings as polling places to serve at said coming election on November 3rd, 1914. Each of said buildings being in the precinct from which it is selected and being a convenient and readily accessible place W.0. R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 0 et Ober TerIn Monday the 5th day 0 ct ober 1914 to the voters of said precinct and each being generally known by the name bu which it is hereinafter designated. NOW, THFREFORL+, it is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed by this Board that the buildings hereinafter named be and same are hereby selected and designated as polling places in their respective voting precincts to be used as such polling places in their respective voting precincts of Uhatcom County, Washington, at said general election to be held in said County on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, A.D. 1914e 1. Bellingham, lst Ward, llth Prect: Roth Block. 2. Bellingham, let Yard, 21st Prect: Siegel Garage, cor G & Girard Sts 3. Bellingham, let .lard, .31st Prect: 2309 F Street, Decker Residence. 4. Bellingham, let Ward, 41st Prect: 2430 Meridian Street, Rogers Bldg. 5. Bellingham, let Ward, 51st Prect: Worthington Bldg., Elm & Monroe 6. Bellingham, let Ward, 61st Prect: Columbia Grocery, Monroe &; Utter 7. Bellingham, let Ward, 71st Prect: Purdy's Barn, 2319 West Ste 8. Bellingham, lst Ward, 81st Prect: Graham Bros. Grocery, 2512 Eldridge Ave. 9* Bellingham, 2nd 'lard, 12th Prect: City Hall. 10. Bellingham, 2nd `hard, 22nd Prect: 112-114 Grand Avenue. 11. Bellingham, 2nd Ward, 32nd Prect: 707 Irving St., Grocery Store. 12* Bellingham, 2nd Ward, 42nd Prect: Snyder Building, core Dock &; Carolina Sts. 13. Bellingham, 2nd Ward, 52nd Prect: Shelton Garage, 2636 Hampton Place. 14. Bellingham, 2nd Ward, 62nd Prect: 515 North St., Mrs Fred Oats Residence. 15* Bellingham, 2nd Idard, 72nd Prect: Setzer Bldg. cor Elk & James Stse 16. Bellingham 2nd Ward, 82nd Prect: Store Bldg., 2511 Orleans St. 17. Bellingham, 2nd Ward, 92nd Prect: 2339 Yew St., Ida Hemminger Res. 18. Bellingham, 2nd Vlard,102nd Prect: Lombard Bldg., Silver Beach. 19. Bellingham, 3rd 'lard, 13th Prect: 1311 R R Ave., Irish Printing Shop. 20. Bellingham, 3rd Ward, 23rd Prect: Skating Rink, cor Garden & E Holly 21. Bellingham, 3rd Ward, 33rd Prect: 302 Champion Ste, Mrs C J Gamble 22. Bellingham, 3rd 'lard, 43rd Prect: 303 -fake Street. 23. Bellingham, 3rd Ward, 53rd Prect: 511 Potter Ste, Dahlquist & Drake 24. Bellingham, 3rd Ward, 63rd Prect: 1008 Lake Street 25. Bellingham, 3rd Ward, 73rd Prect: Whatcom Falls Station. 26. Bellingham, 4th Watd, 14th Prect: 1016 Elk St., Chas Howard Bldg. 27e Bellingham, 4th Ward, 24th Prect: 705 Elk Street. 28. Bellingham, 4th Ward, 34th Prect: 700 Garden Ste, Dr Powell Garage 29. Bellingham, 4th Ward, 44th Prect: 19aple Street Fire Hall. 30. Bellingham, 4th Ward, 54:th.Prect: 1000 Liberty Street.` 31* Bellingham, 5th Ward, 15th Prect: 1110-11th St., Fernley Bldg. 32. Bellingham, 5th Ward, 25th Prect: 711-11th St. 33. Bellingham, 5th Ward, 35th Prect: Garage core 14th & Adams St. 34. Bellingham, 5th Ward, 45th Prect: 1133-21st Street. 35. Bellingham, 6th Yard, 16th Prect: 1104 Larrabee St., Barker Bldge 36. Bellingham, 6th 'lard, 26th Prect: 17th and McKenzie Streets. 37. Bellingham, 6th :lard, 36th Prect: 26th & Donovan Streets. 38. Blaine, lst Ward: Old Homestead Hotel. 39. Blaine, 2nd 'lard; City Hall. 40. Blaine, 3rd Ward: Washington Hotel. 41. Ferndale: Town Clerk's Office. 42. Lynden: Town Hall,, 43. Nooksack: Town Halle 44. Sumas: Town Hall. 45. Acme Township: Old School Hou-ae at Saxon, Dist Ho. 8 46. Baker Township: Manual Training Hall at Clipper School House, Dist No. 40 47. Columbia Township, let Prect: Vl 0 71 Hall, Kendall. 48. Columbia Township, 2nd Prect: Y, Koehler's Residence. 49. Crescent Township: Sa.mish Lake School House. 50, Custer Township, let Prect: Custer Hall. 51* Custer Township, 2nd Prect: Haynie Halle 52. Delta Township, let Prect: Hoffman Hall. 53. Delta Township, 2nd Prect: Residence on west end of S L Palmer Place* 54. Deming Township, let Prect: Griffen's Hall at Deming. 55. Deming Township, 2nd Prect: Grange Hall at Welcome. 56. Ferndale Township, lst Prect: loodlyn Churche 57e Ferndale Township, 2nd Prect: Evergreen School House, Dist No. 39 58, Ferndale Township, 3rd Prect: Township Ball. 59* Ferndale Township, 4th Prect: Fugent's Hall, 60. Geneva Township: Geneva Store* 61. Glacier Township: Town Halle 62. Lawrence Township; lst Prect: Hall at Goshen* 63. Lawrence Township, 2nd Prect: Town Hall at Lawrence. 64. Lummi Island Township: Basement of Beach Congregational Church* 65. Lynden Township, lst Prect: Township hall, north of rivers 66* Lynden Township, 2nd Prect: Peter Van Dyk's old house, south of river. 67. Lynden Toimship, 3rd Prect: Northwood Grange Ball. 68. Maple Palle Township: Town Hall at Maple Falls* 69. Marietta Township, let Prect Fishermen's Hall. 70. Marietta 'Township, 2nd Prect: House across road from B M Easterbrooks. 71. Mountain View Township, let Prect: School House, Dist No. 83 72. Mountain View Township, 2nd Prect: School House, Dist Noe 93. 73. Mountain Views Township, 3rd Prect: School House, Dist No. 55. 74. 1ountain View Township, 4th Prect: School House, Dist No. 20e 75e Nooksack Township, lst Prect: Gerra School House, Dist No. 11. 76. Nooksack Township, 2nd Prect: Clearbrook School House, Dist No. 13. 77, Nooksack Township, 3rd Prect: Jamieson's Hall, Everson. 78. Nooksack Township, 4th Prect: Gerra School House No. 2, Dist Noe lle 79% Park Township: Custer's Store. 80. Point Roberts Township: Point Roberts Hall. 81. Rlome Township: Summit School House, Dist No. 303. W.O.R. ^ ^� LA fi ;1 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings g October Term Monday the 5th day October 1914 82. Semiahmoo Township: C E Wilkinson's House on Shintaffer Road. 83. Ten Mile Township, lst Prect: Forest Grove School House, Dist No, 34 84. Ten File Township, 2nd Prect: Township Hall at Ten Toile. 85. Ten Mile Township, 3rd Prect: Victor School House, Dist No. 60. 86. Ten Mile Township, 4th Prect: Davis School House, Dist No. 303, 87.,Van Wyck Totmship, lst Prect: Martin's Place, cor Woodluwn & Toad Lake.Roads. 88. Van Wyck Township, 2nd..Prect: Township Hall. 89. Van Wyck Township, 3rd Prect: Pioneer Diary. 90. Slate Precinct: Aug. Dohne's Road House. 91. Valley Precinct: Forest Rangerts Station. 92. Trail Precinct: Boarding House School Room, Nooksack Falls. Done in open session of the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Wash- ington, this 5th day of October, A.D. 1914. all concurring herein. to It to ,t it it to tl 11 if tl to it " "Board of County Commi ss- 't t'ioners of Whatcom County t' It State of Washington it to /t of tl tl of It tl of 1t it to to to Attest: Will D 'ldallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. All members of the Board being present and ---------- 000---------- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board. J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner In the Matter of Appointing Precinct ) Election Boards to Serve at the General Election to be Held in What- ( ORDER APPOINTING. com County, on November 3rd, 1914. WHEREAS, a General Election will be held in Whatcom County, Washington, on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, A.D. 1014, andthe law makes it the duty of the Board of County Commissioners to appoint Inspectors and Judges of election to serve -as election boards in their respective precincts at said election. WHEREAS, this matter comes on regularly to be heard before this Board of. County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washington, and this Board has carefully considered said matter and has carefully considered the advisability of appointing the.person hereinafter named and has found that each of said persons is an elector in the precinct from which he has been appointed as hereinafter indicated and that each is in every respect qualified, legally and otherwise, to act in the capacity for which he has been selected as a member of the Board in his respective precinct at said election. NOVI$ THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed by this Board that the persons hereinafter named be, and they are hereby appointed Inspectors and Judges and Clerks of election respectively to serve as such officers in their respective voting pre- cincts in Whatcom County, Washington, at said General Election wn Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, A.D. 1914. The persons herein appointed, the office to which each has been appointed,and the precinct in which he has been appointed, is as follows, toQwit: Bellingham, lst Ward. llth Precinct. Inspector- H L Siegel P.O. 1501 "I" St. Judge Rose B Bennett P.O. 1301 "J"'St. Judge D L Dishman P.O. 1507 "F" St. Bellingham, lst Ward 21st Predinct, Inspector- C A Roberts P.O. 2223 "Hot St. Judge W R Brown P.O. 2011 "H" St. Judge Mrs A F Patterson P.O. 2216 "E" St. Bellingham, 1st; Ylard 31st Precinct. Inspector- C A Bond P.O. 2509 F St. Judge A N Johnson P.O. 1010 Logan St. Judge Cora Mitchell P.0. 2401 G St. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Monday the 5th clay October W.O.R. 191 d Bellingham, lst Ward 111st Precinct, Inspector- J C Selhaver Judge Mrs M E.Collins Judge Lillie R Smith P.O. Meridian St R#1 P.O. 2600 Meridian St. P.O. 2415 Peabody St. Bellingham, let Ward 51st Precinct. Inspector- Geo Hartness Judge Kate Plumb Judge Joseph Bulmer P.O. 2530 Elizabeth St. P.O. 2417 tweridian St. P.O. 2801 Kulshan St. Bellingham, lst Ward 61st Precinct. Inspector- Geo A Henson Judge Linda Jennings Judge Ethel Shields P.O. 2212 Utter St. P.O. 2313 Utter St. P.O. 2215 Utter St. Bellingham, lst. Ward 71st Precinct. Inspector- D H Dunkle P.O. 2514 ;Test St. Judge George Erz P.O. 2340 Cherry St. Judge Carrie M Whitney P.O. 2524 Henry St. Bellingham, lst Ward 81st Precinct. Inspector- I/ D Gillen Judge J E James Judge J L Bishop P.O. 2331 Cherry St. P.O. 2.808 Patton St. P.O. 2605 Eldridge Ave. Bellingham, 2nd 'Ward 12th Precinct. Inspector'- W J Simonds Judge A L Dauphiny Judge Jack M Adams P.O. 110 17 Champion St. P.O. 312 Central Ave. P.O. 504 1�1 Holly St. Bellingham, 2nd Ward 22nd Precinct. Inspector- Chas E Daw Judge Elva Richendrf er Judge C ' T Slentz P.O. 205 N Commercial St. P.O. 6 Cis"sna Bldg. P.O. City Box 193 Bellingham, 2nd Ward 32nd Precinct. Inspector- John Slater P.O. 2220 C St. Judge Nettie Schwartz P.O. 1903 D St. Judge Geo Geer P.O. 2517'D St. Bellingham,2,nd Ward 42nd Precinct. Inspector-. J H.. Allen Judge Earl Vloody Judge flora Hennes P.O. 2234 Ellis St. P.O. 315 Carolina St. P.O. 201 Carolina St. Bellingham, 2nd Ward 52nd Precinct. Inspector- lr'm L Asher Judge Geo G Shelton Judge , ' Ord E Terrill P.O. 2605 Hampton Place. P.O. 2636 Hampton Place. P.O. ?_.730 Park Drive. Bellingham, 2nd V1ard'62nd Precinct. Inspector- G F Charlot Judge Albert Clark Judge Maude Crosslin P.O. 2532 Iron St. P.O. 2311 Wanes St. P.U. 2400 King St. Bellingham, 2nd 'lard 72nd Precinct. Inspector- Mrs E M Starbuck P.O. 2220 James St. Judge Reba Healy P.O. 1921 Iron St. Judge Geo Gibson P.O. 2219 James St. Bellingham, 2nd Ward 82nd Precinct. Inspector- S J Nelson Judge R J Yeoman Judge T S Huston P.O. 2419 Undine St. P.O. 2429 Orleans St. P.O. 2839 Pacific St, Bellingham, 2nd Vlard 92nd Precinct. Inspector- W 1.1 Brock Jr P.O. 2411 Yew St. Judge 0 C Armstrong P.O. 2711 Alabama St. Jddge Mrs Ida R Hemminger P.U. 2339 Yew St. Bellingham, 2nd Ward 102nd Precinct. Inspector- Ellery Rogers Judge C S Gerhart Judge Julia L Short P.O. Silver Beach Sta. P.O. Silver Beach Sta., P.O. Silver Beach Sta. Bellingham, 3rd Ward 13th Precinct. Inspector- Homer K Musser Judge Ralph J Sutcliffe Judge 011a M Phoenix P.O. 310 Vagnolia St. P.O. 1331 Forest St. P.O. Daylight Block. W.O.R. Rocord ®� o . iss oners' Proceedings October Term Monday the 5th day October 191 40 Bellingham, 3rd Ward 23rd Precinct. Inspector- J VI Hopp P.O. 615 Chestnut St. Judge F E Crawley P.O. 1210 Indian St. Judge J C Nattrass P.O. 715 E Holly.St. Bellingham, 3rd Ward 33rd Precinct: Inspector- H A Goheen. P.O. 1411 Grant St. Judge Anton Demuth P.O. 313 Magnolia St. Judge Frank Clevish P.O. 1425 Franklin St. Bellingham, 3rd Ward 43rd Precinct., Inspector- Daniel McCush P.O. 306 Potter St., Judge Jenkins Morgan P.O. 1323 Franklin St. Judge C B Knowlton P.Q. 509 Lake St. Bellingham, 3rd Ward 53rd Precinct. Inspector- Ira Smith P.O. 1412 Humboldt St. Judge A Arthur Riggs P.U. 1440 Grant St. Judge R A Scheble P.O. 1436 Grant St. Bellingham, 3rd lUard 63rd Precinct. Inspector- L Stanton- P.O. 1440.1doore St. Judge Harry Call P.U. 1306 James St. Judge Lillian A Covell P.O. 1350 Iron St. Bellingham, 3rd Ward 73rd Precinct. Inspector- Auguste Lalonde P.O. Larson Sta. Judge Margaret C Schumacher P.O. 1900 Lake St. ' Judge John Gibson P.O. City Box 453 Bellingham,-4th Ward 14th Precinct. Inspector- R V Alsop P.O. 828 Elk St. Judge J E Faulkner P.O. 903.E1k St. Judge James Cunningham P.O. 927 Elk St. Bellingham, 4th Ward 24th Precinct. Inspector- Cole Yl Brandon. P.O. 310,-.I St. Judge Maude M Turner P.O. ,Pine 625 Forest St. Judge Joseph Anstett P.O. 140 Forest- St. Bellingham, 4th Ward 34th Precinct.. Inspector- D P Day P.O. 421 Indian St. Judge J C McFadden P.O. 823 High •St: Judge C H" Sflight P.Q. 516 Garden St. Bellingham, 4th Vlard .44th Precinct. . Inspector- A H Pratt P.O. 906 High St. Judge Elizabeth Rath P.O. 1114 Indian St. Judge W D Evans P.O. 1117 Jersey St.. Bellingham, 4th Ward.54th P.r.ecinct. Inspector- J F Blott P.O. 916 Newell St. Judge R B Stuart P .O. 1016 11ap le St. Judge M Martinsen P.O. 926 Mason St. Bellingham, .5th ).lard 15th Precinct. Inspector- D L Hopkins P.O. 1009-12th St. Jud ge W W Carroll P.O. 1123-13th St. Judge G H Vlatrous P.O. 1210 Gambier St. Bellingham, 5th Ward 25th Precinct. Inspector- Florence Sears Charroin P.O. 1310 Taylor St. Judge Hannah Bratt P.O. 705-15th St. Judge Mary L. Vergin P.O. 1121-14th St.. Bellingham, 5th Ward 35th Precinct. Inspector- H C Banner P.O.. 203 So Elk St. Judge Alfred L Black Jr P.O. 515-16th St. Judge John A Arnold P.O. 515-16th St. Bellingham, 5th Ward 45th Precinct. Inspector- G H Little Judge Gus Ziese Judge Wm Whitworth P.O. 905-25th . St-. P.O. 2307 Bennett Ave. P.O. 1029-22nd St. Bellingham, 6th `lard 16th Precinct. FA Inspector- John Hilton Judge V/ Frank Moyer Judge Frank H Jarvis P.O. 903 Cowgill St. P.O. 1021 Cot°rgi11_ St. P.O. 1103.& Harris Ave. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Monday the 5th day October W.O.R. 191 Bellingham, 6th 71ard 26th Precinct. Inspector- J Wayland Clark P.O. 1715 Larrabee St. Judge Samuel Miller P.O. 1515-12th St. Judge Thore Johnson P.O. 1817-19th St. Bellingham, 6th Ward 36th Precinct. Inspector- John Brooten P.O. 1301-24th St. Judge R D Boget P.O, 1900-34th St. Judge V D Charroin P.O. 1304-24th St. Blaine, lst `lard Inspector- D S Richards P.O. Blaine Judge C W Peters P.O. Blaine Judge Andrew Danielson P.O. Blaine Clerk Roy G Dunning P.O. Blaine Blaine, 2nd Ward, Inspector- John A 1Zartin P.O. Blaine Judge Charles Peterson P.O. Blaine Judge L A Van Luven P.O. Blaine Blaine, 3rd 'lard. Inscector- `1 M Hazen P.O. Blaine Judge E E Boners P.O, Blaine Judge Dan Wilder P.O. Blaine Clerk Mrs Naomi Pinckney P.O. Blaine Ferndale (Torn) Inspector- F C Wewetzer P.O. Ferndale Judge J B Wilson P.O. Ferndale Judge S F Whitney P.O. Ferndale Clerk Ira Rohrbacher P.O, Ferndale Clerk W A Walker P.O. Ferndale Lynden (Town) Inspector- Y1 I Baker P.O. Lynden Judge B W Loring P.U. Lynden Judge B P Shoemaker P.O. Lynden Clerk V/m A Bauman P.O. Lynden Clerk Margaret I, Watson P.O. Lynden Nooksack (Town) Inspector- Harry Olin P.O. Nooksack Judge H Schroeder P.O. Nooksack Judge S G Mather P.O. Nooksack Clerk Helen Olin P.O. Nooksack Clerk Lucy A Sorber P.O. Nooksack Sumas (Town) Inspector- Joseph Deneger P.O. Sumas Judge Jesse Corbin P.U. Sumas Judge Franklin Haworth FXa rSiimas Acme Township. Inspector- J W Kelly. P.O. Acme Judge If J Ila].eng P.O. Acme Judge Jacob Rothenbuhler P.O. Acme Clerk N P Nelson P.O. Acme Clerk H J Rabourn P.O. Acme Baker Township. Inspector- Frank Jennings P.O. Van Zandt Judge J D Hillje P.O. Deming Judge Fred Rothenbuhler P.O. Clipper Clerk C A Strand P.O. Clipper Colwnbia Township, lst Precinct. Inspector- C G Bush P.O. Kendall Judge %7 C Hobart P.O. Kendall Judge B F Boston P.O. Kendall Columbia Township, 2nd Precinct. Inspector- L E Potter P.O. Sumas R #1 Judge M Koehler P.O. Sumas R #1 Judge A Warner P.O. Sumas R #1 Crescent Township. Inspector- J C Wright P.O. So Bellingh n Judge Y1 D Nulle P.O. So Bellingiimi Judge John Bullock P.O. So Bellingham W.O.R. �'; ,.�.,, o ��. Gq i) �� record ®f Commissioners'Proceedings �1 OctoberTerm T,Tonday the 5th play October 1914 Custer Township, lst Precinct. Inspector- M �11 Parrish P.O. Custer Judge B W Everett P.O. Custer Judge John Utley P.O. Custer Clerk Fred Flint P.O. Custer Clerk NVm Creasey P.O. Custer Custer Township, 2nd Precinct. Inspector- J H Harvey P.O. Blaine Judge Frank Bice P.O. Blaine Judge R A Nilson P.O. Blaine Clerk Gerrit Van 111ingerden P.O. Blaine Delta Township, lst Precinct. Inspector- W H Jackman P.O. Lynden R 1 Judge Val Bitterman P.O. Blaine R 2 Judge A W Wheeler P.O. Blaine R 2 Clerk John Axling P.O. Lynden R 1 Clerk B C Vander Griend P.O. Lynden R 1 Delta ToiTmship, 2nd Precinct. Inspector- C G Lund P.O. Ferndale R 1 Judge C E Merritt P.O. Ferndale R 1 Judge J If Swope P.O. Ferndale R 1 Clerk A C Palmer P.O. Ferndale R 1 Clerk L E Livingston P.O. Ferndale R 1 Deming Township, lst Precinct. Inspector- 1.1 E Bender P.O. Deming Judge E Belcher P.O. Deming Judge H V Orr P.O. Deming Clerk B L Pittenger P.O. Denning Deming Township, 2nd Precinct. Inspector- D J Kline P.O. Deming Judge H G Gates P.O. Dening Judge P 0 Solen P.O. Deming Clerk Geo S Mahan P.O. Deming Ferndale Township, lst Precinct. Inspector- Geo A Baer P.O. Ferndale R 1 Judge Mrs Geo B Shoup P.O. Lynden R 2 Judge Will E Dorr P.O. Ferndale R 1 Clerk Mrs E W Baer P.O. Ferndale R 1 Clerk 1,1 H Campbell P.O. Ferndale R 1 Inspector - Judge Judge Clerk Clerk Inspector - Judge Judge Clerk Clerk Ferndale Township, 2nd Precinct. T P Reilly Albert Matz Mrs B W Bailey Mrs Berne Hudson Mrs Chas Timmerman P.O. Ferndale R 3 P 0. Ferndale R 3 P.O. Ferndale R 3 P.O. Ferndale R 3 P.O. Ferndale R 3 Ferndale Township, 3rd Precinct, C E Fitzgerald Henry DeWitt J P Erickson E F Cinqmars Edith U Thornton Ferndale Township, Inspector- Anton Anderson Judge Mrs Elizabeth Sullivan Judge A M Johnson Clerk Mrs V7 H Kaufman Clerk A A Stockton Geneva Township. Inspector- H L Murray Judge F A Childs Judge F H Hall Clerk Willard H Galloway Glacier Township. Inspector- F E Bottiger Judge C H Bourne Judge H R Fox Clerk Nellie Samson P.O. Ferndale R 2 P.O. Ferndale R 2 P.O. Ferndale R 2 P.O. Ferndale R 2 P.O. Ferndale R 2 4th Precinct. P.O. Bellingham R 2 P.O. Bellingham R 2 P.O. Bellingham R 2 P.O. Bellingham R 2 P.O. Bellingham R 2 P.O. Geneva P.O. Geneva P.O. Geneva P.O. Geneva P.O. Glacier P.O. Glacier P.O. Glacier P.O. Glacier Ar0.6 W.O.R. Record of Comm issioners' Proceedings October Terin Yonday the 5th day October 1914 Inspector- P T Giarde Judge J S McDonald Judge P G Cooke Clerk Joe Trecker Clerk W 1.11 Porter Inspector- G J Shumway Judge P JLwaschka Judge H P Kingsley Clerk K A Sorensen Clerk E G Wight Inspector- C R Granger Judge Frank 'alright Judge Walter H Merz Lawrence Township, 1st Precinct. P.O. Goshen P.O. Goshen P.O. Goshen P.O. Goshen P.O. Goshen Lawrence Township, 2nd Precinct. P.O. Deming P.O. Everson R 2 P.O. Lawrence P.O. Lawrence P.O. Everson R 2 Lummi Island Township. P.O. Beach P.O. Beach P.O. Beach Lynden Township, 1st Precinct. Inspector- Sam. Stuunaan P.O. Lynden Judge G Vander Griend P.O. Lynden R 1 Judge Lewis S Streml er P.O. Lynden Clerk G H '11hipple Sr P.O. Everson R 3 Clerk Guy Dyk P.O. Lynden Lynden Township, 2nd Precinct. Inspector- Peter A Van Dyk P.O. Lynden Judge C W Davis P.O. Lynden R 2 Judge John Spedding P.O. Everson R 1 Clerk Fred Rose P.O. Lynden R 2 Clerk F P Close P.O. Lynden Lynden Township, 3rd Precinct. Inspector- F M Bloom P.O. Everson R 3 Judge G F Mundell P.O. Everson R 3 Judge S B Day P.O. Everson R 3 Clerk W Jones P.O. Everson R 3 Clerk P D Harkness P.O. Everson Inspector- L E Haggard Judge E J Harvey Judge J G Wheeler Clerk Ray McCall Maple Falls Township. P.O* Maple Falls P.O. Maple Falls P.O. .Sap 1 e Falls P.O. Maple Falls Marietta Township, 1st Precinct. Inspector- S W Jones P.O. Bellingham R 2 Judge G H Ashby P.O. Bellingham R 2 Judge Harry C Smith P.O. Bellingham R 2 Clerk Mabel M McCurdy P.O. Marietta Clerk Grace Hardin P.O. Bellingham R 2 Marietta Township, 2nd Precinct. Inspector- S`dm Murray P.O. Bellingham R 2 Judge B Id Easterbrooks P.O. Bellingham R 2 Judge E C Gardner P.O. Bellingham R 2 Mountain View Township, lst Precinct. Inspector- Geo L Menze P.O. Ferndale R 3 Judge C H ',looldridge P.O. Ferndale R 2 Judge E 0 Fingalson P.O. Custer Clerk Lyle Hicks P.O. Ferndale R 2 Mountain View Township, 2nd Precinct. Inspector- S Westre P.O. Blaine R 1 Judge T A Gillespie P.O. Blaine R 1 Judge Millard Anderson P.O. Blaine R 1 Clerk Emil Hawkinson P.O. Blaine R 1 Clerk Otto Krick P.O. Blaine R 1 Mountain View Township, 3rd Precinct. Inspector- M Jones P.O. Ferndale R 2 Judge John Zimmer P.O. Ferndale R 2 Judge Vl H Franklin P.O. Ferndale R 2 Clerk J E Chichester P.O. Ferndale R 2 Clerk John Creamer P.O. Ferndale R 2 W.O.R. -0 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Monday the 5th day October 191 Mountain View Township, 4th Precinct. Inspector- P J Frack P.O. Ferndale R 2 Judge J P Felmley P.O. Ferndale R 3 Judge C C Ireland P.Q. Ferndale R 2 (clerk Ira Robinson P.O. Ferndale R 2 Clerk J P Brewster P.O. Ferndale R 2 Nooksack Township, 1st Precinct. Inspector- J 0 Anderson P.O. Sumas Judge C B Smith P.O. Sumas Judge Chas Deeter P.O. Sumas Clerk R I Tanner P.O. Sumas Clerk Henry T Deeter P.O. Sumas Nooksack Township, 2nd Precinct. Inspector- T J Elder P.O. Clearbrook Judge Fred B Ehlers P.O. Clearbrook Judge W H Ki rRman P.O. Van Buren Clerk A M Graves P.O. Everson R 3 Clerk A S Kirkman P.O. Van Buren Nooksack Township, 3rd Precinct. Inspector- Jas Breckenridge P.O. Everson Judge H Iverson P.O. Everson Judge J H Elkin P.O. Everson R 2 Clerk Miss Beatta Vinger P.O. Everson Clerk Miss Jessie Sim-oson P.O. Everson Nooksack Township, 4th Precinct. Inspector- J W Myers P.O. Sumas Zudge "Vl B Smi th P.O* Suraas Judge Harry Lankester P.O. Sumas Clerk R B Bartoo P.O. Sumas Clerk Frank McCombs P.O. Everson R 2 Park Township. .L Inspector- J D Custer P.O. Park Judge Gast Erickson P.O. Bellingham R 3 Judge P L Hegg P.O. Park Point Roberts Township. Inspector- H P Hansen P.O. Point Roberts Judge S J Myrdal P.O. Point Roberts Judge Paul Thorsteinson P.O. Point Roberts Clerk Byron Samuelson P.O. Point Roberts Rome Township. Inspector- S D Ross P.O. Goshen R 1 Judge T R Ellwood P.O..Goshen R 1 Judge David Moors P.O. Goshen R 1 Semiahmoo Township. Inspector- R P Roberts P.O. Blaine A 1 Judge C E Wilkinson P.O. Blaine R 1 Judge G C Palmer P.O. Blaine R 1 Clerk Fred E Henspeter P.O. Blaine R 1 Ten Mile Township, 1st Precinct. Inspector- E Morgenthaler P.O. Everson R 1 Judge Walter Graham P.O. Everson Judge J P Lawrence P.O. Everson R 1 Inspector- Carl Elsner Judge Herman Klander Judge Frank E Manley Clerk A D Zander Inspector- Thos Wilson Judge J H Kelly Judge A C Knowles Ten Nile Township, 2nd Precinct. P.O, Lynddn R 2 P.O. Everson R 1 P.O. Bellingham R 1 P.O. Bellingham R 1 Ten Mile Township, 3rd Precinct. P.O. Bellingham R 1 P.O. Bellingham R 1 P.O. Bellingham R 1 Ten Mile Township, 4th Precinct. Inspector- Gottfried Gyger P.O. Bellingham R 1 Judge D i1M Simpnson P.O. Bellingham R 1 Judge Paul Kuehnoel P.O. Bellingham R 1 Van"ffyck Township, 1st Precinct. Inspector- Chas Pride P.O. Silver Beach Sta. Judge C A Tremain P.O. Silver Beach Sta. Judge Chas Stone P.O. Silver Beach Sta. Clerk Miss If Markham P.O. Silver Beach Sta. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term ATonday the 5th day Ontobpr 1914 Van Wyck Township, 2nd Precinct. Inspector- D E Felmley P.O. Goshen Judge Anton Sievi P.O. Goshen Judge N H Jepsen P.O. Goshen Clerk John Campbell P.O. Goshen Clerk m A Hamilton P.O. Goshen Van Wyck Township, 3rd Precinct. Inspector- W R Wallace s P.O. Bellingham R 1 Judge W H Flick P.O. Bellingham R 1 Judge J R Wallace P.O. Bellingham R 1 Clerk N E Hall P.O. Goshen Clerk Fred W Lott P.O. Bellingham R 1 Slate Precinct. Inspector- August Dohne P.O. Marblemount Judge Glee G Davis P.O. Ifarblemount Judge 71 M Thornton P.O. Marblemount Trail Precinct. Inspector- Robert H Dickson P.O. Glacier Judge Frank S Lockwood P.O. Glacier Judge H E Barnes P.O. Glacier Valley Precinct. Inspector- lirs G C Burch P.O. Concrete Judge L H Standley, P.O. Concrete Judge Str Bundon P.O. Concrete. Done in open session of the Board of County Commissioners, this 5th day of October, A.D. 1914. All members of the Board being present and all concurring herein. 11 I1 it 11 It It It of it of of to n tt "Board of Ckunty Commiss- " "loners of 'Nhatcom County " to State of `dashington It of it of " it of it ri n it of It n Attest: Will D `:Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ---------- 000---------- The minutes of the September Session viere read and approved this day. On motion the Board adjourned to meet October 6, 1914. 1-7 Chairman Board County Cor ssionerse Attest: /" County Auditor and Clerk f the Board. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings �_ October Term Tuesday the 6th day October 191 Tuesday, October 6, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on October 5, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: C M, Adams P -G Cooke 0 N Munn Harrison Cowden C C King Ireland & P ancoast 'W J Pynor Central Market Battersby Bros. T W Suckling S J Nevett Pickering Hdw. Co August Pehrson Gerhard Knigge Henry Beyer Baklund' s Caf e Martin's Chop House T S Robinson Senate Cafe 'lestern Hospital for Insane Wilber Gibbs CURRENT 10PENSE FUND. Expense as Co Engineer Expense as Dep Co Engineer Expense as Dep Co Engineer Expense as Constable Expense as Supt Co Home Groceries for Co Home do Meat for Co Home Clothing for Co Home Blacksmithing for Co Home Repairs to Plumbing at Co Home Material for Co Home Lumber for Co Home Peas for Co Home Threshing at Co Home Meals for Jurors do do do Transportation of Discharged Patients Repairs to Co Supt's Clock ---------- 00.0---------- ✓ _ ' The September report of C C King, Supt County Home, was approved by the Board. •----------000----------- 4.20 18.55 15.60 4.35 6.55 146.20 102.90 48.20 12.35 17.50 3.50 1.30 10.42 50.70 11.15 5.15 12.15 16.80 19.75 24,00 2.50 The Board signed an order canceling the interest on the 1899 personal tax against Chas F Tyler, the Assessor having stated that it was his belief that said Chas F Tyler had never received notice of said personal tax which amounted to $3.06. ---------- 000---------- In the hatter of the Vacation of the Plat of) Pearson's and Parkinson's Birch Bay Addition( ORDER VACATING. petitioned for by George McCalla, the owner of al of said addition. In the matter of the vacation of the plat of Pearson's and Parkinson's Birch Bay Addition, Whatcom County, State of Washington, the Board finds as follows: :FIRST: That the said addition is not within any incorporated city or town; SECOND: That the petition for the vacation of said plat was filed with the Clerk of this Board on the twenty-ninth day of August, A.D. 1914, and that said petition was signed by George McCalla, the owner of all of said addition; TH11W: That a copy of the original plat of said Pearson's and Parkinson's Birch Bay Addition Nvas filed with said petition. That due notice of hearing of said petition was given by written notices posted in three of the most public places in said addition more than twenty days prior to this hearing; that a fourth copy of said notice was duly filed in the office of the County Auditor, on the first day of September, 1914, with the affi- davit of posting mdde thereon. And the Board having examined the copy of the original plat filed with said petition, and all other papers on file in the proceedings, a:-_d having heard and considered all testi- mony and documenta:ry evidence produced, and the Board being satisfied that justice and the public be subserved by granting the prayer of the petition, except insofar as county road number twenty-two (22) is concerned: IT IS THEREFORE ORD1:1 +' BY THE BOARD, all members concurring, that the plat of Pearson's and Parkinson's Addition,to Birch Bay, Whatcom County, Washington, be, and the same hereby is, vacated, except as to said county road No. 22, and the Clerk of this Board is directed to note upon the record of said. Plat at page 6, Volume 3, of Plats, reference to the order and action of this Board. It being expressly understood, however, that this vacation shall not in any manner affect the said county road'No. 22, and this Order shall not in any manner be construed as vacating the said county road No. 22, or any portion 29 10 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners'0 Proceedings October Term Tuesday the 6th play October 19A thereof, as the said is now laid out and used. Done this sixth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fourteen. of 11 11 It 11 11 It 1t It 11 to tl tl tl "Board of County Commiss- " "loners of %ffiatcom County " It State of Washington " u it tr, It It n It n it it if it It " Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Ex- offi cio Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---- C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper Henry Shagren Hoard of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washington On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, October 7, 1914. M Chairman Board of Count ommissioneB W.D.R. d 11 Record ®f Commissioners Proceedings October Term Wednesday the 7th day October 1914 'Jednesday, October 7, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on October 6, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The follotxting claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Mrs Bessie Cline Expense as Probation Officer C G 1Ji nemi l l er Mt Baker Grocery Ennen, Goodman & Co Brown & Cole, Inc. Ireland & Pancoast Etnpi re Meat & Grocery Co Corner Grocery T S Berkeley Co Wilson & Brovin L E Haggard Danielson & Runolfson Lynden Co -Operative Co White & Burton Famous Shoe House Victor A Roeder R L Kline Mrs Jane Siviger Mellie Pettersen Mrs A Graveline St Luke's Hospital St Joseph's Hospital E S Clark Red Cross Pharmacy Fairhaven Pharmacy. Reid Bros Gillies Undertaking Co Fairhaven City 'rater Power Co H L Dickinson & Co Care of Juvenile Prisoners Groceries for Hunter et al Groceries for T H Johnson et al Groceries for Tabor et -al Groceries for Hilliard et al Groceries for Mrs Asplund Groceries for Bloomstrom Groceries for Mrs Nancy Rogers Groceries for Jas Bainter et al Groceries for Robertson Groceries for Eastman et al Groceries for M E Young Groceries for Goodman et al Shoes for Helgeson et al House rent for Mrs Neal House rent for Tabor Care of Edward Smith Care of Mrs Bjorndahl Board of Vim 11apley et al Care of Co Patients do do Medicine for Co Patients do Medical Supplies for Co Patients Burial of Thos Scripture Water rent for Waldron Block 3 mo. Ins Prem on Boiler in Courthouse ,.-- ---000---- --- 4a 4.00 20.50 11.00 23.05 11.00 20.55 5.00 5.00 10.10 29.15 10.00 23.90 10.00 24.00 9.25 20.00 5.00 30.00 30.00 37.80 230.25 64.00 28.00 16.45 7.15 11.45 25.00 3.00 45..50 The September report of 0 E Beebe, as County Physician, was approved by the Board. - 4-_----000---------_ In the Matter of Accepting Insurance ) ( order Accepting. Policy on Boiler in Courthouse. ) rHIREAS, the insurance policy on Steam Boiler in Basement of VJhatcom County Court- house has expired and a renewal thereof has been presented, payable.to Whatcom County, as follows: Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Co: H L Dickinson:& Co., fi gents; Policy #0.3015 for $5000.00; Expires at noon October 1, 1917. NOW, TH31REFORE, it is hereby ordered that said policy be and same hereby is accepted, subject to the right of cancellation by this Board in the future, fo'r any cause that this Board might deem proper. Done in open session of the Board this 7th day of October, 1914. it 1/ to o Ii to It N it II 11 11 11 It "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " to State of Washington ' s' it it It to It to of 11 n n n n n n Attest: Will D `3allace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000--------_- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board H G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner On motion the Boardiaadjourned to meet on Thursday, October 8, 1914. Chairman Board Cou T omm' ioners. �7 2 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Thursday the 8th day October 191 4 Thursday, October 8th 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on October 7, 1914. .2resent, all members of the Board and -the Clerk in attendance. The following e1aimp were allowed::_:. CURRENT EXPENSE; FUND. Union P B & S Co Records & Sup for Aud 46.-Supt 80.50-J P 32.50- Prob. Officer 5. 164.00 Towner Printing Co Prtg etc for Aud 12.25 & Treas 101.75 114.00 S B Irish & Co Blanks etc for Clerk 2.85-Court Rep.11.50 & Aud 34.60 Anatett Printing Co Prtg Briefs. for Pros Atty 85.85 Selby -Harris Co Supplies for Assessor 2.75 G L Morgan- Envelopes for Co Auditor 5.50 Robert S Leete & Co Note Books for Court Reporter 9.45 Larson's Livery & Trf Livery for Constable 5.-Ambulance for Sher.8.00- & Pros Atty 10, 23.00 Coast Auto Co Auto hire to Sheriff 8.00 F J Barlow Auto hire to Co Phy 7. & Sher 7.50 14.50 Diehl & SimpsoA Auto hire to Sher 42.-Eng 13.50-Prob Officer 6.- & Auditor a/c Prim Elect 43.50 105.00 Diehl & Simpson Repairs, Supplies & Driving Co Auto 112.83 Dr 1'1 H Axtell Expert Testimony: St vs Sugita 22.80 Mrs S Nakayama Interpreter: State vs Sugita 5.00 Miss Anna Burgess Flit: State vs Irving Gogg 2.40 %'Im Bradley do is 2.40 Mrs Vim Bradley do 2.40 Mrs B Hughes do 2.40 Florence Hughes do 2.40 tr C Paxton do 2.40 Arthur Huggins do 2.40 A I Erickson do 2.40 R B Stuart Juror: State vs Irving dogg 1.20 Adolph Miller do 1.20 Walter B Slade do 1.20 W F Dillon do 1.20 W D Gillen do 1.20 W H Williams do 1.20 Joe Smith Wit: State vs Ed Pumphrey et al 6.40 C Harrington do 6.60 Stanley Geroaker do 6.60 Jno W,Shields do 6.60 Dewey Anderson Wit: State vs Luther Hullett et al 4.00 A H Frazier Wit: State vs J P Schmidt 2.10 Dr F L Wood do 2.10 Gust Kusta Wit: State vs Jennie Jones 2.20 Gust Phillips do 2.20 Gust Dixon do 2.20 Gust Kolovas do 2.20 Lucy Simmons do 2.20 Arthur Burnett do 2.20 J D Hannegan Wit: State vs Lowern W Norman et al 2.20 Dr A Macrae Smith do 2.20 I Grimsted Juror: State vs Lowern W Norman et al 1.20 R W Battersby do 1.20 Geo E Gage do 1.20 C M Olson do 1.20 E H Miller do 1.20 H C Banner do 1.20 W E Merritt Wit: State vs Joe Liberty 2.20 Tom Young do 2.20 Chris Olson do 2.20 David Ireland Juror: State vs Joe Liberty 1.20 R B Stuart do 1.20 Percy Livesey do 1..20 C A Conlee do 1.20 J C Inks do 1.20 Franklin Haworth J P: State vs W Riley 2.50 H.H Sines Constable: State vs V! Riley 2.20 Franklin Haworth J P: State vs H F Fisher 3.00 Finery Hess Dep Sheriff: State vs H F Fisher 6.80 Hellen Potter Wit: State vs H F Fisher 2.20 J H Swai 1 do 2.20 C F Adelsperber do. 2.20 ---------- 000---------- Cn motion the Board adjourned to meet 'on Friday, October 9, 1914. Chairman Board Coun y Go�rAissioners W.O.R. Record. of Commissioners. Proceedings October Term Friday the 9th day October 1918 413 Friday, October 9, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on October 8, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed:;.::: Henry Shagren Pacific Tel & Tel Cc Pacific Tel & Tel Co Pacific Steam Laundry New Method Cascade Laundry Northwest Hdw. Cc Lego a Hdw. S W Cornish Paint Cc B B Furniture Cc Munro & Haskell Sells Hardware Co Columbia Grocery Fountain Pharmacy Battersby Bros. C E Phoenix Towner Printing Co Hugh Eldridge, Postmaster Sarah Foster Geo .Elder Delno Ward Emil Fullner Geo.Alton Gene Vail Fred Alderson Wilbert James Norbert James Willie Hoskins T P „Reilly C Christensen Roy .Holt James Murrey Herman McClusky Frank Peterson C H Fetch Have -Jefferson Rudolph Plaster Harry•Felch A Dunkle Del.Gooder C E,Remington J Plaster Peter Peterson T Alderson E A,.Nickson Ed Martinson' Geo,Brown J B,Everhart Scott Baker J W.Logan Del.Gooder Newt Hale James Brown Frank Bronson Bert Bice W C.Campbell Fred Boys E M Clifton Anton Anderson C C King, Supt Co Home Frank Edwards C A Gooding A E,Doolittle Ivan Brooks Frank Robinson G C, Joyce E Markstrom E R,Bostwick F H Pittman John Bonnema A L •Wheeler Jacob Loretz R C Lowrey A Simons I Bostwick C Markworth L Lowrey J W Schuyleman G Top J Hutchison F Markworth C R Dickson 'CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Expense as Co Commissioner 2.70 Rentals for October 42.70 Long Distance for Sept.. 6.05 Laundry for Jury Room 3.85 Laundry for Jail 8.30 Supplies for Courthouse 9.51 & Co Home .30 9.81 Hdw. for Courthouse 15..35 Materials for Courthouse 22.25 Materials for Courthouse repairs 8..40 Repairs to Courthouse Plumbing 9.50 Supplies for•Courthouse 26.75 Supplies for Courthouse & Janitor 16.25 Supplies for Janitor 3.70 Clothing for Prisoners 12.00 Expense as Dep Co Engineer 18.60 Stamped Envelopes printed for Auditor. 18.50 GAME PROTECTION FUITD. Stamped Envelopes 108.08 SOLDIIMS' RELIEF FUND. Relief 12.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. Foreman on Steam Grader Work 32.00 Engineer on Steam Grader 32.00 Fireman on Steam Grader 20.00 Teamster on Steam Grader .work 40.00 Labor on Road team 2.00 do 6.00 do 13.00 do 9.50 do 14.00 do Foreman 39.00 do 1.50 do 14.50 do 2.00 do 11.00 do team 1100 do 7.00 do 3.00 do 5.00' do 5.00 do 2,00 do team 2.60 do 11 4.00 do i1 6..00 do " 2.00 do " 10.00 do Foreman 33.00 do " 64.00 do 31.00 do 14.00 do " 44.00 do 19.00 do " 9.00 do 6.00 do 4.00 do if 8.00 do 12.00 Labor on N W Diagonal & Ferndale Roads 6'00 do 2.00 .do 6.00 do team 4.00 do " 18.00. do Foreman 25.50, do Foreman 01 77.50 do 23.00 do i1 8.00 do " .8.00 do 10.00 Labor on Road Foreman 24.40 do 15.50 ' do 15.50 do 15.50, do 15.50 do 6.00 do 14.50 do 19.00 do 7.00 do 31.00 do 37.00 do 35.00 do 37.00 do 11.00 do 11.00 do 6.00 z 41 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Friday the 9th duly 0 tober 1914 J P Wood Harry Wood Sam dood Geo Beard Wynn Beard Dexter Beard Fritz Muenscher Carl Muenscher Frank Muenscher Geo Lundell A Shott A Burman A Brunger Ben. Meyer C J Spencer Charles Martula P Anderson H Pierce Chas Hughes Geo S Munn A Benson Elfred Alex Wm Hughes Fred Larson 0 Wilcoxson Arthur Pierce Whitney Rarick W HKirkman Vim Rarick Walter Hatch M J Morris H 17 Nutter E C Shedd A S Kirkman Howard Hatch Harry Hinton Fred J Manus Walter Morris H W'Nutter Ray -Heathers H P Johnson C E `Wheelefi Milton Shirk J F ` Ohlund L J-Sunberg 111m H Focht P D•Harkness N Harkness Emil F Krepcik D Rensink H Iverson A Mead C Martola, Herman Gern Alfred Peterson Gus Peterson H E Petty Jas Breckenridge B Weidkamp H Weidkamp A Harlander H C •Tiller H B Miller . Carl Fredri c so n H H Vander Yacht Chas Ericson Jackman bros. M V-Mersbergen Abon Johnson ,W H• Jackman Levi Axlund J F Helgath Peter Schuyleman Herman Keller Earl Anderson L C• Durr H Schroeder C P- Caswell Will Gahan Joe-. Vliz L C Durr Adolph Schrader Ray Bartell I Knutson G B Gallup C McKenzie .B H-Crabtree Fred Griffin H E Colley Archie Pierce Jno H Lyman Jesse J Rogers C M Mosher Mike Heff ernan N C Nellyer 71 R Stephens K G Frisk Labor on Road 256 do do do do do do do do Labor on Spencer Road do do do do do do do Labor on Blaine -Sumac Rd do do do do -do do .do do do do Foreman do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Labor on Road 516 do do do do do do ,do do do do do do do do Foreman Labor on Road do- do do do do do do do do do do Foreman do do do do Gravel for Road Labor on Road 230 do do do do do Labor on Glacier do do do do Labor on Road Labor on river at do do do. Foreman Foreman & Excelsior Rd. Lynden Labor as Construction Engineer Salary & Expense as Bridge Foreman Labor on Bridge do do do team li team It to 41 team n a n team r� +t n �f team team 16.00 7.00 5.00 12.00 13.00 25.00 30.00 28.00 12.00 25.50 10.00 12.00 13.00 5.50 8.50 6.50 6.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 ll .-00 16.00 11.00 7.00 5.00 7.00 6.00 11.25 14.00 5.00 14.00 11.00 14.00 8.00 10.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 4.50 3.00 11.00 3.50 3.00 43.00 31.00 35.00 32.00 19.00. 15.00 8.00 6.00 1.00 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 6.75 22.00 7.00 11.00 10.50 5.00 12.00 25.00. 20.00 24.00 25.00 22.00 16.87 4.00 8.00 4.00 2.00 17.30 9.00 19.60 40.00 40.00 7.00 40.00 24.00 24.15 23.25 23.25 6.00 2.50 64.80 70.20 64.80 70.00 35.00 125.75 18 .;60 24.60 36.00 21.50 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Ont.phor Term' Priday the 9th day October 191 4 T H Stephens Labor on Bridge 49, 10.00 SFIm Pettigrew do 30.00 George Ogden do 15.62 Walter 11 Go chel do 6.00 R 0 Barnhouse do 6.65 0 M Olson do 4.50 Chas E Lyon do 18.12 G E Hilliard do 15.62 Fred G Schuler do 18.12 Arthur Dewey do 18.12 Frank Adams do 84.00 Frank Arones do 16.25 S H Rooker do 18.12 Wilson, Nobles, Barr Co Supplies for Forest Supervisor 229.15 W C Reul Lumber 430.80 Pehrson Bros. Lumber 6.92 Bloedel Donovan Lumber I.ialls Lumber 245.64 Lynden Lumber Co Lumber 15.85 Everson Lumber Co Lumber 114.66 Roo & Van Leeuwen Lbr Co Lumber 231.86 Nelson, Swanson & Co Lumber 489.65 John A Walker Bridge Plank 402.26 R 0 Barnhouse Cedar Piling 221.56 W B Hart Nails 13.00 Fred Zobrist Spikes etc 4.50 Morse Hardware Co Spikes etc 39.73 Everson Mercantile Co Spikes & Shovels 15.50 Farmers Merct Co Spikes etc 14.10 Hamilton Bros Cement etc 50.65 14 W Hardware Co Bridge Tools 2.25 Farmers Ilercantile-Co Bridge Tools 4.60 Hodson-Feenaughty Co 1 Road Drag 31.65 H W Buzzard Sheaves for Donkey Engine 6.00 Lynden Impl Co Tools for Donkey Engine 2.83 Lynden Dept Store Oil etc for Donkey Engine 2.45 Canfield-Caulkins-Imp Co Grader Bits 37.50 McCormick Iron Works Repairs to Road Grader 18.95 T L Riddle Wood for Donkey Engine 100.00 Geo Elder Wood and Express 4.02 71 G Miller Blacksmithing 1.25 T III Suckling do 5.60 Mrs Markworth Gravel 25.50 T Alderson Gravel 2.00 Thos Ellis Gravel 1.60 A V1 Frost Hauling Gravel 8.00 Moulton & Allen 2nd Est on Constr Road # 161 130.00 Wheaton & Mullen 2nd & Final Est on Constr Bridge, Nooksack River 950.00 Chas E Lind 7th Est on Constr Sec 1 Hannegan Road 1,165.80 Worthen & Satterthwaite 6th Est on Constr Sec 2 Hannegan Road 10232.00 HANNEGAN RHD FUND. Chas E Lind 7th Est on Constr Sec 1 Hannegan Road 2,331.62 Worthen & Satterthwaite 6th Est on Constr sec 2 Hannegan Road 2,464.00 DUFNER DITCH FU11D. H van Prooyen Labor on Dufner Ditch 16.00 Barney Baj ema do 16.00 L Koole do 8.15 Peter Jensen Lumber for Dufner Ditch 2.40 MOORMAN DITCH FUND. D F Smith Labor on Moorman Ditch, Foreman 35.62 S G DeGolier do 36.25 John Weeda do 27.75 David Wines do 15.50 Fred L Smith do 5.75 H Roubos do 18.50 Roo & Van Leeuwen Lbr Co Lumber for Moorman Ditch 13.07 BUTLER DITCH FUND. Chas Yl Holeman Labor on Butler Ditch 53.75 C S Wood do 18.56 J E Holeman do 28.75 DRAINAGE DISTRICT N0, 5 Current Expense Fund Bal. on Engineering Expense of Permanent Survey 12.5.50 DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 6 J C Anderson 4th Est on Constr Ditch No. 6 515.20 ---000----..----- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, .October 10, 1914. .Chairman Board County Comdissioners Record of Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. October Term Saturday the loth (lay October Saturday, October 10, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adj ourxmient taken on October 9, 19 1914 Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: In the ,:latter of Accepting Resignation ) and Appointing New Road Overseer for ( 0 R D E R. District No..l in Acme Township. ) 'I/HEREAS, the registration of John .loll as Overseer in District No. 1 Acme Township, has been filed with this Board, and 111HEREAS, it has been recommended by the Board of Supervisibrs of said township that F. Ambrose be appointed to fill said vacancy, NOVI, THEREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that the registration of John Wall be, and tame is hereby accepted, and that F. Ambrose be, and he hereby is appointed as Road Overseer of District No. 1 in Acme Township, to act as such until the next regularly elected officer shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Board this loth day of October, 1914. 11 It 11 to 11 It it It It to II to II t1 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " " State of Washington " to of It of if It If II u if It It It " Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner The Board ordered canceled the interest on 1913 tax against J Albert Engdahl on N, NE, S`1J' NE 7-39-3E. --------- -- 000 ---------- BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COTEIIISSIONERS OF ';1HAT COM COUNTY, ffASHINGTON. ✓ IN THE TATTER OF LEVYING TAXES FOR THE ) ( ORDER OF LEVY. YEAR 1914 IN WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. ) NO%17, at this time,' this matter coming on regularly for consideration by this Board, the levy for state taxes as hereinafter made being in accordance with the notice as given by the State Board of Equalization and the State Auditor of said, State in the manner pro- vided by law, and the County and Road District indebtedness taxes being in accordance with the published estimates thereof as made in accordance with Chap. 139 of the Laws of 1909, which lwa this Board of County Commissioners does hereby find has been complied with in all respects, and the school taxes being in accordance with the estimates as furnished by the directors of the several school districts and by the County Superintendent of said county, the estimated receipts from the State and County apportionments of each district being taken into consideration, and the levies in the school districts which exceed the statutory limit, being in accordance with elections ratifying and authorizing said levies, and the levies for the payment of school district bonds and interest thereon being in accordance with the requests and needs of each district as expressed by their boards of directors and ascertained by this Board of Commissioners and as provided by law, and the Board having considered the needs of the several departments of the state, county, road districts, school districts, etc., and having computed the rate of taxation necessary to irl. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Saturday the loth day October 1914 levy the required amount of taxes upon the assessed valuation as returned by the assessor of said county. And October 5th 1914 being the date upon which hearing was had upon the said estimates so published in accordance with Chap. 138 of Laws of 1909, and said hearing coming on at said time and continuing daily until this date, and.there being no objections thereot, and the Board having considered the same; NOW, THEREFORE, it is Ordered, Adjudged and Decreed by this Board of Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washington. that there be, and hereby are levied taxes in Whatcom County, Washington, to be charged on the assessment and tax rolls of said county for the year 1914 for the respective funds hereinafter designated the number of mills hereinafter specified, with respect to each of said funds. Said number of mills to be and are hereby levied and charged against each dollar of taxable property in Whatcom County, Washington, for said year 1914, namely: TAX LEVIES FOR WHATCOM COUNTY IN 1914. STATE - State General Fund 2.7843 mills State School Fund 2.2275 " State Military Fund 0.1251 " Public Highway Fund 161365 " Permanent Highway Fund 1.7047 " University Fund 0.5400 " State College Fund 0.3695 " Bellingham Normal Fund 0.1024 " Cheney Normal Fund 0.1024 Ellensburg Normal Fund 0�0796 " Total State Levy 9.1720 " COUNTY - Current Expense Fund 4.500 " General School Fund;> 5.000 " Road and Bridge Fund 3.000 " General Road Indebtedness Fund 3.000 " General Bridge Indebtedness Fund 3.000 " Soldiers' Relief Fund 0.038 " Bond Interest Fund 0.241 °1 Bond Redemption Fund 0.763 " Total County Levy 19.642 " Total consolidated levy for State and County 28.814 " ROAD DISTRICT INDEBTEDNESS LEVIES. Road District'No. 2 2.800 mills a A r � W.O.R. Record of. Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Saturday the 24th day October 194 No. of General Ifi.11s Bond ?Mills Bond Total Dist. YurRoses Interest Redemption Building Ley,- 2. 2. 5 -- a 20 20 9 .7. 7. 10 -- 11 _- 12 13 40 105 5.5 10. 16 30 30 17 80 .3. 11. 18 l0 1. 19 30 2. 5. 20 2. 2. N1 6. 40 100 23 4. 1. 50 25 9.. 4. 13. 26 40 4. ' 28 8. 2. 100. 29 1-0 3.5 4.5 30 -- 31 60 60 32 2. 2. 34 2. 3. 9. 140 35 4. 40 38 -- 39 30 1. 4, 80 40 6. 60 41 3. 3. 42 1.5 l0 2. 205 7. 43 10 l0 44 60 6, 45 3. 30 47 8. 8. 49 7. 7. 50 100 5. 150 53 1. 70 8. 55 3. 5 3.5 56 -- 57 7. 2. 3. 120 58 3.5 2. 2.5 80 59 -- 60 30 3. 61 5. 50 62 2. 20 63 30 30 64 9. 90 65 -- W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings 411 October Term Saturday the loth day October 191 4 No. of General Mills Bond Mills Bond Total Dist. Pur oses ...Interest- Redemption Buildin L 66 8. 80 67 8. 8. 68 1.5 .5 1. 3. 69 2. 2. 70 3. 30 71 6. 4. 100 72 3. 3. 74 9. 90 75 7.5 2.5 100 76 6. 60 77 .5 3.5 4. 78 79 2. r 20 83 -- 84 2. 20 85 4. 40 86 12, 120 87 2. 20 90 8. 8, 93 40 40 94 2. 5. 7, 95 2.5 2.5 50 96 10. 10. 301-1 6.65 0.5 3.1 10025 301-4 6.65 0.3 3.1 10.05 301-37 6.65 0.3 301 10.05 302 7. 1.5 3.5 12. 303 5. 1.5 5.5 12o 304-92 3. 1. 4. 3. lie 304- 7 3. 30 6. 305 3. 10 7. lie 306 6. 6. 307 2. 20 And, at this time, there came on regularly for consideration before this Board the matter of levying taxes for the maintenance of the BUTLER DITCH for the ensuing year, and this Board having carefully considered this matter finds that there will be needed for said maintenance the sum of $114.36 and that said amount should be apportioned among the lands to be benefited in proportion to the benefits received by said land from the said Butler Ditch, and which benefits are in the following•proportion: DRESCRIPTION SEC.T':JP.RG.E. APPORTIO1TRIENT S 29 A of SE-, of SE, 10 39 1 ,P 6033 NE4 of Swi 14 39 1 8.73 Ntil;' of NVl4 14 39 1 8.73 Svh' ' of NVIJ 14 39 1 8.73 SE-;�- of Nykl, 14 39 1 8.73 V1 20 A of NEj of W-1 14 39 1 4.37 y) W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Saturday the loth play October M. DESCRIPTION SEC.TMI.RG.E APPORTIONI:IEITT E 20 A of "'' of Nti'1g 14 39 1 0 4.37 V 20 A of 1N'V/ of NE4 14 39 1 4.37 SE5Aof E20Aof Nv7d'-ofNEg 14 39 1 1.09 Mij- of SVIJ 14 39 1 8.73 t1 14 A of SE-1- of NEB- 14 39 1 3.05 IN 10 A of "'4 of SE-. 14 39 1 2.18 N�'1g of SEg 14 39 1 8.73 SY1 of 'NEB 14 39 1 8.73 SEA of NE4. 15 39 1 8.73 NE. 4 of ND. 4 15 39 1. 8.73 NE4 of SE4 15 39 1 8.73 NE 3 A of N 30 A of S%Y4 of , NEj 15 39 1 .65 SE 3 A of N11g of NE4 15 39 1 * 65 Total apportionment 114.36 And this Board does hereby _order, adjudge and decree that such respective mounts be and the same are hereby levied, as above apportioned, against each of the above respec- tive parcels of land, to be charged -as a tax against each of said tracts respectively on the'tax rolls of Whatcom County, for the year 1914, and to be paid at the same time and in the same manner as is provided by lavi for'the payment of State and County taxes, and the Uounty Assessor is hereby directed to extend said amounts against said lands respectively on the tax rolls of Whatcom County for the year 1914 at the time of the extension of the regular State and County taxes. It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed by this Board that the money derived fvom. the levy above made shall be credited to the Butler Ditch Fund to be used for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned during the ensuing year. And, at this time, there came on regularly for consideration before this Board the matter of levying taxes for the repairing and maintenance of the HEATIi DITCH for the ensuing year, and this Board having carefully considered this matter finds that there will be needed for the maintenance and repair of said ditch for the ensuing year the sum of 4P244.00 and that said amount should,be apportioned among the lands to be benefited in proportion to the benefits received by said land from the said Heath Ditch, and which benefits are in the following proportion: DESCRIPTION SEC.T1r1P.RG.E APPORTIONIIEUT. V12 of NEV, • 30 40 4 v 16.00 SE;} of NE4 30 40 4 12.00 Nl of ''-' of NE4 30 40 4 8.00 NV14 of Nvtl4 29 40 4 12.00 N3 of SV14 of NV14 29 40 4 4.00 Sing of SVIg and S-1 of NE4 of. S71g 20 40 4 12.00 S't'14 of S'114 20 40 4 16.00 Yj of SE4 of S'V14 20 40 4 4.00 ITVIJ of S'+1' and 71-11F of Mhc' and 25 A in SE-.1 of NV14 20 40 4 52.00 15 A in SEg of N1414 20 40 4 3.20 NEg of NV14 20 40 4 8.00 IJEg 19 40 4 36.00 NJ� of. SEg and NE4 of SE-.'19 40 4 30.00 W.O. R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Saturday the loth day October. 191 4 DESCRIPTION SEC.T3P.RG.E APPORTIONTTENT 20 A in N•1 of Sa of SE-�� 19 40 4 ti 6.00 10 A in N-'J of S2 of S1'Es 19 40 4 2.80 Ss of S of SE 19 40 4 14.00 Sz of NEB of N1; 30 40 48.00, Total Apportionment $ 244.00 And this Board does hereby order, adjudge and decree that -such respective. amounts be and the same are hereby levied, as above apportioned, against each of the above respective parcels of land, to be charged as a tax against each of said tracts respectively on the. .tax.rolls of Whatcom County for the year 1914, and to be paid at the same time and in the same manner as is provided by law for the payment oflState and County taxes, and the County Assessor is hereby directed to extend said aiAounts against said lands respectively on the tax rolls of Whatcora County for the year 1914 at.the time of the extension of the regular .State and County taxes. It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed by this. Board that the money derived' from the levy above made shall be credited to the Heath Pitch Fund to.be used for the purpose of maintaining and repairing the said Heath Ditch during the ensuing year. ---------------------- And, at this time, there came on ,regularly for consideration. before, this Board the matter of levying taxes for the 'repai.ring.and maintenance of the SLEASMAN DITCH for the ensuing year, and this Board having carefully considered this matter finds that there will be needed for the maintenance and repair,of said ditch .for•the ensuing year the sum of $250.00 and that said amount -shauld'be; apportioned among the lands to .be. benefited in pro- portion to t-he benefits received by said land from the said Sleasman Dith, and which bene- fits are in the,following proportion:. DESCRIPTION SEC.V3P.RG.E APPORTIOMENT. . N'Ilg of SEW 1 40 4 6.25 NE-- of SEA 1 40 4 8.00 E60Aof S-1,,of SFj-less NE1A 1 40 4 13.21 VIJ of S47i of SE4L-,`_ and SEij of S'ffJ and E'r of S%% of S'lk 1 40 4 20.22 'a- of Nti'I, of NEB 12 40 4 5.43 NE4 of MYYJ 12 40 4 2.88 Lots 3 and 4 5 40 5 18�06 S wg of Nwil 5 40 -4-.5 2.92 Lot 1 6 40 5 8.70 Qy of NE-.1 and Er- of SE-1 of NVIV' 6 40 5 27.89 Lot 2 and E 8.05 A of Lot 3 6 40 5 9.47 V1 10 A of E 18.05 A of Lot 3 6 40 5 1.56 VI 13.76 A of Lot 3 6 40 5 1.75 NtI 2 A of SE' of NWJ 6 40 5 .52 of Sh;¢ of V.! less EIV 2 A 6, 40 5 4.13 Lot 5 6 40 5 5.73 Lot i6 6 40 5 12.58 M" 5.26 A of N ll A of Lot 7 6 40 5 .89 E 3' A of N 6--1 A of Lot 7 6 40 5 .54 NtEJ. of Stl4 and. Nt/J of S +'4 and SEJ of SVIJ and Lot 7 less Thos. Anderson 3 A and J 0 Anderson 5.28 A 6 40 5 28.65 NEg of SE" 6 40 5 4.87 'n Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Saturday the loth ley October W.O.R. 191 DESCRIPTION S'*4 of SE4 NE4 of SE4 SL+'4 of SE4 Simi of SE4 SE4 of Swwi S2 of SV14 S 20 A of B 50 A of N .of S1.74 N 30 A of E 50 A of NJ of S'W4 & Lot 3 Vl 30 A of N-.V of S%74 SEC.T`PIP.RG.E. APPORTIOMENT. 6 40 5 ; 1.37 31 41 5 3.81 31 41 5 8.00 31 41 5 5.51 31 41 5 2.10 32 41 5 22.32 32 41 5 5.02 32 41 5 9.62 32 - 41 5 8.00 Total Apportionment 250.00 And this Board does hereby order, adjudge and decree that such respective amounts be and the same are hereby levied, as„ above apportioned, against each of the above respective parcels of land., to be charged as a tax against each of said tracts respectively on the tax rolls of Whatcom County, for the year 1914, and to be paid at the same time and in the same manner as is provided by-law for the payment of State and County taxes, and the County Assessor is hereby directed to extendsaid amounts against said lands respectively on the tax rolls of Whatcom County for the year 1914 at the time of the extension of the regular State and County taxes. It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed by this Board that the money derived from the levy above made shall be credited to the Sleasman Ditch Fund to be used for the purpose of maintaining and repairing the said Sleasman Ditch during the ensuing year., And, at this time, there came on regularly for consideration before this Board the matter of levying taxes for the repairing and maintenance of the SLEASLtAN DITCH NO. 2 for the ensuing year, and this Board having carefully considered this matter finds that there will be needed for said repair and maintenance of said ditch for the ensuing year .the sum of $53.60 and that said maount should be apportioned among the lands to.be benefited in proportion to the benefits received by said land from said Sleasman Ditch No. 2, and which benefits are in the following proportion: DESCRIPTION SEC.1RWP.RG.E APPORTIONMENT. Lot 3 36 41 4 2.00 Lot 2 " " " 2.78 Lot 1 " t1 if 2.84 NE4 of SE4 " '► " 4.00 EJ of NVI4 of SE4 " " " 2.00 Vq Of Inq Of SE4 " " " 2.00 NE4 of StV4 " " " 4.00 MY-41. of SE4 " °' if 4.00 SE4 of SE4 " " " 3.20 SE4 of SE4 " " 1° .50 SE4 of SE'4:) Lot 6 31 41 5) 2.50 Lot 4 6 4o 5 3.16 Lot 5 " " " .53 NE4 of SEj 1 " 4 .27 NZT4 of SE4 a o► ►i 1.32 SV4' of NV14 ►r . E► a 2.30 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term SaturdE-y the loth play October 1914 DESCRIPTION SEC.TV/P.RG.E APPORT11ONM -TT. Lot 3 1 40 4 e 1.21 E� Lot 1 °' " °1 2.00 Lot 1 Lochbaum & Clarke's Tract °° °° '+ .96 Lot 2 °► ii °► u it of ra 94 Lot 3 °r n bi ti a °° ii 97 Lot 4 11 u " p °° °° e, 97 Lot 5 it °, ii ►° to if to .96 14-1 Lo t 6 ei i► °° i, e H " . 36 Lot 7 " °' ;+ °+ °° N Ei .96 Lot 14 " " r, a ai H w .96 E Lot 6 & Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 Lochbaum & Clarke's Tract " 91 " .5.91 Total Apportionment w 53.60 And this Board does hereby order, adjudge and decree that such respective amibunts be and same are hereby levied, as above apportioned, against each of the above respective parcels of land, to be charged as a tax against each of said tracts respectively on the tax rolls of Whatcom County, for the year 1914, and to be paid at the same time and in the manner as is provided by law for the payment of State and County taxes, and the County Assessor is hereby directed to extend said amount against said lands respectively on the tax rolls of V.hatcom County for the year 1914 at the time of the extension of the regular §tate and County taxes. It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed by this Board that the money derived from the levy made shall be credited to the Sleasman Ditch No. 2 Fund to be used for the pur- poses hereinbefore mentioned during the ensuing year. Done in open session of the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washing- ton, this loth day of October, A.D. 1914Q All members of the Board being present and all concurring herein. of of i, to ,1 to ri Ir to 1, ' It it it 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of '.Jhatcom County " If State of Washington of " " " " " " " a fill" o ii " Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board. J.G Kemper County Commissioner Henry Shagren County Commissioner _"`-----_000__.._r-__-- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Vednesday,October :14, 1914. hairman Board County Co ssio ers. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Wednesday the 14th day October W.O.R. 19 Wednesday, October 14, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on October 10, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had; CREDITS ALLOWED COUNTY TREASZIRLR AT SETTLITTEITT FOR THE QUARTER 1,11DING SEPTF"YBER 30th, 1914. In the matter of the settlement with Nellie C. Rogers, County Treasurer of Y[hatcom County, State of dashington, for the quarter ending September 30th, 1914. NOW, at this time, this matter coming on for consideration and the said Nellie C. Rogers having filed with this Board a statement setting forth her receipts and disburse- ments as such Treasurer for said period of time, and having duly and carefully examined all vouchers presented by said Treasurer for said disbursements and having checked and compared the same with the statement, and having; found that they were actually paid out by said Treasurer during said quarter, said payments being made in the sums and from the funds and for the purpose hereinafter set forth; THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered by this Board that said Nellie C. Rogers as such Treasurer be, and she hereby is allowed credits for said disbursements as follows, to-t,:it; CURRENT El�'ENS �' FUND. For warrants redeemed $ 31, 972.52 For interest on same 644.09 For warrants redeemed For interest on same For warrants redeemed For interest on same For warrants redeemed For warrants redeemed For interest on'same For warrants redeemed For interest on same For warrants redeemed For interest on same For warrants redeemed For interest on same For warrants redeemed For bonds redeemed For interest on same For cash paid State Treasurer Fow%wtarrants redeemed For warrants redeemed For warrants redeemed For cash paid State Treasurer For cash paid State Treasurer GENERAL ROAD FU11D . Gal tAL BRIDGE FUITD . ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 2 FUND. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 3 FUND. ROAD DISTRICT NO, 4 FUND. SCHOOL DISTINCT GENERAL FUND. SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. SCHOOL BOND RR'DIIJPTION FUND. DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL FUND. SOLDIIRS' RELIEF FU1dD. GAME PROTECTION FUND. 1"ARRIAGE CERTIFICATE FUND. 91964,97 3,710.82 3,863.19 933,09 33,952.15 881,57 259,28 222.85 57.43 453.50 98154 59, 477.78 137.09 20,818.30 3,650.00 3,698.25 41.23 152.00 1,239.53 139,00 STATE, HIGH12 DUCAT ION. 2,348.57 STATE GRITIMAL FUND.. 5p541.59 For cash paid State Treasurer STATE MILITARY FUND. 246.98 . STATE PUBLIC HIGM7AY FUND. For cash paid State Treasurer 2,255.90 W.O.R. Record ; e ecor of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term 'Jednesdav the 14th day October 1914 STATE PER11!IANINT HIGii`IAY FUND. For cash paid State Treasurer CITY FUNDS. For cash paid City and Town Treasurers TOV115SHIP FUNDS. For cash paid Township Treasurers STATE GAME FUND. For cash paid State Treasurer RED.U,iP T I ON FUND. For cash paid. holders of Certificates of Delinquency For warrants redeemed For warrants redeemed For warrants redeemed For warrants redeemed For interest on same For warrants redeemed For interest on same F(xviarrants redeemed For warrants redeemed For interest on same For warrants redeemed For interest on same SLEASMAN DITCH FUND. HEATH DITCH FUND. DUFNER DITCH FUND. ANMR- SOIT DITCH FUND. ELDER DITCH FUND. SCHELL DITCH FUND. SLZ ASMAN DITCH NO. 2 FUND. DRAINAGE DISTRIC`1' NO. 2. FUND, HAiiNECrAN ROAD FUND. 3,020.97 15, 127.84 6,791.39 312.50 18,905.39 261.90 42.00 45.87 87.15 17.86 7.50 1.18 17.45 600.00 80.80 33.50 1.78 For warrants redeemed 15.552.00 Total Cash Disbursements fi 247,667.30 In Testimony Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands as said Board of County Commiss= ioners this 14th day of October, A.D. 1914. of it o If it 1► I to ►► 11 It it I It "Board of County Commiss4 "ioners of Whatcom County 01 11 State of Washington It of n u n n It to If 11 It u n n Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Comi s si oner COMISSIONLRS' CERTIFICATE AS TO TREASURI+.�t'S CASH. We, the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washin gton, do hereby certi- fy that we did, on the 14th day of October, 1914, carefully examine the checks, reports and vouchers of Nellie C. Rogers, County Treasurer of said County, for the quarter ending September 30, 1914, and found the same to agree with the books of this office, and to be true and correct. We further certify that we did on October 14th 1914, count the cash in the Treasury, and found the cash in said Treasurer's Office and the cash deposited by her in the Banks to her credit as such Treasurer balance her account as such Treasurer in fta11. The same being in words and figures as shown on annexed sheet which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. In Testimony Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and the seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washington, of of to it It if of to it 11 to it ►► It it n If u of n 0 to "Board of County Commmissioners of Whatcom °t of County, State of Washington fi of n It u to to n n It to It of to it n to is to It to of If Attest: Will D Wallace, County Mor a d Clerk of this 14th day of October, A.D. 1914. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren, Commissioner I. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term ',lednesday the 14th di October 19h _ COUNTY TREASURER'S CASH STATT77MITT AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS, 0CTOB1R 13th, 1914. Cash in Treasury October 1, 1914- Receipts since October 1, 1914: Tax collections on 1913 rolls 0o eo ro 1912 to It it » 1911 if " it " 1910 It n o0 00 1909 It 0o 00 » 1908 o0 Redemptions Local Improvements General Receipts � 170,132.86 ?� 4, 912.53 17.00 10.57 .90 .87 1.33 1,837.90 84.28 2,503.17 9,368.55 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 179, 501.41 Disbursements since October 1, 1914 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31, 203.92 Cash on hand at close of business October 13, 1914 - - - - - - - - - - 148, 297.49 CASH IN BANKS; Bellingham National Bank p41, 850.73 First National Bank 40,345.94 Northwestern rational Bank 240704.38 Northwestern State Bank 9, 982.98 Blaine State Bank 5,000.00 Home State Bank of Blaine 5,000.00 Lynden 6tate Bank 5,000.00 Ferndale State Bank 5,000.00 Nooksack Valley State Bank 5,000.00 Garrison Bros. State Bank 5,000.00 9 146,884.03 CASH IN OFFICT Gold 35.00 Currency 445.00 Silver 101.27 Cash Items 832.19 p _x4l3.46 3 Total - - - - - - - - - $ 148,297.49 ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, October 24, 1914. r-V Chairman Board County Commissioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners'0 Proceedings October Term Saturday the 24th day October 191 it Saturday, October 24, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on October 14, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY C01,91ISSION-.EI'RS OF WHA`1'CO3I COUNTY, V'lASHINGTON. In the Natter of Drainage Improvement District Order Appointing Appraisers, No. 4 of Uhatcom County, 71ashington. ) It now appearing to the Board that the improvement in said drainage improvement district has been fully completed and accepted by the County Engineer, and that the Clerk of this Board has compiled and filed with the Board an itemized statement of the total cost of the improvement and the expense connected therewith, as provided for in Section 26 of Chapter 176 of the Laws of 1913, and the Board now having said statement of costs and expenses under consideration for the purpose of revising and correcting the same, if necessary, The Board finds that the total cost and expense of said improvement amounts to the sum of '�13,073.64, as shown by the statement compiled by the Clerk and filed with the Board, but that it is necessary to add thereto the sum of 6% of the total thereof, to -wit, the sum of $784.41, to cover possible errors in the said statement or the apportionment hereafter to be made and to cove r the cost of such apportionment and subsequent expenses, and the sqid statem ent is hereby corrected, making the total amount of the costs of said improvement and the expense connected therewith the sum of $13, 858.05. NOW, TH: R12OR.E, as provided in said Section 26 of Chapter 176 of 1913 haws of the State of Vlashington, the Board hereby appoints C.M. Adams, T.P. Reilly and G.A. Palmer to apportion the grand total of the costs of the improvement, and expenses connected therewith against the property within the district in proportion to the benefits accruing thereto, in manner and form as provided for by law. Done in open session of the Board this 24th day of October, 1914. ►1 ►1 ►► 11 ►► ►► 11 11 N 1► 11 I I I "Board of County Commiss- " "inners of Uhatcom County " If State of Washington " It of to It to of If it r► It to it it " Attest: Will D `Iallace Clerk. C B Legoe Chai nian J G Kemper Commis6ioner Henry Shagren Commissioner BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COR-2IISSIONERS OF WHATCOPI COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Platter of Drainage Improvement District ) ( Order Directing Hearing on Apportionment. No. 5 of Whatcom County, Washington. ) It appearing to the Board that the board of appraisers have signed and filed with the clerk of this Board a schedule of apportionment of the costs and expenses of the said improvement, in consideration thereof, and as provided for by law, a hearing thereon will be had before the Board of County Commissioners at the Court House in the City of Belling- ham, 'Uhatcom County, Washington, on the 27th day of November, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.Ni. At saidnearing,the Board will examine into the said apportionment and con- sider any objection or objections filed or made thereto. 4. 6714 �� W.O.R. `� Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Saturday the 24th day October 1914 IT IS HIMBY OItDhRED that the cler:C of this Board give notice of said hearing by publication in threesuccessive meekly issues of the Journal -Progressive, the official news- paper of Uhatcom County, Washington. Done in open session of the Board of County Commissioners this 24th day of October, 1914. It of 11 /1 11 11 11 II I 11 11 11 11 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of *,Jhatcom County " 1) State of Washinton to 11 11 11 11 of It 11 11 11 11 it 11 11 11 Attest: -Yi ll D Wallace Clerk. C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper Commissioner Heni"j Shagren Commissioner --------000--- ------ BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COT9,9ISSIONERS OF 1HATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the ?utter of Drainage Improvement District) ( Order Approving Bond of Supervisor. No. 6, of Whatcom County, Washington. ) WHEREAS, John I. Rudy has been duly appointed supervisor of said drainage 'improvement district by Ed. E. Hardin, Judge of the Superior Court of ;'lhatcom County, Washington, on the 12th day of Sept ember, 1914; and l`JHIiREAS, the said John I. Rudy has taken the oath of office and has filed with this Hoard his official bond for said position; on examination of said bond, The Board finds that the same is a good and sufficient bond, and it is hereby approv- ed, and the said John I. Rudy is hereby declared to be a duly qualified supervisor of said district. Done in open session of the Board this 24th day of October, 1914. C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper of 1► 11 It It If It to It 11 It it It 11 Commissioner ":Board of County Commiss- " Henry Shagren "ioners of ``Jhatcom County " Cor..missioner It State of Washington " 11 11 11 11 11 " 11 11 " If 11 11 10 it Attest: Will D. Wallace Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000-.---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, October 27, 1914. V l/ Chairman Board County C issioners. W.O.R. Record Qf toiyTssioners' Proceedings October Term V the 2.7tr day October 191 proposed to be allowed therefore Done in open session of said Board this 27th day of October, 1914. C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemp e r n a r► n tr �► a► a �► n n ►► ►► rr Commissioner ".hoard of County Commiss- " Hdmry Shagren "loners of Whatcom County " Commissioner It State of Washington " Attest: ','dill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Boafld ---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on 'Honday, November 2, 19141 a Chairman Board County Co issioneB �' ff11 Record of. Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Tuesday the 27th clay Oetob�r 191 Tuesday, October 27, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on October 24, 3:914. Present, all members,of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMISSIONMIS OF VIHATCOM COUNTY, VASHING`i'ON.. In the Hatter of the Application of t :V J Deem and others, for the Construc- tion and Improvement of a Drainage ) O R D E R. Ditch and Establishment of Unincorpor- ated Drainage Improvement District. ) It now appears that the County Engineer had filed herein his report pursuant to order entered by this Board in this matter heretofore, and that the sq,id County Engineer has returned a schedule and estimate of all property that will be damaged, or both damaged and benefited, by the proposed improvement and an estimate of the total number of acres -that gill be benefited by the said improvement, and has specified the manner in which the proposed improvement is to be made and the number, kind, location and dimensions of all necessary water ways,.putlets, ditches, flood gates, bridges and crossings, and that he has, as previded by law, made schedule of the property to be damaged, or damaged and benefited, and arranged the same in parallel columns with the appropriate headings, showing the description of the property, including the legal subdivisions, sections tocroships range and number of acres, together with the name of the ovmer or owners, or reputed owners, and estimated gross damages that will be sustained by reason of the proposed improvement and the estimated gross benefits that will accrue, and that the right hand column of the said schedule is sufficiently wide for the signature of the owner or owners, and that as a head- ing for the said signatures the following language is inserted: I, the undersigned owner of the property opposite which I have signed my name, accept and agree to the estimated amount of benefits and damages that will accrue to my property by reason of the proposed improvement. It further appears that the. County Engineer has filed with his report, a plat showing the meanderings of the proposed improvement and the boundaries of each lot or tract of land the location of each public road and the name or names, so far as known, of the owner or olaners of each lot or tract of land, and the authorities or corporation having in charge or owning or controlling each public or other road and sewer system or ditch or drainage line, and the distance in feet through each tract or parcel of land cuossed by the proposed improvement; that the profile shows the surface and grade lines and gradient fixed; that these, together with such other.matters as the County Engineer has deemed material, appear in or as a part of his said report; that the said County Engineer has made and filed with his said report his itemized bill of costs incurred in the discharge of his said duties in this proceeding; and has reported the same to the Clerk of this Board within the time and manner provided by law. VIHEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that hearing be had on said report before this board at its meeting place in the Court House at Bellingham, Washington, on the 24th day of November, 1914, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.111., and that the Clerk of this Board shall give notice of said hearing by publication in three successive issues of the official newspaper of Whatcom County, and that in said notice said Clerk shall ddsignate the time and place_ aforesaid for said hearing, and shall specify the territory to be included in the proposed improvement district, both by boundaries and also by sections or fractions thereof, and shall designate in said notice with reasonable certainty, the route and termini of said proposed improvement, and shall'state that the plat, report and schedule on file in the office of this board show the property to be taken or damages and the amount of damages W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Yonda.y the 2nd day ITovember 191 I-donday, November 2, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on October 27, 1914. Present, C B Legoe, Chairman; J G Kemper and Henry Shagren, Commissioners; Will D Wallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following claims were alloyed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUI]D: Will D Wallace Salary as County Auditor August Erigquist Salary as Chief Deputy Auditor - S E Barrett Salary as.Deputy Auditor F C lLLart in do Lucy E King Salary as Chief Recorder for Auditor M Thomas Salary as Recorder Jessie Walters do C B Legoe Salary as County Commissioner J G Kemper do Henry Shagren do Delia L Keeler Salary as Supt Co Schools Ethel Everett Salary as Deputy Supt Co Schools D V/ Featherkile Salary as Justice of the Peace Henry C Beach do Harrison Coviden Salary as Constable F l; Wyman Salary as Probation Officer Mrs Bessie Cline do 0 E Beebe Salary as County Physician H Thompson Salary as Coroner Hector Gaviley Salary as Janitor Ed L Hardin Salary as Superior Judge 'Jilliam H Pemberton do F 'd hoses Salary as County Clerk Alithea, Adams Salary as Deputy Co Clerk Geo M Cook do Frank W Bixby Salary as Prosecuting Attorney V1 A laartin Salary as Deputy Pros Attorney Abbie H Barbo Salary as Stenographer for Pros Atty Nellie C Rogers Salary as County Treasurer F L Olslager Salary as Deputy Co Treasurer John Fernley Salary as Bookkeeper for Co Treas Olive Wilson Salary as Clerk for.; Co Treas Gage Pence do C ILL Adams. Salary as County Engineer C E Phoenix Salary as Dep Co Engineer Carl ?cCoy Salary as Draughtsman for Co Engineer H C Svrettenam Salary as Tr. &.' Chnm for Co Eng P G Cooke Salary as Transitman for Co Eng Clay Cooke Salary as Chainrna.n for Co Eng E C Lyle. Salary as Tra,nsi trian for Co Eng James Goheen Salary asChainnan for Co Eng 0 N Iiunn Salary as Deputy Co Engineer 1; S Decker Salary as Cha.inman for Co Eng L S Landry Salary as Amman for Co Eng H D McArthur Salary as Assessor Jas Llder Salary as Deputy Assessor Fostev M Carver do Ii R George do David 'durtenberg Salary as Clerk for Assessor C C King Salary as Supt County Home M B King Salary as 'r:Iatron at Co Home John Colling Salary as Teamster at Co .come Nettie Smith Salary as Cook at Co Home H.J Hurst Salary as Laborer at Co Home George Slater Salary as Guard at Co Home L A Thomas Salary as Sheriff L J Flanagan Salary as Deputy Sheriff Wilson Stewart do IT B Byland Salary as Jailer Li'me;ry Iiess Salary as Deputy Sheriff Geo H ti'Jatrous do J 19 Stinnett do Barney Hansen do ii Brock do D H Dunkle do James Lee do Henry Leist do Chas Bussard do Jake Kooyman do A Young do Lrnest Fancisco do B Lyons do 1,11 Staight do A L Rusco do Co D Heoffer do G L Miller do D McLeod do 'J A Barnes do Vi R Leake do J H Lacoby do Ella Iless do Hugh EldridSe Postage Stamps for Co Offices Puget Sound T L & P Co Gas Electric Light for October Harrison Coaden Expense as Constable Lelia L Keeler Expense as Supt Co Schools Dorothy 'Jalla.ce Services on Board. of Education Albert C Herre do Lynn C ';lrignt do 1 a.gan Ridenour ',Typewriting for Pros Attorney tv,4 P Johnson County Fund zJarra,nt /f8126 158.33 100.00 100.00 75.00 75.00 65.00 65.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 90.00 100.00 100.00 60.00 75.00 50.00 83.33 83.33 85.00 125.00 125.00 158.33 100.00 100.00 158.33 100.00 75.00 166.56 100.00 90.00 80.00 80.00 158.33 97.50 104.00 77.50 80.00 15.00 45.00 15.00 57.50 2.50 7.50 125.00 80.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 60.00 25.00 30.00 45.00 10.00 54.00 158.33 :80.00 80.00 60.00 59.50 28.00 24.50 24.50 21.00 14.00 10.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 7.00 100.00 30.15 3.30 7.42 5.00 5.00 5.00 13.95 3.35 K' 432 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term P:ronda,y the 2nd day 'November Paul Doelkow 1; Goodwin C A Scrimsher G H Abers Leslie Jones J i, Lee J ILL ,Aitken Byron 11 Kingsley J E Chichester Chas Hitt Coast Auto Co Standard Oil Co Idun.to & Haskell J T.Brannian Famous Shoe I -louse S B Irish &: Co Towner l-rinting; Co F V1 looses, Co Clerk Ethel I:: Perry, Clk San Juan Co Scalp Bounty on 1 wild cat do ROAD AllI1 BRIDGE FUND. Operating:; 111arrietta Ferry Tending Ferndale Bridge GAt.I.li; PROTECTION FUND. Dep Salary &; Expense as/Game vlarden do Salary & Expense as Game 1;7arden Salary and. Expense as Dep Game %larden Catching cat fish for planting; do Auto hire to Game harden Oil &: Gasoline a/c Fish Hatchery Supplies fair Fish Hatchery Lumber for Boat House a/c Fish Hatchery Boots for Dep Game Warden Prtg Applications & Game Laves Prtg Hunting Licenses MARRIAGE CE11'e I1t�I CATE FUND. Recording Marriage Certificates do INSTITUTE FUND. Delia, L Keeler Expense of Teachers Inbtitute In the natter of Appointing Precinct Election Boards to Serve at the Supplemental Order of Appointrlent. General Election to be Held in %/hat- com County, on November 3rd, 1914, 5.00 5.00 50.00 5.00 66.55 76.25 103.05 93.35 5.00 10.50 12.00 10.20 10.35 5.00 9.50 23.25 6.75 29.00 1.00 400.00 WHhIUJiS, on October 5th 1914 this Board did appoint election boards to serve in all precincts in vlhatcom County at the General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 3rd 1914, and WFIMEAS, it has been found that V1 J Simonds, Inspector and A L :Dauphiny, Judge, appointed to serve in the 2nd Ward 12th Precinct in Bellingham, do not live in said Pre- cinct, NO%J, THI.tIlhFORE, it is hereby orderedby this Board that the appointment of said VI J Simonds as Inspector and A L Dauphiny as Judge in and for said 2nd Vlard 12th Precinct in Bellingham be, and same is hereby annulled and declared void, and, IT IT IS FURTHER ORD1,11ED that the persons hereinafter named be, and they are hereby appointed Inspector and Judges of election to serve as such in said 2nd 17ard 12th Precinct# Bellingham, in Whatcora County, Washington, at said General Election on Tuesday, the 3rd. day of November, 1914: Bellingham, 2nd Ward 12th Precinct. Inspector- Gco Speirs P.O. 1216 Bay St Judge John L Jenkins P.O. 1314 E St Judge Jack Adaris P.O. 504� Fl Holly St Done in open session of the Board of County Cormaissioners, this 2nd day of November, .A.D. 1914. All members of the Board being present and all concurring herein. It I it it I I R I I ,1f I I it I "Board of County Uomiss- " "ioners of What com County " to State of Vlashington " of it n of to of It to to tt n to to n Attest: Will D Vlallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C B Lego e Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Sha.gren Commissioner The minutes of the October Session were read and approved on this day and On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, I�Ioveribe.r 4th 1914 (Tuesday Nov. .3rd being a holiday on account of general Election). .fittest: � pC �, ��� �,� Chairman Board Coun Conriiissi ones Clerk of the Board. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term fled esday the 4th day November 19h Z e5e Jednesday, November 4, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on November 2nd, 19144November 3rd. being legal holiday a/c General Election.; Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceed- ings had: CM]Ih+'ITT 2XPEITSE MJIM. C C King F E 'Jyman ars Bessie Cline C G 't'dinemiller Fischer & Osaacs 11�npire Yeat & Grocery Co Ennen, Goodman & Co Kinsey-Stenvig Groc. Co SweetGrocery Co Empire 1, eat & Grocery Co Columbia Grocery Short Lerct. Co Daniel E Sharp East End Grocery B B Grocery Co It Baker Grocery P G Gulbransen ',7hite &: Burton Golden Rule Store Lynden Dept Store T S Berkeley Co Stephenson & Sigurdson Wilson cue Brown G H Byron J Swiger A Lavison Famous Shoe House Earles-Cleary Lbr Shlg Co Scott & Co Chas Cl Allen S J Nelson R L Kline Fred M Egel st on Blaine dater Co Farmers lu:erct Co 'l J Pynor Central Yarket J C Campbell Stuurman & Iloekstra Royal Dairy Co Blue Front Clothing Co B B Furniture Co F tiVl Gorsuch Northwest Hd;t Co Adolph Reiter Chas Doran T %7 Suckling Pehrson Bros Lynden Livery Expense as Supt Co Home Expense as Probation Officer Sept & Oct Expense as Probation Officer Care of Juvenile Prisoners Groceries for Ii M' Adams "roceries for Helgerson et al Groceries for Johnson et al Groceries fo r Irs Soha Groceries for E "tilde Sept Oct Groceries for R Corbin Groceries for Vita McBride Groceries for Evatt et al Groceries for Jno 1-,oultray Groceries for Annie Trove Groceries for D K Sanford for Sept & Oct Groceries for Jackson & Hunter Groceries for D A Webb Groceries for 'Jagner et al Groceries for Ida McLellan et al Groceries for C A Feltbercr Groceries for ITTrs Nancy Rogers Groceries for S Stephenson Groceries for Eastman & Bainter Milk for 11'rs Helreson Care of Edward Smith Clothing for Jackson et al Shoes for T.Srs Soha's Family Flood. for A:rs Soha Wood for 1,7ir s Spha Wood for Tars Adams et al `flood for John I'oultray House rent for Tabor House rent for D K Sanford Vlater rent for Tars A Lambert Groceries etc for Co Home Groceries for Co Home Meat for Co Home do do .Butter for Co home Clothing for Co Home Mattress etc for Co home Yaterials for Co Horne Padlock etc for Co Home Blacksmi.thing for Co Home do do Lumber for Co Home Feeding Co Home team -------- 000--_d-w-_-- 6.25 43.40 4.75 23.00 28.80 24.20 22.05 29.15 20.00 7.25 3.a5 31.00 14.95 10.00 10,00 11.00 10.00 19.50 P,6.00 10,00 10.00 10.00 41.85 2.00 30.00 3.77 6.25 2.50 2.50 10.00 2.50 5.00 5.00 1.35 135.45 71.15 13.65 16.50 14.65 67.60 10.53 13.00 5.18 3.46 9.35 5,00 8.90 14.34 1.75 The October report of C C King, Supt of County Home, was endorsed approved by the Board, -----•-----000----...----- OIv Taotion the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, November 5, 1914. Chairman Board County Cornmi s oners Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Thursdav the 5th day rTo W.O.R. 1914 Thursday, November 5, 1914. The Board met pur-_uant to adjournment taken on 111ovember 4, 1914 Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURI1LYT L+' 'EASE FU11D . Charles. E Phoenix Expense . Et.s Dep. Co :ngineer P G Cooke "do C N 1dunn do L C Lyle do L A Thomas Expanse as Sheriff do Board of Prisoners C A Breckenridge Dep Sheriff, County Fair at Lynd en John Tebrink do P.I. Geraghty Services as Dep Sheriff James Harkins Use of Blood hound in Bandit case Irene I;etevier Registering Births & Deaths in Dist #1 R Vi Drake H 1f to to r2 Florence E Wright i-Trs 'tJ A Smith u n u n' 7t5 St Luke's Hospital Care of Co Patients. St Joseph's Hospital do Collins L Co 21'edicine for Co Patients The Owl Pharmacy do The 111eiser Drug Co Inc do Fed Cross Pharmacy 11edi nine for Co Patients 13.05 & Stapp for Co Home 6. The Spokane Surgical Supply Co Sucp lies a/c @o Patients Pacific Viassermann Laboratories do 1,:ellie Petersen Care of TI_rs Bjorndahl Pioneer Livery Livery for Co Supt Jas 1,Iccoy Livery for Supt Co Schools Everson Livery Livery for Co Corfimr Larsons Livery & Trf Livery for Const 2.50-Conamr 4.-Phy 4.-Prob Off 5. Lynden Livery Livery hire to Commr 12.50-Prob Officer 2. A Iti Riddle Auto hire to Co Conunr Hale Taxi & Auto Co Auto hire for Sheriff Diehl L Simpson Auto hire to Co Officials 103. & a/c Del Bal Bores General Election 41. do Repairs, Supplies & Driving Co Auto Selby -Harris Co Supplies for I.'ng .50 & Gen Offices 4.05 Griggs Sta a Prtg Co Supplies for Eng 14.-A`ud 2.50-Gen Offices 28.50 Union 11rtg•, Bndg & Sta Co Prtg & Sup for Aud 58.80-Clk 4.75-Supt 15.95 Gen L;lection 12.70 19.95 13.75 5.80 20.50 44.65 178.80 9.00 9.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 3. 50 5.00 3.50 201.00 122.70 4.20 23.30 15.20 19.05 5.08 5.00 31.00 3.25 5.00 4.00 15.150 11.00 '2.00 2.00 144.00 228.27 4.55 45.00 92.20 ---------- 000---------- The October report of Dr 0 E Beebe, County Physician, was endorsed approved by the Board. -------_--- 1� `i'he Board made an order correctirn ; 1913 tax on Lots 1 & 2 T31k 121 Fairhaven Land Co's 2nd Add., a/c clerical error on rolls. ----------eUo- In the Tiatter of Distribution of ':_oneys ) ( Order to 'Transfer. Received from the Forest Reserve Fund. ) ,lH1MEAS, there is now in the hands of the County Treasurer the sum of ?'2, 216.36 to the credit of forest Reserve Fund received from the Federal Government, and to be expended for the benefit of the Public Roads and Public Schools of dhatcon County and not other,:vise, c according to Sec, 38901 Rem & Bal Code Vol 2. 14049 Tll:i-i:lJFORL, it is hereby ordered by this Board that the County Treasurer be, and she hereby is directed to transfer from the Forest Reserve Fund to the 'load and Bridge fund the su.cn of •2, 000.00 and to the General School fund of %'Ihatcom Cotnnty the sum of ;�216.36. Dore in open session of the Board this 5th day of 'November, A.D. 1914. C B Legoe Chaizman of the Board. it is tt 11 It tt to it it to It to to tl J G Kemper "Ecard of County Coirariiss- " Commissioner Henry Shagren "loners of 11hatcom County " Commissioner Of State of .'Jashington it 11 it it to to of It It It tt it 1t It It Atte-st. 11 D 'Jallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. W.O.R. nec®rd ®f Commissioners' Proceedings October Trim Thursday the 5th day November 191 u ORDER VACATING. In the %tatter of the Vacation of a portion ) of the Plat of 'U Finley Hall's Sub -division to New Whateom, petitioned for by John ( ORDER VACATING. L. V1`hitcomb ' and others. In the inatter of the vacation of a portion of the plat of W Finley Hall's Sub -division to Dew %hatcom, petitioned for by John L Whitcomb and others, the Board find as follows: First. That the petition therefor was filed with the Clerk of this Board on the 17th day of September, A D 1914, and that said petition was signed by more than three -fourths in number and area of the owners of said plat. Sccond, That a copy of the original plat of W Finley Ilall's Subdivision to New `ffhatQ cam was filed with the petition. Third. That the cost of the vacation proceedings, amounting to the sum ofhas been paid. Fourth. That the 5th day of November, A D 1914, was set by the Clerk of the Board for the hearing of the petition* Fifth. That notices of the hearing have not been served upon all the oriners of prop- erty included in the said portion of the plat sought to be vacated, as shown by the Records in the County Auditor's office, for that all of the owners of all of the land abutting upon all sides have joined in said petition asking for said vacation. Sixth. That notice of petition of said vacation signed by Will h Wallace, Clerk of this Board were posted in a substantial manner and in three conspicuous places on said land proposed to be vacated on September 21, 1914, being more than twenty days prior here- to; and the Board having examined the copy of roiginal plat filed with the Tqtition, and all other papers on file in the proceedings, and, heard and considered all testimony and documentary evidence produced, and the Board being; satisfied that justice and, the public welfare will be subserved by granting the prayer of the petitioners, IT IS ORDERIT BY TITE BOARD, all the members concurring, that the portion of the plat of ;#' Finley Hall's Subdivision to New Whatcom, petitioned to be vacated by John L. Whitcomb and others, particularly described as follows: Blocks one (1) and four (4) Richards Street:•on the crest side of said plat for its full length and Yoss Street and Lake Street from Richards Street to Garden Street be vacated, and the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to note upon the Record of said Plat at Page 25 Volume 3 of Plats, reference to the order and action of this Board. Done this 5th day of November A D 1914. H to It 11 if to it it 11 to to 11 it 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of 'dhatcom County " to State; of 7ashington " It tt to 11 It 1t if It it t1 it of t1 tl Attest: Will D G/allace County Auditor and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board. C P Legoe J G Kemper Henry Shagren Constituting the.Board of County Commiss- ioners of 71hateom Cbixnty, Washington. ---------- OGO----------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, November 6, 1914.. Chairman Board County mmissioners. Q .G ,- 3 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Tenn Friday the 6th day ber W.O.R. 1914 Friday, .November 6, 1914. The Board. met pursuant to adj our. anent taken on IToveraber 5, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Cleric in attendance. The following claims mere allowed and proceedings had: CURB +'Ili' B'XPEITSE FUND. Henry Sha.gren Expense as Co Coimuissioner 3.30 ,'Jhatcom County Abstract Co Furnishing Assessor daily report of R I: Transfers 2.00 Pacific; Tel & Tel Co Phone Rentals for November 37.25 do Long Distance for October 6.80 Western Union Telg. Co Messages for Sher 2.30-Phy 1.-Atty .55 3.85 3 B Hess Plastering in Assessor's Office 8.75 S A Atwood P & 1.7 P Co Calcimine for Courthouse 11.20 S 'J Cornish Paint Co Tinting rooms in Courthouse 13.25 Standard Oil Co Oil & Gasoline for Courthouse 1.88 Bellingham Truck Co Hauling Cinders for Courthouse 3.00 F J Ialouso Supplies for Janitor 5.80 Pacific Steam Laundry Laundry for Jail 10- & Jury Rms .55 10.55 Few I: ethod Cascade Laundry Laundry for Jail 1300 B B Furniture Co Kitchen utensils for Jail 12.20 Battersby Bros. Dust cloth for Offices 3.20 &: Shoes for Prisoners3. 6.20 ';+illiani 'Taylor J P: State vs Yels Linden 2.95 i::agnus Magnusson Const: do 10,80 L A Thallhimer 5"lit: do 2,00 SOLDIERS' RE;LIEl? 7TITD. Sarah Foster Relief 12.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. Geo Llder Foreman on Steam Grader work 76.00 Delno Ward Engineer on Steam Grader 76.00 Emil Fullner Fireman on Steam Grader 47.50 Geo Alton Teamster on Stem Grader work 95,00 J Plaster Labor on road 3.00 H McCluskey do 3,00 'T P Reilly do Foreman 25.50 R C Plaster do 1.00 C Bizer do 7.00 J Plaster do team 12.00 Hinton Dahlen do of 30.00 J S Murray do 3.00 is Dahlen do 4.00 Walter Bridge do " 25,00 John C Holeman do " 22.00 Ellsworth Iunick do of 23.00 A iv Jensen do 8.00 Joseph Lopas do. " 16.00 Herbert Legoe do 2.00 L A Dickson do Foreman 36.00 Ed Tiartinson do " 72.00 Inert Bice do " 8.00 J B Everhart do 7.00 Newt Hale do 15.00 Geo Brown do 35.00 R C Bruland do " 40.00 Joe Lewis do 18.00 Joe Cross do 6.00 P H Iiewbery do " 18.50 W I.L Ji ld er do " 19. 50 C Hanson do " 15.:00 Ray Kirkpatrick do " 1500 Llbert Anderson do 6.00 Vim Newberry do " 9.50 Robert B Elliot do " 5.50 Ed Jones do " 17.00 L Markstrom do Foreman 13.50 A G.' ,aesterlund do 25.00 H C 11,Ii l ler do 10,100 H :B miller do 2.00 0 D Chapin do 10,00 L I;iarkstrora do 23.75 G Morgenthaler Labor on Everson -Goshen Rd Forema:Z " 29.50 John Il erk do " 28.00 Amos Zimmer do " 15.00 +' Iviorgenthaler do 13.00 J B Reynolds do 10.00 rrm Vaughn Labor on Kelly Rd of 18.00 George Hilliard do 14.00 George Ogden do 12.00 Anton Sievi do If 12.00 George VJ Smith do Foreman 20.00 A C Herre Labor on Road 2.00 Jas Surmuerville do of 8.00 Curt Heider do 6.00 Ernest Heider do 4.00 ;Jalt Hardy do 4,00 E 3 Hinote do of 8.00 Fritz Luenscher do It 20.00 Carl I uenscher do to 20.00 A Srr:i th do " 8.00 H Klander do Foreman 12.50 P Ellof son Labor on Hannegan Rd 4.00 Yrank Iluenscher do Foreman 3.00 W.O.R. q �fp� Record of Commissioners' Proceedings �� October Term Friday the 6th day November 1914 11ni 1 Hawkinson John Strand Pete Ramstea.d Peter A Lee Chris Svenson ',1JHolm Sivert 1lestre John Arntzen Gust Lager Birch Bay Shgl Co T 0 Berge C H Beebe Le,li s Beebe David Idoors V :B Rogers S H Rooker C C King (Co Iioriie) Ed L Hard R C Warden A Furman J id Brown H Yates M Ii Shetler G 0 Thompson 17 C Campbell %'Im Sarlund E J Pease Frank Edwards Ray Sarnberger I. -like Heff ernan R 0 Barnhouse R I T-anner J R Smith ',l Bishop L S Miller Thos Anderson J 0 Anderson L D Vanderhoof Hugh Eldridge C W Osborn A W Frost C G Burnet & Co Edwin Lopas John Bullock 'Ui1liam '.1 Tod A J Riff e-Kirkpatrick Co C 14 Mosher C Rodenberg Arthur Dewey Jno H Lyman Frank �nith E. Tinney Fred Griffin U L Sturman Henry Smith C A Gooding George Ogden Frank Adams Chas E Lyon George W Smith G E Hilliard Arthur Walters Ernest B McLaughlin Nels 24 Olson E L Scrimsher Thomas Foran iirchie Pierce Peter Hansen Clarence King G C Joyce T,rartin Flotre A E Doolittle Ivan H Brooks A 0 Pearson P ete r , J Zwas chka Bloedel Donovan Lbr Mills Pehrson Bros Nelson, Swanson & Co Everson Lumber Co Sunnyside Lumber Co VI C Reul J P Jensen R 0 Barnhouse H J Westphal S T Jackman V1 B Hart Everson Merct Co Morse Hdw Co Hamilton Bros F '71 Gorsuch Danielson & Runolfson Lynden Dept. Store E V1 Bayes P V Pressentin :Bell.'& North. Ry Co y`1 G Miller Findlay Bros. John TLerk Labor on Pete Lee do do do do do do do Hauling. Gravel on do do Labor on Road do do do do Labor on Ferndale Hauling Gravel on Labor on Ferndale Hauling Gravel on do do do Labor on Ferndale do Road Walkeek Rd Foreman team Rd " Ferndale Rd " Road " Ferndale Road " r 0 n Rd At Labor.'..on Guide Keridian Rd do Labor on Ferndale & G Y Rds Foreman Labor on Van Zandt Crossing do do Foreman Labor on Road. No 130 do do do do do Foreman Labor on Road Gravel. Labor on Road Foreman do do Labor on Ferndale-TIt View Rd Inspector, Lake Samish Road do Repairs to Beach Wharf Salary & Exp as Bridge Foreman Labor on Bridges do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Labor on Roads Cedar logs & filling for Bridges Labor on Bridges Lumber Lumber Lumber, LumberLumber Lumber Cedar Posts Cedar Piles Road Plank Cedar Piling Powder etc Powder etc Bridge Material & Tools Spikes Spikes Nails etc Nails etc Road Tile Supplies for Forest Supervisor Bal. due on freight bill Bla ck smi thi ng do Gravel m 13.00 7.50 12.00 8.00 9.00 9.00 2.00 26.25 55.85 101.25 45.00 36.85 21.50 13.60 2.00 8.75 56.00 62.25 4.00 40.80 35.70 4.25 12.75 20.40 29.00 26.00 16.00 54.00 12.50 10.00 8.40 8.00 12.00 12.00 10.00 14.00 14.00 401.00 90.50 9.00" 10.00 80.00 95.65 36.75 35.00 72.45 104.50 21.20 39.30 21.00 19.20 12o00 18.90 4.80 18.30 82.50 12.50 36.00 34.25 13.20 12.50 12.50 12.50 10.00 2o50 4.30 21.60 13.00 9.00 15.00 25.50 24.00 10.00 18.00 20.00 20.23 18.86 175.75 39.74 5.95 181.10 . 2.50 101.89 1.75 3.00 11.75 10,10 69.56 . 50 .50 11.87 1.60 152.79 34.20 2.40 11.00 3.35 16.05' W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Friday the 6th day November 1914 L A Dickson Gravel 12.75 Joe Lewis Gravel 5.80 Hobert Clarkson Gravel 43.80 Lvd,ain Lopas Gravel 12.40 T J Arney Gravel 25.20 Lester K Whalen ',food for Road Grader 15.00 Frank Elsner Wood for Road Grader 3.00 Chas L Lind 8th Est on Constr Sec 1 Hannegan Rd 422.40 Vlorthen &: Satterthwaite 7th Est on Constr Sec 2 Hannegan Rd 785.07 HANNEGAN ROYLD FIRTI) . Chas E Lind 8th Est on Constr Sec 1 Hanne an Rd 844.80 iorthen & Satterthwaite 7th Est on Constr Sec 2 Hannegan Ttd 111 570.13 DRAINAGE DIST13IC`1' No. 4 FUND Current F.xpe;nse fund Ral Ex p Perm Survey of Drain Ditch 14 111.10 DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 5 FUIM. Geo A Baer Appraiser on Bellinr7er hitch 42.50 Li A Hickey do 42.50 DRAINAGE DISTRICT N0. 6 FUI'D. J C Anderson 5th & Final Est on Constr Field Ditch 837.97 MOOItP"AU DITCH FUI.M. D F Smith Labor on Moorman Pitch Foreman 2.50 John/eeda do 2.00 H Roules do 1.75 Fred L Sn ii th do 2,00 BUTLLR DITCH FUND. J E Ilole: un Labor on Butler Ditch Foreman 16.25 Chas V/ Holeman do team 15.00 C S Good do 10.13 DUFIIZIZ DITCH FUND. Ben Strenler Labor on Dufner Ditch 1.62 IT van Prooyen do 5.25 Geo Knittle do 14.00 Leonard Koole do Foreman 11.75 John 2roost Sava Filing- 1.00 ----- ---000------_--- '/ In the Matter of the Issuance of ) L'uplic,zte 'Jarrant to Peter i,Ioffatt { Order to Issue on Road and Bridge Fund. } JHLItLAS, pursuant to the prayer of the petition of Peter 17offatt the same being here- to attached, wherein the permanent loss of Road and Bridge Fund warrant No. 2126, issued July 10, 1914, in the sum of '�35.00 in favor of the said Peter 11offatt, is set out to the satisfactionof this Board,, the County Auditor is hereby directed to issue a duplicate currant in the sum of 35.00 on the Road and Bridge Fund in lieu of the one so lost. Done in open session of the Board this 6th day of November, A.D. 1914. tl to if 11 of 11 11 i1 11 it 11 it It 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " if State of 77ashington " to to u""" to it it to n u it to Attest: dill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- rrrr r..+.s ,ter C B Legoe Chairmen of the Board J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shabren Commissioner On On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday. November 7, 1914. airman 3oard County Coirmiss v v ners ki W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 43 - J October Term Saturday . the 7th clay November 1914 Saturday, November 7, 1914, The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on November 6, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attenda.nce.. The following claims yrere allowed and proceedings had: . CURRENT EMIIMLNSE FUND. L A : Thomas Back Salaries of Dep Sheriffs, with interest 694.46 Griswold & Hudson Refund on Cert. Copies 2.25 Fred Everett Interest on C D 15680, Cancelled 2.58 Z S Martin Remodeling Assessors Office & Desks for Treas 55.27 do Voting, Booths for Gen Election 22.50 Gordon Barrett Packing Supplies a/c General Election 13.25 J B Bennett Loc Polling Places & Del Bal Boxes a/c Gen Elect 35.00 Bellingham Truck Co Del & Ret Booths a/c Gen Election 30.00 Jenkinn-Boys Co Furniture etc'for Polling Places a/c Gen Elect 55.50 Borthwest Ildw Co Rope a/c Gen Election 2.40 Anstett Printing Co Ballots, Poll Books, etc a/c Gen Election 1,114.60 Will D Wallace Expense a/c Gen Election llzll II L Siegel Insp & Mileage- Bellingham 1 Ward 11 Prct. 9.80 D L Dishoran Judge " " " " " 9.60 Rose B Bennett Judge " :' " " " 9.60 L G ti"Jeisenberger Clerk �+ +► ++ +� er 9.60 Mrs 'Theresa Siegel Clerk " If It " It 9.60 C I Roth Kent Polling Place " it It " " 5.00 Geo N Siegel Insp & 1Ti leage- it it " 21 " 8.00 Mrs A T Patterson Judge to of ►► a n 7.80 V1 R .Brown Judge of it `► to " 7.80 John Slater Clerk ft " " It " 7.80 Milton 1.1aroe Clerk It " ° of " 7.80 Siegel Bros Hall Rent t' " " " " 5.00 C A Bond Insp & Mileage- of " '► 31 " 9.20 A N• Johnson Judge ft " " " " 9.00 Cora Mitchell Judge " " " " " 9.00 Blanche Gawley Clerk " " " " " 9.00 Lon Barron Clerk �► ►+ ►t a a 9.00 J F Decker Hall Rent & Furnt: " " " " " 7.50 J C Selhaver Inspector- " ►t It 41 It 6.15 11rs M E Collins Judge " " " " ►► 6.15 Goo S Smith Clerk ++ n n ►� n 1.45 Ur Emma Smith Clerk +► �► ►► n rr 4.70 C C Rogers Clerk & Mileage '► ►, tr n n 6.35 Lillie R Smith Judge " '► " " " 6.15 C C Rogers Hall Rent & Furnt. " " " " " 5.00 Goo Hartness Insp & Mileage- 51 " 8.00 Joseph Bulmer Judge " " " " " 7.80 Kate Plumb Judge ++ +t n rt. +► 7.80 F h Pellett Clerk +► tr n if a 7.80 Helen Blake Clerk A n ft u n 7.80 John Worthington Hall Rent it " to to to 7.50 Geo. A Henson Insp & Mileage- It . " " 61 " 8.90 Ethel Shields Judge " " " " " 8.70 Linda Jennings Judge ++ to of it of 8.70 r.uriel J R Shields Clerk to " of it it 8.70 S H King Clerk If to of It if 8.70 ',1 J Collins Hall Rent - it to it " of 6.00 D H Dunkle Insp & Mileage- " " " 71 " 8.60 George Erz Judge n o ►► a o 8.40 Carrie M Whitney Judge " " " 't " 8.40 Victoria Ogren - Clerk " " " " " 8.40 Hazel A MacDonald Clerk " " " " " 8.40 E Y1 Purdy Hall Rent " " " " " 5.00 VrD Gillen Insp & Mileage- " " '► 81 J L.Bishop Judge n u a n a 7.20 J E James Judge " " " " " 7.20 F C Plantz Clerk tr n ►► a r► 7.20 B 0 Holbrook Clerk `" t► " " " 7.20 Graham Bros. Hall Rent & oil " It " " of 5.45 George Speirs. Inspe^tor•- " 2 't 12 '► 7.20 Jack Id Adams Judge " t, to It '► 7.20 Prank Ringenback Judge & mileage " " Of it it 7.4.0 Clarence G 'Uhite Clerk " it. " " It 7.20 Bessie 0 Brovrn Clerk " ►: to It tr 7.20 Chas T.$ Daw Insp & Mileage- " It ►► 22 ft 7.10 Elva Richendrfer Judge " +► to It It 6.90 C T Slentz Judge " " " " " 6.90 J C Richendrfer Clerk " " " " " 6.90 A It Kennedy Clerk " " " " " 6.90 B B fire & Rubber Co Hall Rent n ►► t► ►► +► 5.00 John Slater Insp & Iuileage- " " " 32 " 10.10 H G.Anderson Judge " " " to " 9.90 Ray B Smith Judge " tt ,► to t► 9.90 Martha B Singlet -on Clerk " " . " it " 9.90 Lary B Hardison Clerk At " 9.90 H P Johnson Hall Bent " " " " " 7.50 J H Allen Insp & Mileage '► " " 42 " 9.20 Earl Woody Judge a tt ,► rt a 9.00 Flora Hennes Judge " " " " " 9.00 Diary Snyder Clerk ft ft ft ft 10„00 Alice L Brigham Clerk r► t► a o n 9.00 Mary Snyder Hall Rent & furnt. '► n n o +► 10.00 W.O.R. 0 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term SatdrdaV the 7th day Novcmber 191 `aim L Asher Insp & Mileage: Belli ngh�m, 2nd Ward 52nd Prect . 6.50 W E 'Terrill Jude " " " " " 6.30 Geo G Shelton Judge " " " " " 6.30 Lillie V Wheeler Clerk " " " f1 " 6.30 Kate Tracy Clerk 6.30 Geo G Shelton Hall Rent 't " " " " 6.30 G F Charlot Insp &: Mileage: etc 1f " °° 62nd " 10.50- Al Clark Judge it it If it of 9.90 Iuaude Crosslin Judge If " It to to 9.90 Bessie 1.1 Odell Clerk If " to If to 9.90 Cora lleador Clerk it " It to to 9.90 Lirs Fred Oats Hall Rent " " of it to 5.00 wrs E Id Sta.xbuck Insp & Hi lea ge : It of it 7211d °1 9.50 Reba Healy Judge " " " it " 9.30 Geo Gibson Judge i1 " " it " 9.30 Lucy Cmnningharii Clerk " " of " 9.30 Fred McGinnis Clerk " " " to " 9.30 J J Setzer Hall Dent " " " It " 6.50 S J Nelson Insp & Mileage: " " " 82nd " 9.50 Ii J Yeoman Judge " " " if ° 9.30 T S Huston Judge " '► " It " 9.30 Rn Bell Clerk n ►► a to ►► 9.30 A E P'ettinger Clerk " " " it " 9.30 Brisbin,Smith & Livesey Hall Rent & Light '" " " It i1 5.00 V; 21 Brock Jr Insp & Mileage: i1 " " 92nd " 8.10 0 C Armstrong Judge " " '► t1 " 7.80 Ida R Hemminger Judge " t1 " to " 7.80 Edna A Olds Clerk " " " of 11 7.80 C H Shepardson Cleric " i1 " It " 7.80 Ida R Hemninger Hall Rent " i1 " " " 7.50 Lllcry- I ogErs Insp & I.Iileage: " " " 102nd " 8.80 Julia L Short Judge " " " to " 7.80 C S Gerhart Judge " " " " " 7.80 Rae Sz:zith Clerk 7.80 :carry Ii Lombard Clerk " 1i " " " 7.80 Geo Lombard Sr Hall Rent " " " " " 7.50 Homer K Musser Insp L Mileage: " 3rd " 13th " 8.60 R J Sutcliffe Judge " " " " " 8.40 011a M Phoenix Judge to " " it " 8.40 H H Julien Clerk to of It to " 8.40 Floyd 'T I: oore Clerk n to I to to °► 8.40 S B Irish L Co Hall Rent " It It to ° 7.50 J W Hopp Insp & Mileage: " it it 23rd " 8.15 J C Nattraso Judge " it " It 1T L Crawley Judge to of of It 7.95 Erna A Linse Clerk " of to to to 7.95 Pearl L Ross Clerk " it it it to 7.95 L D P Collins, Agent Hall Rent " " " " to 5.00 H A Gohean Insp rIilea.se: " " " 33rd it 8.60 A Demuth Judge " " " It to 8.110 Frank Clevish Judge " " " t1 of 8.40 Ernest P Smith Clerk it to " It It 8.40 Glen Barlow Clerk to to of it it 8.40 Llrs C J G,?rr_ble Hall Rent " of It " 7.50 Daniel TdcCush Insp €c 3Tileage: " it It 43rd " 8.90 C B Knowlton Judge to It if " " 8.70 Jenkins Horgan Judge It to if it It 8.70 Calvin 0 Palmer Clerk " of it It of .8.70 Iwc.rguerite Morgan Clerk t1 of it it if 8.70 Geo Bremner Hall Rent of of to It " 7.50 Ira Smith Insp & y[ileage: If It It 53rd " 10.10 R A Scheble Judge of it It it 9.90 A Arthur Riggs Judge f1 of 01 it 9t 9.90 Hobert L Smith Clerk " " " " " 9.90 Florence F Riggs Clerk " " " " " 9.90 L'ahlqui st L :crake Hall hent " " " " " 5.00 L Stanton Insp & Mileage: " " " 63rd " 6.50 Lillian A Covell Judge " " " " " 6.30 Blanche H McCullough Judge " " " it t1 6.30 I dyrtle I`, Call Clerk " " " of " . 6.30 F 'U Johnson Clerk ° " if to of 6.30 A J Sandhei Hall Rent " " " " " 5.00 Auguste Lalonde Insp & Mileage: " " °' 73rd " 6.80 J Gibson Judge " " If it " 6.60 1.1argaret C Schumacher Judge " " " " " 6CI60 I:irs Sarah Fredley Clerk " " it " it 6.60 Lrs Eunice Cox Clerk " " it it if 6.60 Lrs Y E Slater Hall Rent " " " " " 6.00 R V Alsop Insp & Mileage: " 4th t1 14th " 8.00 J E Faulkner Judge ►► it u of ►' 7.80 James Cunningham Judge " " " of t1 7.80 L F Bowers Cleric " to t1 If " 7.80 Theodore Thomson Clerk It it of of to 7.80 Charles Ho-,aard Hall Rent " " " " " 6.00 Cole W Brandon Insp & I:1ile age: " " to 24th '► 8.10 Laud E Turner Judge " " If " it 7,50 Joseph L Anstett Judge " " if If is 7.80 Fredaileene Y Brandon Clerk " " " it of 7.50 Label S Glen Clerk " " " " " 7.50 Jos Shaffer Hall Rent " '! " " " 7.00 D I' Day Insp & Mileage: 34th " 8.30 C H Wight Judge " " " " " 8.10 11 J Matheson Judge " " " It " 8.10 Lulu D Cooper Clerk " " " " " 8..10 Janet McFadden Clerk " " " " " 8.10 Dr Powell Hall Rent n ►► ►► o ►► 5.00 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners', Proceedings October, Term Saturday the 7th day November 1914 Q A H Pratt lnsp Mileage: Bellingham, 4th Ward 44th Prect. 8.60 Yl D Evans Judge Labor "' of " 4f if 8.40 Elizabeth Rath Judge " to of " of ' 8.10 Geo A Bumstead Clerk " " " It to 8.10 H 11 Wring Clerk " " to if it 8.10 J F Blott Insp & 1.1ilea,ge: to If it 54th " 10.40 R B Stuart Judge t1 of of ►► if 110.20 M kartinsen Judge if it of of of 10.20 Edna Jones` Clerk to It It to If 10.20 Edith Holley Clerk it It ff If if 10.20 Nellie B Lewis Hall Rent It It It if " 5.50 John K Sat er Inspector: It 51h If 15th ft 7.80 V1 Vir Carroll Judge It It if it " 7.80 Geo H .'latrous Judge & Mileage if to " ff It 8.00 L P Hillier Clerk it It " if it 7.80 L A Wilson Clerk " " ff " if 7.80 John Fernley Hall Trent " '! " " " 5.00 C R S Egbert Insp & Mileage: " " °' 25th " 7.40 Hannah Bratt Judge " " " it " 7.20 Frank L Little Judge " " " " " 7.20 1,11 F Dillon Clerk " " " it '" 7.20 C J Freygang, Agent Hall Rent '" " " It " 5.00 H C Banner Insp & 11ileage: " '" " 35th " 7.30 Alfred L Black Jr Judge " " " " f' 6.60 Catherine C Funnell Judge " " °' " °' 6.60 lj Kenyon Clerk If to " to "' 6.60 L N Griffen Hall Rent etc " f' " " "' 6.00 G H Little Insp & I.fi leage: " it 01 45th " 8.15 Gus Ziese Judge n ►► n �� ►" 7.80 y'1m Whitworth Judge " " " " " 7.80 Elsie Ziese Clerk "' " " " " 6.90 A B Morse Clerk " "' " " " 7.80 Alma Emerson Hall Rent " " '" " " 5.00 John Hilton Insp & JUleage: " 6th " 16th " 8.90 Anne W Larson Judge " " " " " 8.10 Starr Sutherland Judge " " " " " 8.10 Maude Rust Clerk '° '" " of to 8.10 Adaline Odell Clerk " es It to to 8.10 John A Barker Hall Rent " " "' " " 7.50 J Wayland Clark Insp & Ixileage "' " " 26th " 7.40 S Miller Judge " " " It '" 7.20 Thore Johnson Judge " '" " of " 7.20 J H Doherty Clerk "° " " ff °1 7.20 Harry J Hiller Clerk " " "' it " 7.20 J E Doty Hall Rent " " " It " 5.00 John Brooten Insp & 11ileage: " " to 36th If 9.80 V D Charroin Judge `► of to it it 9.00 R D Boget Judge " of to It It 9.00 Geo H Ames Clerk °i °' " " " 9.00 Florence P Shepard Clerk " " " " ff 9.00 Mfrs Tdclviahan Hall Rent f► " to " " 7.50 D S Richards Inspector: Blaine, lst Ward 8.40 C 71 Peters Judge of It to 8.40 Andrea Danielson Judge if it ff 8.40 Velma Prendergast Clerk It of ff 8.40 Roy G Dunning Clerk f' f' it 8.40 I,rs Sarah Richards Hall Rent '" " °' 7.50 John A Martin Inspector: " 2nd " 8.40 L A Van Luven Judge " of " 8. 1i0 Charles Peterson Judge " "' " 8.40 '' rs M H Harris Clerk " " "' 8.40 Alma R Liartin Clerk ►► n ►► . 8.40 `J M Hazen Inspector: " 3rd " 11.10 E E Bovier Judge t1 " " 9.60 Dan Wilder Judge " ' . " 9. 60 Ida Filmore Clerk "' " " 9.60 Naomi Pinckney Clerk " "' " 9.60 Olive Clouse Hall Rent " " " 7.50 F C %Ilewetzer Inepector: Ferndale (Town) 7.50 J B Wilson Judge " " 7.50 Frank Whitney Judge " " 7.50 Ira Rohrba,cher Clerk. " " 7.50 'Um '.Talker Clerk ' If 7.50 Treas. Town of Ferndale Hall Rent " " 3.00 `/ I Baker Insp :.& :Labor: Lynden " 10.30 B W Loring Judge it 1° 9.30 B P Shoemaker Judge " " 9.30 Geo 6T Worthen Clerk 11 if 9.30 Ada J Hoover Clerk " " 9.30 Harry Olin Inspector: Ilooksack . " 6.00 S G Idather Judge to '" 6.00 F. Schroeder Judge ft " 6.00 J W Smith Clerk " " 6.00 Lucy Sorber Clerk '" " 6.00 Joseph Deneger Inspector: Sumas `" 9.30 B S Murphy Jude " " 9.30 Jesse Corbin Judge " " 9.30 Oliver Guyor Clerk " " 9.30 R 0 Sherrill Clerk " " 9.30 J l'1 Kelly Inspector: Acme Township 9.00 Jacob Rothenbuhler Judge 1t " 9.00 Y J Mal eng Judge f' '" 9.00 N P Nelson Clerk if '+ 9.00 11 J Rabourn Clerk If ft 9.00 Jas S McCoy Uivcry " f' 2.50 School Dist yl8 Hall Rent " " 5.00 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Saturday the 7th day lTovember W.O.R. 191 Frank Jennings Insp Mileage: Baker Township 5.90 Fred'Rothenbuhler Judge " " 5.40 J D Hillje Jude " 5.40 C A Strand Clerk " t1 5.40 School Dist #40 Hall Rent " " 5.00 CDG Bush Inspector: Columbia " lst Prect 4.20 B F Barton Jude " " " " 4.20 W C Hobart Judge 11 11 a ,► 4.20 'd 0 W Hall Association Hall Rent " " " " 5.00 L E Potter Inspector: " " 2nd " 4.80 Gus Nienaber Judge " " it " 4.80 idax Koehler Judge " " it " 4.80 do Hall Rent " " of " 5100 J C Wright Inspector:& Del- Crescent " 5.20 John Bullock Judge it " 4.20 `i; D Nulle Judge " " 4.20 School Dist {r43 Hall Rent " 01 5.00 Idi V1 Parrish Inspector: Custer " lst Prect 6.00 John Otly Judge 11 " to it 6.00 B V1 Everett Judge to it it 6.00 L C Benedict Clerk to " if of 6100 dalt'er H Creasey Clerk 11 " to " 6.00 A u7 Thomas Hall Rent to 11 It It 5100 J H Harvey Inspector: it it 2nd 11 5.70 R A Wilson Judge it it " to 5.70 Frank Bice Judge it If it to 5.70 L F Swanson Clerk It it it of 5.70 Gerrit Van 'Jingerden Clerk if It it It 5.70 J A Winerd Hall Rent it to It " 5.00 %I H Jackman Insp & 11ileage: Delta to lst " 7.20 A W Wheeler Judge It it to " 6.60 Val Bitterman Judge of If to " 6.60 John Axling Clerk of to it " 6.60 B C Vander Griend Clerk it to it " 6.60 C S Packard Hall Rent " " " " 5100 C G Lund Insp &- T.,Zileage: " " 2nd " 10.60 Chas L I'lerri tt Judge 1► 11 7120 J H Swope Judge " " to " 7.20 L E Livingston Clerk " " " " 7.20 A C Palmer Clerk " " " " 7120 S .L' Palmer Hall Rent it to it If 5.00 W E Bender Inspector: Deming 11 lst 11 4.50 L+`llsworth Belcher Judge it if " " 4.50 J C Peeples Judge if 11 " of 4.50 B L Pittenger Clerk " to " it 4.50 B L Pittenger Hall Rent " " " of 5.00 D J Kline Inspector: " " 2nd i1 5.40 Peter 0 Solin Judge " " 11 it 4.50 Ii A Gates Judge it to It to 4.50 Geo S Mahan Clerk " " " " 4.50 J M Bell Hall Rent " " " " 3.00 Geo A Baer Insp, Mil & Fuel:Ferndale " lst " 7100 Iulrs Geo R Shpup Judge " " " " 5.10 %1 E Dorr Judge It " It if 5.10 '3 FI Campbell Clerk it it it it 5.10 Idrs Clara Baer Clerk it it to It 5.10 1:Irs V1 G Burton Hall Rent of it to it 2.50 T P Reilly Insp, .?Tile & Lt. of It 2nd 11 6.40 Albert L atz Judge n n n 11 5.10 Idirs B Vi Bailey Judge " " " " 5.10 Is:rs Berne Hudson Clerk " " " " 5.10 1.1rs Chas Timmerman Clerk " " " " 5.10 School 7:ist rr39 Hall Rent " " " " 5.00 C E Fitzgerald Insp & I.Iilea.ge: " '" 3rd " 7.50 J' P Erickson Judge . " of it " 7.20 Henry De'ai tt Judge " " It " 7.20 Ldith M Thornton Clerk " it It " 7.20 L• F `Cingrnars Clerk " " to " 7.20 Ferndale Township Hall Rent " it of " 4100 Anton Anderson .Insp, 1-7il L. Labor: It of 4th 1i 7.25 A 11 Johnson Judge to, It of If 6.75 Llizabeth Sullivan Judge if " " " 6.75 T.'iaude L R Kaufman Clerk of " " " 6.75 A A Stockton Clerk It If It of 6.75 %7 J Pynor Hall Rent to " " " 5.00 H L Murray Insp & Mileage: Geneva " 6.40 I+' H Hall Ju se of " 5.40 F A Childs Judge it " 5.40 J A Houck Clerk to " 5.40 F C Short Hall Rent " " 3100 F E Bottiger Inspector: Glacier " 5.10- I11 It Fox Judge If " 5110 C 11 Bourn Judge if " 5110 Ilellie Samson Clerk it " 5.10 A Branin Hall Rent to " 3,00 P T Giarde Inspector: Lawrence " lst Prect 5.70 J A McDonald Judge if " to If 5.70 P G Cooke Judge t1 " " " 5.70 Jos Trecker Clerk " " " " 5170 V1 `U Porter Clerk r1 it 11 ►1 5.70 Paul Giarde Ball Rent " it " it 5.00 G Idi Shumvray Inspector: " It 2nd t1 6.30 P J Zvras chka Judge " it of to 6.30 H P Kingsley Judge 11 11 it 6.30 * G Wight Clerk " It it It 6.30 K A Sorensen Clerk " to to " 6.30 C R Granger Insp & hileage: Lurnmi Island Township 4185 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Saturday the 7th day INovember 1914 E B Chamberlain Judge Lummi Island. Twi.!nship 4.35 Walter H P,Lerz Judge It " 4.35 Beach Cong'l. Church Hall Rent " to 2.50 San S tutzrman Insp &. Phone Lynden Township lst Prect 7.30 G Vander Griend Jude It to it " 7.20 L S Strerr:ler Judge i1 it " " 7.20 Guy Dyk Cleric " of " " 7.20 G H ''ihi.pple Clerk " it " ;' 7.20 Lynul c r '"L o-:M ship Ball Rent " to " " 3.00 Peter Van Dyk Inspector: of it 2nd " 6.05 John Speddino Judge " " " " 6.00 C V1 Davis Judge " " " " 5.55 11' i- Close Clerk " " " " 5.70 Fred Rose Clerk " " /t " 6.00 Peter Van Dyk Hall Rent " " " " 5.00 F M Bloom Insp & Labor: " " 3rd " 6.90 G F Tiundell Judge & Labor " " " if 6,90 S B Day Jud e " " ." ,t 6.00 P D Harkness Clerk " " it if 6.00 Um Jones Clerk " " it it 6.00 S B Day Hall Rent " 1° It to 5.00 L E Haggard Inspector: Maple Falls Township 5.10 J G /heeler Judge it if 5.10 E J Harvey Judge it it 5.10 Raymond I:icCall Clerk " " 5.10 Hugh Judkins Cleric " " 5.10 S 'd Jones Insp & T.Lileage: I4'arietta To-7nship lst- Prect 6.30 G 11 AsLiby Jud e it 5.70 Harry C Smith Judge It " " " 5.70 Mabe1 .'i II-cCurdy Clerk to to " " 5.70 Grace Hardin Clerk " 1f " " 5.70 S F George Hall Rent of ,t " it 5.00 4Tm J T.:urray Insp & !U lease : " it 2nd " 5.50 B h Easte-rbrooks Jude " " " '+ 5.10 L C Gardner Jude " " " " 5.10 C B Boggess Hall Rent " " " " 2.50 Geo L 1:_enze Insp & ifileage: Lft Vi evi " lst " 8.10 E U Fingalson Judge to If ,t 1i 6.90 C H `dlooldridge Judge ,t " it " 6.90 L hicks Cleric to " if '+ 6.90 Alex J Jordahl Cleric It " it " 6.90 School Dist 183 Hall Rent " " " " 2.00 Sivert idestre 'Inspector: " " 2nd " 4.05 T A Gillespie Judge " " it " 4.05 Millard Anderson Judge 4.05 Otto Krick Clerk " it t, it 4.05 Emil Hawkinson Clerk " ,t " it 4.05 School Dist # 93 Hall Rent " it " " 5.00 M Jones Inspector: " " 3rd " 5.80 'd H Franklin Judge " " it '► 4.80 John Zimmer Judge " " ,t '! 4.80 J E Chichester Clerk " " ,t " 4.80 John Creamer Clerk " " to " 4.80 School Dist f155 Hall Rent " " it " 5.00 P J Track Insp & Mileage: to it 4th " 8.20 J P Felmley Judrre " ,t " _' 7.20 C C Ireland Judge " " " " 7.20 Ira Robinson Clerk " " " " 7.20 J P Brevister Clerk " " " " 7.20 School Dist W20 Hall Rent " " 1f " 4.00 J U Anderson Insp &. IfUlea,ge: Nooksack i1 lst " 6.00 J II Sin th Judoe " " " " 5,70 C B 6iai th Judge ,t " " " 5.70 it. S Tanner. Clerk it " °1 f1 5.70 Henry T Deeter Cleric It 1f " " 5.70 School Dist 7f11 Hall Rent to " " " 5.00 T J Elder Inspector: " " 2nd " 7.20 Fred B Ehlers Judoe " " " " 7.20 'd H Kirkman Judge of " ,t it 7.20 A Id Graves Clerk if 11it '► 7.20 A S Kir'-kman Clerk it ft if i1 7.20 School District #r13 Hall Rent " " " " 5.00 James Breckenridge Inspector: '! " 3rd " 6.30 J H Elkin Judge " " to " 6.30 C A King Judge " " It i1 6.30 Beatta Vinger Clerk " 11 of °t 6.30 Lillie Breckenridge Clerk " " ,t " 6.30 D H Jamieson Hall Rent " " ,t " 4.00 J 'd Dyers Inspector: " " 4th " 6.00 71 B Smi th Judge " i1 ,t f1 6�. 00 II Lancaster Judge " " it " 6.00 It B Bartoo Clerk " " of " 6.00 Frank TacCombs Clerk " " ,t " f.00 School District #11 Hall Rent " " " " 4.75 J D Custer Inspector: Park " 4.20 P L Hegg Judge " " 4020 C A Paris Judge " " 4.20 J D Custer Hall Rent " °' 3.50 Ii P Hansen Insp & I'_ilea.ge: Point Roberts Tovaiship 5.20 S J Myrdal Judge " " 4.50 Paul Thorsteinson Judge " " 4.50 Byron Samuelson Clerk 4.50 H P Hansen Hall Rent " " 5.00 A D Ross Insp & T:Iileage: Rome Township 6.10 T R Ellwood. Judge to It 5.10 David ..Ioors Judge It it 5.10 Carl Pettercon Clerk if ,t 5.10 School Dist IJ303 Hall ,lent 5e00 I W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings October Toni Saturday the 7th day ITovember 1914 R P Roberts Inspector: Semiahmoo Township 4.50 C E -1.7ilkinson Judge & I1ileage It ", 6.50 G Carlton Palmer Judge " " 4.50 Fred E Henspeter Clerk " " 4.50 C E `Ji lki. ns o n Hall Rent " " 5.00 E Morgenthaler Inspector: Ten 1111e " lst Prect 5.70 J P Lawrence Judge of to " to 5.70 ;,ialt er Graham Judge & Mi leagrre it It of It School Dist JJ34 Hall'Kent it it it " 5.00 Carl Elsner Sr Insp & Mileage: " it 2nd " 9.80 Frank +' 1,11anley Judge of if to of 7.20 Herman Klander Judge of of to it 7.20 A D Zander Clerk It if of if 7.20 `1'hos Vilson Insp & Mileage: it of 3rd " 7.40 John H Kelly Judge.. It of It " 6.00 A C Knowles Judge it to of " 6.00 School Dist 1160 Hall Rent to of It it 5.00 Gottfried Gyger Insp & Mileage: It if 4th " 6.10 D M, Simonson Judge It " it to 5.10 P H Kuehnoel Judge " if of " 5.10 School -Dist #303 Hall Rent " " " " 5.00 Chas Pride Insp &Soo-th F'urnt.Van Wyck " lst " 8.10 Chas Stone Judge to " if " 5.10 Chas Tremain Judge " " " " 5.10 1.1arbeta 1-uiarkham Hall Rent " " " " 5.00 D E Felmley Inspector: " " 2nd " 5.40 Anton Sievi Judge " " It " 5.40 N H Jepsen Judge " " of " 5.40 John Campbell Clerk " " " " 5.40 M A -Hamilton Clerk & Mileage " " " " 6.80 August Bellman Hall Rent " " of Of 5.00 ,J R Wallace Insp & Mileage: " " 3rd " 5.80 1r7 H Flick Judge n n of cr 4.80 J R lWallace Judge " " it " 4.80 ►! E Hall Clerk " " of " 4.80 F V/ Lott Clerk " " to of 4.80 Pioneer Dairy Hall Rent " " " " 5.00 Aug: Dohne Inspector: Slate Precinct 3.00 Glee G Davis Judge, etc " " 6.86 H II •Davis Judge " to 3.00 Aug: Dohne Hall Rent it to 2.00 Firs G C Burch Inspector: Valley to 3.00 S Bundon Judge " " 3.00 Conrad Judge " "' '3.00 .Norris R H-Dickson Inspector: Trail " 3.00 F S •Lockwood Judge It " 3.00 H E•Barnes Judge It " 3.00 ------000---....___-- TO THE HOIIOILkBLE BOARD OF COUNTY C01.MISS IONERS '41HA`1'C011I COUNTY, WAS11INGTON. 11 Gentlemen: Attached hereto %..,iill be found the claim of L.J. Flanagan, '.7ilson Stewart and L.nery Hess for salary as deputy sheriffs from the 14th day of Janaary, 1913, to the lst day•of April, 1913, the same being the amount involved in the case of Thomas vs V1hatcom County. According to the decision in that case, it is now necessary for the defendant, Vrtfs.tcom County, to answer and go to trial upon the merits of the case • or E12.- pa.y this bill. Under the decision rendered there is bit one defense left for the county and that would be the invoking of Sec. 3907, Rem. & Bal. Code; which provides that: "No deputies or assistance of any kind shall be allowed any person receiving compensation from the county unless the same is necessary. No higher compensation from a county shall be allowed for any deputy of, or assistance for, such officer or person :than is necessary. No other expenditure for or connected. with such officer or person, or his office or employment, or th.e performance of his official duties, or any of them than shall be necessary. In case the payment of any fee or fees is required for the performance of any -duty of such officer or person, the total amount allowed and expended by any Board of County Commissioners, on account of, or connected with such person or officer, his office or employment, or the performance of the duties thereof, including the salary alloyed by lave -to such officer or person, shall. not exceed the amount of the legal fees collected on account of such office or employment in the performance of the duties thereof; provided however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to the office of county attor- ney; provided further, that the fees properly chargeable to counties .shall be included in the total of the earnings of such offices." I am of the opinion that under that section the county probably has a successful defense. However, since the rigid enforcement, of that statute would greatly hamper the effectual work of the sheriff's office, and since the larger portion of these deputies' salaries has been paid on the recormienda.tion of. the grand jury, and since the people -by their votes have indicated that they desire this salary paid, I wn not disposed to pursue J W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Saturday the 7th day November 191 4 that course that could add further expense in the way of doubtful litigations. Therefore, believing that it is for the 'nest interests of Vlhatcom County, under all the circumstances, that these salaries be paid, I have by any hand O.K'd. the same, and recommend that they be approved and allowed by you. Very respectfully, Frank V1. Bixby County Attorney. -- ------ 000---------- In the hatter of the Cancellation. ) of 1912 and 1913 Tax on Real Estate ( Order Cancelling. held by G. Miller. )' EOVI, on this 7th day of November, 1914, this matter carte on for hearing upon the application of G. Hiller for the cancellation of certain real estate taxes, and it appear- ing to the Board that a decree of the Superior Court was entered.July 15th 1914 in certain cause Nei. 11459 cancelling the tax for the years 1912 and 1913 upon the East half of the Southeast quarter of Section 13 Township 38 I7orth, Range 3 East 71.L., and directing the County Treasurer of `:7hatcom County to accept, as the taxes for said years on said real estate, the sum of Sixty-onc (061.00) Dollars, _to ether with interest thereon from the date of said decree. IT IS NOW by the Board ORDERED that the County Treasurer of `tilhatcom County, 'Jashing- ton, be, and she is hereby directed to cancel the tax upon the above described real estate for the years 1912 and 1913 and to cancel any and all Certificates of Delinquency issued upon the same, and to receive and accept from the said G Miller the sum of 062.86 as full payment of the tax on said real estate for such years in accordance with the decree of the Superior Court of 'Whatcom County, Washington. Done in open session of the Board this 7th day of November, 1914. C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board 41 11 ti 1r If rl St It tI I I ti It It J G Kemper "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "i oners of Whatcom County " Henry Sha��� ren It State of Washington " Coituaissioner It a r+ " Attest: ;Jill D Wallace County Auditor and Cln c-k of the Board. ---------- 000----------- The Oaths of Appraisers C iS Adams, T P Reilly and G A Palmer, for Dfainate'_l:istrict No. 4, were filed aith the Board. ----- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, November 24, 1914. Chairman Board County Commix - oners zil__ u.. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term . 'Tucsdav the 24th day Yovemb W.O.R. 1914 V I.ionday, November 24, 1914. The Boar(' met pursuant to ad,journt:lent taken on l,ovember 7th1914. Present, all members of the Board ,.rid the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings vrere had: BEFORE 'THIJ BOYAIM OF COUNTY CGTiTiISSIUIv=;1tS, ',JHATCOTi COUY..I'Y, %IASHINGTON. In the Latter of the Drainage ) Improvement District ho. mine, ( OI'.D12 ON BYGlNi+TMIS TU11011T. of Wha.tcom County. ) On this 24th day of Tlovember, 1914, this matter came on for hearing upon the report of the County Engineer, the hearing at.this date being pursuant to due notice thereof publish- ed in the manner provided by law, proof of publication of notice of this hearing; having; been furnished herea,t, all as provided by law. There were present- at said hearing a larc e number of owners of property within the Drainage District involved in this matter, many of thera being in favor of the Engineer's report as filed and there were also present some who objected and protested in 'writing against having their ;property brought within the said Drainage Improvement T-Astrict No. 9, a written protest being filed by certain owrners of property. There we re no ohjections or protests entered against the report of the county engineer or the damages allowed -and assessments shown upon the said report of the said County Engineer. The Board proceeded to hear all pertinent- evidence, including evidence offered concern ing the probable cost of the System and the probable benefits to accrue therefrom,, rand to hear suggestions relative to the proposed improvement and the benefits to the different parcels of property, and daiii ages, if any, -and proceeded further to the consideration of the p>ieliminary estimates of the engineer as the same appear upon his report concerning the estimated benefits to the various pieces and parcels of property within the said dist- rict. The said 'engineer's report shows that the follovring property owned by Edward Knittell, to -wit: The North half of the southrest quarter of the northwest quarter and the ,lest half of the Southeast quarter of the northwest quarter, Sec. 12, Township 40 TTorth, Range 3 East,V/ Y. is daiitaoes in the sum of �!.50.00 and benefitted.; in the estimated sum of `�800.00, and that the following property owned by George Gustin, to-T.-!it: The southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter, Section 12, Township 40 Eorth Range 3 Last, Y/.Lr., is damaged in the sum of f."10.00 and benefitted in the estimated sum of 4�200.00, and that the follo�.ing property owned by J.S. Heutink, to - till. t : The northeast quarter of the southwest quarter and the south half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, Section 12., Township 40 11orth Range 3 Jest 'J.M. is damaged in the sura of ;)10.00 and benefitted in the estimated stzm of . 800.00 and that the following property ovrned by C.V1. Riddle, to -wit: The southvrest quarter of the northvrest quarter of the southeast quarter, Section 12,, Township 40 North Range 3 E;a-st ';I.T:I. is damaged in the sum of `111.00 anal benefitted in the estimated sum of !200.00, and that the follolving property owned by Sarah T.'�cKee, to -wit: The ''lest half of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, Section 12, Township 40 Uorth Range 3 Last ':l.1tl. is dammed in the sure of `"'•1.00 and benefitted in the estimated sum of '11,0100.00, and t?i.at the follovring property ovrned by Roy Deem, to -writ: The northwest quarter of the northeast quarter, Section 13, Township 40 i;orth lunge 3 Last is damaged in the sum of 1.00 and benefitted in the estimated sura of �`.800.00, W.O.R. 'D Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term 'Tu.esday the 2,1 th day November 191 4 and that the following property owned by L.A. Deem, to -wit: The north half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter, Section 13, Tovrnship' 40 North Range 3 East W.M., is damaged in the sum of 11.00 and benefitted in the estimated sum of $0400.00, and that the following property owned by If. Pierce, to -wit: The north half of,the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter, Section 18, Township 40 north Range 4 East is damaged in the sum of $1.00 and benefitted in the estimated sum of $400.0.0, and that the following property owned by Arthur Pierce, to -wit: 'The north half of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, Section 18, Tovmship 40 north' Range 4 East W.M., is damaged in the sum of $1.00 and benefitted in the estimated sum of $300.00, and. that the following; property owned by William Rarick to -wit: The southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest' 'quarter, Section 7, Town- ship 40 north Range 4 East W.M. is damaged in the sum of $1.00 and benefitted. in the estimated sura of $p200.00, and that the following property ovrned. by O.A. Kirkman, to -wit; The southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, Section 7, Township 40 north Rangd e 4 East 4 TA., is damaged in the sum of $1.00 and benefitted. in the estimated sum of 8400.00, and that the following property owned by VI.A. Perry, to-,,rit: The north half of the southeast quarter of -the southeast quarter, Section 70 Township 40 North Range 4 East '.Y.ltit., is &),malted in the sum of $1.00 and -benefitted in the estimated 'sura of J 100.Q0, and that the following property owned by Harry Hinton, to -grit: The southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 7, Township 40 worth Range 4 Last is damaged in the sum of ti)1.00 and benefitted in the estimated - sum of $100.00, and that the following property owned by Robert Dunean, to -wit:' The southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, . Section 8, Town- ship 40 North Range 4 Last 1W.M., is damaged in the sure of � 1.00 and benefitted in the estimated sum of 4* no dollars. The Board further proceeded to hear suggestions and wishes of those.within the said proposed District concerning the manner and vrithin hour many years the cost of said improve- ment shall.be paid and the prevailing sentiment was in favor of warrants payable in five yearly installments as follows: First year - - - - - - - -lU� Second year - - - - - -10;0 Third year - - - - - - - - 20% Fourth year - - - - - - -301a Fifth year - - - - - - - -30% said warrants to draw interest at the rate of 8 a per • annum and that , the levy of the said assessments be made as provided by Chapt. 176 of the Laws of 1913 of the State of Washing- ton, and the Board after hearing all of the evidence relating to matters contained in said engineer's report and having considered all objections and protests presented this day and being fully advised in the. premises IT. IS NMI ORDERIM as follows: That the gross amount of benefits estimated by the said County Engineer in the sum of fifty-bne Hundred Dollars ($5100.00) be and the same is hereby approved and adjudged by this Board as the estimate of benefits to accrue by the construction of said Drainage System. That the estimate of the County Engineer as -to the damages suffered by and benefits accruing to Edivard Knittell, upon the north half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter and the Test half of -the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter, Section 12, Township 40 11orth Range 3 East 7I.M., in the sum of 4750.00 and yp800.00 respectively is ad- judged as,the estimate of this Board. AL (G W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Tuesday the 24th day NovEmber 1914 That the estimate of the County Engineer as to the damages suffered by and benefits accruing to George Gustin, upon the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the north, -rest quarter, Section 12, Township 40 North Range 3 East W.17., in the sum of t'lp10.00 and ja,200.00 respectively is adjudged as the estimate of this Board. That the estimate of the County Engineer as to the darna;es suffered by and benefits accruing to J.S. Heutink, ypon the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter and the south half of the, southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, in the sum of 4'10.00 and $800.00, respectively is adjudged as the estimate of this Board. That the estimate of the County Engineer as to the damages suffered by and benefits accruing to CX. Riddle, upon the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of ,the south - cast quarter, Section 12, 'Township 40 North Range 3 East in the sum of ��1.00 and '200.00 respectively is adjudged as the estimate of this Board. That the estimate of the County Engineer as to the damages.suffered by and benefits accruing to Sarah. McKee, upon the '.lest half of the southwest quarter of,the southeast guar - ter, Section. 12, Township 40 North Range 3 East ,J.M., in the sum of $1.00 and 4P400.00 respectively is adjudged as the estimate of this Board. That the estimate of the County Engineer as to the damages suffered by and benefits accruing to Roy Deem upon the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter Section 13, Township 40 North Range 3 East 11J.M., in the sum of 4,1.00 and q6800.00, respectively is adjudg ed as the estimate of this'Board. That the estimate of the County Engineer as to the damages suffered by and benefits accruing to L.A. Deem, upon the North half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter, Section 13, Township 40 North Range 3 East 'rl.11,A., in the sum of fl)1.00 and ?400.00 respectively is adjudged as the estimate of this Board. That the estimate of the County Engineer as to the damages suffered by and benefits accruing to H. Pierce upon the North half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter, Section 18, Township 40 North Range 4 East in the sum of -�E>1.00 and q�400.00, respectively, is adjudged as the estimate of this Board. That the estimate of the County Engineer as to the damages suffered by and, benefits accruing to Arthur fierce upon the North half of the Yorthea,st quarter of the northwest quarter Section 18, Township 40 North Range 4 East W.H., in the sum of 4-1.00 and S300.00 respectively, is adjudged as the estimate of this Board. That the estima-te of the County Engineer as to the damages suffered by and benefits accruing to Vim. Rarick upon the Southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the south- viest quarter Section 7, Township 40 ,North Range 4 East VI.Si., in the sum of $1.00 and `�200.00 respectively is adjudged as the estimate of .this Board. That the estimate of the County Engineer as to the damages suffered by and benefits accruing to O.A. Kirkman upon the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter Section'7, Township 40 Yorth Range 4 East 'al.lB., in the sum of $1.00 and$400.00 respectively is adjudg ed as the estimate of this Board. That the estimate of the County Engineer as to the damages suffered by and benefits accruing to ',V.A. Perry upon the north half of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter Section 7, Township 40 North Range 4 East in the sum of $1,1.00 and $100.00 respectively is adjudged as the estimate of this Board. That the estimate of the County Engineer as to the damages suffered by and benefits accruing to Harry Hinton upon the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, Section 7 Toi,;nship 40 North Rarige 4 East 'ul.uS., in the sum of $1.00 and ti?100.00 respectively is adjudged as the estimate of this Board. 491 Record. of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Tue.s:d47 the 24th day November 191 4 That the estimate of;the County Engineer as to the damages suffered by and benefits accruing to Robert Duncan upon the southwest':quarter of the northwest quarter of the south- west quarter, Section 8, Township 40 North Range 4 East 1'J.11., in the sum of I'1.00 and ,---respectively is adjudged as the estimate of this Board. It is further Ordered that the route and line of survey as returned by the engineer for the main ditch be and the same are hereby approved. It is further ordered that the report of said County Engineer be and the same is here- by approved and confirmed and it further appearing that no other property than that above noted in or will be damaged by reason of said improvement as exhibited upon the report of the County Engineer, and that said Drainage System as shown upon said County Engineer's report be and the same and the whole thereof is hereby established and ordered established and proceedings henceforth shall be directed for the acceptance of rights of way for the route of ditch as herein described. That there is now within said drainage improvement district one main ditch described as follows: Beginning at point 1480 feet west and 20 feet north of the southeast corner of section 2, Township 40 North Range 3 East; -thence East 1480 feet; thence south 2018 feet; thence east 1869 feet; .thence south 825 feet; to intersection with Squaw Creek on.east line of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter;of the southwest quarter, Section 12, 'Town- ship 40 North Range 3 East; thence following the general line of said Squaw Creek practi- cally along the'fo,llowing described line to its outlet into Johnson Creek; thence south 28 Deg.-28' East 588 feet; thence south 69 Deg. 36' East 115 feet; thence -south 3 Deg. 10' East 400 feet; thence south 53 Deg. 05' East 392 feet; thence south 35 Deg. 48' East 398 feet; thence south 2 Deg. 13' West 192 feet; thence south 16 Deg. 25' ffest'169 feet; thence south 48 Deg.-03' East 224 feet; thence south 8 Deg. 091 East 346 feet; thence south 34 Deg. 25' East 311 feet; thence south 3 Deg. 00' East 584 feet; thence north 83 Deg. 45' East 2011 feet; a point 469 feet south of the northeast corner Section 13, Town- ship 40 North Range 3 East; thence north 73 Deg. 46' East-515 feet; thence south 86 Deg, 13' East-437 feet; thence north 78 Deg. 31' East 482 feet; thence north 62 Deg. 46, East 711 feet to point 459g- feet West of the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of Sec- tion 7, Township 40 North Range 4 East; thence north 65 deg. 57' East 475 feet; thence north 69 Deg. 54' East 419 feet; thence north 61 Deg..06' East 633 feet; thence north 52 -Deg. 50' East.209 feet; thence north 42 Deg. •57' East 256 feet; thence north 80 Deg."44' East 534 feet; thence north 38 Deg. 10t East 291 feet; thence north 71 Deg. 13' East 152 feet; thence north 28 Deg. 00' East 238 feet; thence north 76 Deg. 55' East 166 feet; thence south 88 Deg. 081 East 163 feet; thence south.85 Deg. 45' East 187 feet; thence north 48 Deg. 39' East 210 feet; thence north 79 Deg. 39' East 86 feet; thence north 51 Deg. 35' East 214 feet; thence north 29 Deg. 47' East 180 feet to outlet into Johnson Creek in northeasterly portion of the southwest. quarter of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter Section 8 Township 40 North Lange 4 East. That said Drainage Improvement District No. 9 as adopted and established is bounded as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of the northeast quarter Section 11, Township 40 North Range 3 East; thence south ' mile; thence east �'mile; south , mile; East 1 mile; to the southwest corner of Section 12, Township 40 North Range 3 least; thence south 4 mile; thence east mile; thence south mile; thence Fast �- mile; the southeast corner of the northwest quarter Section 13 Toxrrnship 40 North Range 3 East; thence northeasterly to the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter said section 13; thence east 4 mile to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter Section 18, To1��nship 40 I1Torth Range 4 East; thence north 1/8 mile; thence East 3/8 mile; thence north 1/8 mile; thence east 1/8 mile to the southeast corner section 7 Township -40 North Range 4 East; thence north 3/8 mile thencet;:west 4 mile; thence north 1/8 mile to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter said section 7; thence west ' mile to the southwest ceorher of the northwest quarter said sec- tion 7; thence north a mile; thence west 4 mile; thence north 1/8 mile to the northeast corner of the southeast' quarter of the southwest. quarter of the northeast quarter, Section 1,.township 40 North Range.3 East; thence west _4 mile; thence north 1/8 mile; thence wrest .1 mile to the northeast'corner of the southwest quarter of the.southeast quarter of section 2 Township 40 North. Range 3 .East;v thence south g mile to the place of beginning. That said Drainage Improvement -District No. 9 embraces land sand territory.wholly within Vlhatcom County, Washington, being about 1,600 acres, more particularly described t as follows: The south half of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter and the south.half of the south half . of the southwest quarter, Section 1, Township 40 North Range 3 East; The :youth half of the southeast quarter, Section 2, Township 40 North Range 3 East. The northeast quarter; the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter; the north half of the southeast quarter, Section 11, Township 40 North, Range 3 Bast; All of Section 12; The north half of the northwest quarter; the southeast quarter of the northwest .quarter; the northwest half of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter; and the north half rth of -the no east quarter Section 13, Township 40 1,orth. Range 3 East. W.O.R. Record of -Commissioners' Proceedia s October Term . Tu'esiiAV :the . 24th , :clay November 1914 The south three quarter-s of the east half of the southeast quarter; the west half of the southeast quarter; and the southwest quarter of Section 7, To-emship 40 North, Range 4 East; the north half of the west 29 acres of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter, the north half of,the northwest quarter of the northeast' quarter and the north half of the north,;rest quarter Section 18, Township 40 North, Range 4 East. It is further ordered that.the.plan of assessment to pay thn.costs of said improvement is the best acid most feasible method of payment and the evidences of indebtedness for the cost of said improvement shall be warrants payable in five yearly installrients as follows: For the lst year - - - - - - 10% For the 2nd year _ _ _ _ _ _ 10% For the 3rd year - - - - - - 20 0 For the 4th year - - - - - - 300 For the 5th year - - - - - - 30% Said ;warrants shall beer interest at the rate of 8 5 per annum, said wa'rx-1 nts to be drawn' on and paid out of funds hereafter in this matter 'to be created as provided by Chapt.. 176 of the .Laves of 1913 of the State of llashington. It appears that in the construction of said ditch it will be necessary to cross property of owners who have not as yet executed and delivered to this 0ounty their deeds for rights of way for said ,vain ditch and along the route of said proposed improvement, and,it is therefore ordered that C.11. Adams, County Engineer and Chas. A. Sather, who is and at all times herein has been attending to the legal riork in this matter, be and the same are named as agents to secure acceptances and deeds from such owners for the purposes of rights. of way. Done in open session of the Board this 24th day of No-vember, 1914. it 11 It It tt 11 ff . it if tt 11 It If 1/ "Board of County Conmii s s- " °loners of 71hatcom County P " State of Vlashington If tl It It If 11 11 fl 1) 11 1f II tt It 1f Attest: Will D gallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper Cormaissioner Henry Shagren Comni ss ioner ----------60o___---..--- BEFORE THE HONORABLE BO ARD ' OF COU1:ITY CON39ISS ION."c,:1IS / OF ', HATCOIT COUNTY, VIASHINGTOIT.. v In. the 1.1atter of Drainage Improvement ) ORDER APP. OIITTING APPRAISM1 S. District No 6 of :9h.atcom County, .°lashinaton ) It now appearing to the :Board that the improvement in said drainage improvement district, has been fully completed and accepted by the County Engineer, and that the Clerk of this Board has compiled and filed with the Board an itemized -statement of the total cost of the improvement and the expense connected therewith, as provided for in Section 26 of Chapter 176 of the Laws of 1913, and the Board now having said statement of costs and expenses under consideration for the purposes of revising and correcting the same, ±f necessary, The Board finds that the total cost and expense of s.aid improvement amounts to the sum of $2,850.80, as shown by the statement compiled by the Clerk and filed with the Board but that it is necessary . to add thereto the sum of 10;0 of the total thereof, toArvit, the sum of $285.00, to cover possible errors in the said statement 'or the apportion -sent .here- after to be made .and to cover the cost of such apportionment and subsequent expenses, -and the said statement is hereby corrected, making the total emount of the costs of said improvement and the expense connected therewith the sum of r3, 135.80 NOW, THERRFORE, as provided in said Section 26 of Chapter 176 of 1913 Laws of the State of �Ilashington, the :board hereby appoints C.M. Adapts, M.A. Hickey and Geo A Baer R.ecord of Comissioners',n�Proceedings October Term Tuesday the 24th day November 191 4 to apportion the grand -total of the costs of the improvement and expenses connected there- with, against the property within the district, in proportion to the benefits accruin thereto, in manner and. form as provided for by law. Done in open session of the Board this 24th day of November, 1914. C.B. Lego e Chairmen "Board of County,Commiss- " J G Kemper "ioners of Whatcom County " Commissioner It State of ,ilashington " Henry Shagren " to if It fl n If It n„ It "„" Commissioner Attest: 4ill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk' of the Boards ---------- BEFORE TH1+ HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY -COLMUSS IONIM OF '011ATCOIX COUNTY, "IASHINGTON. In the platter of Drainage ) Improvement District lio. 4 ( Order Directing Hearing on Apportionment. of ffiatcom County, ►lashington ) It appearing to the Board that the board of appraisers have signed and filed vaith the clerk of. this Board a schedule of apportionment of the costs and expenses of the said improvement; in consideration thereof, and as provided for by law, a hearing thereon will be had before the Board of County Commissioners at the Court.House in the City of Belling- ham, `!Ihatcom County, Vlashington, on the 21st day of December, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. At said hearing the Board will examine into the said apportionment and consider any objection or objections filed or made thereto. IT IS HIMEBY ORDERED that the clerk of this.Board give notice of said hearing by publication in three successive, vteekly issues of -the Journal -Progressive, -the official newspaper of What com County, Washington. Done in open session of the Board of County Commissioners this 24th day of November, 1914. I 11 I I ,1 " of I ,1 ,1 ,1 n n I "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of ';Ihateom County " to State of Washington " It of to it It it If it to n" It of n Attest: Jill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Hoard. --------000_--__-__-_ C.B. Legoe .Chairman J G Kemper Cwrmnis.sioner Henry Shagren Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Friday;.;-, November 27, 1914. i 452 W.O.R. Record of Commissio - ners' Proceedings October Term . F r..day=,.,y the 27th day November 191 4 BEFORE THT; HONORABLE+' BOARD OF COUNTY COr;MISSIONI+MS OF `1HATCOM COUNTY, "IASHINGTON. In the flatter of Drainage ) Improvement District No. 5 of () ORDI . -- Nov 271, 1914. `""t'hatcom County, Washington ) I -Tow on this 27th day of November, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., at the Court House in the City of Bellingham, this matter came on for hearing on the schedule.of'appor tionment of the costs and expenses of said improvement. The Board finds that due and legal notice of this hearing was duly published pursuant to.law and the resolution passed by this Board on the 24th day of October, 1914. The matter of the said apportionment coming on for .consideration, and a large number of the property holders and persons interested in said drainage improvement district appear- ing before the Board for the purpose of examining into the item or items of said apportion- ment, the Board thereupon, as provided for by last, carefully proceeded to examine and consider said schedule of apportionment, but being unable to complete the said examination on this day, this hearing is hereby adjourned until Tuesday, Dec. lst, 1914, at the hour of 11 o'clock A.M. Done in open session of the Board of County Commissioners. C.B. Legoe Chai rnian "Board of County Commiss- " J.G. Kemper "ioners of 11hatcom County " Commissioner to State of 1ashington " Henry Shagren It of It It It of It it it n It n n n Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------.- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on I.Morday, November 30, 1914. Cha rman 3oar d County Comm sioners. r- W.O.R. rr�� necord ®f Commissioners' Proceedings October Term I1onday the 30th day November 191 Iilonday, November 30, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on November 27, J 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following pro- ceedings aere had: BEFORE TIME++' 110a1011ABLE BOARD OF COUNTY CO1UMISS IO-IIN"IS OF ;JHATCOM COUNTY, ':JASHINGTON. In the hatter, of Drainage ) Improvement District %o. 4 ORDER APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICEMS. of :7hatcom Codrity, ',gash. It appearing to the Board that the annual election is to be held in said Drainage Improvement District No. 4 on Tuesday, December. 3, 1914, and that it is necessary that the Board appoint two judges and one inspector for the said election; in consideration 'whereof J.L. Larson is hereby appointed inspector, and A G Stierlin and J Haverrian are hereby appoint ed judges of said election. Done in open session of the Board of County Commissioners this 30th day of November, 1914. 11 it 11 It II 11 it 11 I It II 11 11 It "Board of County Commiss- " "ibnbr3 of '.1hatcom County " It State of ;`Jashingbon " it It 11 It It it it It U It It 1t 11 f1 Attest: C B Leo;oe Chairman JGKemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Collmlissioner `rli ll D Vlallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. - ---------- 000---------- .BLFORE THE HONOR103LE BOA11D OF COUNTY C012,IS:i IOI\rEaRS OF :J?-DM0T�I COUNTY, '�JASHINTLON. In the Matter of Drainage ) Improveriient District 1 o. 5 ORDER APPOINT I.NG ELECTION OFFICIMS. of `:Jhatcom County, Wash. it appearing to the Board that the annual election is to be held in said Drainage Improvement District No. 5 on Tuesday, December B, 1914, and that it is necessary that the Board appoint two judges and one inspector for the said election, In consideration whereof, N Bellinger is hereby appointed inspector, and I H Dorr and H D Holcomb are hereby appointed judges of said election. Done in open session of the Board of County Commissioners this 30th day of November, 1914. to 1t tl It it 11 If 11 to it If it It 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of '.Jhatcom County " It State of 1,7a,shington " It it It 11 it to to 11 It 1t it It It it Attest: C.B. Legoe Chai rman J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren CoriLmi ssi oiler Will D ':Jallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOAM) OF COUNTY COI,STISSIO'.NM1S OF ',7I1ATC011 COMM, WASHINGTOIT. In the I,Iatter of Drainage ) Improvement District Do. 6 of ( ORDER APPO. NT1iM ELECTION OFFICERS. .natoorci CD County, Vlashin rton. ) it appearing to the hoard that the annual election is to be held in said Drainage W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term T;ronday the 30 th day November 191 4 Tinprovement District 14o. 6 on Tuesday, December 8, 1914, and that it :is necessary that the Board appoint t-,,io judges and one inspector for the said election, In consideration whereof, H A Laube is hereby appointed inspector, and E field and Earnest Talmadge are hereby appointed judges of said election. Done in open session of the Board of Coun4tSr Conraissioners this 30th day of November, 1914. If I II If If If I II If If It If I fl "Board of County Coiximiss- " "ioners of ,Vhatcom County " It State of Vlashington " II If If II It If IY tf fl II If 11 it II Attest: ".fill D `Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---- �,4----- 000---_------ CB Legoe Chairman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Cornmiss ioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, December 1, 1914. aixman Board of County Commis ners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Terin Tuesday the 1st ' clay December 1914 in special session Tuesda7 , December 1, 1914. The 3oard met/pursuant to adjournriicnt taken- on November ;50, 1914. Present, C.B. Legoe, Chairman; J G Kemper and Henry Shagren, Coirmaissioners; %Till D 71allace, Clerk of the _Board in attendance. The following. proceedings were had: BEFORE THE HONORABLE ROAM) OF COUNTY C0121ISSIONFRS OF VlHATC011 COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the 1.1atter of, Drainage ) Improvement District No 5 of ( ORDEIR APPROVING SCHEDULE OF APPORTIO11I7727. 'Whatcom County, Washington. ) The Board met on this first day of December, 1914, at the hour of 11 o'clock A.M., pursuant to order of adjournment made and entered on the 27th day of November, 1914, for the purpose of further examining and considering schedule of apportionment filed 'herein. and any objections made thereto. The Board, after carefully examining and considering said schedule of apportionment, and being fully advised in the premises, made certain changes and modifications in the said schedule and caused the Clerk of the Board to enter thereon -all such changes and :modifications and re -apportionments. After finally determining that the apportionment as changed and modified by the Board was a fair, just and equitable apportionment, and that the proper credits were entered thereon, all the members of the Board signed the said sche- dule and caused the Clerk of the Board to attest their signatures under his seal, as pro- vided for by law. The Board now finds: 1. That on the 14th day of Yovenber, 1914, after due and legal hearing was had as provided for by law, this Board made an order that the costs of said improvement should be paid by.warrants, and that the assessments should be payable,in annual installments as follows: First year - - - - - - - 10% Second year - - - - - - 20% -Third year - - - - - - - 20% Fourth year - - - - - - 25f Fifth year - - - - - - - 25 a and that the costs of the improvement should be paid by assessments upon the property benefited, such assessments to bear interest from date of issuance until paid at the rate of 8% per annum; that said warrants bear interest at the rate of 8%' per annum. 2. That the said improvement is fully completed and has been accepted by the County Engineer, and, pursuant to orders of this Board, warrants bearing 8115 per annum from date have been duly issued to pay for the said improvements and other expenses connected there- with. 3. That after the said improvement was fully completed and accepted, the Clerk of this Board compiled and filed with the Board. an itemized statement of the total cost of the improvement, including the cost of the construction of said improvement and all other costs and expenses connected therewith; that after the said statement was filed, this Board revised and corrected the salae and added thereto 10% of the total thereof to cover possible errors. 4. That a Board of Appraisers, consisting of the County Engineer and two other com- petent persons, was appointed to apportion the grand total as contained in said statement, as provided by law. 5. That the said Board of Appraisers apportioned the said grand total costs and filed a schedule of said' apportionment with this Board, and, as provided for in Section 30 of Chapter 176 of the Laws of 1913, State of Washington, due and. legal notice of this hear- ing was given in manner and form as provided therein. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Tuesday the lst play December 1914 6. That all proceedings leading to the said apportionment and in connection there- %-rith are regular and in conformity with. the law. 110'.'1, TIIEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED: 1. That the said final apportionment and ill the proceedings leading thereto and in connection therewith are hereby -approved. 2. That all acts and. proceedings heretofore had or done in connection with the matter of Drainage Improvement District No. 5 of `Jh.atcom County, Washington, are hereby approved. and confirmed. Done in open session of said Board this first day of December, 1914. C.B. Legoe 11 to it 01 .i It It It It It rt It it 11 Chairman "Board of County Comi ss- " J G Kemper "ioners of 'dhatcom County " Commissioner " State of Washington Henry Shagren It It ,t to to it 11 It It it It 11 of Coiruni ss1oner Attest: Jill D ',Vallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE-HONORlLBTITE' BOARD OF COUNTY C0121ISSIOTTIDIS OF 1HAT COM COUNTY, 1ASHINGTON. .In the Ilatt er of Drainage ) Improvement 'district No. 6 of ( ORDER i1PPOIITTIYG APPRAISERS. ;Jhatcom County, da.shington. ) It appearing to the Board that George A. Baer, heretofore appointed by the Board, as appraiser to apportion the grand total of the cost and expense of said improvement, has CP failed to file an oath to faithfully and impartially perform the duties devolving upon him as such appraisers, and has failed to qualify, In consideration whereof, and as provided for in Section 26, Chapter 176 of the 1913 Lays of the State of ;Jashington, the Board hereby appoints C.I:. Adams, County Engineer, and It-L.A. Hickey and I.P. Reilly appraisers to apportion t'.ze grand total of the .costs of the improvement and expenses connected therewith, against the property within the district, in proportion to the benefits accruing thereto, in :canner and form as provided for by law; and that the appointment of the said Geo. A. Baer is hereby set aside. Done in open session of the Board of County Commissioners this lst day of December, 1914. it It 11 of It It It It It It It it it 11 "Board of County Coinmiss- " "ioners c)f `Jhatcom County If State of 1,7ashington " it it 11 11 It 11 It 11 11 tt it 11 It It Attest: `.Jill D ':Jallace Jounty Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- C.B. .Lego e Chai naan J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner On motion, the Board adjourned to meet on I1onda.y, December 7, 1914. Cha.irr_ia.n Board County C 711i ssioners. W.O.R. Record of Tommissioners.' Proceedings 4 0`7 October Term, Tionday the 7th day December. 191 Monday, December 7, 1914. The B atd met pursuant to adjournment taken on December 1, 1914. Present, C B Legoe, Chairman; J G Keraper. and Henry Shagren, Commissioners; ':dill D ';lallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. Y/ill D Wallace August Engquist, S E Barrett F C Martin Lucy B King M 'Thomas Jessie 'falters 11 Samson Alex VanWyck C B Legoe J G Kemper Henry Shagren Delia, L Keeler Ethel Everett D '+l Featherkile Henry C Beach Harrison Cowden F E ','Iyman Bessie Cline O.E. Beebe H Thompson Hector Gawley Ed E Hardin :.Villiani H Pemberton F 'd M o se s Alithea Adams Geo IA-- Cook Frank 'J Bixby W A 11artin Abbie_'H Barbo Nellie C Rogers F L .Ol•slager John Fernley Olive °lilson G A Pence Agnes Ifedrud H D McArthur Jas Elder X%!R George Foster lid Carver, David Wurtenberg- L A Thomas L J Flanagan Wilson Stewart Emery Hess M'B Byland Geo H Watrous Barney Hansen James Stinnett C M Adams. C E Phoenix Carl McCoy H C Swettenam P- G Cooke E C Lyle Henry F Tiedje Clay Cooke James Goheen E.8 Decker W V Tod 0 N Munn C C King M B King Nettie Smith John, Coliing H J Hurst Geo Slater Puget Sound T L & P Cc Hugh Eldridge Will D Wallace Frank 1,1 Bixby W A Martin F W Moses L A Thomas do do R E Ellison Harry Green Frank Walters Eagan Ridenour Hazel Fox The Journal -Progressive Bellingham Publ. Cc Puget Sound T L & P Co Gordon Barrett Siegel Bros. ,Mrs C J Gamble s The foll6wing claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Salary as County Auditor 158.33 Salary.as:Chief Deputy Auditor 100.00 Salary as Deputy Auditor 100.00 do 75.00 . Salary as:Chief Recorder 75.00 Salary as Recorder 65.00 do 65.00 do 75.00 Salary as Clerk'a/c General Election 42.00 Salary as County Commissioner 150.00 do 150.00 do 150.00 Salary as Supt. Schools 150.00 Salary as Deputy Supt. Schools 90.00 Salary as Justice of Peace 100.00 do 100.00 Salary as Constable 60.00 Salary as Probation Officer 75.00 do 50.00 Salary as Co Physician 83.33 Salary as Coroner 83.33 Salary as Janitor 85.00 Salary as Superior Judge 125.00 do 125.00 Salary as Co Clerk 158.33 Salary as Deputy Clerk 100.00 do 100.00 Salary as Prosecuting Attorney 158.33 Salary as Dep Pros Attorney 100'.00 Salary,,_a.s Stenographer for Pros Atty 75.00 Salary as County Treasurer 166.066. Salary as Depu-ity Co 'i'reasurer '100.00 Salary as Bookkeeper for Co Treas. 90.00 Salary, as Clerk for Co Treas. 80.00 do 80.00 do 7.days 17.50 Salary as County Assessor 125.00 Salary as Deputy Assessor. 80.00 do 75.00 do 75.00 Salary as Clerk for Assessor, 75.00 Salary as Sheriff' 158.33 Salary as Deputy Sheriff 80.00 do 80.00 do 70.00 Salary as Jailer 60.00 Salary as -Spl -Dep Sheriff - do 7.00 do 7.00 Salary as County Engineer 158.33 Salary as Deputy Co Eng 15.00 Salary as Draughtsman for Cc Eng 92.00 Salary as Chainman for Cc Eng 33.00 Salary as Transitman for Cc Eng 60.00 do 22.50 do 35.00 Salary -as Chainman.for Cc Eng 10.00 do 2.50 do 17.50 Salary as Inspector for Eng on'Samish Rd 17.50 Salary as Deputy Cc Eng 40.00 Salary as Supt County Home 60.00 Salary as Matron at Cc Home 25.00 Salary as Cook at`Co Home 45.00 Salary as teamster at Co Home . 30.00 Salary as Nurse at Co -Home 10.00 Salary as Guard of Prisoners at -Co Home. 60.00, Gas & Elect Light for November 37.50 Stamped Envelopes for Treas 320.40 & Supt 42.72 363.12 Loney advanced for Revenue Stamps 5.00 Expense as Pros Atty, ' 18.40 Expense as Dep Pros Attorney 1.50 Expense & Express as Cd Clerk 2.00 Expense as Sheriff',50.65 Board of Prisoners 151.00 Court Costs: Thomas vs Whatcom County 75.60 Services as. Dep Sheriff - 3.50 do 3.50 do 3.50 Typewriting for Pros Attorney 19.35 do 3.60 Publishing for. County 35.20 Publ. Gen Election Notice 252.50 Car tickets for Sher 10.-Jury 10.- Labor in Courthouse 18.50-Light_Service a/c Gen Election .75 .39.25 Mork a/c Election Supplies 5.00 Supplies for Gen Election 8.85 Bal on hall rent a/d Gen Elect 3 W 33 P 2.50 7 W.0. R. Record of Commissioners Proceedings October Term -Monday the 7th day December 191 J �I E T Trimble, City Treas. Assessment a/c Boulevard -Pavement .14.65 D G Parker, Clk Thurston,Co Appearance Fee: G N Ry Co vs State of Wash. et al 2.00 Senate Cafe Meals for Jurors 75.50 Mike Ponti & Co Removing Garbage from Courthouse. 4.00 L:E Everson Scalp Bounty on 1 wild cat 5.00 W C Hobart do 5.00 G W Read do 5.00 S _Olson do 5.00 A Mi Burnside do 5.00 Arthur Penske do 5.00 W F °Renfro Scalp Bounty on 2 wild cats 10.00 C A-Scrimsher G H •Abers Penelopie S Knox J M Aitken Leslie Jones J E•Lee Ferndale Livery. Towner Prtg Co Northwest Hdw. Co Bloedel-Donovan Lbr Mills ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. Operating Marietta Ferry Tending Ferndale Bridge SOLDIERS' RELIEF FUND. Relief GAME PROTECTION FUND.. Salary•& Expense as.Game Warden Salary & Expense as Dep Game ;Warden do Livery .for Game ,'garden Printing Game Licenses Supplies for Fish Hatchery Lumber for Fish Hatchery ---r-----r000---------- 50.00 5.00 10.00 112.20 75.15 83.50 6.50 4.50 11.08- •16.88 Two -claims of L A Thomas, one for $164.50 salary paid to Emery Hess as Dep Sheriff in April & May and one for $15.00 bal due for Board of Prisoners in May, were both endorsed "Refused" by C B Legoe and Henry Shagren, and endorsed "For Granting Am't" by J G Kemper. ---------- 000---------- The oaths of office of C M Adams, M A Hickey and T P Reilly, as appraisers to apportion the -grand total of costs and expense of improving Drainage District No. 6 (Field) were= filed with the Clerk of the Board. ' ..--r-r-rr.i0o0--rrr.�rrrr STATE OF WASHINGTON, j ( ss. Whatcom County ) Henry Thompson, being duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: That he is the regularly elected, qualified and acting County Coroner of Whatcom County, Washington; that on or about the 24th day of October, 1914, as such coroner, he was called upon to view the re- mains of two persons, presumed to 'have been the 'persons that robbed the bank at. Sedro- nloolley. Such persons having been shot by the officers of law while attempting to cvzoss' the -bridge at Ferndale, Washington. That upon the bodies of said deceased persons was found money.totalling approximately the sum of $3,500, and also two automatic pistols, two money belts, and one American -open face watch -with plated chain; that by and under the advice and direction of the Prosecuting Attorney of Whatcom County, Washington, Frank 1.7. Bixby, this affiant surrenderedthe said $3, 500 to the Northwestern National Bank of Bellingham, it being understood by.the said prosecutor and this affiant that said money was to be delivered by said Northwewtern National Bank to the Sedro-Woolley bank,.which had -prior thereto been raided and robbed; that said automatic pistols, money belts and watch Undtehain were delivered by this affiant into the custody and keeping of the County Treasurer of Whatcom County, Washington, where they are now so far as this affiant knows. Henry Thompson Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of December, 1914-0 to to., is n " to " n rr n of of It n W.A. Martin "Board of County Commiss- " Notary Public in and for the State "ioners of Whatcom County " of Washington, residing at Belling- " 'State of Washington " ham• q n . " " rr " n n u n rr r►. n . " . ---------000---------- The minutes of the November session were read and approved this 7th day of.December, 1914. On motion the Board adjourned . to meet on .Tuesday, Decemberrn8, . 1914. Attest:. 8,4 /.Q�it Cd County Auditor & Clerk o Board Chairman , my Corami,sioners. UV.O. R. 4 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term , Tuesday the 8th day December 1914 Tuesday, December 8, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on December 7, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: P G Cooke 0 N Munn Harrison Cowden 0 E Beebe C C King W J Pynor Wilson, Nobles, Barr Co Royal Dairy Co Anton Anderson Geo Casebeer Battersby Bros. B B Furniture Co Northwest Hdw. Co Morse Hdw. Co M G Kelly T W Suckling Dr H A Compton Dr F A Wheaton Dr E C Ruge St Luke's Hospital St Joseph's Hospital The Weiser : Drug Co Red Cross Pharmacy Collins & Co E Edson Pacific Wasserman Labratories Mrs A Graveline Nellie Petersen Pacific Tel & Tel Co do Western Union Telg. Co Postal Tel -Cable Co A G Wickman H E Stuart CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Expense as' -Deputy Co Engineer 10.80 do (Russell Ditch) 8..50 Expense as Constable 2000 Expense as C,o Physi,cian a/c Convention in Seattle 8.80 Expense as Supt Co Horne 36.83. Groceries & Powder etc for Co Home 226.70 Groceries for Co Home 111.07 Butter for Co Home 53*20 Beef for Co Home 27.90 Grinding feed for Co Home 4.40 Clothing etc for Co Home 46.57 Mattress etc for Co Home 3.50 Utensils etc for Co Home 9.10 do 5.65 Repairs to Plumbing at Co Home 2.00 Blacksmithing for Co Home 15.25 Assisting Co Physician 10.00 do 10.00 do 20.00 Care of Co Patients 176.00 do 122.56 Medicine for Co Patients ;7..75 do 15.55 do 7.15 Medicine for Co Patients 12.95 Blood test for.Co Patient 5.00 Board of Vm 11apley 32.20 Care of Mrs Bjorndahl 30.00 Rentals for December 37.25 Long Distance for November .11.60 Messages for Sher 1949 & Supt .50 1.99 Messages for Probation Officer 0.56 Burial of two outlaws 50.00 Reg Births & Deaths in Lynden 6.00 MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE FUND.. F %Y Moses, Co Clerk Recording Marriage Certificates 37.00 W K Sickles, Clk King Co. do 2.00 ---------- 000---------- �/ Claim of Roland G Gamwell for $5.00 for Premium on bond of Court Stenographer, was endorsed "Refused" by the Board.. ----- ----000---------- f The November report of CC King, Supt Co Home,.was approved by the Board. ------ 000-------- The November report of 0 E Beebe,. County. Physician, Avas approved by the Board. 000 --------- The Board made an order correcting the 1912 personal tax against Henry.Slade, same being a double assessment. ----------- o0o----..----- On motion the. Board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, December 9, 1914. Chairman Board.County Co ssioners .ip 60 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Viednesday the 9th day December W.O.R. 191 Illednesday, December 9, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on December 8, 1914. Pkesent, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following clsims were allowed. F E Wyman Mrs Bessie Cline Mupire heat & Grocery Co Holly Grocery East End Grocery D E Sharp Brown & Cole Inc Ennen, Goodman & Co R H Diezman P G Gulbransen Siegel Bros. Sweet Grocery Co B B Grocery Co Fischer & Isaacs Kinsey-Stenvig Groc Ht Baker Grocery E A Altman Ireland & Pancoast A C Simgleton Columbia Grocery T J McDaniel Golden Rule Store d11hite & Burton L E Haggard Cain Bros T S Berkeley Co Elder & Pace Wilson & Brown Lynden Co-operative Frank Smith Stenger Fuel Co S J Nelson Chas Vl Allen Earles-Cleary Lbr & A H Montgomery Tars R Johnson Carrie V Miller Victor A Roeder Peter Osberg R L Kline Fred-M Egelston T F Monahan Sam Glazer Chas Greenfield Jane Swiger Co Co Shgl Co CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Expense as Probation' Officer 33.21 do 4.00 Groc. & ?Feat for Hrs Grunden et al 28.40 Groceries for Mrs Bates 10.00 Groceries for Anne Trove 20.00 Groceries for Jno Moultray 40.20 Groceries for Tabor et al 30.00 Groceries for Johnson & Burch 32.40 Groceries for Bloomstrom 10.00 Groceries for D A Webb 10.00 Groceries for 11 Becker 24.95 Groceries for E Wilde 10.00 Groceries for Sanford 5.00 Groceries for H M Adams 12.75 Groceries for Mrs Soha 12.55 Groceries for Jackson & Hunter 11.00 Groceries for Mrs W Thompson 10.05 Groceries for Hilliard et al 47.70 Groceries for Eastman 5.05 Groceries for- Vhn McBride 7.15 Groceries for Arthur Labell 6.70 Groceries for Chas Brand 8.00 Groceries for Lambert et al 27.35 Groceries for H H Robertson 7.50 Groceries for Mrs Lambert 3.95 Groceries for Nancy Rogers 10.00 Groceries for Tdrs Alexander 6.55 Groceries for Bainter & Eastman 27.50 Groceries for M E Young 10.00 Mood for Becker & Staley 9.00 Wood for Mrs Steele 2.50 Wood for Jno Moultrgy 5.00 ',Hood for Adams et al 7.50 ':food for Mrs Soha 2.50 Wood for Maryott et al & Courthouse 9.00 14.25 House rent for Eliza Lambert 5.00 House rent for Georgie 'restman 8.00 House rent for Mrs Neal & Anna Steele 26.00 House rent for 11rs Myrtle Helgeson 5.50 House rent for Tabor 5.00 House rent for Sanford 5.00 House rent for Mrs Soha 15.00 Moving H H Goods for Mrs Helgeson 3.50 Moving H H Goods for H Becker 2.50 Care of Edward Smith 17.50 ---------- 00o---------- On motion, the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, December 10, 1914, Chairman Board County{ Gomm'• s oners W.O.R. , Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Thursday the loth [lay December 1914 Thursday, December 10, 19.14. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on December 9, 1914.. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in.attendance. The following claims were allowed: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Iffhatcom -County Abstract Co Daily report of R E Filings to Assessor 2..00 Union Prtg., Bndg & Sta Co Prtg & Sup for.Supt 69.25-Aud 99.50- Clk 19.85-Eng 1.10 189.70 Towner printing Co Prtg for Sher 12.25-Aud 13.75-Treas 24.25 50.25 Griggs Sta & Prtg.Co'. Supplies for Eng 4.50 & CO Offices 6.80 11.30 S B Irish Co Blanks for J P 9.00 Remington Typewriter Co Typewriter for Assessor 25.00 Burroughs Adding Mach Co Repairs to Treasurer's Adding Machine 2.75 Pioneer Livery & Transfer Livery for Co Supt 2.00 Diehl & Simpson Sup -Rep & Driving Co Auto 132..60 do Auto hire to Co Officials 69.50 F J Barlow Auto hire to Sher 15. & Co Physician 4.50 19,.50 Chester McKenzie Livery hire to. Co Commissioner 3,.50 Larson's Livery & Transfer Livery for Sher 2. & .Constable 2.50 4.50 Sumas Transfer Co Livery for Sheriff 13.00 Archie C. Tilden Witness: State vs Sheets 3.40 James II Scott do 3.40 P W Jessup Wit: State vs Mollie Buck et al 2,.20 Pars . Heaton do 2.20 Mrs Kirchner Wit: State vs Reuben E Smith 2.20 Mrs Argo Barwick Wit: State vs Marshall p.I Shetler et al 2.20 A Pan co ast do 2.20 F J Barlow do 2.20 H W Battersby do 2*20 Frances Shetler do 3.00 Mrs Louise Pemberton do 2..20 John Nip j e do 2,• 20 John Mitchell Juror: State vs Marshall 1.9 Shetler et al 1.20 C S Maskell do 1.20 J I. Harris do 1.20 J A. Sells do 11.20 Fred Anderson Wit: State vs Ed Castello :, 20 Lottie Thompson Wit.: State vs71 H Thompson 2.20 E Charroin Wit: State vs Leon Helmone 2.20 Wallace Barrett do 2.20 Geo J Erz do 2.20 Geo . Hughes do 2.20 Wm Johnson do 2.20 Paul Brown do 2.20 Mrs,J L Smith Wit: State vs Reuben E Smith et al 4.40 H Watamaza do 4.40 Wallace Nugent do 2.20 F C.Anderson do 2.20 W W Ballaine do 12.26 N W Wear do 2.20 B P Shoemaker J P: State vs George Bran 2.25 John TeBrink Constable: State vs George Bran 9.20 John Story Wit: State vs George Bran 2.10 Nels Nessten do 2.40 George Broton do 2.50 Oscar Jackson do 2.60 S G Mather J P: State vs John Gray 4.75 Nate Harkness Const: State vs John Gaay 6.15 Fred Tilbury Wit: State vs John Gray 2.10 J W Smith do 2.10 H Campbell do 2.10 L C Bayes do 2.10 D A Getchell do 2.10 Letta Getchell do 2.10 C E Dexter do 2.30 Fred Genther Juror: State vs John Gray 1.10 Dan Ginger do 1.10 H Schroeder do 1.10 Aug. Johnson do 1.10 0 Bunker do 1.10 ----------- o0o---------- On motion, the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, December 11, 1914. rman Board County Commis,oloners. 67. W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Friday the llth play December 1914 Friday, December 11, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment.taken on December 10, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: Henry Shagren Delia L Keeler Will D Wallace, Co Aud Chas Stanbra Lawrence S Pike S 0 Johnson Sells Hdw Cc Pickering Hdvi Co Central Grocery & Meat Mkt. Legoe Hardware Fountain Pharmacy New Method Cascade Laundry Pacific Steam Laundry Sample Shoe House Battersby Bros. H &-M Ribbon & Carbon Co J Y-Aitken Sarah Foster CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Expense as Cc Commissioner 10.50 Expense 18.60 & Express 2.54 as Cc Supt 22.14 Recording fee R of 1V Deeds a/c Dike Dist #1 5.40 Repairs to.Lock on Court Steno. Desk .50 Window Stopping Felt for Courthouse 15,00 Supplies for Courthouse 15.50 Hdw for Courthouse 13.40 Paint for Cc Jail 13.50 Soap for Jail 4.35 Supplies for Janitor 4.10 Supplies for Janitor .50 Laundry for Jail 7.85 Laundry for Jury Rooms 1.85 Shoes for Prisoner 3.00 Clothing for Prisoners 11.50 Carbon Paper for Treas. 29.75 GVLE PROTECTION FUND. Salary & Expense as Game Vlarden-Jan to Apr 1913 294.20 SOLDIERS1 RELIEF FUND. Relief R®AD AND BRIDGE FUND. 12900 E A-Nickson Labor on Road Foreman 31.50 Ed Martinson do team 40,00 G W Hardan do 12.00' 71illis Johnson do 15.00 P H Newbery do " 10,00 Bert Bice do " 26.00 J VILogan do 11,00 Ed J Logan do 13.00 Scott Baker do " 36.00 Roe Wright do " 30,00 S Vl Hardan do " 20,00 A G Hadfield do " 11.00 Roy Hadfield do 6,50 C A Gooding do Foreman " 75,00 Ivan Brooks do " 42.00 A E•Doolittle do 30.00. G C Joyce do 1.00 Boles Markhart do 21,00 Evan Moultray do 17.00 J I- Jones do 16.00 John Bridger do 18.00 Shirley Reeves do 16,00 George Fecher do team 34.00 Helmer Iverson do P, 2,00 Arthur Mead do "• 32.50 Eini l F Krep ci k do to 28.00 Bill Reams do " 16.00 John A Walker do " 36.00 David Sweet do Foreman 42,00 J L Hermansen do 28,00 Leo Carlson do 28.00 ft L Stillwell do 42.00 J S Sparks do 32.00 Arthur Newby do 28,00 0 A Anderson do 26.00 A W Frost Hauling Gravel on G II Road Forenan & team 58.50 Clarence Constant do It 72.00 J A Engdahl do to 66,00 M W Roby do " 72.00 Joe Henry Graveling Road " 25,00 Oscar Weatherby do 10,00 Jess Weatherby do 10,00 Ernest Weatherby do 10.00 Vim Garland do % 50 Gus Nienaber do Overseer 13.50 E Van Vorst Labor on G M Rood team 4.00 D Vandermeer do, 1.75' C Visser do It 1.00 L Zweegnan do Foreman to 6.25 G Morgenthaler Labor on Everson -Goshen Rd Foreman ga team 9.50 Amos Zimmer do " 14.00 E Morgenthaler do 8.00 Vl C Campbell Labor on Road 27,00 Fred Boys do 29.00 Oscar Hougan do 4,00 Lester Hardan do 22.00 W H Guthrie do 21.00 Dick Sullivan do.,,� 18,00 E W Malott do 15.00 V1 H Shetler do.> 16.00 A Furman do team 70.15 Ed Hurd do to 68.90 Merl Hardan do to 56.10 C C King do " 50.00 J M Brovin do 11 32.50 W.O.R. a� Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Fri the 11th day December 1914 Geo E Thompson M M Shetler J M Shetler Henry Decker Anton Anderson Martin Hougan R C Worden Howard Yates S T Clifton Frank Edwards Wm Sarlund E J Pease G Carvelson J E Chichester H B Chichester H McDonald Burt Franklin A Whitcomb Enor Anderson Carl Zimmer Bert Bertrand G E Benjamin Roy Franklin Wm Foot Frank A Peterson Devall Roberson Fred Cline John Chamberlain J Philbrook Walter H Merz Al Smith Harold Tarte Guy Payne J L Tarte E B Chamberlain C H Beebe Lewis Beebe Chas Lyon C Rodenberger T J McCollum Victor B Rogers Burt i°liggins David Moors M it Witter F G Schuler Jeff Stewart S M Stewart Gust C Feldt Chester McKenzie Robert Hinton Vim Martineau Edd Pillsbury Martin Nieven N Bronsema. Mike Heffernan C M Mosher Geo Neidhart Gilman DeJong P V Pressentin Wolten & Montfort Bellingham Concrete Morse Hdw Co H W Buzzard Morse Hdw Co A W Anni s A Reiter W H Guthrie V/ H Shetler Whidby Island Sand Moulten & Allen Chas E Lind Works & Gravel Co Worthen & Satterthwaite Chas E Lind Vlotthen & Satterthwaite G A Palmer T P Reilly Brovm, Peringer & Thomas Labor on Road team 29.75 do °' 34.70 do °i 57.64 do " 30.00 do " 42.00 do " 34.00 do " 26.00 do " 34.00 do " 40.08 do Foreman 52.50 do 28.00 do team 28.00 do 8.00 do 8.00 do 4.00 do 6.62 do 7.00 do 3,, 00 do 7.00 do 6.62 do 5.50 do 7.00 do 14.00 do team 16.00 do to 8.00 do if 14.00 dd Foreman of 16.00 do it 48.00 do 24.00 do 24.00 do 24.00 do 24.00 do 6.00 do 12.00 do Foreman 36.00 Labor on Goshen Road Foreman 25.30 do team 22.50 do 13.00 do " 18.00 do It 18.00 do " 18.00 do " 18.00 do 9.00 do 1.00 do 8.00 do team 8.00 dd " 8.00 do 3.00 Labor on Road Foreman " 81.00 do 36.00 do 12.00 do " 12.00 do 4200 do 77.00 Labor on U S Bridge 1500 Sal & Exp as Bridge Foreman 108.50 Hauling Donkey Engine to Co Home 18.00 Wood for Steam Road Grader 3.75 Fuse etc a/c Repairs Skagit River Trail 10.64 Spikes etc 1.75 Sewer Pipe 10.05 Cable etc 63.54 Bolts etc. 22.35 1 Plow Steel 3.20 1 Shovel 1.25 Blacksmithing .75 Gravel 72.20 Gravel 18.00 Gravel for Street in front of Courthouse 82.55 3rd & Final Est on Construction Road 161 100.00 9th & Final Est on Construction Sec 1 Hannegan Road 2,666.67 8th Est on Construction Se.c 2 Hannegan Road 1,115.73 HANNEGAN ROAD FUND. 9th & Final Est on Construction Sec 1 Hannegan Road 5,333.33 8th Est on Constr Sec 2 Hannegan Road 2,231.47 DRAINAGE DISTRICT No. 4 Appraiser a/c Russell Ditch 35.00 do 30.00 DRAINAGE DISTRICT No. 5 Bat due on Attorney Fees 300.00 DRAINAGE DISTRICT No. 6 Current Expense Fund Bal on Expense Permanent Survey 48.00 Egbert Field Sal & Exp as Ditch Supervisor 12.50 M A Hickey Appraiser a/c Field Ditch 23.15 T P Reilly do 16.30 ---------- 000---------- The Board made an order calcelling interest on 1900 personal tax against C C Rogers. f n �:. 11f1.0. R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Friday the llth day December 191 BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COT21ISSIOMME S OF VIHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter of Drainage ) Improvement District No. 6 of ( ORDER DIRECTING HEARING ON APPORTIONIMTT. Vlhatcom County, Washington. ) It appearing to the Board that the board of appraisers have signed and filed with the Clerk of this Board a schedule of apportionment of the costs and expenses of the said improvement; in consideration thereof, and as provided for by law. a hearing thereon will be had before the Board of County Commissioners at the Court House in the City of Belling- ham, VIhatcom County, Washington, on Tuesday, the 12th day of January, 1915, at the hour of 10 O'clock A.M. At said hearing the Board will examine into the said apportionment and consider any objection or objections filed or made thereto. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board give notice of said hearing by publication in three successive weekly issues of the Journal -Progressive, the official newspaper of Whatcom County, Washington. Done in open session of the Board of County Commissioners this llth day of December, 19140 to it t1 If I it 11 II It It 11 11 It 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " " State of Washington " It It 11 1t to of 11 1t 11 of 1t 11 11 it Attest: C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- coo ---------- BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMSISSIONERS OF V1HATCOM COUNTY, VIASHINGTON. In the Matter of Drainage ) Improvement District No. 4 of ( ORDER RE ELECTION RETURNS. Whatcom County, Washington. ) Heretofore an election for the purpose of electing Supervisor in the manner provided by law was ordered by this Board, and notice thereof was ordered and directed to be given, all as provided by law. Pursuant to said order and the laws of the State of Washington, an leection was held 4n said Drainage Improvement District No. 4 on Tuesday, the 8th day of December, 1914; that on this llth day of December, 1914, this Board canvassed the returns of said election in the manner provided by law, and that the said returns exhibit the following; That thee v✓ere, all told, five votes cast; that Leonard Zweegman received four votes and Gus Stier - ling received one vote. 'GHLREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that Leonard Zweegman be, and he is declared duly elected Supervisor of said District for the period of two years, and that a certificate of elec- tion issue to the said Leonard Zweegman upon his taking oath and filing bond as required by law * Done in open session of said Board this llth day of December, 1914. It 1t It It It of It 11 11 11 it 1f It 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of 1,11hatcom County " " State of Washington " Qt 1t n u „ 1t n n ft 11 n n 11 n It C B Legoe Chairman J G Kemp e r Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner Attest: 'Jill D %7allace, County Auditor and Clerk of the "oard. On motion the Board adjourned to meet on December 12, 1914 1/1� Chairman Bd. Co. Co issioners. W.O.R. ""• �00 Record of, Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Saturday the 12th day December 1 1914 Saturday, December 12th 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. taken on December llth 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance* The following pro- ceedings were had: In the latter of Recommendation ) ( Order Recommending* for County Game Commission. ) WHEREAS, under Chapter 120 Section 2 Session Laws of 1913, it becomes the duty of the Board of County Commissioners to recommend three persons to be appointed as a Game Comm - fission for Whatcom County, and WHEREAS, the three members of the Game Commission appointed on the 7th day of June, 1913, have resigned, . NO-W, THEREFORE, it is ordered that Joe Lopas, C M Olsen and C C Siegel be, and the,* ate hereby recommended for the appointment as Game Commission for Whatcom County, to fill said vacancy. Done in open session of the Board this 12th day of December, A.D. 1914. C .B * Legoe Chairman of the Board it J G Kemper "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "loners of Whatcom County " Henry Shagren of State of Washington " Commissioner fl It to to If to It ►► of ►► if if 1t 11 Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board* -----w-rr—o0o-------oa— On motion the Board adjourned to meet on 11onday, December 21, 1914. rman Board County C,dmmissioners. zw ij�l1 r'� 6 W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Monda.v the 21st day December 1914 Yonday, December 21, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on December 12th 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following pro- ceedings were had: BEFORE THE, HONORABLE BOARD OF COTJN7'Y' C011TISSIONERS OF ',"IHATCOM, COUNTY, 'JASHINGTON . In the Matter of Drainage Improvement District ) ( ORDER-- December 21, 1914. hlo. 4 of Wha�com County, Vlashington. ) Novi on this 21st day of December, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. at the Court House in the City of Bellingham, this matter came on for hearing on the schedule of apportionment of the costs and expenses of said improvement. The Board finds that due, timely and legal notice of this hearing has been duly published pursuant to late and the resolution and order passed by this Board on the 24th day of November, 1914. The matter of the said apportionment came on for consideration, and a large number of the. property holders and persons interested in said drainage improvement district appeared before the Board for the purpose of examining into the iten or items of said appor tionment. No written objections or protests against any item or items of said apportion- ment.have been filed in this matter or with the Clerk of this Board, but at this hearing .y, this day the following persons, being property owners within the said drainage improvement district, appeared in person and made oral protests, objections and suggestions: 1. Charles fig Schuyler, in behalf of himself and wife, appeared before the Board and made oral protest and objections against the item or items assessed against his pro- perty, alleging in his oral 6bjections that in said schedule he is assessed in the sum of ti'88.00, and that no benefits accrue to him by virtue of said improvement. 2. Ezro F. Showers, in behalf of himself and wife, appeared before the Board and made oral protests and objections against the item or items assessed aginst his property, alleging in his oral objections that in said schedule he. is assessed in the sum of.$50.00, and that no benefits accrue to him by virtue, of said improvement. 3. Frank Bostwick and F.P. Cruickshank, represented by the said F.P. Cruickshank, orally objected and protested against the item or items assessed against their property as shown upon said schedule in the total sum of ?636.41, on the ground that the assessment is excessive and not justly apportioned to their land, and alleging, among other things, that apparently the assessment is made against the whole of their certain 40 acre tract, where- as not more than 22 acres of said 40-acre tract are benefited by virtue of said improvement 4. E.E. Talmage, in behalf of himself and wife, appeared personally before the Board and orally objected and protested that the item or items assessed against his property, aggregating 0282.85, are excessive and out of proportion to the benefits, further assert- ing that his property, by virtue of said improvement, is not benefited except as to commu- nity value. 5. C.J. Larson, in behalf of himself and wife, appeared personally before the Board and orally objected and protested that the item or items assessed against his property, aggregating $277.98, are excessive and out of proportion to the benefits, alleging, among other things, that his land is too low to be drained by the improvement as the said improve ment has been constructed. 6. LcTrs. Tkary Fritz Dufner (Now Mrs. Ifary Lund) appeared personally and orally objected and protested against the item or items assessed against her property, aggregating $938.13, are excessive and out of proportion to the benefits, and alleging, among other things, that at the time of hearing upon the matter of the benefits on August 25, 1913, and W.O.R. r o� mr ior� r� 9 Prao� edin s Rojo d �®rr�. �s o s o � October Tenn Londay the 21st play December 191 a an adjourned hearing thereof on September 8, 1913, the Board by or.d.er fixed the benefits to her property, now assessed in the said sum of $938.13, at not to exceed :`�500.00,.and that she is to be credited upon her assessment, in addition thereto, by the stun of :; 125.00 allo,aed for damages for taking of right-of-way, as recited in deed of conveyance from her for said right-of-way; and further protested that she should be allowed credit because of the empty sloughs, heretofore having been bends in Fishtrap Creek, no-u standing on her property, destroying the value of sundry small tracts.of land bett.aaeen the former bed of said Fi,shtrap Creek and the present improved ditch or bed. 7. George Bostwick appeared personally and orally objected and prot�,sted a ndnst the item or items assessed against his property, aggregating f�591.21, on the ground that the assessment is excessive and out of proportion to the benefits, alleging, among other things, that the apportionment- of the assese--ments against his property and the assessments against other neighboring property have not been justly equalized. 8. Tys Haveman, in behalf of himself and wife, appeared personally before the Board and orally objected and protested that the item or items assessed against his property, aggregating ',P371.24, are excessive and out of proportion to the benefits, alleging, among other things, that the preliminary estimate of the benefits to his property is less than the:said assessment, asserting that the preliminary estimate of benefits was "M7.25. 9. John T. Haveman appeared personally and orally stated that he entered no protests if the assessments remained as they novi appear upon the schedule, but that if changes mere made in other instances, then he desired reduction in proportion to others. 10. Henry Spaan, in behalf of himself and wife, appeared personally before the Board and orally objected and protested that the item or items assessed against his property, aggregating $777.84, are excessive and out of proportion to the benefits, alleging, among other things, that the benefit to the neighboring lands is as great per acre as it is to his pet acre, and that whereas he has less number of acres to be benefited by the improve- ment than certain of his neighbors whose lands adjoin his, yet his assessment exceeds theirs; that the per acre of benefits charged to his land is in excess of others and out of proportion. This Board, as provided and directed by lax:a, have carefully proceeded to examine and consider said schedule of apportionment, and have and do now take the consideration there- of under advisement, and this hearing is hereby adjourned until t'Tonday, December 28, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. Done in open session of the Board of County Coimiiissioners. C.B. Legoe Chai man J G Kemper of it Corivaissioner "Board of County Commiss- " TIen-ry Sha"ren "inners of �ihatcom County " Commissioner It State of. '.7ashington " It it is it to of It it it It It if a s Attest: %Jill D `.Uallace Clerk of said Board. ®__... ---------- On Chairman Board County C amissioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Tani T,Tonday the 23th day December 1914 Monday, December 28, 1914. The Board met pursuant to a.dj ouranent taken on December 21, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following pro- ceedings were had: In the Matter of Drainage ) Improvement District 17o. 4 of( ;Jhatcom County, 17ashington. BEFORE Tlfl, IiU11URABLE 130AIlD OF COUITW COI lISSIONIE,RS OF ''lIIATCOL COUNTY, 'UASHINGTOIT. ORDER. Novi on this 28th day of_ December, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., this Board of County Commissioners met at the Court House in the City of Bellingham, 71hatcom County, Jashington, pursuant to order of adjournment entered on the 21st day of. Decer:iber, 1914, and proceeded upon the hearing adjourned from said date. After further hearing, deliberation and consideration, this hearing is hereby adjourn-- ed until 10 o'clock A.M., December 29, 1914. Done in open session of the Board of County Cor,rraissioners. It It to It it It 11 it It rt It 11 It I/ "Board of County Coruiiiss- " 11ioners of '.7hatcorn County " of State of Washington " it 11 It It It 11 If 11 to It It it it it a Attest: Will D gallace Clerkof said Board. In the Uatter of Fixing the .Amount of ) Official Bond to be Given by Certain County Officials Electedat the last ) General Election in Whatcom County. -----_..o0u- _ . , _ _- ORDER. C.B. Legoe Chairman J T Kemper Commissioner Henry ahagren dommi ssioner ,`JHL1'REAS, the law provides that the Board of County Commissioners shall determine and fix the amount of official bond to be given by the following officers, w:uaely: County Auditor, County Treasurer, County Assessor, County Sheriff and County Superintendent of Schools, and 'FJHEREAS, on the 3rd day of November, 1914, there was elected at a general election in 1hatcom County one each of the above named officers. Said County Auditor, County Treasurer County Assessor and County Sheriff being elected for the term of office which will begin on the second ';1onday in January, 1915, and the County Superintendent of Schools being elect ed for the term of office which will begin on September 1, 1915, and which shall all con- tinue until the respective successors of said offices are elected and qualifiers, and 1HEREAS, this Board has carefully considered said matter and is fully advised as to the probable liability of each of said officers, and is of the' opinion - that said bonds should be fixed and furnished in the respective amounts hereinafter named, NOIJ, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered, adjudged - and decreed by this Board that the amount of bonds to be given by each of said, officers respectively, as hereinafter named, for said terms of office, be and is hereby fixed as follows: Amount of official bond to be given by County Auditor Amount of official bond to be given by County Sheriff Amount of official bond to be given by County Assessor Arnount of official bond to be given by County Treasurer Amount of official bond to be given by Co Supt Schools 1,3000.00 3000.00 3000.00 75000.00 1000.00. Done in open session of the Board this 28th day of December, 1914. W.O.R. Record of 'Com ssioners "Proceedings October Term Monday the 28th day December 191 469 it if to it of if It of to to II if it It "Board of County Commiss- " "toners of ',Whateom County " 11 State of ,:Jashington t1 to 11 It 11 II it it n t1 so It It It to Attest: Will D 147al lace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C.B. Legoe Chai rman J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ---------- 000----.ter----- In the I,iatter of Cancelling certain Uncalled for ',11arrants, now in the Hands of the County Auditor . } ORDER TO CANCEL. In accordance with the provisions made in Section 3928 Remington and Ballingers Codes and Statutes of the State of 71ashington, , relating to cancellation of County 'llarrants: IT I&HEREBY ORDERED, that the County Auditor be, and he hereby is ordered and direct- ed to cancel and strike from the records of Whatcom County, all warrants drawn and dated prior to December 30th,.1908, now remaining uncalled for. in the hands of said Auditor; said warrants being in amounts, dates, etc* as follows, to -,tit: CURRI.MT EXPENSE FUND. Number Date To `,lhom Issued Amount 21394 Jany. 17, 1908 J D Thurston 2:.?0 21895 " 17 °' J Jepperson 4.40 21896 '° 17 °1 Mrs P Anderson 2.20 21902 " 17- °' J Deg=ris 2.20 21903 " 17 " Alex Hamilton 2.20 21904 " 117 !1 E Lavine 2.20 21907 " 17 " F L Stone 2.20 ,21908 " 17 b° Geo. Scott 2.20 21909 " 17 " 17m McLeod 2.20 21967 " 21 °' Theodore Nelson 2.20 22094 Febr. 3 1t Vincent Zaremba 4.00 22173 to 14 " Sam Taki 2.20 22174 of 14 " 111m iA Lyons 2.20 22175 it 14 " Harry Swartz 2.20 22227 " 17 " L Tunneson 2.20 22452 Liar.. 16 t/ Frank McFall 2060 22263 Febr. 24 if ;"J A Couden .2.20 224$2 Liar. 20 11 Raymond Lang 8.00 22817 Apr. 21 If D H Fish 4,00 23029 May 16 It R A 'Ji1son 2.20 23049 " 18 tt J Schouster 5.00 23062 " 19. i1 John Watkins 2.20 23064 " .19 of R E Heunema,n 2.20 23065 if 19 to Edw Hayes 2.20 23066 to 19 of I V1 H Spitzer 2.20 23063 it 19 " L B Leatch 2.20 23205 June 11 °' H C Maulsby 2.20 23280 It 15 " firs A Curtis 2,40 2329.1 Is 15 ti G Hi nck 2,00 23293 of 15 °' R F ldarwi ck 2:.25 23589 July 17 " Ed Carlton 2.20 '23593 It 17 " -M Barkowitz 2.20 23594 to 17 " Rachel Bean 2.20 23595 It 17_ " S Bornstein 2.20 ,23596 to17 f1 A 1T Parsons 2,20 23597, " 17 " A F Knox 2.20 23822 Aug. 13 " :J iVhi•tney 2.20 24029 Sept. 17 " Vialter E Tozier 2.20 24146 it 21 " Rose Coventry 2.20 24150 i1 1 21 °' Mrs Hefferon 2.60 24151 to 21 " R M Culberson 2.60 24152 it 21 t1 EH Anderson, 2,60 24154 °! 21 " Mrs A ,j Reuter 2.20 24169 " 21. " Ii Fitzgerald 1.20 24193 it 21 'r G J Lutz 2.20 24637 Oct. 16 't Ed Johnson 2.20 24638 It 16 " Oscar Nordq,uist 2.20 24645 it 16 °' Mr. Tomison 1,10 24653 of . 16 " James Berry 2.00 24654 " 16 t' Will Craig 2,00 24660 °' 16 " Theo Nelson 2.20 24661 " 16 t► Gus Hall 2.20 24815 Nov. 12 " C.A. Mabbott 2.20 24817 it 12 " Geo Becker 2.20 24845 •41 14 " Mrs Adalirie Stewart 3.00 24936 to 16 " Fred Ross 2.20 24937. " 16 01 H Johnson 2.20 24939 " 16 t° lI Robinson 2..20 9-49440 " 1G " Jno I:tcKarney 2.20 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings October Term Monday the 28th day Decamber 1914 Name Date To `Thom Issued Amount 24941 Nov. 16, 1908 G W Barrett 6.40 24945 " 16 If Frank Solak 2.20 24948 it 16 to R A 'Nilson 2.20 24951 " 16 " 11rs Lana Goodbody 2.20 24952 If 16 " Lulu Olsen 2.20 25294 Dec. 2 " Elias Henson 2.20 25295 " 2 " Charles Engstrom 2.20 25298 It 3 " Ted Rench 2.20 25377 If 9 " `li E Osier 5.00 25386 It 9 " S Ii Reynolds 6.20 25410 " 14 It Ifrs F L Stone 2.20 25426 " 15 " W E Abbott 3.20 25436 " 15 to V1 E Davison 7.40 25451 " 15 It 0 L Moroan 3.20 25483 " 17 " John Swobody 3.40 25514 to 17 " Chas Williarns 2.20 25518 0 17 to Violet Edwards 2.20 25519 " 17 " Mary Davis 2020 25520 it 17 to Iiarry Goodwin 2.20 25521 it 17 " Cleo ":talker 2.20 25522 it 17 to Jno ISadison 2.20 25523 " 17 to Ada Gilbert 2.20 25525 of 17 If Claude 'Wheaton 5.80 25533 It 17 It Fred Slade 5.20 25534 of 17 to Dan LaPoint 5.20 25608 to 19 it R A 'Jilson 2.20 25609 to 19 it Ed Oulette 2.20 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 1 1712 Nov. l6, 1908 Sam Brown 8.00 ROAD DISTRICT N0. 4 1685 Dec. 21, 1908 E F Breitenstein 2.25 Done in open session of the Board this 28th day of December, A.D. 1914. C B Legoe Chairman of the Board to J.G. Kemp e r "Board of County Cornmiss- " Commissioner "ioners of ffhatcorn County " Henry Shaoren If State of Washinoton " Commissioner of ,► ►► to if I of of of „ it It of Attest: dill D '1allace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000----------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, December 29, 1914. Chairman Board County Comrniioners. W.O.IR Record of -Commissioners'. Proceedings Ar October Term —Tuesday the 29th day December 1914 Tuesday, December.29, 1914. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on December'28, 1914. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following pro- ceedings were had: BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOZTERS OF 71HATCOM 'COUNTY, WAS1.1INGTON. v In the Matter of Drainage Improvement ) j ORDER-- December 29, 1914. District No. 4 of 01hatcom County, Washington. Now on this 29th day ' of December, 1914, at the hour . of 10 o'clock A.M., at the . Court House in the City of Bellingham, this Board met pursuant to order of adjournment made and entered on the 28th day of December, 1914, for.the purpose of further.examining.and con- sidering schedule of apportionment filed herein and the objections made thereto, the said objections having been taken under advisement and.hearing adjourned until this time. The Board, after hearing .all of said objections, and after carefully examining and considering said schedule of apportionment, and being fully advised in the premises, makes its findings and order as follovis: 1. That the objections ;Wade by Charles H. Schuyler, in behalf of himself and wife, are without merit, and'they are hereby overruled; that his property has been benefited - by virtue of said improvement, and that the apportionment returned by - the board of apprais- ers against his property is a fair, just and equitable apportionment. 2. That the objections of Ezro F. Showers, in behalf of himself and wife, are with- out merit, and are hereby overruled; that his property is benefited by said improvement, and that the apportionment returned by the boded of appraisers against his property is,a just, fair and equitable apportionment. 3., That the objections made by Frank Bostwick and F.P. Cruickshank as to the item or items apportioned against their propertyare also without merit,. and are hereby over- ruled; that all of the tract or tracts of land against which apportionments have been made belonging'to the said parties, have been benefited by said improvement, and that the appor- tionment returned by the board of appraisers -against all of said tract or tracts of.l:and is a fair, just and equitable apportionment. 4. That the objections made by E.E. Talmadge, in behalf of himself and wife, ob- jecting and protesting that the items apportioned against his property are excessive and out of proportion to the benefits, are without any foundation in fact, and are hereby over- ruled; that the said property is benefited by ' said improvement, , and that the apportionment against the said tracts as returned by the, board of appraisers is not .excessive or out If proportion to the benefits, but is a fair, just and equitable apportionment. 5. That the objections made by C.J. Larson, in behalf of himself and wife, object- ing to the item or items apportioned against his property, are also without merit, and are hereby overruled; that his property is benefited.by.said improvement,- and that the appor- tionment as returned by the. board of appraisers against said property is a fair, just and equitable apportionment. 6. As to the objections made by Mrs. Mary Lund (nee Lary Fritz Dufner) that the item or itews apporti.ored against her property, aggregating 0938.13, are excessive and out of proportion to the benefits, and that she should be entitled to certain credits and deductions, the Board finds that the items of said apportionment are excessive and that the same should be, and they are hereby, reduced as follows: I October Record of Commissioners' Proceedings. Term Tuesday the 29th day December 1914 Re -apportionment ,Property Apportionment by Co. Commis. S4 r2ls'j of SV-IJ ,Sec 25, Tvrp 40 N R 2 E $242,30 '146.00 S? TM4 of SWJ- Sec 25, Tv6 40 11 R 2 E 215.61 145.24 N-L SVIi of SV7g Sec 25, Tvrp 40 N R 2 E 260.90 176.44 N•l- SEj- of SVii Sec 25, Tvrp 40 N R 2 L 219.32 157.32 And, in addition to said reduction, the Board finds that the said 2;tary Lund is entitled to $125.00 allowed for damages for taking of right-of-way, recited in her deed of convey- . ance, but that the same should not be deducted from said apportionment, but that a warrant in the sum of $125.00 be issued to the said 11a,ry Lund, payable out of any funds belonging to Drainage -Improvement District No. 4. And it is HEREBY ORDERED that a warrant in said sum of 0125.00 be issued to the said Mary Lund, the said vrarrant to be in like forth as other viarrants issued to pay the expense of said improvement. 7. That the objections made by George Bostwick to the apportionment made against his property are without merit and are hereby overruled; that the apportionment as made by the board of appraisers against said property is a just, fair and equitable apportion- ment. 8. That the objections made by Tye Haveman, in behalf of himself and wife, as to the amount of the apportionment against his property are also without any foundation in fact, and are hereby overruled; and that the apportionment as returned by,the board of appraisers is a fair, just and equitable apportionment. 9. That the apportionment as returned by the bdard.of appraisers against the property of John T. Haveman is a. just, fair.and equitable apportionment. 10. That the objections made by Henry Spaan, in behalf of himself and wife; objecting to the apportionment against his property as made by the board. of appraisers, on the ground that the same is excessive and out of proportion to the benefits, and that said apportionnnent is not in proportion to the apportionments made against other property, are without merit and are hereby overruled; that the apportionment as made by the said board of appraisers is a Just, fair and equitable apportionment. The Board, after: making said fins ings and fully considering said schedule of appor- tionment, made changes and modifications in the schedule of apportionment as returned by ` the board of appraisers, in conformity with the above findings, and. also made certain other- ch,anges and modifications in said schedule, and. then caused the Clerk ofthe Board. to enter thereon all sach changes and modifications and re-a,pportioriments. After finally determining that the apportionment as changed and modified by the Board was a fair, just and equitable apportionment, and that the proper credits were entered thereon, all the mem- bers of the Board signed the said schedule and, caused the Clerk of the Board to attest their signatures under his seal, as provided by lavr. The said final apportionment and all proceedings:leading thereto and. in connection therewith are hereby approved. The Board further finds: 1. That on the 5th• day of January, .1914, after due and legal hearing: %vas had as provided for,by law, this Board made an order that the costs of said improvement should be paid by warrants, and that the assessments should be payable in annual installments as follows: First year,. 10% Second year 10% Third year 20% Fourth year 30% Fifth year 30% and that the costs of the improvement should be paid by assessments upon the property benefited, such assessments to bear interest from date of issuance until paid'at the rate of 8% per anrum;, that said warrants bear interest at the rate of 8% per annum. W.O.R. 4 7 u^' Record of Commissioners'Proceedings�J October Term Tuesday the 29th clay December 1914. 2. That the said improvement is fully completed and has been.accepted by the County Engineer, and, pursuant to orders of this -Board, warrants bearing 8% per annum from date have been duly issued to pay for the said improvement and other expenses connected therewith. 3. That after the said improvement was fully completed and accepted, the Clerk of this Board compiled and filed with the Board an itemized statement of the total cost of the improvement, including the cost of the construction of said improvement and all other costs and expenses connected therewith; that after the said statement was filed, this Board revised and corrected the same and added thereto 5% of the total thereof to cover possible errors. 4. That a board of appraisers, consisting of the County Engineer and two other competent persons, was appointed to apportion the grand total as contained in said state- ment, as provided by law. 5. That the said board of appraisers apportioned the said grand total costs and filed a schedule of said apportionment with this Board, and., as provided for in Section 30 of Chapter 176 of the Laws of 1913, State of Washington, due and legal notice of this hearing was given in manner and form as provided therein. 6. That all pr-7ceedings leading to the said apportionment and in connection there- with are regular and in conformity with the law. NOVI, THEREFOR, IT IS ORDERED: 1.. That the said final apportionment and all the proceedings leading thereto and in connection therewithare hereby approved. 2. That all acts and proceedings heretofore had or done in connection with the matter of DrainaGe Improvement District No. 4 of "f[hatcom County, Washington, are hereby approved and confirmed.. , Done in open session of said. Board this-29th day of December, 1914. rl 11 11 n n 11 n a u 11 n n Ir " "Board of County Commi ss- " "loners of Whatcom County " it State of Washington " 11 11 11 11 11 ,11 fl 11 11 it 31 11 11 11 Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk. -----_--c0o------ ---- C.B. Legoe Chairman J.G. Kemper Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner Cn motion the Board adjourned to meet on Monday, January 4, 1915. rman Board County Comm oners. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Mo nday the 4 th day January 191 5 Monday, January 4, 1915. The Board met pursuant'to adjournment taken on December 29, 1914. Present, C.B. Legoe, Chairman of the Board; J G Kemper and Henry Shagren, Commissioners; Will D 1,7allace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: Ilill D Idallace August .Engqui s t S E Barrett F C Martin Lucy E King M Thomas Jessie j�;alters N Samson 0 N I:funn Ld E Hardin %'/illiam H Pemberton F W TLoses Alithea Adams Geo L" Cook Frank 1r1 Bixby W, A Martin Abbie H Barbo Nellie C Rogers F L Olslager John Fernley Olive Wilson G A Pence Agnes Nedrud N Samson H D McArthur Jas Elder F If Carver H R George David �iurtenberg C C King M B King Nettie Smith John Colling H J Hurst Geo Slater C M Adams C E Phoenix Carl 1IcCoy H C Swettenam Henry F Tiedje E C Lyle P G Cooke Percy Lowery Clay Cooke 0 N Munn L A Thomas L J Flanagan �lilson Stewart lhiery Hess Geo H 3atrous Barney Hanson A C Knowles * B Byland C B Legoe J G Kemper Kenry Shagren Delia L Keeler Ethel Everett L W Featherkile Henry C Beach Harrison Cowden F E ,'lyman Irrs Bessie Cline 0 E Beebe II Thompson Hector Gawley Hugh Eldridge Puget Sound T L &. P '.7 A llarj4in Harrison Cowden Delia L Keeler Frank V/ Bixby Puget Sound T L & P Hazel Fox lli 11 A Galbraith I S Parberry C M Burrovis R J T;Iatheson Co Co CDOlds Edwin I1 Day Senate Cafe Fairhaven City `dater & Power Co Zlellie C Rogers Fountain Pharmacy Will D Wallace, Co Aud,% ',dhatcom County Abstract Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Salary as County Auditor 158.37 Salary as Chief Deputy Auditor 100.00 Salary as Deputy Auditor 100.00 Salary as Deputy Auditor 80.00 Salary as Chief Recorder 80.00 Salary as Recorder 70.00 do 70.00 do 6 days 17.30 Extending Ditch Tax on Rolls 29.75 Salary as Superior Judge 125.00 do 125.00 Salary as County Clerk 158.37 Salary as Deputy Co Clerk 100.00 do 100.00 Salary as Prosecuting Attorney 158.37 Salary as Deputy Pros. Attorney 100.00 Salary as Stenographer 75.00 Salary as County 'Treasurer 166.74 Salary as Dep. Co Treasurer 100.00 Salary as Bookkeeper for Co Treas. 90.00 Salary as Clerk for Co Treasurer 80.00 do 80.00 do 75.00 do 10 days 25,00 Salary as County Assessor 125.00 Salary as Deputy Assessor 80.00 do 75.00 do 75.00 do 75.00 Salary as Supt Co Home 70.00 Salary as Yatron at Co IIome 30.00 Salary as Cook at Co Home 45.00 Salary as 'teamster at Co Home 30.00 Salary as Nurse at Co Home 10.00 Salary as Guard of Prisoners at Co Home 60.00 Salary as Co Engineer 158.37 Salary as Deputy Engineer 67.50 Salary as.Draughtsman for Co Eng. 100.00 Salary as Transit. & Chan. for Co Eng. 58.00 Salary as Transitman for Engineer 22.50 do 5.00 do 15.00 Salary as Chairman for Engineet 11.115 do 5.00 Salary as'Appraiser on Ditches g7.50 Salary as Sheriff 158.37 Salary as Deputy Sheriff 100.00 do 80.00 do 80.50 do 87.50 do 7.00 do 10.50 Salary as Jailer 60.00 Salary as Co Commissioners 150.00 do 150.00 do 150.00 Salary as Supt Co Schools 150.00 Salary as Dep. Supt Co Schools 90.00 Salary as Justine of the Peace 100.00 do 100.00 Salary as Constable 60.00 Salary as Probation Officer 75.00 do 50.00 Salary as Co Physician 83.37 Salary as Coroner 83.37 Salary as Janitor 85.00 Stamps for Offices 20. & St Env for Judge43.36 63.36 Gas & Elect Light for Dec. 4.9.80 Expense. as Dep. Pros Attorney 7.30 Expense as Constable 3.95 Expense 6.70 & Express 1.27 as Co Supt 7.97 Refund of Prem. paid on Official Bond 12.50 Car tickets for Sheriff 20.00 Typewriting for Co Clerk 18.90 Services to Sheriff 7.50 do 2.50 Services to Sheriff a/c Grand Jury 3.50 Expense a/d trip to Ferndale & Blaine for Grand Jury 1.90 do 1.90 Expense a/c trip to Sumas for Grand Jury 1.80 Heals for Jurors 66.40 'later rent for 71aldron Blk. 3 mq 3.00 P.O. Box rent as Co Treasurer 2.00 Supplies for Janitor 1.40 & Co Patient .85 2.25 Recording Deeds to Drain. Dist. No. 7 19.15 List of Icltgees. etc on Ditch #8 (Hovander) 6.00 W.O.R. Record ®f Commission'ers' Proceedings January Term T.[onday the 4th day January 17 5 191 J VIhatcom County Abstract Co. Pete Brandebery L Schoenauer C S Aisted Henry Merchant Lester Hamilton A M Burnside G H Abers C A Scrimsher J It Aitken Leslie Jones J E Lee Standard Oil Co J D Custer 0 Lists of R E Trf. furnished Assessor Scalp Bounty on 1 wild cat do do do do Scalp Bounty on 5 wild cats ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. Tending Ferndale Bridge Operating Marietta Ferry GA= + PROTECTION FUND. Sal & Exp as Game Warden Sal & Exp as Dep Game Warden do Oil & Gasoline for Game Warden's Boat.!. Mdse. for Fish Hatchery SOLDIERS' RELIEF FUND. 2.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 25.00 5.00 50.00 117.45 73.80 76.00 9.72 27.95 Leona Miller Relief 10.00 Martha B Hunt Relief 25.00 ---------- 000----------- The claim of Esther Pinckney for 41�10.00 from the Soldiers' Relief fund was refused by the Board. ---------- 000---------- Orders were signed by the Board correcting the 1913 personal taxes against Nestos. Timber Co.- and against J F Wood. ---------- 000---------- The minutes for the.December Session there read and approved this day. On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, January 5, 1915. Chairman Board County issioners 7m Attest: County Auditor and Clerk of he Board 476 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Tuesday the 5th day January 1915 Tuesday, January 5, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on January 4, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: C C Ki ng Wilson, nobles, Barr Co W J Pynor Royal Dairy Co Scovi ll oc Ogle Battersby Bros. Famous Shoe House Pehrson Bros. h V/ Hardware Co Whi Cameron `II E McCormick Dr `ffm C Keyes Dr C S Hood Dr J Reid Morrison St Luke's Hospital St Joseph's Hospital The Weiser Drug Co Red Cross Pharmacy Owl Pharmacy C NV Brandon CURRLNT EXPENSE I+ Uln) . Expense as Supt.Co Home Groceries for Co Horne Groceries etc for Co Home Butter for Co Home Yeat for cCo Home Clothing fdr Co Home Shoes for Inmate Co Home Lumber for Co Home Supplies , for Co Horne Blacksmithing fcr Co Home Sup &: Lab on Light System at Co Home Assisting Co Physician do do Care of Co Patients do Medicine for Co Patients do do Truss for Co Patient;.. 6.45 117.80. 108.40 30.70 19.95 28.58 2.50 2.65 1.75 3.25 17.35 23.00 15.00 5.00 176.00 139.34 14.60 16.65 12.2.0 6.50 I::ellie Petersen Care of Mrs Bjorndahl 31.00 Mrs A C Graveline Board of two Co Patients 42.90 Henry 'Merchant Scalp Bounty on 1 wild cat 5.00 Charles Connell do 5.00- ----------- 000 ---------- The claim of L J Flanagan for $231.50 Balance of Salary as Dep Sheriff for Feb. and April to Nov. inc. 1914, was endareed'refused by C B Legoe and Henry Shagren. J.G. Kemper attaching his O.K. for allowing claim -in full. ---------- 000---------- ✓ The December report. of 0 E Beebe, County Physician, was approved by the Board. ---------000---------- The December report of C C King, Supt Co Home, was approved by the Board. ---------- 000---- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on 'Wednesday, January 6, 1915. 7/ Chairman Board County rnmissioners. W.O.R, Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Idednesday the 6th clay January 1915 Vlednesday, January 6, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on January 5,, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed,: and proceedings. had: C E Phoenix 0 N Dunn F E Wyman N.-rs Bessie Cline C G Winemiller R E Kirkham ltnpire Meat & Groc. Co Junction Grocery P G Gulbransen Tudor & Linn Siegel Bros. D B Sharp H E Doane E A Altman Columbia Grocery East land Grocery T J McDaniel Kinsey-Stenvig Groc. Co bit. Balser Grocery B B Grocery Co Sweet Grocery Co Tischer & Isaacs Ennen, Goodman & Co Brown & Cole Inc Lynden Co -Operative Co T S Berkeley Golden Rule Store 'Jhite & Burton Lynden Dept. Store Stephenson & Sigurdson ',lilson &, Brown L B Haggard Chas W Allen Earles-Cleary Lbr & Shgl Co. S J Nelson E E +'bright A ,Ii Montgomery P, L Kline Fred M Egelston L A Thomas Gage -Dodson Co CURRMIT. EXPENSE FUND. Expense as Dep Co Engineer 29.40 Expense as Dep Eng. a./c Ditch #6 3.85 Expense as, Probation Officer 8.81 do 4.00 Care of Juvenile Prisoners 16.00 Groceries for O Axelson 5.45 Groceries for. Asplund et al 24.65 Groceries for E Eastman 5.50 Groceries for D A Webb- 10.00 Groceries for lirrs Tallada 3.20 Groceries for H Becker•29.60 &: Sup for Janitor 30.35 Groceries for Jno Youltray et al 52.40 Groceries for J Perry et al 14.50 Groceries for Mrs W 'Thompson 11.61 groceries for W II McBride 3.75 Groceries for Anne Trove 9.80 Groceries for A LaRelle 5.30 Groceries for, I,irs Soha . 13.00 Groceries for Hunter et al 11.00 Groceries for D K Sanford 5.00 Groceries for E ;tilde 10.00 Groceries for Adams 18.15 Groceries for T Ii Johnson et al 26.10 Groceries for Yrs 'Jesterman et al 15.00 Groceries for Psi E Young 8.90 Groceries for Nancy Rogers 10.13 Groceries to Chas Brand 8.00 Groceries for 11rs Lambert et al 27.35 Groceries for C A Feltberg 10.00 Groceries for S Stifenson 10.00 Groceries for Bainter et al 27.50 Groceries for'H Robinson 9.95 111ood for Adams et al 6.00 Wood for Mrs Soha 2.50 Mood for 17rs Dates et al 5.00 Blood for Mrs Anne Steele 2.00 Wood for.Mrs Becker et al 15.75 House rent for Tabor 5.00 House rent for D K Sanford 5.00 Board of Prisoners 188.00 GAME P-.10T +;CTION FUND. Clothing for use at Fish Hatchery 7.00 ---------- 000---------- The claim of I1rs Signe Csberg for $6.50 for rent of house to Helgesen, indigent, was refused by the Board. ---------- 000----------- In the ILatter of Transferring ) ( Certain Monies from County Game ( ORDER TO TRANSF.M. Protection Fund to State Game Fund. ) v1III:7=S, Chapter 120 Section 34, Session Laws of 1913 provides that ten per cent. (10%) of all County Hunting and Fishing Licenses and ten per cent. (10%) of all fines paid into the County Game Fund and also the total amount received for State Bunting and fishing Licenses, shall be paid into.the State Game Fund, and WHEREAS, during the quarter ending December 31, 1914, the County Auditor has received and turned over to the'%County Treasurer the sum of Thirteen Hundred Forty-three & 00/100 (�1343.00) Dollars for County liunt ing and . Fishing Licenses, and Tvtenty-five & 00/100 (025.00) Dollars for State Hunting and Fishing Licenses, and also Fifty-one 8: 00/100 ($51.00) Dollars in fines having been turned into the County Game Fund during the quarter ending December 31, 1914; 110',7, THERL1.{ORE, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer from the County Game Protection Fund to the State Game Fund, in compliance with above mentioned law, the sum of One Hundred Sixty-four fic 40/100 ($164.40),Dollars and remit the same to the State 'Treasurer as provided in said Section 34, Chapter 1210, Session Ta.ris of 1913. 78 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.F. January Term ;'lednesdala 6th day January Done in open session of the Board this 6th day of January, 1915, II 11 It It It 11 it 11 11 11 tI II It (I '3oa:.^d of County Conimi ss- " "ioners of Uhatcom County " It State of ';la,shington to It 11 It 11 11 11 41 11 tl If It 11 It Attest: :li 11 D `-dallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C B Lei oe Chairman of the Board. J G Kemper Corimissioner Henry Shagren Co.-missioner In the Hatter of Accepting Insurance ) { Order Accepting. Policy on Courthouse Furniture and Fixtures') 19 IT IS ORDLRM by this Board that the renewal of insurance policy on courthouse furni- Lure and fixtures for three years payable to :'lhatconi County, as follows: Continental Insurance Co: Walter B Slade, Agent; Policy No. 1781 for ��1500.00; Expiring Jan 6, 1918; be and same is hereby accepted, subject to the right of cancellation by this 7oard in the future for any cause that this Board might deem proper. Done in open session of the Board this 6th day of January, 1915. 11 11 11 II II 11 11 11 11 II It 11 I II "Board of County Co.nmi ss- " "i one rs of `Jhat corn County " It State of ;Jash.ington " 11 It it 11 11 11 1/ It 1t to 11 It it It Attest: lYill D Wallace County Auditor and. Clerk of the .Board. C B Le--oe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper Cormaissioner. Henry Shat;ren Comr2issioner ----__---»000»____ ... Jn motion the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, January 7,, 1915. Chairman Board County C�o.rIissioners W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Thursday the 7th [lay January 1915 Thursday, January 7th 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on January 6, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed: Pacific Tel & Tel Co 'Western Union Telg Co Union Prtg., Bndg. & Sta. Co Griggs Sta & Prtg Co The Irvin -Hodson Co Towner Pri=" tin3 Co. So Bellingham Sentinel Anstett Prtg. Co E T Mathes Book Co Selby -Harris Co 0 C Armstrong Co Bellingham Truck Co Larson's •Livery & Trf Hale Taxi & Auto Co Diehl & Simpson Diehl & Simpson Lynden :Implement Co Stewart H Farmer 'U F Hansford H "Ll O'Connor S B Hughes B 11 Kingsley H J Stri ckfaden Im Lindsey Sarah Foster F VY LIoses, Co Clerk R E McFarland, Clk Pierce Co CURRENT EXP:E15SE FUND. Rentals and Long Distance Service. 51.70 Messages for Sheriff 1.38 Records etc for.Aud 97.90-Clk 113.75- Supt 81.45-Trews 416.75-Eng. 75 710.60 Sup & Prtg for Aud 6.-.Sher 35.-Assessor 20.75- Gen Offices 46.40 108.15 Record for Co.Auditor 21.00 Prtg for Sheriff 67.85 & Treas. 55. 122.85 Prtg. Blanks for J of P. 6.75 Binding Marriage Returns 9.00 Supplies for Co Clerk 4.00 Supplies for Co Offices 15.80 Rubber st.smps etc for Aud 1.45-Clk 8.20-. Gen Offices 2.50 12.15 Drayage for Co Supt .75 Livery for Constable 4.50 Auto hire for Sheriff 1.00 Auto hire to Sheriff 50.50-Eng 2®.-Commr.3.50 74.00 Sup, Rep & Driv. Co Auto 128.64 Oil & Gas. for Sheriff a/c Auto `1.10 Expert Witness: State vs Swinbjornsot et al 18.60 do 18.60 do .18.60 J P : State vs Geo & Vka Yeager 2.50 Corst: do 5.50 J.P : State vs Ray McPhee 3.10 Const: do 2.45 SOLDII.S' RELIEF FUND. Relief 12.00 MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE FIRM. Recording Hi-arriage Certificates 44.00 do 1.00 On motion the Board adjourned to neet on Friday, January 8, 1915. Chairman Board County C issioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Januaiv Term Friday the 8th day January 1915 Friday, January 8, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on January 7, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The follo--aing claims were allowed and proceedings. had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Henry Shagren Expense -as Co Commissioner 5.40 L A Thomas Expense as Sheriff 95.93 do Bal. on Board of Prisoners for I:iat 1914. 15.00 S M 'Darren Services to Sheriff 6.00 rl H Nemyre do 7.00 A If Montgomery Coal for Courthouse 6.50 Legoe Hardware Ildw. for Courthouse 1.50 Bloedel-Donovan Lbr 1.1ills Lumber for Courthouse .78 0 L Barlow Canvas Bunks for Jail 6.00- Pickering Hdw. Co Paint etc. for Co Jail 28.75 Battersby Bros. Shoes for Prisoner 2.50 Sells Hardviare Co Supplies for Janitor 27.30 Pacific Steam Laundry Laundry for Jail 9.95 & Jury Room 6.05 16.00 J B Seelye J P: State vs 1,1m Krider 2.75 Christian Tuttle Const: do 4.40 James L Tarte +lit: do 2.30 Harold 3larte 'Jit: do 2.30 ROAD ATID BRIDGE FUND, E A Nickson Labor on Road • Foreman 63.00 Ed Martinson do team 18.00 ',11 S Balser do it 49.00 Bert Bice do " 53.00 Ed J Logan do 12.00 J 'd Logan do 20.00 G 1"1 Haxdan do " 54.00 Roe ':7right do " 59.00 Floyd Levis do " 37.00 R C Bruland do " 39.00 ';1 L Wilder do " 18.00 J U Leviis do 18.00 C Hanson do 28.00 Elbert Anderson do 12.00 Goo Uiller do 16.00 P H 11cwbcrry do " 21.00 F Brunson do 4.00 B A Sparnon do " 26.00 .1ra Teary do " 4.00 T A'Rogers do " 10.00 A G Hadfield do " 26.00 Anton Dahlen do " 20,00 T P Reilly do "orernan 24.00 Vincent Ellis do 14.00 11 C Hadf i eld do " 24. 00 Del Gooder do " 24.00 E B Scutt do " 24.00 H J Gordon do " 26.00 C Field do 12.00 C A Gooding do Foreman " 85.00 M B "Iarkhart do 26.00 71 E P:icultry do 3.25 James Breckenridge do 3.00 Iven Brooks do if 3.00 Jack Oden do 2.00 Frank Robinson do 11.00 Carl Rinehart do 9.00 C J Almlee do 13.00 Clarence Gooding do 10.00 C C King, Supt Co Home Labor on N 1"1 & Ferndale Rds " 34.00 E J Pease Labor on Guide Ke-ridian Rd " 50.00 am Sarlund do 22.00 J R Atkin do 20.00 P E Larson do 22.00 :Amer Sarlund do 18.00 Tupper Vance do 16.00 Frank Edwards do Foreman 57.00 Fred J Manus Labor on Road 8.00 lAilion Shirk do 7.00 C E ;'Thee ler do 8.00 Fred Larson do 8.00 '3hitney Rarick do 8.00 ',falter Ilorri s do 8.00 H 'Y1 Nutter do 8.00 Elfred Alex do team 16.00 11 P Johnsen do of 16.00 Howard Hatch do to 16.00 A S Kirkman do it 6.00 'dim Kari ck do of 16.00 E C Shedd do to 14.00 H ;11 Nutter do " 16.00 M J 1,10 rr i s do It 16.00 II Pierce do to 16.00 C A Benson do " 16.00 George Nunn do to 12.00 Chas Hughes do It 12.00 'd H Kirkman do Foreman " 18.00 71m Hughes do 8.00 Ray Heathers do 8.00 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Terni Friday the 8th clay January 191 'falter Batch ;'r S Heathers A S Kirkman B Gillis G Morgenthaler Amos Zimmers E Lorgenthaler Willis 'Yorthen Chas 11eyer G Van Leeuwen Frank d Bixby Tomas Handy Tracy Riddle Mike OBrien Henry Beyer Frank Bloom Ben I,Y:eyer Henry Eagley Sawn Levey Walter Handy Geo F Mundell. D Buckley Rubbie Bills Evertt Price Charley Price E M Tenett W Ii .`rap 1 e s 11 Jamieson Dan Vandermeer Abe Noteboom E Van Vorst L Lenssen C Visser Dan Vandermeer Abe Noteboom Leonard Lenssen C Visser A 'J Fro s t B H Cure Lee Hatton Webb Hat ton A H Frasier C M MOsher Liberty Lumber Co Morrison Mill Co ;'lorthen & SatterthwAite M \9 Parrish J E Norstrom & Son Everson Lumber Co Pehrson Bros. G A Palmer 'J B Hart E V1 Bayes Lynden Dept. Store W J Pynor O A Pete':rson C C Wright Bellingham Truck Co Hodson-Feenaughty Co yl G Mi l l6r Geo W Shay A L Eastman C J Burget LP A Nickson Whidby Island Sand & Gr. Co Thos Ellis 'rhos Ellis J `l Romaine, Atty for Claimant Worthen & Satterthwaite Worthen & Satterthwaite W W Jones Leon L Nims E %`r Nims Ray Kirkman Millard Kirkman C A Perry Ellis Perry J H Coonen J H Perry Borwn, P eringer & Thomas E W Stone John Garnie & Gottfried Carlson Labor on Roads do do do Labor on Everson & Goshen do do Labor on Road do do do do do do do do do do do do do Foreman do do do do do do do Labor oa Guide 11eridian Rd do do do do Foreman do do do do Foreman Labor on Road Labor on Bridge do do do Salary as Bridge Foreman Lumber Lumber Lumb e r Lumber Lumber Lumber Lumber Bridge Timber Nails etc Tiling for Hannegan Road Powder etc Powder & Tools Powder Rent of '.Cools etc Hauling Cinders for Street Repairs for Road Grader Blacksmi thin¢ do do do Gravel Gravel for Street in front Gravel Gravel Rd -Foreman 6.00 4..00 4.00 8.00 26.25 20.00 12.00 40.00 8.00 16.00 8.00 5.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 8.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 12.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 7.81 3..87 2.20 2.25 2.90 1.84 5.84 5.81 9.90 24.00 6.25 20.90 11.25 2.75 75.00 239.31 10.35 158.57 20.00 68.72 81.58 2.40 42.50 11.90 5.20 19.72 12.00 6.65 15.00 in front of Courthouse 15.00 of Courthouse Damages acet. faulty Bridge 9th Est on Constr Sec 2 Hannegan Rd HANYEGAN ROAD 7- ULTD. 9th Est on Constr Sec 2 Hannegan Rd SLEASMAN DITCH FUND. Labor on Sleasman Ditch No. 1 do do SLEAS IIAN DITCH FUND NO. 2 Labor on Sleasman Ditch No. 2 do do Foreman do do do DRAINAGE DISTRICT No. 4 FUND. Bal. due on Attorney Fee DRAINAGE DISTRICT N0. 5 FUND. Labor on Ballinger Ditch do team team to 3.00 3.25 2.30 3.45 2.90 12.20 2.60 19.50 25.95 20.0.00 1,255.83 2,511.67 6.00 8.00 4.00 10.00 10.00 11.00 10.00 2.50 10.00 400.00 12,.00 32.80 Brovrn, Peringer & Thomas DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 6 Bal. Attorney Fee ---------- 000-•q-------- 250.00 L Record ®f Commissioners9 proceedings W.O.R. January Terin Friday the 8th day January _ 1915 z ,The claim of Henry C Beach for ?7.50 for 15 wooden chairs was refused by the Board. ---------- 000----------- The Board signed an order correctinF,, the 1913 personal tax against T `J Nickolls. ---------- 000---------- DRAINAGE IMPROVEMeNT DISTRICT 140. 8, WHATCOM COUNTY, .'IASHINGTON. It appearing to the Board of County Cormaissioners of 'Wh.atcom County, Washington, that H.O..Hovander and wife have by Deed conveyed to the County a Right-of-way or Easement for the Drainage Ditch in Drainage -Improvement District No. 8, over their Inds, and that no other parties within said District have, made a conveyane3 of Right-of-way or Easement, and that the Agents who had the matter of procuring such Deeds in hand have failed to procure such.Deeds: It is hereby ordered that Hurlbut &steal, acting as Prosecuting Attorney in'the said Drdinage Ditch matter be, and they are, hereby a uthorized and directed to institute con- dertination proceedings to secure the necessary ;fights -of -gray for the necessary Pitches add Dykes in said District, in accordance with. the Order heretofore entered herein by this Board. Dated January 8, 1915. /1 it It 11 It 11 it It It to t1 11 11 /1 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of `i7hatcom County " It State of Washington " of 11 It to it 1t 11 it to t1 of It 11 11 Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. J G Kemper Henry Shagren Board of County Conmission- ers of Whatcom County, Wash- ington. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, January 9, 1915. -I-eA( zqw"// Chairman Board County mmissioners r 1N.O:R. -n Record of . CoTyi, xssionirs' Proceedings � U .Ta.n»a.ry Term Saturdav the _ 9th day January 191 ti For warrants redeemed For interest on same For warrants redeemed For interest on same For warrants redeemed For interest on same For cash paid state treasurer For cash paid state treasurer For cash paid state treasurer For cash paid state treasurer For cash paid State treasurer ROAD DISTRICT NO, 2 FUND. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 3 FUND. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 4 FUND. HIGHER EDUCATION. FUND. STATE GENERAL FUND. STATE PUBLIC HIGIVIAY FUND. STATE MILITARY FUIJD., PERMANENT HIGHWAY FUND. CITY FUNDS. For cash paid City and -Town Treasurers TOCINSHIP FUNDS. For cash paid tovinship treasurers REDM[PTION FUND. For cash paid holders of Certificates of Delinquency MOORMAN DITCH FUND. For warrants redeemed SL'EASTJTAN DITCH FUND. For warrants redeemed HEATH DITCH FUND. For warrants redeemed DUFNER DITCH FUND. For warrants redeemed BUTLER DITCH FUND. For warrants redeemed Vor interest on same ANDREASEN DITCH FUND. 1, 502.44 488.53 6.60 1.45 3.30 .50 3,871..43 11, 089.37 4,588.60 407.84 5,520.59 25, 005.65 9,875.48 17, 847.71 158.94 112.00 112.00 188.92 234.06 27.63 For warrants redeemed 14.87 For interest on same 1.20 SCHELL DITCH FUND. For warrants redeemed 52.50 DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 2 FTJND. ' For warrants redeemed .1, 585.75 For, interest on same 134.59 HANNEGAN ROAD FUND. For warrants redeemed 14,775.35 Total Cash Disbursements 268,249.20 In Testimony V./hereof, vie have hereunto set our hands as said Board of, County Commiss- ioners.this 9th day of January, A.D. 1915. C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board It It J G Kemper "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "ioners of „hatcom County " Henry Shagren State of Washington If Commissioner It of if n It of u n n u u n n If Attest: `tlill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. W.O.R. Record of Commissioner's P roceedings January Term Saturday the 9th day January 1 1915 Saturday, . January 9, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on * January 8, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following piaims-f*ege allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPMME FUND. C B Legoe Bal of Salary f,ortterm as Co Commissioner 60.00 J G Kemper do 40.00 D W Featherkile Salary as Justice of Peace 10 days :i 33.33 H Thompson Bal on Salary for term as Coroner 33.33 F VI I.zoses Bal of Salary for term as Co Clerk 52.78 Frank W Bixby Bal of Salary for term as Pros Atty 42.17 '.J A Martin Salary as Dep Pros Attorney 10 days 33.33 Abbie--H Barbo Salary as Stenographer to days 25.00 L A Thomas Bal of Salary for term as Sheriff 40.88 ---------- 000-__-____..- CREDITS ALLOVI.ED COUNTY TREASTIRER AT SETTLEMYT FOR THE QUARTER ELIDING DECEMSBER 31, 1914. VZ In.the matter of the settlement with Nellie C. Rogers, County Treasurer of Vsthatcom County, )tate of Washington, for the quarter ending December 31, 1914. NOVI, at this time, this matter coming on for consideration and the said Nellie C. Rogers having filed with this Board a statement setting forth her receipts and disburse- ments as . such Treasurer for said period of time, and having duly and carefully examined all vouchers presented by said Treasurer fo.r said disbursements and having checked and compared the same with the statement, and having found that they were actually paid out by said Treasurer during said quarter, aiid payments being made in the sums and from the funds and _for the purpose hereinafter set forth; TH1111TORE, it is hereby ordered by this Board that said l;ellia C. Rogers as such Treasurer be, and she hereby is allowed credits fdr said disbursements as follows, to -wit: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. For warrants redeemed' 28, 984.91 For interest on same 1,129.17 SOLDIERS' RELIEF FUND. For warrants redeemed 78.00 BOND INTEREST FUND. For cash paid state treasurer 3,150.00 COUNTY INSTITUTE FUND. For warrants redeemed 400.00 GENERAL ROAD FUIID. For warrants redeemed 7, 207.12 For interest on same 2,685.75 GENERAL BRIDGE FUND. For warrants redeemed 7,423.46 For interest on same 1,841.56 DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL I+'UND. For cash paid state treasurer 1.76 GAILE PROTECTION FUND. For warrants redeemed 1,471.69 STATE GAME FUND. For cash paid state treasurer 254.•40 IuARRIAG +' CERTIFICATE 'FUND. For warrants redeemed 109.00 ROAD A173) BRIDGE FUND. For warrants redeemed 22,897.11 SCHOOL DISTRICT, G12MRAL FIRTD. For warrants redeemed 71, 463.18 For interest on same 109.43 SCHOOL B010 REDI .IPT ION FUND. For bonds redeemed 500.00 For interest on same 565.32 SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. For warrants redeemed 20,358.55 For interest on same 11.49 W.O.R. - 4185. Record of Comm' issioners' Proceedings Ta.nua.ry Term Saturday the 9th day Tan �� r�r 191 5 COMAISSION2RS' CL+"3 FICtiTE AS TO TREASURER'S CASH. We, the, Board of County Commissioners of N hateom County, Washington, do hereby certify that vie did, on the 9th day of January, 1.915, carefully examine the checks, reports and vouchers of Zellie C. Rogers, County Treasurer of said County, for the quarter ending December 31, 1914, and found the same'to agree with the books of this office, and to be true and correct. Vie further certify that vie did on January 9th 1915, count the cash in the Treasury, and found the cash in said Treasurer's office and the, cash deposited by her in the banks to her credit as such Treasurer balance her account as such treasurer in full. The same being in words and figures as shown on annexed sheet Which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. In Testimony 71hereof, vie have hereunto set our hands and the seal of the Board of County Commissioners of 'Ilhatcom County, 'Plashington, this 9th day of January, A.D. 1915. C.B. Legoe Chairman of the Board J G Kemper to " to 11 it 11 It of it If It If If it Commissioner "Board of County Commiss- " Henry Shagren "ioners of ',lhatcom County " Commissioner i1 State of Washington " It if to Attest: Will D '.lalla c e County Auditor and Clerk ' of the Board. COUNTY TREASURER'S CASH STATD9ENT AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS JAN[7ARY 8th, 1915. Cash in Treasury January 1, 1915 122, 579.08 Receipts since January 1, 1915: Tax collections on 1908 rolls 3.35 of to it 1909 of 3.80 of It It 1910 to 8.85 °r s� . " 1911 '► " " 1912 11 23.94 It It " .1913 " 1,175.98 General receipts 734.84 Redemptions 2,037.98 Local Improvements 200.16 Total - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 126, 776.97 Disbursements since January 1, 1915 - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ 9,612.73 Cash on hand at close of business January. 8th. 1915 - - -. - - - - - - -� 117, 164.24 CASH IN BANKS. First rational Bank 29,396.32 Bellingham National Bank 28,601.19 Northwestern ilatioral Bank 18, 937.44 Northwestern State Bank 8,301.98 Home State Bank of Blaine 5, 000.00 Blaine State Bank 5:000.00 Ferndale State Bank 5,000.00 Nooksack Valley State Bank 5,000.00 Lynden State Bank 5,000.00 Garrison Bros. State Bank 51000,00 115,236.93 CASH IN OFFICE. Gold 20eO0 Silver 59.54 Currency, 1,540.00 Cash items � 307.77 �..._.. 1, 927.31 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $117, 164.24 ---------- 000-; motion the Board adjourned sine die. 0 Record, of Commis sioners' Proceedings January Terni P,monday the llth day January 1915 l NOW, on this llth day of January, A.D. 1915, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock A.M., the same being the second Monday of January, A.D. 1915, there met in the Commissioners Room in the Court House in oellingham, the County Seat of said, county, Henry Shagren, County Commissioner from,the 2nd Commissioner's District of said county, and who was elected to said office in the year 1912 for the term of four years and who duly qualified for and assumed the duties of said office in January, 1913, and now being a hold over in.said o office; J.B. McMillan, County Commissioner elect from the lst Commissioner's District of. said county and who was elected to said office on the 3rd day of November, 1914 for the term of two years; Henry Slater, County Commissioner elect from the 3rd Commissioner's District and who was elected to said office on the 3rd day of November, 1914, for the term of four years; Will D Wallace, County Auditor elect of said county and who was elected. as such County Auditor on the 3rd day of November, 1914; for, the purpose of organizing the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, '►Yashington, and it appearing that said J.B. McMillan, County Commissioner elect,; Henry Slater, County Commissioner elect and Will D. Wallace, County Auditor elect had filed their bonds and taken oath of office, according to Sec. 3876 & 3877 Rem & B.al Code Vol. No. 2, the members of said Board proceeded with said work of organization. On motion of Henry Shagren and. seconded by Henry Slater, J.R. 1-TaKillan was selected as Chairman of said. Board for the term commencing this date; "Henry Shagren and Henry Slater voting in the affirmative and J.B. McMillan not voting. Whereupon the said J.B. McMillan assumed the. duties of such chairman and deala.red the said Board duly organized. Done in open session of the Board this llth day of January, A.D. 1915. of ►1 of 11 I► It If if ti it 1► to it it "Board of County Cormiiiss- " "ioners of 7/hatcom County " " State of Washington of n o 0 it n o it n it it of to it it Attest: Will D lUallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. In the Matter of the Appointment ) of Purchasing Agent for 11hatcom County, Washington. ).. J.B. McMillan Chairman of the Board Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner -....------- 000----..,----- Order Appointing Will D. Wallace. 1T IS HEREBY ORDERED by this Board of County Commissioners of Miateom County, 'Jash- ington, that Will D. Wallace, County Auditor and Clerk of the Board of County Commission- ers, act as Purchasing Agent for the said Y/hatcom County; Washington, and as such purchas- ing agent to have authority to make all purchases of supplies and materials as may be used by the'County Officials and County Employees generally, including printing, books, station- ery and such other supplies and materials as will be used for the aforesaid county offi- cials and employees, and it is hereby expressly ordered that all county officials and employees, save and except members of this'Board desiring to make purchases of printing, blanks, books, materials and supplies as aforesaid, shall first make application to the said County Auditor, except as to Road Supervisors under the order of this Board.. It is further ordered by this Board that the County Auditor shall furnish the heads of the several county offices a copy of this order. Done in open session of the Board this llth day of January, A.D. 1915. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Ilionday the llth play January, 191 5 J.B. McMillan Chairman of the Board. It it of of It 11 It i1 to H it 11 91 ►1 ..Henry Slater "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "ioners of ,Vhatcom County " Henry Slater " State of Washington " Commissioner to 1► tl 11 11 11 it 11 11 1► 1► 11 1► to Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the :Eioard. ---------- 00o--_------- In the Matter of the Approval -of Bonds) ( Order Approving. of Certain Elected County Officials. ) S,IiEREAS, the following named persons were elected as officers of Whatcom County, `Jashinoton, for the respective offices hereinafter named., at the general election held in said County on the 3rd day of Yovember, A.D. 1914; and vlciERZAS, said persons have filed thei-r official bonds as provided by law with .the surety respectively as hereinafter named; the said officers, the amount of bonds which each has given, and the surety on said bonds are as,follows: '.'Pill D. Wallace, elected to the office of Countir Auditor; bond of $3000..00 with' National Surety Company as surety. H.D. McArthur, elected to the office of County Assessor; bond of $3000.00 with Globe Indemnity Company as surety. VP.p• Brown, elected to the office of Prosecuting Attorney; bond of 4�3000.00 with National Surety Company as surety. C.M. Adams, elected to the office of County Engineer; bond of..025QO.00 with,American Surety Company as surety. ':Filson Stewart, elected to the office of sheriff; bond of `t3000.00 with American Surety Company as surety. Nellie C. Rogers, elected to the office of County Treasurer; bond of'$75,00q, 00 with Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland as surety. 7,7HER+L'AS, said Bonds were given as the official bonds of the respective persons herein - before named., for the term of office beginning on the second Ilonday of January, A.D. 1915, and said bonds have been submitted to this Board dor approval, as by the law provided; and WHEREAS, this Board has carefully considered said bonds and the sureties thereon, and finds that each is given for the respective amount provided by law and by the order of,this Board, and that each is correct in form and in all,respects complies with the statutory provisionsof the State of Washington, relating to the giving of said bonds, and that each of said sureties is a good and sufficient surety and that each of 'said corporations is authorized to transact business as such surety in the State of Washington. I;01,11, THLRE-FORE, it is hereby ordered by this Board that each of said bonds and each surety thereon be, and the same is hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this llth day of January, A.D. 1915 to u " to it it it of if n ►1 " u n ":Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County to State of '.Pashington if it it of it if ►1 It 1► 11 it 11 it of to Attest: Will D 'Jallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. J.B. Mc1lillan Chairman of the Board henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shalren Cmruais sioner ----------o0o-------___ Record. of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term 11onday the llth day January W.O.R. 191 J In the Matter of the Approval of Bonds ) ( Order Approving. of Justices of the Peace and Constables ) rlOW, at this time there were presented to this Board for approval the official bonds of Constables and Justices of the Peace, who viere elected as such officers in their res- pective precincts, -at the General Election which was held in-VIhatcom County, Washington, on the 3rd day of November, A.D. 1914, and for the term of office beginning on the second Monday of January, 1.915, and this Board having carefully considered each of said bonds, and having found that each is correct in inform and is given for the amount required by law to be given for the respective offices for which they were given, and this Board having found that the sureties on said bonds is in each instance good and sufficient. NO'd, THERffORE, it is hereby ordered by this Board that the bond of each precinct officer as hereinafter set forth be, and the serve is hereby approved. The said bonds which are herein approved are as follows, to -wit: JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Henry C Beach Edwin M Day Geo A Chamberlain John P.Hyde Franklin Haworth Levi D Wilmot CONSTABLES. Bellingham Precincts. Bellingham Precincts. Ferndale Precincts.. Blaine Precincts. Sumas Precinct. Blaine Precincts. Harrison Cowden Bellingham Precincts. 1' nil Bellman Ferndale Precinct. cone in open session of the Board this llth day of January, 1915. 0 1► I 1► if I to I of I I I ti ►1 "Board of County Conimiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " It State of ',lashington " n to ►► it n " of It It It It it of It Attest: Will D Mallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. J.B. 1,10.1i Ilan Chairman of the Board. Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ----------000---------- BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY C01-311SSIONERS OF In the.Iulatter of the Appointment of Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. ) '1HATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. ORDER. 'rHLREAS, it is necessary and advisable that a deputy prosecuting attorney be appointed for Whatcom County, Washington, and that One IIundred .Dollars per month should be paid foT the services of said deputy. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Commissioners of Whatcom County, 71ashington, that the Prosecuting Attorney be empowered and authorized to appoint a deputy at the salary of One Hundred Dollars per month. Done in open session this lltIT day of January, 1915. to it it It 11 ►► 1► It ►► It it It ►1 it "Board of County Commiss- " "i oner s of 'Whatcom County " " State of talashington If " " u it to of of is it ►s is it of of J.B. 14cl:ii llan Chairman of the Board Henry Slater Colnniissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner .Attest: ','Jill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Trtonday the 11th day January 19 489 BEVORIJ,' THE BOARD OF COUNTY COP,R-TISS' 10NERS OF WHA`1'C0141 COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the h1at ter of the Appointment of a ) ( 0RDEIi. Stenographer for the County Attorney's Office ) 71H1rREAS, we deem it necessary that the Prosec+),ti.ng Attorney's Office have the servic- es of a stenographer, and.that Seventy-five Dollars per month, will be a reasonable salary for such services: WITEREFOPM, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, '41ashington, that the Prosecuting attorney be empowered and authorized to secure a steno- grapher at the salary of Seventy-five Dollars per month. Done in open session of the Board this llth day of January,:;1915. of to " „: n if fool " „ " „ u of J.B. TZ' cl,,lillan, "Board of County Cormniss- " Chairman of the Board "ioners of Whatcom County " Henry Slater " State of . V.1ashington " Commissioner Henry Shagr en Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor And Cler?.r of the Board. ---------- 000---------- IN THE 1 4TTM OF THE D120SITARIES OF THE PUBLIC FUNDS OF 71HATCOM COUNTY. / DESIGNATION I, NELL11; C. R.OGIBS, the duly elected and acting Treasurer in and for the County of "lhatcom, State of Washington, hereby name and designate the First National Bank, Bellingham National Bank, Northwestern State Bank, and the Northwestern National Bank, all of Belling- ham, %`lhatcom County, Washington; State :Sank of Blaine and Home State Bank of Blaine, both respectively of. Blaine, 101hatcom County, Washington; Lynden State }dank, of Lynden, %"lhatcom County, Washington; Nooksack Valley State Bank, of Everson, '1Jhatcom- County, Washington, Garrison Brothers State Bank, of Surn'-as, "lhatcom County, Washington; Sumas State Rank, of Sumas, Whatcom County, 'ffashington; Ferndale State Bank, of Ferndale, 'lhatcom County, Wash- ington; and Custer State 73ank, of Custer, %'lhatcom County, 17ashington, each a depository of a portion or all of the public funds held and required to be kept by me as such Treas- urer, . Dated this llth day of January, A.D. 1915. Approved this Jan, 11, 1915. J.B. 1Icrlillan Chairman of the Board :henry Slater Commissioner henry Shagren Commi ssioner Nellie C. Rogers County Treasurer of ;lhatcom County. --- .---000----------- 490 Record of Com'missioners' Proceedings W.O.R. January Term Monday the llth day January 1915 _ In the Matter of Accepting Resignation of John Bullock as Road Overseer in Crescent Township, and Appointing 0 R D F R. T G Mood as Road Overseer in said Te,tp. 'r/HEREAS, the resignation , of John Bullock as Road Overseer in Crescent Township has been filed with this Board, and '/HRRhAS, the Board of Supervisors of said township recommended the appointment of T G Ifood to fill said vacancy, NOW, TEERMFORE, it is ordered by this Board that the resignation of John Bullock as Road Overseer in Crescent Township be, and sa�.ie ,is hereby accepted, and IT IS FURTHER ordered by this Board that T G Wood be, and he is hereby appointed as Road Overseer in Crescent Township to, act'as such until the -next regularly elected over- seer shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of. the Board this llth day of January, 191.5. J B ITcHi I lan Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss " Henry Slater "ioners of 'Ehatcom County of Commissioner If State of Washington Henry Shagren to if ,t it to it if ,t to to ,t to ,t If Commissioner Attest: 141ill v ';lallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- The Board signed an order cancelling the interest on'1913 personal tax against R. Manson, there having been an error in listing said personal property. ---------- 000---------- � Oil motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, January 12, 1915.. airman Board County Commissioners. W.O.R. necord of Commissioners' Proceedings. January Term Tuesday the. 12th day January 191 Un Tu:esd.ay,, the 12th day of January, 1915, the Board met pursuant to adjournment 490 taken on January 11, 1915, :Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: In the latter of �11lo-ling Clerk to ) ( Order Allowing. Justice of the .Peace rdvrin 11. Day. ) ,IIiFiMEAS, Edwin M. Day, Justice of the Peace for Bellingham Precincts, has made appli- cation to this Board for a clerk in accordance ,with Sec. 5.547 11emington & Ballinger's Code, and WHEREAS, oviing to the croluded condition of the courthouse: it is deemed advisable to allow said Justice of the Peace to maintain his Justice Court in office rooms outside of the Courthouse, IT IS THER YWM ORDLeR +' by this Board. that said l"Edwin M. Day, blustice of the Peace, be, and he hereby is allovied the services of one clerk for the term 'of two (2) years at a salary of Tiventy-five (025.00) Dollars per month, =ind IT IS FURTHER ORDERIM by this Board that said 7;A,%,iin Tle Day be, and he hereby is authorized to maintain said Justice Court in rooms outside the Courthouse, said rooms, torcther ;with the furnishings, fixtures, telephones, etc. to be paid ,for by said Edwin 1'd. Day, he agreeing to make no further demands upon said County for payment of extra clerk hire, office rent, furnishings, telephone, etc. for said term ,of two years. Done in open session of the Board this 12th day of January', 1915. I rr if I if it to " I I r► 11 r► 11 "Board of Bounty Commiss- 1, 'lioners of ',Ih.atcom County 11 '1 State of 'llashington 11 It to it It n n rr rr, " +r n n rr ►► Attest: :'Ii ll D gallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. I hereby concur in the above and foregoing agreement. J.B. McI, illan Chairman of the Board Henry Slater Commissioner Commissioner 'Edwin LI Day Justice of the Peace for Bellingham. -----»----000- BEFO1tE TIT IIONOM\BLE BOXIM OF COUNTY COl'MISSIONEHS OF %7HA'TCOM COUNTY, `IASHINGTON. In the Matter of Drainage Improvement Dist- ) ( Order,, January 12, 1915. rist No. G of Whatcom County, Washington. Now on -this 12th,day of January, 1915, at the hour of. 10 o'clock A.P.R., at the Court house in the City of Bellingham, this matter came on for hearing on the schedule of appor- tionaient of the costs and expenses of said improvement. The -Board finds that due and legal notice of this hearing was duly published pursuant to law and the resolution passed by this Board on the llth day of December, 1914. C.J. Laube appeared before the Board in person and his attorney, Thos. B. 1.1aters, and filed wkitten objections to the apportionment of costs and expenses made against the real estate owned by. C.J. Laube in said District, as returned ,by the board of appraisers. In said written objections and in oral statements made by the said C.J. Laube, the contention is made tii.at the said real estate is not benefited by said improvement, and that said prop- erty should not be assessed,or taxed to pay for the same. �✓Ld Record -of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Tuesday the 12th day January 1915 H.H. Laube appeared before the Board and orally objected to the apportionment of the said costs and expense assessed against the real estate owned by him in said, District, for the reason that under the terms and agreements and the covenants contained in the deed of right-of-way executed by the said H.H. La.ube and •;rife, granting right-of-way to `/hatcom County, 'dashing ton, for the use and benefit of said Drainage ,Improvement District, the said real estate was not to be assessed or taxed for the making.of said improvement. H.S. Bishop appeared before the Board and objected to the amount of the apportionment made against the property owned by him in said District, by the said. board of appraisers, claiming that the same was excessive and not a fair apportionment. John Rudy, Egbert Field, H.K. Russell and Tars. Effie Jones appeared before the Board, and made no objection to the mount of the assessment apportioned against the real estate owned by them. The Board, after hearing said objections and the evidence offered by the respective oarties, thereupon, as provided for by law, carefully proceeded to exmiiine and consider said schedule of apportionment and the objections filed and, made thereto, but 'ieing unable to, complete the said examination on this day, this hearing is hereby adjourned until monday, January 18, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. Done in open session of the Board o.f.County Commissioners t his 12th day of January, 1915. J.B. I.IclJillan of Chai rinan "Board of County Commiau- " Henry Slater "ioners of :'Ihatcom County " Commissioner " State of 'Mashinston " Henry Shagren of it it n u n It if It n it of of to Commissioner Attest; `:'Till D 'Uallace Clerk. Cn motion the Board adjourned to meet on Monday, January 18, 1915. rrnan Board County Commissi.oner�. W.O.R. 4 �1 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term ilonday the 18th day January 1915 On January 18, 1915 the :Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on January 12, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings we re had: BEFORE TIM I101WRADLI BOARD OF COUiI`i'Y C0i,1A ISSIOTTERS OF 71HATCO ; COUNTY, VIASI12ITGTON. In the Latter of Drainage :Improvement Dist-) ORDER January 18, 1915. rict No. 6 of Vfhatconi County, 'Jashington. The Board met on this 18th day of January, 1915,. at -the-hour of 10 o'clock A.M., pursuant to order of adjournment ?nade and entered on the 12th day of January, 1915, for the purpose of further examining and considering schedule of apportionment filed herein. The Board, after further considering the objections ma.de,^ M?y C.J.Laube, and being fully t' advised in the premises, .finds that said objections are'�weil taken, and the same are here- by overruled. The Board finds that the apportionment of the costs and expenses of said improvement made against the real estate owned by C.J. Laube in said district is not a fair, just and equitable apportionment; that it should be in the sum of J;180.40 but that the said C.J. Laube is entitled to a credit on said apportionment in the amount of 4120.00 in consideration of the execution of a quit -claim for right-of-way made by H.H. Laube. After deducting said credit, the amount of said costs and expenses apportioned against the property of the said C.J. Laube is the sum of $160.40. In considering:.t.he objection made by H.H. Laube, the Board finds that the apportion- ment of the costs and expenses of said improvement made against the real estate belonging to him in said district, is a fair, just -and equitable apportionment, but that the said. H.H. Laube is entitled to a credit on account of a strip of land over and across his pre- mises, conveyed to the County for the use and benefit of said drainage improvement distri6 by said H.H. Laube, in the full amount of said apportiorDnent. The Board finds that all other objections made to the,said schedule of apportionment are :without merit, and the same are hereby overruled. The Board, after making said findings and fully considering said sebed.izle' of appor- tionment, made changes and modifications in the schedule of apportionment as returned by the board of appraisers, in conformity with thle above findings, and also made certain other changes and modifica.tians in said schedule, and then -caused the Clerk of the Board to enter thereon all such changes and modifications and re -apportionments. After finally determining that the apportionment as changed and modified by the Board was a fair, just and equitable apportionment, and that the proper credits were entered thereon, all of the members of the Board signed the said schedule a.nd caused the Clerk of the Board to attest their signatures uneLer his seal, as provided by law. The said final apportionment and all proceedings leading thereto and. in connection th.oreviith are hereby approved. The Board further finds that on the 6th day of April, , 1914, after due and legal hear- ing was had as provided for by law, this Board made an order that the costs of said improue ment should be paid by warrants; that the assessments should be payable in annual install- ments,. as follows: First year 10�; Second year 20% Third year 20% Fourth year 25a Fifth year 25 0 and that the costs of the improvement should be paid by assessments upon the property benefited, such assessments to bear interest :from date of issuance until paid at the rate of 8/o per annum; that said warrants bear interest at the rate of 8% per annum; that the 494 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term ,a�onday the 18th day Ja.nua.ry Ih1 5 said improvement is fully completed and'has been accepted by the County Engineer, and, pursuant to orders of this Board, warrants bearing 8% per annum from date have been duly issued to pay for the said improvement and other expenses connected therewith. That of ter th.e said improvement was fully completed and accepted, the Clerk of this Board compiled and filed with the Board an itemized statement of the total costs of the improvement, including the cost of the construction of said improvement and all other costs and expenses connected therewith; that after the said statement was filed, this Board revised and corrected the same and added thereto 100 of the total thereof to cover possible errors. That a board of appraisers, con:.,.iating of the County Engineer and two other .competent persons, was appointed to apportion the grand total as contained in said statement, as pro- vided for by law; that the said board of appraisers apportioned the said grand total costs and filed a schedule d'said apportionment with this Board, and, as provided for in Section 30 of Chapter 176 of the Laois of 1913, State of Washin"ton, due and legal notice of this hearing was given in manner and form as provided therein. That all acts and proceedings heretofore had or done in connection with the matter of CD Drainage Lnprovement District No. 6 of Whatcom County, Washington,are hereby approved and confirmed. Done in open session of said Board of County Commissioners. of 11 11 it li 11 11 to 1/ 11 H It 11 of "Board of County Commiss- of "ioners of 41hatcom County " It State of Washington " " to of of to of if of e1 to of O1 of Attest: 4i ll D Wallace Clerk. ---- coo-- ------ J.B. Mcr.Iillan Cha,innan Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner THIS AGRFEL'I.a-TT Made this 18th. day of January, 1915, between the First National Bank of Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington, party of the first part, and WHATCOM COUNTY, by J.B. McMillan, Henry Shagren and Henry Slater, ,its commis-id:ners, o,f the State of Washing- ton, party of the second part, 71ITNESSETH: TI�AT, YJIIrREAS, second party, by and through its Treasurer, has named and designated first party a depository of a portion or all of the public funds held -and required to be kept by said Treasurer; and WHEREAS, second party has deposited, and does intend to deposit, and will deposit, with first party public funds and money belonZD ging to said second party; and !lli�REAS, said first party will receive and realize pecuniary advantages and benefits by reason of and from said funds and moneys being so deposited with said first party; and WHEREAS, said first party does hereby acknowledge and agree that it will derive bene- fits and advantages by reason of and from said deposits being made, as aforesaid, by second party. No`s, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of said deposits being made, as aforesaid, first party does hereby covenant and agree to pay to second party interest on said funds and moneys at the rate of two per cent um per annum, said interest to be computed on an account equal to the average daily balances of all funds and moneys deposited with said first party by said second party during all the time when first party shall act as a depository of said public funds and moneys. IT IS FURTHER AGREED by and between the parties hereto, that first party will pay to W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term �aciav� the 18th day Nanuary 1915 4 second party the interest aforesaid monthly,'and in.monthly payments, at the end of each and every month during all the times second party shall have first party as one of its depositories, for any of its funds and moneys. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that before any deposit of any funds or moneys is made by the said second party with the said'first party, that the said first party shall deposit with the treasurer of the said second party bonds, warrants., or other negotiable paper as secutiry, to be approved by the proper officers of the said second party, sufficient to satisfy and hold harmless the said second party against all loss, if any, by reason of having made said deposit of funds or moneys to the said first party. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that second party or its treasurer may call for any or all of its funds .or. moneys so deposited with first party at any time, and without notice to first party, and in case of default on' the part of first party in the payment of any or all of the funds and moneys so deposited second party may have the right either at public or private sale to dispose of any bonds or warrants deposit ed as secutiry for the money deposited by second party with first party, without notice of its intention to dispose of said warrants being g*iven:cafirst party or to any one, and first party hereby Waives all the right that it may have to notice on the part of second party to dispose of said bonds or warrants, it being the intention to allow second party to convert any bonds or warrants deposited with its treasurer at any time without notice, either at public or private sale, in case of default upon the part of the first party in repaying to second party'money deposited with first party. It is further agreed that in case of the sale of said bonds or warrants, that any amount derived from the sale of said bonds or warrants in excess of the amount deposited by second party with first party.will be paid over to first party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties U these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. to "- " it -n -" It of of " it of 11 a of to to " "The First National Bank of Bell- " "ingham. Organized 1904 " it It 11 n It n It it to n it I if n tt n n n n It 11 ft tt Ii 11 It It 11 11 of it tt It "Board of County Cor miss- " "ioners of Uhatcom County " " State of t+lashington " It It to of It it 11 11 11 it th 11 to It Attest: 71ill D l'lallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. The First National Bank of Bellingham, slash. By E ;al Purdy, 'President. By John Kallsen, Cashier. Whatcom County By J B Mcllillan, Chairman By Henry Slater,,Commissioner, By Henry Shagren, Commissioner O.I. as to form: 'rl P Brown, County Attorney. _--__----000---------- J . THIS AGRE:EMI.NT, I -lade this 18th day of January, 1915, between the Bellingham National Bank of Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington, party of the first part, and WHATCOM COUNIY, by J.B. McMillan, Henry Shagren and Henry Slater, its commissioners, of. the State of ',dashington, pasty of the- second part, 11ITNESSETH: THAT, fWHIMEAS, secor;d party, by and through its. Treasurer has named and designated first party a depository of a portion or all of the public funds held and required to be kept by said•Treasurer; and WHEREAS, second party has deposited, and does intend to deposit, and will deposit, with first party public funds and money belonging to said second party; and 'i'IIiLREAS, said first party will receive and realize pecuniary advantages and benefits W.O.R. wm®rd 0f Commissioners'. Proceedings January Term Ld.nday.ay the 18th day January 1915 bjpreason of and from said funds and moneys being so deposited with said first party; and v/11+ +' S, said first party does hereby acknowledge and agree that it will derive bene- fits and advantages by Season of and'f rom said deposits being made, as aforesaid, by second party. YM'131 T14TRIT-ORE, for and in consideration of said deposits being made, as aforesaid, first party does hereby covenant and agree to pay to second party interest on said funds and moneys at the rate of two per cent. per annum, said interest to be computed on an account equal to the average daily balances of all funds and moneys deposited mith said first party by said second party during all the time when first party shall act as a de- pository of said public funds and moneys. IT IS FURTHIM AGREED by and between the parties hereto, that first party will pay to second party the interest aforesaid monthly, and in monthly payments, at the end of each and every month cl.uring all the times second party shall have first party as one of. its depositories,, for any of its funds and moneys. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that before any deposit of any funds or moneys is:made by the said second party with the said first party, that the said first party shall deposit with the treasurer of the said second party bonds, warrants, or other negotiable paper as secutiry, to be approved by the proper officers of the said second party, sufficient to satisfy and hold harmless the said second party against all loss, if any,- by reason of having made said deposit of funds or moneys to the first oa rty. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that second party cr its treasurer may call for any or all of its funds or moneys so deposited with first party at. any time, and without notice to first party, and in case of default on the part of first party in the payment of any or all of the funds and moneys so deposited second party may have the right either at public or private sale to dispose of any bonds or warrants deposit ed as secutiry for the money deposited by second party with first party, without notice of its intention to dispose of said warrants being given first party or to any one, and first party hereby waives all the right that it may have to notice on the.part of second party - to dispose of said bonds or warrants, it being the intention to allow second party to con- vert any bonds or warrants deposited with its treasurer at any time.without notice, either at public or private sale, in case of default.upon the part of the first party in repaying to second party money deposited with first party. It is further agreed that in case of the sale of said bonds or warrants,,,:that any amount derived from the sale of said bonds or warrants in excess of -the amount deposited by second party with first party will be paid over to first party'. IN 71ITNESS WHEREOF the parties to these presents have hereunto.set tredr hands and seals the day* and year above -written. 1t to II I II 11 it I II I It 11 if 11 tt it It to , II Bellingham National Bank, Bellingham" Washington. Incorporated 1904 to 11. 11 of. to of 11 11 t1 it, 11 of it 11 it 11 11 11 11 to /1 to It " of it II II if of to it II to It "Board of County Commiss- 11 'lioners of Whatcom County of tl. State of Washington of of it It It It 11 11 ,t to to it It to 11 Attest: Will D 'dallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. The Bellingham National Bank By Victor A Roeder, President. By F F Handschy, Cashier. 13hatcom County By J B Mclfillan, Chairman By Henry Slater, Commissioner By Henry Shagren, Commissioner O.K. as to form: W P Brown, County Attorney. ---------000---------- W.O.R. necord ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Term " Y'onday the 18th day January 1915 ✓ THIS AGR+'+,11RNT, 1,Aade this 18th day of January, 1915, between the Northwestern Nation- al Bank of Bellingham, ',Tnatcom County, Washington, party of the first part, and WHATCOM COUNTY, By J.B. McMillan, Henry Shagren and Henry Slater, its commissioners, of the State of Washington, party of the second part, VITNESS {'TH: THAT 'JHEREAS, second party, by and through its Treasurer, has named and designated first party a depository of a portion or all of the public funds held and required to be kept by said Treasurer; and WHT,REAS, second party has deposited, and does intend to deposit, and will deposit, with first party public funds and money belonging to said second party; and WHEREAS, said first party will receive and realize pecuniary advantages and benetits by reason of and from said funds and moneys being so, deposited with said first party; and 'JHIM ' S, said first party does hereby acknowledge and agree that it will derive benefits and advantages by reason of and from said deposits being made, as aforesaid, by second party. xUof, TIIERT..TiORE, .for and in consideration of said deposits being made, as aforesaid, first party does hereby covenant and agree to pay to second party interest on said funds and moneys at the rate of two per centum per annum, said interest to be computed on an account equal to the average daily balances of all funds ?,nd moneys deposited with said first party by said second party during all the time when first party shall. act as a depo- sitory of said public funds and moneys. I'1 I7 FURTHER AGREI'D by and between the parties hereto, that first party will pay to second party the interest aforesaid monthly, and in monthly payments, at the end of each and every month. during all.the times second party shall have first party as one of its depositories, for any of i.ts funds and moneys. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that before any deposit of any funds or moneys is made by the said second party with the said first party, that the said first party shall deposit ,rith the treasurer of the said second party bonds, warrants, or other begotiable paper as secutiry, to be approved by the proper officers of the said second party, sufficient to satisfy and hold harmless the said second party. against all loss, if any, by reason of having made said deposit of funds or moneys to the said first party. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that second party or its treasurer may call for any or all of its funds or moneys so deposited with first party at any time, and without notice to first party, and in case of default on the part of first party in the payment of any or all of the funds and moneys so deposited second party may have the right either at public or private sale to dispose of any bonds or warrants deposit ed as security for the money deposited by second party with first party, without notice of its intention to dispose of said warrants being given first party or to any one, and first party hereby waives all the tight that it may.have to notice on the part of second party to dispose of said bonds or warrants, it being the intention to allow second party to convert any bonds or warrants deposited with its treasurer at any time without notice, either at public or private sale, in case of default upon the part of the first party in repaying to second party money deposited with said first party. It is further agreed that in case of the sale of said bonds or warrants, that any amount derived from the sale of said bonds or warrants in excess of the amount deposited by second party with first party will be paid over to first pasty. IN `,(ITITESS WHEREOF the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term "ronday the 18th (lay January 191 5 I ,I I I 1, 11 11 71 ,1 „ ,1 1, 11 11 I „ I 11 1, "The liorthwestern National B^nk of. " "Bellingham. Bellingham, 'gash. it " Corporate seal " it 11 ,1 ,1 ,t 11 11 Is 11 it is is I I ,2 is I ,1 ,1 „ I I I "Board of County Corzniss- of "ioners of ,,ha-tcom County " to State of Wa-shington " If it it i, 11 11 ,1 11 i1 11 11 it Attest: -,Jill D ',Jallace County Auditor and Clerk of Chid Board. The Northwestern Rational Bank, Bellingham, ',Ja.sh. By H B Paige, President. )y C K 14el','illin, Cashier. What com County J B I,:c:aillan, Cha.irnia.n. Henry Slater, Commissioner Henry Shagren, Commissioner O.K. as to form: ':l P Bro,rrn, County Ayer orney. ---------- 000---------- THIS AGRE1111-iEET 11ade this 18th day of January, 1915, between the Home State Bank of Blaine, `,7hwtcom County, :'Jashington, party of the first part, and 71THATCOII1' COMITY, By J.B. :ueLtillan, Henry Shagren and Henry Slater, its coimaissioners, of the State of Washington, party of the second part, '31TI, .SSETH: THAT, WHEREAS, second party, by and throu h its Treasurer has named and designated first party a depository of a portion or all of the public funds held and required to be kept by said Treasurer; and `UHEREAS, second party has deposited, and does intend to deposit, and will deposit, with first party public funds and money belonging to said second party; and ;JHERI✓AS, said first party will receive and realize pecuniary advantages and benefits by reason of and from said funds and moneys being so deposited •.vith said first party; and WHER}AS, said. first party does hereby ackno,:rledge and -agree that it will derive bene- fits and advantages by reason of and from said deposits being made, as aforesaid, by second party. No"111 THEREFORE, for and in consideration of said deposits being; made, as aforesaid, first party does hereby covenant and a7ree to pay to second party interest on said funds and moneys at the rate of two per cent* per annum, said interest to be computed on an account equal to the average daily balances of all funds and moneys deposited with said first party by said second party during all the tinie when first party shall act as a, depo- sitory of said public funds and moneys. IT IS "2UI,THIM AGREM) by and between the parties hereto, that :first party will pay to second party the interest aforesaid monthly, and in iriontilly payments, at the end of each and every month during all the times second party shall have first party as one of its depositories, for any of its funds and moneys. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that before -any deposit of any funds or moneys is made by the said second party v;ith V-ie said first party, that the said first party shall. deposit with the treasurer fif t'he said second party bonds, warrants, or other negotiable paper as secutiry, to be approved by the proper officers of the said second party, sufficient to satisfy and hold harmless the said second party against all loss, if any, by reason of having made said deposit of funds or moneys to the first party. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that second party or its treas- urer may call for any or all of its funds or moneys so deposited with first party at any time, and without notice to :first party, and in case mf default on the part of first party in the p a.y-ment of any or all of the funds and moneys so deposited second party may have the right either at public or private sale to dispose of any bonds or :warrants deposited as security for the :Toney deposited by second party with first party, :without notice of its intention to dispose of said warrants being given first party or to any one, and first Z4 .' Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Monday the 18th day January 191 J party hereby waives all the right that it may have to notice on the part of second party to dispose of said bonds or warrants, it being the intention to allow second party to convert any bonds or warrants deposited with its treasurer at any time without notice, either at public or private sale, in case of default upon the part of the first party in repaying to second party money deposited with first party. It is further agreed that in case of the sale of said bonds or warrants, that any amount derived from the sale of said bonds or warrants in excess of the amount deposited by second party with first party will be paid over to first party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. " to 11 If It It it If it 11 " of 11 If It of if it Home State Bank of Blaine "home State :bank .of Blaine, Blaine" By G A 11illison, President. "Wash. Incorporated Feb 6,- 1906 to By O.K. Middleton, Cashier. it Seal of to 11 11 of It It 11 I1 It It II It It 11 It 11 I1 It What com County, J B I'IcMillan, Chairman It It it if to " " " " " " " " Henry Slater, Commissioner "Board of County Lommiss- " Henry Shagren, Commissioner "ioners of '3hatcom County " it State of 'Vashington " It of 1t 11 It It II It 11 It It It it II Attest: Sill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. O.K. as to fora: \11 P Brown, County Auditor. ----------- 000--------- THIS AGREI ENT Made this 18th day of January, 1915, ' between the State Bank of Blaine, ;Jhatcom County, Washington, pa,rt.r of the, first part, and WHATCOM COUNTY, by J B McMillan, Henry Shagren, and Henry Slater, its Commissioners, of the State of Washington,. party of the second part, 11ITNr;SSETH: THAT, VIHIREAS, second party by and through its Treasurer, has named and designated first party a depository of a portion or all of the public funds held and required to be kept by said Treasurer; and VMREAS, second party has deposited, and does intend to deposit, and will deposit, with first party public funds and money belonging to said second party; and y°IHIREAS, said first party will receive and realize pecuniary advantages and benefits by reason of and from said funds and moneys being so deposited with said first party; and VIHIMEAS, said first party does hereby acknowledge and agree that it :rill derive benefits and advantages by reason of and from said deposits being made, as aforesaid, by second party. NO`11, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of said deposits being made, as aforesaid, first party does hereby covenant and agree to pay to second party interest on said funds and moneys at the rate of two per century per annum, said interest t.o be computed on an account equal to the average daily balances of all funds and moneys deposited with said first party by said second party during all the time when first party shall act as a depository of said public funds and moneys. IT IS FURT M AGREED by and between the parties hereto, that first party will pay to second party the interest aforesaid monthly, and in monthly payments, at the end of each and every month during all the times second party shall have first party as one of its depositories, for any of its funds and moneys. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that before any deposit of any funds or moneys is raade by the said. second party with the said first party, that the said first party shall deposit with the treasurer of the said second party bonds, warrants or other negotiable paper as security, to be approved by the proper officers of the said W.O.R. Record of Comn-fissioners' Proceedings January Term T.' onday the 18th day January _ 1915 'lhatcom County, VIashing ton, party of the first part, and `JIHATCOM COUNTY, by J.B. I'M' l an, Henry Shagren and Henry Slater, its corrmiissioners, of the State of 'Jashington, part of the second part, 14ITNESSETH: THAT, WHEREAS, second party by and through its Treasurer, has named an 'designated first party a depository of a portion or all of the public funds held and equired to be kept by said Treasurer; and , 1REAS, second party has deposited, and does intend to depos3�t�, and will deposit, aith first party public funds and money belonging to said, seco eparty; and 4HEREAS, said first party will receive and realize pecurfiary advantages and benefits by reason of and from, said funds and moneys being so dep,Oited with said first party; and ;1HE11EAS, said first party does hereby acknowledgg'a,nd agree that it will derive bene- fits and advantages by reason of and from said deposits being made, as aforesaid, by second party. NO'I1, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of said deposits being glade, as aforesaid, first party does hereby covenant and agrde to pay to second party interest on said funds and moneys at the rate of two per cpntum per annuni, said interest to be computed on, an account equal to the average dail balances of all funds and moneys deposited with said first party by said second. par y during all the time when first party shall act as a depo- sitory of said public fund / a,nd moneys. IT IS FURTHER ACRE by and between the parties hereto, that first party wil1 pay to second party the in rest aforesaid monthly, and in monthly payments, at the end of each and every month yiuring all the times second party shall have first .pat ty as one of its depositor.:es,/'#or any of its funds and moneys. It is/further agreed by and between the parties hereto that before any deposit of any funds moneys is made by the said second party with the said first party, that the said fir party shall deposit .rith the treasurer of the said second party bonds, warrants or e--app-roved-'ay t'lie—p-'©p-e-r—o-f-fi-e r-s—of-the—s irx second party, sufficient to satisfy and hold ha,r,iiless the said second party against all loss, if any, by reason of having made said deposit of funds or moneys to the said first party. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that second party or its treasurer may call for any or all.of its funds or moneys so deposited with first party at any time, and without notice to first party, and in case of default on the part of first party in thb payment of any or all of the funds and moneys so deposited second party may have the right either at public or private sale to dispose of any bonds.or warrants deposit- ed as secukity for the money deposited by second party with first party, without notice of its intention to dispose of said warrants being given first party or to any one, and first party hereby waives all the right that it may have to notice on the,part of second party to dispose of said bonds or warrants, it being the intention to allow second party to convert any bonds or warrants deposited with its treasurer at any time without notice, either at public or private sale, in case of default upon the part of the first party in repaying to second party money deposited with first party. It is further agreed that in case of the sale of said bonds.or warrants, that any w amountiaderived from the sale 'of said bonds or,warrants in excess of the amount deposited by second party with first party will be paid over to first party. IN WITNESS 'ffHEREOF The parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seal the day and year abovewritten. W.O.R. uc®rd ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Monday the 18th day January 1915 it It (t if it it tt If it it H tt it tt It if It it it State Bank of Blaine "State Bank of Blaine, Blaine, 'gash." By John Nicoll, President of Incorporated 1906. Seal it By Louis H Moore, Cashier it it If it n"" it if u of it If it It It to it If It of it If I of It 11 11 it It I it I "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of 'Vhatcom County " It State of Washington " to of 11 it It It 11 U it It It It it 11 Attest: 71i ll D 'Jal lace County Auditor _-,rid Clerk of said Board. ''1h.atcom County J B IicLlillan, Chairman Henry Slater, Commissioner Henry Shagren, Commissioner O.K. as to form; 'r1.P. Brown, County Attorney. ---------- 000---------- `l'HIS AGREE11MYT I;Iade this 18th day of January, 1915, between the Lynden State Bank of Lynden, Whatcom County, Washington, party of the first part, and 1.11HATC019 COUNTY, by J.B. McMillan, Henry Shagren and Henry Slater, its commissioners, of the State of .'lashington, party of the second part, 71ITNESSETH: THAT, 7HEREAS, second party, by and through its Treasurer, has named and designated first party a depository of a portion or all of the public funds held and required to be kept by said Treasurer; and 'JBIMEAS, second party has deposited, and does intend to deposit, and :rill deposit, with first party public funds and money belonging to said second party; and �, EREAS, said first party will receive and realize pec&niary advantages and benefits by reason of and from said funds and moneys being so deposited with said first party; and TIHLREAS, said first party does hereby acknowledge and agree that it mill derive bene- fits and advantages by reason of and from said deposits being made, as aforesaid, by record party. I304, T'IER+'►ORE, for and in consideration of said deposits being made, as aforesaid, first party does hereby covenant and agree to pay to second party interest on said funds and Moneys at the rate of tvro per centum per annuxa, said interest to be computed on an account equal to the average daily balances of all funds and moneys deposited with said first party by said second party during all the time when first party shall act as a depository of said public funds and moneys. IT IS I?URTIMH AGRIUM by and between the parties hereto, that first party will pay to second party the interest aforesaid monthly, and in monthly payments, at the end of each and every month during all the times second party shall have first party as one of its depositories, for any of its funds and :ioneys. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that before any deposit of any funds or moneys is made by the said second party with the said first party, that the said first party shall deposit with the treasurer of the said second party bonds, warrants or other negotiable paper as security, to be approved by the proper officers of the said second party, sufficient to satisfy and hold harmless the said second party ag.inst all loss, if any, by reason of having made said deposit of funds or moneys to the said first party. It is furt-her agreed by and between the parties hereto that second party or its treasurer may call for any or all of its funds or moneys so deposited with first party at any time, and without notice to first party, and in case of default on the part of first party in the payment of any or all of the funds and moneys so deposited second party may have the right either at public or private sale to dispose of any bonds or warrants deposit ed a-s security for the money deposited by second party with first party, without notice of its intention to dispose of said warrants being given first party or to any one, and Record of Commissioners' Proceedings JanLiar,� Term L'�onday the 18th day January W.0. R. 191 first party hereby waives all the right that it may have to notice on the part of second party to dispose of said bonds or warrants, it being; the intention to allow second party to convert any bonds or warrants deposited with its treasurer at any time without notice, either at public or private sale, in case of default upon the part of the first party in repaying to second party money deposited with first party. It is further agreed that in case ,of the sale of said bonds or yaarrants, that any amount derived from the sale of said bonds or warrants in excess of the amount deposited by second party vrith first party will be paid over to first party. IN ,IITEESS .x1Hi+,R1:OF the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. II II II II II I II II II II II II II II II II II II 11Lynden State Bank, Lynden, Flash. 'I !!Incorporated 1907. Seal 11 11 11 of If II It 11 11 11 11 II It It 11 It t1 11 II II 11 II II II II II II II II II II t.1 11 II II "Board of County Commissioners" "of 7hatcom County, State of 11 " 'Jashington 11 It 1► It 11 II 11 II II 11 11 1► II 1► 11 11 1► Attest: %lill D-dallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. Lynden State Bank, By P I.1 Serrurier, President By ,'/ B Vander Gri end, Cashier `!'JAT COT1 COUNTY, J B I.1cI Ti llan, Chairman Henry Slater, Commissioner Henry Shagren, Commissioner 0 K as to form: Il P Brown, County Attorney. ---------- 000---------- THIS AGRT:K-1EN I41ade this 18th day of January, 1915, between the Garrison Brothers State Bank of Sumas, Jhatcom County, 'da- shington, party of the first part, and:'MITCOM COUE'TY, By J.B. Liclillan, Henry Shagren and Henry Slater, its commissioners, of the State of 'v7ashin rton, party of the second part, IIT�IJ�SSLl'1i: THAT, _JHEREAS, second party, by and through its Treasurer has named and deli rated first party a depository of a portion or all of the public funds held and required to be kept.by said Treasurer; and 7H1,REAS, second party has deposited, and does intend to deposit, and will deposit, with first party public funds and money belonging to said sedond party; and WHLREAS, said first party will receive and realize pecuniary advantages and benefits by reason of and from said funds and moneys being so deposited ,with said first party; and JIiLRr�AS, said first party does hereby acknol�ledge and a free that it vrill derive benefits and advantages by reason of and from said deposits being made, as aforesaid, by second party. 1,401;/, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of said deposits being made, as aforesaid, first party does hereby covenant. and agree to nay to second party interest on said funds and imoneys at the rate of two per cent. per annura, said interest to be computed on an account equal to the average daily balances of all funds and moneys deposited with said first party by said second party dpring all the time when first party shall act as a de- pository of said public funds and moneys. IT IS 75MITTIERAGRFLD by and between the parties hereto, that first party will pay to second party the interest a.f'oresaicl monthly, and in monthly pa�Tients, at the end of each and every month ejuring all thr times second party shall have first party as one ofits depositories, for any of its funds and moneys. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that before any deposit of any funds or moneys is made by the said second party -rritn the said first party, that the said first party shall deposit -•rith the treasurer of the said second nL�rty bonds, warrants or other negotiable paper as security, to be approved by the proper officers of the said second party, sufficient to satisfy and hold harmless t:ae said :second party a;ainst all loss, if W.O.R. ' �M Record of Commissioners? Proceedings January Term 31onday the 18th day. January _ 1915 any, by reason of having made said deposit of funds or moneys to the first party. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that second party or its treasurer may call .for any or all of its funds or moneys so deposited with first party at any time, and without notice to first party, and in case of default on the part of first party in the payment of any or all of the funds and moneys so deposited second party may have the right either at public or private sale to dispose of any bonds or warrants de- posited as security for the money deposited by second party "with first party, without notice of its intention to dispose of said. warrants being given first party or to any one, and first party hereby waives all the right that it may have to notice on the part of second party to dispose of said bonds or warrants, it being the intention to allow second party to convert any bonds or warrants deposited with its treasurer at any time without notice, -either at public or private sale, in case of default upon the part of the first party in repaying to second party money deposited with first party. It is further agreed that in case of the sale of said bonds Qr:r ,,•rarrants, that any amount derived from the sale of said bonds or warrants in excess of the amount deposited by second party with first party will be paid over to first party. ITS r'dI CHESS '"1111REOF the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. "Garrison Brothers, :Bankers. Sumas;' "WashirY gton. Incorporated Jan'y. " -18th, 1913. Seal to to " it of it It n It n n It tr „ n n u n of to 11 11 I It I 11 It 11 I I „ I It "Board of County Corami ss- " "ioners of 71hatcom County " " State of 1,11:-,shingrton is to It It It ,t it 11 11 it it of it It It Attest:`dlill D :flallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. Garrison Bros. State Bank., By L.A. Garrison, President By F.S. Garrison, Cashier. 71TIATC0I.1 COUNTY J B 1.IcTli 1 lan, Henry Slater, Henry Shagren, Cha,i rrrian Commissioner Commissioner U.K. as to form: "P1 P Brown, Counter Aihtorney. --- 000---- ----- THIS ACTT � [KIT Made this 18th day of January, 1915, between the Ferndale State Bank of Ferndale, '4hatcom County, t.'lashin�Tton, part-Nr of the first part, and 11TIATCOM COUNTY, by J.B. llci:lillan, Henry Shagren and Henry Slater, its commissioners, of the State of Wa.shinUton, party of the second part, ','IITIIESSETH: `P111A'1", 'TJHIRRAS, second nasty, by and though its Treasurer has named and designated first party a depository of a portion or all of the public funds held and required to be kept by said Treasurer; and 1,71111REAS, second party ba,s deposited, -anti does intend to deposit, a.nd. will deposit with first party public funds and money belongring to said second party; and ` II19MAS, said first party swill receive and realize pecmniary advantacres and benefits by reason of a.nd from said funds ind moneys being so deposited rri th said first party; aid JHI,,Rhj�S, said first party does hereby acknowledge and agree that it will derive beri& fits and advantages by reason of and from said deposits being made, as aforesaid, by second party. 110,41 THEREFORE, for and in consideration of said deposits being made, as aforesaid, first party does hereby covenant and agree to pay to second party interest on said funds and, moneys at the rate of taro per cent. per annum, said interest to be computed on an account equal to the average daily balances of all Cund.s and moneys deposited with said first party by said second party during; all the time ',,ihen first party shall act as a de- pository of said public funds and moneys. W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Term 'ronday the 18th day January 191 IT IS FURTHER A TREED by and between the parties hereto, that first party viill pay to second party the interest aforesaid monthly, and in monthly payments, at the end of each and every month during all the times second party shall have .first party as one of its depositories, for any of its funds and moneys. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that before any deposit of any funds or moneys is wade by the said second party laith the said first party, that the said fiat party shall deposit with the treasurer of the said second party bonds, warrants or other negotiable paper as security, to be approved by the ,proper officers of the said. second party, aufficient to satisfy and hold harmless the said second party against all loss, if any, by reason of having made said deposit of funds or moneys to the first pares. It is further agreed by and betvreen the parties hereto that second party or its treasurer may call for any or all of its funds or moneys so deposited with first party at any time, and without notice to first party, and in case of default on the part of first party in the payment of any or all of the funds and moneys so deposited second party may have the: right either at public or private sale to dispose of any bonds or wa,rra,nts deposit ed as security for the money deposited by second party with first -party, without notice of its intention to dispose of said warrants being given first party or to any one, and first party hereby waives all the right that it may have to notice on the part of second party to dispose of said bonds or viarr-ants, it being the intention to allow second party to convert any bonds or aarrants deposited Ath its treasurer at any time without notice, either at public or private sale, in case of default upon the part of the first party in repaying; to second p= rty nioney deposited .,ii th first party. It is further agreed that in case of the sale of said bonds or warrants, that any amount derived from the sale of said bonds or warrants in excess of the axiount deposited by second. party with first party will be paid over, to first party. IIN WiT'1,hi.3 .1HERP;OF the parties to these presents have hreunto set their hands and seals the flay find year above written. " u""" I I " u n n"" n n u n n II n "Ferndale State Bank, Ferndale, Wash. " " Incorporated 1904. Seal of 11 to it It If It It if it it it a it 1t it of 11 1f it to II N " II II II I II II I I II ,I II ":hoard of County Corrniss- " "ions rs of 'Ihatco:n Count,r " to S)tate of 'Ias hin ton " of if 11 it It ,t 11 11 .1 ,t �? q 11 Attest: D ;'lallace Jounty Auditor and Clerk of said Board. Ferndale St•yte :Sank By T? 1: Campbell, President By Percy Tlood, Cashier 71HATC01,I COTJjT'PY' J B I.fc7illan, Henry Slater, Ilenry Shagren, Chairman Corunissioner Conuni ss ioner U.K. as to fora: 'J P Brown, County Attorney. -- •-000----------- `I HIS AGRCS�iridT, !,mde this 18th day of Tanuary, 1915, bct-::een the Yooksack ?Talley State Bank of Lverson, '.'Ilaatcom County, `3as'zington, party of the first part, and ';RiATCOl COU d 'Y, By J.3. T cl.:illan, Henry 1hagren and Henry Slater, its comanissioners, of the State of ', ashington, party of the second part, ',71T1I'ES:I;TH: T'11AT, diiiREAS, second party by and throug'_n Lts Treasurer, ha.s named and designated first Darty a depository of a porticx; ar all of the public funds held and required to be kept by said Treasurer; and '.11H1_REAS, second party hats deposited, and does intend. to deposit, and will deposit, i,rith first party public funds and money bejongin- to said second p9,rty; a,nd .;::1REAS, s i�� first party will receive and. realize pecuniary advantages and benefits by reason of and from said :funds and moneys being so deposited with said first party; and W.O.R. (� Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term I:Ionday the 18th play - January 191 ;,AEREAS, said first party does hereby ackno�,vledge and agree that it viill derive benefits and advantages goy reason of and from said deposits being made, as aforesaid, by second party. iioll, THI-REFO tom, for and in consideration of said deposits being made, as aforesaid, first party does i-reby covenant and .agree to pay to ,econd. party interest on said funds and moneys at the rate of t,ro per centiun per a.nnura, said interest to be computed on an account equal to the average daily balances of all funds and moneys deposited with said first party by said second party during all the time when first party shall act as a de- pository of said public funds and moneys. IT IS FUR`1'HITI AGREED by and betvreen the parties hereto, that first party grill pay to second party the interest aforesaid monthly, ind in monthly payments, at the end of each and every month during all the times second party shall have first p^.rty as one of its depositories, for any of its funds a,ncl moneys. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that before any deposit of any funds or moneys is made by the said second party vrith the said -first party, that the said first party shall deposit ui th the treasurer of the said second party bonds, warrants or other negotiable paper as security, to be approved' by tthe proper officers of the said second: party, sufficient io satisfy and holdharrnless th.c caid. second party arrainst all lo. s, if any, by reason of having made said deposit of funds or moneys to the said first party. It is further -reed by and between the parties hereto that second party or its treasurer may call for any or all of its funds or moneys so deposited viith first party at any time, and. ;1ithout notice to first party, and in case of. (?e `ruilt on the y:)art of first party in the payment of any or all of the funds, and Tnone,,rs so deposited second party may have the right either at public or private sale to dispose of any bonds or warrants de- posited as security for the none-ir deposited by second party with- first party, without notice of its intention to dispose of said warrants being given first party or to any one, and first party hereby waives all the right that it may have to notice on the part of second party to dispose of said bonds or warrants, it being the intention to alloy second party to convert any bonds or aarvants deposited with its treasurer at any time viithout notice, either -at public or private sale, in case of d.ef'au.lt upon the part of the first party in repaying to second party money deposited v ith first party. It is further agreed that in case of the sale of said bonds or warrants, that any amount derived from the sale of said bonds or Yrarrants in excess of the mount deposited by second party with first party will be paid over to first party. Ii�l 'JITIBSS 'rlIiEREOF the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. 11 II I I I I I It I I It I I I I "i,Tooksack Valley State Banic " "Everson, ',:ash. Incorporated" of 1906 Seal It H it it n u u n 11 It it It J" to It it It " I II I it II H ii I I I it I "Board of County Corrmi ss- " "loners of ,Jhatcorn County " '' State of :la,shington " It of tt tt tt 1t If flit tt - tt ,t tt tf Atteot: 'I:ill 1? i.allace County i:uditor and Clerk of said Board. Nooksank I.Talley Ctate Bank, Everson, 'lash. By B Bollerud, President '3y rIenry P Johnson, Cashier '•ITIAT 0O1.I COUILT 'Y J B I IcI.'i llan, Henry Sla.terrji Henry Shagren, Cha,irrnan Commissioner Commissioner O.I-. %s to form: %7 P Brown, County Attorney, -----a____ Cn motion tli.e `card adjourned to meet on T.-onda.y, 7'eb. 1, 191t5. �`�/� -:1_1 � .airman .of_ the Boa.rd.R'_ County Cor=issioners. W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January- Term Ifondav the lst (MY Februa.ry 1915 F._onday, February 1, 1915. The Board met pursuant to a,d.,iourmiient ta•I;en on January lei, 1915. Present, J B I-clUlla:n, Chairman; ITe:�ry' Slater and. Ilenry Sha fren, ^.c.rrar,issioners; .'Jill I) 7alla.ce, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The folloain claims were allowed and nroccedings had: ,fill D 'dallace August Ln:,,iuist S L Barret Y C I;lartin Lucy h King P:i 'Tho;wis Jessie: alters G N I•iunn J B I.`_CI'�i11an Henry Slater. 11cr.ry Shao-ren Delia L Keeler 1thel Lverett Henry C Beach Ld•..'i n 1., Day ITarri son Cowden F L :lyYnan Bessie Cline 0 E Beebe Hector Gawley .' P 13rown Locmis Llad.rey Llaybe l l e Bryan Iiellie .C. Roo- rs F L Olslazer John Fernley Clive Wilson G 1� Pence Agnes Tiedrud N SaYnson Ld L Hardin dilliarn it Peiuberton rilithe.a J*Idaias Ali then Adams Geo ;� Cook G P Kincaid H L` L cArthur Jas Elder r iu Carver H N Gcoree David 'lurtenber Wilson Stewart "Vilson Stewart L J Yla.naE;an L:nery Hess E R 11unamak er J.i B Byla nd Geo H l/atrous C I:: Adaris C L Phoenix C.a.rl I.CcCoy 6 h Liunn E C Lyle P G Cooke H C Swettenam Jaynes Goheen Clay C Cook C C 1Li ng lu B K i ng Nettie UYnith John Colling I -I J Hurst u eorge Slater Blanche funk ILiller Hugh Eldridge Puget Sound T L & P Co Henry Slater Henry Shagren 14' h 'Wyman Lelia L Keeler 0 11 1. unn a H ii emye r Barney Hanson ;els Eelson Hazel Fox A R Cr)nipbe 11 Harrison Cowden Treasurer of the Crel Handy Albert C Herre ;li 11 D Viallace, do F Z; 110,)Crts A I4L -Burnside F `d Seidell G J Head State of VIa,sh. Co I_ud. „LIIi1LT�'T IJXP Y�IISE FITIvM . Salary tis County Auditor Salary as Chief rep Auditor Salary as Deputy Auditor do glary as Chief Iecorder Salary .-.s Recorder do 1':xte;n-1in; Ditch Tax Tolls for Auditor Scale, ny -1s Co Cor:ir:)issioncr 11 days do do do Salary as Supt Co Schools Salary as Den Supt Co Schools Salary as Jus Lice of the Peace do 2/3 mo Salary a.s ('onst-b1e Salary as Probation Officer do Salary as County Physician Salary a.s Janitor Salary as Prosecuting Attorney 2/3 no Salary a.s P_ep Pros Attorney 2/3 mo Salary as Stenographer :for Pros Atty 2/3 mo Salary as Co 'Treasurer Salary as Dep CO •'Treasurer Salnry a.s Bookkeeper for Co Treas. Salary as Clerk for Co 'Treasurer do do do aal,ary as Superior Judge do Salary is Co Clerk 2/3 mo Salary -:_as Pep Co Clerk 1 /3 Y:Yo do do 2/3 mo Sal-).ry as Co Assessor Salary as Dep Co Assessor do do do Salary as Sheriff 2/3 mo Salary as Del) Sheriff 1/3 mo Salary as Dep Sheriff do do Salary as Jailer. Salary a.s Spl Dep :sheriff Salary a,s Co In ineer Salary a.s Dep Co Eng Salay3r a.s Draughtsman for Co yncr Salary as Tra,nsitman for Co Eng do do Salary .-as Chainman for Co Eng. do do Salary n s Supt Co Home Sa1�Lr;r as 1. atron at Co home Salary as Cook at Co Horne Salary as Teams ter at Co Iiome Salary as Nurse at Co :Lome Salary as Guard at Co Home Salary as Clerk for J P 2/3 mo Stamped Envelopes for Co Auditor Lts for Ot Hs 46.-Cen Elect .25-'Pickets for Sheriff 10. Expense as Co Commissioner to Co:z7rertion hxp as Conmir 5.70- & to Convention `21.15 Exp as Prob Officer 5.70-IR 11 Tickets for Indi ,ents 72. Exp 20.80 L, Lxpr. 3.88 as Co Supt Services to Pros Atty a/c Elder Ditch Services as Dep Sheriff do ':fitness a/c Grand Jury Typewriting for Pros i�tty Tracing of Survey for Co I:n Refund of I."oneys paid in error Forest fire protection, 1914 Services on Board. of Education do Recording deeds for Drain. Dist'hro. 9 Recording deed, for Drain Dist I?o. 7 Scalp Bounty on 2 mild cats Scalp .County on 7 wild cats Scalp -Bounty on 5 .gild cats calp Founty on 1 wild cat 158.33 100.00 100.00 80.00 80.00 70.00 70.00 10.50 55.00 55.00 150.00 150.00 �0.00 100.00 66. 67 60.00 75.00 50.00 33.33 25.00 105.55 66.67 50.00 166.66 100.00 90.00 80.00 80.00 75.00 75.00 125.00 125.00 105.55 33.33 100.00 66.67 125.00 80.00 115.00 75.00 75.00 105.55 26.66 100.00 80.00 53.33 60.00 80.50 158.33 87.50 100.00 17.50 87.50 15.00 60.00 1.25' 5.00 70.00 30.00 45.00 30.00 10.00 60.00 160 66 108.72 56.25 21.75 26. 85 77.70 24.68 15.00 24.50 7.00 4.00 8.10 10.00 3.15 479.20 12.00 15.00 6.00 2i.g0 10.00 35.00 25.00 5.00 W.O.R. , Record of Commissioners,' Procoodings January Term Monday the lst day February. 1915 SOLDiIRS RELIEF FTJ�1D. . Sarah Foster Relief 12.00 George Elsperman Hell rent for Reynolds, Post No. 32 (5 mo). 15.00. ROAD AT D BRIDGE :1 IJIM . G H Abers Tending Ferndale Bridge 5.00 C A scrimsher Operating I:tarietta Ferry 50.00 GAI:iT; PRIOTECTION J.+UIM. J- IA Aitken Salary Expense as Game 'harden 123.70 Leslie Jones Salary &Expense as Dep Game i7arden 79.30 J E Lee do 77.40 Larson's Livery & Trf Livery for Game `harden 2.00 J R Delany Supplies for Fish Hatchery 7.35 Alvin Boraker Labor at fish Hatchery 4.50 Xor.t1^west Hdia Co Material for Fish Hatchery 2.12 ---------- 0QO------_--- The Bond of II A Brynjolfsen, as Commissioner for Dike District Yo. 1 of Point Tloberts, was endorsed 'Approved" by the Board. ---------- 000------__--- The minutes of the January session were read and approved by the Board. On motion the Board. adjourned to meet on Tuesday, February 2, 1915. Attest: ^� County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. rMFIn Bo,l t ounty Commissioners. W ' 8W.O.R. Record of Commijssioners' Proceedings January Term Tuesday the 2nd day February 1915 Tuesday, February 2, 1915. The Board met.pursuant to adjournment taken on February 1, 1915 Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following, claims were allowed and proceedings had: C 1,i Adams Ii D McArthur Frank ''! Bixby L A Thomas do ,lilson Stewart do C C King Lnnen, Goodman & Cc V1 J Pynor Royal Dairy Co :Famous Shoe House Ferndale Garage "orthwest Hdw •Co Pickering lidw Co Union Carbide Sales Cc �m Cameron P A Miller Geo Casebeer Dr 0 E Beebe St Luke's Hospital St Joseph's hospital. Dr S S Howe Dr S H Johnson Dr Carl C Hills Dr J Reid I;Iorrison Owl Pharmacy The Weiser Drug Co Red Cross Pharmacy I:irs llellie Peterson Iy;rs A Graveline Blue Front Clothing Cc Harlow & Livingston Irene Idetevier B. "�Y Brake Plorence E Wright Ii 1, Stuart 1drs W A' Smith CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Exp as Eng 2.90 & to Convention 23. Exp as Assessor a/c C;omyvttion Exp as Pros Atty to Convention Expense as Sheriff -Jan 1 to 9 inc Board of Prisoners -.Tan i to 11 inc Expense as Sheriff 2/3 mo Board of Prisoners 2/3 rao Expense as Supt Co Home Groceries for Co Home Groc., Pwd. & Feed for Cc Home Butter for Cc Home Shoes for Co Home Batteries etc for Cc Borne Supplies for Cc Home Supplies for Co Home Carbide for Cc Horne Blacksmithing for Cc I=Iome Feeding Co " Home team Grinding Feed for Cc Home Money advanced for R R `Pickets to Cc Patients Care of Cc Patients do Operating on eye of Co Patient Assisting, Co Physician do do Medicine for Cc Patients do do Care of Yrs Bjorndahl Board of two Co Patients Clothes for Cc Patient Burial of two indigents Reg Births & Deaths in Dist #1 do #2 do #3 do #4 do i,`5 11ARRIAGE CERTIFICATE FUIM. 25.90 20.35 36.50 122.50 80.80 46.46 130.40 11.45 141.18 210.35 28.80 7.70 2.60 3.50 7.80 45.00 7.40 2.20. 6.60 6.15 162.00 118.35 50.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 6.75 12.55 9.10 31.00 48.80 1.86 50.00 4.25 5.75 9.25 10.00 4.25 Alithea, Adams, Cc Clerk Recording 1_arriage Certificates 27.00 J H Smith, Clk Skagit Co do 1.00 000---------- Upon.:.:recommendation of'the County Assessor, the Board approved the applicaticn for correction of 1914 personal tax against Peter Knutzen. ---------- 000---------- The January report of O E Beebe, Cc Physician, was approved by the Board. On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, February 3, 1915. airman Board County Commissioners.. W.O.R. Record of Commissi oners' Proceedings January Term Wednesday the 3rd- day February 191 "ilednesday, February 3, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on February 2, 1915. Present, all members of the. Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims viere allowed and proceedings had: CURIiEITT EXPENSE FUND. Loomis Baldrey Expense as Dep Pros Attorney 1.30 F E IJyman" Expense as Probation Officer 6.65 Ii•rs *'Bess-ie' Cline do 3"bO C G Winemiller Care of Juvenile Prisoners 26:50 Empire Meat & Grocery Co Groceries for Asplund et al 38.60 E A Altman Groceries for Mrs `.Chompson 10.00 Ireland & Pancoast Groceries for Mrs Anna Steele et al 20.60 Corner -Grocery Groceries for Bloomstrom 5.00 Kinsey-Stenvig Groc. Co Groceries for Iirs Soha 12.10 .East End Grocery Groceries for Anna Trove 10.00 Brown & Cole, Inc. Groceries for Westerman et al. 15.00 B B'Grociery Co Groceries for D K Sanford 5.00 Columbia Grocery Groceries for Wra McBride 4.45 Ireland. & Pancoast Groceries for Hilliard et al 15.65 Mt Baker Grocery Groceries for Jackson -et al 11.00 P G Gulbransen Groceries for D A Webb 10.00 Ennen, Goodman & Co Groceries for Burch & Johnson 28.05 Fischer & Isaacs Groceries for H 11 Adams 14.15 ';dolten & Montfort' Groceries for Byron 6.80 Nilson & Brown Groceries for Bainter & Eastman 27.55' A C Manning Groceries for Mrs J W Wing 10.00 H B Niles Groceries for Fred Nelson 10.00 Tudor & Linn Groceries for Mrs H Tallada 5.7*5 T S Berkeley Groceries for Nancy Rogers 9.96 Stephenson & Sigurd6on. Groceries for Stif enson 10.00 White & Burton Groceries for Magner et al, 27.50 Golden Rule Store Groceries for Irrrs Brand 8.00 14 C Oelkers Idilk for I•,+rs H Becker 4.50 Chas 'Jl Allen Blood for Adams et al 12.50 Frank Smith Wood for Idrs Clara Stover 4.50 S J Nelson Wood for Jno Moultray 2.50 Stenger Fuel Co Wood for J Dillon et al 13.75 L.Verstandig Clothing for.John Huffman 2.48 Firs Nellie Iuiller Board of Scott Ford 5.00 Clara Zaddock House rent for Becker. 8.00 T F Monahan House rent for. LZrs Soha 5.00 R L Kline House rent for Tabor 5.00 Victor A Roeder House rent for Iirs Neal- 20.00 Mrs L L Smithey House rent & fuel for Enoch Anderson 10.50 Bellingham Livery & Trf Drayage for Mrs Sophia 7.75 Frank 1I Sweat Scalp Bounty on 5 wild cats 3 25.00 J Vl Peterson Scalp Bounty on 1 wild cat 5.00 ---------- o00---------- ./ The January peport of C C King, Supt of Co Home, was approved by the' Board. ----------- 000---------- The bond of J A Largaud as Commissioner in -Dike District No. 1 of. Point Roberts, was approved by the Board. ------ ---000---------- Upon recommendation of the County Assessor the Board approved the application for correction of 1914 personal tax_aEainst E N Stewart, A H Frasier and real estate tax against AT P Ry' Co' on lands in. 28-40-4E, B V Idounter on 1913 tax on Yhgl of Tax No 21 oppo- site Lot 3 Blk 12 Lynden and 1914 tax against J W Jacobs on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 less Road in 17-40-5E. ---------- 000---------- / R E S O L U T I O N. v 'JIuI:REAS, the -Board of County Commissioners of '�Yhatcom County, Washington, have receiv ed the sack;intelligence of the death of LB:rs. Victoria 1. Hardin, wife of the Senior Judge of the Superior Court of %7hatcom County, Washington, and it is deemed by the said Board fit and proper as a tribute to. the excellent character and life of Mrs. Hardin, as well as showing our sympathy for Judge Ed. E..Hardin and his family over the irr epa.rable loss of a loving wife and mother. r T1 +'I E, ORE', BE IT RESOLVED by the Boc.rd of County Commissioners of %'1hatcom County, Washington, in regular session assembled, that we request the heads of the different departments of county government to attend the funeral services of Tars Hardin if it is possible' for them to do so; and be it further resolved that as a mark of respect that W.O.R. 510 Recordof Proceedings January Term ,'lednesday the 3rd . day February 1915 this Board adjourn between the hours of ten and twelve on the day of the said funeral.. BOARD OF COUNTY CO?nAISSIONERS to By J B Mcl i llan, "Board of County Cornmiss- " Chairman "ioners of 'd/hatcom County " Henry Slater It State cf Washington " Commissioner If if it If it if it if it it If it to if Henry Shagren Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk -of Laid Board. ---------- 000---------- BEI+ORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMAISSION {'RS OF WHATCOM, COUNTY, 71ASHIN13TON. In the Matter of a ;;ompetent Under- ) taker to Care for Dead Bodies which ( 0 R D E R are the Subject of-- Inquests. ) %7H.FRRAS, under Sec 4030-5, R & B, Vol. 3, dealing with the subject of corners and inquests, it is necessary that the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcora County, Vash- ington, designate a competent undertaker to take charge of such dead bodies as may be the subject of an inquest, except where a legal claimant demands said body; and, Whereas, the said section provides that the board of county commissioners shall allow compensation for the burial of such dead bodies by an undertaker, provided that the sum for such buria shall not exceed Thirty-five Dollars, to be paid for out of the general fund of the county, unless sufficient funds are found upon or.belonging to deceased to pay for such burial; and, 'dhereas, Tvienty-five Dollars is a reasonable sum for the burial of any such dead bodies, and it being more convenient and satisfactory to bury any such dead bodies from theundertaking establishment of the nearest and most convenient undertaker: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners that the sum of Twenty-five Dollars be allowed for the -burial of any such dead bodies and that the nearet' and most convenient undertaker is hereby designated by the Board of County Commissioners of VJhatgcom County, Washington, to be a competent undertaker to decently bury such dead bodies. Done in open session this 3rd day of January, 1915. "Board of County Commiss- " "i oners of �Ilhat com County " If State of Washington " It to of It If if to it It to to 11 rr " Attest: 'dill D dallace County Auditor ;and Clerk ` of the Board. ---------- 000---------- J B IAcIIi llan, Henry Slater, Henry Shagren, Chairman Commissioner Commissioner BEFORE T}IE .TION0i3IBLE BOARD, OF COUNTY C033'.AISSIO.MIS OF ';17-1ATCOM COUNTY, ','/ASTIINGTON. In the matter of Drainage Improve, -!rent Di sari ct ) j Order re Election Returns. Vo. 5 of 4Jhatcom. County, 'dlashington. Heretofore an election for the purpose of electing Supervisor in the manner provided - by law was. ordered by this Board, and notice thereof %vas ordered and directed to be given, all as provided by law. Pursuant to said order and the laves of the State of 7ashington, an election.was held in said Drainage Improvement District No. 5 on Tuesday, the 8th day of December, 1914; that on this 14th day of December, 1914, this Board canvassed the returns of said election in the manner provided by law, and that the said returns exhibit the follo--ling: That there were, all told, ten votes cast; that G N Heaton received six votes, Charles Sickelsteel W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term .;Tednesday the 3rd day February 1915 J y received t'zree votes and J H Dorr received one vote. .j�HE.1 FOIiE, IT IS 011DA;}1ED that G I7 Heaton be, -and he is declared duly elected `3upervisor of said District for the period of two years; and that a certificate of election issue to the said G X Heaton upon his taking oath and filing bond as required by law. Done in open session of said Board this 3rd day of February, 1915. J B 11clli llan It it ►► "" n u n s n u ►t n r► C iairman "Board of County Commiss- " Henry Slater "ioners of Jhatcom County " Commissioner " State of ';ra,shin.7ton " Henry Sliagren of it " " if it it It it It It " Corunissioner Attest:Jill D -.1allace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. -----._---- The Oath of Office and Official Bond of G N Heaton, Supervisor for Drainage Improve- ment District No 5, were approved by the Board. ---------- 000----------- BEFORE THE HONORABIE B01173D OF COUITTY COI:Il'11ISSIO;dILliS OF 'JHATCOM COUNTY, :TASHINGTON. In the Latter of Drainage ) Improvement District 'N 5 of (ORDER APPROVIIIG BOND OF SUPERVISOR. 'Whatcora County, l-Washington. ) 'difERIAS, G.N. Heaton was on the 8th day of December, 1914, duly elected Supervisor of Drainage Improvement District No. 5 of `�,Thatcori County, Washington, in manner and form as provided by lair; and JI-EEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has provided that, to qualify, the said Supervisor must give a bond in the amount of �'200.00, ,-rith sureties to be approved by the board. N0,919 THE'REFORL, the said. G.N. Heaton having taken the oath of office and executed bond in the amount required by the Board, the said bond, with the sureties, is hereby approved, and the said G.N. Heaton is declared to be the duly elected and qualified Supervisor of said Drainage Improvement District No. 5 of ldhatcom County, Jashington. Done in open session of said Board this 3rd day of February, 1915. J.B. I:IcI:.illan it to of of Itit it to of toit to It of Chairman "Board of County Coiniiiss- " henry Slater "ioners of `,Jhatcom County " Co%unissioner " State of 'Jushington '' Henry Shagren If It it go It n �i to it n" n n" Coirunissioner Attest: 'gill D '.7allace County Auditor and Clerk of -.'.ae 3oard. ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE HONORABIE BOAR'S OF COUNTY CO",711ISSIONE''RS OF ''JHATCOM COUNTY, `:"JASHING`.PON. In the It'atter of Drainage ) Improvement District No. 4 of j ORDER APPRUING B0I1D OF SUPERVISOR. .t1hatcom County, `;Tashington ,TIliRLAS, Leonard Zwee;jnan was on t:o.e Sth day of December, 1914, duly elected Super- visor of Drainage Improvement District I,7o. 4 of `1ha.tcom County, Washington, in manner and form as provided by law; and `yTHLREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has provided t:i.at, to qualify, the said Supervisormust give a bond in the amount of ti'200.00, with sureties to be approved by the Board. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term ''Wednesday the 3rd clay February W.O.R. 191 1d0 J, THEREFORE, the said Leonard Zweegman 'paving taken t1j1e oath of office and execut- ed bond in the amount required by the Board, the said bond, with the sureties, is hereby approved, and the said Leonard ZweeTnan is declared to be the duly elected and aualifie& Supervisor of said Drainage Improvement District No. 4 of Vlhabcom County, Washington. Done in open session of the ?hoard of County Commissioners of 'JJhatcom County, Washing- ton, this Feb. 3, 1915. II It II II tt II It II II It It It II 11 "i;oard of County Commi ss- " "ioners of `;lhatcom County " " State of `.Vashin;;ton " to to It It It If " to to to It 11 of It littest: 'Jill D 'rJallace Clerk of said Board. In the ;utter of the approval of ) Bond of H R Nelson, Constable J.3. T: cl7illan Chairman Henry ;later Cof-iunissioner Henry Shagren Corz.gissioner ---------- 000---------- O R D E R IT IS ELREBY ORDLRED by this Board that the bond of H R Nelson, duly elected Constable for Blaine Precincts, on November 3rd 1914, for the term of office beginning on the second Eonday in January, 1915, be, and same is hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this,,3rd day of February, 1915. It 11 II 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of 'Uhatcom county to State of Washington " to 11 It It 1 11 It II U It It It 11 11 fittest ,/ill D lallac e County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- J . B . i:cl Ti l lan Chairman of the Board Henry Slater Coi,-uni ssioner Henry Shagren Coilvnissloner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, February 4, 1915. _ airraan Board County Commissioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners'- Proceedings 3 '• January Term Thursday the 4th day February 1915 Thursday, February 4th 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on February 3, 1.915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed. CUMIEN`1' EXPENSE FUITD. Harrison Cowden Expense as Constable 3.30 P G Cooke Expense as Dep Co Engineer 4.75 Charles E Phoenix do 11.20 E C Lyle . Exp a s Dep Co End; a/c Hannega.n Itd 21.90 0 N Munn Exp -is Dep Co Engineer 7.20 hatcom Co Abstract Co Lists of R E Transfers to Assessor 2.00 The Abstract & Title Ins Co List of Lands owned by Whatcom County 20.00 Anstett Printin-, Co Printing .for Aud 12.50 & Clerk 11.50 24.00 Union Prtg, Bndg & Sta Co Records, Furniture etc; for `!Teas 36.50- Supt 15.10-Aud 22.85-End; 305.00-Assessor 162. 541.45 Towner Prtg Co Prtg & Sup for Aud 12.75-Atty 24.25- 'rea,s 17.75-Clerk 4.75 59.50 Selby -Harris Co Supplies for Co Offices 27.86 Blaine Press Prtg for Aud 20.75-J P 7.25 28.00 The Irwin -Hodson Co Blanks etc fo-r Auditor 9.67 G L Mrorgan Letterheads etc for J P 7.00 O'C Armstrong Co dubber stamps for Aud 1.85-Sher 2.40 4.25 Amberg File L Index Co Cases etc for Co Treasurer 11.10 Remington Typewriter Cc Oil for Type Machines 1.00 Lynden Livery Livery for Supt 5.-Feed for Co Horne teara 1.75 6.75 Pioneer Livery & 'lrf Livery for Co Supt 2.50 Lester H Everett Livery hire to Co Supt 7.50 Ferndale Livery Livery for Sheriff 3.50-Prob Of 2. 5.50 Larsons Livery & Trf Livery for Probation Officer 2.50 Uolden's Transfer Expressage for Co Auditor 1.50 Bellingham Truck Cc Drayage for Aud .50-Treas 3.90 4.40 Hale Taxi & Auto Cc Auto hire to Sheriff 1.00 F J 'Barlow Auto hire to Co Physician 3.50 Diehl & Simpson Sup -Rep -Driving Co Auto 190.14 CIO Auto hirei to Co Officials 65.00 dhatc:om Co Humane Society Pros. & Conv. of A Taylor for cruelty to AnS3malS 10.00 Geor-e Livesey Costs: State vs Ben Geri et al 169.10 Geo 'd Shay J P: State vs Henry J Youngman 2.50 J B Hardeman Const: do 6.60 George 71 Shay J.P: State vs Alvey Clarine 2.25 J B Hardeman Const: do 3.00 Oscar Clarine Wit: do 2.60 1=a Clarine ',lit: do 2. 60 Elizabeth Perry ',lit: State vs Cha.r:lPs Williams 2.20 David Scott do 2.20 Laura Hall do 2.20 J A Moynihan Wit: State vs J J 'Bell 2.20 Leslie Arnold do 2.20 T F-Yorkston do 0.20 Dr S It Kelly dd 2.20 'd J, Sullivan 'flit: State vs 'Jill Reynolds et al 3.40 "d Innes do 3.40 Roy-C Evans 'slit: State vs 21abel Agee 2.20 Jaynes Raxen do 2.20 Ilick ?:Ielloger do 2.20 Jim Kiyohara do 2.20 S Sa.ktuaato do 2.20 N D Gartley Wit: State vs John }-I Stenger 2.20 bars N D Gartley do 2.20. David Jacobs Juror: State vs John H Stenger 2.40 T P Luther do 2.40 F P Offerman dd 2.40 'd B Slade do 2.40 H J Frolich do 2.40 L Vers',andig do 2.40 Pietro 'Trotto ';'lit: State vs Joe `1'orketto 4.40 Joe People do 2.20 Angelo Visentanti do 2.20 John Gomez do 2.20 Tony Vitulli Writ: State vs Pietro Trotto 2.20 ---.-------000 ---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, February 5, 1915. rman Boar r. ounty Commissioners. W.D.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Friday the 5th day February 1915 Friday, February 5, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment talcen on February 4, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The folloviing cla.irns were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUIM. J B 1 c',';.illan Exp is Cormnr 4.95 & to Convention 24.65. Pacific Tel & Tel Co Rentals for Feb 37.25 3, Lon; Distance for Jan 10.40 47.65 Sells Hardware _' Hdvi for Courthouse 23.05 Legoe �-iardviare cio 6.85 .1 ':i Seeger Labor & 1daterial for Courthouse 5.25 hloedel Donovan Lbr Mills LLLa'ier for Courthouse 85.03 lorthwest Hdw Co Cleaning, Fluid for Courthouse 12.50 'Standard Gil Co Oil Gasoline For Courthouse 4.26 ;1hidby island Sand r' Gravel Co ;and for Courthouse 1.30 Seth A Ativood Paint for Courthouse 8.20 S W Cornish Pint Co Glass etc for Courthouse 13.70 Fountain Pharmacy Supplies for Janitor 1.90 J A "Vorthington do 2.00 S 0 Johnson do 5.00 'ihos C Fraser Bracket for Jail 4.75 Joseph Richendrfer Labor in County Jail 12.00 Hector Gay°rley Shoes repaired for Prisoner 1.00 Battersby Bros. Clothing for Prisoners 20.55 1+'amous Shoe House Shoes :For Prisoners 8.`0 Brisbin, Smith L Livesey Prem on Official Bond of Cl..k 53.50-Aud 21.- Treas .) 522.03 Kenyon -Carr Co Prem on Bond of Co Commissioner Irc Irillan 95.00 11 L Dickinson & Co Prein on Official Bond of Coimnr. Slater (4 yes) 185.00 :;gland G G.xnre11 Pl'eni on rene,ial 2yrs Official Pond of Conyar. ShaJren 95.00 R L Kline Prern on Official Bonds Eno 11' �88-Sher 28. 50- 'drecknaster 9.50 49.88 'dalter B Slade Prem on Ins. Courthouse Furniture 25,50 Gust DahlLren calp Bounty on 1 nild cat 5.00 Joe Ridley Scalp Bounty on 3 %Ald cats 15.00 Kell;; r L Thompson Costs: State; vs AE Hardin 85.R0 '_'.JIILD A1410 Bil:iDGE TMMID. L A Eickson LTibor on ?load Foreman tCam 37.50 'Jillis Johnson do 4.00 J J Lo an do 8.00 D B' Holzer do " 16.00 vi S Bake r do " 16.00 Gooding do Toren. n " 102.50 .1 B 11-aarkhart do 41.00 A Lt, Doolittle do 39.00 Willie Goodin j d'o 37.00 J.ti-mes Breckcnridge do 26.00 i+ C Robinson do " 46.00 L Moultray do 24.00 Enoch L1ro•;,n do " .00 F D iIarkness do " 32.00 John A Walker do " 44.-00 Edgar Sollinger do 21.00 C1 J Frost do Foreman " 61.00 Chas L Constant do to 60.00 14 'U Roby do " 72.00 Ciles Constant do " 68.00 C D Bartlett do 28.00 ii tii ckey do " 56.00 G orgen t,ralcr .,F.bor on Everson -Goshen load -Foreman " 10.50 junos 2Zil-luners do of8.50 i, l,'orgenthaler do 4.25 John Bovendan Labor on :3ridc;e on Rd 51 2.00 John Ijoveridcam Jr do 1.00 T P Jeffers do roreman 4.50 Asa Cooley do " 2.00 G R Stout crib erg do 11.00 Roy F Palmer do 9.50 J 11 Syrop e do 1.00 L h Livingston do It 11.00 Geo '!J Leake do 13.50 Lruce Litton do 1.5n T P Jeffers do Forei.,i n 90.ti5 Urea Jeffers do "- 4.00 Asa Cooley do of 20.00 1, 1' a lnie r do 13.20 D.-;ilalen Labor on Ferndale -Elaine Ild 3.50 Vincent 1llis do 6.00 Thos Ellis do 4.00 L r3 Scutt do if 12.00 • Dahlen do It4.00 A B Sparnon do of 12.00 C H Barrett do it 12.00 R C Hadfield do to 112.00 A G Ha.df i e ld do of 13.00 11 J Gordon do of 12.00 L i.1 Klock do of 8.00 John Eire do n 8.00 T P Reilly do Foreman 19:50 U H Beebe W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Friday the 5th day February 191 C H Lcebe Lewis Leebe Chas Lyon G Rodenbe:rger T J 1accollum Jeff Steuart S Iai Stewart V B Ro�crs Bert 'di -gins L J Witter Dave-Rodenber,,ger 1, Atkinson David Ir oors 'd N Vaughan ,E J Pease 3m. Sarlurd C C King Frank Awards A Anderson A G Hyatt "I L Iiya.tt A Kelly H Jern Charley T,:«rtola J F Ohlund C Peterson Ii Peterson L Piggott Ralph Pilon L J Sunberg L C Shed S i'atlock ,lrn J I:uxray C L Fiat ton Philip Barris J `d Castlio ruike Ileffernan T It Castlio Bert Northain JIUSust Potter George Carlson Jos F Gilmore C I� I!Io Sher J h Norstrom & Son Custer Lumber Co Bloedel Donovan Lbr Tills First hAtl Bank of "edro-',.00lley Thos P Jeffers Lverson 11erct Co Y.orse Hdw Co Lynden Dept Store H.ami It on. Bros H 1 Buzzard Thos Lillis I D Rodenberger G E Heaton Egbert Field P ri Rensvold John Rudy Labor on Roads Foreman do do d d. do do do do do do do do do do Labor on Guide I.leridian Rd do do do Foreman Labor on Roads do do do do do do d& do do do do do do do Labor on T?ooksack River Labor on Bridge do do do do do do do Sala. ry & expense as Bridge Foreman Lumber Lumber Lumber Lumber Ponder etc Nails etc Nails etc Spikes 1 Shovel Blacksmithing Gravel Gravel DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 5 FUND. Labor on Ballinger Ditch DRAINA� T)I-STRIC'1" 110. 6 li'?7VJ). Expense as Pitch Cormiissioner Labor on Field Ditch do ---------- 000---------- In the Batter of Delinquent Personal ) 0 R r E I;. Tax against property ov ned by `a F Gwynn ) team i In 44.35 19.50 25.50 40.00 38.00 40.00 38.00 36.00 36.00 30.00 20.00 18.00 20.00 28.00 36.00 1.3.00 30.00 33.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 8.00 9.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 1'? . 0 0 5.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 4.60 50.00 24.00 27.60 30.60 27.60 20.40 31.20 28.80 20.40 116'.75 107.72 9.60 13.24 245.62 2.20 20.35 2.10 1.05 1.25 12.75 10.60 31.20 29.25 7.50 22.75 6.00 .'TI],1I1EAS, in 1908 personal taxes •:sere levied against one .Lewis ?�a.tic�y in the ours of 4{8.47 and before said taxes ;sere ott-able the property Leas removed from '.`Ih.-Itcorn County to -an unknorm location. Sa,i(I property, after four years, laa,s returned to '.Iha.tcom County as the property of V! F Gwynn and in the me,�.imtime a new delinquent personal tax roll had been prepared omitting all uncollectable personal tax, the tax herein rnnetioned being included with those so omitted; and lri i AS, had Iir ':I F Gwynn, the present owner of said property examined the records prior to purchasing said property he would not have found same on the tax bolls; and iHi r�tia, it has been recorimended by ':"lilson Stewart, Sheriff that that certain ",%8.47 the: original ariount of said tax which has been deposited by 'J F Gwynn, be accepted by the County Trcacurer in full satisfaction of said tax. `UW, T11hRr,I+'0Rh, it is ordered by this Board that the said County Treasurer be and 5 W.O.R. •� i '.1 �� O Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Fri dav the 5th day - February 191 c she hereby is directed and a,uthari^cd to accept the said 08.4'7 ir. full payinent of personal tax levied a-ainst Lewis Hatley on property now owned by 71 F Gwynn. Lone in open session of the Boa,rH this 5th day of February, 191b. J.B. licl. illan If to It n n n n n n n n n a" Chairman of the Bortvd "Board of County Commiss- " Henry Slater "ioners of 'Th.l.tcom County " Corlmissioner " State of ',Tashin ton " Iienr,r Sha.gren n" n n" n n of it to of n"" CoirmAssioner Attest: `.'fill v Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000--- ------ Upon recomrnen(lation of the County Assessor the Board approved the application fdr correction of 1914 personal taxes a-ainst Northwestern Portland Cement Co., Tohn Berg and h L 1'redeen. ---------- 000----------- Gr, motion the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, February 6, 1915. rman Board County Commissioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Jp-nuary Term Saturday the 6th day February 191 5 Saturday, February 6, 1915. The Boar(I met pursuant to adjournment taken on February 5, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The follor�ing claims were allowed. Cti JJEI+'1T`.0 EXi'EatSE ?+'UTID. ';Till 1) ,o'allace B'xpense as Co Auditor 1.90 D ., Sharp Groceries for John Youltra.y 22.15 The Family Shoe Store Shoes for Anderson et al 10.40 Hugh h1d.rido;e Stamped .envelopes for Co Clerk 43.36 1`ellie C :Rogers, Co Treas 1st Payment on Assessment in Drain. lists. 1,o . 4, 5 & 6 116.48 ---------- pop____.._____ Gn motion the Board adjourned to meet on ETonday, February 15, 1915. C irman Boar(? County Corlraissioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings .Ta.nua.r-r Term l.Tondav the 15th (lay February 191 5 J �uonday, February 15, 1915. jhc Board met pursuant to adjourrsnent taken on FcLbruary G, 1915 Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: ---- Upon recommendation of the Sheriff, collecting delinquent personal tax, the Board approved the application for cancellation of accrued interest on 1912 personal tax against 1� A hevanark & CO. of Los Angeles, Calif.; and also upon recormnendation of the Assessor the Board approved the applica.tionfor cancelling 1914 personal. tax against J R Smith as he is the head of a family and exempt. ---------- 000---------- In the 1..7atte.r' of the Appointment ) Order Appointing Byron Kingsley of Constable for Blaine Precincts `3HER1AS, under Chap. VII Sec: 3893 Rem & Bal Code Vol 2, it becomes the duty of the Board of County Cofmnissioners to fill by appointment any vacancy occuring in any county or precinct office, and J.HEILAS, `V.F. Kaylor, the duly elected Constable for Blaine Precincts has this day filed a notice with the Clerk of this Board that he declines to qualify for such office; NO,:J, THEREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that Byron Kingsley be, and he hereby is, appointed as Constable for Blaine Precincts to fill the vacancy caused by failure of the duly elected officer to qualify. Said Byron Kingsley to act as such officer until the first general elect&on after this appointment, and to furnish a suitable bond as required by law. Done in open session of the Board this 15th day of February, 1915. it I " n it n I I " u u"" u "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of .Yha,tcom County " to State of-Tashington " 11 It It 11 11 It It It 11 It it If it It Attest: 'I'fill D SJallace County Auditor And Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- J.11. I. cI:Ii l lan Chairman of the Board Henry Slater Coiiuni ss i oner Henry Sha.gren Coimnissioner' 11 E S O L U T 1 0 11. (Northwest Diagonal Road or Permanent Highway Yo. 2 A) WHIEEAS, at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of 'Yhatcom County, State of .1ashington, held in the Commissioners' Office of said County on this 15th day of Feb- ruary, 1915, a quorum being present and a majority voting in the affirmative, the ,gg resolution was adopted: RESOLVED, That the Profiles, maps, plans, specifications and estimate on the Northwest Diagonal Road or PERPyANLNT .H1GHJAY 110. 2 A, as approved by the State Highway Commissioner on Decenber 4, 1914, be and the same are hereby adopted, and that such highway or section thereof shall be improved under the provisions of Chapter 35, Laws of 1911. Done in open session of the 3oard this 15th day of February, 1915. J.3. ITclfrilla.n tt if of It it it of it to of it it it tt Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- " Henry Slater "ioners of dhatcom County " Commissioner " State of 1'Jashingtbon " Henry Sha.gren of If It 11 it n ii If .t{ n If n n if Coyfuaissiorler attest: Jill 1) `.`Jallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Hoard. ---------- 000---------- Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 5 1 January Term 11onday the 15th day February 1915 In the Iiatter of the Construction ) ( Order Calling for Bids. of Permanent Highway No. 2 A. ) 'V�HHRLAS, this Board did on the 8th day -of September, 1914 adopt a resolution to im- prove the Northwest Diagonal Road or Permanent Highway No. 2 A, commencing at the inter- section of said Northwest Diagonal Road with. the westerly limits of the City of Bellingham and running northwesterly one (1) mile and connecting i,-iith the present concrete improve- ment; said improvement to be made under the provisions of Chap. 35, Laws of 1911. NO'll, THEREFORE, the County Auditor -is hereby directed to issue a call for bids .for improving said road according to the plans and specifications on -file in the office of the County Engineer. Said bids to be considered at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. on Tuesday, March 18, 1915. The Board reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Done in open session of the Board this 15th day of February, 1915. .J . B . l.I'clli llan n It tt " it tt It tt to " it of it to Chairman of the Board "Board of County Corcmi ss- " Henry Slater "ioners of 'ffha,tc.om County " Commissioner It State of 71ashington " Henry Shagren It of it of n it It it It it it it If If Commissioner Attest: (fill D ',lallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- o00---------- J In the -Matter of the Construction ) of Steel Bridge Across Nooksack ; Order Calling for Bids. River on Guide Meridian Road IHEREAS, this Board finds that there should be constructed across the Nooksack River on the Guide Meridian Road a 380 foot steel span and concrete piers, and piled and plank- ed approaches; location of said bridge southwest corner of Sec 30 Tp 40 N, R 3 E, W.M. NO`W, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby directed to issue a call for bids for construction of said bridge according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Engineer. Said bids to be considered at the hour of 2 o'clock P.M. on Thurs- day, March 18th 1915. The Board reservinf; the right to reject any and all bids. bone in open session of the Board this 15th day of February, 1915. It is it to n u if if It tt n It a" J.B. McIFT'illan "Board of County Coimniss- " Chairman of the Board "ioners of ,Yhatcom County " Henry Slater it State of ;lshington It Commissioner to of of of a Henry y 5hagren Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace , "ourty Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board'adjourned to meet on Tuesday, February 16, 1915. r �irma.n Board County Commissioners. 52 W.O.R. card of Comnfissioners' Proc'eedm*gs January Term Tuesday the 16th day February 1915 Tuesday, February 16, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on February 15, 1915.. Present, all members of the Board and the- Clerk in attendance. The following pro- ceedings were had: Zn the Vatter of the Approval of Bond -of Byron N Kingsley, Constable ) Order Approving. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED by this Board that the official bond of Byron N Kingsley, regular ly appointed Constable for Blaine Precincts, be and same is hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this 16th day of February, 1915. "Boerd of County Commiss- " "ioners of ';lhatcom County " " State 6f Washington " ri n of to of n n It of it It 11 it n Attest: Will D Udallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- 4 J.B. McMillan Chairman of the Board Henry Slater' Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on �'lednesday, February 24, 1915. airmanioaxd County Commissioners. W.O.R. Record. of Commissioners" Proceedings January Term ";ednesday the 24th day February 1915 \1915. February 24, 1915, The Board met pursuant to adjournment. taken on February Present., all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The follow' gs were had: fyv R E S 0 L U T I 0 IT, ',111EREAS, a a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of ';lhatco County, State of Washington, hel in the Commissioners' Office of said county on the 4th day of February A.D. 1915, a quorum b inc; present and a majority voting in the affirr ative, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED, that public nterest demands the improvement, un er the provisions of C Chapter 35 of the Laws of 191 and amended by Chapter 154 of he haws of 1913, of that section of a public highway situ to within the County of'i atcom and described as follows: That part of the GUIDE Tt['RIDAN ROAD beginning at the northerly limits of the City of Bellingham and running thence orth five (5) iles to Laurel, otherwise desccibed as follows: Beginning at the quarter sec ion corne common tosections 13 and 18, Township 38 N., Ranges 2 and 3 East; thence north mil to quarter section corner common to sections 19 and 24, Tp 39 N., Ranges 2 and 3 st. No part of said highway being situate rithi the boundaries of any city or incorpor- ated town. I I if 11 I 11 I I I ►1 it 11 I ►► "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " if State of 'Yashington to If """ n If it it of it If If Attest: 'J11ill D Wallace County Auditor /nd Clerk of the Board. On J.B. McMillan Chairman of the Board. Henry Slater County Commissioner Henry Shagren County Commissioner ---------- 000---------- tion the Board adjourned to meet on 11onday, march 1st, 1915. rman Boara county uor mi,seloners W.O.R. Record of Comnussioners' rrocoodin s January Term Vlednesday the 24th day February 191 5 ':Jednesda.y, February 24, 1915. The Board met pursuant to !,,djournment,taken on February 16, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following ptabeedings were had R E S O L U T I O N. In the matter of the improvement of the G'uid.e Meridian Road. 411111EAS, it appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of ';Ihatcom County, Washing- C . ton, at a meetin; held in the Commissioners' office of said, county on the 24th day of Feb- ruary, 1915, that the owners of tyro -thirds of the lineal feet of property fronting on the section of road hereinafter described presented to this Board�'a petition settin forth that said petitioners are such owners and that they desire that the section of highway described in said petition and hereinafter described be improved under the provisions of. Chap. 35, of the Laws of 1911, as amended by Chap. 154 of the LavTs of 1913 and subsequent facts; .And it ap pearing to said. Board that the section oi'• road petitioned to be improved begins at the northerly limits of the City of Bellingham, and that said section of highvlay is of' sufficient importance to be improved under the provisions of said acts; And it appearing to this Board that these petitioners desire to have fifty per cent of the cost of the improvement of the. section of road hereinafter described assessed to. the abbutting property as provided in said acts; Therefore be it RESOLVED: That public interest demands the improvement under the providions of Chap. 35, Laws of 1911, as amended by Chap. 154, Laws of 1913, and subsequent acts, of that section of highway situate within the County of Whatcom,,and described as follows: That part of the Guide hIeridi.q,n Road beginning at the northerly limits of the City. of Bellingham and running; thence north five miles to Laurel, otherwise described as follows: Beginning at the quarter section corner common to sections .13 and 18, T,rrp 38 N, *Ranges"2 and 3 East; thence north five miles to quarter section corner common to sections 19 and 24, Dirp 39 U, Ranges 2. and 3 East; no part of said 'gighvray being situate within the boundQ aries of any incorporated city or town. The assessment district shall be one and one-half miles on each side of the center line of said road. (J.B. McMillan Board of County Corrunissioners of Chairman of the::Board -l'lhatcom County, Wn. henry Slater It it is " u " It it to It n it it to (Henry Shagren ".Hoard of County Com mi ss- " "ioners of `,°Jhatcom County " of State of �ffa.shington " ,if loll loll It v it loll lilt it " Attest: ';'Jill D 'Jallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ----------o0o----------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Monday, Iliarch 1, 1915. lJ�A/M1 niia,n Board County Commissioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners', ftoceeaings January Term Monday the 1st day March 191 Monday, March 1, 1915. The Board met purduant to adjournment taken on February 24,,: 1915. Present, J.B. McMillan, Chairman; Henry Slater and Henry Shagren, Commissioners; Will D. Wallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following claims were allowed and pro- ceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FIT14D. 'Will D Wallace Salary -as Co Auditor 158.33 August Engquist Salary as Chief Deputy Auditor 110.00 S E Barrett Salary as Deputy Auditor 100.00 F C Martin do 80.00 Lucy R King Salary as Chief Recorder 80.00 M Thomas Salary as Recorder 70.00 Jessie Walters do 70.00 N Samson Salary as Clerk for Co Auditor '* mo 37.50 J B McMillan Salary as 'County Commissioner 28 days 80.00 Henry Slater do do 80.00 Henry Shagren do 150.00 Delia.L Keeler Salary as Supt Co Schools 150.00 Ethel Everett Salary as Dep Supt Co Schools 90.00 Henry C Beach Salary as Justice of Peace 100'.00 Edwin 11 Day do 100.00 Blanche Funk Miller Salary as Clerk for J of P Day 25.00 Harrison Coviden Salary as Constable 60.00 F E layman' Salary as Probation Officer 75.00 Mrs Bessie Cline do 50.00 0 Ei Beebe Salary as Co Physician 83.33 Hector Gawley Salary as Janitor 85.00 Ed E Hardin Salary.as Superior Judge 125.00 William H Pemberton' do 125.00 Alithea Adams Salary as Co Clerk 158.33 Geo M Cook Salary as Dep,Co Clerk 100.00 G P Kincaid do 100.00 N Samson Salary as Clerk for Co Clerk mo 37.50 V1 P Brown Salary as Prosecuting Attorney 158.33 Loomis Baldrey Salary as Dep Pros Atty 100.00 Maybelle Bryan Salary as Stenographer for Pros Atty 75.00 Nellie C Rogers Salary as Co Treasurer 166.66 F L Olslager Salary as Dep.CO Treasurer 100.00 John Fernley Salary as Bookkeeper for Co Treasurer 90.00 Olive Wilson Salary as Clerk for Co Treasurer. 80.00 G A Pence do 80.00 Agnes Nedrud do 75.00 H D McArthur Salary as Co Assessor 125.00 Jas Elder Salary as Dep C6 Assessor 80.00 Foster M Carver do 75.00 Fi R George do 75.00 David ';lurtenberg do 75.00 Wilson Stewart Salary as Sheriff 158.33 L J Flanagan Salary as Dep Sheriff. 100.00 Emery Hess do 80.00 E R Nunamaker do 80.00 Geo H Watrous do 73.50 I1 B Byland Salary as Jalier 60.00 C M Adams Salary as Co Engineer 158.'33 C E Phoenix Salary as Dep Co Engineer 75.00 Carl McCoy Salary as Draughtsman for Co Engineer 88.00 0 N Munn Salary as Transitman for Co Eng 15.00 E C Lyle . do 27.50 H C Swettenam Salary as Chairman for Co Eng 48.00 E S Decker do 2.50 'J 1.11 Tod do 17.50 James Goheen do 8.75 Geo Smith Salary as Amnan for Co Eng 7.50 Frank Smith do 7.50 C C King Salary as Supt Co Home 70.00 Vary Privett Salary as Matron at Co Home 30.00 Nettie Smith Salary as Cook at.Co Home 45.00 H J Hurst Salary as Nurse at Co Home 10.00 Geo Slater Salary as Guard of Prisoners at Co Home. 60.00 John Colling Salary as Teamster at Co Home 30.00 Bellingham Publ Co Bal due for publishing Gen Election Notice 492.50 Puget Sound T L & P Co Gas & Elect Light for Feby 44.40 J B McMillan Expense as Co Commissioner 14.80 Henry Shagren do 10.15 Wilson Stewart Expense as Sheriff 68.56 do Board of Pri loners 213.80 0 N Munn Services to Co Eng a/c Brown Ditch 1.25 F E Wyman Money advanced for R R Ticket & Exp. for Mrs Corbett & children 27.85 Mrs J Iltending Judges Robe 2.00 M T Sheridan Scalp Bounty on 1 wild cat 5.00 Harry Carlson do 5.00 Gust Dahlgren. Scalp Bounty on 2 wild cats 10.00 H R Fox do 10.00 V H Galbraith Scalp Bounty on 3 wild cats 15.00 Henry Patten do 15.00 Harry Cure Scalp Bounty on 8 wild cats 40.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. C A Scrimsher Operating Marietta Ferry 50.00 G H Abers Tending Ferndale Bridge 5.00 0 42 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term ITonday the lst clay March W.O.R. 191 Leslie Jones J E Lee J M Aitken Munro & Haskell Northwest Hdw Co J R Denny Lynden Livery Towner Printing Co Roland G Gamwell In the Matter of Fixing the Rate ) of Interest to be Paid on County Current Expense Warrants. ) GAI,ZE PROTECTION FUND. Salary & Exp • as Dep Game Warden do Salary & Exp as Game Warden Riffles for Fish Hatchery Supplies for Fish Hatchery do Livery for Game 'garden Printing 1 Ii Game Licenses Prem. on Game Warden's Bond ---------- 000---------- O RDER. 76.95 87.05 122.25 6.00 2.80 10.60 1.50 12.75 19.00 .% -WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable by this Board that all county warrants drawn upon the CURRENT EXPENSE FUND of `T7hateom County, should, from and after the first day of Iffarch, 1915, draw interest at the rate of six (6) per cents per annum. IT IS THEREFORE HEREBY ORDERED that from and after the lst day of March, 1915, and - until further ordered by this Board, all county warrants thereafter drawn on the Current, Expense Fund of 1.hatcom County, shall bear interest at the rate of six (60) per rent. per annum from and after the date of the presentation of said warrants to the County Treas- urer for payment.until such time,as said warrants are redeemed as provided by law, it being the intention to have this resolution and order supersede and take the place of any resolution passed heretofore. Done in open session of the Board this lst day of March, 1915. J.B. McMi 1 lan it �i ." a it i� u " n n " n u �t Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss-. " Henry Slater "ioners of ti'Jhatcom County " Commissioner to State of Washington " Henry Shagren to It " it It of to it it it It of to of Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace - County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. in the Natter of *Duplicate) Warrant To Thos. Ellis ) ---------- 000----------- ORDER TO ISSIJE. WHEREAS, application has been made to this Board by Thos. Ellis wherein the permanent loss of Road and Bridge Fund Warrant numbered 3353 1ss iedt1on, Jdnuary 8, 1915 in the sum of $25.-95 in favor of said Thos. Ellis, is set out to the satisfaction of this Board, which application is hereto attached, NO1, THEREFORE,, it is ordered by this Board that the County Auditor be, and he hereby r is directed to issue a duplicate warrant in the sum of $25.95 on the Road and Bride Fund to the said Thos. Ellis in lieu of the one so lost. Done in open session of the Board this lst day of March, 1915, 11 1! . It 11 to to 11 11 11 11 . 11 Ott 6 " "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Vhatcom County " " State of Washington ' " It It it It It of of to it of of n o n Attest: 'Jill D 1dallaee County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- J.�3r . McIfUllan Chai rnnan of the Board Henry Slater County:-. (Commissioner Henry Shagren County Commissioner W.O.R. 'n Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term lJonday the lst day March 1915 ✓ A',GREB.IfENT. THIS AGREEMNT, entered into in duplicate this 1st day of March, A.D. 1915, by and between A.E. Rusco, party of the first part, and Whatcom County, Washington, party of; the second part, ',VITNESSETH: That the said A E Rusco, party of. the first part, will haul for Whatcom County, party of the second part, between 1000 and.1500 yards of gravel at .98 cents per yard; said gravel to be taken from what is known as the Bell.man Lower Pit; and It is further hereby agreed that the said A E Rusco will place and spread not to exceed 150 yards of said gravel on the Noon Road and the remainder on the Northeast Diag- onal Road between the concrete pavement and the Everson -Goshen Road, all of.said work to be done under the supervision of an Inspector employed by Whatcom County. It is further hereby agreed that the said A E Rusco shall complete said work within 30 days from the date hereof. 11 it 11 it It tl tt tl tt tt tl it tt 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " It State of Washington " to It It It If it of It of if It if It n ---------- 000---------- In the Matter of Approval of Surety ) j Order Approving. Bond of A E Rusco for Gravel Contract, A.E. Rusco Party of the first part WHATCOM COUNTY Party of the Second dart By J B McMillan Chairman of the Board Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner It is ordered by this Board that the surety bond of A E Rusco given by The Aetna Accid. dent and Liability Co. for $1500.00 covering contract for hauling gravel for Noon Road and Northeast Diagonal Road, be, and same is hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this 1st day of Illar.ch, 1915. J.B. McMillan Chairman of the Board 11 of of " 11 to of II to It t1 11 If I, Henry Slater "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "ioners of Whatcom County " Henry Shagren It State of Washington " Commissioner of " to to It of if to it 11 II it .a It Attest: gill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board ---------- 000---------- The minutes dfk~the February Session were read and approved by the Board on this day. The Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, March 2, 1915. Attest: / KjA _7L. County Adcritor and Clerk of the Board. ro airman :board County Commiss- ners. I 6 �a 2 W.O.R. Record, of Commissioners' Proceedings January Te in Tuesday the 2nd' day 71[arch 191 5 Tuesday, March 2, 1915, The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on T1arch 1, 1915. Present, all members of the 7oard and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: Delia L Keeler Lynn C Wright Mrs J C McFadden Idabel M Plank Dorothy 'Jallace A C Herre C C King Ennen, Goodman & Co J`d J Pynor Central 1.1arket Royal Dairy Co The Red Front Clothiers Famous Shoe House Battersby Bros Morse Hdvi Co B B Furniture Co Pickering Hdw Co Vim Cameron Red Cross Pharmacy 0 E Beebe Dr C S Hood Dr J R Morrison The Weiser Drug Co Collins & Co Owl Pharmacy St Luke's Hospital St Joseph's Hospital Mrs Mollie Peterson 1,1',.rs Jennie M 'Cobb 'dhatcom County Abstract Co. Kenyon -Carr Co D J hicArth�Qr & Son CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Expense 18.60 & Express .97 as Co Supt .19.57 Services on :County Board of Education 22.50 do 28.50 do 6.00 do 20.50 do 6.35 Expense as Supt Cc Home 10.60 Groceries for Co Home 120.80 Groceries, Feed, Powder for Co Home 187.42 Feat for Co Home 9.85 Butter for Co home 40.25 Clothing for Co Home 9.05 Shoes for Co Home 6.90 Blankets etc for Co Home 26.88 Supplies for Co Home .70 Chairs etc for Co Home 58.30 Supplies for Co Home 11.75 Blacksmithing for Cc Home 9.05 Medicine for Co Home Inmates 16.42 Money advanced for R R Ticket to Frank Gardner 1.25 Assisting Co Physician 15.00 do 5.00 Medicine for Co Patients 10.50 do 2.60 do 13.62 Care of Cc Patients 76.00 do 138.00 Care of Mrs Bjorndahl 28.00 Care of Stella Cobb 17.00 Furnishing daily lipt of R .E Transfers to Assessor 2.00 Prem on Steam Boiler Policy 10.00 Prom on Assessor's Bond 7.50 ---------- The claim of Helen Teller for $20.00 for nursing scarlet fever case at Point Roberts, was refused by the Board. ---------- 000---------- The February report of 0 E Beebe, Cc Physician, was approved by the Board. ---------- 000-__--__--_ ✓ The February report of C C King, Supt Co Rome, was approved by the Board. ---------- The application of the County Assessor for correction of 1914 assessment on Lot 21 Blk. 9 Cain's First Addition to Blaine, was"approved by the Board. ---------- o00----_---_- In the matter of Duplicate ) ( Order to Issue. 'darra,nts to Geo. ',J. Shay ) VHEREAS, application has been made to this Board by George W. Shay, wherein the peril manent loss of Current Expense Fund warrants numbered 49682 and 49684 issued on February 40 1915, in the sum of s$'2.50 and ?2.25 respectively in favor of George 'if Shay, is set out to the satisfaction of this Board.. ISOW, THEREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that, the County Auditor be, and he hereby is directed to issue duplicate warrants in the sum of $2.50 and $2.25 on the Current Expense Fund to the said George VI Shay in lieu of the ones so lost. Done in open session of the Board this 2nd day of Larch, 1915. to a to If n if to it if it 11 n it of "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Ylhatcom County " State of Washington of ,� o' n �► " u n n �► �� �� n n o J B McIli llan Chairman Board of County Cor.miissioners Henry Slater County Commissioner Henry Shagren C oLint y 0 orun i s s i o n er Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- W.O.R. 9 .2� G '- eoord of Commissioners Proceedings January Term Tuesday the 2nd clay March 191 5 The certificate of Co. Supt. Keeler dated February 26th 1915 certifying that on Febru- ary 15th 1915 she did transfer the NVf ' of SW' and Na of S►si of SvV-J of Sec 33, Tp 41 N, R 3 East from S D,#42 to S D #29; said certificate was filed with the Clerk of the Board on February 26th 1915 and examined by the Board on March 2, 1915. ---------- a0o---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, March 3; 1915. C irman Board County Commissioners. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term ;lednesday the 3rd day March W.O.R. 191 5 Wednesday, March 3, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on March 2, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were alloyed and proceedings had; CURRENT EXPEITSE FUND. C E Phoenix Expense as Dep Co Engineer 9.55 F E 'Wyman Expense as Probation Officer 7.20 Mrs Bessie Cline do 3.75. C G ylinemiller Care of Juvenile Prisoners 24,50 Julius D'Aprile Groceries for G Torketto 14.65 Empire teat & Grocery Co Groceries etc for J Dillon et al 46.75 Wilson, Nobles, Barr Co Groceries for Mrs Anna Vlicks 9.80 P G Gulbransen Groceries for D A Vlebb 9.80 B B Grocery Co Groceries for D K Sanford 4.90 • Corner Grocery Groceries for Mr Bloomstrom 9.80 Sweet Grocery Co Groceries for E 'Uild.e 9.80 Ennen, Goodman & Co Groceries for Burch & Johnson 30.15 Fischer & Isaacs Groceries for H Y Adams 14.35 Brown & Cole Groceries for Tabor & lNesterman 14.65 Lit Baker Grocery Groceries for Jackson & Hunter 10.78 East End Grocery Groceries for Trove & Soha 21.55 Ideal Grocery Groceries for Firs Brown 4.95 Siegel Bros Groceries for Ii Becker 69.33 Graham Tiros Groceries for ITrs Stahley 9.80 R H Diezman Groceries for IIr Bloomstrom 5.00 T S Berkeley Co Groceries for Nancy Rogers 9.80 H B Niles Groceries for Fred Nelson 17.55 'Molten & Montfort Groceries for Irirs Byron 6.80 Blaine Rochdale Co., Inc. Groceries for Gislason 39.20 Lynden Dept Store Groceries for.0 A Feltberg et al 20.00 'Jilson & Brown Groceries for Bainter & Eastman 27.30 'Mhite & Burton Groceries for Carrie Vlagner et al 19.60 The Family Shoe Store Shoes for Mrs Soha et al 14.90 J B Vlahl Clothing for Mrs John Dillon 7.80 Mrs L L Smithey House rent &&wood for Enoch Anderson 13.00 Mrs R J Kolb House rent for Mrs Asplund 4.00 F L Olslager House -rent for TFrs Soha 5.00 Mrs R Johnson House rent for Mrs Lambert 15.00 Fred My Egelston House rent for D K Sanford 10.00 R.L Kline- House rent for Tabor 5.00 J P Berg House rent for Mrs Lars Larson 31.50 Blaine Vlater Co 'hater rent for Mrs A S Lambert 3.00 Scott & Co 'Wood for Mrs Soha 5.25 Brimerican Art Co Exhibit Photos for Pros Atty 5.00 Albert Merchant Scalp Bounty on 1 wild cat 5.00 SOLDIERS' RELIEF FtT?`TD. Sarah Foster Relief 12.00 Leona Miller Relief 10.00 Geo Llsperman Hall rent for Reynolds Post #32-Jan & Feb 6.00 MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE FUND. Alith.ea Adams, Co Clerk Recording Ifarriage Certificates 33.00 ---------- 000----------- The application of Esther Pinckney for $10.00 from the Soldiers' Relief Fund for relief of said F�sther Pinckney, was refused by the Board. ---------- 000-- ------ On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, march 4�h, 1915. I ' rman Board County Commiss oners. W.O.R. ° '3 2 Record of Commissioners'Proceedings January Term Thursday the 4th day Lurch 191 5 Thursday, Lurch 4, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on Lurch 3, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPETTSE FUND. Will D Wallace Expense as Co Auditor 2.45 Harrison Cowden Expense as Constable 2.00 The Journal -Progressive Publ for Tr 4.86-Aud 18.63-Sher .72- Clk 1.08- Deeml Ditch 4.05-Ditch #4 1.08- Di tch #6 1.08 31.50 Union P B & S Co ?records & Vault Furniture for Aud 797.50- Supt 12.20-Sher 32.50-Assessor 147.25 989.45 Towner Printing Co P11tg for Eng 12.50-Atty 7.25-Judges 49.65- Gen Offices 1.00 69.60 S B Irish Co Prtg for Pros Atty 5.00 Griggs Sta & Prtg Co Supplies for Aud 39.-Atty 1.85-Eng 17.95- Supt 14.50 71.85 Selby -Harris Co Supplies for.Clk 40.70-Atty 8.40-0"upt 3.- Gen Offices 5. 56.55 Cross -France Co 'Wash. Cum. Digest for Pros Atty 6.00. Burroughs Add Mach Co Work on Add Mach for Trees 2.& Aud 2. 4.00 Diehl & Simpson Sup-Rep-Driv Co Auto & Auto hire to Co Officials 67.33 Robt Kimball Sup-Rep-Driv Co Auto 68.40 Robt Kimball Auto hire:ito Co Officials 67.40 Standard Oil Co Gasoline & Tank for Co Auto 51.95 H 0 Griffin Tires etc for Co Auto 27.00 Everson Livery Livery for Supt Schools 1.00 John Tebrink Livery hire: State vs G E Brand 2.50 Christian Tuttle Expense as Constable: State vs 71m Krider 9.25 W A Martin Attorney for L S Menary 20.00 .Max Laase Wit: State vs G W Nostrand 2.20 F A Farley, do .,,2.20 Ray Cissna Juror: State vs G Id Nostrand 1.20 Vo A Quackenbush do 1.20 Jos Kemphaus do 1.20 C S Beard do 1.20 Gerald 0 Paus do 1.20 Carl Kramer do 1.20 Philip Johnson Wit:, State vs George Erz 2.20 S B Irish Juror: State vs George Erz 1.20 F H Knight do 1.20 W D Gillen do 1.20 R B Stuart do 1.20 Geo E Dodson do 1.20 V1 M Moe do 1.20 J B Seelye J.P: State us Ole Nedrebo 2.50 Christian Tuttle Constable: State vs Ole Nedrebo 2.80 C S Aisted Scalp Bounty on 1 wild -cat 5.00 -coo--------- The claim of Henry C Beach for $7.50 for wooden chairs for Justice Court was refused by the Board. ---------- 000--------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet.on Friday, March 5, 1915., X ounty Commissi oners. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Friday the 5th jay March W.O.R. 191 5 Friday, March 5, 1915. The Board -met pursuant to adjournment taken on Iltarch 4, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Loomis Baldrey Expmnse as Dep Pros Atty .95 Pacific Tel & Tel Cc Phone rentals 37.25 & Long Dist Service 11.90 49.15 Western Union Telg Cc Messages for Cc Phy .81 & Sher 1.60 & Supt .49 2.90 Wilbur Gibbs Repairs to Clock for Cc Supt 2.50 Clark Electric Co Supplies for Auditor 2.20 71 Ifs Seeger Book cases for Supr. Court 34.80 B B Furniture Co Chair for Supr Court 8.60 Thiel &Welter Rug etc for Courthouse 27.75 Speirs & Speirs Lettering doors in Courthouse 4.05 Rolla P Martin & Co Elect §upp. & Wiring in Courthouse 52.24 W B Hess Plastering in Courthouse 14.47 Seth A Atwood Paint for Courthouse 2.10 '4hatcom Falls Mill Cc Lumber for Courthouse 2.95 Sells Hdw Cc Supplies for Courthouse 17.50 S W Cornish Supplies for Courthouse 37.53 S 0 Johnson Supplies for Janitor 5. & Courthouse 10.75 J K Robinson Plumbing in Jury Rooms 21.50 J A Worthington Supplies for Courthouse 1.50 & Jail 2.00 3.50 Pacific Steam Laundry laundry for.Jury Rms 3.15 & Jail 11.65 14.80 New Method Cascade Laundry Laundry for Jail 6.90 Battersby Bros. Clothes for Prisoners 4.65 Mike Ponti Removing Garbage from Courthouse 3.00 J C Burley ZTaterial & Labor for sidewalk in front of Waldron Block 49.52 Harry Cure. Scalp Bounty on 2 wild cats 10.00 L A Thomas A � Due onf en Salary for Apr & May 1914 164.50 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. C H Beebe Labor on Northeast Diagonal Rd Foreman 26.55 Lewis Beebe do team 20.50 S T Shumway Labor on Road Foreman 9.00 E Brown do 4.00 J M Jones do 6.00 R C Shumway do 6.00 Emil Fullner do team 12.00 C• 0 Thomas do " 12.00 J Brown do 4.00 D R Wagner do 4.00 G-Roteboom Labor on Abbott Road " 19.00 Frank Theel do " 19.00 J Pilon do " 11.50 M Meenk do " 17.00 Bert Mulder do " 17.00 E C Brooks do " 5.50 J de Bruyn do " 5.50 L de Koster do "`". 13.00 A Theel do .. ,• 9.50 J Theel do 9.50 Carl Reid do :. ;;: 8.50 Floyd Taylor do 8.50 Francis Taylor do 8.50 Ii' Mulder do 8.50 R v Egdom do 4.75 D Dykstra do 8.50 C Huisman do 8.75 J deKoster do 1100 Franz Fullner do 5.75 A de Groot do 3.25 L de Koster do 2.00 J Bosman do Foreman 14.25 C A Gooding Labor on Road Foreman team 40.00 W B Markhart do 6.00 Willie Gooding do 11.00 Frank Robinson do " 24.00 James Breckenridge do 3.00 Clark L Brown do " 14.00 M 0 Dahlen do 7.00 S T Kivley do 10.00 Leo Fitzgerald do " 18.00 Geo Iiedley do 4.00 C H Barrett do 14.00 A 0 Dahlen do " 14.00 L Kland do 7.00 0 Kiang do 14.00 Glenn Brown do 6.00 John Hager do 6.00 T M Smith do 4.00 L M Klock do " 17.00 Vincent Ellis do 9.00 Thos Ellis do " 12.00 A G Hadfield do " 20.00 T P Reilly do Foreman 16.50 J L Dickerson Jr Labor on Guide Meridian Rd " 152.00 F E Bateman do " 50.00 1.11 H Vlaples do " 56.00. Earl Marr do It . 18000 YI E Tapping do It 44.00 A E Rusco do " 62.00 George Stierlen do " 40.00 IN Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Friday the 5th day March 1915 0 L Button Labor on Guide 17eridian Rd team 40.00 E E Talmage do " 4.00 Dan 1cCloud do " 36.00 F DeLine do " 20.00 Guy Dameron do " 14.00 Lace Gaston do " 10.00 Lester Dameron do " 10.00 S Y .7arren do " 8.00 Jesse Barnes do " 8.00 B A Doody do " 2.00 W 1; Twi ss do " 4.00 A Hickey do " 24.00 Jchn A Anderson do Foreman 60.00 M F Palmer do 29.00 George Rinehart do 28.00 :Tarin Palmer do 8.00 Dan LcCloud do 5.00 'J Maunin do 22.00 John Garay..,. do 10.00 Gottfried Carlson do 10.00 John Nickelson do 12.00 Thomas Doyle do 12.00 G Morgenthaler Labor on Everson -Goshen Rd Foreman team 34.50 Amos Zimmer do " 32.00 John liierk do It 22.00 E Morgenthaler do 12.00 J B Reynolds do 13.00 C L Veile,r do it 8.00 Joe 1,iarchetti Labor on Road (Feb) 10.50 J J Thurston do Foreman to it 24.00 Joe Marchetti do (I1ch) 3.00 J ',T Thurston do Foreman It " 12.00 S D Welsh labor on ITorthwest Diagonal Rd -Foreman 60.00 Ed Clifton do 37.00 C E Taylor do- 26.00 Harry 'Jelsh do 24.50 Saul Clifton do 52.00 C Alexander do 44.00 A Anderson do 36.00 li Smitr. do 40.00 u 'Thompson do 28.00 Robert Clarkson do 31.00 M M Shetler do 20.00 E C Alexander do 20.00 G Taylor do 2.00 J Shetler do 18.00 Veil Innis do 2.00 E J Pease do 40.00 'rJm Sarlund do 4.00 91 S Hunt do 17.00 G P 1heeler do 16.00 Frank Ryther do 2.00 F Tarte Labor on Road Foreman 24.00 `J L Milder do team 26.00 P H Newberry do It 2.4.00 Elmer BeYnne do " 32.00 Geo ';11 Parr do 3.00 E A Nickson do of 4.00 Percy Behme do It 12.00 `Um Vaughn do 6.00 Frank E Brunson do 2.00 Geo 71 Miller do 200 Geo Long do of 4.00 C Hanson do it 4.00 C C King Labor on Northwest Diagonal Rd to 16.00 Frank Edaards do ?+oreman 9.00 A W Frost Labor on Roads 12.00 Lenard Koole do 5.50 Leo Zweegman do 3.35 George Carlson Labor on Bridge 33.60 August Potter do 31.80 Jos F Gilmore do 33.00 Bert Northam do 33.00 T R Castlio do 28.20 J `J Castlio do 27.00 Mike Heffernan do 58.80 Philip Harris do 9.00 'd A Jordan do 24.00 C Y Mosher Salary & Exp as Bridge Foreman 116.50 Charles Evan Fowler Uonsulting Engineer, G If Bridge 100.00 J F Caskey Specifications for Nooksack Bridge 20.00 C 'd Osborne Labor on Roads 15.00 T F Doan Blue Prints G M Bridge for Cc Eng. 10.00 J I Satterthwaite Lumber 42•98 Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills Lumber 409.42 First national Dank of Sedro 71oolley Lumber 47.04 Farmers Merct Cc Powder etc 5.88 do do 11.80 Morse Hardware Cc Material & Tools 37.12 Hamilton Bros Spikes & Shovels 5.15 Custer Yerct Cc 2 Shovels 1.70 N 71 Hardware Cc Tools 3.50 * J Pynor Tools 8.43 F 'l/ Gorsuch 1 Pike ''ole 2.75 Robert Clarkson Gravel 21.96 Thos Ellis Gravel 12.80 Ur. 0.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January - Term Friday the sth play IMarch 1915 John Ulerk Gravel 10.30 '�d A Ile id Gravel 42.15 C S1otemaker Gravel 17.36 L li Borden Blacksmi thing 2.00 `,'Jm Cameron Blacksmi thing 1.45 Findlay Bros. Bl-acksmithino. 1.75 tiJorthen & Satterthwaite loth & final Est on Constr Sec 2 Hannega.n Rd 2,035.72 HANNEGAN ROAD FUND. 'Worthen & Sat tertbj:aito 10th & final Est on Constr Sec 2 Hannegan Rd 4,071.44 DRAINAGE DISTRICT NU. 4, uIary Lund Damages a/c Russell Ditch 125.00 DRAINAGE DISTRICT.' N0. 6 ;i B lilcIJiiIla,n Attendance at Hearing in Drain. Dist 4#6 8.00 Henry Slater do J.00 ---- --- 000---------- On motion the Baard adjourned to meet on Saturday, March 6, 19,15. ;Ci—rma-ini Board County CoramisA icnersa W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings .J January Term Saturday the 6th day March 1915 Saturday, March 6, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on March 5, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and. the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings vrere had: 41IL LAS, the Postal -Telegraph Cable Company have applied for permission to erect a pole line for the purpose of carrying its lines over the following highways in Whatcom County, to -wit: Beginning at Skagit County line and traversing the Samish Lake Road being Permanent Highway 1vo. 1, and ending at the city limits of the City of Bellingham. WHEREAS, the said Postal -Telegraph Cable Company have agreed to construct said pole line and conduct their business and maintain said line and not to incommode traffic, nor unnecessarily interfere with the use of the highways occupied by said line, and not to damage any adjourning property either in the construction or maintenance of said line, and. agree in case of discontinuance to remove said line and said telegraph poles from the place :here they have constructed same under this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE -SOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of "lhatcom County, 7ilashington, now in session, that the said Postal -Telegraph Cable Company be granted per- mission to erect, construct and maintain said line on said highl^ray, in said county, upon the conditions above set forth, Which may either be accepted by writing or by acting there- on. Be it further resolved that the said poles be planed on said highway under the direction and approval of the County Engineer of said Othatcom County. Be it further resolved that if in the discretion of said Board of County Commission - ors it is necessary or advisable to amend or rescind this resolution, they may do so upon giving the said. Postal -Telegraph Cable Company sixty days notice of their intention so to do. Done in open session of said Board of County Commissioners of "lhatcom County, Vlashingm ton, this 6th day of hich 1915. J B McYi l lan Chairman If 11 " u n" it It to n it to It of Henry Slater "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner '"ioners of 19ha,tcom County " Henry Shagren It State of Ii7ashington " Commissioner if 11 It It II II 1i II 11 11 U 11 If 11 Attest: Will D Wallace County Audit -or and Clerk of the said Board. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, Irkarch 9, 1915. /-r 44 co&rman Board County CoY.Taissioners W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Tuesday the 9th day March 1915 Tuesday, 1.1arch 9, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on 11arch 6, 1915. Present, all members of the board and the Clerk in attendance. The following rpoceedings were had: R E S O L U T I 0 11. (Guide Meridian Road being Permanent Highway No. 5) WHLREAS, at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of '„'hatcom County, State of Washington, held in the Commissioners' Office of said County on this 9th day of Varch, 1915, a quorum being present and a majority voting in the affirmative, the following reso- lution vias adopted: RESOLVED, That the profiles, maps, plans, specifications and estimate on the Guide laeridian Road being P12UJANENT HIGITUAY N0. 5, as approved by the State highway Commissioner on 1ilarch 9th 1915, be and the same are hereby adopted, and that such highway or section thereof shall be Improved under the provisions of Chapter 35, Laws of 1911, as amended by Chap. 154 of the Laws of 1913 and subsequent acts. Done in open session of the Board this 9th day of March, 1915. II II II II 11 II It II II II II II II II "Board of County Commiss- " I'ioners of %Vh.atcom County " " State of '.Vashington " It " . II to n " It II II to It It of II Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. In the Fatter of the Improvement ) of the Guide Meridian Road being Permanent Highway No. 5 ) J.B. McMillan Chairman of the Board Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Comm, issioner ---------- 000---__----- Order Calling for Bids. a1H1;R1AS, this Board has adopted a resolution to improve the Guide I.4eridian Road, being Permanent Highway No. 5, described as follows: That part of the Guide meridian Load beginning at the northerly limits of the City of Bellingham a.nd running thence north five miles to Laurel, _oth.ervrise described as follows: Beginning at the quarter section corner common to sections 13 and 18 Tvrp 38 N Rango 2 and 3 East; thence north five miles to quarter section corner common to sections 19 and 24, Twp. 39 N, Ranges 2 and 3 East; said improvei.ient to be made under the provisions of Chap. 35, Lavrs of 1911, as mended by Chap. 154 of the Laws of 1913 and subsequent acts. NO71, THEi3EFORE, the County Auditor is hereby directed to issue a call for bids for improving said road according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Engineer. Said bids to be considered at the hour of 2 o'clock P.1_. on I:1onday, April 5th 1915. The Board reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Done in open session of the Board this 9th day of March, 1915. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of 71hatcom County " of State of Washington " II n II of it it of 11 of of of II it II Attest: 'Jill D Wallace County !Auditor and Clerk of the Board. J B lrlclli 1 lan Chairman of. the Board Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ---------- 000--------_- The Board -adjourned.-:to i:.ect l on Tuesday, o y 'arnmission ers. ur.0.12. ecor . of Commissioners"Proceedings January Term I Tues-day the 16th day March 191 5 Tuesday, March 16, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on 1vTarch 9, 1915. Present, all members of the Board. and the Clerk in attendance. The following pi..o.&eedings were had: The applications of the Key City Logging Company for the correction of 1914 tax on M[W1 and N*j NEJ and SE NNI+r Sec 15 Tp 37 N R 5 Boo and JT'JrJ M11-1 Sec 4 Tp 37 N R. 5 E, were approved'by the Board. ---------- 000----- --- G--� THIS AGR=:E+ MIT, entered into in duplicate this 16th day of r,Tarch, A.D. 1915, by and between �FJhatcom County, ';lashington, party of the first part, and A.P. Maskell, party of .the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said party of the second part, for and in consideration of the sum of Six Hundred ($600.00) Dollars to be paid, to said second party from the Road and Bridge Fund of '!lhatcom County, does hereby agree to make a dirt fill from the west end of the old trestle approach to the Old Marietta Bridge across the Nooksack River on the. Indian Reservation, to a point where the approach to the new bridge will start, according to engineer's stakes now set. Said fill to be four (4) feet high with a sixteen (16) foot road way on top and a twenty-eight (28) foot base, leaving a four (4) foot shoulder at base of fill to the C- f ditch. The old fill at the aest end of old approach to be raised to level of new road way, and the surface of the entire fill shall have a course of not less than six (6) inches of gravel the full .A dth of the road way. All of said work to be done under the supervision of W.S. Liston, Inspector, and to be completed by April 20th 1915. '; HATCOli COUNTY, Party of the First Part By J B Mc1,Tillan Chairman of the Board ,► ►► ,� ,► ,► „ ,► �, „ ► „ „ ,► ►► Henry Slater "Hoard of County Commiss- " Commissioner "ioners of slhateom County " Henry Shagren if State of Washington " Commissioner of It of If n n u n ,► , „ ,► ,► n Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. A.P. Mraskell Party of the Second Pact. ---------- 000---------- THIS AGR'+LENT, entered into in duplicate this 16th day of 1,Tarch, A.D. 1915, by and • between .Yhatcom County, 'flashington, party of the first part, and G.A. Bremner and 'd1.S. Liston, 'parties of the second part, 1ITNESSLTH: That the said parties of the second part do hereby agree to remove the old trestle approach to what was known as the Old Harietta Bridge across the Nooksack River on the Indian Reservation; to saw off.th.e piling level with the ground and remove all refuse from the right of way. It is further hereby agreed that the said parties of the second part may retain all the lumber taken from the said old approach, in consideration for which the said second. parties shall pay into the Road and Bridge Fund of ';lha,tcom County, Washington, the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars in addition to removing the old approach as above set forth. it of I I I „ it ,► of 11 fl ,► It I "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of 1Jhatcom County " of State of Washington " to It It If It ,► It it ,► ,1 „ it 10 ,1 WHATC011 COMITY, Party of the First Part. BY J B 1-Tc1li.11an Chairman of the Board Henry Slater Commissioner Henry S j agrem Attest: '!Jill D 'Ma.11a,ce Commissioner 'County Auditor and Clerk of the Board W S Liston 4. G A Bremner Pa:,. -ties of the Second Part. r 3 6 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings I ✓ January Tenn Thursday the 18th day ITarch 191 5 Thursday, March 18, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on March 16, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: B+FORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COIMISSIONERS OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WAQHINGTON In the 11atter of the Drainage Improvement ) District No. Seven, of Whatcom County, ( O R D E R. '�Washington. } On this day this matter was presented to the Board far further proceeding. On the 12th day of September, 1914, an order was entered herein shoviing that it was necessary to have rights of way across the lands of certain persons who own property within said Drain- age District as shovin.by the Engineer's report on file herein and Chas A Sather, attorney for said Drainage District was authorized to commence condemnation proceedings against such parties from whom he was unable to obtain rights of way and on this day it appears from the report of said attorney that deeds `Co rights of way have been obtained from all persons within said drainage Improvement District No. Seven of Whatcom County, Washington, and that at that time all necessary rights of way will have been obtained except that from the Greet Northern Railway Co., and it further appears that negotations are pending with said company which will probably result in a right of way being secured from them. It further appears that said improvement should be made and that steps should be taken at once for the construction thereof., It further appears that the construction of the portion of said Improvement where rights -of -way have been obtained is feasible, and that construction thereof should be let by contract in the manner provided for letting contracts for other public works. It further appears that this Board having determined to proceed with the work of con- struction of said system, and having; fixed the route and plans for the proposed drainage system, and the boundaries of the improvement district an alection should be held within said district in the manner provided by law, and. it further -appearing that damages for property to be taken or daana,ged have been settled. in the manner by law provided except as above stated. It further appears that the proper funds in the office of the County Treasurer, as provided by law, should be created. 1 WHEREFORE, IT IS:ORDIMED +hat the work of construction shall proceed, and that it is feasible to proceed with the construction of the improvement, in subdivisions, or as a whole, and that the construction of said Drainage system, in whole, or in portions thereof, shall be let by contract in the manner provided for letting contracts for, other public works, and that in receiving bids for the construction thereof this Board shall have., and the choice is hereby reserved to let contract or contracts for the whole or for such por- tion of the said improvement as may be proper in the discretion of this Boaf'd, and for which right of way for the construction thereof has been or shell have been obtained; and that this Board shall have and reserve the choice and right to reject Any and all bids; provided, that in letting; the construction by contract bids may be received for subdivi- sions thereof, or for subdivisions of the maid ditch and for either of the laterals, separately. IT IS FURTHER ORDEREM that an election be held imithin'said District on the 17th day of April, 1915, between the hours of 1:00 o'clock P.M. and 5:00 o'clock P.M., and that notice shall be given by the Clerk of this Board by publication in two conservative weekly issues of the Journal -Progressive, the County official paper of "lhatcora County, W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings U January Telco Thursday the 18th day (larch 1915 Jashington, said newspaper having a general circulation in said district, the last of which said publication shall be not less than seven or more than fourteen, days prior to the date of said election; and such notice shall also be posted by the Sheriff of ';thatcom County, Washington, not less than fourteen days prior to the date of said election, in three of the most public places in said district; that the voting place of said election shell be at Custer State Bank, Custer, Whatcom County, `Yashington, in said district, and. 15. Parish is hereby named inspector, and B.U. Everett and James Porter axe hereby nezned judges; and t1lat said three named shall serve as the election officers at said election; and that at said election; two qualified electors of `Jlhatcom County, Vlgshingtor,, o,:rning land in said district, shall be elected, Who, with the County En-ineer, shall constitute the first Board of Supervisors of said district; that the Supervisors elected shall each, before entering upon his duties, Igive a, bond in th.e sum of !'200.00 with surety to be approved by this Board. IT IS FURTITIM ORDERED that flood. -gates consistent with the der:ia.nds and location of the said improvement shall be installed in all instances where, because of the conditions of the lands surrounding said improvement, the same shall stabserve the best interests of the said system and th.eac concerned; -and ovining the lands adjacent thereto and in the community thereof. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That there shall be, and there is, established in the County 'Treasury of 1,�Jhatcom County, -Washington, a separate fund for the construction, same to be known as Construction Fund of Drainage Improvement District Yo. Seven of `Xhatcorm County, Vlashington; and also a separate fund for maintenance, to be I.nown as 11pintenance Fund of Drainage Improvement District No. 7 of ',`lhatcom County, Washington. Done in open session this 18th day of T. arch, 1915. J.B. I11c1lillan Chairman to It of 11 to to to to to is of it of to Henry Slater "Ecard of County Commiss- " Commissioner "ioners of '.'Ihatcom County " Henry Shagren It State of `;lashington °1 Co.missioner " V fl If 11 It 11 It 11 11 11 11 11 it Attest: 'Hill D 1.11allaee County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. ---------- coo ---------- in the ".latter of the Improvement ) of Northwest Diagonal Road, ( ORD ; ACChPTI11G BID. being Perrmanent Highway No. 2 A. ) `;IHERhjk8, on the 15th day of February.,, 1915, this Board made an order calling for bids for the improvement of the Northwest Diagonal Road, being Permanent Highwray ' o. 2 A, commene ing at the intersection of said Northwest Ilia gonal Road with the westerly limits of the City of Belling=ham and running northaesterly one (1) mile and connecting with the present concrete improvement; said bids t6 be considered at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. on Thurs- day, Miarch 18, 1915; and the notice calling for such bids having been duly published in the county official paper, to -wit: the Journal -Progressive, in the manner and for the length of time required by late; YOW, on this 18th day of T:Iarch, 1915, this matter coming on for consideration, the board finds the bids submitted for the construction of said, improvement to be as follows, to -wit: B00=U1 & CJUIPBELL: Lurup sum of $-'11, 400.00 K. SAUSET: Lump sum of 411, 740.00 CHAS . E. LII+D : Lump sum of a,12, 600.00 H.10. TROUTMAN: Lump sum of 12, 847.00 CASCADE CONSTRUCTION CO; Lump sum of 012,700.00 C . G . BURNET : Lump sum of x 12, 900.00 J.H. LICIT: Lump sum of $13, 000.00 PETERSEN, ,YEBEL & HAYIKIINS: Lump sum of �,13, 150.00 Record of Commissioners' Proceeding's January Term Thursday the 18th day 'larch 191 5 This Foard further finds that the bid of Booker & Campbell for the construction of said improvement is the lowest and best bid submitted therefor, and it mould be to the best interests of y'lhatcom County that the contract for said improvement to be awarded to Booker & Campbell. IT IS 111BREFORE UI►DLRhD that the bid of Rooker & Campbell for the said improvement, be and the same is hereby accepted, and the chairman of the board of county commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract rrith the said Booker & Campbell for said improvement. IT IS FURTHIt.R URDLIihD that the said contract to be so entered into between the County of '.lha.tcom upon one ha.d and the said contractor upon the other shall provide that the contract be fulfilled and the work fully performed and completed on or before the lst day of June, 1915, and that said contractors be required to give bond for the full amount of the bid for the faithful performance of the conditions of said contract. Done in open session of the Board this 13th day of March, 1915. J.B. McMillan " n °► °° n ° n ° +i n " " Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- " Henry Slater "ioncrs of %7h.r,tcom County °1 Corunissioner " State of '.lashington to Henry Sharyren Comrr_i ssz over Attest: Will D "Jallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- In the the I.iatter of the Construction ) of Steel Bridge Acro>s Idooksack ( Order Acce;,tin.7 Bi,% !aver on Guide meridian Road. ) tj ,'!'rILAEAS, on the 15th da.y of Februrary, 1915, this Board issued ah order callin for bids for the construction across the Nooksack River on the Guide 11eridi.an Load, a 380 foot steel span and concrete piers, and piled and planked approaches,being located in southwest corner of ' Sec 30 Tp 40 N, R 3 L VI.M.; said bids to be considered at the hour of 2 o'clock P.I,1. on Thursday, Yarch 18, 1915; and the notice calling for such bids having been duly published in the countofficial paper, to -:,:it: the Journal -Progressive, in the manner and for the length of time required by law; NO.J, on this 18th day of March, 1915, this matter coming on for consideration, the board finds the bids submitted for the construction of said bridge to be as follows, to -wit W Y11OUTH CONSTRUCTION CO: Spans, piers and wing wall y�,26, 565 .00; Concrete in pier shafts y, 8.00;per cu yd; concrete in pier bases 4?7.00 per cu yd; appraaches ner lineal ft 43.85; price per bent for blocking up old approaches from 1 to 4 ft 4?12.75; removal of old span $915.00; removal of old approaches ` 605.00. Total CENTRAL STATES BR11)GI, CO: Spans, piers and laing wall ,F26, 945.00; concrete in pier shafts $10.00 per cu j�d; concrete in pier bases $13.00 per cu yd; approaches per lineal ft $5.00; price per bent for blocking up old approaches from 1 to 4 feet 9�'-10.00; removal of old span $700.00; removal of old approaches `?200.00. Total - - - - - - - •$31, 966.00 GEO H GRIFFIN, INC.: Span, piers and wing viall 4?28, 515.00; concrete in pier shafts "10.00 per cu yd; concrete in pier bases '415.00 per cu yd; approaches per, lineal ft 43.19; price per bent fot, blocking up old approaches from 1 to 4 feet "'10.00; removal of old span �1,815.00; removal of old approaches 44200.00. Total - - - - - - - - _ 41,32, 186.00 PENN BRIDGE CO: Span, piers and wing wall 100, 800.00; concrete in pier shafts 110.00 per cu yd; concrete in pier bases 4,�9.00 per cu yd; approaches per lineal ft 4?5.90; price per bent for blocking up old approaches from 1 to 4' ft 4i110.00; removal of old span $1100.00; removal of old approaches 4 1800.00. Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - $37, 820.00 THE GRAFF CONSTRUCTION CO: Span, piers and vying •,va,l l n,28, F] 9.00; concrete in pier shafts ,$10.00 per cu yd; concrete in pier bases :"12.00 per cu yd; a,pprcmches per lineal dt 04.10; price per bent for blocking up old approaches from 1 to 4 ft 4">18.00; removal of old span ?�720.00; removal of old approaches '0.15. Total - - - - _ - _ _ _ .',`32, 735.15 CHAS G HUB];R: Spans, piers Find wing wall `,'�27, 939.00; concrete in pier shafts a"8.00 Per cu yd; concrete in .pier bases --for deductions 8117.00 and for additions $15.00 per cu yd; Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1127, 939.00 W.O.R. W R��ord of �omm�ssion�rs' Proceeding �� s January Term Thursday the 18th day IrLar ch 1915 "'ISSOURI VALLEY BRIDGE & IRON CO: Span, piers and win; wall 9.34000,0.0; concrete in pier shafts $8.00 per cu yd; concrete in pier bases $10.00 per cu yd; appraoch.es per lin ft $5.45; price per bent for blocking up old approaches from 1 to 4 ft 015.00; removal of old span $1000.00; removal of old approaches .�600.00. Total w .- - - - - V040, 140.00 COWLITZ BRIDGE CO: Span, piers and tiring vrall $30, 538.00; concrete in pier shafts $11.00 per cu yd; concrete in pier bases $15.00 per cu yd; approaches per lin ft'$4.20; Sri ce per bent for blocking up old approaches from 1 to 4 ft 4?25.00; removal of old span ;�2, 000.00; removal of old. approaches $800.00. Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,A, 36, 998.00 , J.11. AMBROSE: Span, piers and vying wall y�28, 493.15; concrete in pier shafts $11.00 per cu yd; concrete in pier bases $9`.00 per cu yd; approaches per lin ft t4.20; price per bent for blocking up old approaches from.l to 4 ft $10.00; removal of ola. s an $700.00 removal of old approaches 1400'.00 lump sum or .40 cts per ft. Total THE; SECURITY BRIDGE CO: Span, piers and vying wall $29, 150.00; concrete in pier shafts *11.00 per cu yd; concrete in pier bases 1;14.50 per cu yd;. Total - - - v29,150.00 ILLINOIS ST `+'L BRIDGE CO: Span, piers and living wall 029, 989.00; concrete in pier shafts y10.00 per cu yd; concrete in pier bases t10.00 per cu yd; approaches per lin ft yu4.90; price per bent for blocking up old ap roaches from 1 to 4 ft ,,p10.00; removal of old span ,'800.00; removal of old approaches 120.00.. Tota; - - .. - - - - - $34, 949.00. McCREARY & ';JILLARD: Span, piers and wing wall $34, 804.00; concrete in pier shafts 4'Y12.00 per cu yd; concrete in pier bases ��',',14.00 per cu yd; approaches per lin ft $5.40 ; price per bent for blocking up old ap roaches from 1 to 4 ft $15.00; removal of old span ti?1200.00; removal of old. approaches�;800.00. Total - - -- - - - - - - - - - t�,41, 304.00 COAST BRIDGE CO: Span, piers and wing wall 4.327,500.00; concrete in pier shafts, additional concrete $10.00; concrete in pier bases,- concrete deducted 07.00.T.$27,500.00 This Board finds that the bid of 'lleymouth Construction Co. for the construction of said, bridge and approaches is the lowest and best bid submitted therefor, and it would be to the best interests of dhatcom County that the contract for said improvement to be awarded to Weymouth Construction Co. IT .IS THERLFORI; ORDERED, that the bid of 171eymouth Construction Co. for the said improvement be and the same is hereby accepted, and the chairman of the board of county commissioners is -hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with the said Weymouth Construction, Co. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the said contract to be so entered into between the County of '?7hatcom upon the one hand and the said contractor upon the other shall provide that the contract be fulfilled and the work fully performed and completed on or before the lst day of November, 1915, and that the said contractors be required to give bond for the full amount of the bid for. the faithful performance of the conditions of said contract. Done in open session of the Board this 18th day of March, 1915. J.B. Uc , illan 11 It 1+ 1t M of to n 11 n It It to it Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- t1 Henry Slater "ioners of '3hatcom County 11 Commmissioner.. to State of Washington 11 Henry Shagren 1t n 11 10 of to it u +1 of n If It if Commissioner Attest: Will D Viallace • County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- On motion, the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, March 23, 1915* irman of the Board of -County Commiss-. ioners. 5 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Tuesday the 23rd clay March 19_a Tuesday, larch 23, 1915. The Board met pursuant to a,d j ournuient taken on 11arch 18, 1915. Present, all'members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following Proceedings were had: The depository bond of Northwestern National Bank given -by the Yational Surety Co. for $15,000.00, and the depository bond of the First National Bank given by the Aetna. Accident & Liability Co. for $50,000.00, were both approved by the Chairman of the Board on this date. ----------000---------.. ✓ In the Matter of the Approval of ) ( Order Approving. Bond of Booker & Campbell } It is ordered by this Board that the surety bond of -Booker & Campbell given by the Aetna Accident and Liability Company for $11, 400.00 covering contract for improvement of 1 mile of Northwest Diagonal Road being Permanent Highway No. 2 A, be, and same is hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this 23rd day of March, 1915. 11 is , It I II I to 11 11 tl.. I 11 It tt "Board of County Commiss- " "i oners of 'J1hat com County " it State of Washington " to to to tl It 11 It 41 It it it to It 11 Attest: ,Jill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- In the Matter of Approval of Bond ) ( Order Approving of Weymouth Construction Co. ) J.R. Mclliillan .Chairman of the Board Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner It is ordered by this Board that the surety bond of Weymouth Construction Company, given by the Riassachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company for $31,318.00 covering.contract for construction of steel bridge over Nooksack river on the Guide Meridian Road,.be, and same is hereby approved. Done in open session of -the Board this 23rd day of March, 1915. J .B : Igtcl li ll an " if it V of It of of " if of if It it Cr'haintian of the Board. "Board of County Commiss- " Henry Slater "loners of 19hateom County " Commissioner "- "State"of Waghington of Henry Sh.agren to It 11 to it of of u it of it ti n it Commissioner AttestL Will D 'Jlallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ------- 000---- ----- / RES-,OLUT ION. ✓ WHEREAS, proposals to furnish material and labor and erect and complete ready for travel the substructure, superstructure, approaches and trying wall in accordance with playa and specifications for the Nooksack river bridge on the Guide Meridian Road in °Jhatcorn County, Washington, have been received; and WiLREAS, proposals have been submitted for the "removal of, old. approaches"; and, whereas, Wh,a,tcom County may wish to remove the old approaches, or have same removed out- side of and independent of any proposal or contract for the erection of said bridge: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Coftnissioners of iVhatcorn County, Jashington, that any proposal or contract entered into for the. erection of the oa.id Nook - sack river bridge on the Guide Meridian .road wherein an item for the "removal of old W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Tuesday the 23rd day march 191 bridges and approaches" is set forth, that said item may be eliminated from said proposal, contract, plans and specifications at the option of Whatcom County, and without any laibi- lity therefor, and all contracts entered, into for the erection of said bridge shall con- tain a clause allowing said Whatcom County the right to execute the spirit of this resolu- tion. Done in open session of the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom. County, Washing- ton, this 23rd day of Larch, 1915. J.B. McMillan " " " n "oil n n n of u 1" rr ii Chairman "Board of County Commiss- " Henry Slater 11ioners of '.11hatcom County " Commissioner " State of '.lashington it Henry Shagren of of Commissioner Attest: `►dill D -Vallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Baard. ----- - ---000---------- Tn the Matter of Appointment ) ( Order .Appointing C.A. F,trand of Clerk for Baker Township ) WHEREAS, a vacancy exists in the office of. Clerk for Baker Township through the refusl of E W Ryan, the duly elected Clerk for said township, to qualify therefor; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of said township have recommended the appointment of C A Strand to fill said vacancy; NOW, TI111tEFORE, it is ordered by this Board that C.A. STRAND be, and.he hereby is appointed as Clerk for Baker Township, to act as such until the next regularly elected clerk shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Hoard this 23rd day of i,Tarch, 1915. J.B. hc;ti illa.n. to of It to 01 uhairma,n of the Board. "Board of County Commiss- '" Henry Slater "ioners of Whatcom County " Commissioner to State of 'i'lashington " 7enry Shagren It n it to if It it If to It it it If of Commissioner Attest: 'gill D 'Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- The application of Fred Miller for right to operate two pool tables at Yaple Fells, 'Uh.atcora County, `Washington, was granted by the Board and license issued dated .from Feb- ruary 7, 1915 and terminating February 7, 1916. -----------000---------- C 0 Ii C R A C T THIS AGR +' [&T, made and' entered into this 23rd day of March, .1915, between %1ltIATCOM COUIM', State of Washington, and Booker and Campbell, hereinafter called the Contractor, both acting under and by virtue of Sec. 7, Chap.' 35, Laws of 1911, laws of .1ashington, WITNESSETH: That in condideration of the payments, covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned to be made_ and' performed by `ahatcom County, the contractor hereby covenants and agrees .as follows: l: To complete all the work and furnish all the materials necessary to construct, improve and complete the Northwest Diagonal Road, or -Permanent Highway No. 2 A, in Whatcom County, Washington, between Station OtOO and Station 52+8-0, in accordance with, and as des- cribed in the profile, map, plans and specifications therefor, which are made a part hereof and shall have the same effect as though the same mere fully incorporated herein, and in full coLipliance with the terms, conditions and stipulations of this agreement. r, fW.O.I. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Tuesday the 23rd clay starch 191 2. The contractor. shall provide and be at the expense of all materials, labor, carriage, tools, implements, conveniences and things of every description, that may be required for the transfer of materials for the.improving, constructing and completing the work above described. 3. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the t;rork in - eluded in this contract is to be done under the direction and supervision of the County Engineer, or construction engineer, who may be designated the Engineer in Charge by the Board, and his decision as to the true consideration and meaning of the profile, maps,. plans, specifications and estimate shall be final. In the absence of the engineer, his duly authorized inspector or agent shall be deemed the construction engineer in c,barge. It is also understood and agreed that such additional drawings and explanations as may be necessary to detail and illustrate the work, ave to be furnished by the engineer, and the contractor agrees to conform to and abide the same, so far as raay be consistent with the purpose and intent of the original plans and specifications. a. Should the contractor at any time refuse or neglect to supply a sufficiency of properly stilled workmen or of materials of the proper quality, or fail in any ,respect to prosecute the work with promptness.and diligence, or fail in the performance of any of the agreements herein contained, the Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter called the Board) on behalf of 'v,hatcom County shall be at liberty after three days written notice to the contractor, to provide any such labor or materials and to deduct the cost thereof from any moneys then due or thereafter to become due to the contractor under this contract; and may, by written notice, terminate the employment of.the contractor for tre said viork, and, enter upon the premises and take possession of all materials, tool: and appliances thereon, for the purpose of completing the work -.t,nc'luded under this contract, and employ, by contract or otherwise, any other person or persons to finish the aork, and provide the material therefor; and in case of such discontinuance of the employment of the contractor, he shall not be entitled to receive any balance of the' amount to be paid under this con- tract until the work shall be wholly finished,at which time if the unpaid balance of the amount to be paid under this contract shall exceed the expense incurred by the board in finishing the work, such excess shall be paid by the board to the contractor; but if such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance, the contractor shall pay the difference to the County. A discontinuance of work upon the said.road by the contractor :for a period of Ten consecutive days without written permission of the Board filed in the office of the clerk of the Board shall be construed to be an abandonment, of the contract by the contra,t- or and the Board may in such. case terminate this contract without notice. 5. The contractor hereby agrees to complete all the work called for in this con- tract, in all parts and requirements, before the 1sG day of June, 1915. G. Time shall be the essence of this contract on the pert of the contractor, and in case the contractor shall fail in the due performance of the contract by and bti the time herein :mentioned, he shall be liable ,to pay to Vlhat;com County for liquidated damages, and not as penalty, the sum of Twenty ($20.00) Dollars for each and every day which may.elapse between the appointed and actual time of completion, which sum is hereby agreed upon, fix- ed ,and determined as the damages that will be suffered by such failure to complete within the time named; and the County may deduct the same from the amount due or to become due to the contractor; and such payments or deductions shall not in any tray or degree release the contractor from the further obligations sand penalties in respect to the fulfillment of the entire contract, nor any right which the County might have to claim, sue for and W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Tuesday the 23rd day 11arch 1915 recover compensation and damages for non-performance of this contra.et. 7. Partial payments upon this contract, not exceeding eighty (80;') por cent. of the laork done, may be made at the request of the contractor once each month, sunh pa•yrnents to be made upon the extima.tes of the engineer in charge9 Final payments for said work shall be made within thirty days after the entire work has been completed and accepted by the engineer and board, PROVIDED, that before the making of such final payment the contractor shall show to the satisfaction of the board that all just debts due all laborers, mechan- ics, material men, and persons who have supplied such contractor, or sub -contractor, with material or ;roods of any kind For this work have been paid. PROVIDLI) FURTHER, That if prior to any payment being made the board receives notice from any person er i,crzons that any Iabcrers, mechanics, material rcn, or other persons, who have supplied or furnished said contractor, or any sub -contractor, with any labor, service, material, goods or provisions of any kind in connection ,rrith the construc- tion of said work have claims .a ra.inst said contractor, or any sub -contractor, for such service or things, for which claim any such laborer, r:lecha,nic, material man, or other per- son .could be entitled to a lien under the laws of this state were said work not a public :vor1., or proper claim a.gainst the bond in ;such cases required by law, the board shall have, the right to retain out of the payments then due or to become due to said contractor, the amount in addition to the twenty per cent. above provided to be retained until the final completion of said work, sufficient to cover all such cla.iras or which notice shall have been so given, until such claim or claims shall have been fully satisfied rind paid, and. receipts in full for the salve shall have been furnished by the said contractor to the board and the said contractor hereby expressly .z,"soes to pay a,ll such claim,.3. It is mutually agreed between the parties hereto that any payments or contribu- tions due or .required by Chap. 71 of the La,;,s of 1911 (Industrial Insurance At) from the County of '-Jhateom, by virtue of or or. account of any of the aor'-: covered by this contract, in.a.y be deducted from the payment or P.%rji ents „ --i,de. to the contractor herein, and that the sum or sums so deducted s?h.a,ll be determined each month upon the basis of the %:cork of said month, and shall be made upon the proper written order and demand of the industrial- I.rsur- ance Commission, a notice of 1vhici;. order and demand shall be served. unor_ t'he said contract- or prior to said deduction. It is furt',ier agreed that the contractor herein, or any sub- contractor or contractors employed. by there shall be subject to the provisions of said act as provided !znd required in Sec. 17 thereof. 8. All payments under this cant.ract shall be made by the State Treasurer from the Permanent Tiighway Fund, upon warrants of the State Auditor issued upon presentation of proper vouchers by the contractor, said vouchers to be ap�aroved by the board, and no pay- ment shall be made for ar.y -.7+F :;lade during the nro ,rt�ss of the :,ork unless the sa.rnc 7q.,312 have been approved by the of :county Commieaioners by resolution, and. a copy of said resolution shall have been transmitted to the State Highway Commissioner, and, in case of final payment, to be a.cco:upanicd by the certificate of the State Higlyaay Comm- issioner as aforesaid. No warrant, ho,rever, can be issued for any purpose against the Per.naLhent Highway Fund ur.letis t1.c._c be s zfficient money to pay such warrant in such fL:nd credi t of '.sfhatcom County, PROV1DID, 110"'IEVERS that in case the permanent highway herein described shall be improved or constructed pursuant to a petition, as provided in Sec. 20 Chap. 35, of the Laas of 1911, then a.nd in that event such portion of the total expense under this contract as shall be char-ea,ble to the property within the improvement di tri;,;, shall be paid from, the Goneral Road and Bridge Fund of the County upon the presen- tation of proper vouchers therefor. r ' W.O.R.`i! / J_ record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Tuesday the 23rd day March 1915 9. No alteration shall be :made in the work shoy,?n and described in the plans and specificationo except upon the aritte:n order of the engineer and as provided hereinbefore and ahen so made the value of the Mork so added or omitted shall be col'aputed by the engineer, and the amount so determined shall be final and conclusive and binding upon the contractor, and shall be added to or deducted from the contract price. The schedule of unit or item- ized prices hereto attached is intended to form a part of this contract, .and shall con- stitute as far as possible the basis upon which the value of all work added or omitted. shall be computed. 10; The contractor shall provide sufficient, safe and proper facilities for the in- spection of the work by the board or its authorized representatives. The said contractor shall furnish without charge,, to the said board, mr its authorized .representatives, samples of cement or other materials used in construction, as said s,a;;lples rn^y be required,, in order that the character of such materials may be determined. All materials and methods shall be subject to the approval of the engineer. Defective vrork, or material, may be condemned by the engineer at any time before the f iria,l acceptance of the work. Notice of condemnation shall be given by the engineer, in writing. Such con- demned vrork shall be immediately removed or disposed of to the satisfaction of the engineer Failure or neglect on the part of the engineer to condemn unsatisfactory material or to reject inferior workmanship shall in no aay release the contractor, nor shall it be con- strued to mean the acceptance of such work, nor shall the final acceptance bar Whatcom County from recovering damages in case fraud was practiced. Time lost in replacing such improper -;cork shall furnish no ground to the con- tractor for claiming an extension of time .for the completion of the aork :incompetent, careless or negligent employes shall be forthwith discharged by the contractor upon the written request of the board or engineer, and failure to comply with such request shall be sufficient ground for the termination of the contract, as provided for in this article or Article 4 hereof. Should the contractor be delc.yed in the prosecution of thb laork or the cornpletion thereof by the act, neglect, or fault of the engineer, then the time herein fixed for the completion of the %cork shall be extended for a period equivalent to the time lost by reago.z of n.ny or all the causes aforesaid, which extended period shall be deterrined and fixed by the board, but no such allowance shall be made unless a claim therefor is presented in writing to the chairman of the board within ten days after the orrcurance of such delay. 11. It is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto that no certificate given car ,?ayment made under this contract, except the firia.l certificate or final payment, shall be evidence of the perfonaance of this contract either wholly or in part, and that n(b payment shall be construed to be an acceptance of defective work or improper materials. 12. The work and materials covered by this contract shall be at the sole risk of the con�z z,ator until the same shall have been finally accepted by the engineer ind board, and the State Highway Commissioner, and any damage or loss that may occur or .result to the same 2rior to the final acceptance of said work by the engineer and board and State Higl�.- z.�cr Co.-uniasioner shall fall upon_ and be made good by the contractor. 13. This contract shall not be assignable in whole or in part. 14. The contractor steal give his personal attention .o the work at all times, -and be present, either in person or by duly authorized representatives, on the site of the work continually during its progress and shall receive instructions from the engineer in charge. Any sub -contractor shall be considered theagent of the contractor and the latter shall be responsible for an%# indebtedness incurred by such �.;ent. If any sub -contractor fails to perform his York in a satisfactory ,Wanner this contract mety be terminated by the Board W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Tues day the 23rd day I.Ta.r ch 1915 15. The contractor shall be liable for all damages and injury Which shall be caused or which shall occur to any person or persons or property i.rhatsoever by reason of any negligence of said contractor or -any of his servants, employes or sub -contractors, or by reason of any breach or violation of any of the provisions of this agreement or any of his duties or obligations thereunder. The contractor shall assume ,all liability for and protect the Board from anir damages or claims arising from the use of any patented articles or devices in any part of the work. 16. It is a part of the public policy of the State of 'Jashington that a.11 ,,cork by contract or day labor done for it or any political subdivision created by law, shall be performed in work days of not more than eight hours each, except in cases of extraordinary emergency. "To case of extradrdinary emergency shall be construed to exist in any case where other labor can be found to take the place of labor which has already been employed for eight hours in any calendar day. In case of violation of the provisions of this article the Board shall have the right to cancel this contract without notice and shall have the right to complete the work in the manner provided in article No. 4 hereof. 17. The contractor agrees to execute and furnish to the Board a good and sufficient corporate surety bond, to be payable to-1hatcom County, and to be in the penal sur:i of the full amount of this contract, conditioned that he ,•rill perforrz the work upon the terms, within the time, and in accordance aith the contract, profiles, maps, plans and specifi- cations, and that he will indemnify the County a ainst any direct or indirect damages that shall be suffered or claimed for injuries to persons or property during the construction and improvement of such road or higlTaay and until the same is accepted; ad further, con- ditioned as required by lair for the payment of all laborers, mechanics, sub -contractors and material men, and. all persons who shall supply such person or persons or sub -contract- ors with provisions or supplies for the carrying on of such. vrork, and all just debts, dues and demands incurred in the perforrna,nce of such work. If the board shall have reason to believe that the security on said bond has be- come impaired since the execution thereof, or is insufficient, it may require the contract or to furnish cther or additional security. 13. The board hereby promises and agrees with the contractor to employ and sloes employ him to provide the materials and to do and cause to be clone the vrork iipon said. Permanent Hi ,hraay, to complete and furnish the same according to the plans and specifica- tions and the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to for the prices set forth herein, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time and in the manner and upon the conditions herein set forth. 19. For and in consideration of the faithful performance by the contractor of the work, covenants and acts on his part lierein stipulated to be kept and performed, 71hatcorn County hereby contracts and agrees to pay to the said contractor the lump sure price of l;leven Thousand Four Hundred Dollars in the manner sand form herein provided, and in no other manner ahatsoever. 20. The contr-actor for himself, and for his heirs, successors, executors, a.driinis- trators and assigns, does hereby agree to the full performance of all the covenants herein contained upon his part. IN 1,111TN`LSS VITIFT l.'RFOF, the said contractors have hereunto set their hands rind seals and the said .7hatcom County pursuant to resolution duly ad6pted by its County Commissioners, has caused these presents to be subscribed by its chairman and clerk, and the name of the board to be hereunder affixed the day and year first :hove written. Ja.ni<< ry Record of ComtWssioners". Term Tuesday the 23rd day Proceedings March 1915; WHATCOhz COUNTY II - It 11 11 If 11 11 11 11 11 It II 11 If - - r'Board of Counts- Comiiissm If By J.B. ldcIlillan Ilioners of Wha.tcora Clounty r' Chairilia_n It State of l`d:ashiizgton '° Henry Slater 11 it li ,I 11 11 1, n i, ,1 N n It 11 Commi s si over - llenry Shagren Aitest: 'rill D Wallace Commissioner Clerk of the Board of County Cornmissionerse Board of County Commissioners of `MhatcomT County, ;;atil�ington. Booker & Campbell. Cote t:ra ctors . Per D B Campbell. Contrast. and Specifications endorsed "Approved Dec 4, 1914 (Section 7, Chapter 35, Laws 911) 'elm R Hoy, State Hi�;h:vay Corrmi.ssionera / CONTRACT. V, THIS AGrRlili;IuIENT, made and entered into in triplicate this 23rd day of lTfarch, A.D., 1915, between Whatcom County, State of Washington, hereinafter called the County, and. ,"VFZ tIO.UTH CONSTRUCTION .CO., hereinafter,'called the'' contractor, . 1ITNBSSETH That tl-ie said contractor, in consideration of the sums hereinafter specified, be paid to said Weymouth Construction Co. by the said lllhatcom County, in the manner and at the time hereinafter provided, and in consideration of other covenants and agreements, herein contained by the said parties, agrees to and with said Whatcom County: 1. That the contractor will perform and furnish under the direction and to the satis faction of the Board of County Commissioners of 1, i.atcom County, Washington, and in con- formity to the laws of the State of Washington, all the mork and material included in the maps, plans, and specifications and the following proposal: "Bellingham, ',dash. Honorable Board of County Commissioners, Bellingham, Washington. Gentlemen: The undersigned heeby agrees to furnish all material and labor, and erect and complete ready for travel, the substructure, superstructure, approaches and wing wall in accordance with your plans and specifications for the Nooksack river bridge on the Guide Ideridian road, for the following figures: Span, piers and wing wall ��26565.00; concrete in pier shafts, p.cu.yd. 1�$8.00; concrete in pier bases, p. cu.yd. vj;7.00; approaches per lineal .foot, $3.85; price per bent for blocking up old approaches from 1 to 4 feet, $12.75; removal of old span, $915.00; removal of old approaches, $605.00. 'A certified check for $,1600.00 is hereby enclosed, and the undersigned agrees, in case this proposal is accepted, to enter into contract and to furnish bond as required. Vdeymouth Construction Co., By F.B. Weymouth, Pres. 61 and that the contractor will furnish all material necessary, and perform all labor in the manner, and .of the kind and class of work and material, and manner of doing said work, and in all other respects strictly according to the maps, plans and specifications thereof furnished by the County Engineer of said County and on file in his office; said maps, plans and specifications being agreed to be a part of this contract with the same force and effect as though the same were fully inserted herein. Said work to be done under the supervision and direction of the County Engineer and to be approved by him and the Board of County Commissioners. In case of any disagreement or misunderstanding in respect to these specifications or the performance of the work, the matter shall be referred to the Board of County Commissioners, whose decision shall be final. In case of improper construction or nonco,iipliance .with the contract or specifications W.O.R. Record - ®f CoMmissioners Proceedings January Term Tuesday the 23rd day March 1915 in any manner, upon recoimuendation of the County Engineer, the Board of County Commiss- ioners may suspend said work at any time and may order the partial or entire reconstruction of said work if improperly done, or declare the contract forfeited,, and may then re -let or complete the same, and adjust the difference of damage or price if any there be, which the contractor shall pay to the County according to the just and reasonable amount thereof. 2. Said work is to be fully completed on or before the 1st day of November, 1915, and. if not done within the time specified the contractor agrees to pay to the County $20.00 for. each and every day that the work remains uncompleted beyond such time, such amount hereby being agreed upon as liquidated damages of a reasonable amount for such delay, and to be deducted by the county ffom the final estimate allowed the contractor. 3. Additional time for completion of work under this contract must be applied for in writing by the contractor, and shall be granted only on order by the Board of County Comm- issioners entered in regular session, and upon the further condition that the sureties on the contractor's bond shall not be -released thereby. 4. Said County agrees to make payment of the sum agreed to be paid in the following manner: warrants will be drawn on the road and bridge fund of said County according to the final estimate furnished by the County Engineer and approved by the County Commiss- ioners, as provided in the specifications and prices inserted therein. Partial payments based upon the County Engineer's estimates, made from time to time, may be made not to T. exceed sixty per ,cent. of such estimates. 5. No liability shall attach to the County by reason of entering into this contract except as specially provided herein. The contractor hereby assumes all risks and liabili-. ties for accidents or damages that may occur to persons or property during the prosecution of the work.'It is understood that the whole of the work is to be done at the contractor's risk and he is to assume the respo#sibility of risk and all damage done to the work from any cause whatsoever prior to the final acceptance by the Board.of County Commissioners of all work to be done hereunder, and partial payments shall not diminish the liability here- undev. 6. The contractor shall not let, assign nor transfer this contract, or any interest therein, without the written consent of the.Board of County Commissioners. 7. It is ynderstood-that final payment shall be made within thirty days after this contract is completely finished and the work accepted; provided, that in each of the said cases the contractor, shall give the Board.of County Commissioners good and sufficient evidence that the bridge is free from all liens and claims chargeable to the said contract- or on account thereof; and further, that if at any time there shall be any lien or claim for which, if established, the county, or said bridge, might be made liable and which would be chargeable to the contractor the County shall have the right to retain out of;any payment then due or thereafter to become due said contractor an amount sufficient to com- pletely indemnify it against such lien or claim until the same shall be effectually satis- fied, dishharged, or cancelled. And should there prove to be any such claim after all payments are made the contractor shall refund to the County all moneys that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging any lien on said premises, or paying any indebtedness therefor made obligatory in consequence of the contractor's default. Provided, this shall not in any manner be construed a release of any of the conditions of the contractor's bond. 8. No,certificate given or payment made under this contract except the final certi- ficate or final payment, shall be conclusive evidence of the performance of 'this contract either wholly or in part against any claim of the County, and no payment shall -be con- strued to be an acceptance of any defective work. 4. The County of Whatcom reserves the right to eliminate from the.proposal and W.O.R. Record of Comnussioners' Proceedings, January Term Tuesday the 23rd clay March 191 5 perform all of the work contemplated under the item for the "removal of old approaches $605.00"; if so the contractor shall not perform the work or receive any compensation for said item. A resolution of the board of county commissioners of Whatcom County dealing with this subject is incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this contract. 9. The contractor shall within five (5) days after notice of being awarded the con- tract, furnish a good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of $31,318.00, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract and as provided by lazy, which bond shall not be witi.ated or affected by extension of time for completion of this contract, -or alteration, or modi,,fication in line, grade or plans of said ,work, and no liability shall attach to the County, unless such bond be furnished. IN WITNESS VMREOF, said County executes this contract by its Board of County Comm- issioners, and the contractor does sign and seal the same the date herein first above mentioned., it 11 tt It II 11 it " 11 It I 1t 11 " "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of 'Uhatcom County " to State .of Washington to to it u n to tt It It it. it to It u" Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk. J.B. Ike Millan Chairman Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner Weymouth Const. Co. by F E Weymouth, Pres. Contractor. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, March 30, 1915. / n rma.n Board County Commissioners. W.O.R. - ? Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings i p Sanuary Term Tuesdav the 30th day March 191 _5_- J Tuesday, Larch 30, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on Itlarch 23, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: C 0 N T R A C T. KNOW ALL ITEN BY TN1;SE PRESENTS, That 1h.atcom County, 'Jashington, hereinafter called the party of the first part, and John Iferk and Elsie I:Ierk, his wife; Robert Merk and Eva Merk, his wife; and Mary Merk, a widow, hereinafter called parties of the second part, do by these presents agree as follows: Party of the first part agrees to purchase and the parties of the second part to sell all of the gravel contained in or on the following described property: Beginning at a point which is 696.8 feet north and 20 feet east of the -� corner between Sections 23 and 24, Twp. 39 N. Range 3 E; thence south 70 degrees 00 minutes east 239.6 feet; thence south 95.7 feet; thence east 417.4 feet; thence north 417.4 feet; thence west 417.4 feet; thence south 292.0 feet; thence north 70 degrees 00 minutes west 239.6 feet; thence south 30.6 feet to the place of beginning, containing 4.16 acres. It being the intention of the first party to purchase and the second parties to sell the gravel on said premises, but the ultimate ownership and title to the land above des- cribed after the gravel is removed to be in the parties of the second part. The party of the first part agrees to pay for the said gravel the sum of One Thousand ($1000.00) Dollars, Five Hundred ($500.00( Dollars of same being paid in cash, and the remaining sum of Five Hundred 0500.00) Dollars to be paid on or before January 3, 1916. It is further agreed and understood that the parties of the second part have the right to use the above described land for pasture for their cattle, provided, the same does not interfere with party of the first part in removing the gravel from the above described premises. It is further agreed and understood that the party of the first part shall have the right to remove the said gravel at any time first party may deem it raost advantageous, regardless of the length of time it may take to so remove the said gravel. IN 'V'JITIVTESS `-�IHEREOF, the above parties have hereunto executed this contract in dupli- cate this 30th day of lurch, 1915. J.B. PriclTillan it to to of of if n to n n n u t"' Chairman "Board of County Commiss- " henry Slater "ioners of Ihatcom County " Commissioner it State of ',Jashingt on it Henry Shagren It it of of of It it It it if it of of it Commissioner Attest: 1.7ill D 1.7allace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. John Iferk Elsie Merk Robert Ilerk Eva Herk I:1Iarie 1�2erk State of y'Jashington, ( ss. County of 'Jhatcom. ) I, the undersigned, County Auditor for Whatcom County, in and for the State of ',Jash- ington, duly commissioned, sworn and qualified, do hereby certify that on this 30th day of March, 1915, personally appeared before me John 1erk and Elsie Merk, his wife; Robert I:Ierk and Eva Merk, his wife; and Mary Berk, a widow, to me known to be the individuals describ- ed and who executed the above and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that thay signed and executed the same as their free and voluntary acts and deeds for the mses and purposes therein mentioned. Given under ray hand and official seal the day and year in this cesttificate fif'st above written. it of if to of it it " It of of it It It 'fill D ,`lallace, Auditor of ';lhatconi County, in "Auditor's Seal, 1,4hatcom " and for the State of '.'la.shington, residing at " County, Washington It Bellingham. to of to it to it It n n to of It It of W.O.R. n ecord of Commissioners' Proceedings January Term Tuesday the 30th day April 1915 J Depository bond of 11orthwestern National Bank given by Illinois Surety Co. for $10, 000.00, was approved by the Chairman of the Board. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to ineet on Monday, April 5, 1915. ' irman Board County Commissioners. W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings April Term T.;ionday the 5th day April 1915 r:.-onday, April 5, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on IjTarch 30th. 1915. Present, J.B. McMillan, Chairman; Henry Sha.gren and Henry Slater, Corunissioners; dill D. 'Mallace, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following claims were allovied and proceed- ings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Will D Uallace Salary as County Auditor 158.33 August Engquist Salary as Chief Dep Auditor 110.00 S E Barrett Salary as Dep Auditor 100.00 F C T,iartin do 80.00 Lucy E King Salary as Chief Recorder 80.00 Ili Thomas Salary as Recorder 70.00 Jessie 'Walters do 70.00 N Samson Salary as Clerk for Auditor 11 days 26,60 J B 1ticP;illan Salary as County Commissioner 21 days 80.00 Henry Slater do dO 80.00 Henry Shagren dd 1 mo 150.00 Delia L Keeler Salary as Supt Co Schools 150.00 Laud Jallace Salary as Dep Supt Co Schools 90.00 Henry C Beach Salary as Justice of the Peace 100.00 Edwin M Day do 100.00 Blanche Funk I.Iiller Salary as Clerk for Day 25.00 Harrison Cowden Salary as Constable 60.00 F E Wyman Salary as Probation Officer 75.00 Idrs Bessie Cline do 50.00 0 E Beebe Salary as Co Physician 83.33 Hector Gawley Salary .as Janitor 90.00 W P Brown Salary as Prosecuting Attorney 158.33 Loomis Baldrey Salary as Dep Pros Attorney 100.00 ia,ybelle Bryan Salary as Stenographer for Pros Atty 75.00 Ed E Hardin Salary as Superior Judge 125.00 ►7illiam H Pemberton do 125.00 Alithea Adams Salary as Co Clerk 158.33 Geo 1:I Cook Salary as Dep Co Clerk 100.00 G P Kincaid do 100.00 Nellie C Rogers Salary as Co Treasurer 166.66 F L Olslager Salary as Dep Co Treasurer 100.00 John Fernley Salary as Bookkeeper for Co Treasurer 90.00 Olive Wilson Salary as Clerk for Co Treasurer 80.00 G A Pence do 80.00 N Samson do 20 days 51.60 Geo H tiYatrous do 15 days 45.00 Agnes Nedrud do 75.00 Wilson Ste:vart Salary as Sheriff 158.33 L J Flanagan Salary as Dep Sheriff 100.00 1nery Hess do 80.00 E 13 Nunamaker do 80,00 ,i B Byland Salary as Jailer 60.00 C M Adams Salary as Co Engineer 158.33 C E Phoenix Salary as Dep Co Engineer 100.00 Carl McCoy Salary as Draughtsman for Co Eng. 108.00 Ii C Swett enam Salary as Transit. €e Chain. for Co Eng 65.00 F Mc +lmon Salary as Transitman for Co Eng., 30.00 P G Cooke do 66.00 E C Lyle do 5.00 Ed Decker Salary as Chainman for Co Eng 15.00 ;4 'd Tod do 15.00 Clay C Cooke do 22.50 E 'J Gooch do 3.75 H D ldcArthur Salary as Co Assessor 125.00 Jas Elder Salary as Dep Co Assessor 16 days 47.40 H R George do 75.00 F I1 Carver do 75.00 David 'Jurtenberg do _ 75.00 John A McBride Salary as Dep Assessor in Field 66.50 C H Wight do 47.25 I N Adams do 91.00 Alex Van '.7yck do 94.50 Geo S Smith do 94.50 Daniel Mc Cush do 52.50 Jas Elder do 38.50 I.Irs Ldith "Layman do 84.00 Kate 'Tracy do 66.50 Frank Odell do 94.50 Ira Rohrbacher do 29.75 B %"-! Loring do 80.50 Henry Schroeder do 17.50 Lillian A Covell do 59.50 C C King Salary as rupt Co Home 70.00 M B King Salary as hatron at Co Home 30.00 Ray 11, Johnson Salary as Teamster at Co Home 18.00 Nettie Smith Salary as Cook at Co Home 45.00 H J Burst Salary as Nurse at Co Horne 10.00 Geo Slater Salary as Guard at Co Home 60.00 S A Strange Salary as Field Dep Assessor 63.00 Hugh Eldridge Stampen envelopes for Co Assessor 54.04 Puget Sound T L & P Co Lights for March 45.75 Harrison Cowden Expense as Constable 8.00 P G Cooke Expense as Dep Co Engineer 15.75 E C Lyle do 5.00 Nellie C Rogers P 0 Box Rent 2,00 %Tilson Steaart :expense as Sheriff 91.50 clo Board of Prisoners 249.00 ( WO—M Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Terns ;:Ionday the 5th by April. 1915 Geo H Watrous D H Dunkle !Barney Hansen Senate Cafe Jack liartin Groot & Dawson B N Kingsley Brimerican Art Co I N Holraes, Clk Thurston Co 'Jill D 'Jallace, Co Aud J M. Aitken J E Lee Leslie Jones Hugh Eldridge John J '!lard Alvin Boraker 11orthwest Hdvi Co Sumas News Towner Printing Co Ferndale Livery Standard Oil Co F J Barlow C A Scrimsher G H gibers ✓ In the !Matter of Appointment of Clerk for T.,Iaple Falls Township. Services as Dep Sheriff 17.50 do 7.00 do 3.50 T.Ieals .for Jurors 46.05 do 21.65 do 38.60 Taking, prisoner from F-1a,ine to Bellingham 5.15 Photo Exhibit for Pros :'Attorney 1.00 Cert. Copy for Pros Atty .80 Recording Deeds in Drain Dists #7 and �,19 6.60 GXSE P710TECTION FUND. Salary L Expense as Game "Darden 119.55 Salary L Expense as Dep Game ':larden 88.60 do 80.25 Stampen Envelopes for Gm!ie Dept. 117.48 Services to Game ':larden 20.00 Labor at Fish Hatchery 5.25 Supplies for Fish Hatchery 2.80 Prtg. Appl. for Game Licenses 6.00 do 9.50 Livery for Game `Harden 2.00 Oil & Gasoline for Game ':garden 3.26 Auto Supplies .for Game harden 45.61 ROAD AND BRIDGE FITIM . Operating T:iarietta Ferry 50.00 Tending Ferndale :Bridge 5.00 ---------- 000------_- Order Appointing Hugh C Judkins WHEREAS, it appearing to this Board that a vacancy exists in the office of Clerk of Maple falls Township, through the failure of the regularly elected clerk to qualify there- f or; and IHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of said toz,inship have recommended the appointment of Hugh C Judkins to fill said vacancy; NOW, THE'REFOM, it is ordered by this Board that HUGH C. JUDKINS be, and he hereby is appointed as Clerk of said 11aple Falls Township to act as such until the next regularly elected officer shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Board this 5th day of April, 1915. If of It to It II It II tt It II It to II "Hoard of County Cormai ss- " "ioners of ;/hat com County " it State of `.lashington " It It It It It It It It II II It to 11 to Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. -----_b_--000----___-_- In the T:latter of Appointment of road. ) ( Order Appointing. Overseer for I,ummi Island Township. ) J.B. 11cT,7,illan Chairman of the Board. Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Sha.gren Co=issioner ,Y +'RL'AS, a vacancy exists in the office of Road Overseer in Lummi Island Township through the failure of Jas O'Rourke, the duly elected officer, to qualify therefor; and VI AREAS, the Board of Supervisors of said township has recommended the appointment of C. Granger to fill said vacancy; 40W, THEREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that C. GRAT.IGER be, and he hereby is appointed as Road Overseer in Lummi Island Township, to act as such until the next regular- ly elected officer shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Board this 5th day of April, 1915. J.B. 11c1:7i llan to It It it It tl it tl tt tt tt tl it It Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- " Henry Slater "ioners of U'natcom County " Commissioner if State of "Jashington " Henry SbLagren if /t to "" of if It of n n it n n Commi ss ioner Attest: ,Vill D Wallace County Auditor and Cleric of the Board. ---------- 00o--__---_-- W.O.R. R�cord of Commissioners' Proceedings 55 April Term Monday the 5th day April In the !,,latter of the Improvement of the Guide ) ( ORDER ACCEPTING BID. ileridian Road, being Permanent Highway. No. 5 ) 191 5 WHEREAS, on the 9th day of March, 1915, this Board made an order callinJ for bids for the improvement of the Guide lieridian Road, being Permanent Highway No. 5, beginning at the northerly limits of the City of Bellingham and .running thence north five miles to Laurel, otheniise described as follows: Beginning at the quarter section corner common to sections 13 and 18 Tvip 38 N, Ranges 2 and 3 East; thence north five miles to quarter sec- tion corner common to sections 19 and 24, Twp 39 1T, Ranges 2 and 3 E; said bids to be considered at the hour of 2 o'clock P.1T. on 11onday, April 5th 1915; and the notlice calling for such bids having been duly published in the county official paper, to-,ait: the Journal Progressive, in the manner and for the length of time required by lave; NO'd, on this 5th day of April, 1915, this matter coming on for consideration, the board finds the bids submitted for the construction of said improvement to be as follows, to -wit: P J McHUGH PAVING & CONSTRUCTION CO: Lump sum - - - - - - - - - - - - $68,800.00 D H TRAPHAGEN: Lump sum - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 72, 000.00 K SAUSET : Lwnp sum . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 72, 000.00 C G BURNET: Lump sum - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 72, 400.00 BANCROFT & ITTORGAN: Lump sum - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 72, 637.00 �,UIGG CONSTRUCTION CO: Lump sum - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 72, 868.00 ATLAS CONSTRUCTION CO: Lump swn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-0,898.00 CASCADE CONSTRUCTION CO: Lump sum - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 73,873.00 N W BALL: Lump sum - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 74, 385.00 'JEST COAST CONSTRUCTION CO: Lump sum - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 74,599.50 T"JO ITIRACLE CONCRETE CORP: Lump sum - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 74, 890.00 BOOKER & C11aPBRLL: Lump sum - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 76, 600.00 This Board further finds that the bid of P J YcHugh Paving & Construction Co. for the construction of said improvement is the loviest and best bid submitted therefor, and it would be to the best interests of 13hatcom County, that the contract for said improvement to be awarded to P J I1cHugh Paving & Construction Co. IT IS THIIIEFORE ORDERRID That the bid of P J McHugh Paving ex. Construction Co. for the said improvement, be and the same is hereby accented, and the chairman of the board of county commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with the said P J McHugh 1,aving & Construction Co. for said improvement. IT IS FURTLER ORDERED that the said contract to be so entered into between the County of Whatcom upon one hand and the said contractor upon the other, shall provide that the contract be fulfilled and the work fully performed and completed on or before the 1st day of 11ovember, 1915, and that said contractors be required to give bond for the full amount of the bid for the faithful performance of the conditions of said contract. Done in open session of the Board this 5th day of April, 1915. of to I 11 I 1t it it 11 11 11 11 tl It "Board of County Coimiiss- Of "ioners of 1.7hatcom County " of State of Washin,-ton of to of of " it it it of to it It 11 n to Attest: %7ill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Doard. ----------- 000---------- J.B. I:'i claTi l l an Chairman of the Board Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner The minutes of the IT arch Session were read by the Board and approved on this day. On idotion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, April 6, 191�. CV, in.Ian Board County Coi=issioners. Attest: A,�� County Auditor and Clerk of the Board/ W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Tuesday the 6th clay April 1915 Tuesday, April 6, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on April 5, 1915. Present, all members of the Board, and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims "Vere allowed and proceedings had: Henry Shagren C E Phoenix Delia L Keeler C C King `1 J Pynor Farmers 111�erct Co Royal Dairy Co Central Market Blue Front Clothing Co L Edson Red Cross Pharmacy Canfield-Caulkins Impl Co A H Frasier Pehrson Bros Im Cameron North,,rest Hda Co 1� Hougan St Luke's Hospital St Joseph's Iospital The dei ser Drug Co., Inc Ovil Pharmacy Tars 11-�ellie Petersren .".Irs Je ini e ?11 Cobb Kirs A C Graveline Chas Roper Whatcom County Abstract "o Sarah Poster George Elsperman Alithea Adams Chas H Fickel, Clk Snohomish Co. CURRENT F�E?1SE FUND. Expense as Co Commissioner 9.00 Expense as Dep Engineer 23.70 T:cpense & Express as Co Supt 35.04 Expense as Supt Co I1ome 34.30 Groceries for Co Horne 129.75 Groceries etc for Co Home 243.83 Butter for Co home 26.46 Meat for Co Horne 25.45 Clothing for Co Horne 8.84 Drugs for Co Home 4.20 I:"tedicine for Co Home-& Indigents 17.65 Seeds for -Co Home 57.07 Seed Potatoes for Co Home 19.60 Lumber for Co Horne 6.14 Blacksmithing for Co Home 6.35 Supplies for Co Home 11.60 Spraying trees at Co home 12.92 Care of Cc Patients 51.00 do 1"64.35 Yedieine for Co Patients 6.55 I,iedicine for Co Patients 7.20 Care of Mfrs Bjorndahl 31.00 Care of Stella Cobb 31.00 Board of 11apley L Johnson 19.30 Auto fare for Eastman, Indigent 1.00 Furnishing daily list to Assessor of R E Trfs. ' 2.00 SOLDIERS' R1ILIEF F?111D. Reli of 12.00 Hall rent for Reynolds Post #32 for Ilch. 3.00. I;IAIu3IA3XE CERTIFICATE, FUND. Recording I.`arriage Certificates 40.00 do 1.00 I11STITUTL FUND. G IJ Nash Services a/c Teachers Institute 15.00 L J Klemme do 90.00 ---------- 000---------- The Idarch report of C C KinS, Supt Co Horne, was endorsed "Approved" by the Board. ---------- 000---------- T L " t' The 1;�ar�h report of 0 Beebe, CoOo Physician, vas endorsed Appr. oved" by one Bo-v.rd. ----------- 000--------_-- v in the ::latter of Appointment of ) ( Order %ppointina Geo S I,1a,han Assessor for Deming Toanship. ) WID:*RI''AS, it :appearing to this Board that a vacancy' exists in the office of Assessor for Deming Township, through the removal of the regularly elected assessor .from the said township; and JAS, the Board of Supervisors of said toymship have recomiilended the anpoint3fient of Geo. S. Hahan to fill said vacancy; �dUi1, THEREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that Geo. S. Iaahan be, and he hereby is appointed as Assessor of Deming Township to act as such until the next regularly elected assessor shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Board this 6th day of April, 1915. tI II II II I 11 " II It 11 II II rI II "Board of County Comillis s- " "ioners of ;rna,tcom County " " State of Washin;;ton " 11 11 It 11 11 II tl ti 11 11 It tl 11 It Attest: ';rill D 'Jallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- J.T3. McMillan Chaii-man of the Board. Henry Slater Commissioner ITenry S�iagren Coimii ssioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on '7ednesday, April 7, 1915. jX A V/ 4-1 Ch irman Board County Co:,unissioners. KFAKiMM � ��Or� ®� Commissioners' Proceedin �s April Term tlednesda,y the 7th day April 1915 °lednesday, April 7, 1915. , The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on April 6, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the ^lerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: F E 4ryman C G "dine-ailler Fischer & Isaacs Poplack Bros. Mt Baker Grocery Siezel Bros ',lilson-Nobles-Barr Co D E Sharp �Innen, Goodman & Co East End Grocery B B Grocery Co P G Gulbransen Ir.eland & Pancoast The Short Eerct Co Kirkham Grocery Columbia Grocery EmIlire -Feat & Grocery Co R H Diezman A C Manning 'White & Burton `+'lilson & Brown ".Volt en & Montfort Brown & Cole, Inc Golden Rule Store T S Berkeley Co H B Niles The Famile Shoe Store Battersby Bros. A Lawson The Red Front Clothiers Gage -Dodson Co Fred, I4 Egelston Clara Maddock J P Berg F L Olslacrer Firs Stephem Rollins R L Kline M'rs., R. Johnson Blaine Water Co Stenger Fuel Co Scott & Co A H Montgomery Roy Gorrow CURRENT XXPEITSE FUND. Expense as Probation Officer Care of Juvenile Prisoners Groceries for H M Adams Groceries for DeBoer & Huburd Groceries for Hunter & Jackson Groceries for Becker Groceries for Mrs '+licks Groceries for Mrs Rhode Groceries for Burch & Johnson Groceries for Trove & Soha Groceries for Sanford cl Hunmiel Groceries for D A11ebb Groceries for 714aryott et al Groceries for DeBoer & Evatt Groceries f.or Hatley Groceries for 'V M McBride Groceries for Dillon et al Groceries for Bloomstrom Groceries for Mrs %ling Groceries for Lambert & Vlagoner Groceries for Bainter & Eastman Groceries for Chris Davis w Byron Groceries for Tabor Groceries for Chas Brand Groceries for Nancy Rogers Groceries for Fred Nelson Shoes for. Annie Soha et al Shoes for. Smith' Shoes etc, for Mrs Adams et al Clothing; for McBride et al Clothing for John Dillon House rent for D K Sanford House rent for H Becker House rent for I;!rs Larsen House rent for Ilrs Soha House rent for I,rrs Asplund House rent for Tabor House rent for Mrs Lambert ',later rent for Errs Lambert 'flood for McBride et al Wood for I,.rs Soha blood for Adams & Dillon Stage fares to Co Home for Indigents ----------000---_�..... _.. 58.30 13.25 15.63 ,37.19 10.78 35.53 9.80 21.55 31.26 21.56 10.64 9.80 49.60 19.00 1960 14.70 44.20 4.90 29.42 19.60 27.83 17.15 4.90 15.68 9.80 11.02 10.00 4.40 16:55 22.47 8.35 5.00 16.00 7.00 10.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 14.70 2.50 5.25 .75 The Co Supt, filed aith the Board her certificate of consolidation of school districts 39, 560 75, 20, 302 with consolidated school district I3o. 302. ---------- coo ---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, April 8, 1915. Cha',r�an Board County Commissioners. 0eY �0 W.O.R. Record of 'Commissioners' Proceedings April . Term Thursday the 8th day April 1915 Thursday-, April 8, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on April 7, 1915. Present, all membersof the 'Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE :E't1IID. :Jill D 'llallace Expense as Cc Auditor 2.70 Standard Auto Cc Auto for Whatcom County, 600.00 Robt Kimball Driving & Repairs to Co Auto 78.55 do Auto hire to Co Officials 72.19 Standard Oil Co Gasoline for Co Auto 27.12 Dale Taxi Co Auto hire to Pros Attorney 1.00 Standard Auto Co Sup for Co Auto and Auto hire to Sher & Atty 10.10 North-west Hdw Co Supplies for Sher and Co Auto 4.15 Larsons Livery & Trf Livery hire to Sher -Constable -Suet 17.50. Everson Livery Livery for Co Supt 5.00 Pioneer Livery & Transfer Livery for Cc Supt. 2.50 Lynden Livery Livery for Co Commrs & Supt 3.50 Jas McCoy Drayage for Sheriff 5.00 Union P B & S Cc Records & Suppl for Assessor-Treas-Co Supt- Aud.-Clerk-Eng 534.45 Griggs Sta & Prtg Co Prtg & Suppl for Ens; Atty-Sher 16.02 Selby -Harris Co Supplies for Cc Officer & Indigent 14.80 Towner Printing Co Prtg for Aud-Assessor-Ditch #7 16.50 Anstett Printing Co Prtg for Auditor & Pros Atty 26.50 Sumas News Prtg for Co Auditor 19.25 G L I,iorgan Prtg for Co Auditor 13.00 The Journal -Progressive Publishing for County 104.44 Fuller Publishing Co Publ Notices to Contr. for G ILL Road & Bride 37.65 Remington Typewriter Co �;iachine. Exchanged to Co Supt 36.75 0 C Armstrong Starap pads for Co Offices 1.80 T F Doan Blue Print paper for Engineer 1.10 Otto Anderson Spl. Bailiff: Natubal ziatT=,ii 3.00 Fritz. Osol `rJit: Adolph L Reiter vs Wh.a.tcom County 8.40 Clarence Clifton do 7.60 Herman Graf a do 7.40 Fraser 'Morrison do 6.20 Mrs A J Dudley do 7.20 G Y Caylor do 7.20 S A Strange. do 4.20 J 0 LeClair do 4.20 J E Lingbloom do 3.40 Sol Clifton do 3.60 F M L Nitz do 2.20 Arthur Lord ';lit: State vs Harold Brooks 2.20 John Fredrickson Flit: State vs Swan Pearson 2.20 L D ;'Jilmot J P: State vs Lewis Freeman 2.50. Barney Hanson Const: do 2.20 L D 'Jihaot J P: State vs Albert Brooks et al 4.25 B N Kingsley Const: do 4.75 L D '�'lilrnot J.P: State vs John Doc} Swanson 3.25 B N Kingsley Const: do 4.00 John P Hyde J.P: State vs Henry Coone et al 1.25 L D "Jilmot J.P: do 1.50 B N Kingsley Const: do 5.75 John P Hyde J.P: do 2.00 L D `rJilmot J.P: do 1.50 B N Kingsley Const: do 10.30 Mrs H Harris Wit: do 2.20 H Harris do do 2.20 14rs E Tift do do 2.20 ilartin Huege do do 2.20 1 Livingston Juror: do 1.20 C L Hodgen do do 1.20 ;lm Duranco do do 1.20 James C Bertrand Sr do do 1.20 S B Hughes do do 1.20 E E Bowers do: do 1.20 John P Hyde J P: do 1.25 L D `;Tilmot J.P: do 1.50 B N Kingsley Const: do 6.50 Art 1�arshel Wit: do 2.20 Louis 2,iontome '.lit: do 2.20 ----------- 000----- -- --- J In the 1-Tatter of the Appointment of Road Overseer ) ( Order Appointing Chas. Messick for Dist. No. 3 for Ten Mile Township. Dili iRl AS, it appears to this Board that at the last township election Ten Ifi.le 7own- ,hip failed to elect a road overseer for District No. 3; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of said township have recommended the appointment of Chas. 1essick to fill vacancy norr a:;isting; NO'"l, THEREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that 'Chas. T:'essick be, and he hereby is appointed Road Overseer for District ZTo. 3 in Ten Mile Totimship, to act as such until the next regularly elected officer shall have qualified therefor: W.O.R. ' necord of Commissioners' Proceedings A-0 r i 1 Term Thmr s day the 8 th day Ap ri 1 191 5 Done in open session of the Board this 3th day of April, 1915. J.B. IrcMi llan, Chairman Henry Slater Commissioner to of 01 it of of to it it it Henry Shagren "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "ioners of ;°lhatcom County " of State of Vilashington " to of It If It It It It n n it of It of Attest: `dill D 71allace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- 0n motion the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, April 9th 1915. r irman Board County Commissioners. MK RM Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Friday the 9th day AP1. 191 5 Friday, April 9, 1915. The board met pursuant to adjournment taken on April 8, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had; CURREDT IVIFITSE' FUITD. J B McI illan Expense as Co Cormiissioner 3.90 P?cific Tel & Tel Co Rentals for Apr & Long Distance for Y'arch 63.70 '.iestern Union Tel,-. Co Messages for Sheriff & Attorney 2.38 Postal Tel -Cable Co Tressages For Sheriff 6.80 Puget Sound T L & P Co Car tickets for Sheriff 30.00 Jessie J Rogers Services & Exp to Pros. Atty. a/c Sumas-Yooksack Road 21.25 Burroughs Add. I:Iach. Co Ribbon for Treks Add Tfaeh .75 Thiel & `Jelter Chairs for Courthouse 12.50 ';;ilson-Robles-Barr Co Soap for Courthouse 4.50 Bellingham Broom & `W 'Ware Co Brooms for Courthouse 3.50 Bellingham Sheet Ialetal Works Labor at Courthouse 49.92 Chas Stanbra Keys for Sheriff 1:00 Sells Hardware Co Hd,w. for Courthouse 22.34 Legoe Hardware do 4.90 A ii 1Wntgomery Coal for Courthouse 17.89 Whidby Island Sand & Gravel Co Gravel for Courthouse 5.85 J A Lich Cement -cork in Courthouse basement 15.00 Caine-Grimshatr Co Cement etc for Courthouse 22.52 Frank Spooner 'Tobacco for Prisoners 2.00 Battersby Bros. Sup for Courthouse &: Jail 16.85 B B Furniture Co Dishes for Jail 4.45 S 'J Cornish Paint Co Supplies for Janitor 3.30 i,'evi hethod Cascade Laundry Laundry for Jail 11.15 Pacific Steam Laundry Laundry for Jury Rooms 5.35 Bell.inGham Truck Co Drayage for Co Supt & Courthouse 4.30 Iiarlow & Livingston Burial of G H Moen, Indigent 25.00 Chas A Sather Costs Paid: Whatconi Co vs Tracy et al in re Ditch 4#7 22.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. Geo Llder Foreman on Steam Grader work 90.00 Delno 'dlard Engineer on Steam Grader 88.00 C 0 Thomas Fireman on Stearn Grader 61.50 Geo Alton Teamster on Steam Grader work 112.75 E C Brooks Engineer on Steam Grader 12.00 Larl 11cClimans Teamster on Steam Grader rrork 19.80 C A Gooding Labor on Road Foreman 30.00 Gooding do team 38.00 ;lrrLer Northam do 6.00 A I-ooli t•tle do 6.00 ,Vill Brooks do " 14.00 Chas Lumber do " 6.00 Joseph Cyr do " 2.00 P H Newbe ry do " 2,1.00 'yt L `Milder do " 31.00 L Behme do " 53.00 Percy Behme do " 31.00 Fred Tarte do Foreman 42.00 ;;m Vaughn do 15.50 11 J Brul=end do 9.50 James Scutt do 2.00 C Hanson do to 25.00 ;lm Ilewbery do It 12.00 Paul Hinkle do 12.00 Ceo 'U I:Iiller do 6.00 id Biggins do 6.00 Leo Fitzgerald do �� 8.00 C H Barrett do It 34.00 Anton Dahlen do " 4.00 T 11 Smi th do 17.00 S T Kively do 19.00 John Haget do 2.00 A G Hadfield do " 32.00 Leo Klock do " 8.00 T P Reilly do Foreman 18.00 Seun Field do " 28,00 O H Gordon do " 16.00 Clark Brorrn do " 4.00 Ray Hadfield do 3.50 Dan 1,LcLeod do " 4-8.00 George Stierlen do " 52.00 F DeLine do " 52.00 C D Alexander do " 76.00 J L Dickerson do " 80.00 F L+' Bateman do " '72.00 rl H yJap1es do " 48.00 'dl L Topping PP g do " 68.00 A E Rusco do " 40.00 0 L Hutton do " 48.00 Guy Dameron do " 84.00 Lester :Oimeron do it 65.00 S Psi Warren do It 12.00 Jesse Barnes do it 18.00 A Hickey do to 12.00 J H Salmon do " 51.00 W L Topping do It 28.00 Lace Gaston do " 16.00 A E 1.10 ody , do " 24.00 W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Friday the 9th clay April 191 5 John C Anderson Labor on Road Forerian 67.50 'd I:Iaupin do 24.00 George Rinehart do 26.00 John Rinehart do 35.00 Tom Doyle do 35.50 H C Dorr do 10.50 John Garny do 36.00 Gottfried Carlson do 38.00 Dan I'cLeod do 10.00 Martin Rosenhall do 7.50 Fritz Rosenha,ll do 3.50 John Nichelson do 33.50 G T:iorgenth.aler Labor on Everson -Goshen Road Foreman 46.50 C E Jeiler do team 38.50 A ;Zeiler do if 11.00 E M,ordenthaler do 6.00 Vim DeVries do 12.00 C Morgenthaler do 2.00 Archie Palmer Labor on Road 51 team 6.00 T P Jeffers do Foreman 6.00 Frank 'r,Iuenscher Labor on Road Foreman It 7.00 John H Smith Labor on IT E Dia tonal Rd 10.00 Frank Smith do 4.00 H Gehlken do team 12.00 George ','d Smith do Foreman 20.00 S D `ielsh Labor on Smith Road Foreman 70.50 Ld Clifton do 32.00 S T Clifton do 39.00 Chas Alexander do 32.00 Harry ',lelsh do 31.00 Reuben Smith do 30.00 C E Taylor do 14.00 Jake Shetler do 2.00 Robert Clarkson do 34.00 George Thompson do 16.00 Llan ,jai to do 5.00 Anton Anderson do 4.00 Ed Hurd Labor on 27 %7 Dia,gona.l rid 2.00 `U S Hunt do 12.00 G P Wheeler do 26.00 'd S' Hunt do 3.50 Yels Jacobson Labor on 'Jest Kia- in St., Lynden 20.25 Viorthen &c Satterthwaite do 48.60 Dud '.4hipple do, 20.25 Joe Shook do 20.25 S H Bradley do 20.25 W H Uaples do 40.50 A E Rusco do 12.1.9 Albert Theel Labor on Road 6.00 Chas Lvan Fowler Consulting Engineer 100.00 Bloedel-Donovan Lbr 11ills Bal due on Lumber 88.85 Pehrson Bros. Lumber 3.70 John A ',talker Lumber 134.40 S L Palmer Piling & Caps 46.00 Lynden Dept. Store Powder etc. 102.22 do Nails etc. 8.43 Everson I4erct. Cc Nails 9.25 Morse Hardware Cc Nails etc. 32.00 Farmers 1ATerct. Cc Tools 7.30 Polson Implement Cc Road Drabs 51.94 N V1 Hardware Cc Drain Tile etc. 102.80 Everson Lumber Cc Lumber for Road Grader 6.23 Tdorse Hardware Cc Supplies for Road Grader 15.05 N VJ Hardware Cc do 125.53 Hodson-Feenaughty Cc Repairs for Road Engine 71.74 D C Sutton ',Mood for Road Grader 5.00 1VJ J Pynor do 1.25 Stanley Robinson do 2.00 rdicCormick Iron 'dorks Repairs to Road Grader 9.75 Geo Elder Expense-& Freight 28.73 Great Northern Ry Cc Freight on Dump Wagons 300.00 Frank 101ilson Hauling Idateria,l 25.70 A 'Jaschin-- Blacksmithing a/c 'load Grader 10.04 `1Tm Cameron do 4.75 Thos C Fraser do 1.50 Thos C Fraser Elacksmi thi n - 6.80 H VJ Buzzard do 1100 Vd G Miller do 3.75 Robert Clarkson Gravel 16.60 Thos Lillis Gravel 19.30 J iierk Gravel Pit 500.00 Industrial Inc. Comm. Preys. on Coytnty Pay Rolls 171.33 DRAINAGE DISTRICT ':TO. 6 Harry A. Laube Right of way for Drain. Dist. 16 20.00 ------a-- _--000-..--- --- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, April �0, 1915. r rma.n Board County Cornmissioners 1 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Saturday the loth play April 191 5 Saturday, April 10, 1915, The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on April 91 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings ,were had: In the Matter of the Appointment of Poundmaster for t Ferndale Township, hest side of .Nooksack 'liver. ) Order Appointing;. ,JH ;REAS, Ferndale Township has elected to erect a pound on the `:Jest side of the lNooksack River; and VIHEREAS, the 3oard of Supervisors of said township have recormnended the appointment of Tinton Dahlen to act as Poundma.ster in said district; NO-J, THrREFORE, it is ordered by this Boatd that ANTON DAHLEN, be, and he hereby is appointed as Poun(.baaster for that part of Ferndale Township lying on the ,rest side of the i;ooksack River, and to hold said office until the next regularly elected officer shell have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Board this loth day of April, 1915. •T.B. 17cT`illen Chairman of the Hoard Henry Slater i, Commissioner "Board of County Corruni ss- " Henry Sha;;ren "ioners of 'Jhatcom County " Corimissioner If..State of ,'lashington If 11 it it to It ,1 II 1i 11 I, 1► ,► it of Attest 'Will D Uallace County Auditor and Clo,k of the Board. ---------- 000------_•-_- In the Tuat ter of Transferring Certain ldonies from ) ( ORDER TO TRANSFER. County Game Protection Fund to State Game Fund. ) ,JIiEREAS, Chapter 120 Section 34, Session Laars of 1913 provides that ten per cent. (100;') of all County Hunting and Fishing Licenses and ten per cent. (10') of all fines paid into the County Gagne Fund and also the total amount received for State Huntinir and Fishing Licenses, shall be paid into the State Game Fund, -and WHI,:REAS, during the quarter ending March 31st 1915, the County Auditor has received and truned over to the County Treasurer the sum of Three Hundred Sixty-four & 00/100 ( >364.00) Dollars for County Hunting and Fishing Licenses, and Thirty 00/100 (030.00) Dollars for State Hunting and Fishing Licenses, and also Thirty-five Sc 00/100 ($735.00) Dollars in fines having been turned into the County Game Fund during; the quarter ending I',iarch 31st 1915; N011, THEREFORE, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer from the County Game Protection Fund to the State Game Fund, in compliance with above mentioned law, the sure of Sixty-nine & 90/100 (;$69.90) Dollars and. remit the same to the State Treasurer as provided in said Section 34, Chapter 120, Session Lags of 1913. Done in open session of the Board this loth day of April, 1915. J.B. TIcTailla,n Chairman of the 3oard Henry Slater if It It It If It n It of it " n it It Coi7lnlissioner "Board of County Commiss- " Henry Sha,gren "ioners of 'Jhatcom County " Coruaissioner it State of `Jashington " of to of „ I, if If I, to If It 11 11 of Attest: `dill D '3a.11ace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings 561. April Term Saturday the loth ley April 1915 C O N T R A C T. THIS AGREEMENT, blade and entered into this 10th day of April, 19150 between 1HATC0� COUNTY, State of Idashington, and P.J. McHugh Paving & Construction Company, hereinafter. called the Contractor, both acting under and by virtue of Chap. 35, Laws.of 1911,.as amend- ed by Chap. 154 of Laws of 1913 and subsequent acts, laws of Washington, 111ITNESSETH: That in consideration of the payments, covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned to be made and performed by 71hatcorn County, the contractor hereby covenants and agrees is follows: 1. To complete all the work and furnish all the materials necessary to construct, improve, and complete the Guide Meridian Road, being Permanent Highway No. 5, in Whatcom County, Washington,,between Station 0 00 and Station 264 98 in accordance with, and as described in the profile, map, plans and specifications therefor, which are made a part hereof, and shall have the same effect as though the same were fully incorporated heein, and in full compliance with the terms, conditions and stipulations of this agreement. 2. The contractor shall provide and be at. the expense of all materials, labor,. carriage, tools, implements, conveniences and things of every description, that may be regiired for the transfer of materials for the improving, constructing and completing the work above described. 3. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that.the work in•. eluded in this contract is to be done under the direction and supervision of the County Engineer, or construction engineer, who may be designated the Engineer in Charge"by the Board, and his decision as to the true .consideration and. meaning of the profile, maps, plans, specifications and estimate shall be final. In the absence of the engineer, his,duly authorized inspector or -agent shall be deemed the construction engineer in charge. It is also understood and agreed that such additional drawings and explanations as may be necessary to detail and illustrate the work are to be by furnished by the engineer, and the contractor agrees to conform to and abide/the same, so far as may be consistent with the purpose. and intent of the original plans and specifica- tions. �. 4. Should the contractor at any time refuse or neglect to supply a sufficiency of properly skilled workmen .or of materials of the proper quality, or fail in any respect to prosecute the work with promptness and diligence, or fail in the performance of any of the agreements herein contained, the Board,of County Commissioners (hereinafter called the Board) on behalf of Whatcom County shall be at.liberty after three days written notice t& the contractor, to provide any such labor or materials and to deduct the.cost thereof from any moneys then due or thereafter to become due to the contractor.under this contract; and may,. by written notice, terminate the employment of the contractor for the said work, and enter upon the premises and take possession of all materials, tools and appliances thereon, for the purpose of completing the work included under this contract, and employ, by con- tract -or otherwise, any,other person or persons to finish ,the work, and provide the mater- ial therefor; and in case of such discontinuance of the employment of the contractor, he shall not•be entitled to receive any balance of the amount to be paid under this contract until the work shall be wholly'finished,,at which time if the unpaid balance of the amount to be paid under this contract shall exceed the expense incurred by the board in finishing the viork, Much excess shall be paid by the board to the contractor; but if such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance, the contractor shall pay the difference to the County* A discontinuance of work upon the said woad by the contractor for a period of Ten consecutive clays without written permission of the Board filed in the office of the clerk rear W.O.R. ne ord of Comnfissioners'0 Proceedings April Trim Saturday the loth (lay April 191 5_ of the Board shall be construed. to be an abandbmndnt of the contract by the contractor and the Board may in such case terminate this contract without notice. 5. The contractor hereby agrees to'cpmplete all the work called for in this contract in all parts and requirements, before the lst day of November, 1915. 6. Time shall..be the essence of this contract on the part of the contractor, and in case the contractor shall fail -in the due performance of the contract by and at the time herein mentioned, he shall be liable to pay to Whatcom County for liquidated damages, and not as penalty, the sum of Twenty & 00/100 (020.00) Dollars for each and every day which may elapse between the appointed and actual time of completion, which sum is hereby agreed upon, fixed, and -determined as the damages that will be suffered by such failure to com- plete within the time named; and the County may deduct the same from the amount due.or to become due to�the contractor; and such payments or deductions shall not in any way or degree release the contractor from the further obligations and penalties in respect to the fulfillment of the entire contract, nor any right which the County might have to claim, sue 4 for and recover compensation and damages for non-performance of this contract. 7., Partial payments upon this contract, not exceeding eighty (800) per cent. of the work done, may be made -at the -request of the contractor once each month, such payments to be made upon the estimates of the engineer in charge9 Final payments for said work shall be made within thirty days after the entire work has been completed and accepted by the r engineer and board, PROVIDED, that before the making of such final payment the contractor shall show to the satisfaction of the board that all just debts due all laborers, mechanics material men, and persons who have supplied such contractor, or sub -contractor, with material or goods of any kind for this work have been paid. PROVIDED FURTHER, That if prior to any payment being made the board receives notice from any person or persons that' any laborers, mechanics, material men, or other persons, who have supplied or furnished said contractor, or any sub -contractor, irith any labor, service, material, goods or provisi&ns of 'any kind in connection with the construction of said work have claims against said contractor, or any subcontractor, for such service or things, for which claim any such laborer, mechanic,, material man, or other person would be entitled.to a lien under the laws of this state were said work not a public work, or proper claim against the bond in -such cases required by law, the board shall have the right to.retain out of the payments then due onto become due to said contractor, the amount in addition to the twenty per cent., above provided to be retained until the final completion of said work, sufficient to cover all such claims. of which notice shall have been so given, until such claim or claims shall have been fully satisfied and paid, and receipts in full for the same shall have been furnished by the said contractor to the board, and the said contractor hereby expressly agrees to pay all such claims. It is mutually agreed between the parties hereto that any payments or contributions due or required by Chap. 74 of. -the laws of 1911 (Industrial Insurance Act) from the County of Whatcom, -by virtue of or on account of any of the work covered by this contract, may be deducted from any payment or payments made to the contractor herein, and that the sum or sums so deducted shall be determined each month upon -the basis of the work -of said month, and shall be made upon the proper written order and demand of the Industrial Insurance Commission, a notice of which girder and demand shall be served upon the said contractor prior to said deduction. It is further agreed that the contractor herein, or any sub- contractor•or contractors employed by them shall be subject to the provisions of said act as provided and required in Sec. 17 thereof. 8. All payments under this contract shall be made by the State.Treasurer from the Permanent Highway Fund, upon warrants of the State Auditor issued upon presentation of Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Saturday the loth day April 1915 proper vouchers by the contractor, said vouchers to be approved by the board, and no pay- ment shall be made for any alteration made during the progress of the work unless the same shall have been approved by the Board of County Commissioners by resolution, and a copy of said resolution shall have been transmitted to the State Highway Commissioner, and, in case of final payment, to be accompanied by the certificate of the State Highway Commissioner as aforesaidp No warrant, however, can be issued for any purpabe against the Permanent High- way Fund unless there be sufficient money to pay such warrant in such fund to the credit of Whatcom County, PROVIDEM, H071EVER, that in case the permanent highway herein described shall be improved or constructed pursuant to a petition, as provided in Sec. 2, Chap. 35, of the haws of 1911, then and in that event such portion of the total expense under this contract as shall be chargeable to the property within the improvement district shall be paid from the General Road and Bridge Fund of the County upon the presentation of proper vouchers therefor. 9. No alteration shall be made in the crork shown and described in the plans and. specifications except upon the written order of the engineer and as provided hereinbefore and when so made the value of the work so added or omitted shall be computed by the engineer, and the amount so determined shall be final and conclusive and binding upon the contractor, and shall be added to or deducted from the contract price. The schedule of unit or itemized prices hereto attached is intended to form a part of this contract, and shall constitute as far as possible the basis upon which the value of all work added or omitted shall be computed. 10. The contractor shall provide sufficient, safe and proper facilities for the in- spection of the work by the board or its authorized representatives. The said contractor shall furnish without charge_,. to the said board, or its authorized representatives, samp- les of cement or other materials used in construction, as said samples may be required, in order that the character of such materials may be determined. All materials and methods shall be subject to the approval of the engineer. Defective work, or material, may be con- demned by the engineer at any time before the final acceptance of the work. Notice of condemnation shall be given by the engineer, in writing. Such condemned work shall be immediately removed or disposed of to the satisfaction of the engineer. Failure or neglect on the'par't of the engineer to condemn unsatisfactory material or to reject inferior workmanship shall in no way release the contractor, nor shall it be con- strued to mean the acceptance of such work, nor shall the final acceptance bar Whatcom County from recovering damages in case fraud was practiced. Time lost in replacing such improper work shall furnish no ground to the contractor for claiming an extension of time for the completion of the work. Incompetent, careless or negligent employees shall be forthwith discharged by the con- tractor upon the written request of the board or engineer, and failure to comply with such request shall be sufficient ground for the termination of the contract, as provided for in this article or article 4 hereof. Should the contractor be delayed in the prosecution of the work or the completion thereof by the act, neglect, or fault of the engineer, then the time herein fixed for the completion of the work shall be extended for a period equivalent to the time lost by reason of any or all the causes aforesaid, which extended period shall be determined and fixed by the board, but no such allowance shall be made unless a claim therefor is presented in writing to the chairman of the board within ten days agter the occurrence of such delay. 11. It is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto that no certificate given or payment made under this contract, except the final certificate or final payment, shall be evidence of the performance of this contract either wholly or in part, and that W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Saturday t1ic loth (lay A-oril 1915 no payment shall be construed to be an acceptance of defective vrork or improper materialsp 12. The work and materials covered by this contract shall be at the sole risk of the contractor until the same shall have been finally accepted by the engineer and board, and the State Highway Commissioner, and any damage or loss that may occur or result to the same prior to the final acceptance of said work by the engineer and voard and State Highway Comm issioner shall fall upon and be made good by the contractor. 13. This contract shall not be assignable in whole or in part. 14. The contractor shall give his personal attention to the work at all times, and be present, either in person or by duly authorized representatives, on the site of the work continually during its progress and shall receive instructions from the engineer in charge Any sub -contractor shall be considered the agent of the contractor and the latter shall be responsible for any indebtedness incurred by such agent.' If any oub-contractor fails to perform his work in a satisfactory manner this contract may be terminated by the Board. 15. The contractor shall be liable for all damages and injury which shall be caused or which shall occur to any person or persons or property whatsoever by reason of any neg- ligence of said contractor or any of his servants, employes or,sub-contractors, or by reason of any breach or violation of any of the provisions of this agreement or any of his duties or obligations thereunder. The contractor shall assume all liability for and protect the Board from any damages or claims arising from the use of any patented articles or devices in any part of the work. 16. It is a part of the public policy of the State of Washington that all work by contract or day labor done for it mr any political subdivision created by law, shall be performed in work days of not more than eight hours each, except in cases of extraordinary emergency. No case of extraordinary emergency shall be construed to exist in any case where other labor can be found to take the place of labor which has already been employed for eight hours in any calendar day. In case of violation of the provisions of this article the Board shall have the right to cancel this contract without notice and shall have the right to complete the work in the manner provided in article No. 4 hereof. 17. The contractor agrees to execute and furnish to the Board a good and sufficient corporate surety bond, to be payable to Whatcom County, and to be in the penal sum of the full amount of this contract, conditioned that he will perform the work upon the terms, within the time, and in accordance with the contract, profiles, maps, plans and specifica- tions, and that he will indemnify the County against any direct or indirect damages that shall be suffered or claimed for intkuries to persons or property during the construction and improvement of such road or highway and until the same is accepted; and further, con- ditioned as required by law for the payment of all laborers, mechanics, sub -contractors and material men, and all persons who shall supply such person or persons or subcontract- ors with provisions or supplies for the carrying on of such work, and all just debts, dues and demands incurred in the performance of such work. If the board shall have reason to believe that the secutiry on said bond has become impaired since the execution thereof, or is insufficient, it may require ,the contractor to furnish other or additional security. 18. The board hereby promises.and agrees with the contractor to employ and does employ him to provide the materials and to do and cause to be done the work upon said Permanent Highway, to complete and furnish the same according, to the plans and specifica- tions and the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to for the prices set forth herein, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time and in the manner and upon the conditions herein set forth. W.O.R. Recom ®f Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Saturday the loth day April 191 5 19. For and in consideration of the faithful performance by the contractor of the work, covenants and acts on his part herein stipulated to be kept and performed, Wh.atcom County hereby contracts and agree to pay to the said contractor the lump sum price of Sixty-eight Thousand Eight Hundred & 00/100 (068,800.00) Dollars in the manner and form herein provided, and in no other manner whatsoever, 20. The contractor for himself, and for his heirs, successors, executors, adminis- trators and assigns, does hereby agree to the full performance of all the covenants herein contained, upon his part. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said contractor has hereunto set its hand and seal by its Secretary, and the said Wh.atcom County pursuant to resolution duly adopted by its county commissioners, has caused these presents to be subscribed by its chairman and clerk, and the name of the board to be hereunder affixed the day and year first above written. 11 11 I7 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 "Board of County Commiss- " "loners of @lhatcom County " If State of Washington " of of n /1 a 11 n u n a a n 11 e Attest '`dill D Wallace Clerk of the Board of County Conuuissioners. WHATCOU COUNTY By J.B. McMillan, Chairman Henry Slater Commi ssioner Henry Shagren Commissioner Board of County Commissioners of 'Cdhatcom County, Washington. P.J. McHugh Paving & Construction Co. Contractor F.J. McHugh, Sec. (Contract and specifications approved March 8, 1915. V'1m R Roy, State Highway Commissioner) ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, April 13, 1915. p4dirnian Board County Cominissioners- W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Apri l Term Tuesday,: the 13th day April 1915 Tuesday, April 13, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on April loth 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: CREMITS ALLOWED COUNTY TREASURER AT SETTIOTENT FOR THE QUARTER ENDING MARCH 31, 1915. In the matter of the settlement with Nellie C. Rogers, County Treasurer of !Ihatcom County, State of Washington, for the quarter ending March 31, 1915. NO;fI, at this time, this matter coming on for consideration and the said Nellie C. Rogers having filed with this Board a statement setting forth her receipts and disburse- ments as such Treasurer for said period of time, and having duly and carefully examined all vouchers presented by said Treasurer for said disbursements and having checked and compared the same with the statement, and having found that they were actually paid out by said Treasurer during said quarter, said payments being made in the sums and from the funds and for the purpose hereinafter set forth; THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered by this Board that said Nellie C. Rogers as such Treasurer be, and she hereby is allowed credits for said disbursements as follows, to -wit: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. For warrants redeemed 37, 210.33 For interest on same 1,224.86 For rebate on taxes 13,718.25 SOLDIIJMS' RELIEF FUND. For warrants redeemed GENT�AL ROAD FUND. For warrants redeemed For interest on same GENERAL BRIDGE FUND. For warrants redeemed For interest on same GAME PROTECTION FUND. For warrants redeemed MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE. FUND. For warrants redeemed ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. For warrants redeemed SCHOOL DISTRICTS, GENERAL FUND. For warrants redeemed For interest on same SCHOOL BOND REDITNTTION FUND. For bonds redeemed For interest on same SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. For warrants redeemed For interest on same ROAD DISTRICT NO. 2 FUND. For warrants redeemed For interest on same ROAD DISTRICT No. 4 FUND. For warrants redeemed For interest on same DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL FUND. For cash paid state treasurer STATE GAtFTE FUND. For cash paid state treasurer HIGHER EDUCATION FUND. For cash paid state treasurer STATE GEY3ERAL FUND. For cash paid state treasurer STATE; PUBLIC HIGIVAY FUND. For cash paid state treasurer 74.00 6,517.72 2,557.98 7,893.06 1,930.24 931.19 106.00 12, 396.04 56, 430.12 601.90 200.00 1,631.25 290088.81 142.02 22.25 6.86 3.50 .36 .97 164.40 2,475.39 6,034.67 2,465.30 W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Tuesday the 13th day A-ori1 5P67' 191 STATE MILITARY FUND. For cash paid state treasurer PERMANENT HIGHWAY FUND. For cash paid state -treasurer CITY FUNDS. For cash paid City and Town Treasurers TOWNSHIP FUNDS. For cash paid township treasurers T REDMIP T ION FUND . For cash paid holders of Certificates of Delinquency ADVANCE TAXES (Plat Fund) For cash advanced on-1914 tax SLEASMAN DITCH FUND. 259.64 3,537.47 15, 055.30 6,198.58 91,628.33 .276.73 For warrants redeemed 18.00 BUTLER DITCH FUND. For warrants redeemed 16.25 For interest on same .38 ELDER DITCH FUND. For warrants redeemed 212,50 For interest on, same- 9.96 HANNEGAN ROAD FUND. For warrants redeemed 6, 583.11 DRAINAGE IMPROVMMTT DIST. NO. 3 For warrants redeemed 108.00 For interest on same, 11.47 DRAINAGE 130ROVMWT DIST, NO. 4 For warrants redeemed 206.70 For interest on same 13.28 DRAINAGE IMPROVMMNT DIST. NO. 5 For warrants redeemed 881.09 For interest on same 59,85 DYKE DISTRICT NO. 1 For warrants redeemed 5.00 For interest on same .14 Total Cash Disbursements. ,226,909.25 In Testimony Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands as said. Board of County• Commiss- ioners this 13th day of April, A.D. 1915. it " " it to of it to t► is n If to 1} "Board of County Comniss.- " "ioners of Whatcom County " ". State.' of Washington " of If If If a -a: rr• rr• rr • It it " It n J.B. McMillan Chairman of the Board Henry Slater - Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. C0121ISSIONIMS' CIMiTIFICATE AS TO TREASURER'S CASH. We. , the Board of County Commissioners of 'Vlhatcom County, Washington, . do hereby certi- fy that we did, on the 13th day of April, 1915, carefully examine the checks, reports and vouchers of Nellie C. Rogers, County Treasurer of said County, for the quarter ending March 31st, 1915, and found the same to agree with the books of this office, and to be true and correct. We further certify that we did on April ' 13th, 1915, count . the cash in the Treasurg►r .and found the cash in said Treasmrer's Office and the cash deposk.ted by her in the banks to her credit as such Treasurer balance her account as such treasurer in full. The same being in words and figures as shown on annexed sheet which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. In.Testimony Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and the seal of the Board of County Commissioners of 'that com County, Washington, this 13th day of Aril. A.D. 1915.. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Tuesday the 13th clay April W.O.R. 1915 it of it of it to to if to it to " " " "Board of County Commiss- " "toners of %11hatcom County'" it State of Washington if of it n" of 10 if to of Attest.: 'Jill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. S.B. McIfillan _. . Chairman of the Board Henry -Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commmissioner - - - - - ---------- COUNTY TREASURER'S CASH STATMIENT AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS APRIL 12, 1915. Cash in Treasury April 1, 1915 653,701.74 Receipts since April 1, 1915: Tax collections on 1907 rolls 144.71 of " " 1908 of 120.25 it " " 1911 " 2.16 to " " 1912 " 19.76 1913 " 661.14 1914 " 40666.67 General Receipts 2,088.81 Redemptions 811.14 Local Improvements & Drain. Dists. 3_05.61 Ss,820.25 , Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -4w 662.521.99 Disbursements since April 1, 1915 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 227,780.28 Cash on hand at close of business April 12th 1915 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 434,741.61 CASH IN BANKS. First National Bank $ 179,759.88 Bellingham National Bank 180,216.32 Northwest National Bank 42:122007 Home State Bank of Blaine 5,000.00 State Bank of, Blaine 5, 000.00 , State Bank of Lynden 5:000.00 Ferndale State Bank 50000.00 Nooksack Valley State Bank 5,000.00 Garrison Bros. State Bank 5,000.00 432,098.27 CASH IN OFFICE Currency 1,325.00 Gold ' 720.00 Silver 75.23 Checks & Cash Items 523.11 2.643.34 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 434, 741.61 ---^------o0o---------- Cn motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, April 20, 1915. Ch rman Board County Commissioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings it Term Tue the , 20th day ri 1915 Tuesday, April 20, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on April 13th 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claim was allowed and proceedings had: ROAD AND BRI:)Gx FUND. A.P. Maskell Part payment on Contract 150.00 ---------- BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COLMISSIONERS OF 71HATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In *the Matter of Drainage Improvement District ) ( Order reflection Returns. Number Seven of Whatcom County, Washington. ) Heretofore an election for the purpose of electing two Supervisors in the manner pro" vided by law was ordered by this Board, and notice thereof was ordered and directed to be given, all as provided by law. It now appears that on Saturday, the 17th day of April, 1915, an election was held in said Drainage Improvement District No. 7 of 4hatcom County, Washington, pursuant tl the call of said election by order of this Board, as aforesaid, and that notice of. said elec- tion was both published and posted in the manner provided by law, and proofs of said publi- cation'and posting are on file herein, and said proofs have been presented to this Board. It further appears that pursuant to said call, s&d election was held in said Drainage Improvement District No. 7 on Saturday, the 17th day of April, 1915, and that on this the 20th day of April, 1915, this Board have proceeded with the canvass of the returns of said election, and have duly canvassed the same in the manner provided by law, and that the said returns exhibit the following: That there were; all told, one huridred twenty-one votes cast; that M.W. Parish re- ceived sixty-six votes; that L.L. Reynolds received fifty-six votes; that James Brown received sixty votes; that James Vaughn received fifty-seven votes. 'tVHEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED That M.W. Parish be, and he is hereby declared to be elected as Supervisor of said Drainage Improvement District No. 7 for the long term or period of one year after the first annual election in said District, and until his successor is elected and qualified; and .IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That the said James Brown be, and he is hereby declared to be k elected Supervisor of said District No. 7, and that his term shall continue until his su ccessor is elected at the -first annual election to be held in said District; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That certificates of election shall be issued to the said IT.W. Parish and James Brown upon their taking the oath and filing bond herein as required by law and as fixed by this Board. Done in open session of said Board of County Commissioners of 'Uhatcom County, Washing ton, this 20th day of April, 1915. to II to of it it It tl It 11 It II It It "Board of County Commies- 11 1tioners of 111hatcom County It 11 State of Washington 11 It It it to It It It it of It It It it it Attest: 'Uill D I;Vallace Clerk of said Board. J.B. Ifelfi llan Chairman Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shadren Commissioner ---------- 00o---- ----- tom' y Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. April Telin Tueuday the 20th day April 1915 BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COT-21ISSIONERS OF 'NHATCOM COUNTY, 11ASHINGTON. In the "ratter of Drainage Improvement District ) Number Seven of YJhatcom County, 'Washington. ( ORDER RE ELECTION RETURNS. Heretofore an election for the purpose of electing two Supervisors in the anner pro- vided by law was\ordered by this Board, and notice thereof was ordered and di ected to be given, all as provided by law. z It now appears that on Saturday, the 17th day of April, 1915, an el ction was held in said Drainage Improvement,,District No. 7 of Whatcom County, Washington pursuant to the call of said election by order of this Board, as aforesaid, and tha notice of said election was both published and posted 'in the manner provided by law, and roofs of said publication and posting are on file herein, and said proofs have been press ted to this Board. It further appears that pursuant to said call, said ele ion was held in said Drain- age Improvement District lio. 7 on Saturday, the 17th day o' April, 1915, and that on this the 20th day of April, 1915, this Board have proveeded th the canvass of the returns of said election, and have duly canvassed the seine in t manner provided by law, and that the said returns exhibit the following: That there were, all told, one hundred twen;yY-one votes cast; that M.W. Parish received sixty-six votes; that L.L. Reynolds received fifty-six votes; that James Brown received sixty votes; that James Vaughn re eived fifty` -seven votes. WHEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED That I1.111. P rish be, and he pis hereby declared to be elected as Supervisor of said Drainage Improve ent District No. 7 for the long term or period of one year after the first annual elec ion in said District, and until his successor is elect ed and qualified; an/ha IT IS FURTHER ORsaid James Brown be, and he is hereby declared to be elected Supervisor oft No. 7, and that his term shall continue until his successor is elected annual election to be held in said District; and IT IS FURTHER ORrtificates of election shall be issued to the said I.T.W. Parish and James Browtaking the oath and filing bond herein as required by law and as fixed by/this Board. Done in ope;' session of said Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, ton, this 20th/day of April, 1915. 11 11 I1 11 tl 1 11 11 It 11 11 11 11 11 "Board of County Uommiss- " "i.oners f Whatcom County " " St a of Washington " n n u n of it if to to it it Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of said Board. J.B. Mci:Tillan Chainnan Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Tuesday the 20th day April 191 7 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY C011,91ISSIONERS OF 'IIHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter of Drainage Improvement ) ( Order Requiring Bond. District No. Seven of Whatcom County,. Washington ) On this 20th day of April, 1915, this matter coming before the Board for the purpose of fixing the bonds of the supervisors elected at the election in said District.on the 17th day of April, 1915, and it appearing that James Brown and M.W. Parish have been elected supervisors of said District and that it is necessary under the law that they give a bond. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS 'ORDEI1.ED that said supervisors be and they are <hereby required to give a bond in the sum of $200,00, the surety to be approved by the undersigned Board of County Commissioners. Done in open session of the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, -Washing- ton, this 20th day of April, 1915. "Board of County Commiss- "inners of Whatcom County " it State of Washington.. " IF It tt tt to it of n it n to it of " Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- J.B. McMillan Chairman Henry Slater . Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner The bonds of M.W. Parish and James Brown, each in .the sum of $200.00, and covering their election to the offices of Sypervisors for Drainage District No. 7, were endorsed "Approved" by the Board, said supervisors having taken proper oaths of -- -------- 000---------- BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter. of Drainage Improvement District ) ( Order Approving Bond of Supervisors. No. Seven of Whatcom County, Washington. ) fflEREAS, .M.ttl. Parish and James Brown were on the 17th day of April, 1915, duly elected members of the Board of Supervisors of Drainage Improvement District No. Seven of Whatcom County, tPla.shington, in manner , and fonii as provided by lair; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has provided that, to quality, the said officers must give a bond in the amount of 0200.00 with sureties to be approved by the Board, NOW THEREFORE, the said T.T.W. Parish and James Brown having each taken the oath of office and executed bonds in the amount required by the Board, the said bonds, and each of them, with the sureties, are hereby approved, . and the said M.W. Parish and James Brown, are declared to be the duly elected and qualified members of the Board of Supervisors of said Drainage Improvement District No. 7 of rlhatcom County, Washington. Done in open session of the Board of `County Commissioners of Y7hatcom County, Washing- ton, this 27th day of April, 19156 it of It OF of IF of tt if it it " it u "Board of County Commiss- " "inners of Whatcom County of State of Washington " to to to of it of it to " If If. IF it It J.B. McMillan Chai rman Hanry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner Attest: thrill D .Wallace Clerk of said Board. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on 14ond6LX1r,April 26, 1915. ` NV Cuulltv Cc" ZW.O.R. Record of 'Commissioners' Proceedings A ril Term Tuesday the 9,79th clay April .19t Tues aY, pprz , e oar me ursuan o a ournnen a en on p i , d nt, all members of the Board and the Clerk. in at endance. The follovr�ng proceedings were d• BEFORE, THE HONORABLE BOARD. OF COUNTY COMMISSIOATERS OF WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the T4atter of Drainage Improvement District No. Seven of ';th.atcom County, Washington. Order in Re Bids. IT IS NOW ORDERED That notice be published calling for bids for the construction of the said improvement, including the main ditch and the three laterals heretofore adopted and established, and that bids shall be received for the construction of the said improve- ment in subdivisions, or as a whole; that bids shall be received and acted upon as pro- vided by law and as provided in the order of this Board. That contract for the construction of said improvement shall be let by this Board on plans and specifications previously prepared by the County Engineer, under the direction of thks Board, and as provided by law and the proceedings in such matters, to the lowest and best bidder; and that calls for said bids shall be made by publication in the Journal - Progressive, the official county paper of Whatcom County, Washington, for the period of three consecutive weeks prior to the time set for the opening of said bids; and that Tuesday, the 25th day of May, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., at the Court House in the office of this Board of County Commissioners, be, and the same is hereby designated as the time and place for opening said bids; that the successful bidder shall be required to furnish a bond in the manner provided by law in the full emount of the contract price of construction as in the proceedings in this matter provided, said bond to be conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract according to law and any requirements this Board of Commissioners may have imposed, within their pourer and limitations as provided by law. That each bidder shall deposit with his bid a certified check or bond in an amount equal to 10% of his bid, conditioned as provided by law, and should the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fail to enter into a contract and furnish the bond as herein provided, and within the time and in the manner provided by law, after notice of Buch award, then the amount of said check shall be forfeited. That the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Done in open session of said Boards this 27th day of April, 1915. J.B. McIfillan rr n n a n n n ri rr o n n rr n Chal imian "Board of County Commiss- " Henry Slater ,,Board of Wh.atcom County " Commissioner State of Washington " Henry Slater It It n If- it it of it it to it it it it, Commissioner Attest: '.kill D Wallace County.Auditor and Clerk of said Board. ----------- 000----------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Mandddy, May.3, 1915, n boa ounty Commissioners. W.P.R. April Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Term Monday the . 26th I day April. 570 191 5 Monday, April 26, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on April 20th, 1915 Present, J11B.:,1,T-,c1U1lan Chairman; Henry Slater, Commissioner; Will D Wallace.,. Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following proceedings were had BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY C0115:2ISSIONERS OF WHATCOIIi COUNTY, " WASHINGTON, In the Matter of the Appointment of Walter B. `l/hitcomb ) as Attorney for the Board of County Commissioners of O R D E R. Y/hatcom County,. Washington. ) WHEREAS, a certain case entitled the State of Washington ex rel Joseph Lopas, Chris C. Siegel and V.I. Bradway as. Board of County Game Commissioners, vs. Henry Shagren, Henry Slater and J.B._McMillan,' as Board of County•Commissioners, No. 11852, is now pending in the Superior Court of Whatcom County, Washington; and, whereas, the prosecuting attorney of Whatcom County, 'i's..by..a;lawtithe legal representative of both plaintiff and defendant in the said suit; and; whereas, it is impossible for the said prosecuting attorney properly to appear for either of said parties because of the said legal relationship existing with the other of the said parties; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of %"Ihatcom County that ' the Board of County Commissioners employ an attorney pro hac vice, and that Walter B. Whit- comb, a regularly admitted attorney of the State of Washington, and a resident of Whatcom County, be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to appear for the said Board of County Commissioners in the above named action. Done in open session this 26th day of April, 1915. 11 11 11 11. 11 W * 11 It 11 it 11 11 11 it "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " 11 State of Washington " 11 if if 11 11 to, 11 to 11'i 11 11 IT 11 1/ Attest, Will D `Iallace County Auditor and. Clerk of the Board. Approved by William H Pemberton, . Judge. ---------- a00---------- J.B. McMillan Chairman Henry Slater Commissioner ------------ Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday,Atril 27, 1915. , ChA4 rman Boar County Com r { s — � - `7>-�— /---7) ssioners. W.O.R. Record of Comnfissionors' Proceedings April Term Monday the 3rd clay May 191 Y 5 Monday, May . 3, 1915. The Board met pursuant to ad j ourrur_ent taken on April 27, 1915. Present, J.B. McIiillan, Chairman of the Board; Henry Shagren and Henry Slater, Commission- ers; Will D Wallace, Clerk of the -Board in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. ti°/ill.D ffall:ace' Salary as Co Auditor 158.33 August- Erigquist Salary as Chief Dep Auditor 110.00, S E Barrett Salary as Dep Auditor 100.00 F C Partin do 80.00 Lucy E ling Salary as Chief Recorder, 80.00 LT Thomas.' Salary as Recorder 70.00 Jesse Walters do 70.00 J B McMillan Salary as Co Commissioner 17 days 85.00 Henry Slater do do 85.00 Henry Shagren do 1 mo 150.00 Delia L Keeler Salary as Supt Co Schools .150,00 Paud Wallace • - Salary as Dep Supt Co Schools 90.00 Henry C Beach Salary as Justice of the Peace 100.00 Edwin IS Day do 100.00 Harrison Cowden Salary as Constable, 60.00 F E Fryman Salary as Probation Officer 75.00 Tdrs Bessie Cline do 50.00 0 E Beebe Salary as Co Physician 83.33 Hector Gawley Salary as Janitor 90.00 Ed E Hardin' Salary as Superior Judge 125.00 William H Femberton do 125.00 Alithea Adams Salary as Co Clerk 158.33 Geo M Cook Salary as Dep Co Clerk 100.00 G P Kincaid do 100.00 W P -Brown Salary as Prosecuting Attorney 158.33 Loomis Baldrey Salary as Dep Pros Attorney 100.00 Maybelle Bryari Salary as Stenographer 75.00 Nellie C Rogers Salary as Co Treasurer 166.66 F L Olslager Salary as Dep Co Treasurer 100.00 John Fernley Salary as Bookkeeper for Co Treasurer 90.00 Olive Wilson Salary as Clerk for Co Treasurer 180.00 G A Pence do 80.00 Agnes Nedrud do 75.00 Geo H 'Jatrous do 7 days 21.00 N Samson do 10 days 26.67 Wilson Stewart Salary as Sheriff 158.33 L J Flanagan Salary as Dep Sheriff 100.00 Emery Hess do 80.00 E K Nunamaker do 80.00 M B Byland Salary as Jailer 60.00 C M Adams Salary as Co Engineer 158.33 C E Phoenix Salary as Dep Co Engineer 125.00 Carl McCoy Salary as Draughtsman for Co Eng., 104.00 H C Swettenam Salary as Chainman for Co Eng -75.00 Clay Caake do 22.50 Jack Adams do 15.00 W W Tod do 17.50 P G Cooke Salary as Transitman for Co Eng 95.00 0 N Dunn do 20.00 F IvIcElmon Salary as Inspector on N W Diag Rd 110.00. J G Cunningham do 25.00 H D McArthur Salary as Co Assessor 125.00 James Elder Salary as Dep Qo Assessor 91.00 Foster M Carver do 75.00 H R George. do 75.00 David %Ilurtenberg do 75.00 Geo S Smith d Salary as Field Dep Assessor 28.00 B V1 Loring do 40.25 Lillian A Covell do 38.50 I N Adams do 42.00 S A Strange do 5.25 Alex Van Wyck do 91.00 Daniel McCush do 91.00 C C King Salary as Supt Co Home 70.00 M B King Salary as h11atron Co Home 30.00 Ray Johnson Salary as Teamster at Co Home 30.00 Nettie Smith Salary as Cook at Co Horne 45.00 H J Hurst Salary as Nurse at Co Home 1.0.00 George Slater Salary as Guard at Co Home 58.00 Eagan Ridenour, Reporting case for Co Supt. 5.00 Hugh Eldridge Postage Stamps for Co Offices 100.00 Puget Sound T L & P Co Lights for Courthouse 36.30 Frank Odell Salary as Field Dep Assessor 84.00 Kate Tracy do 12.25 C Donovan Sal & Exp as Field Dep Assessor 80.55 J B McMillan. Expense as Co Commissioner 21.15 H D McArthur Expense as Co Assessor 4.90 Delia L Keeler Expense & Express paid as Co Supt 21.14 Harrison Cowden Expense as Constable 5.45 Wilson Stewart Expense as Sheriff 36.70 do Board,of Prisoners 234.20 Lynn C Aright Services on Co Board of .Education 6.00 Albert C.Herre do 5.00 Dorothy Wallace do 5.95. W.O.R. C ecord of. Commissioners' Proceedings 'April Term Monday the 3rd day May 191 5 ROAD Al BRIDGE FUND. C A Scrimsher _.. Operating Marietta Ferry G H Abers Tending Ferndale Bridge SOLDIRRS' RELIEF FUND. Sarah Foster Relief Mahilda Roberts Relief Leona biller Relief L F Iutzi Relief 19 J Gillespie Hall rent for Reynolds Post No. 32 .1 mo - --------000---------- In the Matter,of the Construction of Bridge Across ) ( Order -Calling for Bids. Deer Creek an Northwest Diagonal Road in 27-39-2E. ) 50.00 5.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 3.00 WHEREAS, this Board finds that a bridge should be constructed across'Deer Creek on the Northwest Diagonal Road in Sec 27, Tp 39 N, R 2 E TI.M. NUff, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby directed to issue a call for bids for the construction of said bridge according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County,Engineer. Said bids to be considered at the hour of 11 o'clock A.M., on Saturday, May 29th 1915. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Done in open session of the Board this 3rd day of May, 1915. J B McMillan Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commiss- " Henry Slater "ioners of yxlhatcom County " Commissioner 11 State of Washington " Henry Shagren If It fl 11 It 11 '11 of it It it 11 It " Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000--------- In the Matter of the Construction of Bridge ) ' Order Calling for Bids. on Ferndale -Blaine Road near center of 18-39-2E. WH=AS, this Board finds that a bridge should be construe.ted.on Ferndale -Blaine Road near center of Sec 18, Tp 39 N, R 2 E, NUIV,.THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby directed to publish a call for bids for constructing said bridge according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Engineer. Said bids to be considered at the hour of 11:30 o'clock A.M. on Sa#urday, May 29th 1915. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Done in open sesrsdon of the Board this 3rd day .of May, 1915. ' N 11 11 11 It II 11 tl it 11 ff It ft If - "Board of County Commi s s- " "ioners of Whatcom County " it State of Washington " it It It (I It 11 it If It to 11 10 It n Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000_--------- J B McMillan Chairman of the Board Henry 6later- Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner 0 In the Matter of the Appointment of ) Construction -Engineer on Permanent ( Order Appointing J G Cunningham Highway No. 5 (Guide Meridian Road) ) - WHEREAS, it appearing _to ..this Board of County Commi ssioners of Vlhatcom County, Wash- ington, that a necessity exists for the constant supervision and inspection of the con- struction of Permanent Highway No. 5, known as..the Guide Meridian Road. 1107., TMREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that J.G. Cunningham be, and he hereby is, appointed as Construction Engineer in complete charge of said Permanent Highway No. 5 at a compensation of Five ($5.00) Dollars per day and actual expgnses for all time actmally I° required for said supervision. 0 u � W.O.R. Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Yond.av the 3rd (lay ploy 19t z Done in open session of the Board this 3rd day of May, 1915. if 11 n n It 11 of of it 11 it 11 11 " "Board of County Conuniss- " "ioners of 71hatcom County " 11 State of y'lahington " 11 it It It It It It II 11 It it 11 11 11 Attest: Will D 71allace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. In the.Matter of the Appointment C of Constable for Sumas Precinct. ) J.B. McMillan Chairman' of the Board Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ---------- o00------_--- Order Appointing C W Allen 1flHEREAS, it appears to this Board that a vacancy exists in the office.of Constable for Sumas Precinct, through the removal of the duly elected and qualified constable from Whatcom County, and `,'MEREAS, a petition signed by citizens,of said Sumas Precinct asking for the appoint- ment of C 71 Allen to fill said vacancy, has been filed with this Board, NO71, THEREFORIa, it is ordered that said C W Allen be, and he hereby is appointed as Constable for Sumas Precinct, to act as such until the next regularly elected constable shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Board this 3rd day of Ray, 1915. 11 tl 41 11 11 11 It' 11 11 11 11 11 11 H "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " It State of Vlashington " to " It 11 N It If It It 11 11 11 It H Attest: Will D N'lallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board.. ---------- o00-_-------- In the Matter of the Appointment of ) Order Appointing. Poundmasters for Nooksack Township. ) J B McMillan Chairman of the Board Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner WHEREAS, Nooksack Township has elected to maintain pounds in said township; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of said Nooksack Township have recommended the appointment of Lloyd Gargett and R I Tanner as said poundmasters, 11OW, THEREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that Lloyd Gargett and R I Tanner be, and they hereby are appointed as Poundmasters for Nooksack Township, to act as.such until the next regularly elected officers shall have qualified.therefor. Done in open session of the Board this 3rd day of May, 1915. J.B McMillan Chairman of the Board it to It If to of to 11 o n n o n" Henry Slaters' "Board of County Commiss- " Conmii ssioner "ioners of Whatcom County " Henry Shagren of State of Washington " Commissioner of if to 11 It 11 It It to It to II It It Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- f The application of the County Assessor for the correction of the 1914 tax on Block 4 Lake Home Addition, was approved by the Board. ---------- The application of Chris Tollum Jr for license to operate one pool table at Nugent's Bridge, was endQLysed "arant,ed" by the Board. ---000--_------- W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Monday the 3rd day 191 5 In the Matter of Duplicate ) ( Order to Issue. Warrant to E A Tafel ) `'YHEMAS, application has been made to this Board by E A .Tafel, wherein the permanent loss of Current Expense Fund warrant numbered 40488, issued on January 8th 1913 in the sum of 34.50 in favor of said E A Tafel, is set out to the satisfaction of this Board, which application is hereto attached. NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that the County Auditor be, and he he.reby is directed to issue a duplicate warrant in the sum of $4.50 on the Current Expense Fund to the said E A Taf el in lieu of the one so lost. Done in open session of the Board this 3rd day of.May, 1915. it it n it If it to u if 0 0 0 of 0 "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of. Vihatcom County of State of Washington " It hu ll o it it 0 0. oo n n n fill' Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- J B McMillan Chairman of -the Board Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner The minutes of the April Session were read and approved this May 3rd 1915. On motion the Board adjourned to meet,on Tuesday, May 4, 1915. , rm Board County Commissioners. Attest: County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. 5� 7a'' Record of Commissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. April Term Tuesday the 4th clay May 1915 Tuesday, May 4, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on May 3, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT -EXPENSE FUND. C M Adams Expense as Co Engineer 3.77 C E Phoenix Expense as Dep Co Engineer 28.20 P G Cooke: do 18.40 C C King Expense as Supt Co Home 18.16 Fairhaven Cash Grocery Groceries for Co Home 206.34 W J Pynor Groceries etc for Co Home 98.60 Central Market Meat for Co Home 34.45 Sturman & Hoekstra do 29.11 Northwest Hdw. Co Supplies for Co Home 23.07 Farmers Merct Co do 2.75 The Red Front Clothiers Clothing for Co Horne 26.49 Bellingham Broom & W V1 Co Brooms for Co Home 9.30 Herman Oerdt Chicks for Co Home 12.50 Merl Hardan Drilling in grain at Co Home 10.20 T W Suckling Blacksmithing for Co Home 7.00 Dr J Reid Morrison Assisting Co Physician 5.00 Dr E Id Stimpson do 20.00 Dr B V Mounter do 15.00 St Joseph's Hospital Care of 6o Patients 75.55 St Luke's Hospital do 118.00 The Weiser Drug Co Medicine for Co Patients 8.20 EngbergIs Pharmacy do 2.50 Ferndale Pharmacy do 2.30 Owl Pharmacy do 7.65 Red Cross Pharmacy do 28.80 Mrs Jennie M Cobb Care of Stella Cobb 30.00 Mrs Mellie Peterson Care of Mrs Bjorndahl 30.00 Harlow & Livingston Burial of A Demmish 25.00 Irene Metevier Reg Births & Deaths in Dist #1 12.25 R 71 Drake do 2 5.75 Florence alright do 3 7.00 H E Stuart do 4 6.00 Mrs 17 A Smi th do 5 4.25 Jos W Kelly do 6 1.00 CV O'Neal Services to Sheriff as gugrd Insane Person 3.50 L H Williams do 8.00 J R Denny Boat hire to Sheriff 13.00. Puget Sound T L & P Co Car tickets for Sheriff 10600 SOLDIERS' RELIEF FUND. Esther Pinckney Relief 10.00 MARRIAGE CMTIFICATE FUND. Alithea Adams, Co Clerk Recording Marriage Certificates 32.00 ---------- 000---------- JThe April report of C C King, Supt Co Horne, was endorsed approved by the Board. ---------- The April report of'Dr 0 E Beebe, Co Physician, was endorsed approved by the Board. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, May 5, 1915. r irman Board Counter Commissioners W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term. Clednesday the 5th day Maw 1915 Wednesday, May 5, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken.on May 4, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in'attendance. The following claims were allowed: F E Wyman Mrs Bessie Cline Edith E Fuller C G Vlinemiller J LeCompte Ireland & Paneoast Ennen, Goodman & Co Fischer & Isaacs Sweet Grocery Co Siegel Bros Brown & Cole, Inc. A Mansfield Mt Baker Grocery Popla.ck Bros. Empire Meat & Grocery Co B B Grocery Co R H Diezman R E Kirkham J G Craske Blaine -Rochdale Co.,,.Inc Wilson & Brown Stephenson & Sigurdson H B Niles White & Burton T S Berkeley Co Lynden Dept. Store G{ Pi C Oelkers Smith Bowers Chas W Allen Vance Fuel Co Stenger Fuel Co Battersby Bros. H A Dyven Clara Zaddack J P Berg D E hicLai n, . Agent Mrs R Johnson Mrs Stephen Rollins Victor A Roeder R L Kline W L Massey CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Expense as Probation Officer do Expense. as Spl. Probatin Officer Care of Juvenile Prisoners Stage fare for Roy Brown, Juvenile Groceries for Hilliard et al Groceries for Burch & Johnson Groceries for H 19 Adams Groceries for. E Wilde (Feb -Apr) Groceries for H Becker Groceries for Tabor Groceries for Smith Groceries for,Jackson & Hunter Groceries for DeBoer Groceries. for Asp lund et al Groceries for L Hummel Groceries for Bloomstrom Groceries for L`Harley Groceries for "Johnson et al Groceries for'Eastman et al (Feb-Mich-Apri Groceries for Jas Bainter Groceries for Stephenson (Feb -Rich -Apr) Groceries for'FrSd Nelson Groceries for Lambert Groceries for Nancy Rogers Groceries for- Feltberg et al Hilk for Pairs Becker (Feb -rich -Apr) Milk for DeBoer do Wood for Adams & Hilliard Wood for YLrs McCresh Wood for Becker Clothing for Becker et al House rent for hers McCresh House rent for H Becker House rent for Tiirs Larsen House rent for Mrs Breiland House rent for Mrs Lambert House rent for Mrs Asplund House rent for Mrs Neal (Feb-Mch-Apr) House rent for Tabor . Boarding hsrs H Br oadviell On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, May 6, 1915. 9.90 3.30 13.60 36.00 1.50 14.06 31.05 13.18 19.60 25.45 4.90 7.85 10.78 9.15 14.35 5.85 4.90 9.70 23.05 71.74 7.35 14.70 10.73 14.70 10.05 34.08 4.50 9.32 5.00 2.50 2.00 12.30 5.00 8.00 3.50 .5.00 5.00 4.00 30.00 500 3.60 =qan Board County Commissioners. � W.O.R. i Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Thursday the _ _6th day Mav 1915 Thursday, IlL y 6, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on May ,5, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: Henry Shagren Anstett Printing Co Union Prtg., Bndg & Sta Co Griggs Sta & Prtg Co Towner Printing Co Selby -Harris Co G L Morgan T F Doan Spei.r,s & Speirs Bellingham Truck Co Everson Livery Model Trf & Storage Co Robert Kimball do Standard Oil Co Standard Auto Co Senate Cafe Jack Martin, Cafe Richelieu A M Riddle. "it T Germain. James L Tarte Dr C.arl Cozier Jas Cunningham Magnus ITjgren Lars. Matson J L Pickering Lillian Trainor Raymond Trainor John J I -looney Fred Knowlton Wesley Doan L D Wi lmo t B N Kingsley L D 'Ui lmot B N Kingsley Andy Stephenson L D Zvi lmo t B N .Kingsley @7 M Hine s CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Expense as Co Commissioner Printing for Aud & Clerk Supplies for Assessor, Treas & Supt Supplies for Co Offices Printing for Co Supt Supplies for Co Offices Pens for Co Offices Blue print paper .for Eng Painting Rods for Co Eng Drayage for Courthouse mid Co Supt Livery for Cc Supt Livery for Prob Officer & Const Driving Co Auto Auto hire and Sup & Rep to Co Auto Gasoline etc for' Co Auto Sup & Rep to Co Auto Meals for Jurors do do Bringing Insane person to Bellingham Mileage as Juror for Nov term Wit: State vs Jim Muyamura Wit: State vs Stanley Jenkins do do do do Wit: State vs Alexander Trainor do do do do J P': State vs Fred Peterson Const: do J.P: State vs Pinka Dell Const: do `ivi t : do J.P: State vs Andy Grubshativ Const: do Meals for Prisoner: State vs Andy Grubshativ ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COL21ISSIONERS OF WHATCOAT IN THE MATTER OF "GOOD ROADS DAY" ) COUNTY, 'JASHINGTON. R E S 0 L U T I0IT. 5.00 44.00 51.95 9.05 350 15.95 3.00 2.20 15.00. 5.80 450 10.00 73.80 170.46 36.02 26.25 7.25 8.40 12.65 300 3.40 3.80 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.50. 2.20 2.75 2.45 2.20 3.00 4.00 1.00 HEREAS, the Honorable Ernest Lister, Governor of the State of 1;7ashington, has by executive proclamation declared May 15, 1915, a public holiday to be known as "Good Roads 7, Day"; and IHEREAS, it is for the public, welfare that due observance be given to the extension of good roads throughout i1lhatcom County; and. WHEREAS, the observance of May 15th as Good Roads Day will.aiid in bringing the subject of good roads before the minds of the citizens of Whatcom County: NO'VI, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of dhatcom County, Washington, that Saturday, May 15, 1915, be declared and hereby is declared to be "Good Roads Day", and all citizens are recommended to observe it accordingly. Done in open session this 6th day of May, 1915. 1► ►1 It ►► 1► to of 11 of to 1► If 10 It "Board of County Commiss- " "ioner,s of Whatcom County " of State of Jashington " it " to if " It to to of to to If It " Attest: ',dill D Viallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. J.B. t:IcLlillan Cha i rrma,n Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner ---------- W.O.R. Record of Commissioners rrocoodin s _April Term Thursday the 6th day May 191 5 In the Matter of the Appointment.) of Poundmasters for District ( .0 R D E R. No. 3, Lynden Township. ) WHEREAS, at the last annual meeting of the electors,of Lynden Township it was de- termined to enforce the herd law in said township; and VdI-ik;REAS, the Board of Supervisors of Lynden Township have been petitioned to erect pounds in District No. 3 of said Township, and ;IHEREAS, the said Board of Supervisors have recommended the appointment of Arthur Mead, Peter Van Dyk and G J Polinder.to act as Poundmasters for said district, NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordered.by this Board that said Arthur Mead, Peter Van Dyk and G J Polinder be, and„they are hereby appointed as Poundmasters for.District No. 3, Lynden Township, to act as such until the next regularlyelected officers shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Board this 6th day of May, 1915. J.B. 21-rchrillan u ►► n n u " n �� " �r n n n " ►► ►► Chairman of the Board "Board of County Commissioners" Henry Slater " Ylhatcom County, State of " Commissioner It Washington " Henry Shagren it it if it Ii if to It of if If 01 If if to 11 Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. _ ---------- 000--- ----- BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMTISSIONERS OF 111HATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Matter of the Expenses of Justice) ( ORDER. of the Peace Edwin M. Day. ) 1HEREAS, Edwin M. Day, Justice of the Peace for Bellingham Precinct, has made appli- cation to this board for office expenses as such justice of the peace; ail WHEREAS, outing to the crowded condition of the 4hatcom County Court House it is deemed advisable to.allow. said justice of the peace to maintain his justice court in office rooms outside of the Court House: ,IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the Board of County Commissioners that said Edwin I�.1. Day, justice of the peace, be.and he -hereby is allowed the sum of Twenty-five ( 25.00) Dollars per month for office expenses, which sum is to be in lieu of any allowance of any kind or character in effect at this time to be paid on properly voucherd claims, which allowance is made with the distinct and positive -understanding that there shall be no.other or different. allowance of any kind or character made in the future. Done in open session -this 6th day of May, 1915. J B Ilclli llan Chairman ►► " i� " ► " n " n ,► " u n ►► Henry Slater "Board -of County Commiss-." Commissioner "ioners of Whatcom County It State of Washington " Commissioner of ►► of if It it to is it It it to to �► Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. I hereby concur in the above and agree to make no further requests. Edwin M. Day. 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, May 7th, 1915. rman 7 s ounty Commissioners. Record. of Commissioners' Proceedings Apri 1 Term Fri day the 7 th clay May 1915 Friday, May 7, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on May 6,.1915. Present, all .members of the Board and the Clerk in.attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Pacific Tel & Tel Co Rentals-& Long,Distance 43.35' ^lestern Union Telg Co Messages for Sheriff & Prob Officer 3.77 G C Hyatt, Agent Office rent etc for E It Day, J of P 25.00 . Bellingham Sheet Metal 'irks Labor on Courthouse 3.75 Fountain Pharmacy Kreso etc for Janitor 2.20 Battersby Bros. Clothing for Prisoners 11.50 Frank Spooner Tobacco for Prisoners 2.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. Geo Elder Foreman on Steam Grader work 96.00 Delno Ward Engineer on Steam Grader 96.00 E C Brooks. do 96.00 C 0 Thomas Fireman on Steam Grader 72.00 Geo Alton Teamster on Steam Grader work .132.00 C A Gooding Labor on.Road Foreman team 67.50 Charles Lumbert do 4.00 A Doolittle do 4.00 E Northam do 3.00, I Brooks do team 8.00 T P Thompson do 10.00 Robert Ayre do 14.00 Wesley Horr do 4.00 71illie Gooding do 20.00 Leo Klock do 2.00 C H Barrett do 9.00 T P Reilly do 4.50 P H Newbery do team .2.00 Th' son & Flint do " 3.00 E A Nickson do " 2.00. Fred Tarte do Foreman 12.00 Elm er,Behme do " 10.00 Dan McCloud do " 47.50 W E Topping do " 45.'00 F E Bateman do " 10.00 A E Hoody do " 50.00 J H Shoop do " 15.00 Guy Dameron do to 2.50 7 H Waples do It 30.00 A E Rusco do " 25.00 John C Anderson do Foreman 31.50 Mar#in Rosenhall do 10.50 ,Fritz Rosenhall do, 17.00 Carl Dorr do 7.00 Francis Harriton do 8.00 John Kellner do 7.00 Leslie Vail do 9.00 Otto-Rosenhall do 6.00 Elmer Anderson do 2.00 Jack Smith do 4.00 H H Jesseman do 3.00 C W Lei st do 4. 00 George Heaton do team 4.00 G R Stoutenberg Labor on Bridge on Road #51 8.00 Guy Sanders do 19.00 Archie Palmer do team 46.00• Clifford E Love do 7.00 L E Livingston do team 6.00 Bruce Litton do 17.50- L R Abel do 1350 Asa Cooley do 11.00 T P Reilly do Foreman 30.00 G Morgenthaler Labor on Everson -Goshen Rd Foreman team 23.50. C E Wei ler do " 6.00 Jas Foran do 33.25 N DeVries do 17.75 C Morgenthaler do 3.00 Fritz tduenscher Labor on Hannegan Road " 12.00 Carl Muenscher do " 6.00, Frank Muenscher do " 6.00 S D Welsh Labor on Road Foreman 59.00. Ed Clifton do 20.00 Saul Clifton do 13.00 Chas Alexander, do 10.00 Harry Welsh do 16.00 James Clarkson do 10.00 Elan `bra it a do 5.00 Anton Anderson do 10.00 Ed Hurd do 10.00.' Reuben Smith do 4.00 ;r A McCallum do 4.50 William Evans do 1.00 Charles Swartz do 6.00 Bryan Swartz do 7.00 George Thompson do 10.00 Jake Mathiason Labor on Bridge team 12.50, 19 L Scutvick do Foreman 31.50 P.J Gilberton do 6.25. N Tollum do 16.25 W.O.R. 8 Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Apri 1 Term. Friday the 7 th day May 1915 A Monsen G Li nd H Lind. . C J Sorensen C H Beebe Lewis Beebe J Stap Linton Kagley Albert Theel H A Durant Hugh Eldridge C W Osborne A H Frasier N Garmo Earl Myatt - Goshen Lumber Co Morrison mill Co Everson Lumber Co Fred Jeffers Fazon & Co do Roo & Van Leeuwen SatterthWaite & Neidhart .John A Walker Y L Scutvick Lynden Dept Store Everson 1Merct Co N 'y Hardware Co Frank 'iuenscher Lynden Rapid Transit Co N W.Hdw Co Lynden Implement.Co Trunkey & Sons Pioneer Storage Co Thos P Jeffers The Grand Repair Shop ifiller W S Mattison Thomas & ?Marsh A Was thing . Robert Clarkson Thos Ellis L C Cook A P Maskell AERusco Current Expense Fund do Chas A Sather Whatcom Co Abstr Co Towner Printing Co B C Brooks Labor on Bridge do do Material Labor on Road Foreman do. do Foreman do do do Graveling 11arietta Road Labor on Bridge do Labor coo ?Material for Bridge Testing Cement on N W Diag Rd Lumber Lumber Lumber Lumber Lumber Lumber Lumber Lumber Lumber Piling Nails, Paint etc Nails etc Tools Freight on Road Drag Drayage on Road Drags Supplies for Road Grader Supplies for Road Grader Coal for Road.Grader Boal for Road Grader Machine Oil Repairs for Road Grader Blacksmithing do do do Gravel Gravel Lettering Road Signs Bal due on Contract for,.Bridge Graveling N E Diag Rd ____r__r__QOQr DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 7 Eng Exp a/c Ditch #7 (Brown) Aud.Exp u it It of Atty Fee " t1 � it it List of Owners 11 tt It Prtg lWarra.nts for " HEATH DITCH. Labor on Heath Ditch _r r_r__..o0o_r..rrr_r___ team 15.00 10.00 10.00 4.20 . 7.80 5.50 21.00 16.00 3.00 4.34 50,00 3.10 8.75 144.08 31.00. 82.76 28.60 79.35 10.00 10.15 55.60 18.52 97.80 52..95 18.90 10.15 10..65 2.30 .45 1.65 9:00 2.45 21.30_ 55.40 .75 1.50 9.60. 11.40 5.50 14.05 5.30 6.70 5.00 450.00 1313.75 977.60 61..85 500.00 28.50 4.50 2.50 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COIZIISSIONERS OF / `'rHATCOM, COUNTY, WASHINGTON'. In the Matter of Drainage Improvement District ) ( Order 'Allowing Claim of ;Vhatcom County No. Seven of Whatcom County, Washington. ) on Account. On this day was presented the claim of `t1hatcom County on account for filing instru- ments and for work performed by the County Engineer asking for an allowance of a warrant to apply on account thereof, the ultimate and total all for such services to be here after fixed and allowed if necessary. It appears to the court that there is now due and outing from Drainage District No. Seven the sum of $P1039.45 WHERE IT IT IS ORDERED that a warrant on said district for the sum of 1039,45 be issued to :the Treasurer cif Whatcom County, the same to apply on account; and that any other amounts that may be due the County at this time, or which may hereafter become due, shall be paid by warrant when claim for the same is presented to this Board. Done in open session of said Board this 7th, day of May, 1915. q tt 11 11 11 11 toll 11 11 tt tl it ll "Board of County Commiss- n "ioners of Whatcom- County " It State of Washington " " it tl i1 11 . 1► 11 N " 11 11 11 11 ►► Attesti Will D Wallace Clerk of said Board, J.B. McMillan Chairman Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Comiai ssioner E ;�4.L,. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings A-Pril Term Friday the 7th day May W.O.R. 19 BEFORE THE BOARD OF HONORABLE COUNTY COEMISSIONERS OF THAT COP' COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Platter of Drainage Improvement District ) ( Order Allowing Part of Attorneys' Fees. No. Seven of Iffhatc om County, Washington. ) On this day was presented the claim of Chas. A. Sather and George Livesey on account of legal services, asking for the allowance of a warrant, to apply on account only, the ultimate and total allowance for legal services to be hereafter fixed and allowed. It appears that said parties did legal services in this matter from the beginning of these proceedings until this date and it further appears that it is meet and proper that some allowance should be made -at this time on account of said services. `!'/HEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that warrant on said District be issued to 'Chas. A. Sather, one of said parties in the sum of $500.00, same to apply on account only of said legal services and that the total compensation to be made for legal services'be hereafter fixed in the manner provided by law. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that said $1500. may be paid in two warrants of $250.00 each should said Chas. A. Sather so desire. Done in open session of said Board this 7th day of May, 1915. of n it ,t of it to to if if if it to It "Board of County Commi s s- " "loners of 11hatcom County " It State of Jashington " of it it n"" It If it n' to It if a ,, J B P.icMi llan Chairman Henry Slater C onurLi s s i one r Henry Shagren Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace Clerk of said Board. ---------_000--__ J A depository bond of _Ferndale State Bank for a5000.00 given by Chicago Bonding,and Surety Co., was approved by the Chairman of the Board. _-__--_000---_____-_ The applications of the County Assessor for correction of 1914.real and personal- taxes, were approved by the Board, as follows: Correction of tax on Lot 1 & SE NE 3-37- 5E; Lot 12 Blk 9 lain's 1st Add to Blaine; Lot 5.Blk 15 Johnson's Add to Sumas; Lot 6 except N°� and W 636 f t of S'J 8-40-lE; Lot 33 Blk 126 Fairhaven Land Cos 2nd Add; Lot 3 Blk 15 Johnson's Add to Sumas; Lot 22 Blk 15 Eldridge & Bartlett's Add to Sehorae; Correction of `personal tax against Bay City Stables on Barn on Lots 21, 22 and 23 Blk 7 Central V1hatcom; J D Hutchen; Cecil Armstrong, Henry Brunick, R A Reedall a/c error in assessments;. Cancellation 1914 personal tax against E S Seacrest, Peter Gillies and Alfred Krautz all a/c exemption not having been allowed. ----------000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, May 8, 1915. airman Board County Commissionem W.O. R. lltecord-of,.Commissionem' Proceedings April Term Saturday the 8th day 2fay 191 5 Saturday, May 8, 1915. The Board met ,pursuant to adjournment taken on May 7, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and.the Clerk in attendance. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. Will D Wallace Expense as Co Auditor 22.85 Pacific Stearn Laundry Laundry for Jail &Jury Rooms 20.05, Groot & Davison ideals for Jurors 11.60 E T Trimble, City Treas. Trunk Road Assessments 17.35 / ---------- 000---------- \/ The Depository Frond of. Northwestern National Bank for $10,000.00 given by The Aetna Accident and Liability Co.,. was approved by the Chairman of the Board. ----------000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, Ilay 11, 1915. C irman Board -County Commissioners. W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Tuesday the llth day l,Iay 1915 .Tuesday, May 11, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on May 8, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: In the batter of Appointment of. Poundmaster for Nooksack Township ) Order Appointing Lewis Leibrant WHEREAS, Nooksack Township has determined to enforce the herd laws and establish pounds in said township; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors have recommended the appointment of Lewis Leibrant as Poundmaster for said township; NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordered by this Board that Lewis Leibrant be, and he hereby is, appointed as Poundmaster for Nooksack Township, to act as such until the next regularly. elected poundmaster shall have qualified therefor. Done in open session of the Board this llth day of May, 1915. J.B. McMillan it " It it ►► 1► 1) ►► 1► ►► ►► It 11 a Chairman of the Board "Board. of County Commiss- " Henry Slater "ioners of 71hatcom County " Commissioner it State of Washington " Henry Shagren to of it 11" 11 It n"" it 11 11 of Commissioner Attest: Will D Wallace. County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- BEFORE THE BOARD OF COT,7NTY COinTISSIOIJERS, 'tIHATC014 COUNTY, WASHINGTON. In the Yatter of Drainage Improvement District ) ( Order Authorizing andDirecting Condemna- No. Nine of ttlhatcom County, Washington. } tion Proceedings for Right of Flay. On this day this matter presented to the Board for further proceedings and it now appears that deeds to rights -of -way have not been obtained from the following persons, all of whom own property within said district and that it is necessary to have rights -of -way across the lands of said persons, as shown by the engineer's report on file herein, to- gether with the plats of said drainage district: William H Rarick, William H Rarick Jr, and Egbert Ill Rarick, owners of the Southeast quarter of. the Southwest quarter of Section 7, Township ,40 North, Range 4 East W.12. Elizabeth Isabelle Duncan, Mary Ann Duncan and Robert Allen Duncmj and F H Ruebenack, owners of and interested in the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, Section 8, Township 40 North, Range 4 East W.Y. 71 A Perry and Marie C Perry, his wife, and William Perry and Perry, his wife, owners of the North half of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 7, Township 40 Borth, Range 4 East W.M. Katie 'llorthen Est, 11 H Miller, R Swanson, H H Ells, %V L Hawkins,, H P Johnson, ly ma Beavers, Fiortgagees. IT IS THEREFORE, ORDERED that condemnation proceedings be instituted in the Superior Court of Vhatcom County, Washington, in the manner provided by law for the determination of the damages to be sustained by said respective parties and for the condemnation and obtaining of right-of-way the required width over and across the lands of said respective parties as shown by the engineer's report on file herein, together with the plats showing the places required for said right-of-way, also on file herein and the Clerkof this Board is ordered and directed to furnish Chas. A. Sather, attorney for said District with a certified copy of such proceedings of this Board as said attorney shall require. Done in open session this llth day of May, 1915. 11. It n " n " " u n n " n " n u n ►► n II " " " "Board of County Commissioners of ti'lhatcom " "County, State of Washington" to 11 It If It It 11 It 11 O 11 It It It 11 11 11 tl 11 11 1► 11 11 Attest: grill D `Yallace, County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. J B Me?vri Ilan Chairman Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner W.O.R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Tuesday the llth day May 1915 507 In the Platter of the Consolidation } of School District No. 39, 75, 56, t Order for Hearing. and 20 with School District No. 302 ) IT IS .ORDJM1M by this Board that a hearing be held on' the appeal from the decision of the County Superintendent consolidating school districts Nose 39, 75, 56 and 20 with. school district No. 302, said hearing -to beheld in the Commissioners' Room in the Whatcom County Courthouse, in, Bellingham, ',Mash. ,. . on Pionday, May 24th 1915, at 1 o'clock P.T. Done in open session of the Board this llth day of May, 3.915., J.B. McMillan Chairman of the Board Henry Slater to to It of o if r► if " rr it r► It It Commissioner "Board of County Commis- " Henry Shagren "ioners of Wha.tcom County " Commissioner of State of Washington " of o 0 0 0 to of It it ►r of it rr " Attest: `Jill D Wallace County Auditor and.Clerk of the Board. 4i / --ram------000---------- The depository bond of the Garrison Brothers' State.Bank of Sumas for ,$5000.00 given by the Massachusetts Bonding & Insurance Company, was approved by the Chairman of the }Board this llth day of Pray, 1915. ---------- C00_-_____--- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tue.s:dax, 1-1ay 18th 1915. rman Boa County Commissioners. Record -of Commissioners' Proceedings April Tcrnl Tuesday the 18th �I�Y May •W:O. R. 191 Tuesday, May 18, 1915. The. Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on May 11, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following pr.o6.eedimga . were had: R E S 0 L U T I 0 N. It appearing that during the progress of the construction of the Fairhaven -Lake Samish Road (Permanent Highway No. 1) that . the contractor did, at the express instruction of County Commissioner Kemper and under an agreement with said Commissioner Kemper.for the pay ment thereof as extra work,.perform certain work in addition to the work and improvement included in and covered by the plans and specifications for the improvement of said highway by the raising up of bridge at Station 205+63.. This said extra work being for purpose of avoiding the blockin- of travel on said highway during the construction of.a concrete slab bridge at said location.. — THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE, by the Board of County,Cbmmissioners of Whatcom County, itlashington, that such extra work done by_the contractor as aforesaid, amounting to the sum of Sixty-three and 85/100 ($63.85) Dollars, be and the same is hereby approved. Done in open session of the Hoard this 18th day of May, 1915. It " " " if It to it If of it It It it "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " of State of 3ashington " n" If It If If s" to if it it it It Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- o00---------- - J.B. McMillan Chairman of the Board. Henry Slat er ' Commissioner Henry Shagreh Commissioner. R E S O L.0 T I O N. 1.7HIMEAS, . it appearing that during the construction of the Sumas-Nooksack Road, being Permanent Higlwiay No.-4 A, that the contractors, the Barbo Bros., have from time to time under the express direction of the County Engineer of 171hatcom County, Washington, performed certain work and labor in addition to the work and labor included in and coveredrby the plans and specifications for the improvement of said highway by the excavation of off -.take ditches and driving of foundation piles for culvert construction, amounting to the aggregate sum of Two Hundred Fifty-four and 00/100 (y�254. 00) Dollars. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Cormnissioners of `rlhatcom County, Washington, that such extra work so performed by the said contractors as directed by the County Engineer, amounting to the said sum of Two Hundred Fifty-four and 00/100 (N$254.00) Dollars, be and the s-3ane is hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this 18th day of May, 1915. J.B. 11cMi Ilan Chairriian of the Board n " " n tt " tt tt tt tt o tt tt tt Henry Slater "Board of County Commiss- " Coriunisioner "ioners of Jhatcom County " Henry Shagren to State of Washington " Cortmiissioner to tt It it It It It tt ' it it If it It it ' Attest: "till D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk. of the Board. ---------- 000--------_- The application of Yurphy & Brown for license to operate three pool tables in Deming, was endorsed approved & Granted by the Board. r On motion the Board adjourned to meet on-1Tlondeyy, May 24, 1916. IXairman,Bd. Co. Commrs. IN:0.1�. , �.o�ord of �®.�ss�.o�ors �ro�ood�n�� April Term T.�©�,ct�,�r ,.� � the 24th daY �iay 191 5 l�onciay,���,;-1�,iay 24, 1915. The Board rnet pursuant to adjournment taken on I;Iay 18, 1915, Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The fo1lo��ing ptoceedings tgere had.: In the I:�atter� of the Consolidation ) of School Districts. Ido. 20, 39; 56 ,.,) ORDER TAKING. t7NDER ADVTS�,�EIdT and 75 vrith Sc'_�ool District No. 302 I�041, on this 24th .day of L£ay, 1915, this cause coming on for hearing upon appeal from the decision and judgment of Delia Z. Keeler, County Superintendent of Schools, of 1'lh.atcom County, Vlashington, consolidating School Districts 20, 39, � 56 and 75 � with 210-. 302, said original jud�nent' and decision having been made on April 5th•, 1915, and the County Cornm- issioners having heard the testimony of all parties hereto, and having duly considered all the facts and the lava in •said case, hereby takes said case under advisement. , •Done• in open session of the Board this 24th day of I:Tay, 1915. u n n n ii n n n n n rr u o n "Board. of County Commis- " �ioners of 1FlYiatcom County " " State of ti'lashington " m n n n rr u. n n n n rr n n rr Attest; Vlill D �`lallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ----------000---------- J .B . Iicl:'Ii I lan Chairman of .the Board Henry Sly ter Corrunissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tues:d�,y,?�ay 25, 1915. airman Board County Commissioners. F Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term ;,udsday the 25th day Tfay 1915 Tuesday, May 25, 1915. The Board met pursuant to a.djourrnnent taken on Tlay 24th 1915. The following claims were allowed and proceedings had: J M Aitken' Leslie Jones J E Lee Ferndale Livery Bellingham Truck Co B N Kingsley Standard Auto Co Clift Motor Co John J Ward Alvin Boraker Standard Oil Co. J R Denny Northwest Hdw Co Towner Printing Co G TIE' PROTECTION FUND. Salary & Expense' as Game Warden Salary & Expense as Dep Game Vilard en do Livery for Game Warden Drayage for Game Warden Auto hire to Game Warden Auto hire etc for Game Warden Labor & Material for Game Warden's Boat Labor & Expense for Fish Hatchery Labor at Fish Hatchery Gasoline etc for Fish hatchery Supplies for Fish Hatonery do Printing Game Licenses 123.75 72.25 87.05 1.50 4.00 6.00 7.79 16.05 26.25 2.00 6.98 8.40 3.10 13.75 ---------- 000---------- The 1913 tax on Lot 24 Blk 5 City of Blaine, and 1914.tax a,gainet D Burfiend on Rail- road Add to Fairhaven.on vacated Blocks 1 to 18 each Block containing Lots 1 to 15 and the vacated abutting streets being the whole of Add, less Road being NE SE Sec 13-37-2E except Burfiend triaggular tract out of S17 cor, of the Add. having; a frontage of 200 ft on S line and 150 ft on W line of same except Interurban R of W, less.Interurban and Co Road., were ordered by.!the:::Board,.to::bec�.co rected. ----------000--- ------ In the Batter of Appointment of ) ( Order Appointing Walter 1derz. Treasurer for Lummi Island Tvm.. ) YIHEREAS, James 1 Tarte, Treasurer of Lununi Ts'la,nd Township, has filed with this Board his resignation as such treasurer, and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of said township have recommended the appointment of Walter Iferz to fill the. vacancy caused by said resignation, NOW, THIMEFORE, it is ordered that the resignation of James 77 Tarte be, and same is hereby accepted and that WALTER ,,�T;RZ be, and he hereby is appointed as Treasurer of Lummi Island To to act as such until the next regularly elected officer shall have quali- fied therefor. Done in open session of the Board this 25th day of May, 1915.- J B ISc1.Ti llan Chairman of the Board Henry Slater Commissioner n n n n" u n n n n u n rr n Henry Shagren "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "ioners of V1hatcom County " " State of Washington " Attest: Will D 1,11allace County Auditor and Clerk of the 36ard. ---------- 000- ---- 7--- BEFORE THE BOARD OI' COUITTY COTRIISSIONERS OF 1THATCOTi COUNTY, WASHINGTON. ,f In the Matter of Drainage Improvement Dist - Order Awarding Contract. rict No. 7 of Vihatcom County, Washin3ton. ) n ;.'hits Board, having heretofore made an order that notice be published calling .for bids for. the'.construction of said - improvement, and that the"contract for the construction of said improvement would be let by this.Board on the plans and specifications on file with tre County Engineer, and it appea,ring'that call for bids was made by publication in the Journal -Progressive, ' the' official county paper, for three consecutive weeks, as provided r• by law, W.'O, R. Record of Commissioners' Proceedings Q-A April Term 5:ues&�;y the 25th day I�Iay 191 5 PTO71, on this 25th day of •Iaay, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.I1., and af. ter .all the bids received for the,construction of said improvement have been duly considered by the Board, which bids are -as follows: Chas E .Lind Clearing .690.00 per acre; excavation .20 cts per cu yd; lumber in place 016.00 per: I!BI;f. Total, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ? 10, 644.00 E C Baxter & Co: Clearing 75.00 per acre; excavation .21 cts per cu yd; lumber in place . 18.00. per MBY. Total. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -U 10, 926.45 K Sauset* Clearing $'50.00 per acre; excavation .22 cts per cu yd; lumber in place $17.00 per Ti+B11. Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 11, 053.90 John C Anderson: Clearing $95.00 per acre; excavation .24 cts per cu yd, lumber in place 120.00 per 10M. Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -�p 12, 116.35 ' Petersen & Webel: Clearing per acre; excavation .23 cts per cu yd; lumber in place 017.50 per MBI.I. Total - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -� 12, 306.35 Hurd & DeCamp: Clearing $135.00 per acre; excavation .23 cts per cu yd; lumber in place w,20.00 per L:1BId. Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12, 536.35 and the Board finds that,Chas E hind is the lo�.4rest and best bidder, and the-contract..for the construction of said improvement, to be.according to said plans and specifications, is hereby awarded to*the said Chas. E. Lind. IT IS ORDERED that the said Chas E. Lind be required to {dive a bond in the full mount of the contract price dbf the construction of said improvement, conditioned for the faithful perforliiance of the contract according to law; that the said contract be fully completed within five months from this date, and all other conditions imposed by the Board at the time they advertised for bids, be complied with. Done in open session of the Board this 25th-day of I•iay, 1915. `11 it If if It it it rr 11 it if " 11 It "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " " State of Washington " Attest: Uill D 1,1all4ce County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- J B McMillan Chairman of the Board Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner M .W. Parri sh James Brown Supervisors of Drainage Znp±a-tetient District No. 7 C .11 . Adams, County Engineer. f The Applications fair licenses to operate pool tables viere endorsed approved and grafted as folloyis: P J Flinn,, I table at :Wickersham; R H Athearn, 1 table at lickersharii;. J B Tracy, 2 tables at Everson. ---------- 000---------- On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Uednesd�y„-Ifay 26th 1915. airman Board County Commissioners.. 5��,�, 1 �AL Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Terin !edr,.edcl,.�y the 26th day Mav 1915 11 ':lednead-y,1 ay 26, 1915. The Board met pursuant to adjournment taken on May 25, 1915. Present, all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings vrere had: In tie natter of the Consolidation ) of School Districts 1o. 20, 39, 56 ( Order Confirming County superintendent's Decision. and 75 with School District Yo.302 ) 1.10"Fl, on this 26th day of May, 1915, this matter having been tal-l-en under advisement by this Board, and this Board being fully advised in the premises, finds: That the appeal from the decision and judgment of.Aelia L. Keeler, County Superin- tendent of Schools of 71hotcom County, 1!1ashington, consolid-3tin; School Districts ro. 20, 39 59 and. 75 with No. 302, is not well taken, and that the decision of the .County Superin- tendent, Delia L. Keeler, consolidating said districts, should be confirmed; IT IS T1M1U 01U',', OKDIRED AIM !iDJUDGIJD that the decision and judgment of Delia L. Keeler, County* Superintendent of Schools of Whatcom County, Washington, made and entered April 5th 1915, wherein the said County Superintendent consolidated School Districts Noe 20, 39, 56 and 75 with No. 302, and all the fictions of said County Superintendent -of Schools in making such consolidation, be, and same are hereby expressly confirmed, and said school districts No. 20, 39, 56 and 75 be, and they are hereby declared to be duly consolidated with said School District No. 302, and said School Districts No. 20, 39, 56 and 75 are here- by declared to be a part of School District Tto. 302. Done in open session of the Board this,26th day of Tiay, 1915. I I It I It " I II I I I 11 I ft "Board of County Commiss- '! "ioners of 7.1hatcom County " It State of Washington- " it It It It it of It .It to " n ii " n Attest: Vlill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- o0o------•---- J.B. McMillan Chairman of the Board Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Coinmi ssioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, 1sa,y 29, 1915. C airman :hoard County Corimissioners. u W.O.R. 593" Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April' Term Saturda, the 29th day Tmay 1915 Saturday, May 29, 1915. The Board met .pursuant to adjournment taken on M- ay 26th 1915. Present,'all members of the Board and the Clerk in attendance. The following proceedings were had: In the T:Twt ter of the Doing ) ( Order Accepting Bid of The Journal•publishing.Co. of County, Printing-. ) Ix1�LREAS, this being the day set for the opening of bids for doing the printing; for V1hatcom County, and this Board finding the following bids to be submitted for said work: Bellingham Publishing•Co: To publish in Weekly Reveille all notices and publications required and to be paid for by the county of Y.rhatcom during the year beginning July 1, 1915 for 50c per inch, solid nonpareil measurement. South Bellingham Sentinel: To do the county printing for ensuing year at the follow - in; rates: All legals at 45c per inch first insertion, each insertion thereafter at 25c per inch, solid: nonpareil. This includes all commissioners' proceedings etc. LYIMEN TRIBUNE: All printing and publishing that 'lhatcom County may, as' a municipal body, properly and lawfully publish, for 15c per inch of solid nonpareil, single column, for first insertion, and 15c per inch of solid nonpareil type, single column for each sub sequent insertion. THE JOURiTAL--PU23LISHII,TGCO�J:'or county printing and advertising we hereby offer to do, said work in the Journal -Progressive at a flat Pate of 9c per inch of solid nonpareil type, single column. `UHERZ'AS, the said bids having2 been fully and carefully considered and the Board being of the opinion that the ,,bid of THE F[OURNIZ-•PUBLISHING-COis the lowest and best bid submitted for said printing. NOW, THEREFOPM, it is ordered that the contract for county printing be, and same is hereby awarded to THE JOURTT'AL. PUBLI.SHIR500for a period of one' year from and after the 1st day of July, 1915, and ending on the 30th day of June, 1916, provided that the said The JournalPublishirigCoshall enter into a contract and agreement with Wha.tcom County for the faithful performance of said contract and furnish a surety bond in the sum of�,)1000.00 to the satisfaction of this Board. Done in open"session of the Board this 29th day .of 3.1ay, 1915. """ """ it it of n it it it it "Board of County ' Commi s s- " "ioners of t.1ha.tcoin County " It State of III shington " of u if 1t " if it if It n " n It to Attest: Will D VIallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- coo.; J.B. blclriIlan Chairman of the Board Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner the Matter of Construction of ) Bridge across Deer Creek on ( Order Accepting Bid of Ingram & LeClair. Northwest Diagonal Road. ) 1,7HFREAS, this being the day set for the opening of the bids for construction of a bridge across Deer Creek on the Northwest Diagonal Road in Sec 27 Tp 39 1T, R 2 E, VIX.,, and this Board finding the bids submitted to be as follows: John C Anderson: Caps $4.*b0 per cap; cribbing 15c per lin ft; removing bride $50.00; piling 28c per lin ft; lumber $1^-_.50 per TIBM. Total - - - - - - - - - - � 883.18 Jacob Aunziker: Piling 1156 lin ft at 26c per lin ft; caps 16 at $2 a0 each; lumber 35 T.MZ at $17.10 per ME; removing 'old bridge �027.00. Total 970.86 Kirkpatrick -Hess Co: Piling 1156 lin ft at 23c per lin ft; caps �34.00 each; lumber 35 ME! at �$ 17.75 per YBI:I. Total - 951:.13 J.A. Ingram & J'O LeClair: Lump sum - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 757.19 Riddle & Shields: Piling 1156 lin ft at 21c per lin,ft; caps 16 at y�3.80 each; lwnber, 35 MBM a 18.76 per B1lI; clearing, lump sum of $65.00. Total - - - - - 1022.81 Blakeslee & Hanson: Filing 1156 lin ft at %7.00 per lin ft; caps 16 at .3.00 each; lumber 35 IZBM at �x15.50 per TMIE; removal of old bridge �0,325.00. Total - - - -- - - 812.02 51,C 4. n.ocord of ComfRissioners' Proceedings W.O.R. April Term Saturday the 29th clay I{ay 191 5 WHEMEAS, this Board having considered said bids and finding. that the bid of J: A Ingram & J 0 LeClair was the lowest and best bid made; 11 VV, TF.I EFORE, it is ORDIMMM by this Board that the said bid of J A Ingram and J 0 LeClair be, and same is hereby accepted and the Chairman of the Board of County Comrniss- ioners is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the said J A Ingram and J 0 LeClair for and on behalf -of %hatcom County. It is further ordered that this work shall be completed.by July lst, 1915, and that the contractors shall furnish a bond of- 0757.19 for the faithful performance of said contract. Done in open session of the. Board this 29th day of May, 1915. it it "Board of County Comniss- " "ioners of Whatcom County " if State of Washington " Attest: Mill D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of. the Board. ---------- 000---------- J.B. McMillan Chairman of the Board Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner In , the Matter of the Construction) of Bridge on Ferndale -Blaine Roadj Order Accepting Bid of Blakeslee & Hanson. near Center of 18-3'9-2E. WHEREAS, this being the day appointed for the openint; of the bids for the construc- tion of a bridge on Ferndale -Blaine Road near the center of Sec 18 Tp 39 N, R 2 E, and the Board finding the bids submitted to be as follows: i' A Nickson: Lump sum of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 525.00 Riddle & Shields: Sills, caps & posts 775 lin ft at 18c .per lin ft; lumber 18 MEM . at 6*18.50 per NMI; clearing, lump sum of y=50.00; Total - - •- - - - - -- - - $ 522.50 Kirkpatrick -Hess Co Caps, sills & posts 775 lin ft at' 20c per lin ft; lumber 18 1611 at $17.95 per T M; removing old structure .1,40.00. Total - - - - .. - - - - 6 518:10 .Blakeslee & Hanson: Caps, sills &posts 775 lin .ft at 17c per lin at; lumber 18 i0.1 at 015.50 per 1MI; removal of old structure T"20.00. Total - - - - - - - - -$ 430.75 171MREAS1. this Board having considered said bids, and finding that the bid of Blakeslee & Hanson was the lowest and best bid submitted, IT IS THEREFORE ORDMIED that the said bid of Blakeslee & Hanson be, and same is, hereby accepted andthe Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners is hereby authorized b enter into a contract with the said Blakeslee & Hanson for and on behalf of Whatcom County. It is further ordered that this work shall be completed on or before July lst 1915, and that the contractors shall furnish a surety bond in the sum of �1430.75 for the faith- ful performance of said contract. Done in open session of the Board this 29th day of May, 1915. "Board of County Commiss- " ''ioners of VUhateom County " " State of Washington " 11 " it rr rr " it If It " If " o " Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. ---------- 000---------- J B McMillan Chairman of the Board Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Commissioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, June 1, 1915. CYiirman Board County Commiss- ioners. Pro, Record of ommiss'ioners. ceeuings April Term Tuesday the 1st .day June 1915 Tuesday. June .l 1915. The. Board met ,pursuant to aClj ournment. taken ,on May 29, 1915. Present, J B McIV illan, 'Chairman; Henry Shagren and Henry Slater, Commissioners; Will D. fialla,ce, Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following probeedings were had: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COTV9TII SS IONERS, OF 'i.THAT COM COUNTY,. WASHINGTON. In the Tlatt er of Drainage District No ) ( Order Fixing Supervisors' Compensation. Seen of VIh.atcom.. County, Washington. ) On this day came on before the Board the matter of the compensation of the Board of Supervisors of aaid Drainage District, the same having been heretofore regularly elected accarding to law and it appearing that $300 per day is a fair and reasonable compensation to be paid to said supervisors for their services as such, together with all necessary expenses incurred by there in connection with their duties as such supervisors. 'NOVI THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that the compensation -to. -said supervisors of said Dist- rict be and the same is,hereby fixed at #3.00 per day and said supervisors shall receive in addition to their said fees their actual necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as such supervisors. Done in open session this day. J.B. Mc%l.i'llan or 11 to n It of r1 It It it It 1r of t1 Chairman "Board of County Commiss " Henry Slater ilioners of ;/Jhatcom County 11 Commissioner t1 State of Washington /1 Henry Shagren t1 fc rs n n . n .f1 er n n n n . er rr Commissioner Attest: 'Jill D VIallace Clerk of said Boards ✓ The Board ordered corrected, the 1913 tax on Map 30- Sec 20 Tp 39 R 2 E, and the 1914 tax on Lot 11 Blk 2 Eldridge's 2nd Add to BellinghamoF.., --v-®nm==o0o®e�..o.,..e..m In th&.',Taatter.:ofs Board` ( ORDER. ;� hatconi .`County_ Prisoners®, ._) ;.. , IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that, in accordance with the recommendation -of the .State, a`dcountants that the meals for county prisoners be furnished by some one not holding a county office, he...order ,dated January 9th 1911 allowing the Sheriff to furnish such heal be, and same is hereby: revoked;, and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the offer of furs Agnes Iflorrille to board the prisoners in the county jail for 19 cents per meal be, and same is hereby accepted; the said I:.Trs Agnes.'lorrille to furnish each prisoner two meals a day except those employed uyib shall receive three meals a day® This order shall take effect on the date hereof and shall continue until further order of the Board of County Cormmissionersa Done in open session this lst day of June, 1915. 11 it it t1 11 n n n 1t 1t 1t rt r1 t1 J B McIji llan '.'Board of County Commissm 1tChairman of the Board to ioners�of fhatcom County f1 HenryHe iSlater State of Washington 1t it if fl It tt 1t It it it it It 11 f1 ®..°-----a® Cor-rmissioner Attest: Mill D 'eJallaee County Auditor and Clerk of the Board, - coo-------- - The minutes of the �ay Session. vrere®read and approved by I:the Boarde n mo ion the Board ad j ou rnedyto m ee t o t ri day, un e 4, 1915. Attest: � �� � Ch� ir7jan of the Board 44 County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. / Record of Commissioners' Proceedings April Term Friday the 4th day June 1915 Friday, June 4th 1915, The Board met pursuant t.o-adjournment taken on June 1, 1915. Present, .all members of the Board and the Clerk,in attendance. The following proceedings were had: WHEREAS, The Lumbermen's Trust Company of Portland,. Oregon, has requested .information of the Board of County Commissioners relative to.the proceedings of said board in connec- tion with the issuance of road bonds for the Guide,Meridian Road in Whatcom County,. Wash 'ington, and desire information relative to proceedings as provided in Sec. 10, Laws of 1911 page 122, as amended by Sec. 4 of the Laws of 1913, page 487; and WHMMS, the.county engineer of Whatcom County; Washington, isnow engaged in prepar- ing the assessment roll as provided in the laws above cited,and in order to complete the records of the county commissioners in order to comply with.the request of the said trust company, formal notice is hereby given to the county engineer of Whatcom County, Washing-. ton, to proceed as provided �n the above cited laws. Dated this 4th day of June, 1915* of of It it it of rt it it " tt . rt ' It of "Board of County Commis s " "loners of Whatcom County " " State of Washington " of of of t► to " It it " it tt it tr Attest: Wil1.D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. ---ram------o00---------- CONTRACT. J.B. McMillan - Chairman Henry.Slater Commissioner Henry Shagreh Eornmis s t oner THIS AGREEMT, made and entered into in triplicate this 4th day of June, A.D., 1915, between Whatcom County, State of Washington, hereinafter called the County, and Blakeslee & Hanson hereinafter called the contractors, Witnesseth: That the said contractors, in consideration of the sums .hereinafter specified, be paid to Contractors by the said Whatcom County, in the manner, and at the time hereinafter pro= vided, and An consideration of other covenants and agreements, herein contained by the said parties, agrees to and -with said Whatcom'County: i. That the contractor will perform and furnish under the direction and to the satin faction of the' Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washington, and in conform- ity to the laws of the State of Washington, all the work and material included in the Reconstruction of bridge on the Ferndale -Blaine Road near center of Sec. 18, T 39 N.R. 2 E and that.the contractor will.furnish all material necessary,*, and perform all labor in the manner, and of the kind and class of work and material, and manner of doing said work, and in all other resp eots.strictly according to the maps, plans and specifications thereof furnished by the County Engineer of said County and,on file in his office; said maps, plans and specifications being agreed to be a part of this contract with the same force and effect as though the same were fully inserted herein. Said word to be done under the supervision and direction of the County Engineer and to' be approved by him and the Board of County Commissioners. In case of any disagreement or misunderstanding in.respect to these specifications or the performance of the work, the matter shall be referred to the Board of County Commissioners, whose decision shall be final. In case of improper construction or noncompliance with the contract or specifications in any manner, upon recommendation of the County Engineer, the Board of County Co=nission- ers may suspend said work at any time and may order the partial or entire reconstruction of said work if improperly done, or declare the contract forfeited, and may then re -let W.O.R. c' Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedings Au ri 1 Term Friday the 4th day June 1915 or complete the same, and adjust the difference of damage or price if any there be, which the contractor shall pay to the County according to the just and reasonable amount thereof. 2. Said work is to be fully completed on or before the ath day of July, 1915, and if not done within the time specified the contractor agrees to pay to the County $10.00 for each and every day that the work remains uncompleted beyond such time, such amount hereby being agreed upon as liquidated damages of a reasonable amount for such delay, and.to be deducted by the county from the final estimate allowed the contractor* 3. Additional time for completion of work under this contract must be applied for in writing by the contractor, and shall be granted only on order by the Board of County Commissioners entered in regular session, and upon the further condition that the sureties on the contractor's bond shall not be released thereby° 4. Said County agrees to make payment of the sum agreed to be paid in the following manner: warrants will be drawn on the General Road and Bridge fund of said County accord- ing to the final estimate furnished by the County Engineer.and approved by the.County Commissioners, as provided in the specifications and prices inserted therein. Partial pay- ments based upon the County Engineer's estimates, made from time to time, may be made not to exceed 75% per cent. of such estimates. 5. No liability shall attach to the County by reason of entering into this contract except as specially provided herein* The contractor hereby assumes all risks and liabili- ties for accidents or damages that may occur to persons or'property during the prosecution of the work. It is understood that the whole of the work is to be done at the contractor's risk and he is to assume the responsibility of risk and all damage done to the work from any cause whatsoever prior to the final acceptance by the Board of County Commissioners of all work to be done hereunder, and partial payments shall not diminish the liability here- under. 6. The contractor shall not let, assign nor transfer this contract, or any interest therein, without the written consent of the Board of County Commissioners. 7. It is understood that final payment shall be made within 30 days after the con- tract is completely finished and the work accepted; provided, that in each of the said cases the contractor shall give the Board of County Commissioners good and sufficient evidence that the Bridge is free from all liens and claims chargeable to the said contract- ot on account thereof; and further, that if at any time. there shall be any lien or claim for which, if established, the county, or said Bridge, might be made liable and which would be chargeable to the contractor the County shall have the right to retain out of any payment then due or thereafter to become due said contractor an amount sufficient to com- be pletely indemnify it against such lien or claim until .the same shall/effectually satisfied discharged, or cancelled* And should there prove to be any such claim after all payments are made the contractor shall refund to the County all moneys that the latter may be com- pelled to pay in discharging any lien on said premises, or paying any indebtedness there- for made obligatory in consequence of the contractor's default. Provided, this shall not in any manner be construed a release of any of the conditions of the contractor's bond. 8. No certificate given or payment made under this contract except the final certi- ficate or final payment, shall be conclusive evidence of the performance of this contract either Wholly or in part against any claim of the County, and no payment shall be constru- ed to be an acceptance of any defective work. �J. The contractor shall within five (5) days after notice of being awarded the con- tract, furnish a good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of $430.75, conditioned for the faithful per formance of the contract and as provided by law, which bond shall not be vitiated or affected by extension of time for completion of this contract, or alteration, W.O.R. Record of Commission, ers' Prgoceedin',gs April Term Friday the 4th day June 1915 V or modification in line, grade or plans of said work,''and no liability shall. attach to the County, unless such bond be furnished. IN WITNESS.WHEREOF, said County executes this contract by its Board of County Comm- issioners, andthe contractor does sign and seal the same the date herein first above - mentioned. n n""" "Board of County. Commi ss- " "ioners of Whatcom County 11 " State of Washington " if It g n to n It It it it It Attest :VTill D Wallace - Clerk. ---------- 000---------- J B McMillan Chairman Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren Conmissioner Blakeslee & Hanson By Geo C Blakeslee, Contractor In -the Matter of the Approval of Surety Bond of ) ( Order Approving.. Blakeslee & Hanson on Bridge on Ferndale -Blaine Road ) It is ordered by this Board that.the surety bond of Blakeslee and Hanson for $430.75 given by the National Surety Compsny and covering construction of a bridge on the Ferndale - Blaine Road in Sec 18 Tp 39 N, R 2 E., be and same is hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this 4th day of June, 1915. J B McMi I lan Chairman Henry Slater . "Board of County Commiss- " Commissioner "ioners of 17h.at com County " Henry S4agren to State of Washington. " Coimnissioner Is it to H -" " n . it it to It It if Attest: Will D Wallace County Auditor and Clerk of the Board. r - - - - - - - - - 000 ---------- CONTRACT. THIS AGREEIENT, made and entered into in triplicate this 4th day of June, A.D. 1915,' between Matcom County, State of Washington, hereinafter called the County, and J.A. Ingram & J 0 LeClair -hereinafter called the contractor, Witnesseth: That the said contractor, in consideration of the sums hereinafter specified, be paid to Contractors by the said Whatcom.County, in the manner and at the time hereinafter pro- vided, and in consideration of other covenants and agreements,. herein contained by the said parties, agrees to and with said rithatcom County: 1. That the contractor will perform and furnish under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Board of County Commissioners of Whatcom County, Washington, and in conformity to the lays of the State of. Washington, all the work and material included in the construction of a piled and planked trestle across Deer Creek on the Northwest Diagonal Road, and that the contractor will furnish all material necessary, and perform all labor in the manner, and of the kind and class of work and material, and manner of doing said work, and in all other respects strctly- according to the maps, plans and specifications thereof furnished by the County Engineer of said County and on file in his office; said maps, plans and specifications being agreed to be a part of this contract with the said force and effect as though the same were fully inserted herein. Said.work to be.done under the supervision and direction of the County Engineer and to be approved by him and the Board of County Commissioners. In case of any disagreement or misunderstanding in respect to these specifications or the performance of the work, the matter shall be referred to the Board of County Commissioners, whose decision shil be final. In case of improper construction or noncompliance with the contract or specifications IPA Record ®f Commissioners' Proceedin s �'�) Q April Term Friday the 4th day June 1915 in any manner, upon recommendation of the County Engineer, the Board of County Commission- ers may suspend said work at any time and may order the partial or entire reconstruction of said work if improperly done, or declare the contract forfeited, and may then re -let or complete the same, and adjust the difference of damage or price of any there be, which the contractor shall pay to the County according to the just and reasonable amount thereof. 2. Said work is to be fully completed on or before the 3rd day of July, 1915, and if not done within the time specified the contractor agrees to pay to the County $10.00 for each and every day that the work remains uncompleted beyond such,time, such amount hereby agreed upon as liquidated damages of a reasonable amount fof such delay, and to be deducted by the county from the final estimate allowed the contractor. 3. Additional time for completion of work under this contract must be applied for in writing by the contractor, and shall be granted only on order by --the Board of County Commissioners entered in regular session, and upon the further condition that the sureties on the contractor's bond shall not be released thereby. 4. Said County agrees to make payment of the sum agreed to be paid in the following manner; warrants will be drawn on the General Road and Bridge Fund of said County according to the final estimate furnished by the County Engineer and approved by the County Commiss- ioners, as provided in the specifications and prices inserted therein. Partial payments based upon the County Engineer's estimates, made grom time to time, may be made not to exceed sixty per cent. of such estimates. 5. No liability shall attach to the County by reason of entering into this contract except as specially provided herein. The contractor hereby assumes all risks and liabi lities for accidents or damages that may occur to persons or property during the prosecu- tion of the work. It is understood that the whole of the work is to be done at the con- tractor's risk and he is to assume the responsibility of risk and all damage done to the work from any cause whatsoever prior to the final acceptance by the Board of County Comm- issioners of all work to be done hereunder, and partial payments shall not diminish the liability hereunder. 6.. The contractor shall not let, assign nor transfer this contract, or any interest therein, without the written consent of the Board of County Commissioners. 7. It is understood that final payment shall be made within 30 days after this contract is completely finished and the work accepted; provided, that in each of the said cases the contractor shall give the Board of County Commissioners good and sufficient evidence that the Bridge is free from all liens and claims chargeable to the said con- tractor on account thereof; and further, that if at any time there shall be any lien or claim for which, if established, the county, or said Bridge, might be made liable and which would be chargeable to the contractor the County shall have the right to retain out of any payment then due or thereafter to become due said contractor an amount sufficient to completely indemnify it against such lien or claim until the same shall be effectually satisfied, discharged, or cancelled. And should there prove to be any such claim after all payments are made the contractor shall refund to the County all moneys that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging any lien on said premises, or paying any indebted- ness therefor made obligatory in consequence of the contractor's default. Provided, this shall not in any manner be construe&d release of any of the conditions of the contractorA bond. 8. No certificate given or payment made under this contract except the final certi.f! Cate or final payment, shall be conclusive evidence of the performance of this contract either wholly or in part against any claim of the County, and no payment shall be construdd �cor� of Commissioners.9P Rroeeed��s April Term Friday the 4th day June 1915 to be an acceptance of -any defective work. 9. The contractor shall within five (5) days after notice of being awarded the con- tract, furnish a good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of $760.00, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract and as provided by law, which bond shall not be vitiated or affected by extension of time for completion of this contract, or alteration, or modification in line, grade or plans of said work, and no liability shall attach to the County, -unless such bond be furnished.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said County executed this contract by its Board of County Comm- issioners, and the contractor does sign and.seal the same the date herein first above - mentioned. J B McMillan to it 11 if H. tt it It It tt t, it it to Chairman "Board of: County Commissi " Henry Slater "inners -of Whatcom County " Commissioner Is State= of Washington " Henry Shagren to n it to . to: it tt tt tt tt " of It it Commissioner Attest: Will •D Wallace Clerk. J A Ingram J O LeClair Contractor. / ---------- 000--------- J In the Matter of the Approval of Surety Bond of) ( Order.Approving. J A Ingram & J 0 LeClair on Deer Creek Bridge. ) It is ordered by this Board that the surety bond of J A Ingram and J 0 LeClair for $760.-00 given by the American Surety Company covering construction of bridge across Deer Creek on Northwest Diagonal Road, be,, and same is hereby approved. Done in open session of the Board this 4th day of June, 1915. t► n t► n to I It . " it I it of it n "Board of County Commiss- " "ioners of Vlhatcom County " it State of Washington " " n " "." It It It It " to it it of Attest: Will D Wallace 06unty Auditor and Clerk of the Board. 0 ---------- 000---------- J B McMillan Chairman of the Board .Henry Slater Commissioner Henry Shagren. Commi ssioner On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Monday, June 7, 1915. C airman Board County Commissioners t